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justalittleofyourlove · 18 hours
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i suddenly believe in the faith of the seven thank you septa rhaenyra
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nazbruhh · 2 days
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Kohane5 focused event cards
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tarn-ation · 2 days
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I THINK IM GETTING OBSESSED WITH HIM AGAIN- Anyway I love prowl he's so bb gorl
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shu-of-the-wind · 6 hours
summary of the ruling on whether trump can be criminally prosecuted below:
1) presidents have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during their tenure in office
2) an act of congress may not criminalize the president's actions within his exclusive constitutional power (i.e. executive power)
3) not all of a president's official acts fall within his executive powers and that immunity doesn't extend to conduct in areas "where his authority is shared with congress"
4) at minimum a president must be immune from prosecution for an *official* act unless the government can show that applying a criminal prohibition to that act would pose no "danger of intrusion" on the function of the executive branch
5) no immunity for *un*official acts
6) so to hold a president criminally liable you need to determine first a) whether it was an official or unofficial action and b) whether the president had the authority to take that action in the first place, but you CAN'T INQUIRE INTO HIS MOTIVES FOR TAKING THOSE ACTIONS during that analysis because it would put presidents on trial ~for everything~ apparently
7) trump's discussions with the attorney general are "readily categorized in the light of the nature of the president's official relationship to that individual" because as president he's allowed to fire the AG if the AG doesn't do what he wants
8) while it's true that the p and vp are engaging in official conduct while discussing their responsibilities, the question then becomes "whether the presumption of immunity is rebutted under the circumstances" i.e. it's the government's job to argue that applying a criminal law to this wouldn't "intrude on executive power"
9) trump's interactions with people outside the executive (state officials, the public) is a game of who can make the better argument of whether that was within his official or unofficial stance
11) same with public statements on twitter
12) good luck lower courts xoxo john roberts
i plan on reading the full opinion at lunch but i am gonna Throw Up Actually
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r3db3ans · 22 hours
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Today I had a dream that I hugged someone who looked warm, sweet and yet sad and sorry.
I don't remember how their voice was, but it seems so smooth to listen to it, which is why i decided to draw a hug from Toriel :)
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Ray and Bruce's Big Weekend
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I don't know if the KP Fandom is still active but I am so obsessed with it. I am so sad that I am so late to the game.
Oh well.
I'll just be over hear writing and reading VegasPete, KinnPorsche, and KinnVegas fics by myself lol
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honey-doc · 4 months
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Chil becoming a union organizer for half foots makes so much sense because literally any time a half foot was in chil’s vicinity he was looking out for them
Like when marcille & senshi transformed
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And with mickbell
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grapehyasynth · 1 year
I really feel tremendous grief for friendships that kind of petered away in the face of life's currents. There are people with whom I formed deep, unique, vibrant, life-changing connections, and then we had to go our separate ways and it was too hard to maintain long-distance. There wasn't a fight, it just sort of faded. And I feel like I have more friendships like this than friendships that have endured, so maybe I just have to get used to it. But if grief is all the love we have left over - well, I never did get to finish loving them. I love them, and I miss them, and I probably always will.
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go-to-the-mirror · 24 days
straight men go onto minecraft & roleplay being gay with their coworkers & then spend the rest of the day with their wife and child
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redsray · 3 months
Urban Legends was FOUL for showing us this panel of 'Bruce's dream version' of the Batfam. DC when i CATCH YOU
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indra-sexygirl · 5 months
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codie-sys · 6 months
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is this anything
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coffinwoodx · 2 months
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couple of screenshots of kim’s wikipedia page that i felt so deeply in my soul
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lunozapp · 1 month
(found in the first area in rambley's railraod)
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chat what
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