#current account in dubai
probanking · 1 year
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the-crooked-library · 28 days
Alright so it seems that I'm not quite done beating the horse that is the Bacon triptych - because the potential layers in its presence have me absolutely enthralled. As a visual element, it illustrates the "currently unfolding" part of the drama, but also appears to allude to a story that's yet to come; and, granted, that may be the brainrot speaking, but my art history fixation is insisting that there's gold in them hills, so bear with me here.
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As tenuous as it may seem at first glance, I firmly believe that the writing itself supports my fascination with this piece. It demands to be noticed. It is a vivid splash of red in a box of brutalist grey; and, furthermore, unlike the other paintings in the Dubai penthouse, it's written into the dialogue. The camera lingers there - hence, the series wants us to pay attention; and, while its subject-level significance is not to be discarded, I cannot help but see another, similarly emotional allusion within the same frames.
Instead of drawing from the painting, this story layer connects more to the artist himself. One of the most notable periods of Francis Bacon's personal life was his relationship with George Dyer, which lasted from the 1960s to the early 1970s. Unlike his previous paramours - who were largely older (and, in the case of the last, abusive) men, Dyer was a young addict. Described as someone who could "throw a decisive punch," he was nevertheless vulnerable and trusting; as such, Bacon took on a dominant role, and Dyer became his muse. Among Bacon's portraits, he was ever-present; and though the relationship was tumultuous, often overwhelmed by their shared addictions, those paintings are uncharacteristically tender.
The story ended with tragedy - it's an account of drugs, alcoholism, neediness, dependence, classism, friction, and Dyer's eventual suicide; and within the context of IWTV, this framework is undeniably thematically relevant.
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From the beginning - a decade-long involvement, addiction, an uncharacteristic tenderness - beat for beat, the book version of Devil's Minion is the same story, happening only a few years off. The presence of the Bacon painting within the Dubai penthouse is, in my opinion, an indicator to it having happened in the show as well. Just like Dyer, the TV version Daniel met Armand in a pub (or bar); just like Dyer, he is compact, athletic, pale, working-class - and, when under the influence, boisterous and active.
There is, naturally, one key difference; unlike Dyer, Daniel survives.
In the Doylist sense, the painting, therefore, acts as a visual cue - almost as evidence, of sorts. The memory of their entanglement may be effaced, but the blood-red stain of it is impossible to ignore, as is this placement:
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I don't believe it is accidental that the painting is sold almost as soon as Daniel arrives in Dubai. It is an indication that the Devil and his Minion are no longer locked within a determined ending; their story continues, and memories are replaced with the real, living thing.
Edit: it bears pointing out that, while I had this post hanging in my drafts, convinced that I was reading far too much into something that already had another reason to exist, it's been announced that the relationship between Daniel and Armand is, in fact, going to be explored within the series. My every wish has been granted, and I can hardly wait.
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cbrownjc · 4 months
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image credit: c2299cLance on Twitter
The above image is from the Episode 2x05 insider. And boy oh boy do I (did I?) have a question about this.
Because if that really is the book being published in the present day . . . then that pretty much upends the format of the show. Because the book being published means there is absolutely no reason for Daniel to stick around Dubai anymore IMO. Because why would he? His job is done.
And truth be told, I've long thought the interview would be finished in episode 2x08. That Daniel would finish it, and talk about heading home to being writing and editing it.
However, I never really thought he would actually leave. Because Daniel's character basically does leave the story at the end of Interview with the Vampire. And we don't see him again until Queen of the Damned, during the chase. (And we already know Season 3 is The Vampire Lestat).
But I really couldn't work out how the show could ever have that happen -- because that basically means Daniel's character leaving the show for a time. Possibly a long time, as time jumps just to account for the book being published would have to happen. And that, well . . .
See, I very much noticed how much Daniel's Parkinson's was making him shake this episode (2x05). And I in no way think Armand and Daniel are doing the Devil's Minion chase in the current day with Daniel having Parkinson's during a pandemic (which is still going on in the show's timeline). Sorry, no, not happening IMO. Because there is no damn reason for Armand to chase Daniel now, IMO. The reason Armand even did so in the first place was because he found Daniel fascinating/interesting. And well, as we just saw in episode 2x05 that already happened. It makes no sense that Armand would wait 50 freakin' years to follow up on that with a chase around the world.
So the book being published at the end of the interview always meant, to me, that it would mean bye-bye to Eric from the show. Which, I was NOT looking forward to. Because I honestly couldn't see any reason for Daniel's character to stick around, at least in Dubai, never mind the next part of the story. Especially if Lestat isn't going to be in Dubai and we might have to start doing freakin' time jumps to account for the publication of books.
And, once again, Daniel has a degenerative disease. That, once again, I noticed very well how much he was shaking from. So unless Devil's Minion really didn't happen in the past, there really was no way for Daniel to enter or be part of the story going forward. Because yes, I very much think Armand is going to be prepared to let Daniel leave Dubai and not stop him. Right now, Armand is very focused on keeping his life as it is in Dubai, and I think part of that is due to him not thinking Daniel would ever really remember anything of the past anyway.
So yeah, if that prop is for the book actually being published in the modern-day, I was already beginning to mourn Daniel leaving the show. Because from how I looked at it, I couldn't figure out any reason why his character would stay in Dubai, around these vampires anymore. Right now, if Daniel leaves Dubai, he leaves the show IMO. And probably for a good long while, given where the story is going. (With maybe Armand coming to see Daniel later at some point when he's dying to turn him or something, IDK).
And then, I was reminded -- by @nalyra-dreaming -- of this picture that Eric posted on Twitter a few months back:
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And it all began to click.
Because for a real time there, for a few weeks at least after Eric first posted this, I seriously thought that Daniel's character was going to, well die.
Between the posting of this picture by Eric as well as a few other things, no joke, I was getting a real vibe about it, that Daniel was going to die this season . . . but not stay dead of course. I just held back on talking about it because it felt so damn early, story-wise, for it to happen.
And then something during the lead-up to the more recent press events made me stop thinking Daniel would die. And that Daniel's turning still wouldn't happen for a few more seasons yet.
But now . . . if the book really is going to be published . . .
I think it's going to be published posthumously. Or, at least, posthumously to the human world.
Because why would Daniel stick around in Dubai if the book is published? As we saw in the preview for next week, he's already saying to Justin Kirk he wants to get out of this alive. The minute he's done with the interview he's leaving, make no mistake about that. So why would Daniel stay?
Well, becoming an undead vampire would do it.
So everyone who wanted Eric's Daniel to become a vampire? You might actually be getting your wish this season. Because if those books above really are real and Daniel really is publishing it in the modern-day . . . then the only reason I can think of for him to not only stay in Dubai/on the show but not visibly age -- or get sicker like Daniel very much would wrt such time jumps that would require not only a publication of such a book but for Lestat to see it, read it, etc -- is this. Daniel becomes a vampire at the end of this season.
Because otherwise, IMO? There is no other reason for his character to stick around. Not from anything else I've thought of so far at least that would make any type of sense.
And what is going to force Armand's hand into turning Daniel? (Because yes, I do still think it's going to be Armand who does it) Well, very likely this . . .
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gif credit: @hermit-frog
I already thought Daniel was going to get hurt when it came to this happening. But now I think Daniel getting hurt will be the least of it . . .
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crosby-interesting · 3 months
i love ur blog so much. u allow truth. sadly it seems these days on gossip blogs u aren’t allowed to reveal facts, decipher lies, or knock down the white picket fence of perfection without being accused of being misogynistic. Since when did women holding other women accountable become misogynistic? Since when did exposing male cheaters who have sex with random women from restaurants, hotels, & clubs while they have pregnant girlfriends, wives, children, & dog moms waiting at home become misogynistic? Since when did exposing escorts & prostitution services that essentially promote human trafficking become misogynistic? As a feminist i believe the word “misogynistic” is sadly being diluted & loosing value, bc people carelessly throw it around to defend against any negative accusations surrounding women who’re linked to players they admire. I like this player so u aren’t allowed to call out him or his woman’s bullshit & if u do then ur misogynistic. U discuss Auston Mathews having TWO former prostitute girlfriends & CURRENT ex prostitute gf Megan Turner? ur misogynistic. U discuss Adam larsson cheating with girls the past THREE years on Vera soderberg while he’s away traveling for games? ur misogynistic. U discuss Lauren Kyle ignoring video evidence of Connor Mcdavid cheating with a college girl & accepting the public humiliation of the the scandal just accepting an “Im sorry” engagement a year later? ur misogynistic. U discuss Nico Hischier & Timo Meier hiring a spain prostitute to spend 3 days with them on a yacht LAST WEEK & following her on IG while she has pictures for the prices of lap dance, private dance, & “extra services” on her IG highlights? ur misogynistic. U discuss Elias Pettersson prostitute call girl -girlfriend Katelyn Byrd exposed on surveillance video kissing & being fondled by married musician Alex Pall, then his wife crying on IG stories after exposing the affair while Katelyn is getting her paparazzi pics with Alex outside of Nobu a week after the scandal? ur misogynistic. U discuss Katelyns other scandal of the ex sugar daddy FIANCÉ who publicly accused her of secretly taking large sums of money out of his accounts after he had already bought her FAMILY a house & discovered she was cheating on him with a younger man? ur misogynistic. U discuss Kasperi Kapanen intentionally make Dubai prostitute Matleena Laakso his girlfriend, so he can finally cheat with peace & understanding? ur misogynistic. U discuss Penny Liarakos cheating on William Nylander at the start of their ex relationship & running secret puck bunny tumblrs with her best friend & currently leaving Willy weird comments using fake accounts on IG? ur misogynistic. U discuss Mathew Tkachuk being given an ultimatum and forced by Papa Kieth to prospose to the blonde( who he unfortunately is just not that into) on the back of a fishing boat in an old t shirt & swim shorts while she’s wearing a white bridal shower dress bc she was actually involved in Papa Kieths plan, & Papa set up the whole proposal himself at 9am on a random Thursday because Papa was tired of Matt cheating with the mixed girls & latinas from the Miami bars? ur misogynistic. U discus Kathy Leutner working for a man who provided prostitution services & has victims accusing him of trying to recruit them into prostitution? ur misogynistic. U discuss Sidney Crosby's public humiliation ritual fcked up relationship? ur misogynistic.- Let’s be honest girls, none of those discussions are misogynistic no matter how much the truth hurts, as much as you want to deny it pls stop mislabeling facts as misogyny.If u can’t face the truth ur lucky enough to have the option of logging out & going back to living ur delusions of grandeur & perfection. Holding women accountable for their actions or lack there of is not misogynistic & calling out their male partners deceptions is definitely not misogynistic . I will be gathering any info of the NHL prostitution /cheating circus & sending it in. im tired of the bullshit.
This all sounds like a blessing! Thank you!
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radiocurrency · 15 days
Hi, my name is Jay and I like to write gay vampire smut.
My AO3 account is brandedforeverlame
I am currently publishing a Devil's Minion fanfic series entitled 'If You Had Life Eternal' :
All Rated E. All with Armand x Daniel as the main pairing.
1. Loving You's A Bloodsport
(4016 words)
Post 2x08 turning fic.
After Louis leaves the apartment in Dubai to head to NOLA, Armand decides to reveal all to Daniel.
2. Lestat and Daniel's Grand Adventure (Lessons In How To Provoke Your Maker)
Currently WIP, multichapter, Lestat and Daniel friendship buddy fic.
It's been one year since Daniel was turned and he still hasn't heard from his maker.
Daniel decides (against his better judgement) to reach out to the only other immortal he knows besides Louis for help to track down Armand.
Also please check out the absolutely awesome fanart my lovely friend Anna @once-delight made for this fic right here. Anna is also the official beta reader for this fic.
3. My kingdom for a kiss upon his shoulder
(3,788 words)
San Francisco, 1978:
Daniel makes a spur of the moment decision and Armand reacts accordingly.
4. Arms Tonite
(4,760 words)
Yes. The fisting fic -
It lay on their kitchen bench, framed in golden light which streamed in through the window of their Tuscan apartment.
“Uh… whose arm is that?”
Daniel has never been fisted and when Armand offers to change that, Daniel can't help but make a comment that brings out the Gremlin™️
5. To All Besotted Souls
(2,564 words)
The first time Armand and Daniel have sex during the chase years.
Pompeii Ruins, Naples, 1976
And now he was here - waiting on this strange demon with whom he was pretty sure he was in love with.
Could you fall in love with the monster under your bed?
Could you fall in love with a guillotine blade as it hung over your neck?
And there's plenty more on it's way. I'm almost always writing and love to talk to any fellow DM writers. Please feel free to follow/ask/dm me :)
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my-coven-is-claudia · 4 months
Louis and performance
something that always stuck out to me about louis’s behaviour in the first episode is how almost thrilled he seems to be doing this interview? he full on laughs at daniel’s “so mr du lac, how long have you been dead?” line and overall seems very put together and calculating.
it appears as if he’s fully prepared for this, only interested in giving an informative and educational account of his life. this interview is a heroic pursuit, acting as a warning to others about the harsh reality of vampire life.
but this is all a facade. this cool calm and collected louis slowly falls apart and is paralleled with 1910 louis’s overly violent and macho persona that also falls to the wayside as the series goes along. in both new orleans and present day dubai, louis is putting up a mask. although this time round he’s exchanged stereotypical masculinity for clinical rationality.
and news flash!! he has neither.
he’s trying to conceal the fact that this interview has come about from a distrust of his own memories and recollection of events. that there’s this much more distressing motivation for the interview of louis not even trusting himself to tell the truth and needing someone else to help him parse out what really happened. furthermore, there is also a personal undercurrent to louis’s intentions due to the second interview picking up from his and daniel’s first encounter. unsurprisingly, all of these reasons he neatly skirts around (until push comes to shove). louis meticulously illustrates this picture of his life in new orleans via vivid narration and metaphor, asking daniel (and the viewer) to “let the tale seduce [him].” as he does this he teeters along a tightrope, swinging between expressing his crazed and immense love for lestat and portraying himself as a reserved intellectual detached from his vampiric instincts.
from the very start it is a performance. no argument about it.
the louis of present day dubai is in such stark contrast to the louis of even the 70s. he’s lost so much joy and confidence. this is not the same man who spent hours chatting with lestat under the moon in new orleans, who cheekily danced with emilia in romania, who torched a whole theatre. and with how quickly louis admits to killing lestat in season two it’s interesting how carefully crafted and persistent his ruse of serenity in dubai is. as he’s grown more adept at concealing his secrets, he’s also evolved into this hollow husk of himself. for the past 70 odd years he’s been stuck in a tumultuous relationship, has not properly killed anyone since the year 2000 and tries to paint himself as a passive figure in the tragedy of his own life.
this goes to show that louis is very particular about how others view him and how he’s presented. consistently, louis is tugging back and forth with daniel over who he truly is, his true motivations, his true desires. this is most apparent in 2x04 when louis is horribly embarrassed by the work of other photographers somehow ending up in a pile of his old photos. although it’s currently unclear how they ended up there, i think it’s safe to assume that louis genuinely didn’t intend to pass off other’s work as his own. he immediately scrambled to explain himself and apologise, even going as far as to demean himself as a mediocre artist. he’s so enraged by this incident because he fears how it reflect on him and how it will cause readers to perceive him. in order to be able to tolerate himself, louis has to maintain this very specific image of himself where he is this vulnerable but restrained vampire who is totally fine. louis is always barely holding this facade together and his ability to swallow his more intense emotions has obviously been something that he’s struggled throughout his life, from lashing out and killing the alderman in new orleans to triggering daniel’s tremors out of spite in dubai.
and circling back to dubai, this is all wonderfully conveyed via his change in accent in the present day. he no longer retains his new orleans accent, now speaking with an accent closer to a general north american one. his tone is also much more subdued and soft-spoken, rarely even raising his voice. this really hits home how weary louis has become and how he’s become so detached from his true self. he’s not energised, he’s not passionate, he’s not happy. the closest we get to pulling back the curtain on louis’s mask is when he lashes out and acts most like a stereotypical vampire. if there is a “true” louis then it’s likely the one who triggers daniel’s tremors, who digs through daniel’s memories about alice, who argues with armand over the misplaced photographs. i’m not trying to say that louis is inherently an violent or angry person but the most emotion we get from him in the present day is when he’s wrathful, bickering with armand, laughing in daniel’s face. it’s far from the whole picture of who louis de pointe du lac is but it’s the most honest portrayal he’s allowed of himself over the course of the interview. he does have much more emotional and somber moments but his repressed anger is poignantly tied to his repressed vampirism. we don’t know who louis truly is in dubai and and i suspect he isn’t sure himself
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mindblowingscience · 10 months
Countries' greenhouse gas-cutting pledges put Earth on track for warming far beyond key limits, potentially up to a catastrophic 2.9 degrees Celsius this century, the UN said Monday, warning "we are out of road". The UN Environment Programme's annual Emissions Gap report is released just ahead of crucial COP28 climate talks in Dubai and will feed into the global response to a sobering official "stocktake" of the failure to curb warming so far. With this year expected to be the hottest in human history, UNEP said "the world is witnessing a disturbing acceleration in the number, speed and scale of broken climate records". Taking into account countries' carbon-cutting plans, UNEP warned that the planet is on a path for disastrous heating of between 2.5C and 2.9C by 2100. Based just on existing policies and emissions-cutting efforts, global warming would reach 3C.
Continue Reading.
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aronarchy · 5 months
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The extent of Russia’s influence in Sudan goes beyond its involvement in the current war. It’s not only fueling war in Sudan but it’s the reason Russia is able to continue its war in Ukraine and other places despite being sanctioned by the West. Russia is surviving western sanctions by exploiting, smuggling gold and aiding the Sudanese Transitional Military Council (TMC) in the suppression of the pro-civilian led government movement.
In 2014, Putin was vocal about creating an economic plan to circumvent potential Western sanctions tied to the Ukraine war. By 2017, they began extending lifelines to autocrats, and unsurprisingly, former Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir joined Putin’s economic pipeline. After a meeting between the two presidents, Russian geologists and mineralogists employed by Meroe Gold arrived in Sudan.
The Russian companies, including Wagner, a private military company linked to Russia and frequently engaged in conflicts worldwide, began establishing a presence in Sudan. Notably, Wagner leader is under US sanctions, accused of meddling in the 2020 US elections. In 2020, under Trump administration, the group was sanctioned for its heavy exploitation of Sudan’s natural resources. The exploitation was so evident that they literally had to be sanctioned by Trump, which is quite surprising.
In 2019, following Al-Bashir’s overthrow, Wagner transitioned to striking deals with the Rapid Support Forces militia general, Hemeti. This militia, formerly known as Janjaweed and implicated in the Darfur genocide, received weapons and training. Wagner, in return, gained access to smuggled gold and devised plans to maintain control, ultimately contributing to today’s proxy war in Sudan.
The method of gold smuggling involved disguising it as flying cookies and concealing the smuggled gold beneath Russian cookie boxes. 🤣
In 2022, @/nimaelbagir a Sudanese journalist and CNN’s Chief International Investigative Correspondent went to a Russian owned gold mining facility in Sudan. Watch her report here ⬇️
Full report here:
In June 2022, the Darfur Bar Association (DBA) launched an investigation and confirmed Wagner mercenaries presence in South Darfur after its attack on gold miners in South Darfur. The investigation also revealed that the Transitional Military council (SAF+RSF) knew about the presence of Wagner in Sudan and in 2019 a copy of the report was actually sent to then prime minister Hamadok.
The DBA investigation also revealed how the UAE is involved in Sudan and its role in the current war. There’s also an extensive investigation report on the role of the UAE in Sudan by the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal that proves the UAE involvement in Sudan.
How are the UAE and Russia linked you might ask?
1) Most Sudanese gold passes through the United Arab Emirates. Unofficial data from the United Arab Emirates reported that over $1.7bn of Sudanese gold landed in Dubai in 2021, just under half the value of all the country’s exports. But there is little accurate data tracking it after it arrives in the UAE (arrives via Russia). Most industry exports reckon that official figures account for less than a quarter of total gold sales. Khartoum’s central bank recorded gold exports of 26.4 tonnes from January to September in 2021 but estimates over 100 tonnes would have been smuggled out during that period. (Africa Confidential)
Amdjarass, the Chadian town just across the Sudanese border, is the base from which the UAE is running an operation supposedly to help Sudanese refugees. But behind the façade of what the UAE maintains are humanitarian efforts, lies covert weapons, drones, and medical treatment to injured RSF fighters. (The Africa Report)
A U.S. Ally Promised to Send Aid to Sudan. It Sent Weapons Instead. (WSJ)
The New York Times report on how the UAE is further involved ⬇️
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2) In April 2023, following the onset of the war in Sudan, the Wagner group was exposed by CNN for allegedly supplying missiles to the RSF in their conflict against the Sudanese armed forces (SAF). The arms came through the UAE under the guise of humanitarian aid for Sudanese refugees in Chad. These armaments were destined for the UAE’s local proxy, the RSF, in Sudan’s western region. In addition, CNN exposed that the shipments of surface-to-air missiles provided by Wagner were destined for the RSF via flights shuttling the hardware from Latakia, Syria, to Khadim, Libya, and then airdropped to northwestern Sudan, where the RSF enjoys a strong presence. This support from Wagner is considered a significant factor contributing to the RSF’s continuation of the war and their reported atrocities against Sudanese civilians, including killing, looting, sexual violence, and mass destruction of Sudan’s infrastructure.
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The satellite images from CNN and the open-source group “All Eyes On Wagner,” provide evidence of an escalated Wagner presence at the bases of Khalifa Haftar, the leader of a Libyan militia supported by Wagner, in Libya. This heightened presence was purportedly in preparation to assist the RSF militia against the SAF.
Full report here:
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3) There is evidence that the UAE has been funding Wagner in Libya to help reduce the financial burden on Russia for its Libyan operations and has been deploying these forces to prop up its ally, General Khalifa Haftar, who has been fighting the UN-recognized Government of National Accord in Tripoli. The report that the UAE is funding Wagner in Libya actually came from the US department of defense, which again is a surprise considering the close alliance of the US and the UAE.
East Africa Counterterrorism Operation, North and West Africa Counterterrorism Operation Quarterly Report to Congress, July 1, 2020‒September 30, 2020
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mariacallous · 6 months
One of the world’s most wanted men, a notorious narco kingpin whose gang is implicated in multiple murders, has left a trail of Google reviews providing valuable new insights into his movements and whereabouts over the past five years.
Christopher Kinahan Sr is the head of the notorious Kinahan Organised Crime Group, which originated in Ireland and is otherwise known as the Kinahan Cartel. Irish police believe the gang has amassed profits of over $1 billion through the trade of illegal narcotics, arms trafficking and money laundering over the years.
The US Government is currently offering a collective $15 million bounty for information leading to the financial disruption or arrest of Kinahan and his two sons (Daniel and Christopher Junior). All three are reported to be based in Dubai, which has so far refrained from extraditing the wanted trio. 
Multiple media reports have suggested that Kinahan Sr has sought to reinvent himself in recent years, using his first and middle names “Christopher Vincent” given the notoriety now attached to the Kinahan name. 
Surprisingly, he has left behind a significant digital footprint linked to this identity which has made it possible to gain valuable new insights into his activities and movements.
Kinahan Sr’s LinkedIn account used the Christopher Vincent alias, something that was first identified by Ireland’s Sunday World newspaper in 2022. Now, it appears the owner of an identically named profile has been freely posting his thoughts via Google reviews since 2019. The account boasts of international trips to the likes of Spain, Hungary, Turkey, The Netherlands, Hong Kong, Egypt, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Perhaps less surprisingly, the account has left reviews for a number of establishments in Dubai near to where Kinahan Sr resides. 
Some reviews are short and mundane, such as a comment left for a restaurant in Istanbul in August 2022: “The restaurant is chic and plush, the service was good but not outstanding.” Others, however, reveal interesting clues about his apparent activities in recent years. Some comments detail attending “business networking” conferences in Zimbabwe and of watching a sunset with colleagues in South Africa as they “discussed some business”. Another states Kinahan Sr is a “Platinum Ambassador” on an international hotel group’s reward program. 
No reviews for locations outside of the UAE have been posted since the US wanted notice was announced in April, 2022.
Bellingcat, working with The Sunday Times, was able to confirm the profile was Kinahan Sr’s given an email address associated with the account belonged to him and was connected to a physical address detailed in US sanctions documents. His reflection also appears in windows or mirrors in several of the images posted to the profile.
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Omg!! You have so many fandoms?!1!1!!
Well HI HUN!!! 🩷🩷 if it’s okay, i would love to ask for a match up with Mystic messenger and Obey Me! I got back into em recently!
I currently don’t have any deal breakers. If i get paired with Rika or Jaehee ill be okay!
About me: My name is Mera!
I go by She/her, (AFAB) and im Pansexual, although i usually lean towards men, though all my partners have been women!!
Im a Cancer zodiac, and im an INFJ!
I have an rbf 🥹 people have told me so many times they are scared to approach me because they think i’ll be a bitch. Later they’ll tell me they love me though!! Pretty much an Ambivert. I’m super awkward and shy at first, and it ends up causing me to be short and blunt without meaning to!! but once I start talking? I never shut up!! I also tend to listen to things, and i try to help in anyway i can, although im not the best comforter. I also think my personality also can change depending on who i hang out with. If i hang out with more introverted people I’ll definitely be more outgoing, and talk to others! But if im with extroverted friends, i’ll tend to stay in my shell. I’m a pretty kind person, but also sensitive. I’d jump in front of a bullet for someone else though. Im a people-pleaser so what other people think of me, i really take into account. Once people get close to me though, i tend to be sassy and have “snarky” remarks, but in a joking way. If my friends have ever spoken out about if it makes them uncomfortable i will immediately stop. Honestly though, i can’t handle seeing someone else in pain- or crying. My heart will literally tear and i’ll start crying with them. I tend to be the “funny” friend- everyone usually laughs at my jokes, but i’ve been called the “mom” friend too, because i start to take into account what other people may need! Hair ties? I have A MILLION!! Advil? Dont worry!! I got some :)
I tend to surround myself with a lot of people also. I love to be in the spotlight (theatre kid alert..)
Writing match ups !!, Drawing, Dance, Singing and musical theatre. I do Dance a lot and its also caused me to start caring more about myself! I sing all the time too- i take voice lessons :) I’m also a cosmetology student, so i LOVE to do hair, makeup, nails and fashion!! I love to talk about it too!! Theres so many interesting things people don’t know! I’m always listening to music though. The only genres i don’t really listen to is country and rap.
Likes: Honestly I like so many things, but i like sweets, people who give me attention, and i also like- love every color on the rainbow… i LOVE horror movies, and slashers. I love biology, and cos stuff! I might actually be able to go to dubai because of cosmetology :)
Dislikes: Rude people, people who are genuinely just bitchy for no reason. Not really much.
Love Languages: PHYSICAL TOUCH, is the biggest. Im super touch starved and i need someone to hold me!! Quality time too. They go hand in hand for me. Receiving gifts are the worst for me. Ill feel so guilty, but i love to give!
Ideal type: I dont really have an IDEAL type. Pair me with whoever!
Looks: if looks play into anything- i have pretty dark features. Although my skin is very light. Im a ghost in the winter. But whenever i get tanned, i usually have been told i look “Arab” which is a compliment. My hair is pretty much at a level 6, so its a dirty brownish color. I stopped wearing my glasses, but i have brown doe eyes! (If i was a certain “pretty” i’d be deer pretty.)
Im pretty short honestly. 5’1. I also love to wear heels though. I walk in them like its my second nature. My hair reaches around my shoulders, i usually Dont have it long, and i have curtain bangs!
Fun facts:
Im poly lingual!! I speak 3 different languages.
My parents are actually immigrants, and english wasn’t my first language lol!!
I major in pre law! So i plan to be a lawyer. - specifically medical malpractice because according to multiple nurses, “i have an eye for medicine.”
i hope this wasn’t too much-!!! 🥺💕 i hope you enjoy writing and matching!! Whenever you get the chance to do it, i’ll happy!!
Matchup trade for this wonderful person
Your OM match is...Diavolo!
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Not gonna lie I did hesitate between Diavolo and Asmo but finally I decided on Diavolo. You can definitely keep up with him and your love languages match! He may be a little pushy but in the end he means well.
Let’s stay with the OM original plot shall we? (date. My bad lol). At first Diavolo only wanted to learn and bond with the new exchange student. He saw that you were rather awkward at first and stayed in your shell that’s why he poked more about your interests (read here that he just checked your case in the human world). He tried very hard to be your friend and was super happy when you started to reciprocate! He loved your jokes and often tried to get in on your train. Diavolo is someone who lives on the present but also calculating (not in a negative way. He just prefers that major plans aren’t altered that much cuz he’s the prince and all). Your sarcasm honestly makes him laugh, you’re not being mean about it so he doesn’t feel bad either. Diavolo fell for the way you two had fun together. You are someone he can get loose with but also get serious. He doesn’t have to worry much you’ll always match his style. Also, you’re the mum friend and it makes Barbatos so happy because he doesn’t have to worry about another hyperactive adult lmao. It took Diavolo more time than he wished to confess cuz he had to check out everything and what changes it would bring to your life. He knows that he can’t afford to get into reckless relations that can endanger his kingdom and how much pressure it would be on you the more serious the relation got. You noticed that he spent more time in his office and just went in, worrying for your friend. That’s when Diavolo, in his sleep deprived state blurted out that he doesn’t know if he can ask you out considering his position and all. He didn’t realize it was you….You two had a very heart to heart conversation and in the end agreed to go out together. What a mess.
Diavolo is kinda like a golden retriever boyfriend. He includes you in all sorts of fun activities and always have dates planned out for you two! He shows you hell and you show him the human world. Sometimes Barbatos threatens him with less time with you to get him to work. But one thing for sure is that you two are always seen touching each other. He loves holding your hand and waist, when he sees you he runs up to you and engulfs you in a hug which is rather funny considering his corpulence. In private you two cuddle a lot, when he’s working he’ll hold you in his laps to recharge as he calls it. Diavolo often takes you on dates to operas and plays. He passes them to Barbatos as ‘Seeing how the arts are developing’, yeah of course. We all believe you Diavolo. During these dates he gives you historical facts and explains references you might not get. After or before those dates, Diavolo takes you two to try new foods. He knows you like sweets so he makes sure to always get you some or ask Barbatos to make some. Speaking of gifts….yeah you’re getting spoiled but he’ll calm down after knowing you feel guilty about it. Getting spoiled in the sense he always gets you your favorite things and supports your hobbies by getting you the best material. Then with time he’d start getting you jewelry and all. If you two get married your birthday might as well become a national holiday just like his….
Diavolo likes to have lazy days because he can just spend them doing whatever with you. Perhaps you’d explore the human world or he’d try his hand at the kitchen! You two always have a laugh after that. He likes taking your hand and engaging to a songless dance (he puts in music eventually), I believe he knows many dances and will even teach you some. He’ll also let you do his nail and makeup (you can’t tell me he doesn’t put at least some make up). Diavolo has to follow certain fashions but enjoys going shopping to get things he’d only wear at the castle. He’ll always take you with him and you also have some kind of say in the official clothes his tailor makes him! At the end of a busy day, Diavolo just wants to relax with you in bed. You’re his safe space.
I wanted to elaborate on this but didn’t find how to make the transition so I’ll just say it here. One of the topics diavolo used to get to know you is your law major. He asked you about it and you two had pleasant evenings comparing the devildom laws with the human laws. It’s canon that healthchecks in the devildom are rather….rough so you’ll have fun comparing them. I initially planned to match you with asmo considering your interest in cosmethology but Diavolo is a much better fit in my opinion. He’d always hype up your interests and even proposes to let you in some factories so you can compare products in both worlds. He’d be really interested in seeing you make some cosmetics because he is very curious in all fields. The only issue with Diavolo is that he can’t always take no for an answer. He is used to getting his way so set up some clear boundaries at the start. You also have to accept that he is a prince first, he has his own secrets. I think I lost track of words….
Your Mystic Messenger match is...Zen!
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Yup it wasn’t 707. He was my second pick actually but Zen won first position. 707 is too self sacrificial and has a lot of secrets, he might not even give you all the attention you deserve because of his job. But Zen is sensible, funny and devoted to those he care about. Since MysMes is an otome game we’ll go the OG route for how you and how he asked you out. I’ll skip to relationship with him.
You and Zen are quite similar in my opinion. He can easily relate to your sarcasm and snarky remarks which makes the two of you a formidable duo. None talks shit about you when you’re nearby because they’re getting torn apart. He likes it when you get passionate and start talking about your interests. When you do that he’ll shut up and stare at you lovingly before muttering some corny pick up line and kissing you. Zen compliments you a lot because you’re perfect for him. He calls you his Muse but won’t reveal your identity to the public until he knows you won’t get much backlash. Even his fans don’t comment about you because he gets so defensive when you’re brought up in a bad way. Even if you enjoy the spotlight and is proud of your relationship he still feels guilty for dragging you inside all this drama. He’ll need reassurance over this. Zen’s love language is mostly words, affection and quality time when he can. As an uprising star, he’s very busy but does his best to give you all his attention. That’s why he always leaves you voicemails saying how he loves you and even letters/flowers when his schedule gets hectic. Tight budget but huge heart. His favorite type of date is taking you for a picnic and just spending the night talking about everything, no matter how silly or deep it is. But he gets so nervous each time you ride the bike with him….
You are Zen n1 critic. He always wants you to review his performances and you two spend a lot of nights watching movies together (not his own, just movies and plays). He knows you like horror movies, that’s why you two are up to date with the latest horror movies in the market. When he makes it big, you can be sure he’ll invite you at every premiere/event. Your common house often gets noise complaints from Zen practicing or you two dancing to music! Yeah you might be the neighborhood favorite couple but they still want to sleep unfortunately. Zen is a workaholic, you being the mum friend helps in the sense that you’re the only one he listens to when you ask him to stop and get some rest. If it weren’t for you he’d forget himself, you’re the only reason why he didn’t have a burnout yet. He enjoys your singing and as an actor (he played in musical) he’d help you train out more. If you ever want to get into the business he’d be happy to help you out. Zen only lets you interfere with his skin care routine. He’d test out any product you recommend and lets you do his makeup or chose his outfits. He’d purposefully let paparazzi take pictures if you two are matching cuz he’s just happy and proud lol. Your future opportunity in cosmetology and upcoming law major actually make Zen so happy. He always encourages you to continue your studies as it’s what you love. He is a man of passion who dropped out, it’s the only topic he may get insecure about considering your own academic background.
In conclusion, you and Zen are definitely a popular celebrity couple that people look up to. The way he loves and cherishes you make so many fans jealous it’s not even funny lol. You two may be dramatic but your love is obvious.
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gusty-wind · 10 months
Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.
Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election.
Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte. This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet.
U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.
Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.
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bankingpk · 1 month
DIB Pakistan Jobs 2024: Salary, CEO, and Careers in Dubai Islamic Banking
Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) is a pioneer in Islamic banking, with a strong presence in Pakistan. This article provides an overview of job opportunities, salary structures, and the leadership at DIB Pakistan JOBS, along with insights into how you can join this leading institution.
Understanding Salary Structures at DIB
What is the Salary of Employees in Dubai Islamic Bank?
Dubai Islamic Bank offers competitive salaries that reflect its status as a leading Islamic financial institution. Salaries vary based on role and experience but are designed to align with industry standards, ensuring fair compensation for all employees.
What is the Minimum Salary in Dubai Islamic Bank?
For entry-level positions, salaries typically range from PKR 25,000 to PKR 35,000. This range helps to attract and retain talent, offering a solid starting point for new employees.
Account Opening Requirements
What is the Minimum Salary to Open a Bank Account in DIB?
Dubai Islamic Bank is committed to accessibility. There is generally no minimum salary requirement for opening a standard account, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to easily access banking services.
Leadership at DIB
Who is the CEO of DIB?
The CEO of Dubai Islamic Bank plays a crucial role in shaping the bank’s direction and operations. The current CEO, with a wealth of experience and a strategic vision, ensures that DIB remains a preferred choice for clients and a top employer in the banking sector.
Career Opportunities at DIB
DIB Pakistan Jobs Online Apply
Those interested in joining Dubai Islamic Bank can apply through the bank’s career portal. The application process is straightforward, allowing candidates to submit resumes for various roles, from customer service to executive positions.
Dubai Islamic Bank Walk-In Interview
DIB occasionally conducts walk-in interviews, providing a chance for candidates to interact directly with the hiring team. These interviews are an excellent opportunity for candidates to make a strong impression and advance their application.
DIB Pakistan Jobs for Freshers
Dubai Islamic Bank encourages fresh graduates to apply. The bank offers entry-level positions with comprehensive training programs designed to help new employees integrate into the world of Islamic banking effectively.
Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan
As a key player in Pakistan’s banking sector, Dubai Islamic Bank provides a wide range of services, including personal and corporate banking solutions. The bank is dedicated to upholding Islamic banking principles while meeting the needs of contemporary consumers and businesses.
Why Choose DIB for Your Career?
A career at Dubai Islamic Bank means joining a prestigious institution known for its excellence in Islamic banking. The bank offers competitive salaries, robust benefits, and a supportive work environment that fosters both personal and professional development. DIB emphasizes ethical banking practices and customer satisfaction, making it an attractive choice for anyone looking to build a rewarding career in the banking industry.
Joining Dubai Islamic Bank isn’t just about securing a job; it’s about embarking on a career path where your growth is supported and your contributions are valued. Explore career opportunities at DIB Pakistan and become part of a dynamic and forward-thinking team.
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Top Skin Care Influencers in UAE
The beauty industry in the UAE is a booming business. Numerous experts and top skin care influencers in UAE are spearheading the beauty trends and giving advice in the area of skincare that most skincare fans want to have access to. These skincare influencers that are famous for their authority and straightforward content, have turned to be the first to know of news or to which products are on the top of the market for skincare enthusiasts.
Some of the best skincare influencers in the UAE include those that have mastered the best techniques of producing quality content, especially for Instagram. These Instagram skincare influencers are showing their daily skin care regimes, their favourite products and how to care for the skin in the climate in the region. Moreover, top skincare influencers have a strong connection with influencer marketing agency in UAE to get rich brand collaborations and sponsorships.
In Dubai, skin care Instagrammers in Dubai have carved out a niche by offering localized skincare advice, making them essential followers for anyone looking to keep their skin radiant and healthy in the UAE.
The top skincare Instagram influencers in Dubai are now considered to be reliable sources of information and advice on beauty products. Let us have a look at some of the renowned skin care instagram influencers.
Best Skincare Influencers in Dubai (2024)
1. Nazila Amrin
Nazila Amrin is one of the most popular and top skin care influencers in the UAE, who shares detailed skincare routines and makeup tutorials. Currently, she is one of the popular skincare social media influencers in Dubai, who gives information on the products she uses to her followers before purchasing. The content of her account is dedicated to skincare influencers in Dubai and it has a diverse international audience that enjoys Nazila’s elaborate and detailed reviews.
2. Alina Naegu
Alina Naegu is a top skincare influencer in 2024, she is a professional makeup artist and skincare social media influencer who resides in Dubai. She is well known for her collaboration work with places like Five Palm Jumeirah Dubai. Popular for her travels around the world, Alina also offers skin care advice and makeup tutorials to her many followers. She is one of the biggest skincare influencers in the UAE due to the interesting content she posts.
3. Malak Alotaibi  
Malak Alotaibi is one of the top skincare influencers in Dubai known for makeup, fashion, and skincare. Although she has a private account, she has a group of skincare aficionados who follow her. Malak is one of the best skincare vloggers in UAE, and her videos, DIYs, tutorials, and reviews of the products are informative for those who want to improve their skin care regimes.
4. Farah Habboush  
Farah Habboush is one of the most popular skincare social media influencers in Dubai and she is famous for her elaborate tutorials and product reviews. As seen in Dubai’s most popular skincare and lifestyle magazines Farah’s content is genuine, and she has assisted many skincare brands in reaching out to their audience. Her regular and educative nature makes her one of the top skincare influencers to follow in 2024.
5. Batoul Andorra  
Batoul Andorra is a relatively fresh face in Middle Eastern skin care and leading skincare Instagrammers in the UAE. Being one of the top skincare influencers in Dubai, she has a rather successful experience in cooperation with other famous bloggers. Through her videos and posts as well as sharing products and daily routines, Batoul has been instrumental in the expansion of the skincare niche in the region.
These famous skincare influencers which are described in the list have greatly influenced the sphere of beauty and skincare in the UAE. They have established their devoted audiences with the help of genuine opinions, facial and other skin treatments, recommendations for using typical products in cosmetology, and more.
These top skincare influencers in Dubai remain helpful in educating the followers on the best way to take care of their skin. By providing experience and real products information, they have turned into go-to sources for any person who wants to make changes on their skincare routine. Whether promoting affordable products or promoting products of higher end, these influencers have a significant influence on the skin care trends in the UAE.
If you are interested in collaborating with such key skincare influencers, contact Grynow, the top influencer marketing agency in UAE to develop highly effective campaigns.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 10 months
Reforming the world’s food systems will be a key step in limiting global temperature rises, the UN has said, as it set out the first instalment of a roadmap for providing food and farming while staying within 1.5C.
Food production is highly vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis, with research suggesting that as much as a third of global food could be at risk from global heating.
Agriculture and livestock farming are also major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing roughly a 10th of global carbon output directly, and more than double that if the conversion of natural habitat to farming is included.
Until now, however, the UN has held back from setting out in detail how the world can both meet the nutritional needs of a growing population, which is forecast to reach 10 billion by 2050, and reduce global greenhouse gases to net zero by the same date. The latter is required to limit global temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.
Maximo Torero, the chief economist for the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), told the Guardian: “We need to act to reduce hunger, and to stay within 1.5C. This is about rebalancing global food systems.”
The roadmap will be laid out over the next two to three years, starting with a document published at Cop28 in Dubai that contains 20 key targets to be met between 2025 and 2050, but little detail on how they can be met. Further detail on how the aspirations can be achieved will be set out in future instalments at the next two Cop summits.
The targets include: reducing methane emissions from livestock by 25% by 2030; ensuring all the world’s fisheries are sustainably managed by 2030; safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030; halving food waste by 2030; eliminating the use of traditional biomass for cooking by 2030.
Torero said the plan would not include calls for a meat tax, which some experts have advocated, but would examine measures to tax sugar, salt and super-processed foods, and better food labelling.
More climate finance should be devoted to agriculture, he added, which accounts for only about 4% of climate finance today. He also called for much more efficient use of agricultural land and resources.
Emile Frison, an expert at IPES-Food (the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems), said: “The FAO should be applauded for this first step in laying out a plan to eliminate extreme hunger and the third of greenhouse gases that come from food systems, and particularly for its emphasis on a just transition – it is not easy.”
But he said the plan did not go far enough. “This current draft puts a huge emphasis on incremental changes to the current industrial food system. But this is a flawed system that is wrecking nature, polluting the environment, and starving millions of people,” he said. “These efficiency-first proposals are unlikely to be enough to get us off the high-pollution, high-fossil-fuel, high-hunger track we are on.”
He called for more radical proposals in the coming instalments. “The next rounds of this process will need to go much further in proposing a real transformation of the status quo, by putting much more emphasis on diversification, shorter supply chains and agroecology, and on tackling the massive power inequalities imposed by a handful of companies that define what we grow and eat.”
Ruth Davis, a fellow at the European Climate Foundation, and senior associate at Oxford’s Smith School, said: “The world desperately needs a roadmap which points us to a fairer, more resilient and sustainable future for food systems. The FAO has made a useful start but it doesn’t take us all the way to the destination we need."
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
The mother of an American influencer fears for her daughter who is facing jail time in Dubai after a public altercation that violated local morality laws.
Tierra Allen, who runs the “Sassy Trucker” brand of social media accounts was arrested after arguing with a car rental employee following a minor fender bender.
Ms Allen’s TikTok and YouTube channels showcase her life as a female truck driver. She was visiting Dubai on vacation at the end of May when the incident occurred.
Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is an extremely popular tourist destination known for luxury hotels and malls, skyscrapers, white sandy beaches and dramatic desert landscapes, making it extremely popular with social media influencers.
Ms Allen posted a YouTube video suggesting she was considering moving there from her current home in Houston, Texas.
Despite Dubai’s glittering image, many visitors do not realise that there are strict decency and morality laws and they can be arrested for swearing, making rude gestures, or being affectionate in public places.
Speaking to Fox 26 Houston, Ms Allen’s mom, Tina Baxter, said that after the fender bender, her daughter went to the car rental company to get her ID, credit card and some other personal items.
Ms Baxter said her daughter “found out she could only receive those items if she paid an undisclosed amount of money” and alleged that the employee dealing with her daughter was “very aggressive” and “screaming at her”.
Ms Allen allegedly screamed back at the employee who she claims then chased her out of the building. She called her mother when she got back to where she was staying and was “scared”, “afraid” and “very panicked”.
Worried that she might get Ms Allen in more trouble, Ms Baxter did not want to reveal the amount of money that was demanded. The car rental employee also allegedly doubled the amount owed to hand back the ID.
A police officer then allegedly showed up and arrested Ms Allen, though it is not known how soon after the altercation this occurred.
Ms Baxter has been in contact with Detained in Dubai, an organisation that offers legal consultation for clients who fall foul of the laws of the United Arab Emirates.
Radha Stirling, the CEO of Detained in Dubai, said they had reached out to Texas lawmakers — Senator Ted Cruz and Rep Sheila Jackson Lee — to work with the US consulate in Dubai to stop Ms Allen from being sent to prison.
“She’s being charged for shouting, which is actually a crime technically under the UAE laws,” Ms Stirling explained to Fox 26. “It’s offensive behaviour, and it can warrant up to two years in prison.”
“The agency actually said to her, they’d drop the police case if she paid money,” Ms Stirling continued. “So it’s a form of extortion and blackmail, and it’s extremely common with these rental car companies.”
Detained in Dubai has covered multiple cases where tourists are fleeced for sometimes tens of thousands of dollars by car rental agencies.
Senator Cruz’s office said in a statement: “We have spoken to the family of Tierra Young Allen and have contacted the Department of State about the case. Sen. Cruz will continue to gather details and engage on this case until Ms Allen is returned home to her family.”
The US embassy and consulate cannot comment on the case due to privacy laws.
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blueiight · 1 year
i think one of the reasons people aren’t super interested in exploring the implications of louis being a pimp is because the show isn’t. not to pull a “as a former (brothel based) swer” card for a tv show about edwardian vampires but iwtv has a lot of very interesting thoughtful things to say about many many things and sex work is not one of them. real lazy trope-y red light district funny-madame (bricktop) and disposable girl with a heart of gold (lily) historical fiction red light district wenches with a lick of liberal choice ‘empowerment and business!’ because that’s what the well meaning lib zeitgeist is on SW currently and none of the implications or dynamics of exploitation are explored beyond louis’ confessional in ep1. louis “increasing the girl’s cut” ! ridiculous. love the show but don’t think this is something it’s thought about in any depth and viewers are matching that tone
i feel like im answering the same asks on this issue cuz somebody def did say dis 2 me b4 n i did reply i agree w/ u n ill elaborate bc u r a real person w these experiences. what u have to say is most important here n i respect u for even behind anon in telling me how that was sum u lived thru. id like u to recall what we have seen in the flashbacks for that particular section of the show is so far primarily told thru louis’s pov. a character who possibly had to lie to himself n reduce lily to just a disposable martyr w a heart of gold + brick as just the funny tropey madame to rationalize what he was actually doing here. n even then it couldnt stop him from spiraling off into a drunk confession to the paster about how he takes girls from homes + lies to them saying he’ll do them good but exploits them so. louis himself, even drunk n half out his mind in the 1910s, is willing to account this as one of his vices, his evils, so i dont think the show wants the viewers to give him a pass. its only rly a matter of concern in those first 3 eps bc after that, louis loses all his enterprises. the modern day situation in dubai w/ the blood farm + daniel’s crude comment in 1x07 about louis still being the pimp paying hoes to talk to him does suggest to me at least the showrunners r not falling in line w this line of thinking in telling louis’s story the way u think they do. my main thing w the pimp shit is moreso ‘why r ppl bitching at the show for tryna make louis a good guy when hes literally introduced to us as a pimp? why is that a line of criticism. do real ppl see nothing wrong w pimping?’ . i dont think the show needs to be like rgu black rose pointing symbols ‘this is bad!’ every second for viewers to understand that louis ‘increasing the girls a cut’ isnt bc hes mother mary oss. theyre expecting viewers to come in w/ a certain level of maturity + understanding of the real world to watch these batshit fictional characters. i hope im not sounding like im running apologetics for showrunners here
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