#cw hp mention
oakthcrn · 6 months
So uh apparently there is a group of witches on the clock app that do something called pop culture deity worship and there are videos of a.starion girlies who are literally worshipping a.starion as a god.
Bruh I’m trying to be tolerant of spiritual beliefs but I am side eying this because I am an elder millennial and I lived through the s.napewives era and it’s a slippery slope y’all.
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sing-you-fools · 11 months
hot take on the banned book issue
i think it hurts the cause that we have actually entirely reasonable concerns on the micro level lumped in with the greater "banned books" subject
every time i read a list of banned books, there's always one that has me like, what? who would ban that? and then when i read further about it, i see that it was assigned to third graders, in which case, actually, yeah, parents rightfully brought up that it wasn't an appropriate book for a class-wide reading assignment and had the syllabus for one particular third grade class changed
i feel like that should be a different category than banned and challenged books. there needs to be a side list. situations where a teacher needed to be reminded of basic common sense? i don't care what it's called. it should be different and i think it hurts the cause that these entirely reasonable concerns are lumped in with the whole book banning conversation.
i think the situation as a whole deserves more nuance. i think there's a difference between cis people screaming that "this book has trans people! inappropriate!" and trans people saying "it would be nice if the world respected us enough that schools didn't assign harry potter" but if we actually say that it's banning books and bad! i don't wanna ban any books, i want schools to not make new little bigots! i'm not saying people can't have them or stores can't sell them or the library can't carry them, it would just be nice if out society weren't constantly platforming a terf.
like, sometimes i see absolute horseshit like this really adorable picture book, A Big Mooncake for Little Star, which was banned simply for having Asian characters. that's it. and i'm furious. and then i see that someone assigned To Kill a Mockingbird to little kids, and someone else assigned harry potter, and some high school teacher assigned a book that has a really graphic SA scene, and i'm like... okay. yeah. i approve of these "bans," actually. because they're not actually bans. don't actually ban them. but we shouldn't be making the kids read them, either. that's weird. they can if they want to, because free access to books is so so so so so important, but making these particular kids read these particular books is, for whatever reason, super weird.
please don't eviscerate me over this. in fact, if i'm wildly incorrect and someone can explain it - i would honestly be just as happy to understand why it's all grouped together like that. i'm open to the idea that i'm missing something and it's done like this on purpose. i am just confused.
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levil0vesyou · 7 months
So I've seen multiple people now who have been here since 2019 or longer and rarely change their bio and thus genuinely forgot.
So, here's your reminder: If you haven't yet, check if your bio(s) still has/have your h*gwarts house!
I love you, you're doing amazing, trans rights are human rights <3
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hi Mae!! I keep rereading the overprotective poly marauders fic I love it sm 🫶 can I please request another one it can tie into casual dominance marauders if you want I don’t mind I just can’t get them off my mind. Thanks babe!!
Hi lovely!! So this went a bit off the rails, I had different intentions for it at first but then somehow it became very serious and the boys not so much overprotective as reasonably upset....all in all, I'm not super happy with it but I didn't want to throw it out, I'd be happy to write another overprotective one for you if you'd like!
cw: sexual assault
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You walk out of your office feeling odd and off-kilter. Your mind seems addled, unable to complete one thought before jumping to the next, and something prickles just underneath your skin that feels like anger and shame and also like panic. 
Your boyfriends are waiting for you, idling at the curb. You’re supposed to go straight from here to the cinema, and you tell yourself you’ll feel better afterwards. Even if not, you have until Monday before you have to deal with this, if you deal with it at all. You may not. You’re not sure. You can’t think straight. 
“Hey, angel,” James says as you get in, and it’s immediately obvious your upset has already been noticed. Probably as soon as you walked outside, your boyfriends observing you through the car windows. Remus, in the driver’s seat, and Sirius, sitting beside you in the back, are both charily silent. “How was work?” 
“It was fine,” you reply. Your voice sounds off even to your own ears, but no one comments as Remus puts the car in drive. 
“Ready for the weekend?” James imbues his voice with a light sort of commiseration. You try to smile for him. 
No one is more surprised than you when a sob chokes you instead. You hide your face in your hands, tears already leaking out from between your lashes. 
“God, sorry.” 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sirius asks, unbuckling his seatbelt and reaching for you.
Remus pulls into a parking spot just by the exit and shuts off the engine, turning around in his seat.
“Baby.” Sirius wraps his arm around your shaking shoulders, squeezing tight. He sounds anxious. “Did something happen?” 
The worst of your crying passes like a summer storm, over as quickly as it started. Your emotions gone haywire. You lean into Sirius, and he clicks the buckle on your seatbelt for you, pulling you the rest of the way. 
“You’re scaring me,” he murmurs, pressing a quick kiss to your hairline. “Tell us why you’re upset, angel, please.” 
“I think,” you mumble, face and eyes burning, “my boss grabbed my butt.” 
You say it quieter than a whisper, but you know they’ve all heard. The silence that follows is so complete you could hear a pin drop. 
“What?” James asks. His throat sounds dry. 
You hear Remus sigh. “Oh, sweetheart.” The vinyl of his seat squeaks as he shifts. “When did this happen?” 
“Just now,” you answer. 
“Right.” Sirius’ arms had gone tense around you, but now they fall away completely. He moves for his door. “I’ll be back.” 
“Don’t,” you plead. You worry he will anyway, but Remus locks the doors from the front seat. 
Sirius cuts a glare his way, truly scary with the way wrath seems to gleam in his gray irises. He unlocks his door manually, and Remus locks it again. 
“We can’t be rash,” he says, his own tone sharper than you think is intended for anyone in the car. “We have to think this through.” 
“What’s there to think about?” Sirius snaps. James reaches behind his seat, taking your hand and rubbing comfortingly. “He’s just inside!” 
“You think I don’t want to go in there too?” Remus gives him a look that’s a short fall from incredulous. “But if we have to call the police, it won’t help if you’ve already had a go at him.” 
Your head spins. You hadn’t even thought of calling the police. You hadn’t really gotten past going to the cinema. 
“What do you mean, you think he grabbed you, sweetheart?” James' voice is pointedly kinder than the others. Remus takes a deep breath, calming himself. 
“I don’t know. I just—I feel like I can’t be sure—” 
“That’s alright.” Remus' voice is slower now. Soothing. “Why don’t you tell us how it happened?” 
“I, um.” You swallow. James strokes the back of your hand with his thumb. “I was looking at something on his computer, because he said he wasn’t getting my emails and I thought they might be going to his spam. He was sitting behind me in his chair, and we were talking and his hand, like, squeezed—” you shudder, your brain trying to shake off the memory “—and then he just kept talking like nothing happened. It was so fast I’m not sure it even did—” 
You don’t realize you’re tripping over your words until Sirius’ voice cuts through them. You look at him, and his eyes are already on yours, fierce but solid. 
“Did you feel him touch you?” he asks. 
You rub your lips together. “Yeah,” you murmur. 
Your boyfriend’s expression pinches, but his gaze is steady. “Then he did. Trust yourself. You know what happened.” 
This provokes another wave of tears, less tempestuous than the first but somehow more painful. You wouldn't have expected any one of your boyfriends to blame you, not if you’d thought about it, but you haven’t had time to think yet and the relief that they’re so wholly on your side makes your heart feel cracked open. 
“Dove, I’m so sorry,” Remus says. He’s frowning, a well-worn line etched between his brows. You hate to put it there. “What do you want to do? Do you know if you can contact HR?” 
“I don’t know,” you admit, pliable to Sirius’ ministrations as he tucks you securely under one arm and uses the other to thumb at your salty cheeks. “I feel a bit silly. It was a small thing, I don’t think it’s worth a bunch of fuss.” 
“It’s not a small thing,” says James, uncharacteristically severe. “It’s a big thing—a really fucked up thing, that he did—and it’s worth a lot of fuss. A lot.” He leans around his seatback, pressing a firm kiss to your hand. “It’s just a matter of how much fuss you’re willing to go through with, sweetheart. It’s up to you. We can go through HR, we can go to the police. There’s still the option of just going in there and roughing him up to be sure it doesn’t happen again.” He smiles wryly. It looks like it takes effort. “I’m very game for that option. We know Sirius is ready.” 
Sirius makes an affirming humph sound against the side of your head. You try to smile back at James. 
“I think maybe…HR?” Your voice is tentative. “I have a friend, Marcella, who I think would be nice about it.” You realize as it comes out of your mouth what a low bar that is, but that’s the reality of your situation. 
“Do you know if she’s still here?” Remus asks. 
You feel your brow wrinkle. “I think so…” 
Remus unlocks the doors, and James gets out. You barely manage to squeak out a “Wait” before the door shuts behind him. 
You turn to Remus. “Where’s he going?” 
“To find Marcella,” he says. “It’s better that they know when it’s just happened, dovey, but you don’t have to deal with it right now. That’s why James is going instead.” 
You nod. It makes sense, even if the reality of it all makes tears press at your throat again. 
“My sweet girl.” Sirius holds you tight, mashing a kiss into the side of your head. “I’m so sorry this happened, baby. I’m sorry we weren’t there to protect you.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” you murmur, turning in his arms to hug him properly. He seems pleased with this development, and squeezes you ferociously. “You can’t always be with me. And it’s not your responsibility.” 
“Careful what you say.” Sirius seems to muster up some humor, a teasing edge to his tone. “I’ll get us one of those big shirts so the four of us can fit in it together, and then you’ll never be rid of us.” 
“It’s our job to look after you,” says Remus, firm but kind. “It’s true we can’t be with you all of the time, but I’m glad you felt comfortable telling us this. Thank you, sweetheart.” 
You’re about to dismiss his thanks when James gets back in the car, this time in the back seat instead of the front. 
“Did you see him?” Sirius asks immediately, scooching the both of you over to make room. 
“No, he must’ve left right after her.” James looks unhappy, but his touch is gentle as always as he takes your waist in both hands, easing you off of Sirius’ lap and into the seat between them. Sirius sighs but doesn’t complain, likely knowing he’s had more than his fair share of your comfort. 
“Marcella was nice, though,” James says. “She arranged for you to have the morning off on Monday, and she’ll call you then to hear from you what happened. We can be with you, if you like.” 
“Monday.” You blow out a slow breath, though it doesn’t do much to keep your throat from contracting in panic. “Okay, that sounds good. Thank you.” 
“No worries, angel.” James rubs your thigh, watching you carefully. “You doing okay?” 
“Yeah, sorry.” Your voice squeaks, and you cover your eyes with a hand. Sirius whines and kisses your shoulder. You try to laugh, but it comes out wet. “I think this might just keep happening for a while.” 
“Oh, honey, it’s okay,” Remus coos, reaching out a hand to set on the top of your head. He scratches at your scalp with his fingernails the way he knows you like. “It makes sense to be upset. We’ll get you through this, alright? Let us look after you for a bit.” 
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greencatalystcomet · 4 months
cant believe jkr created a prison that forces you to relive all of your worst memories, put a fairly major character in that prison for twelve years without a trial, and then just... didnt make it a commentary on the justice system OR the prison system. just like "lol thats a quirky thing that happened just for plot reasons, no bearing on reality tho"
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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The fact that she sums up being Black as cornrows and Motown offers great insight into why in Harry Potter she gave her only Irish character the name Seamus Finnegan, the most notable Black character Kingsley Shacklebolt and the only East Asian character Cho Chang. Part of me wants to engage with this line of thinking and explain why race and gender are structurally very different despite both being social constructs and then I remember that none of these people actually care about that shit.
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haystarlight · 7 months
I love how, as much as she messes with every single other time period in the hpverse, JKR doesn't seem to want to even get close to the Marauders. She touches Harry, his kids, young Dumbledore, Tom Riddle's family, the founders, etc. but it looks like she wouldn't touch the Marauders with a ten foot pole.
Allowing the fandom to fill in all the blanks to the point that that side of the fandom has created it's own mythology and headcanons so much that it's completely divorced from canon at this point. Half the stuff that comes out of there not even remotely canon compliant. They're not even hp characters anymore, just ocs with the same name as hp characters like
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teaformoony · 2 years
remus: i’m playing a new drinking game, it’s called ‘every time i get depressed i take a drink’
lily: that game exists, it’s called alcoholism
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months
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On the one hand this is hilarious. On the other hand now that we know the backstory about Snape’s love life his reaction is making me have sad thoughts.
Also what is JKR’s obsession with hating pink. For someone so transphobic and critical of gnc people she’s weirdly fixated on hating a color traditionally associated with femininity. (And yeah I know Lockhart is a man but Umbridge isn’t.)
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babbelswoofominides · 14 days
I think purity culture has ruined fandoms: everyone is so ansty to prove how pure they are that they attack and harass people horribly and call it "activism". Be it people attacking teenagers in the Marauders fandom because there's this new rule you can't even write the words Harry Potter without summoning a hoard of naysayers who accuse you of endorsing holocaust or some shit just for liking something linked with Miss Black Mold, or be it people harassing SA victims who still dare say they find solace in their old NCG's fandoms, in the stories they loved and made theirs from their childhoods or as adults. This uglyness that runs into tumblr and is infecting every fandom, every social media actually, is so fucking gross. Putting the blame of the evils of consumerism or rich people onto the single person reeks of late stage activism. No one knows what to do anymore, so we start eating each others, and then purity culture morphs into these extreme forms of harassment, that are becoming more and more normal by the day.
I'm starting to get tired of the internet as a whole.
#rant#fandoms#ng#cw sa mention#yes this is about harry potter#yes even coraline or good omens or sandman or whatever#the C in NG stands for Creep#I've been angry at this stupid culture for years and now I'm getting so sick of it#I'm blocking anyone who says you endorse this or that for just still *liking* your childhood book or whatever#if you care so much about a cause make a donation or an informative post- be proactive and constructive- BUT ->#if you take these causes as an excuse to be a fucking bully you're just a fucking pathetic excuse of a bully for sending hate and d. threat#rowling#hp#y'all wanna close yourself in the bubble of persecution where “no one is doing anything about this! I'm the only one doing something!” ?#and use this last-hero-left-on-Earth-syndrome to start harassing heavily anyone who doesn't agree (for ex) that liking HP=being transphobic#well drown in your own hate with your own peers-I'm done listening to these people or trying to be lenient and understand their pov#no matter how good your cause is-if you back it up with hate and bullying and psychopathy you're only hurting the cause-not even helping it#I'm still laughing at that person who said that going around with a ratty 10 years old HP keychain means you're “advertising” the HP books#because someone could see your keychain and get inspired to buy HP merch or the books giving Rowling money-same with tattoos#this level of craziness is... something else#edit: in the year of the lord 2024 I finally learnt how to make my stupid rants unrebloggable#amazing#I finally have the possibility to rant a bit and then it doesn't risk going around accidentally lol#without making it private and then losing it in the sea of posts
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magic-trans-kid · 5 days
September 20, 2008
Sorry I didn’t post in like three days. I was just contemplating.
It's weird how time passes, don’t it?
One day, Mum and Dad bring the worst news I've ever gotten, and the next, I'm in the ER after a failed attempt…
And that happened THREE years ago. It seems long, but not for me anymore.
After all, we are walking closer and closer to the sweet release of death…
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tommyssupercoolblog · 29 days
There's a blind spot people have sometimes when trying to talk about HP that I noticed
whenever there's discussions on reclaiming it in some way people forget that....a lot of the people who want to reclaim it are trans women. A lot of the people who are making queer spinoffs to try and get control of that narrative are trans women. And other groups JKR has harmed as well, such as Jewish people, anyone who isn't white, anyone with aids...
I don't know if reclaiming it is a good idea and honestly I don't personally care because I don't like any of the characters or the worldbuilding even a little bit and don't have any personal nostalgia for it, so I don't really feel emotionally invested in taking it back?? It's some stupid wizard series to me. I don't want it!! And I can't pretend I personally understand the people who still do.
But I think arguments we have on it should account for the fact that trans women (and other groups she's bitchy too) can and do still care about the series and want to hold onto it in some way. I think that should be a part of the discussion and at least part of your argument should address that group directly.
When you argue that no one should make fanart or try to reclaim it somehow, don't phrase it like every trans woman is in agreement, because they aren't. They can't be, they're all individuals with their own opinions and ways of doing things. Don't act like only the cishet, white, not-HIV-positive people care about it.
Explain to the people who are IN those groups how and why they should abandon it, too, don't rest your entire case on a mythical complete-agreement between everyone affected ever that they don't want Harry Potter anymore. Your argument will be a lot stronger if you account for this- it'll not only reach and be applicable to more people but it'll also make you seem like you've thought this out more. If someone personally knows a Jewish non-white HIV positive trans woman who loves Harry Potter, and your argument pretends those people don't exist, then that person is going to write you off, because "well x still likes it". If someone IS the Jewish non-white HIV positive trans woman and they see your argument they're just going to write you off because "well they don't speak for me I think fan content is fine". You have to address the whole room. /gen
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It’s not fun to be trans and see Harry Potter fanart from an artist you admire, when your only knowledge of her gender is that she uses she/her pronouns.
She seems to be friends with at least two people who have they/them pronouns on their profiles, and she does have her own pronouns listed, so she probably isn’t a TERF… right? She probably doesn’t think trans people are all confused manipulated girls or dangerous rapist men… right?
She probably just likes the books, and doesn’t support the author’s hate speech.
But that’s the sort of thing that goes through a trans person’s head when they see Harry Potter fanart. We can’t know. We can’t be sure that you aren’t dangerous to us.
I don’t think people should stop participating in the Harry Potter fandom if that’s what makes them happy, and I’m fully against the harassment I’ve seen people receive for simply enjoying a piece of fiction. I think that even attempts to financially boycott J. K. Rowling’s books are kind of like trying to boycott Amazon or Walmart, in the sense of “good luck, lmao.”
But I do think it’s important to be very, very careful about how you participate in the fandom for the books of a still-living face of an influential hate group.
She believes that support of her fiction means support of her beliefs. I think that’s pretty relevant. She’s wrong, of course, but it’s important to make it obvious that she’s wrong.
I don’t know. I would like to avoid going through the “is this person a secret TERF?” thing as much as possible. If you post Harry Potter fan-content at all, I would encourage you to make it very obvious, potentially even on every individual Harry Potter post as well as your profile, that you support trans people. Trans headcanons if you want, or disclaimers, or a little "(trans rights btw!)" at the top, or something.
Please don’t make the Internet more hostile to us than it already is.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
could i req any marauder finding r’s sh scars and being loving about them? going through hell rn. it’s okay if u cant, love u mae
Wishing you all the best sweetheart, hope you're doing what you can to support yourself and let others around you support you too <33
cw: past self harm
modern au
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
“Did his wife cheat on him?”
“Why would you think that?” 
“I mean, if not, why does the mother-in-law hate her so much?” 
Remus shrugs, a secret smile playing on the edge of his mouth. His knuckles run over the skin of your shoulder idly as he keeps his eyes on the laptop screen. “Suppose you’ll have to wait and see.” 
You huff a laugh. “What’s the point of watching with someone who’s already seen it if you won’t tell me anything?” 
“It’s only ever really fun for the person who’s already seen it. I get to watch you go through the agonies I did.” 
“The agonies.” You roll your eyes, leaning deeper into his side. You could be a bit more convincing about holding this against him, but Remus’ bed is almost as comfortable as Remus himself, and you’ve found it impossible to pretend at being any less smitten with him than you really are. He sees right through you every time. “If you’d mentioned the agonies in your pitch, I might not have agreed to this.” 
“You’ll like it,” he promises, leaning back on you in turn, your shoulder pushing into his arm. 
The two of you are having the laziest of afternoons. What had started as a coffee date had turned into a trip to the bookstore across the street and then a walk in a park, and when it had gotten too warm out for the both of you Remus had invited you over for lunch and somehow you’ve ended up here, sitting on his bed in a borrowed pair of sweatpants while you watch a film on his laptop and he touches you like you’re a fascination he’d like to spend years studying. 
It’s an indolent, distracted sort of touching. Almost like he’s mapping you out in his subconscious, so that someday he’ll know you by instinct and memory but he’s in no hurry to get there. Like he’s got time. It’s also hypnotic. As captivating as Remus’ film selection is, you’re having a difficult time keeping up with the plot when your eyelids are so, so heavy. 
His knuckles stroke over your neck, the bare skin of your collarbone, down the slope of your shoulder. You don’t realize your shirt has slipped off the top of your arm until he does.
You freeze, Remus doesn’t. His fingers continue to graze lightly over the neat rows of scars, slowing as though losing momentum. You close your eyes. 
Emotion rises like a gag reflex in your throat. Apprehension and shame and a guilt you don’t quite understand. Like you’re wrong for ever having had the audacity to hurt, like this is something you’re doing to him, somehow, even though it’s long over and was only ever a misguided attempt at making yourself feel better. It’s nonsensical, and you feel it anyway. 
Remus is quiet for a long while. 
His touch moves back up your shoulder, to unmarred skin and safer territory. He asks, “You okay?” 
You swallow. “You mean, like, presently?”
“Yeah.” There’s the faintest hint of teasing in Remus’ voice. He sweeps his thumb over the back of your neck, an attempt at soothing you. “Or in general, whatever suits you.” 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” 
“I’m sorry if I overstepped just now. I didn’t know.”
“No…no, you’re alright. I wasn’t…” You rub your lips together, taking in what you hope is a subtle breath through your nose. “You’re fine.” 
“Does it bother you to think about them?” he asks. You can feel him looking at you, now, but you keep your eyes on the screen. It’s the only way for you to have this conversation. 
“Not really. It was just something I did for a while, you know?” 
“Yeah,” he says softly. “Yeah, that makes sense.” 
You sit there for another quiet minute, you watching the movie and Remus watching you. The coil of apprehension in you starts to loosen. Your breaths come easier. 
“Sorry,” you say, not bothering to force lightness into your tone, “I didn’t mean to spring that on you. It’s not a secret, but it’s not something that tends to come up, like, casually.” 
“No, hey, you’re fine.” Remus sounds serious enough that you turn to look at him, and you find him with a hard notch between his brows, a surprised sort of frown on his lips. “If anyone sprung anything, it was me. You haven’t done anything wrong. I don’t imagine it’s an easy subject to broach.” 
“It’s not a big deal to me anymore.” You’re beginning to sound almost as if you’re pleading with him. 
“And it was a long time ago now.” 
“It’s okay, love.” 
“I just know people sometimes get freaked out, and I don’t want you to worry—” 
“Hey.” There’s a tenderness to Remus’ voice as he cuts you off. His honey-toned eyes are soft. “It’s okay. Can I hug you?” 
You nod mutely. The hand currently resting by your neck slips down to hug your ribs, and his other arm comes around your front, palming your bare upper arm. He rubs up and down comfortingly, seemingly mindless of the faint lines under his touch. 
Remus’ lips touch to your hair. When he pulls you tighter against him, it feels almost like you’re rocking. “You’re alright,” he murmurs, to you, to himself. “You’re alright.” 
“Sorry,” you whisper, self-conscious now of your nervous blithering and slightly stunned by the way he’s touching you. 
“For what, sweetheart? Don’t be sorry. If you want to talk about it—about anything—I will always want to hear it, but you don’t owe me any explanation, alright?” 
“Yeah.” Your lungs deflate a little, a relief you hadn’t known you needed. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t thank me, either.” Remus is teasing again, the press of his lips to your hair at once firm and fond. He lets you go but keeps his arm around your waist, dropping his head to rest on yours again. “You’re just fine, yeah?” 
“Yeah.” You snuggle into his side, somehow safer than before. “I’m good. I’ve been good.” 
His thumb sweeps over your side. “And you can tell me if you’re ever not. You’re perfect regardless.”  
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What is your Hogwarts house?
imma be real with you anon, sorting people into "brave" "smart" "evil" and "other" didn't even work for me when i was 10 years old. i'm a grownup now and oh hold on whats this OH SHIT UHH TRANSGENDER WIZARD BEAM
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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