#cure ratio
daisycinnimon · 1 year
i just realized i never showed tumblr twitter precure
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precuretwt is obsessed with cure ratio shes the mascot of cure struggles😭 (idk how)
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i also made stickers for my discord server
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might aswell post the text free stickers too
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enden-k · 5 months
Hi!! You're free to ignore this if it doesn't interest you ofc but I wanted to talk a bit about the "Aventurine racism" thing. It's mostly people not reading things right and misinterpreting things (as always.)
Aventurine is said to be Sigonian, a race known for being untrustworthy. Now, "Sigonian" is not a reference to any real place or community, in any language. It's entirely made up and exists only within the honkai universe. The reason people started speculating that he is Romani is because he calls himself "Avgin", which the game translates as "honey", and "Avgin" is indeed the romani word for "honey". This, of course, doesn't prove he's Romani or based on any Romani culture at all, but people took it and ran with it.
Ratio called him "Sigonian thrall" and, since Romani people have suffered a lot with slavery, people started freaking out. The thing is, Aventurine is a slave, but it has nothing to do with any Romani inspiration or traits he might have. Aventurine is a slave because he works for the IPC, and a good majority of IPC workers are enslaved to the IPC. He's not even the first character to be shown to have a branding mark. Topaz, who I didn't see anyone complaining about, is also enslaved to the IPC and has the same marking on her neck.
It should also be noted that although both Sparkle and Ratio were racist towards Aventurine, the "race" being discriminated against is entirely fictional and not meant to represent any real ethnicity or culture. We should keep in mind that the story is set in a magical universe, and we have nearly no information on Sigonians or Sigonia-IV.
Personally - and this is just my own theory/interpretation - I don't think Ratio was being racist at all. Judging by how the IPC operates, Sigonia-IV has most likely been destroyed or suffered a great disaster, so his claim of Aventurine being a "Sigonian thrall" could've been just a mention to how he has nowhere to run from the IPC, since his home world is gone. Also, Sparkle is just mean, and not really a trustworthy source of information - her comment on Sigonians being notoriously untrustworthy could be her own personal opinion rather than fact (of course, we don't have enough information on this to claim that it's just her opinion, nor that it isn't.).
Sorry for the long ask! I also have more to say about the possibility of Aventurine being romani if it interests you, based on him being a Su expy.
thanks for explaining this further, i dont really have anything add to it other that i share your interpretation there but i think its interesting for the others to see as well (this entire topic is tiring me out but mostly bc of some ppl taking it to extremes or making stuff up to prove their points. thanks for taking the time to write and explain all this!!)
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paimonial-rage · 1 month
I don't talk about it much, but I do have a small discord server where we talk about Genshin, Honkai Star Rail, lore, character analysis, writing, reader-inserts, and things of the sort. If you'd like to join in on the laid-back fun, here is the link.
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playingplayer2 · 25 days
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Took a whole bunch of pictures of my mask in my back yard today (shortly before being hit by a thunderstorm) and then promptly peeled the paint off my mask because it's had the same design since like December lmao
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gemkun · 2 months
anonymous said : Ratio @ any male love interest: I can fix him by beating him over the head with a textbook until he agrees to therapy
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      ⸻       ❝   on   the   contrary   ,   your   judgement   has   been   subverted.   mr.   sunday   was   cooperative   and   complied   to   this   arrangement   of   his   own   volition.   there   were   no   interventions   necessary   ,   and   for   you   to   insinuate   i   would   employ   such   drastic   means   is   denigrating.   ❞
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Saw someone else make kiryu taller than majima again today , what are you feeding him
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turnsorrow · 2 years
my favorite canon trait for alisaie is her refusing to let anyone help her even when she’s on the literal brink of death bc she has smth to prove by handling things herself u just know alphinaud and the squad tm are stressed as fuck
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starsapphire · 1 year
why are you, as a person who does not read comics and, if forced, would only read a batman comic written by someone named tom, talking about conner kent, a character who you have almost certainly only experienced peripherally through fanon content crafted by people who are three degrees of woobified separation away from twitter screenshots posted by someone who themselves only reads batman comics written by someone named tom
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nil-the-glitch · 3 months
actually yknow what, no. this is not being limited to discord, yall get it too.
some general cooking tips (in which there is a brief senshi posession):
moisture is the enemy of crispy skin. pat dry with paper towel, and if you have the time and spoons, give a thorough but even coat of baking powder and let sit uncovered in your fridge overnight. this will dry out the skin nicely. for pork belly, create a tight foil boat so that only the skin is showing, and cover in salt to draw out moisture, repeating a couple times if necessary.
furikake seasoning, for the fellow rice lovers, is just nori (seaweed), sesame seeds, sugar, and msg/salt. you might have most if not all of these things already in your kitchen.
chai spice mix is just cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, & allspice.
pumpkin spice is just cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger.
to cure your own bacon, you only need water, white and brown sugar, and a non-iodized salt - himalayan pink salt is not iodized, if you cannot find butchers curing pink salt. from there, you can add any seasoning/flavoring you want.
the truly adventurous may cook their rice in green tea for a fresh clean taste.
you can tell if a fish is truly fresh by their eyes - clear and bright is fresh, while cloudy is older or potentially has been frozen.
it's cheaper to buy a large block pack of ramen from your local asian market and repackage the bricks into sandwich bags, than to buy a box of individually packaged ones such as maruchan or top ramen.
when buying meat, look at it's fat content - more fat marbling usually means more tender + flavorful.
you can save onion skins and other vegetable scraps to make your own broth with. you can also save bones for this. mix and match ratios to create your ideal flavor.
bay leaf will always make a soup or broth taste better, but Watch Out (they are not fun to bite into on accident).
msg is, in fact, not The Devil, that was just a racist hate campaign against the chinese and other oriental races. it's literally just a type of salt. it is no more dangerous to eat than any other type of salt.
washing your rice is important because it not only improves flavor and texture by removing excess starch, but it also helps reduce any residual pesticides or dirt, or even insect fragments (please remember that rice paddies are essentially giant ponds that all kind of things live in and swim around. you should also be washing all your produce in general.)
please salt your cooking water for pastas, it just tastes better and you will be happier for it.
boiled potatoes are also improved by salt water.
if you hate vegetables, please consider trying them fried in butter or perhaps bacon grease. it is healthier to eat them fatty than not at all.
healthy food does not in fact have to taste miserable. thats a lie. they are lying to you. free yourself from your blandness shackles. enter a world of flavor.
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bbbirdart · 4 months
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Dr. Veritas Ratio, A proud and an attractive brilliant man is a member of the Intelligentsia Guild. Did you know it is his sworn goal to rid the entire span of the universe of the disease called ignorance? To rid and cure the universe of such a thing Dr. Ratio plans to present and issue knowledge throughout the span of the ENTIRE universe!🍎📈💜
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enden-k · 2 months
After the bit about tiddy soft and warm, now I can’t help but think of Ratio out here trying to teach classes and stuff while Aventurine and Youn are just tagging out with hugging his tits. Bad day? Come in for some stress relief. Ratio starts complaining that he has a life, you know, but “Veritas, look at the anons Youn got today!”
“… You get five minutes.”
Honestly though I think being able to put my face in Alhaitham or Ratio’s boob window would fix me, so it’s really generous of Aventurine and Kaveh to share with you.
smooshing my face in haitham or ratio boobs would not only fix me but also extend my life by 10 more years fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yearning
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earthtooz · 3 months
ratio is jealous bc im weak to him being jealous om, gn!reader but they wear a dress, fluff !!
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“darling, this is a serious matter and i expect you to treat it as such,” veritas scolds as his face hovers inches away from yours, his body keeping yours captive against the softness of your shared bed.
“serious? well i think you seriously need to get over it. i spent a lot on that dress and i’ve been looking forward to wearing it to the gala all fortnight,” you scold, trying to look stern with the man hovering above you. “even if you don’t like it, i’m wearing it.”
“don’t like it?" he parrots, utterly appalled. "you’ve got the wrong idea. on the contrary, i think i like it too much.”
your hand snakes up to pinch his heavily defined deltoid. “then what’s the problem?”
“because others will love it just as much as i do.” there’s distaste in his voice when he tells you that, and the way his eyebrows furrow are similar to that of when a student asks him a question that he deems ridiculous.
"sure thing," you roll your eyes at his statement, clearly not believing him, and it vexes him that you are not aware of your ability to capture the attention of bystanders just by entering a room. veritas has witnessed it himself a multitude of times before he had become yours.
the scholar would seethe an envious green whilst keeping an eye on everyone who'd approach you, absolutely burning with jealousy because he was not the sole man of your attention. he'd lament over who he'd become, who you made him become whilst glaring at anyone who came near.
then, you'd smile at him and the fury he felt prior melts away because none of them could ever compete against someone as esteemed as the veritas ratio for your affections.
he's grateful that you saw through those idiots and chose him to be your partner in the end, but aeons, that has not done anything to cure his temper. years of treading the liminal space between friends and something more for too long can make any individual antsy.
"either way, i'm wearing the dress."
"fine. then i should forewarn you that you may find me overbearing tonight, and to not blame me for it."
his arms that were holding up his weight slip when your arms wrap around his neck, bringing him closer to you. veritas feels a little lighter when you litter kisses on his cheeks. "no need to be jealous, ratio, i'm all yours."
(true to his word, he does not part from you that evening, acting as an accessory to your outfit. he clings to you, hand never leaving your skin, always moving from your wrist to your waist to your shoulder. you can’t stray from him for more than an arm's length because you’re always tug back towards him before you can get too far, and then he'd follow you to your destination.
outsiders may observe and call him clingy, but judging by the carefree smile on your face and the way you’d beam at your lover every time he would pull you back to him, it doesn’t seem to bother you too much.)
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© EARTHTOOZ 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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crystallinestars · 4 months
If They Were Your Pet Cat (Part 2)
Headcanons for what Aventurine, Argenti, and Jing Yuan would be like as your pet cat.
This is a part 2 because I have a part 1 with Genshin characters here.
Part 3 (Gepard, Ratio, Dan Heng, Sampo)
🃏 Is a domestic shorthair.
🃏 You picked him up as a stray off the streets. Aventurine looked so pitiful in his dirty and starved state, that you didn’t have the heart to leave him like that, so you brought him home. Initially, he appeared nervous and quiet during the first few weeks. Once he became accustomed to living with you, you discovered that the little, scrawny feline has a big personality.
🃏 Aventurine loves to be pampered. He always purrs whenever you brush or pet him, give him belly rubs, or chin skritches. He simply adores your attention. When you coo that he’s such a pretty kitty? Aventurine looks as smug as a cat can possibly look and follows you around the house while affectionately rubbing against your legs.
🃏 He’s very loyal to you. Anyone that comes to your house and tries to coax him to come play or get pats, is promptly ignored by the feline. The ability to cuddle and pet him are luxuries he reserves only for you.
🃏 You’d think starving out on the streets would have made Aventurine eager to eat almost anything, but no. The little rascal only eats the most expensive cat food brands and turns his nose up at anything else. Either that, or he will steal your food off your plate when you’re not looking. He’s a spoiled cat.
🃏 Aventurine likes to sleep next to you. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing—he will saunter up and lay down somewhere close to take a nap. It’s also a given that he sleeps cuddled up beside you in bed during bedtime. He simply likes feeling your presence since it makes him feel safe.
🃏 As such, Aventurine hates when you leave him home alone for extended periods. He’s surprisingly clingy and gets lonely easily. If you’re gone for most of the day, he’ll be very upset by the time you get home and might tear up a pillow or the curtains out of spite. If this this pattern continues for a long while, one day you’ll notice that your keys are gone. Aventurine is a smart cat and quickly figures out that when you leave the house, you always bring your keys with you. To make you stay, he’ll hide them in a spot that only he can reach with ease. Good luck getting your keys back…
🃏 That said, getting another cat or pet won’t cure his loneliness. If anything, Aventurine will become possessive and jealous because he hates having to share your attention with another cat. He’s a bit territorial of you. Similarly, he dislikes you coming home smelling like another animal, so expect him to rub against you to overwrite the scent of that other animal.
🃏 Most of all, Aventurine hates it when you get mad at him. He always looks guilty whenever you scold or yell at him, and immediately flops over onto his back to expose his furry belly to you. It’s his attempt to placate you and ask for your forgiveness. He anxiously follows you around the house and rubs his body against your legs until he’s sure you’re not mad at him anymore.
🌹 An Ocicat breed.
🌹 Argenti is the most photogenic cat you’ve ever encountered. He always looks graceful and dignified no matter what he’s doing or what angle you take photos of him from. Every picture comes out looking lovely. Anyone who sees your cat always says that he looks beautiful.
🌹 To keep such a gorgeous appearance, Argenti often grooms himself. He does a very good job of it, too, which is why you barely have to groom him yourself. The most you have to do is give him the occasional bath, brush out shedding fur during shedding season, and clip his claws.
🌹 As gorgeous as he is for a house cat, Argenti is a free spirit who doesn’t like to be cooped up at home for long periods of time. Whenever he wants to go out, he’ll paw at the door or windows to signal for you to open them. You were nervous about letting him out at first but soon learned that his desire for the great outdoors was unstoppable. He would venture outside one way or another, much to your befuddlement. He enjoys exploring the neighborhood but always makes sure to come home before dark. As much as he loves adventuring, he loves being in your loving arms more.
🌹 Argenti has the temperament of an angel. You could do whatever you wanted to him, and he would gracefully take it without complaining or struggling. It makes doing things like taking him to the vet, bathing, and grooming extremely easy. You could even make him wear different outfits, and he won’t mind at all. He might even like wearing some of them.
🌹 Is very friendly. Whenever you have guests over, Argenti greets them at the door and purrs while rubbing against their legs. He also readily engages in play and comes if they call him. He does this with everyone who comes through your door, so he’s pretty well-liked among your social circle. However, he doesn’t sit on your guests’ laps or cuddle with them since he’s too active to be a lap cat. Such privileges are available only to you.
🌹 His overly friendly and affectionate personality extends to more than just people. He can purr for other animals he finds during his little excursions outdoors, or even inanimate objects. You once caught him rubbing up against one of your potted plants…
🌹 If you’re scared of insects, then Argenti is the cat for you. Whenever he hears you shriek because you saw a bug, he runs over to your side and promptly fends off the heinous critter. He easily catches and kills any insects so that you, his owner, don’t have to be scared anymore. You can sic him on anything, and he’ll get rid of it for you.
🌹 Argenti is sensitive to your emotional state. Whenever you’re upset, Argenti brings a toy over to you to try and get you to play with him and take your mind off whatever is bothering you. If that doesn’t cheer you up, then he lays down on your chest and licks at your face with his rough tongue. It’s his way of soothing you. He’ll purr on your chest until you feel better.
Jing Yuan:
🦁 A Maine Coon.
🦁 Is a big and lazy cat. Jing Yuan will chase a toy around the house if you play with him, but he generally prefers to snooze by a window while catching some rays of warm sun. He can more often than not be found napping in some cozy and warm corner of the house. When you’re not home, he’ll also sleep in your bed under the blankets.
🦁 Jing Yuan has a calm temperament. He’s very well-behaved during grooming and handles bathing, drying, and brushing like a champ. He’s chill as a cucumber and doesn’t put up a fight while you do your thing in maintaining his long coat. In fact, he’s so laidback, that you could squeeze and rub him all over and he won’t lash out at you, instead tolerating everything with what you can only describe as a smile.
🦁 As accepting as he is of all your affections, he has boundaries. Jing Yuan is generally not fond of being squeezed and terrorized, especially by people who invade his personal space (like rambunctious children or people who bury their faces in his fur). If one such person is in your home, Jing Yuan will vanish without a trace as soon as he hears their footsteps. He only tolerates such treatment from you because you’re his beloved owner.
🦁 Jing Yuan likes being petted and praised but prefers it if these affections come from you. He especially enjoys being brushed by you, and purrs when you comb through his fur. He can even fall asleep on our lap during brushing since the process relaxes him so much.
🦁 He’s a very intelligent cat. Sometimes you talk to him as if you were talking to a friend or family member, and Jing Yuan would meow back in response at appropriate times during the conversation, as if he were replying to your comments. He also has this intelligent look in his golden eyes, as if he understands everything you’re saying. It can be a bit uncanny at times.
🦁 On top of his ability to respond appropriately to your speech, Jing Yuan also easily senses whenever you’re upset. If you feel down, he will stick to your side or lay on your chest and purr until you feel better. If you cry, he’ll lick your tears away. He remains by your side until you’re all better, and won’t leave you alone for anything.
🦁 Is very curious about everything that you do. When you cook, Jing Yuan sits somewhere in the kitchen and watches you busy yourself with whipping up a meal for yourself. He likes to sniff the ingredients you’re working with, either to identify them or discover a food he hasn’t encountered before. Rest assured that he won’t eat anything without you explicitly offering it to him. However, if you have something yummy like fish or chicken cooking, he expects you to share some of it with him once it comes time to eat. He wants to eat delicious things too, not only cat food.
🦁 Frequently sees you off when you leave the house. Likewise, he patiently waits for you at the door when it’s time for you to come home. He’s a bit like a dog in that way.
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mimisplayground · 6 months
Dr. Ratio…..Sunday….
That angel would have you by your throat with your face in the pillows faster than you can say his name. Would mock you in a faux sweet coo, watching you writhe and plead underneath him.
Totally would be into orgasm denial. Would spend hours bringing you to the edge just to stop and watch you sob. Would call you a filthy little animal for crying for him so much. Would call you his favourite stupid little pet :(
Sunday would be so mean to you all with a smile on his face and sweet tone to his voice.
Dr. Ratio wouldn’t even hide his condescending attitude towards you. Would ask if you’re genuinely too stupid to form words after a few thrusts.
And I KNOW it was just one scene of him in the bath but my headcanon is that he loves his white girl bathtimes. Would get frustrated if you interrupted it for any reason, a simple question or to let him know that you made him food. You would find yourself stripped down and promptly pulled into the tub, listening to the man grunting about how if you were going to be there you might as well be useful.
Bc free use kink….
Would TRY to cure your idiocy that he ‘diagnosed’ you with. Making you read out a book to him with his dick jammed deep inside of you with the excuse that its the only way your feeble brain can pay any proper attention.
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gemkun · 3 months
@ruinlost said : gimme the ratio hcs 🎤,how does he really feel about not being recognized by nous
      ⸻       pestered   by   many   ,   it   is   an   inevitability   for   this   question   to   be   asked   yet   again.   an   opinion   sorely   sought   for   ,   where   failure   awaits   those   who   coax   with   bribery   ,   and   others   will   extract   no   more   than   a   mere   expression   framed   in   neutrality.   whether   he   don   alabaster   or   expose   his   own   flesh   and   bone.
  but   in   the   solace   of   his   chambers   ,   where   not   a   soul   can   penetrate   past   the   privacy   his   walls   offer.   there   ,   he   can   mull   over   the   absence   of   nous   and   his   gaze.   the   astral   computer   ascended   to   aeonhood   ,   upheld   as   as   the   bestower   of   all   knowledge   ,   the   droidhead   that   could   enlighten   the   most   ignorant   and   foul   of   creatures.   an   ailment   that   the   doctor   ,   too   ,   wished   to   cleanse.
  knowledge   ,   albeit   desired   ,   is   a   double   —   edged   sword.
  as   arrogant   ,   as   veritas   might   appear   to   be   to   the   general   crowd   ,   he   steers   from   the   path   of   ego.   acknowledging   the   sacrifice   that   comes   with   ambitious   pursuit   ,   is   only   half   the   battle.   but   for   the   majority   ,   they   seldom   reach   this   revelation.   or   rather   ,   face   the   consequence   and   by   then   it   is   too   late.
  perhaps   ,   then   ,   it   is   a   blessing   rather   than   a   curse   to   go   unseen   by   the   humanoid.
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  his   tome   closes   ,   producing   a   distinct   thud.   a   signature   noise   ,   belonging   only   to   veritas   ratio   and   his   ever   —   present   volume   ,   brimming   with   cosmic   dossiers.   ❝   if   i   am   never   to   capture   the   attention   of   nous   ,   this   will   not   deter   me   from   the   path   i   have   chosen.   ❞   incoming   ,   he   detects   particulates   ,   shrouded   in   filth.   his   next   task   is   appointed   ,   whereupon   he   rises   to   venture   to   his   relished   pastime.   a   hint   of   wafting   ambrosia   ,   is   all   he   requires   to   ward   intruding   whispers   ,   tarnished   in   debris.
  ❝   time   will   only   tell   ,   if   my   selection   to   join   the   genius   society   is   within   nous’   calculations   ,   but   until   then   i   will   continue   purging   this   world   of   the   malady   known   as   ignorance.   ❞
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walpu · 3 months
Aventurine and Ratio hcs of their s/o performing a lap dance to them...👀 (separately)
oh 👀👀👀👀
sorry it's a bit short I'm writing this in between flights 😭a really hope I didn't mess up with Ratio's characterization since it's my first time writing for him
performing a lap dance to them
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characters - Aventurine, dr. Ratio notes - gn!reader, a bit suggestive, no beta
Ngl he would adore it.
Having you so close to him, giving him your undivided attention while performing something just for him? Yeah.
He's greedy for your attention in general so of course he would like you doing something so intimate for him.
He's a patient man so he would not jump into actions, allowing you to tease him while his eyes linger on your partly exposed body.
May try to seek your touch, hugging your waist or unbuttoning your shirt for you. It's up for you to decide if he's allowed to touch you during the prosses tho 🤭
If you tell him that he's allowed only to watch then he'll do just that.
"My, so strict~ Will I at least be rewarded for my patience? It's no fun if there is no reward~"
He's bluffing, seeing you like that is already a reward.
He's seen you naked before so it shouldn't be a big deal anyway just some fun but damn. You, on hid lap, slooooowly removing your clothes while grinding against his hips?
Okay maybe he's not so patient actually.
He'll let you finish but as soon as you're done with the dance he's all over you, kissing you as if he's been starving for it for months, his hands caressing your body anywhere he can reach.
Don't try to play hard to get with him or he'll turn into a needy and whining mess I'm so serious. You promised him the reward for his patience after all.
dr. Ratio
lmao this man
I know a lot of people see him as a repressed virgin but I really don't think that's the case. MAYBE he's a virgin. But I he's not repulsed/embarrassed when it comes to the topic of sex or kinky stuff.
He is, however, a man with priorities. And right now his priority is to rate his students' homework.
So can you stop distracting him? You can't.
He scolds you and rolls his eyes when you laugh, trying to focus on the papers and not on the way your shirt slides down your shoulders. And differently not on the way you keep grinding against his hips. And surely not on the way you put your arms around his neck, whispering god knows what into his ear.
He could easily try to push you away if he wanted to. Don't point this out to him, he's aware.
It's so embarrassing to him because he knows he should focus but he just can't, not when you're doing this. And he needs to be fully focused if he wants to cure his students from "the persistent disease named ignorance". So dramatic and for what
Maybe if you remind him that body and mind need rest to function properly he'll relax just a bit.
Eventually his focus fully shifts to you, his hands, while not persistent, find their way to your hips, pulling you closer.
May or may not give come remarks about your technic.
Ask him to grade your performance and he actually will lol
"Zero points for your behavior" "Aw :(" "...but seven points for the technic and emotional involvement".
Now why the fuck it's only seven.
Now you just have to do it again. You know, to show your improvement.
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