#da:i character sheet
chaifootsteps · 7 months
Regarding your ask about ships you hate, you mentioned Iron Bull/Dorian. Been a while since I've played DA:I so I don't remember much from it. Was there anything objectionable about the ship or is it more something that just wasn't your cup of tea?
Iron Bull/Dorian, like Stolitz, is one of those ships that will sucker you in with the fandom's interpretation of it. Iron Bull's actually pretty awful to Dorian, sexually harassing him at every turn and finally sleeping with him while Dorian, an alcoholic, is implied to be drunk. Even after they get together, Dorian never, ever seems happy about it and pleads with Bull not to bring up their sex life in public, which Bull ignores. Bull will sneer at the idea of love ("Love is all starlight and gentle blushes. Passion leaves your fingers sore from clawing the sheets," but if you know anything about Dorian, you know that he's heartbreakingly ravenous for a loving relationship based on more than just sex.
Unrelated to anything, Bull's also super transphobic but that's another topic for another time.
Most of the fandom justifications for this are pretty awful. A common one is that Dorian is closeted or just prejudiced against Qunari, but if Dorian's dating the Inquisitor -- even a Qunari Inquisitor -- his behavior is night and day. He's happy, other characters commenting on how much he's been smiling, and yes, joking openly about his sex life.
The fandom makes Bull out to be this respectful, careful Dom, but he picks your safeword for you and will continue to make passes at Dorian even if Dorian's dating the Inquisitor. Another big one that always gets missed (people don't usually pick it on the dialogue tree) is that if your Inquisitor romances Bull and asks if they can take a turn on top sometimes, he'll mock them and then refuse, not because it's not his thing, but because "this is what you need."
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inquisitoracorn · 4 years
Simquisition - Part 2
l am back at last with part 2 an with Inquisitor Adaar who freshly finished the main game :)))
Part 1
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Herah the Herald
She looks so angry and evil but she’s such a sweetheart I promise. 
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Sims CAS traits: Self-Assured, Goofball, Outgoing, with the Friend of the World aspiration.
Herah: Josephiiiiine I am wearing heels!!!
Josephine: Inquisitor, you cannot wear a crop top to the Halamshiral gala! It is ei formal event!
Managed to make a pretty decent copy of her Antaam-Saar, it has the main idea behind it anyway. She wore that for half the game before switching to more intimidating gear, seen in the pic with Scout Harding. I imagine her preferring browns and yellows and earthy tones generally, but occasionally going full uncoordinated kaleidoscope (plaidweave was used in crafting her armor). Her work outfit is for manual work, painting, gardening, woodwork, restoration. I like the idea of her wearing a vitaar for Halamshiral. 
Qunari Horns by @valhallansim​ can be found here
Face tattoos by @wistfulpoltergeist​ can be found here
Here is some trivia no one asked for
Age: 34
Family: Her parents live happily in the Free Marches (well, as happily as a couple of Vashoths in a human community can be but nothing new there). She’s been away with her mercenary company since her early 20s so she only got to see them sporadically. After the Inquisition is declared she doesn’t visit home at all, but after defeating Corypheus she finally pays them a visit. 
Reason for being at the Conclave: the canon reason, really. Her company was hired to be there. They had stayed away from the worst areas of the templar-mage conflict, so she was a bit wary of how a Tal-Vashoth mage might be perceived by the templars.
Class and specialization: Electricity rift mage. With the powers given by the Anchor she wanted to understand the Fade better. 
Short explanation of in-game decisions:
Champions of the Just:
Herah has never had to deal with Templars before. She was raised outside the circle and has been travelling all around with her mercenary company. Word of the tensions inherent in Circle Towers had reached her, but she’s never witnessed true templar powers at work. She imagined if they were strong enough to disrupt and cancel out magic like hers, they must be strong indeed. So when a decision had to be made, she decided to trust Cullen and go after the templars. In theory, it made a lot of sense. However, after witnessing what had become of them and how they fell into corruption, she decided they cannot be trusted on their own, so she conscripted them to the Inquisition.
Here Lies the Abyss:
Stroud left in the Fade, the Wardens banished. These heroics of theirs just went too far, playing with powers they do not understand.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
All of the possible rulers are awful and manipulative, so they should be awful and manipulative together. She won’t favor any of them, they all deserve each other. 
What Pride Had Wrought:
No price is too high for the success of the Inquisition. She has mastered her magical powers, she has mastered the powers of the Fade, and now she will master the wisdom of the ancient elves to win this war for them. She is the one who has to do it. Not Morrigan, or anyone else.
A lot of these make sense based on her personality. She is very sure of herself and so she does not shy away from making radical decisions. What needs to be done now is always more important than dealing with the repercussions. Also a lot of them are made by my wanting to try out other game decisions and making up her personality afterwards who said that.
She also really enjoys being the Inquisitor. So many people around her treated her with fear and disdain, not reverence and she’ll be damned if she won’t have fun with this new status. Within limits, of course.
As usual, asks are open! 
For a lot of the inquisitors that follow I will have a lot less info, since it’s hard to come up with so many details and well, I’m only invested in some of them :)))))
But I like having this little system. 
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mossyarts · 2 years
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first set of outfits for Adahlen’s character sheet <3
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jentrevellan · 2 years
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Uff. Just got a lot of feelings about them recently. Uff.
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greypetrel · 2 years
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Lady Inquisitor Cinnamon Roll
Yes, yes, more with Dragon Age, I'm using her to practice style and warming up. . Aisling Lavellan. - 27 years at the start of the Conclave. - Volounteered to go there herself: her Keeper said to want to peacefully retire and let the command of the clan to her, she was ready. She wanted to travel a little on her own, before settling down, see the world, prove herself, and thought a mage was the best person to attend talking on the Mage-Templars war. She got more than she bargained for. - Horse girl. Kind and shy, she feels better around animals, talks to the horses, loves to take care of them, and the hallas back home. A madgirl on her horse, she will learn herself trick riding, just watch her. (and Cullen and Dennet running after her scared she’s gonna break her neck) - Bisexual, her love language is physical touch, very touchy-feely. - Mage, later Knight-Enchanter ("Arcane Warrior!" she'd point out). Got a scare related to healing magic, she could learn Spirit Healing but has a block. Talented herbalist, will use elfroot for everything if she could, won’t stop talking about elfroot. - Has not many artistical talent, but she's a decent singer. Has a terrific memory for lyrics, will got stuck with tunes for days. - Her superpower is being able to nap whenever and WHEREVER she can. The inner circle has an ongoing pool for who can find her napping in the weirdest and most uncomfortable spot. - Varric nicknamed her "Lucky" out of envy for her napping powers: he found her soundly asleep in the Hinterlands, during a quick lunchbreak, snuggled between two rocks in full midday sunlight. - Sweet tooth: she loves desserts, citruses-flavoured ones being her very favourite. Won't refuse anything containing sugar, tho. - Can cook on a campfire. Totally inept at baking and with ovens in general. - Found an old Tevene grammar book accompanying her clan members to Wycome to trade. Bought the book. Had her clan learn the basics "in the worst case scenario". She went on studying on her own when she realised she liked the language. Dorian helped her get her grammar and pronounciation and vocabulary better, they soon started speaking a weird mix of Common Tongue and Tevene, hardly comprehensible to exterior ears. - Hates closed shoes, STRONGLY prefers elven leg-wraps. Wore heels at the Winter Palace because Leliana and Josephine forced her too, considered blackmailing Celene to make heels illegal. - Had one long relationship with a huntress in her clan, Ydun. She was her first love, after three years of pining -on Aisling’s side- they got together and stayed so for 10 years. The relationship was bad for both, Aisling couldn’t say no and Ydun is a tid-bit too assertive. They loved each other to bits, but hurt the other in the process, quarrelled a lot. The Keeper talked down Aisling from thoughts of bonding ceremonies every time. Aisling was the one to break it up, eventually, when she realised all their quarrels ended because she gave in even when she didn’t mean to. - Tried to hit on Cassandra, after the Seeker turned her down, Cullen got in and got the Inquisitor. - She and Dorian are what Hawke will dub the “Science bros”. They work extremely well together, Dorian theorizes and Aisling refines and puts in practice. Will experiment on everything. Solas most often jumps in (or is “involved” more or less against his will) to avoid they kill each other or make something explode. They eventually WILL make something explode. - Made friends with almost everyone, the great exception is Vivienne. Aisling respects her, can see where she comes from... Can’t really excuse the way the Enchanter treats Cole and herself, and the “I’m so envious you walked in the Fade physically” speech after Adamant. - Sided with the Mages, left Stroud in the Fade, saved the Chargers, kept Celene on the throne reuniting her with Briala because she couldn’t find it in her to like Gaspard or trust he wouldn’t have turned against the Marquise, Reabilitated the Wardens, saved the Elves in the Arbor Wilds, let Morrigan drink from the Well, decided to redeem Solas (if possible). She was merciful in judgement, the only person she executed was Erimond. - Disbanded the Inquisition, opened a clinic for ex Templars who wanted to quit lyrium with Cullen. As a covering for her Red Jenny activities.
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cerberus-writes · 3 years
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oh would you look at that, guess who it is!
am i posting this while procrastinating on an essay? perhaps.
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lavellanvibes · 4 years
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Character sheet for my beautiful mage Dira
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thorn-walker · 3 years
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Sooo I have been tagged by @fernaee 😳
Aodren's preferred methods are in bold.
I don't have enough mutuals on tumblr to share this with but my best friend is soooo gonna get this thing for every single one of her Inkys!!!
fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly and, or apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer to use their abilities / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a pole arm / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent  / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy if possible / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
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shittybundaskenyer · 5 years
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Inquisitor Shiara Lavellan, Herald of Andraste
Here are some random things about her outfits: 
She loves old clothes and making something new from them so she often steals Solas’ shirts and jackets. Bonus if it has some fur. Fur is life.
Her hair has a life on it’s own so she tries to keep it short and she’s sure it’s possessed by a demon.
When they arrived at the Winter Palace Josie spent 2 hours just trying to pull her hair into a decent enough bun.
Her Halamshiral outfit has traditional elven patterns and colors, and leather and gold accessories. It’s cut low in the back and front too, to show all of her vallaslin. The skirt is divided, her thighs are visible whenever she takes a step. The dress’ only purpose is to piss off the Orlesians so it’s not a surprise that Josephine wanted to kill her with only a look when Shiara showed up in this instead of the uniform. 
She only wears her Inquisitor-armor when she has to attend some formal events. When she’s fighting she prefers light leathers and cotton shirts.
She has a necklace that Solas made her when they were traveling towards the Western Approach. It’s a wolf”s fang on a simple leather band. He said it’s an amulet to keep her safe and protect her from the dangerous corners of the Fade when she’s dreaming.
She wouldn’t wear shoes if it were not necessary, she loves running around barefooted in Skyhold and the campsites when they stop for a night somewhere to rest.
Her hair and clothes smell like burning wood and elderflower. 
She often borrows Solas’ clothes and gives them back only after she spent at least two days in them, only when his scent has worn off. When she can’t sleep next to him she always sleeps in his clothes. They try to keep their relationship secret, but it’s hard when the next thing is Shiara walking down the stairs before the Inquisitor’s throne to have breakfast in nothing but Solas’ woolen shirt and footwraps. 
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themefo · 6 years
Amrynn Lavellan Character Sheet
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This beautiful picture of Amrynn was done by the amazing @adallendraws and captures him perfectly!
Basic Statistics
Name: Amrynn Lavellan
Age: 22
Current Residence: Skyhold
Occupation: Inquisitor
Talents/Skills: Rogue Archer, Assassin specialization
Significant Others: Dorian Pavus
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, he cares about the person, not the bits
Physical Characteristics:
Height: 5′7″
Race: Dalish Elf
Eye Color: Grey Blue
Hair Color: Chestnut brown
Skin color: tan
Distinguishing features: scar on lips, cutting down on the left side. Small scar on right cheek.
How does he/she dress: Long sleeve cotton shirts, often unlaced at the top, well fitting breeches. No shoes if he can avoid it, moccasins or boots otherwise.
Mannerisms: Pulls his feet up under him when he sits, crouches a lot. Likes to climb trees and hang upside down from the branches.  Pretty well always smiling.
Habits: Chews on his bottom lip when he’s concentrating or nervous.
Hobbies: Likes to read, mainly adventure novels. Loves working in the garden at Skyhold
Favorite Sayings: Let’s be foolish
Style: Comfortable, well fitted, airy, bohemian
Greatest flaw: very indecisive
Best quality: Optimistic
Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Intelligence Level: not quite as smart as Dorian, but quite clever. Witty
Any Mental Illnesses?: Anxiety, is prone to panic attacks if he’s crowded or too stressed
How self-confident is the character?: He’s pretty confident, outwardly at least. When people start to get to know him more he feels like he’s really flawed and will shy away. He puts up walls by glazing over his personal issues in favour of focusing on others
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: Mostly emotional, but he is very aware of the logical sides of arguments, which is where the indecision comes from.
What would most embarrass this character?: Pointing out his flaws, like indecisiveness.
Emotional Characteristics
Strengths/Weaknesses: Quick, nimble, and sneaky, but not very strong
Introvert or Extrovert?: Mostly introvert, likes people but needs his space if he’s spent a lot of time with big groups
How does the character deal with anger?: When he gets angry he yells at anyone who tries to talk to him and isolates himself. When others are angry he is silent and sullen, essentially hides himself.
With sadness?: Again he mostly hides away, will retreat into his quarters or climb a tree where nobody will think to look for him
With conflict?: Tries to see every side of the argument, tends to give more to others instead of himself.
With change?: Actually loves change, he’s not used to being in one place he grew up travelling with his clan. He also likes to meet new people because he doesn’t have to worry that they know him too deeply to see his weaknesses
With loss?: Not well, he pretty well goes catatonic and hides away again. He hides a lot it seems.
What does the character want out of life?: To see all of Thedas, to climb all the trees and pet all the dogs and nugs and foxes.
What would the character like to change in his/her life?: He’d like to not be in charge, leading the Inquisition is extremely stressful for him and he already struggles making decisions as it is.
What motivates this character?: Altruism. He genuinely wants to do good for others and make people happy
What frightens this character?: Rejection. He feels like he is flawed and when people know that they will turn away from him.
What makes this character happy?: Seeing others happy, knowing he made a difference.
Is the character judgmental of others?: Not at all, he’s very good at seeing the best qualities in everyone
Is the character generous or stingy?: Generous
Is the character generally polite or rude?: Mostly polite, but in the common courtesy way, he does not do too well in high society situations. The Winter Palace took everything he had not to offend people with things like, being barefoot, defending minorities, eating with his hands, etc.
Spiritual Characteristics
Does the character believe in God?: The Elven Gods, yes
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?: Yes, but he’s not overzealous, it’s just how he was brought up. 
Additional Notes on This Character:
Amrynn is a Vegetarian, he never developed a taste for meat and feels guilty for contributing to what he considers unnecessary deaths. If he needs to use leathers or scales on his armour it will only be from creatures that actively attacked him and he needed to defend himself from. Otherwise he wears cottons and the like.
Despite being mostly introverted he’s a big flirt. This may have to do with his indecisiveness, he doesn’t need to choose one person to be with, they will choose him instead. He’s open to polyamory as well, but only if his primary partner is on board and excited about it too. He would never push that one someone who is uncomfortable with it.
He didn’t actually choose his vallaslin himself, his Keeper suggested it because he was never going to be able to make the decision himself and she knew it. He does love it though, because it reaches to his eyes and is a permanent eyeliner which he’s a fan of.
Amrynn will play with his hair when he’s bored or tired, braiding it and weaving flowers and leaves into it. It makes washing his hair later very difficult, so he takes a long time and does so methodically.
He has a very hard time sitting still and is always fidgeting, drumming his fingers or tapping his foot.
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elfruits · 7 years
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After a year of contemplation and procrastination, here is a small bio for Piron! I hope you guys love him as much as I do!!
Name: Piron Revassan Nydharani Lavellan (Piron Lavellan)
Alias(es): Fireball (courtesy of Varric), my ugly boy whom I love far too much
Gender: Male
Age: 26 as of 9:41 Dragon
Date of birth: 18th of Frumentum, 9:15 Dragon
Place of birth: The Free Marches, within the camp of clan Nydharani, grew up with clan Lavellan
Spoken languages: Common tongue, Dalish Elven, and eventually Tevene
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Occupation: First of clan Lavellan, The Inquisitor
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Strawberry Blond
Height: 5′4”
Scars: None that are notable besides the burns on his right hand.
Burns: A heavily scarred burn wraps around his right hand and wrist, a remnant of when his magic came to be.
Colour: Emerald Green
Hair colour: Black hair
Eye colour: Vibrant Ambers and Hazels
Music genre: Soft, calming, fireside ballads
Movie genre
Tv show
Food: Roasted herbed rabbit, root vegetable soup, and strawberries
Drink: Herbal teas, the more floral the better
Book: Anything focused on theoretical magic or plant identification
Passed university: No
Had sex: Yes
Had sex in public: No.
Gotten pregnant
Kissed a boy: Yes
Kissed a girl: Yes, though he did not enjoy it
Gotten tattoos: Yes
Gotten piercings: Yes
Had a broken heart: Yes
Been in love: Yes
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Quite often. It’s not like he’ll ever tell anyone about it though.
A virgin: No
A cuddler: It depends on his mood, but most of the time he is down for cuddles.
A kisser: Yes
Scared easily: Definitely! But he keeps his fear to himself and lets it fester within (which he shouldn’t do)
Jealous easily: No
Trustworthy: Yes
Dominant/Submissive: Entirely dependent on his needs at the time, but he leans towards submissive
In love: Yes. Very.
Single: Nope!
Have they harmed themselves: Yes
Thought of suicide: Yes
Attempted suicide: No
Wanted to kill someone:  Definitely, yes.
Drove a car:
Have/had a job: I suppose?
Have any fears: Losing everyone he loves to his mistakes, abandonment, and unintentionally causing the downfall of Thedas.
Cerril Lavellan; hunter in training; Piron’s adoptive sister
He barely remembers his biological parents from clan Nydharani; their names were Revassan and Anise
Faron Lavellan; the clan’s craftsman; Piron’s adoptive father
Itha Lavellan; hunter of clan Lavellan; Piron’s adoptive mother
Mahalla the Red Hart
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fereldanrenegade · 7 years
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(full size) Finished this thing, finally!  I was originally gonna add four more outfits, but honestly, I got so tired of looking at this that I gave up.  But anyway, I figured that since I updated Fionne’s in-game look, I should probably fix a ref of her, too. Considering that, up until now, I’ve only really had screenshots to show people if there’s been talk about drawing her. also, no, she doesn’t think of changing her outfit until arriving at Skyhold because she’s a lazy piece of shit, thank you <3 Also, can we talk about her body shape for a bit?  It’s not apparent in my usual art style where everyone look like stick people, and definitely not through the in-game model, but Fionne has pretty wide hips and thighs. She’s kind of a busty woman, too?  She’s also relatively short, even for an elf.
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inquisitoracorn · 4 years
Simquisition - Part 1
Part 2
As promised, I’ve started making my inquisitors in The Sims 4! I take no responsibility for the terrible quality of the full body screenshots, that’s entirely the game’s fault. 
I think I’ll use this opportunity to fully debut my characters on here, as it were, as I haven’t done that properly on this blog yet. To do that, I’ve used the very handy character sheet provided by Marian Churchland.
Okay so with no further ado, my canon inky :)))
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Lord Jonathan Trevelyan of Ostwick, representing the Inquisition
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His CAS traits are: Perfectionist, Bookworm, Loves Outdoors with the Renaissance Sim aspiration
Top left are his preferred Skyhold PJs, wonderful CC by @nolan-sims​  and very poorly showcased in this low quality screenshot. CC can be found here. 
The rest is his modern AU attire, an attempt at a copy of his most worn armor. I tried to make his specialization relevant to the concept and also limit myself to three outfits which was hard.
Here is some trivia no one asked for 
Age: 27 at the start of Inquisition
Jonathan is part of a large family with 8 children (yep). He is the 6th child and therefore very far from either importance or inheritance. This allowed him blissful ignorance of court responsibilities in his childhood and teenage years.
Family relations are a bit of a touchy subject at the moment though. He does not write home. 
Reason for being at the Conclave: 
He was sent to join the Chantry in service of the Maker after managing to put it off for almost a decade. As agreed with his relatives, he was to be part of the clergy for a year before being allowed to make the choice to stay or look for a different purpose. As the year neared its end, he was planning to leave the Chantry as soon as the meeting at the Conclave was over, hoping for a successful peace agreement between the mages and templars that would allow him safer travels. 
Class and specialization: 
Rogue archer, artificer. Shooting arrows is a favorite past-time, but he cannot wield daggers. Range and accuracy over mobility definitely. He is also very good at tinkering with things, making traps and poisons. I think he’d be an engineer in the sims maybe.
Short explanation of major game decisions:
In Hushed Whispers:
Fascinated with everything magic, he offered the mages an alliance and support of their goals of gaining independence in exchange for their help with the Breach. If the existence of the Circle has reached this breaking point, restoring it is out of the question. You can imagine how well Trevelyan and Vivienne get along :)))
Here Lies the Abyss: 
Left Hawke in the Fade, thinking the Grey Wardens will need Stroud’s guidance to rebuild (subject to change, now that I’ve played DA2 and I like Hawke, the wonderful sarcastic mess)
Grey Wardens joined the Inquisition - it was not their fault that they were fooled. They can help make the real culprits pay.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
Florianne humiliated in the Grand Ballroom. Celene rules alone because Gaspard is a warmonger and unrest needs to end. However, Gaspard’s life was spared and he was sent in exile, as a courtesy for allowing the Inquisition entry as his guests. 
What Pride Had Wrought:
Wisdom beyond imagination that comes with the potential of being bound to an ancient Elven god. Jonathan sees that as a lot more of a responsibility than a gift and doesn’t trust himself with that much power. He is already the leader of a holy militia, this much confidence in his decisions is a guaranteed way of becoming a tyrant with good intentions. Also, if anyone is to lose their will to an unknown powerful being, it is probably safer they don’t also come with their own army. And as Dorian tactfully put it, “I don’t want to risk losing you to a well.”
Hence, he trusts Morrigan with the well. He did not ask the others.
I realized while carefully crafting this character sheet that his flaws don’t really come through, but some of the positive attributes he has on there taken to extremes are more of a double-edged sword.
His cautiousness makes him insecure. He’s never truly comfortable in the role of Inquisitor and takes forever to grow into it and accept the fact that it’s now his responsibility to make difficult decisions. He relies on his companions and advisors a great deal.
His selflessness is more of a glitched coping mechanism and easily turns into self-destruction. Learning to accept his new duties as Inquisitor has him go through a long phase of disassociation, where he embodies the symbol of the Inquisitor at the cost of all else. The time before Adamant and Halamshiral is a very lonely time for the Inquisitor. He learns to tone it down but it’s a learning curve. 
Also his trusting rating goes down by the quest :)))
Aaaand that’s a wrap for this evening thank you for your attention :))))
Drop me a message for questions my asks are always open. I’ll try to do the same for all my other inquisitors as this has been very fun and I’m learning photo editing tools wow. Learning more skills trying to craft Tumblr posts than I did at university :)))
These took me a lot longer than I expected :))))
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letsgetonwithit · 7 years
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some more comparison photos of my inquisitor Sia’s appearance!
the first photo is from a playthrough i did sometime last year + the second is from my current one. i decided to use her older model as reference for what she would have looked like in her teens (while she was still a member of clan lavellan). she’s about 25 years old at the start of inquisition. it’s cool seeing the differences between the photos 😇
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jentrevellan · 2 years
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Elsie Trevelyan character sheet! I've always wanted to do one of these. Template by @/cparrisart on twitter.
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dalishious · 4 years
So I’ve found the dialogue sheet for DA:I helpful in the past and decided to make one for DA:2, since I don’t know of any in existence, right? And before sharing it I’m cleaning up all the quest notes, character labels, and debug scripts from it.
And oh my god. Do you know what I am looking at as a comment on Aveline’s Act 3 quest?
“Time to go confront dreamy Cullen and tell him he’s wrong about Aveline.”
“Dreamy Cullen.”
Cullen. This Cullen. “Dreamy.”
Yeah I don’t know about you but nothing turns me on like the advocacy for mass lobotomization! //Sarcasm
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