#cw boddy horror
localratwithcowboyhat · 11 months
Ahw what’s this, the Human nervous system what a silly lill guy look at him. Look at him CAUSING ME SO MANNY FUCKING PROBLEMS
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dasistmeinpferd · 2 months
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it isn't the same but it is enough
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thisheademptyyeet · 1 year
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Damn bro, u good?
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castielsprostate · 1 year
dean and cas tie their intestines together into a ribbon🎀
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sappiscrying · 1 year
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fancyszmata · 1 year
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Afton family by me :D👀👀💀💀🤙
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pumpkinjamsart · 1 year
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Three playing cards of some of my favorite Alice in Wonderland characters :D
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vladimpale · 8 months
so follow my thought process here pls. i found a few months ago this prompt (IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO FIND IT AGAIN) and i decided to make it about kuroaka (bc of course i did) with kuroo being the one that can clone himself and akaashi the immortal one, but then i started fleshing out a plot with my best friend and the more i thought about it, the more i couldn't not make it a (very loose) bsd au
with kuroo it was pretty easy finding another ability that suited him more but of course it could use some work. basically he can make blood contracts and the person that breaks the deal bleeds to death. by shaking hands the deal is sealed and a line appears around their arms. once the contract is settled the line disappears
the original idea was for akaashi to be a few hundred years old. by touching organic matter he can drain it of life and absord it as his own and therefore adding to his life span. i kind of made it work in the bsd au with the backstory but it still doesn't feel really akaashi, so i came up with another ability that is not as fleshed out but might work better with his character? the ability being able to eat anything, no matter how big or impossible to digest for other humans (again its just a concept and i do not know how it would work or how to illustrate it). i could play into some of his repressed feelings with this (like want, shame etc) but the thing is it could work either way with the whole ingesting theme both abilities have
(some concept art i just thought of but it absolutely wouldn't fit in the bsd world unless akaashi was like lovecraft)
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akaashi's ability doesn't really affect the plot (there are only like 2 or 3 abilities that are actually important) but yeah
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fluffynicoo · 9 months
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It's time to share some reefsheets^^
Meet Denis^^ A mysterious 8 years old child who's unfortunate couse of dead is a mystery years later after the incident. What happeneds to this poor kid and how he's dead relate to Michael? What mysterious person knows about it? Will this cade will ever be solved?
Welp we have to wait and find out:3
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acheronidae · 2 years
A bit of an experiment, thought it was fun.
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It kinda reminds me of those paper-like sheets that you scratch the black coating off of to reveal the colors underneath, only just orange and full of angst.
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beheldandcompelled · 1 year
Statement of Alexa Hodges regarding her experience with online yoga.
Statement Begins.
I got into practicing yoga on Youtube. I’d been trying to be a bit more active, and while walks around my neighborhood were fun, it’d been getting cold and I wanted more indoor focused workouts. I hate circuit training, so I was really after some morning zen and stretching to help start my day. I live in a more rural area not really near any sort of yoga studio, and with my concern for how committed I would keep to the practice, I settled on watching videos for the time being. 
It took me a while to find a yoga channel I liked. I'd watch one instructor two or three times then switch to someone else after getting tired of something about their voice or background music. I wouldn't say I was decent at yoga by any means, but I got a knack for the lingo and poses well enough to move to more intermediate videos. I'd been watching my morning videos for about a month before a new channel caught my eye. The woman on the title screen displayed more intricate poses than I was used to, so I thought it would be a good workout. The instructor only had a handful of videos uploaded, but there was something about the room she practiced in that kept my attention. A lot of yoga YouTubers have these zen, minimalist living rooms; but not this one. I remember thinking it was slightly odd that it looked like she was practicing in a dingy basement. God was I foolish.
The instructor in the video didn't talk, she just moved fluidly throughout the screen over her unsettling background while a voice over told you when to switch poses. This was fairly common. Some individuals speak as if they are teaching in a studio, while others prefer the method of voicing over their videos. I remember thinking that the voice didn’t truly match her body, but didn’t consider that a glaring concern at first. I should have. I should have moved along to a different channel then. 
There were four main videos I watched of her’s for about two weeks, feeling a sort of routine with the practice setting in. One morning, a new video of the channel’s popped up in my suggestions. I clicked on it and viewed it from my TV, already noticing a slightly different tone with this video from the previous ones. It was the usual voice over, but the instructor’s movements seemed.. well, off. She was rigid, like someone was pulling her on puppet strings. I tried to ignore it and just listen to the poses, but could barely get through the video without looking up and seeing if she was still moving like that. When we ended in shavasana, or as the voice over called it “corpse pose,” I immediately turned off my television. 
I didn’t do yoga for a couple of days after that. I could have switched back to an older video, or found a new yoga channel altogether, but I just felt too unnerved. I did miss my morning routine though, so I tried some stretching on my own, but it just wasn’t the same without someone telling me how to transition into a new pose or how long I should have even been holding the pose. 
After the weekend, I got back into my routine and started looking for a new channel. My hands were shaking as I gripped the remote to find that the only videos available to play were from the previous channel. Every search for “yoga with” anyone else was blank. There were three more uploads since the one that made me uncomfortable. I took a deep breath and just decided to give the channel another try. I just tried not to watch as she moved throughout the screen, listening to the now almost robotic sounding voice over telling me to go from down to up dog. 
Things were okay for about 5 minutes or so, until a side plank had me looking back at the screen. The body in the video looked almost gray, the movements were still rigid and unnatural. I felt a shiver roll down my spine as I fell to the floor, unable to take my eyes off of the screen. Her neck began twisting unnaturally as the eyes stayed on the screen. Her body continued to move around with jittery, uncanny movements, but still she kept watching. She didn’t blink. I screamed as I reached for the remote and turned the TV off again, unplugging it, and deciding to take a walk in the cold. 
I didn’t watch TV for several days, but morbid curiosity kept taking over me. I couldn’t have been the only person to find this channel, could I? And shouldn’t I report it to the community guidelines? I felt a sense of duty take over me during the distance from watching the video. I still didn’t want her lifeless body on my flat screen, but I thought I could handle scrolling through the comments on my phone. 
I went back to the channel, clicking on the oldest video to view the metrics. The very first video only had one view, which I’m just now realizing, was me. The comments were disabled. When I tried reporting the channel through my phone, all of the links or prompts seemed to fail.
 I searched the name of the channel on google and got two results: the channel itself and one Reddit thread from an inactive account. The title of the post was the channel name with the following text: 
Does anyone recognize this channel? I think there’s something seriously wrong with the girl in the video. I can’t tell if it’s an ARG or what, but comments are disabled.  I think… i think this Youtuber might be the corpse of a woman being moved around and filmed by someone. There’s some voice over going over the yoga poses but this woman isn’t moving right. It’s terrifying. I’m trying to link it here but it keeps ending up broken. I can’t report it and no one else seems to recognize the name. If this is fake it’s seriously some well made horror.  
That post was from four years ago with two comments. One comment was from another inactive page saying that they also recognized it and couldn’t share the channel or comment on the videos, but it was posted two years ago. When looking back at the channel, it said in the profile that it was only a month old. Something horrible was happening and it seemed to only be happening to a handful of people at one time. Or the channel kept deleting itself and reappearing after one IP address grabbed it. That had to be what was happening. In my panic I barely noticed that Youtube had opened back up on my phone. Until I registered the voice over that didn’t match the decaying body on my screen. I couldn’t help but watch in terror as the body unnaturally moved around in that dimly lit basement. Finally she looked at the screen again, unmoving. She was almost completely decayed. There was a jerk in her shoulders from whatever was making her move that caused her jaw to fall to the floor. I screamed again, scrolling as fast as I could away from the channel and finally finding the “block user” button. I deleted the Youtube app.
I didn’t use social media for a week. When I finally did, everything seemed normal. I reinstalled Youtube just to be certain that the channel was blocked. The account had been deleted. 
If I ever do yoga again I'll be signing up for classes. They seem to be a bit more lively.
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rr-sheep · 2 years
(It's a redesign from me basically) g.a.e-d.a.b
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ninkadance · 11 months
It's been 2 days since the mask got stuck, my neck feels a bit weird, everything is itchy and my skin is getting really dry, I'm getting physically stronger though so that's neat, oh and I have little pixe wings kinda
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coffeestripes · 1 year
Let's see how many i will actually do
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Atlas is my sona and he has many shapes, one i never drew before is this thing. Hares have that vibe of "i've heard the whispers of the gods and their secrets" and it's perfect
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the-knife-consumer · 2 years
Zero possessed kirby?
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He's fine dw about it
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artofmaquenda · 5 years
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Friends of Change Two watercolor pieces I will have in the artshow at EF :D They are brothers so hopefully they will be going to a good home together :)
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