ermrats · 22 days
i want to see people to be talking about this panel in the promised neverland
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tpn theory type stuff below cut
google search and stuff has gotten pretty bad so that might be why i'm struggling so much to find theories on this but omg it's a little frustrating because this is the coolest panel.
for anyone that doesn't remember, this was at the demon temple that showed them how to reach the seven walls.
there's one specific thing here that interests me the most, and it's the main reason i think this panel is so interesting, but there's so many other significant things to discuss here so i'll just get through some quickly.
at the top we see what i think is almost definitely the night and day, and the demon god. there're then lines pointing to the beginning of the evolution tree with the small bacteria-like first demons. i think this is telling us that the demon god is the originator of all of the demons. that's pretty huge?? i haven't heard anyone ever talk about that. i don't think this is far-fetched at all too. i strongly believe in this theory.
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under the bacteria-like demons are these bipedal, horned, almost human-like demons. i'm less sure about what these are and i think this is more up for debate but i'm guessing these are a slightly evolved form of the first demons from eating lots of small things and slowly working their way a little up the food chain. with slight variations probably from slightly different diets.
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under that, we see the demon evolution that we are familiar with.
they eat a fish, they become a fish-like demon. they eat a human, they become the familiar human-like demon. they eat bugs or other small wild creatures, they become the also familiar wild demon. (side note: we know humanoid demons also eat bugs alongside humans which is interesting. what unique affect to bugs have on them?)
it's showing us what the demons will evolve into after eating certain organisms. it all seems to align with what we know from normans research so far.
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except for one thing. this is the thing that interests me more than anything else.
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i don't think we ever get even a hint towards what this could mean in the manga.
gonna be real, i think even if i tried to look for patterns myself, i wouldn't know enough about biology to find much. i don't know much of anything about biology. i think the only thing i take away from this is that for some reason they can't eat snakes.
this stuff intrigues me so much and i just wish i could find more theories out there on this. rahhhh it's so cool. i just want an answer.
oh wait also what is this thing i dunno
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honestly i can't make it out
anyway thanks for reading, i don't post about TPN but i just finished rereading all 20 volumes. i probably won't post about it again i just want to get this out
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cookie-fox · 8 months
I totally get why Goldy Pond is a fan-favorite story arc but having read what comes right after it I like the Cuvitidala arc even more. Depsite its short length it manages to pack in some fantastic moments. Here are my personal highlights:
-Spoilers Below-
Getting to see Phil again and see him struggling with being the only one who knows the truth while also getting a glimpse of what happened after the Grace Field fire was really nice. Plus, it's always great to see one of your favorite characters pop up again after not seeing them for awhile (at least in the main story, he shows up in a few side stories).
I wasn't expecting the writers to kill of Yugo but I think the way it was handled brought his character arc to a satisfying, albeit tragic, conclusion. He learns to be a part of a family again and he can't imagine going through losing another. Even if it means he won't get to see them again, he'll do whatever he can to ensure their future. The panels showing him reuniting with his family in what I think is supposed to represent the afterlife was such a bittersweet moment.
Andrew really made the most of his brief encounter with Emma and company. Seeing him with half his face blown off and the way he spoke to and about the kids was genuinely terrifying. Monsters eating humans is one thing but having a human refer to not only his fellow man but children on top of that as mere food, pigs to be slaughtered was next-level. The whole confrontation was really tense and the way Andrew goes out was the icing on the cake. Eaten by a wild demon. His attitude most likely came from his high status and while the more civilized demons may have respected him, status means nothing to a wild monster so he's just another meal.
Finally, there's the beginning of the next story arc which I'm going to start reading as soon as I finish typing this up. The Promised Neverland's story never fails to build intrigue and as always I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.
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Many thanks to @1000sunnygo for translating the remaining fourth light novel story. 🙏🙏 It's bookended by segments in 2050, but the main portion is set on January 28, 2046.
The ending that was included for this story's rerelease in the light novel is the inspiration for the top two photos in the series' fourth anniversary art:
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Which is 🥺🥺🤧
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Small smattering of reactions under the cut:
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Emma knowing deep in her bones how amazing Don and Gilda are, even without her memories 🤧🤧
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(Chapter 59)
Me, treasuring any crumb of Don and Emma interactions:
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They take their responsibility so seriously 🥺🤧 goodest kids
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FJLDSFLJEASD Gilda immediately shutting that shit down after what happened with Emma fainting two weeks ago…
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…only to come to the conclusion this is exactly the kind of shit the trio would pull, in the same way that's conveniently summarized in "The Chess Proverb" short story:
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With the spark of unconventionality that Emma brings and her drive to achieve the seemingly impossible to balance out Ray's wisdom and pragmatism and Norman's cunning and ruthlessness in execution.
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They admire the trio so much after all the years they spent looking out for them and they want to do them proud, and then the look on their faces when Emma and Ray choose them to accompany them on the search for Cuvitidala and the Seven Walls without hesitation because of how much trust they have in them after everything they've been through—
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Also this is hardcore I'm so proud of these two little ten year olds and how in sync they are throughout this whole thing.
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"smiled softly" oh son I'm soft
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Also yes you better be heaping praise on them after everything, including making Gilda cry which is a tragedy in its own right
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And a little bit of Raydon banter at the end too to complement what we got in "Operation Stormy Night," beautiful. 🖤❤️🙏
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emmaspolaroid · 2 years
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no one prepared Yuugo for this part of being (forcibly) adopted by the Grace Field kiddos
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lonely-cereal · 8 months
Ray and Emma (platonic) headcanons
Ray once attempted to teach Emma to cook, it ended horribly wrong and she nearly burnt down the kitchen.
They're in the school play together. Ray got the lead role and brushed it off as not being a big deal, Emma squealed over her role.
Platonic cuddles during trip to cuvitidala. They cold
Ray often hesitates to start a fire, or has a panic attack whenever he has to work w it so Emma makes sure he's far away from it and does it instead.
If they don't see each other for more than 24 hours they physically die. They cannot be separated. Not one bit. Not even mf god can seperate them.
Lots of teasing everyday.
Ray and Emma give eachother head pats
Ray has a black cat, Emma has an orange cat, and they're best friends <33
Ray, Emma, and Phil are a trio. RAY AND PHIL GET EACHOTHER AND PHIL LOVES EMMA. he's their adoptive son at this point.
They comfort eachother by hugging and singing to eachother late at night, one rare occasions they'll just cry together 💀
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takineko-arts · 2 years
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Inspired by this post
And a conversation we had in our Trigun Discord about how terrifying it would be to get up at night and see Vash getting a late night snack with his glowy eyes.
And this pic from the manga:
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The more I learn about his man the more of a cryptid he becomes.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 154
Chapter 154: "A Breakthrough"
Hearing someone declare that they wanna turn their life around and live hits the feelings hard every single time. From Ray, to Yuugo, with Norman now and eventually with Isabella as well, I'm glad they all found something to cherish during their lives.
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Imagine planning out this entire extermination idea, creating a poison to wipe out the demons, going out to destroy farms and make alliances, keeping the paradise hideout under control, on top of dealing with such troublesome seizures. Not to mention that he suffered from them during his time at Lambda when he had to worry about the daily tests and preparing an escape in secret away from the staff's eyes. It's a miracle Norman didn't crash sooner.
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Emma doesn't look too happy that he kept such a serious problem to himself but at least Norman's apologizing for it now. Still wish he apologized for not waiting for her & Ray to return like he promised but I understand the extermination plan couldn't wait since it had a set date, on top of the Lambda crew all slowly dying.
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Forget about the medications, Vincent needs some serious chill pills.
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Cislo best Lambda child confirmed. He's seriously so sweet. He needs more love.
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I like how well "supposedly" is used here because it's true how Ray, Emma, Don & Gilda wouldn't truly know for themselves if Adam had any seizures during the last couple years since the four of them were away from the shelter the majority of the time while searching for Cuvitidala & the Seven Walls.
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Of course our medics Anna & Sandy are already testing stuff out but I love how Rossi is there helping too since we saw him learning from Lucas in ch97. It's cute how him & Jemima are trying to keep Adam distracted and calm. I wish we got to see more of this group figure out a cure for the seizures, especially since it would give more focus to characters like Sonya, Nat and the two troublemakers who we all haven't seen them do much of anything recently. Granted, they didn't have much time to work out a solution between Jin informing everyone of the situation and the demon soldiers attacking the base, but it would've been something. We don't hear much of this issue again until ch181 when we learn the medicine was already developed and everyone in Lambda had their side effects taken care of.
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I know I praise Emma for getting back up after her stab wound from Leuvis, but Barbara is on a whole other level seeing how this girl didn't pass out once. She doesn't even have protagonist plot armor to rely on. Lambda kids are totally built differently.
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How did y'all not hear or see Legravalima get back up?? She's pretty hard to miss!
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Favorite panel/moment:
I can't get over how good of a boy Cislo is. He knows his boss well.
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All the younger kiddos being happy with Adam (although being reminded that Chris is still unconscious is upsetting!).
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And lastly, Cislo's face here.
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tutubola-moved-on · 3 years
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what do you mean, fruits are supposed to be eaten??
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Hey look! It’s my pfp! Because it’s the cutest!
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radhakawaii · 3 years
tpn ppl please answer this poll real quick ily
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dojoliveblogs · 5 years
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...I thought this was going to be a legit scene until I started reading the dialog, lmao. But hey, thanks for reminding me who the important looking demon from the flashes was.
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Top three isn’t too surprising, and it’s very good to see my boy Phil getting the respect he deserves. I’m surprised Krone made it into the top ten, but this popularity poll was probably running at the same time as the anime. Anna’s also a weird surprise for 5th place. I feel bad for Don and Gilda, though not even top ten. Glad to see Yugo up there, he’s a good character.
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In the TPN volume 13 cover there's a big clock on the stairs , what do you think it refers to? 🤔
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I think it's either a reference to the Gracefield clocktower, or it’s a symbolism for the demon!God that waits for them at the exit to the human world, which lies at Gracefield (James Ratri told them about this in their recording).
So, the cover that you mean is the two top pictures, with the left being the outside cover, and the right being the inside cover.
There are multiple clocks on the cover, with one big one at the top, and many little scattered around. Our view is angled upwards, and we can see the top of the tunnel that they are in.
One of the early chapters I have shown on the bottom left seems to have an identical location, with lots of small clocks on the walls. In both pictures, Emma holds a lamp. It seems to be the same place and time, but our view is angled slightly down, like we are lower down the same tunnel. At the bottom of the tunnel, you see Gracefield.
On the bottom right, we see Gracefield with a huge, tunnel like whole next to it, and Emma and the kids falling into this hole.
I think the hole/tunnel is a reference to the entranceway to the human world that the kids need to find and traverse, to go to the demon!God and/or the humans.
The clock itself could either be a reference to the clocktower at the top of Gracefield that you can see on the bottom pictures, or to the demon!God itself waiting for them at the top, at the surface.
We know that the demon!God has some control over time, since they were able to show Emma scenes from the past.
I have speculated that if there is a reference to Peter Pan for the demon!God and the dragon, it would be the crocodile with a clock inside it. Here is a funny visual representation where James Ratri is Cpt. James Hook.
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So it may just be a visual hint that they are going to take the way across the Seven Walls at Gracefield that James says it has, and see the demon God at the top.
Btw fun fact: check those pics again, because ALL of them are connected by having Little Bunny on them as well...
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(Chapter 102)
Rambled about this before on this post, but I really wish they would explained how the search party is able to see out of their masks, even if it was a single panel of Emma pointing out something like nearly imperceptible eye slits.
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(Chapter 147 | Chapter 149 | Chapter 150)
Older, classical masks like those of the elder Bayons (compared to those of Bayon II's wife and children), Yverk, and Geelan's clan incorporate a pair of symmetrical, horizontal, and frequently vacant eye holes among their designs.
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In the chapter 90 bonus sketch, this is mentioned as respecting tradition, which I interpret as a holdover from the days of demons hunting humans, and the intention of that incorporation was to play on pareidolia-enhanced fear among humans who, out of habit, would look toward the horizontal pair of eye holes first when gazing upon demons in combat and would frequently be treated to an unflinching, menacing abyss. It's a good subtle tactic to unnerve them before they take in the rest of the mask.
Once the farm system was instituted and demons weren't regularly warring with humans anymore, it became unnecessary and seemed to fall out of style among the general population who weren't banished like the Geelan clan.
I assume this is the main reason the kids don't opt for horizontal eye holes. There's also the issue of demons potentially catching sight of their human eyes, but there has to be some black cloth to work with in the bunker that could have lined the masks if they couldn't get whatever magic Bayon and Yverk use for no other eyes or skin to show through their horizontal mask sockets.
Either way, it's one less thing to make them stand out from the crowd when they're already contending with their comparatively short statures, human hands and feet, and having to wear perfume.
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nagaikei-ajin · 6 years
im noticing new things from my rereading but we never really addressed the missing pages ever again did we.
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and the fact that the cover has dragons on it, makes me think back to cuvitidala as well
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and the fact that if this is the same book, i want to know what ray says he didnt understand about it considering it was a mythology book.
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lonely-cereal · 9 months
*When the kids find out that Ray, Emma, don, Gilda,Violet and Zack will once again leave for cuvitidala, the kids realise their beloved siblings won't be there for Christmas, so the eldest decide to put on a little show to cheer them up.
And what better way to do that then remake "A Christmas Carol." in the bunker?
The Geezer as Ebenezer Scrooge
Ray as ghost of Christmas future
Emma as ghost of Christmas past
Someone help with the rest
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