give me all your “Titus wrangling Cato Sicarius and Malum Caedo” ideas, i am weak for dads managing lunatics
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Here is my 6k word Umbrella Academy analysis on Season 1 Episode 1 "We Only See Each Other At Weddings And Funerals"
Hope you enjoy!
(Disclaimer: Spoilers for Season 1, 2 and 3. Some points will come off as a bit judgemental towards certain characters, but I truly like all of the siblings, this is simply my observation. You may not agree with everything, these are just my interpretations)
Episode 1: We Only See Each Other At Weddings And Funerals:
It is really sweet how the other women at the swimming pool are comforting Tatiana while and after she gave birth, bringing towels, petting her hair, holding her hand
It has been pointed out many times but I still love the foreshadowing to Viktor’s powers when Reginald is about to purchase him
I never thought about it but Viktor really practiced alone in the Theatre here. Wonder why. The lights were still on so maybe he just saw it as a good opportunity
Reginald dies late at night, Luther’s clock shows 23:28
When I watched this the first time, I immediately picked up on Luther's body hair growth, like with the wound, how he’s trying to cover it and later when he’s alone so I thought in retrospective that the trash bags are partially filled with hair
The weatherman says “little bit of rain potentially later in the week” and it does rain at Reginald’s funeral, which is only a few days after this! (As he dies on 21st March but Five comes back right before the funeral on 24th March) Great detail!
Diego really just snapped that guys neck
Allison's press photo shoot is apparently for Love on Loan 3, with the logo on the wall!
Allison never covers her umbrella tattoo, it is really visible
Allison looking really forced happy, right before a journalist says “Oh! You’re perfect!”
The poster “Recovery is not short and sweet, it is a lifelong process”
Klaus introduction scene and he already wears his headphones
He is immediately established as charming, people are laughing at his jokes, another off-screen person says goodbye to him. He seems well liked
No matter how many times I watch it I get said when the receptionist says “We’ll see you soon, Klaus”
Klaus-kisses-something count: 1. Object in question: the 30 day coin
Luther's chair on the moon, where the light hits the surface and making it look beautiful. Great hint at a later scene where Allison asks him about the moon!
Diego has no idea what normal is for a family. He throws the robbers against family photos, real family photos, not the annual paintings of the Academy. He throws knives, picks them up and they’re covered in blood. No clue that he looks just like the robbers, how is this family supposed to feel safe?
The transition from Allison leaving the press and looking over her shoulder to look at them one last time to Klaus looking over his shoulder as a police car with siren drives past as he makes his way to a dealer
Klaus-kisses-something count: 2. Object in question: drugs
Viktor looking at the news as Reginald’s death is pronounced. He says “Dad” and the photo on the news showing Reginald shows one of the Umbrella Academy group pictures after their Eiffel Tower mission. Watching that hurt, my heart aches for Viktor here
After the Eiffel Tower picture it shows another Academy picture, but this time with only five kids, hinting at Five’s disappearance
Reginald having lizard taxidermies and skulls
I never could quite make sense of the Academy emblem. An umbrella, a lighting bolt, a skull and a domino mask. And the motto is “Ut Malum Pluvia”, apparently translating to “When Evil rains”?
Shot to the sleep observation notebook. During my first watch, I didn't pick up that the numbers were representing the children, I assumed it were experiment numbers. I don't know what he wrote about Allison, but Klaus’s says “no activity for tonight”. So yay, probably means good sleep for him. I’m sure that line either hints at nightmares, OR, more likely, ghosts, that Klaus sees/hears in his dreams, which we get to see in later scenes. Ben’s says ‘seems to be crying in sleep’ which is just so sad, I want to hug him. And Viktor’s says “activity!!!” can't really make out the rest, but there are other posts transcripting the pages, but here’s another clue that Viktor has powers.
The Academy paintings. On the first one, they look a bit uncomfortable, but mostly okay. In the next, when Five is gone, they look so much more tense. In the next one it shows they hate this and they don't want to be here. They look really strained and depressed and angry at the last painting when Ben died
Diego comes out of the room where Grace is sitting, great hint for when it is revealed that he found the monocle on her
Allison didn't seem to be sure that Viktor would come “You’re actually here”. It is sweet how she welcomes him and says “forget about him” when Diego tells him “What are you doing here? You don't belong here, not after what you did.”
So far, Diego and Allison know that Viktor is there
Viktor says “Hey, Allison” while Allison says “Hey, sis”. Sis, our first nickname in this family
Allison can sure shoot one back, quite snarky and can be quite defensive of others, but in a good way. Shows by criticizing Diego’s outfit/leather harness underhandedly
Viktor really seems to be about to leave after Diego’s comment :( Good that Allison reassured him
So now Diego knows that Allison is there, Viktor and now Luther as well. “What's your secret? Protein shakes? Low carbs?” Diego seems well knowledged in health and fitness, later eating a raw egg and criticizing Klaus for using drugs “My body is a temple”. That's surely one way to cope. That is in complete contrast to what they did as children, with Five pointing out they used to snuck out to Griddy’s and Klaus saying they used to huff paint in the basement in season 3. That fact about Diego already shows here with this simple comment
Diego was the first to know Luther was there (beside Pogo, as Luther talked to him already and was told the monocle was missing. Already hinting that Pogo was involved in Reginald’s whole plan). And of course the first room Luther would go to was Reginald’s bedroom. But then again, it was Diego’s first goal too, with him already having checked it out
Diego pulling away the coroner’s report right as Luther was about to grab it because Diego was holding it out to him. Classic sibling behavior. From this moment I knew that any comment about “They’re not really a family, they’re strangers” is a blatant lie
Diego broke into the coroner’s office before this. He IS shocked that it is just heart failure but he accepted it. Luther, not so much
Diego says this about Reginald: “A sad old man in a big empty house, just like he deserved.” Now he is the one being told by Luther to leave.
Diego says to Luther “Whatever you say, brother.” Brother being so more distanced than sis
Reginald really had everything. Comics up top, a bit below that, a newspaper article but also a framed teen magazine cover
Viktor meets Pogo up next and they hug. Viktor got two hugs in one day, the other being from Allison
Grace calls Reginald “sir” in the flashback
In the flashback, Allison stands perfectly straight in the middle, in the left front we have Ben who is straightening his shirt and halfway already in the office. On the right front we have Klaus who is crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. In the left back we have Luther, who stands behind his siblings and in the exact same spot as in all the Academy paintings. Next to him is Diego, who has to stretch himself a bit to be able to look past Allison and at Reginald. In the left back is Five and behind him Viktor. When they are urged to leave, Viktor immediately makes his way back, Diego and Klaus follow suit and walk next to each other, next it Five and Luther puts his hand on Ben’s shoulder as they walk back. Allison has to be urged by Grace. She wants attention and it becomes apparent why she would become a movie star
Klaus meets Allison first, she’s the first to know he’s there, in Reginald’s office
Klaus really hasn't seen Allison in a long time it seems, but Allison is really happy to see him as she smiles at his antics. I really believe that Klaus is the “mascot” when it comes to dysfunctional family dynamics and for Allison, it really worked. For those that don't know what the mascot is: “This is the child who learns very early that laughter reduces tension and eases stress, and she or he responds to discord in the family by trying to lighten the mood through humor.”
Klaus immediately goes for the hug. Now Allison got two hugs too! The first she gave Viktor, the second she got from Klaus
Klaus really can lie quickly. He wasn't prepared to meet her there, it didn't sound like he had anything planned when he said that he wanted to meet her anyway, but that “I wanted to get your autograph” really came so quickly after that short pause. He could pawn it and says it in a flattering way.
He is so quick to divert from a question. Instead of answering Allison's question about what he’s doing, he goes for the “oh, we haven't seen each other in so long!”
But Allison points out the rehab wristband. She notices shit
Allison really seems concerned when Klaus says “I’m done with all that”, context being rehab
Klaus saying he only came here to convince himself that their dad is dead and Allison giving him a “really?” look. She didn't believe it for a second
When Klaus clasps “And he is! He’s dead! Yeees!” Allison shakes her head and grins. That was the moment she thought “Yep, he hasn't changed one bit, alright. Klaus is still Klaus.”
Klaus really changes in tone fast, from being cheerful and making jokes about Reginald’s death to angry about how they wouldn't be allowed to be in that room if he’d still be alive
Klaus puts his feet in the desk
Reginald has a photo of himself framed on a shelf, not just the painting behind him
“Get out of his chair” are the first words Luther tells Klaus after seeing each other again. Klaus has meet two people, Allison and Luther and Luther met Pogo, Diego and now Allison and Klaus in Reginald’s office
Interesting that Klaus wants to leave when Luther enters the room.
“Save the lecture” Oh, Klaus is so used to getting lectured
“You guys can talk amongst yourselves * chuckles softly*” He is so hinting at their teenage romance with each other
Luther knows Klaus took something, he isn't fooled by Klaus playing dumb
And Klaus looks around again if anyone is there before he pulls out the box. Don't let appearances fool you, he knows how to stay secretive
Klaus-kisses-something count: 3. Object in question: pearl-inlaid box
Luther is the one to say “Klaus is still Klaus” and Allison is the one to say she finds it comforting. Her life has changed so much, she has started to see that her actions have consequences and to see that some things from the past haven't changed? Yes, I can see her seeing it as a source of comfort. Luther does not give a response, instead redirecting to Diego. So he seems to be less comforted by Klaus’s lack of change
The bit about Diego wearing the leather harness in the shower will never not be funny
Luther AND Allison weren't sure if she’d come to the funeral. She really distanced herself from her past, huh
Luther says shit when Allison tells him that Patrick got custody. He knows how much Claire meant to Allison. Also, Luther swears. I see you, “Luther saying ‘Language!’” writers, but it’s not canon
Luther is quick to suggest Allison should use her power, but he is apprehensive at saying it out loud, indicating that he does know that it is not exactly good
Family meeting! Luther sits on the left couch, Diego on the left armchair, Allison on the right armchair and Viktor on the right couch. Luther seems the most comfortable, as if this were truly his home, Diego sits rather relaxed too, Allison sits straight, hands folded in her lap, Viktor wants to be comfortable but body language indicates that he isn't, he makes himself look really small
Allison has a drink
“None of you ever did that?” When Luther tells that he used to sit with Reginald by the oak tree. Diego looks away, probably thinking “Classic Luther”. At first I thought that Diego thinks that Luther is the favorite, but then I remembered that Diego later tells Luther he SHOULD be angry at Reginald for what he did to Luther, so I think he realizes “So he still thinks Reginald is good and doesn't realize how messed up it all was.” Also, Klaus immediately chimes in “Will there be any refreshments?” Before any of his siblings could answer that “None of you ever did that?” Question, which would just stir up all sorts of emotions. Robert Sheehan said in an interview once that Klaus is rather conflict avoidant and it shows. And again, another point towards him being the “mascot”
So Klaus has a drink, a cigarette and also a trophy?
Luther only points out the smoking, not the drinking. Because “Dad didn't allow smoking in here”. When did he establish that rule? I so want to know the history behind it
Allison seems to be so much more at ease after Klaus’s interruption
Diego knew Luther would still believe that it was murder. Viktor does speak up, using logic that the coroner would know. Allison also finds Luther’s suggestion ludicrous, she sees in that moment how Luther can't live without a mission anymore
“Quelle surprise” Klaus is the most likely out of all of them to use non-English words. French, German, Spanish is what I remember on the spot, I'll look out if he speaks any other languages
Also, Reginald communicated with Luther while on the moon
“Look, I know you don't like to do it but I need you to talk to Dad”. Everyone was aware that Klaus does not like using his power. Klaus even looks shocked at the suggestion, his expression saying “Me?”. Allison scoffs as if she knew “Yeah, not going to happen” or couldn't believe that Luther would bring it up, especially in the context that she thinks that Luther is out of his mind with suggesting it was murder
Resentment slips through when Klaus says “Hey did could you stop playing tennis with Hitler for a while and take a quick call”
Luther doesn't even think about the possibility that Klaus wouldn't be able to do it. “That's his thing”. Luther does NOT know why Klaus started using drugs,for which we’ll get even more evidence for in episode 7 when he says he wants to be Number Four because he seems so carefree. Also Diego looks away when Luther says it, maybe because Luther still puts so much focus on their powers, just like Reginald
Everyone except Diego is so shocked and surprised when it’s revealed that Luther thinks one of them killed Reginald. There was definitely some baseline trust in each other
“Way to lead” Diego rubbing salt into the wound because he knows Luther thinks himself the leader of the group. It definitely strikes Luther, so it worked
All of them work out without another word, except Klaus who tells Luther he’s crazy. Even Allison, whose glass is now empty
Flashback to 17 years ago. They were 12 here and it’s 2002. Five disappeared about 16 years and 5 months ago, so he was only in the public for about 7 months
News Reporter is Jim Hellerman from the news station Channel 2 News
A S.W.A.T team is already at the bank robbery
Bank is Capital West bank at Main at Sixth
The Umbrella Academy only made their entrance at this bank robbery roughly three hours after it started
I love this scene so much. Allison so confidently walking up to the robber, Luther running on the roof and people believing it’s law enforcement, jumping in through a window from the ceiling, immediately hitting a guy and throwing him out of the bank through another window. That's a lot of windows they’re destroying. Diego’s knives land straight in that guy's chest
What did Jim Hellerman do to have been in many hostage situations? Is The City just like that? Is it like Gotham, where crime is just that rapant?
The robber from the beginning is standing on top of the counter, pointing his gun at the kids and calling them freaks. Diego, Allison AND Klaus are standing in front of him. I have never noticed that Klaus was standing there too before this rewatch. Luther is standing by the hostages in front of the vault.
The kids are trolling that guy. Diego saying “Be careful up there, buddy” Allison responding “Wouldn't want you to get hurt.” Five also has this humor with “That's one badass stapler.” He is so youthful here
“Do we really have to do this?” Ben, I want to hug you. He does not want to do this. He first looks at Luther (remember when Luther was the one to guide him away from Reginald’s office?) and then at Klaus.
“*Sighs* I didn't sign up for this” Did I say I want to give Ben a hug?
Five seems intrigued by Ben’s… tentacle massacre and then looks at Klaus, maybe because of the possibility that new ghosts could appear?
“*Sighs* *breathes shakily* Can we go home now?” Voice trembling, covered in blood, I am calling CPS, nothing will stop me, I will enter this TV show just to pull Ben out of this
They come out and are already posing, they trained for this moment. Luther is holding a hand up, Diego is showing off a knife, Allison is standing straight, Klaus is leaning on Five, Five is als standing straight, hand behind his back. Ben is covered in blood and looking down
They were so sheltered and given so little free time, so little time to discover who they are, this bank robbery mission for which a S.W.A.T team was called and ended in Ben being covered in blood made Viktor say “Why can't I go PLAY with the others?”
Reginald comes into the picture and Luther is again at his exact same position as always, at the top left.
Some other news stations: WURG, CNR, Channel 9 News
Interesting how they wear their scarves. Luther, Five and Ben all seemingly wear their scarves tucked into their coats, Allison wears hears pretty fashionable with one side hanging out to the front, Klaus’s hangs off to the side on one end while the other falls off over his shoulder behind his back and Diego literally just put it around his shoulders, didn't even wrap it around his neck. No wonder that guy later refuses to use an umbrella during the funeral.
End of flashback, back to Klaus trying to conjure Reginald. Looks like he just took off his shoes. Klaus seems to focus so much on the point that they weren’t related. Earlier with him that Reginald wasn’t their real father so they couldn't inherit his cold dead eyes, now with “[...] my sons, adoptedt(!) sons”. It really makes sense that he wants to seek out his birth mother in season 3, he already puts a lot of focus on it in season 1.
“Big angry ghost lecture” again with the lecture, Klaus is used to getting lectured.
"Eternal peace is probably overrated” they kept that in season 3 when he talks with Rachel, his mom, in The Void. Klaus is so interesting, he has seemingly no long term goals, lives fully in the present moment, but is haunted by his past and also thinks the future is shit (as shown when Five reappears and tells them about the future “Called it!”)
Klaus calls Reginald “Reggie”
Diego and Klaus think very similarly of Reginald. Diego uses “paranoid”, “sad old man”, “monster” as words to describe him, Klaus says “stubborn bastard” and “sadistic prick”. No wonder they get along so well
Allison truly is a girlies girl, they recreated that early 2000s girls room PERFECTLY. That little thing to hang up jewelry, the bright colored nail polish, another container for other accessories, teen magazines, posters, kitchy notebooks and decor, those pencils that aren’t even sharpened yet, the one with the thin plastic wrapping that gets everywhere once you do sharpen them and with the cutesy eraser on top which more destroys your paper and smears the writing all over it instead of erasing it. Huuuh, the 2000s
Klaus is now in the basement kitchen. This is where Leonard and Viktor will enter from at a later point (I’m pointing this out because whenever I watched that scene I never knew how they were suddenly in the house, I assumed it was a shop because it didn't look like the house, now I know). There is a table football and a couch and an e-guitar, which Klaus will later hold right when Diego will announce that he’ll leave
Klaus has another drink. And just took drugs, three to be precise. He seems to be not doing okay. “Three? Okay” to which he laughs but right after taking them he seems very sunken
Diego is a knuckle cracker and fidgets with his knives
I think it’s really sweet how Luther wants to make them all feel connected and cheer them up after ruining the mood. Maybe he already realized here he was too harsh. He did turn up the volume to max, he knew what he was doing with putting on the vinyl here. And he is already feeling the music, moving his hands and head
Luther is a record enjoyer, Klaus is most often seen with his tape player (though he also has a record player in his room. I assume that tapes are just more mobile and he can listen to them anywhere).
This dance scene was what made me fall in love with the show
Diego closes the door before he pulls off his A+ performance.
Allison springs onto and off beds
Five begins to reappear, metal things get pulled away. Reginald’s urn almost falls off the table before Klaus catches it. Klaus also says “Daddy?” Sure, we know that ghosts don't manifest like this. But Klaus has been trying to conjure Reginald, his abuser, so it is reasonable why he’d think that Reginald might appear after all, especially when he isn't fully sober and already not doing that good mentally
Luther is the first to put some scientific reasons on the big blue ball in the sky
Diego calls Luther “Paul Bunyan”
When the electricity intensifies, Luther and Diego are quick to pull Klaus behind them. Luther says “Everyone get behind me”, he clearly sees himself as their protector. Diego says “Yeah, get behind us” he sees himself also as their protector, he has some respect for Luther in the sense he looks up to him, wants to be equals rather than Number Two
“I vote for running” Klaus showing conflict-avoidance again. Or self-preservation instincts depending on the viewer
I like how Klaus is the one to say “Does anyone else see little Number Five or is that just me?” With him already seeing things that no one else does. Also, Klaus uses Five’s full name, Number Five instead of just Five
Klaus is rubbing his show and mouth a lot. Could be a nervous tick or could be experiencing dry mouth from the drugs
Viktor and Five used to be close, Viktor being the one to give Five the date and Five remained rather calm when he just said the day when he asked for the exact date instead. He has a lot more patience for Viktor
Five did that a lot, walking towards someone only to blink with Luther saying “Haven't missed that”
Five has seen a lot. He says that the future is shit so resigned. He says he should have listened to “the old man”, putting the blame on himself
“That makes no sense” “It would if you were smarter” Diego immediately stands up, Luther immediately holds Diego back. He will later do this again when Diego is angry at Five when Patch was killed. Luther is all about preserving the peace between them, that's also why he put on the record
“Nice to know Dad didn't forget me” Five does not seem to see the harm Reginald has done to them but based on that line, I believe that in the apocalypse he thought often about how their dad would probably see him as a failure now, since he did what he was told not to do and couldn't even go back. All of them still call Reginald “Dad”
I’m just imagining old Five saying “ballsy”
Viktor full on believes his whole family hates him
Five responds with that there could be worse things. Worse things being that they’re all dead like what he had to go through, already implicating that he doesn't care what his family thinks of him and his actions just as long as they’re safe
Klaus is smoking another cigarette
Pogo says “dear boy” to Luther
Klaus grimaces when Luther pours out the ashes. Could be interpreted in a number of ways. “Oh that wasn't great.” “The old man will not like that.” to throw out a few
Diego’s anger continues to brew as his face twists and and looks up away from Pogo when he asks who wants to speak. The words are already forming for him
Klaus is keeping his feelings about Reginald bottled up, going straight back to his cigarette
Diego begins to look over again when Pogo says “[Reginald] was my master”. Strengthening his feelings about how they weren't children to Reginald, how he saw himself as above everyone
Allison looks down and seems annoyed when Diego says “My name is Number Two” in response to her calling him out. She probably thinks back to Ben’s funeral, where he wasn't all that different. “Classic Diego”
Viktor also cares about Mom. When he first entered the Academy, he said “Mom?” As soon as he saw her, here he says “No, it’s okay, Mom” when she asks if they’d like something to eat. He also thanks her in a later flashback when she compliments his music and is against shutting her down
Allison already notices that something is not right with Mom “Is Mom alright?”, Which explains why she would be pro powering her off
Diego really out here pulling the string cards with calling Luther “Number One”. Luther probably saw it as an offense towards him, but I think Diego said it more as to “Look, he didn't even gave us names! He gave us numbers”
Luther does no go down to that level, still calling Diego “Diego” but he is the one to start the physical fight
Diego calls Luther “big boy” in the fight. Twice
This time, Klaus is all for the fight, chanting “Hit him!”. He did laugh at Diego’s proclamations about their father
Allison seems so disappointed and also resigned in those two when they destroyed Ben’s statue in the “They never know when to stop” sense
This time, Viktor does not back down when Diego says “Got enough material for your sequel yet?” He does not let Diego get to him
Klaus really makes sure that everyone is gone before he says his words to Reginald.
Putting out your cigarette in your abusers ashes in the ultimate “Fuck you” move and nothing will ever top it
Reginald’s quote in the flashback to one of their training days basically boils down to “You are stronger together than on your own.” In the bank robbery flashback he says in response to if he cares about their well being “Of course. As I am for the fate of the world.” I think he knew that an apocalypse would happen but I don't believe he knew the cause. In a later flashback with Luther and Allison in the greenhouse, he isn't angry about them spending time together, he’s angry that they do it outside of their schedule
This is where Diego’s fear of needles comes from, getting their tattoos
Klaus and Allison already got their tattoos, Diego is currently getting his done, so they’re out of order. I thought maybe the last one got theirs first, the first one to make it to the top gets theirs last but Diego was right behind Five on the staircase race. But maybe Luther and Ben managed to overtake him?
I just think it’s really sweet how Klaus is holding Allison in his arms as she’s sobbing while he is also still distressed and in pain from his own one. He cares
Diego doesn't even let himself be comforted by Mom
Luther also seems so agitated about being next, he tries to hide the fear but isn't successful
Ben tries to calm himself down but he’s pretty nervous and as is Five
None of them had any fun here
Reginald raises them by the rule “You are stronger together than alone”. But completely excludes Viktor from all of this. Of course he’d feel isolated. But it also means he sees these terrible things happen to his siblings, like the bank robbery mission and tattoos, and sees it as a game, as a group activity that he is left out of. I do believe he’d take the pain if it’d meant he’d be one of them
It is so freaking creepy how Reginald will just sit on their beds while they sleep and put on the electrodes.
I first thought everyone had their own color for the cables, but some are clearly used twice. Luther has blue, Allison yellow, Viktor’s is white which is a great hint as his comic code name “The White Violin”, Klaus is black (shocking for the guy whose powers revolve around death), Five is red since it’s coming from the staircase leading up top but no idea which colors Ben and Diego are
Luther sleeps on his side, Allison sleeps half on her back, half on her side, Five sleeps on his stomach, Viktor sleeps on his back
I think this is the first time we see Viktor use the pills? Could have sworn it was earlier but I don't think so
Viktor takes his pills and goes back to his earlier mind set, when he did think Diego was right, he shouldn't have come
Viktor really cares about others. He cares about Mom, he tells Pogo to take care of himself, he later compliments Helen
“Dad hated caffeine” “He hated children too and he had plenty of us *laughs* *immediately stops and grows serious*” Again, a sudden mood change from Klaus when talking about their father. Also, it’s really sad how Klaus is telling the truth here, because Reginald literally says in season 2 "I have a deep dislike of children. I do not have them, nor do I intend to have them". So Klaus seems to have a good idea about how Reginald truly was. Rehab did seem to have some effect
Klaus peaks up when Five says he’ll get in the car. Like he knows that Five is in a 13 year old body, so he isn't legally allowed to drive. But he is also so curious.
Klaus is also barefoot. Good reference to his comic version, where he can only use his psychic powers when he isn't wearing shoes
I love that Diego’s and Allison’s love language for each other is roasting. “See you guys in, what, 10 years when Pogo dies” “Not if you die first.” “Yeah, love you too, sis. Good luck on your next film”. We got our first “love you”! Aaand it was 100% sarcastic. Also, Diego calls Allison “sis”!
That “Hope it turns out better than your marriage” comment hit hard for Allison, she immediately left after it
Even though Diego is a pretty health and fitness focused guy, he still takes out one mini marshmallow from the bag that Five left out earlier when he made his sandwich
Diego’s face when he’s in the car and Klaus enters. That screams “Not this again let me have one second in peace”. Diego is used to Klaus but not to his antics. But he doesn't throw him out
So, Viktor left, Klaus knew about it, Five and Allison where in the room when he announced it, Five left with Klaus and Allison still in the room, Diego entered, Allison left, Diego left, Klaus left, Luther saw Klaus and Diego leaving in the car
I love Grace, great character. Often robots in fiction are said to have their own agency, but this show really questions that narrative. Does she? Or is it her programming. But here when she looks at the paintings she mimics that woman in the painting, looking at her with longing and awe. It looks like she wants to be that free, go see the places in those paintings which she never got to do under Reginald
Five’s forced smile at Agnes reminds me of his comic version
Five could have gone anywhere to get a coffee but he chose Griddy’s. A place with memories. Good memories. With siblings he cares so much about. Siblings which he saw dead. “Simpler times”. I think Five thought a lot about them in the apocalypse. Regretted some of his actions. “Shouldn't have done this” “should have done something” “should have said something” “should have told them”. All those should have’s.
On the side of Griddy’s is a sign with “Dunfield Plaza” and next to it is another sign with other shop names. Those being “Dry cleaning”, “Astro Typewriter” and “Grand Mutual” and under it is another LED sign with “Warton’s convenience 24h”
Five’s fighting speaks for itself
Five didn't finish his coffee
Diego is holding the monocle above the water, thinking about Luther’s words. He is conflicted about clearing Grace’s innocence with dropping it. He knows something is up with it. But he also wants to protect her
First time Klaus is referring to himself as “we”, with we meaning Ben and him
Here we have the scene that led to fanfic authors making Klaus obsessed with waffles. Despite “You like waffles?” “Of course you do, everyone likes waffles” and Ben even nodding. But that’s the curse of a character mentioning liking a food once
Diego had the police radio on his car hood so he’d here if something came up
Klaus does drum rolls
Klaus knows about Diego’s vigilante activity “breaking bones and cracking skulls?” which does sound rather negative. He doesn't seem to be in favor of it. Comes with them being raised to kill and him seeing corpses that have broken bones, pieces of them missing, etc.
Diego responds with “Saving lives, baby”
“I guess it’s frozen waffles again” I hope you don't eat them frozen /j
“I could do egg and bacon but I’m trying to cut down on my pig products.” I am leaning myself out of the window and throw a wild suggestion out: Could be interpreted as a hint towards Dave. Dave is Jewish and pork is not kosher
Diego is putting on the mask in the car
“You are so weird” Viktor to Five. Another peak sibling behavior, love it. You have each other back not even a day but you are already back to being siblings
So Viktor knows Five was attacked and that the world will end
“I’ll put on a pot of coffee” Miniscule detail, but he couldn't have known that Five wanted coffee since he already left when Five was searching for coffee in the Academy which led to him driving to Griddy's. I guess the usual person would say “I need a drink” when they find out “The world will end in 8 days” BUT Viktor takes medication, so coffee is probably the next best thing, especially since the day has already been exhausting
And there we go! First episode over!
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heartbash · 6 months
Hi, I'm heartbash!
I’m a fic writer for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Rebecca/Nathaniel) and The X-Files (Mulder/Scully).
Here is a collection of my works that you should check out!
My Current WIP:
Starlight, Love, and Other Unexplained Phenomena, 46k words The X-Files, Mulder/Scully (Slow Burn, Friends-to-Lovers)
Mulder and Scully navigate the journey from friends to lovers in a story spanning the events of Seasons 6 and 7. Starting with The Beginning and concluding with all things, each chapter will explore the events surrounding an episode – and what happened before, after, or in the blanks in between – and how these pivotal events shaped their relationship.
Prior Works:
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Rebecca/Nathaniel)
Bite-Size Love, 64k words (Slow Burn, Friends-to-Lovers)
Post series finale, Rebecca and Nathaniel reconnect and become friends. Over time they become close, and the line between friendship and romance becomes blurry and confusing.
Malum Prohibitum, 4k words (Angst, Smut-ish)
A series of vignettes based on one-word prompts that explores unseen moments during the affair in Season 3.
All the Things We Leave Unsaid, 6k words (Angst, Smut)
Alternate ending to episode 408. After confessing to Greg that she had sex with his dad, Rebecca goes to Nathaniel’s apartment hoping to ease her insecurities.
One Day but Two Times that Day, 9k words (Angst, Smut)
Fill-in-the-blank fic that takes place during episode 311.
If you want me to love you forever, leave a comment! <3
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aserene · 9 months
Aserene's Master Fic List
Last updated 1 September 2024; the newest works are in red. Anything posted on AO3 or FF can be found in this list, fragments and WIPs will be listed at the bottom of each section. My AO3 works are largely locked to registered users only due to AI scraping. If you need an account, please feel free to hit me up for an invite code while I have them to spare.
Fate: the Winx Saga
Why "Did it break your skin" or "Hello Bloom" has such an impact is a question I can't answer. Sorry, Not Sorry.
Regin of Dragon Series
The Smoking Incident (Silrah, pre-canon, Keggar Explanation) 
Are you my fairy Godmother? (Silrah, Ficlets, Bloom & Farah Prequel to main story) 
The Heir of Dragons (WIP, Silrah, HOTD cross over, Farah meets Rhaenys, Bloom & Farah found family) 
Sparrow, Spider this is how it had to be
Sparrow, Sparrow on the hill (Silrah, Farah-centric time travel fix it) 
Spider, spider in the tree - Tell me how it ends (Silrah, Saul-Centric time travel fix it) 
Echantix and More 
Snow (Silrah, Bloom & Farah bonding) 
Across the Sea, Soar Above (Silrah, Make Mermaids cross over) 
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust (Silrah, Winx power swap) 
Downpour (Silrah, Power Reveal, Bloom & Farah Bonding) 
Lighting (Silrah, Skloom, Protective Farah & Saul) 
Farah and the Caturday 
Tell Tail Heart (Silrah, transformation accidents) 
Let me tell you a tail (Silrah, Bloom & Farah, transformation accidents, Bloom’s in trouble) 
Other Works 
State of Mind (Farah has trouble with her powers)
Down an unknown road to embrace my fate (Meet the family, Silrah, lost child, Selkie)
Made You Look (Silrah, fluffy)
All the Stars in Your Hair (Silrah hair braiding, slight Star Wars cross)
A Solo Guardian (Silrah, Farah & Bloom bonding, Direwolf)
A road so rough, this I know (Road trips, Silrah, Episode tag)
Prompt Fills:
HEX Gifts 
tis the damn season (meet the family/kind of, snowball fights)
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter  (Winter whump, snowball fights)
soft snow falling in a winter serenade (winter party disaster)
Reverse Big Bang 
Ferns are what it must mean to love without yearning (Farah the Fern) 
The Geas of It (Silrah, Skloom, accidents, Like father–like son)
The Best Days (AU Fix it, Rosalind picked the wrong parents, Silrah & Bloom)
Exile (High Court Fae take an interest in Bloom)
The Heiress (Winx reflections on how they got their magic)
Farah the Cat (WIP for Farah and the Caturday) 
Pawlp Fiction (WIP for Farah and the Caturday)
Car Crash (Silrah, baby bloom)
Saul asks Luna for a favor (silrah, Luna, protective Saul)
Let me save you the trouble. They’re all jibbs. 
Long Live the Queen. 
Ex Files Take Two (episode re write)
A Christmas Fairy-Tale (Episode tag, team as family)
I’ve Read all the books beside your bed (domestic fluff, secret relationship)
Bella Noche (vampires)  
One in a Billion (Halloween) 
I talked to your dad, It’s a love story, just say “yes” (meet the family, Judgement Day fix it) 
Coffeeshop Chatter (Batman won’t like this prompt, Jenny overhears the wrong thing) 
In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt, Coram amore lux valet (accidental love confessions)
The Director’s Fool (April fool’s prank) 
The Cure for Hangovers and Other Aliments (Gibbs to the rescue) 
Noli timere malum, sed time heroa (Jibbslet, Kidnapping, Angst with happy ending) 
Truth in the Lies (fake marriage) 
Ask Her (tag to Knockout) 
Say Goodbye 007 (Mentions of JAG, fluff)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Christmas fluff)
Twist of the Mind (WIP, Secret Relationship, memory alteration) 
Off the Clock (Girl talk) 
He Knocked (Episode tag) 
Haunting (Halloween Fluff)
Muscle Spasm (Gibbs whump, Jenny gives TLC)
Paris Rose (fluff & crack, lipstick) 
Only With You (undercover as married)
The Missing High Heels (Slight sequel to Only with you)
Jen, Jenny, and the Director (fuff & angst, crack treated seriously) 
The Manual (Gibbs’ Rules, Fluff, Team Dynamics) 
History Lessons (Fluffy collection of ficlets) 
Carols in the Night Series
Carols in the Night (Holiday Found Family)
February Ills (Fluffbruary Sequel to Carols in the Night)
The Easter Bunny (Easter theme)
Mother's First (Mother's day)
He didn't have to (Father's day)
Judgement Day Rewritten Series
Second Chances (Gibbs wakes up in a world where Jenny isn’t dead, yet)
From Now On (Jenny gets a second chance and learns what honesty can change) 
The Reality of Acceptance  (Gibbs follows Jenny to LA)
Expressing the Inexpressible Series 
That’s not her style (Tabloids report on Jenny) 
Goodbye Earl (Gibbs finds an interesting person in the middle of an investigation) 
Home (letters, fluff and angst)
Our Song (tooth-rotting fluff) 
Do you Remember? (orchids, hidden relationship) 
24 (WIP) 
It’s beginning to get to me (WIP) 
Anything you can do (WIP)
A little fall of rain (WIP)
Something in Red (WIP)
So Close (WIP)
Ever, Ever, After (WIP)
She’s in Love (WIP)
That’s How You Know (WIP)
One Step Closer (WIP)
Watering Your Plants (Post Hiatus) 
The Deal (deal to have a baby) 
Now I lay me down to sleep (secret relationship) 
Xena: Warrior Princess 
So you’re saying there is a chance… 
All Fics are Xena/Ares 
Eventually, these will be rewritten and posted on AO3 
As Long as You’re Mine (post Looking Death in the Eyes) 
Reckoning the Thoughts (takes place during “The Reckoning) 
The Pendant (Aphrodite fixes Looking Death in the Eye) 
Wrapped Around Your Finger (Post Xena coming back from Callisto) 
Black Roses Red (Hercules bashing) 
An Affair to Remember (Looking Death in the Eyes Fix It) 
House of the Dragon
Rhaenys Intervenes (Time Travel Fix-it)
Daemon and Rhaenys work together to save the House of the Dragon (Time Travel Fix-it)
Go All the Way Back (Rhaenyra and Rhaenys Time Travel)
Rhaenys Overhears (Rhaenys will make sure she is the only one with the title of the Queen Who Never Was) 
Cross Overs 
Call my name and save me from the dark (Fate, Wednesday, NCIS, I have issues okay?)
 Wishes come True, Not Free (Fate/Labyrinth) 
A Demon and A Fairy Sat Drinking (Fate/Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Grave Digger Redux (Bones/NCIS)
My Perfect Romance (NCIS/My Perfect Romance) 
Captain Bennett’s Christmas Catch (Christmas Catch/NCIS)
The Man with the Blue Eyes (NCIS/ CSI Miami) 
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ashtcnirwin · 2 years
Talk to me about 5sos ship dynamics please🥺
quick...uhhhh. disclaimer or something like that: these views are based on how each 5sos member appears to the public. it’s very possible that they’re very different people in their personal lives ofc but i wouldn’t know anything about that, so all my assumptions and statements here are based on how i perceive them based on their public personas
alright anon i love that you gave me a chance to talk about this in public cos i’ve talked abt it in the DMs plenty of times, so i have Thoughts Ready To Be Shared🧡
they’re sweet. like, they’re just overall incredibly sweet. luke has an overall sweet demeanour, he’s very soft spoken and kind, very touchy-feely, very reliant on words of affirmation from his loved ones, a little naïve from time to time (thinking about the dream tweets-thing with the helicopter joke). calum on the other hand doesn’t necessarily give off typically sweet vibes to me on his own, he’s quite the temperamental, attitude-y bitch (affectionate) the way i see it, but he’s incredibly sweet and patient with luke in a very particular way that he isn’t with ashton or michael. they’re both very touchy feely as well, they enjoy casual touches and hugs a lot and seem to find comfort in it
if i had to summarise cashton with one word, it would be “balance”. lord knows i’ve made a lot of jokes about their whole soulmate-thing and what it actually references (hi maya), and while i’m too much of a cynic to believe in the idea of soulmates, i do like to think that if there was such a thing as soulmates, it would be based on balance between two individuals. ashton and calum aren’t opposites (that would be lashton) but their personalities compliment each other rather beautifully, and they seem to feed off each other in a way that benefits the both of them. they’ve been there for each other when things have gotten rough in their individual personal lives, and a part of me thinks that that’s due to balance; ashton’s extremely open persona complimenting calum’s more guarded one, ashton’s rather chaotic way of being complimenting calum’s very grounded energy, while i also think they’re extremely similar in a couple of other areas
they're classic in damn near every possible way; oldest and youngest, shortest and tallest, care giver vs care receiver, the typically loud and confident one vs the typically cautious and self-depracating one. so many jokes have been made over the years about ashton being the band dad, but in many ways he absolutely is, and i think it’s particularly apparent when it comes to how he interacts with luke. while ashton has always been very loud about how proud he is of luke, about how much he supports him, luke has been equally non-verbally loud about how much he admires and looks up to ashton in a very typical youngest brother vs oldest brother dynamic. the vibe is that if they were stuck in a zombie apocolyptic world, ashton would sacrifice himself for luke but luke wouldn’t let him
i mean. childhood best friends. that’s the dynamic and it shows. they have so many things going for them at once; they look at each other with so much fondness, they appear to be the most comfortable with extended physical displays of affection (see the plane clip from the tmh europe tour diary), they’re so horribly kind to each other, but they also know each other so well it’s almost scary and they enjoy poking fun at each other when the chance presents itself. these two dudes have gone through life together, they’ve been friends since way before either of them had any inkling that they wanted to pursue a musical career, and now it’s been two decades and they’re still by each other’s sides
they’re an interesting one to me, because the way i see it, they’re very much a case of “had to learn how to love each other”. they’re not a natural fit, they’re two very opinionated, stubborn and strong-willed characters who had 5sos been a nature show would have engaged in a battle to murder each other at the first chance they got. i firmly believe it took them a while to understand each other, because i think they’re rather similar by nature in many ways but extremely different by nurture. and i think they’ve landed in a place of deeply rooted mutual respect now, i think they admire each other’s approach to music but also to life in general, in a vaguely mystified “i don’t and i never will understand you 100% but i love and respect you more than i could ever convey through words”-way 
muke has such youngest sibling vs middle sibling vibes in the way that michael will bully the living shit out of luke at damn near every turn. it’s so incredibly easy to spot if you look at old footage but the thing is that it’s still there to this day, but in a more tempered and mature way. it’s that whole thing where michael has, since the very beginning, taken every chance to poke fun at luke in one way or another, but he’s simultaneously been his fiercest protector, while luke in turn remains incredibly gullible as far as michael’s antics go (like at the...i think it was the irvine-show, with the t-shirts and all that). they have that whole “will kill each other on the daily but will also arson anyone who even looks nastily at the other”-thing going on
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An-tag-onist Game
...It's a working title.
Rules: Have some fun by making an antagonist/villain, morally gray, or otherwise complicated character answer for their (alleged) fictional misdeeds, horrible and/or hilarious. BONUS: Add a poll to let public opinion decide what should be done with them. (Or just do it in the tags. Up to you.)
Only if you want to @blind-the-winds @afoolandathief @mjjune @words-after-midnight @dogmomwrites @authoralexharvey @careful-pyromancer annnnnd an Open Tag for anyone interested
Let's start with an easy one:
The Accused: Renato Faria Dimas
Evidence Against Them:
Vampire who works for an authoritarian organization
Has carried out multiple interrogations and executions
Kidnapped an innocent man off the street, imprisoned him, and drank some of his blood
Flirts at the worst possible times
Adopted a goldfish won at a carnival game to piss off his ex-girlfriend
In Their Defense:
Was raised in the aftermath of an apocalypse by leader of said organization
The kidnapping thing was a big misunderstanding...oops?
Is risking his life to help the man he hurt and another human (for somewhat self-serving reasons, but still...)
Dedicated to bringing the organization and his vampire maker down
Is actually a great fish dad
Si Malum, Quid Parum Pudici <- If Evil, Why Sexy Precedent
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olligociarts · 1 year
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Went way too hard on who is supposed to be Malum and Cal’s dad. Chandra doesn’t even have a ref yet lol.
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obsidiancreates · 9 months
✂️❤️ ?
What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Malum: The murder of his first wife and his sister, the memory of failing to catch their killer, and his whole experience slowly falling to apathy as he became a demon are all kind of tied for Absolute Worst.
Haley: Does her whole childhood count? If not, the day she learned her aunt, who was the only person who ever loved her and tried to help her until Malum, died (she later learns her aunt was actually whisked away by a goddess to be married in order to prevent the aunt's death, which made her immortal but prevented her from being able to keep seeing Haley).
Ashlyn: Probably one of the many times a god has tried to kill her since she became friends with Carter. She's actually had it pretty good so far in life.
Carter: The first time a human he liked died.
Evelyn: The fight she had with her dad when she learned her mom was alive and a magic guardian of whole other dimension and that her dad took her away without telling her mom. Like learning all of that sucked, but confronting her dad with it was even worse because she trusted him so much her whole life.
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MALUM (2023)
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This is a straight-up remake of “Last Shift” (2014), which I watched at some point.  That was ok, nothing special.
Now, in this movie, we start off with cop being congratulated by his fellows for saving some women from a Manson-like cult.  The leader’s name was “John Malum.”  He seems perturbed, however, and ends up shooting some other cops!
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We jump to a year later, where his adult daughter is now also a cop.  She goes to visit dad’s gravesite, where she bickers with her estranged mother.  She drives around her blighted American town, where we see various symbols of the cult!  She finally arrives at work, the former police headquarters, which is being closed or condemned or something, because she finds only one other cop at work there.  He (predictably) berates her for no good reason, and then becomes even more irritable when he finds out who she is.  He leaves her alone.  “Stay out of holding,” he says.
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The movie proceeds.  She begins to hear strange noises, she sees people and then doesn’t see them, and a homeless pisses on the front door.  She finds her father’s old locker and breaks it open, discovering a box of evidence relating to the cult case.  She calls the main office on occasion, and the cop on the other end of the line is hostile and mean to her.  He explains that former cult members are causing trouble all over time, so our cop is basically on her own. 
Someone drops a pig off outside the door.  She drags it inside.  She then discovers that the homeless guy from earlier has broken into the building!  She subdues him and drags him into a holding cell, but the door closes on them, locking them both inside!  She tries to radio for help, to no effect.  She reaches for her flashlight, but drops them, and then someone else picks it up.  She is freaking out.  “Dad?” she asks, before the flashlight is dropped.  There is a jump scare of hanging people and she runs out the (now open) door. 
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More stuff happens.  She reads about the “Temple Baron” in the cult notes.  She finds a USB drive and grabs her computer from her car, but she also finds a woman in distress.  The woman explains that she was in lockup the night the cultists were arrested and describes how they all hanged themselves.  She then starts starting at the window behind cop and freaks out.  Cop throws her out, and then she gets a prank call.  (She’s been getting prank calls all night, see.)  The person says they’ve kidnapped an earlier victim of the cult (whom her father saved previously), and they’re going to kill her!  The call ends and she calls the main headquarters, and is pretty much brushed off.
Cop watches the USB drive and we have cult footage, some woman ranting cultish-ly, nothing really new here.  They beat a woman to death.  Then cop’s mother calls.  Then cops looks at the computer screen and sees herself, in that very room, from behind!  Screen-cop drops a box, and real cop finds a shooting range target there.  She goes to the shooting range, there is a jump scare of a person in a hood, and she is spooked.  She tries to flees the building, but she is locked in! 
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Yet more stuff happens.  It becomes sort of repetitive, honestly.  She watches more videos of her father interrogating Malum and the cult women.  She sees a demonic image in one of the videos.  She suddenly has a vision of lying on a table in the morgue.  She is then visited by some of the cops from the first scene in the movie, one of whom shows her the shotgun that her dad used to kill the other cops.  We then have a vision of John Malum and the cultists as they talk over a baby, who is the cop! 
Cop watches some more videos, and she is attacked by a woman who one leg…and no face!  She ends up shooting the woman, is actually the pig from earlier.  Cop’s mom then shows up and there is conversation about the past.  Cop then goes to the gym, where a cultist has a hostage.  The cultist shoots the girl, cop shoots the cultist, but then she chased by more cultists.  She calls the main headquarters but help, but she finally realizes that she hasn’t been talking to a fellow cop.  It’s been John Malum the entire time!  (The phone wasn’t even connected.)  Anyway, cop next shoots the homeless guy, who’s talking around on a stump instead of a leg.  She then starts wandering the building, seeing visions.  She begins to shoot random cultists, who are just running around the hallways. 
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She finally sees a vision of her father.  She says, “You hurt mom.  You hurt me.”  He says, “I’m a cop, Jessica.  That’s what cops do.”  Jessica shoots more cultists and comes across another hostage hanging from a rope.  Jessica tries to save her, but the rope ends up tightening and cutting off her head!  Jessica is splattered with blood.  She shoots at a shadowy figure above her.  She grabs the shotgun from a few scenes earlier.  She comes across weird hooded figures who spout demonic nonsense at her.  She finds an altar, upon which is seated John Malum!  Then she sees a demon!  The Temple Baron, I presume.  It has a rather cool star-shaped head.  Cultists shout, “YOUR SPIRIT WILL FEED THE DEMON!”  Jessica shoots it, to no avail, and then its face detaches and flies at her face!
Jessica finds herself back in a corridor.  John Malum says, “He sent me to find you before you even existed.  Queen of the Sunless Dawn.”  She sees a monstrous figure and shoots it, but it’s actually her mother!  Cultists appear and clap and cheer.  John Malum says something in reverse.  Jessica takes her revolver and shoots herself in the head.
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Cultists drag her body away.  She sits in a chair by John Malum and comes back to life!
This was ok, nothing special.  I can appreciate that the director wanted to remake one of his earlier movies, but I’m not sure that the effort was worthwhile, given the final result.  The plot is repetitive and the spooks, frankly, unimaginative.  There are too many jump scares.  Even worse, the murder cult family we have here isn’t especially scary or innovative.  However, there are some bright spots!  It looks like the cast was clearly having some fun in their roles; I liked how they threw themselves into their characters, especially the cultist women.  The practical effects were well done, very reminiscent of “The Void” (2016).  The flesh and blood was nicely moist.  The lead actress delivered a solid performance.  I do wish she had been more assertive in pushing back against the world.  She was far too obsequious to the men in the movie.  It would have been nice to see her rage, just a bit. 
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Fic Titles W/ Lyrics (2) Masterlist
part one
are you going to let 'em hold you down (ao3) - mukelftv michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: luke and michael have a phone call.
he was sunshine (i was midnight rain) - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton T, 5k
Summary: Luke and Ashton are roommates, which sounds perfectly fine, but Ashton is the biggest grump according to Luke. At least, only during the Christmas holidays. Luke makes it his mission to get Ashton to like Christmas by the end of the month.
How did we end up here (ao3) - BrokenTailLights luke/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Where Luke hates guests, but maybe he can tolerate them if 'guests' include curly-haired, muscular teenage boys with cute giggles
lights will guide you home (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) luke/ashton M, 48k
Summary: After a night blurred by blood and fear, Luke struggles to rebuild his life, and his search for the light leads him right to Ashton.
lost in the swirling sea (ao3) - irwah michael/calum/ashton E, 3k
Summary: '“Adventuring is my thing. Skinny dipping is my thing. And you went without me.” Ashton muffles into the pillow.
Calum rolls his eyes, stroking Ashton’s hair. But Michael smirks.
“We can skinny dip into your bed if you want?”'
Or: mashlum sex, inspired entirely by malum's antics and ashton's jealous tweet
michael wants another slice - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/luke T, 3k
Summary: Luke is Ashton's nerdy next door neighbor, and he also just happened to get a job as a pizza delivery boy. Michael crushes on him as soon as he meets him. Cue the endless teasing from Ashton and Calum. And Luke helps Michael get a job.
my thoughts will echo your name (ao3) - lifewasradical michael/calum G, 3k
Summary: “Have we met?” A voice says, pulling out the chair next to him and sitting down without an invitation, knee bumping against Michael’s under the table.
Looking up, Michael finds the eyes that had been staring at him across the room.
“I don’t think so,” Michael says softly, words barely carrying across the space, only a whisper from his lips.
oh nostalgia (be your own spotlight) (ao3) - nightskeletons calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 142k
Summary: Born and raised New Yorker Calum Hood is temporarily reassigned to a job site in the middle of nowhere New Jersey for six months. After accepting his fate of being miserable the entire time, he ends up meeting a group of three boys who quickly become some of his closet friends and help him to see all the things he's been missing by never leaving his own backyard.
Cue a playlist of early-2000s emo music, unexpected farm animals, summer nights under the stars, discovering who you are, falling in love, and a whole lotta nostalgia.
our house (is a very, very, very fine house) (ao3) - consumeprilosec luke/ashton M, 4k
Summary: Single young dads Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin met at a Zoom support group for parents in quarantine. Since then, they’ve been shooting the shit for a while, yet their kids don’t know each other well. As they get the kids together, Ashton and Luke realize they need each other in more ways than one.
running from something (running back to you) (ao3) - elsie (the_technorats) luke/ashton M, 23k
Summary: the one where Luke is the District Four male tribute for the Hunger Games and he loses everything. Everything, that is, except for Ashton.
sickeningly sweet like honey (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum E, 5k
Summary: Calum and Michael have anniversary car sex, and are sickeningly in love with each other.
sucker for the way that you move, babe (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Luke looks after Ashton better than anyone ever has and they can't get enough of each other.
take my hand, take my whole life too (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 2k
Summary: Luke and Ashton share a dance at Michael and Calum's wedding.
there's glitter on the floor after the party (ao3) - strxngersagain luke/calum G, 2k
Summary: Calum and Luke attend Michael and Crystal's wedding.
the road not taken looks real good now (ao3) - lifewasradical michael/luke T, 6k
Summary: Twisting to put the carton into his handbasket, Luke looks up down the aisle. At the end, bathed in yellow cream lighting, is Michael.
Michael, who Luke hasn’t seen since a few days before his departure years ago. Michael, who Luke hasn’t really thought of over the past few years, too wrapped up in his own life to check upon the people he used to know.
Michael, Luke’s first and only ex boyfriend, staring him down like he’s sure Luke is going to disappear into thin air if he takes his eyes off of him for one minute.
a (kinda) ‘tis the damn season song fic
the skies falling down (end of the world) (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 4k
Summary: Luke is severely hurt, and Ashton is desperate to find something to heal his best friend. He's on the brink of giving up when he meets Michael and Calum, who happen to be from a community that has medical supplies.
We Keep This Love in a Photograph (ao3) - bloopmichael michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: “Wait for me to come home,” Michael reassured the sobbing boy over the phone, trying to make his voice sound comforting but he was just as pained as Luke.
“But you are my home, Michael.”
with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now (ao3) - orphan_account ot4 M, 2k
Summary: Ashton had never really been nurtured in the way a child should be.
When his father had walked out on them at such a young age, Ashton had to step up and be the man of his house, helping bring in money and helping to raise his two younger siblings. He wasn't unloved or treated unfairly by his mother, quite the opposite, but she had never had the time to coddle him the way he craved.
you are in love, true love (ao3) - osweir michael/calum N/R, 2k
Summary: They stare into each other’s eyes for a while, before Michael breaks the silence.
“You’re my best friend,” he whispers, and it sounds different this time.
you need me, i don't need you - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/omc T, 6k
Summary: Luke's got his first boyfriend at fifteen, which is great, but unfortunately for him he has three protective band mates who try to protect him because they care. There's a bunch of misunderstandings and yelling, but ultimately the boys are there for Luke as he tries to go through his first relationship.
0 notes
vampiiric · 6 months
🎵 & 🪐 ?
🎵 - what songs remind you of your alters/headmates?: there are a couple that remind me of specific alters!! "summersong" by the decemberists reminds me of headmate-strahd :) and Mr Malum makes me think of rome. (if someone else fronts they'll probably add their own later lmao)
🪐 - what is headspace like for you?: OKAY so . weird to explain but it's kind of like... the place our dad worked as a kid, so it's an office building. the fronting room is a square room with a bigggg tv monitor and a console of buttons. you 'front' by sitting in a chair. co-con is literally just osmeone chilling in ther oom with you. there's a big conference room. there's a lot of fun physical manifestations of system utility?? it's very stanley parable/backrooms-esque.
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: Parent!sos/fluff
Pairings: Calum Hood/Michael Clifford
Word Count: 1k
Dedicated to: @valentinelrh
A/N: Merry Christmas my lovely! I’m so happy you enjoyed the last blurb about this lil family, I hope you like this one too!
The late afternoon sunshine bathed the nursery in a serene light, making the sleeping baby look even more like an angel, all bundled up in her bassinet.
Michael has barely taken his eyes off of his new baby daughter since the second he met her in the early hours of the morning. 
Just like the twins, baby Summer shares a lot of Calum’s physical features and Michael wouldn’t be surprised if this tiny new edition to his family ends up looking even more like his husband than Tama and Bonnie.
Smiling fondly, Michael strokes the sleeping infant’s cheek gently, savouring the peace and quiet before Calum returns with the twins. “You’re gonna meet your big brother and sister in a minute, little angel.” He whispers, “they both sounded so excited on the phone when we told them you were home.”
Summer stirs, parting her tiny lips in her sleep as she curls her hands into cute little fists. 
Every single movement she makes has Michael’s heart exploding with love. He experiences that on some level, every single day with the twins, but now there’s another bundle of joy in his life, too and couldn’t be more excited about it. 
If he was entirely honest with himself, he’d been nervous about the arrival of the new baby. He still isn’t sure how the change in routine will affect the day to day running of his household but now that she’s here, he knows that any ‘bump in the road’ will be more than worth getting over.
Just as he begins to contemplate leaving Summer’s side for the first time since she was born, so that he can grab a quick snack, Michael hears Calum’s car pull up in the driveway. “That’s it, Summer.” He chuckles softly, “our peace and quiet is over.”
The faint thudding of car doors closing and the muted excitable chatter from out on the driveway brings a smile to Michael’s face. As much as he’s enjoyed having time alone with his new baby, finally having his whole family together is something he’s been excited for since he first got the news that their surrogate was pregnant. 
He heads out onto the landing just in time to see Calum open the front door. 
“Remember to keep your voices down, kiddos.” Calum reminds the six-year-olds as they scurry into the house before kicking off their shoes.
“Where is she Daddy?” Tama asks, heading towards the living room, almost tripping over one of the cats in the process. 
“Up here buddy!” Michael calls as quietly as possible whilst still ensuring he could be heard down in the hallway.
Three pairs of beautiful chocolate brown eyes snap up to look at him. “Daddy!” The children chorus, causing Calum to shush them once more. 
“Indoor voices, please angels.” Calum sighs, aiming an exhausted grin up to his husband. “Is she sleeping?” He asks as the twins start their ascent towards Michael.
The blonde man nods, stifling a yawn as he greets the twins with a soft cuddle. “Are you two ready to meet your little sister?” He asks, a huge smile taking over his face. 
Tama and Bonnie nod enthusiastically, grinning toothily as they wait for Calum to join them at the top of the stairs.
Once the whole family is gathered on the landing, Michael leads the way into the nursery. It’s a rather small room, but prettily decorated in soft pastel shades of yellow and cream. The twins had helped pick out paint colours and furniture pieces which had encouraged them to feel involved in the whole process and make them excited rather than nervous for the huge change in the family dynamic.
“Okay why don’t you two go and squeeze on the big armchair with daddy?” Calum asks, “and then I’ll bring your little sister over so you can meet her properly.
Michael takes each twin by the hand and allows them to pull him over to the armchair near the window. It fills his heart with love when he notices that his two eldest children are wearing the cute ‘best big sister’ and ‘best big brother’ t-shirts he and Calum brought them for Christmas. He smiles at the thought of the tiny babygro on Summer that says ‘best little sister’ on it.
As soon as all the rest of his family are seated comfortably, Calum gently picks up the sleeping newborn, smiling down at her as he carries her over to his husband. “Remember when we talked about names?” He asks as he lowers the baby into Michael’s arms.
The twins nod simultaneously, but they never take their eyes off of the the little bundle in Michael’s arms.
“Well we had a tough time deciding which one suited her best, but we decided on Summer, in the end.” Calum explains, keeping his voice quiet.
Bonnie’s face lights up in a bright smile. “That was my favourite name!” She exclaims, “She looks like a Summer!”
“She does.” Tama agrees, staring down at his baby sister with wide eyes. “She matches us!” He grins as he notices the words enblazened across the soft cotton babygro. “I think that Summer really will be the best little sister in the whole world.”
The soft sentiment brings a tear to Michael’s eye as Calum perches on one of the arms of the chair. “I think you’ll all be the best siblings that each other can hope for.” He whispers, dropping a kiss to the top on Bonnie’s head and ruffling Tama’s dark curls. 
“I think she will be better at Mario Kart than Tama.” Bonnie giggles, reaching over to stroke Summer’s cheek gently. “She can always be on my team.”
“No!” Tama objects. “She can be on my team sometimes!”
“I’m sure you can take it in turns to be on each other’s team.” Michael chuckles.
Calum rolls his eyes. “This is your fault.” He laughs, nudging his husband's shoulder softly. “I might have known I’d end up with a family of little gaming nerds.”
Grinning so wide that his cheeks start to ache, Michael meets Calum’s fond gaze. “You’re welcome.” 
Tag list: @clffrd​ @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn​ @painkillerash​ @thrillchaser @moonchildsblack​ @calumbbyyy​ @h0tsos​ @valentinelrh​ @sexgodashton​ @megz1985​ @myfalsedevotion​ @aulxna​ @honeyedlashton​ @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton @fairyintheglass @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23 @5sosnsfw @theagenderwhocriedwolf @myloverboyash @easiercake @irwinkitten
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gothluke · 2 years
him teasing ashton for eating oatmeal is so cute
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honeyedlashton · 2 years
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glossierluke · 3 years
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I love my parents! <3
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pochaccomikey · 2 years
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Coming soon to a malum comp near you…
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