#czech beer
wolfman-al · 1 month
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Delicious czech black beer I had at a summer festival.
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randomberlinchick · 1 year
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Recovering from the alcohol-free beer with a Czech lager this weekend. Prost! 🍺
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Easter green beer for "Zelený Čtvrtek"
Yummy.. 💚😋
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ayanos-pl · 1 year
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ハッシュタグは #ポーランド・ビールのラベル だけど、Ostravarオストラヴァルはチェコのオストラヴァに1897年に設立された醸造所だからチェコ・ビール(写真のラベルはポーランド語表記)。現行のロゴは赤帯に白抜き文字でOSTRAVARの上に、黒丸に金の馬1頭というマーク。
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themacpsych · 2 years
Just booked my first ever trip to Prague!
I've wanted to go for ages and a friend decided to book a trip and invite me along. It's just a weekend, but a nice opportunity to get a sense of the place, enjoy some Czech beers and immerse myself in some history.
Can't wait until January... Top tips for Prague most welcome.
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azurepancake768 · 7 months
Beer is such an important part of Czech culture that the Czech word for beer is "pivo", literally "drink-stuff".
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scavengedluxury · 8 months
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Neon brewery sign, Prague, 1983. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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kapsadan · 3 months
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Koukám, nová limitovaná edice Kofoly (fskutečnosti Portáš)! ValMez moment
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yumartist · 6 months
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I went to Czech Republic with my mother. 💓
I think the scenery I saw will be useful in my future songs. 💐☺︎
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beerwanderer · 6 months
Beer Hiking Prague & Czech? Why not.
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eucanthos · 4 months
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František Dostál (CZ, 1938 - 2022)
1981 (Summer people)
Letní lidé | Moravská galerie v Brně | sbirky
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randomberlinchick · 1 year
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Back to Czech beer this weekend!🍺🍺
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
I hadn't known you're czech, that's cool! I can say one thing in czech and it's 'little (my name) your mother is calling you' because my mom used to live there
Hiya! :) Aww that's great! :) Wahoo! Another czech fun fact: we have the highest beer consumption per capita in the world! :)
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:D (I don't drink beer, so someone else is drinking my portion as well :D)
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hamshroom · 7 months
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this beer called brouczech
a pun
a czech pun
for brouček
(a little bug)
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"I don't drink tea"
Oh right, apologies sir, let me magic you a glass of apple juice
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ego-meliorem-esse · 1 year
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I did it! I finaly bought myself something an ordinary Croat couldn't fkn afford! I always wanted the ipad for drawing and college work but it was just not realistic. But now after sticking to my plan and going to Austria to get a decent paycheck, I did it! I am so proud of myself not just due to materialistic reasons, but for actually going through with my plan and dedicating myself to somthing! I feel happy and satisfied and I finally feel like my own, real, independent person! 🥹
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