#cullen family dynamics
panlight · 5 months
Renesmee is partially named after Esme and yet they have no meaningful interactions in the book or movie.
We're told Renesmee sometimes sleeps in Esme's arms, but we don't see it. The only thing we really have is Nessie playing with Esme's second best set of silverware while everyone watches her.
When the Cullens leave to find witnesses, Rosalie blows Renesmee a kiss. Esme only says goodbye to Bella and Edward.
Carlisle put his hand on Edward's shoulder for a second and then kissed my forehead. Esme hugged us both, and Emmett punched us both on the arm. Rosalie forced a hard smile for Edward and me, blew a kiss to Renesmee, and then gave Jacob a parting grimace.
The only reference to 'grandma' in the books is to Grandma Swan's hair combs Bella wears at the wedding.
What's up with this? Is this just a function of the Bella-centric writing in which Esme is an afterthought? Or is this an in-universe thing where Esme and Nessie legitimately aren't close?
Likewise Charlie gets to be 'grandpa' and Carlisle's role seems more like 'doctor,' with him taking measurements and trying to get her to drink baby formula.
"Her diet… well, she prefers to drink blood. Carlisle continues to try to persuade her to drink some baby formula, too, but she doesn't have much patience with it. Can't say that I blame her – nasty-smelling stuff, even for human food."
I know fanfic and headcanons are often filled with sweet moments between Nessie and her Cullen grandparents but the text (and movie) isn't. Part of me wonders if it's because Charlie is Nessie's biological grandparent and Esme and Carlisle aren't. That whole "Edward and Bella have a REAL family" vs the found family of the larger Cullen clan.
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gisellelx · 9 months
Twilight Advent Calendar, Day 18
Dec. 18 - What are some things the Cullens do every time they move? Does anyone have any rituals re: leaving a location or starting at a new one?
It takes three semis to fully move the Cullens. One is mostly Carlisle's art collection, which is way larger than we see in canon and mostly stored in a meticulously ordered climate controlled warehouse. Esme's job is to coordinate the art.
Depending on their reason for moving, they either need to forge new identities, or keep their current ones. If they are forging new identities, it's a shared task between Jasper and Carlisle; sometimes outsourced to people like Jenks. If they keep their current ones, they keep them—their forged identities pass muster and they can walk into a DMV and re-register their cars and get new drivers' licenses. The person who does this fastest is Edward; Emmett is the procrastinating lagger.
No one touches Edward's music but Edward because nobody knows what the heck "personal preference within that year" actually amounts to.
Rosalie handles the cars; depending on what identities they are using, they are either driven one by one so as to not be conspicuous, or they order a car carrier in order to be conspicuous and show that they are rich. If the move has to be fast, the cars often end up in an intermediate location; sometimes they are simply sold. Carvana has made this a breeze.
When she has time, Esme prefers to walk through and design the rooms for each member of the family and to knock out a renovation before they arrive. When she can't, she's always a little pouty.
Bella is still getting used to Cullen moves. Didn't help that the very first one they made after Forks was a spit-up international move.
I dunno about specific rituals; I think they are on the whole too practical for that. Like, I can't see anyone doing a home blessing or some such. But after all these years, a Cullen move happens with the tactical precision of a military operation. Every person has their thing they do; either because they want their items just so or because it's just known that "that's X person's job." This is how they can be gone in 24 hours; it's a crucial part of their lives.
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askcarlislecullen · 2 months
Do your children call you ”dad“ (or something similar), and do they call your wife ”mom“ (or something similar)?
If they do, how did you react the first time they did.
For lack of a better term, I have usually burst into tears. It’s very rare. Jasper and Alice and Rose and Isabella have never once called me anything but “Carlisle.” Emmett often calls me “Pops” but it is meant in jest in the way that it would were it a nickname. Edward calls Esme “Mom” about twenty times more frequently than he ever calls me “Dad,” which is at a frequency best measured in decades. Renesmee unwaveringly calls me “Granddad” and I didn’t realize how much I had craved that name until I had it. When the circumstances dictate that she needs to call me Carlisle lest we damage our cover, we’re both quite sad about it.
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captain-lessship · 2 years
The Baseball Boys
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You were a very critical child, you thought you were doing a little better and were a little smarter than most kids. You could do much more than they could and it did give you a slight ego.
But there’s one thing you couldn’t do. 
Being from the 1950s, your first father was the sole provider for the family and couldn’t teach you how to play catch or baseball. Your first mother tried but you turned her offer down because you knew she was stretched thin with your other siblings.
You loved your new family just as much as you loved your past one. You called  Carlisle and Esme your mom and dad and you called the other adopted Cullen kids your sisters and brothers.  You enjoyed being with them and many things, like baseball were scabbed over with your other hobbies. It had been eighty eight so naturally it faded from your mind. 
Except when thunderstorms rang out. 
 That’s when your family will play baseball, cracking the ball across the field with the bursts of sound.  
Typically you watched, sometimes you read or you were the umpire. No one thought to ask you to play because you never offered to but it was peaking the curiosity of a certain brother: Emmett.
You were situated in the kitchen, carefully working on a puzzle with Esme.
“I think this one goes her- Oh god!” She shouted when the sound of Emmett jumping from the stairs broke her from her focus.
“Sorry,” he said as he walked into the kitchen. “What’s going on here?”
“A puzzle, we’re almost done.” You said , looking intently at the pieces.
Emmett looked at you, “Say, kid,”
“Don’t call me kid.”
“Right, anyway, I was wondering if you’re gonna play baseball this go around? Ed is bringing his girlfriend. We gotta impress her.”
“I don’t play baseball. Does she?”
“Well, her stepdad does. Why don’t you play?”
You didn’t know why you felt embarrassed but you knew what great players all of the other Cullens were.
“I never learned.” You said, not looking up from the puzzle.
Emmett was surprised to say the least, “well, do you want to?”
“Yes!” You jumped at the opportunity.
“Alright, slow down you two. How are you going to teach him?” Esme said, now looking at her two adoptive children.
“Well duh, give him a bat, get a ball and throw it.” Emmett said like it was obvious.
“Be careful and have fun.” She tell with a smile as she continued to work on her puzzle.
You were standing in the driveway, armed with a helmet and a bat. The full experience.
“Okay so, stand like this,” he stood to the side. You followed suit.
Emmett showed you how to hold the bat and he walked away from you, holding the ball.
“Alright. I’m going to throw it, just hit it.”
He threw the ball and you promised yourself you were going to hit it. 
You hit it. 
You hit it directly into Jasper’s window. 
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cinephilesadeqi · 8 months
Movie Analysis and Review: "Twilight" (2008)
Introduction:“Twilight” (2008) directed by Catherine Hardwicke, is an enthralling cinematic adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s novel, ushering audiences into the captivating world of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Set against the backdrop of the Pacific Northwest, the film intertwines romance, fantasy, and danger as it explores the burgeoning relationship between a teenage girl and a vampire, along…
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
Have you seen the Good Place? If so what's everyone's personal Good, Bad, and Medium places?
Good: a big top show with his family and friends in the front row
Bad: getting placed back in his old foster home
Medium: the DMV
Good: an endless library with every book he could ever want
Bad: a warehouse in Ethiopia
Medium: being a Reddit mod
Good: a redo of his teenage years with his friends beside him
Bad: being stuck at home home alone and only receiving the occasional postcard
Medium: eating at Red Robin
Good: an animal sanctuary over a picturesque landscape
Bad: the League of Assassins
Medium: a Chuck-E-Cheese birthday party
Good: having his parents back
Bad: constantly running from an unseen force
Medium: binge-watching the entire MCU
Good: a pride parade where everyone accepts him as he is
Bad: Catholic school
Medium: a Dave Matthews Band concert
Good: a girls' day with her best friends
Bad: failing at whatever she sets out to do
Medium: an incredibly awkward high school reunion
Good: sleepover and family movie night
Bad: returning to her biological father
Medium: dance practice on newly waxed floors
Good: a better sibling dynamic with her brother
Bad: an unknown enemy sneaking past her defenses
Medium: slow Wi-Fi connection when she's doing something important
Good: knowing her brother is safe and cared for
Bad: a house falling apart faster than she can fix it
Medium: assembling IKEA furniture
Good: flying through the city with real Robin wings
Bad: constantly looking after her parents
Medium: 7th grade
Good: finishing her West Point diploma and being hailed a hero
Bad: wandering the earth with a perpetual sense of uncertainty
Medium: Applebee's happy hour
Good: bringing down the criminal syndicate responsible for her family
Bad: an unending undercover stint as the bad guys
Medium: only having pineapple on pizza
Good: a constant win streak as Batwing
Bad: a disapproving lecture from his dad
Medium: a meeting that could've been an email
Good: not being compared against Nightwing or her other superhero peers
Bad: faceplanting in front of an Olympic stadium crowd
Medium: rush hour traffic with the radio stuck on the Top 40
Good: his family under one roof for a nice holiday dinner
Bad: permanently leaving Wayne Manor
Medium: an elderly dating app
Good: a ball pit of kittens
Bad: trying to break into an impenetrable vault
Medium: trying to make plans with her friends but things keep coming up
Good: family reunion with his kids and parents
Bad: always responding to distress calls a second too late
Medium: Margie
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Edward Cullen Imagine (F!Reader)
Y’all this took 2 hours 😨
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WARNING- smut, biting, oral (m receiving)
Fem. Reader-
Name: Calypso Sawyer (Callie)
Origin- From New Mexico, came to Forks with her father. Had just been introduced as Edward’s girlfriend to the Cullen family<3 A human girl, similar dynamic with Edward, and personality as Bella (but not as y/n tropey as Bella acted💀)
He just fell in love with her cuz she’s hot af
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Setting- The Cullen Mansion
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“I think I have to go now.”
Edward furrowed his perfect eyebrows, a tug of smile reaching his lips. “That’s not really necessary, Calypso.”
God, the way my name sounded on his lips made me wild.
I forced myself to think straight. “But Alice and Jasper already left. Emmett says he’s about to, too.”
Edward chuckled, a sweet, soft sound. “Jasper’s only leaving because you smell so mouthwatering. He wouldn’t want you to leave on his behalf. Stay.” The last words felt urgent on his tongue, and a sudden jolt of electricity ran through my veins.
Staying, at Edward’s house.
Alone with him.
Maybe I should be scared that I’m going to be alone with a vampire. A cold blooded killer.
But I’m more terrified of what I’ll do around him. The way he makes my senses heighten, and the rest of the world disappear. How he makes my heart feel close to bursting with a brush of his fingers.
I’m scared of myself.
“I don’t know, Edward.” The lie felt far-away in my mouth.
Edward’s smile faded, and he repositioned his body on the large bookshelf. “Because of me?” The look in his eyes told me he had read the words in my mind, the fear I felt, even if it wasn’t directed to him.
“No!” I rushed the words out, and stood off the sofa to touch his face, leaning my body to his shoulders. “No, anything but you. I just don’t want to mess this up.”
Edward laughed, a heavenly vibration on my neck. The small gesture warmed my insides. “You can’t mess this up, Callie. Nothing you could do would pull me away from you.”
I looked up at him. The strong line of his jaw, those predatory, bewildering amber eyes. My gaze wandered to the soft curves of his lips, and I couldn’t help myself when I leaned in.
He gripped my lower back in response, pulling me closer as we kissed. He was delicate, careful with his movement as always, but the intoxicating tease of his tongue on mine was different. He explored my mouth with a new passion, trailing his fingers on my waist. I shivered at the cold, yet exhilarating touch. Edward immediately coiled back, his chest rising and falling quickly from the touch.
“Are you okay?” I knew he already understood I was okay, the light in his eyes proving he already read my mind.
I almost laughed. “Yes, God. I’m okay, Edward.” A playful smile reached my lips, and I grabbed the collars of his shirt, letting my warm fingertips slide over his neck.
The feeling of my skin caused Edward to tilt his head back roughly, the clench of his jaw stronger. His tussled hair spread on old books rearranged on his shelf, and he closed his eyes, like my fingers were blades.
The room was blanketed in a heavy softness, so comfortable I pushed even more, letting my fingers fall to the smooth lines of his collarbones.
“Fuck, Callie!” Edward pushed away from me, and rushed his body to the balcony with supernatural speed, grabbing the railings with brutal strength. I stared with shock as his his body heaved with breath, the thin fabric of his grey shirt untucked from his dark blue slacks.
I covered my mouth and backed up. “Shit, is it my blood?” I hadn’t stopped to consider what my scent could have done to him. I even wore an extra layer of perfume to try to offset it, but it might’ve made it worse.
Edward turned around, walking to me in quick strides, and I fell back on the sofa. He kneeled in front of me, balancing his body on his palms on the cushion.
“That’s not what’s driving me crazy right now.”
I leaned closer, letting my lips part slightly. “Then what is it?”
Edward dropped his head from my eyesight, and curled his fingers near my own. “Vampires, especially males,” Edward lowered his voice, struggling to get the words out. “We go through potent episodes of…lust.”
My mouth fell open, and I manually forced my jaw to shut. “What?” My voice was an octave higher. “Like… in heat?”
Edward laughed a dry, humorless laugh. “Yeah, you could say that.” His eyes met mine, the predatory color returning, like the way he had looked at me the first day we met.
I unconsciously almost moved back, but decided against it. Curiosity dared me to ask the next words. “So…um-how do you… take care of it?”
Edward’s hands snaked to my fingers, casually tracing circles on my knuckles. “How any guy would. Calypso, I’m still 17 in body.”
My face burned. The thought of Edward touching his body, pleasuring his self- it was too much to bear. Edward saw the blush on my face, and his nails dug into my fingers. His jaw was clenched so strongly I thought it would break, and his eyes had a dark coat of desire. He looked so desperate, a biological need for my body on his. So desperate for me. I could practically feel my mind, naked for him, all the images of his body spilling out of my thoughts.
I spoke before I could stop myself, the husky pitch of my voice unrecognizable.
“I suppose I could help you, then. It’s only fair.”
Those words alone flipped Edward over the edge. His fangs bared white, and he grabbed the small of my back, pulling me to the floor. My thighs landed, kneeled up, hitting the planes of his shoulders. He growled, running his hands over my body in animal-like movements.
“You don’t understand,” he groaned lowly, “what I want to do to you. It would sicken you. Everything I’ve thought about.”
I moaned at his touch, the embarrassment from the sound reaching the burn of my face. But it seemed to affect Edward more than me, because his breath changed into a rapid pace on my shoulder blades.
“I’d do anything for you, Edward.”
It was true.
He let out a breathy sound, and snaked his hands under my shirt, each point of my skin electrified into flame at the smooth pressure of his palm.
“You know what I want to do with you, Callie?” He brought his hand higher under my shirt, just above my ribs.
Desire clouded my vision.
“Show me.”
He exhaled in my ear, and roughly dropped his lips to mine, a strange sensation of cold skin meeting my warm one, causing fire to pop in my mouth.
“I won’t be able to control myself, Calypso.” His voice was so raw, stripped bare. He needed me, now. The very sound set me over the edge.
“I already can’t control myself when I’m around you.” I trailed my fingers from the muscles of his back, all the way to the seam of his pants. I traced the lines holding me back from his body, and he shuddered in the crook of my neck.
And he pushed a sharp sting of pressure on my neck- a bite. Edward breathed heavily, licking the area he drew his fangs in my body.
This was a dangerous, dangerous game. He was biting me so hard, the layers of my skin ripped, but not hard enough to draw blood.
This was a reckless mistake, a taste of his full desire for me.
And fuck, it was attractive. I could feel the area between my thighs throbbing, and I tried to clench my legs together, but his body was practically spreading mine out now.
Edward tenderly kissed the area, then dragged his teeth up my neck, biting just under my jaw. It stung even more this time, and his wet tongue drew circles, making my fingers tremble.
A loud whimper slipped from my mouth, and I dropped my head on his broad shoulder. I could feel the vibrations of his chuckle, and he pulled the fabric of my shirt over my head, a strange confidence washing over him.
“You’re so beautiful, Callie.” His voice had softened, but the low desire still edged on his words, and he let his fingertips meet the clasp of my bra. I gasped, and pushed my palms on his chest. “Please-“
Edward tugged on the lace, a sign to shut me up. “Let me enjoy this. I want you to feel good.”
I was practically leaking out of my panties now, and I prayed to God it didn’t show from my shorts.
He undid the bra, carefully letting the lace fall off my body. The cold air met my already hard nipples, and I fought the urge to cover my body.
I felt so vulnerable. But I liked it. Feeling vulnerable for him.
Edward didn’t hide the breathy moan in his throat, and he kissed my breasts, starting from the low curve to the area near my collarbone. “You’re so perfect, it’s driving me insane. Insane.”
But his hands were grasped tighter around me, nails practically poking through my skin. I knew he was getting impatient.
I pushed him off, gentle enough to be kind, but strong enough to send a message. He wiped his mouth, the swell of his pink lips shining in the light of the open room.
“Get on the bed.” I paused, and added a sweet plead to my tone. “Please.”
Edward slowly rose to his feet, holding the tips of my fingers, but his eyes didn’t rise off my bare body. I could feel the blood rushing to my face.
He sat on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs effortlessly. I watched the strong muscles of his thighs, then trailed my eyes higher, to the bulge in his pants.
He leaned back on his arms, a cocky expression smoothing over his features. He was watching me, seeing what I was going to do.
But the urgency in his eyes didn’t fade, and I knew one thing, and one thing only.
I wanted to please him.
I dropped to my knees, and Edward immediately raised his body, closing his knees a little. I pushed the top of his thigh open, and he relaxed tentatively.
“Callie, you don’t have to-“
I rose my eyes to his, hoping the innocent expression would get him to stop talking. It did. His words caught when he stared back down at my breasts, and he shifted his legs uncomfortably to try to hide the reaction of his body.
A smile danced on my lips, and I pulled down the zipper of his pants. He was so big, and I hadn’t even seen his boxers yet.
I wondered if this ever happened before, if he had ever gotten hard to the thought of me.
“Yes. It did. And I have.” Edward smiled, savoring the embarrassment on my face.
The fact he read my mind, heard those thoughts,
I didn’t hesitate when I pulled down his pants.
He was wearing dark grey boxers, clean and neat around his lean frame. His cock was pressing against the fabric, the shape almost being explicit against his underwear.
His voice was thick with mockery. “Do you need me to help you, pretty girl? You seem a little nervous.”
I ripped those off, too.
His cock sprang up, and wo-ow, his body is probably entirely perfect. A pink head, delicately sculpted on his thick shaft, the entire shape veiny, like some work of art, smooth, pale skin twitching with anticipation.
He laughed, the admiration of his dick apparently seeping through my thoughts. I slowly let my fingers wrap around it, and Edward’s breath hitched. I brought my body closer, the points of my nipples grazing over his knees, and I let my mouth touch the tip of his cock. He immediately arched his neck, throwing his head back as if every small touch was causing him overwhelming pleasure. I could see the way his hands were gripping the sheets, and I suddenly wished he was grabbing my hair, instead.
As if he was reading my mind, (he was), Edward let his hand drag on my scalp, urging my mouth to go farther.
I dropped my lips, pushing his dick to the back of my throat, but the length of his shaft was too much for me to fit all the way. Edward didn’t make any complaints, though, because he was too busy trying to control the raspy moans slipping from his tongue.
“That’s it. Yeah, good-“ he broke into a low groan, bucking his hips forward. “Good girl.”
The pet name had me bobbing my head even more, warming his entire dick with the saliva of my mouth. I could feel Edward’s eyes on me, taking in the skin of my back, the feeling of my lips. He clenched the scalp of my hair, and began pushing my head on his body, working my mouth the way he wanted.
He forced my head down, dropping it all the way on his dick, and I made myself take it all instead of gagging. He jerked my head up, over and over, each thrust of his hips in my mouth messier and shorter, as if he was close already. His dick warmed the back of my throat, but he pulled my lips all the way up, saliva coating my tongue. Edward’s eyes were pools of black now, so dark it slightly terrified me.
Whatever episodes of lust he was talking about, he must’ve hit his peak now. It seemed like he was on the brink of destroying me.
“Get up.” His voice was hoarse, and his mouth twitched with the words.
As soon as I did, Edward used his strength to slam me to the couch, letting my stomach hit the cushion. I repositioned my head, trying to meet his eye, but he crawled on top of me, and whispered low in my ear,
“The way I’m about to make you scream, my love, is gonna hurt way more than my cock in your pretty throat.”
Part TWO here
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congratzams · 2 years
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𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: carlisle, esme, rosalie, emmett, jasper, alice, edward
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: alice predicted your arrival years before you could even imagine yourself entangled to a family of vampires as their mate. this is their reaction when they find out about you.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none, except that bella is not included
𝐀/𝐍: just a little work i have in mind! anyone else gets mad when they leave esme out of the fics?
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Alice has seen the way your hair framed your face, how your lips tilted up when you laughed at the jokes your colleague said — she's seen it all, as if she watched a movie in which the main star was you.
And she enjoyed all of that. In fact, she sought the moment her visions would grasp her away from reality just to see you, normally accompanied by the Cullen family members. She sensed from the beginning the bond shared between you and each one of the family, a tickling awareness that if her heart could still beat it would reverberate in exhilaration.
A familiar glance shot towards Edward, whose abilities granted him the same bliss, causing him to crave for glimpses of his mate, and it soon became the perfect little secret between the siblings.
It was almost impossible for Alice to contain her excitement, Carlisle and Esme were the ones to bring it up during a family moment. The petite vampire was unsure if it was the right time to tell everyone — but who cares, right? They've already lived for a hundred years, time was nothing but an illusion and there was nothing left except for memories from a previous life.
Edward stood beside her as she posed with an ear-to-ear smile. I've seen her. We all have a human mate!
Rosalie spoke up first, a tingle of hurt in her voice. Her? She's… She's our mate? meaning they would be all sharing. The fact you were human took her by surprise. She worried for your safety and she doubted standing with vampires would do any good. She flashed Emmett a weak smile when she felt his heavy but reassuring embrace.
Rosalie wasn't as excited as her partner. Sure, she would come to terms with it, the bond existing between mates making it difficult to stay away from you, but it would take her a while to accept that it was your fate.
As for Emmett, he thought of himself so lucky as if he'd won the lottery. He couldn't wait to finally meet you. Oh, the things he would do. He wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you, even carrying you across the woods, the idea that you were merely a human (knowingly?) placed in the back of his mind — you absolutely had no idea the limits you'd be crossing with him.
Carlisle spoke up, I've heard stories about coven mates, but I've never imagined it was a real thing. His gaze glinted with small sparkles of hope and yet, he slightly worried about the dynamics of sharing a mate with the entire family, a human one nonetheless, and the implications it would have in their lives.
He was, however, grateful for the good news and the chance to experience such rare event in his life. The smile sent him by Esme served to sooth him into acceptance and his worries were soon forgotten.
Esme knew deep in her heart she would love you, there was absolutely no doubt in that. She was delighted to have a new addition to the family, one that would ignite flames of joy and love in all of them. You would be more than welcome to take your time in adapting into the family as Esme is known as the patient and loving one.
Jasper shared the same excitement Alice had, both partners so tuned to each other's feelings that an addition would shake things for good. He was thrilled to have you as his mate. Just like Emmett, he couldn't wait until the right moment, he had to meet you. But as it was with Alice, he knew he had to be patient.
Finally, Edward, knowing it from the beginning, got used to the idea of sharing a mate. At first, one could say being the private individual he was, the idea of sharing didn't stick well enough with him, but he eventually grew fond of that. He didn't worry nor was so eager as his siblings, he simply accepted the idea as his destiny and hoped to be accepted by you as well.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
How would (any twilight character) react to reader having a tongue piercing?
Oooh a reaction :) how wonderful so ima do the Cullen family for this one
Edward Cullen :
Edward Cullen might express concern or disapproval since he tends to be protective of those he cares about. He would likely worry about the potential risks or discomfort associated with tongue piercings. However, his reaction would ultimately depend on the dynamics of their relationship and how open they are to discussing such matters.
Esme Cullen :
Esme Cullen would likely react with her characteristic warmth and acceptance. She might inquire about (y/n)'s decision and show genuine interest in their feelings. Her response would likely be supportive, emphasizing that (y/n) should make choices that make them happy while also ensuring their well-being.
Carlisle Cullen :
Carlisle Cullen would likely react with an open-minded and understanding demeanor. He's known for his calm and rational approach. He might express curiosity about (y/n)'s decision and inquire about their reasons. While he might have some concerns about potential health or safety issues, he would likely focus on having an open and respectful conversation to ensure that (y/n) is making choices they're comfortable with.
Emmett Cullen :
Emmett Cullen would probably have a playful and light-hearted reaction to (y/n) having a tongue piercing. He might tease them in a good-natured way, cracking jokes and making fun comments. However, deep down, he would likely be supportive of their decision and respect their choices. His reaction would likely involve a mix of humor and camaraderie.
Rosalie Hale :
Rosalie Hale might have a more skeptical or critical reaction to (y/n) having a tongue piercing. She's known for her strong opinions and can be protective of those she cares about. She might express concerns about the potential risks or question the motivation behind the decision. However, her reaction could vary depending on her relationship with (y/n) and whether she's willing to have an open conversation about it.
Alice Cullen :
Alice Cullen would likely react with curiosity and excitement about (y/n) having a tongue piercing. She has a fun and adventurous personality, so she might see it as a unique and interesting choice. She might even playfully imagine how it could impact their future decisions. Overall, her reaction would likely be positive and open-minded, focusing on (y/n)'s individuality and expressing her support for their choices.
Jasper Hale :
Jasper Hale might have a more reserved and thoughtful reaction to (y/n) having a tongue piercing. Given his empathetic nature, he might be attuned to any discomfort or unease that (y/n) might feel due to the piercing. He could be concerned about their well-being and might offer calming and reassuring words. Jasper's response would likely reflect his consideration for (y/n)'s emotions and his desire to ensure their comfort.
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One thing, everything
Carlisle Cullen x female!reader
Summary: Carlisle wants only one thing for himself and you want nothing more than please him. Warnings: AGE GAP, oral sex (m receiving), mentions of vampire thirst, mentions of rough sex, mentions of creampie, cheating, pet names, unhealthy dynamics, kinda dark?Carlisle
Word count: 1033
An: just wanted to write something short for daddy. I wrote this half asleep, so if there are mistakes sorry about that.
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Carlisle is sitting in his office. It’s a smaller room compared the places he owned in different hospitals, way different than his offices when he used to teach in universities. It’s gloomy and has a small window. His patients always complain about lack of oxygen in the room. When it gets dark in Forks, his office turns into a cave without the weak fluorescent lights on the ceiling. He would get them changed but he doesn’t need light. In fact, he runs away from light.
His eyes travel trough the walls. There are pictures of his family. His beautiful wife Esme, smiles gracefully as she hugs him. His daughters are beautiful too, Rosalie looks confident as always and Alice is just as joyful. Emmet is holding Rosalie and Alice in his arms in one picture as Jasper smiles- which is quite rarely since they moved back to Forks-. Edward is in only one picture, a family portrait. He remembers how difficult it was to convince him that day. Yet he still couldn’t manage to get him smile.
His gaze finally finds you, kneeling between his legs, looking up to him with doe eyes. Your mouth is full of his cock, lips stretched around his girth. And your spit mixed with his precum drools down your chin to your new top. He notes to buy you a new one this weekend. He smiles softly when you try to take him deeper into your throat. You are holding his thighs, fingers digging in, creates half moon shapes with the sharpness of your nails. His cold fingers caresses your cheek before he holds the base of your hair tight. Your body trembles and your wetness drips onto your underwear. He can smell your arousal, and the flavour of your very existence makes his throat sore with thirstiness. It’s been so long since he craved for a human’s blood. But you, you make him crazy with need.
“Come on pretty girl. Do better for me.” He says gently. Carlisle knows how much power he has over you. Gosh, you’re just a fragile, little human and he looks like a god in your eyes. Tears are flowing down your cheeks and you try to suck him faster. It’s almost like you can feel him down your throat, in your gullet. The sensation is painful and uncomfortable. Yet the satisfaction of Carlisle brings you more pleasure than anything ever. He groans when he feels your lips at the base of his cock. Your breath hits his blonde pubes, your warm, welcoming mouth drives him over the edge. He loves seeing you struggle on your knees, only for him. He loves having you by his feet, and pat your head when you’re good. You look so beautiful when you look up to him with those beautiful eyes of yours, beg for something you want him to get for you and then thank him with different ways he taught you.
He tries to be gentle, as much he can, and guides your head up and down on his cock. You try to catch your breath as he fucks into your mouth. He’s frowning, eyes shut tight and he looks only focused on his climax. Last time, he came on your face. This time he wants to leave his seed deep into your stomach. He knows how much you love when you are able to taste him fully. And he loves making his pretty girl happy. His hips thrusts up few times and before you know, he’s coming in your throat.
“Fuck!” He mutters and his head falls back to his leather chair. His tight hold on your hair loosens as you try to catch your breath and swallow his load. He hears you cough few times but he doesn’t look at you. He thinks of his choices. He knows he has a family, a wife to go back to. And he knows Edward can see his thoughts every single day when they all sit down in the living room, as he hold Esme in his arms. And he knows he doesn’t like it even though he wouldn’t say anything. He wonders if Alice saw this was coming or if she sees something about you that didn’t happen yet.
“Did I do good?” You ask, voice shaky and tears keep running down your cheeks. Your mascara is smudged under your eyes and there are big wet stains on your top. You look like a mess. Carlisle knows what he’s doing is wrong but having one thing for himself feels too good. Having one thing that he doesn’t need to share with others, with the rest of the world is precious. Every single time you enter his office he tells himself that he won’t do it again. And the next thing he knows that he’s fucking you hard on his desk. And in those moments he feels like the weight on his shoulders disappears.
When you’re kissing him, he doesn’t need to think about Jasper’s constant hunger. When youre riding him as your breasts bounce, he doesn’t need to think about Rosalie’s grumpy complaints about everything. When you’re begging him to come deep inside you, he doesn’t need to think about Edward’s century long depression. He only thinks about you when your tight, wet walls clench around him and your eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Yes, baby. You did so good.” He says as he pulls you up this lap. Your arms wrap around his neck when he settles your shaky body against his own. He holds your thigh and kisses you. The kiss is deep and makes you dizzy. His tongue swirls around yours, cold lips pressed against your burning ones.
“My turn to take care of you.” He says as his fingers trace over your skin to your underwear. His lips are right on your neck, kissing slowly when his fingertips meet with your wetness. His tongue stops right on your pulsing vein on the neck. He can only imagine how sweet you might taste. And the thrilling fantasy sends shivers down his spine. The thought of tasting you feels depraved, sick. But nothing in his life delights him more lately.
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therealvinelle · 5 months
I love the Agatha Christie question!
Who are your HP/Twilight faves in the Christie universe? (Who’s the opportunist who knows too much and dies for it? Who’s the conman killer who courts the girl to avoid suspicion? Who’s just trying to take a holiday and gets caught-up in a murder? Who are the dynamic mystery-solving duo who realize they are in love by the end of the novel? etc.).
I mean, that is kind of what The Man Who Would Be King (and secret fic) (both cowritten with @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin) have already become. We have our murder victim, Alphard, a very rich man with a colorful family, and possibly his sister, we have our unlikely detectives in Voldemort, Lily Potter, and Alphard himself. It may not be the center of the story but it's a large part of it.
In other words my answer for Harry Potter would somehow spoil all my present and future fics so I won't.
As for the Twilight version...
I vote we do it wealthy dysfunctional family style, it's most natural.
A patriarch is poisoned
Carlisle Cullen, a very wealthy man with powerful enemies, nonetheless dear to those around him and blessed with more friends than most, is found dead in his office one morning. Cause of death? Murder.
The police, caught on the detail that Dr. Cullen was a vampire and vampires are real, what the fuck is this on the doctor's autopsy table and is he going to wake up again and drink all our blood?, are little use in the investigation. Scotland Yard is soon brought in, and using Chief Swan's connections with the family they get a better picture of Dr. Cullen's life.
His family wasn't looking to inherit him anytime soon, as he was immortal. None of them were having money troubles however, all were independently wealthy.
He had made enemies of a thousand-year-old clan of powerful vampires, who on hearing that his murder is being investigated like this get very upset. Supposedly the victim lived with them in his youth (and inspector Craddock cries when he learns the timeline for this murder goes back to the 1600s. Are they going to have to bring historians in on this murder??), he might have known something
Oh what's that? The victim had a whole network of friends across the globe, who are all killers, and he knew everyone's secrets? ... do we have the budget to investigate this?
The victim was also living next to a tribe of magical shapeshifting wolves evolved specifically to kill his kind. They liked him best and had a line in their treaty that "he dies last". Not sure what to do with this information
Rosalie Hale missing person case from 1933 solved: Carlisle Cullen adopted her. Was she recognised, did someone piece it together, and was Carlisle killed in retribution?
The victim lived a fake life of fake papers. Could be important, except it's the most normal thing about this case.
The police wonder how this man didn't get murdered sooner, and are stretched so thin the investigation is going slowly.
So, Renesmee gets to be our plucky detective du jour, as she decides to see if she can help. Surely there is no harm in her poking around, and she's well liked around the vampire world so there might be answers she can get that human police can't, partly because policemen keep getting eaten.
She slowly narrows it down to the horrible realization that it was someone in the family, and she learns terrible things.
Jasper Hale wasn't Jasper Hale at all! He was a friend of Jasper's in the newborn army who wanted a new life, and who in the wake of Jasper's suden and unexpected death assumed his identity. He had Peter bite his entire face so he'd be scarred like Jasper had been, and vouch for this blond vampire most definitely being Jasper Hale. Peter later had to die because he Knew Too Much, and so did Charlotte, regrettably. Fake Jasper did however not kill Carlisle.
Edward seems a prime suspect, he is an angry and resentful young man who acts out. Everyone thinks he did it, and that Bella should certainly marry Jacob, the safer option. Much upheaval is had, however, once Renesmee is able to clear Edward's name and he meaningfully links arms with Bella. They sail off into the sunset with their inheritance.
Rosalie is a beautiful, cold, intimidating woman, the femme fatale sort who's surely conniving. It's a bit of a mystery why she married that poor fool Emmett, but it's clear to all she doesn't love him. No clear motive from her, other than the money she would inherit, but she's just so suspicious. Her alibi is ambiguous, she claims she was with Esme and Emmett but what if Esme and Emmett are lying to protect their daughter and wife? Superintendent Battle wonders about that.
Renesmee is at a loss.
And then she realizes that it's not Rosalie who acts like she doesn't love Emmett, it's Emmett who acts like he doesn't love her! And Esme's grieving widow act is just that, it's an act!
Renesmee realizes that Emmett and Esme are lovers, and killed Carlisle together. Esme committed it while Emmett tricked Rosalie into giving her an alibi. Renesmee realizes this once she has a "But Rosalie couldn't have seen Esme from that angle!" moment.
The plan was too pin Rosalie for the murder, see her hanged, and then in due time the mourning widowers would marry, happily entitled to all the money they couldn't have touched if they'd divorced. Also Rosalie was Catholic so she wouldn't have agreed to a divorce.
The two lovers are confronted, and Esme pulls out a tiny pearl-studded gun from her shoe, says "We tried, my love. I regret nothing" before shooting first Emmett, then herself.
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panlight · 7 months
*I personally don't consider Bella a Cullen kid; she married in and still has at least one human parent actively in her life. But I know others see it differently so here you go.
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inquisimer · 6 months
dragon age oneshot fic recs
@dreadfutures said that we should do more fic recs and she's absolutely right, so I'm starting what will hopefully be a series of fic rec lists, leading off with some oneshot recs! These are just standalone stories that don't require a big time commitment and definitely stuck with me after I read them.
Check them out! and leave a comment or kudos to let the author know you did 💜
Feel free to reblog this post and add your own oneshot fic recs! Or make your own fic rec post and tag me in it so I can read and promote your awesome recs :3
My Lover's Phylactery by FrodaB
Cullen Rutherford/Female Inquisitor | G | 1472 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: She doesn't destory it Mer's Rec: this is an excellent piece that fills the gap DAI left (imho) about Trevelyan's phylactery! There's some excellent introspection from the Inquisitor and a bittersweet but somft and heartfelt ending between Cullen and his love.
Bent, Not Broken by spirrum (@spirrum)
Fenris/Female Hawke | G | 1595 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: In which Hawke doesn't run off to Weisshaupt, and an angry elf turns up at the Inquisition's door. Mer's Rec: this is a little slice of interpersonal relationships that beautifully captures Hawke's spirit! It starts with some platonic Hawke & Varric, perfectly encapsulating the exhaustion both of them feel after HLTA, and transitions smoothly into the heart-tugging reunion between Hawke and a frustrated Fenris who's very much in love.
last man standing (perhaps) by havvke (Wintertree)
Charade Amell & Carver Hawke & Female Hawke | T | 6749 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: Hawke’s teeth glinted when she grinned, except for the gap of her missing left dogtooth. Funny how they did that, even in such poor lighting. Glinting. Hawke barely seemed real. They’ve gone on a mission or two together since that initial, embarrassingly disastrous meeting, and it was still shocking that the woman lived up—if not surpassed—her nearly legendary status. Compared to the other missions Charade led with the Jennies, this was somewhat easier than her normal fare. But while Hawke was a known figure, and by technicality kin, Charade still didn’t know her. Mer's Rec: Okay, I'm admittedly biased toward this piece, because it was a gift for me as part of the 2023 Platonic Ideal Exchange. That being said, it is an INCREDIBLE work of sibling dynamics and I think of it whenever I think about Charade Amell. Havvke explores the relationship between Charade as a Red Jenny, Carver as a Grey Warden, and Hawke as...Hawke, in a beautiful web of complicated choices and found family. Over a year later, it still holds up as one of the best exchange gifts I've ever received.
Doggone by leggywillow (@leggywillow)
Alistair/Female Warden, Alistair & Anora Mac Tir, Alistair & Warden's Mabari | T | 3042 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: Alistair and the Warden are no longer together, but they still exchange letters - through Dog. Alistair struggles to find happiness in his life as king, but he isn't entirely alone. Mer's Rec: I read this one just recently and oh my GOODNESS it both made me laugh and also pulled at my heartstrings. Leggy alters the canon breakup between a King Alistair & the Warden to be somehow even more heartbreaking and the way that he talks to Dog is just so essentially Alistair, I could hear every line in his voice. Add to that several well done bits between Alistair & Anora and this piece absolutely delivers on the "sad" and "heartache" in the additional tags.
That Word You Call Me by thewitchofthewilds (gossamerstarsxx) (@saiyanshewolf)
Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford | T | 1768 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Author's Summary: The first time she tells him she loves him is the time he needs to hear it the most Mer's Rec: I love this piece for the intermingling of angst and fluff between Lavellan and Cullen. It leads in with one of the better descriptions of nightmare panic that I've seen and the way that Lavellan grounds Cullen from it is smooth and heartfelt, as is his reaction to her comfort. It caps off with some sweet fluff and a taste of human/elf relationships dynamics, for which I am a sucker, and which end the fic on soft, heartfelt note.
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askcarlislecullen · 4 months
Will you and your family all live together one day again? Maybe even anytime soon?
You know, I very rarely answer questions that are at the top of my inbox. These days, I sift through them with a good bit of discrimination and some of them sit for years and still others I never deal with. But this is a provocative question which the asker may not realize is very timely, as Esme and I are preparing our home to be closed for a month while we make what has now become an annual sojourn to Europe. So as we pack, and prepare gifts, and reminisce, and think about the time soon to come with our children less than two weeks from now, we have also been asking ourselves this rather thorny question.
And I think—I think—I am at peace with the fact that the answer is likely no.
I never intended to be the leader of a large coven. No one is more surprised than I that seven others found fit to stay with me all these many years. That those I turned chose to stay, and that two others saw reason to travel and hold out for years to find us, and that my daughter-in-law chose to join us in this very life will never stop being surprising to me.
We've lived in many configurations in the little over a century we've lived as a coven of two up to a coven of eight. As a man and his brother in law, as a man and wife and her brother, as a couple and their boarders, as two couples and their brother. It wasn't until Alice and Jasper joined us that we even broached choosing cover stories that more closely resembled the family we imagined ourselves to be, and even then, some frequent and sudden moves in the early days there necessitated that we take different covers and often, live apart.
Then came those intense seven years over the turn of the last decade, in which our sense of family was abruptly sharpened as if by a gravitational pull by raising our miracle child. We got to experience for the first time the visceral realness of existing as parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents. And if I had to put a finger on it, I suspect it was that moment, of for once, not playacting at being a family, that allowed our family to evolve.
The distance forced upon us by the pandemic was painful, I won't lie. But this new reality where we can travel when we choose to, when our adult children or our adult granddaughter and her fiancé freely come to us for a spell and then go their way, is strangely healthy.
I lay a great deal of blame for the dysfunction of our family dynamic squarely at my own feet; when I turned Edward I needed badly his adoration and his unwavering love. I needed someone to guide, to counsel, to bring into manhood. But there was always a part of me that was a little bit afraid of letting him fully step into that manhood, holding an iron grip, terrified that if my child was no longer a child, I would lose the identity that a century ago saved my life. And without consciously intending to, I arranged everyone else so that I wouldn’t have to let that go.
Isabella and Renesmee changed that. When Edward became a husband, and so soon after, a father himself, our relationship shifted. And I found that in adding "Renesmee's grandfather" to my identity, much to my relief, I didn't cease being "Edward's father" but that there was suddenly room for me to live even more fully into being "Esme's husband" and also sometimes just "Carlisle."
I put up less of a façade with my children now. It is easier to admit to them when I also am afraid or worried or sad. They in turn don't seem to worry as much about pleasing or disappointing me. We feel free to treasure one another's company, and, when we feel we can't treasure it, to be apart.
Now does this mean the ten of us will never again be under one roof? Hardly. For one, we already regularly do this for weeks at a stretch twice a year now, in the summer and in the winter. To say nothing of the fact that time periods which are long for humans are devastatingly short for us—in the future, we might choose to live together for years, or even a decade or more, who knows. But we will do so with the changed understanding that the arrangement is temporary, for however long "temporary" is.
And I suspect that is, in fact, the way we should've thought of it all along.
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Hello! Been reading your twilight posts recentlt and was wondering what you think might have happened if James had killed Emmett in the ballet studio, particularly how it would have affected Rosalie/her dynamic with the Cullens?
Bella feels horribly guilty to learn that her stupid plan to save her mother (who had not been kidnapped) as well as the fact that she drew James's attention in the first place (which would not have happened had she not intruded in the Cullen's world where she feels she doesn't belong) got someone killed. Not just someone, either, but one of the Cullens, Edward's beloved brother, and Emmett who seemed so nice for all she didn't know him that well.
Bella is devastated and feels increadibly guilty and horrible.
This is made worse by Rosalie's (understandable if not ideal) reaction where I imagine she blames Bella to her face. This never would have happened if Bella had not been involved in their lives, not come to that baseball game, or if they hadn't saved her from that stupid van/killed her the night after like Rosalie wanted to. Rosalie feels as if she's traded Emmett for Bella and she hates that.
Edward of course blames Rosalie for having the worst reaction possible and actively driving Bella into a depression.
I imagine Rosalie leaves, Edward clearly isn't leaving Bella (as I imagine he'd want to hold on a little longer/this wouldn't be the New Moon wakeup call for him) and she wants time on her own to grieve/not get into fights with Edward over whose fault it is that Emmett died. No doubt Rosalie also blames the family somewhat as if they had sided with her and chosen not to protect Bella, Emmett would be alive. It's understandable why they wanted to protect Bella but it also was dangerous and risked someone dying for what. Rosalie needs some time to process alone.
Bella now feels she's driven Rosalie out of the family, this makes her guilt even worse.
I imagine Bella actively tries to avoid the Cullen household that summer (unlike canon) as being there reminds Bella of what happened/she believes it reminds the Cullens of what happened...
Honestly, I think Bella dumps Edward. She tries to hang on to him but as the weeks go by and his family is clearly falling apart, and it's all her fault, and he's sitting there being so sweet when she just effectively murdered his brother...
I don't think Bella could do it, it'd be too much and she'd double down on "Edward deserves better than me". Especially when she can justify that Edward can't read her thoughts, he's clearly too good to ever blame her when she deserves it, and she can say to herself "Edward doesn't realize how awful of a person I am."
So, Bella breaks up with him so that he can have someone better, his family can move, and they can heal. Edward is shocked and horrified but in the midst of his despair and depression remembers that this was what he wanted, he wanted to leave Bella eventually and her doing it versus him might be better. So, Edward leaves immediately and steals all her pictures/every gift he ever gave her.
Bella sinks into her New Moon depression immediately (made worse by Emmett's death and the fact that Bella did this herself and now is weak for wanting to take back her decision and oh god she's the worst person on the planet).
The Hallucination Edward times are even more fraught as Bella feels doubly guilty in that she shouldn't want to summon Edward and yet she can't live without him. I imagine this results in even riskier behavior as Bella genuinely thinks she should die and gets closer and closer to actively wanting it.
Bella probably succeeds in killing herself.
(The Jacob thing here... I don't know if he could help because the thing is Bella despises herself so much/feels so guilty and Jacob has no context for understanding this even if he becomes a wolf (added that Bella now is responsible for people dying because Victoria is actively hunting her) that I don't think Bella can use her friendship with him to claw her way out of depression.
He'd probably just make her feel worse given he shifted because of Victoria which is because of her and have we mentioned Emmett is dead?)
I imagine Alice does not tell Rosalie in part because Rosalie's not near her when it happens also because... well... bad history and Alice blames Rosalie for this mess.
This means no one tells Edward.
Edward's suicide is thus put off for as long as he feels he can live without Bella. When he breaks and goes to check on her, he discovers she's died and goes to Volterra to kill himself where no one is able to stop him from breaking the law.
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shivunin · 9 months
Dragon Age Fic Recs
In honor of the Just Leave a Comment Fest, and with no particular theme, here are a few of my favorite Dragon Age Fics:
(If you wrote one of these fics and want me to tag your blog, please let me know and I'm happy to do so!)
**Always check the tags before jumping in; this list is no exception.**
be my mirror by ella_vellan: (T; 5,798) Alistair & Morrigan. Alistair meets Kieran for the first time in Orlais. The dialogue in this feels so well-paced and authentic, and it really navigates a fraught situation with grace. One of those fics that feels bittersweet in the most cathartic way. 
a gentle, beating heart by rynleaf: (M; 5,115 Words) Warden/Zevran. The Warden finds out she is pregnant sometime after Origins and puts off telling Zevran. The epistolary pieces of this frame the underlying story so well, and the flow of the fic itself is extremely well-paced.
A Man’s Word is His Bond by howlsmovinglibrary: (M; 35,135 Words/9 chapters) Zevran/Warden Soulmate AU. Honestly? This Surana cracks me up and I adore this fic. She is just having absolutely none of his nonsense. No thank you. Also, the implications of a soulmate-identifying mark are really well-explored here.
Dragon Age II:
see me bare my teeth for you by calypsid: (T; 2,978 Words) Fenris/Hawke vampire AU. This one has really good pacing and Fenris’s POV is really effective. Would absolutely read way more about the dynamic between this Hawke and Fenris. 
to hold you by the edges by vesperics: (T; 4,059 Words) Fenris/Hawke wound-tending set sometime in Act 1. I am a sucker for wound-tending anything, but I really enjoyed the way this fic explores Hawke and Fenris’s early dynamic and the way she navigates his boundaries about magical healing. 
River Stone by loquaciousquark: (M; 45,633 Words) Fenris/Hawke. Hawke is captured and subjected to a botched Rite of Tranquility. Hawke survives by pretending it worked while Fenris tries to find her. The pain in this fic is so delicately and thoughtfully depicted; it might be my favorite hurt/comfort fic ever. There is an art to writing something that hurts like this while still making the catharsis of resolution feel earned, and this author absolutely knows how to do it right. 
Portrait of a Man by Dulcidyne: (T; 3,136 Words) Cullen/Inquisitor. Cullen sits for a portrait. Love the dynamic of person vs. role here, and the idea of how someone is depicted potentially outliving who they actually are. A fic I would hug if I could. 
Truth-Telling by todisturbtheuniverse: (M; 3,988 Words; CW: Fantasy Racism) Adaar/Josephine. Adaar tells several stories about how she lost her horn, but saves the truth for Josie. There are so many great pieces in this about the faces shown to people we trust vs. people who pry for information. Love the almost-but-not-quite together state of their relationship here, too. Yearning, my beloved. 
Port in the Storm by kvella: (E; 89,445 Words/19 Chapters) After nearly hooking up, Cullen and Josephine navigate their tensions while trying to build a memorial for Haven. A lovely slow burn! Characterization is enjoyable and consistent, smut is well-written, and the tension is palpable. The sections involving Josie’s family were some of my favorites.
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