#once again provided by marian churchland
inquisitoracorn · 4 years
Simquisition - Part 2
l am back at last with part 2 an with Inquisitor Adaar who freshly finished the main game :)))
Part 1
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Herah the Herald
She looks so angry and evil but she’s such a sweetheart I promise. 
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Sims CAS traits: Self-Assured, Goofball, Outgoing, with the Friend of the World aspiration.
Herah: Josephiiiiine I am wearing heels!!!
Josephine: Inquisitor, you cannot wear a crop top to the Halamshiral gala! It is ei formal event!
Managed to make a pretty decent copy of her Antaam-Saar, it has the main idea behind it anyway. She wore that for half the game before switching to more intimidating gear, seen in the pic with Scout Harding. I imagine her preferring browns and yellows and earthy tones generally, but occasionally going full uncoordinated kaleidoscope (plaidweave was used in crafting her armor). Her work outfit is for manual work, painting, gardening, woodwork, restoration. I like the idea of her wearing a vitaar for Halamshiral. 
Qunari Horns by @valhallansim​ can be found here
Face tattoos by @wistfulpoltergeist​ can be found here
Here is some trivia no one asked for
Age: 34
Family: Her parents live happily in the Free Marches (well, as happily as a couple of Vashoths in a human community can be but nothing new there). She’s been away with her mercenary company since her early 20s so she only got to see them sporadically. After the Inquisition is declared she doesn’t visit home at all, but after defeating Corypheus she finally pays them a visit. 
Reason for being at the Conclave: the canon reason, really. Her company was hired to be there. They had stayed away from the worst areas of the templar-mage conflict, so she was a bit wary of how a Tal-Vashoth mage might be perceived by the templars.
Class and specialization: Electricity rift mage. With the powers given by the Anchor she wanted to understand the Fade better. 
Short explanation of in-game decisions:
Champions of the Just:
Herah has never had to deal with Templars before. She was raised outside the circle and has been travelling all around with her mercenary company. Word of the tensions inherent in Circle Towers had reached her, but she’s never witnessed true templar powers at work. She imagined if they were strong enough to disrupt and cancel out magic like hers, they must be strong indeed. So when a decision had to be made, she decided to trust Cullen and go after the templars. In theory, it made a lot of sense. However, after witnessing what had become of them and how they fell into corruption, she decided they cannot be trusted on their own, so she conscripted them to the Inquisition.
Here Lies the Abyss:
Stroud left in the Fade, the Wardens banished. These heroics of theirs just went too far, playing with powers they do not understand.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
All of the possible rulers are awful and manipulative, so they should be awful and manipulative together. She won’t favor any of them, they all deserve each other. 
What Pride Had Wrought:
No price is too high for the success of the Inquisition. She has mastered her magical powers, she has mastered the powers of the Fade, and now she will master the wisdom of the ancient elves to win this war for them. She is the one who has to do it. Not Morrigan, or anyone else.
A lot of these make sense based on her personality. She is very sure of herself and so she does not shy away from making radical decisions. What needs to be done now is always more important than dealing with the repercussions. Also a lot of them are made by my wanting to try out other game decisions and making up her personality afterwards who said that.
She also really enjoys being the Inquisitor. So many people around her treated her with fear and disdain, not reverence and she’ll be damned if she won’t have fun with this new status. Within limits, of course.
As usual, asks are open! 
For a lot of the inquisitors that follow I will have a lot less info, since it’s hard to come up with so many details and well, I’m only invested in some of them :)))))
But I like having this little system. 
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