#cure ratio precure
daisycinnimon · 1 year
i just realized i never showed tumblr twitter precure
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precuretwt is obsessed with cure ratio shes the mascot of cure struggles😭 (idk how)
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i also made stickers for my discord server
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might aswell post the text free stickers too
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cure-whimsy · 16 days
I saw on the precure subreddit that someone was grossed out by male cures (satoru and daifuku) and was angry about it. and everyone immediately ratioed and roasted that person
I fucking love that so much man
L bozo. satoru and daifuku look AMAZING and whether they're cures or magical allies like previous boys, I'm happy
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nanjokei · 11 months
I PROMISE THIS IS NOT VAGUING ANYONE I JUST SAW IT GET BROUGHT UP ON THE DASH AND I REMEMBERED anyway because ive been thinking about it now for a while but ppl clutching their pearls about cure wing is so funny to me. hes so inoffensive. there are at least like 5 girl precures who look and act way more masc. he is not even a human boy so all his issues are weird bird shit but i fell off of keeping up with this season so idk if he suddenly wants to kick a football or what. its almost comical how much toei wanted the "precure guy" clout but didnt want to commit so they made some magical animal have a little boy form that barely really matters identity wise aside from like a few jokes
i think its entirely possible to just imagine he's a girl until the show is over. knowing toei next show might not even have a male precure. look at kamen rider, it skipped having a female rider two seasons in a row after they made a huge thing about valkyrie and how this is NEW and REIWA RIDER so were CHANGING THE STATUS QUO (apparently geats had a female rider tho? good for her.)
tbh, if precure started doing sentai ratios it would be pretty interesting (except girl leaning so for example 3 girls 1-2 guys, then the mid season cure is a girl also). im not saying "there must be guys" but if its fully within the genre and they are frilly. so like they could literally just be girls anyway, but it would make a lot of kids happy otherwise. i think precure will always be a GIRL franchise especially marketing wise and toei is all about selling toys, cure wing is not suddenly turning it on its head especially given toei has so many BOY franchises as it is, so there will be many seasons mainly with all girl teams to c9me, but maybe once every two or three seasons there will be guys (or most likely just One boy). not because "there should be guys!!!!" but bc eventually the binary just feels more and more silly imo. does this make sense. i am not saying it has to happen i just wonder what the world will look like if it did. tbh back when i was a little girl (and yet still pretty weird about gender looking back) i always loved all the cute girls but if there were one or two guys as long as they did not dominate the story and there wasnt any forced gender based plotlines (like romance, but not necessarily) i would have been as happy as a clam. cuz i really did like ensemble anime where there were girls and guys also!
DOES THIS MAKE SENSE... i just thought about it as a discussion sort of thing.
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inflatablelugia · 11 months
Precure seasons opinion list based or cringe
futari wa: based
splash star: based
precure 5: cringe but i like the first movie
fresh: based
heartcatch: based
suite: cringe
smile: based
dokidoki: cringe but i like the movie
happinesscharge: cringe
go princess: based but only has 1 cure that matters
mahou tsukai: based
kirakira precure a la mode: confusing based to cringe ratio
hugtto: based
star twinkle: based
healin good: this is my favorite one
tropical rouge: cringe
delicious party: completely unwatchable
hirogaru sky: cringe
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fancuries · 2 years
Nominee Spotlight: DaisyCinnimon
DaisyCinnimon is nominated for Excellence in Digital Art at the 2022 Fancuries. Here’s what they have to say:
"I am Cure Cherry. Thank you for sticking with me 5 years! Until then, See you later!"
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i decided to make a nominee spotlight this year cause why not lmao. last year i was nominated but i didnt bother to make one since i didnt really care, but since i got nominated for a really big one, might as well do one. theres no way im gonna win (especially with the picture they showed on the poll 😭 [note from committee: this was since updated]) compared to the amazing artists like melon pan and such, but here goes best digital artist uhm do you like my art compared to everyone else thats the question
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cure ratio
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twitter precure
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project dimension cafe
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cure ratio again
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ringo from puyo puyo but as a kirakira precure art accomplishments -2 commissions lol -in precure zine forever! a zine focused on donating to charity like "voices of children", which is set to donate to help the children of ukraine during the war. im a merch artist for zine -my cure precious sticker is on someones rice box -cure ratio is the mascot of the twitter account precure struggle tweets -im just awesome ok thanks bye
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The difference between superheroes and magical girls
Thinking about my other post about Sailor Moon being called a "superhero" in-universe, and I've decided to put out the main differences between the genres. I've put a bunch of thought into all this, actually ...
Note that this specifically doesn't include the grimdark edgefests or the skeezy stuff targeted at adult men.
Gender ratios. I don't think I need to say anything there. 90% male versus 99.999% female.
Beyond that, the first obvious difference is the age ranges. Magical girls are usually in middle school, with the occasional outliers in elementary school or high school. Superheroes are usually adults, with younger heroes typically in high school, and are typically connected to an adult character (i.e. Robin with Batman), although there are exceptions such as Spider-Man early in his career.
The second obvious difference is the source of their powers. Magical girls, by definition, explicitly get their abilities from magic, without exceptions. Superheroes usually get their powers from something which is supposedly scientific, or which is some sort of vaguely-defined "super", or from just being awesome (i.e. Batman), with magic or the supernatural as a noteworthy outlier.
Enemies. Magical girls exclusively fight magical enemies; generally, the enemies are all connected, although there will usually have a different set of enemies from one season to the next, and the first season's villains are often directly connected to either the reason or the means by which the protagonist became a magical girl. Superheroes usually fight mundane crime first and foremost, with their rogues gallery consisting entirely of exceptions, in the sense that they originally became superheroes for reasons unrelated to the supervillains.
Groups of magical girls tend to be friends first and foremost; they might have originally met each other due to the magical business, but at the end of the day, that's not the reason they stay together. Like there are multiple episodes of KiraKira PreCure A La mode where the characters are worried about the stability of their friendships and their ability to stick together due to their wildly differing ambitions and life situations, and the fact that they are all magical girls defending from a specific threat doesn't even get mentioned. Groups of superheroes tend to have a bit more of a professional friendship.
Magical girls in a given setting typically all have the same method/source of power, and their titles will be variations on a theme, with each individual getting a unique title (Cure White, Cure Black, Cure Yell, Cure Cosmo, etc); there are basically never any crossovers with different types of magical girls as far as I know. Superheroes, on the other hand, are often part of a shared universe, and they will typically all have unique sources of powers.
I guess you could also go into thematics and whatnot and what kind of story they're trying to tell, but, like ... that's generally down to the writer regardless, so yeah. That's pretty much a reasonably thorough rundown I guess.
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Doki Doki’s Problems, and How to Fix Them
There’s going to be spoilers, so this’ll be under the cut.
So, naturally, the problems begin with Mana. Not just from a character perspective though, but from a narrative perspective. Let’s tackle them one at time.
Character perspective; I honestly don’t mind them moving away from the deeply flawed protagonists of Tsubomi and Hibiki. I really don’t! Shifting back to a protagonist like Love is perfectly fine and keeps the season a bit different from the two that came before it. Part of the problem, though, is that they seemed to think Love had no flaws. But of course she had flaws. She could be stubborn, she could be childish, she could be naive, she could be scared of things like thunderstorms, she could have issues communicating with people like Daisuke, etc.
Now, most of these aren’t dominant issues and only show up every now and again. But they are definite character flaws that pop up several times throughout the series, sometimes the episode revolving around them, sometimes in subtle ways. The point is that they’re absolutely there.
Mana... doesn’t really have them. She’s a bit similar to Love on the surface, but one of the key differences is that she has basically no weaknesses. (Being bad at singing doesn’t count.) Everyone loves her, she pretty much always gets her way, and everything ends up going her way at the end. She is little internal struggle with Mana, or really any conquering deficits to become a better person, like pretty much every single Cure before her. 
This is especially frustrating because there are a couple angles that you could take. For instance, have Mana have something of an identity crisis, wondering if her desperate desire to help people isn’t born from some kind of selfishness. This doesn’t need to be true, and won’t be of course, but that level of introspection and internal struggle is exactly what you want in a good Precure character. 
Let’s now talk about her from a narrative standpoint.
One thing that’s worth noting is that she hogs the dramatic speeches. Dramatic speeches are actually really important in Precure, because they can be turning points and key moments for a character to show what they’ve learned, where they’ve gotten where they are, and how they’ve become stronger. Now, some seasons can do well without them- Smile is the best example- but typically they’re going to be very useful for characterization. 
Mana, though, gets most of them. Even though out of the cast she probably has the weakest character. People talk about a Pink Cure bias but it goes to an EXTREME with Mana. Literally everyone has a crush on her and adores her, including the writers. This, really deprives the other characters of their time to shine.
What also deprives them of their time to shine is focus episodes. I did the math for Doki Doki and here is what I found. It’s worth noting that the numbers aren’t going to add up exactly because there were various episodes that out of charity I put “misc” since they didn’t have a clear focus, and clearly split episodes I added to each character. 
Mana: 16/50 (32%) Rikka: 6 (12%) Alice: 5 (10%) Makoto: 7 (14%) Aguri: 9 (18%)
I want you to look at that ratio. If you take the two other highest characters in terms of character focus, you manage to only reach par with Mana. While characters have had that high a ratio before (Passion has 35%), the skew alone is ridiculous; while Miki and Buki are heavily neglected, Love is still in the 30s. 
Another issue is the lag. Alice and Makoto should in no way have significantly less episodes than Aguri, who shows up first in episode 22, for crying out loud. The issue is that after roughly the 20 episode mark, Makoto and Alice just... stop getting any screentime, and if anything Rikka has it worse. The complete imbalance in the plot by having Aguri enter so late manages to also deprive three characters (Makoto being the best in the series) of any real narrative focus after they appear. 
It doesn’t help that there are episodes like 6, which is supposed to be about Cure Sword becoming part of the team, that instead heavily become about how awesome Mana is. Episode 14 is nearly robbed from Rikka, the focus being split to the point that it feels like both party’s resolve is almost equally required to defeat the monster. She can’t help but even intrude on decent character episodes because the show needs to be all about her. 
Secondly, there’s been arguments that Aguri needs more focus. I completely disagree, as you might guess from my calculations above. But what I do agree with is that she needs to show up earlier. Episode 22 is freaking insane and I don’t recall any Cure that appears that late except maybe Cure Muse, and it was a mistake when they did that too. Regina has a similar problem; she only shows up in Episode 12.
This might not be AS bad if she wasn’t brainwashed in... well, episode 22. I think you could maybe argue that there is room for a fakeout with this trope, but you both need to make Aguri a better character (I’m totally not bitter that she basically has the exact same narrative purpose as Makoto but more efficient, not at all...) and you need to allow the audience to have further attachment to her. Eas shows up in Episode 1. Siren shows up in episode 1. Splash Star and Futari Wa do their own thing, but those characters also have far more room to interact more or less every episode with the Cures than the other three characters do.
My point is that the audience doesn’t really have much reason to be attached to Regina. Unlike Siren and Eas, they don’t really have enough of a human element to them for you to really connect with, and the relationship with Mana is ridiculously rushed. Instead of cutting it so close with roughly 7 episodes, put her in the beginning. Put Aguri in there too, though more as brief cameos. If you want to keep the “switch sides” thing, make it a fake-out. It’s a facade she’s put on for various reasons- she can’t let go of selfishness, she wants to make her father proud, whatever you want. Then you can have that twist on the formula you want without the brainwashing plotline, and she doesn’t have to disappear for over a dozen episodes and can instead be going through character growth.
Also, though I love her, I’d change Makoto’s arc. The transition from “Loner” to “Teammate” is simply too rushed. If you want to make her a loner Precure, do something similar to Muse or Moonlight. Don’t have it take dozens of episodes of course, but have regular interactions to cause her to warm up to the girls, and then officially join in 10 or so. You have a good balance, and have had plenty of episodes to focus on her. Because, seriously, the fact that she has less than somebody that joined nearly 20 episodes later is criminal. 
Also, I mentioned this earlier, but Makoto and Aguri simply shouldn’t have the same narrative focus. They shouldn’t. It’s lazy, and it completely robs one character of importance and leaves her out in the cold for the rest of the story. Have Makoto or Aguri’s gig be something else, or make them complimentary, or something. Having one dominate over the other narratively makes it feel more like Aguri’s character was made up on the fly, and they stole Sword’s conceit last minute. 
This is a slightly less important point, but still kind of important to me, the characters who aren’t Cures need to be given more screentime. I really like Smile, but it suffers from what I call the “Dead World Problem”. So many of the episodes are focused on the Cures, and just the Cures, and any supporting characters are basically cast aside. Some of the best written seasons manage to balance the two, having episodes about other characters that also manage to say something about the Cures in question; Heartcatch is quite good at that, as are Futari wa and Splash Star, and Fresh to a lesser extent. 
You don’t see that here. The fairies are even left aside compared to their usual treatment, with only 2 out of 5 being relevant. Charles and Raquel got one episode each and Lance didn’t even get that. The parents were also mostly forgotten. Then again this is the only season where all the girls are single children and without parents (except Mana!), so whatever. 
Aside from the Cures and their very few family members, the villains and almost no other character ever got focus. Aside from arguably Regina, the villains often felt pretty dull because there wasn’t enough emphasis on giving them memorable personalities. Other series would have non-Cure friends who would get the occasional episode, or focus on some other minor character, or just have some regular humans do something. Reina, Eru and Jun are nice but that’s just three of them, and more importantly they barely do a thing aside from their focus episodes. Having Cures interact with people who aren’t their families, fairies, villains or other Cures won’t kill them; in fact it could really fit well with the concept of Mana helping others. The Heartcatch girls sure cared more for the people they helped than HER, for one.
I may find more things I like when I watch it again (will try to!) or find that my criticisms don’t really apply. But it’s how I feel right now.  
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precuredaily · 6 years
Precure Day 060
Film: Futari wa Precure Max Heart - The Movie Date watched: 04 August 2018 Original Premiere Date: 16 April 2005 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QoKMbB6
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The Golden Girls reboot looks great!
Well here we are! Precure has finally gone theatrical! They got a big budget and a 70 minute runtime to fill! They have so much money to blow that the movie is literally filled with DIAMONDS! So how is their first foray on the big screen? Toei Animation certainly has a lot of experience, but every project is unique. Well, it turns out this one is pretty good!
After a cold open featuring an evil witch (who is never given a proper name) plotting to steal something called the “Diamond Line” from her lair, an old sailing ship, we cut to the opening theme. I checked it against the TV opening and it’s exactly the same, except that it’s been cropped to a 1.85:1 aspect ratio and the logo has an unflattering stamp beside it with the film’s registration number. I assume this is from Japan’s film bureau or something. Otherwise, no “THE MOVIE” label (in any language), no subtitle, nothing to differentiate it from the show aside from what I already mentioned. A little odd IMO.
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After the opening, Honoka and Nagisa are eating at Akane’s on a Sunday morning while Hikari helps out. After teasing Nagisa about her eating habits not appealing toFuji-P, the real deal runs by and she gets really embarassed. This is the first time he’s been seen in the series in a while, as I mentioned previously, and even then it’s just for a one-and-done gag. After this, Akane sends Hikari on break so the trio head to a nearby park to hang out, when they’re accosted by a mysterious figure wearing a trenchcoat and a fedora who asks them if they’re the legendary warriors. They start to realize this character isn’t from the Dusk Zone but before they can say anything else, off comes the coat and seven frog-like beings attack them! The trio transforms and we’re treated to a dynamic fight with no dips in quality. You can feel the impact of each blow, everybody moves around a lot, and even Shiny Luminous gets in on the fun by tricking some of the frogs into running into each other. The frog gang surrenders and they explain they were just testing the power of the legendary warriors, and they need their help. They regroup at Honoka’s place where they further explain they’re from the Garden of Hope and they want Precure to protect them during an important ceremony involving the Diamond Line. Despite some protests from Hikari and Honoka, who have obligations, Nagisa says full steam ahead and after barely pausing to give them breathing room, the frogs transport them to the Garden of Hope.
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This place is filled with diamonds and most of the inhabitants (anthropomorphic animals) are digging for them above ground. I’d like to make a snarky comment about the value of diamonds being undercut by how common they are, but they seem to use diamonds as an energy source, so there’s that. Good job, Habara Daisuke (the writer), you thought of everything. Anyway, they make their way to the castle, seen above, and run into the kingdom’s prince, who looks like Fuji-P with long hair, and consequently shares his seiyuu to justify getting him for those two lines earlier. Nagisa in particular is a bit flustered by this, since he’s obviously not her crush despite the striking resemblance, but unlike Fuji-P, she gets over it, and the girls are taken inside to meet the Queen. The Queen of Hope shows them the Diamond Line, which turns out to be a set of jewelry, and she explains the energy ceremony and how the balance of the Garden of Hope affects the balance of all the worlds, including the Garden of Rainbows (Earth), so it’s important for Pretty Cure to protect the Diamond Line The girls agree and are about to change into formal attire for the party preceding the ceremony when Honoka breaks off to talk with Square, one of the Guardians (frogs) who’s been antagonistic and dismissive of the girls the entire time. She tries to reason with him but he’s insistent that they don’t need the girls. Later that day, the trio arrive at the party in their fancy dresses, and they look great, but it doesn’t take long for Nagisa to start butting heads with Square, and she storms off in anger to clear her head. Unfortunately, while she’s out, the ceremony begins and the Witch swoops in on a flying boat and attacks! Nagisa tries to run back downstairs to transform with Honoka but all the party guests are running away from the witch and blocking her path, so Hikari transforms and tries to take her on with aid from the Guardians. Unfortunately since Shiny Luminous is more of a support hero than a fighter, she’s quickly knocked out, the Guardians are bested, and the Witch grabs the bracelet from off the Queen’s wrist. Nagisa finally arrives and she transforms with Honoka, but the Witch already has what she wants and she just blasts them with her shark-headed ship.
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The Queen also took a heavy blast and she and Hikari are both unconscious. Feeling bad for their personal failure, Black and White set out with the guardians to the Witch’s lair to reclaim what was stolen! They cross over a yard full of half-sunken ships from various eras until they’re attacked by some human-sized bat monsters. The unusual terrain makes for a great fight, and the cures and guardians barely maintain the upper hand until the Witch herself shows up and just blows up the ship they’re on. After rescuing all the guardians from the flames, they press on. Back at her lair, the Witch reveals that her plan after upsetting the balance of worlds is to revive the Dark King! Fortunately, the girls barge in and swipe the orb containing the bracelet she stole. They give it to the Guardians to return to safety and begin fighting her. Black and White get a few good hits in, but she takes the upper hand. After remembering there’s a sale on chocolate back home, Nagisa is encouraged to push forward and Honoka quips that that’s the Nagisa she knows. Black rushes the Witch and lands a powerful blow in her ribcage, strong enough to break the wall behind her and hurt Black’s wrist a bit.
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But the witch isn’t done yet, and she blasts the two at point blank range, catching them in a massive explosion before leaving them for dead and taking flight in her ship to get the bracelet back. The Prince of Hope finds the guardians and takes the orb from them, with help from a newly awakened but not fully recovered Hikari. The Witch spots them and the Prince tries to fight her off, overcoming his trepidation, but she’s still too powerful and she fires an attack at him. Hikari jumps in front of him to take the hit, dropping the orb, and dropping to the ground herself. Black and White show up, fighting off all the bat minions, before they find Hikari and get righteously mad at the Witch for hurting their friend. Black gives a big speech about believing in your friends and allies and declares that that’s why they’ll always win and the Witch, who cares for naught but herself, never will. After blowing away some more of her minions, the Witch decides to handle it herself and transforms into a giant, purple-skinned form that would make Go Nagai proud.
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She effortlessly blasts Black and White in the air, and they fall to the ground. They still refuse to give up, reassuring each other that they’re alright, and Honoka even imitates Nagisa by saying “Us giving up? ‘Totally unbelievable!’” This gets them both laughing and they stand up again, and they walk over to Hikari. The Guardians, the Prince, and the newly arrived Queen all will the power of the diamonds to heal Hikari and it does, restoring her health and transforming her back to Shiny Luminous. The Guardians then offer the cures their diamonds as a powerup, and the three ascend into the air with the stones, transforming into golden forms with heart-shaped diamond earrings and brooches.
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The trio can now fly around, and they effortlessly avoid the Witch’s attacks, hitting her with their own, before performing a powered-up Extreme Luminario attack on a weak spot they had exposed earlier. The Witch is defeated once and for all, the bracelet is freed from the dark orb, and the power of the Diamond Line restores the Garden of Hope to its rightful glory, but the Queen lets them know that it was their courage that allowed such a miracle to happen.
Throughout all of this, Square has come to respect the Legendary Warriors, to the point where he begs them not to leave. Honoka hugs him and says that they don’t want to go, but they have to. On the way back, Nagisa laments that she didn’t take a diamond with her after all. Hikari arrives back at Akane’s stand apologizing for taking so long, but it turns out her 30 minute break isn’t even over yet! Meanwhile Honoka rushes to bring in the laundry before the rain, while Nagisa sits and mopes. Honoka spots a frog and jokes that it’s the Kero Kero God. Nagisa says they should try to fly back to the Garden of Hope again, and they try the incantation together, but obviously they don’t go anywhere, and as they laugh it off, the credits begin to roll.
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There’s a song that plays about halfway through the film between the girls’ defeat and their journey to the shipyard called “Tears of Hope ~Tears for Tomorrow~” by Mayumi Gojo, the main theme song singer for the show, and that’s really nice. It’s billed as the main theme for the movie. The ending theme is “The Power of Hope” by Shizuka Kudo, which is also nice. I’ll be honest though, I find the ending to be better than the insert theme. While “Tears of Hope” fits the mood at that point in the film, “Power of Hope” is something I’d probably be humming on the way out of the theater. You can find both songs on the movie’s soundtrack or the theme song single if you want to listen.
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this is the album cover for the single. Reverse search it and maybe it’ll help.
Still on the subject of music, there’s a really aurally clever moment during the fight in the ship graveyard. Black and White are performing Marble Screw on the Witch, and it has that awesome uplifting theme to go with it. But of course she doesn’t go down there, she blocks the attack, turns it into negative energy, and fires it right back at the cures. And RIGHT when she turns the tide of the attack, the music changes to one of the ominous villain themes. It’s been a long time since I studied music theory so I can’t describe the effect in technical terms, but the switch is perfectly timed in the Marble Screw music to hit right on the beat, and it changes the key and tempo seamlessly. That was a nice touch.
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Before I give my analysis I want to make a few comments. It’s not confirmed, but there’s rampant speculation that this film was originally meant to correspond to the first series, but got reworked to be a Max Heart film when that series was greenlit. A big piece of evidence is the relative absence of Hikari for half of the movie, despite her being the new character whose products you’d think they’d want to advertise. Even during the fights she is in, she doesn’t do much and her role could easily be filled by one of the guardians or the Prince. Hikari doesn’t feel tacked on, but she also doesn’t contribute a lot of significance. Her being less of a fighter than the others works in her favor for how they treat her. If this theory is even true, the change was obviously made early enough in production that they could rewrite the story to include her in natural ways, and I’ll admit the idea of her defeat being cause for revenge against the witch is an interesting one. There’s a certain level of guilt that Nagisa in particular feels for HIkari’s situation, since it was her fault for storming off and leaving Luminous as the only one who could fight, and that’s a clever writing tool.
I just learned this while doing some research for this review but apparently the movie was sponsored by one or more jewelry manufacturers and the Diamond Line is the name of an actual product they make, so the jewelry theme is an advertisement for them. I can only assume that was for the parents in the audience. It’s a bit odd, but I’ll take it over going all-in on a Halloween theme for a movie that releases ON Halloween so anybody that watches it after the first day of release gets something out-of-season. *stares pointedly at the Go! Princess movie*
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Diamonds are a magical girl’s best friend
Last note, I didn’t go over all Guardians individually because this is already long, but their names are Square, Round, Marquis, Pear, Oval, Heart, and Trilliant. These are all cuts of precious stones, and they all wear those cuts on their capes.
So what did I actually think of the movie? I thought it was great! It’s a lot better than I remember it being, a strong first outing for Precure on the big screen. I’d honestly be willing to pay money if this got a US theatrical release like the Sailor Moon films currently are. (C’mon, Funimation, cut a deal with Toei.) I still like the second film better, but there are much worse Precure films out there. (looking at you, Kirakira) The plot is reasonable, the pacing is good, the animation is much better than anything we’ve seen in Max Heart so far, and especially better than our next episode. The fight scenes are very fast-paced with characters moving all over the place and you can feel the power of every blow. They used their opportunity to great effect, it’s truly a cinematic experience. It’s got the gags you’d expect from a normal episode but it doesn’t get bogged down trying to shove in EVERY in-joke from the show or a bunch of side characters. The Guardians aren’t especially memorable but Square has some solid character growth, going from the outlier who doesn’t think they need Precure to being extremely grateful for their help and their part in saving his home. If I had to make one nitpick, it would probably be that the Queen and Prince’s parts could be combined together and they would make a better character overall. The Queen doesn’t have anything to do except bless the diamonds, she’s knocked out for most of the film like Luminous, so I think if they tied the prince’s hesitancy to fight with her royal duties they’d end up with a more rounded part.
I think when I get to the second movie, I’ll allow myself two days to review it. Screenshotting, uploading, researching, and writing has taken up all of my day today, but now I know what to expect for future films. But until then, look forward to Max Heart 11, the one where the animators quit, coming at you soon.
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 3! 3 Areianai! And a bonus “Arienai” from Cure White imitating Nagisa.
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Categorizing Precure Mascots
This is the last of the categorizing series. At least for a while until I can think of something new.
Anyways, obviously this will mostly consist of main mascots but I’ve also included those who played a sizable, if sometimes pivotal, role in the story of their respective seasons as well.
For certain characters not listed, see explanations under the cut.
Note: This will be continually updated as new additions come along.
Male Mascots
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Female Mascots
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Special mentions: Pickruns (Fresh)
(!) - Siren (see under cut)
Unknown Gender Mascots
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Special mentions: Fairy Tones (Suite)
Human Form (male)
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Human Form (female)
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Special mentions: Fuwa (Star Twinkle musical only)
(!) - Hugtan (see under cut)
Male & Female Mascots - I’m surprised that the male to female ratio is pretty even. Was almost certain the girls were going to outnumber the boys in this overall category.
Pickruns were left out due to their rather one-bit personalities. They’re critical in helping the Fresh girls transform into Cures but otherwise don’t do much outside that function, making them appear more as the series’ standard collectibles than a fleshed out mascot.
Siren is a fairy...but not a mascot. At least, in my eyes she isn’t because she doesn’t fit the mold of one (read: marketable sidekick). Not to mention, she spends most of her time antagonizing the Cures when she’s in her cat form anyways (clearly making her more villain than cutesy partner material) and once she switches sides, we don’t see her revert to her fairy form again. So yea, any chance of her acting mascot-like went out the window with that decision.
Though she is included in the Human Form category because those aren’t limited to just mascots.
Unknown Gender Mascots - This speaks for itself, really.
Also, despite what the wiki says about Mailpo being female (where are your sources?!), I was always under the impression that Mailpo had no gender because for one thing, they’re a friggin’ mailbox. For another, I couldn’t recall there ever being a moment where the topic was brought up in discussion. I mean, it’s been a long time and I barely remember much about Yes5/Gogo in general so I can be wrong...but if it was mentioned in some episode, then cite it!
The Fairy Tones follow the same logic as Pickruns above. And I’m pretty sure their gender is meant to be ambiguous.
Human Form - Those who have the ability to transform into a human or humanoid form.
Kuroro is kind of an exception since he’s still a fairy-in-training who has yet to reach that level but we’ve seen how he could look like when he merged with Lock.
Hugtan is not included because she was always human to begin with. Just de-aged...while still in her Cure form. Sort of ironic that the mascot with the strangest scenario is actually human, huh?
Oh and almost forgot but among those who can transform into a human, only these few can transform into a Cure (or some equivalent of it):
- Milk, Siren, Candy (Royal Candy), Mofurun, Ha-chan, Pekorin, Kirarin and Hugtan
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Categorizing Precure by Hair Type (Civilian ver.)
This...was hard. Kinda pointless, too, but whatever. I had fun.
I mainly followed this site’s definition on what the four different hair types are (straight, wavy, curly, coily) but I used other photo references as well.
Anyways, just keep in mind this isn’t written in stone, I’m not an expert, and that this is mostly guesswork. And some of the girls can fit into two categories since you can have mixed hair types as well. 
But for the sake of my sanity trying to keep this simple, we’re going to stick each into one category only, judging by what the majority of their hair looks like.
Here is the Cure version.
Further comments under the cut.
Note: This will be continually updated as new additions come along.
(mostly) Straight:
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* - Rin, Mana
? - Inori, Makoto, Yuni
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* - Miyuki, Kirara
? - Emiru
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? - Yayoi
Based on my observations, it doesn’t look like anyone really has coily hair. However, we rarely get a super detailed look and only the “bulk” of the hair is ever shown on screen so I can be wrong.
(mostly) Straight - A handful of them appear to be a mix of straight and wavy. The ratio varies, though, but for this category, the straight quality is more dominant.
Rin, Mana - I’m not sure if these two actually use hair products or what to have the ends of their hair flare and curl up like that but at least for Mana, this is how she looks with all of it down. So I’m guessing the same thing would apply to Rin.
Inori - She was originally supposed to go in the Wavy section and I still think she ought to be there...but her hair is too short to really gauge how much of it is wavier than it is straight. I mean, the official profile pic shows it mostly straight with wavy ends. But screencaps tend to give it a 50/50 ratio? Should I double feature her then? :/
Makoto - Another one placed somewhere else before moving her to this section. However, unlike Inori, the more I look at her, the more I think Makoto doesn’t really have curly hair. It’s more curled ends than anything.
Yuni - Yuni is one of the handful of girls charged with the crime of never letting her hair down but that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is that she has three different forms (not counting Bakenyan, who is an image she borrowed from someone else). And while I think it’s safe to assume she at least has straight or wavy hair if she were to take out her braids (definitely straight if we’re going by her Mao persona), her true Rainbownian form leaves me stumped. Are those just very voluminous curls tied back into fat pigtails? Or will they unwind to give us some very long straight hair instead as her adult profile suggests? I guess we’ll never know.
Wavy - Most of them are pretty obvious, I think.
Miyuki, Kirara (& Alice, Aoi for that matter)  - My reasoning behind these girls is that even if their hair type is straight, it’ll probably turn out very wavy-looking since they have it tied up/back on a regular basis.
Mirai - She grows out such glorious locks when transforming into Miracle but Mirai’s hair is too short (and fluffy!) to tell what type it really is. So I used her adult profile as reference. It’s still short but...shoot, it may just be straight?? EDIT 4/29: Moved her to Straight section.
Emiru - All screencaps suggest that Emiru has straight hair with slightly twisted ends (even as an adult!) but since it’s always up in twintails, I’ll forever be uncertain. The only moment I can remember seeing her with all her hair down was in ep 43:
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Naturally she’d have her hair down when she’s asleep but it’s too obstructed. I need to see it from the back as well. Ah well, I think this will suffice as proof in the meantime.
Curly - Honestly, sometimes it’s difficult to say whether someone’s hair is actually wavy or curly because again, the instances where we do get a closer view of it is either too rare or maybe it went by too fast that you can’t tell. The only thing we can be sure about is that a lot of the girls have thick hair and that’s about it.
But when you do see curls as firm as say, Towa’s, then there’s no question about it.
Yayoi, however...hmm, she’s always giving me trouble. Yea, the ends of it is curled but her hair is just so poofy in general that I can’t really categorize that as such. Unless...it’s just poofy in appearance and the poofiness is just a mass of individual curls??
I dunno. I feel like I need to move her but she doesn’t really fit anywhere else.
Update log:
4/22/20 - Post published.
4/29/20 - Moved Mirai to Straight section.
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muthaz-rapapa · 5 years
Precure 2019 Checklist
Alright, StarPre’s movie is going to be released in less than 10 days. That means, leaks season is just around the corner along with all the hype and disappointment that’ll come with it.
I’m not here to talk about that, though.
A year ago, I made this wishlist of what I wanted to see in StarPre and future seasons. Looking back on it today, I’m surprised this year managed to cover a good chunk of the stuff I asked for, including some that weren’t directed specifically at StarPre.
So here goes.
First for the StarPre demands:
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1) Outer space theme - CHECK✓
I mean, this was obvious from the start but I’m still super glad we got to explore *magical* space instead of just having the girls sit on Earth, waiting to fight the alien mooks.
It also more or less fulfilled my wish of having a season take place away from our world (at least, occasionally) AND one that had a narrative theme centered around “discovery” as well.
Seriously, what are the chances of that?! Amazing!
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2) At least one Cure who is an alien - CHECK✓
Not just one, but two of them! Yay!
Very happy that we got a more diversely balanced team instead of the usual 3:1 “humans/Earthlings to non-humans/non-Earthlings” ratio.
As for the “androgynous, non-binary” part, we got Olivio so another check✓ for that.
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3) Spaceship rocket - CHECK✓
Asked for a giant one but I LOVE this one even more! The girls decorated it together it so it’s special~! <3
Besides, I got my giant spacecraft in ep 31 so all’s good.
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4) Worldbuilding - CHECK✓
Will just refer you to this post for comments.
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5) Battles in space - More or less check✓
Speaks for itself.
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6) One of the major charas sporting a Princess Leia-inspired hairdo - mmm...yea, why not? Check✓
Well, while I wouldn’t call them major characters so much as plot tools, the Star Princesses did play an important role for (the first half of) this season.
And I suspect Aries’ horns are the closest thing we’re gonna get to Leia’s buns anyway so there. :P
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7) Something named “Cosmos” - Check✓
Yeap. I still refuse to call her “Cosmo” because that’s not even a complete word. Unless you want to name your hamster that or something.
Now, for the general stuff:
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1) Motifs not used before: Zodiac - Check✓
( ´͈ ॢꇴ `͈ॢ)・*♡
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2) Green Cure - Check✓
I’m still not over this.
And Lala was such an awesome, incredibly lovable Green Cure, aaaaahhhh~
Honestly, having a Green Cure appear in the main lineup is probably as rare as getting to see an eclipse in the region where you live during a time when you can actually see it happening.
Am I going to hold the next few seasons up to this silly, unfair standard?
I DUNNO, AM I????? (◎ω◎ ;;)
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3) Idols (mentioned here) - Meh, whatever, check✓
Like I said, I’m not big on this motif especially when there are half a dozen other series (and an entire genre) out there that do focus primarily on idols, running at the same time as Precure.
But I know people were very excited for the prospect of a idol-themed season last year so I wonder how they feel now about what StarPre has given us.
Lessee, a space cat idol in the form of Mao, the Cures singing and dancing during the transformation sequences (Hikaru’s VA is an idol herself) ...
...and that’s it, really. Not enough to count as an idol-themed season but StarPre has flavors of it.
Anyways, the more I think about it, the more it’s pointless to ask Toei for a full on idol-themed season.
Because Precure is, foremost, a magical girl show. Moreover, a magical girl show with physical fighting elements in it.
If you stuff all that entertaining business into the anime next to its main staples (one or two stock footages aside), you’re only going to make it more chaotic than it should be.
And it’s not like Precure aren’t idols themselves already. What with a special merchandise line created just to advertise girls as idols, all the singing and dancing in every ED since the start of the franchise...
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...and the sheer number of them that gather to do the same thing in the All Stars movies:
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Really, Precure is basically Toei’s AKB48.
They’re just magical girls first before they’re idols. *shrug* :P
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4) Phantom thief Precure (not previously mentioned) - ...hmm, I suppose ch-..NOPE!
On second thought, nope nope nope!
And I’m going to explain why...after I get more screencaps on Sunday but Yuni/Blue Cat definitely does not satisfy my needs for a Cure who’s also a phantom thief.
Sorry, not sorry. My hopes for this topic in particular are much bigger than that and she simply does not meet those standards.
But all in all, good haul this year. (^ ^)b
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