#currently still laughing at my choice of title for this chapter. yes i Do think im funny thank U
orcelito · 1 year
chapter 10 of my longfic In the Next Life is posted!
trimax vashwood & time-travel, what's not to love?
first chapter - update
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 5 months
So, here's an original story I wrote like 3 years ago...
I had a whole thing with this story back then, planning on everything that was going to happen in it (I still know what's gonna happen later), but I only ever wrote 5 chapters. One chapter is also really unfinished.
But, I thought, I am not sure if I'm gonna just let it rest on a google doc for all eternity. So, I have decided to post these on tumblr.
I'm thinking I'm starting with the first chapter, and if people are interested, I might post the other chapters too.
I wanna give some disclaimers first:
As mentioned, I wrote this like 3 years ago, so my writing has evolved since then.
This story is about six siblings, and one of them has a name that I wrote was "ridiculous". It's not really a ridiculous name in retrospect, it just sounded like it to 18 year old swedish me who had never heard the name before.
Yes. Yes, this is very based off a thing I love.
This story doesn't take place in the modern times, so no one has cellphones (only stationary phones located around the house). It's not said when it's set, though.
This is the first chapter, titled "Meet the Spins", and is essentially a character introduction chapter.
The day started with the birds tweeting early in the morning. But that’s not what woke Jessica Spins up from her sleep. It was the baby’s whining. “I’m coming, sch…” She climbed down from her loft bed and approached the crib that was currently right under her bed. It usually wasn’t, but due to the circumstances the baby had to sleep with whoever was in charge. And Jessica was the oldest, so she was the obvious choice. “Okay, sweetie, you had a bad dream?”
She picked up the baby and tried to rock her back and forth. The baby sniffled. Jessica was unsure what to do - she was still pretty tired herself. As she looked out the window she noticed the sun was coming up, so she might aswell get up.
Jessica Spins was the oldest out of six children. Yeah, six is a lot. That could be a reason why their parents decided to take a trip across the globe and leave all six children alone for a week. Jessica was 15, almost 16 now and had taken care of her siblings ever since an early age. Of course her parents didn’t put all the responsibility on her. They just simply asked her to take one of her little brothers to the park across the street so he could “play off all that energy” or change her little sister’s diaper once in a while. She had also been alone with her siblings during the times their parents went out for a date or just came home late from work, so them going on a one week trip was honestly like an extended date. It had already gone three days and everything ran on smoothly. Jessica promised to call them if something was wrong.
Right now, she was trying to feed the baby, who refused to eat the mashed apples or whatever it was.
“Come on, eat your breakfast!” Jessica tried, but was only met with whimpers.
“Wow, you’re terrible at this!”
In front of her now was Erica. Erica was 14 years old and took the role as the second oldest pretty well - she still had responsibility too, but with less pressure on her. That way, she could be more laid back and relaxed… and more fun.
“Good morning, Erica.”, Jessica sighed, “I’m trying to feed the little rascal here, but she won’t eat.”
“Yeah, that’s why I said you’re terrible at this.” Erica replied. She snatched the spoon from Jessica, “This is how you have to feed her.” She started to make some funny faces to the baby, making her laugh. As her mouth was open, Erica showed the spoon gently inside. The baby ate it without any problem.
“How do you do that?” Jessica asked.
“She just likes me more than you.” Erica shrugged, “In fact, she should have her crib in my room instead.”
“You know mom and dad wanted her in my room. Besides, you don’t have any space for a crib with all the things you have lying around.”
“She could sleep next to me! And we could cuddle all night.”
“You could move over and crush her.”
“Yes, you move around so much in your sleep! It’s creepy, really.”
“What’s creepy? Is the ghost girl back in the walls again?”
That came from Darren, the third born of the bunch. He recently turned 12 and were, as their parents described it, “full of life”. He was very into the supernatural - like, very into the supernatural. He claimed he could see spirits and they had caught him multiple times trying to summon them in the attic (but they always stopped him before he accidentally summoned a demon). 
“For the last time, there was never a ghost girl in the walls.” Jessica said.
“There sure was!” Darren protested.
“You’re full of shit.” Erica said.
“Erica!” Jessica hissed.
“What? He is full of shit.”
“The only one that’s full of shit is the little pants pusher over there.” Darren said, pointing at the baby.
Erica did a quick sniff. “I’m pretty sure she’s clean.”
Darren glared at the baby. “The one time I try to make a joke you’re clean, you fucking-”
“Darren!” Jessica growled. “We do not swear in front of our younger siblings!”
“We do not swear in front of our younger siblings!” Erica and Darren mimicked.
“Good morning.” said a tired, but unsurprised voice.
“Good morning, Tim.” his three older siblings said in unison. Tim was Darren’s younger twin. When they were smaller they were more identical, but that was just because their parents thought it was cute to dress them in matching outfits and haircuts. The big difference came when they were old enough to pick out their own clothes. Tim dressed in more fashionable outfits. Ties, blazers, you name it. Darren on the other hand stuck to hoodies and dark sweaters with loose pants. Otherwise they had the same hair color, same eye color and were approximately the same height. The kids at the street would refer to them as “the prep and slack twins”.
Tim’s full name was Timothy, but he refused to be called anything but Tim, or only by a few people he’d allow, Timmy. He also had an interest in the supernatural, but was more interested in music. Specifically, older music that his parents and grandparents used to listen to. The children’s mother once bought a gramophone from an antique store for Tim to listen to old classics from before any of them were born. It was not like he didn’t like more modern music - he did, too. It was just the feeling of those old tunes… when he listened to those, he could feel like some old spirit entered his body and possessed him (in that way, he also believed in the supernatural, even if it wasn’t as hardcore as his brother).
“Hey Tim, want an egg?” Darren asked.
“In my face or in my mouth?” Tim replied with a suspicious grin.
“In your hair!”
The twins ran around the kitchen, laughing. Darren chased Tim while holding an egg up in the air. Erica and the baby just giggled, while Jessica was visibly stressed and wanted to stop these shenanigans. Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen… but she could try.
“Hey! We eat the breakfast, not throw it!”
“Okay, mom.” Darren said.
“No, she’s right.” Erica said, to everyone’s surprise. Jessica felt a bit calmer, thinking her sister was taking her side. Well… she did not. Because Erica soon picked up some toasted bread. “If you don’t stop throwing eggs, I will throw toast at you!”
Darren and Tim giggled and continued to run around like wild animals as Erica started to throw toasted bread at them. It all soon escalated to Darren throwing eggs at the walls and the baby getting some butter on her head. Jessica just tried to calm everyone down, but no one listened to her. They all yelled and shouted, until they noticed a little girl standing at the edge of the breakfast table.
“Oh…” Jessica said, “Good morning, Salome.”
“Did you sleep well?” Tim asked.
“Want some toast?” Erica asked.
“Or eggs?” Darren added.
Salome was the fifth born of the bunch. She was 5 years old and never said a single word. It was not that she couldn’t talk, she just… didn’t. She preferred communicating in other, more silent ways. Just like a lot of other five year olds, she had a bright imagination, which could lead to her easily getting overwhelmed by her surroundings. Even though she did not say a word she was the one who always calmed her siblings down. Jessica and their parents could try their best, but if a noisy sibling saw Salome stare at them with her innocent glare, they just… calmed down. It was like they felt embarrassed over causing so much chaos when they saw how good and patient she was. Also, they always felt… sorry for her. It must not be fun seeing all your older siblings yell like that. Darren was also a bit afraid of Salome - what if she secretly plotted to kill them all?
The youngest member of the family was, of course, the baby. She had a name, but the thing was that her siblings thought her name was absolutely ridiculous, so they just called her “the baby”. Now, all names feel different to different people, of course. What’s a beautiful name to someone might be the weirdest name to someone else. It all also depends on who you are and where you live. Some countries have names that absolutely no one outside that particular country is named. The Spins parents wanted to name their kids things that most people around the globe could pronounce and understand (that kind of backfired with Salome, as people were quite unsure if it was pronounced “Sah-lom” or “Sah-lo-mee”, or just something entirely different. “Sah-lo-mee” was the pronunciation the parents used, but it didn’t stop others to pronounce it differently). With their youngest child, they wanted something more unique, so they went all in.
The baby’s name was Millicent. Millicent Sunshine Rudy Spins. It was kind of a cute name. If you were a baby in the 1800s or perhaps in the very modern hipster times. The Spins siblings did not live in the 1800s or the very modern hipster times. They had to admit Millicent was kind of cute, but for some reason the children didn’t really want to call her that every time they mentioned her. Of course, they couldn’t always call her “the baby”, so Erica suggested they could call her “Millie” or “Mills”. When talking about Millicent’s middle names, well… all of the siblings had pretty unusual middle names. Just ask Jessica Rainbow, Erica Plumberry, Salome Jane Dot Constance… the boys had pretty common middle names however, but their middle names were before their first names for some reason. Hugo Darren and Hunter Timothy.
The six siblings ate breakfast until the phone suddenly rang. 
“I’ll get it!” shouted Darren and rushed to pick up. “Spins residence? Hi, dad!”
He held out the phone so all his siblings could shout “hi, dad!” and then returned to speaking to him by himself. “We’re just eating breakfast. Uh-huh? Yes… i’ll check! Hey Jessica, has the baby been sleeping?”
“She has.” Jessica said.
“She has! I’m sorry dad, but I just can’t say Millicent. It’s too- alright. You were gonna name her what? Oh gosh… okay. Yeah. Okay. Love you!”
“What were they gonna name who?” Tim asked.
“Our dear baby sister over here”, Darren said, walking up to Millicent,  “Was gonna be named Moonshine.”
“Moonshine Sunshine Rudy Spins.” Erica giggled.
The rest of the morning went on smoothly.  Darren snuck off to try summoning a spirit in Salome’s room, but got caught by Salome when she was going there to play. So he decided to try to hide and scare Jessica in the living room. Tim decided to take the bus to the local antique store and see if there was any old music stuff. Erica decided to spend her day with Millicent and was following her around the house.
“Millie!” Erica squeaked as she followed the little baby. “Where are we going now? Oh, upstairs? You can’t walk upstairs? Is your big sister gonna carry you? Yes! Hey, Millie! Mills! Little Mila, are you little Mila?” “Erica, what are you doing?” Jessica asked.
“Just talking to our cute little baby sister, that’s all!”
“Okay, but she needs to take a nap, so take her up.”
Erica groaned, “Uh, I know! That’s why I’m taking her upstairs now?” She rolled her eyes and made some mumbled groans to Millicent. “She doesn’t think I know it’s your nap? I’m gonna take a nap too, I can’t take Jessica’s bullshit anymore…”
Jessica sighed and turned back to the book she was reading. Everything was silent now, all her siblings were off doing something else. It was nice and calm in the living room. All nice and calm until…
Jessica flinched as she heard the scream. Behind the couch she was sitting on was Darren, now giggling like a maniac.
“That could’ve been a spirit, I just wanted to prepare you.” he chuckled, “Also, the look on your face-”
Jessica frowned, “Darren, you little shit!”
“Oh my god!” Darren exclaimed. “You swore! You actually swore!”
Right then, Tim got home again and wondered why his brother was jumping around. Darren took his hands, “Jessica swore!”
“She did?” Tim asked.
“Darren, stop.” Jessica sighed, as her brothers jumped around the room.
“She swore!” 
“Jessica swore!”
“Well, don’t tell Erica, or i’ll kill you both. Okay?”
Suddenly the boys stopped jumping and nodded carefully, but still having gleeful smirks. 
Some seconds later, the phone rang. Jessica picked it up, as it was right next to the couch. 
“Hello? Hi, mom! Good! Good… yeah, the twins are playing and so is Salome in her room… Erica’s putting her down for a nap right now. Me? Just reading. Yeah… what? Wait, now? Today? Tomorrow? Why- has something happened? Can’t you tell me now? Okay… okay, yeah. I’ll tell them. Yes. Love you too, mom! Goodbye!”
“What did mom want?” Tim asked.
“She and dad are coming home earlier.” Jessica explained.
“She didn’t say why, she said they’ll explain when they’re coming home again.”
“So… when are they coming home?” Darren asked.
“Fuck, we have to clean the house!” Tim exclaimed and ran off.
The children didn’t know that this was the last phone call they would ever get… in this house.
So, I have not read this story properly until today... I so wanted to go in and edit a bunch, as I'm a better writer today, but I also wanted to leave it unedited, like a time capsule. While not much happened in this chapter, the rest of them will change drastically. If you're interested in reading the next chapter of this original story of mine, just tell me!
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projectcaramel · 2 years
Saccharine (14) - Satan x F!Reader x Lucifer
“Eh? What’re ya askin’ me for?” the white-haired demon hisses, glancing around as if he’ll be assaulted by one of the demons currently debating over whether you would rather listen to an orchestra piece or a cursed record. 
“Because Lucifer dotes on you,” you reply as you hand him the ticket. “And because you wouldn’t fall for a bookworm like me.” 
“Dotes? Have you gone insane or somethin’?” 
“Maybe,” you chuckle. “I did scold both of them a few times. But regardless, the voucher holds true. If they start fighting, you get in the middle of it. And don’t worry; I’ll do my best to help.” Mammon groans. 
“Fine. I’ll do it. Not like I have a choice anyway.”
“Thank you,” you reply. “Hopefully, it’s just insurance, but...”
“I get it, I get it. Go sweet-talk ‘em or whatever.” Mammon pushes you back towards the boys, and you nod slightly before you rejoin the pair, who are still debating over what you should listen to. At once, you swipe Satan’s symphony and Lucifer’s glass before you take a seat and beckon them to join you. 
“Wow this is bitter,” you remark as you take a sip of Lucifer’s demonus. “Satan have you had this?” You offer him the glass, and he stares at the rim for a long moment before he eventually takes it. 
“I haven’t, no,” he replies before he takes a sip from the same spot you did and grimaces. 
“Is it really that horrible?” Lucifer mutters before he takes the glass back and turns it around to the other side. 
“...That’s not my issue,” Satan grumbles, annoyed as he covers his face, and you have the intense feeling that he’s irritated because he likes the same vintage Lucifer does. “Well, anyway, here.” Satan takes one of the books he brought and opens it to the title page. Josephine, it says.
“Where do you even find these books?” you ask with a laugh as you see the publisher and the date. It was published some thousands of years ago. 
“It was a present,” Satan replies, seeming embarrassed.
“I don’t care if you bought it yourself; it’s beautiful,” you reply, even as you set the book on your lap and open to the first page. “So is the music you picked. Thank you, Satan.” That sends him grinning pretty quickly. 
“I’m glad you like them. Oi, don’t let him turn the page.” You glance at Lucifer, who had reached over to turn the page. 
“It’s the least I can do,” he tries.  
“You read too fast!” Satan retorts hotly. “The last time you were page turner, you spoiled the plot for me!” 
“Sorry... my bad.” You can help but laugh a little to yourself, and you feel both boys staring at you as you do so. “What? Do you find the idea of me apologizing that funny?” 
“No,” you reply as you look down at the book. “It’s just nice to know that you two spend time together after all.” Lucifer and Satan look at each other for a moment, then at you. 
“Well, we are family,” Satan replies eventually, and Lucifer’s eyes turn to him again for a moment before he smiles to himself. 
“Yes, we are,” he replies, even as he reads the book with you and Satan, thankfully abstaining from turning the pages, although you see his fingers twitch a few times. You get so into the novel that you don’t notice the weight against your shoulder until you finish the sixth chapter. You glance over to see Lucifer fell asleep there, his breathing soft and regular. 
“Wow,” you mumble. He really must have been exhausted to fall asleep long before 11 PM. Well, of course he would be worn out—between the whole Paladire fiasco, the Prism event and his other duties, he had his hands overfull. His head was heavy. 
“Hey,” Satan says, turning your attention away from Lucifer’s lapsed guard, and you find yourself hoping that he’s not going to suggest pranking his older brother. “I didn’t ask about it earlier, but what were you talking about with Mammon?” You glance at Satan, surprised that he was paying attention in the first place. 
“Ah... I just told him to...” You hesitate. Wouldn’t it be better to have Mammon’s intervention to be a surprise? Were you thinking too hard? “I just told him to step in if you and Lucifer got into a fight.” 
“...seriously? That’s all it was?” Satan asked before he groaned and covered his face with his hands. “I got worried over nothing...”
He seriously thought I’d go for Mammon? Is he insecure or does he just not know me well? 
“I like both of you. A lot,” you say as you pat his back. “Don’t shorten your life.” He glances at you before his cheeks flush, and it seems like he’s internally screaming. “Satan?” 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles. “I’m really trying to stop myself from kissing you right now.”
<;< Previous
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starksinthenorth · 3 years
Musings on ASOIAF Ladies and Ambition
I’ve noticed people use “ambition” to describe Sansa and Daenerys as if it’s a bad word or an insult (often called “power hungry”). Yet in the text of the series, neither of them are shown to be ambitious people as a core characteristic. I blame the series for a lot of this, because it failed to explore the internal dialogue of Sansa, Arya, and even Cersei, who ends up more humanized than either of them by the end (because of the maybe baby).
Cersei Lannister is the classic ambitious ASOIAF lady, whose point-of-view is introduced in perhaps the most iconic sentence of any introductory chapter:
She dreamt she sat the Iron Throne, high above them all.
I can’t think of a sentence in ASOIAF that better introduces the internal thoughts and view of its leading character.
In comparison, Sansa’s first sentence is receiving news about her father’s whereabouts, Daenerys is shown her new dress to meet Drogo, and Arya has crooked stitches again. Arya’s works to frame her relationship with Sansa and her internal struggle to fit the feminine Westerosi mold, while Sansa and Daenerys are setting up plot points. None of these interactions signal ambition, bad or good. Daenerys did not arrange her wedding, Sansa is just told the information by her Septa, and while Arya is aspiring to have straight stitches, that’s hardly an ambitious goal for a girl of nine.
Fans rarely, if ever, deny Cersei’s cruel, cold, often stupid ambition. In fact, it’s one of the reason people seem to love her. She’s internally open about what she wants - power - and when she wants it - now:
All of them are burning now, she told herself, savoring the thought. They are dead and burning, every one, with all their plots and schemes and betrayals. It is my day now. It is my castle and my kingdom.
- AFFC, Cersei III
The rule was hers; Cersei did not mean to give it up until Tommen came of age. I waited, so can he. I waited half my life. She had played the dutiful daughter, the blushing bride, the pliant wife. She had suffered . . . She had contended with Jon Arryn, Ned Stark, and her vile, treacherous, murderous dwarf brother, all the while promising herself that one day it would be her turn. If Margaery Tyrell thinks to cheat me of my hour in the sun, she had bloody well think again.
- AFFC, Cersei V
Cersei is the definition of a power hungry lady, scheming and cheating at every point. Yes, Sansa learned from her, but most of Sansa’s internalized lessons of Cersei’s were to do the exact opposite. 
"The night's first traitors," the queen [Cersei] said, "but not the last, I fear. . . . Another lesson you should learn, if you hope to sit beside my son. . . . The only way to keep your people loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy."
"I will remember, Your Grace," said Sansa, though she had always heard that love was a surer route to the people's loyalty than fear. If I am ever a queen, I'll make them love me.
- ACOK, Sansa VI
Cersei isn’t the only POV character who views herself outside of conventional Westerosi standards and aspires to something beyond being a wife and mother. Arya Stark has ambition writ clear on the page, though it is not so cold or denying other people their rights or chances. Compared to Cersei, Arya doesn’t want everything, crown and throne and kingdom and all. She just wants something, and even that is denied to highborn women in Westeros. Even when she asks her father about her future, a man who wants to do right by his children and loves them, Eddard Stark is blinded by Westerosi patriarchy:
Arya cocked her head to one side. "Can I be a king's councillor and build castles and become the High Septon?"
"You," Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, "will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon."
- AGOT, Eddard V
With Arya in this, I see some parallels to Elaena Targaryen, who was so good at math and management she served as the secret Master of Coin while her husband carried the title. Elaena was “more willful than Rhaena, but not as beautiful as either of her sisters,” yet is also said to have been “more beautiful at age seventy than at age seventeen,” growing into herself like Arya is expected to. They both even cut their hair, Arya to hide her gender and Elaena to hide her beauty, both instances to gain freedom from captivity in the Red Keep.
Despite both these examples of ambition - Cersei’s all-encompassing, without care for how it affects the realm, and Arya’s attempt to find a place in the world outside the Westerosi model - it still becomes an insult when people speak of Daenerys and Sansa.
Critics claim Sansa is ambitious, and negatively so, because she “wants to be queen.” But this criticism misses a vital point of Sansa’s character. Unlike Cersei, she does not want to be queen because of the power and political influence, but because she will be living a song. In the start, Sansa’s got her head in the clouds, not to the dirty world of politics. Her very first chapter lays out this motivation incredibly clearly:
All she wanted was for things to be nice and pretty, the way they were in the songs.
When she thinks of Joffrey and being in love with him, it’s because he’s “handsome and gallant as any prince in the songs” (AGOT, Sansa II), 
Alternatively, it has been said that Sansa is ambitious because of her claim to Winterfell. But compare how Sansa thinks of her claim to how Big Walder Frey does. Despite being far down the inheritance line, he is certain he will someday possess the Twins. He’s likely willing to kill his family to become Lord of the Crossing, and already has killed Little Walder.
In comparison, Sansa isn’t the one who realizes her claim as heir to Winterfell, even after her two younger brothers are believed dead. It’s Dontos who mentions it, and after she still thinks that Robb will have sons to inherit.
But she had not forgotten his words, either. The heir to Winterfell, she would think as she lay abed at night. It's your claim they mean to wed. Sansa had grown up with three brothers. She never thought to have a claim, but with Bran and Rickon dead . . . It doesn't matter, there's still Robb, he's a man grown now, and soon he'll wed and have a son. Anyway, Willas Tyrell will have Highgarden, what would he want with Winterfell?
- ASOS, Sansa II
Sansa’s not ready to kill Bran and Rickon if they show up. Her arc is about taking off the rose-tinted glasses and seeing reality, but also working to make reality like a song. For example, her idea of the Tournament of the Winged Knights for Sweetrobin. It’s a song come to life, all by her making. TBD how the ending goes, of course, but it shows that trajectory.
And finally, Daenerys.
Daenerys is not driven by some lifelong desire to win and dominate. She’s forced into it, a la Brienne’s “no chance and no choice.” If Daenerys were raised in a stable environment, I have a feeling she’d be much more like Sansa: dreamy, hopeful, sweet and studious. Happy.
But instead, her eyes are open.
When she’s introduced as a character, she shows an awareness for the schemes and politics of the world. She knows her brother is called the Beggar King in the Free Cities, and is doubtful of the smallfolk’s secret toasts to Viserys III that Illyrio Mopatis claims happen across Westeros.
Like Sansa and Cersei, there’s evidence of her goals, hopes, and wishes in the very first chapter:
"I don't want to be his queen," she heard herself say in a small, thin voice. "Please, please, Viserys, I don't want to, I want to go home."
. . .
Dany had only meant their rooms in Illyrio's estate, no true home surely, though all they had, but her brother did not want to hear that. There was no home there for him. Even the big house with the red door had not been home for him.
Daenerys remembers home as the house with the red door in Braavos. It’s her brother whose only home and stability was the Red Keep, not her.
Throughout her journey of power to take back the Seven Kingdoms, she is doubtful at every turn and most of her wishes are for happiness, for peace, for stability.
Dany had no wish to reduce King's Landing to a blackened ruin full of unquiet ghosts. She had supped enough on tears. I want to make my kingdom beautiful, to fill it with fat men and pretty maids and laughing children. I want my people to smile when they see me ride by, the way Viserys said they smiled for my father.
- ACOK, Daenerys II
A queen I am, but my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand. Without dragons, how could she hope to hold Meereen, much less win back Westeros?
- ADWD, Daenerys II
Even later, Daenerys is determined to bring peace to the lands she currently rules. She does plan to return to the Seven Kingdoms, but it’s not driven by pure ambition. And this is, notably, from a conversation when Prince Quentyn Nymeros Martell asks her to come back and claim them now, saying she has allies for that conquest. And still she turns him down, with promises that it will only happen eventually:
"Daenerys said. ". . . .One day I shall return to Westeros to claim my father's throne, and look to Dorne for help. But on this day the Yunkai'i have my city ringed in steel. I may die before I see my Seven Kingdoms. Hizdahr may die. Westeros may be swallowed by the waves."
- ADWD, Daenerys VII
And yet in both Sansa and Daenerys, these visions and hopes for the futures they might have are considered unbridled ambition, although they turn more on happiness and peace for themselves and their people, rather than the type of ambition Cersei has, which is clearly her own power and being heralded above everyone.
Daenerys’ thoughts in her sixth chapter of ADWD have the same energy as Sansa’s “I will make them love me.”:
"A queen must know the sufferings of her people."
. . .
A queen must listen to her people, Dany reminded herself. 
Daenerys has figured out how to make her people love her, by wearing her “floppy ears” and appealing to the masses, listening to them, et cetera. She’s also a bit ahead of Sansa in the realm of ruling, to be sure.
But how are these similar thoughts ambition in either of them? It’s an attempt to empathize and connect, not to throw away and disregard and rule by force and domination. Both these ladies are more nuanced, and the fandom does them a disservice by painting them as ambitious or power-hungry when at the end for both of them, it’s a desire to have a happy, stable, loving life.
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alj4890 · 3 years
All Through The Night
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A Choices: The Royal Romance Dark AU fanfiction. 
A/N Other than my few Bloodbound shorts, I’ve never written anything with supernatural overtones before. After receiving requests to see Liam and Riley’s story if he was a vampire, this storyline was born. Since it is set in one of my favorite books from Pixelberry, I had to include as many of the main and supporting characters as I could. The following chapters will explain more where they and what our main characters are. Not going to lie, I am very anxious to step out of my comfort zone for this, but I’m also super excited to see how it goes. Along with The Royal Romance, I will be referencing and altering both The Crown and The Flame and The Royal Masquerade.
@gkittylove99​​ @krsnlove​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​ @yourmajesty09​ @mom2000aggie​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @twinkleallnight​ @lodberg​ @twinkleallnight​ @amandablink​ @neotericthemis​  @mm2305​ @sfb123​ @iufilms​​ ​ ​
Once upon a time...
"Father!" Zenobia rushed down the stairwell. "Kenna is at the gates!"
King Luthor's frown deepened as he studied the places his troops had been destroyed. His hope to unite the five kingdoms and wipe off the abomination was for naught.
Kenna would not stop until he and his surviving offspring's heads were on pikes.
...until their blood filled the crystal goblets of the Dark Queen.
"What do we do?" His son, Diavolos, asked.
Luthor knew it was only himself Kenna wanted. After he had killed her mother, hoping to stop the monsters once and for all, Kenna would have her revenge.
If only he had known that she was a vampire...just like her mother.
"Listen carefully." His voice trembled at this possibly being the last time he was able to speak to his son and daughter. "A Nevarkis must always be ready to fight the creatures that prey on the weak and vulnerable."
"But..." Zenobia sniffed. "How? How can we possibly kill the unkillable?"
"She can be killed just like her mother before her." Luthor snapped. "Sunlight. A dagger to the heart. Cutting the head off." His features hardened with resolve. "Know that those are our true allies. Continue your training with daggers. Never stop being vigilant. Educate your children. And remember: where there's one vampire, many more lie in wait in the shadows."
Diavolos stepped forward and gripped his father's shoulder. "We will fight for you."
"No." Luthor corrected. "Fight for our people. The innocent. Fight for a chance to live without fear of monsters."
He cleared his throat. "If I should die--"
"Don't say that!" Zenobia screeched. "We'll be--"
"Kenna is coming for me." Luthor interrupted. "I know I must face the consequences of my actions."
"But--" Divalos lowered his head. "What are we to do?"
"Kill her." Luthor ordered. "Let your emotion be your strength." He took their hands. "And remember that a vampire is nature's evil incarnate. They will do whatever they want and kill anyone who they think is in their way." His voice turned to pleading. "Kill Kenna before she has a chance to kill you."
Zenobia nodded in a jerky manner. Diavolos swallowed with tears in his eyes.
"Good. Now prepare yourselves." Luthor pulled his sword from its sheath. "The devil herself is here."
Two years later...
Kenna cuddled her infant son, humming a lullaby.
Dom came in, a soft smile gracing his lips at the sight of his family.
"How are we this evening?" He asked, placing a kiss first on her lips then one on his son's forehead.
"A little fussy." Kenna explained. "But otherwise perfect."
"Good." Dom stretched then went to stoke the fire. "I will be going out later tonight."
Kenna's head jerked up. "Why? Are there more rumors?"
He nodded, a determined frown formed on his lips. "The Nevarkis brats refuse to let us live in peace." He moved to stand before the window that looked out toward the kingdom he had once lived in.
High in the mountains, the couple and those like them had found sanctuary. They built a kingdom, one of darkness and shadow that allowed them to live freely. He and Kenna were crowned the rulers, chosen by their people...those that were cursed as monsters.
"Si and I will be standing guard." He explained. "I will not risk you or our child."
"Dom..." Kenna pulled him close, capturing his lips in a long tender kiss. "This must end. I was foolish to let my need for revenge take over." Tears sparkled in her eyes. "Luthor might have left us alone if I had given him a chance."
Dom's face contorted into furious hatred. "A Nevarkis can never be trusted!" He gripped her waist, hands heating as he lost his temper. "He would have plunged a dagger into your heart the first chance he had."
"Dom." She said softly when he singed her clothes.
He wrenched his hands from her with a grimace. "I didn't burn you, did I?"
She shook her head. "I'm fine." She tried to lighten the mood. "Just a little overheated."
He took deep breaths to get himself under control. "Stay here where it is safe." His eyes searched hers. "Have you fed recently?"
"No, but I should be fine until you return." Kenna lifted a bottle with blood for their son. "I can call on one of the servants to help me if I need to."
"Promise me you won't go outside." He pleaded.
"Only if you promise to come back to me." She responded.
His lips quirked in that cocky smile she has always adored.
"Always, my queen." He kissed her once more, then slipped out the door to search out their enemies.
Present Day New York...
"Cordonia...land of both beauty and mystery." Riley wrinkled her nose. "Boring."
"No, it isn't." Hana argued. "I think that is the perfect beginning."
"Look at the comments from our last video." Riley swiveled her laptop so her friend could see. "People love our walkthroughs and all but hate my narration."
"Well..." Hana's brow furrowed. "Maybe we should try to add more to it than just narration." She pulled out some sketches. "We could add some animation of the history before showing our footage of the country."
"That might work." Riley mumbled, tapping her pen against her notebook.
The two set to work planning their next project.
After years of trying, they had finally achieved their dream of traveling for a living. The two college friends had taken every class they could on how to make their hopes into a reality. With Riley's love of history and business and Hana's talent with art and fashion, the pair had created a successful travel channel that showcased rarely visited countries and cities around the world.
Hana took care of all the shopping and dining found at their chosen destinations. Her "day trips" were hailed as must see for anyone planning a vacation. Riley took over for what could be found at night. Myths and legends blended in with what could be discovered once the sun set. A place's nightlife was thoroughly researched and reached a wide variety of their audience, causing many to plan a vacation just on her recommendations alone.
"Did your mom suggest where we should go first?" Riley asked, after skimming the same few articles about the elusive country.
"Not really." Hana hedged.
Riley glanced up. "Is she giving you a hard time again?"
"Yes." Hana slumped in her chair. "She told me to call when I was done playing tour guide."
"Geez." Riley grumbled. "Does she not realize that we have created a legit business?"
"Ladies shouldn't be involved in anything that does not pertain to their husband and family." Hana quoted. "I was supposed to have my debut to Cordonian society last year." Angry tears filled her eyes. "She still hasn't forgiven me for missing out on the Masquerade Ball."
Riley wrapped her in a comforting hug. "I'm sorry."
Hana patted her back. "Don't be. I finally feel like I can accomplish anything."
"That's because you can." Riley sat back with a grin. "Especially with planning out what we should focus on first."
Hana giggled as she went to search out some of her old books she had inherited from her grandparents. "These might help you with your part."
Riley's eyebrows lifted over the titles. "The Crown, the Flame, and The Night Queen."
"That is the earliest recorded story of vampires and monsters in Cordonia." Hana explained. "Queen Kenna Rhys and King Luthor Nevarkis both fought over uniting the kingdoms that make up Cordonia." She shook her head in disbelief. "There is a legend that Queen Kenna was a vampire that married a man who could transform into a dragon."
"For real?" Riley eagerly opened the book. "What happened?"
"Luthor died." Hana reached for another history book. "Some say it was a sword fight while others say she ripped his throat out with her fangs."
"Whoa. Either way, she sounds pretty epic."
"His son got revenge though." Hana flipped to another chapter. "He sneaked in one day and supposedly dragged Kenna into the sunlight. Before her husband could save her, she burned to ash."
"Brutal." Riley shivered. "What did the dragon do?"
Hana shrugged. "Supposedly he left with their child to protect him." She pointed at some drawings rendered from the Dark Ages. "Kenna's son came back to extract revenge. He eliminated one entire side of the Nevarkis family tree."
"And let me guess," Riley picked up another book. "The remaining Nevarkis's struck back?"
"It's supposedly been a feud for centuries between the Nevarkis and the Rhys' families." Hana pulled up an image on her phone. "Though one is currently ruling Cordonia."
Riley studied the image. "Queen Olivia Nevarkis. Looks like the Rhys lost the throne."
Hana shrugged. "There's a myth that they still rule Cordonia from the shadows."
"Mythical royal vampires, huh?" Riley laughed at the thought. "I hope I bump into one just so I can figure out who's really in charge."
Hana giggled at the thought. "You would be the only person to ask a logical, government question instead of the usual, whoa you're a real live vampire!"
Riley threw a pillow at her. "Hey! I can be calm and collected when faced with the unknown."
Hana threw the pillow back. "Tell that to the supposed haunted house we visited on our last trip." She broke out into laughter with Riley's defense that squeaking doors were the true villains. "On that note, I'm going to start packing. Our flight leaves first thing in the morning."
"I'll be ready." Riley promised.
Once alone, she flipped to a more current timeline of the supposed Dark Kingdom.
King Constantine Rhys the Third rules over what is his rightful kingdom. Rumors swirl that he is simply biding his time until he can eliminate the usurper, Queen Olivia Nevarkis, First of Her Name. The people know that one day, a Rhys will sit upon the throne, uniting the Dark Kingdom and Cordonia once and for all.
Cordonia's Royal Palace, 2 a.m.
"Heeeerah! Olivia threw her daggers as hard as she could while doing a roundhouse kick.
The blades struck into the chest, head, and groin of the makeshift dummy.
She brushed the few strands of red hair that had escaped her hair clip out of her eyes. With a great deal of scrutiny, she studied her dagger placement.
"The one to the head needs to go deeper."
She spun around with a start at that all too familiar voice.
"You're late." She folded her arms and tapped her foot.
Liam rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry. Had to stop off for a quick bite."
Olivia rolled her eyes. "That's not funny."
"Not that kind of bite." He teased, holding up a styrofoam box.
"Oh." She blinked in surprise. "I forget that you enjoy normal food too."
He chuckled at that. "There are certain foods that I don't think any man could ever give up."
Olivia decided to ignore that as she wiped the sweat from her face and neck. "Now that you're here, let's get the formalities over with."
"Very well." Liam gestured toward her. "You may go first."
She sat down on a bench lining one side of the palace gym. She motioned for him to join her.
"Not you!" She hissed when she saw his all too familiar guard.
Drake Walker bristled at her tone. His brown eyes clashed with her green.
"Give us a moment, please." Liam asked him.
"Don't let your guard down." Drake warned. "Remember, she's a Nevarkis."
Olivia tensed. "Perhaps you should remember what happened the last time you said something like that."
She quirked one eyebrow at the man and felt a sense of glee when he winced in memory.
His hand automatically drifted to his side where one of her daggers had once struck true.
With a quick bow to Liam, Drake stepped back out into the hallway.
Liam shook his head. "Are you two ever going to get along?"
"Stop talking stupid." Olivia snapped. "Now then, as you know...I must have my revenge."
"I know." Liam folded his arms and leaned casually against a column.
She eyed him for any sign of hatred.
It drove her crazy how unvampiric he could be.
He seemed almost human.
He seemed...kind.
A vampire is nature's evil incarnate. You can never trust a Rhys.
Those words had been drummed into her skull by her parents and then her aunt after their deaths by Constantine's hand.
And yet...Liam had done the unthinkable.
He had actually been a friend to Olivia.
The night after her parents' funeral, five year old Olivia had been sitting alone before the fireplace, weeping over them.
Her aunt had left her to deal with her own grief and to plan the next attack upon Constantine.
As she searched for a tissue, Olivia jumped back with a shriek at the little blonde haired boy that held the Kleenex box.
His eyes were filled with unshed tears as he handed her a tissue.
"Who are you?" She asked, remembering that a Nevarkis must always be brave.
"I'm Liam." He explained. "I wanted to...I wanted to tell you I'm sorry about your parents." He sniffed and took a tissue for himself. "My mom died too."
Olivia blinked and took a cautious step forward. "Are you...are you a vampire?!"
He nodded.
She whipped out the dagger her mother had given her and rushed at him.
Liam moved faster than she could comprehend, gently keeping her hand above her head.
"Let go of me, monster!" She ordered. "You're why I'm all alone!"
"I didn't do anything." He told her, anguish taking over his handsome features. "I don't want to hurt you or anyone."
"Liar!" She snapped. "That's what you do. Lie and kill." Her tears ran faster down her cheeks. "And now you'll kill me."
"I won't." He promised. "I swear I won't hurt you." He ignored his own tears trickling down his cheeks. His blue eyes burned with resolve. "My mother made me promise never to hurt a human."
Olivia shook her head. It had to be lies. Isn't that what vampires and monsters do? Lull you into letting your guard down so that they could have an easy kill.
"Your father will pay for what he did." She said, hoping to see his true, evil nature. "He must die!"
"I know." Liam slowly released her and took a step back.
Olivia watched in surprise as he sat down before her fireplace and pulled out a silk blue ribbon from his pocket.
He motioned for her to join him.
She slowly lowered herself down, dagger poised in her little fist in case he made a move.
"May I have your hand, please?" He asked.
He patiently waited on her to decide whether or not to give it to him.
She tentatively placed her hand in his.
His lips turned up into a relieved smile as he wrapped the ribbon over their joined hands.
"What are you doing?" She asked, lowering her dagger.
"Making a bond." He explained. "I, Liam Rhys, Crown Prince of the Dark Kingdom, promise to never seek out revenge and to end all vendettas against the Nevarkis family." His blue eyes held her green. "Just as my mother, Queen Eleanor wanted me to."
Oliva's lips parted. "You mean it?"
"I do." Liam's voice held a great deal of sincerity. "I would rather walk into the sun than not do as she asked."
"Oh." Olivia sniffed. She could understand that kind of devotion.
"Do you," Liam's cheeks colored. "Do you think we can be allies?"
"A Nevarkis will never be friends with a monster." She repeated the rhetoric that she knew by heart.
"But," Liam's shoulders slumped. "We're not all bad."
"All monsters are bad at heart."
"I'm not." He pouted. "I don't want to be."
"You're so weird." She muttered.
"Am not." Liam grumbled. "I hope I'm not."
Olivia looked down at their hands still bound together. "I guess since you promised something, I should too."
He didn't bother to hide his surprise.
She stuck her tongue out at him. "I, Olivia Nevarkis, The Crown Princess of Cordonia, swear that after I kill Constantine Rhys, I will lay down my weapons." Her brow furrowed. "I'll pick them back up though if you or any other monster tries anything."
Liam's smile grew. Before she could react, he tugged her into a quick hug.
"Now we can be friends!" He cheered.
"Friends?" She shook her head. "I'm a Nevarkis and you're a Rhys. We can't be friends."
"We will be." He vowed, jumping to his feet. "I have to go before Father finds out I've sneaked out. I'll try to come back in a few nights."
Olivia didn't have a chance to tell him whether or not she wanted him to. In the blink of an eye, he had jumped from her balcony and was already out the palace gates.
That had been the beginning of Liam's visits. Through the years, he had remained true to his promise. He did all he could to befriend her and never tried to sway her from seeking vengeance.
Olivia had once asked him how he could take her threat against his father so easily.
He had merely shrugged, explaining that he knew it was the way of things. His father had killed both her parents, while he had only lost one. He hoped she didn't since he did not wish to see his father or her dead.
Olivia had then told him again how weird he was, bringing another smile to his lips.
And now here he was again, calmly taking her promised vengeance well.
"So what business brings you here tonight?" She asked.
"Father thinks it is time I chose a wife." Liam responded. "I thought you should know that I will be spending more time in your kingdom to find one."
Olivia shot up off the bench. "What? But you promised to never hurt a human!"
"And I will keep true to that." He explained.
"But..." Olivia's brow furrowed. "You'll turn her into a vampire."
"Only if she wishes it." Liam explained. "I won't force her to make such a decision."
"I see." She began to pace while thinking. "You'll have vampire children."
"Only if she's a vampire." He reminded her. "Remember my brother."
Olivia paused. She had forgotten about Leo Rhys, The Great Disappointment of the Dark Kingdom. His mother had begged Constantine not to turn her. It had never been asked before, and in his mercy he had agreed. That was when they all discovered that a monster and a human could only produce a human child. In order for the heir to the Dark Kingdom to be a vampire, both parents had to be the same being.
"And you'll be fine having human children?" She asked. "If you're chosen bride refuses the Vampire's Kiss?"
"Of course." He responded.
"Lord, you're so weird." She muttered.
His smirk flashed. "Let's hope the woman I choose doesn't think so."
"Are there no women in your kingdom you can choose from?" She asked.
"I've looked." He shook his head. "It's hard to explain, but if one doesn't have an arranged marriage, then we must search until we see the one meant for us."
"And you somehow got weirder." She brushed her hands down her pants and held one out to him. "Good luck, I suppose."
"Thank you." He grasped her hand and lifted it to his lips. "I'll keep you updated on my progress."
"There's no need."
"Of course there is." He winked at her on his way out. "We're friends."
Her lips parted to once again remind him that they couldn't be. For some reason, she decided not to say it.
Liam had somehow wormed his way into her life and had become the closest friend she had ever had.
The Lee Residence, Shanghai, China...
Lorelei paled as she reread the report. 
It can’t be. Not Now!
Of all the times for this to happen, it would be when her stubborn, foolish daughter decided to visit. 
Given the nature of her relationship with Hana, she knew that there was no way she could convince her to postpone her trip to Cordonia. 
There was only one course of action left to take. She would have to call the one man who was capable of protecting her daughter. She would promise hiim anything as long as he kept Hana out of Liam’s clutches. As much as wanted her to give up this ridiculous hobby she called a job and settled down with the right sort of man, she would never put her in the path of becoming the next vampire queen. 
Setting down the packet of information from one of her informants, she checked to make certain no servant was out in the hallway and then searched for the needed phone number.
Taking a deep breath, she placed the call.
Her trepidation grew when he didn’t immediately answer.
"Lord Beaumont?" 
"Yes." She could hear a door closing in the background. "Who is this?"
"Lorelei Lee." She replied.
"Lady Lorelei." He responded with a recognition. "How can I help you?"
"My daughter and her friend have got it in their heads to come visit Cordonia." She began. "I'm not certain how long they intend to stay, but I was hoping that I could retain your services."
"For what exactly?" Lord Beaumont asked.
"Protection." She replied. "I have heard through certain channels that the dark prince is beginning to search for a bride." She took a deep breath. "We do NOT want our daughter anywhere near that vile creature."
"I understand." He replied. "I usually don't do personal security. With my brother, Bertrand, retired," he hesitated, "it is left up to me to help protect Cordonia's borders."
"My husband and I would be in your debt if you could watch over her in the evenings." Lorelei cajoled. "I've heard that your brother is planning on extending his vineyards. We would be more than happy to invest in the production and distribution of his sparkling wine. Perhaps even let it be the only sparkling wine we serve in our hotels."
"Send me her information and picture. Call her and tell her that since our family is an old friend of yours, that I've volunteered to show them around. Find out where she's staying and when she plans on arriving."
"Oh thank you, my lord. We--"
"I'll also need a contract prepared and signed for all that you offered." He added.
"Yes of course. I'll get everything to you at once." She promised.
Once he ended the call, she sank back down onto her chair. 
She bowed her head and began to pray that her daughter came to no harm these next few weeks. To lose Hana to one of the many creatures that roamed the night in Cordonia was too horrible to even contemplate.
If anyone could keep her daughter safe then it was none other than Lord Maxwell Beaumont.
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tang-wei · 3 years
ONS Guren LN Vol 1 Chapter 5 Part 2 translation
Title: War and Convenience Stores
Translator: @tang-wei​
Raws: Chinese
If you feel the need to re-read the whole series again, the masterpost is here. Don’t forget that this is part 2 of chapter 5, please read part 1 as well! 
Important note: Because the previous sources for Volume 1 have been taken down/ made unavailable, I am translating this for the sake of fans who are not able to purchase a copy of the official English translation that is available. If you enjoy Guren’s story, then please support the author by buying the novel!  
The sun had set.
The town was dyed red.
On the way home from school.
In a place where there were not that many people, a small convenience store.
While Sayuri and Shigure shopped for dinner, Guren waited with his arms crossed, sitting on a guardrail.
At that moment,
“Saito-san! Saito-san! Is it really okay for me to buy any sweets that I want?!” The happy voice of a young boy could be heard.
Guren glanced at the direction of the voice. As one would expect, there was a young boy.
A fair-skinned boy with blond hair and a beautiful face. It was likely that he was not Japanese. Or it was possible that he had foreign blood in his veins.
The boy spoke while smiling very happily.
“I wonder what I should buy to make everyone at the orphanage happy~? Hey Saito-san, if I buy ice cream, do you think the director would get mad?”
It was then the man named Saito-san responded,
“I wonder. In that orphanage, is there even a fridge…”
“Of course there’s one.”
“Then it should be fine. Even the director should allow for sweets.”
“There now, take this money and go to the supermarket. Will you be alright buying it yourself, Mikaela-kun?”
The boy called Mikaela responded to that question,
“Of course. How old do you think I am? I’m 8!” He smiled. It was then Guren saw Saito take out 10,000 yen.
“Eh, this much…” Mikaela exclaimed, surprised.
Saito smiled.
“It’s for everyone after all.”
“But, is it really okay, to take 10,000 yen…”
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Now go on.”
“Okay! But if I was going to get that many sweets, it would’ve been good to have brought Akane-chan with me…”
Having said that, with sparkling eyes, the boy named Mikaela entered the supermarket.
“That’s why you are trying to get the sinful people who won’t join the 《Hyakuya Sect》, and therefore will die from the virus, to hurry and join?”
And thus,
Guren watched this with his arms crossed. Then, Guren’s gaze switched to watching the man called Saito.
Saito wore a black suit.
The man who had attacked Guren ten days earlier had worn the same black suit.
That is to say, that was the guy that tried to kill him in the elevator, the assassin from the《Hyakuya Sect》.
“Saito? Didn’t you say that your name was Kijima?”
The assassin smiled cordially at that.
“At the orphanage, I go as the kind Saito-san.”
“Hmm. So then is Kijima your real name?”
“I do not have a real name.”
“To put simply, you’re an assassin?”
“Then, at that orphanage, you like playing the role of Daddy Long-Legs?”
“Haha, that’s what it looks like. Well then, knowing that I am such a kind Daddy Long-Legs, have you become interested in hearing what I have to say…”
The assassin laughed at the interruption.
“Even so, please call me Saito-san while we’re here. If Mika-kun overheard, there would surely be some confusion.” He said.
With that, Guren glanced towards the supermarket where the boy named Mikaela had gone.
“And? What would you be using that kid for?”
“What do you mean?”
“The 《Hyakuya Sect》 is famous for their human
experimentation. Don’t try to say otherwise.”
“No no, that is a huge misunderstanding. In the end the 《Hyakuya Sect》administer the Hyakuya Orphanages as charitable work…”
“Then where did you come from?” Guren asked Saito.
“Who did that thing to your body? Where did that happen?
There’s no way you’re going to say something like your parents raised you in good health and with love, right?”
At that, Saito stopped smiling. He then replied in all seriousness,
“…You’re right. It’s certainly true that I came from the Hyakuya Orphanage. But I undertook the laboratory testing of my own free will, and obtained this body.”
“Huh, so brainwashing.”
Then, staring at Guren, Saito continued.
“No, I seriously think that the 《Hyakuya Sect》 wants to guide
this country to the right path. While Guren-sama may not be aware of this, if Japan continues down this path, the trumpet of the end will drag us into decay.”
Such strange things he said.
Still, Guren smiled and replied,
“Hah, so you’ve come out with it. The apocalypse, huh? That’s a signature move used against newcomers of a religion. If you do not believe, you won’t survive the apocalypse? Even we know how to use that kind of talk. So do the Hiiragis. There’s always something that resembles it in doctrines. But so what? By using that, did you think you’d be able to convert me?”
Guren asked.
Saito’s facial expression did not change, but regarded him seriously.
“That was not the meaning of what I said.”
“Then what is it?”
“In truth… if this continues, a virus will spread via an untouchable forbidden magic, who knows how rampantly it would spread, and the people of this world will find no place to live.”
“And, you’re saying that you guys are protecting us from that?”
Saito smiled and shook his head at that.
“No, as I said, I am not having this kind of conversion conversation. Even up til today, I didn’t have any intention to speak to you about these kind of things.”
“Ah? Then what do you want to speak to me about?”
To this question, Saito replied.
“About war. The one who made the virus is not God, but humans. And these are humans you know very well. The ones named Hiiragi.”
“Wha, that’s…”
Saito ignored that and continued,
“The 『Mikado no Oni』 who stole the seat of the National Magic Organization from the 《Hyakuya Sect》 has run wild, they are using the absolutely forbidden magic. That’s what we are frantically trying to prevent.”
Saying this, the corners of Saito’s mouth lifted.
“Well? Don’t you think we have common interests?”
What a thing to say. Saito stretched out a hand towards Guren,
“So, won’t you join forces with us? Before the word ends, to attack the Hiiragi.”
He proposed.
Guren looked at his hand.
He said that the Hiiragi were going to destroy the world with the forbidden magic they got their hands on, and that they were trying to protect everyone from it.
And then, in the dawn of the era of the Hiiragi being destroyed,
“…The position of the Ichinose would rise.”
At that, Saito smiled and nodded his head.
“Of course. Since this about those who assisted the 《Haykuya Sect》 in making history, regarding the position currently occupied by the Hiiragi, it would be between the forces of 『Mikado no Oni』 and 『Mikado no Tsukki』.”
“Hmm. Well, then what? Are you offering an alliance with all of the Ichinose– no, all of the 『Mikado no Tsukki』?”
“Of course.”
“Then, why are you offering it to me? The Head of the
Ichinose House is–”
“Your father, is that right? However, your father is part of the
docile faction.”
At that, Guren smiled once again.
“Then, I’m the radical?”
Saito nodded his head apologetically.
“As I’ve said before, we have also done some investigations into the past. Including yours and your father’s. And so we made a choice regarding who would be the party to participate in this conversation with us.”
“You chose me?”
“You thought that if it were me, I would readily accept?”
However, Saito shook his head.
“No. We did not think that. However, we thought that before it starts, we should at least say hello to you.”
Or so he said.
Before it all starts.
In other words,
“Even if you did not have the Ichinose, you intend to go to war?”
At that Saito shrugged his shoulders.
“The ones who started it are the Hiiragi though.”
“Besides, by telling me this much information, the start of that fierce struggle is fast approaching. ”
Smiling widely, Saito nodded.
“It is 10 days away. After 10 days, the 《Hyakuya Sect》 will go to war with the Hiiragi House.”
“10 days, huh. I will give you my reply then…”
“No, we need your answer now. If you do not join us today, then the plan for you to also be our enemy will be put into progress.”
Saito said, looking right at Guren.
Guren glared right back in return.
“That’s not happening. In the first place, if I don’t know the truth of what you are saying, how can I accept? Is the Hiiragi House really going wild with forbidden magic? Is it really necessary to stop them? Far from that, it’s also entirely possible that you guys the《Hyakuya Sect》 and the Hiiragis are teaming up to test the Ichinose. In these circumstances, you want me to immediately give you an answer? That is impossible.”
He responded.
However, Saito simply nodded his head, and,
“I see. Then negotiations have broken down.”
“What is it? Did you want to join us? Please be decisive. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter whether you are a friend or foe…”
In other words, it is what it is.
If a war began, the more comrades the better.
Even so, they thought that with the power the Ichinose have, whether they have them or not, would not influence the battle at all.
That is a fact.
Nevertheless, the 《Hyakuya Sect》, is a bigger and more powerful organisation than the Hiiragi House, who had the Ichinose under their submission. Of course there was no need for them to bow their head and beg for the Ichinose’s help.
At the end of the day, before the fight would begin, they just came by to say hello. If the Ichinose did not join, then they would be destroyed together with the Hiiragi.
That’s why in Guren’s mind, he was furiously wondering how to best act. What was the best method to ensure a future where the Ichinose House wouldn’t be destroyed. A method to ensure a future where those that belonged to the 『Mikado no Tsukki』would not be destroyed.
Right now, with the answer he had to give, there was a possibility that everything could change.
In that case, what was the best thing to do?
What was the best way for him to move?
As Guren was forming those thoughts in his head, he replied.
“At least, give me an hour to consider.”
“I cannot.”
Saito rejected.
At that, Guren narrowed his eyes.
“Then my answer is ‘No’. I won’t join forces with an organization that w
That night, Guren wrote to his family.
About the contact the《Hyakuya Sect》made.
About how the Hiiragis would run wild, and how it was possible that they would cause the destruction of the world with a virus. About how a war between the Hyakuya Church and the Hiiragi House will begin in ten days.
About how he rejected the 《Hyakuya Sect》’s proposal.
The letter would reach home the same day. Regarding such an important issue, not just the Ichinose, but all of the 『Mikado no Tsukki』 would gather to discuss how to act.
They would begin to gather information to verify the truth of Saito’s words.
Such a large job would take 3 days to complete. And then afterwards it would take a week to make preparations.
But, if what Saito said was the truth, then there was no time left to act at a leisurely pace.
It was possible that a war as going to start.
Furthermore, it was a war that could possibly destroy the whole of Japan―
Then, how should he personally deal with such a war.
“No, we need to carefully consider the best things to do during this chaos”
That night, Guren tossed and turned, thinking about such things.  
T/N: I don’t even know where to begin with the apologies or the excuses... but it is finally here! 
<<Chapter 5 Part 1 || Chapter 6 >>
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greengrayeyeswrites · 4 years
shit-faced in love (chapter one)
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Title: shit-faced in love
Pairing: Corpse Husband x OC (fem!youtuber!reader)
Word Count: 1,630
Warnings: Mental Health/Mental Illnesses are a big topic in this story. Mentions of depression, bpd and other mental illnesses. Angst, Fluff.
Note: This may be a Corpse x OC story but feel free to insert yourself into the main girls role. If Corpse ever announces that he doesn't like fanfics about him, I'll delete this.
Prologue — Chapter 1 — Chapter 2
— — —
„You did what?!“ Baylee screeched into the phone and Imogen sighed. She was standing in Ballinlough Community Park and watched Buddy run around in circles, greeting the other dogs. 
„Baylee, please don’t yell… This is stupid enough even without you screaming in my ear.“ Imogen rubbed the bridge of her nose and Baylee sighed. „I just can’t believe you pinky-promised on taking Pole Dancing classes when reaching two mil… Imogen, you know you’re depressed and suffer from BPD, right?“ Imogen chuckled. 
„I know, Bay. I was diagnosed often enough“ she quickly rolled her eyes and watched Buddy stumble over his feet. „To my defense, I was shit-faced hammered when we made that plan.“
Remembering the drunk game of Proximity Among Us a few months prior, where Imogen had a playful banter with the deep-voiced Youtuber Corpse Husband, send a shiver down her spine.
She was already tipsy. Tipsy and the imposter and running around like a maniac, killing everyone who came across her, when Disguised Toast asked her, what she wanted to do once reaching two million subscriber.
Her drunk laugh had ringed in everyones ears as she promised to document herself taking Pole Dancing classes like Seán and Mark had once done. 
„Do it in San Diego“ Corpse had chuckled and Imogen had pursed her lips. „You want me to fly all the way to the states to take Pole Dancing classes?“ She had asked before killing off his little astronaut.
Once back in the lobby Corpse, whom she was getting to know at that time, started talking about the weird and drunk induced idea.  „You wanted to visit your best friend in Houston anyway, right?“ The man spoke and Imogen had nodded—even if no one except her chat could see it.
„Then come to San Diego. I bet there are good schools here.“ And after taking another sip from her Vodka Imogen grinned. „Sure, why not!“
But Imogen had low-key forgot about this situation and when Corpse tweeted her this morning, her whole face flushed and she remembered everything about the drunk Among Us session.
„But are you doing it?“ Baylee’s voice brought Imogen back to the reality. „Are you really coming to the states?“ Imogen bit the inside of her lip. „I’m meeting my therapist later today. I will definitely talk about this with him and see what he has to say.“
Imogen heard Baylee hum in the background. „I would be happy if you’d come and visit me“ she started and Imogen pouted. „Me too!“ She watched Buddy run towards her, with a stick in his mouth.
She knew she had pinky-promised Corpse that she would fly over to San Diego and document her Pole Dance classes. But was she brave enough to actually do it?
— — —
Two months later, it was a hot and sticky day in June and Imogen was looking at the suitcase in front of her. She still couldn’t believe what she was about to do.
With a one-way ticket to Houston and Buddy’s pet passport in her hands, nothing was in her way to travel over the pond. She got tested negatively for Covid and was ready to embark on this new journey.
She had a good talk with her psychiatrist about the upcoming journey and he told her that she was currently stable enough to travel. He stacked up her medication and told her that she could always call him, when she felt like the mood swings were too much to handle.
It took Imogen two months to prepare Buddy for the upcoming trip, and a lot of meetings with his vet to check if the fluffy dog would be okay in two eight hour flights. 
Imogen had her phone at her ear and was currently talking with non other than her internet friend Sykkuno. „Do you think Buddy is going to be okay?“ Imogen asked, fumbling with the hem of her pajama top. „You’ve prepared him well! You checked his health with the vet and talked with airline. You also got a letter from your psychiatrist, that Bud needs to be with you at all times!“ Sykkuno spoke and Imogen sighed.
„I know, Sykk… But I’m a little anxious that he’s going to get sick throughout the flight.“ She looked at Buddy, who was still sleeping on his cushion. „I just read so many horror stories about pets dying during flights.“ - „I feel you, Imogen. I would be super scared if something would happen to Bimbus.“ 
Imogen sat down on her bed. She still had a few hours before she had to head to the airport. She was happy Sykkuno had picked up the phone, otherwise she would’ve freaked out.
„I’m seriously happy that there are no size requirements for emotional-support-dogs… I already booked business class seats so Bud and I can have more space.“ She sighed and Sykkuno chuckled. „Just imagine the faces of all these business men wondering why there’s a full grown Siberian Husky in business class“ his laugh rang in her ears and her heart jumped.
„Not gonna lie, Sykkuno, but I can’t wait to finally meet you in person!“ She grinned and looked at all the documents, that were sprawled out on her bed. 
There was the letter from her psychiatrist, stating that Imogen needed the animal for psychological reasons; a prescription of why Imogen needed said animal and all the other veterinary documentations.
Imogen could hear the one year older male laugh. „Me too, Imogen!“, his voice was as soft as usual. „I can’t wait for Bimbus and Buddy to meet!“ He chuckled and Imogen nodded.
She had contacted almost all of her closest Youtube friends and had asked them if they wanted to meet, once she and Buddy set foot in America. 
Sykkuno was one of the first to tell her, that he wanted to meet her and Buddy. Then came Rae, that invited her to do a collab or something for their channels. Poki also contacted Imogen, asking if she wanted to hang out with her.
But the one, Imogen hadn’t believe would approach her, was Corpse Husband. Corpse had called her—it had been one in the morning in Ireland—and told her that he wanted to meet her, once she was in San Diego for her Pole Dance class.
„You want to meet me?“ Imogen asked him. „You never show your face and yet you want to meet me… in person?“ His deep laugh rang in her ears. „Yeah… is that weird? We’ve been texting everyday and I really want to meet Buddy!“ Imogen rolled her eyes.
„You want to meet the dog, not me?“ He laughed even louder and Imogen was worried for a second. His breath hitched. „Are you okay?“ - „Yeah, you just sounded as if you were jealous of your dog.“ Imogen rolled her eyes and bit her fingernails.
„You know he’s not just my dog, but my companion, right?“ - „Yet you’re jealous of me wanting to meet him.“ Imogen knew that it was no use talking to him and sighed. „You know what? Let’s meet and see if you really only want to meet Buddy.“
Imogen shook her head as she remembered the late-night calls and texts from the faceless YouTuber. And she could only fathom how stressful it must be for him to actually invite Imogen over.
„When’s your flight?“ Sykkuno asked and Imogen sat down on her gaming chair, overlooking her room and sleeping Buddy on the floor. „It’s in few hours. I still need to dress properly, I’m still in my pajama. And I still need to head up to Dublin.“ Imogen laughed. „Your layover is in Washington right?“ - „Yes, I wanted to stop in Washington because Buddy can only hold in his pee for about nine hours.“ A chuckle left the black haired girls mouth and Sykkuno laughed. 
„It’s his usual sleep duration“ Imogen looked at her wristwatch. „Dang, Sykk… I’m sorry but I really need to hang up. I definitely need to get ready. Sorry Bub!“ The YouTuber on the other line laughed. „It’s okay, Imogen. Get ready. Text me once you’re boarded and in case you need anything!“ 
Imogen grinned. „Thank you Sykkuno. Really, thank you!“ She said her goodbyes and hung up. Looking at the watch one more time, she took a deep breath. 
Imogen stood up and put her phone on her desk before rushing to the pile of clothes she decided to wear for the journey. She decided on a simple black skinny jean and an oversized black print tee. 
It was one of her go-to outfits and one she felt the most comfortable with. Even if people on the internet were sometimes thirsting over her posts and pictures; she still didn’t give them thirst traps by choice.
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 She would’ve never imagined people nutting over her posting a picture of her legs covered in cuts and bruises. 
Imogen never thought people would find her scars hot. And she always exclaimed in her videos, that it wasn’t pretty, that she wasn’t romanticizing her illness. She wanted to spread awareness that it was be ugly. That’s why she posted pictures of her legs. 
She wanted to show, that it wasn’t pretty, having legs covered in self-inflicted cuts and bruises. But people still thought it was hot and edgy because she dressed like that. 
Imogen straightened her hair and checked herself in the mirror. Her eyeliner had the perfect wing and her usually dark eyebags weren’t as prominent as usually. 
She took a deep breath. „Americas… here I come…“ she looked at her dog, before taking her phone and posting one more tweet, before getting ready to head up to Dublin for her first flight of the day.
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to be continued...
Taglist: @wineandionysus
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sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 11
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Disclaimer: I have no current affiliation with any other Via Imperii themed stories. Any claims that I have pre-read anything are false.
Word Count: 2,909
A/N: First of all, I have a couple of new readers (hi, thank you, I love you) if this is your first Sapere Aude, stop here, go back, and start from the beginning. This series has a lot of bombs and surprises, so none of this is going to make sense, and it’s going to make it less exciting if you aren’t reading from the beginning. 
Sorry, another long wait for a chapter. I got stuck, and distracted, and like a million other things. The Choices Insider email last week kind of lit a fire under me. When I started writing this (in December) the plan was to have it finished before the last book came out, so I have like a month to get through this. I’m going full out on getting this completed now, I will be working on nothing but this until it is done, and am hoping to finish it in time for the next book to come out so that PB has plenty of time to steal my ideas. 
This chapter took a while for me to work through, but @jessiembruno was amazing and helped me every step of the way, and got like a million rambling text messages from me once the idea dam finally broke. And then pre-reading and leaving me some amazing love notes, and super helpful suggestions. She also kept encouraging me, and pushing me to work on it when my mind would wander into new ideas, or thoughts on some other random WIP that I started throwing together. I love you, and I am so grateful for this friendship that goes way beyond any of this. By the way, you are an AMAZING writer, and I will continue to shout it from the mountain tops as long as I live. 
As always with this series, I need to thank @txemrn for pre-reading. I was having SUCH a miserable day and feeling so shitty about myself (for non-fandom reasons), and your reactions to this chapter made me laugh out loud for the first time in what felt like forever. I appreciate you so much my dear friend. 
And of course, thank you @twinkleallnight for my beautiful series moodboard. 
Tags: Listed below, you know the drill. 
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Liam exited the bedroom and walked toward the sitting area. He paused at the end of the hallway to observe his wife and his daughter sitting on the couch. Riley had her blouse in hand, sewing on the button Olivia sent her for her undercover mission. She was showing Eleanor how to sew, talking her through every stitch. The princess was watching and listening intently, taking in every word her mother said. 
He leaned his right shoulder against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest as he admired his family. He didn’t understand how it was possible to fall even more in love every time he looked at them. All he wanted in this world was their happiness and safety, and now here he was, sending his wife straight to the enemy. 
“Hi Daddy!” The angelic voice of his daughter pulled him from his thoughts. 
“Hi Princess. Are you being a good helper for mommy?” He lifted Eleanor off the couch and sat in her seat, placing her on his lap. 
“Best helper a girl could ask for.” Riley held her hand out, palm up, and Eleanor gave her a high five. 
Liam enjoyed the company of his family for a few more moments, before placing a kiss on his daughter’s cheek. “Alright Eleanor, why don’t you go play in your room for a little while? Mommy and daddy have to talk about grown up things.”
“Yes, daddy. Will you come play after?” 
“Of course, I believe I am owed a tea party.” He gave her a hug before setting her down and watching her run to her room. When she was gone, he turned his attention back to Riley. “How are you feeling, love?”
Riley cut the lingering thread from the button and placed her blouse on the table in front of them before responding. “I mean, obviously I’m nervous, but I’m optimistic that I’ll come back with something we can use. How are you feeling?”
He sighed and pulled her close to him, kissing the top of her head as it landed on his chest. “Riley, I love how much you worry about me, but let me worry about you right now. Let me be your support system. Tell me truly, how are you feeling?”
“I’m...I’m terrified.” She pulled back and looked him in the eyes, tears beginning to pool in her own. “I’m trying so hard to be strong, to put on a brave face, but this is fucking terrifying. We don’t know how deep it goes, we know some of the people that are involved, but how do we know that that’s everyone?”
“You’re right, there are a lot of unknowns, and that’s scary.” He cupped her face in his hands, wiping a falling tear with his thumb. “But I truly believe that we are going to end this. That you are going to end this. Don’t forget, you are the Champion of The Realm.”
“Yeah, but I’m sleeping with the guy who makes those decisions, he may have been a little biased.” She shrugged, half joking. 
Liam removed his hands, his expression becoming more serious. “Riley, that’s not funny. You have earned every single thing you have received since you arrived in this country, our country. I don’t ever want you to believe that my feelings for you overrule my judgement when it comes to your abilities. You are the strongest person I have ever met. If anyone can do this, it’s you.”
“IF anyone can do this. What if nobody can?”
“Then we will face the fallout together. Like we always do, like we always will. We are the King and Queen of Cordonia, Liam and Riley Rys. We are a force to be reckoned with.” He raised an eyebrow as he parroted back her reassuring words from a few nights before. 
She smirked at him. “Hey, no fair, you can’t use my own words to prove your point like that.” 
“Yes I can, old negotiation tactic.” He winked at her and stood from the couch reaching for her hand. “Come on, we still have the whole day ahead of us. Let’s go have a tea party with our daughter, then I’m taking my girls out for dinner.”
Two days later, Riley was sitting in the back of an SUV heading toward the Fierro Estate. She was doing her best to quell her nerves, but she couldn’t help her hands from fidgeting in her lap. 
“You seem on edge, ma’am. Is everything ok?” The sound of Mara’s voice cut through the silence, startling Riley. 
“Oh...yeah, I’m fine Mara. I’m just not really sure what to expect from this meeting. Last time I went to one of these events, I found out my mother in law wasn’t actually dead. I don’t know if I could handle another surprise like that.”
Mara chuckled at her concern. “Don’t worry your majesty, this is a simple strategy meeting followed by a dinner. You have met all of the members, so there will be no surprise guests this time around.”
Riley nodded and turned her head, watching the scenery pass by as they continued to their destination. Her mind was racing thinking about what this meeting would have in store. She practiced taking pictures with the pen, and activating the recorder she had sewn into her shirt. As they got closer to the estate, she felt her heart rate speed up, and the knot in her stomach tighten.
When they arrived, Riley was ushered into the grand room, which had been set up with a large table. The other members were standing around in small groups chatting until it was time for the meeting to begin. Riley fidgeted with the pen, twirling it in her fingers before lifting it to her face and tapping it against her chin and clicking it several times. She hoped it came off as a nervous habit, providing cover for the fact that she was actually taking pictures around the room. 
She gasped and nearly jumped out of her skin at the feeling of a hand gently being placed on her shoulder. She whipped around to see Eleanor smiling softly at her. “Riley dear, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh, Eleanor. Hello.” Riley held her hand to her chest, trying to get her heart rate back to normal. “It’s ok, I’m just a little nervous. Not really sure what to expect from this meeting.”
“Don’t worry, I promise it’s just regular business, nothing earth shattering. Come on, it’s time to get this started, and you’re sitting next to me.” Eleanor wrapped her arm around Riley and led her to the table. The other guests took this as their cue to follow, as the meeting was about to get underway. As Riley sat, she adjusted her skirt and blouse, using the opportunity to activate the microphone embedded in her button. 
As the chapter president, Eleanor kicked off the meeting by greeting their newest member, Queen Riley, and explaining that she was there to help push their initiatives though with the King. Riley clenched her fist ever so slightly, a trick she used when she was trying to keep her expression neutral. They continued on, reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, it all seemed to be pretty mundane, things that wouldn't even necessarily cross hers or Liam’s desk. 
Then they opened up the floor to new business, and Neville stood to address the room. “I would like to revisit the Auvernal alliance.”
Riley was able to maintain her stoic expression, but her body tensed at the mention of Auvernal. She and Liam had made it perfectly clear that there would be no alliance. “I don’t believe there is anything to revisit there.” She chimed in. “King Liam and I determined that the alliance would not be beneficial for Cordonia.”
“Actually, I believe you determined the alliance would not be beneficial to you and your husband.” Neville rebutted, crossing his arms over his chest. “You didn’t want to marry off your daughter, you didn’t bother thinking of what the alliance could bring to our country.”
“Are you questioning the decisions of your monarchs? I urge you to remember your station, Lord Neville.” Riley raised an eyebrow and stood a bit taller. 
Neville scoffed at her threat. “And I urge you to remember that you may have slept your way to the top in Cordonia, but the Via Imperii is bigger than the monarchy, and in this society, I outrank you.”
“Well, if being the Queen doesn’t matter in this room, then there is nothing stopping me from coming over there and beating your a...”
“Ok ok ok, let’s all calm down here.” Eleanor grabbed Riley’s arm, stopping her from charging at Neville. “Let’s all sit down and have a rational conversation, weighing out the pros and cons of an alliance.” Riley and Neville both sat down and exchanged narrow glances. “Now Neville, since you have brought this proposal to the group, you will go first. Please explain to us your thought process on revisiting the alliance.”
Neville nodded and smirked at Riley. “It is clear that combining the financial security of Cordonia with the military strength of Auvernal would make us an unstoppable force. Besides, we need the extra protection given our country’s recent history.” He glared at Riley once again.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Riley huffed. 
“Look at the instability we have faced in recent years. Our crown prince abdicated, his successor, our current king, broke off a perfectly suitable engagement to marry a foreign commoner who was marred in scandal.”
“He released a statement that cleared that whole thing up. The scandal is irrelevant.” She could feel her cheeks heating up.
“Do you really think people stopped talking about it? You can’t really believe that it won’t be a part of your legacy as our Queen.” 
Riley slouched down in her seat. She knew she should remain composed, but bringing up the Tariq scandal hit a nerve that she didn’t know still existed. One of her biggest concerns in continuing her relationship with Liam, and accepting his proposal, was that his success as King would be overshadowed by the scandal she had faced. She had thought that after all these years, it would have been forgotten, but Neville bringing it up just brought everything back up and made her realize it would be something that was attached to her name forever. 
“Besides the personal problems our royal family has faced, there have been multiple attempts to overthrow them just within our own country. Sons of Earth, Duke Godfrey, Barthelemy Beaumont, just to name a few. Other countries are seeing this, and it won’t be long before they try to come for us as well.” Neville continued. 
“While I don’t agree with his delivery, Lord Neville does make some valid points.” Emmeline interjected, the rest of the room began murmuring in agreement. Riley couldn’t hide her shocked expression as she felt tears start to build up in her eyes. She blinked them away, she was not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing their queen cry. 
Eleanor took back control of the room before turning to Riley. “Riley, would you like to counter? You and Liam worked directly with Auvernal during the marriage alliance talks, you clearly have some insight that we may not be privy to.”
Riley took a deep breath to get her emotions under control before standing to address the room. “Aside from the fact that Bradshaw and Isabella are deplorable people with hell spawn children, the main reason that we decided an alliance was not in the best interest of Cordonia, was because it was clear that their interest was not an alliance, but a hostile takeover of our country.”
“Perhaps we would prosper under their rule. I haven’t heard of any coup attempts in Auvernal, it seems to me like they’re doing something right.” Neville spoke up. 
“So that’s it then? You all think Bradshaw and Isabella would do a better job as your king and queen, so I’m just supposed to convince Liam to relinquish the throne?” Riley threw her hands up in frustration and stepped away from the table. 
“Your majesty, we’re not making the final decision right here, right now, we just want to remain open to the idea and explore some options.” Emmeline tried to talk Riley down. “Perhaps you and King Liam could take a meeting with them, a friendly lunch maybe, just to open the lines of communication.”
“This is ridiculous. I can’t believe you all expect me to agree with this!” Riley was now pacing the room, overcome with a nervous energy.
Eleanor stood and lifted a hand to quiet the room. “Alright, that’s enough. I think we’ve gotten as far as we’re going to get with this conversation tonight. Dinner is being set out in the dining hall. I suggest we adjourn for the day. Let’s all compose ourselves and think about all sides of this conversation. We will pick up the conversation at the next meeting.”
As the members started filing out of the room, Eleanor approached Riley and gently placed her hand on her arm to keep her still. “Are you alright Riley?” 
Riley shrugged Eleanor’s hand off of her, anger clear on her face. “Of course I’m not alright. I basically just had a room full of my subjects telling me that my husband and I are doing a shitty job, and they think those monsters are better suited to look out for their best interests. Of course I’m not fucking alright!” Riley moves in closer, lowering her voice but not losing any of the anger in her tone. “I thought you were here doing this to protect Liam. Do you really think that this is protecting him? Handing his kingdom over to Auvernal?!”
“Riley, I always have Liam’s best interests at heart, I promise you that. Why don’t you head home, take a couple of days to relax and take everything in. I will set up a meeting for you and I later this week to talk about everything and work out a game plan.”
“Fine, I can’t stay here anymore anyway. And I definitely don’t have an appetite for dinner.” Riley walked out of the room, looking for Mara so that they could get back to the palace. She stepped into the dining area and saw Mara standing in the far corner talking to Neville. She clenched her jaw and took a deep breath before approaching the pair. “Mara, we will not be staying for dinner. We are returning to the palace immediately. I want to be home to put my daughter to bed.” She wasn’t going to give Neville the satisfaction of knowing she was leaving because of what he started. 
“Of course, your majesty.” Mara nodded and exited with Riley. 
The ride home was silent. In all the years that Mara had worked for Riley, she had never seen her this upset. She wasn’t entirely sure how to handle it, or what would be considered overstepping her duties, so she decided to stay quiet and let Riley speak, if she wanted to. She didn’t. 
They arrived at the palace and walked together to the royal quarters. As Riley placed her hand on the doorknob to enter, Mara cleared her throat to get her attention. “Your majesty, I know this was a difficult evening for you, but I do feel I need to remind you that discretion is key in the Via Imperii. His majesty cannot know what happened tonight. You will need to lock those feelings away for the time being.”
Riley pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. She knew she was going to fall into Liam's arms and cry the second she saw him, and then she would tell him everything, but she couldn’t let Mara know that. “Liam and I will be staying in for the rest of the night. You are dismissed for the evening.” Riley walked into her quarters and shut the door before Mara had a chance to respond. 
As soon as she closed the door, she leaned back against it and dropped her head into her hands. Liam came walking into the room, the smile that appeared on his face when he heard the front door open quickly faded as he took in the sight of his wife sobbing at the front door. “Riley?” She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face as she tried to catch her breath. He rushed over to her and pulled her close, she buried her head in his chest as he stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head trying unsuccessfully to soothe her. “Shhhh, it’s alright love, I’m right here, I’ve got you. Tell me what happened.”
Riley could barely speak, but she slowly tried to explain everything that had happened that night. Liam walked her to the couch as she spoke, she needed to sit, anything to help her relax and calm down. He stared at her in disbelief as he listened to his wife tearfully recap her evening. 
On the other side of the door, Mara pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket, selecting one of the contacts and bringing the phone to her ear. “My lord, you were right. We will need to put your plan in motion.”
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @choiceskatie​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @emkay512​ @gabesmommie1130​ @gkittylove99​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @jessiembruno​ @kat-tia801​ @khoicesbyk​ @kingliam2019​ @lucy-268​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @mile9213​ @mom2000aggie​ @pixie88​ @queenrileyrose​ @secretaryunpaid​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ @tessa-liam​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​ @twinkleallnight​ @txemrn​
Sapere Aude:
@burnsoslow @busywoman @gardeningourmet @ofpixelsandscribbles
Liam x Riley:
@amandablink @yourmajesty09
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 67
Firstly, I am sorry this took so long to do but it's finished now and hopefully it is a good read. Anyway, this was really fun and hard to write but I enjoyed it. I tried to make it quite light hearted compared to the others I've wrote recently and this officially marks the Lukanette part of the story. Like i know these two blueberries have been dancing around each other for a while but now they are finally on the same page on each other's feelings. However, Anatis won't be telling Lady Noir about it and vice versa. The reason is because they could work out each other's identities. Anatis thinks if he tells her, she realize he's is Luka from it as he wouldn't want to be with anyone else then Marinette and Lady Noir is still Marinette so she figures that if she tells him, he realize that both her and Marinette had the same thing happen to them at the same time and from that, he realize they are the same person. So I will be working on the Halloween Special for the Specials section and Crescendo next so I'm pretty excited about them XD
Also I changed Heureux Fin's powers a bit. He has a dust that turns people into fairytale characters that makes them not worry as a side effect. It can also change objects and places into fairytale scenery. Fairytale can shape-shift into fairytale creatures aka a fairy, a shadow and a wolf. It can also produce a dust in it's fairy form that turns Adrien's friends into the lost kids, making them think they were always lost kids while forgetting who they really are. Their canon hero names are inspiration for their lost kid names. For example, Kim is just monkey as a lost boy. Another reason why I decided to give it that power is because Neverland has that effected on the characters in the book.
Oh and for the fairytale characters that the characters became check the end notes :)
Chapter Sixty-Seven:  Heureux Fin
~Agreste Manor~
 "Thank you all for coming," Gabriel stated as he looked to his guests. Audrey and her husband were sat close to him on the right side of the tablet while Tomoe was sat next to him on the left. She was still gripping her cane. XY had come in place of his father and Amelie Graham de Vanily was sat opposite him. The only person who hadn't turned up was Alim Kubdel but this did not surprise him as Alim had walked away after the birth of his son. "As we all saw the temple of the miraculous has returned,"
 "Is that why you called us here, Gabriel?" Audrey asked, making him look at her as she glanced at her nails. "I already did my part for the order,"
 "Yes and your daughter was a wonderful contribution but now we must focus our efforts on the true goal of our organization," He stated, making almost all of them look at him. "Finding the mage's latest form,"
 "We have been looking for years," Tomoe replied. "We even hoped our own children would be him reborn and when it wasn't the case, we gave up or did you forget that?"
 "Of course, I remember that but I have reason to believe he must be here in Paris,"
 "Why on earth would the mage come here?" Amelie asked with disgust. "This rat hole is not worthy of his presence,"
 "Because of Hawkmoth," Gabriel stated, causing everyone to look at him. "Hawkmoth is currently misusing a miraculous and trying to steal more. It would make sense that this would draw the mage to Paris. In fact, I believe he might even be the one responsible for giving Anatis and Lady Noir their powers,"
 "So you're saying the mage has already been reborn?!" Amelie gasped, standing up. Gabriel nodded in reply. "Well, that simply won't do! How are we suppose to control him now?! He could be older then all of us,"
 "Relax, my dear. I have reason to be believe that he isn't that old," Gabriel replied, making her frown. "As for controlling him, there is plenty of ways to indoctrinate him into our way of thinking... as I'm sure Audrey will testify with her daughter,"
 "Yes, Zoe is doing wonderfully at her current school. By the time she is 18, she'll be a perfect fit to take over my position as both the Style Queen and Queen of the underworld," She smirked, looking at her nails. "Shame that Chloe is such a broken child though... however, I'm surprised none of you decided to put your child into the program,"
 "The Tsurugi family never let anyone dictate how they see the world," Tomoe declared, making Audrey frown deeply. "We are as elusive as the wind, as powerful as the flood, and as swift as lightning. We never let anyone rule our hearts or control us,"
 "Yet you're one of the most controlling parents here," Audrey pointed out, making Tomoe frown. "So much for not letting anyone control you,"
 "At least, my family understands honor," Tomoe retorted back. "Yours only understands money,"
 "You say that like it's a bad thing," Audrey laughed. "Money is power. We all know that,"
 Gabriel clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention.
 "As much as I would love to see this continue, let's focus on the subject at hand," Gabriel stated, making everyone look at him. It took a lot of mental strength for him not go to his secret garden and akumatize the room but having said that, they would make great akumas. He would even akumatize Amelie despite the fact that she was technically family. He cleared his mind of those thoughts as they began to talk about how to track down the mage's latest form and how they would take control of him. Of course, Gabriel had no intention of letting the others have him. No, he would take the mage for himself and akumatize him. He would be the perfect akuma to finally take down Anatis and Lady Noir. They wouldn't know what hit them.
~Feng's Hut~
 "Su Han used the wish?!" Luka gasped, pushing his fingers through his hair. "Why? Why did he do that? Why did he kill Toutai?"
 "Because he wanted the title," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Su Han believed it was his destiny to become the Celestial guardian as soon as he found out about my existence but when Toutai was revealed to be my most recent incarnation, Su Han became jealous. That jealousy was left to fester and grew, turning into resentment as the years passed. It did not help that both were in love with the same woman,"
 "Mulan," Luka muttered, causing Feng to nod. 
 "When she chose Toutai, it added salt to an already infected wound and the resentment that Su Han had for Toutai turned into a cold, deep hatred," He stated, making Luka frown. "From that, things just got worst. Thanks to his hatred, Su Han fell victim to the dark spirit I mentioned. This dark spirit influenced him with promises of power and his 'rightful' destiny. He tried to get Su Han to murder Toutai but when he wouldn't, he suggested using the wish to claim what he called Su Han's destiny but as you know, the wish requires a price in return for what you wish. Su Han wished to be the celestial guardian and so Toutai lost the title but even with the title, it didn't change that Toutai was the rightful guardian. Su Han only wished to be have the title. He should have wished to have been born as my reincarnation but he did not. He thought just having the title was enough. He thought that he would become the best celestial guardian there was and that Mulan would rush to his side as his bride. Of course, she didn't rush to his side and stuck with Toutai. The two of them intended to leave and rebuild else where but the dark spirit whispered in Su Han's ear, making him believe they intended to usurp him. He made a special dagger and confronted them but he did not expect Toutai to challenge him for his betrayal. They got into a fight and as a result, Toutai was murdered and the dark spirit was freed,"
 "That's when he possessed Su Han," Luka stated, making Feng nod. "Tell me more about the dark spirit,"
 "His name is Simme. He was born of humanity's cruelty and feeds off negative emotions. Feelings such as anger, jealousy and resentment are what he is drawn t. He is also drawn to those who's hearts are darker then others. Just been around him will bring these negative emotions to the surface but it goes much far then that," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Simme is what the kwamis call Móguǐ or Devil in your tongue. He inspired the stories of Lucifer, Satan and most devil figures in mythology and religion. He is a trickster and a deal maker but those deals never go the way people want them to. They only work in his favor,"
 "How did he get trapped?"
 "Another spirit fought him and trapped him in Jīngshén, an area in the spirit realm," He replied, making Luka nod before he frowned. "Luka?"
 "Wait... if he escaped from there and possessed Su Han at the temple..." Luka muttered as the color drained out of his face. "I restored the temple! That means he's back!!"
 "Yes and no," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Simme is a spirit, meaning it is rather difficult for him to interact with the physical world so while he is technically back, he can only do so much right now, especially with the fact that his host is weak... but should there be an event that creates enough negative emotion or if he was able to find a dark soul and use it as a host, it could be enough to allow him to break through the spiritual barriers and manifest a form in the physical world,"
 "Great... wait what's a dark soul?" Luka asked, frowning.
 "It's a form of a pure soul but one that is born pure evil," Feng replied. "It is rare but what's even rarer is a light soul, which is one born pure good. You see most souls are a mix of good and bad. It's very rare for someone to be born pure evil or pure good,"
 "And I brought this thing back?!" Luka gasped, running his fingers through his hair. "I've made a huge mistake! I should have given up been Anatis and then-"
 "Simme would have returned regardless of your choice. Whoever defeated Feast and cast the miraculous cure would have brought him back," Feng replied, making Luka at him. "But regardless, this is what was meant to happen and your choice has been made. You are Anatis and Simme is free but that doesn't mean you are helpless against him. As my reincarnation, you can use a spell to trap him back in Jīngshén,"
 "Wait... I can?" Luka asked, making Feng nod. "How? I don't know magic... or at least not that type. Obviously, I know how to project my emotions... but casting spells... isn't that evil?"
 "No, a spell is neither good nor bad. It is the intention of the caster that makes it either," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "As for learning, I can teach you. Of course, you won't be able to cast that spell yet. It is a very powerful spell and you must first learn to channel magic, which is why we have the tests,"
 "Tests?" Luka asked, confused.
 "Yes, tests," Feng replied, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "These tests are required to prove you are worthy of magic as well as the title of Celestial guardian,"
 "Whoa, whoa... Celestial guardian?!" Luka gasped, making Feng chuckle. "I'm not celestial guardian material! I'm barely guardian material, Feng!"
 "Becoming a celestial guardian is your destiny, Luka," He explained, making Luka frown. "Think of it as you are my heir and I beg to differ. You have already ticked a number of the boxes to becoming a celestial guardian and passed one of the tests,"
 "I... have?" Luka asked, surprised.
 "Yes," Feng nodded. "You lead a team of heroes, you have the trust of a civilization, you restored hope, the kwamis you have met love and respect you and you are willing to fight for the right. As for the test, you passed the test of determination... my test... when you continued to fight, despite having a chance to walk away. Whether you see it or not, you're on the path of becoming the next celestial guardian,"
 "What do you mean your test?"
 "Each test comes from our different lives," Feng replied, making Luka frown a little. "Me and Khnurn came up with them after he showed determination in saving Egypt despite having a strong dislike towards most humans,"
 "...Why does he hate people?" Luka asked, making Feng sigh.
 "It is not really my place to save but let's just say for now that Khnurn has seen how cruel humans can be," Feng replied, causing Luka to frown. "He'll tell you in his own time but for now, let me explain more about the tests,"
 "Ok," Luka nodded. "Why is your test determination?"
 "It is what I represent," Feng replied, making Luka give him a confused look. "Hmm... how to explain this? Well, I guess you could say we're the closest thing to a spirit a human can be,"
 "Wait... that does mean we're not human?!" Luka gasped, concerned. Feng chuckled a little and shook his head.
 "No, we're still human... we're just part spirit too," He replied, making Luka frown. "Well, you know Kwamis are born from concepts and Renlings are born from values. Well, spirits are born from traits,"
 "Traits?" Luka echoed, making Feng nod. "I'm not sure I fully understand,"
 "Ok," Feng replied, making a thinking face. "Well, a good example is Simme and his opposite,"
 "His opposite?"
 "All things have an opposite, Luka. Where there is light, there is always shadow and where there is evil, there is also good. The world is of balance and Simme is no different," Feng replied, making Luka blink as he stopped talking and took a drag from a pipe. He rose an eyebrow as he was certain that Feng didn't have it a moment ago. However, he blew smoke out of his mouth and to Luka's surprise, it formed shapes that resembled men. He frowned as he watched them hurt and kill each other as a new form shaped. It resembled a snake with a grin. "Simme was born from the cruelty in the hearts of man and as a result, he can influence it,"
 Luka frowned as he watched the smoke snake whisper to the men, causing them to be cruel and evil but the smoke changed and showed a smoke person offering another food.
 "But where there is cruelty, there is also kindness," Feng replied as Luka watched. "Not all humans are evil or cruel. There are kind and it was from this kindness, Simme's opposite was born,"
 From the smoke people, a new shape formed but this one resembled a bird.
 "Finni, the spirit of kindness.... you met him during the mob boss situation. It was him who guided you to safety," He replied, making Luka blink. He did remember seeing a bird but he had no idea it was a spirit. "And it is him that we owe our long lives and immortality to. He is why we are part spirit,"
 The scene changed, showing a boy in a temple surrounded by others but what made them stand out was they didn't look solid. Instead, they appeared to transparent but the boy in the scene looked solid. Luka realized the boy was Feng.
 "I was born with the gift of foresight and I have always been able to see spirits..." He replied as the smoke changed. It now showed the boy but he was alone in the temple while others whispered to each other. Luka knew they were whispering about him. "Other humans believed I was mad. Even my parents. I never fitted in and the other children thought I was weird,"
 The scene changed to the boy, walking through a forest before he stumbled on the kwamis.
 "Then one day, I met Tikki and the other kwamis. I invited them to live with me, finding that I had more in common with them then other humans," Feng replied as the scene showed him laughing and playing with them. However, the scene changed to him trying to tell his mother something during a thunderstorm. "But then I had a vision of death and war,"
 The smoke changed to Feng talking to a girl in a village before it showed him running from her.
 "I tried to warn my family but they did not believe me so I ran away," He replied as the smoke showed him going deep into a forest and crying to himself. As he did, the grinning snake approached him. "That's where I met Simme. He tried to tempt me into using my gifts for evil but I refused him and found Finni,"
 The smoke showed an injured bird and Feng trying to heal him.
 "I tried to help and my kindness saved his life but he was still weak. I took him home with me and for a small amount of time, I was happy again but my vision haunted me and one day, it came to be," The smoke changed into a scene of carnage as a village been attacked by men on horses. Luka covered his mouth in shock as he watched Feng been cut down then attacked by Simme. Before he could kill him, Finni flew in and attacked Simme to protect his friend. He used his magic to banish him, sending the snake away and tried to heal the boy's wounds with his tears. When that wasn't enough, he possessed a nearby body and lifted Feng into his arms. The smoke changed and showed Finni's host taking a dying Feng back to their temple and to the other spirits who surrounded the dying boy. The other kwamis and Finni discussed something and then the scene showed them surrounding him and singing as Finni turned into a ball of light before it covered the area. When it disappeared, the smoke showed Feng sit up, alive. Finni had sacrificed himself to heal him.
 "That war drained Finni's power a lot and he used the last of it to merge his soul with mine and save my life," Feng explained, making Luka blink as the smoke showed Feng placing his hand where his heart was. "That was the moment I became the spirit of Determination. Up until the very end, I tried to warn my family of the attack and when Finni merged his soul with mine, it made me into a spirit... well, the closest thing to a spirit a human could be. That is why my test is the test of determination and each time I have been reborn, I became a new spirit with a new trait but the same soul. Each of my tests is based on those traits,"
 "What is my trait?" Luka asked, looking at Feng. "Did you know straight away?"
 "No... and I don't know what yours is either," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "But you will find out,"
 "Can I know what the other tests will be?" Luka asked, making Feng nod.
 "You will be tested on honesty, loyalty, courage and compassion," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "But I can not tell you when you'll be tested or how. Only that you will be and what their traits are,"
 "Four tests? That's it?" Luka asked, a little surprised. "What happens if I pass them? I mean I don't feel any different from passing yours..."
 "Oh, you are different since you passed mine. You're stronger and I know you felt it," Feng smiled, making Luka remember how he felt when he transformed after reclaiming his miraculous back. He had felt stronger. "As for rewards for passing, I can teach you how to farther your magic and how to channel mine. You also unlocked one of the locks,"
 "Locks?" Luka asked as Feng gestured towards the door of the hut, the one that never opens. "There's locks on it?"
 "Yes, five all together," Feng replied, making Luka blink. "One for each trait and once you have passed all of them, it will open the door, allowing you to join me and the others in Shangi-La both spiritual and physically,"
 "Ok... cool..." Luka muttered, not entirely sure how to feel. "I am here physically?"
 "No but this is still real," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "Anyway, do you understand spirits, our lives and the tests a bit better?"
 "A little... yeah..." Luka admitted. It kind of did make sense. He had to admit he was interested in learning how to channel magic. "So you can teach me to channel your magic? Does that mean I can have visions? And will that help with learning to cast spells? Also what spells can we do? Is it like Harry Potter? Do I need a wand?"
 "Luka, calm yourself," Feng stated, making him blink and grin in a sheepish manner. He did get a bit excited. "No, you don't need a wand. It isn't like Harry Potter. We can cast any spells but certain ones need certain things and power level so you'll be learning basic spells and yes, it will help with casting and you will be able to have visions but learning your own magic will help too and most things can be a spell. We just need to work out how you cast,"
 "Ok!" Luka grinned, making Feng smile. While part of him was kind of weary of it, a bigger part of him was excited. After all, he just got told he could do actual magic and it wasn't like Issac was in his life anymore. He didn't need to be afraid of been a witch plus Feng had explained that it was his intention that determined what the magic actually was so as long as his intention was good, his magic would be too and this was a chance to learn more about his empathy. "When can we begin?"
 "Now if you want," 
 ~A Few Days Later~
 "Urg, I can't believe we're back at school," Alix groaned as a number of students walked back to the school grounds. Summer holidays were over now, meaning it was back to the humdrum routine of studying and akuma attacks but the children were back, heading to the school. Felix had returned from London and was talking to Aurora and Mireille while they waited for Jean to turn up. Nino and Alya were similar in the sense they were waiting for Adrien and Marinette. Nathaniel was already at the school and in the art room, discussing the new ideas for the comic that he and Marc came up with during the holidays. Marc was also there. Alix would have joined them but she wanted to wait for Kim and Max. Mylene and Ivan were stood with the others, waiting for Juleka, Rose and Luka. "Why couldn't the summer holidays last longer?!"
 "We had two months off, Alix," Max stated as he walked up to her, making her groan before she grinned. "How was your holiday... other then... you know?" 
 "History Keepers," Alix replied, rolling her eyes. "It's been fairly good. Dad's still embarrassing and Jalil is still a history geek. When's Kim gonna be here?"
 "Oh, he is currently stuck in traffic," Max replied, pushing up his glasses. "Mr Pigeon has been trying to get rid of cars. I'm surprised Alya isn't on the scene,"
 "Eh," Alya shrugged, making Nino snigger. "It's Mr Pigeon's 60th time as an akuma and it will be over soon anyway. No one wants to watch that,"
 As if on que, the miracle cure rushed throughout the city, fixing any issues the akuma had caused. The students grinned as they saw it before beginning to chat about the recent akumas and how Anatis and Lady Noir saved them. A few of them had been akumatized before going back to school. Nino had been one of them. He had been re-akumatized into the Bubbler as he wanted Summer to never end so he tried to get rid of the adults again to allow the summer holiday to continued. Fortunately, Anatis and Lady Noir had dealt with him pretty quickly. A few minutes after the cure had been cast, Juleka and Rose walked over, followed by Luka. At the same time, Marinette had rushed out of the bakery, holding a croissant in her mouth. She had ran over and hadn't seen Luka, who had been jogging to catch up with Rose and Juleka. The two of them knocked into each other and fell on the ground with Marinette landing on Luka. She jumped up and helped him up as he laughed it off.
 "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have looked where I was going!" She gushed, making him chuckle.
 "It's ok, Marinette," He replied, smiling before he pulled a face as a limo pulled up. "I was rushing too so I should have been more careful as well,"
 "Did I miss something?" Adrien asked as he climbed out, followed by Kagami. He smiled at her as he held her hand, making her smile back as she linked their fingers together. Instantly, Marinette cooed at their action, making both Adrien and Kagami blush a little. Alix laughed and moved her arm around Marinette.
 "Just Marinette and Luka falling for each other," She grinned, making both of them blush a little bit too. However, the mood soured as they heard the screech of none other then Lila Rossi. They all looked over as she waved at them before she walked up to them, instantly making a number of them feel uncomfortable.
 "Hi everyone!" She grinned before turning to Luka. "Hi, Luka! I'm so glad you decided to take the restraining order off me! I hope we can be friends,"
 "I didn't take it off. It was granted on a temporary basis and I'll be in court tomorrow afternoon to get it reinstated," He replied in a calm but cold voice. "So no, we won't be friends. Just because it is currently inactive doesn't mean you can come near me so I suggest you back off, Rossi,"
 Lila gave him a look before huffing and walking over to Alya.
 "Can you believe his attitude?" She asked, rather loudly. It was obviously to make Luka hear. He took a small breathe and ignored her, turning back to Marinette. "I just want to fix where we went wrong and he won't even give me a chance,"
 "Lila, you didn't exactly treat him nicely," Alya muttered, making Luka roll his eyes. It was more then that. "I mean you kissed him without his permission,"
 "I misread the situation!" Lila gasped.
 "Still..." Alya stated as Nino started to berate her, saying it wasn't cool to kiss people even if she thought it was but Marinette took Luka's hand and led him inside the school, making him smile a little as they walked over to the benches. They took a seat as he let out a sigh.
 "You ok?" She asked, making him nod. "How come the restraining order ran out?"
 "The court granted it on a temporary basis," He sighed, making her frown. "If the problem still occurs, we can get a fresh one which we'll be doing tomorrow. I asked if we could get it renewed before but apparently it needs to run out first and they review the case before granting a fresh one which can take up to two weeks to grant depending how bad the case is. There is a chance they won't grant a second one against her,"
 "They should," Marinette stated, taking his hand in hers as he looked at her. She gently moved his hair, causing him to close his eyes. "Are you sleeping ok? You look tired,"
 "Hmm... my nightmares aren't as bad," He muttered before a yawn escaped him. "But I'm not getting a lot of restful sleep. Music's been on my mind,"
 "Oh, you writing some new songs?" She asked, making him smile before he shook his head. "Oh?"
 "I've been practicing for that violin contest," He admitted, making her grin.
 "You're entering it?!" She gasped, clearly excited. "Wait but weren't auditions for it a couple of days ago?"
 "Yeah... I'm just waiting to find out if I got through to the next stage," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn't even told his ma or Juleka that he had entered yet. He didn't want to disappoint them if he didn't get through. There had been a lot of entries for it and a lot of talent. Luka wasn't sure if he could get through to the next stage so he decided to keep quiet about it until he knew for certain. "I don't know if I'll get through and I don't want to disappoint anyone if I didn't so I figured I'd tell Ma, Juleka and you if I got through but I guess you know now... sorry for not mentioning it,"
 "Hey, it's ok," She smiled, making him smile back. "I get why but you're gonna get through to the next stage and blow those judges away!"
 "Thanks, Melody," He smiled as the first bell rang. "We better go to classes,"
 The two of them got up and walked over to the locker room as the other kids headed inside. Luka completely ignored Lila, who shoot a glare at him when she thought no one was watching before he put his stuff in his locker and grabbed what he needed for his class. Once that was done, he locked his locker and headed over to Marinette's locker as she put her things in and grabbed what she needed. The two of them left the locker room with their friends and headed upstairs to their classes.
 "See you at Lunch?" She asked, causing him to nod before she gently kissed his cheek, making him blush. He smiled dreamily at her as she waved to him before heading into her classroom. He turned and walked over to Mrs Mendeleiev's class as Aurora hooked her arm with his and grinned.
 "So you and Mari are an item?!" She grinned, clearly excited. He blushed a little. "Oh you are, aren't you?!"
 "W-We're taking it slow," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "Like we're not exclusively dating... just enjoying each other's company,"
 "Oh my gosh! You're courting her!" Aurora grinned, making him blush as she giggled before she leaded against him as they joined the rest of their class. "I'm so proud! Our Lu is a true gentleman!!"
 "Have you told her that you love her yet?" Mireille asked as Aurora let go of his arm and took her seat next to him. Luka rubbed his neck again. "You haven't, have you?"
 "I mean we're taking it slow..." He mused, looking to the side. "And I know she likes me but I'm still unsure if it's just because I'm her friend or more... I'm probably just a friend to her..."
 "More... it's definitely more," Marc stated, making everyone look at him. He was scribbling in his notebook but he looked up to address everyone. "She flutters to you like a bee to a flower... I would use a butterfly as an example but... akumas..."
 "It's not their fault," Luka pointed out, making everyone look at him. "Hawkmoth uses the butterflies, just like he uses people,"
 "Hmm... that is a good point," Marc smiled, writing something down. "Anyway, Marinette definitely likes you. She moves her hair, blushes and she also shows you her wrists and 'vulnerabilities'... which means she trusts you,"
 "Trust and liking someone isn't the same thing," Luka pointed out but he couldn't help the smile on his face. He liked that she trusts him. "Still... it's nice that she trusts me,"
 "She's also open with you, has a genuine look in her eye when she looks at you, she mirrors you a little bit and when you two talk, she leans towards you and acts like it is only the two of you in the world," Marc pointed out, making Luka blush. "All signs that at the very least, she has a crush on you,"
 "How do you know this?" Luka asked, making Marc blush a little as he begin to fidget. "Not that it's a bad thing... I'm just curious,"
 "I wanted to show that Lady Noir has feelings for Anatis in the comic so I researched body language for it plus it helps Nathaniel with expressions when he's drawing," Marc replied, playing with his hands. "I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I just think you should know that Marinette likes you a lot and definitely as more as a friend,"
 "No, it's cool," Luka smiled before looking down. "I just guess... I like that she might like me but I'm just Luka so I guess I don't really see why..."
 "Stop second guessing yourself, Couffaine," Felix stated, making everyone look at him. He was so quiet they had actually forgotten he was there. "Dupain-Cheng likes you. You like her so just date already,"
 "Felix! Be nice!" Aurora gasped, causing him to give her a cheeky grin before she turned to Luka. "But he's right. Oh, you should ask her out on an actual date and make sure she knows it's a date date!"
 "I don't know, Aurora..."
 ~Meanwhile in Miss Bustier's Class~
 "You look happy," Alya grinned, making Marinette jump a little as she had been day-dreaming about watching Luka playing violin. Alya grinned, making Marinette look at her. "So you finally asked Luka out on a real date?"
 "W-What?! No!" She blushed, covering her face with her hand. She wanted to but they were taking it slow. However, when she thought about it, she did want to been more then just what they were at the moment. She liked the idea of been his girlfriend. She liked the idea a lot. She really enjoyed going on their little dates and she had thought about kissing him a few times but hadn't done so because she wasn't sure if he wanted to. It seemed like he did but she didn't want to assume. She loved and respected him too much to do that. She looked up from her hands as Alya grinned at her. "I... I want to... but I'm not sure if he likes me like that. Like I know he likes me but I'm not sure if he likes me enough to want me to be his girlfriend,"
 "But you want to be his girlfriend?" Alya asked as Rose gushed, leaning against Juleka who gave Marinette a small but happy smile. Everyone knew she shipped what they had dubbed 'Lukanette'. Marinette slowly nodded. "Girl, you need to ask him out,"
 "I bet he would say yes!" Rose gushed, making Marinette blush even more.
 "Luka definitely likes you," Mylene agreed as Alix rolled her eyes.
 "I don't get the whole dating thing but you like him and he likes you then you should go for it," She added in, making Marinette smile. Even Chloe encouraged her in her own way. However, Lila kept to herself, digging her nails into her hands as she listened. She wanted to destroy Marinette and take everything from her but taking Luka from her will be really hard since he knows what she is like. Somehow, that freak had seen through her facade extremely quickly. Even Marinette hadn't seen through it straight away. It was only after Lila slipped up that Marinette had realized that she was lying and tried to expose her. As annoying as it was, Lila was partially glad because she couldn't stand the baker girl but she had to pretend to. Sure, she still had to pretend but before she couldn't do anything about it. Now, she could mess with her and that's exactly what she did. In fact, that's what she'll do. She might not be able to turn Luka onto her side but she could at the very least make Marinette asking him out impossible. Hell, Marinette or Luka might even get akumatized out of it. She could then claim that they hated her and it would be especially funny if Luka got akumatized. If it succeed, he would have to fight his friend for Hawkmoth and if it didn't... well, he'd be sick for a few days and out of her hair. She held back a smirk to herself as she pretended to listen to Miss Bustier. The day moved on and soon enough, it was lunch time. Marinette was getting her food and Lila was watching her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Seeing Marinette walking towards the lunch table, she tried to trip her up but much to her annoyance that failed so she moved onto the next plan. She tried to get Marinette to call her out by saying something clearly false. Instead, Alya told her she didn't need to lie again and Marinette ignored her. She didn't even notice Nino rolling his eyes. After a few more attempts, she saw Luka walking in with his friends and annoyingly enough, his expression lit up when he saw Marinette. It was so obvious he had feelings for her that it sickened her. However, she also noticed a number of students looking at him. A few girls were looking at him with a dreamy expression but a couple of guys were glaring at him. Lila smirked as she saw one of the boys who she knew had a crush on Marinette, not that she understood why. She didn't know his name either and it didn't matter but luckily enough, he looked like Adrien and most of the school knew Marinette had a crush on a boy with blonde hair and green eyes. She could use that to ruin Marinette's chances with Luka by getting this boy involved. She excused herself from the table, not that Nino or Alya noticed and walked over to the boy. He looked up at her with mild surprise.
 "Hi, I have a message from Marinette for you," She smiled, making him frown.
 "Um... what is it?" He asked, a little confused.
 "She asked me to tell you that she has a crush on you but is just too shy to ask you out," She stated, making him blink.
 "Uh... isn't she with Couffaine?" He asked, making Lila mentally smirk. She knew they weren't together.
 "Oh, no they're not actually dating," She stated, making him raise an eyebrow. "She sees him as a brother and really likes you,"
 "Right... but aren't you that liar?" He asked, making her frown. "Doesn't Marinette hate you?"
 "Look, I have an illness that makes me lie sometimes but I'm currently in therapy for it and it's helping so much," She replied, making him nod. "Besides, I don't lie about crushes and I want to make up for my behavior towards Marinette so I figured getting her with the guy she likes. Anyway, you should totally ask her out. I'm sure she'll say yes,"
 "Well... I do like her..." He admitted, making Lila smirk. Though she morphed it into a friendly grin. He got up and walked over to Marinette, who was chatting to Luka. Lila returned back to her seat, just as Alya looked up and the guy talked to Marinette. He frowned as she gently let him down and asked her why she got her friend to tell him otherwise. Marinette looked at him confused as he pointed out Lila. She frowned and apologized to him before she walked over.
 "Why did you tell that boy I like him?" She asked, crossing her arms. Lila gave her an innocent look.
 "Oh, I thought you did," She gasped, making Marinette grit her teeth. "I'm so sorry. I thought that's who you were talking about in class today when you were saying about having a crush on a boy called Luke was it? Or was it Luka?"
 Marinette's face went red as Lila gasped.
 "Oh, no! I must have got the names mixed up," She gasped in fake regret. "I hope I didn't embarrass you! I was just trying to help you out... I mean you suffered so badly with your crush on Adrien that I didn't want you to suffer in the same way with your new crush but I should have known it was Luka you were crushing on. I just hope you're not stalking him like you-"
 To everyone's surprise, Marinette slapped Lila across the face before storming out of the room. Lila held back a smirk but instantly started to cry. However, no one jumped to her defense. Instead, Luka rushed outside to check on Marinette and Alya leaned over to her as the rest of the room glared at her.
 "Lila, girl, I know you were trying to help but you shouldn't have done that," She gasped, making Lila frown. "Everyone knows that Marinette has a thing for Luka and moved on from her crush on Adrien. You didn't need to lie to get her to ask Luka out. We don't do those sort of plans anymore,"
 "O-oh, I thought it would be ok since you and the other girls have come up with plans like that before," Lila gasped, tears rolling down her face. "I didn't mean to embarrass her. I guess I deserved that slap..."
 "Damn right!" Alix growled as the class glared daggers at her.
 "I get it, Lila but Marinette was getting there," Alya replied, causing her to grip her fist. "It's not nice to reveal a crush like that and that poor guy... I get you were trying to encourage her but you shouldn't have told that other guy she liked him? What if he hadn't take no for answer?"
 "Oh, no! I didn't think of that,"
 "Yeah right," Nino muttered, making both Alya and Lila look at him in surprise. "It's clear you did all of that on purpose,"
 "W-what? No!" Lila gasped as Alya looked shocked. "Why would I?"
 "Because you hate Marinette and probably want Luka yourself," He pointed out, making her blink. She would have to be careful with Nino. "I mean all you do is lie. You lied to me about having a crush on Adrien, you framed Marinette and you lied about been friends with heroes,"
 "Babe, that's enough," Alya gasped, making him look at her. "I get she lied but she's trying to be better and she did it to help Marinette, right Lila?"
 "Of course," She lied, making Nino glare at her before he suddenly got up and walked off. Alya sighed and went to follow but Adrien stopped her.
 "I'll go talk to him," He stated before walking away. Alya nodded and sat down as Lila mentally frowned. Her plan didn't go the way she wanted but at least, she embarrassed Marinette enough to make it awkward with Luka.
 ~The Art Room~
 "Hey!" Adrien called out as Nino stormed in, slamming the door. He ran up to him and gently grabbed his arm. "Nino, calm down,"
 "How can I?" He asked before sitting down and taking off his cap as he ran his hand over his head. "I had to say something, dude. I wasn't there for Marinette when Lila caused her to become Princess Justice. I actually believed her until Anatis exposed her and then this whole thing Alya still believing in her. It nearly drove us apart and I keep telling her that Lila isn't a nice person and is lying to hurt people but Alya still wants to see the best in her and I love that because it's sweet but it's wasted on someone like Lila. She doesn't want to be nice! She didn't do that to make amends with Marinette. She did that to hurt her and Alya can't or doesn't want to see that. I love her but she is acting dumb around Lila!"
 "Whoa, it's ok, Nino," Adrien gasped, kneeling down as Nino tried to calm down. "I get it. You just want to look out for your friend and your girl. And someone like Lila is nasty but Alya has to realize that herself. You just need to be there for her when she does,"
 "... you're right, dude," Nino replied, nodding. "I'm sorry... I just... I just don't want Lila to destroy her faith in people but I also know she needs to realize Lila isn't the person she thinks she is,"
 "I know," Adrien stated, sitting next to him. "I wish I had realized sooner myself but if you want, I can try and talk to Alya bout Lila,"
 "That be cool," Nino sighed. "I wish I had known before Anatis exposed her. I can't believe it took that for me to see the truth,"
 "I know the feeling," Adrien sighed, looking down. "I never realized how damaging her lies could be before Anatis called her out... I really thought she was like a tabloid and that she was just doing it for attention but after he pointed out that she was hurting myself as well as others, I realized how damaging lies can be,"
 "Yeah," Nino replied before he suddenly looked up. "Wait... Anatis called her out in front of you?"
 "Y-Yeah, like a few hours before he exposed her online," Adrien replied. He was sure he had told Nino about that. "She had tried to claim she was a descendant of a superheroine and that Marinette had threatened her into blaming Chloe,"
 "Y-You knew before the rest of us?" Nino asked, making Adrien frown. "Did you know before Anatis called her out? She use to claim that she knew Aspik and Ryuko and you always seemed to ignore that..."
 "Well, I thought at first she was telling the truth but then she said something that I knew was a lie..." Adrien admitted, making Nino start at him. "I asked Nathalie about it and she just said to ignore her like a tabloid and that she would expose herself..."
 "You knew and you didn't think to warn us? Me?!" Nino gasped, surprising Adrien. "Did you not think that we wouldn't realize?!"
 "I honestly thought she would expose herself and I didn't think she would go so far," Adrien gasped as Nino looked at him with hurt, making him realize how wrong he had been. He should have exposed her straight away and he would if he could go back in time. "I'm sorry, Nino. I wish I had told you and the rest of the class. I could have saved everyone so much pain but I really thought she would expose herself and disappear like a tabloid paper,"
 "Well, she didn't!" Nino gasped, pinching his nose. "God, Adrien! This isn't a fairytale! Things don't just randomly fix themselves! You should have told us! I... I don't know how I can trust you anymore..."
 "Nino!" Adrien gasped, surprised but Nino walked out of the art room, causing Adrien to follow. "Nino, wait!"
 Nino ignored him and kept walking, failing to notice the akuma and amok heading towards him but Adrien did. He gasped and suddenly pushed him out of the way, causing Nino to turn around in anger.
 "What the- Adrien?" Nino gasped, feeling his anger melting away as he noticed Adrien gripping his head and stepping backwards towards the wall. A purple butterfly mask appeared around his eyes as he tried to fight off Hawkmoth's control. Nino gasped and reached out his hand as he realized that Adrien had taken an akuma meant for him. He gripped his shoulders as Adrien tried to fight off Hawkmoth's influence. "Adrien, dude! Fight him!"
 "I'm not going to listen to you!" He gasped before groaning. "I won't be one of your puppets, Hawkmoth!"
 "That's right, dude!" Nino gasped, trying to encourage him. "Think only positive thoughts! You've got this, Bro!"
 "I won't do evil for you!" Adrien gasped but his eyes widen as Hawkmoth spoke to him. Nino slowly let go as he remembered what it was like giving into him. Hawkmoth had a way with words that made it seem like the greatest idea of all time. No one could resist for long, even Adrien and both of them knew it as Adrien's arms fell limp to his side. A single tear slid down his cheek as he gave one last look of desperation towards his friend. "N-Nino... run..."
 "Adrien!" Nino gasped as the purple smog engulfed him and a small blue smog appeared next to him before it disappeared, revealing his akuma form. He actually didn't look much different or scary at all. His outfit had changed into a green tunic with leaves on his sleeves and he had matching green pants. Material shoes were on his feet and he had a dagger attached to his hip, along with a pan-flute. His hair was still blonde but it was messier in style and he had a green mask across his eyes. The only thing that he could see right now that was unusual was his ears that were now pointed. In fact, Adrien actually reminded Nino of Peter Pan. Nino stepped forward, unsure what to do but maybe he could find the akumatized item before Adrien did anything. He went to reach for him but Adrien snapped open his eyes, revealing that his scleras were now green and his irises  "A-Adrien?"
 "Not anymore," He replied, smiling as Nino stepped back in fear. Adrien took out a small bag and reached in it before taking his hand out and blowing the dust in Nino's face. His eyes rolled up into his head as he fell down onto the ground. A golden glow surrounded him as Adrien grinned. "Don't worry, Nino! You'll be seeing me soon... but first, I have a game to play! Come on, Fee!"
 He flew up into the air and laughed happily before he flew off with his sentimonster following him. 
 ~In the Courtyard~
 "Marinette!" Luka gasped as he rushed out of the canteen after her. He frowned as he looked around but he couldn't see so he took a small breathe and closed his eyes, listening for the familiar song. He picked up on it and luckily it was close by so he followed it, coming to one of the staircases. He stopped and looked underneath. Hugging her knees while sitting underneath it was Marinette. He crawled next to her and sat down, making her look up from her knees. Her eyes were bloodshot and her tears were tear-stained. Luka gave her a soft look before he opened his arms. Instantly, she crawled into them and wrapped her arms around his torso as he hugged her. "Are you ok?"
 "E-Embarrassed," She mumbled, looking up at him. "N-Not of my feelings for you but just how it came out... I don't make you uncomfortable, do I?"
 "No, you don't," He replied, moving part of her hair out of her face. "If you did, I would have told you already but I like been with you. Lila was just been a bitch because she is a black hearted coward,"
 "But... now you know I like you.." She mumbled, looking down as she pulled away. 
 "Well, I hope so... we have been going on dates with each other..."
 "Yeah but only like small dates. They're practically friend dates," She mumbled, pressing her fingers together as she still felt embarrassed. She really liked Luka but she hoped he liked her but they were probably just really close friends... even though she wanted to be more. She would love to be his girlfriend but there's no way he would like her that much, especially after Lila's stun. "Lila meant that I like you... like really like you... and I'm sure you don't like me. I mean I'm sure you like me enough to go on a few small time dates but I don't think you like me as more then that. We're just friends... right?" 
 "Marinette... I-"
 "Marinette! Luka!" Adrien's voice stated, causing Marinette to gasp and bring her hands to her face. Luka looked behind him as Adrien walked over. Before he could reach, Adrien suddenly blew a golden dust in his face, causing Luka to fall to the ground as he heard Marinette shout before he heard a thumb as well. He tried to look over and saw Marinette laying on the ground as Adrien grinned to him before he looked over at Luka. "Don't resist it, Luka! This is your happy ending!"
 Luka felt himself getting heavily before he fell into darkness...
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Dusuu, fall my feathers," Mayura declared, turning back into Nathalie. As soon as she did, she felt dizzy and began to cough. Hawkmoth went to see if she was ok but to his surprise, she pushed him away. He gave her a puzzling look as he turned back into Gabriel. "I'm fine, sir... but why didn't you recall the akuma? Adrien-"
 "It would have been too suspicious," He replied, making her frown. "That friend of his is the boyfriend of the lady blogger. If he tells her then she'll publish it and it will end up in Anatis' hand which could lead him to find out that I am Hawkmoth. I have managed to keep his investigations at bay but that would only fuel his belief that he is correct,"
 "I see, Sir," Nathalie replied as they made their way back to the lift. It took them a few minutes but once they were back in his office, she took a glass of water and sat down. Gabriel frowned to himself as he began to work on designs while keeping an eye on the news. As soon as Anatis and Lady Noir were on the scene, he would transform back into Hawkmoth but right now, Heureux Fin was wreaking havoc across Paris so he might as well do some designs while observing the situation. It also gave Nathalie time to rest. He glanced over to the news as Heureux Fin burst into the news reporter. He transformed Alec into one of the ugly step-sisters and turned Nadja into a version of the boy who cried Wolf before he addressed the camera.
 "People of Paris! I am Heureux Fin, bringer of happiness! I invite all of your to the grandest ball in the whole of Paris, brought you to by me and to be hosted at Agreste Manor!!" He declared, making both Nathalie and Gabriel to stare at the screen before he grinned and flew out. 
 "Wait what?!" Nathalie gasped before the doors suddenly burst opened and Heureux Fin flew in landing on the table.
 "Father!" He declared, grinning as Gabriel stared at him. "We're having a grand ball and I've invited everyone in Paris!"
 "Absolutely not," Gabriel declared but he regretted it. As soon as the words left his mouth, Heureux Fin's expression turned dark and his sentimonster, Fairytale, transformed into his shadow before it wrapped around Gabriel, trapping him in place. Nathalie jumped up in shock as Heureux Fin walked across the table towards his father. "Adrien, stop- hmm!"
 The shadow covered his mouth.
 "I'm not Adrien anymore! I'm Heureux Fin!" He declared, taking out his bag of dust. "We're having a grand ball and all of Paris is going to come whenever you like it or not!"
 "Hmm!" He declared as Heureux Fin took a handful of dust and blew it in his face, causing his shadow to let go him as he fell to the floor and began to glow gold as well. Nathalie rushed over to the door but the shadow got there beforehand, causing her to back up from it. She felt a tap on her shoulder before she turned around. Heureux Fin was hovering right next to her.
 "Adr-" She started but he grinned and blew the dust in her face, causing her to collapse to the floor as well. Heureux Fin turned to his shadow and grinned. "Go and bring our Princess Charming. She can help us set up the ball with her skill!! Oh and why you're at it, spread this all over Paris,"
 The shadow grinned and nodded, turning back into it's fairy form before it took the pouch that Heureux Fin handed to it. He had already transformed those who he needed to. Now he just had to set up the ball. He was even willing to let the cat and the beetle come to the ball. Though he will take their miraculous from them before the clock strikes Midnight.
 ~Back to the School Yard~
 "Luka!" A voice echoed as he slowly came around. He slowly blinked and opened his eyes, causing him to notice that he was laid on the ground. He slowly sat up and looked around as he recognized his surroundings as the school yard. Tikki flew in front of him and let out a sigh of relief. "You're ok,"
 "What happened?" He asked as he looked around. He remembered been in the courtyard with Marinette. He was making sure she was ok after Lila pulled one of her tricks and was about to fully confess to her but then they got interrupted by Adrien, only he didn't look like himself. In fact, he looked like he had been akumatized. Luka's eyes widen as he looked around and saw Marinette was gone. "Where's Marinette?!"
 "She was taken by something that looked like a shadow," Tikki stated, making Luka look at her. "I think your friend was akumatized.."
 "We have to transform," He declared, standing up. "Tikki, sp-"
 "Luka!" Juleka's voice echoed, making him stop and turn to Tikki. He went to open his hoodie, only to find that his clothes had changed. His new outfit resembled the waiter outfit Marinette had made him but it was more ragged and wore out. He blinked before pointing to his hair which was messier then usual. Tikki got the idea and hid in his hair as Juleka rushed over to him. Like himself, she was wearing a different outfit too. She was wearing a white dress with a blood red overcoat, matching red shoes and a ruby and gold circlet. Her hair was her natural color, which like himself was raven brown, almost black and her lips were blood red. As soon as he saw her, he realized she was suppose to be Snow White. Following her was Rose, who was wearing a pink dress in a style similar to Juleka's. "Are you ok?!"
 "I'm alright," Luka admitted. "Just confused about the new outfit,"
 "Oh, Luka must be Cinderella!" Rose gasped before yawning. Of course, she would be sleeping beauty. "Sorry!"
 "What's that?" Juleka asked, making him frown and look down. She was pointing to a golden envelope on the floor, causing Luka to pick it up and opened it. "Well?"
 "It's an invite to a ball at Agreste Castle," He stated, making him frown before he read it out. "Citizens of Paris, I, Heureux Fin, am throwing the finest ball in all of Paris! Everyone from all walks off lives are invited so they find their happy ending and forever after! Even the beetle and his cat are invited as long as they promise not to cause a fuss and hand over their miraculous! The ball starts at 7pm tonight at Agreste Manor..."
 "That's in half an hour!" Rose gasped, making him blink as she yawned. "Sorry! I'm just really tired,"
 "No worries, Rose," He replied before continuing to read. "The Dresscode is Fairytale theme. Though that shouldn't be a problem for anyone in Paris..."
 Luka's eyes widen, along with Juleka's and before anyone could say anything else, the two of them had ran out of the school. They came to a stop as they looked around. There were a number of giant beanstalks, thorn bushes and trees, making them realize that Heureux Fin had transformed the city into something out of a fairytale. The Grand Paris hotel was now a huge castle, there was a number of smaller castles and huts around. To Luka's surprise, the bakery had been transformed into a tower. Luka rushed over and made his way inside, finding Tom and Sabine had been transformed into a king and queen. He wasn't sure what fairytale they were from but he was more concerned about Marinette. They looked up at him and rose an eyebrow at his outfit.
 "I see you got hit as well," Sabine sighed, making him nod. "Are you ok? You look pale, dear,"
 "Is Marinette here?" He asked, making the two shake their heads as they looked at him with worry. "She was with me at school but the akuma ambushed us and when I woke up, I was dressed like this and Marinette was gone,"
 "We can help you look for her," Sabine stated, lifting her dress a little and following him outside with Tom. Luka nodded and led them to where Juleka was. He frowned as he noticed she was staring. He followed her look, causing him to stare at the floating ship. For a second, he thought it was Guard-O-War again until he realized it resembled the Liberty. A rope was thrown down and Anarka swung down, making them look at her. She was wearing a red captain's coat, black pants and boots but the most interesting thing was her right hand was replaced with a hook. She grinned at them. 
 "Ahoy, Me Hearties!" She grinned as a crocodile jumped down and landed next to her. Weirdly enough, they could hear ticking coming from it. "I see that scallywag hit ye all with his cursed magic,"
 "I'm afraid so," Sabine answered as a puff of glitter appeared next to Anarka before it reformed into Penny. She was wearing a silvery suit, had fairy wings and was holding a wand. "Oh, Miss Penny, you look lovely,"
 "Thank you," Penny smiled before turning to the kids. "Everyone ok?"
 "Well, no one's hurt but we've all been turned into something out of a fairytale," Juleka muttered, gesturing towards the school where a giant version of Ivan stood. Luka rose an eyebrow as he smiled and waved at him. He waved back before turning to the others. "At least, Anatis will be able to fix this,"
 "Have you seen Marinette, Penny?" He asked, making her frown as she made a thoughtful face.
 "No but I have an idea where she might end up," She stated, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "At the ball. Everyone in Paris is invited and Marinette is friends with Adrien,"
 "She's also the class representative," Rose gasped before yawning again.
 "And she's the best at making parties and organizing things," Juleka pointed out, making Luka frown before his eyes widen.
 "You don't think Adrien has taken her to help set up the ball, do you?" He asked, making everyone look at him.
 "It makes sense," Penny stated, making him frown. "We should attend the party then,"
 "Aye!" Anarka grinned as Penny cast a critical eye towards Luka, making him blink. 
 "Something wrong?" He asked, making her look in his eyes.
 "Marinette would never forgive me if I let you go to a ball dressed in rags," She pointed, making him blink. "And since I've been turned into what is clearly the fairy godmother... it makes sense that I have the ability to do this,"
 She waved her wand at Luka, causing a silver mist to move around him, causing him to shield his face as it changed his outfit. Once it disappeared, he lowered them and looked at his new outfit. He was now wearing a light blue vest with dark blue detail and silver buttons with matching light blue pants. There was a blue ruffle tie around his neck and he had a light blue gloves on his hands that only covered part of his hands and middle fingers. His boots were a dark crystal blue and sparkled like they were made from glass. Over his shirt, he had a silver tailcoat with a small amount of frills on it. It felt like it was made from the finest silk there was and his hair had been tidied up but remained in his normal style.
"Ok, now you can definitely go to the ball," Penny grinned, clearly enjoying herself. Luka would have to find a way to sneak away from them at some point during the ball so he could transform into Anatis but at least this way he could get in there without been spotted. Now just to get there. Maybe he could get close enough to Adrien to find out where the akumatized item is.
 ~Agreste Castle~
 "Are you coming to the ball as well?" Luka asked as the ship came to a stop outside the castle. Penny looked over and shook her head as Anarka walked over and handed her a bottle of rum. "I'll take that as a no,"
 "Well, I am a pirate, Lad," Anarka grinned. "We'll just wait here until Anatis fixes everything. Now go have fun at the ball!"
 "Right," He smiled before Penny lowered a plank for them to walk. Juleka and Rose went first before Luka followed. He felt nervous as he walked through the gates with a number of other people that looked like something out of a fairytale. Once he had located Marinette and made sure she was fine, he would find a way to transform. While his mother was flying them to the castle, he took a moment to check on Tikki. Luckily, she hadn't been affected by the change of clothes but gushed over his outfit. She was now resting inside his jacket, waiting for him to find the perfect moment to transform. He hadn't seen anything on Lady Noir yet so he guessed she was in a similar situation to himself. He took a deep breathe and followed Juleka and Rose in. The ball room was the grandest room he had ever seen. It was clearly based on an enchanted forest and hundreds of people there including a number of his classmates. Luka rested his hands on the edge of the banister and kept himself hidden a little as he looked around and observed the room in his luck vision, noticing the amount of exits in the place before he turned his attention to the guests. Rose and Juleka had joined the others and started to dance but Luka was observing everyone. In the back of the room was two golden thrones. A woman dressed as a queen but with a pig's nose was sat one. Judging by the color of her hair, it was Gabriel's assistant Nathalie. He noticed a frog king sat next to her that looked a little bit moody and he suspected it had seen better days. Judging by the smirk on Nathalie's face when she looked at the frog, it was Gabriel. There were other fairytale themed characters to. A lot of the guests were transformed into one might reference to as stock characters such as royalty and witches but it seemed that Adrien's friends were themed around main characters from fairytales. There was a wooden puppet next to his maker, making Luka realize it was Max and Marvok as. Alya and Nino had been transformed into Beauty and the Beast only Alya was the beast. Kim resembled a mermaid and seemed to be holding something in his hand while he sat in a bathtub. That made Luka assume he was the Little Mermaid. Near him was Alix who was talking to Aurora. Both appeared to be characters from Alice in Wonderland. Alix was clearly the white rabbit and Aurora herself was Alice. They were also talking to Nathaniel, who was Red Riding Hood, Marc who looked like a warrior, Mireille... she was the blue fairy and Jean who was dressed as Aladdin. It took Luka a second but he realized Marc was Atreyu from the Neverending Story. He took a deep breathe as he looked over the remainder of the guests, hoping to find Marinette. The Bourgeois family were there. Audrey was the Queen of Hearts and Andre was the cowardly lion but Chloe was dressed in a beautiful dress that resembled a Swan. Clara Nightingale was nearby. She was dressed as Clara from the nutcracker by the looks of her dress and she was talking with Felix who resembled a pixie. In the far corner of the room was an old witch, which he realized was Lila. Luka wasn't surprised that she had been turned into that. He moved his eyes from her and scanned the rest of the room until his eyes landed on Marinette. She was dressed in a pink tail coat with a golden waist coat and matching pants. Her boots were dark brown and her hair was tied into a loose ponytail. She had a ruffle tie around her neck and a pink rose pinned into her hair. It was simple outfit but she looked very beautiful. However, she seemed to be look around. Her eyes moved over to where he was and a look of relief came onto her face as she saw him. A blush crept over his cheek as that look turned from relief to awe. She must have spotted his outfit. Alya was next to her and said something to her but she shook her head as Luka took a deep breathe and walked over to the staircase. He descended down them as Marinette pushed through the crowd, causing people to look at her as she moved over. 
 "Hi..." She smiled shyly as she met him at the bottom of the stairs. "You look amazing,"
 "T-thanks..." He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck as well. "You look beautiful,"
 "Really?" She asked, making him nod before she moved closer as if to inspect him. "I'm glad you're ok. I was really worried when I woke up and you weren't around. I thought Adrien had hurt you. He assured me that he didn't and that he needed my help to set up this. I was gonna post on the akuma alert app but Adrien seems harmless and the heroes haven't turned up yet,"
 "I know," Luka replied, nodding. "I think they might be stuck in their civilian forms and haven't had the chance to escape yet,"
 "That makes sense," Marinette replied, nodding before shrugging. "Oh, well,"
 Luka nodded in reply and looked around as the music changed. It was the same song they danced to at Chloe's party and in the moonlight. He had a feeling Adrien was behind the song choice. Marinette smiled as she looked around too before Luka cleared his throat nervously.He knew he should make some excuse to get away so he can transform but it would just seem odd to just sneak off. Besides, Adrien seemed harmless as an akuma and he could fix everything later. He should be able to enjoy himself, especially since he was with Marinette. 
 "W-Would you like to dance? It's our song... You know... never mind it's stu-"
 "Yes," She stated, making him look at her. "I would love to dance with you,"
 Luka broke into a smile as she grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor. The two of them moved together, ignoring everyone else as they just danced and zoned out into their own little world. Luka couldn't help but smile when Marinette leaned against him as they swayed. The more they danced, the more a fog seem to cloud their mind, making them forget as they continued to enjoy each other's company. Around them, the same thing seemed to be happening to everyone else. Nino, who wanted to talk to Adrien and apologize to him, decided he could just do it later. After all, he was having a good time and it was thanks to Adrien. The other guests were the same. Aurdey didn't care what people thought about her, Chloe was complimenting Sabrina and others and Marc wasn't hiding behind his hair. He was laughing and happy. Lila was talking happily to people as if she wasn't a malicious witch. Her lies and fake personality forgotten by both herself and everyone else. Even Gabriel had forgotten that he was Hawkmoth and that he was after the miraculous to bring back his wife. Instead, he was sat in Nathalie's hand as they danced, all of their worries forgotten. Luka smiled as he swayed with Marinette. His own worries lifting away and been forgotten as they danced. 
 "I love you..." He whispered, making her suddenly look up at him with surprise in her eyes. A blush crept over his face as she searched his features. A smile broke through as she looked at him as well.
 "I love you too," She stated, making him stare at her before he grinned like a love struck fool. She smiled back and gently leaned on her head against his shoulder again as they swayed. Luka smiled and pulled her a little closer to him as he rested his chin on top of her head before closing his eyes as they swayed on the spot with their friends grinning and whispering as they finally confessed their feelings for each other. However, their peace was short-lived as Heureux Fin flew in and landed on the stairs case, crowing as he did. 
 "Hello, Paris!!" He shouted, grinning before a fairy like creature flew over, trailing dust over everyone. "Let's get this party started!!"
 He laughed and flew up into the air as everyone cheered before the party kicked into a swing. Everyone laughed and danced without a single care as the castle shifted into a real forest. A huge roaring fire was created in the middle, causing everyone to dance wildly around it including Heureux Fin. It was like something out of a fairytale with wild fae and characters dancing around. Sure, it would be a mess in the morning but Luka couldn't bring himself to care. Just like everyone else, he knew Lady Noir and Anatis would fix it, even if the heroes hadn't turned up yet but that didn't matter. Now was the time to have fun. The music changed into a fast paced song, causing everyone to clap and dance faster as the evening went on. Song after song, played and Viper laughed as he spun around arm in arm with Ladybug but he suddenly stopped when he saw someone standing in the crowd, watching. He let go out of Marinette's arm as he stared towards the figure but Carapace knocked into him, making him look over.
 "Everyone ok, dude?" He asked as Viper blinked.
 "Oh, I thought I saw someone over there," He replied, looking over again but the person was gone. "Huh... guess they went away,"
 "Ah don't worry too much!" Carapace laughed, joining the party again as he howled and danced around the fire with Rena and the others. Frowning to himself, Viper glanced over to where the person had been. He felt like he knew that person and something had changed but he couldn't place his mind on it. He shrugged and turned around to dance again but something inside his mind niggled at him. Something felt wrong. Very wrong but he didn't know what it was. It just felt like he had forgotten something. He groaned a little as he felt his head ache and very slowly, the fog began to lift. It still wasn't clear what he had forgotten but it was definitely something. He moved to the side and sat down as he held his head. Ladybug moved over and leaned down in front of him. He looked up at her and frowned. Was she always dressed similar to Rena? For some reason, he was sure she was dressed as a princess before.
 "Hey, you ok?" She asked, making him look over. "You look pale,"
 "My head hurts," He replied, frowning. She frowned back and sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. "I feel like I've forgotten something important,"
 "Really?" She asked. "What do you think it is?"
 "I don't know," He replied, looking down. He frowned as he noticed his outfit had changed as well. Like Rena, Carapace and Ladybug, he was dressed in what he could only described as ragged clothing. He was in a teal green tunic with dark teal breeches and material shoes but he was certain he hadn't been wearing it before hand. He was sure he had been wearing something similar to Cinderella. That's what his fairy godmother put him in. Wait... not his fairy godmother but Penny! His eyes widen as he remembered her and his family. She had been transformed into the fairy godmother and his mother had been transformed into Captain Hook by an akuma. His eyes widen even more as he remembered Juleka and Rose. They were Snow White and Sleeping Beauty respectively and Marinette... Marinette had been Princess Charming. He glanced over and saw Rose and Juleka dancing by the fire. They were dancing as if there was no care in the world. He turned to look to Marinette, who was looked at him with worry and fear. He stood up as she watched him. "There's an akuma.. we have to get out of here,"
 "What's an akuma?" She asked, confused before gasping. "It is to do with that nasty pirate-"
 "Marinette, listen to me," He gasped, cupping her face. "Do you remember who your parents are?"
 "I don't have any, silly and my name is Ladybug," She giggled, making him frown. "We're the lost kids, remember? Part of Fin's crew. We never grow up and we get to play all the time. You know that, Viper,"
 "Viper?" He asked, frowning.
 "It's your name," She giggled, tapping the side of his head. "You came here with Tigress and Pigella,"
 "Tigress and Pigella?" He asked, causing her to point to Juleka and Rose. He frowned and shook his head before gently grabbing her shoulders. "Listen to me. None of this is real. It's the effect of the akuma,"
 "Viper, you're scar-"
 "My name isn't Viper, it's Luka," He gasped, making her frown. "And your name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Your parents are Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. You're 15 years old and a fashion designer..."
 "This game isn't funny, Viper,"
 "It's not a game," He gasped before he took a deep breathe. Something told him he needed to wake her up as well. "Remember what I said to you just before Kitty Section played live. You are an extraordinary girl, Marinette. Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody. You have been the song I hear in my head since we first met..."
 Recognition flowed into Marinette's eyes as the fog began to lift for her. She gasped and looked around, panicked.
 "Luka?" She gasped, making him let out a sigh of relief. "What happened? My mind feels foggy and confused,"
 "There's an akuma but I can't remember everything. I just know we need to get out now," He gasped, grabbing her hand and leading her away from the fire. Everyone else was having too much fun to notice. The farther they got away from the fire and the others, the clearer their minds got until they fully remembered everything including that they are heroes and that they needed a chance to escape and transform. Luka turned to Marinette, making her look at him. "I'm going to see if I can find Anatis. He might have been affected by the spell as well,"
 "Right," She nodded. "I should find Lady Noir as well,"
 He nodded before they were their separate ways. He slipped into the garden and hid behind a rose bush before letting Tikki out. He found her in his pocket asleep. He poked her and woke her up, making her yawn.
 "Luka?" She asked, making him slight in relief. "What happened?"
 "You feel asleep and I fell under the akuma's spell but now it's time to rewrite this story," He stated, making her nod before he swiped his earrings and transformed into Anatis. The rest of the fog completely cleared. He took out his yoyo and made his way back into the forest to fight Heureux Fin. He spun his yoyo when he came to the fire as all of the 'lost kids' looked at him with annoyed expressions. Heureux Fin got up from his throne and flew over, landing in front of him.
 "So you finally turned up, Bugboy," He declared, glaring at him as the lost kids sneered and shouted. "You know I'm just trying to let people have fun and helped everyone get their happy endings,"
 "By forcing them to forget who they are?" Anatis replied back, shaking his head. "That isn't how to help people... Adrien,"
 "My name is Heureux Fin!" He shouted back, taking to the air. "Besides, you can't catch me! Unlike me, you can't fly,"
 "He might not be able to fly but he isn't alone!" A voice shouted, causing Heureux Fin to look behind him as Lady Noir jumped on him. He managed to throw her off, causing her to land next to Anatis. "Got a plan?"
 "Not yet," He replied as Heureux Fin laughed and taunted them. "We need to ground him so we can find the akuma,"
 "You can't catch me!" Heureux Fin shouted before whistling. The fairy like creature flew over to him. "Fairytale, deal with this losers!"
 Fairytale turned into a giant wolf and landed on the ground, making Anatis and Lady Noir stare at it.
 "Great, he has a sentimonster," Lady Noir gasped as the wolf changed at her. She hit it with her baton as Anatis threw up his yoyo and summoned his lucky charm, which was a shoe and a sock. Anatis rose an eyebrow at it with confusion but before he could work it out, Heureux Fin tried to grab it off him. He jumped out of the way and stepped back, dropping the sock in the process. However, he was grabbed by the lost kids as Lady Noir was knocked back by the sentimonster. Anatis struggled against the lost kids as Heureux Fin flew over.
 "Now we can finally finding out who's behind that mask," He stated, reaching for his earrings. Anatis' luck vision kicked in, highlighting Heureux Fin himself, the shoe and the trees as a plan formed in his head.
 "None of this is real!" Anatis suddenly shouted, making Heureux Fin stop reaching for his earrings. "It's all a lie created by your powers. You're not Heureux Fin, you're Adrien Agreste! And this isn't a forest!"
 "You're lying!" Heureux Fin shouted but he lowered closer to the ground again, causing the lost kids to look at him with a little confusion. Seeing his chance, Anatis yanked him self free and threw the shoe, causing everyone to gasp it flew towards tree tops. Heureux Fin gasped and went to fly after it but Anatis stopped him, using his yoyo. The shoe hit the top, shattering one of the skylights before it fell down with shattered glass. The lost kids gasped and realization appeared in their eyes, causing Heureux Fin to realize. He fell down to the ground, allowing Anatis to recall his yoyo. Heureux Fin yelled out and charged at him but before he could hit, Lady Noir got the upper hand on the Sentimonster and threw it into him, causing it to fall on top of him before Anatis threw his yoyo, tying Heureux Fin and the Sentimonster to one of the trees with his yoyo. "Let me go!! Fairytale, atta- hmm!"
 To everyone's surprise, Nino shoved the lucky charm sock into Heureux Fin's mouth, cutting him off and causing Heureux Fin to look at him in surprise and slight betrayal.
 "I'm sorry, Adrien," He stated, taking the ring off and turning to Anatis, holding it out to him. "The akuma and the amok are in there. He took them to stop me from been the victim,"
 "Thank you, Nino," Anatis replied, taking the ring. "Kitten, would you mind?"
 "Cataclysm!" She called as he flipped the ring, tossing it towards her. She caught it and it rushed in her grip, causing the akuma and the amok to escape. Anatis recalled his yoyo, causing Heureux Fin to fall to his knees as Fairytale disappeared in blue smog before he threw out his yoyo and captured the akuma and the amok in it before releasing them. Lady Noir picked the shoe and handed it to him, causing him to smile as he took it. "Should I get the sock as well?"
 "The shoe will work fine," He replied before tossing it up in the air again. "Miraculous Ladybugs!!"
 The shoe burst into the cure and spreaded throughout the forest, getting rid of the trees and fire as it turned back into Agreste Manor. It washed over the party guests, turning them back to normal and restoring them to where they had been originally before bursting through the windows and spreading across Paris, turning it back into the city they loved. Heureux Fin turned back into Adrien and looked up confused as the heroes fist-bumped each other. Gabriel and Nathalie also looked around confused.
 "How did I get here?" He asked, confused before he noticed them. His eyes widen in realization and dread. "Oh, no! I was akumatized, wasn't I?"
 "Yes but I know you took it to stop Nino from been the akuma," Anatis stated, helping him to his feet as Adrien stammered an apology, "No need for an apology, Adrien,"
 "But I hurt people!" He gasped, making the heroes look at each other. "I did hurt people, didn't I?"
 "Adrien, you threw a massive party and turned people into fairytale characters," Lady Noir explained. "The most trouble you caused was causing them to forget their troubles. You didn't hurt anyone,"
 "But Nino... he must hate me," Adrien groaned, covering his face. Anatis frowned. "I... I should have never trusted Lila! All she does is hurt people and she upset my friend Marinette and Nino got upset with Alya because even though she told Lila off, she thought Lila was trying to help and fit in, just like I did. I offered to talk to her, to help her see the error of her ways like I did but in the process, Nino discovered I knew about Lila before anyone else and got upset that I didn't tell him like I should have!! I upset him and I saw an akuma coming for him! I couldn't let him down or fail to protect him again so I pushed him out of the way but the akuma and amok got in my ring and I tried to resist I swear. I-"
 "Adrien, calm down," Anatis stated, making him look at him. "Yes, you made a mistake with the whole Lila thing but that doesn't make you a bad friend. Talk to Nino and get him to help you with understanding social situations. None of this would have happened if you were taught how to interact with people your age and allowed to interact with them,"
 He shoot a look toward Gabriel, who looked at him with shock.
 "How dare you suggest that I'm the cause for this?!" Gabriel gasped. Anatis was ready to chew him out but to everyone's surprise, Nathalie stepped forward.
 "Anatis is actually correct, sir," She stated, making Gabriel look at her. "While his grades are excellent, he does lack in understanding normal social situations due to his isolated upbringing,"
 She turned to look at Anatis.
 "Which is we will work on," She stated, making him nod before she lead Adrien out, promising to get him some ice cream and to clear his schedule for a couple of days. Both Gabriel and Anatis stared in surprise as she lead him out before Gabriel turned to Anatis and held out his hand.
 "A thank you is in order," He stated as Anatis looked at it with distrust. "Is something wrong?"
 "I'm sure you saw how I call out a number of people for their behavior," He stated, making Gabriel retract his hand. "Well, you're heading to the top of the list, Mr Agreste. Adrien isn't some puppet or property. He is your son and if you keep going down this path you have chosen, you're gonna end up losing him forever,"
 "Is that a threat, Anatis?" Gabriel asked. He was certain the young hero didn't know he was Hawkmoth but he suspected the boy still suspected him. "Or a promise?"
 "Neither, Mr Agreste," He replied, making him raise an eyebrow. "It's a warning and if I were you, sir, I would heed it. Let's go, Kitten,"
 The two heroes walked out of the door, making Mr Agreste frown in a dark manner.
 "Soon enough, Anatis, I will crush you like the insect you are,"
 ~A Couple of Days Later~
 "So Adrien's schedule is been relaxed a little bit and he's asked me to help him to understand social ques," Nino explained as he and Marinette walked up to the school. "Though he won't be back in school for a couple of more days. Apparently, Nathalie is letting him have sweets and watch whatever he wants,"
 "That's good," Marinette replied before seeing Luka sat on one of the benches, listening to music. "Hey, would you mind going ahead? I need to do something,"
 "Sure thing, dudette," Nino smiled as he saw her looking at Luka. He grinned. "Go get him, tiger,"
 "Nino!" She gasped, blushing as he laughed and walked off. Licking her lips, she began to walk over. Since been restored, she hadn't had a chance to talk to Luka. She had tried to text him but he barely answered and she had a feeling is because of the party. She wasn't sure if it was the affect of Heureux Fin but Luka had said he loved her and she told him she loved him back. She did but she wasn't sure if he knew if she was been sincere. She had a feeling that he thought it was because of the effects of the akuma and in a way, she thought that might be the case as well. She stopped in front of him, making him jump a little and take out his headphones. "Hi..."
 "Hey," He stated, looking down at his hands. "Um... how is everything..."
 "G-Good," She mumbled, feeling her face heat up as he looked up at her. "How are you?"
 "I'm... good..." He muttered, though he didn't seem ok. In fact, he seemed surprised. Marinette rose an eyebrow. "I... I got through to the next stage for the music contest..."
 "Oh my gosh! That's great!" She gasped, going to hug him but she stopped and rubbed her neck, making him frown. "Sorry,"
 "It's fine," He replied, making her smile. "But are you ok?"
 "Um... actually, I wanted to talk to you about... the party and what you said..."
 "Oh god," He muttered, making her frown as he looked down in embarrassment. "Marinette, I am so sorry... I don't know what came over me with that. I know you don't like me in that way at all. I mean if you did, you probably would said already and you're out of my league anyway. I mean why on earth would a beautiful symphony like you want to be with a sour note like myself? You deserve better then me..."
 Marinette frowned as he looked down before a wave of clarity came over her. Luka didn't think she meant it but not because he didn't love her. He did but because he thought he wasn't good enough for her. 
 "Luka," She stated, making him look at him. "You're an idiot,"
 "That's mean, Melody," He stated, making her giggle "Why am I an idiot?"
 "Because I like you," She stated, making him blink at her in surprise. "I meant what I said during the party. You're amazing, funny, brave and creative. You mean everything to me and I'm so sorry it took me a while to realize it. I was so blinded by my crush on Adrien that I didn't even consider that someone else could be the one I want to be with but with you... there isn't any of that. Everything is so easy and simple with you. I don't feel like I have to be something I'm not. When I'm with you, I'm happy. Luka, I know I'm not perfect. I'm clumsy, stupid and I'm sure there's tons of girls that are way better then me but... I like you, Luka as more then a friend. I really like you and I..."
 She took a deep breathe.
 "I want to be your girlfriend," Luka's mind went completely blank as her words sank in. Marinette... liked him. Like actually liked him in the same way he liked her and she wanted to be his girlfriend. Marinette, the most beautiful girl in the world, wanted to be his girlfriend. He must be dreaming. There's no way this could be real but when he looked up at her, she was still there and he hadn't answered yet. He needed to say something before she thought he didn't like her. He opened his mouth as she looked down. taking his silence for rejection but before she could get up and leave, Luka gently took her hand, making her look at him. The way he was looking at her made her cheeks heat up.
 "I don't think you're clumsy or stupid. I actually think you're brilliant, beautiful and gifted," He stated, making her cheek heat up even more. "And there might be tons of other girls but they don't hold a candle to you. Marinette, I meant what I said when I said you were the song in my head. I still mean it and I always will. I... I love you..."
 "Luka..." She gasped, blushing. "I-Is that a yes to been my boyfriend then?"
 "Yes, it is," He smiled before blushing as well. "I-If you'll have me that is. I mean I'm not perfect and I'm certain gonna mess up but I love you and if you'll have me, I want to be your boyfriend..."
 "Yes, absolutely!" She gasped, making him blush. "Sorry, too much?"
 "N-No... I like your enthusiasm," He replied, causing her to squeak and throw her arms around him in a hug, making him chuckle and hug back as the bell rang. "We should go to class,"
 "Ok but meet me at lunch! I want to spend it with my boyfriend and hear about the contest! Ah, I can't believe I can say that!!" She grinned, making Luka smile back. Her song was louder then it had ever been. The second bell rang and she jumped. "Right! Gotta go!! See you at lunch!!"
 She blew a kiss at him before running off to her class, making him smile dreamily before he headed to his own lesson. He couldn't wait for lunch.
Miss Bustier’s Class:
Marinette- Princess Charming/Ladybug Nino- Belle/Carapace Alya- The Beast/Rena Nathaniel- Little Red Riding Hood/Red Rose- Sleeping Beauty/Pigella Juleka- Snow White/Tigress Ivan- The BFG Mylene- Little Princess Max- Geppetto/Pegasus Marvok- Pinocchio Kim- The Little Mermaid/Monkey Alix- The White Rabbit/Bunny Sabrina- Rapunzel Chloe- The Ugly Ducking/Swan Princess/Bee Lila- The Evil Queen/Hag Miss Bustier- Mrs Darling
Mrs Mendeleiev's Class
Felix- Rumpstileskin/Chat Luka- Cinderella/Viper Kagami- Puss in Boots/Dragon Marc- Atreu (Neverending story)/Horns Aurora- Alice Liddle Mireille- Blue Fairy Jean- Aladdin Ondine- Thumbelina Mrs Mendeleiev- Unaffected
Other Characters:
Audrey Bourgeois- Queen of Hearts Andre Bourgeois- The Cowardly Lion Nathalie- The Pig-faced Princess Gabriel Agreste- The Frog King Anarka- Captain Hook (didn’t attend the party) Jagged- Tick-Tock  (didn’t attend the party) Clara Nightingale- Clara from Nutcracker Penny Rolling- Fairy Godmother (didn’t attend the party) Jean (Butler)- Knave of Hearts Mr Damocles- the Piped Piper Nadja Chamack-  The Woman who cried Wolf Gorilla-  The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Officer Roger- The Huntsman (didn’t attend the party) Master Fu- Wizard Of Oz (didn’t attend the party) Master Mila- Snow Queen  (didn’t attend the party) Tomoe- Mother Gothel (didn’t attend the party) Emile- The White Queen (didn’t attend the party)
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
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mashedpotittiess · 4 years
Arrangements Ch 1
Title: Arrangements. Chapter Title: It’s just a little crush.
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Pairing: Lim Sejun x Reader. Mentions of Choi Byungchan and non mentions of Do Hanse, Heo Chan, Kang Seungsik, Han Seungwoo and Jun Subin as well as OC’s.
Summary: He was the aggravating fuckboy roommate of your best friends but maybe that’s what caused you to agree to such an arrangement. But will the arrangement work out? Between mutual friends, his other hookups and a certain romantic interest on your part, this could all be trouble.
Words: 6,500
Rating: PG13 but will eventually become M
Genre for this Chapter: College! au, Angst.
Tags/Warnings: Drinking, Mentions of sexual scenarios, mentions of possible drug use (a roofie), Mentions of someone possibly wanting to take advantage of someone (While Nothing happens I need to put this as a warning as it can trigger some past experiences readers have had)
Fic Series inspired Playlist Link:
Taglist: @a-mess-of-fandoms @dnyad
You hated Lim Sejun and his band of one night stands. Before anybody assumes it’s a case of “oh she has it bad for him and she’s just jealous” you were in no way into him like that and in no way jealous of the Grey haired man you dubbed ‘FookBoi’ nor his female companions. He simply cramped your style.
When he moved into your best friends apartment as a third roommate you thought you’d have the same dynamic with your friends that you had had for about a year before his sudden appearance. But you were sorely mistaken.
It was Friday night and you had your body sprawled over the deep grey fabric of the couch with your sock covered feet lying on your best friend Do Hanses blanket covered lap. Byungchan had occupied the black leather like single seat to your right and you all were currently debating on whether or not twins were creepy. The debate brought to you by you all watching The Shining once again.
“How could you even think twins are creepy? It’s clearly just the matching outfits with the head tilting that eludes to the creepy factor” you were thrown into a fit of laughter as Hanse imitated the twin’s expression when Johnny first saw them, his lip ring glinting in the soft shadows of the single lit lamp to his right. Byungchans dimples were on full display as he couldn’t help but laugh as well. You really did try not to blush at his adorable face. You had a thing for one of your best friends and you couldn’t help it, your small crush had existed for around 8 months are you knew it was a matter of time before it was known.
You were admiring his soft contours of his face down to his defined jawline and back up to lip plump lips curled upward around his teeth as his focus was still on Hanses face when the front door slammed open causing you three to jump in surprise. Hanse grabbed your feet as if to use your unicorn print covered appendages to shield himself from the big scary monster he assumed had not only come through his front door but also used a key.
As you tore your gaze away from the man you had been admiring you looked up to see Lim Sejun walking passed the back of the couch with some blonde traipsing her body on his ebony leather jacket covered shoulder. He threw you a smirk as he had undoubtedly witnessed your admiration for his roommate. “Enjoy your movie” was all that left his lips before you heard a woman’s giggle and the closing of his door followed by a hard thump.
Pulling your feet back to your body you crossed your soft cotton short covered legs and snatched a fist full of buttery salty popcorn from the shared bowl in the center of the dark wooden coffee table situated in front of you. Hanse pulled the off white blanket closer to his body and used a black nail polish covered finger to press play on your movie. As you took another bite full of popcorn your munching was cut short by a woman moaning a loud “Unngh yes Daddy” Choking on the salty kernels your face took on a sour expression and you turned to see Hanse grimace and Byungchan blush a bright crimson followed by a shake of his head.
The sounds of what started as a soft mumbling were turning into a shrieking of sorts causing you and your best friends to stand up together and make a beeline to Hanses bedroom. You all knew it would be no use to higher the television to try and drown out the sounds of pleasure the two people in the room next to the living room were feeling. Clutching your beloved popcorn and fizzy coke you settled yourself in the middle of the light blue jersey sheet covered bed. Hanse with the fuzzy blanket from the living room took up the space to your right and Byungchan settled himself on your left, his long legs sprawled out, his green and yellow parakeet printed socks causing you to smile softly.
With a few clicks of the remote the movie had been ready to be continued but before you could immerse yourself into the infamous “Redrum” scene, Hanse decided to look you straight in the eyes and with an obnoxiously loud screech he let out a “ HOOOYAH D A D D Y.” His eyes rolling back into his skull. Fake gagging you shook your head and slapped his tattoo covered shoulder over his thin tank top. “I fucking hate you sometimes.”
Curling yourself into your oversized hoodie you got comfortable with both of your best friends, settling yourselves once again into weekly movie night. As the movie played you were brought back to what had just happened in the living room. While this certainly wasn’t the first time your plans were ruined by Mr ‘Fookboi’ himself, it still irked you. You knew this wasn’t your apartment and you had no say what happened around here but you missed the fun times you three had had without the possibility of hearing ridiculously loud sex take over the three bedroom apartment at any time of the day or night.
Hell, before Sejun moved in, the boys had shared an apartment with a man named Seungsik. He was genuinely nice and even joined in for a couple of your movie nights. It was peaceful and the only loud banging happened in the apartment was when Hanse attempted to make cookies and the clanging of pots and pans that most certainly weren’t used in baking resounded throughout the shared space. But that peace was cut short when Seungsik accepted a study abroad opportunity and Sejun occupied his space.
You spent about 4 days out of the week here and you swore there was a new female face that accompanied Sejun almost every one of those days for the passed six months that he had been living here. You were in no way sex shaming him as you believed everyone can do whatever they wanted with their own bodies but his choice in woman was sometimes infuriating. They held no respect that this was a shared apartment and it showed.
From the Brunette last week who had walked around in nothing but a towel while you helped Hanse study for his Psych midterm to the Blonde the week prior that you caught using YOUR purple toothbrush that you had left in one of the two bathrooms for nights you slept over. Like who the fuck uses a toothbrush that isn’t theirs? As you had taken in her party dress which you assumed she had been wearing earlier in the night when she followed Sejun to his room passing you and Byungchan grimacing over Hanses attempt at baking  muffins, covered frame and her makeup smudged eyes, your eyes narrowed in on your toothbrush between her pink stained lips.
“Excuse me, that’s my toothbrush” you said with a grimace on your face as she leaned down to spit the toothpaste that had been sloshing in her mouth into the sink, the white fluid making its way down the drain. “hmm? oh here” was all she replied before placing the toothbrush in your palm. It still had toothpaste on it and it took everything in you to not throw the toothbrush at her and go full on hulk mode.
Then there was the Red head a few days ago that you knew as Cynthia from your shared Calculus class. You had been making dinner for your best friends that had been having a difficult school week. Walking into the apartment with the the bags full of groceries using your key the boys had given you, you set the canvas bags onto the white counter before organizing them into piles of what needed to be made in order from first to last. Pulling together the pots and pans you needed your thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched whine and the sounds of a bed thumping against a wall. Glancing towards the door you saw what appeared to be a woman’s taupe coat. Shaking your head you let out a disgusted ‘gross’ and pulled up your Spotify playlist hoping it would drown out some of the sounds coming from the occupied bedroom.
Throwing the tomatoes and onions into a pan you let them sauté until they were caramelized and got started on putting together the garlic butter for the fresh baked french bread you scored at the grocery store. Grooving to your music, you went along with your chopping of vegetables for the salad followed by dumping a box of penne into the salted water you had prepared. Spreading the herby garlic spread onto the soft doughy bread you plopped it into the oven and checked your pasta.
‘Buss it Buss it Buss it Buss it’ came through the speaker of your phone and you let your body do a little twerk as you plated the penne a la vodka, salad and finally the warm garlic bread fresh from the oven, turning around you checked to make sure everything was turned off and grabbed your phone to check the time. “They should be home soon” you mused and poured yourself a glass of ice water. ’Is you FUCKIN’ yelling the fuckin part you wiggled your hips as you sipped your water and turned around when the sound of crunching put a halt in your boppin.
Your jaw twitched as you took in the Red head leaning against the island counter with a piece of garlic bread between her smeared lipstick covered lips. The smell of roasted garlic and tomato sauce hung in the air as you stepped towards the female eating the food you had just made.
“That food isn’t for you, you do know it’s rude to just eat what someone else had made without asking right?” you furrowed your brows at her and extended a hand towards the rest of what you had plated up. Leaning her head against her left palm she licked her lips clean of what looked like breadcrumbs and smiled. “Aww, were you making a meal for Sejunnie? if so, I can assure you this won’t get him into your pants, not when he has a lady like me right here. But it’s cute that you tried.” Opening your mouth ready to ask her what the literal fuck she was talking about, Cynthia moved her elbow along the counter followed by a ‘oops’ and a shrug of her shoulder.
Looking down at the tray that had skidded across the wooden floor when her elbow knocked down your garlic bread just milliseconds ago you let out an annoyed “are you fucking kidding me?” Looking unaffected, Cynthia shrug her pale pink covered shoulders at you and licked her index finger of what looked like garlic butter. Leaning down with a bend of your knees you started to pile the bread you now had to throw out onto the faux marble tray that balances itself in your left hand. You grit your teeth stopping yourself from saying much else knowing that it wouldn’t do a thing. Knees knocking against the floor as you reached for a piece that had gone under the counter, before you could grasp it between your deep purple nail polished fingers, a pale hand reached out and placed it down onto your tray.
Looking up your eyes met Sejuns light grey contact covered gaze and you shook your head head towards the woman he had just been fucking. “Some company you keep” you mumbled to him before standing up, lavender slipper covered feet coming into contact with the dark wooden floor. As the door clicked open you were met with an enthusiastic“y/n did you cook? your’e the BEST.” Hanse stepped through the threshold of the open plan kitchen and took in the scene. You with a tray of what looked like garlic bread, a furious gaze in your eyes, Sejun with his hand extended towards you and a red head smacking her lips along a napkin.
“Um what happened?” left Hanses lips as you tossed the food that had been in your hand into the trash and got to work looking for the swiffer they kept in a linen closet close to the kitchen. Your ears picked up on what sounded like Sejun saying out a soft yet firm “I called you an uber, they’re here already” followed by a sickeningly sweet “But Sejunnie we could spend more time together.” Rolling your eyes you entered the kitchen once again and wiped the wet wipe along the grease covered floor. “Domestic, cute” Looking up you stepped towards the red haired female ready to throw hands. You were beyond tired of her shit and weren’t going to take anymore. She fucked with food, precious FOOD.
“I told you to leave already” Sejun grabbed Cynthias elbow and guided her towards the front door. “But, ugh fine. Call me later?” she asked and he just shrugged his shoulder while walking her to the elevator.
Angrily throwing the swiffer pad into the trash you thrust the mop to Hanse to put away and bounded to the sink to wash your hands. “I fucking can’t stand people like her, Sejun needs to filter out the bitches from his list of hookups. I swear to god dealing with someone like her is not worth getting your dick wet.” You shouted and Hanse pat your back.
Byungchan’s soft head of hair leaning on your shoulder brought you back to reality and you sighed shaking the thoughts of Sejuns hookups out of your mind to focus on the movie that was almost finished. Looking to your left you smiled softly at the dimpled boys sleeping face. Hanse shifted on you right to pull his blanket closer to his body.
While Hanse was still awake you knew it would be a few minutes before he completely passed out like the sweetheart to your left had. Sitting up carefully you leaned Byungchans head onto a pillow and brought the comforter up his body while Hanse curled into himself mumbling a “you can sleep here or take Channies bed.” Shaking your head you let him know you’d be taking the couch as you tucked the bowl of kernels under your arm and balanced two glasses between your fingers of your fight hand as you maneuvered your way out of his room and to the kitchen. The soft lighting over the stove illuminated your trek to the kitchen and you spotted Sejun in a pair of joggers and an oversized pale blue t shirt sipping a glass of what looked like water.
Moving passed him you dumped the remnants of the kernels into the trash and carefully plopped the dishes into the sink to his right. To your left his eyes followed your movements as you cleaned up. “I’m sleeping on the couch so if you’re going for round two with whatever her name is, please keep it down.” you grumbled without looking at him and you made your way to the couch you had spent many a nights on. From the open kitchen you heard him shift as he placed the glass he had been drinking out of into the sink. “She left already, goodnight y/n” he responded and walked the few steps to his room, his door softly closing behind him and you shut your eyes, pulling the blue blanket that had been on the end of Hanses bed and you had snatched, closer to your body letting sleep overtake your tired brain.
The smell of sizzling bacon and warm butter invading your nostrils sending your senses in an uproar and your body to slowly open your eyes. Sitting up you still clutched the blanket you had been using tight around your body in a makeshift cocoon. Gaze scanning the kitchen behind the couch you were sitting on you watched as Sejun joked with Hanse while preparing the bacon that was sizzling in the pan below him. Hanse was mixing up more pancake batter and Byungchan was finishing a flip on the duo of cakes bubbling up in the pan he had been working with.
You could almost curse your stomach as an obscenely loud grumbled was heard in the open space causing all three boys to turn around and take in your messy bun that more like a turd flopping atop your head and your mascara slightly smudged under your eyes. Raising your left hand into what looked like a small wave you heard Hanse laugh loudly causing you to smile. “The Princess is awake” with a stern look in your eyes his smiled widened “I forgot y/n hates being called Princess, EHEM my queen.” Standing up you stretched your arms over your head and arched your back hearing the muscles pop from lying in the same position for too long.
Trudging towards the bathroom, you abandoned the blanket on the kitchen island on your way there. As you took in in your appearance in the bathroom mirror while you let the water warm you shrugged. Your best friends had seen you look a lot worse.
As you smoothed the foaming cleanser onto your hands and over your face you let out a soft sigh in content. Reaching into the cabinet under the sink you pulled your small body of makeup remover you had stashed there and massaged it onto your eyes to cleanly remove any remnants of eye makeup. Letting the warm water rinse your face of all impurities you got to work on bushing your teeth with your N E W purple toothbrush.
Letting your hair loose from its turd like confines, you softly ran what you knew as Hanses brush over your locks and shuffled back into the kitchen after your bathroom escapades were done with.
Tucking your hair behind your ears you poured yourself a glass of cold OJ and watched as the men finished with their Gordan Ramsey like cosplay of cooking. Giggling to yourself as the visual of Gordan Ramseys face on your friends bodies overtook you.
When you noticed the boys were just about done preparing the food you pulled plates from the cabinet and paired them with silverware for all four persons. A comfortable silence surrounding the room as you all piled your plates with food and made your way to the dining table to the left of the kitchen.
“Thanks for the food” you smiled out while cutting into your fluffy pancakes earning a wide from Hanse, a smile from Byungchan and a nod of your welcome from Sejun. Plopping a piece into your mouth you almost moaned at the warm syrupy goodness that coated your tongue, you could take the vanilla Hanses flavored the cakes with.
For the most part you all had ate in silence with the exception of Sejun and Byungchan talking about the college Basketball team Byungchan was on.
You had offered to do the dishes in repayment for the delicious breakfast the boys had cooked up and joined in on the conversation that took place in the living room when you had finished. Settling yourself on the cushion next to Hanse you let him ruffle your hair and leaned your head on his shoulder.
Hanse was like the brother you never had, you had known him since your first year of college, you small body nervous as all hell when you walked into your first Literature class of the year. Sitting next to you he had struck up a conversation when he took in the crescent moon earring dangling from your double helix piercing on your right ear.
From then on you all had become great friends, you had liked the same music and enjoyed some of the same aesthetics. A couple of months later you all had stumbled upon Byungchan at a frat party and a conversation about Liquor vs Beer ensued in the comfort of the lit kitchen. Before you knew it you all had drug your asses to waffle house for 4am food to nourish your alcohol filled bodies. You both becoming fast friends with the tall teddybear of a man.
A year later and the two men rented an apartment together inspired by the fact that you had been living in an apartment with your roommate since the middle of your freshman year. They had invited you to be their third roommate but you were on a multi-year lease and to be honest, you didn’t mind your roommate. You loved your friends but you liked being able to come home when you needed alone time or just girl time. Lately you had been spending more time at your best friends house due to your roommate having her boyfriend over a lot more before he graduated later this year and you wanted to give them alone time.
Musing to yourself on how grateful you were for their friendship you took in the effortless conversation between all three men. You knew they had been friends with Sejun for sometimes prior to him moving in but you hadn’t really taken in how friendly they were all with each other. You had to admit it put the moving mattress of a man in a new light.
“Favorite Nirvana song..3..2…1.” Hanse blurted out. All together four answers were heard at once “Lithium” you heard Hanse shout which you had already known. “All Apologies” Byungchan smiled and “Come as you are!” you and to your surprise Sejun yelled at once. “oof we have a tie.” Hanse said followed by a “Okay, okay.. Favorite BEYONCE song 3…2…1”
“Wait wait, Beyonce solo or Destinys Child included cause that’s a whole other convo” you added in before anybody could answer before taking a sip of your ice water and roaming your feet into the blanket you had been using. “Solo Beyonce” Hanse answered before shouting his countdown once again.
“Crazy in love OG version” Hanse shouted, “Formation” was Byungchans answer. “Irreplaceable” Sejun answered while tilting his head onto his palm with his elbow resting on the arm of the couch to your left. “If I were a boy” you smiled at the lyrics invading your thoughts. “But seriously Yonce is a fucking icon and you can’t just pick one song, that’s like ILLEGAL!” you added which earned claps from your best friends and a genuine smile from Sejun causing you to cock an eyebrow at his dimples cheeks.
The familiar ding of your phone signaled a text and you entered your password into the drive while vaguely listening to what the three men were talking about. Sending a message in reply to your friend and classmate Haley you tossed your phone back onto the coffee table in front of you and leaned back onto the comfy cushions behind you. “Oh shit y/n I almost forgot! Heo Chan’s frat is having a party tonight and i’m making you come with” The inky haired man to your right said with a clap of his hands, his rings clanking against each other. “Oddly enough that’s what Haley was texting me about and I already agreed to go with her since i’m obviously the best wingman ever. I also love how you weren’t planning on giving me a choice on going.”
“I wasn’t giving you a choice because I knew you couldn’t say no to this face” with a pucker of his pink lips, Hanse folded his fingers under his chin leaning closer to your face in a mock pout. Rolling your eyes you flick his slightly exposed forehead with a painted index finger. “Yeah yeah yeah.”
“Byungchannies going too and I think Sejun may show up too” Hanse added and you nodded. You knew Byungchan would go, with him being good friends with Chan and Seungwoo from Lambda Tau Nu or VTN for short. Sejun going came as no shock to you either knowing the amount of girls that would be wanting him to go with them and of course leave with them as well.
Checking the time on your apple watch linked onto your wrist with its black leather strap, you stood up throwing the blanket that kept your legs warm onto Hanses lap and grabbed your phone while looking for your slippers you had worn there. It was a little passed two in the afternoon and you knew you need to go home, shower and then later prep for the party. “Imma head out to freshen up, see you later. Hanse you picking me up?” with an of course heaving your best friends mouth you left the comfort of the three mens apartment and heading off to your own.
Smoothing your warm vanilla and rose body oil over your freshly shaven legs you checked your phone noting you had a little over an hour to finish getting ready before Hanse and byungchan would be pounding on your door. You had just finished pulling your black satin bra and panty set when your doorbell sounded off. Wrapping your fluffy white robe close to your body you opened the door to a smiling Haley who was carrying what you presumed to be her “getting ready shit” and a bottle of Svedka.
“Pre game sweets” she said when she caught you glancing down to the bottle clutched between her fingers. With a slight smile and a shake of your head, you both headed towards your room to finish getting ready.
Checking her ass in the mirror, Haley gave a little booty jiggle in her skin tight taupe body con dress that accentuated her deep mocha colored skin. You had just finished styling your straight hair with some silkening gloss when Hanses called signaling them leaving their apartment and heading towards yours. Sliding your feet into your black suede high heeled ankle booties you smacked your medium toned nude lipstick covered lips and followed Haley into the kitchen.
When the boys got there Haley demanded a pre game shot and you all but obliged. With a slam of the clear shot glass onto the faux marble counter you all headed out, following Hanse to his small Silver SUV.
Pulling up to the long street of parked cars in front of the VTN house you shook your head at the seemingly already drunk couples making out in the bushes and a half naked guy running down the lawn with a V painted onto his chest in what looked like red lipstick.
Entering through the oak double doors behind Byungchan you squeezed his shoulder as he maneuvered you all through the crowded entrance. Settling on a quieter side of what you knew from a few parties here as the living room, Byungchan excused himself to bring you all some drinks and you surveyed the area you were in. A couple of kegs were a few feet to your left where some guy you recognized as Subin was performing a keg stand. The two couches and coffee table were pushed closer near a wall where the stairs leading to the second floor bedrooms was to make the makeshift dance floor where bodies were rhythmically shaking the hips. Behind you to your right was the brightly lit kitchen when bottles lined the counters and bags of chips were strewn everywhere.
As you surveyed the kitchen you noticed Byungchan talking to a girl you knew as Emi. Byunchans dimples were on full display as he laughed at whatever she had been saying causing a soft bloom of rose to flush onto her pale cheeks. Leaning down to stir her drink her light brown hair fell slightly over her face to which Byungchan leaned forward and swiped his fingers over her forehead and still blushing cheeks to tuck her shoulder length hair behind her right ear. Noticing your gaze, Hanse chimed in “Oooooooh is Channie finally making a move on Emi? He’s been into her for like a month now” Whipping your hair around towards the tattooed man your deep brown smokey eyeshadow covered eyes widened slightly.
“He what now? How did I not know about this?” Hanse furrowed his eyebrow at your seemingly upset look and Haley cleared her throat. Haley had been the only person who knew about your crush on your friend from a night of one too many Vodka Tonics and Tequila shots. “I only knew about it cause I caught him shooting her google eyes and I asked him what was up until he fessed up.. why do you look? wait..y/n did you?” With a tick of your jaw you shook you head pleading with him not to continue his question.
“Since when?” was all he asked and you softly told him the answer. “But it’s fine, I honestly didn’t think much would come from it. I wasn’t sure how our friendship and the dynamic would work if we ever got together” You ran your thumb along the hem of your black and deep green plaid skirt. “It’s for the best, I’m glad he looks happy.” you were being honest, you wanted your friends to be happy and that’s all that had mattered to you. Yes you were a little heart broken but it was better than him finding out about your crush and you getting rejected then, or you all getting together then later breaking up and you losing one of your best friends and Hanse being stuck in the middle of his two best friends.
With an are you sure? Hanse headed off to the kitchen when you nodded your head and sighed. “God you’re such a good person babe, I would’ve been like ‘HELL NO IM NOT OKAY I AM A HEARTBROKEN WOMAN ON THE VERGE OF A MELTDOWN’” Haley whisper screamed into your ear and you felt yourself smiling at her over dramatic theater kid self.
“Ugh Chan looks so good” biting her deep fuchsia colored lips Haley wiggled her eyebrows and you shook your head. You knew she was staring at his ass in those tight light wash jeans as he talked to Hanse and Byingchan in the kitchen.
“Oh shit he’s coming over here” Fluffing her black shoulder length curled hair Haley pushed her boobs out by straitening her back causing you to giggle and accept the drink Hanse handed you. “Hey Haley hey y/n” Chan smiled causing adorable dimples to grace his cheeks. ‘Do all these men have dimples or what?’ you thought and shook your head slightly.
With a hello and a thank you for invited us you let Haley grab all of Chans attention with a conversation about Musicals. Hanse caught on to what you were doing and stepped further away from the two, taking you with him.
You had been talking to Hanse about Haley and Chan when Byungchan stepped in front of you both with Emi right behind him. “Hey guys, this is Emi” Hanse smiled and gave her a little wave. Suppressing your urge to be jealous and petty you took a deep breath and nodded towards her “Hi” leaving your lips. As Byunghcan talked to you both about how sweet Emi was and how they had been talking but it hadn’t been anything serious, you gripped your glass in your right hand and tilted your head back drinking all of its contents in one go. The familiar warm burn of alcohol siding down your throat and distracting you from Byuns dimples as he spoke so highly of the female clutching onto his right arm.
Taking in the girls pale blue satin liken dress and beige sweater handing off of her arms you had to admit she seemed nice, very demure and soft spoken but nice. “You’re so pretty, Byungchan didn’t do you justice when he told me about his best friends” Emi genuinely smiled at you and you thanked her. Needing a refill of your drink you excused yourself and headed towards the kitchen.
Setting your glass on the counter you got to work mixing Rum and a splash of coke. Taking your first sip you nodded and hummed at the taste. If you were going to deal with your crush and best friend finding a girlfriend you definitely needed something strong. Taking another sip you leaned your hip against the counters and slowly moved your head in a circle to relieve the tension you had been building up. You felt your body starting to heat up from the amount of bodies in the house and the alcohol flowing freely through your veins as you finished your second drink with a long chug.
Shrugging your oversized medium blue denim jacket off of your shoulder you looked for a suitable place to hide it from partygoers. Situating your jacket behind bottles of soap under the sink you made a note on your phone letting you know where you hide it in case you forgot and needed to retrieve it the next day.
Pouring yourself another drink you capped the Rum when you were done and sighed as the breeze from the overhead vent licked against your skin in your black crop top and plaid skirt. “Damn, now that’s a drink” came from your left causing your to look up with an arch of one of your eyebrows. Liam Martinez stood in front of you with a smile of his pearly whites and you couldn’t help but smile back. You recognized the Wide Receiver of your college football as you shared a literary course with him. You actually also shared that class with Sejun as well.
“Want one?” you asked with a smile to which he shifted closer to you and handed you his red cup. “Yes ma’am” you opened the same bottle you had been using and started pouring it into his glass, followed by a splash of the open coke to your right. Scooping a bit of ice from the bag in the sink into his glass you handed it back to him which he accepted gratefully.
“So, what’re you doing here? or better question, why are you drinking alone in a kitchen full of bottles?” Leaning your hip against the counter you quirked you lip slightly over you glass. “Well if anybody was drinking wouldn’t it be better to drink in a room full of bottles?” Chuckling at your retort Liam placed a hand on the counter and sipped his drink waiting for you to continue. “But if you must know, I finished my drink my friend made me and came to make another, plus they were having a convo I didn’t really feel like being a part of” you let the last bit slip out with a shrug of your shoulders.
With a ‘hmm’ in acknowledgment you two started a pretty nice conversation about your shared class and the frat house you were currently in which Liam had been a part of. Feeling the buzz flowing through your body you accepted his offer when he asked you to dance.
With your hand tucked into his you made your way to the dance floor and wrapped your arms around his neck as the music thumped around you. Settling his hands on your hips he pulled you closer to him, swaying your bodies to rhythm of the bass. Under the soft lights in the dark living room Liams light brown hair shined. Liams hands trailed up and down your hips, eventually turning you around pulling your back into his white t shirt and blue plaid covered chest feeling his muscles rippling against your back.
Leaning your head back onto his chest you ground your hips back into his and smirked. The alcohol coursing through your veins lending confidence to your dance moves as your began to grind with him in the middle of the other swaying dance partners crowding the space.
Another song came to a finish and you felt your body heating up tremendously. With a huff of air escaping your parted semi glossy lips, you knew you needed water and as Liams fingers grazed up your left thigh you excused yourself telling him you’d be right back but he had insisted on going with you.
Reaching the kitchen you looked for a clean empty cup to be the vessel that you needed to quench your thirst and hopefully cool your body down. Liam handed you an opaque red cup from the stack of downturned cups and you poured yourself some water from the fridge and took a long sip relishing in the fresh cool liquid cooling your body down and causing a small shiver.
“Hey can you pass me a coke from the fridge?” The taller man in font of you asked as you were closer to the fridge than he was and you nodded thinking nothing of it. Opening the metal fridge you looked around on the middle shelf before your eyes landed on the signature red cans, plucking one from the shelf you turned and stepped your way back to Liam, handing it to him which caused him to smile his pearly whites in return.
“Hold on, did he just drop something in y/ns glass?” Hanse voiced out while putting a black nail polished hand up in a stop motion after his eyes had zeroed in on the man in question drop something that looked like a small white circular pill into your drink. Earlier in the night Sejun had been talking to Hanse when they both noticed you dancing with Liam, he couldn’t quite place where he knew him from but after Hanse voiced what he had just seen, he remembered a girl he had hooked up with a couple of weeks ago said that after she had hooked up with Liam about a week prior. She had been looking for her shorts and found what looked like roofies on the floor in a bag under his bed. Sejun had asked why she didn’t report him to which she just shrugged and said Liam hadn’t done anything to her and she wasn’t sure that’s what they were so she wasn’t going to start trouble.
With a narrow of his eyes he peeled Tashas hand from around his torso and bounded off into the kitchen following Hanses fast steps towards your figure holding a red cup smiling up towards the tall figure in front of you.
ANNNND chapter 1 is done! I’m going to try to update this pic every week but i can’t make any promises as i’m also writing a Jungkook Magic/au fic series.
I hope you enjoyed the read and pls let me know of any errors you come across as this is partially unedited and i don’t have a Beta reader or anything of the sort. ILY
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wozwaid · 4 years
Choose Your Own Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: I "Cattivi Ragazzi" Con I Cuori Buoni
yes I speak a little italian (not well but i still know some things plus i mainly understand it cuz i speak spanish)
if you speak italian, just pretend like you dont for a sec lmao
you guys are good students for wanting to get your homework i deadass wouldve just went to the sports room to meet my homies oilakmwfeds but we’ll meet them later (possibly)
title translation: the “bad boys” with good hearts
lets get it
Despite wanting to get some much needed rest, you drag your feet towards the school building to retrieve your homework from the classes you missed. You spot Rohan in the courtyard. He looks up from his sketchpad to see you staring at him, resulting in him scoffing and looking back down at the paper. You roll your eyes, making your way to your classes (with help, of course). After 45 minuets of going class to class and apologizing to your teachers and lying explaining why you missed your first day, you finally make it to your final class. 
You aren’t sure why, but you felt compelled to take Italian. After all, it is one of the languages of love, and your lonely ass could really use some loving (in the least sexual way possible cuz no). Upon opening the door, you realize the class was pretty much empty. There are no teachers or students in the room, which you deem odd considering the fact that it is currently office hours. You’re about to turn around and leave when you bump into someone behind you, causing them to drop whatever they were holding. You down to see a boy around your age picking up the now broken pieces of a flowerpot. 
“Holy shit! I’m so sorry!” You gasp, crouching down to help him clean up. You see him holding the flower that was in the pot, almost cradling it as if it were a child. Your heart squeezes at this sight. ‘ohmyfuckinggodhesadorable’. You shake your head at the thought, trying to focus on cleaning.
“Mi dispiace, avrei dovuto cercare dove stavo andando. Volevo solo mettere questo fiore vicino alla finestra in modo che potesse ottenere un po 'di luce” He chuckles, looking at you with a kind smile. 
Sure, you signed up to take Italian, but you didn’t think that the people in your grade would be so advanced already! You begin to regret skipping classes today until he speaks up. “Ah! Force of habit. I’m from Italy so my go to language is Italian. I’m still getting used to having to speak English. (just pretend) My name is Giorno Giovanna and I’m a freshman. Nice to meet you!” He says, extending his hand out to you. “Y/N L/N! Nice to meet you too, Giorno!” You shake his hand. “Oh by the way... what was it you were saying before?” You asked. “I just said that I wanted to put this flower by the window so it could get some light and I wasn’t watching where I was going. Sorry about that!” He says. You continue having a friendly conversation with Giorno before you realize that office hours had ended.
“Look at the time! It’s already 6:00.” He sighs, clearly sad that the conversation had ended. You’re upset too! You enjoyed talking to Giorno. As if on cue, your stomach growled loudly, resulting in Giorno turning his attention back to you. “Are you hungry?” He asks, like it isn’t the most obvious thing in the world. “Yeah, I am. I didn’t have a chance to eat lunch.” You sigh, upset because this school is supposed to have some of the best food. “Do you want to come with me to the cafeteria to have dinner with some of my friends? I promise they’re nice.” He offers. You immediately agree, because who would decline good food?
When you arrive at the cafeteria, you realize that it’s strangely empty. You overhear some of the younger students whispering about a supposed “gang” being inside. You’re a little frightened, but you see that Giorno remains the unbothered king that he is, so your nerves are settled. You spot a group of boys sitting at a table at the far end of the room. You follow Giorno as he walks over to them. A boy who appears to be a sophomore’s face lights up when he sees Giorno walking towards them. “Giorno! Non ti ho visto tutto il giorno!” Giorno! I haven’t seen you all day! Giorno clears his throat, gesturing to you, implying that you don’t speak Italian. “Oh ok! Hi, my name is Narancia Ghirga and I’m a sophomore. Nice to meetcha!” He beams, looking up at you from his chair. You go around the table, meeting the rest of the group. There was a man who had an irrational fear of the number four named Mista, a guy who was dressed like a piece of cheese named Fugo, an emo bitch who didn’t like Giorno named Abbacchio, and a guy who somehow reminds you of your mother named Bucciarati. There was a girl that was supposed to be there too but she couldn’t make it. 
You get your food and sit back down at the table where you’re faced with a heated debate between Narancia and Fugo about the answer to a math problem that they were working on. Narancia said the answer was D, none of the above, to which Fugo tried to explain that it wasn’t a multiple choice question. You laughed along with the rest of the group before you feel a shiver go down your spine. You turn around to see a group of girls glaring at the people at your table. “Hey... I’ve been meaning to ask. What’s with this ‘gang’ that everyone is talking about?” You question, looking to Bucciarati for an answer. He sees how serious you look and pauses. You begin to expect the worst before he begins to laugh, the rest of the boys joining in.
“Y-you really believe that stuff?” Narancia asks between breaths from laughing so hard. “Y/N, we aren’t a gang! Everyone just kinda assumed we were mafioso when we arrived at this school. If you’re looking for a group of bad boys, you’re with the wrong group of people.” Fugo chuckles.”Although La Squadra could be considered a gang, pieces of shit.” Abbacchio mutters. “What was that?” You ask, turning to face Abbacchio. “Forget it. It’s not important. I’m going to the dorms to get some rest. See you guys around” He says, getting up from the table. The rest of the boys excuse themselves as well, leaving you and Giorno alone at the table.
“I had fun with you Y/N! The guys seem to really like you.” Giorno says with a smile, picking up his dishes and clearing them. “I had fun too! I hope we see each other soon!” You exclaim. “I’m going to go back to the dorms now. Do you want me to walk you there? I’m assuming you don’t know where you’re going.” He says, lightly chuckling. You giggle with him. “Yeah, I have no clue where the dorms are.” You say, slightly embarrassed. “So do you want me to take you there?”  He asks, again.
xoxo, dylan!
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
3.) 11 Minutes--Ashton Irwin ‘Lovers in a Song’ series
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a/n: So while each ‘chapter’ is titled after a song it’s more of the mood and a few choice lyrics that really made the story. This story changed a lot as I wrote it but in the end it all flows really nicely together. I’m so excited to share this with you! Each part is 3,000 with the exception of the last part. Please don’t hesitate to send me messages, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Word count: 3k
warnings: a sexy phone call, the use of ‘Daddy’ multiple times, sexy play with wine, hints of infidelity but NOT in the way you think I promise, uhh I think that’s it?
LIAS masterlist
3 Years Ago
It’s been a year since Ashton and Cressida have seen each other at The Golden Lion. Ever since they returned from Europe three years ago they agreed to only see each other once a year on the anniversary of their first meeting and spend a long weekend together.
For a little over a year and a half, the forbidden couple have been publicly linked to other people. Ashton has been tied to Lucinda Clarke, her family are well known partners with Irwin Whisky and the partnership between Ashton and Lucinda would be beneficial to both parties. Lucinda is nice enough but she’s more silver than gold.
Cressida has been snapped with Gavin de Poiters, the heir to centuries old winemakers in Europe. They attend many dinners and club scenes together, making sure they’re the center of the paparazzi eye by order of their PR group. Cressida paints on the perfect smile but her mind and heart are always on Ashton.
Part of their deal is to not be in contact with each other until their weekend. Cressida has been going back and forth on cancelling this year because she feels guilty doing this to Gavin. Her mind was practically set on cancelling when a small package was sent to her office on Valentine’s Day.
It was a pretty bracelet with purple and pink jewels and her favorite shade of red lipstick and a note that read:
I hope to only see you in these two things on our weekend. My golden lady. A.I
Cressida hasn’t removed the bracelet since.
Cressida is listening to her schedule for the next coming weeks while doing her morning stretches when one of them makes her pause mid side lunge.
“Can you repeat that one for next weekend?” Cressida asks her assistant, Chloe.
“Yes, um, you and Gavin are scheduled for that three-day conference at The Golden Lion promoting all inclusivity within the workplace. He will only be able to attend the Friday evening session and is on a flight to Japan right after.”
Cressida’s heart pounds in her chest. She’s going to be with Gavin at her and Ashton’s hidden sanctuary, with Ashton present as well. Their time together isn’t for another two months. Will she be able to handle herself in front of Gavin?
For the rest of the week, Cressida has been anxiously anticipating seeing Ashton. She wonders if Lucinda will be there or on one of her many yachts partying. She’s distracted from her day-to-day tasks; her fingers itching to call Ashton and ask him what they should do.
On Friday night, Cressida is putting on the final touch of her outfit which is the red lipstick Ashton gifted her. She bought a gold sequined dress with a plunging neckline and an open back. The only thing holding it up were the thin straps on her shoulders, and due to the minimal material, she was braless as well. She wanted to show off for Ashton.
“You’re wearing that?” Gavin asks once she steps down the stairs. Chloe helps her into her black coat, handing her her gold clutch.
“Yes, what’s wrong with it?”
“It’s a bit revealing, don’t you think?” his eyebrows raise in judgment.
“It’s in style now, Gavin. Let’s go.”
They’re about eleven minutes away from the hotel, Gavin’s tapping away at his phone while Cressida stares out the rain filled window, her mind wandering to a college bar and a handsome man when an unsaved number lights up on Cressida’s phone, it buzzes on her thigh. Thinking it could be someone from the company, she picks up.
“It’s me.”
Cressida holds back her gasp at the sound of Ashton’s voice. The last time she heard it he was telling her goodbye in the doorway of their room before she went to the main desk. Her stomach clenches at the soft timber.
“I know you’re with him but I’m waiting for you. Can you put on a show for me tonight, darling? Say ‘yes Daddy’ if you understand.”
Cressida swallows harshly, her voice cracking when she responds with, “Yes Daddy.”
“Good girl. Are you wearing that lipstick I bought you? Say it again if you are.”
“Yes, Daddy, I am.”
“And the bracelet?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she says a little breathlessly. Gavin gives her an odd look and she smiles lightly waving her hand to dismiss it. He sighs and goes back to his phone.
“That’s a very good girl,” Ashton hums and she relishes the sound. “I made sure the staff know not to address you tonight, but your room is next to mine. Gavin’s leaving tonight, right? Tell me ‘yes, Daddy that’s right’ if it is.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Cressida clears her throat, “that’s right.”
“Mm, good. I can’t wait to see you, and hear you call me Daddy while I have you pinned beneath me.”
Cressida’s stunned for a beat at his words. Part of her worries Gavin can hear it’s not really her father she’s speaking to, but she’s safe with Ashton’s voice in her ear.
“That sounds…wonderful, Daddy.”
“Are you going to put on a show for me, angel?”
“You know I will, Daddy,” she promises, and he groans at her ease of the term. She smiles in victory and sees the large marquee of the hotel sign out her window. “I’ll see you soon, Daddy. Let’s grab lunch with Gavin soon.”
“Oh, you’re naughty—”
Cressida laughs and hangs up before he can finish his sentence. She hopes that sets him off a little.
“Your father wants to grab lunch?” Gavin asks while they wait for the valet attendees to grab their umbrellas and open the doors for them.
“And a show,” Cressida grins.
Gavin gets out first and opens the door for her making sure the umbrella covers her completely. She holds his arm like she’s supposed to and smiles at the few cameramen who are lining the walkway to the main doors. Ashton is almost within her reach, her stomach flips in excitement at being near him soon.
She and Gavin greet the people they’re supposed to but she’s also scanning the hall for signs of Ashton. She hopes Lucinda isn’t here. As they near the bar at the back she hears his voice, and it tickles her ears. Subconsciously, she squeezes Gavin’s arm in response to the raw smoothness of it as he speaks with someone about his business trip in Cabo. It reminds her of his whisky, it goes down smooth but leaves a raw ache in your mouth for more.
Cressida shivers at the thought of what else he does smoothly while going down.
“You should have worn something warmer,” Gavin reprimands but Cressida is the complete opposite.
“I’m fine. I just need a drink to warm me up,” she speaks loud enough so Ashton can hear her.
“My whisky will warm you right up, James,” Ashton calls sardonically.
Cressida looks over at him to see him smirking, his dimple making an appearance and it deepens as he eyes her up in her dress. He’s drinking her in. She’s happy to see Lucinda isn’t in attendance. For a flicker of a moment, she forgets that it’s not just the two of them in the safety of these walls and she quickly resets her face.
“In the pits of hell, maybe.”
He cocks his head in admiration, but he knows how fiery she is. He bets Gavin doesn’t know that about her.
“Your brandy holds that throne.”
“Its rightful place is a throne,” she rolls her neck in attitude, lips pouted to showcase the deep red color. “A throne made of gold.”
Ashton breathes in heavily at her sassiness, but it’s only apparent to him. Their onlookers are shifting eyes between the two nervously. Gavin is tapping his fingers impatiently on the bar top, he doesn’t want to be here. He’s voiced it to Cressida repeatedly but for appearances sake, they need to be seen together.
“There’s a whole room, Irwin, occupy some other space,” Gavin snaps.
“I intend to de Poiters, but that’s not until later in the privacy of my own room.” Ashton winks swiftly at Cressida and she feels her cheeks warm. His promise of pinning her swirls back in her mind. “I’ll be having your finest red, actually. Did you know it stains on skin? Even in the smallest of crevices hidden away.”
Cressida can only imagine what he means. She presses her thighs together.
“You disgust me, much like your whisky. It tastes of horses piss,” Gavin snorts.
“Drink that frequently, do you?”
Cressida bites her lip to keep her giggle at bay. Ashton’s current demeanor (and his phone call) are turning her on in the worst way. All she wants is to be stowed away in their room for the whole weekend instead of attending these sessions. She’s thankful Gavin is leaving right after this one.
“Fuck off,” Gavin shakes his head and grabs their drinks. “Let’s go Cress.”
Cressida makes sure to turn slowly so Ashton gets a good look of her in her dress. She feels his eyes burning into her back the whole way to their seats.
The first session seems to go on for an eternity, but her mind is occupied of fantasies with Ashton. Fantasies she hopes will come true tonight once Gavin leaves. Finally, the session is over and everyone in attendance are excused to their rooms or another hall where there’s coffee being served.
“I’ll see you on Monday,” Gavin gives Cressida a half-assed kiss on her cheek before walking towards the main doors. He doesn’t look back, then a throat clearing behind her catches her attention.
“I believe we’re on the same floor, James,” his voice is flat, but she can see the fire in his eyes. People bustling by are in hearing distance, it’s still time to act.
“Great,” she rolls her eyes and bumps past him towards the elevators.
They wait patiently for the doors to open but she’s about to burst. She’s shaking her foot until the gold doors slide open and they enter it quickly. Cressida eyes up the camera in the corner while Ashton stares straight ahead at the guests until the doors close. Ashton and Cressida’s eyes meet in the reflection.
“You have no idea the restraint I’m using right now because of that camera,” Ashton tells her reflection.
“I’m sure you could pay to have it erased,” she grins then cocks her head up at him, “or to keep for your own.”
“You’re really asking for it, angel,” he shakes his head turning it back to the closed doors.
“I could beg, too you know,” she responds airily. “Would Daddy like that?”
“Fuck, Cressida,” he tuts, and she giggles.
The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open slowly. Cressida is the first to step out but then Ashton has her pinned against the opposite wall, his face invading her space. He hikes her leg high on his waist, his fingers teasing the back of her thigh.
“You in this dress is making me weak,” he mumbles.
“Really?” she hooks her heel around his leg pulling him closer to her where she feels his bulge. “Seems like it’s making you hard, Ash.”
“That’s not my name tonight, angel,” his lips ghost over hers and he lifts her other leg to wrap around his waist. He presses himself against her harshly, her back pushes into the wall with force. “What do you call me?”
“Sorry, Daddy.”
He smiles then pulls off the wall holding her securely until he unlocks their room. Once inside, he sets her on the floor and opens the fridge.
“Strip for me and wait in the room with the tub,” he points.
“Can I have a kiss first?” she pouts, and he laughs.
“You aren’t in control tonight, angel,” he pokes her nose, “no matter how hard you try. Go.”
“I said go. I’ll be there in a minute.”
They have a mini stare off until she finally obeys and moves into the room. The dress is easy to get out of, she just slips it off and lays on the bed watching Ashton whistle while he opens a wine bottle. He’s taking his sweet time and her fingers start to wander and her eyes close imagining it’s Ashton’s fingers.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?”
Cressida’s eyes flash open and he’s holding Gavin’s red wine in his hand, his gaze on her hand between her legs.
“Wanted to be ready for you,” she teases her finger inside and Ashton’s gaze is on every movement. “You said you wanted a show.”
“You’re so naughty,” he shakes his head setting the bottle down. “Good thing I brought this.”
He pulls out two gold restraints, she can tell it’s silked the way it glides over his fingers. She stares at him in awe as he moves on top of her. He snatches her wrist roughly bringing it above her head to the wooden post in the center. She watches him bind her wrist and loop it around the wood. He forces her other hand above her head and does the same, tying it tightly.
“Pull,” he commands staring down at her. She pulls her wrists down and feels the restraint. It excites her. “Good. Now, you’re going to watch me enjoy your boyfriend’s wine.”
He reaches for the bottle and scoots down her body. Ashton pours the deep red wine down her chest. The chill of it trickles over her breasts and down her stomach into her navel. Ashton ducks down and slurps up as much as he can, but she feels it slip onto the bed on either side of her. When his tongue swirls in her bellybutton, she squirms.
“Mm tastes better on you,” he smiles and tips the bottle over her breast. He closes his mouth on her nipple, sucking the red juice off until there’s teeth marks in her skin.
Cressida’s finding it hard to breathe watching Ashton. Feeling his mouth on her. He’s drinking the wine, but she’s drunk on his antics.
“How do you think Gavin would feel knowing I’m enjoying his wine smothered all over you?” he taunts and pours more on her belly.
It gushes off the sides, but Ashton situates himself between her legs and slurps up as much as he can then quickly shifts to her pussy, his mouth opening to her sweetness. Cressida lets out an appreciative moan as Ashton eats her out energetically. She’s desperate to put her hands in his hair but the restraints remind her she can’t. She’s going to have marks, but she doesn’t care. Ashton moans then slips in a finger.
He edges her like this until the bottle is nearly empty. She’s wet and sticky—from the wine and her own body—and Ashton presses the bottle to her mouth.
“Drink the rest, so next time you drink his wine with him, you’ll think of me.”
He tips it back and she drinks the rest of the wine, it dribbles down her chin, staining her already red lips. Ashton tosses the bottle to the carpet and crushes his mouth to hers. Cressida cries out in joy, grinding her hips against his silently begging for release.
“You put on a good show,” he sighs, “ready for the grand finale?”
“Give it to me, Daddy.”
In flashes Ashton’s clothes are removed. He presses into her easily, hips driving into her like a pendulum. Their bodies staining from the wine. Cressida cries out from intense pleasure. The bindings. The wine. Ashton’s cock driving in and out of her. Her denied orgasms roll into one large one that she can’t even cry out his name. Ashton stains her belly again and they try to catch their breath.
“Now that was a show,” she huffs and nudges the top of his head with her nose. He lifts his head, his lips and chin stained red.
“You played well,” he smirks kissing her.
“Can you untie me? I want to touch you,” she whines yanking on the restraints for effect.
Ashton grunts in response connecting his lips to hers once more and lifts his arm up. In one quick movement, the restraints are loose, and her arms fall heavily onto the bed. She moans at the release but can’t lift her arms quite yet.
“It’ll take a few moments for the blood to rush back,” Ashton informs her. He sits up rubbing his thumbs over the red markings on her wrists. “Are you in pain?” he asks, eyes soft and full of concern.
“No,” she smiles. “A little worn out, yeah, but I’m never in pain when I’m with you, Ash.”
When the blood is flowing in her arms again, she’s starting to feel the tightness in them while she lays on top of Ashton in the bath. The water swirls red from the wine. His middle finger runs up and down her spine and her body feels like jelly. It’s a welcomed heaviness of bliss and satisfaction. When her head has come down from the clouds, she wonders something.
“Are we cheating on them, Ash?” she asks quietly. His finger pauses in the middle of her back and he sighs heavily.
“It’s not cheating when it’s not real.”
She lifts her head and gives him a sad look. “We aren’t real?”
Ashton cups her cheeks in his large hands.
“No, you and I are very real, Cressida. I have no feelings for Lucinda, she knows this is all publicity. She’d rather be a bachelorette forever. She’s silver and you’re gold. I love you and only you.”
That’s the first time he’s ever told her that. She assumed love was off the table for them, but she’s loved him since that first night they met in the bar.
“I love you, too,” she smiles, surprised at the tears filling her eyes from the overwhelming emotion.
“You’re the best thing I’ve ever had.”
Taglist: @calpalirwin​ @myloverboyash​ @loveroflrh​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @spicylftv​ @notinthesameguey​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @thatscooibaby​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​ @calpops​ @littledrummeraussie​ @sexgodashton​ @f-mu​ @mystic-232
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ramuoto · 4 years
if anything good came out of 2020, it’s my discovery of manhwas. 
well, it’s not like i’ve never read a single manhwa in the past 15+ years but tbh, the ratio of manhwa:manga i consume on a weekly basis has jumped exponentially this year. previously it was like 1:99 and now it’s like 90:10 LMAO. 
so, just to remind myself that the world is still full of good things, i had to make this list. which i will probably edit in the future, if i can be bothered to. :) 
anyhow, this list was not made in any particular order, just whichever came into mind. it’s loooong so be prepared! (I’ve read way more titles than mentioned but just included the ones worth checking out)
for whoever stumbles across this list, i hope some of these resonate with you and i hope they make you as happy as they made me. 
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pic credits: https://geekculture.co/geeks-guide-to-transmigration-novels-avoid-death-at-all-costs/
1. Ebony
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Bahahah omg he looks evil there! But our dearest archduke is hardly that aww. Soz, I just ripped off the covers of the manhwa cos I can’t find a panel I liked more than another. I mean, this manhwa is a GEM. I can’t even begin to describe this because everything about it blew me away. This is not something you read when you are craving for fluff, or just wanna have something brainless after a hard day at work or if you just wanna have some eye candy lol. This is something you pick up on a weekend, when you have time, because you need those hours to digest, appreciate, clutch your chest, tear a little because you find yourself falling in love with these characters. It doesn’t have any of that cliche isekai, romance, revenge themes going on. It has a solid plot, backed by incredible characters, beautifully woven by the authors and artist with incredible pacing that keeps you on your toes and keeps you looking forward to the next chapter. Maybe I would have been happier if I found it after it was completed lol. HAVE I CONVINCED YOU ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANNA READ IT?! like, idk, just go. JUST GO READ IT GDI. 
p.s. it says there romance but naaaaaaah, dont go in with that expectation. :) this story is so much more than that. 
2. Bring the love
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This...this!!! THIS MANHWA NEEDS MORE LOVE. If you need a lot of fluff, a little, ok maybe quite a bit of sadness and tragedy, sweet sweet romance, cutie pies, please, look no further!!! Again, pacing, character development are so important to me and this manhwa aces it. I love the 2 MCs very much. And the side characters too. :)
3.  A Stepmother's Märchen
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When I first read this, i fucking cried. like please don’t ask me why. it’s not like its an absolute tragedy but I was just rooting for the MC so much and I really want for everything to go her way. That’s how much I adore this MC!!! I LOVE HER. I LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU DO NORA! HAHAHHA. okay soz. I need to keep this spoiler-free.
Anyhoo, there is nothing typical about this time travel plot. Sure, she goes back to try to undo the stuff that went wrong but phew, she certainly changed things so much everything that comes her way have made it so her previous experiences can hardly help aaaaaaand that’s what makes it fun! I sometimes wish the pacing could be a little more consistent, and there could be more characters I could love a little more wholeheartedly (so i wont have to be in so much despair when i read this sometimes lol) but omg the art, isn’t it pretty?! I’ve re-read this soooooo many times but the art blows me away all the time. And have I already mentioned how much I love her?! I LOVE YOU SHULI! AND I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!
4.  Lady Baby
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I literally LOL-ed when I saw this cover. WHO THE HELL ARE THEY. WHAT LADY BABY?! ehehehe. okay anyway, uhm, this is already incredibly popular. im not sure if i need to elaborate but yes, it’s adorbs!!! i dont think i like the MC as much as i love her family lol. and everyone else who adores her. im looking forward to when they get older. :) actually not really. please stay cute for as long as yall can! but yeah, i do wish the plot can move a lil faster. i want to see more character development in the other kids too COME ON! 
5.  Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess
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am i allowed to reveal how shallow i am rn? like the previous choices were all like ‘wow-deep-plot’, ‘wow-character-development’ and this one i just included cos of AESTHETICS ALONE?! the novel covers are breathtaking!!! the manhwa art is amazing as well. and the harem is great! LOL. as for plot... uhm... it’s alright. it’s pretty engaging and i quite like the MC, she’s smart and independent and i love how she views them all antagonistically at all times HAHAHHA. her past is kinda... weird though and i do wish they’d stop referencing it. cos... girl why do you wanna go back to reality!!! stay here! it’s way more exciting! 
i love the whole isekai/reincarnate/transmigration theme and this is honestly one of the better, not-so-cliche or cheesy ones HA.
6.  Beware of the Villainess!
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do you already see the whole villainess theme?! am i suppose to start feeling embarrassed about my choices?! NO! cos this one is AWESOME!
again, another wildly popular title. for good reasons. it’s hilarious, our MC is as real and candid as it gets and LOOK AT THAT BLUE HAIRED BEAUTY. DO YOU SEE HIM?! IMPLANT HIM INTO YOUR MEMORY NOW!
it’s highly entertaining and breaks all isekai-reincarnation-villainess plot stereotypes. definitely one of the titles i look forward to every week.
7.  Who Made Me a Princess
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what? why did i choose this?
BECAUSE OF CLAUDE OF COURSE. ahahaha. okay aside from the amaaaaaaazing art and the beautiful people, the plot is not too bad. a little extreme at times but it’s interesting enough to keep me going. it’s currently on hiatus though and i was highly annoyed by how the first season ended. (YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? NOTHING.)
i hope the plot can move faster in the next season! and that our dearest MC athanasia can you know, finally be a little more useful... like omg just tell lucas already!!! and tbh girl, no matter which guy you choose, i approve. :D 
8.  The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud
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i featured this before, mostly out of frustration HAHAHA. do you see why i chose this cover?! yeah, i support this (unpopular) pairing okay! the other one is doomed!!! no matter what the author is trying to do now!! I DONT SUPPORT IT!!! lol.
anyway, i had to feature this cos the art is unique! and the story is great. :) and i looooooove listening to the ost while i read it. it starts out kinda slow but as the pace picks up, you won’t be able to stop. and you find yourself conflicted at various points. it did win an award for a reason. 
no matter what, i still think dowun is best for her okay. it’s dowun or nothing. he’s devoted to her, we all know that! he just needs to ditch that annoying female guard!!! ok yknw what, maybe nothing is better. :/ *cries*
9.  Solo Leveling
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why do i even bother? this manhwa is popular enough. 
the art is great. the MC is great. i use him and his gang as my wallpaper. 
im just not sure i like how this season’s plot is progressing. :/ but i guess it brings us nearer to solving the mystery in the first leg of the manhwa. i just enjoyed the whole part of him leveling up and now that he isn’t really leveling up anymore... idk. am i hoping for more plot shit like bleach (oh wow now u quincy?)... idk man. anywho, no regrets starting on this series and marathon-ing it to death. 
cross fingers the plot picks up and doesnt get too complicated for its own good.
10.  The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
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okay, tbh, by the time i reached 10, i still have like 15 other series i was considering LMAO. i even considered lengthening this top 10 to top 15. but that would just be more of me and my nonsense. so... why did i choose this?
COS I LOVE THE 2 MCs!!! they’re adorable. the plot is again, kinda far-fetched at times (i literally laugh my head off at some parts) but it’s isekai-reincarnation okay! anything is possible in whatever magical crap country you end up in! lol. and i like how straightforward it is... in the sense there’s no 2nd lead. like okay i mean they are there but we all know they have no chance. oops. sorry!
and cos i can’t give up on the other titles i have, imma just list them down, without pictures... cos im tired. HA. 
11. Doctor Elise 
Kudos to the huge improvement in art style lmao. The good... lovable MCs, engaging plot. The bad... sometimes lengthy, incredulous medical moments (i work in the medical field so i... idk. sometimes this borders on iryu LMAO and i need to remind myself this is romance) otherwise, this is a highly highly entertaining read.
12.  Seduce the Villain's Father
This is another of my ‘father-love’ whims. MC is adorable and ML is handsome. enough said.
13.  The Villainess Lives Twice
This is like a lesser version of Ebony and Bring the Love combined HAHAHA. The plot and premise is great and it’s awesome to marathon! I don’t find myself loving the MC as much as I should but the ML is a darling! I just find her a little toooooooo gloomy. Like come on girl, be more spunky! 
14.  The Stereotypical Life of a Reincarnated Lady
I dont know why I like this so much HAHAHAHA. It hardly has a plot. I just find the MC and ML amusing i guess lol. 
15.  I'm Stanning the Prince
Sometimes I wonder if I should be ranking this higher but I kinda feel this manhwa is trying to achieve too much with an underpowered MC. I love her... but I just don’t like how she’s just a pawn of everyone else and I dont know how she can change this situation of hers. It’s cute though. the MC and ML.  and the ML reminds me so much of american/jap Mackenyu. 
16.  The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass
I HAD TO. the art is so pretty! but girl, dont use the hour glass so much! you look a little too old! i would appreciate it if MC stops basing too much of her moves on the “past” tho like idk you are gonna sound unoriginal soooooon like develop your own thoughts soon okay? <3
17. Inso's Law
ANOTHER ONE. omg. im a lil on the fence regarding this but i like MC too much. and her harem LOL. i dont see where the plot is going either but i just hope for a happy end... ):
18.  Why Are You Doing This, Duke?
HAHAHA. this is sooooo sooooooo cute, i would have ranked it top 15 if it wasnt licensed by tapas tho cos they are a joke. WHY NOT TAPPY GDI. 
19.  Miss Not-So Sidekick
Uh-oh. Is this a top-20 list now? anyway, the MC for this series is GOLD. im not liking where it’s currently heading tho thus the lower ranking.
20.  IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone
omg IVE NEGLECTED THIS FOR TOO LONG. lemme go buy more chapters hahahaha. it’s a tad too lengthy... otherwise i like the MC and yummy ML!
still not enough?
Special Mentions - Okay, these will be unranked cos I don’t think these are that good but probably still worth a read.
I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel - this is new, im looking forward to how it progresses wheeeee.
Lady to Queen - It’s a ruthless manhwa. There was a point i started reading all sorts of sadistic content (i was running out of content i swear) and this was one of the better ones. I appreciate the MC very much. the plot now is a little weird and im a bit wary of the MC’s sister... hopefully the ML can be more useful. he’s pitiful though. but dude come on, dont rely on the wrong gal.
Goodbye, In-law - I’m not sure if i like the current progress buuuuuuut MC and ML are cute so who cares.
The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - plot is still engaging. MC and ML are cute. i dont know where the plot is heading towards though. 
A Falling Cohabitation - this is interesting and fun but a lil lengthy.
Light and Shadow - the sequel is out!!! i highly enjoyed this entire series!!! i would have probably ranked it a lil higher if i did this post earlier but too many series have overtaken this in my heart lol.
This Girl Is a Little Wild - is the hiatus ending yet? i would add it back to top 20 if it came back LOL. it’s highly entertaining tho. ML is adorable.
The Duchess With an Empty Soul  - pretty nice. MC and ML are a little boring. i think it can end soon. LMAO.
A Capable Maid - it’s amusing how she gets her powers for all sorts of situations lol. the prince is creepy tbh. and im secretly rooting for the other king hehe.
Beware of the Brothers! - it’s cute and heart-wrenching at the same time! not too sure im digging the latest plot development but okay... i’ll take it. they’re all cuties.
Living as the Tyrant's Older Sister - hehehe. it’s cute. duke is kinda silly but the latest chapter made me squeal!!!
The Evil Lady's Hero  - idk where the plot is going but MC and ML are adorable!!!
The Dragon Next Door - HAHAHA. it’s hilarious.
The Youngest Princess - she’s growing uppppp noooooooooooo
Virtues of the Villainess - ginger is hilarious. i dont see where the plot is going tho... and cant say i like the ML yet. i dont even get to see him much, hello?!
The Justice of Villainous Woman - pretty wholesome... i like the MC! (the ML is fine. no one else to contend with so...) can u end already?! lol.
Amina of the Lamp - hey, what happened to this? it’s pretty inconsistent but i do like the MC and ML... and the art...
The Villain's Savior - this is some sadistic shit. i reserve it for when i feel sadistic. i pretty much wanna see MC happy but idk if she’s making the right choices. :/
I Don't Want to Be Empress! - HAHAHAHA uhm it’s getting interesting. i just want ML to step up more... 
La dolce vita di Adelaide - I FINISHED THIS! and it’s wholesome, feel-good and cute. some parts felt a lil extra but ah whatever.
The Black Haired Princess - plot. move. faster!!! otherwise the MC and ML are pretty cute.
The Abandoned Empress - im a lil on the fence but i know how popular this series is. it started out HORRIBLE. i hated the ML so much. and then i found the green hair boy creepy. like MC, you need better taste in boys. it’s certainly getting more interesting now though. so please, continue to make my money’s worth!!!
Lucia - i. am. not. guilty. of. anything. *smut warning* anyway go read the novel. it’s better. hehehe.
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim - i do not need to elaborate any further. 
Past loves 
I created this section just to remind myself, that what i could like one day, i could hate the next LOL.
The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - I know this is wildly popular. but i lost interest in it once she grew up. i dont think she’s particularly lovable. soz.
Survive as the Hero's Wife - another popular choice. I find the plot kinda boring now. MC and ML are cute though. 
Sincerely: I Became a Duke's Maid - another popular one. again, boring plot. like cant it end yet? oh you mean we need to wait for the real female lead to show up? dont need luh.
I Am a Child of This House - wow. the plot is shit now. and i do not support the MC and her guard. soz. she’s OVERPOWERED tbh. 
This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - idk what happened but my enthusiasm for this died.
Charlotte and Her 5 Disciples - i don’t get it. i dont get their obsession for her. 
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40sbarnes · 4 years
Medici: Spymasters of Florence
ahhh!! i was so uncertain with this chapter and i still am.. i hope you enjoy it and get *some* closure, but dw i will continue one shots for this story until i say otherwise! and now that this chapter is posted i will open up requests for one shots <3
as always thank you for reading,, i see all your likes and they are more than appreciated 
pairings; lorenzo x reader (but theyre actually together now??)
taglist; @brownskinnedblessing​ (this ones for you) @brynthebulldozer​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @nana035​ @valravnsraven​ @hannahhistorian92​ @not-thatweird @isaac-lahey-is-bae​ @angrygardendeer​ @unstoppable-xavi​ @johnbolton @voidmalfoy​ 
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The bandages on Lorenzo's neck called for your gaze, although already stained through with blood. Both of your wounds had been treated soon after everything had happened. It was all a blur to you now, all you could remember was continuing the act for everyone, doing your best not to flinch when questioned about your 'marriage' to Lorenzo. His family seemed confused, but presumably from their recent loss, were not overly pressing the matter, at least for the time being.
Now, it was just you and Lorenzo stood across from each other in silence. The space between you was obvious, far more than usual, and it felt heavy, as if you would have to wade through it to reach him. Your hand sat uncomfortably on your side, although it had been wrapped in ointments and bandages, it still ached with each breath, and as the adrenaline wore off, it grew worse with every minute.
An uncertain amount of time had passed since Lorenzo had insisted you two be left alone, and you had escaped to his room. He cleared his throat quietly, catching your eye, before he finally spoke. "I'm glad you're okay," a ghost of a smile flashed across his features for a moment, gone the next.
"You too," you blinked back any emotion that threatened to show. You honestly were glad to see him well, despite everything. Silence fell over the space again, as all the lies and things unsaid had made everything so foggy and everything you felt you once knew had become so uncertain.
"He was your friend?" Lorenzo didn't need to use his name as he threw your words back at you. The words you had spoken out of anger. The words you still meant. The words you would speak again in a moment. The spite in Lorenzo's tone did not go unnoticed by you.
"Yes." You took a breath after answering, readying your explanation, but you were not given a chance to say it out loud as Lorenzo spoke again.
"After everything?!" His voice threatened to break as he raised it, his hand flying out to his side to help gesture his exasperation. 
"Lorenzo, please, just listen for a momen-" your pleading tone was unsuccessful as he denied your request by continuing his own trail of thought, taking a step closer to you.
"After everything he did? He killed my brother!" his voice cracked, a tear rolling down his cheek as he turned his head to the side, breaking the intense eye contact you were desperate to preserve. You tried your best to hold back your own tears, but Lorenzo's own upset was quickly filling the room, drowning you in it along with him.
You moved closer to him, slowly and gently lifting your finger to his cheek, wiping away the tear as it fell, along with the next one in its path.
"He killed Giuliano! Held you captive!" he continued his rant, his eyes meeting yours again, as you continued listening. His brows furrowed, before he slapped your hand away from his face. Your mouth fell agape, but you didn't move otherwise. "At least I had believed you to be..." uncertainty set into his features as he began to question himself, "Had I been a fool?" 
"I'm sorry for Giuliano." Your voice was a stark contrast to his, steady and unwavering, "I am." Your sincerity was not overshadowed by the lack of emotion. "But to insinuate it was all a lie after everything I went through?!" You ripped back your collar, the top buttons of your shirt popping open so the fabric fell to the side, leaving the bruises Jacopo had gifted you exposed.
"Y/n, I'm..." regret fell over Lorenzo as his cool fingers grazed your neck, his watery eyes apologetic. 
You leaned away from his touch as you continued your explanation. "They knew, I don't know for how long, about us. They knew about the poison... everything. They ambushed me that night, it was all a set-up. I certainly was not there by choice. I did everything I could to leave that place, to get to you. In fact, I had almost made it once, but I heard of their plan, and stayed to listen, like a fool. And was caught." You blinked rapidly as you felt tears creep into your eyes. "And you may know this to be true, because I popped my thumb out of its socket just to escape my chains!" You held up your hand, shoving it into Lorenzo's face as proof, furious that you had to.
He took hold of it, his touch gentle as he brings your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss onto your thumb. He didn't bother surveying it, it was clear he trusted you. "I'm sorry," his breath flutters across your skin as he speaks, "does it hurt?" You take your hand out of his grasp in an attempt to not completely melt, you still had a lot to discuss. You turned away from his surprised expression and went to his desk, taking the bottle of wine sitting on it into your grasp.
His steps were soft across the wooden floor as he moved to join you, watching as you poured the drink into two cups. "I'm sorry that you're upset about Francesco," he sounded genuine, "I truly am." But not genuinely sorry for what he did. You didn't know that you could fully blame him.
You take a breath, before turning back to face him, handing him his drink. He hesitates for a moment before accepting it, and you can't hold back the chuckle that escapes your lips. "Would you like for me to drink from it first?" He shares a laugh with you at the irony, as he peers into his cup, but you reach your fingers around his, taking it from his hold, and bringing it to your lips anyways. 
"Don't you trust your wife?" A coy smile sits on your lips as you return the cup to his waiting hand, half-teasing, half-trying on the new title for size.
"Where would the fun in that be?" He smirks, but takes a sip nonetheless, invalidating his statement.
You share a genuine smile, drinking from your own cup, although it is clear you both still have much left unsaid.
Lorenzo sets his cup down on the desk, clearly preparing to clear the air. "Listen, y/n, I know you never imagined marriage for yourself, but-" 
You cut him off, "I understand Lorenzo. And I believe... I should thank you," he evidently didn't expect this response from you. "For saving me." You expand on your point. "Even if it means you are stuck with me"
A wide grin set across his cheeks. "I've been stuck with you for far before today," he teases.
"Well, officially..." you tilt your head to the side, smiling with him.
"About officialism...," he glances away for a moment, "I suppose a wedding is in order." He raises his chin as he looks back to you, leaning on the desk.
"Is that your way of proposing?" You raise your eyebrow, only meaning to tease but an air of seriousness falls over you both after your words.
"I think we are far past that," Lorenzo chuckles, "but still, you have more than deserved a proper proposal," he slides the ring off of your finger, taking your hand into his, "With the Pazzis gone the Medicis will run Florence almost unopposed, and I need you by my side now more than ever. You saved my life today as much as I saved yours. And I promise, should you agree to me, I will never treat you with anything less than the respect you deserve. You complained in Venice I never saw you as an equal," you bite back your disagreement at his choice of words, "which I admit to be true. I always saw you as far superior, it filled me with rage... and a strange sense of awe, and through everything, that fury has long since faded, although the awe remaining, now accompanied by something else, something more." Your heart was beating in your throat at his words, and at how close the two of you had moved to each other.
Your eyes flicker between each other’s, glancing to one another's lips. It is clear what you both wish, but there is a sense of uncertainty still. The last kiss of yours had been a plan, you both had imagined, to poison Francesco, who you had led to believe you cared for just as you were with Lorenzo currently. You try to read him, to see if it is truly a shared fear or it was just self-projection. 
You move towards him slowly, your noses touching as you pause before your lips meet. You gaze up towards him, to see him looking down at you, frozen, waiting for your next move. "Should I apply lip paint first?" Your lips smile against his, practically touching already.
"No," he breathes out, before you close the last bit of space, your lips finally meeting. The kiss is soft, as is his hold on your cheek as he pulls you closer. Your hands fall on his chest as all your worries and conflicts fade away for that moment. 
Eventually he pulls back, taking your hand back into his, holding the ring at the end of your finger, waiting as he realises you still had yet to answer. You nod slowly, and he slides the metal around your finger. 
"We are in need of proper rings, but for now..." he squeezes your hand with his, placing a kiss to your temple.
"I know a lovely blacksmith," you grin up at him, and he chuckles, before leaning down to connect your lips once again, as if you had done it a million times before.
Rapping on the door cuts the kiss short, both of you pulling away to rest your foreheads on one another. "Lorenzo!" The voice of a pained mother floats through the door, and he pulls away, instantly moving to answer it. 
"We have much to discuss," Lucrezia's eyes fall on her son before they flutter to where you stood behind him.
"I am aware, mother," he embraces her, "but not today." They share in a sad smile, the loss of Giuliano hanging like a weight between them.
She nods in agreement, sparing you one final glance before speaking, "Very well, then."
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haiky-u-lously · 3 years
King Kuroo and the Red Knights (13)
Summary: A Camelot AU where King Arthur is Kuroo Tetsuro, and the Knights of the Roundtable of characters from seasons 1-4 of the HQ anime. Eventual Kuroo X Reader.
Themes: Fluff, Angst, Humor, Eventual Romance
Warnings: Mentions of stalking and abuse of power, Language, Angst in feelings, Eventual gore and fighting
Word Count: For Chapter: ~4000words
Questions/Comments/Concerns/Ideas welcome as always. Enjoy! –Admin Red
Chapter 13: Round 1C
“Do you have many tournaments in your home?” The King questioned you as he took his seat while the arena was cleared of the fallen trash from the stands surrounding it.
Shaking your head in the negative, you also moved to take a seat.
“Generally we hold them in celebrations, or as contests for some big prize.” He said, smiling while you presumed he reminisced about past memories. “When my father got sick and I had more responsibilities placed on me, I ended up planning almost one a month to give me a reason to expel some of my stress. The men, they just went right along with my whims.” His eyes took a fond look over them as he paused in his spiel, “But the month he died, I didn’t feel like doing much of anything. It took much effort on all of their parts to get me to do regular duties, let alone plan and prepare tournaments. Yuurei too had more burdens to bear from my lack of control over my own state. She had to do a lot more that one month than any Queen in Camelot’s history.” Kuroo shook his head, before bringing a small smile back to his face. “Sorry about that, kind of went off there for a bit didn’t I?” He seemed to try and laugh away the serious atmosphere he’d created, but you knew there was more in his head.
Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time to press him further, but let him get away with shaking off his own concerns.
He faced you with a wide grin, “So, is Sugawara a good fighter?”
You nodded, thinking to yourself about memories past. Your cousin was one of the youngest men to be granted the title of Red Knight. He was exceptional when it came to forming strategies, and using things and those around him to win battles. His fighting skill, while not being the top of the order, was nothing to laugh at.
“Have you fought him yourself?” Kuroo asked you, and you thought you heard a teasing tone in his questioning, but you just smiled to yourself before nodding. “Interesting, interesting. I’d ask deeper questions,” He laughed and then added, “But I know you won’t answer out loud, so I won’t press the matters. But, just know I do want to ask more than simple yes and no questions.”
Nodding once more, you accepted the King’s explanation for what it was, as just a way for him to express himself.
“Hey, hey hey!” Bokuto called from behind your sitting pair, approaching the side of Kuroo’s chair happily, “Did you see my win? Pretty great, wasn’t it!” He shouted, excitedly pumping his fists in the air before taking what had been Suga’s seat. “Sorry I missed your fight, Red Knight. But, now we get to face one another, that’ll be great!” He smiled to you, leaning far forward to see you around the other side of the King’s sitting form.
Bobbing your head in response, you grinned behind your mask. This knight in particular was overly excitable, and that was something you could use as a tactic in your fight against him.
Your vision was caught by movement from the tunnels into the heart of the stadium. Two knights walked in, side-by-side from either entrance. By the lack of marks on his borrowed uniform, you could tell which was your cousin, and noted that he walked in next to a knight marked in dark teal. By the way the two seemed to interact, you pieced together that he was entering the field with Futakuchi. Which meant the pair of knights entering the arena opposite were Semi and Yamagata, both marked with purple boxes. They were distinguished by one box having a vertical white stripe on the left half and the other bearing a horizontal white stripe on the top half.
Though in the moment it was hard to tell which knight was which, you knew you’d find out as soon as they split up for their fight.
Seeing Suga being friendly with the magician of Camelot made you happy that you’d switched places with him, and though not for the first time that you found more pleasure in it than just as a selfish reason.
You watched as the two men high-hived before your friend continued forward to his side of the makeshift battlefield. And despite yourself, you wondered what they’d been discussing.
Shaking your head to rid yourself the thoughts swirling in your mind, and ultimately deciding that you should trust Suga’s words that he’d win his fight and that you should watch Futakuchi’s.
Before Kuroo could begin the bout, you were finally able to distinguish between the two knights marked in purple and white. The horizontal striped one apparently was Yamagata as he stood with Suga, while the vertical striped one still approached Futakuchi’s side.
Suga spun your blades against his palms, flashing the pristine shine against the sunlight to catch his opponent’s eyes. The pause in his spinning wrist, told the makeshift squire that he’d achieved the desired effect.
“These blades belong to the royal family of the Order. Passed down from generations since they are made from what is now an extinct substance.” He smiled behind the chainmail sticking out from under his borrowed helmet.
The giant metal ball hanging from the chain of Yamagata’s flail swung back and forth with the after force from the swing coming to a succinct halt.
“Are those really an alexandrite and painite pair of blades?” While unable to see the knight’s face, the heavy tone of shock and awe in his voice told the visiting fighter that the knight in front of him was primed for their battle.
When the King of Camelot shouted for the bout to begin, Suga took the brief time of his opponent's confusion to lung forward. 
He elbowed Yamagata in his vambrace, knocking the fighter’s shield out of the way, and let the flail wrap itself around the alexandrite stiletto. However, to his surprise, pulling back on the blade didn’t pull the weapon from Semi’s hand. 
The knight of Camelot must have regained his focus as he gritted his teeth, tightened his hold on his weapon of choice and twisted his shield wielding arm around to Suga’s breast plate and pushed him away.
Suga managed to untwist his blade from Yamagata’s flail before being shoved back, but had to quickly adjust to defending as his opponent went on the attack.
Spinning, the ball of metal kept Suga’s focus and he was forced to think solely on defense instead of how to attack. It was definitely a well practiced tactic, and in his mind, the silver-haired fighter applauded his counterpart. Unfortunately, he couldn’t break his word to the Princess of his home, he couldn’t break his promise to his cousin, his best friend. He had to find a way to counter the attack, not only defend.
Busy with his thoughts, the unmarked knight lost his footing and fell back against the hard ground.
Yamagata took note and moved fast as his flail flung over his shoulder , into the air and began rushing towards the cuirass protecting Suga’s upper chest. In the brief time that the resistance of the air between them gave him, your friend rolled to his side and the metal round hit the near solid earth. 
Without really thinking, Sugawara rolled back to his original fell position--trapping his opponent’s weapon between the earth and the rear of his pauldron. The purple marked knight struggled as the chain attached to his wooden stick resisted his pull. Behind his helmet, his face contorted as he tried to manipulate the angle of the pull as the unmarked knight furthered the trap by squeezing his arm against his side, keeping the chain locked and the ball stuck where it fell.
Suga took the moment to try and think of an attack strategy. He realized that his opposite had at some point let go of his shield, and that he was using both hands in an attempt to tear back his weapon. Blinking slowly, he recalled a move he’d seen you do against some of the others back when you were still allowed to train and not sneaking behind the King’s orders to do so.
“(Y/N)!” he’d yelled out as he helplessly watched your body be flung into the ground. Your opponent was much larger than most of the knights in training. He knew the King had the instructors set this line-up to try and convince you to make the decision yourself to withdraw from this line of work.
You had barely caught your breath before the towering, older trainee hovered above you. Your lying form pulled up by the collar of your shirts, you were swinging at the forearm of your current sparring partner. A tight frown took over your features and your cousin watched as the man sneered at you, “Stupid royals, thinking you’re such tough pits. This ought to teach you why those idiots died so easily.” 
He pulled back his dominant arm, preparing a full fledged power punch. And Suga saw as you half attitude-half fearful demeanor turned into pure rage. Your eye color flashed between a myriad of hues before settling on your natural shade, your lower half swung through the air, trapping your opponent’s arm and neck between your thighs right before you started to squeeze. The fighter’s shoulder blade must have been pressured against his airways as his face began to darken and everyone watching saw as his group loosened on your clothes. Your legs tighten their hold further as you cross your ankles and swing the lower half of your body to replicate a handstand before continuing the flip. Forcing the opposer to his backside and screaming through clenched teeth until he passed out and the adults in charge rushed to try and pry you off the other trainee.
The memories of other times you’d accomplished similar feets rushed through his mind and Suga’s mind locked onto one path to victory.
His legs spun over Yamagata’s head, his upper body keeping the flail trapped in its place as he brought his opponent face first into the dirt beneath him. His legs hooked under the dark haired knight’s arms as he practically sat on his backside. 
With the weapon no longer in anyone’s hands, it fell limp between Suga’s arm and side. Grabbing it with three fingers while holding the painite sai with the other two, he flung it across the field and out of reach.
Yamagata’s head sat on its side, as he huffed in anger about how easily he’d been caught and disarmed. He knew he shouldn’t have changed weapons with Satori, but his friend just had to match Terushima for his fight. Guiding his breath back to a normal pace, the dark haired fighted thought about what his next play could be. Knowing his opponent helf two blades, even small ones like a sai and stiletto, was a troubling factor as he had nothing left but his armour. If he could only get the flail back...bucking his hips, he caused Suga to slightly waver in his solid position, Yamagata dropped to a lying flat position before lifting his upper body up by his arms and sliding Suga so far down his backside he could pull his legs up to his chest and bounce to a standing position. Spinning as soon as he did to face the visiting fighter for hand to hand combat.
Suga saw the stance and thought how he wished to proceed, to showcase your blades or disarm himself to fight with his body alone. 
“COME ON THEN!” He heard Camelot’s King shouting, and a quick glance over his shoulder allowed him to see that King Kuroo was watching his fight with a look of pure joy across his features. While he couldn’t see your face, your body language told him you weren’t even watching his battle. Taking this to mean you expected a proper outcome from him, he held the painite sai such that all three tips stuck between the fingers of his gloves. The stiletto held by his fist.
Yamagate rushed Suga’s form, your cousin slightly jumping as the Camelot knight went low for a better hold of his missed target. Swimming the stiletto back, the tip rested against the chainmail beneath the purple marked knight’s helmet.
“Yield.” Suga warned, putting enough force into the blade that it could not be further ignored.
To his favor, the dark haired knight could sense the bloodlust in that single word. His fist slammed into the ground in anger as he realized he was out of options. Mentally he tallied that it's two losses for his team within the knights, making half of them out of the tournament. He felt like he’d let everyone down by becoming the fiftieth percent.
The unmarked knight pulled back the alexandrite stiletto enough for Yamagata to rest back on his greaves. 
“Good fight Sugawara,” He commented, taking his helmet off before resting his hands on his knees, leveling out his breath before trying to move.
Taking off his own head protector, your friend smiled down at the man he’d just faced. “You as well Hayato, but I’m guessing you don’t regularly use a flail as your main weapon.” He laughed out at the face flung towards his sneer of a comment. “Gotta admit, had I not accidentally trapped it beneath my shoulder, not sure I would have figured out a quick way out.”
“Don’t try sugar-coating it, it's not helpful having the person who’d just made a complete fool of you tell you it was just luck.” The brown haired knight scowled, looking at his tightly held fists in annoyance.
Suga scoffed before taking a seat next to him, “Every fight has a shred of luck in it, and despite the attitude I believe you know that to be true. It's not that I won solely because of luck, it was that luck allowed me the slight chance to utilize skills I’ve developed through training and hard work. Just as past battles have allowed you. I am sorry if you feel I was...what did she always call it...badgering you about your loss, truly.”
Yamagata looked at him fully, recognizing the honesty and sincerity in his voice. “Badgering, huh? Guess that is as good a way to say you were picking on me as any. Can’t say I’ve heard it before. Who exactly said it always?” Half joking, half really wondering, Hayato pushed his thought forward, “Your princess cousin?”
“Yes.” Suga answered bluntly, spinning the stiletto against his open palm and watching the light alexandrite blade sparkle in the sun’s rays.
“Oh.” Was all he could respond with before glancing away from the man beside him. Thinking it must be hard to be away from someone you were so close with, without knowing when you’d see them again. 
The pair stood at the same time, shook hands and then walked off the field.
“Are you not watching your friend fight?” The King sat beside you had asked at the very beginning.
Shaking your head in the negative, you fully turned your body away from the pair in question facing the King’s magician.
“Ouch, guess he must have upset you in some manner. Well, as he is the only one to speak with you I am sure you’ll have to talk to him soon enough. But if you ever need an escape I am sure any of the knights would be willing to tour you around the main city.”
Smiling to yourself at his kindness, you considered using your powers to send him your thoughts as you did with Suga. However, you thought better of it before taking action. It had only been a week, these people couldn’t even tell what your cousin could do, let alone yourself. If you shared too much too soon, it could spell disastrous. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath you focused on watching the match before you.
It seemed odd that Futakuchi held a two pronged weapon to you. One end matching Aone’s mace while the other looked to be a bill. The hook coming off the sharp tip protruding in a way that made you tilt your head in wonder of what his power play would be.
The attendant held the weapon with both hands, either end facing the sides rather than forward towards his opponent.
Semi however stood in front of the magician, head free from the protection offered by a helmet, nor chainmail set against his cranium hiding his hair. The dark-gray strands cadging his face in a light that reminded you of Suga whenever he scowled at you as teens. Attached to his back was the sheath for a machete, which he seemed to be reaching for as he seemingly moved in slow motion. You noted a couple other sheaths attached to his armour with other weapons ready to be drawn.
In an instant, you nearly missed as his hand wrapped around the handle of his main blade and he flung it straight at Futakuchi before it was completely pulled from its carrying place. The opponent also barely catching on to the fighter’s plan as his magic, or a very dulled down version of it in any case stopped the thick piece from hitting his own protective headgear right between the eye slits.
Before you could blink, Semi was in front of Futakuchi’s barely balanced form with a tanto fisted with the thumb on the flat rear. The sharp tip of the blade striking from its hold against the magician as he tried to put space between his attacker and self to utilize his own choice weapon. 
He must have determined the big thing as obstructive as his grip loosened enough to pull Semi’s attention slightly, allowing the attendant a split brief in which he pulled a miniature dagger from seemingly nowhere. Pushing it against the tanto and forcing both weapons a safe distance away from the weaker points of his armour.
Semi smiled, as his arm swung back to its original position from a lower angle then how it was ushered away. The magician sneering to himself behind his helmet as he realized Semi had been practicing for such an occasion to face him.
“You can’t beat me every time, Futa.” He whispered into the side of his opponent’s obstructed face. “I’m a knight of Camelot, and as respected and appreciated as you are, to the people you are still meant to be a servant.”
The call from Kuroo towards the fight on the other side of the arena caused you a slip in focus and you weren’t sure how but suddenly Futakuchi was without his large weapon, barely fending off from Semi’s swings of his tanto and a dirk that had made an appearance.
The men battled it out and you were sure that Futakuchi was only using his powers to make a protective layer of energy around himself so as to not feel the brunt of force from the swings connecting with his armour. It stood to reason with his power hold that he should be defeating the knight without issue, and you wondered to yourself if he held similar standards as your troupe. If he did not want to utilize his powers if unnecessary or if he was more inclined to follow your own beliefs. It was a toss up as either would have fit the bill of not using powers against a friend in a mock-battle or training match, but it left a lot of room for questions as well.
Dooking it out some more, you felt a draw to look over at Suga, turning your head, you saw him jump aside from Yamagata’s rush and figured it was your imagination playing tricks on you. Focusing back on the pair you were determined to watch, you saw a glint of gold flash from behind Futakuchi’s helmet. Semi’s tanto swinging arm stopped midair, Futakuchi ducked beneath it and rushed to get behind his opponent before releasing the appendage and letting the swing complete its path.
Unfortunately, the short lived victory was...short lived. The gray-haired knight spun a one-eighty and right-hooked Futakuchi’s chin into the air. Knocking his helmet off and sending it flying as well as forcing the magician to shoot enough inches into the air that his own body flung back.
Thumbing his chin, still practically lying on the ground, the attendant grumbled to the knight, “Nutting toff! I give, happy?”
Smiling down at the brown haired man, Semi smiled with a killer grin, “Seeing me win does indeed make me happy.” He winked at Camelot’s magician, and you heard as many of the girls in the stands screamed at his apparent beauty. 
Holding a hand out to help him up, the knight relinquished whatever pride he’d been fighting with. Taking it, Futakuchi showed he held no malice towards his counter. The two made way to pick up their discarded weapons and left the battlefield without another word spoken in front of any prying eyes.
“Good fight?” The King asked you, seeing as both battles were now finished.
Nodding your head, you thought about what could have been the reason behind such an easy defeat on the magician’s part. Recalling that he was pressed to beat the men, and that many thought Camelot’s magician would face your own in Suga. Now with that not as an option, you couldn’t help but question yourself as to why.
“Can I overshare again?” Kuroo seemed hesitant to ask. Nodding simply, you turned to face him, giving the King the full attention he seemed to desire at the moment. “I can’t remember the last time I fought with someone sitting in this box. Yuurei always seems to be caught up or sick or not around, Daishou either is fighting or not around. The knights never feel like they can be here long--even Bokuto does as before where he drops in, says his piece and leaves without saying a word. I’ve always felt like if I am here, everyone can feel me watching them and they can get a sense of strength from that, but whenever I really think about how this box is empty when I fight...it’s not a good feeling to say the least.” 
You caught yourself from pitying him, he was a King, and while yes he was currently spilling a deep thought of his to you, you knew it was more because you wouldn’t be able to tell anyone more so than him wanting to actually talk to you. This was something he as a person needed to get off his chest so that he could continue being the royal his people needed, and being a royal yourself you understood that better than anyone else.So, you would let him get it out.
“I like the tournaments despite that though, because it brings such joy to the citizens and the men. I’d go through it every day if it could help even one more person. And I’m sure you’d agree to that sentiment since you seem to have such a strong sense of justice.”
Wait, what? His comment caught you off guard.
“It’s not so much as I think we are kindred spirits, but I am pretty sure you are the offspring of the Order’s King as your friend stated that first night. And, should that case be truth, I feel you would understand where I am coming from.” He smiled at you directly, and it took more willpower than you would ever admit to not move under the blinding features. “Thanks again for participating in the tourney, and for the heavy assist last week during the raid on the castle. From one royal to another, I truly appreciate having been able to meet your acquaintance.”
With his comments apparent to be done, the King strode out of the viewing box without another word.
You sat back, dumbstruck and frozen in the time it took Suga to return and lose his mind at your unresponsiveness. Staying mostly ignorant of your surroundings until Futakuchi came into the large stall and said something you didn’t really catch. 
Author’s message: So, anyone shocked? No? Hmmm... Guess I’ll have to try harder on ROUND 1D.
_______________________________________________ Table of contents:
Chapter 12                                                  Chapter 14
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purplehairedwonder · 4 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 2
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3297 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Penguin, Shachi, Bepo, Jean Bart, Boa Hancock, Emporio Ivankov, Jimbei, Silvers Rayleigh, Donquixote Doflamingo Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he’s 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law can’t help but resent Monkey D. Luffy for offering a glimpse of something he’s repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Law stared out over the Calm Belt, the forbidden land of Amazon Lily at his back. His crew puttered about around him, regularly complaining about not being able to go further onto the Isle of Women. Law, for his part, had bigger concerns; despite being on the Calm Belt and in the territory of another Warlord, he still half-expected the familiar sails of one of Doflamingo’s ships to appear on the horizon.
The aged straw hat in his grip felt fragile somehow—like its owner currently was—as Law absently turned it over, the crackling of the woven straw grounding him in a way he couldn’t explain. He wasn’t sure why, but he hadn’t let it out of his sight since it had been thrown his way as the Polar Tang prepared to dive in its escape.
It had been two weeks since Law had rescued Straw Hat Luffy from the battlefield of Marineford; the boy was still unconscious, though Law suspected that was more to do with his spirit than his body at this point. Though Straw Hat’s recovery still had a long way to go, Law felt confident he would survive—physically, anyway. Immediately after the surgery, Law would have given his chances at, optimistically, fifty-fifty, but each day his heart continued to beat in his repaired chest improved his odds.
As for when he’d wake up, well… the teen had suffered an immense trauma, his body falling into unconsciousness as a defense mechanism before Law had even arrived. The emotional pain of losing his brother wasn’t something Law could do anything for. (He was hardly the poster boy for healthy coping mechanisms anyway.)
And so, an entire island waited with bated breath.
The more stable Straw Hat’s condition became, the less Law needed to monitor him, which gave him more time to think; according to his crew, that was never a good thing. They were probably right. Law still had no idea how to explain his actions to Doflamingo. He knew neither he nor his crew would escape this unscathed, but Law found himself contemplating how to minimize the inevitable punishment.
On the day of the execution, Law and his crew had waited aboard the Tang at Sabaody in case Doflamingo called for them, watching the broadcast in the meantime. The moment Straw Hat Luffy had burst onto the battlefield, something had startled in Law’s chest. The revelation that he was not only Fire Fist’s brother but also the son of Dragon had sent shockwaves through the entire archipelago, but as Straw Hat fought for his brother’s life, all Law could think of was that middle initial he’d taken note of at the auction house.
Monkey D. Luffy.
“There have often been people who have the name D. who gained public notoriety, and old people would frown and mutter, ‘D. will surely bring us another storm,’” Cora-san had told him. “And in some places, there are people who call the Family of D. sworn enemy of the gods.”
There was one specific “god” that Law very much wanted to take down, though he was in no position to do so himself.
But maybe…
Well, a storm sure seemed to describe a boy who would punch a Celestial Dragon in the face for harming one of his friends, damn the consequences, and would fight every single Marine, if necessary, to rescue his adopted brother from execution.
And when the broadcast of the battle was cut, the feeling in Law’s chest turned into a tug so insistent that he’d ordered his crew to set sail for Marineford.
“Did Doflamingo call for us, Captain?” Penguin asked once they had submerged.
Penguin shot him a confused look. “Then why…?”
But Law hadn’t been able to explain the feeling in his chest, the absolute certainty that he was needed there, until the broadcast returned, and the Hearts watched Fire Fist fall and Straw Hat mortally wounded.
Law knew he’d drawn attention once the Polar Tang surfaced, undoubtedly looking like reinforcements for the Marines as the second-in-command of the Donquixote Pirates, but then he’d called for that idiot clown to give Straw Hat to him—and it had taken less convincing than it probably should have for him to throw Jimbei and Straw Hat down to the Tang. (Coward.) Law had no idea how anyone else, particularly Doflamingo, had reacted, as he’d been hyper-focused on getting his patients below deck with that tug in his chest demanding he act. The arrival of Red Hair had given them room to escape.
Other than removing Amber Lead from his body as a dying teenager who’d only had his Devil Fruit for a few days, the surgery to save Straw Hat was the most difficult of Law’s life. Operating for sixteen hours with Room activated nearly the entire time had completely drained Law—two weeks later, and he was still feeling the effects, his Rooms flickering out quickly when he summoned them—but he knew somehow that nothing less would satisfy the pull in his chest, whatever it was.
Though he would have liked nothing more than to sleep for days afterward, the presence of a Marine ship when the Polar Tang surfaced had forced him to stumble onto the deck and meet the wary eye of Boa Hancock. As he approached the door, he could hear her asking his crew about Straw Hat’s condition.
“I’ve done all I can,” Law said, wiping his hands on a towel as he came out on deck, willing himself upright in the face of another Warlord. “He was in bad shape. It’s up to him and his will to survive now.” He suppressed a grimace as he considered the damage he’d repaired in the boy’s chest. It was a miracle he was still alive by the time Law had gotten to him.
Hancock eyed him, her expression suspicious. It probably should have concerned him, having her full attention like that, but he was too tired to care.
“And why did you help him?” Her eyes narrowed. “Is this another one of Doflamingo’s plots? What does he want with Luffy?”
“I acted on my own.”
“Why?” That was Emporio Ivankov, who’d jumped down from the Marine vessel. Law, long past the point of wondering where these people were coming from, idly marveled at Straw Hat Luffy having friends like a current and former Warlord and a high-ranking Revolutionary (in addition to a father leading the Revolutionaries) that they would track Law to check on his condition but pushed it aside for another time. “Are you a friend of Straw Hat Boy?”
“No.” Law frowned. He might not be a believer anymore, but he’d been raised with religion and those teachings had never fully left him. The pull in his chest had felt like a sign—something the sisters at school would have said was important to follow. But these people didn’t need to know that. “It was a whim, nothing more.”
“A whim,” Hancock echoed flatly.
But Ivankov chuckled knowingly in a way that made Law feel transparent somehow. “Sometimes instinct drives us to do unexpected things.”
Despite her—entirely appropriate, Law knew—misgivings at working alongside the second-in-command of another Warlord, Hancock had brought the Hearts to Amazon Lily, leaving Straw Hat’s treatment in Law’s hands. It was likely Jimbei’s presence that gave Hancock any peace of mind at Law’s presence.
Law looked up when he heard a light cough. He shook himself as Jimbei came up next to him; he’d been so caught up in his reverie, he hadn’t noticed the former Warlord’s approach.
“May I sit?”
Law grunted, which Jimbei took as acquiescence. He sat down and allowed silence settle between them before breaking it.
“Will you be in trouble with your boss for helping Luffy?” he asked.
Law’s eye twitched. “I fail to see how that’s any of your concern.”
“I was thrown in Impel Down for refusing to fight alongside the other Warlords at Marineford,” Jimbei said. “The World Government won’t appreciate another Warlord’s second-in-command rescuing two enemies out from under their nose.”
Law found his grip tightening around the straw hat in his hand and loosened his fingers. Jimbei hadn’t said anything Law didn’t already know. “What is your point, Jimbei-ya?”
“Doflamingo won’t be pleased.”
“Unlikely,” Law agreed.
“But you will return to him.” It wasn’t a question.
Law looked out toward the Tang, where the boy still slept. “When Straw Hat-ya is well enough, yes.”
“Is that a good idea?”
Law huffed a humorless laugh, returning his gaze to Jimbei. “Whether it’s a good idea or not is irrelevant. When Straw Hat-ya no longer requires my care, I will return to Dressrosa and my captain.” He knew better than anyone that there would be consequences for his actions—and that he had no choice but to face them.
Though he knew there would be consequences for what he’d done, it was Doffy’s silence over the last two weeks that left Law the most off-balance. He’d expected the man to bombard Law with calls, if not follow Law himself; the Calm Belt would be little more than an inconvenience in the face of what he wanted.
But there had been nothing.
He supposed this was one of Doflamingo’s mind games. He would force Law to reach out to him first, to crawl back to him, draped in repentance. Doflamingo undoubtedly felt secure in Law’s eventual return because he forced Law to leave at least three members of his crew behind whenever he went out on a mission. Currently, Ikkaku, Clione, and Uni were back in Dressrosa. Law had felt comfortable leaving them since he’d expected the trip to Sabaody to be quick, an errand he could handle with minimal backup. That had been nearly a month ago. And Doflamingo was right; Law wouldn’t abandon his nakama, so even if he went dark for weeks, the Warlord could be confident his second would return.
Law just hoped those three hadn’t already been punished for his actions.
Jimbei frowned and opened his mouth to say more, but he was interrupted by a banshee scream coming from the Polar Tang.
In mere moments, Straw Hat had somehow escaped the infirmary on the Tang (Law tried not to think about what he would find when he boarded his ship again) and made his way to land. As Straw Hat rampaged through the camp, Law caught a look at his face and flinched. The wide-eyed, glassy expression of grief over a pain too great to process was one Law was intimately familiar with; he’d worn it himself, first after Flevance and again after Cora-san.
“Where’s Ace?”
Law’s crew chased after the raging teen, trying to calm him down. Law exchanged looks with Jimbei.
“What’ll happen if we just leave him like that?” Jimbei asked as Straw Hat threw off Law’s crewmates and stormed further inland.
Law sighed, weariness hitting him square in the chest. “It’s simple. If he reopens his wounds, he could die.”
Jimbei grimaced and pushed himself to his feet. “I’ll go.”
“Your wounds could also reopen,” Law pointed out. Not that anyone seemed to care about his professional opinion.
“Better me than him.”
Law blinked at Jimbei’s back as the former Warlord followed Straw Hat’s path. He shook his head, once more wondering at the allies Straw Hat found himself with, and turned away. He continued looking out over the water, clenching his jaw at the sounds of Straw Hat’s rampage in the forest. He suppressed the urge to cover his ears, the pained sounds echoing through him and digging at Law’s own shallowly buried grief.
Eventually, the cacophony faded out, leaving the cliffside eerily quiet. His crew started moving around once more, though they were subdued in the wake of what they’d just witnessed.
“What the hell is that?” Shachi said suddenly, pointing out over the water.
Law frowned. There was some kind of commotion in the bay. What the hell?
“Is that a Sea King?” Penguin asked, joining Shachi.
“Is something fighting it?” Shachi yelped as Bepo and Jean Bart came up behind him.
The commotion came to an end almost as quickly as it started. One moment, the beast was thrashing violently, the next it was still.
“It’s dead,” Jean Bart murmured. “What could do that in the Calm Belt?”
There was a splash just below the cliff. Looked like they were going to find out. Law readied himself to make a Room—it wouldn’t be as big as usual and wouldn’t last long, but it would be something—but dropped his hand as Silvers Rayleigh climbed over the ledge, dripping water. Law watched the man warily as he explained that he’d swum through the Calm Belt. Monster.
Eventually, Rayleigh’s gaze turned back to Law. “You’ve created quite the stir, saving Luffy like that.” He smiled, though there was something in his eyes that made Law straighten. “Luffy is here, right?”
“I doubt you would have come all this way unless you knew the answer to that question already, Rayleigh-ya,” Law replied.
Rayleigh chuckled. “Fair enough. How is he?”
Law studied the older pirate for a moment then made a decision. “He just woke up. He’s still in rough shape; he’ll need to rest for at least two more weeks so his wounds close properly.” The grief, on the other hand, would take much longer to heal, but Law left that unsaid. Someone like Rayleigh would know that well.
Rayleigh nodded thoughtfully. “But his life is out of danger?”
“As long as he lets his wounds close, yes.”
Law’s lips twitched. “I take it we’re being dismissed, Rayleigh-ya?”
Rayleigh outright laughed at that. “Well, that’s not how I would have put it.”
“But you’re here to take over,” Law surmised.
“I’m here to offer Luffy a proposal.”
“And you expect him to accept. I get it.” Law pushed himself to his feet and closed the gap with Rayleigh. He held out the straw hat.
Rayleigh’s expression turned distant for a moment before he came back to himself and took the proffered object with understanding.
“Two weeks,” Law reiterated. “If he pushes it, he could die.” And Law didn’t want the danger he’d selfishly put his crew into to be for nothing.
Once the Polar Tang had set sail, Bepo setting their course based on their eternal pose to Dressrosa, Law grabbed the long-range Den Den Mushi and retreated to his cabin. He placed it on his desk and stared at it as he debated how to approach the call. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, but he started when there was a knock at his door.
Law’s shoulder’s slumped at Bepo’s voice. “Come in,” he replied.
The door opened, revealing Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin. The trio filed into Law’s room, shutting the door behind them. Law swiveled in his desk chair to face them.
“Calling him?” Shachi asked, gesturing at the snail.
Law nodded. “Can’t put it off any longer.”
“What will you say?” Bepo asked.
Law’s mouth moved but nothing came out. He shook his head. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. “I caused him a lot of trouble, and he’s going to be furious. But he won’t take it out on me.” Not all of it, anyway.
“We’re with you, Law.”
Law blinked at the use of his given name; he was so used to hearing his title, even from his crew, that his name sounded odd even to his own ears. It made the already-tight ball of guilt in his chest clench.
“I made a selfish choice, and now you guys are going to pay for it. I’m sorry.”
“Why did you save him?” Bepo asked. There was no judgment in his oldest friend’s eyes, just curiosity and trust.
“It was…” Law cast about the best way to describe the tug in his chest because if anyone deserved the truth, it was these three. “It was just a feeling,” he finally settled on. It sounded lame to his own ears as he said it. “I don’t know how to explain it. Like something was telling me it was important.”
The other three exchanged looks, and Law felt his stomach drop. It wasn’t good enough, not for the danger he’d put them in…
“Okay,” Bepo said after a moment.
“Okay?” Law echoed, taken aback.
“Okay,” Penguin confirmed.
“If you thought it was important, then we trust you,” Shachi added. “You’re our captain, Doflamingo be damned.”
“The others feel the same,” Penguin added. “We’ll be okay, Captain. Whatever happens.”
Fuck. What had Law done to deserve them?
Once the trio left his cabin, Law turned back to the Den Den Mushi on his desk. He took a breath and dialed the familiar number. It rang longer than Law expected, but he knew this was another of Doffy’s games, making sure Law would stay on the line—as though he didn’t have the ultimate bargaining chip for Law’s loyalty already. Finally, the other man picked up.
“Well, well. If it isn’t the prodigal son. I was starting to worry, Corazon.”
“My apologies, Young Master,” Law replied, deciding deferential was his best tone at the moment. “I called as soon as I was able.”
Doflamingo snorted. “I’m sure you did.” In other words, he knew Law was lying, but he didn’t care enough to challenge the lie. “Where are you?” he asked instead.
“En route to Dressrosa,” Law said, debating how much to reveal of his whereabouts for the last two weeks. Would Hancock reveal Law had been there? Doflamingo would be furious if he heard it from her first. On the other hand… Law decided to err on the side of sharing as little as possible; it made the most sense for Hancock to keep Straw Hat’s presence a secret, as allying—or even appearing to ally—with a rival pirate crew was enough to cost a Warlord their status. “We should be there within the week.”
“And Dragon’s son?”
“Alive. As is Jimbei.” No point in lying about that.
Doflamingo made an impressed sound. “Straw Hat took direct hits from Kizaru and Sakazuki, and you were able to save him? I should really stop being surprised by your abilities after all these years, Corazon.”
Law hummed in response, recognizing the trap in Doflamingo’s words. Nothing he could say here would turn out well for him, whether he accepted the praise or demurred; no response was his best option.
“As impressive as your skills as a doctor are,” Doflamingo went on when he realized Law wasn’t rising to the bait, “they’ve caused me some serious problems.”
And there it was. Law needed to tread very carefully here.
“I had to convince the World Government that my subordinate acted on his own and that I was still a good little Warlord.” His voice had turned into a sneer, and Law could picture the bulging vein in his forehead. “And promise my subordinate would be appropriately disciplined for his indiscretion.”
“Of course,” Law said. “I’m sorry for causing you difficulties, Young Master. I will, of course, accept my punishment.”
Doflamingo chuckled, though there was no warmth to it. “I’m sure you will. You’re ever the loyal one, aren’t you, Law?”
Law’s breath caught in his throat, his body going cold.
“See you in a week.” With that Doflamingo hung up.
Doflamingo had stopped using Law’s name when he became an executive four years ago, even in private, so hearing it now… His tone was such a contrast to the way his friends had used his name less than an hour earlier, theirs so full of warmth and trust while Doflamingo’s was full of implication and threat…
Law ran a tired hand over his face. “Fuck.”
Next chapter
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