#cw freak
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sincerely-shin-ae · 23 days ago
two moods:
yeah 🥰🥰 my spouse could kill me 🥰🥰 thats okayy 🥰🥰
i can not die 😐 before this freak 😐 hit a rip on a bong 😐
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techwearfreak · 3 months ago
i love being a little attention needy freak. i crave attention and love and affection AND i am a freak six ways from sunday.
like look at me
what im into is not illegal nor do i and/or we have any of the big three paras but its not . normal. like its strange and freaky as fuck and everyone would call me weird for it if i was open bout it. thats why its a secret im takin to the grave. except for like our fp who shares the same freakiness with me (except i am winning the freak contest)
i love being a freak !!!! thank you one of our exes that tried to call it as a insult. you have began the origin of something awful. me
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cruucigerglobus · 7 months ago
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as we dance to the masochism tango
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cryptocism · 9 months ago
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that half-blank, half-apocalyptic look
"i can b ur angle or yuor devil" etc etc "get a man who can do both" etc etc
obsessed with this vamp i think he should get to do whatever he wants forever
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sheikfangirl · 22 days ago
What I wished happened in Tears of the Kingdom 🥲
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Been itching to draw something like this since first playing the game.
I absolutely HC that Puppet Zelda's "true form" is a grotesque gloom abomination.
An alternate version of the climax of "Crisis at Hyrule Castle" "lives rent free in my mind. The cat and mouse chase ending in the Sanctum, with Puppet Zelda revealing her true self: an attrocious horrific monster wearing Zelda's face. This is the real her and all this hatred breaks her Zelda looking shell apart. Time for an emotional and tormented final confrontation.
Also, it's my one year Tumblr anniversary!!?? Whhhaaaatttt already?
Thank you for tagging along by small LoZ corner of the interwebs.
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astrangeavenue · 8 months ago
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drew some totally normal sadnesses
blank bg and individuals below the cut
edit: i posted some of my thoughts that went into these designs! if youd like to read you can find it here
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quesocheeso · 1 month ago
CW: Pregnancy
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Since we were already talking about this today💃💃💃
I did mention the whole thing is extra extra concerning when it involves powerful beings, that’s why most of them only stick with one child
Macaques glamours and shifted form go down the closer they get to the end so he ends up reverting back to his og form (which also means he returns to his white fur at some point🤔 huh me might get white fur macaque at some point in the future)
Wukong’s not having a good time actually😭😭
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chxrrylungs · 7 months ago
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what's another demon deal on cas's record
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ohnoitsjesster · 7 months ago
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valeriapryanikova · 21 days ago
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(itsy-bitsy fanfic concept/idea/? under the cut)
[A page ripped out of a journal; the owner’s handwriting is messy and barely legible.] 
february, 29th
i'm surprised i'm not dead now.
yesterday, in the late evening, as i was painting, it started storming. suddenly and hard. one second the dark sky is clear from any clouds, and the next moment the droplets are pelting me with a surprising force. i rapidly abandoned my easel and canvas (not like there would be anything lost—the piece was dull and not working out the way i desired) in favor of seeking cover.
i was still near the village, on its outskirts, but just a bit too far from my house to reach it quickly before my whole being was drenched through and through. so i ducked into one of the huts, all of which stand empty, desolate… or so i thought, at least.
only once inside did i spot the dim, ominous, red glow of the overhead lamp; the sound of a muted conversation; the overwhelming sense of “wrong”, like i was not meant to be here. abruptly silence fell and two sets of bright eyes stared me down.
terror froze my body. i felt like a prey caught in between two predators, i could practically feel their jaws snapping around my neck.
the dredger slowly smirked at me, barring her sharp, sharp teeth. (since when are they sharp? i may not have crossed path with her often, but i swear i would’ve noticed if she had shark teeth before.) i did not stay to see if the fisherman would further react to my presence too. the control of my body returned, allowing me to let out a panicked apology for interruption and bolt out of the hut, running home at full speed.
it’s been hours since then. i couldn’t fall asleep. i’ve been up the whole night, haunted by fear. the scene of those two beasts in the darkness, ready to snap me like a twig for overhearing something (i don’t remember what exactly, all the horror of the situation evaporated all my thoughts), got stuck in my mind’s eyes. so i’ve been doing what i know how to do best—painting.
[Attached to the diary entry is a typewritten note.] 
That painter fellow is an impressionable and imaginative type. Needless to say, the actual interaction with the two fish merchants was likely a lot less… Dramatic.
The painter was reluctant to show me the painting mentioned in the last paragraph, but after some convincing I did manage to take a quick look on their recollection of the witnessed scene: it seems mostly useless for my research, but I noted down some details that might be of use in the future (refer to “AudioLog#143” transcript for more information).
Collecting data on “The Fisherman” continues to prove itself annoying. The subject is allusive: there’s not many sources mentioning him, and folk around here rarely witness him out and about. Currently the only lead I have is finding that one old newspaper article about the docks that, if I recall correctly, mentions him in an interview with workers. Perhaps, when I have time, I’ll try asking the collector from the other side of the river if he has a copy of that newspaper issue.
However, for now, I’m significantly more interested in “The Dredger” subject. There’s more than plenty info about her—I would actually say there’s too much info about her, all inconveniently inconsistent. In an attempt to get more reliable data I’m getting in contact with Mined since they have done scientific observation of this area and the people of interest. My request for access to their data has gone unanswered so far and, if shoving my anthropology degree in the faces of those bumbling idiots won’t work, I’m sure that that city nearby has enough hackers willing to do some dirty work for a pretty diamond.
I will get the data I want, one way or another.
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signanothername · 6 months ago
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A sense of being watched…
This comic is a result of this
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deliriuxe · 8 months ago
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oh yeah, I did forget to post these, didn't I?
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scho17 · 18 days ago
watching Flash (TV 2014) and Time Wraiths have insane potential for DC x DP crossover 
(Time Wraiths hunt time anomalies/time travelers who are shaking things up a lil Too Much for main time line continuities liking.)
CW: Oh yeah I forgot I let those things loose   BARRY 'was being hunted by fucking time dementors' ALLEN: Forgot? I'm sorry, you - you FORGOT?? CW: Yes, well, the meaning of the word Forgot hasn't changed in the last 400 years in your dimensions time has it? DANNY, blinking tiredly in all his prince of the infinite realms glory because honestly the time wraiths are not the scariest thing he's dealt with this week: This is at least marginally better than that time Box Ghost let loose Pandora's Box BARRY: Oh God, that things actually real?? I know I deal with the impossible every other tuesday but actually what the fuck. Cisco's gonna flip.
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the-pobble-terrarium · 1 year ago
[ringing a dinner bell] COME GET YALLS FOOD
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I don’t think he’s normal about that, Scrabby
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zan0tix · 1 year ago
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Workplace Malpractice 🫶
Every day i get closer to drawing jake in drag 🙏 one day
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the-awful-falafel · 11 months ago
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casually provides a slide-by-slide presentation to contextualize part of my Fake Peppino brainrot
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