#d.b cooper
readingfolklore · 2 days
the one thing that annoys me about older unsolved murder / disappearance cases is that, if they were done during today's society, they would have most likely been solved by now. it's annoying not knowing who did what.
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enriquemzn262 · 7 months
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Wait for it...
My favorite Wikipedia animation of all time! Quite literally a stick figure animation used to demonstrate how the infamous D.B. Cooper jumped from his hijacked 727 on November 24 1971.
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gwydpolls · 11 months
I am not over the person on one of my Time Travel polls who suggested D.B. Cooper was Loki.
I don't know if they meant the God or the Marvel character, but either way, i am charmed.
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liminalpebble · 10 months
Stray: Part 10 and Epilogue
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Stray: Part 10
Loki and Frigga sat across from each other in her private parlor. The younger prince was tapping his foot and fiddling with his hair nervously as he asked, “Are you sure she'll be okay? This must all be so overwhelming for her.”
Frigga smiled placidly and reached out her hand to hold her son's, stilling his restless movements. “She'll be more than fine. They'll take very good care of her. You have my word.”
Frigga let the silence settle for a moment before she said. “I'm glad to meet her. Surprised, but glad nonetheless. I can see why you are so taken with her. She has a good heart...a grateful heart.”
Loki sighed, trying to hide the depth of his feelings in front of the one person whom he could never fool. “You've met many of the men and women I'd grown fond of over the years. Is this so different for you?” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant as he eased back into his chair, crossing his long legs, and stroking a finger pensively over his lips.
Frigga nodded, “For you, yes. It's very different. Or rather, you are very different. It's never been anything...real...before, has it? I've never really seen you in love before.”
“What makes you think I'm in love?”
“Love...real love...makes us all spill open a little, and I can see it. She has melted some of that ice around your heart. I didn't think it possible.”
“So you've been watching me, Mother?” he said with a smirk, which Frigga mirrored.
“Perhaps, a bit. I thought it best to let things unfold naturally. But I think the time has come to involved myself. Come with me.”
He followed her to a corner of her study, to a golden chest, where she reached in to lift out a glowing golden apple. “Do you love her, my son? Do you want a lifetime with her? Our lifetime...surpassing her own.”
He took a deep fortifying breath. “I do. So much...so much that it feels like a sort of insanity, a madness. Now that I've known her care and companionship, I can't imagine the remainder of my life without her.”
Frigga grinned and her eyes welled slightly, “Then offer her this. Help her become one of us. Help her learn and explore everything your curious minds crave. Have your adventures with your beloved for eons to come.”
Loki smiled, but just as quickly, it faded and he looked down, eyebrows furrowed with worry. “But Mother, what if she says 'no'? What if she refuses me...now or centuries from now? What if I don't deserve her? What if...”
Frigga put a finger to his mouth to silence him, “Loki, that is how love works. You risk, and you trust and you doubt and you fear, for the sake of another person. It's not a tournament to be won. It's a leap of faith.”
Without any further words, but with tears in both of their eyes, they embraced each other tightly as the prince whispered to his mother, “thank you.”
Loki found his human in lavish chambers, adorned in a fine Asgardian gown, and charming half a dozen ladies in waiting with your disarming demeanor. You were twirling around in the voluminous dress with a big smile, like a little girl. You were startled and blushed a little when you realized he was standing there.
“Whew! You scared me! I didn't hear you coming.”
He chuckled, offering his widest, most charming smile. His heart was bursting out of his chest at the mere sight you. “Apologies, darling. No one ever does. You look absolutely ravishing, my lovely princess,” he declared as he spun you around in his arms. He set you down lightly then held both of your hands in his.
You gave him a worried look. “What...what's wrong. Have you been crying?” you asked gently, holding your warm palm to his cheek.
“Yes. Yes I have, but they are tears of the greatest joy. I have to ask you something very important.”
He gestured the ladies away, leaving the two of you alone. You nodded, and felt the breath stop in your throat. The world came to a stand still as you wondered what he was about to say. Loki's hand gleamed green then a radiant flawless golden apple appeared in his hands. “I want to offer you a bite of this apple. If you eat of it, you will have a life as long as mine, become a goddess by my side for ages as we traverse the universe. I can't imagine a life without you...without your love and kindness and cleverness and care and your laugh and the look of joy and gratitude in your eyes when you I've pleased you. I love you...so much. Will you do me the honor of spending eternity with me?”
Giddy excitement shot up like a rocket within you, making your cheeks piping hot and bringing tears to your eyes as you met his intense ones of aquamarine. “I...I don't deserve this.” was the first thought that escaped your lips.
“Darling...you deserve all of this and more,” Loki said, pulling you close to kiss you warmly and softly, holding your face in his careful elegant hands. “Please, be my princess.”
“Yes...yes....yes! I love you, too. Yes,” was all you could say, breathing out the words over and over again as you nodded vehemently. Loki interrupted this stream of affirmation by meeting your lips again, taking his time to taste you. It would be your last kiss with him as a mere mortal.
When you finally took a bite of that otherworldly golden apple, it was the sweetest fruit you had ever tasted; almost as sweet and divine as the destiny ahead of you, almost as sweet and divine as the god holding you.
It was a gleaming bright white December morning in Seattle. Rather than rain, ice had dominated every inch of the terrain and snow glistened off the buildings. It was so cold, you thought, but at least it was sunny for a change. As you stood on the balcony of the most luxurious hotel the city had to offer, you were grateful to have this as your final memory of your city (at least for awhile). The sun was shining on you, as bright and fresh as your new life.
In another part of town, a small apartment stood clean and empty, ready for the stories of someone else's life to fill it. A polite letter and the final month's rent were dropped quietly into the landlord's mailbox. All your beloved books, records, and anything else you wanted to hang onto was tucked away, safe and sound, in what Loki called his “pocket universe”. You considered just letting go of everything you owned, pondered the appeal of a blank slate, but Loki dissuaded you. He begged you to keep your records. He wanted to dance with you to the soundtrack of your love's origin story over and over again. He could be sentimental that way.
It felt good to tie up loose ends. You made sure a gracious letter of resignation made its way to Mr. Mullen. Although Loki insisted it was far more polite than what that worm deserved, you were determined to take the high road, and he loved you all the more for that.
The last loose end was your favorite to tie up, and you did so with a big golden ribbon. Janet found a gift and an envelope tucked under the cash register that morning; her name gracing the front in elegant calligraphy. The note was a simple one.
Janet, you are always worthy. You are so young, and I know you're afraid and uncertain, but you will grow and do great things. I know it. I've run off with my prince charming. I hope to see you again someday. All my love. P.S. The gift is something to keep you warm.
Janet read it with tears in her eyes, then she opened the package to find a soft blue scarf. She held it tightly against herself. She was a little startled when her first customer of the day asked her a question, and hurried to dry her eyes.
“Oh! Sir, I'm so sorry! How can I help you?”
She looked up to see the largest man she had ever seen smiling brightly at her as his stunning blue eyes met hers. “I'm so sorry, dear lady. I hope you're not in distress. I wonder if you might aide me in selecting a 'tie'.”
He nodded his head of long blonde hair and took her hand to kiss it.
Janet's eyes went as wide as they could go in shock, and then she giggled uncontrollably, thinking, Jeez, maybe Henry does have a brother after all.
Loki stepped lightly over to you as he adjusted his tie and smoothed out the crisp lines of his black suit. “Almost ready, darling?” he asked in his dulcet baritone, as he came up behind you to kiss your bejeweled neck.
“Almost. Can you help me with this zipper?” You asked, giving up your struggle with the very smartly tailored traveling dress. It was a dream of soft royal purple that hugged all of your curves well (which delighted your prince). You'd swear he helped you pick out the ones with zippers in the back just so he had an excuse to do this.
Loki came up close behind you and kissed your cheek. As he deftly slid the pull all the way up he said, “Of course, but you know I enjoy sliding you out of this oh so much more.”
You both let out a mischievous chuckle then kissed sweetly, sighing with satisfaction. He helped you into your pea coat, hat and gloves, before donning his own. Opening the hotel room door for you to exit ahead of him, he said with his biggest dimpled grin, “Ready?”.
You nodded and took his offered arm. “Yes, but where are we going?”
As your polished dress shoes clicked down the hallway side by side, Loki slid his other hand in his pocket, holding tightly to a tattered green loop of leather with his name written on it. He felt his heart warm as he said, meeting your eyes, “Wherever you'd like. The sky's the limit, my love.”
@averagetmblrusser @primrosesposts @fruityfucker @arunabrak @mischief2sarawr @ladyofthestayingpower @acidcasualties @unlucky-number-13 @goblingirlsarah @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokihiddleston @chokeanddagger @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @marcotheflychair @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @littlespaceyelf @little-wormwood @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @eleniblue @loz-3 @the-haven-of-fiction @sweetsigyn @muddyorbs @icytrickster17 @holdmytesseract @thenerdyoldersister @thedistractedagglomeration @sailorholly @coldnique @peaches1958 @infinitystoner @peachyjinx @mischiefmaker615 @jennyggggrrr @tripleyeeet @itsybitchylittlewitchy @mochie85 @huntress-artemiss @madi0987 @buttercupcookies-blog @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @aesonmae @angelofasgard16 @salempoe @n3rdybirdee
End Note: My dear sweet readers, I can't thank you enough for all of the love and comments and sharing and feedback. And a big thank you to @mischief2sarawr for the idea request. I fell into this story because I really really needed some softness and love and fluff right now. I hope those of you who read this in need of the same thing have found that comfort too. Sending you all of my love and gratitude, Peb.
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oatmilk-vampire · 8 months
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OG Ryan and Shane fans are quaking in their boots right now.
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sphaliro · 1 year
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Pov: you go to the atm to make a small withdrawal. HE appears on the screen & your balance rapidly lowers, digit by digit. You know this face... It's the infamous airline hijacker, D.B Cooper!! Now that the statute of limitations has expired on his most well known crime, his lust for money has been taken out on you by sheer chance. Your money is gone. "Sayonara, sucker" he says as the screen explodes. What do you do???
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geekynightowl1997 · 10 months
I just want to say; I appreciate that The Team is literally friends with a top FBI agent.
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 5 months
I still want to do a story someday where there's a secret society/conspiracy called The JFK Assassination. All their codenames and things are references to the various conspiracy theories, like the home base or whatever is titled "Grassy Knoll." ("Which meeting room are we using?" "Back and to the left.") Conspiracy theories about other things, too, maybe, i.e. the leader is called "DB Cooper."
They had nothing to do with the actual assassination of John F. Kennedy, and every conspiracy theory they reference predates them by decades at minimum, they're just using all these ambiguous terms specifically to make it impossible to look them up or search for them.
(Of course, we in the real world could find the relevant wiki articles by looking up "jfk assassination (name of the work in which it appears)". Unless, of course, the work was also titled "The JFK Assassination" ...)
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crazy56u · 2 years
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dan cooper from elsewhere is bisexual (implied)
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submitted by @octorocks-and-dodongos
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mcgravin · 8 days
I recently learned that this movie exists, "Bigfoot vs D.B. Cooper":
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This sounds like the perfect goofy B-movie, right? Except that's not all I learned about it. You see, in addition to that box art, this movie has an alternate box art...
(cw: shirtless, hunky young men below the cut)
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And here's a still from the movie:
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dijidweeeb · 17 days
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D.B. Cooper (1972) Composite Drawing
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gwydpolls · 10 months
Time Travel Question : Murder and Disappearance Winners 2
These Questions are the winners from the previous iteration.
Please add new suggestions below, if you have them, for future consideration.
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liminalpebble · 11 months
Stray (A Lokitty Tale): Part 3
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Stray: Part 3
Loki was beginning to fall into a pleasant sort of routine with the human. He enjoyed the soapy smell of your freshly showered skin as you cuddled him against yourself each morning before rushing out the door. No matter how tired or stressed or how much of a hurry you were in, you never failed to tell him good morning and hug him goodbye, and it thawed his icy heart. It seemed so strange to him; that a being would simply selflessly care for a creature who could offer nothing at all in return except companionship...and yet you did.
He noticed other things about you; that you had scuffed up one specific patch of the wall from grumpily kicking your shoes off each day (the closest to angry he ever saw you), that when you came home you always made a cup of coffee and curled up with a book, that you'd put a record on and hum along as you made dinner and did the dishes, that you especially liked The Velvet Underground, that you winced whenever the phone rang but, without fail, spoke so kindly to whoever was on the other side, that you'd go to see movies by yourself and stack the little ticket stub into a tidy collection as you gave him your film review. He learned that your favorite color was purple, that you would buy little bundles of fresh herbs and set them out in makeshift jam-jar vases just to smell them and enjoy the little pops of color in a gray world. All of these things gave him an irrepressible fizzle of warm feelings for you...feelings he couldn't quite define.
I'm...used to her? I find her pleasant? She...doesn't bother me...not like Thor and Odin do, anyway. He thought to himself, uncertain of how else to explain it.
On more than one occasion when you left for work, Loki would transform himself back into his smart black suit with the crisp white shirt. He would straighten his tie and check his slicked-back hair in the mirror as he summoned up the green glow of his magic, preparing to transport himself away to the next step of his fugitive journey. And yet...each time he stood there, staring at his perfectly polished shoes, simply unable to make the feet within them move. He couldn't leave when he thought of how sweet and sad and panicked you would be, calling his name over and over in vain, holding the little green makeshift collar, totally devastated. It wasn't like him to stagnate like this, and the fact that he was getting comfortable was...well...uncomfortable. Each time he was ready to go he would turn the little leather band in his large palm, reading his name in your handwriting over and over again. With a sigh of resignation, Loki would finally loosen his tie, sit back down, and settle into being your house guest for a little longer. Just a few more days, he kept telling himself.
Life sailed along this way until one day you seemed markedly...different. As your heels clicked down the hall and Loki transformed back into a cat, he happily anticipated curling up in your lap as you'd stroke his back aimlessly while reading. He wanted more than anything to enjoy your humming to your records and the savory smell your cooking, but today wouldn't go that way.
As you came in the door you slammed it shut behind you, and this time when you kick your shoes off you cursed loudly and etched a darker scuff in the wall. Loki's eyes wondered to your face and he was distressed to see your eyes wet and red-ringed. You had obviously been sobbing hard. You dropped your things and made your way straight for the couch, flopping down with the palms of your hands against your eyes, weeping inconsolably.
Loki was alarmed, having never seen you so upset. He was afraid to come near you in this unpredictable state, but he longed to be close to you so much more than he was afraid of you. Slinking carefully, he made his way to lay on your stomach. Gingerly settling and watching your face, he waited patiently for you to move your hands and meet his eyes. When you noticed him your angry demeanor immediately melted away as you gave him a pacifying stroke along his spine.
“Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry,” you said, gravely-voiced and sniffing. “I didn't mean to scare you,” you soothed. He purred, trying to let you know that he was fine and comfortable, as long as he was with you. You gave a comprehending wan smile, looking into the jewels of his irises as your fingertips combed through his fur. As your breath stilled you said, “Loki, you know, sometimes I think I'm going crazy because I could swear you understand me...that we're having conversations...that you follow along when I read to you. Insane, right? Totally insane.”
You chuckled, saddened yet amused by the absurdity of life and human emotions. Loki, however, was shocked at how close you came to the truth, and that you seemed to have connected more than he planned. He desperately wanted to know what was going on to upset his 'dear mortal' so much (this is how he designated you in his own mind) and it frustrated him more than ever that he couldn't simply talk to you and ask.
Loki had an idea. He could enchant you and use his power to see inside your mind for himself. You would be none the wiser, but he was still reluctant to invade your privacy. In the end, curiosity got the better of the cat and he gave in. Of course...curiosity...that's all it is, he told himself again.
He reached into your mind, traveling with you as you stepped into a large building with the sign saying Mullen Department Store. It was interesting to him, seeing what you did all day (endlessly stocking shelves, dealing with customers, cleaning the shop, preparing the products). He began to wonder if they ever let you sit down.
Around noon, a coworker approached you saying, “Hey, good luck with that interview with Mr. Mullen! This could be your big break!”. You thanked them and trudged up to the office on the top floor.
Before you knew it you were handing a paper to a balding man behind a large tacky desk. Loki felt his heart ache seeing that your hands were shaking. His darling mortal was so nervous! This must be important to her, he thought.
“...so as you can see here, Mr. Mullen. I have my Master's degree, fluency in three languages, and background in academic writing and journalism. I think I'd be a perfect writer and translator for the office team. I work very thoroughly and...”
The older man huffed, “Let me stop you right there, sweetheart. I'm sorry but we really don't need some dame doing that kind of work.”
“Excuse me?”
“Don't get me wrong, on paper you're impressive, but we have a...professional image...here. Our ladies in the workforce have to look the part.” He shrugged, “Now, if you worked on your appearance a little, maybe lost a few pounds or wore a bit more makeup you could be be Johnny's secretary. Do you make a good pot of coffee?” He said the last part with a chuckle, clearly pleased with the pitiful thing that passed for his sense of humor.
Your voice rose. “Excuse me, but I fail to see what my appearance has to do with my competence. You have plenty of men as writers on staff who were hired without being told to lose a few pounds first. This is absurd! It's 1971, Mr. Mullen, not 1950!”
He stared you down with his beady little eyes, “Now listen here, young lady, don't give me that feminist horse shit. You are very very lucky to have the job you do have with this company! I wouldn't expect you to understand the standards we have up here, and that just goes to show you're not what we're looking for.” He checked his watch with a sigh, “That's all the time I have today, and you need to be back on the sales floor.” He dismissed you, not even with a handshake, but by simply waving his hand toward the door and using his other one to crumple your resume and drop it in the trashcan.
You didn't say a word, too stunned and disappointed to react to this rejection. Loki felt the sting of your thoughts as they churned around in your head the rest of the day. I'm never going to go farther. This is my life now...my stupid fucking life....not even pretty enough to type or pour coffee for a living...Jesus Christ...I wanted so much more than this. I worked so hard to have more than this. I wanted to see the world. I wanted to learn so much. I barely even have friends.”
Loki thought to himself, and wished he could tell you, oh darling, how dare he make you feel this way! You're so clever and unique and kind....and beautiful. Sweet moral, I think you're the most beautiful creature I've ever met.
He floated back out of your mind then, shocked by the return to reality and to his sudden swell of feelings for you. The god of mischief realized in that moment that he wanted something he had never wanted for another person before. He wanted you to get all the good things you deserved even if he had to forgo some for himself. He wanted to avenge and defend you, putting the fear of God (or rather, a god) into the idiotic and insulting little man. Most of all, he just wanted you to be okay, and safe...and loved. Loved...he finally allowed himself to think the word.
He watched your lovely face as you began to nod off. Your wet lashes closed, and your brow furrowed with worry, even as you drifted off holding him against your heart. He could feel it pulsing in your chest, and sense the slowing of your breath. He finally dared to admit that he wanted to give you love...all the love everyone else wasn't giving you but you so sorely deserved. Loki darted out his little pink tongue to lick your arm where it rested around him. He tried to say, sweet dreams, little mortal. Just rest. We'll find a way. And though it only came out as a contented purr, he was surprised to hear you murmur “thank you,” in return, as you sank further into dreams.
@mischief2sarawr @ladyofthestayingpower @acidcasualties @unlucky-number-13 @goblingirlsarah @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokihiddleston @chokeanddagger @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @marcotheflychair @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @littlespaceyelf @little-wormwood @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @eleniblue @loz-3 @the-haven-of-fiction @sweetsigyn @muddyorbs @icytrickster17 @holdmytesseract @thenerdyoldersister @thedistractedagglomeration @sailorholly @peachyjinx @coldnique @sarahscribbles@peaches1958 @infinitystoner @mischiefmaker615 @jennyggggrrr @tripleyeeet @itsybitchylittlewitchy @mochie85 @huntress-artemiss @madi0987 @buttercupcookies-blog @annoyingsweetsstranger
P.S. Thank you all for reading and liking and sharing and requesting to be tagged. You're all so sweet and it means the world to me.
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I’m gonna ask this of the Faction Paradox fandom after having JUST read The Book of War excerpt on “The Cult of Celebrity Death”
Is D.B. Cooper a member, and if not, why not?
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sotiredmostnights · 10 months
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