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mysticmousecat · 2 years ago
Just in case anyone hasn’t seen or missed my last announcement. All of my works are now being posted to @queer-charming so come hang out there for Viktor fic content and other fics and the such!!
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mysticmousecat · 2 years ago
So are side blogs like safe from all the porn bots? Because on all of my main blogs I’m being fucking bombarded, but on this side blog I’ve got none???
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mysticmousecat · 2 years ago
Talk Is Cheap, Roses Are Beautiful (Part 1 of 2)
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Words: 3.8k
Rating: M(ish)
Warnings: Chuuya typical swearing, Some Spiciness at the end but nothing explicit
A/N: this took way too long to write but here we go! The second part will be all the fun smut that didn’t make it into this chapter, so if you’re not one for NSFW content, this chapter is the safer one and can be read on its own.
“So Boring.” Dazai whined as he reclined back against the office couch, hands cupped over a set of large black headphones on either ear, listening to what the rest of his coworkers couldn’t even guess.
“If you’re so bored, Dazai,” Kunikida shouted from across the room at his desk. “Then maybe you should consider actually getting some work done instead of lounging around like a lazy lout!”
Dazai ignored him, favoring more to focus on what he was listening to. As far as anyone was concerned, he was probably listening to music, or something of the sort, but in truth, the sounds berating Dazai’s ear drums right now were far less entertaining than a random radio station. Port Mafia meetings were SO BORING! Dazai didn’t miss them, they dragged on and on through sister factions, supply chains and intel gathering, all things that Dazai didn’t particularly care about.
Then why, you may ask, had Dazai placed a wire tap in the main meeting room of the Port Mafia? Well that was easy, because you see, a certain firey red head was present during this meeting, as was required of all Port Mafia executives, and Dazai may or may not have planned a little surprise for his favorite slug, and he was desperate to hear his reaction.
“And what of the branch in Poland?” Mori’s voice rang through Dazai headphones.
“Production is progressing as planned, sir.” Higuchi responded. “By next week I expect we’ll be ahead of schedule.”
Well that wouldn’t do, Dazai would have to find a reason to schedule a trip to Poland. Priorities for later though, it was about time for his little surprise to show up.
“Very good, and what about—“ Mori’s voice cut off at the sound of a knock at the door, the indicator of fun to come. The sound of the door opening rang through the headphones as foot steps entered the room.
“Sorry for the interruption sir,” An unfamiliar voice squeaked, they must be new. “But I have a delivery for Executive Nakahara.”
“From who?” Chuuya’s voice finally came over the headphones, Dazai was wondering when he’d finally speak.
“I’m unsure, sir. The delivery was anonymous, it requires your signature though.” Dazai recognized the vague sounds of a pen scratching on paper, indicative of Chuuya accepting the delivery. “Very good sir, I’ll bring it right in.”
Three… two… one… Dazai was giddy in his seat.
“The hell is this?!” Chuuya exclaimed, almost loud enough to make Dazai have to pull the headphones from his ears. He struggled to suppress this giggles at chuuya’s response, it was exactly what he was hoping for.
Kouyou’s laughter soon filled the space. “Well, well it seems our little Chuuya has quite the secret admirer.” She said between giggles.
Dazai only wished he’d had a video feed too, oh to see Chuuya’s face at what was surely sitting in front of him right now. A bouquet of roses, the brightest red Dazai could find. Stage one of his game, his masterful plan to get all of his favorite reactions out of his tiny slug.
“My, my, Chuuya, it seems you’ve had quite the effect on someone. Is there a note?” Mori asked, also sounding equally as amused.
Dazai couldn’t risk leaving a note. Knowing Chuuya he’d recognize Dazai’s cadence or handwriting anywhere, and would be able to piece it together that the flowers were from him, and that would end the game far too soon.
Getting Chuuya angry was one thing, it was fun but the effects faded quickly, far too quickly for Dazai’s liking, but get him flustered and that could last hours, not to mention a few ulterior motives Dazai may have had for choosing that specific gift, far more entertaining on a boring Monday morning.
He heard Chuuya sputter out a few incoherent sounds before he finally choked out. “No, nothing, just flowers.” He could imagine the look on Chuuya’s face so well, his cheeks would be the perfect shade of red, probably enough to match the roses, his blue ocean eyes blown out wide. His back would be perfectly straight as he tried to process what was in front of him, possibly his shoulders hiked up to his ears. Dazai regretted not planting a camera.
Hacking into Chuuya’s security system was easy enough, no matter how many times he changed the password, his dog would always be predictable. So it was no problem stalling his security cameras just long enough for Dazai to make his way up to Chuuya’s apartment, just long enough to install a few audio taps, and just long enough to leave another bouquet of flowers, this time an attractive bunch of red camellias.
Dazai sat relaxed in his dorm, headphones pressed tightly to his ears as he waited for the tell tale signs of Chuuya arriving home. With what Dazai pulled the day before, with those roses, he expected Chuuya’a reaction to this gift to be just as good.
He didn’t have to wait long. Soon enough he heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door, a heavy sigh indicating a long day at work and probably a desire for bed. The footsteps only got heavier and heavier as Dazai imagined Chuuya finally seeing what lay in front of his entry way.
“What the fuck?” Chuuya sounded exasperated. Dazai could practically see his reaction, confused but intrigued look on his cute face, eyebrows probably pushed together like they always did when he was thinking about something too hard. He heard the sound of Chuuya picking the bouquet up, the crinkle of plastic in his hands. He imagined he was searching for a note, one that once again would not be there. “For fuck’s sake, leave a damned note.”
“But that would ruin the game, mon slug.” Dazai said only to himself. Chuuya would recognize his handwriting immediately, and it was far to early to end the game yet, after all, Dazai was only just beginning, he still had another piece of his plan.
Chuuya was startled at the announcement he had a delivery. A delivery of what? He hadn’t ordered anything, and certainly not anything that would be delivered right in the middle of a meeting.
“From who?” He asked the delivery boy, who nearly trembled when addressing the executive directly.
“I’m unsure, sir,” He choked out. “The delivery was anonymous, it requires your signature though.” the boy’s hands shook as he handed Chuuya a clip board and a pen, which he readily signed his name on before the boy disappeared through the door once again, only to re-emerge with the largest bouquet of red roses Chuuya had ever seen in his life.
“The hell is this?!” He exclaimed as the bouquet was handed to him, his eyes wide at the unexpected gift.
“Well, well, it seems our little Chuuya has quite the secret admirer.” Kouyou teased, to which Chuuya sent her a glare that had she been anyone else, would have shut them up and possibly even encouraged them to leave, but this was Kouyou, and she only giggled harder at his flustered look.
The roses were beautiful, each one perfectly shaped, the brightest red Chuuya had ever seen, the petals were silky and lush, it was clear a lot of care had gone into crafting the bouquet.
“My, my, Chuuya, it seems you’ve had quite the effect on someone. Is there a note?” Chuuya was already searching for a slip of paper, anything to indicate who the flowers were from. Who the hell sends flowers and doesn’t say who they are, doesn’t even attach a little note like “From your secret admirer” or some shit like that. It was just flowers, no note, no indication of the sender, and Chuuya’s face was far too hot for his liking, and it remained that way for the rest of the meeting.
Flowers during the middle of a meeting was one thing, but somehow dodging his security cameras to leave yet another bouquet of flowers at his door was something else entirely. The bouquet of red camellias stared at him from the floor just before his door, like they were laughing at him. They mocked him as he plucked them from their resting place.
“What the fuck?” Chuuya hissed. “At least leave a note or something.” He did like camellias though, they weren’t his favorite flower, but they were beautiful, and the red ones were particularly difficult to get, especially in Japan. Whoever this mystery person was, was really putting in the work, Chuuya was honestly pretty impressed.
Chuuya was already expecting the next gift; two bouquets in a row? That ment a third was on its way. However, it had been a week and there had been nothing. He’d spend the better part of the last seven days obsessing over one) who would be brave enough to try and send such a direct message to a Port Mafia executive and two) when was it going to happen next.
Well seven days after the initial bouquet of roses, Chuuya got the answer to one of those questions, and this by far was the most unexpected gift of them all.
He was just starting to lose hope, maybe two was the magic number, and his secret admirer was done, which despite the obvious peace and quiet that would eventually bring, also made Chuuya a little disappointed, the flowers were beautiful and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t have a soft spot for them and the effort someone was putting in to get them to him. He was just coming to terms with this new revelation when he walked into his office that morning, coat held by one hand over his shoulder and a tired yawn escaping his lips as he crossed the threshold of his doorway, it was far too early and he’d hardly slept the night before.
However, when he spotted what was so delicately placed on his desk after he walked in, he certainly was awake now. It wasn’t a bouquet, instead it was a single flower, a beautiful vibrant red Tulip, just one, laid delicately across his desk, a matching red bow tied around the stem. Chuuya nearly dropped his jacket at the sight, just staring at the flower for what felt like hours.
Having a bouquet delivered to his work and leaving another bouquet at his door was one thing, but breaking into his office, without being caught on either cameras or by security, in the office building of the most dangerous organization in Yokohama, just to leave one singular flower, that was another thing entirely. It was at that point Chuuya began to have suspicions, maybe this secret admirer wasn’t as secret as he thought.
A plan of his own began to form as Chuuya sat at his desk, twirling the single tulip between his fingers. If this was who he thought it was, and he was pretty certain he was right, then there was certainly an end goal to be reached, a message to be delivered, if only he could communicate through actual words instead of bombarding Chuuya was flowers, not that Chuuya minded them, though he’d never confess that out loud.
Chuuya spent a good hour and a half of that morning researching flowers and their meanings. Dazai wasn’t one to pick a flower just because it was pretty, he never did anything that wasn’t deliberate. Red roses - love and passion, red camellias - romance, and red tulips - lust. Flowers certainly wasn’t the way Chuuya was expecting Dazai to say it, but he had to commend his creativity.
Dazai would admit, perhaps the tulip left in Chuuya’s office was a little on the nose, certainly his favorite mafioso would begin to suspect him now, but would he be able to connect the dots behind Dazai’s reasoning? Being familiar with Chuuya’s critical thinking skills, Dazai wasn’t very hopeful. He sighed as he reclined back in his seat, a pile of paperwork still left sitting untouched on his desk.
“Everything okay, Dazai?” Atsushi’s voice broke through Dazai’s thoughts. He turned to look at the boy, who sat beside him, a mildly concerned, mildly curious look on his young face. Dazai gave a small smile.
“Just waiting to see how a plan turned out.”
“What plan?” The boy tiger inquired.
“Getting a message across to someone who’s ability to grasp hints is severely impaired.” At his words there was a knock on the agency’s door, to which Naomi got up to answer.
“I have a delivery for a mister… Dazai Osamu.”
“For me?” Dazai questioned as the delivery boy approached him.
“Yes sir, if you could please sign here.” The boy said before handing Dazai a clipboard and a pen. He signed, the delivery boy taking the clipboard back and exchanging it with a long thin box, sure enough it was addressed to Dazai.
“What is it?” Atsushi asked, leaning over Dazai’s shoulder to peak at the gift.
“Maybe someone’s been kind enough to send a bomb and finally kill me.” Dazai only jested. He saw Atsushi shy away only slightly, but it was clear he had the entire rooms attention. Without another word he popped the seal on the box, tilting the parcel over to slide out a long wooden case. The wood was fine, a brilliant cherry wood, varnished beautifully and clearly expensive. There were no engravings or anything to indicate who the case was from. The case was held shut by a single clasp, which Dazai easily popped open, opening the wooden box to reveal a single beautiful red rose, the stem was held in a delicate satin bed, the petals carefully placed in the box to ensure they wouldn’t be crushed with the case’s closure.
“It’s beautiful.” Atsushi described in awe.
“Who the hell would send you something like this?” Kunikida inquired, the entirety of the office echoing the same question, albeit silently.
Tied to the stem of the rose was a delicate ribbon, and tied to the end of the ribbon was a single note, and upon reading it, Dazai could only smile.
It seems someone has discovered the game.
Chuuya was exhausted, he’d spent the day putting out fire after fire, first there was an issue with a supply chain at the other side of town that he had to sort out, which resulted in more murder than he was planning on today, one of their warehouses on the East side of town had been broken into and of course he had to deal with that, and then as icing on the cake he arrived back at the office only to find a mountain of paperwork on his desk, which he got through, albeit begrudgingly. He was determined to throw his phone out the window if it rang one more time today.
The click of his door unlocking was a welcome sound, he was beyond ready for a shower and bed. His apartment was dark as he walked in, just as he’d left it, although something felt off.
Turning on his light, chuuya was greeted with a surprising sight. A fresh vase of flowers perched perfectly on his bar, the flowers a combination of red roses, camellias and tulips, a delicate satin bow wrapped around the glass neck, and one of his favorite chokers clasped above it.
“My dog is quite rude.” Chuuya spun to only be greeted by the image of a certain mackerel lounging on his sofa, his tan coat hanging on the rack by the door. Chuuya felt the familiar heat of rage building inside his chest.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop breaking into my apartment!?” Chuuya shouted, angrily tossing his coat onto the coat rack along side Dazai’s.
“I mean honestly, is this any way to speak to your master?” Dazai held up a familiar white note, one Chuuya distinctly remembered tying to the rose he’d sent to the agency. It read ‘stupid mackerel’.
“It’s called leaving a note, something you should do when sending someone flowers.” Chuuya crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his hip out as he eyed his uninvited guest, who despite his show of anger, the mafia executive was not surprised to see here. He knew what he was doing the second he sent that rose.
“But that wouldn’t be nearly as fun! The whole intention was to play a game of fetch, and my dog did so well despite being and idiot.” Dazai teased, pulling out a familiar rose and holding it out in front of him.
“I’M NOT YOUR DOG!” Chuuya barked. Dazai smiled as he stood from his seat, rose being laid gently on the coffee table before the detective approached. Suddenly the air got far to serious for Chuuya’s liking, Dazai’s expression switching from teasing to affectionate. It was quiet for a moment before Chuuya spoke up. “You could have just communicated normally you know.”
“And what’s the fun in that? I wanted to make you work.”
“Did you learn a lot about flowers?”
“More than I thought I ever wanted to.” Dazai’s hands were on his hips in a second, his grip was tight but loose enough that he was still giving Chuuya an out if he wanted it.
“And what did you learn from the ones I sent?” He was closer now, close enough that Chuuya could feel his words on his skin, his breath on his flesh. The grip on his hips burned and the feeling in his chest became all consuming. It wasn’t anger anymore, but a burning ache that seemed to pull him forward, just a few inches was all it would take.
“I learned that you’re an idiot.” He said finally, and closed the distance. The kiss was chaste at first, just a simple press of lips, then Dazai’s grip on his hips tightened and his own hands found their way to the collar of Dazai’s shirt, pulling him infinitely closer.
Chuuya found his back against the wall and his fingers tangled in Dazai’s hair before he knew it. Dazai’s hands trailed up his sides, their touch hot irons even through his clothes. If someone had told him when they were 15 that one day he’d have this man’s tongue in his mouth and hands on his body he’d have punted them halfway across the city, but here he was, desperately trying to memorize Dazai’s taste.
He wasn’t sure when the feelings started, probably sometime around 17. After Dazai left he thought they’d just go away with time, that he’d heal and close that door behind him, but the second that bandaged asshole walked back into his life that door swung right back open.
Dazai trailed his lips down Chuuya’s throat, nipping at his tender flesh, placing claiming marks in places he knew would be difficult to cover, not that Chuuya particularly cared right now. His head knocked against the hard wall as Dazai bit down between where his shoulder met his neck, a harsh bite, prying noises that had Chuuya been more lucid, he would have been embarrassed about.
He tangled his fingers in brunette waves, yanking hard enough to draw a gasp from Dazai’s lips before they were once again occupied with Chuuya’s own. He let Dazai explore his mouth, let him pull him closer, reveled in the way his bandaged arms wrapped around him. He gave another harsh tug to his hair, drawing out another gasp. Breaking the kiss, Chuuya set to work placing his own marks on the flesh of Dazai’s throat that he could access. He bit down hard on the skin just above his bandages, drawing damn near the most seductive moan out of the man before him that he’d ever heard. That would be a fun mark to explain to the armed detective agency.
“Have fun explaining that to glasses tomorrow.” Chuuya said as he laved the mark with his tongue. He could hear Dazai’s amused smile as he spoke.
“I’ll tell him the truth. My dog bit me.” Chuuya bit him again, this time significantly harder, drawing the slightest hiss from Dazai’s lips as he abused his tender skin.
Chuuya shoved Dazai over to the couch, toppling him down onto the cushion before climbing into his lap, Dazai’s hands once again finding his hips as he forced him down onto his lap. A tiny thrust up from Dazai pulled a moan from both of them before Chuuya once again set to work memorizing the inside of Dazai’s mouth with his tongue. Dazai’s hands were at the buttons of Chuuya’s vest, nimbly working to rid him of the offending garment, which he proceeded to throw across the room once it was removed before yanking Chuuya’s shirt up, untucking it so he could slide his hands under it and flatten them against Chuuya’s back, shifting him closer and providing a roll of his hips once more.
Dazai’s fingers were cold as he moved from Chuuya’s back to his stomach, tracing up to his chest. Chuuya ground down against Dazai below him, swallowing his moan. The wash of no longer human across his skin, down to his bones, the constant buzz of for the tainted sorrow quietted, his mind was fuzzy with nothing but Dazai and getting closer, getting more of him, tasting him, devouring him whole, and Chuuya imagined Dazai was having the same thoughts. He could feel Dazai hard beneath him, he was in no better state, his tight pants a little too tight as he rolled his hips once more. Then it happened.
Everything halted. It was Chuuya’s phone, which prompted Dazai to remove his hands from inside Chuuya’s shirt and grab it from his back pocket before Chuuya could react.
“Have a boyfriend I should know about?” Dazai teased as he held the phone out of Chuuya’s reach, letting it ring.
“Shut the fuck up and give me my phone!” Chuuya barked back, finally snaching the phone from Dazai’s grasp just in time to answer it. “This is Executive Nakahara.”
“Executive Nakahara, so professional.” Dazai murmured as he set his attention on placing more marks on Chuuya’s neck as he listened to the phone call. Chuuya landed a well placed punch Dazai’s shoulder in response, not that it did much to deter the man.
“Yes boss, of course.” Chuuya answered, choking back a moan when Dazai rolled his hips up once again, paired with a harsh suck to the sensitive area just below his ear. “Y-yes I can be there in 20 minutes.”
“No you can’t.” Dazai mumbled against his skin.
“Yes sir.” Chuuya finishes before hanging up the phone. He tosses it onto the couch beside them as Dazai hugs him closer.
“Absolutely not.” Dazai says sourly. He trails gentle kisses up Chuuya’s neck as his arms tighten around his middle. Chuuya’s hands find his shoulders, trailing up his neck and into his hair. “You’re staying right here, we’re not done.”
“You know I have to go, Dazai.” He doesn’t try to pull away yet though.
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do,” Chuuya waited for an answer, when it didn’t come, he continued. “Osamu.” He said into his ear. He rarely called Dazai by his first name, even after so many years, he only used it when he needed to. And here, he knew he needed to. He needed to convey that this wasn’t just a fluke, that when he left he would be coming back and had every intention of picking up exactly where they left off. Dazai met his eyes, and in that moment Chuuya realized how much he liked being able to see both of them, his hand came to rest on his cheek, thumb stroking the skin under the eye he used to keep covered. He leaned down and connected their lips one more time, the kiss was sweet, it was gentle. “Rain check.”
“Promise?” Dazai whispered against his lips.
“Good, because I can’t have my dog running away you know, maybe I should get you microchipped.” Chuuya stood abruptly.
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mysticmousecat · 2 years ago
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mysticmousecat · 2 years ago
The fact that I am forced to exist is deeply offensive
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mysticmousecat · 2 years ago
Okay I kinda wanna get back into writing, and writing Viktor in particular, but I just wanna make sure the fandom is still alive you know?
So just to be clear, we’re all still simping after this man, correct?
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
The mood today
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
Knowing a fic author through AO3 is like attending someone’s thesis presentation and politely clapping at the end, knowing a fic author through this hellsite is like going over to their house at 3AM to watch them eat mayonnaise out of a jar
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
I like to think that after Viktor finds a way to heal himself (because of course he’s going to, plot armor and all that) that his personality shifts too, like he goes from the well spoken scientist to just absolutely feral “don’t fucking argue with me Jessica I have crawled my way out of Hell and don’t you dare think I won’t toss you down there” energy.
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
Have you ever masturbated to the thought Vik? I know I definitely have
are we really going there on main people??! if i said no i'd be lying, so... 😂
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
So, I think I'm going to start moving over to my other main blog @queer-charming
All of the fic's I've posted here will still be here and this page will still be up, but I think I'm going to start posting all of my new stuff to that blog, just for the sake of having a writing blog that is also a main blog so I can respond to messages as that blog and send asks as that blog and stuff like that. So, if you want to keep up with my writing and keep up with me, go follow me there. I'll also go ahead and put my masterlist up on that blog as well, so you guys still have access to it there!
~ Louane
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
Something New - Part 4 - Viktor x F!Reader (NSFW)
It feels good to sin again
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Rating: Explicit
Words: 6k
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, Fingering, Oral (Male receiving), Unprotected sex
Synopsis: Jayce let's Viktor in on a few secrets and Viktor decides to do something about it
Author's Notes: I rewrote this chapter no less than 4 times so I hope you guys like it. Its basically just an excuse to write a really long really explicit sex scene to finish out this fic. Enjoy!
Viktor watched as you walked away, his gaze perhaps lingering a little too long on the curve of your back, the tired slope of your shoulders, cascading down the length of your legs exposed by your short sleep shorts. Thoughts filled his mind of what could have been happening before he arrived, what you had been letting Jayce do to you. Had you let him touch you, caress you, surely something along those lines. His mind was invaded by images of his partner, practically his brother, laying his best friend down, fucking her the way Viktor knew he’d more than likely never be able to. Viktor felt the familiar burn of jealously in his throat, a feeling he’d grown accustomed to over the years, each time you’d take a new lover, the ache in his chest at the sight of you in another’s arms had become a familiar companion. He’d never thought he’d have that feeling because of Jayce though, he thought Jayce would have the decency to know what was off limits, especially considering the man was sure to be aware of Viktor’s own feelings toward you. The burn of jealously soon turned into the burn of anger, he felt the ache in his jaw from clenching it too hard as he watched you turn the corner, in the direction of your own apartment.
“Viktor?” Viktor was pulled from his thoughts at Jayce’s voice, who was still leaning against his door frame, waiting for Viktor to enter his home. Viktor was half tempted to turn around and leave, go back to his room and spend the night alone, as he typically did, but he also had the sense to know when he was being unreasonable. He hadn’t even asked Jayce about it, if he threw a tantrum at the thought of Jayce sleeping with you, he’d be no better than a spoiled child. So instead, he simply walked past Jayce, into his apartment.
Viktor had been in Jayce’s apartment hundreds of times, sometimes for days at a time, it was familiar, but right now it seemed so foreign, the thoughts of you being in here, of being held by Jayce, of being touched by him, fucked by him, perhaps on the couch next to where Viktor stood, or maybe the bedroom, which he had easy view of, or if you two were particularly adventurous, perhaps the kitchen table. Did Mel know? Did she join in? Were you engaging in a throuple? The burn was back, and Viktor shut his eyes to steel himself. ‘Don’t be a child’ he repeated to himself, like a mantra.
“Viktor, you okay?” Jayce’s voice once again broke him of Viktor’s train of thought, instead turning to meet the eyes of his partner, who looked concerned, but there was something else in his eyes, something Viktor could only akin to... amusement. Why would Jayce be so amused at Viktor’s obvious distress? That’s exactly what it was. Viktor was well aware he was not being subtle, and Jayce knew him too well.
“Perfectly fine,” Viktor said curtly before turning his attention to the black board Jayce kept in his living room. “Shall we get to work?” Without waiting for Jayce’s response, Viktor made his way over to the stack of books and research papers sat precariously on the small table near the black board, one wrong move and they’d come tumbling down.
“You just seem... bothered.” Jayce continued. Viktor didn’t look up as he skimmed through the notes on the table, looking for where he’d left off last time he was here.
“I’m not bothered at all.”
“Truly.” Jayce just hummed as Viktor finally found his place, looking up at the board to match his notes. He could hear Jayce moving around the room, settling somewhere directly behind him.
“So, you’re going to sit there and tell me,” Jayce started, a certain lilt in his voice. “That seeing (y/n) leave here in such a state had no effect on you?” Viktor swallowed hard, hand gripping his pen so hard he was concerned he’d snap it in half. What was Jayce playing at?
“(y/n) is a grown woman and the two of you are consenting adults, it is no business of mine who’s bed she occupies,” Viktor spoke. His voice was clinical, nearly robotic as he said the words, using every ounce of his will power to maintain his composure. “I just hope Mel is aware of your... activities.” Jayce as silent for a moment, and Viktor was about to go back to his work.
“You’ve gotten very good at pretending you don’t care.” Jayce’s voice cut Viktor’s concentration like a cord.
“Because” Viktor said, possibly more aggressively than needed. “I don-”
“(y/n) and I aren’t sleeping together.” Jayce interrupted him; Viktor’s entire being came to a complete stop. What?
“Then what wa-”
“A cleverly constructed, and quite masterfully executed if I do say so myself, rouse.” Viktor stood shell shocked, finally turning to stare at his friend, mind having difficulty making sense of what he was hearing. “I wanted you to think I was sleeping with (y/n), and from the way you’re looking at me right now, it seems I did a pretty damn good job.”
Viktor was speechless for a moment, searching Jayce’s face for any sign that the other man may be lying. “Why?” Was all he asked.
“Why did I spend two weeks making you believe I was fucking your best friend?” Jayce clarified on Viktor’s behalf, Jayce’s words putting an uncomfortable rock in Viktor’s chest. “It’s pretty simple actually.”
“Then explain, Jayce.” Viktor felt the fire of irritation stir in him. Jayce purposely put Viktor through weeks of torture, making him believe he was fucking you, taking you to bed and then flaunting it in front of the man he knew was in love with you. Jayce’s features softened at Viktor’s words, a more serious tone taking over him.
“Viktor,” Jayce started. “We need to talk about Angela.”
You didn’t go to bed after running into Viktor, you didn’t even go to your apartment. Instead, you found yourself wandering the halls of the academy, to which the night security has become all too accustomed to seeing you do. You pulled your cardigan tighter around you as you walked, occasionally turning to look out at the Piltovian landscape outside the windows. On nights like this, when you found yourself at the academy instead of your home, walking aimlessly until you eventually wore yourself out enough to sleep, you rarely ran into anyone else. Maybe a guard or two, who usually waved you off or gave you a short greeting before continuing their rounds, but rarely anyone else. It was nice. It was quiet and allowed you time to think, especially on particularly stressful nights. However, thinking was the last thing you wanted to be doing tonight. It seemed every time you blinked you were assaulted with images of Viktor with Angela, his hands on her, or maybe his lips on her neck, a touch so sinful but so gentle. It didn’t take you long to realize that this particular visit to the academy was going to be less than fruitful, but you were hesitant to go back to your apartment, where you knew it would be cold and empty, silent, at least here you occasionally saw another human.
Eventually though you did decide to go home. You were thankful there were no classes tomorrow, what little sleep you got tonight you hoped lasted into the late morning, lasted until the morning sunlight chased away the cold and the dark. You took the stairs as opposed to the elevator, maybe a little more walking would make you sleep, so you didn’t have to remain trapped inside your own mind again. You were sufficiently winded when you reached your floor, the chilled Piltovian air welcome against your heated skin. The hall to your door was hardly lit, most people expected to be asleep at this hour instead of traversing the halls in a heartache driven haze.
Your key slipped easily into your lock as you turned the handle, greeted by the light squeak of your door on its hinges. You didn’t bother turning on your lights, instead allowing what little moonlight filtered in through your windows to guide your way. You were tempted to make a cup of tea before bed, maybe it would settle your mind, as you were contemplating you actions you nearly jumped out of your skin at the voice that broke the silence.
“Took the scenic route, hm?” You spun on your heals, hand flying to clutch at your chest as you gazed into the darkness before you, eyes just barely managing to make out the silhouette of a man on your couch, he was a very familiar silhouette, tall, thin and lean, hair just a little too unkempt to be tidy, you couldn’t entirely make out his face, but you didn’t need to. Once you’d caught your breath, you finally found your words.
“Thought you would still be with Jayce, working the night away.” You said as you turned once again to make your way toward your kitchen. Now you were absolutely making tea. From across the room, you heard Viktor stand, the sound of his cane tapping the floor as he approached the kitchen. Despite the anxiety he gave you, the way he made your heart race, he also soothed you, knowing he was here and not with Angela.
“I tried to get some work done but found myself unable to focus.” Viktor explained as you started heating some water in a kettle on the stove. “I wanted to come see you.” You felt your heart pounding in your chest, an involuntary smile finding its way onto your lips at his words, then you felt the sickly-sweet feeling in your stomach, the words falling from your lips before you could stop them.
“Angela unavailable?” You heard the venom in your voice, despite how hard you tried to keep it at bay. It was quiet for a moment, and you thought that Viktor may not answer you. You heard the tap of his cane again, it was approaching you again, a hand finding your wrist, making you turn to face him before you were pulled into a hug. One that, while certainly accepted, confused you. Despite your confusion, you found yourself wrapping your arms around him, pulling him ever so much closer. His scent was so familiar, smoke and coffee with something you couldn’t pinpoint but was so undeniably Viktor, it made you lightheaded in the best of ways, made you want to hold him and never let him go. You buried your head in his chest easily.
“I am not interested in Angela.” Viktor said into your ear as he pressed himself closer to you. “She is a colleague, nothing more.” You didn’t say anything, just nestled deeper against him, kettle on the stove forgotten until the shrill scream of steam startled you away from him. You were quick to pull it from the burner, turning the stove off and resting your hands on the edge of the counter, hesitating to turn to face Viktor again.
“Jayce told you, didn’t he?” You spilled into the silence. You felt the tears creeping up on you, swallowing it hard as you waited for Viktor’s answer, still refusing to face him.
“Perhaps,” Viktor supplied. “What would he have told me, (y/n)?” He was trying to make you say it, say the words you’d told to everyone except the one person they pertained to. Finally, you turned, coming to face the man who was managing to break you down without even touching you. You tried to make out his face in the darkness, his golden eyes, his sharp features. He was perfectly silhouetted by the window behind him, he was beautiful. The words were crawling up your throat, but no matter how much you tried, you couldn’t say them, you were lost.
“I-“ You choked, closing your eyes before speaking again. “I don’t know how to do this, Viktor.” You confessed. Viktor was quiet, as if he were contemplating your words. Finally, as he started to approach you again, he spoke.
“Would you like me to start?” He asked, you just stared at him. “I am not blind, (y/n), I could see Angela’s… Interest.” Viktor started once he effectively had you crowded against your kitchen counter, hands on either side of your torso, gripping onto the edge. “And when she eventually offered me her bed,” You felt a tear fall down your cheek as you tried your hardest to find Viktor’s eyes in the darkness. “I almost accepted.”
“Why didn’t you?” You found yourself asking.
“Because she is not the woman I want,” His voice was whispered, like he was afraid if he spoke too loudly, he’d spook you. “I could never love her, because I’m already in love with someone else.” He stepped just a little bit closer, so close you could feel his breath on your skin, his body heat so close, you were tempted to reach out and touch, tangle you fingers in the fabric of his vest, you restrained yourself. “So, I’ll ask again. What would Jayce have told me?” This time, when the words crawled up your throat, they were unhindered. They fell from your lips easily, albeit whispered, barely a breath.
“I love you.” You finally said, and you felt heat burst through your chest, through your veins like hot magma, gripping the countertop behind you in an effort to maintain your composure. Viktor was quiet for only a moment before he spoke again.
“Was that so hard?” You wanted to retort, to snap at him and tell him that yes, it had indeed been that hard, but you didn’t get the chance before you felt his lips press to yours, a kiss that all in all was chaste, but left you breathless. Even when Viktor pulled away, he didn’t stray far, close enough for his lips to barely graze your own as he spoke. “I love you; I have always loved you and I always will… If you’ll have me.” If you’ll have him? As if you’d have anyone else. This time when you kissed him you didn’t hold back, allowing your hand to find his vest and pull him closer, the kiss was hungry, desperate, and eager. Viktor’s hands went from the countertop to your waist to your hips as he pulled you flush against him as he moved to deepen the kiss, the first touch of his tongue to yours sent sparks up your spine and put heat in your abdomen. He kissed you like a man deprived of water and you were the spring that saved his life. Your hands found his hair, tangling in it and pulling, just enough to draw that same sound you’d heard before, the one that made you squeeze your thighs together. You pulled away from him, taking a moment to catch your breath.
“Let’s go.” You said as you took his hand, beginning to lead him out of the kitchen.
“Where are we going?” He asked, though he followed you none the less.
You turned to face him again, this time able to see his face as the moonlight illuminated his features. You pulled him closer to you, placing a chaste kiss to his lips. “Bedroom.” Was all you said, and you swear you could hear the stall out in his brain as he caught up to where you were leading him. You suddenly felt shy. “Only if you want to of course.”
The words had barely left you before his mouth covered yours again, his kiss desperate and demanding as his hands came up to cradle your face. The two of you stumbled into your bedroom, barely having the thought to kick the door shut before you pushed Viktor to sit on your bed, crawling over him to straddle his hips, tangling your fingers into his hair as you reconnected your lips. How did you live without this for so long, live without knowing what he tasted like? You let him pull off your cardigan, tossing it somewhere in the darkness of the room, his hands finding your bare shoulders, gliding his fingertips down your arms before traveling back up again, only for him to glide his hands down your back, finding purchase on your hips, pulling you closer, hissing into the kiss when you ground down on his growing erection. You broke the kiss, instead opting to kiss down his throat, paying special attention to his pulse point, where you felt his heart pounding.
Your fingers found the buttons of his vest, taking special care when undoing them, pulling the fabric from his shoulders easily, allowing it to join your cardigan on the floor before moving to his tie, which found itself on the floor as well shortly after. You rolled your hips into his again, moaning into his mouth when you reconnected your lips. You practically ripped open his dress shirt to get at his skin, leaving the garment on him but open, dragging your fingers down his now bare chest, stopping only when you reached his belt. You knew what you wanted, you wanted to make this man fall apart, worship his body until he was shaking, trembling under your touch, you wanted to hear every sound he could make. Without a word you separated your lips again, moving from his lap so he could move further up the bed, laying against your headboard as you crawled up to join him, settling easily between his legs. You placed a searing kiss to his collar bone, nipping at the skin there lightly before traveling south, leaving marks and kisses down his chest, pulling contented sighs from him above you, one of his hands finding its way into your hair, tugging just enough to pull the slightest moan from your throat.
“I never considered you’d like your hair pulled.” Viktor said breathily as you continued your descent down his torso until you finally reached the waistband of his pants where you stopped to look up at him. His eyes were full of want and lust, much like you imagined yours were too.
“Says you.” You said, as you got to work ridding him of his belt. “Do you have any idea what you did to me that day in the lab?” You asked, popping the button of his pants open, Viktor lifted his hips ever so slightly to help you pull them down, hearing his contented sigh when you finally freed his cock. You stared at him for a moment, heat pooling in your belly at the sheer size of him. Had you known he was this big before, you were sure you would have offered to go to bed with him much sooner. Your eyes found his again as your fingers wrapped around his base, pulling a hiss from his lips. “I nearly dropped to my knees right there, and I would have, had I known you wanted me to.” With that you set to work, licking a long strip from his base to his tip and you heard the back of his head collide with the wooden headboard of your bed.
“I would not have lasted long had you done that.” His hand tightened in your hair, like he was holding himself back from shoving his cock down your throat. An idea to explore later. You placed a chaste kiss to his tip before wrapping your lips around it, flattening your tongue to it before taking more. Realistically you could only fit about half of him in your mouth before you would gag, but you made up for what you couldn’t fit with your hand, pumping him in tune with the bobbing of your head. Hollowing your cheeks, you sucked hard, savoring the sweet gasp he let out above you as his hand tightened further, pulling your hair roughly. You moaned on his cock, which in turn only egged him on. You could feel his self-restrain, trying hard not to thrust into your mouth, you mentally thanked him for his self-control. You sped up your pace, taking him a little deeper on every downward stroke before you reached your limit. Some time you wanted to do this until he came, wanted to beg him to cum in your mouth, taste him, pull him apart completely with your tongue, but for tonight, you needed to keep yourself under control, you didn’t want this ending too soon.
He was getting close, you could feel it in the way he gripped you, the way his breathing came out ragged above you and his hips twitched the barest amount forward. You pulled your mouth off of him, though continued to pump him with your hand as you flattened your tongue against his tip, tasting the precum there. You moaned at the taste, the wetness between your legs growing, and the need to have him inside of you overwhelming. You pulled your hand away from him, much to his disappointment before climbing your way back up him again, once again straddling his hips as you kissed him. His tongue tangled with yours almost immediately as his hands shot under your shirt, wasting no time in hiking it over your arms and off of you, tossing it half hazardly across the room before his mouth moved from your lips to your neck, his hands on your bare waist pulling your flush against him, the bare skin of his chest pressing against your own. He kissed his way down your throat, nipping at the skin between your neck and shoulder, pulling a hushed gasp form your lips.
“You know,” Viktor started as he kissed your skin, hands moving from your waist to your chest, his callused fingers grazing over your nipples, the softest moan falling from your lips as you pressed into his touch. “Every time you wear one of those damn skirts into the lab, it takes every ounce of my self-control not to slip my hand underneath.” You moaned at the thought of it, being in the lab, a work environment while Viktor comes up to you, his hand finding its way between your legs. At his confession one of his hands abandoned your chest, choosing instead to glide down your stomach to the waistband of your shorts. He seemed to linger there, fingers playing with the fabric, not quite dipping underneath. “And had I known you would have let me,” Viktor purred in your ear. “I would have made sure you never had to worry about Angela.” You let out a shaky breath as he finally delved past the waistband, his fingers grazing over your core, only separated by the fabric of your underwear. You couldn’t help the way your hips thrust forward slightly, seeking more of his touch. Viktor let out a heavy breath at how wet he could feel you were, choosing to press tight circles over your covered clit, pulling a strangled moan from your lips.
“Viktor-“ You choked out, suddenly feeling shy despite the fact that not five minutes ago you had your mouth on his cock, which you could still feel, hot and heavy against the skin of your thigh.
“Tell me,” Viktor started, his pace was even, unhurried as he worked to pull every gasp and moan from your lips, but never going to pull the fabric of your underwear aside to really touch you. “Do you get this wet for me often?” He asked, punctuating the question by slipping his fingers down, pressing up into where he knew your entrance was, pushing in as far as your underwear would allow his fingers. He halted, giving you a moment to collect your thoughts, finding a moment of clarity to answer.
“Yes.” You breathed into his ear, feeling the way his other hand gripped your hip tight. “Every time you touch me, sometimes,” You gasped as he moved back to your clit, pressing a little harder to pull the whine from you. “Sometimes, just hearing your voice is enough to have me soaked.” You confessed. Had you been more lucid you’re sure you would have been embarrassed at admitting something like that, but right now, your only focus was getting him inside of you as fast as possible.
He pulled his hand from you, you were about to complain if he didn’t immediately move to pulling your shorts down your hips, you maneuvered to help get them off of you, the fabric finding itself on the floor with the rest of your clothes, leaving you completely bare to him. Viktor seemed to take a moment just to touch you, glide his hands flat over the outside of your thighs, up over your hips to your waist, then back down again, like he was memorizing the feel of you.
“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” Viktor whispered into your ear as his hands found the back of your thighs, pulling you forward slightly while also spreading your legs just a little more, the head of his cock just barely grazing your entrance, making you gasp.
“I wish I had noticed your feelings sooner,” You said, pressing a chaste but passionate kiss to his lips. “Wish I had realized my feelings sooner.” You kissed over his jaw, down his neck to his shoulder, pushing the fabric of his shirt aside to place a searing kiss to his clavicle.
“What made you?” Viktor asked breathily into your ear. “Realize your feelings that is.”
“You really want to know?” You asked as you kissed your way back up to just under his ear.
“I had a sex dream about you.” You said bluntly. “A couple of days after I arrived in Piltover.”
“So, you mean to tell me,” Viktor started as his hand once again found its way between your legs, this time unhindered by the presence of your underwear as he sunk one finger deep into you, making you squeak in surprise at the sudden intrusion, which then turned into a moan as he started thrusting in and out before adding a second finger. “That we could have been doing this,” He punctuated the word with a particularly rough thrust of his fingers, curling them in a come-hither motion, hitting every spot inside you perfectly, as if he’d done it a million times. “Months ago.” You could only respond in a broken moan as you wrapped your arms around his neck as you moved your hips along with his fingers. He should not be this good at taking you apart on your first time together, it wasn’t fair.
“Seems,” You gasped when Viktor added a third finger, expertly stretching your entrance to take him. “Like we have lots of time to make up for.” You felt him smile into your hair as his fingers sped up, hitting your perfect spots dead on every time, pulling you closer and closer to the edge as the movement of your hips became more erratic. You hadn’t even had his cock yet and here you were, desperately trying to get more of his fingers into you, get them deeper as he somehow managed to fuck you so perfectly with just his hand. Viktor had never told you about sexual partners in the letters you would share, but obviously he had them, because these were not the skills of an unexperienced man.
He didn’t slow down even as you teetered on the edge, he let you fall, your first orgasm of the night wracking through you as you clung to him, tangling your fingers in his hair and burying your face in his neck as you muffled a moan against his skin, his fingers didn’t stop until you were reaching down to grab his wrist, stilling him inside of you, allowing you to catch your breath. He placed a kiss into your hair, pulling his fingers out of you and pulling you close, pressing your chest flush against his.
“You cum beautifully.” He said into your ear. You shivered at his words, lifting your head to look him in the eye. When you kissed him, it was slow, passionate and hungry. “I bet it will be even more beautiful when you’re cumming on my cock.” The words alone made you moan. You were on auto pilot as you wrapped your fingers around him, pumping him slowly as you lined him up with your entrance. You both moaned in unison as you sank down onto him, feeling the way he filled you so perfectly, stretched you a little wider than his fingers had, but filled you so much deeper. You felt the breath leave your lungs as you reached his hips. He fit you perfectly, like he was made to be inside you. Once you found your bearings and you’d given him time to adjust to your tightness, you placed your hands on his shoulders, bracing yourself as you placed another kiss to his lips, the kiss devolving into a moan as you lifted yourself almost all the way off of him before dropping back down, gasping at the way his cock forced the air out of your lungs every time you dropped back down onto it. His grip on your hips was brutal, tight enough to leave bruises as he started guiding your movements, thrusting his hips up to meet you halfway, his own gentle gasps and moans buried into your hair as he held you. It wasn’t long before you began to feel the burn in your legs and hips, the position you were in starting to become difficult.
“Wait.” You breathed as you slowed down, catching your breath as Viktor’s fingers grazed up and down your sides. “Lay down.” You ordered, slowly pulling yourself up and off of him, if you weren’t so worked up you may have been more embarrassed over the whine that left you at the loss of him inside of you. Viktor fallowed your command, taking a moment to properly shed his shirt, tossing it to the side as you used his new position to properly get his pants off, tossing them to join the growing pile of clothing. It left him bare to you, his fair skin, pulled tight over his lean body, able to finally see the full augmentation of his leg, gliding your fingertips over the warm metal.
“Can you still feel touch?” You asked, pressing a kiss to the metal of his thigh before once again throwing one of your legs over his waist, getting yourself into position to take him again. His hands once again came to your hips.
“Yes.” He gasped out as you sunk back down onto his cock, taking him faster than you had the first time, letting out a moan of your own at the sudden intrusion. “But it’s different.” You hummed, planting your hands flat on his chest as you began moving your hips again, having much more control of your movements in this position, the painful burn in your hips fading as he thrust up into you, pushing just a little deeper into you than he had the first time. He hit every spot inside you perfectly in this position, pulling desperate whines and moans from your lips on every move. You were approaching your release fast now as you roughly slammed yourself down on his cock over and over. You moved your hands from his chest to the bed on either side of his head, leaning down to connect your lips again, though it was less of a kiss and more just gasping into each other’s space, the occasional press of lips, a graze of tongues as he wrapped his arms around your torso, holding your close as your movements became more erratic, your orgasm rushing up on you as he hit that perfect spot inside of you over and over along with the stimulation to you clit that the position provided.
You found yourself chanting his name like a mantra as you gripped the sheets under your hands so tight you worried they might tear. He thrust up into you roughly, his own movements becoming unsteady and erratic as his own release approached. Before you could register it, your orgasm crashed into you, your body tensing as a wave of pleasure washed over you, pulling a strangled gasp from your lips. Viktor’s rhythm stuttered as you tightened around him, a breathy moan falling from his lips as he pulled your body closer, thrusting up into you a few more times before his own release came, cumming deep inside of you, the feel of his release inside of you pulling another moan from your lips as you buried your face in his neck, his hands moving to stroke soothing circles over your back as the two of you caught your breath.
You pulled yourself up and off of his softening cock, dropping down to lay next to him, letting the thin layer of sweat on your skin cool. Turning onto your side you moved closer to him, laying your head on his chest as his arm came around to pull you into him, fingers grazing over your bare arm as you listened the rapid pace of his heart. It was quiet for a moment while the two of you just laid there, finally processing what had just happened. The realization hit you like a train. Viktor wasn’t interested in Angela, he was interested in you, had always been interested in you and not only did he love you too, but he just gave you the best fuck of your life. You let that sink in for a moment. Your childhood best friend, a man you’ve known for 25 years, and you just had sex with him, and you wanted to do it again.
“You think very loudly.” Viktor’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. He still sounded a little winded and you couldn’t help the little burst of pride and arousal that flowed through you at the fact that you caused him to sound like that. “Care to share with the class?” You smiled, pressing a kiss to his chest, then another to his neck.
“Just thinking about how we got here,” You said when Viktor turned to face you, his eyes meeting yours before you pressed your lips to his in a gentle kiss.
“I used to think we’d never get here.” He confessed when the two of you parted, his voice was hardly more than a whisper.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” You asked, propping your head up on your hand as you sat up on your elbow, other hand resting on Viktor’s bare chest, tracing random patterns into his skin.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He retorted.
“Touché.” You kissed him again, just a press of lips. “I love you.” You breathed once you’d pulled back.
“I love you, too.” It was silent for a moment before a though came to mind, bringing a smile to you lips. “What?” Viktor asked. It was a smile he knew well, one that he’d seen plenty of times and usually came before you told him of an idea you had. You met his eyes, a mischievous glint in yours.
“What are your thoughts on shower sex?” You asked, already starting to get up. While Viktor watched you slide off the bed, walking over to your ensuite bathroom, turning on the water, he couldn’t help but think that he should really send Jayce a gift basket or something, even if his methods of getting the ball rolling between the two of you had been… eccentric.
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
What do you stream on Twitch ? 🤔
Well, I don't stream anything right now, but back in the day when I did, I played a lot of video games, but I don't really know what I'd do now, probably a variety of stuff, maybe some art things, maybe some writing things and maybe some fun games
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
kinda wanna start streaming again, any of you guys actually wanna come hang out with me on twitch?
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
Sorry not sorry
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Idk if Tumblr accept that but heh
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
I got my computer fixed!! I have a computer again and I don't have to use my shitty chrome book to write anymore!! I'm so excited!!!
It also means I can play video games again which I am very excited about
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mysticmousecat · 3 years ago
What other fandoms are you guys a part of? I wanna see if you guys are in any of the other fandoms I’m in
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