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frankshamrock · 6 years ago
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@mauroranallo sits down with heavyweight champion @gypsyking101 to talk about mental health and help smash the stigma about mental illness. “I wanted to end it, to stop the pain” says Fury. Powerful moments with two champions of mental health that will help smash this stigma. #truthaboutmentalhealth #curestigma support @namicommunicate #stigmasmasher (at Big Bear City, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpVQ1g7Aq2m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v8vtbw432ha5
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daniellepioli · 7 years ago
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It’s #mentalhealthawareness week and month and I gotta say, I did have some dark moments in my life when I was younger. It was a short but intense period! If you are in a position where you don’t feel like anything is ever going to get better, I understand! And I can say, it will get better. But you can get some help with it. You don’t have to leave your house, go to an unfamiliar office and talk to a stranger. I know how only the thought of doing all that can give us a huge anxiety peak! I’ve partnered up with @betterhelp to present you an alternative. With BetterHelp you can use the service in the comfort of your home! It’s less expensive than in-person therapy and gives unlimited access to a licensed therapist. You can opt to change therapists at any time! And you can also cancel at any time! PS. You can get help via chat! It’s important to take action and get help when help is needed. No shame, no worries, only self care and self love, as we all deserve. Get help and het happy. Go to the link in bio to check out BetterHelp ✨👆🏻 . #ad #CureStigma #mentalhealth #gethelp #gethappy #mindset #counseling #therapy #betterhelp #hope #illustration #art #drawing #arttherapy
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dyingtoseehowthisonends · 7 years ago
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(Please appreciate this photo of freshmen me at the movies after crazy socks day) Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month I’ll be sharing a fact about mental health a day and my own experiences with anxiety and how I cope. To cure the stigma it’s essential to talk about it so you’ll find everything reblogged starting with this post. #CureStigma For the first fact I wanted to start with something basic because it actually might shock some of you who aren’t familiar with mental health. Fact #1: 1 in 5 American’s are affected by mental health conditions. Also remember that many people who struggle with mental health don’t speak out about it because of the stigma. Think of everyone in other countries which I didn’t include as well. I started getting bad anxiety and had my first anxiety attack my freshmen year of high school. Even after experiencing all of that I didn’t take it seriously and brushed it off dealing with it in an unhealthy way which set me up for worse circumstances in the future. I don’t necessarily think the stigma kept me from getting help because I genuinely thought I was fine (which was problematic because I wasn’t educated on mental health AT ALL) but I remember not telling anyone because I didn’t want them to see me as damaged goods. With or without anxiety I was still the same person. If you met before I had anxiety I was still the same. And if you met me once I already had anxiety then thought/looked at me differently after finding out then that’s stigma.
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flonyc · 7 years ago
Untreated mental illness and addiction affect people of every faith, every ethnicity, and every zip code. In New York City, communities of faith are coming together to break down the stigma and equip themselves with tools to connect people to the resources they need to heal. #ThriveTogether
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stepscounselingconsulting · 7 years ago
#wellnesswednesday May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Join @tarajiphenson and #NAMI in the fight to cure mental health stigma @curestigma.org @NAMICommunicate #CureStigma May is almost over, but mental health awareness is forever! #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #stepscounselingandconsulting #sayyestocounseling •••••••••••••••• S.T.E.P.S. Counseling & Consulting provides individual therapy sessions, personal and professional development workshops. www.stepscounselingconsulting.com •••••••••••••••• #newyork #atlanta #baltimore #pittsburgh #dmv #houston #florida #norfolk #california #newmexico #lasvegas #local #international #professionaldevelopment #personaldevelopment #counseling #consultant #blogger #sayyestocounseling #sayyestoconsulting #counselorswhobrunch #counselorsofcolor #therapy #mentalhealthawareness #wecanhelpyou (at Augusta, Georgia)
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the-wellness-institute · 7 years ago
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#MentalHealthMonth 1 in 5 American adults have experienced a diagnosable mental health problem. Due to the stigma associated with mental illness, many are embarrassed to seek help. This year, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is promoting the theme: "CureStigma". Look out for our upcoming blog addressing the connection between nutrition and mental health. For more information, please e-mail us: [email protected]  
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July is BIPOC or Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.
Campbell was an American author, journalist, teacher, and mental health advocate who worked tirelessly to shed light on the mental health needs of the Black community and other underrepresented communities.
#WhyCare #CureStigma #ImpactofTrauma #MentalHealthAwareness #BLM
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getupandthrive · 5 years ago
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Therapy session in progress... * * * When you think about it we are all in therapy whether we see an actual therapist or not is relative, because at some point we are all using therapeutic methods to thrive. From exercise, to self-help books, to vacation, these things help some maintain balance and nurture their mindset. So don’t feel because you’re having trouble coping that you’re alone, because we are all in treatment, it just might look a little different. * * * My therapy is often a plank which is a moment to pause, morning walks, writing, karaoke at the top of my lungs, & green tea. * * * What’s your therapy? My therapy is_______________⬇️ * * * #throwbackthoughts #mentalhealthmatters #judgementfree #takecare #mindsetmatters #therapyanyone #therapyis #yourenotalone #intreatment #selfcare #therapytime #stigmafree #curestigma #findyourlimits #itsokaytonotbeokay #takeapause #peaceofmind #thrivethroughit #thrive #therapytuesday #therapyhelpsmethrive #stigmafree #mindset❤️ #positivemindset #selftalk #selfcare #mytherapyis #recycledpost #stillintreatment #yupyougotthis https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HtDR7H4YG/?igshid=16o38m6ug3eja
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djbigjae · 6 years ago
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This is huge problem!! Repost By @therapyforblkmen : We cause ourselves so much pain and suffering when we allow our ego to be in charge of our lives. Thus, why people with the biggest egos are in the most pain. ___________ Have you shared TherapyForBlackMen.org with a Black King in your life? 🤴🏿 #therapyforblackmen #traumaresolution #generationalhealing #CanWeTalk #BreakTheSilence #BreakTheCycle #CureStigma #TheBorisLawrenceHensonFoundation #blacktherapist #blackmentalhealth #selfawareness #KnockOuttheStigma #blackmaleTherapist #YouGoodMan #blackkings #BlackMentalHealthMatters #BlackMentalWellness #blackmenhealing #mentalwellbeing #blackkingsneedtherapytoo #relationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #blackmenhaveemotionstoo (at Trenton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bru8Uk5hrji/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g64zt58ykqs6
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bpd-matters-blog · 6 years ago
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"If taking medication daily is part of your recovery journey, we think that's so responsible of you. Don't shame yourself for that. 💚 NAMI" . Repost 📷 @namibucks ___ #PositivePostit #Recovery #MentalIllnessRecovery #MentalHealthRecovery #RecoveryIsPossble #YouAreNotAlone #StigmaFree #YouGotThis #SelfLove #LoveYourself #SelfCare #RecoveryJourney #Medication #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #MentalHealthIsHealth #MentalHealthMatters #YouMatter #CureStigma #WeCare #HereForYou #YouAreStrong #MentalStrength #MentalWellness #MentalHealthIsHealth #NoShame #KnowYourWorth #Hope #Inspiration #PositiveVibes https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq__ChXHU4p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fhvvgq9wfocy
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the-wellness-institute · 6 years ago
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month. 1 in 5 Americans live with a mental health condition. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you OR someone you know needs help. Learning all you can about mental health is an important first step. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) provides a lot of resources about mental health conditions: https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-Conditions
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itsbigteddy · 6 years ago
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Dope Repost From @therapyforblkmen BLACK KINGS: How can you become who you are destined to be if you keep surrounding yourself with people who are envious of what you will become? ___________ Have you shared TherapyForBlackMen.org with a Black King in your life? 🤴🏿 #therapyforblackmen #traumaresolution #generationalhealing #CanWeTalk #BreakTheSilence #BreakTheCycle #CureStigma #TheBorisLawrenceHensonFoundation #blacktherapist #blackmentalhealth #selfawareness #KnockOuttheStigma #blackmaleTherapist #YouGoodMan #blackkings #BlackMentalHealthMatters #BlackMentalWellness #blackmenhealing #mentalwellbeing #blackkingsneedtherapytoo #relationshipgoals #healthyrelationships (via #appskottage.com #QuickReposter @AppKottage) (at Trenton, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpc-syTBSpW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11ckyt1fbra7n
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vyspe-blog · 6 years ago
“Run for the hills! They have BPD!”
Your friendly neighborhood person with BPD here to tell you no two people with BPD are the same, just like no two people with depression or anxiety are the same! Having a personality disorder does not make me a horrible person by default! If you met a large group of people with BPD you would know this good and well! Seriously people, I’m so sick and tired of us all being branded as toxic, abusive, manipulative, crutchy, etc. because you have no right to generalize an ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE (there are more than four million people with BPD in the U.S. alone), especially if you’re an ally of folks with other disorders?? What are you doing?? You can’t be selective with your mental health advocacy! That’s asinine, inhumane, and downright disgusting! Please step up your game if you’re this discriminatory. All of us with BPD deserve the same amount of love as anyone else who doesn’t have BPD. If you have a problem with BPD, you need to start doing some research, because if you actually understood it you would not be so hateful and mean to us about it. 
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goprojectfour · 6 years ago
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it’s mental illness awareness week! this week is about spreading awareness and trying to destroy the stigma associated with mental illnesses. get involved by making a post and using tags #MIAW + #CureStigma !! 💚💚
#YouDefineYou 💚💙💚💙
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djbigjae · 6 years ago
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S/o @therapyforblkmen : BLACK KINGS: Constantly fighting to be loved by someone is a form of self-abandonment. ___________ Have you shared TherapyForBlackMen.org with a Black King in your life? 🤴🏿 #therapyforblackmen #traumaresolution #generationalhealing #CanWeTalk #BreakTheSilence #BreakTheCycle #CureStigma #TheBorisLawrenceHensonFoundation #blacktherapist #blackmentalhealth #selfawareness #KnockOuttheStigma #blackmaleTherapist #YouGoodMan #blackkings #BlackMentalHealthMatters #BlackMentalWellness #blackmenhealing #mentalwellbeing #blackkingsneedtherapytoo #relationshipgoals #healthyrelationships #blackmenhaveemotionstoo (at Quaker Bridge Mall) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrgUXkbByHH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fthmvbf3hy4
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bpd-matters-blog · 6 years ago
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Repost 🎨 @namibucks We'll get there TOGETHER 💚 because #YouAreNotAlone! . 🎨: @scribblesbynicole . ___ #MondayMotivation #MentalHealth #YouGotThis #CureStigma #MentalHealthSupport #HereForYou #WeCare #ThereIsHelp #FindHelp #ThereIsHope #FindHope #YouMatter #MentalHealthMatters #MentalIllnessIsReal #HopeIsReal #CopingSkills #MentalHealthRecovery #MentalIllnessRecovery #Recovery #RecoveryIsPossible #YouCanDoIt #YouCanDoThis #Hope #Inspiration #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalWellness #Teamwork https://www.instagram.com/p/BqFlc1KHPby/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ffd3lonhh35i
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