#cw murder attempts
wyvchard · 3 months
Ideas from this prompt and this prompt but it's mostly just an excuse to write about my OCs' lives:
@secret-w-l, I hope you don't mind. I'll be putting content warnings here just in case.
Content Warnings: mentions of death, blood, threats of violence, mentions of sleep deprivation, cuts, self-hatred, survivor's guilt, murder attempt
Silus was crowned king yet only few are happy with this decision. To be honest, I am not happy as well.
It had taken so many deals to take a peek into the events that transpired after my departure yet very little was added from what the records have told me, the festering of resentment and aging lines the only ones marking the days that passed by.
"You may be king but the council will still continue to make its decision with or without you." The queen grandmother, our grandmother, looked at him with disgust lacing her eyes. Her blue eyes narrowed at him as her greying blue hair was put up in a bun.
"I'm the heir and I am now considered the king. I deserve respect." He snarled at her, red eyes burning with disdain. His blue hair was swaying with the amount of magic swirling around him.
"Do you really think you have the proper maturity to reign?" She adjusted her silver glasses, magic swirling around her to nullify the effects his spell may take hold. "You can't even plan something without the guiding hand of someone else. Your hands are stained with blood and all I can see when you act like this is not my grandson, but the man who murdered my granddaughter."
Silus merely clenched his fist, looking away at the ground. "I didn't... Look, it-" Words merely eluded him as our grandmother walked away. "I'm sorry. But I have my reasons."
"I'm sure he has his reasons as well. You chose your side now. And the only reason why the council hasn't usurped you is because you're the last legitimate heir that we would rather keep in."
"... It feels like you were using her too."
She remained quiet, only walking away to hide the swirling of emotions taking place.
... I sometimes question that too.
"Wow, she's really telling you off."
"Shut up." Silus looked at him with hatred, his fist clenching tightly as he tried suppressing his magic to avoid causing any attacks.
"Is that really the tone you'd take with your advisor? Hm?"
He looked away, adjusting his sleeves to reorient himself away from his anger.
"Oh, your majesty. Do you really think anyone will miss you? The only reason you're being kept alive right now is because the council will oppose me being there. They're only paying respect to you as you're the only one they can afford to keep. Their goal is to not plunge this place into a civil war. Do you really think someone will care about you? Hm? After all your crimes?"
"Our crimes. You played a part in this too."
Silus' eyes widened when water started wrapping his arm. The pressure of it was enough to make the weight of his bones shift.
"I'm not going to break your bones just yet. But let me ask you this. Do you really think the council will listen to you? They didn't even care when I was knocking at your doors at night to keep you from sleeping as a child. Do you think they will care now?"
"They have an incentive to protect me."
"But do they care for you?"
The question struck a nerve in him, leaving him unable to realize that a gash has formed across the arm that had been covered by water previously.
Oh, brother. If only you knew just how hard the council tried.
"So, what do we do now? He's holding Nate's life over our heads to get what he wants." Uncle Ansel spoke up while I was sitting on the floor, back to the wall separating me from the discussion of the adults. "If we give in, the people are screwed."
"We give him what he wants." Nana spoke up, her voice as heavy as ever. "Let him make the declaration but inform the regional leaders to follow exact directions."
"So, we're just going to let people suffer because of their wishes?"
"No. Because if anyone who has their head on straight will realize the implications of such a declaration." She sighed. "It could be useful to thresh them. They are the ones in charge of this; they should be perceptive. Someone make sure Nate's door remains secured while I make sure the people don't get in the short end of the stick."
I hugged the tiny doll in my arms, knowing that my brother won't be able to sleep. It was so unfair. Why am I the one in safety but he's forced to endure this? Why?
"... I will. Heaven knows what would happen if he was able to get to Nate." Uncle Ansel merely sighed. "I don't think he should be left alone with that... That scoundrel makes me sick to my stomach."
Did the adults in our life fail us? Why couldn't you get him out of there? Why must he stay there?
Is protecting me really worth it?
I'm here and yet I can't even wipe the tears falling down his face as he slept. "I'm so sorry, brother."
Someone entered the room, passing through me. His green eyes was darker than usual as he bandaged the gash with his characteristic gentleness.
"You're nothing but a fool, Nate. But I am a coward as well so that makes us equal." Titus sighed as he sat on the bed and stared at my brother's sniffles. He leaned on the bed frame as he watched him sleep. "... I should have spoken up. I really should have. I'm really sorry. If only I..."
Tears were flowing down his face when he brandished the knife, only for his grip to falter. "... Dang it. I can't do it. I hate you so much but I can't bring myself to kill you. You killed her. Why do you get to live when she couldn't?"
A small tug pulled him out of his spot from the bed, only for another person to step into the room. "... Brother?"
"... Were you trying to kill Nate?"
Titus merely looked at the knife in his hands and held it out for his brother to take it with his magic.
"I... hate him too. But killing him won't make things right." He walked towards Titus with a look of sympathy. "This is what happened. We need to accept it. She's gone and there is no bringing her back."
"... I can't accept the fact I could have saved her but I didn't because I wanted to save my own skin." He was hugging himself as he covered his mouth to avoid waking Silus up.
There was no need for words when Titus was dragged out of the room, magic securing the door to Silus as they both left.
"What do you mean you could have saved her?"
"I was there. I saw everything. I could have taken the key and made her escape any time but I was too cowardly to do it."
"I was told you only saw the last part of the... assassination. Explain."
"I was... afraid, okay? You have a stake here. You can stay here since your mother's family is here; I barely know my own. But I can be taken back to the cursed land we call our birth home! I'm not going back there." He hid his eyes behind his fringes. "I'm sorry."
"... I understand." He took a deep breath. "But I... I think it would be best if you stay with Sir Ansel for the next few days."
"... Brother?"
"I... I just can't look at you right now." He turned away, getting away from the spot to be alone.
... So this was what happened when I died.
These are my actual OCs so feel free to ask about them if you'd like. I'm happy to share information about them.
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bananadramaaa · 5 months
not sure if someone already asked it and I couldn't find it or not, but I wanted to ask what program you use for drawing?
also absolutely love your human!Alastor and Mimzy art, it's one of my favorite pieces to come back to every once in a while to re-read the little comics you made
Aw, thank you! Glad that you enjoy my murder besties comics✨
I usually draw in Photoshop or Paint Tool Sai. This sketchy comic I drew in Photoshop, for example.
(And yeah, CW: murder attempt, also dark humor I suppose)
Tumblr media
(continuation? Anyone?)
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 10 months
Why is it always Hellva Boss earworms that make me come up with ideas?
So, during the whole Freakshow thing, it wasn't true mind control. Danny was definitely affected, but it messed with his self esteem and emotions to the point where he damaged all of his relationships and is considering running away. Freakshow, who was a little bit smarter in this, then reveals that he knows Danny's a halfa and hey, why don't you join my ghost circus while you figure some things out.
So Danny becomes a clown because he's always liked clowns, and if you've seen the new episode, you know what happens next
and over the course of a few years, Freakshow isolates Danny from his family and friends, indoctrinates him into the crime side of business, and gaslights Danny into thinking he's nothing without him. Danny loves performing, but is so beaten down that he thinks he can't leave even if that's what he wants. Danny's a famous performer at this point, even if no one knows his real identity. The other ghosts aren't really a comfort since they're mind controlled.
The Justice League, specifically Young Justice, already know that Circus Gothica is a crime ring, but have no evidence to get them arrested bc the ghosts (who they think are just metas) are too good. The leader during the thefts (Danny) is the only one they've ever been able to get close to. Maybe at some point, Tim!Robin and Danny get trapped and Danny has a panic attack for failing Freakshow? Something happens that makes Tim convinced Danny isn't a criminal willingly, but he can't convince the others.
Danny and Klarion somehow end up dating. Freakshow joins the light, probably, and the two work really well together. Klarion asks Danny out, and Danny was really reluctant since he hasn't had... anyone, in years, but they date and it's just another thing for Freakshow to hold over his head.
Eventually, Freakshow gets the inkling that Danny isn't working as hard as he should be so he puts "Greatest Clown in the World" contest, and tells Danny that all the clowns who don't win will be immediately killed.
Danny is horrified, but he can only care about himself right now, so he's working his ass off.
(Meanwhile, in Gotham, the Joker tried to join, but the Batman broke in, stole all his bones, and left him in the hospital for a few months)
So Danny's putting his all into this performance, but Young Justice finds out about the murder bit and infiltrates with, IDK, disguised Nightwing? Klarion is also there to support his man.
Danny ends up tying with Nightwing, and the tie-breaker is a three minute performance and whoever's more entertaining wins. Danny has a panic attack during Nightwing's performance and Tim and Klarion team up to talk to Danny.
Danny's convinced he will be nothing without Freakshow (literally, he might fully die), so while Klarion helps him feel better about his skills, Tim finally gets the deets about Danny's whole situation. Tim logics that Freakshow mindcontrolling this other dimensional species + Danny is half this species = Danny is being mind controlled, pissing off Klarion while Danny thinks back to what happened when Circus Gothica first came to town.
His irrational anger at family and friends, his desperate need for approval from Freakshow, how he never even considered going independent, how he thought he was immune to the mind control staff despite being half ghost.... He's pissed. He wants to quit.
So he tells Tim that YJ needs to get the staff during his performance; without it, Freakshow wouldn't be able to mind control anyone. And he goes on to give his performance.
As for that... look, 2 Minute Notice is an amazing song with amazing choreography. the only thing i would add would be a quad somersault during the trapzee part.
Danny proves himself as an amazing clown, Freakshow gets arrested since Danny is willing to testify against him, the ghosts are free, and Klarion later murders Freakshow in a cell because that's his boyfriend, you pathetic excuse of a warlock.
"Freakshow, you sad sack of shit! Fuck you!"
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1-marigold-1 · 21 days
Lamplight au by @liloinkoink , specifically a scene from Worship The Ashes fic !!
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demonic0angel · 5 months
What if Jazz replaced Dan in another timeline?
CW: attempted murder via strangulation
Also on AO3 here :)
"Could you leave me alone?!" Danny shouted. "Stay out of my business!"
Jazz looked affronted. "How can I stay out of your business if I'm also part of your business?!"
Sputtering, he cried out, “Just— Just leave me alone!”
“No! You’re not taking the proper safety precautions! You’re going to get hurt one of these days and I’ll laugh in your face! You’re always so reckless! It’s not my fault that I have to watch over you!”
His eye twitched as he crossed his arms. “I’m not a baby anymore! You can’t control me like you used to when I was a kid! I’m a teenager and I’m way more powerful than you! I don’t need you to watch over me!”
“Danny! Don’t be so stubborn!” She insisted. “I’m just asking you to be safe!”
“I said. I. Don’t. Need it!!”
Danny had enough and stormed away from her. Jazz cried out, "Get back over here!" but he ignored her and continued walking.
He ran into his room and threw himself on his bed. He stretched out his hand, went partial ghost, and then locked his door. However, Jazz didn't follow him inside.
Danny groaned, burying himself in his pillow. He loved his sister, but sometimes, her love for him was just too overbearing! He couldn't stand the feeling of being watched over and babied like she had always done since he was a child, but he quickly realized that he had probably overreacted. Danny grimaced, realizing that he would have to apologize to his sister soon, but he was mentally exhauated.
Just as he pushed the idea of apologizing to her to later in the back of his mind, his phone rang. He picked it up with an exhausted, “Hello?”
“Dang, Danny, what’s going on with you?” Tucker asked, sounding concerned and also amused. He was holding his camera in one hand while the other held the phone to his face.
Danny groaned. “Jazz is being a total control freak again! I can’t even go out without her having to force more equipment onto me! I’m sick and tired of her always being in my business!”
“Dude, that sucks, but she’s looking out for you! Cut her some slack.”
“I know, but it’s so annoying. I wish she could understand that I’m not a baby anymore.”
Tucker hummed. “Mhm.”
Danny huffed and although Tucker’s expression didn’t show it, he realized that he was bringing down the mood somewhat.
“How’s Boston?” He asked.
“It’s cool,” Tucker said with a smile. “Do you want a pen or a keychain for your souvenir?”
“Oh screw you!” Danny laughed, pretending to be annoyed by the lackluster presents.
The phone beeped again, and Sam jumped into the call. “What’s up?” She said, a pair of sunglasses on her nose while a wide brimmed sun hat covered her face in shadows.
Danny sighed, reminded even more of the fact that his two and only best friends were on vacation. Even Valerie couldn’t spend time with him, too busy working for an internship under her dad.
Danny’s own parents were in Virginia, trekking on the Appalachian mountains to find more ghosts.
So basically, Danny was alone. With his sister.
“Oh! Sam! How’s Greece?”
“It’s great. I’ll bring you guys here in a few weeks,” she promised, turning her camera around so they could also take a view of the busy streets.
Tucker put his hands together and pretended to pray to her. “Oh, great Sugar Mommy Sam, please deliver us to Greece soon.”
“Never mind. Tucker, you’re staying home. I’m taking Danny and the two of us are going to eat souvlaki and seafood, look at Ancient Greek monuments, and learn about the lives of the fallen gods without you.”
Tucker gave a cry of pretend panic and Danny laughed too, already comforted by the sound of his two best friends and putting away the thought of Jazz.
They chatted for a few more minutes before Sam and Tucker had to leave, although not before promising to bring him souvenirs.
Danny laughed and smiled but when they left, it slipped off of his face. He sighed, pressing his head down onto his pillow again, dropping his phone carelessly.
Was a single summer without anyone bothering him too much to ask?
After a while, as Danny lazed about, he finally got up to get lunch.
When he went down to the kitchen, Jazz was sitting at the table, a book open in front of her alongside two plates of food. The one that wasn't directly in front of her was underneath a Fenton™ heating lamp.
Now the guilt mixed together with the irritation.
He knew that he was supposed to apologize, but he couldn't help the hostility that rose up in him. No matter how much he felt guilty, he refused to back down. Danny stomped to his seat, pulling back the chair and taking the plate. Then he began eating without saying a word.
Jazz peeked at him from behind her book a few times.
Danny scowled before looking up. "What?"
She hesitated, and then finally said, "Danny, you know that I love you, right?"
Oh Ancients, here she went again.
Danny loved his sister, but he couldn't stand how she tried to act better than him simply because she had more "experience" than him living in the world. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't truly relate to him and his experiences.
"... just get out with it," he snapped, putting down his fork and slumping back in his seat.
Jazz's eyebrows furrowed, disapproving but she didn't say anything about his disrespectful appearance.
"I know that you think I'm controlling, but I'm doing this for your own good. You're only a kid, and you're being forced to fight against ghosts. Of course I worry! We can never know for sure if you can beat up everyone you see... so I just want you to be safe. That's why I—"
"Jazz." His voice was hard. Jazz startled at the sound of it, looking shocked. "I'm not a baby. I'm my own person, and I don't need your help! You putting your nose in my business doesn’t help me!"
Jazz flinched and then glared back at him. "Well, I wouldn't have to, if you would listen and be careful!"
"I'm plenty careful! I'm literally the most careful person you'll ever know!" Which wasn't true, but Danny was incensed enough to say anything.
"Don't you lie to my face! Danny, you are so—!"
That was when there was the sound of something popping and the both of them turned to the door in confused silence. The sudden appearance of a pair of slow, clacking heels against the floor made the both of them tense.
No one should've been home but them.
So who was this?
With his hands underneath the table, Danny transformed halfway, ready with a ghost ray if it was an enemy. His ghost senses told him that it probably wasn’t a ghost, but he still had to be careful. Jazz picked up her plate, ready to toss it at a moment's notice.
The person who entered their home stopped at the door to the kitchen.
The first thing Danny noticed was that she was tall. Freakishly tall. His dad was the tallest person he knew, and this person wouldn't even be completely dwarfed by him if she was standing next to him.
The second thing he noticed was that she looked just like Jazz, only older. Her facial features were all the same, the same sweet smile, the same heart shaped face, the same long hair. The only thing that was noticeably different were her eyes, which shone with a light that he had never seen before and watched with a focus that almost unsettled him. She was dressed in a trench coat and a dark dress shirt. Her heeled boots clicked on the floor, drawing attention even further to her monstrous height.
This woman, this older doppelgänger of Jazz, paused at the doorway, studying them before she gasped and then rushed forward to pull Danny into her hug.
"Danny! Oh, it's you!" The Jazz lookalike cried, and her hold was tight and warm, pressing him against her chest like she was trying to absorb him through her skin. Danny stumbled and then just stayed in her embrace, dumbfounded. Her hug felt familiar, just like the hand that cradled the back of his head and the other that rubbed at his back.
"Jazz?" Danny blurted, eyes wide.
The Jazz clone pulled him back, smiling through teary eyes and nodded. "That’s right. It's me, Jazz."
Jazz was probably as confused as Danny, but she didn't hesitate to stand up and take a closer look. The older version of Jazz continued to hug Danny while Jazz flitted around them nervously. The two of them sank to the floor and it took a moment for Danny to understand what was happening before he pulled away, bewildered.
Something flashed through the Jazz clone's face too quickly for him to decipher.
"I'm sorry, but what? What's going on? If you're Jazz then... why are you in the past?" And why had Clockwork not said a single thing?
The Jazz before them pressed a hand against Danny's cheek. Her skin was gloved, and the coolness of the leather against his skin made him shiver. The look in Jazz's doppelgänger's watery eyes was intense and focused, her lips pulled into a small smile. "I am Jazz Fenton. I came here in hopes of finding a world where I could live."
Both Danny and Jazz became excited immediately.
"Wow! You're so beautiful! You're really me?" Jazz asked excitedly. "What do you do in the future? What's our job? Do we have a partner? How is everyone in the future?"
"Jazz! Let her breathe!" Danny felt a small sense of vindication for correcting his sister. However, he also looked at the older version of Jazz eagerly, wanting to know if he remained a hero and if their city was alright, if he got married to Valerie, and if Sam and Tucker were still his friends.
The older version of Jazz paused before she pursed her lips. "I'm afraid... it's not great in my timeline. That's why I came here. To escape." A flash of a strange smile crossed her face but it disappeared before Danny could try and decipher it.
He blinked, his stomach dropping as he tried to understand what she was hinting at. "Are you saying... that some of us are dead?"
The older Jazz smiled sadly. "You're all dead. I lost you, Danny. I lost you, Mom, Dad— I didn't even have Sam or Tucker. Everyone is dead. Humanity has been almost completely wiped out. I'm the sole survivor of our family in that world."
Both Danny and Jazz were dumbfounded.
A pit immediately formed inside of Danny's stomach as his blood turned cold.
The sole survivor? Humanity was almost wiped out? What on earth had happened in that world??
"Wait... you mean everyone? Like everyone everyone?? What happened?" He asked desperately. "Wasn't I a hero? How did I let this happen??"
How could this have happened? How could he have been so careless as to let everyone but Jazz die? A small part of him was a little happy that Jazz of all people survived, knowing that she was resilient and strong, but the larger part of him just felt sad. His core ached with the thought of her being alone in a possibly devastated world.
"Everyone died after you died," older Jazz said in quiet resignation. "People started dying in droves... there's only me left in the entirety of America."
Jazz clasped her hands over her mouth in horror, while Danny clenched his fists. "How did we die?"
"You... our family was at the Nasty Burger, when an accident occured and then the entire place exploded. You were on your way there when... you also got caught in the accident. Even your powers weren't enough to keep you alive when you were in the middle of such a large explosion." She looked down, her expression twisted in sorrow. "I was at home when it happened. And then... I was alone."
Danny's stomach twisted itself into knots. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth and he didn't know what to say.
Jazz whispered, hushed, "... it sounds like Dan."
Danny had to agree. However, older Jazz looked at the two with confusion.
"Dan? Who's that?"
Danny blinked. "You don't know...? Oh, it's because your timeline is different. Er, Dan is an alternate version of me. He's kind of like you, but more evil."
Jazz sighed and explained, "Danny from that timeline watched us die at the Nasty Burger too and then he started killing everyone. He's a little similar to you that way. But then he went to our world to try and kill us all again, so we trapped him in the Fenton thermos."
Older Jazz stared at them, her mouth open in shock before she burst out into laughter. The sound of her bell-like laughter was sweet, but the context was jarring and Danny and Jazz couldn't help but share a look of 'what the heck?'
Older Jazz eventually quieted down and she said softly, "How interesting. You're saying that he also had his family killed and then he killed everyone in his world?"
Something was definitely wrong but Danny didn't know what. Jazz was the one who replied, and she nodded slowly, "Yeah."
"You defeated this Dan?" Older Jazz looked at Danny with bright eyes.
Danny slowly nodded. "He's in the Fenton thermos."
Older Jazz smiled, her eyes narrowing into crescents. "How quaint. I know it's a bit presumptuous, but could I stay here for a little?"
Jazz startled and said, "Oh! Your world is destroyed, right? Yeah, y-you can stay if you want!" Then she flushed red at her stuttering.
Danny raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as he turned to the Jazz from another timeline. "We should find you another name. Something like... Minnie?"
"From Jasmine? If you say so, Danny," Minnie said amicably. "Call me Minnie then, to avoid confusion."
"Are you hungry?" Jazz asked. Minnie shook her head and stared at her with half lidded eyes.
Jazz noticed the look and asked, "What?"
"Nothing. You're just so innocent."
For some odd reason, it didn't sound that nice coming from her mouth.
However, Danny wasn’t that concerned about it, more preoccupied with the presence of his big sister from a post-apocalypse world. They pulled her to the kitchen table anyways and thus, Minnie joined the duo for the summer.
Minnie spent a few days with them. As the only actual adult in the house, she quickly took control over the house's chores and Danny was relieved to know that he wouldn't have to do his daily chores with her around. Jazz had griped about it, but Minnie laughed it off.
She seemed to enjoy the domesticity of their daily life, content to be doing anything, even something as mundane as folding clothes as long as Danny was within her sight.
Losing him must've hurt her a lot. He understood. He had, after all, also gone completely crazy after losing his family in another timeline.
She had many similarities to Jazz. However, she was also different from Jazz in that she was far more capable. When she was worried about him on his patrols, she would just follow him out instead of nagging him. With her long legs and advanced technology, she was able to keep up with him and even catch a few ghosts herself. Even when he flew over the city, she could find him wherever he was and defeat ghosts along the way.
Minnie soon proved herself to be a more advanced and grown up version of herself very quickly. She was mature and patient, with a quiet confidence to herself that didn't come as naturally to Jazz. The age and grief that she had experienced had surely attributed to her mature personality, but it couldn't be denied that Jazz would grow up into an awesome person.
It kind of made Danny proud in a way.
Look at how cool his sister was!
Like now, Minnie was tinkering with her watch, a sleek and black piece of technology that she used to get here. Danny and Jazz had learned that Minnie taught herself bioengineering and weapons manufacturing in order to cope with her stress and depression. Apparently, she was currently learning how to program robots in her world.
If Tucker was here, he would probably fall onto his knees to beg her to take him in as an apprentice.
"Is that what you used to fight in the future?" Danny asked, pointing at the watch. The two of them sat in the kitchen, both in their own little world.
Minnie hummed, taking a screwdriver to take apart a piece. "No. I had something else helping me."
He blinked at the wording. "Oh. Can I see it?"
"I'm afraid not," her tone was very kind and she stopped working to pat his hair, "It couldn't come with me."
He didn't pay much attention to her after that, just soaking in the attention before she went back to work.
He laid his head on his arms, closing his eyes to the sound of Minnie fiddling with her machinery as he thought about the past few days.
Minnie had been a welcome addition to their household, not only because she took over the role of the adult in the house, but also because she was a calming presence between Jazz and Danny. She had quickly become a mediator between him and Jazz. Their fights had lessened in quantity because of Minnie's presence, but the quality had definitely gotten worse in animosity. And while he and Jazz weren't getting along, Jazz and Minnie were the exact opposite.
He didn't really know what he had expected, but he had thought that Jazz and Minnie's relationship would be as hostile as his with Dan's. Instead, the two of them were friendly and Jazz even had a bit of hero worship towards Minnie. Which was a bit narcissic, but he could understand it.
"Where's Jazz?" Minnie asked suddenly.
Danny opened his eyes. "She's in her room."
"Did you two fight again?" She asked, putting down her tools to raise an amused eyebrow at him.
Danny frowned.
"It's not my fault!" Ever since Minnie had arrived, Jazz had grown even more overzealous with her overprotectiveness. Danny was completely over it. He was a growing boy! He didn't need to be coddled any longer!
He didn’t like fighting with his sister either, but was he so wrong in believing that he could be on his own? Jazz had her own problems fo worry about. It was just like his childhood, when she would disregard herself and the opportunities given to her to take care of him. It infuriated him, saddened him, and made him ashamed all at once.
He just wanted to prove himself. He wanted to be seen as an adult, not a little kid like she believed.
He unleashed his grievances to Minnie, who was quiet and thoughtful the entire tale.
As he was finishing up his complaints, he huffed. "I just want to be taken seriously."
"She just loves you. I would know, I also love you very much," Minnie said.
Danny blushed pink at that but he continued to insist, "I know! But I'm a superhero! I need to be able to take care of myself without my big sister hovering over me like a helicopter mom!"
Minnie laughed softly. "Maybe you just need to prove to her that you can take care of yourself. We did grow up taking care of you after all."
He just groaned.
Minnie looked at Danny with a small smile for some time. “Danny,” she began softly, “how would you feel if I stayed here indefinitely?”
Danny blinked, a little bewildered by the topic change, but he then returned the smile. “That’d be nice. You could help us out around the house! I think we could convince mom and dad to let you stay. And you and Tucker would probably get along, since you two work with technology!”
Minnie stared at him with that ever present smile on her face. The way her bright eyes peered into him was intense with its color and piercing scrutiny.
In some ways, she was even more haunting than him, who was an actual ghost.
Minnie then chuckled a little. “That would be nice. But I can’t exactly stay in a place that already has a Jazz Fenton.”
Danny blinked. “Really? Why?”
Minnie replied, “We’re both alive, that’s why.”
Then she paused, tilting her head.
“Do I need to be worried?” Danny asked.
Minnie shook her head slowly. Her expression was considering, like something had just popped into her head to make her think. She was thoughtful, before she finally smiled even wider.
“I’ve forgotten how smart you were,” Minnie finally murmured, reaching some unspoken conclusion.
Danny tilted his head, asking a silent question.
Minnie smiled, a flash of her pearly teeth enough to get his hair rising. “But that’s alright. We’ll soon have all of the time in the world for me to relearn your habits.”
And from then on, she wouldn’t answer any of his questions. No matter how much he pressed, she did not say a word. Danny was hesitant, but in the end, he let it go.
He had begun to realize that Minnie had a darkness to her that was sometimes really unsettling. She didn’t seem like she noticed it or purposely kept it down, but it was quite creepy to see it when it rose in her eyes. Sometimes, he wondered if she knew that she couldn’t hide it and if she knew that it made Danny’s skin crawl when he saw it.
However, he wasn’t too concerned about her inner darkness or whatever she was talking about.
No matter what, he knew that any version of Jazz wouldn’t intentionally harm him.
He’d probably find out soon anyway.
The day ended quietly and night began quietly. It was still early dawn when Danny crawled back to his bed after a long night of patrol around Amity Park. Although he was exhausted, he was filled with a sense of pride and happiness from protecting his city once more. His muscles ached and his eyes stung from being awake for so long, but he knew that because it was summer, he could sleep the whole day away.
Just as he was about to fall asleep, there was a bang and a knocking sound, like something had fallen to the ground.
Startling away from his light doze, Danny sat up from his bed. Rubbing his eyes, he trudged out of his room to investigate what it was.
He poked his head out of his room and called out to her. “Jazz? Are you alright?”
The sound seemed to have come from her room.
There was only some muffled noises.
Had she fallen down from her bed?
Not entirely that concerned about what Jazz was up to, Danny called out again, “If you need help, just call Minnie! I have to get some shuteye!”
He began to close the door, but then paused.
His core was tingling slightly, a bad feeling rising up in his throat.
Danny sighed, cursing his own Obsession before he went to Jazz’s room and then knocked on her door. “Are you okay?” He asked.
There was another faint noise but Jazz didn’t seem to be replying.
Danny sighed again, now a little more annoyed, before he opened the door.
There, on the floor, was Jazz. Straddling on top of her was Minnie, her hands wrapped around her throat and mouth, pressing down at her throat with an unsettling smile on her face, like she wasn’t trying to kill Jazz at that moment. Their red hair was scattered around and the room looked like there was a bit of a struggle.
Jazz was still struggling, muffled noises coming out of her as she wriggled underneath Minnie, but Minnie’s weight and frame kept her settled as she began to choke the life out of her.
The two of them paused as they stared at Danny. Although Jazz was wide eyed and still trying to twist out of her grip, Minnie didn’t look alarmed and only smiled sweetly.
However, in this moment, she looked just like the Devil.
Danny stared, dumbfounded for only a split second, before he immediately reacted and transformed, blasting at Minnie with his ghost rays.
“Get off of my sister!!” He shouted, his heart nearly choking up his throat as he noticed Jazz’s weak kicking.
Minnie laughed quietly and her watch flashed, lighting up instantly with a shield that rebounded Danny’s ghost ray. Jazz whimpered and knocked her head against the ground with her flinch.
Danny didn’t relent, shooting out more and more beams as he desperately flew over in an attempt to throw Minnie off.
The shield bounced him back, making him land painfully onto the wall. His vision shook and his bones felt like they were rattling inside of him. His breath was punched out of him in an instant and he gasped, blinking away the stars in his eyes from the pain.
“What the—?!”
“Oh, Danny,” Minnie crooned. “I’m from the future. You think I don't have the technology to defeat halfas like you?”
Danny gasped, struggling to find air, and hit her with an energy ring in desperation. The shield blocked it once more.
“Minnie!” He tried to reason urgently, “You don’t have to do this! You don’t need to do this!”
How could he have trusted her so much?
How had he not know that Minnie's darkness wasn't just from grief? That her darkness actually came from the killings she had probably done and that she wasn't as simple as she looked?
Had Danny's underestimation of Minnie caused Jazz to be hurt?
Minnie smiled, and the expression on her face was mocking and sweet. It made Danny’s blood curdle in his veins and he clenched his fists, knowing that he had to find a way to bypass Minnie’s shields and save Jazz.
He had to find a way to buy some time!
“But I do. I can’t stay if there’s two living versions of Jazz Fenton in one world. We’ll pull apart the fabric of his universe. If I want to stay, I’ll have to get rid of her.”
Her hands slipped down from Jazz’s mouth to press against her throat.
Jazz began coughing, tears filling the corner of her eyes as she clawed at Minnie’s hands. Her face was almost looking blue as she tossed her head around in an effort to get away. Her fingers could not even pull at Minnie’s watch. Her legs kicked weakly and she tried to buck off Minnie, but it was useless.
Danny had never wanted to curse the fact that Jazz grew up to be such a strong woman more.
Danny couldn’t watch this anymore.
“Please! Please, we can find another way!” He pleaded, almost getting on his hands and knees as he begged Minnie to spare Jazz’s life.
He would do anything as long as his big sister got to live.
“There is no other way,” Minnie’s voice was impossibly and jarringly gentle. “I want to stay with you. So I’ll just have to kill her. But it’s okay. You’ll still have me after she’s gone.”
The thought of it made Danny sick.
Jazz struggled weakly as Minnie’s grip seemingly grew in strength.
Danny was full on panicking now.
“No! No, please, you can’t! You can’t do this!”
“It’s alright, Danny. I’ll still be here, even if she’s gone. I’ll still be your big sister,” Minnie said soothingly, but it only frayed his nerves even more.
He would lose it if he lost Jazz. If Jazz died, he really would go crazy!
Minnie paused, just as Danny threw himself at the shield again, only to be thrown off. In that moment as Minnie was distracted by Danny’s self-sacrifice, Jazz was able to get the barest amounts of air into her lungs to speak further.
“I-I have an idea.”
Suddenly feeling like Jazz was going to make the stupid decision of letting her psychopathic doppelgänger kill her, Danny cried out, “No!!”
Jazz ignored him. Minnie similarly took her eyes off of him to inspect her younger counterpart.
“Y-You’re lonely, right? What if… what if we give you Dan? The one from the other dimension? He’s also Danny and you could go back to your world with him…”
Minnie looked at her with a considering gaze, her hands still wrapped tightly around her neck.
“You’re saying that I take Dan off of your hands?”
She tilted her head. She didn’t seem adverse to the idea.
Danny could not believe that Jazz was genuinely negotiating with the crazy version of herself that was actively trying to kill her.
Jazz nodded weakly, tears being squeezed out of her eyes as her lips turned white. Her feet scrabbled on the floor slightly as she struggled to speak.
Danny couldn’t breathe either.
“Yeah,” Jazz said hoarsely, and Minnie watched her struggle for a little longer as she thought about it.
Danny wanted to drag her off and he nearly did so, but Jazz seemed to have a plan and he didn't want to ruin it. However, he thought to himself that if he saw any sign of Minnie finishing the kill, he would tear her apart.
Minnie was still, her hands continuing to press into Jazz’s windpipe. Then she let go and got off of Jazz with a beaming smile. She dusted herself off as Jazz finally caught her breath, coughing hoarsely, and Danny couldn’t do anything but stare at the two of them in horror. Standing on top of Jazz, Minnie then reached down with a hand to help her up.
“I’m sorry about that,” she said, her voice calm and sinisterly sweet, “I shouldn’t have overreacted.”
Jazz shivered hard and turned to Danny with wide, wet eyes. Danny felt his heart drop in his chest and he had the overwhelming urge to push away the despicable clone that was on top of his sister.
“D-Danny, go and get Dan.”
Immediately, Danny wanted to refuse.
He looked at Minnie, who didn’t look offended as she watched the two of them with interest. Her hand was still stretched downwards in the air, waiting for Jazz to take it, like a demonic entity that was waiting for her to sell off her soul. She just stood there, tall and long-limbed, like some sort of skeletal grim reaper.
The worst part of it all was that he couldn’t fight back against her. Dan was full ghost, and he was able to be fought off. However, Minnie was human, and she had built the technology necessary to combat him.
How could he have forgotten that she was an adult with all of the time in the world to create the tech needed to take him down?
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Danny was still weak and it was the worst feeling in the world for that realization to sink in.
Even worse, Minnie was his sister.
Danny could fight himself all day and feel no remorse— which would give him another therapy session if he ever told Jazz this— but his sister? His big sister, who had cared for and protected him since the day he was born? His big sister, who had taken care of him more than their parents? His big sister, who despite all of her shortcomings and his flaws, loved and cherished him?
He couldn’t.
He was scared.
Even though Minnie was probably evil incarnate, she was still his sister. His big sister who he also loved with all of his heart.
Danny looked at Jazz again and despite how she was shaking and teary eyed, she gave him a hard look and ordered, “Go!” before she turned her head around and took Minnie’s hand.
Danny took off.
He raced down to the basement, immediately blasting the cabinets open with his powers. If he could have focused, he probably would’ve opened it a little less destructively. However, his sister was still in the same room as her evil doppelgänger and he couldn’t think. His chest heaved with his hurried and quick breaths, his vision felt blurry, he was a mess.
He needed to hurry.
He needed to get back to Jazz before anything else could happen to her!
Danny grabbed the Fenton thermos that contained Dan and then flew back up to Jazz’s room, immediately slamming the door open. Jazz sat on her bed, shivering, with Minnie standing beside her, tall and impossibly towering.
Danny threw the thermos towards Minnie, who caught it with a gleam of delight in her eyes as her lips stretched further. She cradled the thermos to herself closer, and smiled.
“Thank you very much,” she said softly, nails tapping against the metal like she was testing its durability. She looked down at the thermos and the way she held it was like how a mother would hold a baby, careful and affectionate.
It only sent chills down Danny’s spine.
He could not forget the image of her choking the life out of his sister.
Danny grabbed a blanket and threw it over Jazz, pulling her closer to him. Jazz squeaked but didn’t say a word. Danny glared at Minnie, shielding Jazz with his body as he snapped, “There. You have the thermos, so leave.”
Minnie smiled. “Alright,” she said. “I will take this with me. Would you like a replacement for it?”
“Just leave!”
Why did she insist on acting so kind despite having no problem in killing others?!
Danny was freaked out even further by the contrast in her actions and her words, and he clutched Jazz to himself, glaring at Minnie with all of his might. No matter what, she had to leave. He wouldn’t stand for this psycho to be anywhere near them again!
Minnie paused and then smiled. She walked closer and Danny immediately blocked Jazz from her view, fear rising once more as he tensed like a hostile cat. All of his hair rose and he couldn't help the growl that climbed up his throat.
Minnie reached forward and Danny immediately blocked it. She dodged past the weak move and reached... behind his ear.
She pulled away something small and black, making Danny freeze.
What was that?
Why was it attached to him?
Minnie chuckled, looking amused by his reaction. She pocketed the small device and then with a zap, she pressed a button on the watch on her wrist. A blue-green portal opened up, flickering with sparks and little lights. Something dark and shadowy writhed within, unable to enter but the sight of it made Danny's skin rise with goosebumps. Jazz gasped when she saw it, but Danny didn’t let go, not until he knew for sure that Minnie was gone.
Minnie held the thermos in one arm as she said, “I’m leaving now. Thank you for your hospitality. Oh, and another thing… be careful, Danny. I’m sure you don’t want what happened to me to happen to Jazz, after all.”
The smile on her face was eerie, a calm and simple smile that made her eyes narrow and her expression even more insidious, like she was cursing them. Horrifyingly enough, Danny could recognize the love in her eyes. She loved him, and this love paired with her grief made her this way. Despite everything, she loved him and it made Danny’s blood go cold and his chest feel warm in unison.
Suddenly, he couldn’t help but wonder, “What did you do in your dimension after I died?”
Minnie chuckled, a foot already stepping over the edge of the portal, disappearing into its depths.
She smiled at them both, her expression radiant.
“I killed everyone, of course.” Her tone was so cheery that Danny didn’t have time to truly process her words before Minnie then went through the portal and disappeared completely.
Both Jazz and Danny remained silent.
Danny was suddenly struck with another epiphany.
Minnie and Dan were exactly alike, weren't they? Two siblings who lost each other and then decided to go on a killing spree to vent their anguish.
Danny was overcome with the sudden, overwhelming fear that he and Jazz were destined for unhappiness.
Then slowly, Jazz reached out and touched his hand, which clutched at her shoulders, unknowingly shaking.
“Danny, you alright?” Her voice was a croak, beaten raw from being squeezed out by Minnie’s hands.
Danny immediately dropped onto his knees onto the bed, pulling open the blanket to look at Jazz’s throat.
Around her neck was a ring of dark bruises, already turning a deep purple and red, spotted with the imprints of Minnie’s fingers.
A bloody taste filled Danny’s mouth as he bit his tongue to suppress his rage, and he felt the urge to open up a portal so he could beat up Minnie, screw her identity being his older sister from another timeline!
“I should be asking you that!” He cried, hands tremblingly tracing the marks. “Are you okay??”
Jazz didn’t reply, just reaching out to pull him close. Danny slumped against her hold and returned the hug, holding her tight. He hated it. He hated how powerless he was, how he could do nothing against Minnie. Even now, he was powerless as she held him. He couldn’t even do the right job of comforting her. If anyone else saw this, they would’ve thought that he had been the one who was attacked instead.
“Are you okay?” He asked again, voice weak. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m okay,” she whispered. She put her head on his and they sat in silence for a little while.
Danny felt sick. His shame and self-blame all mixed inside of him and he couldn’t help thinking that he was useless.
He hadn’t even been the one to save her. She had done that all on her own.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, after some time.
For being mad.
For being weak.
For dying and leaving her alone in another world.
Jazz hummed. “It’s okay, little brother. I forgive you.”
Danny clutched at the fabric of her shirt and said, “I-I’ll try to keep myself safe. I’ll take care of myself. Then we’ll both live long lives and by the time we’re 90, you’re going to wish one of us dropped dead so I could stop annoying you!”
It was a promise.
Jazz said, “I wouldn’t think that.”
Danny buried his head into her shoulder, careful to avoid her fragile neck and he felt something hot rush to his face, threatening to leave his eyes.
He clutched at Jazz like she was a lifeline as he said in a small voice, "I-I... we'll always be together, okay? You'll always be my sister and I'll always love you, even if you annoy me. You'll love me even if I'm annoying too, right?"
"Even if you're a pain in the butt, I won't ever leave you," Jazz promised, laughing a little.
Already feeling the mood brighten, Danny perked up and said mischievously, “We’ll see about that. I’ll chase away all of the boys and girls that come near you.”
“Even the girls? I’m not sure if I should be proud of you for being inclusive or annoyed that you’ll be keeping me single,” Jazz joked, and the two of them laughed.
Jazz rubbed her cheek against his hair when their laughter finally died down.
"I'm sorry for being too controlling. I'll... I'll try to keep it cool, okay? But promise me that you'll be safe. And that you'll try to come back to me no matter what, even if you lose the fight."
Danny nodded in silent acceptance of her apology, clutching at her shirt again. Oddly enough, he was reminded of when they were children, when Jazz used to be the only other person in his life.
He had Sam and Tucker now, but sometimes he wished that he was still a child, tucked into his big sister's embrace while she chattered on and on about nonsensical things that only toddlers could care about, when everything was normal and kind and made sense.
Danny loved Jazz. He loved all of his friends and family. His Obsession was one that formed around protection, but most of all, it formed around his family. He would still be happy and whole if his family was with him, even if the city they lived in was different. Dan and Minnie were just different facets of their reality. They had lost their family and in their grief, they took it out on the innocent lives around them. Like them, Danny's Obsession lied with the ones he loved, not the place where they lived.
But he was different from them.
His family wouldn't be the first ones to die and leave him.
In many worlds, Jazz and Danny lost their family and lost each other.
But in this world, they were still together. Blood continued to tie them together, and they were still a team of brother and sister, protecting and caring for each other.
In this world, their family wouldn’t be so tragic.
And that was a promise.
Would you guys like a short continuation for Dan and Minnie? :3
I need to write more sibling fics for these two, I’m kind of obsessed. I love codependent relationships and I think I nailed it in this fic, but sometimes I wonder if it's too sickly sweet 😅 this fic is full of the headcanons that I have for dp, can you tell?
I hope that any of you won't dislike Danny for being a kid. Both he and Jazz have their character flaws and I hope it shows within this fic :)
In Minnie’s world, Jazz was the sole survivor of the Nasty Burger incident, and she lost her mind right after she was taken in by Vlad. After that, she began to create biological weapons and unleashed them on the world. She killed all of the scientists that could oppose her and then she just watched the world die. She’s 100% insane but you won’t notice it bc she’s trying to convince herself that she’s normal. As such, she acts calm, pretends to be pleasant, and her only noticeable abnormality is that she doesn’t react to things like a normal person. She has endless amounts of patience for a lot of things bc she spent most of her years watching people die slowly. Inspired by this tumblr ask I got
Minnie actually had a plan to kill Jazz, but a weapon was too messy so she planned to drag Jazz to a portal and then kill her in a different place. However, Danny was approaching and Minnie changed her mind to just choking Jazz in the little time she had left. That’s why her plan seems a little amateurish. (Otherwise, Jazz would actually die and that isn’t the point of this story 💀)
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flowerbetweenfangs · 7 months
In Shadows...
(This one is a tad darker (no pun intended) then some of my other works. That being said, I hope you enjoy and mind the tags)
You had been running from them for months at this point. You weren't sure why they followed you.
It had started simple. Knocks at your door. Strange things in your mail without a return address. A flicker out of the corner of your eye that made you turn to look, only for it to be gone by the time your gaze rested on it.
Then, it had escalated. The same people would show up where you did. They pretended not to see you, but there was always that feeling they were. Hair on the back of your neck standing up. A chill up your spine. A cascade of goosebumps.
It all came to a head when you were walking home and saw their shadows stretching out under the streetlights. Weapons glinted and chains rattles as they made their way over.
A flashlight clicked on and off, chasing away the shadows temporarily, and blinded you.
You ran, of course. But they were prepared and someone waited for you at the other end of the road.
Shadows stretched longer and longer, despite the flashlight's attempts to keep them at bay. They crawled up trees, fences, and the walls of an old farmhouse.
The clinking of chains covered a strange... Absence of noise. No animals screeched. Trees didn't creak as a silent wind made the branches sway.
It was when the knife was pulled you realized they intended to kill you.
The sound of your scream pierced through the dark as the flashlight was focused on you. You tried to run again, but something struck the side of your head.
You fell to the ground, curling into a ball and looking for any way out.
Shadows rippled as the cries reached them. The sound waves made it twist and serpentine.... Off the surfaces they covered.
Your attackers didn't have time to scream or beg for their lives as their own shadows slithered up their bodies. Some were strangled, some thrown, some twisted.
But all were on the ground. The flashlight rolled into the field as your savior towered over you.
Naturally, you scooted away from the strange shadowy creature until your back hit a barn wall.
It tilted its head to the side, featureless face studying you.
Then, it offered a hand.
"You are safe now."
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starsfic · 3 months
My grandmother tried to kill me so she could make a "perfect" grandchild
Hi magical side of Reddit. I know people usually come on this side to ask for help with spells and stuff, but I need to vent and it's magic-related, so...
For context, I (14F) am the daughter of a fashion designer(40F) and businessman(42M) that run a fashion house together. I also have an uncle(41M), a second cousin(41M) that is married to one of my mother's best friends(39F) and his mother (my great-aunt), and grandparents on both side of the family. Now, since I was about three, we have been NC with my paternal grandparents. I didn't know why, and I didn't really question it- all I remember of them was that my grandma was really friendly, but my grandpa was super cold and apparently both were super controlling.
Earlier today, I was helping my father wash dishes, talking about his childhood. My mother has a lot of funny stories from her childhood but my father- thanks to controlling parents- didn't have any funny stories. I was wondering about that since my grandma had seemed fun-loving and my father casually dropped that she tried to kill me when I was three.
So...fun fact, apparently, my grandparents apparently found a magical artifact that could make monsters and people. Apparently, they were meant for warriors, but my grandparents decided to make kids with them. Apparently, my great-aunt had been infertile for a long time and my grandma didn't like my father because he was more like my grandpa instead of her. So she used the artifact to make her perfect child, my uncle.
Anyway, my father had to deal with that whole mess into high school when he met my mother. My mother, for a short while, had a massive crush on my uncle and my grandma encouraged that, believing that they were the best match. Things fell apart (my father didn't explain this but he did mention something about sausage hair under his breath) and my mother ended up dating my father and got married to him.
My grandma then tried to convince them not to have a natural child and instead let her make the perfect grandchild. My parents, who were not detached from reality, refused and had me. After that, said my father, she calmed down about the perfection stuff...
Until one summer when they found her trying to drown me.
Apparently she wanted to give me a swimming lesson, ignoring the fact that I had been taking swimming lessons since I was a baby, and got annoyed when I wanted to stop. Father thinks this was a BS excuse for her to try and get an opportunity to make a "perfect" grandchild.
My father kept my mother from killing her. Apparently he regrets that.
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Dream's husband is trying to kill him, Hob has been hired by Dream's family to protect him.
Instead of doing the job as a typical body guard (standing behind the principal, sunglasses & ear pieces), Hob goes in as Dream's besotted hot ass boy toy.
Dream is already on the outs with his husband (obviously with the hit and all) and they don't wanted tip off the husband & assassins that Hob is protection or that they know about the hit at all.
The hardest part is figuring out wear to hide his gun in the skimpy clothes he has to wear to sell the bit(; the easiest part was kissing on Dream & "pretending" to be into him).
The hardest part, for Hob, is having to leave someone he's fallen hard for at the end of the job; the hardest part for Dream is watching Hob get hurt protecting him,,,,,,,loving Hob is easy.
Ajahdhdhah I'm imagining Hob taking one look at Dream when they meet to discuss his protection and saying "Right, well, I NEED to pretend to be your lover. It's 100% necessary to keep you safe. Also this needs to be as realistic as possible." And he immediately whips out the tightest salmon pink shorts you've ever seen, and transforms himself into the ultimate boytoy lover. Dream is standing there with his mouth open wishing that he could have met Hob in literally any other circumstance than one where he's about to be murderer.
After that they're together 24/7. Hob moves himself in (much to the chagrin of Dream’s husband,,, suddenly there's an obstacle to him poisoning Dream’s cocktail). He keeps vigil over Dream in the night, even cuddles him through his nightmares. They get really, really close.
But Dream is like, "you don't love me, you just love the idea of me," and Hob can't convince him otherwise. Nothing he says seems to persuade Dream that he's actually loved and valued as he is. That someone would actually want him.
And then Hob takes a bullet for him. And that kind of alters things. Dream’s husband is arrested for conspiracy to murder. Hob is laid up with a hole in his shoulder, but he's still grinning when Dream comes to visit him with a big stuffed toy duck as a gift. He's maybe starting to believe that Hob likes him? A bit?
A bit is definitely an underestimation of how much Hob loves Dream at this point, but he's willing to wait for Dream to catch up. He's got like 3 months of physiotherapy. He's hoping that his doctors will add "kissing Dream and making him feel loved" to his exercise list <333
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jenny-ate-ink · 2 months
Okay, okay, so hear me out:
Modern Au!Linked Universe x Stardew Valley crossover with Lon Lon Ranch being the players farm, and all them are related in some way, either being father and son, uncle and nephew, or cousins, and where the Goddess is uniting them in canon it's instead trauma (because love me some good whump)
I already came up with some (very) rough design drafts, a family tree, new "modern"/more human names for them based on their titles, and backstories for Time, Twilight, and Wild
Here's the designs + a bonus transparent version
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(Like I said, it's a very rough draft, the first draft, in fact. Warriors needs tweaking, and Legend needs to be a tiny bit shorter, etcetera)
Here's the family tree I came up with (also a draft):
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And I'll put the few backstories I came up with under a read more sense they contain a lot of triggering material (like I said, trauma is the uniting thing here lmao). Everything is tagged, of course, so I recommend looking that over first
(*Note: click to read)
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pet-cemetery-emotes · 3 months
you look like you dvefgfergvjrgvrvwgjwjvrgrvjwfwccefwfcfecfrgvgtehvgvqtqvtgvhqthvtehteethbtheheb glg,gluggguglguguglu🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟
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bananadramaaa · 5 months
Sidney thinking Alastor's gonna save her.
Alastor: Oh don't stab her there Mimzy, you'll get blood everywhere
Mimzy: I know what I'm doing!
They just start bickering and Sidney is just like whyy
(Sorry couldn't resist my humor is also broken)
I needed to illustrate this:D Who needs to sleep at night anyway?
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(for the context)
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emily-mooon · 6 months
OK! here's the general idea for this Nordegrim Ghosts AU that has been haunting me:
Stacey, Scott, and Lawrence inherit this big house from a distant great aunt they have never met after she passed of old age. Scott is in debt so he cant take the house like he was supposed to, and Lawrence wants nothing to do with it, so Stacey gets it instead.
It’s perfect though cause her and Neil, who is also her husband now here, were planning to move houses anyways and were struggling to find a good place. Also since the house is super big, they thought about opening a hotel at one point once the house is all fixed up.
What they don't know is that the house is haunted. the ghosts in question are:
Knives Chau: A teenage girl from the 1950s who was a fan of rock n' roll that got pushed down the stairs by a jealous classmate (not Tamara btw that was her gf) at a party
Julie Powers (IDK her married last name yet): An Edwardian women who got pushed out the window by her husband (who is Joseph in this AU btw)
Stephen Stills: A folk singer from the mid 60s who dies in a fire (people confused him with the other Stephen Stills all the time)
Gideon Graves: A music producer from the late 60s early 70s who was poisoned by a rival producer
Lucas Lee: A Victorian lumber guy who was crushed by a wooden beam during the construction of the houses renovation
Todd Ingram: A 90s Rockstar who died while having sex with his bands drummer (which like in the comic, was also cheating on his girlfriend and it is still Lynette and Envy)
Lisa Miller: A somewhat famous 1930s actress who died while filming a scene
Matthew Patel: An early 19th century poet who died in a duel that was orchestrated by a good friend of his
Roxie Richter(she has no last name in this au btw, putting it here cause I put everyone elses last names here): A Viking who was struck by lighting
Ken and Kyle Katayanagi : Inventors/mechanics from the late 19th century who died in a car explosion along with their dog (who is a dog version of robot 0-1 btw). They live in the carriage house as its far more peaceful than the main house
The ghosts overhear the hotel idea when Stacey and Neil are talking about it and they are not too pleased with it. So they try to haunt them so they'll leave, but ultimately fail.
Then either Gideon or Todd, come across Stacey leaning out the window and decide to push her in an another attempt to get them to leave which in turn, almost kills her. Because of this, now Stacey can see ghosts and forms a close friendship with them. Neil, like Mike and I assume Jay in bbc and cbs ghosts respectively, will have a collage of what they all look like since he cannot see them.
So yeah that's my idea so far! I’m still tweaking things but I’m happy with this rn. I’ll definitely make art for it at some point (and if people want it, an ask blog). Feel free to also suggest some ideas for this au if you have any :]
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mayasaura · 2 years
I see and love your "Gideon makes a joke about dying of getting railed" and raise you "Ianthe makes a joke about Gideon getting railed to death"
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I'm sorry, Ethan, I'm afraid I can't do that.
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wyvchard · 1 month
Augusnippets Day 13
Prompts for today: drugging/poisoning/cannibalism
Prompt/s used: Poisoning
Content Warnings: Poisons, whumper turned whumpee, whumpee turned whumper, possessive whumper, multiple whumpees, attempted murder
The man with red hair and beige eyes sighed as he looked at the newly shut door.
"Now I've done it. He has an idea." The options were racing back in his mind.
"... But I don't think he'd have the guts to tell her." He leaned back onto his chair to open up his pocket watch.
Her golden eyes and white hair wasn't her. It had never been her. This entire world was a farce, forcing her into this shape.
No matter what, he'll get her back. He'll punish the world's cruelty that shaped her this way.
Speaking of...
He kept his emotions steeled as she walked in with his usual coffee.
Only that it tasted... off.
"Who was the last person you saw in the kitchen?"
She trembled as the realization set as soon as she uttered his name.
He collapsed while feeling her chilled hands trying so hard to shake him awake.
Heavy. That's all he can think as he opened his eyes.
Hostile eyes glared at him, about to say less savory words when he cut him off.
"Idiot. Don't you know who served my drink?!"
"... Does it matter? You should have been dead!"
"You... You framed your own sister!" He coughed, the weakness in his body taking hold as he chased after his breath. "Nice job fixing it."
The angered man clenched his fists as guilt soon washed over him. Yet that guilt only turned to anger as he yanked on the poisoned man's shirt, pulling him up to glare at his eyes.
"You're telling me how you know these things or I will make sure you'd stay dead. It's bad enough you can toy with our lives like this."
"... Go ahead and pry that out of me."
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Could you do an ABO Headcanon of Alphas!Overblot Gang x Omega!Kalim, where Kalim is a boy who was sold for a ritual to summon the seven most powerful demons to be sacrificed, but at the time of the ritual, the demons ( who I imagine in their Overblots forms) are interested in Kalim and choose him as their omega/fiance, and despite their rude and irritated manner, they slowly show that they care and love Kalim
This took so long since I had to do so much research and by the time I nearly finished it it didn't save so I lost the whole thing so I'm rewriting this all over again so if you see double somehow, now you know!
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WARNING: This post will have the following;
Alpha/Beta/Omega Verse (A/B/O)
Attempted murder
Sex stuff
Is Hella Gay
If you no not like ANY of this stuff, the ships around it, or are not interested, then move along! Do not comment or engage at all if you dislike all this!
Now onto the post!
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Life of Kalim Al-Asim was always pleasant and sweet. He always relied on his family and close servants and lived in a beautiful home of a beautiful and thieving kingdom. Sure he's mostly isolated and not allowed outside the home's walls but that's for his protection!
He got along great with all his servants, his family adored him as much as he adored them. Though he does have one wish his heart aches many times over, the return of his best friend... Jamil disappeared in the two's younger years right when tests to determine who's an alpha, beta, or omega started. Nothing in his room was touched or packed which made it clear he didn't run away. Not like he would, thought Kalim... He promised...
Days have been counted down for Kalim's birthday, a large wide celebration everyone celebrates in many positive ways. And this birthday was extra special for Kalim since he was informed they will be holding a parade just for him to walk around and spread goods from the family in his honor! One the day of the his birthday, he was bathed in the nicest soaps and warmest water, dressed in the finest silks and softest fabrics and ate the most delicious food he ever taste before they swept him right to the soft and veiled palanquin waiting for him.
Btw if you wanna know what he wore, I pictured the Fairy Gala outfit
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Kalim was happy seeing everyone's cheerful faces as they move across the kingdom, everyone excited to see and celebrate with the well rumored beautiful child of the Asim family name, he tossed much gold coins and flowers to everyone as he waves and smiles bright and kind
As the parade drew to a close he leaned back into the soft cushions before he took notice they seem to be wandering farther away from the kingdom and more to the darker shade due to the nightfall land Before he could ask his father where they were going, the guards quickly grab onto Kalim and yank him out of the once comforting and protecting veiled hide away and into the sand
The parade was a ruse. The kindness he believed from the servants was a ruse. The lie that he was being held inside was a ruse. It was all a lie for everyone, Kalim, the kingdom...All lied to with the idea the world was unsafe for the son of such a wealthy family, but in reality he was hidden away for this very moment... With the moon at the right phase and at it's peak, as they drag the poor screaming and crying Kalim to the ruins and pin him down to the large alter. Ruby eyes widen when seeing the large seven statues of the most powerful demons in the universe... The Crimson Tyrant of Wrath The Scarred Rebel of Sloth The Enchanting Merchant of Greed The Viperous Tactician of Envy The Poisonous Oppressor of Pride The Fire Guardian of Tristitia And The Thorn Dragon of Melancholy
Kalim cried and pleaded to be let go, even more when his father explained it has to happen, that if they sacrifice once in a while the land would be blessed with great farming, water, riches, etc. and if they sacrifice such a golden soul they might be blessed with something greater.
Kalim cried and squirmed as he tried to escape from their tight grips as the kept going of the ritual. That's when he sees them... Seven figures appear from the shadows, from the Earth, from the skies, from the fires, from mere matter... Standing around him in a circle...
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Kalim woke up in a soft bed he doesn't recognize in a room he doesn't recall even more, sitting up he sees hanging up are a set of clothes seemingly fit for him to wear, black and red with glamourous golds to tie it all together...
After a moment a ghostly servant of sorts come to him and tells him to get dressed and come follow him to the gardens where "they" are waiting for him
Nervous of what'll happen if he disagrees right now, he does as he is told and waited for the servant to leave the room to change to the new clothes and stepped out, he followed the ghost to the location of the large and hauntingly beautiful dark gardens of many plants
There seated in a table at the center of the garden are the seven demons.
Kalim carefully sat with them, scared to look at any of them but more scared to upset him so he answered when they talk to him, nodded at yes or no questions, but why are they treating him like this? To make it even more fun when he dies in their hands? He finally spoke, "What am I doing here? Are...Are you going to kil-" His words were forced to a stop when a servant place a plate before him, his favorite food from childhood... But how-
The eight men talked a bit more before they finally informed Kalim he'll stay with them from now on. "Why?" Kalim was unable to not blurt out. The men look at one another, a silent agreeance, before they speak, "We pick you to be our's."
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Days passed since that first meeting about Kalim's new living arrangements, and it's been doing alright.
Kalim started to get used to these demons, even more when he realize one of them was Jamil! As it turned out he was banished after he got back from the test he was an alpha and they assumed Kalim would be one and didn't want them to fight, not knowing until after the banishment that Kalim was actually an Omega... After the banishment, Jamil was fortunately found by a man who turns out was the previous demon of Envy and taught him the ways of ruling and magic. He also grew to understand that he has met every one of the other demons - Riddle, Leona, Azul, Vil, Idia, and Malleus - some time before they saved him from his attempted sacrifice ritual
Overtime since he began his new living arrangement, Kalim began to see the sides of these seven he never thought to see before. They may be seen as scary and intimidating, but they really are so different than what Kalim heard from the stories... He grew to adore Riddle's awe of the wildlife in the garden and how he loves games and his roses. He grew to like Leona's strong will of equal rights for everyone. He grew to admire hearing Azul's little rambles of paper work and how he can do so much in so little time. He grew to love Jamil's strong will and sharp tongue. He grew to like Vil's knowledge of nature and what it can give you in potion making. He grew to admire Idia's little rants and chill talks with him about his hobbies and interests. He grew to love Malleus' quirks and clingy methods of love and cuddles.
It didn't take much from wandering around the new home of his and going around the lands with them that he feel deeper and deeper in love with all of them. And like him, it didn't take much for them to make it clear they want him in a much deeper romantic sense
It was a whole six months since they saved him when the signs of gentle warmth and romance begun to show their heads to Kalim.
Riddle started to invite him to have sweets with him or a garden stroll
Leona naps a lot but now he's offering Kalim to nap with him or read beside him while he cuddles him
Azul began to offer travel plans to Kalim and spoiled him plenty with new clothes and items
Jamil began to cook more foods Kalim loves and helped him in dancing if wanted or needed
Vil started to do relaxing spa like methods for Kalim, setting up luxurious baths and spa facials, he also begun to give the boy his books if he so ask
Idia was starting to talk more with Kalim and they watched the stars together
And Malleus has invited him on many moonlit strolls across the gardens
It was after a while of all this did the seven sat Kalim down and asked him properly if they can all be lovers, that if he's okay being their omega. At this point, Kalim was not once uncomfortable by any of them and none of them tried anything to him without asking first. He agreed rather happily and thus the new romance begun!
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The eight began to live their lives comfortably as lovers, they had to get used yes but they worked
Over time with their help the lovers really begun to get used to each other thanks to the heats.
Now, for the first one, as they weren't lovers yet, they all made sure Kalim was locked in his room and fought tooth and nail of their temptations to mate with him. The sweet coconut and sand scent he was giving off while he stole the varies clothes and items of theirs's for his nest nearly drove them mad
So, luckily, by the time the next heat happened they were all together and ready for it
The first night was a long passionate one with them eagerly exploring each other and how much their sweet omega can take
Each time they took mental notes with anything that gave their Kalim pleasure
Kalim's poor skin is just covered in bites and marks
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