#d1 tamers
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otakween · 2 years ago
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Digimon 02: D1 Tamers - Final Thoughts
Woohoo! I beat the Ryo trilogy :D -pops a party popper-
I didn't feel the need to make this multiple posts because this game is verrry similar to the last one (Tag Tamers). The main difference is that it's in glorious color! They also added a couple new features for better or for worse.
This game was fun and addicting just like the other two. There was just a little more grinding than I would hope for. The entire game took me 3 weeks to get through because of that. (Still not too shabby). Full thoughts below the cut.
-The plot of this one felt kind of weird and forced. Firstly, I immediately got kind of confused about the chronology because the last game ended with Ken becoming the Digimon Emperor yet he's back to normal in this one. I guess either he hasn't progressed too much yet (it's only been a few days) or this is his IRL façade since we don't see him in the digi world. Anyways, the main plot is that Ryo has to fight in a tournament and if he wins said tournament then he'll become a soldier for the ~Harmonious Ones~ against Moon Millennium. I'm honestly not sure why the digi-Gods were included in this. They added nothing.
-Speaking of the Harmonious Ones, they ask you to pick one at the beginning of the game. I picked Qinglongmon because he was the only one I recognized lol. I'm not sure what the point of this choice was other than the fact that he shows up and says a couple things towards the end.
-Ken gets reduced to a guy-in-the-chair, but a very useful guy in the chair! I found the d-terminal way more handy this time around when it came to figuring out digivolution. Ken tells you exactly how many JP (Jogress points) you need to reach the next level. Honestly, it was a relief not having to tag team in this one too, that was kind of an annoying gimmick.
-Although jogress was still annoying in this game, they thankfully added an item that allows you to add +5 JPs to your digimon which made it so much easier to get some megas on my team. Also, digivolution and skills just felt more intuitive and happened faster this time around which is appreciated.
-I think they realized how OP stun was and nerfed it a bit. It's still a good feeling to win by stunning all the enemy digimon, but stun misses like 60% of the time, so you just waste your turn a lot of the time.
-Playing this right after Tag Tamers was pretty magical because I went from black and white to color (a Wizard of Oz moment). Although the inside of the dungeons were still very repetitive, the outsides were beautiful! (Showcasing some of my faves above).
-One stupid addition that made me mad was the D1 Tournament. This is a Digimon World-style AI vs. AI tournament where you just stare at the screen and hope your digimon win. It was just a slog to get through and I just wanted to get back to the dungeons. I really can't see the appeal in that sort of "gameplay." In fact, I fast forwarded or got up for a snack whenever it got to that part.
-Another lame part about this game is that you can't buy multiple items at once anymore! You could do it in Tag Tamers so why did they go backwards!? You seriously have to buy one item at a time. How dumb.
-I'm pretty proud of my final team: Metal Greymon, King Etemon, and AeroVeedramon. Metal Greymon had poison and curse, King Etemon had stun and AeroVeedramon had the best all-enemies attack. I could of gotten AeroVeedramon to mega as well, but I realized I didn't need to to win and it would have taken another few hours.
-There was a bit more variety in the dungeons compared to Tag Tamers. They all looked the same, but a lot of them had a gimmick. Some of them had puzzles or various ways you were supposed to interact with the bosses to progress. I'm glad they mixed things up a bit since the last game was really straightforward.
-Pretty hilarious that this game ends all ominously by being like "~And then we never saw Ryo again~" but then you hit the new game plus and Gennai's like "Ah, if it isn't Ryo!" Like, clearly the new game plus bit isn't part of the canon storyline, but it still made me chuckle.
-Apparently the only thing to do in new game plus is just continue raising digimon which...no thanks.
-I've heard that this acts as a prequel to Digimon Tamers which is so exciting! I'm glad that I'm doing things in the proper order. One more game (kinda-sorta?) and then I finally get to move on from Adventure 01/02 ;w;
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enbyjjunie · 2 months ago
DKB | MTL likely to spank their partner
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this is just my thoughts on the matter and it's okay if you disagree, this is just fiction. i'm not saying this is how dkb is and this post should not be taken seriously
if you like this, please consider sharing
(explanation/details under the cut)
Dongil is the most likely to actually lean into the spanking as a punishment. i have been leaning towards him being a brat tamer for the longest time and one of your biggest tools as a tamer is punishments, so i can see him being well-versed in spanking as a punishment. he also seems like the type to want to make sure he hits perfectly, so he would definitely have his partner over his knee to spank them, instead of it being during sex.
Harry is second highest up since he lives to pull reactions out of his partner, and what gives more of a reaction than a well-timed spank during sex? i can see him get really into pulling those reactions out of his partner, so maybe he'd get too into it and end up bruising them a little (also since who knows if he remembers to remove his rings), wanting more and more of his partner's gasps and cries at the spanks, he doesn't realise how many times he's already slapped their ass. also he would slap PERFECTLY, mostly hitting skin with his fingertips (we all see how much attention to details he dances with... that can apply to sex too)
Heechan would find it really fun and would love to play around with spanking his partner, but only if that was something they are super into too of course. if they are, then he would not hold back. he loves the feeling of his palm connecting to their ass in such a harsh manner. he would also loooove the view of the flesh of their ass jiggle after a slap. he uses spanking more as an enhancer to everything else he's doing, like making a thrust that much sharper by adding a slap to his partner's ass at the same time.
Junseo would not be into spanking that way. he would do it if he knew his partner was into it and even then it would never be about inflicting pain. he would still find it fun because he's a big guy and loves when he looks like one compared to his partner, and so seeing his big hand connect with their ass, covering way more skin than what was needed since his hand is just that large, it does something to him. he also just loves to make his partner feel good, and if they like when he spanks them during sex, he'll enjoy it more. (he also finds it hot when he can feel their body react to the slaps)
Changmin doesn't really like the idea of hurting his partner, but he is a huge softie and will fold if his partner really wants to be spanked. it's gonna take him some time to get used to and comfortable with, but he would do most things if it meant that his partner was happy and more satisfied. he's not gonna be the one who hits the hardest but he can be coached into decent slapping from what would be better described as love taps.
Yuku wouldn't spank his partner unless they really wanted him to. see, i see yuku as being a pleaser; what he wants most is to know that he's doing everything that his partner wants him to do, but spanking is a little out of his comfort zone. he would study hard if he was asked to do it, wanting to try and gather as much knowledge about how to have a good technique before venturing into it with someone else, wanting to be as good as he can be for his partner. he would be so nervous to do it at first though.
Gwanghyun would not want to do it. it doesn't turn him on in the slightest to spank his partner. he would at most grab harder onto them but he would not spank. sorry, but he is a lover not a... slapper? his hands would be running smoothly over his partner's skin, helping them move or stay in the perfect position and spanking would ruin his mood, his carefully curated, loving mood. the most spanking his partner would get from him is a playful one, not sexual at all, and not even harsh, probably while clothed and doing mundane things like washing dishes.
Lune? absolutely NOT! i'm sorry but he would rather get hand tattoos and go bald before he would spank his beloved partner. nahhh, spanking is a turn-off for him. hurting his partner, in general, is a big turn-off for him. he loves being gentle but firm with his partner, but never crosses the line that would inflict any kind of pain or discomfort. sex for him is about being comfortable with his partner and enjoying each other's bodies in a very soft and intimate way. his members on the other hand.... yeah they're on the other side of his aggression, no doubt.
masterlist tip jar
A/N: so, ngl i did this bc it was the easiest to do. i have been so so busy during December it's actually a joke... BUT i wanted you guys to know that i see your requests and i'm getting to them asap. i'm thinking that i'm gonna have the requests as top priority and then try and finish kinktober on the side since we're now gonna enter a whole new year, and it really shouldn't be everything that i do. i now know my own limits lmao. BUT YEAH all this to say that i'm gonna shift my focus onto your requests more :3
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digi-lov · 2 years ago
how do u even start getting into Digimon?? there so much stuff, i dont even know where to begin. like, there is like a hundred shows??? do i start with the first one that came out??
Idk man it just happened??
No, but seriously, don't worry about it! There aren't even that many shows if you ask me. I'll put a list below the cut! I'll list all movies too, so it'll look like more than it really is. Also the dates are the japanese air dates.
Obviously starting with the first season, Digimon Adventure is an easy pick, it also has the most sequels and movies.
But aside from the Adventure related media, all other Digimon Seasons are completely self-contained, and you can just go and watch any! They also all explore "Digimon" and the Digital World in different ways. I personally loved them all.
For the anime I also highly recommend watching the Japanese original. I'm sorry for anyone who grew up with it, but I can barely stand watching the English Dub at all. If you know German though, the German Dub is really good. I still prefer the Japanese original, but the German Dub is at least a translation and not a fan fiction.
The same basically goes for the games. You can just pick any of them up! Also, all Digimon games kind of do their own thing in terms of gameplay and mechanics. There's similarities too, but usually each have their own vibe. A lot of the DS titles do work very similar though!
Adventure: Digimon Adventure (Movie) (1999) • Digimon Adventure (Season 1) (1999-2000) Digimon Adventure: Our War Game (Movie) (2000) • Digimon Adventure 02 (Season 2) (2000-2001) Digimon Adventure 02: Hurricane Touchdown!! Supreme Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals (Movie) (2000) Digimon Adventure 02: Diaboromon Strikes Back (Movie) (2001) • Digimon Adventure tri. (6 Movies or 24 Episodes) (2015-2018) Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (Movie) (2020) Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning (Movie) (2023) [Digimon Adventure: (Reboot) (2020)]
Tamers: • Digimon Tamers (Season 3) (2001-2002) Digimon Tamers: The Adventures' Battle (Movie) (2001) Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express (Movie) (2002)
Frontier: • Digimon Frontier (Season 4) (2002-2003) Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon (Movie) (2002)
Savers/Data Squad: • Digimon Savers / Data Squad (Season 5) (2006-2007) Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! (Movie) (2006)
Xros Wars/Fusion: • Digimon Xros Wars / Fusion (2010-2012)
Appmon: • Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (2016-2017)
Ghost Game: • Digimon Ghost Game (2021-2023)
Games: Generally known Games in bold, more obscure or never released in the West in small I also left out most Phone and Smart Phone games since they're shut down
· Digital Monster Ver. S: Digimon Tamers (1998) (Sega Saturn) • Digimon World (1999) (PS1) · Digital Monster Ver. WonderSwan (1999) (WonderSwan) · Digimon World: Digital Card Battle (1999) (PS1) · Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer (1999/2000) (WonderSwan) · Digimon Adventure 02: Digital Partner (2000) (WonderSwan) · Pocket Digimon World (2000) (PS1) > Pocket Digimon World: Wind Battle Disc (2000) (PS1) > Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc (2001) (PS1) • Digimon World 2 (2000) (PS1) · Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers (2000) (WonderSwan) · Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers (2000) (WonderSwan Color) · Digimon World: Digital Card Arena (2000) (PS1) · Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley (2001) (WonderSwan Color) • Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit (2001) (WonderSwan Color / GBA) > Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5 (2002) (WonderSwan Color) > Digimon Frontier: Battle Spirit / Battle Spirit 2 (2002) (WonderSwan Color / GBA) • Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution / Rumble Arena (2001) (PS1) · Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer (2001) (WonderSwan Color) • Digimon World 3 / 2003 (2002) (PS1) · Digimon Racing (2004) (GBA) • Digimon Battle Chronicle / Rumble Arena 2 (2004) (PS2 / GCN) • Digimon World X / World 4 (2005) (PS2 / GCN) • Digimon Story / Digimon World DS (2006) (DS) · Digimon Savers: Another Mission / Digimon World Data Squad (2006) (PS2) • Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight / Digimon World Dawn & Dusk (2007) (DS) · Digimon Championship / Digimon World Championship (2008) (DS) · Digimon Masters (2009) (PC) [Korea only] · Digimon Story: Lost Evolution (2010) (DS) [Japan only; Fan Translation exists] · Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red (2011) (DS) • Digimon World Re:Digitize (2012) (PSP) > Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode (2013) (3DS) [Japan only; Fan translation exists] · Digimon Adventure (2013) (PSP) [Japan only; Fan translation exists] • Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (2015) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) • Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory (2015) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) • Digimon World -next 0rder- (2016) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) · Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (2016) (3DS) · Digimon New Century (2021) (Smart Phone) [China only] • Digimon Survive (2022) (PS4, Switch, PC, XBO)
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crazyfartpenguin · 9 months ago
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propheteka · 2 years ago
Two fun things about this pic…
The first is I made a different version of this for my nephew's cake topper. As much as I'd have loved to post that one, he's a fan of the D1 Digivice design. I'm a fan of Tamers and knew it just wouldn't feel right to keep the wrong Digivice behind ol' Impmon here.
The second is it took a fat piece of forever to track down the old font Bandai used on Digimon stuff in the US. To save you the trouble of hunting down the font used on the name: Serpentine D. I Think I ended up having it from the old D-Ark game/encyclopedia software that came with the toy back in the day. Even my research skills were hampered by time trying to dig up any info on the older toys and cards.
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Impmon [05.21.2023 to 06.07.2023]
- — - — ~ — - — -
Process: - HB, 4H Pencil on Printer paper - Sketched, Inked and Colored in SketchBook. - Background, Text and effects done in Illustrator and Fireworks.
Impmon belongs to Bandai Namco.
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izzyizumi · 3 years ago
Just Digimon Adventures Things
Ryo Akiyama: I'm Sorry in advance for Millenniumon
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
ME: Good morning to Ryo Akiyama and Ryo Akiyama oNLY
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uzunotegaki · 4 years ago
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DigiWeek 2021: 8/1 Odaiba Day
This is our last evolution, and this is also our new adventure!
My take on Odaiba Day this year is drawing Taichi and Yamato from Kizuna running against the time to confront Menoa and Eosmon.
I draw these youths running in pure white background to show emptiness surrounding them. The remaining Chosen Children have been rendered unconscious by Eosmon (except Sora who has retired as Chosen Child, and Daisuke and co. who also join the fray in USA). And it is up to Taichi and Yamato to save them by defeating Eosmon. While they are running against the time, a spiritual image of another Digimon protags materializes behind their backs, indicating that they are spiritually supporting those men (yes, including Kizuna version of Daisuke and WonderSwan version of Ryou regarding of his status as legendary one). I depict them similar with the characters using Miracle Lights in Pretty Cure All Stars movies (where the Cures are in brink of defeat and the viewers support them by raising Miracle Lights to engage a Power Up and defeat the Big Bad).
And last but not least, Happy Odaiba Day for Digimon fans!
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acevaliant · 5 years ago
the only good/non forced choice to a digimon representant in smash bros is if they are like pokemon trainer and have one of those guys as their tamers
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Because let's be serious here...digimon never begin as a game franchise, as well, agumon wasn't a game character, it's more like a toy franchise with those v-pets. it's like if they want to put the lego batman on smash just because lego HAS games and he is in lego dimensions. however, we have a planty of digimon game chars that could do a tribute to the games and have agumon as partner.well maybe not the cybersleuth ones since they don't have agumon as their cannon partner, but they have some non forced chance to get in, since terry and sans made it
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floriwoo · 4 years ago
what do you think dkbs kinks are? i have a feeling junseo has a lil size kinkkk 👀 also personally idm you writing for yuku (🍗)
anon,,,, this was a trip like i didn’t know i could be attracted to so many men all at once aaaaa. half of this is just me freaking out over them lmao.
again, i wrote these out more like headcanons instead of specific kink names, hope that’s okay! also i had to put it under the cut bc it was getting too long haha
definitely a dom
he is So into shower sex. he loves how the warm water runs down your naked body, how the steam from the shower wraps around the two of you. and the fact that there’s no clean up afterward is a plus too!
king of denying you your orgasm. like this dude’s dream is spending hours between your legs, using his fingers and his mouth to get you so close but never letting you orgasm. when he finally does let you cum, he finds it so hot, because he knows he has complete control over your pleasure.
i mentioned this in my other post but he’d love laying you on your back and fucking your throat. seeing his cock slide into your mouth and leave a bulge in your neck turns him on immensely.
he’s the type to have you put a vibrator inside of you and keep the remote with him. he’d leave it off for most of the day, but just when you get comfortable, he’d turn it to the highest setting, almost making you cum right on the spot.
i see him as a switch
okay but him on his knees for you, staring up with his big doe eyes valskfjhlfjhvjd
he likes being blindfolded when he subs!! it increases his sensitivity to your touch and makes things exciting bc he never knows what’s coming next. one second you could be kissing his neck and the next second he’d be whimpering from the shock of his dick in your mouth.
when he doms, he likes to have your face down ass up. he loves clutching a handful of your booty, and having you rock back and forth on his cock. when he’s close, he’ll pull out and cum all over your ass, asking to take a picture of his mess afterward for later usage.
he also loves quickies!!! he gets SO turned on if he has to cum quickly to avoid being late somewhere. he often cums the hardest during these times, since the stimulation on his dick is so sudden and overwhelming.
switch/no power play
he’s so into worshipping your body, like he loves to take his time kissing and admiring every inch of you. he’s the type to suck on your nipples and trace his fingers along your hips, and every one of his touches is so gentle
similarly, he loves to praise you. he’s always letting you know how beautiful you are and how you make him feel good. definitely the type to chant “i love you” while he cums
one of his favorite things is having you between his legs, your back to his chest while he uses his fingers on you. he loves the way you moan for him and the way your hips jerk into his hand
when he’s more submissive he’s much whinier, begging for you to let him cum inside you. if you say yes, he’d repeat “thank you” so many times when he orgasms. if you say no, you’d get to hear the sweet sounds of his begging.
switch w/ sub lean
i’m very biased bc i just want this man squirming under me adjfdghkl
but his more dominant nature can slip out when he decides to dirty talk. you guys could be out clothes shopping and you’d ask for his opinion on something and he’d lean in real close to your ear before whispering about how he wants to fuck you right there in a dressing room.
when he’s feeling subby, though, your voice is the one that’ll be making his knees weak. he loves when you talk dirty to him or tease him in public !! his favorite is when you put your hand on his thigh and start massaging the muscle. the close proximity of your hand to his cock while others are around drives him crazy.
he loves when you hold him by the waist. in fact, sometimes when he’s on top, he’ll let you grab his hips and guide his thrusts instead of moving himself. he likes how it feels as if you’re taking control of his body to use as you please.
you cannot convince me that this guy isn’t into jealous/competitive/angry sex
i feel like he always has something to prove and that extends to the bedroom. he just wants to show you how good he can fuck you
and the idea of angry sex goes along with being a brat tamer. though he acts like he hates you disobeying him, it actually turns him on even more.
you touching yourself without his permission is the quickest way to piss him off, and he’ll bend you over his lap to spank you as punishment
please he’d be so good with his hips..... him rolling his hips into you at an excruciatingly slow pace, watching how deeply his cock enters you, waiting for you to beg him to go faster
an absolute tease. i can see him being into both orgasm denial and overstimulation (giving). he loves having you and your body under his control, and hearing the sweet sounds you make.
you and him just chilling on the couch while under a blanket around the other (legal) members. he’d place a hand on your stomach, slowly sliding it down before reaching under the waistband of your shorts. your head would whip around to look at him, but he’d just hold a finger up to his smirking lips to tell you to stay quiet as he touches you.
he’s such a brat when he subs though. he would go out of his way to disobey you just to see how much he can piss you off.
like you’d be riding him and tell him to let you know when he was about to cum. you’d keep bouncing on his cock and suddenly you feel his cum start to drip down your legs. looking down at his face, the expression you’d see was a mix of pleasure from his orgasm and from defying your orders.
no power play probs
i can see him having a size kink, but i think he just enjoys how much stronger he is than you. he likes being able to lift you up and bend you into any position he wants.
he LOVES blowjobs. i mean, all the guys like them but this dude LOVES them the most out of everyone. he really enjoys how your mouth feels around his dick, and he likes pulling out and cumming all over your chest.
he was honestly pretty nervous the first time he gave you head, because he was never quite sure if he was doing it correctly. kept asking you “is this okay?” and you had to give him some guidance. now he’s a pro and often offers to give you head in exchange for a blowjob.
he still can’t get over how hot you are when you cum, like he’s so amazed every single time you do it.
sub/no power play
mutual masturbation with him thoughwjkcbjskksjvjsksjxbxjsj
pushing him down into in a chair and telling him to show you how he pleases himself... him stroking his cock while you you touch yourself over your panties...the little groans he would let out...
another way you’d dominate him would be riding his thigh, but not letting him touch you. he’d be so hard, watching you run yourself over the fabric of his jeans, soaking them to the point where he could feel your juices on his skin
he’d whine for you to let him do something, but you’d just lean into his neck and whisper about how good you feel, just to get him even more worked up
another scenario i’m thinking about is like.... watching porn with him. you’d just randomly ask him to watch it with you and he’d be so shy but so turned on all at the same time. bonus points if you reach over to palm him over his pants while keeping your eyes on the screen. the way he’d move his hips to get more friction i’m-
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otakween · 1 year ago
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Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer - Final Thoughts
Phew! If you're wondering why I've been quiet for a bit, it's because this game took me 3 weeks to beat. It was kind of grueling at times. It definitely assumes that you played the previous 3 (or 4 if Anode and Cathode count for 2) games and does NOT baby you at the start. It definitely wasn't my favorite game in the series, but the fact that it did away with the terrible old Jogress system earned it a lot of points in my book. There are still some Wonderswan games to play, but I think that's really it for Ryo games! Thank goodness :)
Major downgrade from D1 Tamers visually! D1 was so colorful and exploring the world was actually interesting. Brave Tamer follows the Digimon World 2 strat of making every single dungeon pretty much identical and the hub world is bland as heck as well. You don't even need to travel to get to the dungeons you just walk up to the same hole every time. Lame.
Thank God this game lets digimon level up and evolve normally. It basically follows the Pokemon style of evolution. In previous games there were bullshit level caps unless you jogressed a zillion times. This game still has that dumb mechanic where your digimon devolves into a baby. I get that that happens in the show, but it felt pretty silly in the game. They get back to normal pretty quickly after a few battles.
Digimon recruitment is limited to borrowing digimon from digidestined from the various anime series. What an awkward concept. Ryo comes out of nowhere to save the day and then each partner digimon is like "See ya partner, I'm ditching you for Ryo!" I'm just imagining the characters that are left partner-less facing certain doom after Ryo leaves lol. Maybe it's one of those situations where they're only gone for a few minutes due to dimension hopping.
The card slash system (based on the Tamers universe of course) was interesting, but kind of annoying to figure out. After I got a handful of strong cards I couldn't be arsed to keep trying new jogress combos.
Speaking of taking the lazy route, I didn't use the majority of the digimon I recruited once LOL. It's more efficient to just stick with the same digimon for the whole game unless you want to spend a lot of time grinding, so that's what I did. I ended up with only mega-level digimon at the end which is frustrating because MegaloGrowmon and Taomon were at level 30! (They upgrade to mega at 31).
The bosses were strangely easy in this game (except for one that took me like 5 tries). What made it hard were the frickin' labyrinthine dungeons (the last one is TIMED! Evil). I have a terrible sense of direction IRL and in video games so the dungeons in this game were torture for me. You have to traverse up to 5 floors and sometimes there are so many dead ends and roadblocks that it takes what feels like an eternity. Also, there are random battles every 2 seconds that increase the suffering. In the later game I planned my route ahead of time by figuring out where the boss was on YouTube and mapping backwards from there. Here's a screenshot of me and my map in MS Paint:
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(By the way, I always play Wonderswan games in windowed mode or else they look wonky. This time, that really came in handy).
I had to use multiple guides to figure out some of this game because the most popular walkthrough wasn't very good. It barely gives you any instructions on getting through dungeons, which was what I really needed.
Most scandalous part of this game was when Millenniummon called Ryo his lover (koibito)? Whaaaaa...?
I didn't realize that this game is a prequel to Tamers so I kinda did things out of order, whoops! I didn't realize that Cyberdramon was supposed to be the outcome of a Monodramon/Millenniummon jogress. Makes me want to rewatch some bits of the anime...
There was so much dramatic build up for the final battle and then it was so easy? I didn't even need to use the 10 low-level healing items I stocked up on. Oh well, guess I was well prepared.
Of course there's a post-game where you can scan all the digimon you missed, but that just seems silly. They're not partners in this game, they're cards. If I can't a raise a digimon I don't really see the appeal in collecting them all. (I mean I guess I wouldn't see the appeal in raising them all either, but the cards seem like even more of a waste of time).
The Wonderswan games have always been my fave digimon games but this one felt simultaneously half-assed and overly complicated. I'd give it like a 5 or 6 out of 10. Let's call it a 5.5.
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nocturna-iv · 4 years ago
001: descendants, 002: Bumarry, 003: Ben for the ask game please ❤️
Hi luv!
About this ask:
And of course!
001: Descendants
Favorite character: Uma
Least Favorite character: Mal
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Harry Hook x Uma
Ben x Uma
Harriet Hook x Ginny Gothel 
Jay x Lonnie
Jay x Uma
5 Favorite polyships (canon or non-canon):
Ben x Harry Hook x Uma (Ben x Gil x Harry Hook x Uma)
Audrey x Harry Hook x Gil x Uma (Audrey x Ben x Harry Hook x Gil x Uma)
Carlos de Vil x Jay x Lonnie
Chad x Jay x Gil x Harry Hook 
Gil x Harry Hook x Jay x Uma
Character I find most attractive: Harry Hook
Character I would marry: Ben, Harry, Lonnie & Uma
Character I would be best friends with: Ben, Carlos, Jane & Jay
A random thought: Because it’s Disney, Descendants doesn’t touch on prostitution, human trafficking, and violent sexuality and at a very early age that the VK had to live, as happens in the real world in invasions, guerrillas (child soldiers), street children or centers penitentiaries not properly regulated (such as the Isle of the Lost, a prison without guards and any law). But I don’t touch on the subject because it’s something very real and strong to expose it like that with the fandom but due to my profession and work, it’s something that my brain always remembers. Also, I don't like it when people treat these topics just for shock value.
An unpopular opinion: It's visibly awkward that ships and popular characters are mostly white. And I mean in the content of the fandom. Although we talk about the racism that exists in the canon, very few people seek to balance the numbers with new contributions  (whether with content with canon characters, OCs, or y/n). I don't know if it makes sense. But it seems that it is easy to talk about racism but not do something actively to include BIPOC characters (This is why I get excited when I find people drawing Audrey, Jay, Evie, Uma, and others without lightening their skin tone or writing fics with BIPOC y/n or creating things with the BIPOC canon characters as their main characters)
My canon OTP: Harry Hook x Uma
Non-canon OTP: Jay x Lonnie
Most badass character: Uma
Pairing I am not a fan of: Any ship with Mal. Especially Mal canon. And I HATE Mal x Uma, Audrey x Mal and Ben x Mal. Because of the toxic and abusive environment.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): 
Chad Charming.  From the start, Chad, Cinderella's son was turned into... a terrible character. Well, in the beginning, he is intelligent and manipulative, who knows how to use his charm against others. Brilliant. Cool. I can work with that. He may have an arc about learning about his wrongdoing and using his privileges to help others who don't. But no, the character just went downhill and became everyone's joke. 
Also, Ben, obviously. The movies wouldn't exist without him and he became an accessory to Mal. Disney can only write hero and damsel in distress, it seems. Because they do that to Ben. A tool to move the plot. My poor golden boy.
Favourite friendship: Jay and Lonnie. Give me two best friends who constantly joke around, kick each other's butt, compete in even the most ridiculous things, are affectionate with each other and even if they don't plan on it, they spend time together (I'm seeing you Jay and "I'm not going to invite no one to the ball but I'm going to dance with Lonnie all night ")
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I'm going to adopt Celia and no one will be able to stop me!
002: Bumarry,
When of if I started shipping it: Technically I answered this here. Also, from looking for Huma and Buma fics, I ended up finding my first Bumarry and... Oh, I got hooked on the idea.
My thoughts: They are my OTPoly (One True Polyship). I love them. Because they allow me to mix the variables and create new scenarios. After all the damage Ben has gone through, I inevitably want to give him the best and the best is Huma. What else can I say? It’s absolute logic.
What makes me happy about them: The devotion, affection, and strength they would have. Ben and Uma are very different leaders who complement each other very well and I could only trust Harry to take care of the two of them and give them the freedom they deserve. Ben is incredibly loving and that's something both Harry and Uma deserve to feel, Uma is incredibly protective and Ben needs that backing to rule and Harry needs that to stay alive every 5 seconds. Harry's loyalty is unprecedented, he would see to not only that everything is up to Ben and Uma's standards, but he would personally see that their dreams come true.
What makes me sad about them: 
Harry Hook/Uma:
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Ben/Harry Hook:
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Ben/Harry Hook/Uma:
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There isn't much of them... And they're mostly fics of mine. I want more content, you know? I want to read fics, drabbles, see fanarts... Buh.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: It’s not in Bumarry itself. Actually, it's in Ben/Harry Hook, they usually play dirty with Uma. And it annoys me. They make her mean, jealous, cruel, or things like that to Ben and Harry. And this I came across once: They make Harry gay and that his relationship/dynamic with Uma is pure appearance. I had no problem with Harry being gay, but the justification for his sexual tension with Uma was all... Fake? No, it didn't fit in well with me. I think that's why when you ask me to write Ben/Harry Hook, Uma is there to give support. Don't play dirty with my queen.
Things I look for in fanfic: Uma dom! Uma top! Those are my favorite tags.
My kinks: With this polyship? Okay... BDSM all the way. 
Ben:  Caring dom, cuckolding, cupping, degradee (especially with actions), experimentalists, little one, masochist, pet, hunter (primal), praise kink, prey (primal), rope bunny, submissive, suspension, switch, tentacle fetich, voyeur,  wax play
Harry Hook: Alpha sub, brat, breath play, biting fetich, choking, cupping, dom, degrader, exhibitionist, knife play (hook play?), owner, pet, praise kink, prey (primal), rigger, sadistic, slave, submissive,  switch, tentacle fetich
Uma:  Brat tamer, biting fetich, Dom, electrostimulation (electro-wand, feel like a little sting), exhibitionist, Immobilization, masochist, mistress, owner, hunter (primal),  orgasm control, sensation play, scratching, 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Ben/Uma, Ben/Harry Hook, Harry Hook/Uma, with Gil, Evie or Jay. 
My happily ever after for them: 
Ben and Uma reigning Auradon and the Isle of the Lost together, Harry Hook taking care of them so they don't get exhausted and are protected from any attack. 
Ben on the run with Harry and Uma to live a pirate life and reclaiming Auradon in a rebellion.
003 Ben
How I feel about this character: I love him! He has good intentions. Ben knows that he is in a position of power and struggles to take advantage of his privileges to change things. He is rebellious, the second he is going to take the throne he begins to dismantle the system. Ben has a good heart and wants to help other people. Besides, I love that he has his survival instinct broken.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uma, Harry Hook, Evie, Gil, Jay, Audrey and Chad
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jane, Lonnie, Chad, Audrey, Evie, Uma, Harry Hook, Evie, Gil, Jay hahaha
My unpopular opinion about this character: Because he's a guy, the fandom downplays the horrible things he's been through.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: He has maintained his friendship with Audrey and Chad. It breaks my heart to know that he is completely alone in that department since D1 and is perpetuated throughout the following films. I also wanted him to end up with Mal.
My het ship: Ben/Uma & Audrey/Ben
My fem/slash ship: Ben/Harry Hook, Ben/Gil, Ben/Chad
My OTP: Ben/Uma
My OT3: Ben/Harry Hook/Uma
My cross over ship: *thinking* Oh... Ben/Leo Valdez (PJO) And! And! Ben/Reggie (JATP)
My kink: Caring dom, cuckolding, cupping, degradee (especially with actions), experimentalists, little one, masochist, pet, hunter (primal), praise kink, prey (primal), rope bunny, submissive, suspension, switch, tentacle fetich, voyeur,  wax play
A HC fact: He likes to constantly question himself. About his sexual orientation, about his gender identity, about his ability to love, about his pleasure, above all. He likes to explore. Ben is queer.
My gender bend: Technically I already have it. In Meanwhile. Bee, she loos like her. I LOVE the idea of Bee shieldmaiden.
I love responding this! Thank you!!!!!!!
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toplinetommy · 5 years ago
Without Warning - Matthew Tkachuk
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Synopsis: A college!AU where Matty is playing D1 hockey with people he’s actually played with at various levels (he’s in like his third year in this and is going to the NHL after)
Words: 2.9k
A/N: purely basing this off of my friend’s D2 college hockey experiences, stereotypical guy talk is mentioned (like pulling girls), gif credit to @matthewtkafuck
“Just come out with us Chucky!” His captain, Noah yells across the locker room to him. The boys were buzzing, coming off a two-game series sweep against their state rivals, propelling them to a first place spot in the division.
He began taking his chest pads off, contemplating the idea, “I don’t know man.” On one hand, he could go out and finally let loose after a long week of tough practices and study sessions, but on the other he could run into the one person he avoided on campus: you. 
“Bro, you never come out anymore, just let loose!” His center, Auston, advises. 
As Matthew pushes his pads into his bag, he looks around the room. The energy is high and he can tell everyone is deciding to go out and even talking about their post-bar plans. Besides, the weather was actually nice for this time of year. The snow from last week’s storm had finished melting away and the temperature was higher than it normally was for late February in Boston.
The first hour or two of him being at the bar passed by like a blur. Him and Noah had decided to go drink for drink throughout the night and had even started stacking their cups in the corner of the booth their group occupied.
The loud house music beats into Matthew’s ears as he and Noah walk back up to the bar for their next round of drinks. Once they both shout their orders over the loud bass, Noah starts talking about this new girl he’s hooking up with. Matthew listens lightly, deciding he doesn’t really want to hear the specific details of Maya. Or was it Mia? Megan? He didn’t know, and he quite honestly was tired of hearing about it.
“And the other day she came over after practice and bud,” He starts, the bartender cutting them off as he returns with the drinks. Matthew tells him to keep it on his tab before Noah continues. “She did this thing when I was about to -” 
Matthew’s attention on Noah completely halts as he sees y/n’s small but mighty frame on the other side of the L-shaped bar. Her hair was down, framing her face just the way he liked. Noah noticed the stop in Matthew’s breathing and followed his gaze to where she stood.
“Oh, shit.” Noah remarks.
Noah claps his hand down onto Matthew’s shoulder as they both eye her from their spots. Matthew’s feet feel like cinder blocks as he fails to move so she doesn't catch a glimpse of him. As he starts to regain feeling in his body moments later, he brings his cup to his mouth ditching the straw to take a larger than necessary gulp of the alcohol.
He’s pulled away from his cup, however, when he hears her all too familiar laugh, he tenses back up and debates finishing it in one pull. Her head leans back, exposing the skin of her neck as she rests her free hand on the bicep of the man next to her. Of Matthew’s teammate. Of Matthew’s friend.
He turns heavily on his heels, planning to put as much space between the two of the two of them as he possibly could in the run-down college bar. Noah followed closely behind him, coming to a halt at the booth they were once sat at earlier in the night.
“I didn't know she’d be here, bud.” Noah claimed to Matthew, the rest of the guys turning their heads to their conversation.
“Why wouldn't she be here, Noah? It’s literally the place to be on a Saturday night.” Matthew reasoned, rubbing his forehead with his hand that wasn’t holding his drink.
“Why wouldn’t who be here?” one of the freshmen asked, confused as to the situation unfolding in front of them.
“Y/n,” Matthew groans, color draining from his face when he sees her walking in the general direction of the table he’s occupied himself at. He quickly plops down next to Tyler even though there wasn’t nearly enough space for him. “Don’t move, she’s coming over here.” 
Tyler, very nonchalantly, whips his head in the direction Matthew was just looking in to find her. Tyler catches her gaze, and he curses under his breath due to her visibly recognizing him.
Matthew slaps the bicep of his friend for doing next to nothing to avoid her from making her way over to him and his group.
“Hey, Matty,” she greets, causing Matthew’s head to snap up in her direction. He greets her back with his signature tight-lipped smile, hoping that this would cause her to walk away quicker.
“I heard you guys beat Harvard,” She states. Hearing her voice erupts all the past memories of her that Matthew tried so hard to erase over the course of the past few weeks. Her voice is sweet and smooth like honey, completely contradicting the way things ended between the two of you.
Matthew moves to his feet, standing up from the cramped bench he failed to hide himself on. “Hey, y/n.” He greets lowly, looking from your eyes down to your feet. He does it quickly, hesitating to keep his eyes trained on your features for longer than a few seconds. His actions go unnoticed, as she opens her mouth to begin talking again.
“How have you been?” She asks, bringing her glass of whiskey to her lips. He watches her lick the remaining droplets off her lips when she’s done.
“Good, first in the division.” He answers shortly. Matthew leans his body against the wood paneled wall, hand still clasping his drink. He pushes his hands through his curls that he let free for once. Which he soon remembered was something she liked about him, making him feel a little self-conscious in the moment.
“That’s good,” She hums, taking a step towards his stiff figure. This time it was her turn to run her eyes over his body, though she did it much more purposefully and made sure he noticed her actions. He did, and his stomach twisted wondering if she liked the way he looked tonight. He had opted for a pair of light-wash jeans and flannel over his hoodie combo instead of his usual dark grey sweats and t-shirt. 
In the moment he was battling internally with himself on whether or not he really wanted to continue to talk to you, but as soon as her hand softly handed on the muscles of his bicep, the battle was over. He visibly lightened on his feet, slouching a much more normal amount than he previously was and he crossed his ankles as he leant more weight on his one leg.
“I noticed you’ve been playing really well recently.” She compliments, speaking loudly over the thumps of the speakers. He reads her facial features, her eyes are much softer than he remembers and her cheeks are especially pink due to her love of blush and the alcohol in her system.
He smiles just wide enough to show his dimples at the compliment, always one to talk about his accomplishments, especially when it’s about how he plays on the ice. “Thanks, the boys have been rolling lately.” 
“It’s good seeing you all having fun, too.” She starts, gesturing to the group of players. “I know you don’t let yourself have too much fun too often.” The comment she makes is true, and even more so lately due to her. He holds back a scoff at the comment before speaking up.
“There’s a few people I don’t risk running into.” He says bluntly, leaning away from her so she can clearly see the lack of emotion on his face. “I kinda got roped into coming out tonight.” He watches her face falter a bit at the comment. 
Throughout the entirety of their relationship, y/n had only really seen the softer side of Matthew. The two of them had consistently spent time together over the course of the school year, but primarily behind closed doors. Hell, she barely even went to his games even after telling him about her love for the sport.
She still ignores his blatant call out towards her, choosing to not settle on that talking point. An awkward silence falls between the two of them, the loud music and chatter from the crowd filling their ears. 
“What have you been up to?” She asks, and God, all Matthew can think about is how awkward this all is. At one point a few weeks ago, conversation was carelessly easy between the two of them and they talked almost every minute of every day.
In the moment, he knows it’s not the best idea to open up to her again, but he doesn’t really think about all of the bad consequences a simple conversation between the two of them can have.
“Just the usual, hockey, workouts, going to classes, spending all my time at the hockey house.” He answers, voice much tamer than before. He takes another small sip from his cup as you offer him a reply.
Conversation continues to flow between the two of you as the two of you catch up on what the other has been doing since they stopped talking all those weeks ago. He starts to see the crowd thin out, indicating that the two of them have been talking for much longer than he realized.
She steps up on her toes, leaning in further and moving her hand up towards his shoulder, and whispers into his ear, “Hey, you wanna get outta here?”
His head pulls away from hers craning his neck so his eyes are looking into hers. He contemplates saying no for exactly one second before she licks her lips and his mind is made up. “Sure.”
She moves from Matthew’s eyes to his mouth, before she leans in and places her glossy lips on his. A fire lights inside him as he kisses her for the first time in what feels like forever and it’s a feeling he definitely knows he missed.
He pulls away, only enough to speak, “I can drive, I haven’t gotten a new drink in a while.”
She double checks that he’s good to drive before he takes her hand in his and begins to lead her outside. He quickly lets the boys know that he’s heading home and that he’ll see him tomorrow. He continues to walk towards the exit and opens the door for her.
As the two of them step outside, the weather has done a complete 180 from what it was earlier in the night. Where the ground was once clear, there was starting to be a light patch of white snow covering both the pavement and the grass. Y/n shivers in her tank top, and Matthew pulls her closer to his tall frame.
Heavy snowflakes continued to fall as he drove the two of them back to his house off-campus. He turned to look at her in the passenger seat, lightly laughing, “Ya know, I was supposed to celebrate the win tonight with the boys and here I am. Driving you home in the midst of a snow storm.”
She giggled at that, igniting a blush on Matthew’s cold cheeks. He reaches for the knob that controls the temperature in the car, and turns the heat up once more. As he pulls his hand away, y/n grabs it and laces their fingers together.
He gets them to his house, pulling into the crowded driveway before meeting her at the hood of his car. She leans up to him, signifying for a kiss. He meets her halfway, placing his hands on the small of her back. They stand there, kissing in the cold, snowy night for a few more minutes as his hands roam down to her ass. She pulls away from him, lightly tugging on his curls, as he feels his hands grab her ass in a not-so innocent way.
“We should probably go inside.”
“Good idea,” He chuckles, guiding her up the slippery sidewalk towards the front door. 
As they walk through the front door, one of his roommates, Micheal, is sitting on the couch. “Hey, y/n” He greets with a smirk, “Haven’t seen you around in a while.”
Matthew shoots him daggers as y/n says hi back to him. Michael looks like he’s about to start a conversation, but before he can Matthew yanks y/n up the stairs by their intertwined hands towards his room.
The minor comment his roommate makes sticks in his brain as y/n takes her shoes off and sets them by his desk. He watches her sit on the edge of his bed and he tugs a hand through his curls.
“You shouldn’t have come over.” He states bluntly, standing still a few feet in front of her sitting figure.
“You’re the one that drove me here.” She states pointedly.
“You’re the one that roped me into this bullshit! Like you always do!” He exclaims, pointing at her with flailing arms.
“I did not! I asked you if you wanted to leave and you said yes!” She argues, confusion laced in her tone.
“Why did you even come up and talk to me?” Matthew asks, softly. “We haven't had a conversation in weeks and we ignore each other if we see the other in public.” He was honestly tired, tired of the situations she put him in and tired of how he’s felt lately.
“I don’t know, I just -” She stumbled over her words before Matthew interrupted her,
“You know damn well the games you wanted to play when you walked up to me and said good game.” He states matter of factly. He watches her think of a response as he paces in the small space of his bedroom. 
“I missed you!” She exclaims, raising her voice once again. Matthew actually laughs at her statement, throwing his head back as he hears those words come out of her mouth.
“That’s rich coming from you,” Matthew scolds. “You can’t say you missed me when you were the one stopping us from being anything more than what we were! I told you all the time how much I liked you and you just kept telling me you didn’t want a boyfriend and I thought I was fine with that.”
He pauses to take a breath and to collect his thoughts further, he keeps his eyes trained on the wall behind the bed that she’s sat on. The alcohol that was once in his system is completely gone due to the anger in his blood. 
“I let myself be okay with what we were and I let myself be okay with you manipulating me.”
“I did not manipulate you.”
“Yes, you fucking did!”
“I let you do whatever the hell you wanted to do and you chose to be with me, and don’t lie about how I was the only one. I know damn well you were sleeping with other people!” She exclaims. She’s standing now, right in front of Matthew’s towering figure.
“Yeah, because you never said anything about it just being us so you can’t be mad at that!” He yells. He takes half a step closer towards her, head leaned downwards to fully look at her. Both of their jaws are tense and their cheeks pink from the anger. Matthew’s eyes are starting to droop from the combination of the game he played earlier that night, the drinking and just the overall feeling of tiredness he had been feeling lately.
“I’m not mad!” She roared, raising her voice to match Matthew’s.
“Then why are you yelling?”
“Because I’m drunk!” She flails, bringing her hands in front of her face, flexing them in frustration.
“That’s fucking bullshit.” He challenged, moving the rest of the way towards her. He grabs her hands and moves them from where they were in front of his face.
“I let your friends chirp me about our relationship all the time. Every time I saw your roommate at the bar and you weren’t there she’d make jokes about me not being with my ‘girlfriend’ and every time one of them introduced who I was to someone else they’d call me your boyfriend. Literally everyone was calling me your boyfriend except for you!”
“If you didn’t want it all to blow up like it did you should've talked to me.”
“And say what? Hey, I can’t sleep with you anymore unless your friends stop talking to me? I liked talking to your friends, I liked the idea of being called your boyfriend.” He argued further, trying his hardest to get his point of view across.
“I told you a million times that I didn’t want that!” She exclaims, “I was constantly checking in with you to make sure you understood that and you always said you did.”
“Because I wanted to be with you however you wanted.” He reasoned back with her, lowering his voice to the calmest it’s been all night. She stood up as he finished speaking, bringing her face closer to his.
She looked into his tired eyes a moment longer before apologizing and leaning in to connect her lips with his. She found her hands tangled in the hair at the back of his neck as he moved his hands from her cheeks down to her waist, before pushing her back onto his bed.
All he could think of as she walked out of his room was that if he would've just set his drink down at the bar last night and left, he wouldn't be laying in his bed right now, thinking about how he would have to start from square one to get over her again. He quite honestly may have been in love with her, but he couldn’t admit that to himself in the moment and he probably never would.
Matthew was finally feeling like himself for the first time in a long time, until she came in and wrecked his world, much like a hurricane.
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blackwoof008 · 5 years ago
Could I request Tamer Barnaby as either A1 or D1?
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Hope you mean this expression set lolThanks for requesting GIFT AU Barnaby!
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ajora · 6 years ago
Hello. I've been reading your translations of the Wonderswan games since I can't play them myself. I have a question about Brave Tamers and would like to know if you have some theory to explain it. When Ryo visits the Adventure world to help the original Chosen Children, they seem to be living in 1999. Yet they speak of the events of Anode/Cathode, Tag Tamers and D1 Tamers as things from the past. Why is this so? They shouldn't know anything about it at this point of time, right?
In-universe answer is that there’s time loop nonsense Millenniumon pulls again just by existing (cf: Anode Tamer). Plus, the more he attacks ENIAC, the spawning point of all of the Digimon universes, the more he completely warps time, space, and everything. Foreknowledge of future events is probably a side-effect of that–the kids are essentially reliving things in their past. Real world answer is that the game designers want to appeal to the players’ nostalgia.
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izzyizumi · 3 years ago
me: *takes deep breath*
me: I LIK-
anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever (???): Yes, you Appreciate Ryo Akiyama (Tamers.... /AND/ 02!Ryo), we Get It okay, you ~don't mind~ rYO, /Ryo Akiyama/ is also STILL??? another brightest f*cking starshine in your life, you f*cking SUPPORT them, yes okay yes, you /do/ think RYO is COOL, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU ACTUALLY DO THINK RYO AKIYAMA DESERVES APPRECIATION FOR HAVING SUCH AN EXPANSIVE ROLE IN THIS FRANCHISE (INCLUDING GAMES AND A NEW TCG Card sOMEHOW????) rYO IS A TAMER //AND// HONORARY CHOSEN CHILD /TOO/!!!
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