orbit-of-eternity · 3 months
Lanfear now Cyndane: I'm a changed woman
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anira-naeg · 11 months
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Lanfear and Cyndane
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thewayoftheleaf · 2 years
A lot of this reread is just being like "YOU!!!" at characters in disguise and then spending the rest of the book trying to remember which character they actually are
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vulpixenthusiast · 1 year
Thing is. I disagree with a lot of takes abt lanfear. Like. I don’t think she ever really used compulsion. She didn’t seem to me to, like, “stoop so low” as to use that tool, which I’m sure she says so herself, moghdien is the one used to utilizing it. Also don’t think she would cause Rands nightmares, AT LEAST, not those ones we saw him having this season. It’s WAYYY more likely for her to cause the other eamond fielders nightmares just for funsies. And I also think she should dump LTT and be with me forever or illyena shhh but u know
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kunosoura · 1 year
anyway tangential to sanderson but one of my favorite parts of wheel of time that most wheel of time fans hate is the part in one of the later books where Perrin and Faile meet with Elayne to discuss the future of the two rivers. and Perrin (and a lot of the audience (wheel of time fans(idiots))) thinks "wtf why is she demanding loyalty. Andor never cared about the Two Rivers before. this is bullshit and elayne is a bitch". meanwhile when you look at the two people in the scene who know what's going on (elayne and faile) and pay attention to them you see exactly what's going on: two smart and politically savvy women who have to play their roles (A queen meeting with an unsanctioned, possibly rebellious lord and a noblewoman dealing with a stronger power censuring her) while also coming to a compromise where they both leave happy.
Elayne can't allow them to declare themselves independent because it would set a bad precedent for her sovereignty in the rest of the realm, even though she realizes the Two Rivers has been independent in all but name for centuries and she has nothing to gain from forcing their allegiance. Faile can't capitulate to having the Two Rivers rejoin Andor, because the people would riot at having to kneel to the laws and taxes of a kingdom that hadn't protected them from the trollocs or the whitecloaks, and Perrin likely wouldn't keep his position. They both know that neither full annexation nor open rebellion is an acceptable outcome, so they work together to come up with an alternative: the Two Rivers is declared land of the Dragon because Rand grew up there (which doesn't set a precedent that can be followed), independent from but allied to Andor (keeping the peace between them), with Perrin as the steward of the lands (allowing him to remain in power as a local leader with widespread support). and perrin (the PoV) is oblivious to all of this and just thinks huh why is my best friend's fourth favorite girlfriend being such a bitch. oh well at least my wife fixed things ^_^
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chosenasmodean · 3 months
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Forsaken Week Day Thirteen: Lanfear
I mainly referenced bridal dresses for her outfit, though she also ended up with a bit of a 1970s feel.
Spoilers under the cut to Winter's Heart.
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Cyndane's outfit is based off of an Edwardian walking dress. From my recollection it sounds like Moridin makes both Cyndane and Moghedien wear the same thing, so I wanted it to have a uniform feel.
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kevin-sedai · 2 years
Lanfear☪️3000+😴actual master of tela'ran'rhiod👫forever lews therin's🙅‍♀️don't call me cyndane🙊🤫dead😉
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liesmyth · 2 years
Fellow kinkster. Gimme your WoT-inspired kinks. I need it for cross-reference xD
OH GOD lol, a lot of what I personally came away with was an Interest in power dynamics, display of possessiveness / submission, and some humiliation.
All the stuff that Really impressed me, whether or not I actually retained, off the top of my head:
All the Rand Ba’alzamon dreams in TEOTW about how Rand would soon kneel in front of his power and the Aes Sedai ran naked and chained to do his bidding - I was ELEVEN. It was A LOT.
Just all the Forsaken talkin about making people crawl at their feet or whatever. They did that pretty often iirc
THE FUCKING COLLARS. “I can make you feel what I decide”. That one bit in TGH where Egwene’s damane said something like, from now on I’ll give you a new name, you’ll better be good and convince me that you really really like it.
Related! The fucking Seanchan human furniture thing.
THE WARDEN BOND. The version of the warden bond with compulsion in it. The fucking Oath Rod.
RAND AND ASMODEAN. Rand making Asmodean swear himself to him and then just mindfucking with him. “You better not keep things from me anymore” threatening scene.... A Lot
Graendal’s whole pet menagerie.
That one torture scene with Semirhage where she was fucking with someone’s brain pleasure centre.
Whatever the hell was going on with the Cour’sovra. Generally, all the stuff with Shaidar Haran and Moridin humiliating Moghedien & Cyndane.
The whole Da’tsang thing.
Moghedien in the Dream Realm threatening Nynaeve with pony play? Moggy, what the fuck. That was also formative though.
Nakedness as humiliation
Nynaeve and Lan’s marriage and just the concept of the Sea Folk marriage where who commands in public obeys in private.. a lot
Oh wow these books were REALLY kinky weren’t they. This is not even counting all the spanking / corporal punishment stuff that never did anything from me. And there was SO MUCH of it — if you like spanking they’re a complete smutfest. Bless
Anyway! All of these had An Impact. I think was into bossy women (same) but also didn’t mind seeing bossy women taken down a peg by other women (same) and also by men (nah). I highkey vibed with a lot of this but needed it to be same gender or F/m with femdom if it was het, and sometimes it was just Too Much so that it circled roght back to over the top instead of sexy. But like. A Lot of it left An Impression on me.
As proven by the fact that I typed this from memory after not touching these books for like a decade. Don’t @ me.
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bigskydreaming · 1 year
Oh I am definitely here for this take on Moghedien. One scene and she's already 100 times more compelling than she ever was in the books.
LOL at Lanfear's victorious stroll as she thinks she's just successfully dealt with Ishamael and now will rid herself of all her rival Forsaken in one stroke, and her face the second she sees Moghedien's already out and about, and Ishamael ALREADY freed all the others and they've scattered to the winds.
The irony of her commenting just earlier that very episode about how well she and Ishamael know each other, scheming besties, always two parts of the trinity that was them and Lews Therin.....of course he knew she was gunning for him and planned accordingly.
I was hoping that they would go a slightly different route with his character, since I worried (given that they already cut the Forsaken down from 13 to 8) that they weren't gonna use Moridin later on, and so at least we got more of a presence from him before the battle at Falme then he had in the books....but then again, now that I think about it, I do think they still HAVE to use Moridin at some point at least. They might not go the whole Lanfear/Cyndane route, I suspect that will be cut out, but Moridin pretty much has to come into play or we'll have a MASSIVELY different Last Battle and outcome.
Well. Hmm. Then again, maybe not. There's actually nothing fundamentally essential to the Moridin and Rand face-off at the Last Battle....just the final resolution. But if they're not actually intending that to be the actual ending of the show (and I could see them wanting to explore an alternate ending for Rand), then they don't actually need Moridin. Huh. Guess we'll see.
But so far all three of the Forsaken we've seen have been excellently cast and had perfect energy for their characters. Lanfear is everything I wanted from her character, Ishamael was way more charismatic than he was in the books, and Moghedien is already sooooo much more interesting than she's ever been on the page. Can't wait to see what they do with Graendal, Rahvin, Asmodean & Sammael. (Still don't care about Demandred and I never will. I stand by that one).
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circlemercs · 2 years
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Circle Mercs level 6 new headshots by @renlikesstuff.
Blip, tabaxi Way of the Open Palm monk
Chess, human School of Chronurgy wizard
Cyndane, aasimar Storm sorcerer
Kol, human Oath of Vengeance paladin
Sarrihel, pallid elf Circle of Stars druid
These are traced from the very talented venusmage and only for our campaign's use on Foundry.
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ao3feed-lanaeve · 9 months
The Balance of Darkness and Light
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/cTg7tEi by LiskaFly "Once upon a time, he was but a man. A man in love with a woman who could light up his world like a thousand fireworks. A woman he would call the light of his life. He was desperately in love with a woman, who could never return his feelings. A woman, who could never be his. And once he realized that, everything about him changed, slowly, until he lost even the last spark and turned completely to the dark." Words: 352, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Wheel of Time (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Moiraine Damodred, Lan Mandragoran, Siuan Sanche, Rand al'Thor, Lanfear | Cyndane, Egwene al'Vere, Nynaeve al'Meara, Elayne Trakand, Mat Cauthon, Perrin Aybara, Alanna Mosvani, Liandrin Guirale, Leane Sharif, Verin Mathwin, Logain Ablar, The Dark One | Shai'tan (Wheel of Time), Original Characters Relationships: Moiraine Damodred/Siuan Sanche, Moiraine Damodred & Lan Mandragoran, Nynaeve al'Meara/Lan Mandragoran, Rand al'Thor/Egwene al'Vere read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/cTg7tEi
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anira-naeg · 11 months
Sindane (+ sketch of Semirhage)
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elfcow · 1 year
What I will say is the new Liandran stuff absolutely rules. Fantastic fucking depth to a nasty piece of work. Much more human in the show, and excellent braiding into the scene with Suroth.
I also really love that we're getting to follow Ishamael and Lanfear around. The writing and acting is fantastic for them.
... It makes me kind of hope that the whole Moridin and Cyndane thing lets them keep the same actors instead? I really hope we get that route but I csn understand if we don't.
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vulpixenthusiast · 1 year
Really really wish they wouldn’t cut lanfears meddling with the other Emond fielders, I need her interacting with Egwene pls
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moghedien · 3 years
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Oh and you know they both HATE that they have to work together
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wot-tidbits · 5 years
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character portraits2by AngelikAdrie
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