#cuteness aggression for turtles and splinter
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noemiawild-79 · 4 days ago
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I like to draw my personal designs whenever Im not in the mood to draw any specific tmnt iteration YEEEE-
i also made a splinter design it may change tho
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imagionationstation · 2 months ago
the fact that there's no fanart of the 2012 gang and Tinkerbell interacting is insulting to me, like, picture it.
-April and Tink are both voiced by Mae Whitman (except in Peter Pan of course)
-Tink and Donnie bonding over them both being tinkers.
-Tink having a crush on Donnie, and kicking April and pulling her hair because of jealousy, the way she does to Wendy in Peter Pan.
-I can picture Donnie saying something like, "how are we supposed to get up there?" And then Tink covers him in pixie dust and the gang are all baffled as Donnie starts floating.
-Tink and Raph bonding over their tempers.
-Leo having a little tea party with Tink, because Leo had tea parties with Chloe, and Tink had tea Parties with the little girl in the Great fairy rescue movie.
-Tink and Mikey getting into trouble together.
Are you seeing the vision?????
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This is such a cute idea, actually. So, so hear me out:
Donnie first hears the soung of bells while on patrol and goes to track the random light at the corner of his eyes but finds nothing and the audience sees a flutter of sparkles at the corner of the screen. His brothers tease him for hearing things and they go to the lair and he pouts to his lab and Tinker Bell has been following them this whole time (Four. Talking. Turtles. Who WOULDN'T follow?). Then she ends up exploring his lab and :0000 He's so cool look at all this stuff!!
And then she reveals himself to him and he goes to show his brothers but when they enter the lab Tink is just gone. Then he's frustrated when they leave and Tink reveals herself again 'cause she was hiding bc she's a FAIRY she can't just go around showing herself to EVERYONE she just thinks he's smart and wants to hang with a fellow inventor who uses nothing and makes something.
And so instead of following April around he becomes preoccupied with the tiny fairy in his lab and they learn how to communicate (kinda) and bond and THAT'S when she develops a crush on him because lkdfjgldkfjgld he's so PASSIONATE AND KIND AND SWEET
Then during a mission, she saves him by using her fairy dust and then she HAS to reveal herself because now his brothers think his delulu is spreading because THAT'S NOT THE NORM???
And then after she reveals herself to everyone, they do bonding things and silliness all around and Splinter is just kinda like "cool a kodama (Japanese tree spirit) is in my home why not" and Tink has met the parent and everyone knows what they say about getting introduced to the parent and then April enters the picture and Tink is no longer Donnie's fascination and she DOES NOT like that no sir
But since she's a fairy and talks through bells, she can't TELL HIM why it is that she's annoyed. She just IS and she's randomly really, really, aggressive to April which baffles EVERYONE because she's been so friendly and sweet the whole time so-
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 month ago
I just had a crazy idea. You know how you said that Raph was Insecure about the fact that splinter favors his older brother and that he thought he couldn't find love because he was a turtle and no one would love him because of that.
Well, I was thinking if genderbent Raph was the same thing but one difference. Yes, she was jealous of her older sister and she felt like no man would love her. But also she felt like she wasn't girly enough for love. Since she was more on the tomboy side of being a kunoichi and she was the muscle of the team. She felt like she wasn't fit for the girlfriend role.
But after meaning M! Mona, she never realized what it felt like to be treated like a lady. Since M!Mona would give more like a gentleman role (F!G'throkka raise him right) he knows how a lady is supposed to be treated. And F! Raph has never been treated like a girly lady before so she kinda liked it. That and she's never been carried so delicate before.
Same goes for M! Mona, he has never met a woman that talks or acts like F! Raph does. And he honestly thinks its kinda hot and kinda cute at the same time.
To me honestly I think that's really cute.
Do you agree or disagree?
This was 100% the concept I was going for with Genderbend RaMona!!
But before I go into detail, I do offically have names for Female Raph and Male Mona so I'm going to refer to them as such for the rest of this post.
Female Raph's name is Georgia (Named after the artist Georgia O'Keeffe).
Male Mona Lisa's name is David (Named after the sculpture of the same name made by Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni)
So Georgia is a tomboy, she acts the most masculine among her sisters. She's aggressive, stubborn, rude, a loud mouth, speaks her mind, and not very lady like. Complete opposite to her sister Leonora (F!Leo's name) who's delicate, proper, well mannered, etc. But secretly Georgia has a girly side to her. Though she can be a bit of tsundere when it comes to it. Deep down, she desires to be sweep off her feet by her prince charming and just be taken away from all her troubles. But because she doesn't fit the role of a "proper lady" and being a mutant, making her think no boy would find her attractive, she accepted she would not find love and just be a lone wolf.
Then she meets David, a young soldier who is gentleman, treating women with the upmost respect (you are right, his commander raised him well lol). He highly respects Georgia as the strong brave warrior she is, he admires her for her skills in combat and how she's never afraid to say what she is thinking, but he also treats her like a lady. David offers that love and royal princess treatment Georgia so badly craves. He is her knight in shinning armor.
In the end, David is a big soft brute who wants to endlessly devote on his tiny hot tempered gremlin girlfriend XD
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inspiredwriter · 1 year ago
Guys, listen to me, the TMNT Bay version has Leatherhead!
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(Remember this green guy?)
So recently I downloaded the video game "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Brothers Unite", the plot of which is that the bad guys (mutant pigeons, roaches, porcupines, street thugs and several mysterious ninjas) for unknown reasons take over all the pizzerias in New York, and the task of the turtles is to move around locations and beat their butts. I would like to note that Bebop and Rocksteady also take part in all this villainous chaos, but this game does not show how they became mutants (most likely this game appeared before the 2 film). Donnie even takes blood from Rocksteady's hand for analysis and becomes convinced that all these pigeons, porcupines and roaches are the same mutants as he and his brothers, only the mutation, for some unknown reason, made them more aggressive and uncontrollable.
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Leatherhead only appears at the end of the game, so the player does not get to fight him in the final battle, but it can be concluded that he has been following us throughout the game.
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This mutant alligator calls the turtles traitorsss because he saw them fight with other mutants (he probably doesn’t know that this mutation drove them crazy) and disappears without a trace, using a smoke bomb.
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Master Splinter says that there are still many mysteries in this city that they have to solve.
And that's all...
Unfortunately, this game did not receive a sequel and it's terribly sad because I was hoping to hear at least a little more about Leatherhead. After all, he’s not even a villain there, he was probably recruited into the Shredder gang (In the game, leaflets also appear on the floor with the headings “Shredder is back?”)! But what I'd most like to see is his friendship with Mikey develop.
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Because SHELL SHOCK, Mikey's friendship with Leatherhead was the most ADORABLE thing about the TMNT 2012 series to me! Seriously, they could have come up with something similar with Bay verse Mikey. I think this would be something INCREDIBLY CUTE!!💚
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@swagreecrow @kawaiibunga @sivy-chan-blog @narwals14 @angelcatlowyn @dai-su-kiss @janet-the-dark-queen @turtle-babe83 @foxflamewarrior @cowabunga-doll @turtlesmakemehappy @zowise2912 @wolfroks @aeempress @neocelticavalon @androidships007 @iheartchv
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thunderberryz · 2 months ago
So, some more random yelling about Splintered Fate: Holy hell, do I love this game. Yes, it is basically a Hades clone and can be a bit buggy at times, but I have become so ridiculously invested in this version of the turtles that it's not even funny.
Outside the fun gameplay that, nonetheless, makes my poor right thumb and wrist sore (I use an off-brand controller for my Switch that ain't exactly the most ergonomic), I've been aggressively invested in the lore of the universe. Naturally, as a one-off video game, this particular universe isn't as developed as, say, literally any comic book or cartoon iteration, but there is still a BOATLOAD of lore to dig into and with some things left open-ended, it leaves a lot of room for fanon interpretation.
Now, at first glance, the universe takes the most inspiration from the IDW comics; this is made apparent through details such as Stockman being the mayor of New York City, as well as Angel being the superhero Nobody. That said, you can very clearly see a lot of inspiration taken from other iterations as well; the turtles' characterizations strongly remind me of their 1990s movie counterparts, and there are a lot of fun nods to the 2003 series. (The Foot clan's crest is the same as the one in that particular iteration, and both the Sword of Tengu and Heart of Tengu appear as equippable Artifacts.) There are probably other fun easter eggs/references as well, but I mean... I'm a fake TMNT fan lmao <- Still hasn't watched 1987, 2012, or Rise.
Some fun details that I've noticed:
In their selection descriptions, Leonardo is referred to as the "soul" of the family, Raphael as the "strength," Donatello as the "brains," and Michelangelo as the "heart."
As typical of Leonardos, Splintered Fate Leo was ambushed on the rooftops by the Foot at the beginning of the game. He was not, however, tossed through a window. He got sucked into a portal instead.
Michelangelo references the Ninja Rap in a potential dialogue when selecting him, which is really cute.
A lot of Donatello's battle dialogue makes it clear he's fond of classical literature and poetry.
Mentioned in a previous post, but this version of Raphael has acrophobia rather than a hated/fear of bugs like 2003 and 2012.
The turtles confirmed to be AC/DC fans thanks to posters hanging in the lair. (Or as it's referred to in-universe for copyright reasons, AB/CD)
They also own a SNES from the looks of it
Despite the universe being heavily based on IDW, Metalhead does not have the same origin as his comic counterpart; he is stated to have been created by Donatello from scrap. (In the comics, he was a creation of Harold Lilja, Donatello's online frenemy.)
Casey's design in the game leans pretty heavily towards his depiction in the 1990s movies where he was played by Elias Koteas.
The Turtle Power elements in this game are weird. Flame and Water? Pretty standard. Astral Light and Astral Dark? Okay. Ninja, Utrom, and Ooze... interesting.
One of the Dreamer Coin upgrades is a nice nod to the Pantheon.
The Sword of Tengu's description made me lose it; it's basically one big nod to the fact that the Shredder was an Utrom in the 2003 series. (Now, I don't think SF!Shredder is an Utrom, but if he were, it'd be hilarious.)
Some details that are left ambiguous
It's unclear whether this version of Splinter is Hamato Yoshi's pet rat or Hamato Yoshi himself. (There's no mention of the reincarnation plotline from IDW, so I doubt he's "Hamato Yoshi reincarnated as a rat.") Edit: Just got a dialogue that confirms this version of Splinter is indeed Hamato Yoshi. It's just a question of whether he follows IDW's plot of him being Hamato Yoshi reincarnated as a rat that was later mutated, or if he's simply Hamato Yoshi who was mutated into a rat.
It's also unknown whether the turtles directly mutated into teenagers as seen in some iterations or actually grew up from babies/toddlers into teenagers.
While Utrom appears as an "element of technology," the actual Utroms are not mentioned; as such, it is unknown whether they are a benevolent, peaceful species or a more warlike one.
Ooze is depicted in two forms; a purple-pink variant that manifests as a Turtle Power and is also used by Rocksteady as well as the Punk Frogs, and a green version that's depicted in the Broken Ooze Canister artifact. I'm inclined to believe that the green ooze is the one that actually mutated the turtles and Splinter, although it begs the question of what the purple ooze is.
Due to the absence of Harold Lilja, it's not indicated where Angel got the suit she uses when in her "Nobody" persona. (Dialogue would imply that Donatello did not build it.)
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 1 year ago
Hello I was wondering if you could do some headcanons of the turtles with a gn autistic s/o pls?
Of course, I can do that.
(Tbh I haven't been screened yet, but I do think I have autism. We won't talk about that rn)
Here we go :)
He is definitely understanding.
He doesn't know much about autism, at least at first
Once you explain things to him, like how you see the world, things start to become clear to him
He starts learning your "tells" for when you're getting overstimulated
He also starts learning what overstimulates you- certain sounds/volumes, textures, scents, visuals, etc.
He's not perfect, but he's trying his best; he just wants to be a good boyfriend.
He always listens if you start talking about your special interest(s).
He loves seeing you get passionate about things, so though he may not understand what you're talking about all the time, he's always an active listener.
He tries. He messes up often, but he makes it clear it isn't your fault
He doesn't try to upset you, but sometimes he talks too loud or aggressively, which gets the wrong point across.
He actually starts getting guidance from Splinter about different forms of meditation. He wants to avoid as many miscommunications as possible.
They're still gonna happen, obviously, but he wants to work on it.
If you start talking about your special interest(s), he asks a lot of questions to try to follow what you're saying.
You text him random Fun Facts throughout the day.
(He really enjoys all of them and writes down his favorites)
He knows he isn't going to be the best boyfriend in the world, but he just wants to be better for you.
He is definitely autistic, too
Out of all four of the brothers, he is the one who understands you the most.
He understands the overstimulation, understimulation, difficulty reading other people, "tuning people out," accidentally being too rude/blunt, stimming, etc.
If you both have similar special interests, you guys could bounce off of each other for hours.
You once went to school/work on an hour and a half of sleep because you two stayed up most of the night talking.
Because of how close you two are, you actually start learning to read each other pretty well.
He actually feels appreciated by you, which isn't something he feels all too often.
He often sends you links to cute animal videos while you're at work/school- he knows sometimes you need a mind break.
ADHD/Autism Solidarity at its finest.
Like with Donnie, if you both start talking, the conversation could last hours.
The difference is that instead of being one topic, it's about several topics.
One topic leads into the next with ease, to the point where the original topic is vastly different than the final topic.
(Neurotypicals would probably have an aneurysm trying to follow that type of conversation)
He can't sit still for more than a couple minutes, so he often paces
If he sees his repetitive footsteps are bothering you, he'll go take a walk/run through the sewers/city for a bit
Once he gets enough energy out, he comes back and joins you once again
He loves his music- almost as much as he loves sharing it.
He quickly tells what types of songs overstimulate you more than others
(He makes a playlist full of songs you don't like so he remembers which ones not to play. He calls it "Do Not Play")
You two are definitely very close since ADHD and Autism do overlap quite broadly.
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turtle-bun · 2 years ago
Turtleverse reacting to Mutant Mayhem!!!
!!!Minor spoilers ahead!!!
Okay so like in a weird sci-fi universe pocket dimension kind of like Spiderverse where all iterations of the Turtles collectively hang out and can see into each other's dimension via computer screen or whatever.
Each time there’s a new iteration of the Turtles it's this HUGE event where EVERYBODY comes over to have what they call a "watch party". Basically, just jumbles of video compilations they were able to capture and put together in a sort of movie-esque style to get a feel to how the new Turtles are this time round. It's very exciting and fun mainly due to the fact that in most dimensions there aren't any other "mutant turtle" around so they all feel a lot less alone with every new version of themselves they discovered. There’s always a different reaction whenever these events happen, both positive and negative, but they are all united under that fact that at their very core they understand each other in a way no one else in the entire multiverse ever will.
So, they catch wind of a new universe popping up into the cosmos and central hub is all a buzz! As much as there is excitement there is also this underlining anxiousness that always sits at the pit of their stomach. Because sure they could be finding this cool brand new universe with a unique style and story just like the Rise!Turtles or they could find something so completely heartbreaking and dark yet are forbidden to interfere least they destroy the multiverse, like the Last Ronin universe (every Mikey in the Turtleverse was hugged and coddled to death for nearly a week after that event).
The watch party happens and they all get their first glimpse ever at the new universe and the Turtles in it. Within the first few minutes of seeing these new turtles it is then they are hit, practically gut punched, with the realization that these guys…are children. Sure THEY were basically children when they first started out the whole crime fighting thing but for some reason this time it hits different. Like here they are watching these FOUR FUCKING CHILDREN on the screen, out in a dangerous city unsupervised, where is their father?! Oh there he is! Oh no he’s an anxious mess! He’s trying so hard to be good dad tho! Please boys just listen to him! Why are you fighting criminals at night? You are fourteen!
The collective of the Turtleverse were just SO stressed watching these boys fight their way through the criminal underground. Sure, they were impressed by the boys is skills and strength and they can most definitely handle themselves…but also consider that THEY ARE VERY SMALL!! They are all just so small and dorky and cringe and excitable and losers and giddy and so, so, so full of joy!
The Leo’s are all having a fucking breakdown because: “Oh my god he’s such a loser! I love him so much! He’s trying SO hard to be a good big brother and leader! He just like me fr!”
The Raph’s are punching shit due to shear overwhelming over protectiveness and cute aggression, like: “He’s so fucking stupid! He’s so FUCKING STUPID!!! I WOULD FUCKING DIE FOR HIM!!"
The Donnie’s have been collectively scheming on how to: “Wrap him in bubble wrap and put him safely in a jar where he shall be safe and do nothing but eat pizza and watch anime for however long he wants! Dose he need a new phone or computer? Doesn’t matter! We’re already making one for him!”
The Mikey’s are the biggest MM!Mikey hype men ever, like seriously: “Yes babe, you tell that joke! Swing those chucks, mini Mikey! YOU’RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE!!!”
Meanwhile, in the background, all the Splinter’s have been very calm and quiet, seemingly unfazed, at least on the outside. They absolutely FEEL for this new Splinter on a spiritual and emotional level. Every time one of the MM!Boys goes head first into danger they tense up so bad and are just internally screaming: “MY BABIES!! MY PRECIOUS BOYS!! PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!”
Then they all just start sobbing because the MM boys were able to have a good ending! They have a large mismatch family of mutants, a cool April as their friend, they were accepted by society, they even got to go to school! Maybe there is a bit of underlying jealousy amongst them, seeing another version of yourself living the life you always wanted, but mostly they were just SO happy for them! They were so unbelievably happy that FOR ONCE some version of themselves got to live a normal life! That they got to be kids!
So yeah, basically the whole Turtleverse is that meme of: I’m crying, screaming, throwing up! I’ve only had these boys for five minutes but if anything happens to them, I will destroy this universe and then myself!
If the Mutant Mayhem boys eventually do mean the rest of the Turtleverse you can bet your ass that they will ABSOLUTLY be spoiled rotten by the others. And like the MM!Boys won’t even realize it, they’ll just think that the other Turtles are just being super nice to them because they’re new. They don’t know the absolute fucking chokehold they have on the entire multiverse!
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cagednoob · 7 months ago
Aight I never mentioned this- but I did finish Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and overall… 👍 it was pretty good?
More under the cut that are obviously spoilers.
Now it being a story made up by the turtles is a pretty good idea tbh?? It kind of took me by surprise, but I can appreciate it a lot. And also it was relatable to see Leo sitting in bed drawing the comic (was there so much as a kid).
And this reason is why I can excuse some clunkiness of some of the plot moments.
My one complaint about it is it feels like the boys kept their brothers too in character? If that makes sense LMAO. Idk anytime I wrote about my brother as a kid no doubt I bastardized his personality.
But to be fair… they did grow up only knowing eachother for their entire lives until this point. Which probably did help them keep them in character. The others (such as Ray, Wingwave, Leatherhead, Stunkbug) I can just wave off since we don’t really see them a lot in the movie already.
Now the one thing that did throw me off… Where is Bebop and Rocksteady?? And Mondo?? The duo seem to be implied to have left or gone rogue in someway since Donnie (?) asked if they were on a rampage. But idk! Just a weird thing I noticed and couldn’t get outta my head.
The animation is stellar, and the designs of the new guys were fun for me. A couple of times I rewinded it just to watch a scene again and the East River Three probably had my favorite designs that were introduced (Mustang Sally and Lee my beloveds) and the Anemenies were also super cool since I don’t think we’d seen coral mutants so far in any iteration?
Pigeon Pete is ok, I think he gets his point of being the new comic relief tbh. I had fun watching his scenes (until the detective scene). I think having him talk made him worse for me somehow lol. And Metalhead (rip little guy) was very cute which surprised me as I’m typically not the biggest fan of robots.
I have no idea if these characters are real btw. Pigeon Pete I’m leaning towards…. Maybe? Just because he is seen in both the Arcs.
But it presumably had to happen since Splinter learned how to talk after mutation. So eh. But also him speaking Vermin (or whatever it’s called) is funny to me.
Also the human designs look… a lot better in 2D LMAO. Which is understandable, but it was one of the FIRST things I noticed when the humans appeared.
Now stories, they’re ok. I thought it was clunky at some spots, but it’s teenagers making it up. So it gets a pass from me.
Now I think the first Arc (told by Leo) is better than the second Arc (told by Raph). HOWEVER… I enjoyed the characters introduced in Arc Two way more. They were just more enjoyable for me to watch, Sally and Lee especially and both their designs are sick af.
It could be that the first arc was advertised more maybe? Or it was simply I preferred the first arcs story more. I did however dig that each arc was a different turtle telling the story and if there is a season two I can only hope that Donnie and Mikey can tell a story.
Now for things I disliked (couldn’t find a redeeming thing) is….
The Purple Dragons, Rat King aaaand the random animal violence?????
So the Purple Dragons isn’t a big thing but I just didn’t care too much for how it was done. Teens telling stories aside, it just felt… not right for me. It felt weird making Angel the aggressive one and Hun the more docile one. Which I did grow to like these characters I just couldn’t put that out of my mind.
Idk might just be me
Now the Rat King reveal with it being Splinter (and sewer rats worshipping him). Nothing really, I just don’t like it LMAO. Idk as a kid I could get behind it, but now that I fully know the two as separate characters it doesn’t work.
Aaand finally the random animal violence-
This is a weird one for me and I started to notice it after Ralph’s episode in Arc 1. There is just?? Random bad things that happen to animals? Such as the zoo scene specifically (kind of), the chickens that get ran over in an attempt of a joke, cat hit by flood of water, another cat that Genghis kept almost eating, and probably more I can’t remember.
The last one especially was when it got to bothering me. Cause it was trying to make all of that kind of humorous and it just… wasn’t sitting with me. I’ve never been a fan of that humor, I never will be and it’s just weird how much of it was in twelve episodes. Which again I can maybe say “teen boy humor” but even then?? I don’t think I can here tbh gang. It’s just…. Yeah that doesn’t land well for me.
There’s probably more I can add later, but these are my thoughts at the current moment about it. It’s a good show, animation is great and the story can be clunky at times, but it’s got a reason for it. Designs are fun as well.
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skeleton-in-a-hoodie · 7 months ago
Some more DDMG Shen/Splinter thoughts:
Shen meets the forest deer. One day when her and Splinter have gone on a walk in the woods, it walks right up to Shen and starts sniffing her, and lets Shen scratch it behind the ears. Shen is ecsatic and turns to Splinter who's jused glaring at the deer. The deer then starts harassing Splinter for treats, and it's only when Splinter starts talking to it, and Shen realises that he's having an actual conversation with it, that she figures out it's not a normal deer.
After the deer has left she asks why he was so standoffish with it. IT KNOWS WHAT IT DID, is the only answer she gets, and she finds it very funny how irritated Splinter is with it.
After his memory problems are sorted out, he still goes into New York at 2 am every night, but it's mostly to do his rounds and check up on his territory and the ghosts within it. Once he's done his rounds, he'll meet up with Shen at her apartment and they have a drink before he heads back home.
If she's staying over at the Lair, they still have a drink, but it's whilst sat in bed or on the back porch.
One night when he arrives, Splinter's fur is a mess and he's bleeding ectoplasm, but looks incredibly happy. Turns out he bit Spiderbytz - he'd been wanting to do it for years and finally had a good reason to do it. This is how Shen finds out it's socially acceptable for ghosts to bite each other... she is somewhat jealous, because she has/ had coworkers who, if biting them was a viable option, she'd have done it.
After meeting Spiderbytz, she's like "Yoshi, you should kick his ass again."
Splinter's prey drive takes a while for her to get used to. He's at the point now where he knows not to leave dead rabbits on her window sill (he did this with the Turtles, and even though it didn't bother them, it did give the care home staff several heart attacks), but the temptation to bring her dead animals is still there. Like "I brought dinner!" taken to another level. Also this instinct is mixed in with memories of what it's like to starve and not have a reliable food source, so part of it is a compulsive need to make sure his loved ones don't go hungry. This is a long winded way of saying sometimes she opens the fridge after he's visited, and there's a whole dead animal in there, like a rabbit or bird that he's already skinned. Next to it is a cute note. Shen finds it disturbing, yet oddly endearing.
(It's also on a list of things he does that would be weird as hell if a human did it, but seem normal coming from him e.g. hissing at stuff he doesn't like.)
These two enjoy sparring with one another. Shen enjoys testing herself against a master, and Splinter finds fighting fun in general.
Also fighting for ghosts and demons isn't inherently aggressive, (though telling the difference between a real fight and a play one can be difficult), so this is kinda like a bonding exercise for Splinter. Him and his kids fight a lot too, which is for similar reasons. (He takes great care to not harm anyone during these sparring matches. Like it's tonally the same as when lions play fight with their cubs)
Shen and Splinter have fallen asleep watching movies, and Shen wakes up hours later with him laying across her, still dead to the world. It's like cuddling a very soft thermal blanket and she approves
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frogonamelon · 1 year ago
Practically All of the Non Hamato and Non Villian characters
(also known as I have brainrot about my turtles’ world and wanted to share the human (or ‘human’) squad with you!)
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The closest manhole to the turtles’ lair is in the center of the courtyard of Arcadia Apartments, a small 2 story building with three apartments on each story, the owner’s apartment (although it's functionally abandoned), and a communal laundry/ other uses space. The residents of these apartments are the characters I want to share with you today!
April [Top Left]: A human woman in her early 20s just getting on her feet  while going for her degree in Anthropology at the local community college. She is an amateur journalist who runs a blog about local cryptids and legends that people think are fun but no one really believes. April finds out the truth about these cryptids on one fateful rainy night on her way home from a late night class.
Casey [Bottom Left]: A 20 something year old mechanic by day and vigilante by night under the name The Penalizer. Due to issues with his mom and his dad out of the picture, he lives with and has not so legally recognized custody of his younger sister (although he has a hard time being there for her with everything going on.) He has played every sport known to man but his true love is ice hockey. Despite all logic, he is a morning person. 
Angel [Not Depicted]: Casey’s 15 year old sister who has been mixed up with the Purple Dragons for some time. Due to Casey not being around to check her, she is able to go out with them without intervention.
Frankie and Sydney [Top Right]: A couple in their early 30s who live in the human world with their two young children: Sunita (age 5) and Timothy (age 2) [Not Depicted]. Frankie is an entertainer for rent at various establishments and events while Sydney works as a bartender at Run of the Mill. Sydney is a cool mom type with Frankie being a goofy doting husband. That one couple who give really good advice and are destined to be a cute old couple one day. 
Irma [Middle Left]: A type A very structured and successful hardass (affectionate) woman in her late 20s maybe early 30s. Irma works at Stockman Enterprises in one of their engineering labs. At least… as a cover. She is a robotic human suit being piloted by a smaller yokai being that resembles a gray alien.
Keno [Small in the Center]: A mid to late 20s man who's just living life and working as a delivery man. He games in his free time and is honestly living the most chill life of all of them. Can and absolutely will cook for everyone, as long as they pitch in financially of course. Is the first and only person April told about the turtles after that fateful night. When he inevitably joins forces with the turtles, he is backup tech support, hacking, manning drones, machines, and cameras from their lair (or his own apartment setup) whenever Donnie’s unable to in the field. 
Mei [Center Leftish]: I’m going to keep this brief as I’ve explained her backstory and role here. This is her in her younger days, back when she was more aggressive and inexperienced in the ways of the world outside the arena but after her defeat at the hands of Splinter/ Shen. Despite being a source of wisdom for her neighbors, I could see her becoming an antagonist with the right motivation.
This character doesn’t live with the others but I drew him here:
Yukichi [Bottom Right]: The cousin and mentee of Miyamoto Usagi. After an event in his past, he was shot through the multiverse, unable to find his way back. He travels around the multiverse as a ronin helping/ protecting people and exploring the various universes. He has a sword with the mystic power to control the wind (a la the mythology around Grasscutter and Yuichi having a mystic weapon). 
It's likely I’ll do a separate post about him someday and why I made this decision in depth, but it felt too strange to change Miyamoto this much, but this version of Leo doesn’t match Yuichi’s personality. I thought the premise of taking a naiver and more optimistic character and having him become more like his mentor through experience would be interesting.
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I just thought of this. Ever seen those videos where the girlfriend gets a mannequin head and puts it in bed next to her to make it look like there's someone else in bed with her? The boyfriend's reaction always comes out aggressive. Could you do a headcannon of S/O doing that exact prank to the turtles?
I'm hoping you get this request. I'm unsure if you got the other requests I've sent you.
omg this would not be funny for them and dw, I've gotten the other requests and I will do them, it's just I have a lot of requests at the moment so I'm just writing at my own pace. Thanks for your patience, bud!
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so, you set the whole thing up
you even dress the head in a hoodie and wig so it looks more real
but you did not expect his reaction
you lie in the bed once you hear him get home and try not to giggle thinking this would be a cute light hearted prank
the door opens, Leo begins to speak "y/n I was just thinking-"
then he goes silent
you don't move and pretend to be asleep
you feel Leo gently shake you to wake you up and the look on his face cuts you to your core
it's a mixture of sadness, betrayal, disgust and horror
"Really? In my bed? Look, it doesn't fucking matter. And whoever he is...When he wakes up just tell him to show himself out. You can pack up your things too. I just really thought you were better than this- than- I mean" his voice starts to break "Really? In our bed? You couldn't even pretend to have enough respect for me to go somewhere else and-"
it'[s all too much and you cut this prank short right there
"It's a mannequin head! Look, baby, it's not real! I would never, never ever cheat! Oh god I'm so sorry"
Leo feigns a smile, you can tell there's some relief in there for real but he's still riding this roller-coaster of pain
"you uh, you really got me"
it takes about a week for him to go back to normal with you
after that, pranks are off the table for good
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ok so you blame Mikey for this really
at the end of the day it was his idea
you're blameless really, right?
he said it would be fun to see the big barracuda blow up if he thought you had another man in bed with you so the onus in on him!
who are you kidding, this is all your fault
the prank starts how you would expect, but Raph's reaction is far from what you though it'd be
he walks in the room, throws down his gym bag and then you can sense his stiffen and feel an almost tightness in the room
that's when you hear it
a muffled little gasp and then he leaves the room
and he doesn't come back
this was not what you had in mind
so you follow him
he's no where to be found until you overhear it
"I just thought she was the one. I thought she felt the same but now...Did I drive her away, master Splinter?"
you feel a lump in your throat realising this wasn't funny, it was just hurtful
you run to your room to grab the head and run back to Splinter's quarters
you burst in the door and shove the head at him
"Not a real man- not- not real. Never- never cheat on- on you" you pant out, so out of breath from the short run. damn you're unfit.
Raph's eyes are puffy and swollen from crying
this really couldn't have gone further from what you had in mind
all he says is "why?"
you explain that Mikey said it would be funny and you assumed he's just punch the mannequin head and then figure it out an you'd all laugh
you cannot over apologise for the hurt you cause him
Raph is the little spoon that night, he needs to feel you holding him to know he's safe in this relationship again
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This...This was more of how you expected it to go
but still not quite
when Mikey walks in the room he notices straight away
he kind of just stands there for a moment and then
"bab- *eh hmm* y/n?"
that's a bad sign, no "babe" or "babycakes?"
yikes, not good
then you feel him kick the bed to "wake you"
when you look over at him, his fists are clenched, his jaw is tight and his eyes are welling up
you don't know if it's all from anger or what but you sense you made a mistake
"...Mikey" you begin, realising the fuck up
but he interrupts
"No, pack your shit. Now."
there's no sharpness to his voice, it isn't anger.
it's defeat
oh no
oh no no no no
he begins to walk out of the room but you jump out of bed and grab his arm
"It's a prank! It's just a prank, oh I'm so sorry!"
he still looks confused so you grab the head and show it to him
he wipes his eyes, playfully slaps the head on the cheek and says "well...You got me..."
but the damage has been done
now every time he walks into your room he scans the place to make sure no one's in there
his trust in you has been damaged although he never admits to that
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*and this was when y/n knew she'd fucked up* is all you could think when it went down
like the doting boyfriend he is, he walked into the bedroom to give you a glass of water
upon noticing the other presence in the room
that glass of water was promptly thrown on you and he stormed out
slamming the door behind him
all you could hear of him as he walked away was cursing and cussing and that thickness he gets in his voice when he's trying not to cry
of course you chase after him
"It's not real, Donnie, baby, it's not real!"
"I know what I saw, y/n!" he snaps back "You're really gonna tell me I didn't see you and HIM? Who is he? What's his name? Was he better than me? He's human right? just like you always wanted-"
it takes some time for you to calm him down
lots of "I hear you but please listen" and "can we take one breath" and "let me explain"
by this point the others have gotten involved, Donnie doesn't usually get this worked up so they wanna know what all the commotion is
Leo enters the room while the others try to make sense of it
"there's no one in there, Don" he says as he walks out
that's when Donnie goes silent
Leo holds up the mannequin head and points at it
"just this thing"
Donnie takes a deep breath and looks you in the eyes
"that was fucked up" is all he says before walking away
3 weeks, a lot of reassurance, some long talks about what he meant by "you always wanted a human" and lots of loving gestures later and you guys are almost back to normal
you are never, ever pulling some dumb prank you saw online on him ever again
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inkies-art · 2 years ago
Introducing my rottmnt oc, Marigold! Inspired by star_sparkler on twitter.
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shes a green sea turtle, she was mutated by donnie on behalf of raphs order, she has raphs dna giving her stronger scales and her human attributes.
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she doesnt like masks
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why she needed to be mutated
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they temporarily forgot they were already uncles
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bonding with peepaw splinter
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cuteness aggression
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the fam meets marigold (canon?)
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toothlesshat · 2 years ago
Ok but I really like the idea of Savage Raph, but like... if instead of becoming aggressive he just becomes super feral and protective of his brothers. Mikey, Donnie, and Leo are his hatchlings and he must protect them, creating nests, literally sitting on his brother's as he crouches over them protectively and growls. That's sort of thing
If this was to ever happen, I think it’d be during a lock down situation like Donnie shuts down the lair or they accidentally get locked in a building for an undetermined amount of time that freaks him out. Raph’s mind breaks from being alone but I imagine it can happen in situations like that.
On the other hand, it’d be cute if Raph has a mini-savage spell every brumation period! He’s so tired and the cold weather is so confusing that his mind fogs up and he resorts to his basic instincts when he’s like this. He’s not as dangerous and instead of turning on everyone, he’s the complete opposite and becomes the biggest mama bird ever- even to his own dad! And the turtles aren’t conscious enough to really register how weird it is for their big brother to be crawling on all fours and dragging them to a giant nest, but they’re comfortable so who cares. Splinter is the only one with a present mind and has a secret stash of pictures and videos of Raph during this state.
Raph arrange them all in a giant nest in a very specific way. Mikey is tucked in his arms (he needs the most physical touch), Leo is curled up on his stomach (neutral on touch) and Donnie is draped across his huge tail (doesn’t like to feel trapped). If Splinter joins, Raph will lay his head in his lap. If April joins, she’s between Donnie and Leo. If Casey joins, he’s between Leo and Mikey. Raph is extremely happy and content when his whole family is asleep with him :)
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lavenderpop · 2 years ago
some turtles for “The Revenge Game” aka a biblically accurate ninjas au, nothing here is finalized yet
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THIS IS A DARKER AU, yes it will have goofy moments and the sillies but for the most part it is dark. if this bothers you at all, SCROLL AWAY.
⚠️ CW: mentions of killing, underage smoking and drinking, manipulative characters, kidnapping, unhealthy pining (implied yandere-ish? idk for sure but just to be safe)
basically my take on “what if Splinter was a spiteful, bitter, old man filled with the urge for revenge and trained his children to become actual ninjas? y’know. the ones that kill people.”
it takes place in 2020 with them being ages 13-15. Donatello is the oldest, followed by the twins Raphael and Michelangelo, and then finally little Lee (i’m trying to figure out if i should go with a more feminine version of Leonardo or just keep it the same)
they came from different moms but all three women were married to Splinter! they were human before The Shredder mutated them, which happens about 12 years prior to the start of the plot. Donnie turned into a wood turtle, Raph turned into a spiny softshell, Mikey turned into a yellow-bellied slider, and Lee turned into a Japanese pond turtle. it is unknown what happened to their moms.
Donatello is a smarmy, narcissistic, grade A asshole. the only person he’s genuinely nice to is Lee, but he never shows it around other people. dude has daddy issues AND mommy issues. yikes. he makes some bad choices for himself health wise (aka he smokes and drinks behind Splinter’s back, rarely sleeps, etc.) and is probably the least gruesome when it comes to his kills due to his mysophobia, he does not want ANYBODY’S blood on his hands.
Raphael is more playful, outgoing, and frankly quite adorable. he’s pretty strong and tends to go overboard when he and Mikey roughhouse with each other due to him not fully grasping just how strong he is (he has accidentally broken Mikey’s arm TWICE growing up). despite being so sweet, he can get rather aggressive fast if one of two things happens 1.) you hurt his baby sister or 2.) you touch his shell. he’s a softshell, and those mfs can get HYPER AGGRESSIVE. other than that? he’s fine.
Michelangelo is… uh… manipulative, he knows he’s cute and he acts the part to get what he wants. the only person it doesn’t work on is Donnie (and that’s mainly because Donnie is just as manipulative as Mikey). he’s a prankster and rather acrobatic, he enjoys poking fun at people (mostly Lee) but can sometimes go TOO far with his teasing. but he doesn’t seem too sorry when he apologizes for whatever he said that made his baby sister cry…
Lee is sweet, endearing, and oh so adorable! she’s the incredibly tiny (4’5”) baby of the family and the only girl, which unfortunately makes Splinter force her through much more tougher training than the boys. it doesn’t help her locked up anger issues that are struggling to bust out and wreck havoc. Lee is the baby of the family, but there’s a little bit of each brother hidden away in her true persona, maybe moreso Donnie than the other two *cough cough* GOD COMPLEX *cough cough*.
I haven’t drawn them yet, but we also got April and Kirby Jr O’Neil, Casey Jones! Kirby Jr is April’s older sister, she’s 15 years old. April and Casey are 14 years old, their families have been next door neighbors since they were 6, and they do EVERYTHING together.
one day, April and Casey mysteriously go missing. both of their parents thought that they were at each other’s houses and didn’t think too much of it until about a week later when they hadn’t come to their respective homes. Kirby started actively searching for them all over the city until one night, a few months later, while she was chilling on the fire escape, she overheard voices mention April and Casey by name. she climbed up as quietly as possible to try and record the conversation to give to the police later and ended up getting discovered by Lee. she fought for her life and was nearly thrown off the roof by Donatello before getting kidnapped as well. but honestly? she had never seen anything or anyone nearly as beautiful as the purple clad turtle.
girlypop really fell in love at first sight and the asshole narcissist went “oh? bet.”
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exovapor · 4 years ago
My first attempt at headcannons for the guys as children.
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Fully blown oral fixation, a soothing mechanism for insecurities.  Stealing bottles and binkies from his brothers when Splinter wasn't looking.   
He would mainly steal from Donnie (hence D’s leaner frame).  
He targeted Donnie because Donnie’s personality made him was less likely to wail about his missing bottle and more likely to whimper in solitude.  Mikey was a wailer, drama queen in the making.
So attached to his oral soothing rituals that Splinter had to resort to hiding the binkies from Raph when it became obvious that he was WAY too old to be sucking on them.
Always referred to pacifiers as his binkies (never used the word pacifier or passey).
Once his binkies were “stolen away”, he started sticking other things in his mouth instead.  All his crayons, pens, and pencils would be chewed beyond recognition.  He swallowed more than one toy on accident (and had to wait to get it back...ew).  Eventually, moved on to more acceptable items such as lollipops and toothpicks,
What were his insecurities?  Total Middle Child Syndrome...jealousy.
Being the physically ‘bigger’ brother but not the eldest, he always had to submit to Leo’s authority.  Which made no sense to him.  He was big enough to take care of himself.
Resentful that Splinter didn’t think he was responsible enough to watch himself when Splinter left the lair on errands. 
Always thinking that Splinter favored Leo.  (It wasn’t true, Leo just carried responsibility well and could be trusted to make good decisions).
Always thought if they had a Mom that he would be her favorite and not Leo.
Would often watch TV shows with strong female characters and image them as his mother.  HIs favorites were Nell Carter and Roseanne Barr.  He liked their Direct-No-BS-Attitudes.
Another insecurity?  Not fond of the dark.  Needed a light source of some sort on at all times.
Had a Gloworm Doll he slept when until he was....well....he still has it.  It lays on his bed but he doesn’t sleep with it!  It’s just there, you know, it is sentimental.
Still sleeps with a night light on though.
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Was a pretty calm baby, as long as he was dry and fed.  If he wasn’t, total water works!
His personality was chill; however, with four others to cater to him, he was used to getting his way.  (Youngest Child Syndrome)
You had a toy he wanted, he wailed until he got it.  
You were watching TV and he wanted to watch Sesame Street, he cried crocodile tears until Splinter, or Leo, made you change the channel.
Was the one who took the longest to potty train.  Splinter still thinks of that lesson as his most fought after achievement as a father!
Oh, and Mikey didn’t like keeping his diapers on either....so, watch where you step!
Was that nudist child, always taking off his clothes and running au naturel all day long.
About the only article of clothing he ever put on voluntarily was his superhero cape.  (What a sight!  Supehero, naked kid).
Would steal Raph’s chewed up crayons and pens and draw on every surface in the lair...then blame it on Donnie. (poor Donnie...not that Splinter ever believed Mikey).
Had a major crush on Barbie.  Watched all her commercials with enthusiasm.  (And God FORBID if you changed the channel during a Barbie commercial!)
Had his own Barbie doll that he’d cuddle with every night.  Actually, still has that Barbie, but she lost her clothes long ago.....also falsely blamed on Donnie.
Other childhood crushes include Kelly from Saved By The Bell, Ashley Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Topanga from Boy Meets World (although he and Donnie often fought over her).  
Well...that is until Mikey discovered Bay Watch.
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Was a very quiet, observant baby.  Generally, very calm and non-demanding.
He out grew toys just as quickly as his stretching frame out grew clothes.  They just didn’t keep his interest.
Learned to walk, talk, and potty train all in the same week 
Splinter was grateful for the potty training skill but the talking skill brought headaches.
Donnie was that “why” kid.  
Everything he saw or that was said to him, he had to ask “why”.  Then, when you gave him an answer, he’d ask “why” about the answer!  He wanted to know everything about everything...the kid was exhausting.
Nearly 24/7 Splinter had a lanky kid following him around asking why this and why that.  Splinter was ecstatic when technology advanced enough for Donnie to research information on his own.
Well, that is until Donnie found the more...au naturel... side of the internet.
Splinter still believes Donnie was the poster child for the implementation of Parental Controls.
The only actual toy that Donnie really took to was his plush Hulk Hogan doll.  Splinter thought it was cute that Donnie attached so strongly to the red bandana figure, it must of reminded Donnie of his older brother Raph.
Strange how often Donnie beat up on that doll though...like he had some pent-up aggression towards his bigger brother for some reason.
Donnie and Leo were the wrestling fans of the family.  They would never miss a show.  Jumping around and grappling for hours afterwards and usually breaking something in the lair to Splinter’s dismay.
Fought with Mikey over Topanga from Boy Meets World, because she was so cute AND smart, until he discovered Madame Curie (smart science women are HOT!).
Got tattled on, to Splinter, by Leo, for knowing a “Madam”.
Still to this day prints out pictures of Madame Curie photoshopped in a dominatrix outfit and posts them randomly in Leo’s room.
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A very CLINGY baby.
The type that will not sleep unless you are holding him and then will wake up the moment you try to put him down.
Even in the crawling stage he would chasing Splinter to wherever he was and cling to his robe.
Cooking?  Leo’s hanging on to the robe.  Washing dishes?  Leo’s hanging on to the robe.  Meditating?  Leo’s crawled into your lap.  Showering?  Leo’s crying outside the shower stall until you get out.
In fact, the only way Splinter taught Leo to walk was to take the sash off his robe and put it in the toddler’s hand so that Leo thought he had a hold of Splinter.
Enjoyed watching wrestling with Donnie, loved to practice the moves on Donnie so that he could be experienced enough to use them on Raph.
LOVED board games as a kid (namely Clue, Risk, and Battle Ship).  Heck, who’s he kidding?  He still does!  Don’t ever agree to play with him, you’ll be playing for HOURS (food and sleep be damned!).
As a kid Leo grew more focused on winning his father’s approval through helping to parent this brothers.  
Bonus?  He got to boss them around!
When Splinter would leave the lair on errands he would leave Leo in charge, Leo it called it “Do What Leo Says” time.
More often than not, the entire time was spent with Leo and Raph arguing and the two younger brothers running amuck.  Donnie surfing God knows what sites on the internet and naked Super Mikey trying to see if turtles can really fly.
Love to tell Raph that he saw monsters under their beds or ghosts in their rooms just to even the score for causing trouble when Splinter left the lair.
Feels slightly bad about that now....after all, this HUGE hulk of a brother still sleeps with a Gloworm for goodness sake!
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umbrastar · 2 years ago
ROTTMNT rewatch S1 episodes 1-5 notes
I’m rewatching ROTTMNT to get a better understanding of the characters. I’m going 5 episodes at a time to pace myself and so that these posts don’t get too long. 
Here are some notes and thoughts I wrote on the characters:
 “What? I can’t make a joke in the middle of the craziest thing ever That’s how I cope” (Mystic Mayhem) 
The one to grab splinter’s medallion (Mystic Mayhem)
 Rejects all the dangerous looking missions and start acting heroic over stopping a paper thief. (Origami Tsunami)
 And then creates a plan of making a paper shop (Origami Tsunami)
Realizes that they are getting nowhere fighting paper goons and wants to take out the source (Origami Tsunami)
His jokes get booed (Donnie’s Gifts)
Wants matching unicorn onesies for the “must say yes” stage (Down with the Sickness)
Names the “must say yes" stage (Down with the Sickness)
Assigned by raph to smooth talk interrogate when turtle tank is stolen at the pizza place (The Fast and the Furriest)
 Came up with a plan where mikey held on to meatsweat’s truck while he portaled MS’s acid behind him. (The Fast and the Furriest)
Thoughts so far: Leo is pretty clever and comes up with several ideas. He’s also pretty theatrical and enjoys playing the hero, though he can sometimes have enough sense to figure out when things are over his head. Makes a lot of puns, though his joking is definitely a coping mechanism as well. He’s pretty self aware about this.
The funniest, according to splinter.  (Mystic Mayhem)
 “yeah, jury’s in. that was imitation crab” –right after a guy gets mutated. Everyone looks at him weirdly, even leo.  (Mystic Mayhem)
Doesn’t take magic weapon  (Mystic Mayhem)
 “and that’s why I like fighting the old-fashioned way: with impossibly futuristic high-tech weaponry “  (Mystic Mayhem)
 Leo describes donnie’s emotionless passion as his thing (Origami Tsunami)
Tries to fix his brothers through passive aggressive gifts (Donnie’s Gifts)
 Afraid of beachballs (War and Pizza)
 April calls on him whenever she needs something fixed  (War and Pizza)
 Tries to improve albearto so he can dazzle  (War and Pizza)
“oh you’re so cute, but so mean! Why do I always go for your type”  (War and Pizza)
 Donnie is more immune to Todd’s niceness, though eventually he decides to build a new place for the puppies to stay (Repo Mantis)
Wants Uranium for the “must say yes” stage because it’s useful (Down with the Sickness)
Let raph have control of the turtle tank (The Fast and the Furriest)
 “purple is a monster. He will fry my tv so all I get is educational shows” -splinter  (The Fast and the Furriest)
About to blow up the tank with his dad in it (The Fast and the Furriest)
Has a crush on atomic lass, a tv character (Mascot Melee)
Thoughts: Donnie is pretty funny with a dry sense of humor. Sometimes his jokes are inappropriately timed. Trusts his technology over his ability to use magic weapons. Described as emotionless and isn’t easily moved to sympathy. Tries to mechanically fix and improve things and people. Likes bad girls.
The one to notice Mayhem first and go to help (“animals love me”, mayhem doesnt) (Mystic Mayhem)
“don’t worry. Raph will pull it off! Cause if he doesn’t we’ll lose our best friend forever” “Mikey don’t say that. You know he cracks under pressure”  “Leo, don’t say that. He’s more self-conscious when you talk about it. And then you can smell his fear” (Mikey + Leo + Donnie) (Mystic Mayhem)
Doesn’t always think thinks through or realize the implications of things, Donnie gives him a gift to fix his recklessness  (Donnie’s Gifts)
Very obviously doesn’t like donnie’s gift but doesn’t want to say so donnie’s feelings aren’t hurt  (Donnie’s Gifts)
Hes not good at making plans (Donnie’s Gifts)
Doesn’t know what he wants in the “must say yes” stage (Down with the Sickness)
Drives the turtle tank (The Fast and the Furriest)
Allergic to peanuts (Mascot Melee)
Don’t make fun of his teddy bear (Mascot Melee)
Thoughts: The oldest and the leader. Under a lot of pressure and freaks out if this is brought to his attention. Generally takes things the most seriously. Straightforward; his solution is often punching things and he isn’t a planner. His brothers rely on him and follow his lead, regardless. Very sweet and considerate but has a temper that can go off on occasion. Does not always know what he wants for himself.
Able to recognize the M on the wall matched the symbol on splinter’s do not touch cabinet (Mystic Mayhem)
 “How about you let the artist of the crew take it?”  (Mystic Mayhem)
Perfectly imitates the M symbol.  (Mystic Mayhem)
 Razzmatazz. Likes to flip around. Donnie is a little worried that his stunts will hurt him. (Donnie’s Gifts)
“Does Donnie really think I’m a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don’t hurt myself?” (Donnie’s Gifts)
The only one to if warren stone is ok when he is cut in 2 (Newsworthy)
Described as too soft to be tough (Repo Manits)
Likes puppies and doesn’t want to betray todd (Repo Mantis)
Wants a brick oven for the “must say yes” stage (Down with the Sickness)
Thoughts: Mikey is generally carefree and fun-loving. He is artistic and displays great visual memory. Enjoys flipping around fancily. Sympathetic. HIs brothers are the most overprotective and gentle towards him. He takes offense to how Donnie is worried that he’ll hurt himself with his fighting style.
Has the keys to a pool to enable the turtles plan  (Mystic Mayhem)
Explores the city thing under new York and finds the weapons room  (Mystic Mayhem)
Just runs in with a weapon to try and break mayhem out of a cage (Mystic Mayhem)
Job hunt (War and Pizza)
Is a very good singer (War and Pizza)
Lmao when they accused her of stealing the turtle tank she kicked them out  (The Fast and the Furriest)  
Thoughts: April is very quick to jump into action and explore. She is pretty fearless and multi-talented. There is a running gag where she looks for jobs. Big sis. The turtles enjoy hanging out with her and she calls them when she needs them.
Does not want to lend tv (Origami Tsunami)
Calls boys by color (Origami Tsunami)
Steals the vehicle and doesn’t want his sons finding out (The Fast and the Furriest)
Fears donnie’s punishments (The Fast and the Furriest)
Rides in a vehicle with meatsweats who tries to cook him (The Fast and the Furriest)
Wears a tattered-up robe  (Mascot Melee)
Loves the robe the turtles give them and decides to save it for special occasions (Mascot Melee)
Thoughts: These first few episodes establish him as neglectful to his kids and willing to take advantage of them. He doesn’t call them by name, he sits in front of the TV often watching Lou Jitsu, and he steals the Turtle Tank and rides with Meatsweats because he doesn’t want to get caught. Doesn’t seem to take care of himself either judging by his robe.
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