#culkin dreams
cum-a-calla · 4 months
i had a wild Culkin-related dream last night. it was so vivid and weird lol, but anyway - on to the dream.
Macauley and Rory were making some appearance at a low-key con of some kind at my state's fairgrounds. i was there wandering around and saw them, and seeing as i'm totally fucking in love with them both (and Kieran, who did not show up), i shyly approached Macauley as he was about to enter a building and told him, "scuse me, sorry - i know this is super cliche, but i think you're absolutely gorgeous and i'm a huge fan."
he sort of nodded and lit a cigarette and thanked me, but then went on a weird tangent about how when he was younger he witness an extremely traumatic child death, and how it still fucks him up. i was like, oh... fuck, man, that's fucked up, i'm sorry.
after that he lightened up and walked me to Rory, and through some weird dream logic we all started holding hands. they decided i could date both of them since they're two of my celebrity hall-passes (this is in fact true) and their partners were down with them occasionally getting side action (this is not true, remember - this is my dream).
so we spent this long lazy day cuddling and holding hands and sharing these chaste little kisses, and Rory let me play with his hair and i buried my nose in it (this is something i do to my husband constantly btw, smelling your lover's hair is intoxicating).
eventually we approached this cave and Macauley smiled at me and kissed me and waved goodbye. it was becoming clear that we were "sharing a dream" together, and once Rory and i reached the end of this cavelike tunnel, we would wake up and basically part forever. Rory and i were holding hands and being extremely affectionate and at the end, he teared up and explained that he'd fallen in love with me in this weird timeless dreamspace and he didn't want to wake up yet. we clutched each other and then i knew i had to go, so i tumbled over this black edge and woke up into an entirely different dream in which i was living in another world in another house in the middle of the night.
super fun! super weird. just as an aside, i'm an extremely vivid and constant dreamer and i might use this blog to not only write porn but record my dreams under a tag (imaginatively named "cuntoid dreams").
anyway if you read this far, cool! see you later! and i promise i fully intend to post way more often and actually provide content - the past couple months have been stuffed fucking FULL of family events, birthdays, and work drama. so don't give up on me, folks!
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the-chamber-of-hoes · 2 months
Not pleased with the lack of new fics for my fav characters (hyper fixations) lately. The withdrawals are eating me alive
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dinner-partys · 4 months
if i watch a random movie for my celebrity crush... am i a whore?
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cocaineheartz · 2 years
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hunger hurts but i want him so bad
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angelsanarchy · 7 months
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Fever Dreams: Mike x Y/N One Shot Series PRT 01
Tagging: @icarus-star @chainsawgvtsfvck @romanroyapoligist @liquidsmoothdomme @madamemaximoff06 @drazenka @blacksoul-27 @444rockstargf (let me know if you wish to be tagged)
Mike sat in the passenger seat of Leff's 1970 Chrysler Newport which he treated like the child he always wanted. He was pissed to have been dragged out of bed so early to sit in the Train station parking lot. He had no idea who they were picking up or why he had to be with him but he was annoyed and tired.
"You're gonna need to get in the backseat." Leff said without looking at him.
"The fuck for?" Mike looked over at Leff who narrowed his eyes at him.
"Because I'd rather not watch Y/n embarrass you this early in the morning." He explained. Mike knew very little about this person they were picking up. He knew that they worked for Leff and just returned from doing an import run.
"He can sit in the backseat just fine." Mike laughed but when he felt Leff's gaze on him, he looked over at him.
"Are you fucking serious? I'm already comfortable, why do I have to move just because of them?" Mike whined.
"You sound like a fucking child." Leff groaned.
"You treat me like a fucking child." Mike argued. Leff rolled his eyes and continued to puff on a cigarette watching for this person to make their appearance.
"What's so special about this guy? I mean you made me take a fucking Uber from the airport when I got here but we're picking this guy up at the train station?" Mike asked curiously.
"Y/n works harder than you ever thought about working." Leff kept his eyes on the platform and Mike rolled his eyes.
"Y/n isn't a guy either so be respectful. Did your mother teach you any fucking manners?" Leff asked with frustration. Mike let out a laugh.
"So what? You fucking her?" Mike asked with his eyebrow up. Leff gave him a death glare before Mike put his hands up and got in the back seat mumbling about never getting any respect.
"Okay so this chick...what does she do exactly? I mean is she like Sicky? Is she like me, a runner?" Leff snorted.
"A runner? That's what you call yourself? She's not like either of you because she doesn't need a fucking job title to earn money." Leff explained.
"She's also off limits so don't even think about being cute with her, she'll cut your dick off before I even get a chance to slap you around for being an idiot." Leff pointed at him in the rearview with a warning.
"So you are fucking her?" Mike pressed and Leff swatted at him but he put his hands up.
"Jesus Christ! I'm just curious. What's her deal? Why am I not allowed to even ask about her?" Mike was getting irritated with how uptight Leff was being.
"She used to work for a nightclub that one of my competition works out of. I was fucking a few of her coworkers but she had reached out to me about your mom once." Mike's attention was piqued.
"What do you mean?" Mike pressed.
"When your mom was trying to get her fix, she would go to places like that and try and score. Y/n kept an eye on her for me but her boss wasn't too happy about it...tried to have her dealt with." Leff explained.
"But she works for you now? How did that pan out?" Mike was confused.
"Technically I paid a fee to take her out of the night club. The club boss didn't care, my competition still tries to make moves to bring her back into the fold over there." Leff shook his head.
"How can you trust someone who worked for the competition?" Mike asked and caught Leff's gaze in the mirror again.
"She got her ass nearly cut into pieces for getting your mom out of a deal gone wrong. I saved her life, got her out of that assholes crew. She doesn't have to suck dick or get her ass beat over here. She's worked her ass off and has never said no to a tough task. She's the best worker I got." Leff wanted Mike to know the situation with Y/n and how important she was to his team. She was a trustworthy person and had even known his mom. Mike really wanted to ask her about his mom but he knew Leff would probably shut that down.
It was still something that was too hard to talk about.
"There she is. Keep your dumbass comments to yourself or I'll kick your ass." Leff popped the trunk as she approached and she tossed two large duffels into the trunk before climbing into the car. Mike was surprised she was so attractive. He knew she once worked at a nightclub but she had naturally beautiful features.
"Who's Brokeback Mountain?" Y/n tossed her thumb to the backseat.
"Oh fuck off." Mike groaned in annoyance.
"That's my nephew, Mike. He's apart of the team now." Leff started to drive and Y/n turned back to look at him.
"Is this a permanent look or are you going through a phase of sorts where you like to suck dick?" Y/n asked with a smirk.
"You're one to talk with lips like that. Are you going for New York homeless or DC prostitute?" Mike fought back.
"Mike!" Leff growled but Y/n laughed.
"Oh he's going to be fun. I like him already." She turned in the seat and extended her hand.
"Y/n, I will absolutely be ripping you to shreds verbally on the daily." She smiled brightly and Mike felt a little part of him melt a little before taking her hand and shaking it.
"Mike and I look forward to going toe to toe with you any day sweetheart." He shook her hand and she flicked his cowboy hat.
"So does the hat get you any pussy?" Y/n asked curiously and Mike smirked.
"Why? You want to get in line?" He teased making Y/n laugh.
"This one is going to be trouble, you know that right?" She looked over at Leff who glared at her.
"Don't encourage is dumbass behavior. It will get him killed." Leff gritted.
"He'll be okay. You know Sicky and I will take good care of him." She tried to reassure and Mike was curious as to the touch she gave Leff's shoulder. Maybe she was into Leff? He needed to talk to her and get her story before he let himself get too interested in her.
"So you knew my mom?" Mike asked abruptly and the care grew silent. She looked over her shoulder and nodded at him.
"I did. She talked about you a lot....I'm sorry how things ended." Y/n looked at him with remorse and he wasn't expecting her to look so effected by the mention of her. He made a note to ask her about what she knew when Leff wasn't around.
"Are we done making friendship bracelets and braiding each others hair" Leff asked breaking up the silence.
"Don't' be jealous Leff. We can get you a cowboy hat if you want." She openly teased Leff and her glared at her. There was so much about her Mike wanted to know.
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yourdeadcutie · 16 days
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He makes me wanna go feral. I've literally watched scream 4 115 times just for him.
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Oh to be in Oslo wearing a Mayhem shirt with Rory
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Sometimes I just remember that I wrote some shit...
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amayalul · 1 year
to whoever said that rory culkin should be featured in the bear as carmy's cousin...
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laurapalmersdiary · 2 years
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xvmgnhao · 1 year
hey guys can y’all send drabble requests sorry i’ve been inactive i just started college
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angelsanarchy · 29 days
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Fever Dreams: Mike x Y/N One Shot Series PRT 22
Tagging: @icarus-star @chainsawgvtsfvck @romanroyapoligist @liquidsmoothdomme @madamemaximoff06 @drazenka @blacksoul-27 @444rockstargf @kappasbbgirl @luzclarita57 @tempt-ress @starry-eyed-wild-child
Working without Y/n made the days seem longer to Mike. Leff hadn't brought Y/n up anymore and was almost giving him the silent treatment as he stewed in his own feelings. Sicky had laid off the teasing at least until the bruise on his face had faded. Mike had stopped going to the bar so much because he didn't want to upset Y/n but he missed her. He missed shooting the shit, flirting, the way she would give him little shoves or put her hand on him somehow.
"No drop offs tonight. Consider this a day off." Leff muttered pulling Mike from his thoughts.
"What?" He wasn't sure what he meant. They hadn't had "days off" before so having one now seemed strange.
"What? You deaf? There's no drop offs. Go get laid or wasted. I don't give a fuck." Leff gestured for Mike to leave and Sicky jumped at the freedom. The two walked outside and Mike started towards the car.
"Where you headed Mikey?" Sicky asked curiously.
"I guess the bar?" He shrugged.
"Y/n isn't working tonight." Mike shrugged.
"I didn't say I was going to see Y/n." Mike shoved his hands in his pockets and Sicky laughed.
"I'll take you to where she's going tonight and you can thank me later." He put his arm around Mike's shoulder and Mike gave him a shove.
When they walked into the club, Mike seemed surprised that this was where Sicky said Y/n was hanging out.
"You're on your own mate. Stay out of trouble." Sicky shouted over the music before leaving him at the bar. Mike looked around and tried to spot Y/n in the crowd of people. He hadn't even known this club was here but apparently Sicky knew this was a place she must frequent. He ordered a beer and sipped it, leaning against the bar top. Once he spotted her standing in the middle of the dance floor, sandwiched between two other bodies, he felt entranced.
The way she moved, running her hands across her body, not giving a damn about what was happening around her, she looked free. She looks fucking sexy as hell but she already knew Mike thought so.
"Hey man you got any-" One of Leff's regular's approached him, getting too close for comfort.
"I'm not working man." Mike put his hand up and tried to push the guy out of his space.
"Come on man!" The guy was begging and Mike shoved him.
"Fuck off." Mike caught the eyes of security and they gave him a nod letting him know they would handle the junkie. Mike made his way through the crowd on the dance floor until he reached Y/n.
"And what are you doing here?" Y/n leaned into him, still dancing but using her body to roll against his.
"I wanted to see you." He said against her ear as she spun around and wrapped her arms around his neck while she grinded against his crotch. Mike let his hands roam her hips and breasts.
"You look so fucking sexy." Mike said against her ear and she chuckled.
"I know..." She made him move his body with hers as she danced and Mike found himself dancing against her. He wasn't much of a dancer but with her body pressing into his and her hands tangled up in his hair made him suddenly ready to learn on the spot.
"I'm surprised to see you off the leash. Leff kick you out to entertain?" Mike tensed hearing her mention Leff and took the jab to heart. She must have felt his body go a bit more rigid and she turned to face him, arms now around his neck.
"That was a cheap shot. I'm sorry...I just wasn't expecting to see you." Y/n kept her hand on the back of his neck as she spoke directly into his ear so she could be heard. He was caught off guard by the apology at first but the smell of tequila made him chuckle.
"Are you happy to see me or would you prefer I stay out of your hair?" Mike asked letting his lips linger across her cheek. She rolled her eyes up before chuckling.
"I'm not unhappy to see you." She pulled back and looked him in the face. He smiled at her and could tell she was wasted but he didn't care. He was hoping this was a drunk words, sober thoughts situation.
"I'm happy you're not unhappy. I've missed seeing you." Mike admits and she shakes her head.
"You see me all the time." Y/n teases.
"Not like before." Mike admits. He goes to the bar and occasionally eats at the diner across the street but things aren't the same. He went from hanging out with her every day on runs to barely talking to her in passing. Y/n pulls him from his thoughts by running her hands down the front of his jeans and cupping him firmly.
"You just miss me feeling up on you all the time huh?" She bit her lip and Mike grunted a response.
"If you don't behave, I'll have to take you home and punish you." Mike put his hand on top of hers and she smirked like it was a funny joke.
"Oh yeah? What are you going to do? Spank me?" He felt her pulling at his zipper and he stopped her.
"You don't think I will?" Mike gripped her wrist and she stopped.
"No...I don't think you will. I don't think you have it in you to dominate someone like me." Y/n tried to pull her wrist free but Mike used her own hand to guide under her skirt to push her panties aside and dive her own digits into her wet pussy. Her eyes went wide and she gasped.
"I think you have no idea what I'm capable with sweetheart." He pulses his hand up into her own, almost puppeting her to finger herself in the middle of the dance floor of a crowded club.
"Mmmike." Her jaw dropped slightly and he pulled her fingers from herself, bringing them to his lips and sucking them into his mouth. He watched her face as he sucked her juices from her own hand and her pupils were blown out.
"Ask me..." Mike was so close to her lips when he spoke, he used his tongue to dart out and let her taste herself on his tongue.
"Will you take me home?" She asked with no hesitation. Mike felt a heat rise in his chest and silently cursed himself that he wasn't more prepared for her to be on board. She took him by the hand and yelled out to her friends before dragging him out of the bar.
He caught sight of Sicky who gave him a head nod as she pulled him away. He almost felt like he was dreaming. The moment they got into a cab, she was practically in his lap, feeling him up, sucking on his neck and using his hands to resume what they had started in the club. Thankfully, cab drivers in New York had seen shit like this every day so he was just thankful there were no bodily fluids in the backseat when they pulled up to her apartment.
"I'm going to ride your face, put that nose of yours to use instead of ruining it with coke." Y/n panted as Mike fumbled with her jacket, his hat and her purse.
"I like that plan...but we need keys to get into your apartment." He laughed as she started rooting through her purse.
"I want you to tie me to the bed and eat me out until I'm crying and can't fucking take it." Y/n slopply handed him the keys and he put them in the door.
"Yeah? Keep talking, I'll start making a mental checklist." Mike pushed the door open and turned back to her as she leaned against the entrance way.
"I want you to fuc-" Y/n was mid request when she started spewing vomit all over the steps outside of her building. Mike dropped her purse and his hat in the vomit in order to keep her from falling face first onto the sidewalk as she groaned from retching the contains in her stomach.
This...this was more of what he was expecting. This was his luck.
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hyprunivers · 1 year
Dear Tumblr,
I need help writing the script for The Godfather Part 4: Rise of the Gamer.
I know we can do this.
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jmunneytumbler · 9 months
Number of Appearances by Public Figures and Fictional Characters in My Dreams in 2023
CREDIT: Golden State Warriors/Screenshot; Rutgers Athletics/Screenshot (NOTE: In my dreams, celebrities often appear as conflations of themselves and the characters they play. So if a dream takes place in a movie or TV show, then its characters are usually also the actors that play them. There a few exceptions, though: animated characters generally are not counted this way, as they don’t tend to…
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2ad · 1 year
I need to get laid omg
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p1nkprincess444 · 4 months
{Contains 18+ content!!}
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୨୧ Rory Culkin Characters ୨୧
ꔫ Down there
ᡣ𐭩 Clyde (Electrick Children)
ꔫ Pt 1. Skater Boy
ꔫ  Pt. 2 Skater Boy
ꔫ Sick days
ꔫ Late Night Calls
ꔫ Truth or Dare
ꔫ Louder
ᡣ𐭩 Charlie Walker 
ꔫ Peeping tom
ꔫ and if you die, I wanna die with you
ꔫ Anything?
ꔫ I still love you
ꔫ NSFW Alphabet
ꔫ Place Between My Thighs
ᡣ𐭩 Clay Roach
ꔫ The Three of Us
ꔫ Sunshine
ꔫ I did it all for love 1-5
ꔫ Drunk
ᡣ𐭩 Danny Cooper
ꔫ Sweet Boy
ᡣ𐭩 Jack Thurlow
ꔫ Tutor
ᡣ𐭩 Kappa (Black Mirror) 
ꔫ  NSFW Alphabet
ᡣ𐭩 Euronymous (Lords of Chaos)
ꔫ Cheater
ꔫ Friday the Thirteenth
ꔫ Boyfriend Headcanons
୨୧ Kaulitz Twins ୨୧
ᡣ𐭩 Bill Kaulitz
ꔫ Revenge
ꔫ Caught
ᡣ𐭩 Tom Kaulitz
ꔫ When it rains It pours
ꔫ Addicted to You
ꔫ Addicted to You pt. 2
ꔫ Motel Six
ꔫ Cry me a river
୨୧ Hannibal Characters ୨୧
ᡣ𐭩 Hannibal Lecter
ꔫ The Woods
ꔫ Was it Just a Dream?
ᡣ𐭩 Will Graham
ꔫ Staying Late
୨୧ Skins Characters ୨୧
ᡣ𐭩 Cassie Ainsworth
ꔫ Fool
ᡣ𐭩 Tony Stonem
ꔫ Problem
ꔫ Secret
୨୧ Extra Characters ୨୧
ꔫ First Aid - Harvey Specter
ꔫ First Time - König
ꔫ Frosting - Peeta Mellark
ꔫ Improvement - König
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