#cushioned mouse pad
taintedco · 7 months
Stream Comfortably
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Streaming for 12-24+ hours can be difficult on the body. The chair may become uncomfy and so much more including hand cramping and the desk hurting your wrist but there is a solution for that. 
Upper Echelon Products has all kinds of cushions to make you comfy no matter what it is. 
They have foot rest, seat cushions  back pillows that goes into chairs, mouse pad with cushion, desk mat that is RGB which is cool. 
This company is all about being comfy because they have so much more than that like pillows, blankets, and other household items. 
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goopyguy · 4 months
just watched etho's latest hermitcraft and i can't believe i haven't seen posts about this yet we got a new etho photo.. we get to see his fucked desk set up from etho ethoslab himself..
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lordtonic · 2 years
how shall I spend my evening that has no homework because I got it done early?
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curelshop · 2 years
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sxplict · 1 month
⠀⠀𓋜 warnings : fem! reader. ōral [m receiving]. choking. spit. praising. tongue piercing. hair pulling. dacryphila. [.5k]
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⠀⠀ " baby you’re the baddest , nobody else matters girl. "
streetracer getō . . . that loves when your precious plump lips are wrapped firmly around the girth of his dick. the elevating tingle of your stainless steel tongue piercing raking alongside his veined base , his tip prodding your delicate uvula with each stroke you glided against him.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀oh how he adored watching your teary-eyed expression contort with every buck he shoved down your throat. the black-induced liquid that tainted your beloved face , an impression he loved dearly. your acrylic covered fingers wrapped the end of his dick that couldn’t fit into your mouth , gripping and twisting his skin which earned you a few grunted moans from your boyfriend.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" you’re such a damn tease , love. " rasp and hoarse , his tone lingered your senses like an intoxicating pheromone.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀thick , sleek , and calloused fingers made their way to the top of your head , a stern grasp tangling within your thick curls whilst he shushed your pathetic cries. deepening his length into your mouth was music to his ears as gags vibrated the sides of his dick. the girth far too wide to fit any deeper. all you could cough up was saliva that coaxed his base , your fingers kneading it into your strokes along his end.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀hazed eyes tried so desperately to keep contact with Suguru , though with how drunk you were from the sheer amount of booze you both shared prior to jumping into the back seat of his 2003 Nissan Fairlady 350z , that was almost impossible. His whispers of raw accolade did absolutely nothing to soothe the burning fuel that boiled within your abdomen , hums and whimpers dripping from your tongue while your lower half squirmed like a mouse.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" f— fuck , y/n , just like that , baby~ " his words only worsened your state , head maneuvering at a more frequent pace with squelches and slurps filling all silence within his vehicle.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀one arm rested atop the head cushions in the backseat of his car , the other containing a solid hold against your head. his own tossed back as he allowed the alcohol to likewise consume his system , the euphoric feeling of your warm mouth practically swallowing his dick whole all the more enthralling.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the only thing keeping him from truly getting lost in the burning pleasure was your piercing dragging his walls , his urges to fuck your face settling as he struggled to contain himself from doing so. the thought was just too overwhelming , hips thrusting his entire length into your throat every other minute.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the popping sound that erupted from your lips each time you pulled his dick from your mouth was deafening , saliva dripping from your corners and lubricating his delicate tip. thumb pads found their way to his slit , rubbing your mixed liquids through it and earning a stomach churning moan from the man himself. teeth pulled the fat of your lip into your mouth as you continued to tease his climax , one hand fondling his tip whilst the other worked twists against his base.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" keep .. f— fuckin' .. doin' that … 'nd i'll make ya .. regret it. " his broken threats were merely muffled out by the sounds of his own groans , a devious grin forging your expression.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀silence was your response as you lowered your head once more , oh so slowly dragging your tongue up the bottom of his base and through the slit of his tip. spinal chills spiraled Suguru’s back , a knuckled fist brought to his teeth all the while you continued to prologue his eager release.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀if not for his itching climax , he’d have you bent over the middle console with himself buried ball deep inside you. the more you taunted him , the closer his release inched up. not a damn thing helped , especially not when you puckered your lips around his tip and sucked his pre-cum from it , your tongue dancing across his slit yet again. eyes rolled and heads tossed at the ecstatic endurance he faced , hips subconsciously bucking his dick into your mouth yet again. though , this time he quickly took advantage of your vulnerability and placed his hand against the back of your head.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the moment you felt his rough palm against your scalp , you knew you’d fucked up. and he made sure you stared right into his piercing gaze as he vigorously abused every inch and crevice of your mouth. hands pathetically clawed at his inner thighs , eyes continuously rolling white with saliva dripping onto the leather fabric of his seats.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" look at me , damn it. " his grip only tightened at his harsh words , your eyes barely able to make contact with his own with how rough his movements were.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀every time he collided his abdomen with your nose , his fat girth widened the stretch of your mouth whilst his tip kissed the back of your throat.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" where’s that snarky grin at now .. hm? " he likewise taunted , bottom lip pulled between his bared teeth as he could feel himself becoming sloppy with his thrusts.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀alas , one final plow and his white seed painted your gums like a fresh bedroom , overbearing your throat as you struggled to swallow it all. however , all he did was slowly thrust himself further , forcing his juices down your insides. limbs dropped to your side , exasperated eyes far too lazy to open wide.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Suguru knew he’d have to get his car detailed after this , though it’d have to wait because he also had an obligation to make you feel good now , after all he’s put you through.
⠀⠀⠀ " hope nobody catch us , kinda hope they catch us. "
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toskarin · 4 months
I'd spend money on one of those mousepads where the cushion is some buff guy's ass or tits. do you know where sexy mouse pads are generally sold
well the one I bought fucking burst into malignant curses so perhaps you should ask someone else
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If You Can't Dance 6
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, other possible triggers. Proceed with caution.
Note: this is what you get when you encourage me. Please leave any and all feedback! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Part of The Club AU
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Orientation ends but your day is far from over. Your small group, Jensen, G, Marc, Dharshi, and yourself are shown around the building. It’s nice. The office spans the single floor with ample space for all the staff and then some.
Jensen is shown to his office first. He smiles at the rest of you, telling you to send any questions his way. Jonathan confirms this but assures you he will be just as available. Next G silently and somberly enters the doorway with his name on it and shuts the door without thanks. Marc is next, then Dharshi.
You’re the last one left. A spike of paranoia needles behind your ears. What if you don’t get an office? What if you didn’t make the cut? This is why you hate offices. You don’t understand the politics.
“And this is you,” Jonathan taps on the last door. A corner office. Your name is on the door. You frown as you read the title underneath.
“I’m not a senior developer,” you face Jonathan and stare at his top button.
“Oh, dear,” he steps closer and you shuffle back, you can smell his cologne, “I’ll be certain to have that corrected. I hope you don’t think this oversight to be any sort of slight.”
You shake your head. You don’t think much of it. Mistakes happen.
“Let me know if you require anything else. I’m just a few doors down,” he points down the next hall, “I do prefer to stay close… to all my employees.”
“Mhmm,” you nod and turn to the door. You stop yourself. You don’t want to be G, so gruff and silent. Things are different here, people expect you to be normal. You turn your head, “thanks,” you say over your shoulder.
“Anything,” he replies. “I’ll let you get settled.”
You turn the handle and let yourself in. The door clicks gently behind you as you let it go. Before you can even get to the desk, you’re struck by a horrid smell. Pollen. You put your bag down and search for the culprit. A crystal vase of tall gardenia and baby breath stands on the corner of the desk.
You touch your temple and scan the office. There’s tall windows along the walls, giving a nice view of the outdoors. You prefer your walls and your under desk heater. You go over and twist the small crank to open the pain and let in the brisk air.
You already feel the nail pounding into your skull. You don’t think you packed any allergy meds, you didn’t think you’d need them this time of year. You can’t keep the flowers in here. It’s a nice gesture but it’s hard to focus on code when your eyes are bleary from a raging migraine.
You take the vase and carry it to the door. You peek out, checking to make sure you’re not seen. You hate to come off as rude.
You quickly flit down the hall and find your way back to the break room. You have the basic layout stamped in your mind; bathrooms, break room, and meeting rooms. You put the vase on one of the tables and skirt out.
You get back to your office and stand in the strange space. You’re never going to be used to this. You’ve wasted enough time. You have to get set up. 
You unpack your laptop and your special ergonomic mouse and keyboard. You connect to the monitors already set up and adjust the height and angle. You plug everything in and finally sit down. You drop your head forward, clutching it with a groan. Shoot, your head is pounding.
It’s a helpless bid but you dig out the Tylenol from your bag and toss back two tablets. You sip from your large water bottle and swivel in your chair, trying to find comfort in the thin cushion. You’ll have to bring your pad from home.
You grow more and more frustrated as everything around you is wrong. The desk isn’t the right height, the chair squeaks, and the monitors won’t tilt how you want them. No, it’s not the office, it’s you.
The headache doesn’t relent. You only get halfway through the instructions of connecting to the company server before you have to tear your eyes away. You drop your head down onto your crossed arms, bending over the desk as you breathe through the wave of nausea. It’s a full-blown migraine.
Your eyes are watery as you fight to keep yourself together. You should call it a day and go home. At this point, the only way to deal with it is to sleep it off. No, you won’t leave on your first day. That would be a bad look.
You raise your head shakily and prop your head up in one hand. You whimper and make yourself finish your first task. Connected, that’s great. Now, the slack chat. Oof, that’s a lot of font. A lot of messages. 
You scroll through, catching up, then a new message pops up from a senior developer. You recognise his name from the meeting; Timothy. He says hello and you type hi back, the two clacks of a key echoing in your ears.
Three dots pop up almost immediately. He’s typing. He sends through a large block of text and you nearly whine. It’s an exhaustive rundown of procedures and expectations. You don’t understand why this wouldn’t be in a PDF. It ends with, ‘Please review and confirm that you understand’.
You sigh and start reading. The words don’t sink into your mind. You can’t string them together as the effort is enough to make a tear teeter on the brim of your eyelid. You wipe your eyes and sit back. 
A knock makes you jump. You want to scream but that will only make matters worse. So you bend over and take a shaky breath. You push yourself up to your feet, walking with light steps across the office. You stop before the door and brace yourself, forcing your posture straight.
You open the door, unsurprised to find Jonathan on the other side. You got the feeling earlier that he wouldn’t be shy. It is his job to supervise his employees, you suppose you’re just not used to more than a Teams message or quick email.
“I… I saw the flowers in the break room,” he says, “you don’t like them?”
You flutter your lashes. What does that matter?
“Oh, uh, I just thought… they’re so nice I’d put them out for everyone to… enjoy,” you eke out the last word as your eyes gleam and you put your palm to your head as it feels ready to split.
His expression shades to concern, “are you unwell?”
“It’s just… a migraine,” you say, “I’m okay.”
You back up and go to close the door. He stops you as he puts his hand on the wood, “a migraine? Was… Was it the flowers?”
“I…” you swallow, “it’s not a big deal.”
“I am so sorry. I wish I’d know. Darling, you’re more than welcome to take the half-day. You will not be docked the hours,” he plays with a button on his shirt. “I feel so awful.”
“You couldn’t know, uh, but I can get through–”
“No, no, I insist, take care of yourself here. We are all about employee first. You must be healthy to be efficient, please,” he spreads his hand over his chest, a heartfelt gesture, “you must go home and rest. That’s an order.”
You don’t have the strength to argue. Just like the first night you met. That fact embarrasses you. He can’t help but catch you at your very worst.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
For the Actor AU, how did they feel abt the canon heroes' outfits? If they could, how would they have modified them?
Marinette: Basic as fuck! It looks like I’m wearing footie pajamas! If I were in charge of my costume, I’d give myself a full-on punk look because Ladybug’s are some badass motherfuckers. Oh, and boots that have soles equipped with a shock-absorbing cushion, and a heel that contains a reinforced spring to soften the shock whenever I land. And… Maybe a backpack shaped like ladybug wings to hold my Lucky Charms and anything I need to collect for my plan.
Adrien: Less leather! That stuff shrinks, and a full leather bodysuit is not comfortable. Also, because of the cat holders’ powers, it would be cool if heroes had some sort of medical supplies on them just in case, like stored in a utility belt. And I’m with Mari, those boots sound badass. What else?… Oh, definitely add some more color instead of just basic black.
Alya: Well, the Fox doesn’t seem like a combative hero due to the powers. I see Rena Rouge as a distraction, really, so her outfit wouldn’t be one of those “ready for battle” types. Here’s what I’m thinking, one of those noir-film type outfits. The hat covers my face a bit to give me an air of mystery, and the outfit would look almost casual that no villain would suspect me.
Nino: I mean… Carapace’s look is cool. It’s alright. I’m liking the goggles, but… I’d prefer if he had armor. He’s the fucking turtle hero! He should be ready to take any blow that a villain sends his way!
Rose: Where to begin? Look, you all know me; I love pink more than the next guy, but… Sometimes too much is too much. The Pig Miraculous strikes me as… More farmhand than ballerina. Yee, I know, the heroes come with a tambourine, but come on! While I do love the skirt, I’d trade it in for overalls, either shorts or a skirt. Oh, and add some black in there, too. Daizzi has a black circle around his eye, let him be represented!
Juleka: Studded jacket. That is all.
Luka: Oh, honey, either give me a hood so I can look like a cobra or get the fuck away from me with that outfit.
Myléne: The mouse strikes me as more of the elegant type, I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the pastel pink mixed with the grey, but I see Polymouse wearing skirts over Pigella. But, that’s just my opinion.
Ivan: Honestly, I’m fine with the canon design for Minotaurox. Yeah, he’s got pockets and padding, I-I like it. And if you show me a better design, I’ll happily take a look at it.
Marc: … I think all of the effort went into making Rooster Bold’s costume. He’s got rooster hair, the little tallons on the back of his boots, and a fucking tailcoat! He and Mayura are the only ones to have tailcoats! I’m not complaining, though. I… I actually like it, but it is a nightmare putting on and taking off that wig.
Nathaniel: Well, I can say I sort of know how some of the girls feel, because that suit was tight as hell! You could see my hip dip! Also, I would’ve liked to have a different hairstyle and maybe some color, because I am the only male redhead around for miles. Oh, and climbing boots becuase, I’m a goat, duh.
Alix: … Do I need to say it? Okay, give me some active wear! I’m traveling through a shit ton of different timelines! I need someone sporty and active when I’m on the go. Also, I’ll need a backpack like Marinette.
Kim: Not hearing any complaints from me! I liked Roi Singe, but being Scarlet Beetle is way cooler!
Max: The glasses can easily come off. What I need is a high collar or a bandana that can cover the lower half of my face in case my glasses become askew or someone is able to place my identity because all I have on my face are some stupid glasses! God, I’m so glad I’m doing this new show now.
Chloé: Oh, I just want wings.
Zoé: Same.
Sabrina: Can mine just not look like my clothes, please?! I’ll take whatever, just not that!
Kagami: I would prefer if I had some form of armor and not a spandex bodysuit. It would need to be lightweight but also durable to allow me to travel faster, of course.
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I want to get a new mouse pad with a wrist cushion and I’m tempted to get a booby one…
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Creche Guardian
Kitsune!Anakin context here but TL:DR a Force Temple takes issue with Anakin’s human form and transforms him into a Kitsune as that’s more becoming of the Chosen One and better reflects his Force connection. Anakin is not impressed.
A side effect no-one expected from Anakin’s transformation was for the younglings in the Creche to love him. They already had childish awe for him on account of all his nonsense and daring feats. He's a General, the Chosen One, and one of the youngest Knighted Jedi. That has many connotations. But most importantly to them, he now comes with massive fluffy tails??
He has to go to the creche as part of his duties after he's knighted to teach them what he has learned to get where he is… only to have about four kids bury their faces in his tails (which now number three) that are built like cushions almost immediately.
Crechemaster: ... Ah Anakin: Help me
There is no escape Skywalker, enjoy your new Creche duties. And he... does?
I've spoken about my thoughts on Anakin burying any parental instincts he might have once had, in another life, but when he tries to pry the kids off of him they are all just so sad. They don't want him to go and jesus christ does Anakin long to be wanted. Even if he’s a little confused by their antics and overwhelmed by all the questions. Of which none have to do with his Knighthood. Kids are simple in comparison to adults so Anakin stays put. Just for this session, he says to himself, only to be found three hours later by Obi-Wan, fast asleep with colourful chalk dusting his fur and children passed out all around him, using the tails as pillows. The Crechemaster looks delighted.
With the transformation, Anakin had slight concerns because he felt that the Kitsune form was actually just a reflection of the monster he could become from within; his propensity for rage and violence. But the kids don’t see a monster. They see a massive fluffy creature who likes to play with them. Anakin has always had mischievious streak, he likes to play games. It goes a long way to helping him accept the more negative parts of himself and that there are always facets of one's being that won’t always be good - it’s how you choose to deal with those faults that matter.
When he eventually develops more tails as the war goes on, he submits to having some of his free time while on leave from the frontlines be in the creche (He’s not as desperate to see Padme in this AU). Sometimes teaching, sometimes helping the Crechmasters wear the more energetic ones out by racing through the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Sometimes just dozing in the middle of a pillow fort, bracketed by his tails on all sides like a padded chair with the younglings haphazardly lying all over them because soft. They feel especially well rested after having a nap on him and seem even more energetic when they wake up, to the Crechemasters consternation. (Like conductive charging your phone but with the literal walking talking Force Nexus)
He has so many little siblings. They’re so small and so fucking funny. He’s realising that kids are hysterical actually and he’s now a big brother to lots of baby Jedi who he can introduce to all the Temple droids, as well as show them all the service tunnels and ventilation routes. He can teach them verbal binary with whistles just to piss off the Crechemaster (revenge for not helping him in the first place) and suddenly all the kids are just conversing in short beeps and trills to a pack of mouse droids.
Anakin: My army grows Mace: Skywalker, for the love of…
Kids are simple, but they are also more delicate and he can’t let his lack of emotional control hurt them. They react poorly to his outbursts of irritation.
Anakin: I'm a monster. I made them cry. Obi-Wan: Ah. What happened? Anakin: Two kids had picked a fight with each other. I tried to separate them but they're so wriggly. I must have lost my temper or gotten snarly because suddenly all of them were crying. Obi-Wan: ... Anakin: I'm awful. How do I fix it? Obi-Wan: If I had known all it would have taken was childcare to get you to learn patience and mindfulness I would have thrown you in there years ago Anakin: You'll help me? Obi-Wan: Anakin, of course I will
Oh man, imagine when he works out how to do illusions.
It would require a level of control he does not currently possess (ever in canon tbh) but he has enough power to make them very convincing. Maybe he practices for the kids? He recreates stories into visual shows, just weak manipulations of light at first but then the more he does it, the more his natural flair comes through and he can make entire productions fill the creche rooms. He bases his stories off of tales his mother used to tell him (given his mother is still alive it's not nearly as traumatic to talk about).
Every Jedi knows that Skywalker is prone to attachments, so obviously him spending so much time with the kids has a lot of them worried but there are new baby force sensitives coming in and younglings are always leaving to become initiates. It gets him used to the idea that though he doesn't see them anymore they're not actually gone. Things come and go with time.
Still, if anyone were to hurt any of the younglings they would have to deal with a very angry, very big Kitsune guarding the doorway and all his many sharp teeth. I’m not saying he’d kill a bitch in the Temple, but the Order would absolutely never see the intruder again.
Kitsune are possessive, they guard what is theirs.
He may or may not skip chances to meet with the Chancellor when he’s planetside simply because he did promise to spend time with the younglings next time he was in the Temple. The Chancellor will understand. You just don’t disappoint kids.
The Chancellor does not understand and actually accuses the Jedi Order of keeping Skywalker from him, only the Council had no idea that Anakin wasn't meeting with the man anymore. Intentionally or not. Obi-Wan may or may not victory-punch the air when he hears the news and goes to spend time in the Creche with Anakin and all his tiny siblings. Anakin has decided that the part of his Kitsune self he wants to embody is the Protective element. He becomes the Big Brother to so many and solidifies his role as a family member within the Order regardless of how he thinks the Council views him. Loyalty secured.
Then there’s Order 66…
There’s AUs where O66 gets prevented because he manages to get his head out of his ass, but what if he does all that, works on himself, finds a place within the Order he’s happy with and O66 happens... anyway? Palpatine was ready to hit the button regardless in RotS, he just wanted to know if Anakin was in or not. In this AU, he most certainly is not. Plus, Palps doesn't have quite the same strangle hold on him as he does in canon. Got nothing to bargain/manipulate him with either since Padme isn’t his secret wife so their relationship wasn’t a card Palpatine thought he could play.
So, O66 happens and people are in the same places as they are in canon. Only when the call gets sent out this time, Anakin is actually in the Temple already. In the Creche. He has to face down against his own men in blue and white, who are not listening to a word he's saying and actively trying to kill him. Him and the younglings he's with.
Anakin is remembering Fives ranting about clones being forced to kill Jedi and wishing he were here now. Fives who is still out there somewhere, having run when Fox conveniently missed his shot but no-one has seen him since. Anakin is thinking of Rex, who is with Ahsoka, and how this could destroy them both. To say he's a little conflicted is an understatement but it probably only takes one very near shot at one of the kids for Anakin to bug out.
You do not go after his kids.
He doesn't normally go full fox mode in the halls anymore because he's gotten fairly big, but it certainly works as a body shield to stop any more shots making it through while he shepherds all the younglings into the ventilation system where the clones can’t follow. Anakin tries to go easy on his men, incapacitate rather than kill because he knows what is wrong here, but good god they are not making that easy and he is so very angry.
It doesn’t occur to him, until much later, that he referred to the younglings as his kids. Those parental instincts hit him hard.
When he feels it’s safe to do so he follows the younglings he squirrelled away by going Teeny Fox Mode and finds them all huddled together at a junction. They’ve met with a couple of Padawans whose Masters had also yeeted them to safety and a group of Initiates who have learnt the value of hiding in the ventilation system from Ahsoka Tano (It’s the Gathering gang, I love them so sue me). As a Knight, they kind of all default to Anakin to know what to do and there are not a lot of options. They can’t stay in the vents forever and they have to get off Coruscant, but to do that they need a ship big enough to cart all of them away that can leave atmo.
Then he remembers there's a Paladin-class corvette being retrofitted as the new Crucible ship in the hangar. The hangar is not as empty as he would like when they get there but the Crucible II is still there and he’s got no other choice but to chance it.
He can now use every trick he’s ever learned to get the clones patrolling there to leave; his illusions, better force control, himself as a meat shield. All to get the kids into a transport and the fuck off Coruscant. Ganodi mentions she has flight sim training and is immediately put in the co-pilot seat. They miss Bail arriving at the Temple by a few minutes as they leave the planet and jump to hyperspace. Anakin wants to find Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Padme, and Rex. Anakin has no idea what Palpatine has done at this point all he knows is he is now responsible for these baby Jedi and needs help. Please someone help him.
He’s covered in blaster burns, very confused, angry, and sad all at once. One of the Padawans, suggests naptime in a fit of hysteria and Anakin thinks that’s the best idea he’s ever heard. Ship wide naptime. Sure, why not.
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greedlr · 6 months
What sort of tests happens at Thneed Tech anyhow?
The Thneed (c) is an item with many uses, with the latest count of over 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9KZZT...
It is the goal of Thneed Tech to catalog all of the various ways you are able to use your Thneed.
Did you know: You can use your Thneed as a scarf, skirt, pants, sweater, shirt, cape, suit, socks, umbrella, swimsuit, towel, pillow, curtain, bicycle seat cover, hammock, canary nest, Thneedle Thoup, hairbrush, carburetor de-ruster, windshield wiper, blindfold, tightrope, butterfly net, exercise equipment, wig, boxing glove (singular), parachute, runny nose wiper, slingshot, muzzle, jump rope, food, mustache brush, mop, gloves, earplugs, laptop case, wallet, tissue, fashionable face mask, phone stand, selfie stick (when thrown), travel pillow, sleep mask, very small blanket, neck pillow, tourniquet for emergency amputations, stain remover, dental floss for very large teeth, hair tie, 5G blocker, hand warmer, lunch tote, napkin, laptop stand, mouse pad, cable organizer, screen wiper, measuring tape for one Thneed’s length, pin cushion, fashionable backpack, baking apron, karate belt, watch strap, wallet, laptop sleeve, pillow cover, fancy placemat, reusable grocery bag, reusable duffel bag, reusable messenger bag, reusable diaper, non-reusable grocery bag, journal cover, athletic headband, friend replacement, running shoes, vintage bucket hat, wine tote, dog collar, leash, infant playpen, KZZZT_
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thelostsim · 1 year
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Link to video
Walls | Floor | Curtains | Rug | Shelf 1 2 3 4 | Posters 1 2 | Tapestry 1 2 | Calendar | Radio | Books | Tissue box 1 2 | Mushroom stall
Desk | Computer Monitor | Chair | Pc | Mouse pad | Extension cord | Mic | Vertical Screen | Headphones Frog cup | Frog brush | Frog floor cushions | Froggy bag >> HERE
Mushroom cup | Mushroom note holder | Mushroom plant pot >> HERE
Ankha doll & Animal crossing poster >> HERE
Hanging Plant 1 2 | Frog Plant pot | Wall plants | Plant pot | Butterfly jar
Salt lamp | Woodland candles 1 2 | Jarred fairy lights | Fairy Lights
Frog & Mushroom Plush | Pochaacco & Pompompurin Plush | Substitute plush | Frog pillow plush |
Cat tree | Cat Litter
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curelshop · 2 years
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incendiorum-arch · 1 year
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azzy waits until he hears prolonged silence behind the door, and then elects to shove his way in. col doesn’t even look up from behind his desk, unbothered or distracted or both. the man in one of the other chairs, however, jolts in surprise. “ sir - ”
“ you’re done, ” azzy tells him, picking up the back of the chair and dumping him out of it. “I need the room.”
“ sir, ” the man tries again, flustered.
“ my associate told you to leave, ” col says, toneless, as he flips a pen between ink-smudged fingers. distracted, it is.
brows furrowed and mouth thin, the man leaves. azzy doesn’t bother watching him go. instead, he slams himself down into the empty chair (still warm. gross) and drapes his arms over his bouncing knees.
“ stop that, ” col tells him, finally looking up. he blinks, as if realizing who it is, and then promptly hands over a yellow legal pad with a list of names. “ they’re building a new ship. some of your handlers would like to retire permanently from the field. ”
azzy takes the pad, leans forward to grab the pen out of col’s other hand, and immediately crosses out three names. “ none of them have experience in venator, ” he explains. col just hums.
“ why are you here? ” he asks, turning his attention instead to a pair of computer monitors. azzy sits back, knee starting to bounce again. he’s gathering his thoughts, and he knows that col knows this. the sound of a mouse clicking fills the room.
“ six of my hunters are dead. ”
the clicking stops. “ six. ”
“ six, ” azzy snaps back. a cool blue gaze slides towards him, and azzy doesn’t shy away from it, even if he really, really wants to. col has a stare that could stop a bear in its tracks. “ what the fuck is with your parent lately? ”
“ io, ” col corrects. “ we aren’t related. ”
azzy rolls his eyes towards the ceiling. “ uh-huh. ”
col leans back in his chair. “ what happened? ”
leaning forward, azzy sets the notepad down, abandoning his current side-project of trying to remember everything that samwell morris currently does for the hounds (everything…? and a frowny face is scribbled in sloppy handwriting in the margin). “ I wasn’t even there. I couldn’t help them or save them or anything. ”
“ azzy, ” col says, softer.
azzy takes a deep breath and looks away, staring around the room, instead. it’s a cluttered old office, which always surprised him. col always seemed like the kind of guy to have a clean, white office with nothing in it. instead, there’s bookshelves laden with books stacked right-side up and sideways both. the cherry-wood desk is banged up and scratched and the leather cushions of the seats are so old and well-used that they seem to have permanent dips in them. there’s a ship-in-a-bottle on the desk, too. supposedly, it’s a replica of the first ship col ever bought for venator. the full-sized version still exists, somewhere, but azzy has never seen it. he stares at it now, following the curves of the gold name painted on the side with his eyes.
“ rose called me, ” azzy starts. “ she said she had iovita practically in their hands. that they were really going to do it this time. I made her go over the plan with me five times. she said it the same way every damn time. ” she had laughed the third time he had said run me through it again. and sighed heavily on the fifth. “ it sounded solid to me. I told her to go ahead. ” he looks up at col for this, and sees no change in expression. “ I tried to call her later and she answered, but I didn’t hear anything on the other side except for… noises. ”
“ what kind of noises? ”
“ I don’t know! noises! shuffling and groaning, I think. a word or two, but I couldn’t make them out. ”
col nods. “ and then? ”
azzy takes a breath. “ she called me again ten minutes later, and said she’d lost damian and nathan. throats burned out. both of them. so, iovita picked them off at some point. ”
“ evidently, ” col agrees.
azzy squints at him. col doesn’t look surprised. instead, he looks resigned, as if he already knows where this story is going. pulling the legal pad back to his side of the desk, col rips off the top page and sets it aside. in careful print, he writes the fulls names of both damian and nathan. “ was it an ‘i’ or a ‘y’ for damian’s last name? ”
“ ‘y,’ ” azzy replies. his voice sounds far away.
“ his mother is catarina. ”
“ yeah. ”
“ I’ll be in colorado next week. I’ll visit her, personally. ”
“ thank you. ”
col sets his pen down. “ alright. continue, please. ”
“ I didn’t get a call back until the next day, ” azzy says, lacing his fingers together and squeezing them so hard it hurts. “ rosa was in the hospital and barely coherent. I told her I’d fly out immediately - and I did. but by the time I got there she had already died. burn wounds, of course. ” his voice feels stuck in his throat. he swallows, but it doesn’t help. “ fuck - you should’ve seen how bad they were. I don’t know how she made it away. ”
col’s gaze is carefully blank. “ and the rest? ”
azzy gestures, vaguely, his own gaze sliding away to fix onto the corner of the desk. “ scattered across the city. found in alleyways here and there. best I can tell is that iovita led them on a chase. or… chased them, I guess. ”
he hears col lean forward, pen to paper again. “ rose, damian, nathan…? ”
azzy finishes the list for him, “ lewis, sam, and TJ. ”
col sucks air through his teeth. “ I was hoping to promote TJ. ”
“ he would have made a good handler, ” azzy agrees, voice heavy. silence falls for a moment, but he’s quick to break it. “ what the fuck was their problem this time? usually they don’t tussle with six hunters at once. my hunters, at that. ”
col gives him a look. “ and what would you do, if six witches were coming after you? ”
azzy sits back. “ I’d do my goddamn job. this isn’t iovita’s fucking job. ”
the withering glance col gives him is enough to make azzy blood boil. his voice rises.“ six of my hunters are dead, col! six! and you know who gets to tell their friends and families? do you know who gets to bury them? do you know who gets to be at every single one of their funerals? ”
col puts a hand out. “ do you really think they would have taken out io? ”
io. col always calls them io. it’s annoying. azzy grits his teeth. “ this time? yeah. yeah, they would have. ”
“ stop that, ” col’s voice carries an edge this time, “ and tell me the truth. ”
“ I’m not delusional! I really think they would have. ”
col lifts an eyebrow. when azzy doesn’t back down, he nods. “ alright. I believe you. ” he taps his fingers against the desk. call it a gut feeling, but azzy knows he doesn’t actually believe him.
and why should he? all six of azzy subordinates are dead. he knows that when he closes his eyes tonight, the police reports are going to flash behind his eyelids. every burned corpse and every unseeing pair of eyes.
azzy takes a long, slow breath. it doesn’t help. “ you’re… busy with that superpack in the states, right? ”
“ mmhm. ” col’s gaze slides towards his monitors. “ two-thirds should be gone by december, if everything moves smoothly. will you make an amendment to io’s file? make the entire thing on hold. I don’t want to lose more hunters right now. ”
“ you know some will still try, ” azzy points out.
“ I don’t want to lose more of our good hunters. ”
“ oh. ”
col doesn’t say anything else. azzy shifts in his seat, but he knows col’s dismissal when he sees it. standing up, he goes to leave.
“ azzy? ”
turning around, he sees that col has leaned sideways to fix him with a hard look. “ that means you, too. I need you. ”
“ I won’t do anything stupid, ” azzy promises. col raises an eyebrow, but says nothing else.
as he closes the door behind him, azzy pulls out his phone, scrolls through his contacts list, and taps on a name.
[ sms sent , 16:15 ] newest location for iov s?
[ sms received , 16:18 ] pending.
[ sms received , 17:21 ] one lead. will know tomorrow if good or not.
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friskyo7puns · 1 year
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When you about to rage quit.. anyway gamer girl friend and boyfriend just playing together. She's using his arm a back rest and the mouse pad as a cushion. He's just wheezing lol
Computer screen lol
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sems-diarie · 2 years
“i dont even know what they’d get of me” girl you for a fact thag yuuji has one of those mouse pads of you with your tits as cushions for the wrist
this is INSAAANE.
toji steals life sized cut outs of you from shopping stores 😭
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