#custom duty india
seair04 · 1 year
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Effortlessly calculate customs duties with Seair's Custom Duty Calculator. Our powerful tool simplifies the process of determining import/export duties, making international trade easier than ever before. Try Seair's Custom Duty Calculator today and take the hassle out of customs clearance.
For More contact:-
Website= https://www.seair.co.in/Custom-Duty.aspx
Call :- +91 9990837766
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avanti4027 · 1 year
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What Are the Most Advantages Of Paper Shredding For Businesses?
Although it is a secure and practical method of getting rid of documents, shredding does not truly destroy the paper. As a result, you will still need to make plans for its collection and recycling if you decide to shred paper on your own property. Using a reputable document destruction service ensures that all of the data on your papers is securely destroyed and that the paper will be taken out for recycling after it has been shred. You can protect your brand, your customer connections, the security of your business, and the privacy of your employees by selecting a reputable document shredding service.
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scmcube · 1 year
Union Budget 2023-24
According to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's speech in Lok Sabha on February 1, 2023. There were minor changes in the basic customs duties, cesses and surcharges on some items including Toys, Bicycles, Automobiles and Naphtha.
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impexcube · 2 years
Import Duty Calculator in India
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We at Impexcube have launched free Customs Duty Structure for Imports & Exports.
Captcha or Password not required to access our Duty Structure
Use this quick tool to view import duty & taxes with updated Notification number & Serial numbers.
While accessing the Duty Structure you will be required to enter the RITC / Product and Country.
Based on the RITC, you can get CCR & Single window details, FTA details like Notification No & serial number with relevenat supporting documents codes also.
Duty Rates shown are now fast and easy to find and integrating services into your business system has never been easier.
View Duty Structure
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fraudaware1 · 2 years
অচেনা ব্যক্তি অনলাইনে আপনার সঙ্গে বন্ধুত্ব বানাতে চাইবে এবং কিছুদিনের মধ্যেই একটি মূল্��বান গিফট আর টাকা আপনার জন্য পাঠাবে। তারাই আবার কিছুদিন পর কাস্টম অফিসার সেজে আপনাকে বলবে আপনার নামে বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা ও বিদেশী প্রোডাক্ট আছে যেটি ভারতে ব্যবহার করতে গেলে আপনাকে ফাইন দিতে হবে না হলে তারা পুলিশ কেস করতে বাধ্য হবে |
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racefortheironthrone · 5 months
Would you put Louis XIV as overrated?
Oof, that's a tough one.
It's particularly hard to answer because the reign of the Sun King also saw the tenure of some of the most influential chief ministers in French history: Mazarin, and Colbert.
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While perhaps not quite as famous as a certain cardinal whose schemes kept getting foiled by the Three Musketeers, these guys were world-historically important.
Mazarin was Richelieu's political heir, and brought his predecessor's policy of using the Thirty Years War as a way to break the back of Hapsburg dominance to a successful conclusion. The Peace of Westphalia not only served as the foundation for modern international relations, but also expanded France's position in Alsace and the Rhineland - especially when Mazarin pulled off an anti-Hapsburg alliance with the new League of the Rhine.
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At the same time that France was winning the Franco-Spanish War, which won them a big chunk of territory in the Low Countries around Artois, Luxembourg, and parts of Flanders, and all of the territory north of the Pyrenees Mountains including French Catalonia. It also got Louis XIV the hand of Maria Teresa, which would eventually create the catalyst for the War of Spanish Succession and the War of Austrian Succession...
And while Mazarin was doing all of this, he was also busy crushing the Fronde uprising led by le Grand Condé, which he eventually accomplished in 1653, and creating a formidble system of centralized royal government through the intendants that ended the power of the feudal nobility.
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As for Colbert, he was the guy who figured out how to pay for all of this. The single biggest reason why economists need to shut the fuck up when they talk about mercantilism, Colbert was the financial and economic genius of his age. Remember all those canals I'm so crazy about? Colbert built them. Specifically, he was responsible for the Canal des Deux Mers, transforming France's economy by linking the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.
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He also turbo-charged France's economic development by restructing public debt to reduce interest payments and cracking down on tax farmers, reforming (although not ultimately solving) the taxation system of the Ancien Régime by using indirect taxes to get around tax evasion by the First and Second Estate, equalizing (but not ending) internal customs duties, and putting the power of the state into supporting French commerce and manufacturing. This included significant tariffs to support domestic producers, direct public investments into lace and silk manufacturing, and the creation of joint-stock corporations like the French East India Company. (This also meant Colbert's direct promotion of the slave trade and the Code Noir in order to generate hugely profitable investments in Haitian sugar and tobacco plantations for import into France and the rest of Europe.)
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This makes it a little difficult to separate out what credit belongs to these guys versus the guy who hired them. What I can say is that Louis was directly responsible for Versailles, but also for the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
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scifiseries · 7 months
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Analogue pocket India ? Worth buying ? Other options? Custom duties? Import prices ? AND MUCH MORE IN THIS FAQ
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
French farming unions are taking aim at the European Union’s free-trade agreements, which they say open the door to unfair competition from products arriving from overseas. At a time when the EU is urging farmers to adopt more sustainable – and sometimes more costly – agricultural practices, unions say these trade deals are making it hard for them to stay solvent.
French farmers say that one of their biggest fears is that Chilean apples, Brazilian grains and Canadian beef will flood the European market, thereby undermining their livelihoods. France’s farmers continued to demonstrate on the country’s motorways on Wednesday, protesting against rising costs, over-regulation and free-trade agreements –partnerships between the EU and exporting nations that the farming unions say leads to unfair competition. 
The EU has signed several free-trade agreements in recent years, all with the objective of facilitating the movement of goods and services. But farmers say the deals bring with them insurmountable challenges.
"These agreements aim to reduce customs duties, with maximum quotas for certain agricultural products and non-tariff barriers," said Elvire Fabry, senior researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute, a French think-tank dedicated to European affairs. "They also have an increasingly broad regulatory scope to promote European standards for investment, protection of intellectual property, geographical indications and sustainable development standards."
South American trade deal in the crosshairs
Some non-EU countries – such as Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland – maintain comprehensive free-trade agreements with the EU because they are part of the European Economic Area. This allows them to benefit from the free movement of goods, services, capital and people.
Other nations farther afield have signed more variable agreements with the EU, including Canada, Japan, Mexico, Vietnam and Ukraine. The EU also recently signed an accord with Kenya and a deal with New Zealand that will come into force this year; negotiations are also under way with India and Australia.    
However, a draft agreement between the EU and the South American trade bloc Mercosur is creating the most concern. Under discussion since the 1990s, this trade partnership between Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay would create the world's largest free-trade area, a market encompassing 780 million people. 
French farmers are particularly concerned about the deal’s possible effect on agriculture. The most recent version of the text introduces quotas for Mercosur countries to export 99,000 tonnes of beef, 100,000 tonnes of poultry and 180,000 tonnes of sugar per year, with little or no customs duties imposed. In exchange, duties would also be lowered on exports from the EU on many “protected designation of origin” (PDO) products. 
At a time when the EU is urging farmers to adopt more sustainable agricultural practices, French unions say these agreements would open the door to massive imports – at more competitive prices – of products that do not meet the same environmental standards as those originating in Europe. French farmers are calling out what they say is unfair competition from farmers in South America who can grow GMO crops and use growth-promoting antibiotics on livestock, which is banned in the EU. 
Trade unions from various sectors went into action after the European Commission informed them on January 24 that negotiations with Mercosur could be concluded "before the end of this mandate", i.e., before the European Parliament elections in June.      
The FNSEA, France’s biggest farming union, immediately called for a "clear rejection of free-trade agreements" while the pro-environmental farming group Confédération Paysanne (Farmers' Confederation) called for an "immediate end to negotiations" on this type of agreement.   
A mixed record
"In reality, the impact of these free-trade agreements varies from sector to sector," said Fabry. "Negotiations prior to agreements aim to calibrate the opening up of trade to limit the negative impact on the most exposed sectors. And, at the same time, these sectors can benefit from other agreements. In the end, it's a question of finding an overall balance."
This disparity is glaringly obvious in the agricultural sector. "The wine and spirits industry as well as the dairy industry stand to gain more than livestock farmers, for example," said Fabry. These sectors are the main beneficiaries of free-trade agreements, according to a 2023 report by the French National Assembly.
"The existence of trade agreements that allow customs duty differentials to be eliminated is an 'over-determining factor' in the competitiveness of French wines," wrote FranceAgriMer, a national establishment for agriculture and maritime products under the authority of the French ministry of agriculture in a 2021 report. The majority of free-trade agreements lower or abolish customs duties to allow the export of many PDO products, a category to which many wines belong.
However, the impact on meat is less clear-cut. While FranceAgriMer says the balance between imports and exports appears to be in the EU's favour for pork, poultry exports seem to be declining as a result of the agreements. Hence the fears over the planned treaty with New Zealand, which provides for 36,000 tonnes of mutton to be imported into the EU, equivalent to 45% of French production in 2022. France,however, still has a large surplus of grains except for soya. 
‘A bargaining chip’
Beyond the impact on agriculture, "this debate on free-trade agreements must take into account other issues", said Fabry. "We are in a situation where the EU is seeking to secure its supplies and in particular its supplies of strategic minerals. Brazil's lithium, cobalt, graphite and other resource reserves should not be overlooked."
The agreement with Chile should enable strategic minerals to be exported in exchange for agricultural products. Germany strongly supports the agreement with Mercosur, as it sees it as an outlet for its industrial sectors, according to Fabry.
"In virtually all free-trade agreements, agriculture is always used as a bargaining chip in exchange for selling cars or Airbus planes," Véronique Marchesseau, general-secretary of the Confédération Paysanne, told AFP.
Michèle Boudoin, president of the French National Sheep Federation, told AFP that the agreement with New Zealand will "destabilise the lamb market in France".  
"We know that Germany needs to export its cars, that France needs to sell its wheat, and we're told that we need an ally in the Pacific tocounter China and Russia. But if that is the case, then we need help to be able to produce top-of-the-line lamb, for example," she said.
Finally, "there is a question of influence", said Fabry. "These agreements also remain a way for the EU to promote its environmental standards to lead its partners along the path of ecological transition, even if this has to be negotiated," said Fabry. 
Marc Fesneau, the French minister of agriculture, made the same argument. "In most cases, the agreements have been beneficial, including to French agriculture," Fesneau wrote on X last week, adding: "They will be even more so if we ensure that our standards are respected."
Mercosur negotiations suspended? 
As the farmers’ promised “siege” of Paris and other major locations across France continues, the French government has been trying to reassure agricultural workers about Mercosur, even though President Emmanuel Macron and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva relaunched negotiations in December. "France is clearly opposed to the signing of the Mercosur treaty," Prime Minister Gabriel Attal acknowledged last week.
The Élysée Palace even said on Monday evening that EU negotiations with the South American bloc had been suspended because of France's opposition to the treaty. The conditions are "not ripe" for concluding the negotiations, said Eric Mamer, spokesman for the European Commission. "However, discussions are ongoing." 
Before being adopted, the agreement would have to be passed unanimously by the European Parliament, then ratified individually by the 27 EU member states.
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There was joyful chaos in the regimental mess rooms. None of the units was ready for overseas duty; there were families to resettle, debts to pay, equipment to purchase, and ranks to fill. Few of the junior officers had been on active service before, and the military outfitters did a thriving business on a cash basis. "When gentlemen are going out as you are, sir, it is always a case of ready money," said one tailor; and a bootmaker shook his head over Isandhlwana with: "Sad business, sir, very sad. We lost three customers by it." White's in Aldershot was filled with piles of freshly purchased buckets, pillows, canteens, valises, collapsible tubs, water filter bags, tables, chairs and bedsteads, all to be painted with the owner's name, rank and regiment and most of it perfectly useless on campaign.
- Donald R. Morris, The Washing of the Spears; The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation, 1965
The pith helmets of the Coldstream Guards, Grenadier Guards, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Fusiliers,  Royal Horse Guards, and the Indian Lancers.
These pith helmets belonging to these British Army regiments saw action in Sudan, Egypt, The Boer War, and British India.
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thyramalie · 1 year
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King George II of the Hellenes and Joyce Brittain-Jones.
“During the latter part of his exile he had developed a strong attachment towards an English woman J—[Joyce Brittain-Jones] whom he had met while on a visit in India as the guest of the Viceroy, Lord Willingdon. King George's sentiments were reciprocated by this extremely attractive and highly intelligent lady, but though the relationship helped to fill the emotional vacuum in his life and was to endure until his death, the need to keep it secret imposed an additional strain. [...] Although King George had fought tenaciously for his constitutional right to return to Greece at the end of the war, his efforts had been a compulsion of duty rather than a labour of love. The thought of being plunged once again into the soul-destroying arena of political strife that he could still remember from before the war, added to the strains and bitter disappointment of the recent years, was a prospect too painful for him to contemplate. [...]”
“There was another consideration: his emotional attachment to J—, the Englishwoman who had been sharing his life for some years now, had become an increasingly important factor in his calculations, and he was no longer prepared passively to contemplate a future in which this relationship could only continue furtively and intermittently as in the past. What he now yearned for was to be able to abandon the turmoil and the responsibilities of high office and be free to lead the quiet and dignified life of an English gentleman to which his character and temperament made him ideally suited. [...]”
King George II died from heart failure brought on by coronary thrombosis on 1 April 1947, aged fifty-six.
“The death of King George was so sudden and unexpected that the news was received with incredulity at first - some people thought it was a sick April Fool's Day joke, others who heard the church bells tolling in the afternoon thought they were for the Oecumenical Patriarch, who had been lying gravely ill in an Athens clinic for some days. [...] After lying in state in the Cathedral for three days King George's body was taken to Tatoi for burial. It is a tradition initiated by King George I when he bought the estate that all members of the Royal family should choose for themselves the precise spot in the grounds where they wish to be laid to rest. It is also a tradition that the reigning monarch shall place a stone each year on the spot he has chosen for himself. King George had followed this custom, selecting a quiet shaded place under the trees not far from the tiny chapel on the hill-top and it was to this spot that his body was brought on 6 April. Only the members of the family were present for the simple burial service, but when the moment came to lower the coffin into the ground [Queen] Frederica looked round, searching for someone. She went over to where J—, who had been brought from London for the funeral by Princess Marina, was standing discreetly in the background; putting her arm around her, Frederica helped the weeping woman to the graveside among the members of the family.”
Source: No Ordinary Crown by Stelio Hourmouzios
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seair04 · 1 year
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Are you paying high custom duty charges on your imports in India? Don't worry! We help you to navigate the complex custom duty India procedures. Our custom duty specialists analyze your imports and provide you with customized solutions to help you save on your custom duty charges.
For More contact:-
Website= https://www.seair.co.in/Custom-Duty.aspx
Call :- +91 9990837766
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taytaysteps · 3 months
So, if I wanted to get a TTPD album here in India, what kind of customs, taxes, duties, etc would I need to pay?
Like do others of you who buy the albums here, how has your experience been? In the past I have heard instances of people paying double the actual album prices for international albums. So, I really need to know. This is the first time I am buying something offshore.
(I really can't afford to deal with hefty dues and fees)
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payperindia · 1 month
What is Bagging Machine? - Payper India
A bagging machine is a type of industrial equipment used to automate the process of filling and sealing bags with various products. These machines are widely used in different industries, such as food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and agriculture, to efficiently package goods ranging from powders and granules to liquids and solids.
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Image Ref : What is Bagging Machine — Payper India
Key Functions of Bagging Machines:
Filling: The machine accurately dispenses a pre-set amount of product into each bag. This can be achieved through various mechanisms, such as volumetric fillers, auger fillers, or weigh scales, depending on the nature of the product being packaged. Click here for Ref : www.payperindia.com
Sealing: After the bag is filled, the machine seals it to ensure the product is contained and protected. Sealing methods can include heat sealing, ultrasonic sealing, or using adhesive tapes, depending on the bag material and the product requirements. Click here for Ref : www.payperindia.com
Cutting/Trimming: Some bagging machines also trim excess material from the sealed bags to ensure a neat and uniform appearance. Click here for Ref : www.payperindia.com
Types of Bagging Machines:
Valve Bagging Machines: Designed for heavy-duty products such as cement, sand, or chemicals, these machines fill bags through a valve and then seal the valve to prevent leakage. Click here for Ref : www.payperindia.com
Open-Mouth Bagging Machines: Used for bulk products like grains, animal feed, or fertilizers, these machines fill pre-made bags that are manually or automatically positioned under the filling spout. Click here for Ref : www.payperindia.com
FIBC- Jumbo Bagging Machine: A jumbo bagging machine, or bulk bag filling machine, is designed to fill large bags (500–2000 kg) with bulk materials.
Why Payper ?
Payper India develops and manufactures bagging machines for all types of bulk solids such as powders or granulates. Other important product lines are palletizers and complete lines.
Our customers come from many different sectors, e.g., Chemical Industry, Agro-food Industry, Mining Industry and Building Industry. Payper India offers a comprehensive solution for each sector.
No need or demand is too small neither too big for us. We supply bagging machines for smaller industries with low volume requirements. We also provide complete turnkey projects for customers with high demands as to capacity and speed.
What matters to us is that our customer is comfortable and satisfied with the solution we have developed for them
Visit Payper at — https://www.payperindia.com/
Business LinkedIn -http://bit.ly/45Y1xMQ
Twitter — https://twitter.com/PayperIndia
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/payperindia/
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impexcube · 2 years
Duty Calculator in India
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IMPEX Cube specialize in the integration of Indian Customs (EDI) Unit and also DGFT System based on specific corporate structure and take regional also national legal requirement into account. We ensure efficient customs operation and compliance with the legal framework. All in one platform for Customs & trade compliance database, graphical user interface (GUI), maintenance and support service in India.
We provide our customer with high Quality, web based, user friendly suite of software product which undergo continuous enhancements and development. we want to establish ” IMPEXCube ” as a global standard for quality in our area of expertise.
Benefit's of IMPEXCube :
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Customs Online Filing : Anywhere Any Time access and centralize your branches.
Document Management System at share point for Internal / External Branches.
Check your Duty Calculator and CCR Compliance instantly.
Mandatory Document alert for e-sanchit compliance with amendment.
Automated for e-sanchit process in jobs.
Notification Alert for Benefits and FTA (Carotar 2020 rules).
15/6* Customer support for Customs filing.
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