writingbymel · 4 years
Syndicate - Part 7
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Author’s Note: SURPRISE I’M BACK! Sorry for the long hiatus, I honestly got swarmed with work and life & put this blog to the side! Anyways, part 7 is here! :) Some of you guys have been a little confused with the timing/setting of this story in relation to The Originals, but to be honest there isn’t a correlation. This story just contains the characters from the show and some of my own characters.
Also, some of you guys have requested me to post this whole story on wattpad so I’ve uploaded it here: writingbymel wattpad
Date Posted: 05/06/2020
Summary: Y/N, Klaus, and Rebekah attempt to track down more clues about the mysterious creature terrorizing the Quarter. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 2,000+ 
I play with the small knick knacks on the voodoo shop shelves. I grimace a little at the strange headless dolls that lined the room.
“You both haven’t talked to me in years and now when you need something of course you are here,” Margery says crushing up some herbs in a small bowl. She mixes some sort of liquid into the bowl as well. Margery was one of the witches in the quarter that Klaus and I both knew for decades. She had a troubled past and sought New Orleans for refuge, but became entangled in the witch coven here. Over time, we had a falling out due to the feud between the New Orleans witches and the vampires.
“I know you have no reason to help us Marge,” I say hesitantly. “But this is for the greater good of the city.”
“You have no right to call me that anymore Y/N,” Marge says. In a quick blur Klaus pins Margery against the wall. “Klaus, don’t,” I state nervously.
“Look witch, you owe my family a favor, so I think it would bode well for you to help us,” Klaus seethes.
“Fine, fine let me go,” Margery struggles against his grip. “You vampires never know how to play nice,” she mutters under her breath.
“See was that so hard?” Klaus asks with a smile. I roll my eyes at his dramatics and try to give a small smile to Margery in hopes she forgives us.
Margery ignores us laying out a few of her spell materials. She begins chanting something in a foreign language. Sand on the map begins to move slowly towards a location.
“Quickly now love,” Klaus states pacing back and forth. I shove him in the shoulder to get him to shut up.
“Klaus be quiet,” I say. He holds his hands up in defeat walking into the other room.
“He hasn’t changed after all these years,” Margery says continuing her spell. I lean up against one of the tables in the room with my arms crossed watching Margery’s methodical actions. “I’ve heard quite the stories about you Y/N, a newly turned vampire who was on the run from the Mikaelsons. The one who’s in love with a beast. The witches in the quarter talk Y/N. What is it do you see in him?” I stop myself from lunging towards her.
“Just complete the spell Margery,” I mutter praying that Klaus was not listening to what she was saying, but knowing him he probably was. “Please,” I add hoping not to anger her further.
Klaus walks into the room shortly after, “How’s the spell going?”
“I’m done,” Margery replies staring down at the map. “All signs point to Lafayette Cemetery.”
“The witches must have something to do with this,” I say grabbing my coat.
“Let’s go Y/N,” Klaus says exiting out the front door. Before I can follow, Margery grabs a hold of my arm.
“Y/N you need to be careful around the Mikaelsons,” Margery warns. “Trouble always follows that family.”
I pull my arm out of her grasp, “I can judge characters for myself.” I look at the spot she grabbed and rub my arm a bit in discomfort. I look down to realize a red mark in the shape of three interconnected rings now bore my arm. I quickly pull my shirt sleeve down hiding the strange mark. I decided not to make a fuss about it with the ghoul issue at large.
I follow Klaus out of the door. “I never did like witches,” I say catching up to Klaus’s pace. Klaus laughs a bit at my comment.  
“You and me both love,” Klaus says walking through the crowded streets. Eventually we arrive at the familiar cemetery gates.
“What is our plan?” I ask unlatching the gate door.
“Search the grounds for some sort of clue,” Klaus says. He’s interrupted by the ringing of my cellphone. I reach into my pocket to see Rebekah’s call.
“Hey Rebekah,” I say. Klaus points out to the general vicinity indicating that he was going to start searching the grounds. I nod at him.
“Will you tell me what on earth is going on?” Rebekah asks. “Where did you and Klaus disappear to?”
“We had Marge— I mean Margery help us cast a locator spell to find where the ghoul came from,” I explain. “She told us all signs pointed to the cemetery.”  
“I’ll be there in a few,” Rebekah says ending the phone call. I put my phone back in my pocket before searching the area.
“Klaus?” I yell out into the silence. There was no response, so I assumed Klaus must’ve gotten far.
“What do you think you’re doing here vampire?” I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to see a girl I didn’t recognize. She takes a few steps closer to me causing me to take a few steps back in panic.
“Who are you?” I ask. She starts chanting in a language I couldn’t understand. A sharp pain begins to spread through my head and I fall to my knees. I scream in pain realizing she was a witch putting some sort of spell on me. I attempt to crawl towards her to somehow stop her, but the pain was too much.
“That’s not very nice,” I hear followed by a loud crack. The witch falls to the ground and I see Rebekah rush up to me. “Are you alright Y/N?” I nod slowly getting up with her help. I see her eyes wander to the mark on my arm, but I rapidly pull down my shirt sleeve before she could get a good look. “How dare my brother leave you alone.” Rebekah says looking around the graveyard. She mustn’t have noticed the mark.
“It’s not his fault,” I say. “I told him to go on without me.”
“Well lucky I showed up when I did,” Rebekah replies wandering off into the graveyard. I quickly catch up to follow her.
“I’m not sure how far Klaus is by now,” I tell her. I stop and I listen to the sounds surrounding us. “I think he went this way,” I take a right turn to see Klaus crouching near a pile of black dust.
“Glad you caught up,” Klaus says dusting off his hands covered in the soot-like material. “I was starting to worry love.”
“I got a little held up,” I laugh exchanging a look with Rebekah. She smiles at me.
“What have we got here?” Rebekah asks walking closer.
I follow her lead, “It looks similar to what the creature at Rousseau’s left behind.”
“It is definitely what it seems like,” Klaus responds. I reach into my pocket to grab a small sachet. I crouch down and scoop some of the dust into it.
“For our research later,” I say tying the little bag shut. Rebekah looks around the area in attempts to find some sort of clue. I follow her and notice a few arrows stuck in a tombstone. “This is strange,” I say taking a closer look at the arrows.
“Not many people participate in archery in these parts,” Rebekah replies.
“Whoever shot these must have been aiming at something,” I say.
“Or someone,” Klaus states standing by my side.
“Is there an archery club or something around here?” I ask. “Maybe we can start by looking there?”
Rebekah smirks, “I know just the place and I happen to know someone who is meeting there today. Follow me.” Rebekah starts to make her way to the bustling downtown nightlife of New Orleans.
“Why does your sister know everyone in town?” I ask Klaus with a laugh.
“Beats me,” Klaus responds. “My sister is an enigma.”
After a few minutes of banter we approach a building with an old sign that reads “Perrine, Gage.”
Klaus furrows his eyebrows, “Rock, Stone?”
“I never said this was a classy place,” Rebekah replies entering the facility. Inside we are met with an American countryside themed bar. The walls were covered in American war memorabilia, cowboy hats, and farm animal paintings.
“The French name and the American theme,” I question. “I’m even more confused.”
Klaus shakes his head in disgust, “I’m starting to question the company you keep sister.”
“Oh hush,” Rebekah says wandering further into the back of the bar. Seated far in the back of the bar was a group of men invested in a game of cards. Rebekah scans the room looking for what I assume to be her friend. Her eyes light up when she recognizes a man in the corner of the room. “Sawyer!” Rebekah calls out. Sawyer started making his way over to us with a wide smile. He wore a cowboy hat on his head and was dressed in a green flannel. His face was adorned with scruff and his clothes were dirtied with oil, probably from working. He embraces Rebekah with a hug. “What are you doing out in these parts?” Sawyer asks eyeing Klaus and I. I feel myself turn a little red not enjoying the attention.
“We need your expertise. This is my brother Klaus,” Rebekah smiles gesturing to Klaus. “And our friend Y/N.”
Sawyer bows sarcastically, tipping his hat towards us, “Pleasure.” This makes me laugh and Klaus glares at me unamused. “Any friend of Rebekah’s is a friend of mine,” Sawyer grabs Klaus and I, one on each arm, directing us towards the bartender. Sawyer does a wave of his hands and immediately two glasses of whiskey is set on the table in front of us. Rebekah takes a seat next to us and orders herself a drink. Sawyer immediately hops over to take the seat on the other side of me.
“So Beks how is it being back in New Orleans for good?” Sawyer asks.
“It’s nice to be back with my family,” Rebekah smiles placing a hand on Klaus’s. Klaus returns the smile. Rebekah quickly lowers her voice looking around the crowded bar, “But the whole reason I’m here isn’t to catch up unfortunately. There’s been a creature around targeting specifically supernatural creatures and we found one of your men’s arrows in the area.”
“That’s impossible,” Sawyer replies. “We haven’t gone out to shoot arrows in ages. Ever since my dad died no one ever had the same passion anymore to practice archery.”
“Are you sure you can’t think of anyone?” I ask.
“I mean I could ask around but I can’t promise you anything,” Sawyer replies.
“That would mean a lot,” I tell him. He shoots me a wink before drinking a sip of his beer.
“Alright, I think we have enough information,” Klaus says abruptly getting up from his seat.
“Oh come on now you guys just got here,” Sawyer states. “At least stay for the line dancing.”
Rebekah looks at Klaus a pleading look in her eyes, “Come on Klaus that sounds so fun, you need to let loose.”
“There is no way I’m line dancing,” Klaus replies. “Not with a ghoul rampaging our city.”
“Don’t need to be so negative man,” Sawyer places a hand on Klaus’s arm and Klaus pulls away from him heading to the door.
“Sorry about that my brother has moods,” Rebekah laughs nervously. “So you want to dance Y/N?”
“I think I’m gonna go find Klaus,” I reply. “See if he’s okay.”
“Of course you choose my brother over me,” Rebekah fake cries.
I roll my eyes at her, “I’ll see you at home later?”
“Yes of course,” Rebekah says following Sawyer onto the dance floor.  
“Nice meeting you Y/N!” Sawyer yells out from the crowd. I shake my head and head out the wooden bar doors. I attempt to use my hearing to find Klaus, but it didn’t take long before I spotted his familiar back a little ways down the street. His hands are stuffed in his pockets and he seems deep in thought. I speed up to him, shocking him a little bit.
“Hey grumpy pants,” I tease linking my arm with his. He lets out a small laugh in response.
We walk in silence toward the house for a few minutes with me pointing out sights, but Klaus not responding. I stop us in our tracks causing a couple people to bump into us from behind.
“Y/N what are you doing,” Klaus asks pulling us off the middle of the sidewalk.
“Well you weren’t talking to me I had to get your attention somehow,” I say.
He groans, “I’m tired Y/N.” He starts walking again, but I vampire speed in front of him. “Y/N someone could’ve seen that,” he continues walking towards home. He snakes his way through the crowds that often painted the streets at this time of night.
“But no one did,” I reply walking next to him. “Klaus what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Klaus replies. After what seemed like forever we finally made our way back home. He makes his way through the front door and up the stairs.
“If I didn’t know any better you’re jealous,” I say following him.
“What would I be jealous of?” Klaus asks.
“Rebekah’s friend…” I reply.
“Y/N I could care less about who has a crush on you and who doesn’t,” Klaus continues to make his way upstairs. “You and I are just friends.”
His words shut me up quickly. Just friends? I feel my heart drop a little in disappointment. I thought we were way past the friend stage, or was I just imagining things. I don’t know how to respond so I make my way back down the stairs.
“Hello Y/N,” Elijah states, but I ignore his greeting. I walk to the kitchen to fix something to eat. I angrily grab the peanut butter and jelly from the fridge. I begin to make my sandwich. “Y/N what did that poor sandwich ever do to you?” Elijah asks leaning against the doorframe.
“I’ve had a terrible day Elijah,” I respond. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Okay okay I won’t pry any further,” Elijah says grabbing some water. “Goodnight Y/N.”
“Night Elijah,” I state. I take my finished sandwich out to the front terrace. I look up at the night sky and smile as I see a shooting star pass by. I close my eyes and make a wish before enjoying my sandwich. My eyes linger on the mark Margery gave me on my arm. Something in my gut told me trouble was closer than I thought.
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writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate - Part 6
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Author’s Note: Hey guys! I’ve been in the process of moving back home after university so I’ve been super busy. Here’s the long awaited Part 6! Updates should be more regular after this :) 
Date Posted: 12/3/2019
Summary: Y/N and Leo have moved into the Mikaelson’s home adjusting to life back in New Orleans. A new threat in town causes a rift between Klaus and Y/N. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 2,300+
It’s been a couple uneventful weeks since Leo and I moved into the Mikaelson’s. Leo has spent his days shopping in all the New Orleans boutiques, I, on the other hand, have spent a majority of my time training with Rebekah. If Sami, or any other vampire hunter for that matter, decided to show up I wanted to be prepared.
“And now you would be dead,” Rebekah says pinning me down on the mat laid out in the living area. She fakes staking me with a laugh. I roll my eyes. She was always one for dramatics.
“Realistically, how fair is it for me to fight an original vampire?” I say struggling against her grip. Rebekah gets up and extends her hand helping me up to my feet.
“I was going easy on you Y/N,” Rebekah laughs walking over to grab her drink off the table. I follow taking a drink of water from my own cup.
“How is the training going?” Elijah asks walking down the stairs while adjusting his blazer. Rebekah has an amused look on her face.
“Unfair as usual,” I say jokingly, taking a seat.
“Y/N is just upset that I always beat her,” Rebekah responds with a smile. “Where are you headed brother?”
“Just into town,” Elijah states giving his sister a small hug. Rebekah gives Elijah a skeptical look, but nods.
“Bye Elijah,” I give him a small smile as he exits.
After Elijah leaves, Klaus shortly follows down the stairs with an old book in his hands.    He is extremely invested in the book not taking much interest in Rebekah and I sitting around the table.
“What have you got there Klaus?” I ask curiously walking behind him to take a peek. All the text was in a language I couldn’t decipher. He quickly closes the book shooting me a small smirk.
“Nothing to worry you with darling,” he says.
“Why do you have that?” Rebekah asks angrily. She speeds over to Klaus grabbing the book from his hands. Klaus attempts to grab the book back from her, but her grip remains firm. “First Elijah hastily leaves into town and now you’re looking at this.”
“This situation doesn’t concern you Rebekah,” Klaus replies.
“If you’re looking at the ancient encyclopedia of mystical creatures I think it should concern me,” Rebekah states looking to me for help.
“Klaus just tell us what’s going on,” I plead. Klaus grabs the book from Rebekah.
“If you two must know,” Klaus starts. “The witches have noticed there has been some suspicious activity in the quarter.”
“What kind of suspicious activity?” I ask.
“Y/N,” Klaus responds. “I believe all the time you’ve spent with my dear sister has made you just as curious as she is. I recommend you both stop asking questions for your own good.” Klaus quickly leaves out the front door.
“Niklaus is so infuriating,” Rebekah states. “If he wasn’t my brother I swear I would—”
“Let’s follow them,” I say putting on my jacket. I wasn’t going to let Klaus shut me out like he always did. If there was some way I could help, I wanted to help.
“But we don’t even know where they went,” Rebekah responds.
“I think I have an idea,” I tell her. We both hop into my car and I drive to the one spot where I knew the witches used to practice. As we approach the cemetery gates, I recognize Elijah standing outside talking to a girl. I pull my car to a stop. “Who is that?” I ask Rebekah.
“I’m not sure,” Rebekah tells me attempting to take a better look. I turn to look again and both of them have disappeared.
“What the—” I start only to be interrupted by a knock on my car window. Elijah stands outside with his arms crossed. He gestures for Rebekah and I to step out of the car. I quickly get out of the car.
“Dear Y/N, do you care to explain what you and Rebekah are doing here?” Elijah asks.
“Klaus told us that the witches have noticed some suspicious activity in the quarter,” I tell him. “If there’s something going on we want to know too, we want to help.”
“Klaus is going to kill me if he even knows that you two saw me here,” Elijah states worriedly pacing back and forth.
“Who were you talking to Elijah?” Rebekah asks. “I know all the witches in the quarter and she was not one of them.”
Elijah sighs, “I suppose I have no choice, but to tell you two what is going on.”
“We’re listening,” I respond.
“Like Niklaus said, the witches are worried about a recent surge in crime in the area,” Elijah explains. “Six of the members from their coven have disappeared without a trace. They have tried doing locater spells on them, but they’ve had no luck. Eventually they sought out Klaus and I to help them.”
“Why are you two helping them?” Rebekah asks.
“It appears a few other vampires have disappeared as well,” Elijah answers sadly.
“Do you guys have any leads so far?” I ask.
“That girl I was talking to is a witch from Salem and she said they have been experiencing the same disappearances in their town,” Elijah says.
“What or who could be taking these people?” I question.
“And without a single trace?” asks Rebekah.
“We are not sure this is all pretty recent,” Elijah states. “You are to not tell Niklaus I told you two this. He will be so angry. He did not want to involve you too.”
“It’s a little too late for that Elijah,” I hear from behind us. We turn around to see Klaus with an angry look washed over his face. “I told you to not get involved Y/N, and what do you do? The exact opposite.”
“Klaus if something is going on I want to help,” I respond. “You know me.”
“Don’t you get it?” Klaus yells. “If you become involved I’m putting you at risk from being captured by whatever we are dealing with.”
“I know the risk Klaus,” I tell him. “I’ve known you for centuries. I know the risk of being in your life,” I look between Elijah and Rebekah who are both visibly uncomfortable. “The risk being in all of your lives.” I finish.
“I don’t know if you remember Y/N, but you ran off for half of those centuries,” Klaus replies angrily.
“Niklaus, stop it,” Rebekah says.
“I am only speaking the truth,” Klaus states.
“Nik—” Elijah starts.
“No he’s right,” I respond. I reach into my jacket for my car keys and hop into my car not wanting to endure the conversation any longer. I pull up to Rousseau’s to get a drink and I smile when I see Cami is bartending. To my surprise, Leo is also sitting at the bar deep in his thoughts.
“Hey strangers,” I say to the both of them. I set my jacket down on the back of the chair next to Leo.
“Long time no see,” Cami replies pouring me a glass of my favorite drink. “Leo here was just updating me about all your adventures.” She hands me the glass.
“Thank you. Yeah it sure has been eventful that’s for sure,” I reply taking a sip.
“Bad day?” Cami asks.
“Terrible day,” I respond.
“Do tell,” Cami says.
“Just Mikaelson family drama,” I reply. “As usual.”
“I was wondering where you and Rebekah disappeared off to this morning,” Leo mentions.
“We were trying to figure out what scheming Klaus and Elijah were up to,” I tell them.
“What’s going on with them?” asks Leo.
“There’s been multiple disappearances of supernatural people in the quarter,” I explain. “Klaus and Elijah have been trying to figure out why. Rebekah and I wanted to help, but the minute that we tried to Klaus snapped.”
“That’s not a surprise,” Leo responds with an eye roll. “That sums up Klaus.”
“Leo has a point Y/N,” Cami says while wiping down a few spare glasses.
“After years of knowing him you would think I would have gotten used to his outbursts by now,” I say swirling my drink around in my cup. “He dared to say that I had no right to help them because I ran off.”
“Do you want me to kill him?” Leo asks. “I never did like him.”
I laugh at his response, “Leo, you and I both know you wouldn’t stand a chance.”
“I’m hurt that you doubt my abilities Y/N,” Leo jokes pushing my shoulder.
Our antics are interrupted by a loud crash near the door followed by screams from people in the bar.
“What the—” Cami starts. I turn to see a thin human-like creature with sunken eyes. It screeches revealing its sharp teeth. The creature looks around the room with crowds of people running out of the bar.
“What the hell is that,” Leo whispers.
“I think we’re about to find out,” I reply turning to Cami, “Cami run.” She quickly runs out the back door to safety. I feel the veins under my eyes start to wash over my face. The creature begins grabbing people throwing them against the wall of the bar. It continues searching the room until its bright yellow eyes notice Leo and I in the corner of the room. It screeches again and begins advancing quickly towards us. I use my vampire speed to go behind it before it can reach us. I grab a chair next to me and smash it on its back. It turns around angrily pinning me against the wall by my neck. Leo runs over to pull the creature off of me, but it throws him across the room. Before I could process, the creature is pulled away from me and with a snap it collapses to the ground.
“A chair is not the best weapon of choice, love,” Klaus smirks.
“Wipe that smirk off your face Klaus,” I say still upset with him. I look over to see some individuals on the ground. I rush over to a woman giving her my blood to heal her. I look around to see Leo doing the same.
“You will not remember what happened here,” I compel the woman. “You will walk out and continue with your day.” She walks out. I get up brushing off my pants.
“What is this thing?” asks Leo kicking it.
“I wouldn’t do that Leonard,” Klaus says. “We still don’t know its strengths and abilities.”
“Don’t call me that,” Leo replies angrily.
“I believe this is our culprit,” Klaus says kneeling down to take a closer look at the creature. “The one who has been responsible for the disappearance of the witches and vampires in the quarter.”  
“Well it didn’t try to hurt anyone besides me or Leo,” I tell Klaus. Klaus pushes the creature at an attempt to take a better look until it suddenly vanishes into thin air. “Well that’s new.”
“Quite new,” Klaus retorts. “Let’s head back home.” Klaus files out of the door.
“How are you holding up Y/N?” asks Rebekah standing at the door of my room. “I know Klaus was a little sour earlier at the cemetery.”
“Nothing I’m not used to,” I reply with a laugh brushing out my hair.
“If it makes you feel better Lij and I have been trying to convince him to apologize,” Rebekah tells me.
“You know Klaus doesn’t do well with apologies,” I say.
“Not unless it’s you,” she states.
“I don’t know what you’re going on about Rebekah,” I say.
She smirks before leaving the doorway, “Goodnight Y/N.”
“She’s right you know,” I hear Klaus’s voice at my door. “May I come in?”
“If you must,” I reply. He walks over to take a seat on my bed. I notice a book underneath his arm. “Did you guys find any more information about the creature?”
Klaus opens to a page in the book which reads ‘Ghoul’ at the top of the page, “I believe we’re dealing with one of these.” I grab the book reading all the descriptions.
“Sounds like a match,” I say. “Does it say anything about how to stop them?”
“Look Y/N,” Klaus grabs the book from my hands. “I truly am sorry for what I said earlier.”
“It’s okay,” I reply. “I know you’re just trying to protect me.”
“I just got you back Y/N,” Klaus tells me. “I don’t want to lose you again.”
I reach out to grab his hand, “Klaus I want to help you and you know I can handle myself.”
“Just don’t try and use chairs again on creatures 3 times larger than you,” Klaus teases. I shove him playfully. He turns to a page in the book. “Apparently some ghouls can shape shift into different forms of animals or humans in order to disguise themselves.”
“That means these ghouls could be hiding among us and we don’t even know it,” I say worriedly. “But why are they targeting supernatural creatures?”
“That’s the million dollar question love,” Klaus replies. “Someone must be awakening these creatures to do their bidding.”
“Is there any way that we can track them down at the source?” I ask.
“That’s genius Y/N,” Klaus says. “I believe a little witch owes us a favor.”
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writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate - Part 5
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Author’s Note: AHH a few things came up so I wasn’t able to get this up as early as I planned, I recently graduated from uni so it’s been hard to make time write, but thanks everyone for being so patient love you all for the sweet comments and feedback!
Date Posted: 11/12/2019
Summary: Katherine returns to Mystic Falls. Y/N finally finds out the truth about how Katherine and Sami know each other. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 2,700+
“Why the hell did you do that Damon?” asks Stefan angrily.
“Well we weren’t making any progress just sitting around idly,” Damon says.
“I think a few of us should keep watch over Sami while we wait for Katherine to show up. Prevent her from killing anyone,” Klaus states looking around the room. “Caroline, Elena, and I can go do that while Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, and Y/N can hang around and wait for Katherine.”
“Who made you the boss?” Damon questions.
“Let’s just do what the hybrid says,” Stefan replies holding his brother back. Caroline, Elena, and Klaus make their way over to the Mystic Grill to watch Sami. Klaus turns around to give me a worried look before walking out of the door. I silently reply with a smile.
“I don’t know how Katherine knows Sami,” I sit down on the Salvatore’s luxurious couch.
“Honestly Y/N, how does Katherine know anyone?” Damon replies. “That girl has more life experience than all of us combined.”
“Katherine and I were pretty close a couple centuries ago, but she not once mentioned Sami,” I tell them. “Sami and I were friends, I saw with my own eyes that she refused to transition and she died. After that happened, I met Katherine. If they knew each other she would��ve mentioned.”
As if on cue there was a knock on the front door. Katherine.
“Oh my do I hear my sweet Y/N on the other side of that door?” I hear Katherine yell from the front porch. Stefan walks over to let Katherine in. Katherine quickly speeds over to me. “So this is your real look.” She circles around me pulling a strand of my hair jokingly. I push her hand off of me. “Pretty hostile way to greet your old friend Y/N.”
“Leave her alone Katherine,” Damon says walking up to put space in between Katherine and I.
Katherine smirks, “Y/N you always did have the bad boys wrapped around your finger. Don’t you remember—”
“Look what do you know Katherine,” I say refusing to let the situation draw out any longer than needed.
“I know lots of things Y/N. But first, I sure could use a drink,” Katherine speeds over to the alcohol collection. I roll my eyes at her, typical Katherine. She pours herself a little drink and notices half a blood bag on the table nearby. She pours that into her drink as well.
“Katherine quit playing games,” Stefan says. “What do you know about Sami?”
“Why don’t we all pay her a visit?” Katherine replies with a smile. “I mean it’s her story to tell not mine.”
We all file into Damon’s car which soon filled with awkward silence. I avoided Katherine’s gaze as she sat next to me in the backseat.
“Damon, Stefan,” Katherine sings. “You both look amazing as always.”
“Don’t even start Katherine,” Damon says. Katherine pouts slumping in her seat.
“It was worth a try,” Katherine laughs a little. “Y/N, I’ve missed you truly.”
“Well I can’t say I return the feeling,” I reply coldly.
“Y/N come on this was centuries ago,”  Katherine says referring to the moment where she betrayed me.
“You used me Katherine,” I tell her. “Just like how you use everyone.”
“I’d be careful with my words if I were you Y/N,” Katherine warns. “I am friends with a hunter.”
“Bitch,” I whisper turning my attention to the window.
Damon and Stefan both look confused as they stare at the situation unfolding in the rearview mirror. “Oh look yay we are at the Grill,” Stefan says attempting to diffuse the situation. He hops out of the car as quickly as possible. I follow quickly to get away from Katherine. I see Klaus, Caroline, and Elena sitting outside of the Grill. I walk up to them with Damon, Stefan, and Katherine following closely behind.
“Where’s Bonnie?” I ask curiously noticing her absence from the group.
“Her dad wanted her home right away,” Klaus says pulling a chair from another table for me. I mutter a quick thanks before sitting down next to him.
“Leo had to go back to New Orleans,“ I add. 
“You didn’t tell me that Klaus was going to be here,” Katherine says nervously looking in between Damon and Stefan.
“Is it going to be a problem Katerina?” Klaus asks.
“No not at all,” Katherine replies.
“So where is Sami?” I ask.
“She’s inside drinking away,” Elena responds not taking her eyes off of Katherine.
“Well let’s go interrogate,” I reply grabbing Katherine by her upper arm before she has a chance to refuse. Once we make our way in, I immediately recognize Sami sitting at the bar. Sami turns to see us walking towards her.
“Katherine?” Sami nervously shifts in her seat.
“Y/N here tells me that you’re threatening vampires in town,” Katherine states releasing her arm from my grip. “Did you forget my dear what you are?”
“I don’t need to answer your questions,” Sami replies. “Especially from you.” Sami pushes past me and Katherine. I quickly speed over to block Sami’s path.
“Sit down Sami,” I tell her. She groans and takes a seat at the table. Katherine smirks at me slightly impressed. “Now why don’t we start off with how you’re even still alive in the first place?”
Sami hesitates, but realizes she has no choice but to tell me, “When you thought I died I really wasn’t. After you had buried me and left, Katherine found me.”
“And I fed you blood,” Katherine finishes.
I glare at Katherine, “Why didn’t you tell me you knew Sami?”  
“Because she didn’t want you to know that I was hunting vampires,” Sami says. “Katherine sent me to.”
“Why did you send Sami to kill vampires?” I ask Katherine. “Are you insane?”
“I’ve been looking for a family artifact,” Katherine tells me reluctantly. “I know a vampire has it so I’ve been having Sami threaten people to find it, but someone has been taking it a little too far to the point of killing them.” Katherine glares at Sami.
“I’ve lived decades to know that this artifact must do something in your favor,” I respond. “You’re definitely not looking for family sentiment.”
“It is an artifact to protect against and reverse the compulsion of an original vampire,” Katherine tells me.
“And why would you need that?” I ask.
“I had gotten into an argument with Rebekah and she has compelled me to do something I don’t want to do,” Katherine tells me.
“And what exactly is that?” I question. Before Katherine can answer she grabs Sami and they speed out the door. I quickly follow them outside and Katherine stops me in my tracks.
“Goodbye Y/N, it was nice seeing you again,” Katherine says as she disappears into the night with Sami.
“You handled yourself quite well in there Y/N,” Klaus smirks.
“Of course you were listening,” I laugh a little. Damon, Elena, Stefan, and Caroline approach us with looks of relief washed over their faces.
“Well I suppose this concludes our little trip to Mystic Falls,” Klaus says to them. “Katerina and Sami are both gone and once again you are all safe.”
“How do you know they won’t be back?” Stefan asks.
“I’m pretty sure they won’t,” I reply thinking about how angry Katherine was at Sami for killing vampires.
“Even if they do return, I believe you guys are able to handle yourselves without my help,” Klaus states. “But I believe it is time for me to head back to New Orleans.”
“Does that mean you’re leaving too Y/N?” Caroline asks sadly. I look at Klaus before looking at the rest of them.
“Yeah I want to get back to my apartment in New Orleans,” I tell them. “Besides I’m sure Leo is dying to hear all about my adventures here. Bye everyone! It was so nice seeing you guys again,” I exchange hugs with everyone while Klaus idly stands by.
“Are you not going to hug us Klaus?” asks Damon sadly. Klaus rolls his eyes at him which results in a chorus of laughter. Klaus places his hand on my back to guide me to his car.
“They sure are cute, even after all these years,” I hear Elena whisper quietly. I look over to Klaus to see if he heard, but his face remains emotionless. I sigh shivering a bit in the cold of the night. I could feel my heart beating in my chest as the silence between Klaus and I grew. I look up at the sky to see a lone star.
“The first star is out we have to stop and make a wish Klaus,” I say pulling him back. Ever since I transitioned, I was even more of a sucker for cheesy human traditions. Sure being a vampire had its perks, but I honestly missed the innocence of being human.
“Y/N please you know that doesn’t work,” Klaus replies continuing to walk toward the car. I roll my eyes at him. He never was a believer. I close my eyes and make a wish. I speed up next to him to catch up. “Did you really stop to make a wish Y/N?” he asks unlocking the car door and walking over to the driver’s side of the car. He taps his fingers mindlessly on the roof of the car.
I smile at him widely, “You know how I am.”
“You’re right. I do,” Klaus says with a smile before climbing into the driver’s seat. I open the door and climb into the car preparing for hours of driving back to New Orleans.
“Just a small town girl,” I sing obnoxiously and off-key. Klaus looks at me in disgust shaking his head. He turns off the radio.
“Y/N, you should stick to your other hobbies,” Klaus laughs.
I smack him on the arm, “You take that back right now.”
“I’m just telling you the truth darling,” Klaus replies. “Trust me I’m doing you a favor.”
At this point in our trip, we were close to the Mikaelson’s home. I look out the window smiling at the familiar sights of New Orleans.
“I’ve missed New Orleans so much,” I say.
“We’ve only been gone for a couple days Y/N,” Klaus says.
“No Klaus, I mean in general,” I look down playing with my fingers nervously. “You know I haven’t been here ever since… you know…”
“Y/N you know you can talk about it,” Klaus sighs. “I’ve long forgiven you for your actions. I know it was not your fault.”
“I know, but it’s still hard Klaus,” I tell him. “I still feel so guilty for trying to kill you and then leaving.”
“Well you’re here now,” Klaus replies pulling up to their home. I see Rebekah and Leo out front practicing some sort of fight moves. “Looks like they are keeping busy.”
I hop out of the car and immediately am met with Leo’s face in mine, “How was the trip Y/N? Tell me everything that happened after I left!” Leo exclaims. Klaus walks up to the two of us. “Klaus you have to tell me everything too!! I wish I didn’t leave so soon. I probably missed all the action,” Klaus laughs a little at Leo.
Rebekah soon joins us as well, “Y/N!” She embraces me in a hug. “Brother,” she leans in to give Klaus a small hug as well.
“Well we saw Katerina and Y/N’s old friend Sami,” Klaus says.
“Yeah Sami was the hunter,” I tell them. “Katherine is looking for something and she has been having Sami threaten vampires to find the artifact.”
“She is such a doppelbitch,” Leo whispers. I laugh at his comment.
“What is she looking for?” Rebekah asks.
“That’s the thing she said you compelled her to do something,” I say. “And she’s trying to find a way to not do it.”
“I haven’t seen Katerina in years I don’t know what she’s talking about,” Rebekah states angrily.  
“She seemed pretty adamant that it was you,” I reply. “But that doesn’t matter all that matters is her and Sami left Mystic Falls. So everyone there should be safe for now.”
“Y/N you should stay here if Sami and Katerina are still on the loose,” Rebekah says. “You should too Leo.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose,” I say slowly looking at Klaus.
“You wouldn’t my brother would practically jump out of his skin in joy if you were to stay here,” Rebekah replies. I feel the colors on my cheeks rise.
“Rebekah,” Klaus says angrily.
“What I’m just telling the girl the truth Klaus,” Rebekah winks at me. “Come on I’ll help you move your things from your apartment.”
“Living with the Originals has been a long time dream of mine and I am honored,” Leo says jokingly bowing to Klaus.
“You are absolutely ridiculous Leo,” I say grabbing him by the arm following Rebekah.
Leo and I drag our bags into the Mikaelson home.
“How do you even have that much stuff?” I ask looking at Leo’s extra large suitcase.
“I went shopping with Beks a lot when you guys were gone,” Leo shrugs.
“Oh good you both are here,” Rebekah says coming into the room. “Leo I’ll show you your room and Y/N Klaus will show you yours.”
“Where is Klaus?” I ask.
“Oh he must be here somewhere who knows,” Rebekah responds dragging Leo by the arm. “You’ll know where to find him.”
As if on cue, Klaus makes his way down the stairs with paint splattered all over his clothes. “That’s all you have?” He gestures to my one bag before grabbing it from me.
“Yup,” I say following him up the stairs. “What are you working on?” I ask referring to his paintings.
“I’ll show you after I show you your room,” Klaus says.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me staying here?” I ask as we stop outside the door of a spare bedroom.
“You know you always have been and always will be welcome in my home Y/N,” Klaus tells me. I smile at him and he throws my bag on the large bed in the middle of the room. “Come on,” he grabs my hand and leads me to his art room. I am immediately met with a huge canvas set on an easel. A multitude of colors from blue to green to pink blend to the image of a night sky.
“Hold up is that a wishing star?” I say pointing to the middle of the painting. Klaus smiles.
“What can I say? You inspired me,” Klaus says stepping closer to me. I hear his heart beating fast, in tune with the pace of mine. “I’ve waited years to see you again Y/N. I’ve missed you so much,” he whispers placing his hands on the sides of my face. I feel him lean in and I mimic his motions. I crash my lips into his, a feeling all too familiar.
“Do you ever wish you were human again?” I ask. Klaus and I were looking up at the night sky laying down on the top of his roof. Klaus pauses for a bit, he sighs.
“I’m not sure I’ve never really thought about it,” Klaus rolls over to look at me. “Would you ever want to be a vampire?”
“I don’t think I’d be able to Klaus,” I reply. “I’m not strong and brave like you and the others are. I would be a terrible vampire.”
“That’s not true,” Klaus states. He props himself up on his elbow to get a better look at me. “You’re amazing at anything you put your mind to. That’s one of the many reasons why I love you.” Klaus blurts out. He pauses when he realizes what came out of his mouth.
“I love you too Klaus,” I say leaning up to kiss him.
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writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate - Part 4
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Author’s Note: Part 4 is here! Also, I’m working on other imagines/writings at the moment so stay tuned. 
Date Posted: 11/06/2019
Summary: After discovering the identity of the new vampire hunter in town, Y/N and the gang have an idea to investigate the situation. Things don’t go to plan when the hunter is a lot more prepared than they all thought. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 2,000+
“You thought you saw me die Y/N,” Sami says. “Cause that’s what I wanted you to remember.”
“What do you mean what you wanted me to remember?” I ask her angrily.
“I compelled you to forget,” Sami responds handing me a cup of blood. “You were human at the time and I was able to compel you to forget.” I push the cup away from me.
“How come I didn’t remember when I turned?” I ask.
“I had the help of a witch,” Sami tells me sitting down across from me. “She made sure you wouldn’t find out.”
“Now why would she help you?” I ask.
“She didn’t want me to kill her family of vampires,” Sami tells me fidgeting with her hands.
“Sami how can you be killing your own kind,” I plead.
“We’re monsters Y/N,” Sami says. “We shouldn’t be allowed to roam free like this it will only hurt more people. Just think about all the innocent humans who have been hurt since the original vampires. Thousands probably millions.”
“Vampires were once innocent humans too,” I continue.
“Emphasis on once Y/N,” Sami states. “You once hated them too, Y/N. I can’t believe you’re one of them now. All high and mighty by Klaus’s side of all people. Remember when you tried to kill him?”
“You know I had no choice,” I tell her.
“Or did you?” she replies with a smirk.
“You didn’t, did you—?” I start.
“Compel you to stab an original vampire? Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t,” she laughs. “It was for your own good Y/N he’s a terrible person. He was changing you.”
I speed over to Sami pushing her against the wall, “You had no right.”
“I wouldn’t do that Y/N,” Sami says pushing me off her onto the ground. “Don’t you remember I’m older than you?” In a swift movement, Sami pins me on the ground and ties my hands together.
“God Sami I thought we were friends,” I struggle against her grip.
“We were before you got involved with them,” Sami responds. “Now you’re going to make great bait.” Sami shoves me onto the couch. “Stay there and don’t move.” She reaches for my phone in my back pocket and disappears out of the front door.
“Are you kidding me,” I whisper to myself attempting to wriggle out of the ropes around my wrists. They were way too tight. I sigh sitting back down on the couch hoping someone come helps me soon.
Klaus’s POV
“Don’t you guys think Y/N has been in there for a while?” I ask worriedly attempting to listen inside the building. All of us stood outside of the inn waiting for Y/N to leave.
“We all know Y/N can handle herself,” Damon says staring at the door to the inn. A girl with long blonde hair walks out of the front door. “That’s her that’s the hunter.” We all immediately crouch down behind some shrubs.
“Do you think she saw us?” Elena asks.
“Doubt it,” Caroline replies.
“I think all of us coming looks highly suspicious,” Damon says.
“Well no one wanted to stay behind,” I point out. “It looks like she’s headed towards the Grill.”
“Me, Bonnie, and Elena will head over to the Grill to check it out,” Stefan states. “Klaus, Damon, Caroline, and Leo stay here.”
“But I want to go confront the hunter too,” Caroline whines.
“No one is confronting anyone,” Stefan replies. “We’re only going to be looking at her from afar.” Stefan, Bonnie, and Elena head off into the direction that the hunter went.
“That’s it I’m going inside,” I state angrily. I march off to the front door before anyone could stop me. I hear Leo and Damon follow me from behind. I quickly compel the front desk lady to let us in. We come face to face with a locked door.
“I got it,” Leo says. He uses his strength to pry open the door in a swift movement. Damon and I raise our eyebrows at him slightly impressed. “Hey just because I’m glamorous doesn’t mean I can’t be a kick ass vampire too.” As we rush inside we see Y/N tied up on the couch in the living room. I rush over to her.
“Who did this?” I ask tearing the ropes from her wrists gently.
“Sami,” Y/N responds feeling her wrists. “Thanks guys,” She pulls us all in for a hug. I feel my heart beat in my chest. I was hoping no one could hear, but the look Leo gave me after we all pulled away told me otherwise. “but let’s get the hell out of here. I feel like I can smell vervain in the air.”
“Nah uh Y/N, we are not leaving before we investigate this room,” Damon says rifling through a bunch of papers on the coffee table. “Leo go be our lookout.”
“Aye aye captain,” Leo says. I roll my eyes at him laughing slightly as he makes his way to the door.
Klaus moves to the small kitchen area looking through the drawers. I walk over to him to help him look. “Wow Sami sure has the collection,” Klaus says. My eyes follow his to the drawers filled with wooden stakes.
“It’s like the girl is planning to kill the entire vampire population,” I say sadly.
“How are you holding up?” Klaus asks pushing some of my hair behind my ear. “I know how close you and Sami were.”
“I found out she was the one that compelled me to stake you that night all those years ago,” I say avoiding eye contact with Klaus. I open one of the kitchen cabinets to reveal a whole bunch of vervain plants.
“I knew you were compelled Y/N,” Klaus states. “I knew that never in an eternity you would ever try to harm me. Look at me Y/N.” I sigh turning around to look at him.
“I don’t know why I ran Klaus,” I say tears welling up in my eyes. “I was just so scared to face you and your siblings after what I had done. I was just this silly human that you guys took in and turned. And for me to betray you like that. I just couldn’t face you.”  
“Yet here you are,” Klaus says. I let out a huge sigh.
“Look Klaus, I—” I start. Damon walks into the kitchen holding a journal.
“Woah am I interrupting something?” he asks.
“Actually—” Klaus starts. I quickly interrupt him.
“No nothing at all,” I say my voice an octave higher from embarrassment. “Whatcha got there Salvatore?” He opens the journal to show me the contents inside. Klaus walks over to get a better look as well.
“Miss Sami here has a list of all the vampires in Mystic Falls,” Damon says.
“Where did she even get this information?” I ask angrily.
“Beats me,” Damon chuckles. “But oh dear Y/N and Klaus it gets better.” Damon flips to another page in the journal. “She has names of vampires in over 30 cities.”
“What the actual hell,” I say.
“Lucky for us though she has a number scrawled on the inside of the cover,” Damon shows us the number and a name underneath it that read “Katerina.”
“No it can’t be,” I say. “They never knew each other.”
“Well there’s only one way to find out,” Damon replies. “But let’s get out of here.” Damon takes a few photos of the pages in the journal and sets it back on the shelf he found it. We all make our way back to the Salvatore house where we met up with the rest of the gang to give them the bad news.
“Alright so it’s quite simple really Y/N,” Katherine smiles widely. “I’m going to flip a coin and decide who I want to go the dance with more.” Once again Katherine was toying with the feelings of two guys like she always did.
“Doesn’t it bore you pretending to be a high schooler every century?” I ask filing my nails. I look at myself in the mirror, another host body I didn’t recognize, but would make do for the time being.
“Doesn’t it bore you switching appearances all the time?” Katherine fires back. “Don’t you miss being able to just be yourself?”
I throw my pillow at her, “Shut up, Pierce.” She throws it back at me with more force, but using my vampire speed I quickly move out of the way.
“Someone has adapted to vampirism well,” Katherine smirks.
“Well it has been about half a year now,” I say.
“I wish I could’ve met what real Y/N was like,” Katherine says. “She seemed fun.”
“Katherine I’m no different than ‘real me,’” I tell her. “I just look different.”
“I don’t get why you’re running from Klaus,” Katherine mentions. “You and I both know the guy is head over heels for you. I highly doubt he even cares that you tried to kill him. If you just explain to him that you were forced to all would be well in KlausY/N world.” She throws her top off switching into a bright red evening gown. “Now are you sure you don’t want to come tonight?”
“I’m 100% sure,” I state. “I’m not in the mood to party. You know I’m still getting over the trauma of attempting to murder my ex-boyfriend.”
“Come on Y/N,” she pleads. “For me? I need someone to keep me from going crazy tonight.”
“Fine, but just because I know how crazy you get at these things,” I reply. She squeals in excitement and forces me into a light blue dress. As we made our way into the gigantic mansion, I am attacked by the loud noise of music and chatter. Katherine scans the room for her date only to be interrupted by Damon Salvatore.
“Fancy seeing you here Katherine,” Damon says smugly. His eyes travel to mine. “And you are?”
“This is —” Katherine starts.
“Penny,” I say coming up with a fake name quickly.
“Right…” Katherine trails off. “Penny…Anyways Damon I would love to chit chat but I have two hot dates waiting for me.”
“Some things never change,” Damon mumbles. “Care for a dance Y/N?” His sentence catches me off guard. How did he know?
“My name is Penny,” I repeat. He laughs at me extending his hand to me.
“Y/N you are a really bad actress,” Damon says. “Plus you never take off that bracelet not very clever if you ask me.” I take his hand to the middle of the dance floor.
“I guess I should be more careful with that,” I sigh in defeat letting Damon lead because I couldn’t dance for my life.
“Hey just so you know,” he leans in to whisper in my ear. “Klaus is here tonight.”
I quickly pull away from Damon. “I have to leave.” I rush to the front door only to collide with someone in the midst of the large crowd. “I am terribly sorry…” I look up to see Klaus staring down at me.
“Sorry love,” Klaus states grabbing my hand. I quickly hide my left hand adorned with the bracelet behind my back.
“It’s quite alright,” I reply. “But I really must get going.” I run off before he has a chance to stop me.
  “Katherine?!” Elena shrieks. “Didn’t she run off into hiding?”
“That doesn’t mean she can’t have a telephone number Elena,” Klaus says laughing slightly.
“Big bad hybrid has a point Elena,” Damon declares.
“So let’s try calling the number already,” Caroline states.
“Is that a safe idea?” Stefan asks. “The hunter is still on the loose. Shouldn’t we take care of her first?”
“Hello who is this?” Damon asks holding his phone up to his ear. Stefan groans at his brother’s impulsivity. “Oh Katherine it’s me Damon. Okay yeah yeah. We want to know how you know our dear hunter friend Sami.” Damon hangs up the phone. “Katherine is coming back to Mystic Falls.”  
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writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate Masterlist
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Author’s Note: A lot of you guys have been requesting a masterlist for this series so here you go lovelies. Feel free to like/reblog this post so you can always stay updated :) 
Updated: 5/6/2020
Summary: Y/N has spent the past century running away from The Original family by changing the way she looks every few weeks. But how? By jumping from different host bodies to the next. The ultimate disguise. How does she cope when she lands herself right back in New Orleans to face someone she fears the most: Klaus Mikaelson.
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
✦ Part 1 
✦ Part 2 
✦ Part 3 
✦ Part 4 
✦ Part 5 
✦ Part 6
✦ Part 7
260 notes · View notes
writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate - Part 3
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Author’s Note: Thanks for all the lovely messages and comments so far! Sorry for the kinda slow start to this story there’s a lot of background information I need to set up for this haha! Enjoy! As always feel free to shoot me a message with feedback! 
Date Posted: 11/05/2019
Summary: Klaus, Y/N, and Damon set off on a road trip to Mystic Falls. Damon has questions about Klaus’s and Y/N’s past. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 2,500+
Parts: Part 1 - Part 2 
“So how did you guys meet?” Damon asks not taking his eyes off the road. Klaus shifts uncomfortably in the front seat. I sigh a bit not in the mood to take a trip down memory lane. I look out the window watching the trees pass by. Silence. “Alright forget I asked,” Damon responds. I feel Klaus’s eyes on me but I continue to look out the window refusing to make eye contact. It was so hard to see him again after all these years. After what I did to him.
“Y/N needed my help one day and I saved her,” Klaus begins. “I didn’t even know her at the time.”
“You and I both know that’s not the full story Klaus,” I say with my arms crossed. I hear him laugh a little.
“Well that’s how I know this is going to be a good story do tell Y/N,” Damon says.
“Klaus’s hybrids kidnapped me because they thought I was someone else,” I sigh.
“Alright Y/N,” my friend Sami states holding up two dresses. “Pink or blue?” She holds up both to herself looking in the mirror.
“You’d look good in either Sami,” I tell her. “Do I really have to go to this dance?”
“Come on Y/N,” Sami replies tossing the blue dress to the side. “Do it for me and the super cute guy who invited me to this. Plus it’s a masquerade ball you’re a sucker for those.”
“Knock knock!” I hear at the bedroom door. I open door to see Leo in a mask and a fitted purple suit. He removed his intricate mask. “Almost didn’t recognize me huh.”
“Sure Leo,” I say laughing.
“Why aren’t you dressed yet Y/N?” Leo asks. Sami throws on her pink dress which fit her like a glove. She looked like a real life princess with her blonde curls.
“Don’t you guys find it suspicious that this random family we don’t know invited the whole city to a party?” I ask rifling through the dresses that Sami laid out on the bed for me to choose from.
“Come on Y/N,” Leo says. “Don’t try to make an excuse not to party at one of the largest homes in New Orleans.”
“You never know Y/N you could meet the one,” Sami chimes in.
“Fine fine I’ll get ready,” I laugh feeling defeated. I knew there was no way to talk my way out of this. I grabbed a light cream dress off the bed and ran to the restroom to change. I walk back into the room, doing a little twirl. Leo and Sami start clapping and I roll my eyes at them. “You guys are ridiculous.”
“Come on let’s drink to this joyous occasion! Y/N going out at night for the first time in months,” Leo hands me a drink and we all do a quick cheers before heading out for the night. I gulp the champagne. Boy was it strong.
After a short walk, we make our way to the huge house that I always walked past. I’ve always been curious what it looked like inside and now I was finally going to see. As we walk in we are met by a huge crowd of people talking and enjoying their time.
“Cute guy 5 o’clock,” Leo says in a sing-song voice. He quickly runs off towards that direction, but not before grabbing a drink off a table nearby.
“Typical Leo,” Sami and I say in unison. Before Sami can say anything else, a mysterious guy appears seemingly out of thin air.
“Sami you made it,” he exclaims.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world Kol,” Sami flirts. “This is my friend Y/N.” Kol extends his hand to me to shake it.
“Nice to meet you Y/N,” he says.
“You as well,” I reply with a smile. “Go have fun you two,” I shoo them away as they disappear into the crowd.
I sigh being left alone. I wander through the crowds of people attempting to find some sort of food. I look at the table of appetizers and I grab a small piece of what looked to be quiche. I take a bite and it was one of the best things I have ever tasted.
“There you are,” I hear a voice behind me. “Klaus will be so pleased.” I turn around to see a man whose eyes start to turn a bright yellow.
“Who are you?” I ask. He grabs me and covers my mouth before everything goes black.
Klaus’s POV
“I met this girl the other day, she’s absolutely stunning,” Kol continues to go on and on about some girl he met at the bar.
“Drink, brother?” I ask pouring myself a drink into my glass.
“No thank you,” Kol responded. I roll my eyes at him. He never did know how to let loose. “I invited her to the ball.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I ask turning around to face him. “You know what I’m planning tonight.”
“Don’t you worry older brother I won’t interfere with your plans,” Kol says. “I believe we should tend to our guests downstairs.” Kol gets up and walks downstairs. I set my drink down only to hear a knock on the door.
“Come in,” I respond.
“We’ve found her Klaus she just came in,” one of my hybrids tell me.
“Well you know what you have to do,” I tell him.
“Yes Klaus,” he says walking out the door. I follow suite shortly making my way to the festivities that were about to unfold.
I slowly wake up to a room with a fire place and tons of antiques adorning the walls. I look down to my hands and noticed they were tied. Where was I? One second I was downstairs enjoying the appetizers, the next I was kidnapped. The man I recognized as the one who grabbed me came into the room.
“Klaus will be here soon,” he tells me.
“I’m sorry who?” I ask irritated.
“Don’t play dumb,” he continues. “There’s no way out of this.”
“Look I don’t know who you think you are, but I think you have the wrong girl,” I say angrily. He speeds over to me unnaturally grabbing my neck.
“I would shut my mouth if I were you little girl,” he growls.
“What the heck dude what are you? Besides crazy,” I ask.
“That’s quite enough Kyle,” I hear another voice at the door. “I told you I needed her alive didn’t I?” The guy quickly rushes out of the door only to be stopped by the man at the door. “Where do you think you’re going?” The man pushes Kyle back into the room and he lands on the ground roughly.
“You said you’d let me go Klaus once I found her,” Kyle says. “I found her now let me go.” Kyle attempts to get up again but Klaus pushed him against the wall.
“I’ll let you know when you can leave,” Klaus growls. Kyle sits down feeling defeated. I looked up at Klaus. Something about him made me feel nervous. More nervous than I have ever felt in my whole life. He slowly approaches me placing his hand under my chin to take a closer look at me. He lets go and slowly walks over to Kyle. “You’re free to go Kyle.” Kyle tries to rush out the door, but Klaus stops him pushing his hand into his chest and pulling his heart out. Kyle collapses to the ground.
“You’re dreaming Y/N,” I say. “You’re dreaming.” Klaus approaches me again with his bloodied hands. I flinch when he reaches out for me before untying the ropes around my wrists.
“Sorry…” Klaus trails off not sure what my name is.
“Y/N,” I finish.
“Yes, Sorry Y/N, I’m Klaus,” Klaus says. “There appears to have been a mix up love. Go downstairs and forget what you saw.” He stares deeply into my eyes.
“What are you doing?” I ask. “Are you crazy I just saw you murder a guy in front of me with no problem and you’re asking me to forget what I saw? You psychopath I’m gonna call the police.”
Klaus’s face is flooded with confusion, “You can’t be compelled?”
“What are you talking about?” I ask trying to leave the room. He rushes in front of me.
“I’m sorry I can’t let you back out there if you don’t promise me you won’t tell anyone,” Klaus pleads.
“How did you do that?” I ask referring to how fast he ran towards the door. Was everyone in this house just super athletic or something?
“Look that doesn’t matter,” Klaus says. “Please.” I feel his breath on my face which causes me to blush.
“Fine whatever,” I say. “Just let me go.”
“Promise Y/N,” he says. I sigh.
“I promise,” I say rushing down the stairs. I quickly scan the room for any sign of Leo or Sami. I needed to get out of this place as soon as possible. I see Sami slow dancing with Kol and I didn’t want to interrupt. I decided to just leave without them. They would understand. I made my way out into the dark of the night.  I take a few steps.
“It’s not safe to be out in these parts alone at night,” I hear a voice behind me. Great first witnessing a murder and getting kidnapped. Now some creepy guy was following me.
“Just kill me and get it over with,” I groan. I turn around to see Klaus with a smirk on his face. “Don’t you have a party to host?”
“I’m not going to kill you love,” Klaus says with a smile. He takes a few steps to catch up with me. “I’m going to walk you home.”
“Why do I feel like I don’t have a choice?” I ask annoyed.
“You really don’t,” Klaus replies. “I’m glad you understand.” We both continue walking down the streets.
“Who did Kyle think I was?” I ask breaking the silence.
“That doesn’t matter Y/N,” Klaus says.
“It kind of does I was kidnapped,” I reply. Klaus stops in his tracks.
“Do you want to tell me why you can’t be compelled? You must know something surely?” Klaus asks. What was he talking about?
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say honestly. He searches my body for something. “My eyes are up here.” Klaus sheepishly grins at the comment.
“Sorry I’m just looking for any sign of vervain on you,” Klaus says.
“Ver-what?” I ask. This guy was getting on my nerves now.
“Look, just thank you for not telling anyone,” Klaus replies.
“Again, you didn’t give me much choice,” I say. “And based on how you killed that guy I’m not taking any risks with you.”
“I’d never hurt you,” Klaus tells me. I scoff.
“You barely know me,” I respond. The rest of the walk Klaus and I walked in silence looking over at one another for no more than a second. Once I reached my doorstep I sighed, “Thank you for walking me.” I say kindly. He smiles widely.
“Anytime,” Klaus states. “And remember it isn’t safe around these parts at night.”
“Okay,” I respond searching my bag for my keys.
“Again sorry for the mixup,” Klaus says.
“Don’t worry about it,” I say. “Just don’t kill my family.”
Klaus laughs, “Goodnight Y/N.” Before I could respond he vanishes into the night. Once I made it back into my apartment I grabbed my laptop. I opened Google and typed in “Vervain” in the search bar. The next word that popped up next to it sent chills down my spine “Vampire.”
“Dang that’s one romantic story,” Damon says with a smirk.
“Shut up Damon,” Klaus and I say in unison. He catches my eye in the rearview mirror, but quickly look away.
“Well have no fear lovebirds we made it to Mystic Falls,” Damon says pulling up to a nice house. “Our first destination: The Gilbert House.” We all exit the car making our way to the front door. Damon gives a little knock. I see Elena open the door with a wide smile on her face giving Damon a hug.
“Oh my gosh you’re back,” Elena gushes. “I thought Klaus killed you or something for sure.”
“Right here Elena dear,” Klaus says. I laugh a little.
“Wait Y/N?” Elena asks. “It can’t be…”
“Elena what’s with all the commotion?” I see Bonnie appear behind Elena followed by Caroline. They both stop in their tracks when they recognize me. Before I knew it I was attacked in hugs.
“How are you here?” Caroline asks. “I thought you disappeared for good…” Caroline trails off before she gives a knowing look between me and Klaus. “Oh I see what helped you come out of the shadows.”
“It’s not like that Car—” I start.
“While this reunion is all fun and games,” Damon says. “There won’t be much celebrating when half the vampires in town are dead because of this hunter.”
We all file into Elena’s house.
“So this hunter is a girl,” Stefan explains. “She’s super strong, but she isn’t supernatural, not that we know of.”
“Do you guys have a name or anything to go off of?” I ask.
“No name, but we know she’s staying at a bed and breakfast in town,” Stefan responds.
“Well let’s go there then,” I say.
“We can’t just march up there, Y/N,” Klaus responds.
“Well do you have a better plan?” I ask.
“Actually I do,” Klaus states.
Three Hours Later
“I can’t believe you all convinced me to do this,” I say looking down at my costume posing as a mail carrier. Klaus attempts to stifle a laugh.
“Something funny Niklaus?” I ask earning a few “Oos” from the crowd.
“Look Y/N you are new to town,” Bonnie says. “She won’t recognize you or even suspect anything. This way you could get more information about her like a name or anything.”
“You all owe me big time,” I say. “I come back from hiding after centuries and this is how you guys repay me?”
I make my way up to the bed and breakfast and compel the front desk attendant to let me in. I look down at the piece of paper with the room number #342 scrawled on it. I quickly knock on the door holding my breath. I hope this hunter couldn’t smell the fact that I was a vampire. I hear the locks clicking behind the door. The girl opens the door slightly only to open it all the way.
“Sami?” I ask in shock seeing my old friend after years.
“Y/N?” she responds. “What are you doing here? What are you wearing?”  
“I thought you died Sami,” I say. “You refused to complete the transition and you died.”
“You should come inside Y/N,” Sami says slowly opening the door for me. I hesitantly step inside the room nervous for my life.
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writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate - Part 2
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Author’s Note: Thanks for all the amazing support so far guys! Here’s part 2!! This ended up being so long lol I got a little carried away
Date Posted: 11/01/2019
Summary: Damon gets an idea to use Y/N to get Klaus to help him and the gang in Mystic Falls. Y/N and Klaus reunite and they all head to Mystic Falls to stop a mysterious hunter. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 2,300+
Parts: Part 1
“What did you think was going to happen showing up here?” Damon asks ordering a drink from the bartender for me. I take a sip of the rum and let out a little sigh.
“I just wanted to see him,” I reply stirring the ice around in my drink. “I was hoping to see all of them, but someone blew my cover.” I glare at Leo.
“I knew it was a bad idea from the start,” Leo chimes in before taking a sip from his own drink. “Plus I’m not the one who’s obsessed with a bracelet from years ago and refuse to take it off.”
“What are you doing here anyways Damon? Shouldn’t you be back in Mystic Falls?” I ask Damon ignoring Leo’s snide comments. Even though I hated to admit it, Leo was right. I was obsessed with my past even if I tried to convince everyone otherwise.
“You shouldn’t be the one asking questions Y/N,” Damon replies. “You want to tell me how you look like this?” He gestures to my outer appearance, “And don’t tell me you’ve aged because you look like a completely different person.”
“I made a deal with a witch the night of my birthday,” I explain. “She promised to help me conceal my identity so I could run from Klaus if I was willing to help her.”
“What did you do?” asks Damon.
“I turned her daughter who was dying,” I reply sadly.
“So what happened to your actual body?” Damon questions.
“I take it everywhere with me,” I reply laughing. “I keep it in a coffin waiting for the day I could finally stop running.”
“What is with everyone in this city and keeping bodies in coffins,” Damon responds. I just shrug not really understanding what he was referring to.
“Well you’ve been caught by Klaus now Y/N,” Leo says. “The whole Mikaelson family probably knows you’re here now. You’re either running or staying here.”
“I think I’m going to be staying here for a bit,” I say. “I have unfinished business.”
“I was desperately hoping you weren’t going to say that,” Leo groans. Leo never did like the Mikaelsons and he hated the lively atmosphere of New Orleans. He was more of a small town countryside kind of guy. I get up dragging Leo and Damon by their arms.
“We’ve got a body to return to,” I say with a smile.
“How did I get dragged into this?” Damon asks rolling his eyes. “I have more important things to do than help you with a makeover Y/N.”
“I highly doubt that,” I respond not taking no for an answer.
Hours later I woke up from what felt like a deep sleep. My head hurt, yet again. I reach over to my nightstand and take a large gulp of water. I sit up looking at the vanity mirror across from my bed. I was myself again. My Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes almost foreign to me having not been myself the past few decades.
“The princess awakes,” Damon says tossing me a blood bag. I take a few sips feeling satisfied and energized. “You look great. Better than I remember.”
I roll my eyes ignoring Damon’s compliments, “Thank you for the blood, but shut up.”
He laughs as I push past him to the bathroom. My New Orleans apartment was one of the places I missed the most when I was on the run. Everything was still in place as if no one has stepped foot inside in ages. Dust collected on the bathroom sinks. I blow gently on the surface dust flowing into my mouth and nose. I cough a bit.
“That was extremely lame Y/N,” Leo says standing by the door frame. “Even for you, but you do look great, so I’ll let it slide.”
“This is why you’re my best friend,” I say with a smile.
“Yeah even when we both know what you’re doing is completely stupid,” Leo laughs.
“The heart wants what it wants Leo,” I tell him. I was joking, but I knew a part of me wasn’t.
Leo lowers his voice, knowing Damon could be listening, “Yeah and my heart wants Damon to love me.”
“Leo you’ve been obsessed with him for decades, plus he doesn’t swing that way” I tease fixing my hair a bit. “You know he’s obsessed with the doppelgänger.”
“A vampire can dream,” Leo points out.
I roll my eyes at Leo, pushing him out of the way, “You are always trying to make drama where there isn’t any.”
I make my way into the living room of my apartment only to see Damon raiding my liquor cabinet. Not surprising.
“That’s one thing I’ve always liked about you Y/N,” Damon says feeling my presence in the room, “You were never cheap with your liquor,” he turns around with a grin holding up some aged whiskey.
“So are you finally going to tell me what you’re doing here in New Orleans? With Klaus of all people?” I ask reaching into my cabinet to break out some whiskey glasses. He looks at me and pours us each a glass of whiskey.
“There’s a new vampire hunter in Mystic Falls,” Damon starts. “We’re convinced Klaus is the only one who can save us. For some reason this hunter is fast. Supernatural fast and they somehow have the help of a witch.”
“Are they a vampire?” I ask.
“That’s the thing,” Damon responds. “We’re not sure. Stefan is back investigating with everyone and I’m here trying to beg Klaus to come back to Mystic Falls. Somehow everyone was convinced I’m the one he hates the least.”
“Maybe you’re just the best at begging,” I joke. He laughs slightly.
“So what’s your big romance plan,” Damon asks. “Are you going to show up at Klaus’s door and beg for his forgiveness?”
“I didn’t come back to New Orleans to commit suicide,” I reply knowing that showing my face would anger Klaus more. Damon laughs. “How are you going to convince Klaus to go back and help you guys? Last I heard you guys tried to kill him and his whole family.”
“Details details Y/N,” Damon says setting down his empty glass in the sink. “While I love this reunion, I got an original to drag back to Mystic Falls.” He states before disappearing out the door with a flash.
Klaus’s POV
“People have really gone to drastic measures to provoke you brother,” Elijah says laughing out of disbelief.
“Honestly it’s impressive if anything,” I mention. “She looked nothing like Y/N.”
“What if it was Y/N?” Rebekah asks hopefully. I grow irritated with my younger sister.
“Tell me darling sister how would Y/N look completely different,” I retort. “The only way that would be possible is if she had the help of a powerful witch.” I walk out of the room not wanting to talk about the situation any longer. I go into my art room only to see Damon. So much for peace and quiet.
“I already told you Damon I’m not going back to Mystic Falls. I have no reason to help you. I thought I made myself clear,” I grab some of my spare paintbrushes dunking them in water to wash them.
“Can’t you find it in your tiny heart to help us?” Damon jokes. I turn my back to him rolling my eyes. All the Salvatore brothers and the children in Mystic Falls irritated me— one moment they would be trying to drive a stake through my heart, the next they would be finding ways to get me to help them. “What if I reunite you with Y/N?”
“You and I both know Y/N disappeared years ago,” I reply not believing the words I was hearing.
Damon reaches in his pocket for his phone and dials a number. “Hey Y/N can you help me conv—” Before Damon could finish I pushed him up against the wall.
“How dare you try to fool me,” I say angrily. Damon struggles against my grip.
“Jeez talk to her yourself why don’t you,” he squeaks shoving the phone against my ear.  
“Hello?” I ask.
I hear a familiar voice answer, “Hi Klaus.” A voice I fell in love with centuries ago. I slowly let Damon go.
“God I told you,” Damon says brushing off his clothes. “Do you Mikaelsons not trust anyone?”
“No not really,” I respond quietly.
“So are you going to help us or not,” Damon states.
“Bring Y/N here and I’ll consider helping,” I tell him.
“I’m taking that as a yes,” Damon says excitedly. He quickly disappears out the door.
Come to the compound, the only way the big bad hybrid will help if he sees you  - D
I sigh at the pressure now put on my shoulders. If I didn’t go face Klaus and the Mikaelsons, Damon wouldn’t get help and everyone in Mystic Falls would be put in more danger. I really didn’t want to confront them this soon, but it looked like I had no choice. I grab my bag and Leo raises his eyebrows at me.
“Were you really about to visit the Mikaelsons without me?” Leo asks.
“No way,” I reply. “I would not be able to handle all that drama alone.” I grab Leo’s arm and pull him out the door.
Walking down the streets of New Orleans felt like home to me. I remembered the path to the Mikaelson’s from my place like the back of my hand. Two rights and one left took me straight into the center of the Abattoir. Rebekah was outside drinking a cup of blood looking curiously at the latest fashion magazine.
“Y/N? Is that really you?” she asks. She speeds over and takes a closer look at me. “Wow it really is you,” she pulls me into a hug.  
“This isn’t the welcome I expected after staking your brother ages ago,” I say with a slight laugh. Rebekah pulls away.
“Y/N, I think all of us have tried to kill Klaus once. Plus that was ages ago,” Rebekah explains laughing. She looks over at Leo. “And you are?”
“Oh Rebekah this is Leo,” I explain. “I met him a few years ago when he just turned.”
She gives him a small smile, “Klaus is upstairs, but I’m sure he’s heard you by now knowing my nosy brother.” Damon makes his way into the courtyard.
“Y/N thanks for coming,” Damon says.
“You honestly didn’t give me much of a choice,” I reply. Damon begins to drag me up the stairs.
“Wait I’m not ready,” I state stopping in my tracks. Damon groans.
“Y/N,” I hear a voice at the top of the stairs. I look up to come face to face with Klaus. He had smudges of paint all over his clothes. I smile at myself a little bit. Even after centuries nothing has changed.
“Klaus,” I reply.
“Damon,” Damon says attempting to break the awkward tension. I would’ve laughed if it weren’t for the fact that I was staring at my ex-boyfriend who I thought I would never see again. Klaus extends his hand out to me.
“Let’s talk,” he says pulling me upstairs. I sit down on the couch in the living area as he hands me a glass of blood which I take graciously. Klaus stares at me, but I try to avoid eye contact as much as possible.
“Where did you disappear to all these years?” Klaus asks.
“I’ve sort of been jumping around everywhere,” I say staring at the thick red liquid in my cup. Normally I would be taking the opportunity to drink it, but I couldn’t stomach anything at the moment. I set the drink on the coffee table. He responds with a nod. “How are you not lashing out at me right now?” I ask. “I tried to kill you Klaus.”
“I was angry for years Y/N,” Klaus replies. “I never thought I would see you again.” He walks over to sit on the coffee table across from me. I hold my breath as he suddenly gets closer, “You really did hurt me Y/N.”
I stare at my hands in my lap, “I still regret it to this day.”
“Why did you do it?” Klaus asks.
“Someone threatened my family,” I reply sadly. “To this day I still don’t know who it was. The stake just showed up on my doorstep with a note.” Klaus remains silent. “I really am sorry Klaus.”
“I have a vampire hunter to kill,” Klaus sets his glass down before getting up and making his way towards the stairs. I reach out to grab his arm. He looks at me quietly.
“I’ve really missed you Klaus,” I tell him. He reaches out to push some of my hair out of my face.
“Me too,” Klaus whispers.
“I’m coming to Mystic Falls too,” I state.
“If you insist,” Klaus says making his way down the stairs. As I turned the corner I saw Damon, Rebekah, and Leo huddled at the bottom of the stairs attempting to listen to Klaus and I’s conversation.
“Don’t you all have supernatural hearing?” I say rolling my eyes at them.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Y/N, we were just looking at the stairs,” Leo laughs.
“Sure you guys were,” I say pushing past them. “Mystic Falls here we come!”
Damon shakes his car keys, “I’ll drive.”
I look over at Klaus and he gives me a small smile. For someone I haven’t seen in centuries, I felt my feelings for Klaus wash over me all over again. We all piled into Damon’s car and headed to Mystic Falls.
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writingbymel · 5 years
Syndicate - Part 1
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Author’s Note: Hey guys I’m a new imagines blog and I’ve been recently rewatching the originals and the vampire diaries and came up with this fanfiction/series. I have over 10 parts planned for this so stay tuned for a masterlist and more once I put out more parts
Summary: Y/N has spent the past century running away from The Original family by changing the way she looks every few weeks. But how? By jumping from different host bodies to the next. The ultimate disguise. How does she cope when she lands herself right back in New Orleans to face someone she fears the most: Klaus Mikaelson. 
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader 
Word Count: 1,500+ 
Parts: Part 1 - Part 2 
An all too familiar pounding took over my head. My head throbbed with the feeling of my heartbeat. I placed my hands in front of me taking in every line and shape that was foreign but familiar at the same time. I used my arms to push myself off the ground of an unfamiliar bedroom. I looked to my right and saw the body of a frail girl whom I just sucked the life out of. I slowly make my way over to the closest mirror still feeling weak. I looked at my reflection and standing in front of me a carbon copy of the lifeless body next to my feet. I adjusted my new long locks and straightened out my shirt with a smirk. Another successful transfer to a new host body.
I’ve spent the past few hundred years switching from host to host running from the Originals. By taking over the bodies of various humans, through magic I was able to hide my identity for short periods of time. I hear a quick knock at the front door. I open it to see my best friend of years— Leo. He shakes his head at me disapprovingly. He extends his hand to give me a little twirl taking in my new look.
“Don’t you get tired of running Y/N?” He asks stepping inside looking at the lifeless body on the floor.
“Come on Leo you and I both know that you appreciate whenever I do this,” I say pushing the nameless girl’s hair out of her face revealing her neck. Before I could say another word Leo is clawing at the girl’s neck relishing in his first meal of the night.
“Don’t forget to get rid of the body,” I tease. With the wave of my hand I make my way out of my new home closing the door behind me.  
Something about the colorful nightlife of New Orleans made me drawn to it every time, but I knew better than to be drawn to stay for longer than a week at a time. It was too dangerous for me. I quickly walked down the street avoiding eye contact with people, trying my best to remain invisible. I hear a rush of wind behind me and quickly turn around grabbing the figure’s wrist with a twist.
“Woah woah Adeline chill out it’s me,” I look up to see a guy I didn’t recognize. I searched my brain and remembered seeing a photo of him in the girl’s room that I now looked like. I search for some sort of identification on him and see his work badge clipped on the waistband of his pants. Tom Stevenson. I put on the best fake smile I could muster.
“Sorry Tom,” I say sweetly. “You know how jumpy I get at night.”
“Yeah you could say that again,” Tom says with a laugh throwing his arm around me. While he details his day I grab my cell phone and text Leo. I type out S-O-S Obsessive Boyfriend. I think, hitting send. I immediately get a response from Leo Be there in 5.
Tom and I keep walking before stopping outside a bar that was too familiar to me.
“Why are you sto— ” Tom starts before being cut off by the snap of his neck. He collapses onto the ground and I’m greeted by a wide smile on Leo’s face.
“Could you be any more subtle?” I ask rolling my eyes.
“Could you be any more subtle?” he asks gesturing to the blue Rousseau’s sign in front of the bar.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I reply.
“Alright everyone now for the big surprise for the birthday girl Y/N,” Klaus says with a smile on his face throwing his arm on my shoulder enveloping me in a small hug. A small action that always made my heart flutter.  
“Klaus I told you not to get me anything,” I say pushing him in the chest lightly knowing that I couldn’t actually hurt him no matter how hard I tried. He laughs a little at me and gestures towards the door of Rousseau’s. Elijah and Hayley bring out a cake with my face on it and everyone starts singing Happy Birthday. I force a small smile.
“Well make a wish Y/N,” Klaus says. I stare at the candles glowing back at me and I knew exactly what to wish for.
The bar was filled with laughter and drunk people. Even though it was my birthday, I still felt the need to step outside and get some air. I never did well with crowds. I rub my hands together trying to feel some sort of warmth against the frigid wind.
“What are you doing out here, love?” I turn around to see Klaus holding two glasses of water in his hands. He hands me one of the cups of water. I graciously take a sip aching to somehow prevent my massive headache I would have the next day.
“You know how I am with crowds,” I say. Klaus raises his eyebrows at me. “Not that I don’t appreciate this. I really do, but you really didn’t have to do all this for me Klaus.”
“Come on Y/N you know I’d do anything for you,” Klaus replies pushing some of my hair away from my face. I stare into his eyes. Full of love. I never knew how anyone could view Klaus as evil. To me, he was anything but that and because of that I felt so guilty.
I grab the stake that I was hiding in my pocket and drive it straight through his heart. Tears began to form in my eyes contrasted with his eyes which shift from love to betrayal to anger. He pulls the stake out of his chest and I run as fast as I could. I run past blocks of little shops pushing past people on the street, but I’m stopped in my tracks by Elijah.
“Who are you working with?” Elijah asks with hurt in his eyes. He was like a brother to me. I betrayed him and his whole family.
“Just let me go Elijah, please,” I plead with tears in my eyes. I turn around worriedly looking for any sign of Klaus or Rebekah coming to rip my head off.
“Only because I know my brother will murder you,” Elijah starts,“and it is your birthday I will stall for you to escape.”
“Thank you so much,” I say before I can start running again Elijah puts out his hand to stop me.
“He’ll never forgive you Y/N,” Elijah says.
“I’ll never show my face here again,” I promise. “I’ll disappear. Promise.”
“Come on Y/N,” Leo starts. “We both know the real reason why you just so happen to choose a new host who just so happens to live in New Orleans which just so happens to be the city your ex-boyfriend lives in.”
“And you just so happen to be extremely annoying right now,” I say grabbing the door handle to the bar. Leo stops me.
“Y/N you don’t want to do this,” Leo says.
“We don’t know if he’s even here,” I tell him pushing past him. I make my way into the bar and hold my breath when I see Klaus sitting drinking what I could only assume to be bourbon. He was sitting with who I recognized to be Damon Salvatore. What was he doing with him? Klaus looks over at me probably realizing I was staring, but he quickly looks away when he doesn’t recognize who I am. Damon looks over his shoulder and his eyes move from mine to Leo’s. He smirks when he recognizes Leo next to me. I turn around to glare at Leo.
“Damon recognizes you,” I say through clenched teeth trying to be as quiet as possible.
“Wow I might just faint,” Leo says jokingly. I roll my eyes.
“This is not the time to joke around,” I reply. “Pretend you don’t know me.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s too late for that cause Damon is making his way over,” Leo replies.
“Leo,” Damon greets with a smirk. “Y/N,” he mouths quietly knowing Klaus could be listening.
Klaus’s POV
I was curious when Damon quickly walked over to the two young individuals whom I didn’t recognize. I like to think that I knew everyone who lived in New Orleans. I attempted to listen in on their conversation, but the commotion in the bar was too loud. I decided to walk on over to see what they were talking about myself.
“Are you going to introduce me to your friends?” I ask putting my hand on Damon. Damon begins to look a little nervous. I start to hear the girl’s heart beat a little quicker. I look at her with confusion when I notice a thin bracelet adorned with charms on her left wrist. A bracelet that was all too familiar to me. I grab her wrist forcefully.
“Where did you get this?” I asked angrily. The girl shakes with fear and Damon tries to pry me off of her.
“Klaus leave the poor girl alone,” Damon pleads but I push him out of the way. His back collides with a table nearby drawing everyone’s attention to us, but I could care less. Who dare send this girl to mess with my emotions?
“I’m going to ask again and if you don’t answer I’ll snap your neck,” I state angrily.
“You Klaus,” the girl replies with tears. “You gave this to me.”
“How?” I ask. I stare deep into her eyes. “Y/N?”
She nods slightly still scared. I let her go and quickly run away. Far away from Y/N or whoever the hell she was. 
Part 2 
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