#czech au pair
ihopeinevergetsoberr · 8 months
the counterpart
• chapter 1 — a welcome threatening stir
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rating: explicit. please don’t skip straight to (future) smut parts though, i’m currently learning chess just for this fic /hj
word count: 4,5k
pairing: viktor x fem!reader (no use of ‘y/n’)
cw: alcohol, occasional cussing, reader is a smoker (she plays chess and lives in the 90s, how do you expect her to have healthy lungs in these conditions?). a LOT of tension, viktor is a certified brat tamer. i think that’s it — please come yell at me if i missed anything. basically just a silly little chess rivals (sort of) au.
i am finally writing this multichapter and i hope it will be a fun read for you and an excellent torture for me. i have a vision but i don’t know how to make shit perfectly executed. we’ll see how this goes. an ao3 link will be added later. any feedback is highly appreciated.
part 2
You weren’t obsessed with him. 
With the way his tongue would click against his teeth so astutely irritating — a gesture you grew to define as some brief foreplay before said appendage touched his palate precisely one torturous time, whispering a victorious ‘check’. With a crease dissecting his forehead — a rare occasion you managed to grasp only twice: the first time being your failed attempt to capture his queen, and the second — a recent one, at that — being a foolish way you’ve lost a freshly converted into a rook pawn: concurrently the most humiliating way to jeopardize an intellectual sparring. 
You weren’t obsessed with his bizarre contemplative humming, nor with his Czech last name — needless to mention the disheveled mayhem of dark hair: Viktor was just a mere enigma you fancied to occasionally demerge — sneakily, patiently, with a positive passion to it. Habitually in a private ambiance of either his or your dorm room, though actually more commonly his — something about it simply screamed peace, as contradictory as that sounds. Sweetly quiet, relatively neat, with a never properly made bed being the only truly concerning mess in it.
That apartment was the embodiment of a grandmaster’s mind, and it certainly had all the chances of belonging to one at some point: if only he kept up with the meticulous tactics you were (secretly) so jealous of. 
“Envy is a waste of time,” he unkindly reminded you one particularly languid evening, “you should pursue ways to expand your knowledge — not to contract them with such trivialities.” 
That reproach got into your ambitious head. Call it a reality check or a simple first impression — since that encounter was also the first one you two had ever shared.
Though could someone really blame you? You didn’t need humbling. Well, not any more of that crude one, at the very least — a local college chess club had more than enough of it to offer. You could consume their disdain for weeks and it still wouldn’t make them run out of it — they had plenty in stock specifically for women. That much was obvious the second you appeared before those arrogant, prejudiced fools. You stepped in there innocently hoping to enroll, but stormed off with a genuine intention to commit homicide — a manslaughter, to be precise, and god weren’t you going to be merciful. 
‘You can’t enroll without a rating,’ hissed that bespectacled, caricaturely tall boy — all heavily starched collar, stupid chequered tie and a handful of dirty blonde hair plastered across his forehead. 
Bullshit, you thought, gathering every last ounce of your forced politeness, who needs a rating to enroll into a college fucking chess club? 
‘We don’t accept amateurs,’ assented his not any less grimy interlocutor, his expression a tad bit more bearable. ‘Please, leave,’ he demanded, lancing your face with his hostile eyes. 
Well, it’s a good thing you accept ill-mannered bastards, you almost muttered, fists clenching hard into a white-knuckled disaster. 
And perhaps you were even willing to negotiate, to have their best players all lined up in front of you — each waiting for a turn to be relentlessly put in his place by you; and you would certainly show them — quick, efficient and dangerous. You would force them into submission — professionally so, in a way that would make them all wonder whether the next Judit Poglar has decided to bless them with her presence. 
Because, sure; you were certainly many things — an excellent mind, a trickster, a fanatic, but that list never included an amateur. The mere fact someone even dared to insult you in such a way — and without even sparing you one game of chess — was, frankly, deeply humiliating. 
So you decided to let your pride win. Walked out of that damned club with an ostentatious huff, heels clacking loud enough to muffle their demeaningly misogynistic brouhaha — a tacit protest, an addendum to your passive-aggressive ‘good luck, gentlemen’. 
They didn’t want you — fine, whatever, you didn’t want them either. You’ll find yourself a counterpart soon — not any less intelligent, and, most importantly, respectful. They’ll come crawling back to you once you gain a rating, mourning their loss and pathetically begging for sweet mercy. You could already imagine the holes rubbed through the nice fabric of their dress pants from all the kneeling you’ll make them do. 
Besides, Jayce had already promised to introduce you to someone decent. ‘He’s sweet,’ he assured you, a friendly arm wrapped around your tense shoulder. ‘Incredibly smart,’ he proceeded with his wholehearted praise, proud grin so wide the corners of his mouth were definitely hurting. ‘Somewhat awkward,’ he mused, raising one eyebrow in consideration, ‘though I’m not entirely sure it’s awkwardness, per se, Viktor is simply… pensive.’
Viktor. Your eyes squeezed shut, offering the restless imagination a brief opportunity to brainstorm. A competent, pensive and sweet chess lover: what would his temper turn out to be like? Does he have a rating yet? What if he’s already playing professionally? Perhaps he even has a title? 
Jayce’s next comment didn’t offer you much help though. 
‘He’s handsome too,’ he whispered, a shit-eating smirk wiped instantly off his pleased physiognomy. Elbows become offensive weapons between the ribs of unfortunate matchmakers, you see. 
Either way: the deal was sealed. You were going to meet Viktor the next chance you get, and Jayce’s upcoming birthday has provided you with precisely that convenience. 
It still happened rather spontaneously — you can’t mentally prepare yourself for an encounter you don’t quite know what to expect of. Sure, Jayce’s complaisant flattery was still at your service — a source not exactly reliable, yet somewhat welcomed nonetheless: though only because you lacked any other information about this Viktor persona.
But you decided not to upset a dear friend on his birthday. Acting like Jayce was bearable to be around was a part of your gift, after all. 
Unfortunately, the fact he was born on an awfully steamy July day wasn’t helping you accomplish that; you squinted, drowning a glass of that disgustingly warm bourbon, a couple of melted ice cubes in it slightly diluting the once-rich taste of liquor. The man of the hour had quickly dissolved into a mess of infuriatingly noisy people after only reserving you a quick hello, shiny eyes already evidently tipsy — either from all the attention or the contentious quality of the booze this bar had to offer. 
You didn’t dare to complain. The tab was on a birthday boy, and you knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. Knew better, yet still stared right at Jayce’s laughing physiognomy, grin so blindingly toothy it had you regretting ever sojourning this feast of life. Not that you had anything against attending birthday celebrations; but a cramped bar, a cheap drink and not a single minute spent with a man you came here for weren’t exactly your ideal perception of said… festivity. Not to mention that Viktor was terribly late — though your darling mutual acquaintance was in no state to properly introduce you to him anyway. You slipped out of your bar stool, rubbing an erratic little pattern into the weary skin of each heavy eyelid — but the sleepiness didn’t magically dissolve under the persistent pressure of your fingers. If there existed a thing you hated more than cocky men and bad booze — then it certainly had to be feeling hot, and this awful place has kindly reminded you of precisely that long forgotten loathing; air so sticky it was melting your brain into a tired, dysfunctional mush. 
Somehow you managed to find an exit before the headache became borderline unbearable, letting the evening greet you with a chilly slap on precisely that slick place where a damp blouse kept clinging onto your sweaty back. Summer sure was relentless this year — the outdoors didn’t offer you much of that crispy gentle breeze, but it was still not nearly as suffocatingly hot as inside that grimy shelter for drunks. 
Shaky hands slid inside the pocket of your pants, fumbling frantically with the contents of it: glistening candy wrappers, ringing keys and a handful of coins. Took you long enough to finally feel the shape of an old lighter, the spark wheel of it so terribly rusty the callus on your thumb started stinging as soon as you laid it on that rough little bump. 
With a sigh, you fetched a folded pack of Camel out of the same stuffed sack, the state of said poor thing utterly matching its owner’s — all ruffled, messy, with the bottom of it barely still intact. Well, fine, perhaps that last trait was not precisely pertinent to you, but your rear was hurting quite palpably after an hour spent sitting on that awfully uncomfortable stool — which meant that relating to your poor box of cancer sticks was inevitable. 
The spark wheel gave in after a few insistent pushes, and within seconds you were taking your first greedy drag, back pressed tightly against the cool wall; providing you much needed support for taming a headache with a smoke break that would undoubtedly cause a new one in an instant. The filth filled your lungs with sweet relief, and you let the sedation run slowly through your veins, squeezing the filter in an affectionate little embrace of trembling index and middle fingers. 
And then your private moment was ruined. But not abruptly in the slightest, with just one simple call of your name – the most careful of all interventions, surprisingly quizzical and polite, heavily accented at the edge of the very last syllable. Still had you choking ungracefully on your tiny nicotine snack, filling the silence with awfully inelegant coughing. 
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you,” spoke your pensive intruder, causing you to sharply turn around, back clinging off the wall in one unsubtle movement. 
That’s how all meaningful formal meetings happen. Unfailingly when you least expect them, or, even worse — when you stop expecting them at all, with every thought banished from your utterly relaxed mind. They sneak up on you under shitty bars, giving you a slight vertigo and then offering a polite smile to make amends, gripping the handles of their canes with pent up awkwardness. And god were they peculiar intrusions — matching your silly, much too improper manner to wear corporate clothes for a night out, with just a few buttons of their tight vest undone; limbs lanky, but not inept, eyes brimming with pretty copper right onto your astonished frame. Made you randomly embarrassed about your chipped nail polish and messy hair with just a mere presence of their flawlessness: you knew you were facing a tease before you even managed to acknowledge his appearance, brow raising curiously in a cautious attempt of a greeting.
“Well, you did startle me,” was the first thing to leave your mouth after the coughing assault had ended, lips stretching lazily into an involuntary grin. “How do you know my name?” 
His eyes — oh those big shiny tormentors — widened in surprise, and one sinewy hand crawled somewhat haphazardly up his chest, fingers catching the knot of a red tie to pull on it firmly. To either adjust it or to make the clearing of a tender throat easier — you couldn’t quite place it, yet still watched him in silent astonishment, tasting the bitterish taste of tobacco on the tip of your tongue. 
“Well,” he parroted your tone with sharp accuracy and proceeded with distinguished sass, “I believe a certain someone has introduced us to each other… in absentia, so to speak.” 
Oh. So that was your new charming counterpart? Bravo, Jayce — there was actually something truthful about your flattering for the first time. 
“For I am Viktor, in case you’re still confused,” he obligingly reminded, abandoning the brief fidgeting with his tie to offer you a handshake.  
You gulped, almost extending a dominant arm to accept it, but some weird foreboding had once convinced you that to twine your still smelling of cigarettes fingers with a stranger would be somehow perceived as crude — and so you clumsily caught his palm with your other, less nimble limb. Let the heat of his touch engrave into your hand, eyes swirling the tiny mole above that defined cupid’s bow, making you feel stupid for stealing that innocent of a peek. Had you forgetting about the still stuffed into your mouth cigarette as it fell open in oblivious awe, almost dropping a decent bridge of ashes onto his pretty shoes.
Regaining the lost composure, you managed to introduce yourself in a manner similar to his — not that it was necessary since he seemed to remember what to call you exactly, but the gesture still felt right — you’d vowed to treat people with politeness and liked to think that it was going quite well for you. 
“So,” he uttered somewhat approbatory, withdrawing his hand from your tender clasp, “normally I don’t… tutor. But Jayce was rather insistent I try — and he’d also assured me that you’re quite passionate about the subject.” 
You huffed, letting out an undefinable sound of confusion. Not without a mixture of evident irritation to it, if you were to be frank — but that was entirely justified. A tutor? Is that how Jayce really took it? 
“I’m not looking for a tutor,” you sassed matter-of-factly, angrily inhaling from your cigarette. “I’m looking for a counterpart. What makes you think that you’re competent enough to teach me anything at all?” you inquired with candid hostility, watching him go limp in silent panic. 
You’d vowed to treat people with politeness and didn’t care if it wasn’t going well for you anymore. Quite a drastic change of plans, to be frank.
“Oh, I am not claiming that,” Viktor rushed to object, and the way a few strands of hair started shaking treacherously as he wagged his head had almost caused you to crack a pretentious smirk. But he quickly soothed the unkempt curl and proceeded with his explanation, “I was simply told you might need some help. Why the unnecessary attitude?” 
“Because you were told wrong,” you practically spat the smoke into his face, lips smacking together with an audible pop. It made his textured nose wrinkle with a fed up sigh, entertaining you with an ungainly attempt of waving that livid cloud away. 
“And that’s my fault… how, exactly?” he mumbled with an utterly puzzled glare, and you scoffed in silent rejoicement, leaning slightly closer to divert yourself with more of his emotiveness. 
“You should have paid more attention to what Jayce told you,” you jumped over his rhetorical question paying it no mind whatsoever. Though, as you were reminiscing on the events of this exact conversation — your own audacity made you wonder how Viktor managed to refrain from slapping you across the face that very instant. The shitty booze must have turned out not so shitty after all — it sure gave you the nerve, and you were holding onto it a tad bit too tightly. 
But your new companion didn’t take that well. His thick eyebrow protruded into a furious arc, lids twitching slightly at the outburst you were so pathetically proud about. Both hands returned to the handle of his cane, as if getting ready to transform it into a weapon — and he leaned his whole body weight on it with a displeased gasp, accented voice obtaining a lower, more threatening edge to it. 
He’s sweet, you scoffed, ready to press your forehead against his like an uncivilized animal. It’s not like you were acting much better than that anyway. 
Well, at least Jayce didn’t lie about the handsome part. 
“I’ll have you know that I was, indeed, paying attention,” he hissed through gritted teeth, “and if you wish to quibble over the words that do not even belong to me — then fine: be my absolute guest, but do not except me to align with your enthusiasm and partake in useless insults.” 
He cleared his throat again, evidently reluctant to indulge in whatever spectacle you were so clearly asking for. That man didn’t deserve your resentment, but now you certainly deserved his, and so you backed off, fingers twitching haphazardly as they curdled around your cigarette for one last awkward drag, lashes fluttering with palpable nervousness. 
“I was told you needed a tutor — and I sincerely apologize if your request was miscomprehended,” Viktor sighed, and you blinked at him in baffled reverence. Wishing oh so desperately to burn your  always looking for trouble tongue with that still somewhat smoldering tobacco stick. 
“No, I…” you gasped in response, but Viktor held a soothing hand up, stopping you from puking out more of that guilty incoherent nonsense. 
“Please, allow me to finish,” he demanded, and you obeyed — a mere culpable inch away from accidentally swallowing the filter still filling your mouth with a sharp savour of smoke. 
And your submission was appreciated right away. 
“So, as I was saying,” Viktor returned to his lecture with a distinguished cough, “I’m sorry if your request was miscomprehended. But it certainly wasn’t miscomprehended by me, which makes your reaction somewhat… unfair, don’t you think?” 
“Yes,” you yielded, nodding in weak agreement. “Yes, totally unfair.” 
“To say the least,” he was quick to add, emphasizing the last word especially heavy.  
“To say the least,” you parroted in response — just like a tamed misbehaving brat. And that’s precisely what you were — humbled, put in your place and sorry. You were sorry, and it made you quiver as you timidly chewed on the inside of an already half-eaten cheek, frantically counting the numerous scratches on your shoes. Doing anything to escape the gentle orbs undressing you off your very flesh in an attempt to find something even you doubted was still there: some prudence. 
“So, with that being said,” Viktor summarized, and you heard a resonant click of his cane against the concrete, “I suggest you take out your anger on someone who’s responsible for the incorrect wording.” 
You dared to abandon your defeated position, head tilting slightly upwards to witness his departure — just as languid as this completely disastrous evening; no offense to Jayce and his special day, of course. 
“Now if you’ll excuse me,” he smiled, politely nodding at the establishment before you two, “I still ought to wish that someone a happy birthday.” 
So that’s how you lose both a battle and a war. He’d just taught you a valuable lesson — and here you were, so appalled to the idea of being tutored. Oh how the tables have turned. 
You reached out a hand for him, preliminarily putting out that damned cigarette to the sole of your messy shoe in a chaotic rush. Grazed his shoulder with a fleeting touch — so cowardly unsure if you were even allowed to pamper such luxury in these conditions. But he showed you some mercy — allowed it to linger there, slightly dipped into the curvature of his clavicle, awaiting your next move with a didactic frown. 
A look of a man who’d put you in a checkmate before even pulling out a chess board. 
“Viktor, I’m sorry,” you muttered with the most sincere remorseful look your face could even master, “I’m terribly sorry, actually. I shouldn’t have—“ but he interrupted you, eyes drifting playfully to the hand still invading his precious privacy. 
“Oh, shit,” you cussed under your breath, hastily pulling it back as if it was leprotic, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to—“
“Please, continue,” he insisted softly. Gave you a few seconds to finish crumbling into stupid tipsy pieces and stepped back, all of his attention centered precisely on your earnest apology. 
Oh, nevermind, someone please scratch the ‘showed you some mercy’ part.  
“I was rude,” you confessed (as if it wasn’t obvious enough already). “Unacceptably so. I’m not exactly… good with social cues — but it’s no excuse, I should never have said that. Especially within the first five minutes of meeting you,” the words were flowing out of your mouth so naturally — surprisingly smooth for someone who’d normally take three to five business days to come up with a proper atonement (or even consider the necessity of one whatsoever). 
“Do you think I could somehow… make it up to you?” you hit him with your most pitiable arrow, the one you were saving up for special occasions when you really did mean to somehow atone for all the damage, eyes two pretty things seeking his forgiveness with a sporadic, perplexed blink. But they saw none — he’d frowned, hummed in consideration, and then tormented you with silence for just a few more everlasting seconds, making you sink your lips softly into the edge of your nail and scrape some polish off of it. Squinting instantly at the awful, chemical taste — and Viktor finally gave up. 
You’d realized it was your first time hearing him laugh much later. It was, indeed, a thing to remember — all raspy, strangely domestic, not malicious or willing to destroy you any further. And yes — technically, he was laughing at you, but if that’s what you’d get every time this man filled the air with that soft laughter — then you may as well become a circus employee just to figure out how to make him emit more of it.
“All is forgiven,” he assured you, shaking his head, “the second you made that face, actually. But no more of that, please. If that’s how you plead — then I’m afraid I might someday forgive you something utterly unacceptable.” 
He’s sweet, you sighed, an unsure smile returning plastered across your face once again. 
Perhaps you should start listening to Jayce more often. 
“But back to your request,” Viktor was quick not to let you turn into a puddle on that still scorched by the sun ground, “a counterpart — is that what you need? Why not join a chess club, then?” 
His question didn’t mean any harm, and he obviously just asked it out of sheer curiosity — yet it still made you feel a tad bit demeaned. Not by him, of course, just by the fact those arrogant fucks still dared to coexist without you. 
Perhaps they would be willing to reconsider if they saw your behavior tonight? 
You sighed, shrugging off his query. “I tried to. They didn’t let me because I don’t have a rating.”
“Really? Well that’s just strange — since when does one need a rating for it?” his confusion was genuine, eyes widened drastically as if he’d just heard the biggest absurdity of his entire life. 
“That’s what I said,” you whined in a tone of a natural gossip-girl, almost ready to chain-smoke the entire rest of your pack now that you were reminded of your misery. 
“I see,” Viktor hummed, stroking a thumb over the line of his sharp chin in deep scrutiny, “hm, I’m certain I’ve never heard them demand a rating for enrollment before. A club is not a tournament, after all.” 
“Wait, are you a member of our chess club?” the realization quickly absorbed you, but Viktor didn’t quite catch on to your astonishment. 
“Yes,” he dryly confirmed, “yes, I am. Not that I spend much time there though — those gentlemen are simply… how do I put it politely? Mediocre. Incompetent. I don’t like careless opponents — what’s the point in playing them if you can picture how exactly you can win within seconds?” 
Within seconds. You froze in apparent disbelief, trying to figure out whether he’s bluffing or actually being serious, awaiting tensely on something — anything —  that might indicate a joke. But not a single muscle on his pale face twitched into a smile — he’d responded with a look as awfully inquisitive as yours, unsure of what exactly you expect him to do. 
So he does mean it. In that case, he’s either very full of himself — or these boys are, in fact, that hopeless in chess. And something kept telling you that it most likely was the ladder.
“I’m jealous then, I suppose,” you offered him a safe answer, toying thoughtlessly with your poor, rusty lighter. 
“Please don’t be,” he protested with a careful plea. “Envy is a waste of time. You should pursue ways to expand your knowledge — not to contract them with such trivialities.” 
Bold of him to assume you might envy his skills. Well, yes — you were definitely beaming with envy, but he didn’t need to know that just yet. 
You snorted, almost letting that toxic conceit take over whatever pieces of common sense Viktor had just punched back into you — and his words dwelled, slinking through your skull, filling you not with thirst for vengeance, but with inspiration. It gave you some time to form a decent comeback, so you used it wisely: by delivering precisely that kind of answer, eyes rolling playfully at his discreet lecture. 
“I don’t envy your tactics,” you informed him, gracefully holding your head up, “I envy the fact you have someone to show them to.” 
And that boy smiled again, forcing your light vertigo to return — but not out of tipsiness or so-called ‘arrogance poisoning’. 
“So do you,” he whispered, and watched you derail with the most victorious countenance known to a man. Reminding you nonchalantly that he doesn’t need a single chess piece to have you in a stalemate. 
That muggy bar might’ve offered you an experience of being trapped in a figurative, impossibly narrow coffin, but Viktor’s presence was the thing that truly made you feel like an actual cadaver — all empty thoughts, and stiffness, and skipped heartbeats. 
But Jayce forgot to mention that your new competitor was also deeply laconic. 
“Meet me in the library next… Friday, if you’re available?” he wasn’t generous enough to award you with any more seconds to recover from this exchange, impatiently expecting a confirmation. You could only manage a non-verbal one, nodding weakly at his offer. 
“Say… somewhere around noon?” he mused, and you instantly nodded again, waiting obligingly for his next suggestion. What a pleasure it is to do business with you! 
“Perfect,” he snatched the words out of your mouth, already half-turned to the bar entrance, “please bring a board, and I shall bring the clocks… Yes, the library should suffice — it’s not like a game of chess requires much conversation either way. Now, please do excuse me — I really need to steal Jayce away for a minute.” 
You watched him vanish into that devilish, so utterly unfitting for a man of his kind place; eyes nailed into his back as the crowd of feasting people swallowed your new interlocutor. Letting an excited little breath slip past your open mouth, escorting him with an uncoordinated wave of a shaky hand — a rather silly, excessive gesture since he wasn’t able to see it, and yet it still felt right — like a perfect little farewell to strengthen this newfound friendship with. 
That’s how you met your counterpart — or, perhaps, that’s what you used to see in him once. 
What you were still oblivious about — is that this man will conquer you in much more capacities than just the game that brought you two together.
tags (please let me know if you’d like to be added to them) : @zaunitearchives @blissfulip
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owlterri · 2 years
Two worlds 2
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Posted on 20 Aug Fireball Irish Nationals and Pre-Worlds day 1 Lots of breeze for the fleet warming up for the Worlds at Lough Derg The Pre-Worlds phase of the GUL sponsored Fireball World Championships started off yesterday morning in much the same way as it had concluded the day before - with lots of breeze, from a broadly similar direction - 240 degrees. Posted on 21 Aug Fireball Irish Nationals and Pre-Worlds overall He went afloat in a rib to assess the wind and recorded speeds of less than 2 knots. The Race Officer held the fleet ashore as there was no wind in the proposed race area. Race Officer records wind speeds of less than 2 knots There was no sailing today at the Gul Fireball Worlds. Three more races completed in a building breeze The dinghy park at Lough Derg Yacht Club, hosts to the GUL Fireball World Championship, is quiet this morning! Is that down to Irish hospitality on Crews' Night? Posted on 24 Aug Gul Fireball Worlds at Lough Derg day 1 Posted on 26 Aug Gul Fireball Worlds at Lough Derg day 3 Ireland dominated Thursday's racing at the GUL Fireball Worlds in Lough Derg Ireland. Gillard and Shandy dominate the racing Tom Gillard of Sheffield Vikings and Shandy from East Antrim Boat Club in N. Posted on 27 Aug Gul Fireball Worlds at Lough Derg day 4 Solitary race confirms the title for Tom Gillard & Andy Thompson Lough Derg Yacht Club in County Tipperary, Ireland is quiet this morning! The yacht club which played host to the 2022 GUL Fireball World Championships over the past seven days is a scene of tents being dismantled and trailers being prepped. Related Articles Gul Fireball Worlds at Lough Derg overall During the latter stages of the race the wind started to fade but never got below the 5knot threshold. The balance of the podium places on the water were filled by Hall & Constable and Isaac Marsh & Oliver Davenport (GBR 15162), the P&B jockeys, but McCartin & Kinsella were in the chase as well as Mermod & Moser and Heather McFarlane & Chris Payne (AUS 15152). Indeed, the first three or four boats had pulled away from the body of the fleet and all looked comfortable. After another clean start in winds that were consistently above ten knots, the North jockeys, Gillard & Shandy had a very substantial lead. Having completed the two races slightly ahead of schedule, the Race Officer decided to give the fleet a three-lap third race - triangle-sausage-triangle. Also, on the downwind leg of the sausage, the fleet was more inclined to split left and right. The religious conviction that left was the way to go started getting diluted in this race as more boats set off for the second weather mark by taking a hitch to the right. McCartin & Kinsella sailed into fourth with David Hall & Paul Constable (GBR 15155) getting into fifth. The Czech Republic pairing of Jiri Paruzek & Jakub Kosvica (CZE 15141) made their way to second place with Mike Deane & Paul Disney (GBR 14778) getting into third. We also found ourselves with a new running order with Steve & Tom Goacher (GBR 15145) leading the fleet around the course - again quite comfortably. Race 2 was also a two-lap course but with more wind - the knots creeping up to 10 - 12. Gul Fireball World Championship at Lough Derg - Day 2 - photo © Con Murphy These ended up being the final positions. The top reach of the triangle looked exciting from our perspective and the second reach was also of a high standard. Hayling Island's David Sayce and Gareth Edwards (GBR 15112) would be next in line with Derian and Andy Scott (GBR 14941). However, the hosts of this regatta, were also well to the fore with the green spinnaker of Barry McCartin & Conor Kinsella (IRL 15093) in third. Behind them we found another white spinnaker but with a mainsail that had a distinctive sailmaker's label - that of Tom Gillard & Shandy (GBR 15122) and North Sails. It turned out to be the spinnaker of Claude Mermod & Ruedi Moser (SUI 14799) and they held the lead throughout the race. The procession of red spinnakers on Thursday and Friday's racing last week was broken when a white spinnaker was seen to take the lead at the weather mark, just less than a mile away from this correspondent on the committee boat. Wind at this stage was of the order of 8 knots with occasional fluctuations above and below this number. He was true to his word as he departed the shore shortly after 10:00 and got the fleet away to a punctual start for Race 1, a two-lap triangle and sausage course. After the loss of two races on Sunday due to insufficient wind, IRO Con Murphy advised the fleet at the GUL Fireball Worlds that three races would be on the agenda for Monday with an earlier start time of 11:00.
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carolmorgan · 5 years
Sháněla jsem lidi na trip do Národního parku Joshua Tree a přihlásilo zhruba 15 lidí. Vždycky počítám, že někdo zruší, ale tadyta parta mě překvapila, takže výsledek byl takový, že jsem půčila Van pro 12 lidí a vyrazili jsme. Po prvních 20 minutách jsem si i zvykla na velikost auta. Kromě Juky Krátkolisté (Joshua Tree) je tento park známý také díky tomu, že je tu divá zvěř. Kromě kojotů, králíků a ještěrek jsme po cestě potkali i pár tarantulí - jedna byla fakt obří!! A jak pěkně se nám pak kempovalo. Dva lidi se rozhodli díky tomu spát v autě - nevím, jestli si pomohli, protože jsme měli asi tři hodiny otevřený dveře od toho auta, ale budiž. Nad rozmanitostí Kalifornie se asi nepřestanu nikdy udivovat. Cesta nám trvala necelé tři hodiny a z krásného mírného podnebí jsme byli uprostřed Mojavské pouště. (Btw - před tímhle víkendem jsem si myslela, že už nemůžu být opálenější a ono jo!)
Jinak doma se pomalu a jistě připravujeme na Halloween. Ráda dělám dekorace, tak jsem dětem trochu ozdobila dveře od pokojů a také jsem přidala pár dekorací kolem krbu a nečekala bych jaký to mělo úspěch. Jack byl strašně rád a ptal se mě na spoustu věcí kolem Halloweenu. Trochu mě to nakoplo a kromě koupených věcí jsem z provazu udělala pavoučí síť a z papíru vyrobila pavouka a přidala pár dalších domácích dekorací. Je to k nezaplacení, když vidíte tu dětskou radost. Zítra jdeme na dýňovou farmu, tak počítám s víkendem stráveným dlabáním dýňí. 
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Are any of the gods married or in love?
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Moon: “Spring and Autumn are odd in the eyes of humans as they fight often, but they have their moments. Really non of our relationships are normal in the eyes of humans.
“As for in love? I'm sure there are gods who are in love who aren't married, but I couldn't tell you who.”
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yudonomi-stuff · 3 years
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@aphrarepairweek2021 ​ Day 5: Free day
I remember someone, someone by my side
part 2 of the hadestown au that has been living rent free in my head since november ft. velvet pair
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sovamurka · 5 years
So I returned from Czech Republic!
And I have an idea.
For gendrya...or any other pairing)
So... Arya and Gendry as Libuše and Přemysl Oráč
Libuše is said to have been the youngest daughter of the equally mythical Czech ruler Krok. The legend goes that she was the wisest of the three sisters, and while her sister Kazi was a healer and Teta was a magician, she had the gift of seeing the future, and was chosen by her father as his successor, to judge over the people.
Although she proved herself as a wise chieftain, the male part of the tribe was displeased that their ruler was a woman and demanded that she marry, but she was smarter than that, years ago she had fallen in love with a ploughman, Přemysl, who loved her back.
She therefore related a vision in which she saw a farmer with one broken sandal, ploughing a field, or in other versions of the legend, eating from an iron table.
She instructed her councilmen to seek out this man by letting a horse loose at a junction. They were like "Woman, are you crazy or what? No other ideas???" and our Libuše was like "Nope". So they followed it to the village of Stadice and, to their relief, found Přemysl exactly as she had said (either ploughing a field, or using an iron plough as a makeshift table).
The two grandees go to Přemysl and then this thing happens (well, our guide said that, not me, but it is too funny):
*the horse goes to Přemysl and starts affectionately putting its head into his arms*
Přemysl *pretends to be irritated*: What the..? Take this horse away from me!
Councilman *very tired*: WAIT, we have some news for you! *tells the story, that was obviously created by Libuše and Přemysl* So you have to be our king! PLEASE WE HAVE SEARCHED FOR YOU LONG ENOUGH.
Přemysl: No, why would I do that? Don't you see how much work I have to do? I need to plough this field!
Přemysl *pretends to be even more irritated*: Well... Is she pretty at least?
Councilmen: Um, not so much, like 6/10...
Přemysl: Well, okay...
They brought him to the princely palace where Libuše awaited for them.
Libuše: Well, hello!
Councilmen: We brought your future husband!
Libuše *quietly in sarcasm mode*: Could not you bring someone more handsome?
Councilmen: Nope, it's your prophecy and now he's your destiny!
Libuše: Well, okay...
So she married him, and Přemysl the Ploughman thus became the ruler.
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myslowianie · 6 years
I know it’s probably more romantic in my head than it would be in reality, but gosh I really want to spend another summer in Europe
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cillaivory · 6 years
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Tereza shivered and Ondrej smiled, untying his own scarf as she shook her head. “You won’t catch me dead wearing those colors, Lukáč.” He tied the yellow and black scarf around her neck and she flushed. Her father would die if she saw her in Hufflepuff colors.
“You look good in yellow, Veselá,” he admitted, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Such a shame you had to be a stubborn little Slytherin.”
Velvet Pair [Tereza Veselá x Ondrej Lukáč] || Pottertalia AU
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cz-goingfalmouth · 6 years
3 věci, na které jsem se jako au pair měla lépe připravit
Před Španělskem jsem nikdy au pair nebyla. O děti jsem se na letních táborech starala hodně, ale tábor a au pair jsou velmi rozlišná prostředí. Na co jsem se měla lépe připravit?
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1. Hry na doma
Už před příjezdem jsem věděla, že většinu času budu trávit uvnitř. Horko naroste na neúnosnou úroveň celkem brzo ráno a zmizí až po konci mého času s dětmi, což znamená, že trávíme takových osm hodin uvnitř (zahrnuta je hodina na jídlo, hodina na prázdninové úkoly a hodina na každodenní novou epizodu Soy Luna, seriálu, který moje mladší sleduje s nábožnou oddaností)(jako bych já mohla něco říkat).
Mělo mě napadnout, co bude třeba, a měla jsem vygooglit pořádnou zásobu her. Ze začátku jsem vůbec netušila, která bije. Teď jedeme nějakých sedm karetních her, člověče, Fantasma Ghost Blitz (skvělá věc) a Monopoly – konečně vím, jak se hrají Monopoly! A naprosto chápu, že jsou v téhle hře lidi nesmírně soutěživí. Vždycky chci svoje holky, 9 a 12 let, rozdrtit, a jsem maličko (velmi) naštvaná, když mi to nevyjde.
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Taky tady mají Wii, takže občas hrajeme, co se najde. Několikrát jsme jezdili po terase na kolečkových bruslích, ale jenom trochu, poněvadž – horko. Holky si nestěžují a ony i rodiče mi několikrát řekli, že si vedu bezvadně. To ale neznamená, že se necítím špatně, že jsme nevymyslela něco zábavnějšího.
2. Přísnost/Asertivita
Na kurzech pro budoucí táborové vedoucí nám říkali, že máte den či dva na to, abyste si mezi dětmi vystavěli respekt. Poté ho buď máte, nebo ne, konec. Myslím si, že ve většině případů ho nemám, protože je velmi složité mě namíchnout tak, abych cítila potřebu zavést pravidla.
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Když se mi něco nelíbí, dám vědět, ale s většinou věcí jsem v pohodě; daleko víc mi sedí vysvětlování a kompromisy než rozkazy. Moje holky jsou velmi dobře vychované, ale i přesto si občas přeju, abych si na začátku sem tam dupla. Asertivita – někdy zapomínám, že je pro ně daleko jednodušší udělat, jak se jim řekne, než si vybrat. Tudíž jsme často zaseklé mezi nimi, nerozhodnými, a mnou, která nechce vypadat jako polní maršál.
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3. Prostředovatost
Není to slovo, já vím. Co tím myslím je, že jako au pair většinou jedete do rodiny s malými dětmi a mladými náctiletými. Role, která vám připadne, je něco jako adoptovaný starší sourozenec – staráte se o děti, sem tam pomůžete s domácností, občas trochu pokecáte s rodiči nebo prarodiči. V okolí ale povětšinou není nikdo stejně starý kromě ostatních au pair, takže se vznášíte někde mezi oblakem dospěláckých řečí a oblakem dětských rozhovorů.
 Konec. Tyhle věci nejsou ničím velkým; nepřeju si přece, abych sem přijela s výcvikem v sebeobraně nebo něco. Jsem u rodiny, která je velmi milá a přijala mě s otevřenou náručí – rozhodně bych je nevyměnila.
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anika-ann · 2 years
In the Name of the King (S.R.)
Type: medieval/fantasy AU
Pairing: knight Steve Rogers x reader   Word Count: 13,000 * 
Summary:  Sir Steven Rogers, having risen from common people, now one of the most trusted knights to prince Anthony. You, nothing but a servant, albeit to Princess Maria herself. 
Love blooms in any place and it cares little for the rules of the court – much like your Steven. Then again, war cares just as little for any feelings you and your knight might harbour for each other...
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Warnings: 18+ for NSFW thoughts, talk and sexy times in making, inexperienced and rather reader, probably desperately era-inaccurate, blood and mention of violence, death, religious ambiguity, tooth-rotting fluff, angst, language, (reader has hair long enough to be braided)
A/N: This is sort-of a song fic for it is based on a Czech song. You can find it here. I took the liberty to loosely translate the lyrics for you throughout the fic.
* A/N: If you prefer reading it in two parts, the best part for a split is after 5,5k words – you will find a gif there. Divider’s mine, btw. Enjoy 🥰
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Another bolt of lightning illuminated the room. You rolled around in your small bed, squinting against the violent light leaving you blind when the darkness of the night took over again. Your heart, already racing for it was filled with worry, jumped at the clap of thunder – as did you.
A bad sign.
A warning from the Gods.
They should not be out there, settled in a camp and preparing for battle. Storms like these were meant to make mankind bow in front of higher power and yet the cavalry had left in the morning, several troops heading to the West to protect the borders of the kingdom against Hydra, against the self-proclaimed king Pierce.
Gods, how you wished he would get struck by lightning for all the misery he caused to so many people, his own and others alike.
As if the Gods heard your thought, another clap of thunder seemed to shake the castle walls – a scolding for your blasphemy. You should not wish harm to another human being.
Then again, you should not pray to the old gods in the first place, but to the Lord, who shall save your soul from eternal flames of hell. Such were the ways of new religion; yet, it was impossible to let go of the ties to the dogmata you had been raised in.
And so you prayed to both. As fresh light exploded behind your closed eyelids, you prayed not for another man’s harm, but for one’s safety.
You shuffled on your bed, kneeling up, clasping your hands together, whispering under your breath as not to wake the two women sleeping beside you.
Please, bring him home. Protect him. Please, please, please. Should any harm come to him, the world would cease to make sense. Keep Steven safe.
Your Steven.
Your knight.
Your sun, your moon, your stars; with his smile shining as bright as all these combined, surrounding you with gentle warmth from the very first moment he had set his cerulean eyes on you and kneeled by your side to help you collect what your clumsy hands had spilled.
It was early morning, the sun barely peeking out from behind the horizon, colouring the East walls of the castle in orange and pink, the warm sunrays pleasant on your skin as you carried Princess Maria’s breakfast tray. You could not but smile at the gorgeous play of colours; and yet, your gaze wandered as you heard the grunts of effort mingling with light-hearted laughter from the grassy training areas.
A maid could never think herself anywhere near equal with the knights, therefore it was considered unthinkable to harbour feelings for any of them – the laws of the court would frown upon such union. And yet, you were only human of flesh and blood and the warm liquid rushing in your veins always felt hotter whenever you set your gaze on the well-built men.
Their physique easily made for a woman’s heart to race, the heroic tales of their bravery only strengthening the sentiment, as did the tales of their gentlemanly ways. You had witnessed differently, many of them acting overgrown children, but it would be foolish to deny that they were a sight to behold, every single one of them.
One in particular, however, stood out; for he was not only a handsome man, but an extraordinary one. The story of his heroics was spoken of long after it took place, long after his ascension to knighthood.
Of common origin, Steven was the only son of the town’s most valued blacksmith; Steven himself was adept at forging a sword, armour or a shield of the highest quality, but apparently also at wielding it – alert and bright.
Attentive to his surroundings, he had been fast and strong enough to prevent fatal consequences of the attack on Prince Anthony during his visit of the town where he was ambushed by two slayers of the Hydra kingdom. He stopped a deadly strike when dashing between a slayer and the prince, strong arm wielding the shield he had finished earlier that day.
Of all knights, Steven was most loved by the common people for while the rules for knighthood had not changed with his actions and he remained the only one graced with the honour to date, he had proven that a man, no matter of how humble origin, was capable of great things.
A knight from the people. A humble hero.
His features were sharp, but his eyes spoke of softness; he did not seem to lack determination, on contrary, his lineage forged his desire to fight for a better world. Of tall build, he held his head high – an aristocratic face lined with sandy chin-length hair – but for he never forgot where he had come from, he did not look down at people.
You had never spoken to him, but you had heard his voice before; deep, pleasant, respectful. Falling for him despite the distance between you had been as easy as dangerous for your heart. You were but a maid; had you been in love before he was knighted, then perhaps the circumstance would be different, but you had not met him before then. And so you were destined to long him in silence, busying yourself with serving to Her Grace Princess Maria.
Such was your goal at the moment; you were carrying breakfast, you reminded yourself, vainly, of course. The sight offered to you was too distracting to ignore.
As your gaze lingered on the expanse of Steve’s arm swaying the unsharpened training sword with ease, you lost your step – and sent the tray and its content flying, the metal clinking loudly as it hit the stony path.
All the knights’ heads snapped to you in an instant, alert, causing your face to be set aflame under their scrutiny; and as you swiftly kneeled to gather the utensils and food with a silent curse and prayer that most of it was salvageable with another wash, booming laughter hit your ears, causing your cheeks to burn in shame.
“Well done, my friends, our training must truly be aesthetically pleasing!” Prince Anthony’s voice called out, followed by another roar of laughter that chased tears of humiliation into your eyes you barely kept at bay.
Your shaky hands frantically started gathering the fruit – grapes, apple, pear, hopefully not too bruised – as you made to ignore the quickly approaching footsteps. You refused to look up, shame settled deep in your stomach as you assessed the damage, the smallest relief when you found the slices of bread still wrapped in cloth, albeit considerably less white now.
You felt the large man kneel by your side before you registered the hand, clad in fingerless leather glove, appearing in your field of vision. Only when the man begun to gather the scattered grape berries, you dared to look up; and the time must have stopped.
Your heart certainly did as your gaze was met with a pair of the most beautiful kind eyes without a trace of laughter. You lost the reigns of your body – it froze, your mind occupied fully by seeing such grace from such short distance. You had never noticed how plush and alluring his lips were, framed by a short beard; how handsome his face was when one corner of his lips curled up almost uncertainly.
It was the unusual emotion in his smile which pulled you back from your reverie. A knight was kneeling by you, the kingdom’s hero, helping you clean up the outcome of your clumsiness.
How kind of him – how below him  
“Oh, Sir Rogers, you must not bother-“
“But I must,” he opposed before you could even finish your sentence, sincerity lacing his voice and by gods, his voice was like velvet lined with silk. His gaze flickered back to the group of knights whose eyes you could feel at you still, intent. “Do not mind the blockheads that are laughing instead of helping a lady.”
A giggle of surprise escaped you, your hand quickly covering your mouth so no one could see; but Sir Rogers could and a smile broke out on his face, a boyish grin sprinkling his eyes with laughter and pride, warm and inviting.
By Lord, he must have been the most handsome man to ever walk the world, more so when he smiled like this. And he called you a lady – you, but a maid.
“I am hardly a lady, Sir Rogers,” you whispered bashfully, your lacking status bringing you grief like you had never experienced – a reminder.
But a mere smile from the man, and you lost the ground under your feet, your heart on your sleeve for him to take, no matter how unthinkable your romance would be.
His fingers took a gentle hold of your wrist, eliciting a gasp from your lips at the tender touch; he spilled several berries into your hand, thumb brushing your sensitive skin, sending the sweetest tingle up your arm.
A blissful smile fought its way to your face despite all reason.
“Well. Your beauty rivals one of a lady. … especially when you bless the castle with a smile like that.”
Oh, your heart fluttered like butterfly wings, your gaze instinctively searching his for the faintest trace of a jest; yet, you found nothing but sincerity.
“S-sir Rogers…”
He released your wrist, already having you mourn the loss; instead, his nimble fingers found one of the loose cornflower blossoms which had broken away from the small bouquet you had gathered to bring with the breakfast. He twirled it in his fingers for a moment, almost absent-mindedly, before his smile softened.
“This one might be broken, but perhaps it could serve its purpose in your hair at least?” he suggested, beckoning lightly to your braid.
Before you could as much as realize he meant it, he reached out, careful fingers – surprisingly so, for such a strong man – stuck the stem to the base of the braid behind you ear, sending your heart into frenzy when the pads of his fingers accidentally brushed your cheekbone.
A thank you never spilled from your lips for another voice rudely interrupted your intimate conversation.
“Steven! We fighting or picking flowers?  Get your pert arse in here!” Sir Clinton howled, causing you to wince – and the dream world Steven had created for you, one where he could harbour affections for you, started to disperse like a morning fog.
“He’s charming a girl for once in his life, give him a moment!” Sir Barnes, prince’s most entrusted Knight, cried out.
His exclaim was followed by a wave of suggestive boo noise at which Sir Rogers finally tore his gaze from yours, staring at his friends.
“Well if you acted more like knights and less like barbarians, making fun of a lady like that, perhaps I would have taken more haste to come back to you!”
All he earned by his chivalrous defence of your long-lost honour was a chorus of “oooooh” and perhaps later, he would be laughed at just as much as you had been when you had tripped. Yet, he seemed to be bothered little by that fact.
He shook his head, expression speaking of an apology not needed.
“I’m afraid I have been summoned, as rudely as it was.”
You gathered the last items, carefully laying them on the tray, a sad reflexion of how it had looked before you lost your balance and practically fell to Sir Rogers’s feet. As if it was not too late for that.
“Thank you for your assistance, Sir Rogers,” you thanked him sincerely, astonished to find him swiftly rising to his feet – and offering a helping hand you could not dare to refuse even if you wished. His strength made itself known as he pulled you to your feet with little effort on your part, causing your head to spin, the brief curtsy you gifted him at last feeling like a daydream. “You- you are most kind.”
The breath-taking smile shone the force of thousand suns, yet caressed you as gently as a summer breeze. “It was an honour, my lady.”
“I am not a-“
“I hope to see you again soon,” he spoke before you could protest fully, laying his arm over his middle, gracing you with the tinniest of bows you were not worthy of, “smiling just as beautifully.”
With those words, he turned back to the prince and his knights, leisurely running back to the group.
As you walked away, you could not but waver at the corner, casting a last glance at the man; Sir Barnes mimicked a curtsy and proceeded to punch Sir Rogers in his shoulder with laughter. Sir Rogers pushed him away with a playful scowl, gaze wandering you to.
You rushed away, smiling to yourself for the rest of the day, embarrassment long forgotten.  
Smiling you were not tonight; fear had seized your heart, consuming you by every moment as you silently stepped out of the princess’ maids’ room, leaving Wanda and Carol sleeping peacefully despite the rumble outside – and in your heavy heart.
You missed your Steven greatly whenever he went, but you understood his duty. Tonight, however, something hovered in the air, an aura of something ominous which had you losing sleep. With a candleholder burning in your hand, you wandered the corridors, nodding to the guards on patrol.
“The seamstress is awake,” Pietro, Wanda’s brother, uttered knowingly, beckoning the direction of Natasha’s chambers.
Perhaps it should have not surprised you that Sir Barnes’ beloved, too, could not find peace on this trying night; and as much joy as it brought you to find yourself not alone, a suffocating feeling squeezed your chest tightly for it meant she might sense the same unease surrounding tomorrow’s battle.
Yet, you headed for her chambers, nodding at Pietro in thank you.
 That night, we were all losing sleep it was as if God sent the storm to warn us; oh foolish men, there is no peace in a war I, too, laid down my life in the name of the king.
 The warm light of the candle was casting long shadows as you walked, reminding you of how the light and darkness played on Steven’s handsome face last night. The princess had been laid to sleep, providing you with a few moments to spent in your beloved’s presence before he would leave to fight for his country, yet again, and you were not one to waste the chance.
Goodbyes were never easy. Whether it had been just a chance meeting after the fateful breakfast incident, meetings when Steven would insist you called him his name, offered you a flower of a compliment in exchange for your smile or whether your encounter had been planned when he revealed his intention to court you, rules of society damned. Whether you were to tell him goodbye for several days due to an upcoming quest or just for the night. Whether the goodbye consisted of words, a touch, a kiss on a cheek or lips… never easy.
Yet his absence left larger ache in your heart the deeper you were falling in love. Every goodbye seemed harder than the previous one; last night parting made for no exception.
“I will think of you every moment I am away,” he promised sweetly as he sneaked his arm around your waist, sitting on the bench by the dying fire in the kitchens, long abandoned by the cooks.
Your body, pliant to his touch, melted into his strong form, arm laying over his torso, temple resting against his chest as you sighed, feeling your worry heavy in your stomach.
“As much I appreciate the sentiment, please do not, Steven.”
You could almost hear his frown as he nuzzled your hair, his lips brushing your forehead lovingly.
“Why not, my sweet?  Will you not think of me as well?” he questioned, voice wavering despite his teasing tone.
You swatted his hip gently, soothing the attack with a caress then.
“You must know that is not true. I—you must focus. Be careful. So you can come back to me,” you whispered, doing your best not to let the depth of your anxiety show.
Steven carried enough burdens for the time being, he needed not your fears to add to them.
“Oh my sweet…”
His fingers slipped under your chin, leading you to meet his gaze, a smile playing in the corners of his lips; not even his beard could hide his amusement. You pursed your lips in slight offence – his safety was no laughing matter.
“Please, Steven. I could not bear any harm coming to you. Be careful.”
His thumb brushed over your lower lip, his smile only growing, wandering gaze warmer than the remnants of fire.
“You know I will, my sweet. I have a duty to my king and I have a duty here, to you,” he muttered, gaze flickering to your lips, following the motions of his thumb as he felt the softness of your flesh.
You had not enough time to process the words before he leaned closer, capturing your lips with his in a kiss, hand moving to cradle the back of your head, parting your lips to engage in a dance of love which could have consumed all your thoughts, all your worry – and yet, the anxious feeling only dug its claws deeper, chasing tears into your eyes.
Steven released you to breathe the moment he felt the salt of your tears, sighing as he tucked a lose strand of hair behind your ear. Still, a smile adorned his now kiss-swollen lips, condescending and kind at once.
“Promise me?” you demanded, the prickle of his beard leaving your skin tingling, your heart racing.
“I promise, then. Do not cry, my lady…”
Oh, the traitor… the corners of your mouth twitched, the difference in your status having turned more of a teasing matter than anything else.
“Steven, you must stop this. I am not a lady.”
“Oh, but you are?” he opposed with a twinkle in his eyes before his lips went to catch the tears from your cheeks, drinking them as if they were nothing less than ambrosia gifted by the gods.
The warmth of his lips and the burn of his beard combined with his jesting drew a giggle from your lips, turning into a breathless moan when his strong arms winded around your waist, pulling you into his lap just like several nights ago.
Dirty, dirty cheater.
His lips found yours again, playful nips causing more giggles spill right into his mouth.
“Am I, truly?” you asked doubtfully. “What are my possessions? What lands do I own and command, Sir Rogers?”
“My heart.”
The jesting and games left as swiftly as they arrived, silence filling the room, your heart stumbling in your chest as you felt your expression morph into something much softer.
How had you ever stood a chance of not falling for this man? For his strength, for his beautiful brave spirit and his gentle, gentle heart? A heart he claimed was yours to own and command?
You let your fingers map out his handsome features, running tenderly over his forehead, brows, the nose of a true aristocrat, his pushy lips; a careful touch which had him flutter his eyes shut, eyelashes casting shadows on his cheekbones, the fire as if accenting his beauty, revealing his soul to entice yours to entangle with it forever.
“It shall be my most prized possession, then,” you whispered, barely audible, his hand blindly reaching for yours to kiss your fingertips, one by one, the tender gesture tugging at your heartstrings.
He looked at you then, with overwhelming affection that would choke you once he left in the morning – but you could not think of such things now. He was here still. And he was yours, as you were his.
“Good,” he hummed. “Should you trust me with yours-“
“I do-“
“I shall ask for it in front of the Lord and the gods themselves.”
Your lips parted in surprise, your heart suddenly so loud you could almost hear it, breath catching in your throat. Surely, he did not mean-
“Once I return, I shall ask for your hand, should you agree, my sweetness,” he promised, eyes wide and sincere, stunning you into silence lasting long enough to have him hesitate. “Do you not-“
Oh, how could he even question your wish to marry him!
“I do! I--- but Steven, you are a knight. I would spend thousand lifetimes with you if I could, surely you must know-“ you babbled, his index finger covering your mouth before you could explain.
You would love him always, day and night, from summer solstice to winter and back, and you cherished every moment--- yet the void between you was immense.
“I will settle for one lifetime. You know Anthony cares little for rules and I am but of a common origin myself. What kind of a monster would stand in the way of our love?”
It was not until morning when you realized the answer to his question; when you watched him from above as he stood in the courtyard by his horse, fastening the scabbard to the saddle and tugging at the leather, checking it would hold as they would ride.
You hated seeing him leave more than ever – you dreaded the moments his horse would canter out of the castle’s gates, rushing so willingly to face dangers the other kingdoms posed; to serve his king, your king, to protect what he held dear.
His gaze travelled up the castle’s walls, lingering at the windows of the princess’ chambers – the very windows you were watching him from, stealing last glances as your heart wept and trembled in fear for his life, longing for him to keep the promises he had given you last night.
With the prince’s command, the knights and soldiers left but ache and dust behind, along with an answer.
The biggest and only true monster standing in the way of love was war.
The word resonated with you, leaving you weary and in frenzy at once, as you reached Natasha’s chamber, not needing to knock for her door was ajar – as if she knew you would be coming; as if she did not want to be alone either.
You slipped into her chamber, welcomed by a humourless but gentle smile.
“A pleasant night, is it not?” she hummed noncommittally, “leave the door open, please. Just in case…”
Just in case there would be any commotion in the castle. Perhaps the knights and soldiers would come back, accepting the warning from the Gods. Perhaps, perhaps…
Natasha’s room was relatively spacious for it equalled her craft-space. Besides a small bed with a solid wooden frame, several tables stood covered in pieces of fabric from simplest to the rarest ones, embroideries, bobbin lace, silk. Dresses in various state of completion laid over them or hung on improvised metal frames imitating princess’ lean figure. Silver and golden threads shone in the warm lights provided by a few candles by the stony walls, flickering to life as another lightning erupted behind the window, followed by a distant clap of thunder.
The storm was leaving. Could that be because the danger was not as great or that the gods had given up on the king’s army since they were not heard out?
“Personally, I would say a long night. An ominous one,” you whispered, earning a sigh.
Natasha ceased her work on a lovely silvery embroidery, laying the tambour frame on the nearest flat surface and rose to her feet, a silent offer you accepted with gratitude for the arms you longed to find yourself in were miles away.
She reciprocated the embrace firmly and you felt an ounce of your fear fall from your shoulders for now you shared the weight of it – yours and hers alike. Her goosebumps matched yours as she slipped hr arms under the flimsy shawl you had taken to cover yourself form gazes of the guards. Both of you wore but in simple nightgowns besides it, yet you sensed cold was not to blame for the prickle of her skin either.
Losing sleep with anxiety and intrusive thoughts were at work instead.  
“The weight of fears is lessened when one’s hands are occupied,” she informed you as she let go, brows furrowed with worry still, sighing. “But what of mind…”
Oh, you wished…
“I must try to busy my hands too then, at least.”
At your words, Natasha’s lips curled up in a smile yet again as she handed you your very own tambour frame which you kept in her chambers for such occasion, for sleepless or nightmare-filled nights such as this one.
You found your seat by hers, not fully across, not fully by her side, assessing the floral pattern you had started almost a month ago.
Natasha had been kind enough to sneak some of the royal threads for your work, expensive ones; threads no one would miss nevertheless for Nat was likely the most trusted woman in the castle besides the cook and the princess herself.
She jested you only deserved the very best for your wedding gown once Steven would lay his heart to your feet and you had been working on it since with the deepest care. Tonight, however, tears burned in your eyes as you observed it, the pattern as if mocking you with Steven’s entirely serious promise.
“He shall come back,” Natasha spoke, your expression not escaping her sharp attention. This of all her qualities was what made for her unparalleled ability as a seamstress – her attention to detail. “They all will, Steven and Bucky included.”
Bucky. Sir Barnes. Natasha’s beloved. He too was likely to be pestered about courting a seamstress, but Natasha was well-loved among the noble – the court would never bat an eye and passed no judgement, yet Sir Barnes had not yet asked Natasha’s hand in marriage. She rested unbothered by such; for all you knew of your friend, she would have asked his hand in marriage should she decided she was in a rush.
The thought made you smile for you were aware of the fact Sir Barnes would have said yes and thanked her, worshipped her more than ever. Their love was strong… and word had it that they shared a deep bond beyond pure love, crossing the lines of physical and perhaps the lines of proper. Natasha had hinted at such herself before.
Should you marry Steven as you wished, you were willing to cross as many lines as necessary yourself. You were willing to do just about anything to ensure he would not change his mind, that he would not be plagued with as much as a seed of doubt.
You believed your most trusted friend could be of assistance… without passing judgement.
“Natasha?” you spoke without looking up as you focused on continuing the cornflower with your needle. “I heard rumours.”
“Oh? Of what? Do tell, my dear. I am always happy to learn of the whispers laugh over them at times.”
You felt the blush creeping up your neck, your stomach twisting in embarrassment. Perhaps what you had heard was nonsense – something to laugh over as Natasha just said, nothing but a foolery you had believed in your naivety and inexperience.
“I must say now I am truly curious for your silence lasts too long. And you seem ashamed… just tell me,” she prompted you gently.
You noticed from the corner of your eye she had stopped working, only adding to your nerves.
Your felt the tips of your ears burn as you attempted to keep your tone and expression nonchalant nevertheless, clearing your throat.
“I heard rumours of… making men happy.”
“That does sound promising. Gold, glory or a woman can do that do them.”
You chuckled despite yourself as she deadpanned, some of your embarrassment melting away.
“I overheard a servant talking of ways a woman can please a man without… without sinning? As in truly sinning in the eyes of the Lord? Have you ever, uhm, heard of such thing?”
Silence settled over the room, hanging heavy above your heads.
The storm had left far enough so that no claps of thunder reached you anymore, no bolts of lightning interrupted the intimate atmosphere.  
Nearly pricking yourself with a needle in anticipation, you opted for ceasing your work, hesitantly looking up, meeting Natasha’s curious eyes with a sparkle of mischief that had you lower your gaze again.
“I have. And they are true,” she said simply at last, sending your heart racing.
Oh. So it was the truth then. There was an experience more pleasurable for men than you knew, places where Steven might appreciate your lips more than on his cheek, in his hair, on his mouth or even his neck. Your temples pulsed with the intensity of each beat of your heart at the revelation.
“Do you… do you know of it, Natasha?” you asked, fingers toying with the fabric in your lap.
“I do.”
Your head snapped to her; she was smiling playfully, head tilted to side – a cat that got all the cream and was bragging to her less sneaky friends.
You huffed and pursed your lips, not liking one bit to be made fun of; yet, you needed to know. And so you eased your offence, looking at the redhead pleadingly, baring your heart to her; for you knew that despite her smirk, she would never truly laughed at you.
“Would you please, please, tell me? I… he promised me yesterday. That he would come back and ask-“
“To marry you? Good Lord! Steven promised to marry you at last?!” she gasped, her eyes truly sparkling now, all teasing gone.
You nodded, unable to prevent your lips from forming a smile at the thought, and continued.
“I want to be a good wife to him one day…. but I would like to show him I will be able to make him feel good. What if he wonders if I can please him? He promised me everything and I-- I want to give him the same. Gods know marrying someone of my status will come with burdens and judgement… I don’t… I don’t want to disappoint him, to make him question his decision.”
Natasha’s booming laugh was a reward for your honesty, startling you.
Was this the first time you appeared utterly stupid to her? Silly? It was such a painful feeling… But once her laughter died down, she observed you with kindness, grinning wide and shaking her head.
“I cannot imagine a world in which Sir Steven Rogers could ever be disappointed in you. That man would build a ladder tall enough to reach the stars should you ask him to bring you one.”
The shame dispersed in a blink of an eye, warmth enveloping your heart instead. Was that how Steven appeared to others in regard of his feelings for you?
“But very well. I shall tell you – he is only a man, after all. He will appreciate it, of that I am certain. But know, he can please you in a very similar way. And he should – sin or not.”
“…does Sir Barnes please you in such way?” you asked on a whim, taken by surprise at her revelation.
“Oh, but a lady does not kiss and tell!” she mocked offence, her coy smile answering your question. “Perhaps he shares the secrets of his mastery with Steven and you shall be very surprised when you succumb to him.”
The mere idea – so strange and yet incomprehensibly arousing since you had no experience with it nor you could imagine drawing pleasure from such activity – chased blood to your cheeks, having them burn hotter than fire.
The longing for Steve’s presence hit you sharper than the edge of his shield and sword combined, leaving your head swimming and your chest aching.
“He must return home safe first,” you murmured, exchanging a gaze of understanding with your friend, followed by her smile when you asked an innocent question. “Would you pray with me later?”
“I will. And they will. But now… I shall share the wonders of driving a man mad in ways he will thank you for.”
And by gods and Lord, she did.
 Strange cavalrymen are racing from the forest in our eyes, but droplets of fear – here, to kill is no sin. The very first shot has silenced my heart I shall not return home; my time has come.
(In the name of the king!)
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Little did you know that in the darkness of the night, cut by bolts of lightning, howl of the wind, distant claps of thunder and the aroma of rain in the air as if warning them not to go into the battle, Steve laid awake, his thoughts were with you as well.
The tent shared with the rest of the knights protected him from the disgrace of a weather raging outside, light snores a strange lullaby Steve had grown almost fond of during the years of comradeship. He could recognize every single one of his friends by that sound alone, distinct to each; and despite that fact only strengthening the sense of belonging and his gratitude to be given the opportunity to become a knight, he longed for nights to spend with you at last.
The idea brought a smile to his lips; you would lie beside him, facing him, wide eyes watching him with affection, drunk on the pleasure he would have given you but moments before, warm palm gently laid on his cheek as if begging him to kiss your wrist. He would oblige – he would always give in to whatever you asked – but in the end, he would wrap his arm around your waist and roll you over to pull you to his front, align his body to yours, inch by inch. He would drop a goodnight kiss to your bare shoulder, causing you to shiver and snuggle ever closer and let the sleep take you both.  
And in the morning, he would wake only to make love to you again, because he would be allowed; because you would be married at last.
He had promised you as much last night and it was a promise he intended to keep. Just like he had promised himself he would bring all the pleasure he ever dared to think of, clinging to his mind ever since the night you had treated his wound from training, giving him but a taste of bliss.
The way you lowered your gaze when he called you beautiful still, the shape of your lips when you smiled, your tender hands scratching at his scalp when he kissed you.
The warmth of your body seeping into his skin.
He could only imagine how much warmer and inviting your heat would be once he was allowed. Oh Lord, how he had wished to have been allowed that night…
The way the torches illuminated your face made him yearn to pick up a piece of charcoal and a scroll of parchment meant for significant documents to capture the alluring image of you – an image which to him felt just as important as a treaty between kingdoms.
It was rather unusual for him to see you from his angle for normally he towered several inches above you, having you have to tip your head back to reach his lips. You had seated him there, however, and your expression left no space for protests once you learned he had been injured in the evening training, grazed by a little too sharpened sword which cut through his armour, made for a bruise and broke through his skin as well.
You were no physician, you had said, but you could clean and dress a wound like this.
A frown to your brow clouded your soft features with disapproval as you placed the bowl of warm water on the only table in the room, careful not to tip over the small vial of alcohol you had obtained for him. You pulled at the white cloth thrown over your shoulder, dipping one of the edged in the water before glancing at him and halting in your movements as if seeing him for the first time that night.
“What weighs your mind, my sweetness?” he asked silently.
“You not being careful enough,” you retorted as if on instinct; and then your teeth pulled lightly at your lower lip, indignation melting into bashfulness. “Uhm, I believe you will have to- to take off your shirt.”
A smile tugged at the corner of Steve’s lips. That did sound reasonable, yet he felt a slight pull at his nerves as you did at the realization.
You had never seen him bared of his garments, never seen his upper body exposed – or his lower half for that matter. He feared not your judgement for that would be ridiculous. But perhaps he did feel a bit anxious to fulfil your expectations.
A baseless worry, truly; the moment he slipped his shirt off, gritting his teeth at the pull at his cut, you were left staring at him, suddenly mute, lips parted with a soft sigh that spoke of everything but disappointment.
Steve would have been a liar should he say he did not feel pleased, his ego stroked gently. He had worked for the strength in his upper body his whole life and he worked hard for he had been born a weakling. Now muscles adorned his torso, a prove of power he had when wielding a sword and a shield. And by Lord, by would wield it for your eyes only had you always watched him with this silent wonder.
“Did cat get your tongue, my dear?” he teased lightly, unable to hide the smugness when you tore your gaze away from the newly exposed skin, caught staring. “I would never use my strength to hurt you.”
“I know,” you squealed before clearing your throat and composing yourself. “I was merely… assessing the damage.”
He was sure you were.
“Of course. Do you need me to strip anything else-“
“No--! This… this will certainly suffice. Thank you,” you smiled at him shakily, feeding his ego further with your embarrassment. “Just sit back for now, Steven, and let me clean the wound-- oh.”
You tilted your head to side curiously, gaze zeroed above his left hip.
Steve knew instantly what caught your eye.
The black lines were thick despite the size no bigger than his own palm, a small work of art many still frowned upon. You did not seem offended nor, Lord forbid, horrified. Merely curious – perhaps even fascinated.
“May I?” you asked in a whisper, already moving forward and reaching out your hand.
Steve gulped.
Yes, you may, by all means, he longed to say. Touch it, trace every line with your fingers, with your lips, your tongue even-
“Of course,” he rasped instead, scolding himself for his dirty thoughts.
Yet, as if you heard what was on his mind, the pads of your fingers brushed over the tattoo, a featherlight touch in a place where your skin had never met his before and set it on fire.
“A wolf?”
You pursed your lips lightly in a sign of disapproval and so Steve rushed to explain.
“Bucky often jested we were a pack of wolfs rather than a group of knights and so we all chose a wolf. Do you… not like it? “
You met his gaze briefly, shaking your head with a shy smile, taking your touch away; and he already carved it again.
“No, it’s beautiful, just… a little aggressive.”
“Well, wolves are fierce warriors. Strong, loyal,” he pointed out, hoping you would not miss the weight behind his next words. ”Protective of their own.”
Their own. His own. You might not be a fellow knight nor family nor his wife yet, but he would lay his life to protect you should it be necessary.
And you could bet the royal jewels he would fight aggressively had anyone tried to harm you.
“Then you could have not chosen better,” you whispered, laying a kiss to your fingertips before pressing them to the artwork again, having Steve’s breath catch.
He wished you would kiss it with your lips directly – but then you would have to kneel in front of him, giving him a completely different idea as to where your lips could be and the imagery alone would be permanently etched into his mind.
So perhaps it was for the best that you had not, for he felt his arousal growing at the thought alone; instead, you moved to take care of his cut.
Your dominant hand dutifully wiped around the wound first, tender but thorough, your focus as sharp as one of an archer aiming to hit the middle of the clout. Your other hand rested against his shoulder for balance as you stood between his legs crouched and a little twisted, your position slightly awkward and no doubt uncomfortable.
“Sit, my sweetling.”
You gazed up at him, eyebrow raised questioningly, as surprised by his suggestion and he was for a moment.
Needless to say that at the moment, he was eternally grateful that Bucky and Clint had left for the town’s tavern, celebrating news of Clint’s wife Laura finding herself with her first child – leaving you and him alone.
“I must not block the light and have to be able to reach the bowl. I cannot very well sit, Steven,” you explained softly, blinking when he grasped at your hand and tugged at it lightly.
“You will not block the light,” he opposed, closing the gap between his thighs and leading you closer to stand by his legs and pulling at your skirt a fraction, “if you are sitting, straddling me. Come, my love. It shall be much easier for you.”
Your eyes grew adorably wide at his suggestion, softening at the endearment. Reluctantly, you obeyed, climbing over him and lowering your weight on his thighs, leaning onto his shoulder as not to fall. Steve welcomed the weight you brought with you, your breaths fanning his face as you shifted in attempt to find a comfortable position.
You met his gaze with an apologetic smile as if you had not just gifted him with your intimate proximity.
“Am I not too heavy like this?”
Oh even if you were, Steve would never dare to tell you in order to keep you so close to him for the rest of his days; let alone when you moved a few inches and brushed his most sensitive spot.
Oh Lord, he was going to hell, but it mattered not if he had his time with an angel before he would go.
“Like a feather, sweet. Comfortable? Stable?”
He placed his hands on your waist to ensure better balance and you smiled at him, gaze flickering to his naked chest, a gorgeous flush rising to your face.
Yes, he could go to hell for at the moment, he was having a taste of heaven.
“Yes. I shall work now.”
Steven wanted not to show he felt the sting as you continued cleaning the wound; but he found out letting you see him vulnerable was not the worst thing possible to happen.
When a hiss escaped his lips at the burn of alcohol, your eyes snapped to his with an unspoken apology; and his pain was soothed by the softest of kisses.
He stole several more from your lips, squeezing your waist, toying with the hem of your bodice before he let you continue, demanding such compensation every time you made his jaw tick with pain; and with each kiss, his hunger grew, each encounter of lips longer than the previous.  
The moment you were to take a fresh cloth to finish cleaning with water once again, Steve knew he could not let you. Not yet; he drew too much pleasure from this, having you, his dutiful carer, seated in his lap, soft and tender and unwittingly seductive.
Your lips had grown swollen from the kisses, calling for him to taste you again – and Steve was not one to ignore a call like that.
With a small noise of surprise on your part, he claimed your mouth again, hand reaching to cradle your face, gentle thumb stroking your cheek and coaxing you into giving in. Your body melted into his, pliant, lips succumbing to his advances and he felt something in him roar, a proud primal thing boasting at your trustful submission.
His arm wound around your waist firmly, pulling you chest to chest, your gasp of surprise swallowed by his mouth, your hands catching on his arm and in his hair, making him groan at the sensation which sent an impulse straight into groin.
It made his pants too tight all of sudden; he had no doubt it did not escaped your attention.
Yet you did not protest, your breathing turning heavy, your heart hammering against his chest and under his palm laid on your neck. You seemed to force your grip on him to ease, grasping at remnants of sanity in the whirlwind of need – and so he followed your example and released your lips for a moment.
“My love, my sweetling…” he whispered, drunk on the assault of sensations, drunk on everything that made you you.
How sweet you were, so effortlessly, unconsciously alluring to all his senses. The scent of your skin, the taste of your lips, the tender heat of your touch as you mimicked all little acts of affection he had ever shown you, your lips, hesitant and shy, wandering to his neck or the hollow of his throat to treat him.  
The most beautiful sight, eyes unknowingly blown with lust and wide with surprise at once as you felt his arousal he simply could not help, not with a temptress like you in his lap. Innocent but quickly learning from him, from others too no doubt – for you recovered from your shock, your trembling hands settling on his shoulder for support, grinding against him and by Lord, Lord, he wished to take you right there.
He had women in the tavern touch him before for money, he had eased the pressure in his loin thinking of how sweet your heat would be, but he would never – he could never. Not before he married you, not before he promised his love to you in front of the whole world.  
Yet, the way your eyelids fluttered shut at the foreign feeling, your lips parting with a shaky exhale at the first taste of pleasure, had his hands travel up your waist, teasing the underside of your breasts. He craved to taste you there too, almost as much as he longed for the ambrosia awaiting him between your legs, a cure which would make all the pain above his collarbone disappear completely.
“Oh Steven-“ you whispered as your thighs trembled when his hips buckled up, his name on your lips like an oil to the fire and a gush of wind strong enough to put the fire out at once.
He could feel the pressure in him building, his hands twitching to untie your bodice, ruck up your skirts and pull his pants down to remove all barriers between you, just him, you and absolute bliss--- but he could not, fuck, he must not do that to you.
He seized your mouth with his to swallow your sigh of pleasure; a desperate claim with a smidge of teeth for he felt his control slipping and he needed to take reigns of his desires at once, before he’d do things that could grant him instant gratification but would make for regrets later on.
He grabbed your hips, forcing his own to cease the instinctive motions, preventing your own as well.
A small pitiful sound which almost broke his resolve for it had his blood boiling escaped your kiss-swollen lips, leading him to stray from your mouth to your neck, heavy breaths expanding his chest as much as they did yours, every inhale of yours causing your breasts to brush against his naked chest.
You shall not give into temptation, you shall not give into temptation—
“Lord--- my sweet, my sweetling, how you tempt me,” he panted into your skin, unable to resist a small taste of it, one last time, causing your breath to catch in your throat.
“I must not dishonour you in such way, but…” He dared to look up to your flushed face, instantly regretting it for the acute need in his groin grew tenfold at the sight of your own desire written all over your features. “Lord knows it is the most difficult and yet the sweetest trial I have ever faced. You are beautiful, so beautiful…”
He ran his fingers over your cheek, over the slightly irritated skin where his beard scratched when his lips had sought to drink from yours, the corners of your lips now lifted in a shy smile.
“As you are handsome… how hard it is not to give in to a sin. I have never known until I met you, Steven,” you admitted, somehow appearing abashed and pleased at once.
His beautiful kind bashful minx of a woman. How could he not fall in love with you?
“I feel the same, my sweet. I love you. I thank the Lord for you every day.”
Your eyes shone with affection as you cupped his face and planted a soft kiss on his forehead.
“I thank the gods and the Lord for you and your love every day as well. I love you. You must be more careful, Steven,” you whispered, gaze flickering to the wound you had not finished cleaning, worry clouding your features.
Oh should you always react in such way, curing him with loving kisses and the same passion you had shown him a moment ago, Steven thought that he should be, as matter of fact, much more careless.
But he could not tell you that – and he would not. He would soon put a plan in motion to spend the rest of his life with you. What kind of a fool would he be should he not try his hardest to make that life as long as possible?
“I will, my sweet. I will.”
Momentarily soothed, you kissed his lips softly and returned to your original task.
Should he keep his promise, Steve needed to catch a shut-eye at last – and chase those sinful memories away.
An early morning awaited them, the last training and a battle to be won to earn his reward; to no longer think of you, but to be graced with your presence… and to be granted your hand in marriage as well.
To reach victory, however, every single man, every knight and soldier, had to be in their best shape, in their sharpest minds, for Hydra could be cunning and unpredictable.
Defeat was not an option for Steve; he had too much to fight for.
For his king.
For his kingdom and the people.
For you.
Oh you.
How you would cry upon learning how desperately outnumbered the Starkerbürg army was. How you would weep, precious tears running down your face once you were to be informed of the victory coming with too high of a price.
Your tears would make for an ocean when you would see only a handful of men coming back, Natasha’s beloved a picture of blood and grief as he had witnessed Steve being one of the first men to get hit.
You would have drowned in your own tears if you only knew Steven’s last thoughts belonged to no one but you. The last thing he had seen looking up into the morning sun as he lied on his back, body too heavy to rise once more and fight, was your loving smile.
Steve could not bear to see you crying; so he was grateful for leaving this world with your smile in his thoughts instead.
 Do not weep for me, my beautiful Marian, when the tower bell rings to honour soldiers, proud My heart is silent, but in you there shall remain all the words that flare up like fire.
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The storm did not return the following night – yet the uneasiness in your heart found you in Natasha’s chambers again, frantically working on your embroidery for busy hands were meant to settle an unsettled mind.
You retreated back to your simple bed earlier than the previous night however, your body feeling the consequences of missing sleep the night prior, exhaustion wearing you down and sweeping you to dreamland as soon as your head touched the sheets.
Yet, you were woken up with the first chirps of birds, the castle still wrapped in dark shadows – but lively with a haste that could only mean one and one thing only.
The troops were coming back.
You threw away your flimsy cover, searching for your shawl in a haste, your heart threatening to jump out of your chest with anticipation.
They were back. Steven was back!
Wasn’t it too early for them to return? Had something gone wrong? Was he injured during the battle? Had he lost a dear friend?
You caught Wanda’s sleepy eye as you stumbled out of the room, noticing Carol’s bed already empty – she always had been a light sleeper so the commotion in the castle must have intrude her rest before it did yours.
The corridors were brimming with servants and guards, all taking haste to gather in the courtyard by the gate, heavy footsteps and the rattle of armour ominous as you were still wiping sleep from your eyes and hurried along.
Gods please, I am begging you, Lord – let him be alright. It is but all I ask. Perhaps a cut for me to clean with care and love, a bruise for me to kiss tenderly---  grant me the sight of him, standing tall and healthy, smiling with relief to be home.
Breath had nearly left you by the last stairs, every beat of your heart almost painful against your ribcage, but you cared little for it, willing your feet to hurry still.
They had returned! Only a few more steps and you would be able to see them, dealing with neglecting the princess later on after your soul would meet its other half, chasing all worries away and wrapping you in his love instead. A few more steps only, to find peace-
You gasped as you found yourself in the courtyard at last, your soul nearly leaving your body in fright at the sight of several men looking a miserable excuse for knights – clothing torn, bloodied, articles of armour missing, two horses barely limping by their side.
Prince Anthony in the centre, supported by Sir Barnes and Sir Barton. Sir Drax leading the horses. Your eyes skimmed over what you believed was Mr. Thorn, Mr. Vaughn and Mr. Richards and a few men you did not recognize for their beaten faces or for having never met them before.
Cold seeped into your bones upon seeing that there were not more than thirty – and they appeared to carry themselves with the last remnants of strength, attempting to support one another.
There was no doubting whether there were others on their tail – they were not.
A pained cry erupted from your throat at the sharp pain piercing your chest, hand grasping at your sternum as to sooth it as the realization dawned to you.
No more men were coming. The pitiful remnants of an army stood before you by their prince, their future king, whom they protected with their lives--- and many loyal soldiers and knights were left behind, having kept their promise and laying their lives in the name of the king.
Steven was one of them.
Another sob escaped your lips as you rubbed at your breastbone, scratching that terrible itch that seemed to be spreading through your veins, burning and so devastatingly cold against the tears springing from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks.
Your lungs ached as you took a hungry gasp for air, violent tremble seizing your body, your head shaking of its own volition, stubbornly rejecting the plain facts laid in front of you. You understood – you understood in an instant, but your mind, and more so, your heart refused to acknowledge the gut-wrenching truth.
He was gone.
How could he---how could he be gone? He had promised! He had promised to come back and to be careful and to love you and to ask your hand in marriage for he cared not for who you were and who was him, only who you were together, he-
Steven was an epitome of strength and bravery and loyalty and trust and all the virtues known to man. How could he… how could he simply cease to exist? That must have been gods’ mistake for certain, for it made not an ounce of sense.
Steve was a knight, a fierce warrior, protective of his own as his comrades were supposed to be and yet they were standing there and he was not--- how could that be?
Surely this must have been but a nightmare. A nightmare your tired, fear-clouded mind had invented to make for an encounter all the sweeter, sweeter than Steven’s lips… sweeter than his promises.
Then why were you still dreaming? How had the terrible ache not tugged at your hand and pushed you back to reality?
Was your fear truly so paralyzing it had trapped you in your nightmare?
A flash of red hair caught your eye, Natasha’s hasty embrace nearly causing Sir Barnes topple over and the truth of the terrible scene in front of you twisted the knife in your chest.
There was no denying anymore; there was no waking up from this.
This was the price you paid for war: love. Your love was no more.
“What is it like?” you whispered shyly, teeth worrying over your lips as you wondered whether you had the right to ask.
You toyed with the soft ends his hair, a little too long perhaps, but only adding to the air of a nobleman he might be not, but certainly resembled. Steve was simply too handsome of a man to be a commoner, you would think people believed; and despite his heart of gold, his gentle hands brushing over your cheek as you laid on the grass only a few moments from the castle’s gate, you had to agree.
His beauty rivalled the sun itself; and his love bested the one of the sun as well.
“How-- I mean… on the battlefield. What is it like to fight?”
He tilted his head to side, frowning at you as he appeared to contemplate your inquiry – perhaps an inappropriate one. Yet you could not seem to help it for you wanted to know him more, you wanted to know everything… you wanted to be close to your love even at times when you were not for he had rushed to defend the crown and the kingdom.
“I apologize, I-“ you hurried, only to be interrupted with a shake of his head, sending his golden locks flying adorably.
“It is… loud. Chaotic. Cruel sometimes,” he tried to explain, cerulean eyes filling with an absent look, pulling him away from your happy moment.
And yet, his embrace was as tender as ever as you laid your heavy head on his chest.
His fingers slipped under your chin, insistent to see you instead of the horror which was no doubt etched in his mind. You were certain a single look at the terror would haunt you – left you terrified for your every breath. How could Steven simply lie here with you, heart on his sleeve, kind and inviting?
“And do you not… do you get scared?”
It must have been written in your eyes. Or perhaps Steven was such talented observer, reading between the lines, reading in your deepest thoughts; for he saw a plea and not another question.
Your plea of please, say yes. Tell me that for all your bravery, you do feel fear. Tell me that for all your heroism, you are only a human made of flesh and blood and strength and weakness and dreams, as am I.
“Sometimes, yes,” he admitted with a self-deprecating smile. He grasped your wrist in his long fingers tenderly, ran them over your palm and then fingers, only to bring them to his mouth, kissing every single fingertip. “But then I think of you.”
“You do?” you queried, doubtful and confused.
“Yes. And it gives me strength. I think of you, my sweet,” he whispered sincerely, “and my father and the kids playing pebble toss and five stones and… I recall in the midst of chaos what is it we fight for.”
Touched, you strained your neck to steal a kiss from the lips spilling the tender words, words speaking of Steven’s good heart; words helping you remember just how good of a man your Steven was.
And how your heart, whenever in his orbit, belonged to him more than to yourself.
He pecked your lips, smiling wider then, honest, and dropped a kiss on your nose.
“And I am not alone. Tony, Bucky, Clint, Drax, even Peter or Scott and others. They might all be dollop heads…” You failed to stiff a giggle at his choice of words, knowing he was not mistaken. “But they are skilled fighters. I shall not trust them with saving me lunch, but I trust them with my life.”
Skilled fighters they were, such you had had the chance to witness before. It stood to reason to believe Steven then. The knights could protect each other, having each other’s back, fighting all for one and one for all.
And so as difficult as it seemed whenever Steven had gone, you knew he trusted his friends – and you shall try to do the same.
The words Steven had spoken to you that day echoed in your head, bouncing around like little goblins, mocking you for your and Steve’s naivety.
I trust them with my life.
How foolish a man of his wits could be? How could you have allowed his empty promises to lull you into peace of heart?
I trust them with my life.
There was no denying Steven put his faith in those who were not worthy of it.
And for his foolery he had paid the highest of prices. His life. Your love.
Through the mist of your tears, you noticed the valets letting flags down the balconies; already signalling kingdom’s grief for the fallen men. Black as night and yet not black enough to capture the true nature of sorrow.
You blinked away the salty droplets burning in your eyes as people passed you, leading the survivors to the doctor’s chambers. Cries could be heard from several houses as the news spread like wildfire, burning everything in its wake, leaving unhealable scars.
Sobs shook you, but no one acknowledged you; each of you were overtaken by your own sorrow.
Sorrow was a lonely work after all, for everyone was destined to mourn in different manner, grieving different things… and different people. Sons, brothers, fathers. Husbands and lovers.
Your love. Your Steven.
A caress of a wind carrying his name ruffled your hair.
The night had just barely begun tuning into a day, the lower castle wrapped in shadows and darkness when the commotion disturbed your sleep and but upon learning the appalling reports of the army’s pitiful victory, the night seemed to cling to its reign.
Yet now, the wind made to disperse the heavy clouds which had surrounded the castle in sympathy. Sharp cold light of the sun broke through, a dawn of a new day; a beginning of an end. You let the violent intrusion of light fall on your face, eyes fluttering against the assault.
So bright… too bright in comparison to what your world had become.
Perhaps this was your punishment for praying to Lord and the old gods still at once; perhaps you displeased one or the other by not worshipping them and them alone.
Or perhaps the power of all of them together was not enough to protect your beloved Steve; perhaps the gods were just as powerless and helpless as any mere mortal like you.
Who even knew if there were gods and how mighty they were; what you did know with certainty was that they were not enough to protect Steve in life.
And so you fell to your knees, with no regard of getting in the way, clasped your hands together and prayed for Steve’s soul in death.
May the Gods protect him from ghouls and evil spirits. May the Lord grant him entry to the gardens of Eden, for his soul deserved peace and eternal love.
One day… one day you would hope to join him in afterlife; until then, you shall stay in the purgatory of living in the senseless world without him.
In the world where pointless wars slaughtered the mattes of love and tore soulmates apart.
 With the last shot fired, the once lively meadow burst into quiet tears and embraced the bodies of the fallen and the winners – whom there are none for a war is not won when lives are the price to pay. And all the beautiful Marians, who received the report of our death just as night melted into day, lifted their inquiring gaze to the skies and in that moment, the sun rose.
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Despite the truth settling in, despite every passing day screaming the loss the whole kingdom had suffered, your life, suddenly dull, resembled the strangest of fever dreams.
Your mind received the message of reality clearly and undeniably; yet there remained an immense rift between the thought and your heart. In your heart, you could not yet accept that Steven was no more; where your thoughts kept humming with grief, your heart awaited Steven’s return, welcoming smile and pretty words to wrap you in affection.
It was simply such an ungraspable idea, a world without him. Incomprehensible. Impossible.
And yet your mind accepted it, perhaps for Steven loving once seemed just as imaginable.
But before your heart could be ripped apart by harsh facts, you tucked them into an imaginary drawer in your head along with your grief to hide it from sight – for a mere glimpse of it hurt too much.
You busied your hands during your days and attempted to engage your mind as well; yet every night, images of horror awaited you, haunting.
Steven’s motionless body swimming in a sea of blood, vultures circling above him to swoop down in order to feed on his flesh. The tattoo of a wolf adorning his torso coming to life, climbing out of his skin only to tear away a limb to present it proudly to the pack and begin a feast with a growl.
You were waking up with tears drenching your face, screams on your lips which you profusely apologized for to your friends in the morning, earning their forgiveness and endless pity.
Steve’s absence was ever-present; while no longer amongst the living, you saw him everywhere.
You had always thought his eyes were the colour of the sky; yet these days, the skies were the colour of his eyes. The golden threads Natasha laced Princess Maria’s wedding gown with were the colour of his hair when the sun shone bright and painted a halo around his handsome face.
The apples you brought to the princess for breakfast were the colour of Steven’s kiss-swollen lips. You took a bite of the ones you carried back, untouched, but it did not taste nearly as sweet, prompting you to burst into inconsolable sobs, infecting the cooks who had lost their loved ones as well with your tears. You longed for Steven’s lips to kiss your tears away, for his tickly beard to sooth their burn on your skin.
Your only fortune, should you choose to find joy in the smallest of things, was sudden haste to marry king Howard’s children for the kingdom needed swiftly strengthen its alliances; prince Anthony was to marry princess Virginia of Pottenberg, whereas princess Maria was to be wed to prince Steven of Strangerlands.
The preparations for a royal wedding which was to take place in the castle, along with packing and readying the princess for her journey, left only little space for your grief to overwhelm you.
And since you were one of the princess’ maids, you were to prepare yourself for a journey as well.
While you might have not possessed much, there were items you laid into your pitiful excuse of a luggage with great care; you set the hand-made embroidery for a wedding dress you shall never wear, for you no longer had your groom, on the very top of your bag. You ran your fingers lovingly over the pattern of meadow flowers you had chosen to for it reminded you of your first interaction with your beloved and swallowed your tears.
Foreign lands with foreign customs would have scared you only a few days ago, yet now they were a promise of easing your pain. In the walls of the new castle, you would see the ghost of your Steven less frequently for he had never walked its halls.
Leaving, as intimidating as it might seem, would bring you relief.
The loud crash of the chamber’s door against a wall startled you, having you swiftly cover your embroidery with the nearest cloth, your head snapping to the source of the noise.
Met with the flushed face of your closest friend, you blinked in surprise at her wide-eyed gaze, swiftly drying your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Why would you make such noise, Wanda? What is the matter?” you asked silently, clearing your throat when the swallowed tears made your voice hoarse.
“The--- the- I,” she panted, clutching at her chest as she tried to catch her breath, shaking her head wildly, causing you to feel worry instead of sorrow for the first time in days. “You are needed outside right away!”
To say such order struck you as odd would be a gross understatement.
As it was, you could not imagine a single thing you could do for the princess outside for you were certain she was having tea with her father and her brother before they would be forced to part. And if any help was needed at a request of anyone else, then surely your presence specifically was not a necessity? Wanda herself had just run up all the flights of stairs – she could have done the work in your place, could she not?
Why would she come for you instead? You possessed no special skills to make you any more desirable than Wanda – on anyone, truly.
“Me? Now? What for?”
In lieu of an answer, your friend simply gestured with her hands vaguely, the movement incomprehensible for you.
“Just take haste, for Gods’ sake!” she cried out exasperatedly, the smallest of smiles passing her lips at your gaze widening as well.
Wanda even more than yourself, was raised within the old religion – to call upon the gods felt not in character for her for she knew better.
You willed your feet to move despite how heavy they seemed for the past few days; haste would then be too strong of a word and yet, you tried.
The corridors were lined with royal colours of red and gold, the servants tasked with decoration for the royal visit and upcoming wedding dutiful as always. The preparations and anticipation had made the castle buzzing at last despite the tragedy striking barely a week ago – yet, now it seemed fresh excitement hovered in the air.
Had the party on the behalf of Pottenberg arrived without your notice? You had been so lost in your own thoughts lately it would not be too surprising should you be honest with yourself.
If that was true, you certainly did have to take haste.
Running your hands through your hair, quickly pulling it into an improvised half-braid, you hoped to look presentable enough not to be ejected by the royals. You attempted to straightened your skirt a bit as you descended the stairs, quickening your steps.
Taking a deep breath to stand tall despite feeling yourself anything but small, you stepped outside with your head held high so you could lower it in a curtsy when the situation asked for such display of submission and servitude.
Confusion had your head spin slightly instead as no horses, no carriages and no gleam of luxury which came with royalty appeared in sight.
Instead, you were met with a crowd of servants and townsmen, surrounding a group of people who looked as if they crawled out of hell itself. Dirty, bruised and bloodied, too pale to appear anything but sick and yet, tired smiles seemed to adorn---
Your heart gave out, a painful skip of a beat that made you truly dizzy.
You recognized them.
Your eyes searched every face frantically, some of them swelled with brutal bruises beyond recognition, yet you were certain these were Sir Lang and Sir Quill, then Ethan from the stables-
Oh gods.
Your palm was over your mouth, muffling the sob before you realized it erupted from your throat.
He was a horrifying sight; smudges of dirt he had clearly attempted to clean, hair on his left side stuck in a dark lump due to dried blood, as was part of his entirely unkept beard, the thick crimson seeping into once white under armour shirt where the blood trickled down his neck and shoulder.
Exhausted red-rimmed eyes, limp posture with his arm hazardously fastened to his chest by torn fabric, several shallow cuts peppering his arms, dirt cloaking the remnants of his trousers and shirt where the terrifying amount of blood – his or his enemies’ – hadn’t already stained it. Normally standing tall, his figure sagged at the moment, shoulders slumped as he barely remained on his feet.
And yet, by lord, by gods, he was the most beautiful you had ever seen him, his injured arm clinging to his chest which was rising and falling with only slight irregularity of his breaths.
He was still breathing, his heart was still beating – and yours thundered in your ribcage painfully as you choked on air and sobs.
Steven looked marvellous in his misery, because despite the weariness in features, his eyes lit up upon seeing you, his lips curling up regardless of the split--- he lived, he lived, he lived.
Your feet, having taken roots in the ground, moved of their own accord at last, carrying you to him swiftly as the soldiers hopped away, clearing your path with weary attempt at a smile. Your hands tore away from your chest and your face as you came to a halt in front of your beloved, eager to touch, aimlessly searching for a place to feel him without causing him pain.
Solving your dilemma for you, Steve was kind enough to reach out with his uninjured hand, cradling your wet cheek gently. You minded not the tremble in his fingers, covering his hand with yours, eyes fluttering shut to fully revel in the sensation you had believed you would never experience again; a sensation you had only had the fortune to savour in your dreams.
The sudden surge of panic had your eyes snap open, afraid you were still in the dreamland.
But you did not have to fear; Steve’s warm eyes observed you with endless affection still, melting into your touch as your hand found its way to his own cheek. His lips brushed your palm lovingly before he gently pulled you closer, resting his forehead against yours with a breathy hiss of pain.
It was the display of agony he must have been in with every breath and the smallest of movements which finally untied your tongue, a waterfall of words falling from your lips.
“Steve---Steven, Steve, my love, what—how-“
Your fingers slipped to his nape, his pulse racing under your palm, the most precious thing you ever felt, only causing him to lean closer, nose brushing yours in a tender act of affection bringing fresh tears to your eyes.
Thump-thump-thump went his heart, a chant of love and life.
He was alive. Your beloved was alive.
“Druids. Luck. Divine intervention. I do not know, but it matters not. I am here,” he whispered, voice no less firm than within a battle cry.
I am here.
A promise. A declaration of love.
You found yourself yet again at loss for words, another sob escaping you instead. There were no words you were familiar with to do justice to your joy at this reunion. After countless of days, endless days of grief, he was standing there, holding your face in his hand and your whole heart as well.
Steve was alive.
“I made you a promise,” he continued in husky voice, “I told you I’d call upon your hand. It was all I could think of in the face of… of what I thought was the end.”
You squeezed his hand as to stop him, for it mattered not, not at this very moment, not ever, you would give him anything, everything, regardless of whether you were courting, married, or sneaking around and being the subjects of slander at the lower castle and the court alike.
As long as you should keep him, as long as he kept breathing, it mattered not if you could chant his name as you were now; falling from your lips like a prayer to whatever ancient force that brought him back to you.
And yet, you should have known better. Your Steven was a force of nature himself, stubborn and determined and proper. Time waited for no man and Steve could no longer wait for when fate would try to separate you again. He had to act in this very moment.
“Will you marry me, my sweet?”
You laughed, the joyful sound absurd in the circumstance; but your heart could burst as the reality of Steve holding you and asking you to marry him sank in at last, feeling as if the sun itself settled in your chest.
What choice did you have? What else could you possibly say when the gods were so merciful to give you a chance at bliss of spending your life side by side with a man you loved?
“Yes. Yes, I will.”
Cheers erupted around you, words of how sappy your future husband was, yet you could not care less, whatever the meaning the word possessed.
You had your Steven back; you had your heart sown together at once, waterfalls of grief turning into tears of undiluted happiness. Long path lied in front of you and it was not to be an easy one; Steven proposed, yes – in shaggy clothes, bloodied and dirty and with no ring to give you.
His proposal was far from flawless indeed; however, it was a promise. Not a promise of perfection, but a promise nevertheless. A promise of a beautiful life, for it would be with him.
And as you had learned upon daring to doubt him… your knight would always keep his promises to you. For that, he was a man far more noble than those who were born with nobility in their blood.
And he was yours. Always and to the end of the days – yours.
As much as you always would be his.
 Do not weep for me, my beautiful Marian, when the tower bell rings to honour soldiers, proud, My heart is silent, but in you there shall remain all the words that flare up like fire.
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S.R. masterlist
Sequel - In the Name of All That’s Holy
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Thank you for reading 💗 Feedback to this 13k beast is appreciated!
As you can see/hear, the song does NOT have a happy ending, but I just couldn’t… 😭 I couldn’t break her heart like that (AND MINE). Also, I was sent a cute knife along with a message as not to hurt knight Steve (yes, my beloved, I’m looking at YOU) 🤭
If you felt a bit of himbo energy from the knights in the beginning, know that Merlin is to blame. As he is for “dollop heads”.
(I never found whether the choice of a name ‘Marion’ has any particular meaning. I’ve always imagined her as a loyal woman in love, waiting for her kingdom’s hero to come home – I translated as Marian, for the resemblance with Lady/Maid Marian tied to Robin Hood legends. Up to interpretation.)
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tlonista · 2 years
Blood and Blue Diamonds: Chapter 14 Notes
So there’s a story that when Howard Hawks was filming The Big Sleep in the ‘40s, the filmmakers sent a telegram to Raymond Chandler because they couldn’t figure out who’d killed a particular character in his original book. Chandler thought about it and was like “damn, sorry, totally no clue,” and everybody just moved on. I think about this story whenever I ask myself why Jayce has yeast in his apartment.
If you put that aside, buchty are a delicious Czech dessert and this recipe seemed to work pretty well for making them. They’re like rolls that come with the topping baked in.
A few miscellaneous notes: Pershing Square was a well-known LA cruising spot, and Ramona was a wildly-popular-for-decades 1884 novel about a pair of star-crossed lovers in Southern California. It was intended as a well-meaning Uncle Tom’s Cabin-style book drawing attention to the plight of indigenous Californians, but the ultimate effect was that people became obsessed with, as we might say today, the aesthetic — there was a huge Ramona tourism complex and persistent claims about a real “historical Ramona,” and it helped fuel the faux-Spanish Mission Revival boom that gave us, as mentioned in a previous chapter, things like Jayce’s apartment building.
Arcane fanon usually codes Jayce as straightforwardly Hispanic/Latino in non-Runeterra AUs, which seems entirely fair. But it kept bothering me that my 1930s Mexican American protagonist had a word-of-Riot-god Greek given name and a more ambiguous but conspicuously non-traditionally-Hispanic surname. I plead my case on the fact that Mexican immigrant women marrying outside the Chicano community was, as far as my research indicates, pretty common in the early 1900s.
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lfcrobbo · 2 years
Estemick Eurovision au 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
send me a pairing and i'll give you a pitch for a eurovision au!
ohhh, estemick my BELOVED!! here is what i'm thinking:
mick represents germany with a really heartfelt ballad. it's GOOD but it's not the favourite to win (i'm thinking it's in the same vein as bulgaria 2017, but it's not QUITE as good as that one. OR, it could go a slightly different route, along the lines of the netherlands 2016, but with a bit less swagger. sorry mick i love u but you're no douwe)
ESTE is the bassist in the band that represents france. it's a turbulent time for the band bc of internal tension between esteban and the guitarist, pierre. charles is there as the vocalist? they get a lot of votes just bc charles is SO charming on stage. think czech rep 2017 (my BELOVED!!!) (i know charles isn’t french, but he’s more from france than flo rida is from san marino)
este and mick meet during the events leading up to the show etc. they get along!! este is happy to get away from the rest of the band for a bit bc they are NOT getting along and it's mostly bad Vibes when they're not on stage. mick is just happy to have a friend! but mick is also, oh maybe he gets butterflies whenever este's hand rests on his shoulder for a bit too long. but what does that MEAN??? he's never been into guys before. or has he? identity crisis (but not like. in a internalized homophobia way, just. "oh wow i've never thought about this before. is this for real? am i just confused bc it's eurovision?") and then. idk a party happens and they're dancing and mick thinks FUCK IT and he kisses esteban and it's NICE and good, and maybe even the best kiss of mick's life, holy shit?? than uh. idk more drama happens with the French Boys, which makes esteban pull back a little from mick and mick is sad:( and it doesn't get resolved until the after party after the show? (france does NOT do well. pierre blames esteban for being distracted by his "german boyfriend", mick does surprisingly well!! he makes it into the top five, which no one really saw coming!! it might be because his final performance had SOOO MUCH FEELING IN IT bc he was sad and poured all of it out on stage)
the DO resolve it. and then they kiss some more.
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carolmorgan · 6 years
První měsíc v USA
Hello :))
Je konec srpna to znamená, že se blíží můj první měsíc tady. Utíká to strašně rychle a strašně moc se toho tady děje. Celý týden je kolem 35°C, takže umírám, ale stejně chodím na výšlapy nebo výlety. Konec srpna taky znamená začátek školy pro děti, což pro většinu Au Pair znamená jednu z nejlepších věcí, ale mě to je tak nějak asi jedno, jelikož mám starší děti, který jsou stejně pořád někde v tahu s kamarády :D Spíš naopak, hokejová sezóna začne, škola začne a já budu v jednom kole. Největší problém zatím je americká strava. Pro mě ne, já si uvařím, ale musím se učit, co vařit pro kluka, který je teda mega vybíravý. Ale co si budem, je to amerika a tady se jede všecko z prášku. Hodně mě pobavily vajíčka v prášku a nebo když chcete bejt za ty, co jedou zdravý životní styl, tak si koupíte předrozklepnutý. Jsou v krabici co vypadá jak na mlíko. Takže budoucí Au Pairky - vaření se opravdu bát nemusíte. Já si teda vařím zvlášť, protože tohle není pro mě. Kromě vaření většinu času strávím v autě - cca. 3 hodiny denně. Nicméně to mi opravdu nevadí, protože řídím ráda.
Každopádně věc, kterou tady nemůžu rozdejchat, je recyklace a plýtvání jídlem. Ale třeba se to týká jen místa, kde žiji. Doufám! Ale z lidí, co jsem zatím poznala, recykluje jeden člověk. Například moje rodina kupuje 0,5l lahvičky s vodou (cca 50 týdně). Všechny jdou do koše. A takový ty znovuuzavíratelný sáčky na zip jsou tu na jedno použití. Igelitový tašky? Amíci nemají rádi, když se jídlo míchá, takže když jsem poprvé přijela z nákupu, tak jsem měla 20 až 30 igelitek. Od té doby nosím svojí tašku a pár igelitek z domu na to jídlo zvlášť. No a pak tu máme to plýtvání jídlem, to mi dává hodně zabrat. Každý týden se udělá obrovský nákup a pokaždé se z toho minimálně polovina vyhodí. To mě dost dráždí, nicméně tu nejsem proto, abych měnila zvyky rodiny, ale abych se dozvěděla něco o jejich kultuře. Takhle to prostě dělají. Navíc nechci bejt jenom negativní, všecko ostatní je tu strašně fajn. Rodinka je super. Každou volnou chvíli seberu auto a jedu někam objevovat. V podstatě se každý den naučím něco nového!!  Za tři týdny jsem stihla 4 státy, což si myslím, že je skvělý skóre. Navíc příroda je tady nádherná, spousta zeleně a vodních ploch. Takže mám v plánu nějaký campování a až se trochu ochladí, tak bych chtěla navštívit zábavní park - horský dráhy a tak - to já rozhodně můžu :))))
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Wake up new god designs just dropped
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I’ll let the demon hear my sins.
KME Tarot Bingo: The Hanged Man (Surrender, letting go, new perspective)
In a desolated castle outside of Prague, whilst the whole country was on the brink of the Velvet Revolution, two figures were lurking in the shadows. The light coming from the television was the only source that illuminated their faces.
“Do you think they are ready for us again?” Sebastian arched his left eyebrow. He faced the boy, who would never age. He would be more than a hundred years old if he were still human. Ciel declared himself “dead” to live a new chapter of his life. He and Sebastian went on to see the world between heaven and hell.
“I’ve been a demon all my life, Ciel. It is not hard work to be with humans and move the same way like them. I am a living proof.” Sebastian replied, albeit condescendingly.
Who could forget that fateful day when Alois Trancy denied the demon butler’s intention to devour Ciel’s soul? And irony of ironies, Ciel got what he wanted, the killers of his parents were dead, but it meant he also couldn’t die. Most of all, he and Sebastian were inseparable.
“Perhaps, it is time to face the music once again?” Sebastian suggested, a bit irritated.
“I am missing Bard. Let’s go to the Americas and stay there for a while. And be rock stars.” Ciel smirked.
“Surely, this is not one of those whims of yours.” The butler stayed glued to the TV, watching what was happening on the streets of the Czech capital.
“It is getting noisy in this part of town.”
“Noisy?” Sebastian chuckled. “Very well. As you wish,” Sebastian bowed down to Ciel. It was a habit he couldn’t help doing sometimes.
Read the rest on AO3. (Teen and Up, Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive pairing, Kuroshitsuji II, AU)
Tagging @kuro-morale-events for May’s challenge of the day. Dedicated to @clouds-of-peach for her patience and owlish eyes.
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sleephyjhs · 4 years
Him As Your Boyfriend (Jimin Headcanon)
genre: fluff , boyfriend au
pairing: boyfriend!jimin x reader
note: jimin is the last of the members! there’s now a version of this headcanon for all 7 of our boys, go check em out if you enjoy this one! 🥺
m.list | requested
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i included orange min for your own mental health :))
okay anyway
i’ve said this literally every time
but who WOULDNT wanna date jimin??
seriously find me one single person
i once saw someone on twitter say
jimin is the result of raising a child with overwhelming love (in the good way)
and i’ve never forgotten it
because it might just be the truest thing i’ve ever read
this man is just a living care bear
which makes him a million times more attractive
skinship is a constant with jimin
he’d never ever allow you to forget how much he adores and treasures you
i think he’s the clingy type, but you’d never mind
if you were catching up with a drama on netflix
jimin wouldn’t hesitate to come and lay across your lap
and try and follow along with the plot
when he gets overtired
and maybe a bit whiny or grumpy
jimin would drag the fluffiest of blankets in the house over to your seat
and do his best to cover you both up
before snuggling into your neck or chest
whatever would keep him the warmest
in the winter, he’d prepare hot chocolate for you
exactly the way you liked it
putting more effort into yours than his own
imagine dancing around the house with jimin
trying to get some housework done
but he can’t resist twirling you down the corridor as though it were a ballroom
supporting you and he leaning you back into an arch
admiring the gleaming yet nervous smile on your face
you knew damn well he’d never drop you
but the thought never quite left your mind mind
i think jimin’s one of the best members for clothes shopping
a very elegant yet somehow casual style
it really suits him
i doubt he’d have any problem waiting for you to try on your picks
but when something didn’t work for you
instead of carrying it to the rejected rack for you
jimin would go back into the shop floor
and rescan all the shelves and racks to see if there was an alternative
more times than not he’d find something even better than the last
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y’all remember his vlog in paris?
i rewatch it all the time
and over their break in october (?) 2019
jimin seemed to do a lot of sightseeing
so here’s what i’m thinking
travelling with jimin
and just seeing the world
i can’t remember if i’ve done this idea before in one of these
but jimin is the member who i associate the most with sightseeing
especially going to romantic areas
florence and venice in italy
the alps in france
sintra in portugal
santorini in greece
prague in czech republic
like i said
jimin is the human embodiment of love
and so he’d never feel as though you were dragging him around the city
just imagine the instagram feed pls :((
with the photos from your trip
jimin would compile a scrapbook
with ticket stubs and receipts
pressed flowers too
not just that though
in every city he took you to
jimin bought you a piece of jewellery to mark the destination
bracelets with your gemstone embedded between precious stones
earrings curled into abstract figurines
but lastly
in the last city on your journey
jimin found a moment alone to pick out the perfect ring
sliver metalwork
a symmetrical array of the finest diamonds
sprinkled between colourful gems
and on the last summer sunset of your voyage
he proposed to you in the empty city plaza
just you and him alone
in a city that crafted so many lovers before you
i can’t even bring myself to finish anymore of this
it literally hurts to think about this
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i feel like a broken record at this point
but ill say it again to make it hurt even more
this man is 1% human
99% love
and so i have to mention how he’d treat you before anything
we’ve seen how much he loves his members
and it might seem impossible to think about how much more he could do to treat a romantic partner
but i feel like it’s possible
no partner of jimin’s would ever second guess his dedication to them
always making sure that you’re okay
in situations you’re less comfortable in
the sly hand around your waist at parties or gatherings
(post-covid of course, wear ur masks)
the hand on your thigh while he’s driving
i’m just gonna say it
he’s absolutely trying the lady and the tramp spaghetti move
there’s no way he isn’t
despite how much of a gentleman we just know jimin is
god help anybody who decided to get in his wrong side
i swear i remember the member’s voting him the scariest when angry
and yknow
i believe it
jimin would do anything to protect you
i can’t imagine there’s much holding him back
no one hurts his partner
although you most likely wouldn’t like it when he yells
getting jimin to that level of anger would surely warrant it
he was protective of you
and in a way
that was more than comfort itself
jimin would always have your back
and when possible
you’d have his as well
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