#curse black magic
fallbabylon · 5 months
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Hex! Museum of Witchcraft-Ribe, Denmark
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 8 months
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Sleep deprivation is one hell of a drug
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the-trans-folk-witch · 5 months
A Warning to new witches
Reading makes you smarter. But reading does not mean you are smart. This applies to those who read occult texts as well. Just because it is about magic and witchcraft, does not mean you are smart to read it. Be discerning of authors, publishers, and wording. You should not judge a book by its cover but you SHOULD judge a book by its title. be cautious of books using words like ____ Magic(k). The overuse of adjectives to describe types of witchcraft are purely used to make books attract crowds who follow trends. An example would be "Lunar Magick" which is a title to over 200+ books on amazon. They use these names to get your money for very little information. Most of these self published books are plagiarized or just watered down versions of actual grimoires with a historical basis. Be perceptive. And if you struggle to discern if a book will be good or not, ask me! I try to read the shitty throw away books just so I can help educate my mentees on what to NOT do. Know your enemies including bad authors. (Matt auryn is one of these bad authors. No matter how popular "psychic witch" is.
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folkandbooks · 11 months
One of the most watched videos on witchtok is a witch saying there are three types of magick: white, black and red. That reminded me of how easy it is to spread misinformation online.
There’s no such thing as “black magick”. Magick is neither good or evil, and this term is based on white supremacy. The sooner you learn this, the better.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
HP epilogue's socio-politics in a nutshell
The Weasleys are the new Blacks.
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zoeisabelladaily · 3 months
Terravale Hall
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Hey Diary,
Today was a whirlwind of mysteries and revelations. Let me spill the beans.
Mr. Servius escorted me to Terravale Hall with the golden key card, and the stone door greeted us with a loud creak, as if awakening from a deep slumber. Terravale Hall, a sanctuary embracing the essence of the earth, unfolded before me. The colossal stone fountain in Earthheart Plaza flowed with earth-infused water, and ancient trees whispered tales of magic. At the heart of the hall, an intricately engraved earth rune marked the gathering place for ceremonies. Rockhaven Grotto and Verdant Canopy Grove showcased magical creatures, while the Geomancer’s Archive, a magical library, invited quiet study. Dormitories carved into earthen walls provided cozy havens. Everything, in brown and green, radiated a connection with earth’s energy.
Everything there was the same as I saw earlier around my room, like the corner room, scratch on my door but the wall that swallow people wasn’t there. In my room my luggage waited for me. I arranged everything, feeling reassured that this couldn’t be mere imagination. It was as real as the air I breathed.
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Morning brought a surprise — a box on my doorstep containing the school uniform and a wand, a gift from Mrs. Morgana Revancraft. The wooden wand symbolized my connection with Terravale, chosen by the “Foresight Fire.” However, this wand was different from the one the old lady gave me in Ebonhaven Village. A strange feeling urged me to keep quiet about the old lady and her wand, so I hid it. Trust needed to be earned before I could spill any secrets.
Lilith knocked on my door, and we headed to the great hall, though it seemed we were fashionably late. Albert Pendleton, a shy, bookish boy from Aetherion Spire, kindly found us seats. Headmistress Morgana Revancraft and the professors took their places, and she addressed the students. The main agenda for the day was the policy regarding relationships with “mundane am.” The rule was clear: no relationships with mundane am for the safety of everyone. Breaking this rule meant facing consequences, and it felt more like a warning than a piece of advice.
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After the peculiar announcement from Headmistress Morgana Ravenscroft about the restrictions on relationships, I couldn’t help but notice Albert’s discontent. The policy seemed to weigh heavily on him, sparking my curiosity about his feelings towards these rules. Following the assembly, we headed to the food court for a delightful feast.
During our meal, Lilith inquired about my encounters with magical powers. She found it hard to believe that a witch or wizard could go through life without experiencing magic. I hesitated and confessed that I had never felt anything to indicate that I possessed magical abilities.
Now, alone in my room, reflections flood my mind. Recollections surface, like the time a dead plant revived at my touch or when I sensed influencing the positions of stars. Was I unconsciously using magic all along? And when I shared these oddities with Adam, why did he dismiss them as normal? Does he possess magical knowledge or, perhaps, love me despite being a witch? Questions swirl in my head, and answers remain elusive.
On another note, I planted the seeds Professor Xorki gave me by the riverside. The bag also contained a note with instructions to plant them discreetly. It adds another layer to the mysteries surrounding this school and my role in it.
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Oh, and guess who I found under my bed? Misty! The same cat I encountered before. I called her by name, and she came to me as if she recognized my voice. Animals are incredible, aren’t they? They have a way of making us feel a connection that transcends words.
As I navigate through these magical twists, the uncertainties deepen. What other surprises await me in this mystical realm? Only time will tell.
Yours truly, Zoe
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lailoken · 1 year
This may be an unpopular opinion, but if you use malefic magic all the time willy-nilly, then either you don't really believe in the consequences of your magic, or you are an agressively unbalanced person.
While I'm far from the sort of practitioner who clutches my pearls at the thought of "dark" magic, I also think there is very much a particular time and place for it. I view it pretty much the same way as I view mundane aggressive behavior; sometimes you need to be able to stand up for yourself or others, but that doesn't mean you should be violent whenever you feel like it, and especially not when it's just to get what you want. After all, would people think it's at all normal or admirable for someone to go on about how they like to hurt or coerce others in a non-magical capacity?
In short, I think people should be just as suspicious and wary of those who casually embrace maleficia like it's no big deal as they would be of those who insist that any sort of baleful magic is evil and will incur the wrath of "karma".
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serien-grl-22 · 5 months
Gotta appreciate Valerian for manifesting Jurdan with his curse  😌 🖤
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ikram1909 · 8 months
Girl wtf is going on????
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leostarred · 9 months
personally i don't believe in the three fold rule, if someone deserves a kick in the shins im gonna help karma make it happen !!! bad people deserve bad things.
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blueiscoool · 9 months
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Medieval Curse Tablet Summoning Satan Discovered in Germany
In Germany, archaeologists have found a rolled-up piece of lead that they believe might be a medieval “curse tablet” calling upon “Beelzebub,” also known as Satan.
At first sight, the researchers believed the “unremarkable piece of metal” was just discarded material. This conclusion was drawn because the item was discovered at the base of a latrine at a construction site in Rostock, a city in northern Germany, as stated in a translated document.
Artifact containing a curse summoning Satan and evil spirits
Nevertheless, when they unfolded it, archaeologists discovered that the 15th-century artifact bore a mysterious message inscribed in Gothic minuscule, which was barely discernible without close inspection. The message read, “sathanas taleke belzebuk hinrik berith.”
The researchers interpreted the text as a curse aimed at a woman named Taleke and a man named Hinrik (Heinrich). The curse invoked Beelzebub (another name for Satan) and Berith (a demonic spirit). Without a close examination, the mysterious message would not have been identified.
Even though the researchers may never uncover the identities of Taleke and Heinrich, they have suggested possible reasons for the animosity.
In their statement, the researchers pondered whether someone wanted to disrupt Taleke and Heinrich’s connection or if this was driven by rejected love and jealousy, with someone trying to interfere.
Similar curse tablets discovered from Greek and Roman sites
The archaeologists emphasized the uniqueness of their discovery. Jörg Ansorge, an archaeologist from the University of Greifswald in Germany leading the excavation, highlighted this point.
He stated that this finding is exceptional, especially considering that similar ‘curse tablets‘ are well-documented from ancient times in the Greek and Roman regions spanning from 800 B.C. to A.D. 600.
Ansorge provided examples to illustrate the historical context. He mentioned a 1,500-year-old lead tablet discovered in what is now Israel, inscribed in Greek, invoking demons to harm a rival dancer.
Additionally, he referred to 2,400-year-old tablets found in Greece that sought the intervention of underworld gods to target several tavern keepers. Ansorge remarked, “Our discovery, on the other hand, can be dated to the 15th century.” “This is truly a very special find.”
The researchers weren’t taken aback to locate the artifact in a latrine. They explained that curse tablets were strategically placed in obscure locations, like the bottom of latrines, intentionally making them hard or even impossible to find. This ensured that those who were cursed couldn’t easily uncover the tablets.
Love Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome
The practice of magic with spells, charms, erotic dolls was widespread in ancient Greece and Rome. Although it was discouraged and sometimes even punished in antiquity, it thrived all the same. Authorities publicly condemned it but tended to ignore its powerful hold.
By Nisha Zahid.
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blairstales · 7 months
Scottish Folklore of Cursed “Dolls”
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There is a rarely talked about (though seemingly uncommon) historical custom in Scotland that will likely sound a lot like the exaggerated “voodoo dolls” (which, despite the name, are not prominent in Haitian Vodou or Louisiana Voodoo) of media.
The Scottish version is a doll that is a form of sympathetic magic(a magic category invented by Scottish folklorist James George Frazer).
Sympathetic magic has two varieties; one of which requires similarities, and the other requires contact or “contagion.”
“The former principle may be called the Law of Similarity, the latter the Law of Contact or Contagion. From the first of these principles, namely the Law of Similarity, the magician infers that he can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it: from the second he infers that whatever he does to a material object will affect equally the person with whom the object was once in contact, whether it formed part of his body or not.” “The Golden Bough” by James George Frazer(1878)
The dolls of this topic are a form of imitation type sympathetic magic. For these, the dolls were crafted with ill-intent in the likeness of the person you wanted to curse, then what was done to the doll was thought to harm who it was made to look like.
While they are called dolls, they are not really what you might expect a child to have. Instead, they are sculpted of clay but not cured in an oven.
“An image of the victim was made of clay, and because it had a certain resemblance to him (likeness denoting real connection), it was believed that whatever was done to the image would produce a similar effect on the person whom it represented. “ “The misty isle of Skye : Its scenery, It’s people, Its story” by Eneas Mackay, Stirling, (1927)
It could be stuck with pins and needles to cause aches and pains, or you could do far worse. For example, if you put the doll into a stream, as the clay broke up in the water, so was said to gradually happen to the targets health.
“When any one wished evil to another he made a clay image of the person to be injured, and placed it in a stream with the head of the image against the current. It was believed that, as the clay was dissolved by the water, the health of the person represented would decline. The spell, however, would be broken if the image was discovered and removed from the stream. In the counties of Sutherland and Ross the practice survived till within the last few years.” “Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs” by James M. Mackinlay (1893)
It is perhaps no surprise that this was not a type of magic talked fondly about, and is instead classified in books as an evil act of black magic.
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prismonautic · 6 months
baneful witchcraft — to cast, or to not cast?
imma start posting more things that aren’t JUST spells, i need some things to fill in my blog between projects 😅 so let’s discuss this my loves.
well, if you want to get a scale of how necessary (or unnecessary) your baneful witchcraft should be, imagine the interactions you had + are about to do as physical actions.
rule of thumb: if it’s not something that you’d do to someone in real life, it’s probably best you don’t try to do it astrally either.
if you not about it, don’t go looking for that type of smoke.
for example:
say that there was a really rude customer you’ve had, and they’re some stranger that you (hopefully) don’t see again. are you going to:
A) be petty and ensure that they have a hard time getting what they want because they were that mean to you?
B) punch them in the face, drag them off of the premises, and walk away?
C) find their address, kidnap them, and skin them alive in your basement?
if you’re someone who chose A — you’ve retaliated in the form of jinxing.
something quick and petty that allows you to get your lick back, but nothing long-term that implicates both of y’all for a hard time. this is comparable to a jinx, light baneful work. they’re pretty easy to cast, pretty easy to break. not that serious unless you dealing with someone who REALLY takes offense to that and will snap back harder on you.
if you’re someone who chose B — you’ve retaliated in the form of a hex.
i hope that you’re someone who fantasized about doing that instead of actually carrying it out in real life. if you actually carry this out in real life, i pray you got someone to bail you out. i understand the sentiment because there are times where i’ve wanted to beat the shit out of customers who were being vile to me, but it’s not worth any of the potential consequences if you chose the wrong person!
if you’re someone who chose C — you’ve retaliated in the form of a curse.
and … you should probably not be wielding baneful witchcraft because this is the definition of fuck around and find out + it’s REALLY not that serious. transmute some of that hatred into some abundance for you baby, that energy could go towards much better things actually worth your time.
if you chose this option for some reason, you need to get better at picking your battles and directing your energy towards better things — plus, i don’t think that interaction warrants the amount of innocent lives you’ll affect by gravely harming that person. you’re also setting yourself up for some pretty bad retaliation from other forces too.
so like… while i’m all for baneful works, i’m NOT for throwing it around lightly! again, treating baneful works like they’re candy to toss around is an amazing way to fuck around and find out.
additional closing notes
it’s unlikely that you’ll find yourself in a situation where you need to use a vile curse. if you have to resort to that after everything else failed to work, i’m sorry for what you went through and i hope you get the retribution you deserve.
hexes, it’s likely you’ll have some long-term situations that warrant them!
just make sure there’s a kill-switch in the spell (eg. if someone stops their gossiping for three months, the hex will automatically break). not a good idea to make a hex long-lasting no matter what conditions — extending the duration with no outlet basically makes it a curse.
jinxes, i personally rarely cast because i prefer to calm down and direct my energy to somewhere else.
i don’t like immediately resorting to malice. however, i find that they’re pretty good in teaching quick lessons for repeated annoyances. got an annoying neighbor that won’t stay out of your business? a witch could just jinx them to have enough problems around their own house that they only worry about their own business. quick, a little meanspirited, but you not straight up assaulting them for being a nuisance.
if you have the power, make sure to use it responsibly + avoid fucking around too much if you don’t want to find out! if you want to fuck around, at least cover your ass enough to do it.
end of the blog!
fly away my oneironauts !!!
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spookcataloger · 4 months
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OP wants to give his Iphone a proper review (2015)
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m00neroni · 8 days
my mind is always trying to decide which one I love more, if healer Sirius or curse breaker Sirius?
also professor Sirius is such a good concept. I really can't decide
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libraryspectre · 11 days
I just started this podcast and was enjoying it until they ran an advertisement for a podcast I have major issues with and now idk if I wanna listen to them anymore
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