#ct moon beloved
oobbbear · 3 months
Shows up
Claims the character as ✨son✨
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bonefall · 9 months
I think Nightcloud's Thaw (assuming you keep that title) is a great idea not only because your Nightcloud is so interesting and because she as a character deserves more spotlight, but also because it would be interesting to see Crowfeather begin to change from her perspective. After all, you said it was a surprise he offered to help save Breezepelt at all- and what better way to show that than for us to not be inside his head when he makes the decision to offer to help?
I'm feeling more and more confident about it. I think BB!Nightcloud is absolutely the best choice of a character to observe the events of "Crowfeather's Trial," now Nightcloud's Thaw.
Nightcloud's Thaw is an okay title for now, but I want to bat around some more names.
It's meant to invoke the way her life begins to turn around, after Crowfeather's exile; beginning with that reveal, how Crowfeather's behavior reaches a breaking point in the Clan, her reputation turn-around, and finally accepting Crowfeather's help in aiding Breezepelt.
So "thaw" is one way to put it... but if I could capture something more related to the change of seasons or time, that would be good too. Nightcloud's Daybreak, Nightcloud's Horizon.
We can go through Nightcloud's process of unlearning with her.
The dread and fury at the reveal, the shock when Crowfeather actually sees a consequence, and the way that suddenly the Clan is sympathetic towards her in a way they'd never been
How this newfound empathy feels somewhat insulting to her, but, how it helps her start to realize that she DOESN'T deserve how Crow treats her.
Makes it easy to truncate most of OotS, can quickly be described as "they stayed together slightly longer, but if it wasn't dead, their relationship was quickly dying."
And really get to the meat of the story with how Crowfeather deflecting the blame of their son's Dark Forest training on her was the LAST straw. For everyone. Including Crowfeather himself.
(I think I'll actually change around the fight in the BOTTE to be Breeze attacking CROW, and Lionblaze STOPS him. Because killing his pathetic dad, in the end, wouldn't fix anything and would ruin his life forever. Really change it to stress that no one likes Crowfeather because of how he keeps treating people. If Crow wants to turn that around, he has to CHANGE.)
(Plus, something just feels nice about letting the two have a bond. Something about how they were both pulled out of the dirt at the Kitty Olympics and washed clean by Nightcloud, starting this deep, brotherly bond somehow. I'll have to revisit this.)
Nightcloud alone can link the way that Crowfeather is trying to change himself, AND the way Breezepelt is getting worse, in the way I want
She's cautious of Crowfeather, for good, obvious reasons. He hurt her, and has only ever used her good faith as leverage against her.
And she's charitable to Breezepelt, because she knows exactly what pain is behind his rash, emotional behaviors.
SO I can frame them both in the way I want through her eyes.
Plus, I need a place to put her childhood. If it's not here, I wouldn't have a good spot to put it.
I could link all the flashback segments with having Addersong pass away, since he would be VERY old at this point. It could be very bittersweet for her
She spent so much time away from her beloved mentor, who taught her so much.
She could have had so many wonderful years with him, his advice, and his songs. But now he's an elder in his last moons
All because she let her heart be hardened after the death of her family. Pain lead her astray so many times...
I'll probably rework a LOT of the stoat stuff. I know right away there's a lot of actions in CT I want to rip away from Crowfeather and hand over to Breezepelt; a lot of the loud, openly argumentative moments he has with Onestar for example. SHOW the way that Breezepelt interprets Harespring/Darkseeker's diplomatic responses as "sniveling and traitorous" to him.
Have Nightcloud be trying to bridge this gap between Breezepelt and his Clanmates with her new reputation, and it just not working.
Maybe shuffle Nightcloud's disappearance near the end of the book, around the time that the Kin appears. Show that his mother being suspected dead was a BIG reason Breezepelt made such an emotional choice to join the Kin, and bring his other allies with him.
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Nine Lives for Sergeant O'Niner
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A/N: This is a collaboration between @anxiouspineapple99 and @dystopicjumpsuit , written as a gift for @deewithani
Pairing: Sergeant O’Niner x Reader (GN)
Rating: M (minors DNI)
Wordcount: 1.5K
Warnings and tags: angst; fluff; little bit of smut (nipple play; implied oral sex); not canon compliant; everyone lives AU
Summary: Sergeant O’Niner must have nine lives. How else could he have survived the battle of Rishi Moon?
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The Coruscanti rain pelted the window of your office, relentless as the ache in your chest as you sat sipping tea and flipping through the latest issue of the Bar’leth Journal of Galactic Archaeology. You normally loved the soothing pitter patter of water on transparisteel, and even now, you would have been relaxed by it if it weren't for the nagging anxiety that plagued your thoughts. 
It had been one week since the news broke that the Separatists had attacked Rishi, and the outpost had been destroyed. One week of pure torture as you waited for word about O’Niner’s fate—all the while, keenly aware that the GAR would never notify you directly, given that your relationship with the sergeant was not only unsanctioned, but perilously close to forbidden. It felt unfair—even cruel—but there was no way you could discover what had happened to him through official channels.
As the days passed, your despair grew, until late one afternoon, your comlink chirped, and when you answered, you saw the beloved face you’d come to believe you might never see again. You tried to say his name, but all that came out of your mouth was a broken, hoarse croak as tears of relief stung your eyes.
“Ner cyare,” he murmured, holding the holo close enough that all you could see was his face.
You instinctively reached out to touch him, pulling back as your fingers encountered nothing but air and light as you whispered, “I thought you were…”
“I know,” he replied quietly. “I’m sorry; I commed as soon as I could.”
“Are you all right?” you asked, your voice finally coming back to you.
“I am,” he replied. “And so are all the men. I still can’t believe we all made it out alive.”
You let out a relieved laugh that sounded more like a sob. “I swear, you must be a loth-cat with nine lives.”
“You didn’t think my name came from my CT number, did you?” he grinned.
“What happened?” you asked. “How did you survive?”
He chuckled. “That’s a good story, and I can’t wait to tell you in person.”
Your heart began to pound. “In person? Are you coming back to Coruscant?”
“As soon as—” He cut off abruptly as he heard the approaching footsteps of a group of troopers. “Gotta go.”
The transmission cut off abruptly as O’Niner ended the comm. You waited for him to call back, staring at the chrono on your desk as minutes ticked by at an agonizing pace. The call never came, and you accepted that O’Niner might not be able to find an opportunity to call again. 
The afternoon passed in excruciating slowness until at last, you decided you had suffered long enough and began to pack up to go home. The downpour had relented to a miserable drizzle by the time you made your way to the platform to hail a speeder-cab. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as your head rested on the headrest. The anxiety that had swirled in your gut all week had now transformed into a dull, unyielding ache of longing and missing and wanting and needing. Your mind wandered, and you were so distracted that you missed the quiet ping of your datapad as your home security system alerted you that it had been turned off.
As the speeder-cab pulled up to your building, the rain began to fall in a torrent, and you darted through the downpour toward your door, hastily keying in your code and ducking inside your flat. You shook the water off and pulled off your raincoat, reaching to hang it up when you heard a soft sound from the other end of the flat. You froze, then turned around slowly.
A light was on in your refresher; you could see it shining from under the closed door. You crept down the hallway, and suddenly the refresher door opened. You shrieked with alarm and flailed your raincoat at the intruder, then whirled and fled down the hall, running for your life.
“Cyar’ika, wait!” a familiar voice called.
You skidded to a halt and turned around slowly. O’Niner stood just outside the refresher, wrapped in nothing but a towel as steam poured from the open door.
“O’Niner.” His name left your lips as a desperate whisper. “You’re home!”
A soft smile crossed his lips and slid up to his sparkling amber eyes. You bounded toward him without wasting another second, colliding with his body as you wrapped him in a tight embrace. A hiss of pain rushed through his clenched teeth.
Startled, you pulled back. “I’m so sorry!” 
“Worth the pain, darling.” He chuckled, pulling you back into his arms as he pressed his forehead against yours. His velvety voice sent chills dancing down your spine. “Were you planning on beating me to death with your raincoat?”
“Maybe.” Your eyes flicked to the fresh bacta patch obscuring his abdomen. “You’re hurt. You said you were okay.” 
Suddenly every new bruise and scrape was illuminated in the low light of your apartment. Your brow knit tightly in concern as you leaned back to inspect his injuries.
“I’m alive, little one,” he said softly. “That means I’m fine.”
“That’s why the holo was zoomed in on your face!” Your voice rose slightly, worry lending it an accusatory edge.
“I’m. Fine,” he enunciated firmly as he grasped your shoulders.“Don’t look at me like that. If I’d told you I’d been shot you would have panicked.”
“I do not panic!” you objected.
He chucked you under the chin, a soft smile crossed his lips. “You’re panicking right now.”
“No, I’m not—Fine. Yes. I might be panicking a little,” you pouted. He may have been right, but you didn’t have to be happy about it.
His other hand caressed and massaged your hip as he leaned closer to you. “You know, you still haven’t kissed me yet.”
You drew in a shuddering breath, pushing down your anxiety and irritation as you tried to focus on the present: he was home; he was alive; he was with you. You raised your fingers to his face and traced the lines at the corners of his eyes, then slid your fingertips into his dark hair that was flecked with gray as you drew his face closer to yours and pressed your lips against his forehead. You kissed a trail down the side of his face until you reached the corner of his lips, and then he wrapped you in his arms and pulled your body against him as his mouth captured yours in a heated, passionate kiss.
He was still soaking wet from his shower. The glistening water droplets sliding down his firm, brown chest and abdomen soaked your shirt, and you didn’t care a bit. It didn’t matter anyway, because his deft fingers were already undoing your buttons and pushing the shirt off your shoulders.
You kissed down his neck, and then down his chest, but you hesitated and pulled away, staring at him with troubled, anxious eyes.
“I promise, I’m all right,” he reassured you. “But if you’re so concerned, you could always kiss it better. One kiss for every injury, ner kar'ta?”
His heated smile reassured you more than anything else he could possibly have said, but you weren’t letting him off the hook so easily for trying to hide his injuries from you.
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” you pointed out.
 “You would deny a dying man his final wish?” he teased, desire plain his eyes.
“You said you were fine.”
“Mmm,” he grunted softly as his gaze swept over your features wistfully while his hands lingered at your waist. “I may have spoken too soon. I’m suddenly feeling so… very… weak…”
“Incorrigible,” you muttered, peppering his chest with kisses, licking up the shimmering water droplets that still clung to his skin, scraping your teeth softly over his nipples in the way that you knew drove him wild.
He rumbled quietly as his fingers tangled in your hair, gently urging you to go lower. You glanced up at him with a mischievous light in your eyes as your tongue swirled over his nipple, refusing to continue your progress until his breath became ragged and he was starting to moan and whimper, just the way you liked. At last, you drew away.
“I think you’ve earned a real bed, don’t you?” you asked.
He nodded, his eyes dark with lust as you took him by the hand and led him into the bedroom. Your fingers trailed down his body until you reached his towel, and with a quick tug, it fell to the floor. 
“As much as I’d love to tackle you onto that bed, I think it might be better if you just lie down,” you murmured. “I’d hate for the night to end with you in a hospital.”
“Might be worth it,” he smirked.
You traced over his shoulders, then gently pressed on them until he complied and lay down on his back.
“We can play rough some other time,” you whispered as you knelt between his thighs. “Tonight, I’m going to be very, very gentle.”
“Not too gentle, I hope,” he said before sucking in a loud breath as your tongue glided over the tip of his cock. “Holy Maker, cyare.”
“There’s nothing holy about what I’m going to do to you,” you promised. “But I have a feeling that won’t be the only time you pray to the Maker tonight.”
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#sergeant o'niner
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petpalsglobal · 5 months
Pet Supplies: Providing Comfort and Care for Beloved Pets
With the improvement of people’s living standards and the pursuit of a better quality of life, pets have become an increasingly integral part of many families. At the same time, the pet supplies industry continues to thrive, offering a wide range of choices to cater to the needs of beloved pets. From basic necessities such as food and shelter to fashionable clothing and high-tech toys, the variety of pet supplies available ensures the satisfaction of different pets and their owners.
Firstly, the basic needs of pet supplies include food, water, shelter, and daily cleaning products. High-quality pet food not only provides the necessary nutrition for pets but also promotes their healthy growth. Additionally, providing a comfortable and safe shelter, whether it’s a warm bed, a cozy den, or a spacious cage, can make pets feel secure and at home. Furthermore, daily cleaning products such as pet-specific grooming supplies and deodorizers help maintain the pet’s hygiene and create a clean and comfortable living environment.
In addition to basic necessities, the diversity of pet supplies is also evident in pet clothing and toys. As pets increasingly become valued members of the family, pet clothing is no longer just for warmth but has also become a symbol of fashion for pets. From cute jackets to exquisite bow ties, a variety of pet clothing adds a touch of cuteness and liveliness to pets. Moreover, a wide range of pet toys not only meets pets’ activity needs but also exercises their bodies and minds, enhancing their quality of life and happiness.
With the advancement of technology, high-tech pet supplies are gradually entering people’s lives. The emergence of smart pet feeders, tracking locators, health monitors, and other products brings more convenience and care to pets’ daily lives. Pet owners can monitor their pets’ health and whereabouts in real-time through mobile apps, achieving comprehensive care and management for their pets.
However, faced with such a diverse selection of pet supplies, pet owners also need to consume rationally, choosing according to their pets’ needs and actual situations. When purchasing pet supplies, attention should be paid to the quality and safety of the products to ensure that pets can have a good user experience and guarantee. At the same time, moderation should be exercised, avoiding excessive pursuit of fashion and technology at the expense of pets’ real needs and comfort.
In conclusion, the diversity of pet supplies provides pets and pet owners with more choices and possibilities. Whether it’s meeting pets’ basic needs or adding fun to their lives, pet supplies play an important role. When choosing and purchasing pet supplies, pet owners should not only consider practicality and quality but also pay attention to pets’ needs and comfort, truly providing care and protection for beloved pets.
Here we suggest you some pet products maybe you are interested in:
Wanna know more, warmly welcome contact us to get the catalog of the products:
Pet Bath 01 Pet Bath Bubble MachineRead more
CT-16 Moon Cat Scratching BallRead more
PB-01 Pet Car Seat BagRead more
CC-01 Cat Climbing Frame TreeRead more
DG-02 Pet Dryer Grooming KitsRead more
PG-04 Full Automatic Cat Litter BoxRead more
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16? And 34?
16. Want any tattoos? What of?
SO - The next tattoo I want to get is the Rider-Waite High Priestess card on the upper, outer portion of my left arm (Between the shoulder and elbow bit). I want this just in line art with some shading. If I do add any color, it'll be the blue of her dress.
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THEN, I need this beautiful piece of artwork by Micah Ulrich named 'Cancer' in the same spot as the High Priestess, but on my right arm. (I am SO grabbing a print, too!)
I want bats curling around my elbow on my right arm, OR in a cluster near my right outer elbow.
On my right inner forearm I want a quote by our beloved CT that I screenshotted forever ago so I wouldn't forget it - I'd get it in type script, like from a typewritter: 'I THINK IF LOVE IS AN ILLUSION THEN WE SHOULD ALL ASPIRE TO BE MAGICIANS' - I do still have to ask their permission to get this tho!!
I have an idea to get a little crescent moon on the back of my neck.
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In this vein, I am HEAVILY considering finger tattoos - I'd just get little star bursts on my ring and index fingers.
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(Like this! ^^ Just MORE)
Also in this vein, I saw this Ozzy tattoo that I want to get on my right wrist - but it also depends on how big the CT quote is - of a skull with a sword through it and bats flanking either side.
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(Like this! ^^)
I have one more quote that I'd like to get, and I want it on the inner portion of my right upper arm (the bit between shoulder and elbow I mentioned earlier, but the soft underside) and it's just: "Sempre Avanti" it's Italian for 'Always Forward'. I want it in a very pretty, cursive type font.
I want this, below, on the back of my right calf, but the eye to be blue!
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I also have an idea to get a tiny little black pawprint under my right thumb for Fluffy - but that's still in the air. I want a tattoo that I can look at every day and think of her, especially after she passes. (I can't think of this too much or I will start crying, probably why I haven't figured out what I want concretely yet).
Another not-yet-grounded idea, is like a riff on the Master of Puppets tattoos - one of my favorite artists, Fyodor Pavlov, had a flash of a hand dropping stars (below), and I think I'd like that, but have the stars tied to the hand, like it was manipulating them. I've also thought about that same thing with planets. I'm not sure about placement, tbh.
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I would like something, maybe, on my shoulders - or flowers somewhere, but I'm not sure what or where! Then again, I have enough to keep me paying for ink for a while 😂😭
34. What’s your favorite flower? 
Oh I have so many!! I love roses the most though, followed by moonflowers and dahlias and hydrangeas!
Thank you!!! :D!!
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finishinglinepress · 2 years
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: Sleepwalker’s Guide to Grieving by Shellie Harwood
ADVANCE ORDER: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/sleepwalkers-guide-to-grieving-by-shellie-harwood/
Sleepwalker’s Guide to Grieving is a collection of poems about #loss–through the death or vanishing of loved ones—but also as we bear witness to the tragedies heaped one upon the other in an increasingly turbulent world. Shakespeare wrote, “#Grief makes one hour ten”, for the path of bereavement can feel endless and hopeless to navigate. As we struggle sleeplessly through our sorrows, grief is that reflection of acute and shifting distress that accompanies our losses. If grief can darken the path through loss, so can it suddenly illuminate. Harwood writes: “From a distance grief moves like any other shadow–caressing first, then smothering the light”. This book is a poignant journey through loss and longing, punctuated by the dying friend whose beloved racehorse presses her head against his own…”She makes a sound deep in her throat. Grief sounds that way”.
Shellie Harwood is a poet, playwright, actress and teacher with a varied background in writing and theatre. She has taught Acting, Communication, and Poetry/Literature at universities, colleges and theatres in California, Idaho, Utah, Tennessee, and Connecticut. She has an MA in playwrighting, and has written several plays, including Ember Days, Vicious Union, and Another Bite of the Moon. Shellie has worked as an actress, performing throughout the country in regional and repertory theatres. She was born and raised in Idaho, but has spent much of her life moving about the country with her family. She is married, has one daughter, Morgan, and a son, Nicholas.
PRAISE FOR Sleepwalker’s Guide to Grieving by Shellie Harwood
In Sleepwalker’s Guide to Grieving, Shellie Harwood mines every conceivable form of grief for meaning: the suicide of one friend and the murder of another by a domestic partner, the death of a man after vandals ransack his beloved beehives, a child who disappears from his room, black children murdered by vigilantes or the police, a dying sister held in a mother’s arms, a lover left behind, war victims, a suffocating planet—even the poet’s heart, damaged by a blood clot. To Harwood, “Something’s always coming for us, / some pain we’d neglected to rehearse for.” Do those periods of darkness make the light times shine more brightly? Not that we see in these elegiac, often-startling poems. To the one, they express a yearning that all of us who grieve must unwillingly share: “Take me away to the world’s edge, far from the host of sorrows”—if only such a place could be found.
–B. Fulton Jennes, author of Blinded Birds (Finishing Line Press, 2022), Poet Laureate of Ridgefield, CT.
Please share/repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #read #poems #literature #poetry #grief #life
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magpie-69 · 2 years
Just so you know what's going on...
Last night my youngest (17) had a seizure and we were taken to hospital via an ambulance. We were there for over 6 hours and got home about 06:30. They did bloods and a CT scan and found nothing obvious, but they're going to follow up. Not sure what that's going to involve but for now we have to monitor him & see if it happens again. A few months ago he woke up with lots of scratches and bruises on his face and chest and said it had happened in his sleep. Because of his behaviour over the last few years I didn't believe him and instead was thinking he'd snuck out and got into a fight or something. This happened twice over just a few weeks. I believe him now and also, his friends said he'd "zoned out" once before with them but they didn't realise it was a seizure. Last night however the seizure was much more apparent, although still relatively mild, and they called an ambulance before coming to get me. I've had a few hours kip on the couch since getting home. He's asleep in his room and I'm checking in on him regularly. I'm not saying this is the cause of it but he really does needs to change his lifestyle and I'm hoping this is a wake up call for my beloved son 💜🙏💜
4am at the hospital. Cold, but a beautiful moon 😊
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Thanks in advance for any well wishes 🤗
14th April '22
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the-stage-manager · 3 years
My dearest Tumblr,
In the two years I have known you, you have offered me, quite reliably, nothing but the very finest Star Wars content. In the two years I have known you, I have dutifully reblogged this content. For two years, save the occasional shit post, I have stayed faithful to my creed as a sworn Star Wars blog, and you have never once betrayed my trust.
With the recent release of the Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer—featuring my most beloved character, Obi-Wan—and photographs with glimpses of my dearest Temurera Morrison, actor of the Clones, I can say with sureness of heart, dearest Tumblr, that we are truly living in a blessed and prosperous period for this fandom.
So why, dearest Tumblr—and forgive my language here, but I think the situation warrants it—have you forsaken me and insisted on recommending me highly suggestive content of the fucking Sun/Moon thing from that new fucking FNAF game? A game, which I might add, I have NEVER played, and never shown interest in! Bitch, I'm here for Ewan! Fix your shit, Tumblr!
Sincerely and with the warmest of regards,
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
Crone of Wisdom: Sage Plant Profile
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The Ancient Greeks, one of the many ancestral lines of traditional western herbalism, called the Goddess of universal remedy, Panacea. She is one of the Holy Ones invoked in the Hippocratic Oath and for  herbalists like myself She has lended her name to describing those special herbs - called panaceas - which offer a broad spectrum of healing gifts. Sage (Salvia officinalis), the herb teacher we’ll be meeting today, has long been revered as a panacea not only because of the ways that it supports inherent vitality and longevity, but because it helps us to process knowledge into wisdom.
So let’s meet, Sage!
Salvia officinalis
Folk Names : Sawge, common sage, garden sage Element : Earth, Fire, Air Moon Phase : New Moon Zodiac Signs : Gemini, Sagittarius Planets : Jupiter, Moon, Mercury Parts used : Aerial parts Habitat : Native to southeastern Europe, but naturalized widely. Growing conditions : Full sun and well-drained soil with moderate watering. Collection : Spring before plant flowers. Flavour : Pungent, bitter Temperature : Warm Moisture : Sometimes dry + sometimes oily Tissue States : Damp/Relaxation, Dry/Atrophy, Cold/Depression, Tension Constituents : Beta-carotene, B vitamins, niacin, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, volatile oils, flavonoids, tannin, phenolic acids, phytoestrogens, resin.
Actions : Anaphrodisiac, antifungal, antigalactogogue, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antisudoforic, aromatic, astringent, carminative, choleretic, emmenagogue, estrogenic, expectorant, diaphoretic, digestive, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, nervine, phytoestrogenic, vermifuge.
Main uses : Sage is an impressive panacea of a plant. It’s an herb of longevity, promoting long life and protecting brain function as we age. The herb is warming and strengthening to the body and helps to clear out respiratory congestion. In other words, Sage helps us to breath deeply. Sage has an amphoteric relationship to the fluids of the body which is why it is categorized as both oily and drying in nature. If there is excess fluid, mucus, and catarrh, Sage’s astringent qualities dry out and expels it. The herbs astringency, for example, can be used for excess sweating and heavy periods. If there is lack of moisture, Sage’s oily qualities come into play, lubricating dry and atrophied passageways and organs of the body. The herb is used as part of weaning as it dries up breastmilk.
Sage is well-known as a circulatory tonic, but I would further classify it as a “processing” tonic in that it not only helps to move blood, heat, and information throughout the body, but it helps us to process these parts of ourselves as well. The herb moves energy downward from the crown of the head through the feet which is one of the reasons that Sage helps to calm us down, get restful sleep, and help with digestion.
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As a digestive tonic, Sage assists us with processing and digesting fats as well as nutrients from our foods. Look for signs of flatulence and cold digestion. The herb can be used for both chronic and acute infections, especially when fatigue is present. It’s a powerful herb that can be used for everything from the common cold to Staph aureus infections. As a neuroprotective brain tonic, Sage assists with the processing of information and memory, by protecting and improving cognitive function. Additionally, Sage helps to relieve the Tension Tissue State, helping someone shift from being reactive to receptive.
Topically, Sage is a great addition to hair rinses, helping to prevent hair loss, reduce dandruff, and even return or improve the color of the hair. It is also an excellent herb for burning and all varieties - not just the over-harvested and dangerously endangered White Sage (Salvia apiana) variety - are wonderful for cleansing the energy of body and place. One of my favorite ways to use Sage is as a gargle for sore throats and canker sores in the mouth. It can also be used topically for cuts, burns, bruises, bites and stings. It makes a very effective pain and inflammation-relieving compress for swollen and sprained joints.
Magickal uses : Sage is probably best known magically as “smudge” and it works powerfully to cleanse a space. But please do not purchase White Sage (Salvia apiana) but grow your own and protect the few remaining plants in the wild. The plant has been dangerously overharvested in the name of spiritual practice which is a fundamentally un-spiritual act. The great news is that other Sages can be used in place of White Sage including Black Sage (Salvia apiana) and Garden Sage, both of which can be harvested sustainably. Use in spells of longevity and immortality. A great herb not only for physical health but for spiritual health. Use in rites of grieving. An herb of the Crone, work with Sage to connect with the Old One.
The Sage Personality : Every one of us is growing and maturing. Some of the time we feel able to learn from our growth, develop as people, and feel a little bit wiser at the end of the day. Other times aging and growing feels ungraceful, traumatic, and miserable. Sage is particularly useful for folks for whom the latter is true, especially if their stall in maturation is a chronic one. The Sage personality isn’t a classic victim or martyr type but is more often fixated on being ill-fated. They might be able to learn from their previous life experiences in a logical manner, but the wisdom has a difficult time permeating into their body. Sage folks often struggle with their body, bodily changes, and signs of aging. If they are so dissatisfied with their physical form why would they want to inhabit it deeper? Fortunately, Sage isn’t here to force us to be embedded in a body we struggle with but to learn how to descend into the wisdom that resides in our physical form without getting hung up on it. In a state of balance, Sage folk are the wisdom keepers and elders (regardless of age) that we are always in need of.
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Contraindications : Avoid large doses during pregnancy. Avoid while nursing (it dries up the milk). In very large doses, its thujone content may adversely affect those with epilepsy, high blood pressure or kidney disease.
Dosage : Standard dosage. Hot tea to induce sweating, cold tea to stop sweating and discharge. 1 tsp per 8 oz water; Adults 30 - 60 drops tincture or 1 - 10 drops for drop dosage.
White Sage Smudging Alternatives
Since White Sage (Salvia apiana) is endangered, unless you are growing it on your own (which you should to help our beloved survive), I strongly encourage you to use a different herb for the purposes of smudging. Here is a short list of herbs that offer a wonderful alternative to White Sage as a smudge
Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Juniper (Juniperus officinalis)
Cedar (Cedrus spp.)
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Mugwort (Artemisia spp.)
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Frankincense (Boswellia spp.)
Copal (Protium copal)
Pine (Pinus sylvestri)
Smoke-Free Smudging Alternatives
Smoky smudge may be popular but it’s not always feasible (enclosed spaces, housing restrictions, allergies, etc) and there are plenty of smoke-free ways to cleanse a space.
Room Spray with salt and/or essential oils and/or flower essences
Crystals placed in a room or waved through the aura
Sound including your voice, bells, chimes, singing bowls and other instruments
Candles made of high-quality wax
Sunlight and fresh air
Croaking Toad Cough + Sore Throat Oxymel
An oxymel is a form of herbal syrup combining honey (or other liquid sweetener like agave or coconut syrup) with raw apple cider vinegar. Croaking Toad is a great remedy to have during cold and ‘flu season as it contains a combination of soothing expectorants and vitality supporting herbs to help us find our way back to feeling well.
Begin by combining the following dried herbs:
1 part Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
1 part Marshmallow Root (Althea officinalis)
1 part Elecampane Root (Inula helenium)
1/2 part Sage Leaf (Salvia officinalis)
1/4 part Chlorella Powder (Chlorella vulgaris)
Place all herbs in a glass jar with a tight sealing lid. Since we are using raw apple cider vinegar as our menstruum, you might choose to use a plastic lid or place wax paper between the metal lid and the blend to prevent corrosion. Cover your herbs with (preferably local) raw apple cider vinegar so that there is roughly 3/4 inch of the vinegar floating above or below the herbs. Let your blend brew for a few weeks - I typically brew all of my extracts for one cycle of the Moon.
Once ready, strain the herbs from the vinegar. Then, mix local raw honey with your herbal vinegar. My weight ratio for the vinegar to honey is 1 part vinegar to 6 parts honey. Basically, add honey to taste. If you want a sweeter elixir or oxymel, that is less herbally potent, add more honey. For a more herbally potent oxymel, add less honey. Stir together the honey and vinegar until they dissolve into one another in a loving embrace of healing wellness. Bottle and store in a cool dark place. I store mine in the refrigerator.
A dose of 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon is recommended up to 3 times daily during times of cough and sore throat.  You'll want to refrigerate your Croaking Toad Oxymel use within 6 - 12 months.
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oobbbear · 1 year
Oc top ten? (If no one has asked yet shsjhs)
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I got 8 asks about top 10 ocs thank you guys for playing along :’]!!!!! It’s hard to choose so imma go w/ the one that has a cute pigeon pic
Readmore because it’s just me rambling sorry…
-Ikati: My blog mascot, I put too much heart into a bad story now I can’t let go
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-Witch!Moon and Moon: My beloved witch ladies
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-Ct! Sun and Moon: I love you two too much
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-Maple and Tennis: They’re with me since elementary school and still in the back of my mind some where, I wanted to make a small rpg game for them but that project didn’t really go anywhere
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-Vampire bat ladies and Emmy: you girls are new here so I don’t really know how I feel about you
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-Simon and Mobelo: I hate you guys whole heartedly
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There’re like 12 characters here but anyway
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sleepingobsidian · 7 years
Order 66 - Survival lays in your ability of faking your death
Where when Oder 66 is put into action the Jedi put a contingency plan into action. Those who we're still alive would fake their deaths and go into hiding. Where as the most go into deep hiding, there are those who tend to hide into more plain sight.
Like Mace Windu for example. After his fell through that window and the seperation of both his hands feel into the deeper levels of Coruscant was nursed back to health by a blackmarket doctor. Now he's a nursery teacher, has grown an impressiv beard and wears clothes that got out of style twenty years ago, and „he is obviously not Mace Windu, Lord Vader. What are you talking about? That's Maceroy Winter, he's the nursery teacher of my daughter“. Maceroy Windu is followed everywhere by his green furless yappermonkey Yado, the mascot and most beloved pet. „He can't be Master Yoda, Emperor, he's obviously just a green, furless yappermonkey from on of the moons of yavin. See we have his papers right here“. Yado the green yappermonkey was registered with the Coruscanti petpatrol ten years ago. And besides everyone knows yappermonkeys have a long lifetime.
Than there is street and tattoo artistin Shaek Tea which obviously can't be Master Shaak Ti, because „you killed her Lord Vader, remember. In the jedi temple. Besides she has totally different markings and -master Shaak Ti wasn't a mother of ten“. The tattoo studio of Shaek Tea is well known and established two years ago and is frequently visited by Stormtroopers. The tattoo artist seems to have an aversion against the cloned soldiers but that may only be because she's a mother and wants to protect her young.
Than there is nautolan marine biologist Fist Kio, with a natural connection to the animals of the seas of the galactic, who teaches at the Coruscanti community college. He often takes his students through tours of the aquarium of Coruscant. And some of his students swear they once saw him calm down a rampaging Tra'cor. „It was like he used the force“, was heard from one of his students. „If he hadn't been teaching here for over thirteen years he could totally be a jedi, but noway. I saw him flirting and taking that famous tattoo artist from Coco Town home with him. And aren't jedi like celibate?“.
Leaving the Planet she was raised on Billina Dune is on the search for her son Canan, who vanished from Kaller not so long ago. The young designer and self defense teacher has been on the search for her son for two years now and isn't giving up on him. He's out there in the galaxy somewhere. „And how do you know this? May it be because jedi masters have a connection with their students!“. „A mothers intuition“. She's a frequent visitor at Ben's Tea Palace and became good friends with the owner and his young ward. Kanan Jarrus a former small time smuggler from Kaller and son of famus designer Billina Dune, not that he knows of that. Has not a long time ago decided to follow a young woman into war against the emporer and his empire, on the way he acquired a new family. In the knowledge his „mother“ died on kaller not so long ago and so never searching for her. Though there's no picture on his wanted poster knows the whole galaxy his name. But nobody is sure if he even is a jedi or jedi appentice like the propaganda says, because „I swear he's using a blaster not a lightsaber. When someone he knows is threatened he immediatle goes for his blaster and not for some hidden pocket or so. If he were a jedi he would go for a hidden pocket, where his lightsaber is, right?“.
Fulcrum is a young togrutan woman who nurses her partially burnt kel dor uncle Verdict back to health. Verdict was badly burnt during an attack of the CIS on some cargo ships. Fulcrum is the captain of a little fleet of cargo ships which transport some valuable and some not so valuable cargo from the inner core to the outer rim. All the while she raises her human adoptive babysister Lee and cares for her adopted uncle. She often visits a medic sation in the middle rim to get help for her uncle and to visit her long time Lover. „I know you said that Fulcrum may be the Rebelion spy Fulcrum and your former padawan Ahsoka Tano. But Fulcrums cargo fleet had been around before your padawan even became your padawan, Lord Vader“, not to say the man didn't survive after saying so much padawan in one senctence but he didn't survive. And Darth Vader is confused how his former padawan acquired a baby and from where?
The mirialan doctor Barry Coffee and her young son Bonbon Coffee, live on a medic station in the middle rim and treat various injured people. Doctor Coffee is known for never turning away any person who's hurt. Her son Bonbon has a little aggression problem which she's working with but for now it helps her keep order in her waiting room when some patients make stress again. Her son is a deadly shot. And there is an unspoken rule at the medic station. The people that flick you together are allowed to undo their work, so watch your mouth. Doctor Coffee is rumored to even heal the most grievous illnesses and wounds, things other doctor couldn't treat. „It's because your a healer, right“. „I wish. This would be all so much easier but no I had to be born as an ordinary woman with ordinary skills“. Her young son Bonbon is confused why all these interegators allways appear at their doorstep. He was just enjoing his time with his mother and his mothers lovers family. Fulcrum is awesome and no one could ever tell him otherwise. „I don't understand what the relationship of my mother has to do with her skills as a doctor. Yeah, Fulcrum is awesome but her skills as a doctor besides basic first aid is shit“.
Bens Tea Palace is a little tea shop and café in Coco Town, right next to the tattoo shop of Shaek Tea, it's run by owner and tea maker Ben Kenobi. „Obi-Wan Kenobi!“. „Oh you know my fifth cousin thrice removed? Yeah, I allways wondered what happened to him when the jedi took him away“. „No your Obi-Wan Kenobi“. „Don't be ridiculous. We look totally different“, Ben says adjusting his glasses and shifting a baby on his hip. Ben Kenobi is known as skillful tea maker and uncle to little Luke Kenobi, the son of his brother who died in a tragic airspeeder accident. His brother died in the following fire explosion as the motor explodes. His sister in law died due to strangulation from the seat belt. Ben Kenobi is a friendly shop owner who invites everyone inside for a cup of tea, wear sweater vests,with the sleeves of his ironed shirt pushed up, and ties his hair in a ponytail. His nephew visits the nursery under the supervision of Maceroy Winter. When he can he visits the university and takes classes. When ever stormtroopers set foot in his sjop he freezes and ushers his nephew in the backroom, the flat above the shop or to Dex's restaurant, where he is under the supervision of a little blue droid. He looks at the stormtroopers with a freezing gaze and the most fake smile. Strangely those troopers allways vanish a few days after they visit in the Tea Palace.
Jocasta Nu or the Librarian as most people call her is one of the most searched for persons in the galactic empire. Which doesn't stop her to just walk through Coruscant as if she owned the place. She wears no disguise and her lightsaber is in full display. No one knows how she does it but she allways evades or flees the capture through stormtroopers. She often visits Coco Town and the shops or is often seen in the medic station Berry Coffee works at or to board a ship that belongs to the Fulcrum fleet. Sometimes she's accompanied by young children wearing a matching outfit or adults carrying themselves just like her. But everyone who saw her swears she just vanished in a cloud of smoke so as she was never there. One time Emperor Palpatine surprised her and Ben by meeting her in Bens Tea Palace. „Jocasta Nu. Now I got you“. „What are you talking about your Highness? This is obviously my grandmother Jade Kenobi. See I have her visitation papers right here. Signed by one of your subordinates!“. In the end rumour has it that the emperor left the shop dejected and seemingly scolded. And angry, oh so angry that the ground under his feet got cracks.
Bant Eerin and Stass Ali. A mon calamari and a tholothian. They are a duo of known pirates in the whole galaxy and have behind them an army of faceless men. They say the Unnatural Ones were created by the woman to oppose the empire and overthrow it. They are known to kidnap stormtroopers, torure them and than murder them a horrible way. The reality is a little bit more boring. Yeah, they are a duo of pirates but they don't get much around to stealing themselves. The Unnatural Ones as they call them are clone troopers. Brothers that got saved by the two woman. They have a skilled medic with them that takes out chips inside the heads of the clones. A trooper with the designation of CT-6116 called Kix. How they met this trooper or where he came from is so highly classified that only three people know of it and they want it to stay it that way. Their second in command is a trooper with the designation CT-21-0408 or more common known as Echo. He tends to do most of the pirating with his brothers and leaves the liberation of his brothers to the two woman.
Aay and Quin. The idol and her manager. Aay is twilek with beautiful clear blue skin and a mermerizing voice. Wich makes her the perfect galactical idol. The same thought her manager and friend Quin. So he brought her to a photo shooting and this is how her career began. As a model for the new dress line of designer Billina Dune. She wears dresses and clothes that gain more and more popularity throughout the galaxy. In an interview with a corellian talkshow was than her beautiful singing voice dicovered. A voice that would leave others breathless. „Trying to mind trick your fans, Master Secura?“. „What are you talking about, Lord Vader. I'm just a normal idol singing about the empowerment of woman and the loss of love“. As Aay has committed herself to beeing an idol her manager has committed himself to making her a star. But Quin is known as a Ladys- and Sirsman. The two are currently on a tour through the midrim.
It'll be definitely Hondo Ohnakas fault when the whole contingency plan may be thrown out of the window. The first thing he does when he and his little band of future pirates, Katooni, Byph, Ganodi, Gungi, Petro and Zatt, touch down on Coruscant to Lukes birthday is throw their true names around and act as if the establishment of the empire never happened. He causes chaos, let's the children steal something from the emperor and Darth Vader and they leave again. The whole order had been in a constant state of stress. And Ben swears he got the grey hair all from one visit. He hopes this will never happen again. It happens again. To each and every birthday of Luke. Luke thinks it's funny and really likes his crazy enstranged Uncle Hondo. From the reports Ben get's from Fulcrum she has the same problem with Hondo as him. Even if it has gone better after they spent one birthday at the medic station and Bonbon shot the pirate. „Don't worry Ben he didn't kill him“. „Sometime I wish he had“.
To say that the Emporer and Darth Vader are frustrated and enraged would be an understatment, but technically they can’t do anything it would come to galactic wide revolts if the just murdered innocent seeming citizens.
So, this story could either turn out into total crack or angst with a touch of humour
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
The Treasure Seeker - Saga 1 (Chapter 25) - Etrian Odyssey 5 Fanfiction
AN: Despite feeling ill this week I managed to finish this. Fortunate I had not of it done before I fell ill so just had to fill in the blanks so to speak. It’s hard to believe that after this chapter there’s only two left! But that’s ok – there’s plenty more sagas to come. I have other floors to do yet. I also have other CtS sagas to do. I have ideas everywhere so there’s no fear of ever running out of things to write about XD Anyway enough blathering from me. Hope you enjoy reading!
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Chapter 25:
The morning light filtered through the open windows of the seating room, Drayce sat in the centre of the three person couch. Dressed in comfortable clothes, he glanced idly down at his leg. Still heavily bandaged, but it wasn’t aching as badly as it had been previously. Fiorello reassured him that the wounds inflected by the wild dog were healing nicely. And the threat of infection had passed.
In other words he was in reasonable shape to visit the labyrinth tonight when there was a full moon.
Upon hearing the sound of some approaching Drayce lifted his gaze to glance over his shoulder in time to see Ashton walk in. With a pair of crutches hitched under his arm.
"Don't make me regret giving these to you," Ashton said as he presented the crutches toward him.
Drayce just had to laugh as he made a grab for the crutches. "Dude, with both you and Blayke watching my every move like a pair of hawks, I wouldn't dare to try anything funny."
The corner of Ashton’s mouth twitched into a half smile, but he didn’t verbally respond. Instead he helped Drayce to stand up without putting any pressure on his injured leg and helped to position the crutches in the way that was most comfortable. Having to rely on two wooden sticks to walk upright wasn’t going to be completely and utterly comfortable, but Drayce was still glad to have them.
Staying in bed and twiddling his thumbs would send him stark raving mad. Not to mention everyone around him, too.
Also worth mentioning was the fact that seeing him up and about would put the other’s concerns and worries at ease. He was the leader of this guild; he needed to show them how strong he was so they didn’t need to worry about him.
“You won’t be running any marathons with those crutches, but at least they’ll keep you occupied,” Ashton said as he continued to watch Drayce with a cautious gaze. “An inactive treasure hunter is probably worse than an overworked one.”
Again, Drayce had to laugh as he carefully concentrated on getting a hang of his new crutches.
A few moments later the rest of his guild gathered into the seating room with him. And they appeared relieved to see him up and about, even on the crutches. Better yet Zohar was also with them. He must have chosen to stay the night, which was good. He was liked amongst the guild, after all. He was more than welcome to stay.
“How are you feeling?” Faelen asked as he cautiously approached him. “Is your leg all right?”
Drayce grinned at them as he balanced himself on his good leg. “I’m doing good. Doesn’t even hurt right now.”
“It will if you put any pressure on it,” Fiorello promptly warned.
“Which is why I’m using the crutches like a good boy,” Drayce pointed out as quickly.
Kamali chuckled into his hand before he turned to look at Drayce with curiosity in his eyes. “Did you manage to read all the diary entries?”
Drayce carefully rested his injured foot atop of his good one. “I did actually. There was a lot but I read them all. It was, well, captivating watching as Aura grew from a petty princess to compassionate scholar.”
“Yes, I agree,” Kamali said with a smile as he restlessly fiddled with his hands in front of him. “What do you think? About the possible connection, I mean.”
“There’s no doubt in my mind that Astrio is my ancestor,” Drayce replied honestly before a grin made its way to his lips. “So is Aura.”
“As to be expected, you’re taking it well,” Blayke commented, that cautious scowl ever present on his face. However, a moment later he sighed and raked a hand through his hair. And then asked a surprising question. “Should we tell Ramus about your possible connection to the Forgotten Princess?”
Drayce fell silent for a moment. He uttered a sigh before he lowered himself upon a chair to ease the slight ache in his back. He idly draped his lands over the hand-holds of his crutches as he became lost to his thoughts.
To be completely honest he hadn’t given that much thought. It was a good question though. Since Aura was Lilith, the Earthlain Princess, that meant that she was also connected to Ramus, the now prince of the Earthlian Royals. She was his ancestor also.
So…that brought up the question of Drayce and Ramus being very, very distant relations.
The fact that he might have royal blood wasn’t all that concerning to Drayce. He wasn’t interested in possibly using that distant connection to his advantaged. He didn’t consider the blood that ran through his veins as royal. He was a treasure hunter. Just like with every other Pendragon before him.
Just like Aura when she passed. She didn’t die a princess; she died a beloved mother, wife, scholar, archaeologist, and treasure hunter.
To Drayce that was more important.
“I don't want to keep anything from him,” Drayce decided. “Besides, Aura wanted to be a treasure hunter and gave up her royal title. And I'm sure Ramus would love to know everything about his ancestor as well. Let's give him the diaries to read.”
Blayke still looked worried. Probably worried should anyone else learn of Drayce’s royal connection they would try to take advantage of it. He was such a worry-wort. Despite Drayce’s willingness to announce his treasure hunting credentials, he wasn’t going to go around sprouting about his distant relations having once been a princess. Aura wouldn’t appreciate it, after all.
“If you're sure,” Blayke said finally, relenting and accepting his decision.
Drayce gave him a comforting smile. “He’ll appreciate it, I’m sure. Before that, though, I want to find Aura's and Astrio's final resting place.”
That seemed to catch everyone by surprised as they all fell silent and stared at him.
“Why's that?” Faelen asked as he tilted his head to the side and twitched his ears.
“To pay my respects,” Drayce answered. “I don't want either of them moved as they are quite happy where they are. I still want to see them though.”
Both surprisingly and yet unsurprisingly Ashton immediately understood his need to find them. “They're probably in the old cemetery on the outskirts of town,” he stated.
Drayce looked over at the green-haired scholar and grinned at him. “Wouldn't hurt to spend a couple of hours looking, right?” he said as he set about heaving himself back to his feet. Well, back to his foot. “There's nothing to do until tonight anyway.”
Ashton sighed and shook his head. “You really don't know the meaning of taking it easy, do you?”
Drayce’s grin turned decidedly cheeky. “What treasure hunter does?”
Blayke rolled his eyes again. “Can't argue with that,” he muttered.
Drayce steadied himself upon his crutches before he headed in the direction of the front door. “Let's take a carriage. Hop to, Blayke!”
“You're the one that's hopping around!” Blayke immediately retorted as he all but stomped after him.
Drayce laughed and was about to make a comment about that being a lame comeback when Faelen’s voice caused him to pause and look back at everyone.
“Can I come, too?”
“Of course,” Drayce immediately said with a smile. “The more the merrier.”
Kamali clapped his hands in front of him as he also smiled. “Caelem and I would like to go also,” he said as the therian next to him mutely but eagerly nodded his head.
Drayce laughed again and glanced over his shoulder toward the tall necromancer. The poor guy looked out of place. Drayce didn’t think he did, but the expression of slight discomfort and yet longing on his face indicated to him that Zohar wanted to join in the jovial of the guild. But he was holding himself back.
He didn’t need to do that.
“Zohar?” Drayce said as he gained the necromancer’s attention and he tilted his head questioningly to the side. “Would you like to tag along?”
Zohar shifted his gaze to look directly at him. For a moment Drayce could see a slight internal struggle in his piercing blue eyes. And for that moment he feared that he would curl back into him and decline his offer.
“...Very well.” Zohar’s answer was unexpected but it brought a feeling of relief to Drayce all the same.
“That’s great,” Drayce said with earnest. His gaze lingered on Zohar for a moment longer, longer than probably necessarily before he turned his attention to the others who stood before him. “Anyone else interested.”
“I think the six of you will be enough for this adventure,” Ashton was the one to answer with a friendly smile. “I’ll work with Shashi to get the diaries ready for transportation to the Council Hall.”
Drayce was honestly surprised that Ashton didn’t insist on joining them. He was the notorious caretaker after all. But Ashton probably figured that the six of them was more than enough. And five was enough to keep Drayce out of trouble.
“Hm, I have no interest in cemeteries,” Fiorello answered as he idly patted his medical pouch as he searched for something. “I obviously don't like you heading off with that leg, but having you do something is better than having you go stir-crazy with not doing something.”
Drayce was glad that everyone understood his need to be always doing something. It didn’t matter what that something was, as long as it kept his mind busy. Lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling was like…worse than death or something. Ok, not quite that drastic, but damn near close!
“Believe me, I would be a nightmare if I wasn't allowed to move around,” Drayce couldn’t help but comment with a grin. “Ashton can attest to that.”
Ashton snorted before his expression unexpectedly darkened and his eyes narrowed. “Your father and grandfather are just the same...” he muttered more to himself than anyone else.
Blayke made a noise that was a combination of a scoff and a snort. “With those crutches, he won't get far. I'll make sure of it.”
“Aww, are you going to carry me?” Drayce just had to tease, which promptly earn him a narrow-eyed stare.
However before Blayke could utter a reply, Fiorello chuckled aloud as he pulled a bottle from his pouch and toddled over to Zohar and handed it to him. “I'm sure Zohar will be able to do just that should Drayce get too tired on his feet~”
Surprisingly Drayce felt his cheeks heat up in a blush, which promptly deepened when Zohar nonchalantly nodded his head and dutifully retrieved the bottle of medicine from Fiorello. Who, may he add, was smiling oh-so cheekily.
“W-we’ll get going now,” Drayce said as he turned around toward the front doors.
It was a little bit tricky getting down the front steps but Drayce was thankfully able to do so without causing concern from his teammates. He could tell that they weren’t exactly pleased to have him stumbling about on the crutches as he was clearly still recovering. But they thankfully didn’t say anything or try to coax him back inside.
Equally as fortunate was that they didn’t need to wait long for a carriage to pull up. It was large enough for the six of them. Blayke hopped in first in order to help Drayce in and Zohar supported Drayce as he passed the crutches in before he hefted himself into the carriage. It was thankfully easy with Blayke grasping his hand while Zohar supported him with hands on his back.
Drayce quickly settled in the middle of one of the seats with Blayke on the left of him and Zohar on the right. Across from him on the other seat and with their backs toward the driver sat Caelem, Kamali, and Faelen. The two therians were eagerly looking out the windows while Kamali sat comfortably between them with a small smile on his lips.
Shortly after that they were on the move through the city.
“This city is pretty big, isn’t it?” Faelen commented as he stared out the window.
Kamali nodded his head and folded his hands atop of his lap. “Yes. It is believed to have been built on the fallen remains of the Despot’s fortress that he created during the Legendary War.”
“I heard stories about that,” Drayce immediately perked up. “Do you think that there are remains still hidden beneath the city?”
Next to him Blayke sighed and punched his thigh lightly. “One mystery at a time.”
Drayce immediately turned to him and wrinkled his nose in annoyance. “Hey!”
Kamali lifted his hand to his lip and chuckled softly. He lowered his hand and smiled, seemingly ready to respond when his gaze flickered to the redheaded therian next to him. He tilted his head to the side, which prompted Drayce to turn his attention to Caelem as well.
Though Caelem seemed interested in the passing scenery, his ears were folded back slightly. He appeared nervous, wincing subtly every now and again.
“Hm? Is everything all right, Cal?” Drayce asked.
Caelem tensed in his seat, his ears springing up straight as he turned to look at him with a sheepish expression on his face. “Ah, yeah. Just a little nervous,” he admitted.
Ah, nervous about those bandits no doubt. Completely reasonable.
“There is no mana residing upon you,” Kamali said as he patted Caelem gently on the knee. “That necromancer will not be able to sense you now.”
“Even if they do, we’ll just sic Blayke onto them,” Drayce added jokingly, yet comforting as well.
Blayke folded his arms across his chest and snorted. “Should have let me do that from the beginning.”
Kamali and Faelen chuckled while Drayce grinned at his best friend. Protectiveness at its finest. But Caelem was greatly comforted by that. The tension in his shoulders and ears eased and he appeared relaxed.
“Ok,” Caelem said with a small smile on his lips.
They fell into silence after that, only the sound of the wooden wheels and horseshoes on stone laden roadways. Drayce turned to look to his right where Zohar sat silently as he stared out the window. His eyes, however, held a faraway look to them, as if he wasn’t paying attention to the scenery and instead was lost to his own thoughts. Though his expression was stoic, his jaw appeared tight.
Was he…uncomfortable? Or reminiscing on something?
Drayce didn’t want to disturb him, though he was curious.
A few more moments of silence passed before the carriage turned along a narrow and seemingly rarely used pathway that snaked along the old part of the city. Thick forests with small huts dotted along the road. Finally, they paused in front of an ancient stone archway and tall steel gates with the words “Iorys’ Cemetery”.
Naturally, everyone was both eager and cautious to get out of the carriage to look around.
Zohar slipped out first and immediately turned back toward them. Drayce was able to perch himself in the doorway of the carriage and was slightly surprised when Zohar reached up his hands and placed them on Drayce’s waist. Drayce felt a strange heating sensation appear on his cheeks, but he smiled sheepishly as he reached out himself to rest his hands on Zohar’s shoulders.
Then carefully and gently, Zohar lifted Drayce from the carriage and placed him onto the ground. His hands remained against Drayce’s side until Blayke hopped out with the crutches. He handed them to Drayce with an odd expression on his face. A slight scowl of protectiveness for some reason. But he didn’t say anything and Drayce didn’t point out his expression. Instead he simply uttered a thanks to both Blayke and Zohar as he retrieved the crutches and jammed them under his armpits to get himself balanced.
As everyone else clambered from the carriage, Drayce turned to look at the cemetery.
It was located on the side of a hill, which overlooked the city, though the view was mostly disrupted by the tall, thick forests that encircled the cemetery. The stone crypts and headstones seemed to loom over them. They were a faded grey with green moss mixed with black mould in patches climbing along the sides of the tombs. Some headstones were small and simple, while many more were eccentric with grand statues and faded engravings. Steel fencing encircled the smaller tombs while the large family plots were guarded with large steel doors.
It was quite stunning. And yet was also a mixture of gloom and silent respect. It would certainly be an unnerving and oppressive place at night. Would cause even those with the most rational minds get lost in their own imaginative fears.
With the driver of the carriage agreeing to wait for them, Drayce shuffled to the tall, black gates and was relieved to see that they weren’t locked. The creaked ominously loudly when he pushed them open, though.
They appeared to be the only ones there. Perhaps the first to visit in many years.
“These tombs are certainly quite old,” Kamali whispered as he glanced around in awe.
“And eccentric,” Blayke muttered as he also looked around, his expression of awe a lot more subtle than those of the others.
Caelem cautiously approached a large stone crypt with a black steel door and poked it with a fingertip. “They haven't been opened for centuries,” he commented.
Kamali nodded his head as he lifted a hand to play somewhat nervously with a strand of his hair. “Hm. Iorys actually has two cemeteries,” he explained. “This is the oldest, the one that predates the Legendary War and the few decades after. It soon ran out of room, though, so another had to be built on the other side of the city. A few causalities of the war are said to rest here also. Though...there were many that couldn't be returned.”
“There's so much history,” Drayce said when he noticed that many of the tall tomb had emblems that felt and looked somewhat familiar to him. He probably saw pictures of them in the many books detailing myths and legends that his grandpa would read to him when he was a kid. “Will need to come back at a later date to explore properly.”
Unexpectedly, but again not really, Blayke sighed. “Another place to explore…”
Drayce grinned broadly. “Bellyache all you want. You’re interested, too~”
“Oh, shut up,” Blayke scoffed with a slight blush on his cheeks and he promptly folded his arms. “Anyway, let’s pair off. Cover more ground that way.”
That was a good idea, actually. They only had a few hours to spare before they had to return to the Crescentia to get ready for a jaunt into the labyrinth at night.
“I’ll go with Kamali!” Faelen volunteered cheerfully which prompted Kamali to cover his mouth as he laughed again.
“Well then, Caelem should go with Blayke,” Drayce instructed. “I’ll hop along with Zohar. Shout if you find anything.”
“Don’t push yourself,” Blayke said as he gave Drayce a stern look.
Drayce simply waved him off and watched as they broke off into two groups. Kamali and Faelen took one path, Faelen eagerly asking Kamali questions most likely about his knowledge on the city. While Blayke and Caelem took another smaller path, Blayke taking the slight lead while Caelem stayed just half a step behind him but still quite close. It was good to note that he wasn’t as nervous as before.
It was also good to see his guildmates getting along well.
After watching his guildmates for a moment, Drayce finally turned his gaze to Zohar. He immediately noticed that Zohar had his chin lifted and his eyes looking slightly upwards. Drayce couldn’t see anything of note in his line of sight, but Zohar seemed focused on something.
“You ok, Zohar?” Drayce asked as he hobbled around on his crutches to face him. “You’ve been quiet.”
Zohar blinked, as if he had just snapped himself out of a trance. He then turned his gaze back toward Drayce and gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry, I’m lost in my thoughts,” he said before his brow furrowed slightly. “Are you certain you are up for entering the labyrinth tonight?”
Drayce tilted his head to the side. “You mean my leg? I’ll be fine. With everyone there, I’m sure we’ll find the Radiant Moon.”
Zohar didn’t appear all that convinced, but he nodded his head slowly nonetheless. He parted his lips to say something but he suddenly turned his head to the right and lifted his chin. It appeared as if he was trying to listen to something.
A bubble of concern appeared in Drayce’s chest. “Zohar?” he asked softly.
Zohar didn’t say anything at first. Just continued to look off in the distance. Almost as if he was looking at something. “...No. It's nothing. Just voices on the wind.”
Drayce tilted his head to the side in question. “Voices?”
Zohar nodded his head and finally turned his gaze back to Drayce. “Necromancers such as myself have the ability to hear the voices of the dead.”
“Oh,” Drayce uttered before that concern from before abruptly reappeared. “Oh, right. A-are you ok here?”
“Do not worry,” Zohar said with a small smile. “They’ve been blessed with eternal rest. There are no malicious voices here.”
Drayce wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but found it reassuring anyway. “What are they saying?”
Again, Zohar didn’t answer right away. He just gazed intently, yet softly at him. He then unexpectedly lifted his hand to gently slip a finger under Drayce’s chin. “...You're an incredibly special person.”
“Huh?” Drayce uttered, his mind going blank.
“Come,” Zohar said instead as he dropped his hand from Drayce’s chin and abruptly turned back in the direction he had stared in only moments ago. “This way.”
“Ah, ok,” Drayce said as he hastily took control of his crutches and followed behind Zohar closely.
Zohar walked slowly to allow Drayce to keep pace, thankfully, and he led him deeper into the cemetery. Into an area that had to be the oldest of the graveyard. Stone pathways were unkempt with cracks in the stone work and weeds between the tombs reaching waist high.
As they rounded a large family plot, a small clearing within the graveyard opened up. In the centre was an enormous willow tree. And underneath the tree, nestled safely with the spiralling roots and low hanging branches was a stone crypt with a stone angel lying in mourning atop and at the foot of a long stone sword. The stonework was faded and most of the walls of the crypt were covered in moss and creeping flower vines. But it appeared sturdy and seemingly untouched by man for centuries.
It was actually quite beautiful.
However, it was the crest engraved upon the door of the tomb that caught Drayce’s immediate attention.
That was his family’s crest. The symbol of the Pendragon family.
Drayce felt his breath leave him as he hurried toward the crypt. It took longer than he would have liked to navigate around the spiralling roots, but Zohar thankfully and patiently aided him and within a matter of moments he stood in front of his family crest.
A crest that bore two familiar names.
“This is...it,” he uttered as he stared with wide eyes. “Aura and Astrio.”
He quickly balanced himself on his uninjured foot to bring his fingers to his mouth and released a short, sharp whistle. That was sure to get the other’s attention. He then quickly gripped at the handholds of his crutches and turned himself around so that he could look out for his guildmates.
“Where are you?!” Blayke was heard shouting back.
“Head for the willow tree!” Drayce shouted back.
Less than a minute later four familiar figures appeared from behind another large tomb and immediately headed in his direction. Blayke at the forefront as usual.
“What’s up?” Blayke immediately asked as he strode over to him, failing miserably in hiding his concern even though he was frowning.
“Found them,” Drayce said simply as he motioned toward the large stone crypt with a tilt of his head.
Everyone immediately snapped their attention toward the mighty tomb and collectively their mouths dropped open in awe and surprise.
“It appears undisturbed,” Kamali commented after a moment of silence. “And peaceful.”
“Yeah,” Drayce said as he turned back to his family crest. “They're still here.”
“It's actually quite beautiful,” Blayke commented with a genuine sense of awe in his voice. “They were quite beloved, weren't they?”
Again, Drayce nodded his head and reached out to press his hand against the memorial stone. “Yeah.”
Everyone fell silent as Drayce trailed a fingertip over the names, gently tracing each letter and spelling them out in his head. He then leaned forward and pressed his forehead against the aging stone. "Don't worry, Aura. I'll find the Radiant Moon and bring it home. You can rest easy."
He rested his forehead against the stone for a few moments simply thinking about what he read from Aura’s diaries and of the Radiant Moon itself. When he finally leaned back a slight breeze tussled his hair softly and he liked to think that Aura and Astrio, his ancestors, were appreciative of his actions.
“Drayce,” Blayke said softly. “It's getting late.”
“I know,” Drayce said as he dropped his hand from the stone plague. “We better head back.”
It was surprisingly hard to turn away from his ancestors’ final resting place, but he reassured himself that he would visit them again. When he wasn’t injured and when he found and safely gifted the Radiant Moon back to the Earthlain Royal family.
“Are you all right?” Kamali asked him gently as Drayce hobbled slightly on his crutches.
“Hm? Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry,” Drayce said with a gentle smile. “I'm glad I found them. The next time I visit I'll have found the Radiant Moon. And Aura's story will be heard and understood. Enough time has passed. It needs to be known.”
“For your first official treasure hunt, you certainly went all out,” Blayke unexpectedly commented.
And Drayce laughed as the six of them headed back the way they came to meet up with their patiently waiting carriage driver. “Makes you wonder what my next trick is going to be, doesn't it? Well, we'll just have to find out.”
Next stop; the Cresentia.
And then the labyrinth to finally bring home the Radiant Moon of Compassion.
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gunboatbaylodge · 7 years
Things to Do in Vancouver this Weekend: August 17, 2017
Ready yourself for the beginning of The Fair at the PNE, an interstellar tall ship performance, dancing horses, a doughnut marathon, craft festivals, and a celebration of garlic! After the weekend, be sure to cap it off by being outside for the partial solar eclipse on Monday; by 10:21am the sun will be mostly blocked out by the moon. You can watch through special glasses, a home-made pinhole camera, or just watch the effect on the shadows around you, the wildlife, and the surrounding sky as the sun’s light turns to a sliver.
Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Ongoing
Friday August 18
Nomadic Tempest Where: The shore of South-East False Creek near Cambie bridge What: A free, all-ages show performed on a 90-foot long Tall Ship. Nomadic Tempest is a mythical saga of monarch migrants—embodied by aerial artists—searching for refuge on a drowned planet. Runs until: Sunday September 3, 2017
Sea to Sky Gondola Sunset Stretch with The Hairfarmers Where: Sea to Sky Gondola What: Extended hours mean more hiking, more sightseeing and more patio time! Tonight, listen to live music with modern rockers, The Hairfarmers.
Science World After Dark Where: Science World What: Technology and tinkering isn’t just for house cats! Our upcoming After Dark event is all about design and innovation in the outdoors. Come play outside in the Science Park with your friends.
Coconutz & Bananas
Coconutz & Bananas Where: The Odyssey What: Vancouver’s first trans-centric club night is an inclusive safe space for trans, non-binary, gender bending folks to be visible.
Bryson Tiller
Bryson Tiller Where: UBC Thunderbird Stadium What: An American singer, songwriter and rapper from Louisville, Kentucky.
Zac Brown Band
Zac Brown Band Where: Rogers Arena What: American country music from Atlanta, Georgia, that brings a bit of an indie low-key and grassroots vibe back to the scene of twang.
Architectural Walking Tours Where: Various locations What: The Architectural Institute of British Columbia offers architectural perspectives of six Vancouver neighbourhoods including vibrant Chinatown, historical Gastown, trendy Yaletown, contemporary Downtown, lively West End and diverse Strathcona, the first neighbourhood in Vancouver. Runs until: Thursday August 31, 2017
Eco Stewards Upcycling Workshop: Fence Building Where: Stanley Park What: Join the Stanley Park Ecology Society and environmental artist Sharon Kallis for this special two-day invasive plant upcycling workshop in Stanley Park! Volunteer participants will learn to build fences made from invasive plant materials that will help to stabilize sensitive habitat along North Creek. Runs until: Saturday August 20, 2017
Southlands BC Dressage Championship
Southlands BC Dressage Championship Where: Southlands Riding Club What: Watch horses prance and dance. This event draws riders of all ages and levels from across the province for thousands of dollar in cash and awards. Runs until: Sunday August 20, 2017
Mew Where: The Rickshaw What: Danish indie art-rock.
Lord of the Schwings:A Tolkien Burlesque Night Where: The Rio Theatre What: A silly, sexy evening filled with all your favourite hobbits, elves, wizards, and creatures.
Kimoto Gallery Summer Mixer Where: Kimoto Gallery What: New works by gallery artists.
Toni Onley Where: The Visual Space What: A retrospective exhibition that will include over 30 works of art from esteemed artist Toni Onley. Taken from the private collections of four local collectors, it is a rare chance to view and purchase many previously unseen works. Runs until: Saturday September 9, 2017
  Saturday August 19
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The Fair at the PNE
The Fair at the PNE Where: The PNE What: The PNE, which has been on for over a century, offers a range of new and classic family entertainment, including more than 55 thrilling rides (including Canada’s largest pendulum ride, “The Beast,”) the Summer Night Concert series (featuring headliners such as The B52s, Mother Mother, The Pointer Sisters, The Doobie Brothers and ZZ Top), a craft beer festival, mouth-watering food from around the globe, the beloved Superdogs and more. Runs until: Monday September 4, 2017
Our Cityride Vancouver
Our Cityride Where: David Lam Park What: A non-competitive all inclusive mass participation ride that will be held in the heart of cities globally. The ride will be host to participants of all ages and abilities, focused around a fun and festive atmosphere with a festival of music, food trucks and activities for the whole family.
Watch & Learn Festival Where: Queen Elizabeth Theatre and Plaza What: A weekend of hands-on learning with some of Vancouver’s most talented artisans. Workshop tickets include weekend passes to enjoy all of the Watch & Learn Festival including Etsy Vancouver market and live music. Runs until: Sunday August 20, 2017
Mother Mother Where: The Fair at the PNE What: Free with admission, The Fair’s summer concert series hosts Vancouver-based Mother Mother tonight.
Whitecaps Pride Night Where: BC Place Stadium What: The Whitecaps’ community includes everyone – join a night of pride and pre-game performance to showcase inclusion of the LGBTQ2+ community within the sports community.
ArtStarts Explores: Paint Where: ArtStarts Gallery What: Mix, stroke, mash, colour and blend our way through this fun family workshop that explores paint and painting.
Science World: Alfresco! Where: Science World What: A unique long-table 5-course dinner, served family style. The seasonal menu is rooted in west coast flavours—with an emphasis on fresh, local, sustainable ingredients and BC wine.
Harajuku Fashion Walk
Harajuku Fashion Walk Where: Robson Square What: Wear any fashion style you like, such as Lolita, punk, decora, cosplay or other creative outfits, embrace the Japanese fashion, and help spread J-fashion to the street on a walk-around with others.
BC Wildfire Benefit Concert Where: The Rickshaw What: Roots rock, with proceeds benefiting the Red Cross.
How to Get Over a Book Launch: Workshop Where: Vancouver Public Library Strathcona Branch What: Appearing in the documentary “The Revival: Women and the Word” is cast member t’ai freedom ford, who is touring her first poetry collection “how to get over”. Join us for a matinee reading at the new VPL nə́c̓aʔmat ct Strathcona Branch with t’ai and local poet and Vancouver Slam Master, Jillian Christmas.
Sawyer Fredericks
Sawyer Fredericks Where: The Wise Hall What: A folk/blues singer-songwriter, who cut his teeth at New York State farmers markets.
One OK Rock
One OK Rock Where: The Vogue What: Rock from Japan.
Weezel Where: The Roxy What: A Weezer tribute band.
Downtown Eastside Women’s Summer Fair Where: Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre What: Over twenty-five vendors and artisans from within the community, entertainment from local performers, an area for children to play, information booths about the different resources available in the community, and a wide variety of goods and services for purchase. Runs until: Saturday September 30, 2017 (Saturdays)
Quantic (Live)
Quantic (Live) Where: The Imperial What: British born musician, producer and DJ performs a special live show.
  Sunday August 20
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Donut Dash 2017
Donut Dash 2017 Where: Playland What: Vancouver’s tastiest and most filling 5K run where runners will be energized with sugary and tasty treats throughout the course, including mini donuts and more. 
Crabs, Clams, and Other Coastal Critters Where: Stanley Park What: Pack your rubber boots and prepare to be blown away by the bizarre life in Stanley Park’s intertidal zone. From orange armoured sea cucumbers to red feather duster worms, you might forget what planet you are on.
Garlic Festival Where: Terra Nova Rural Park (Richmond, BC) What: Celebrate the garlic harvest by gazing upon garlic, eating garlic, buying garlic, listening to garlic-friendly music, and not worrying about your breath at all because everyone is mowing down on arguably the most delicious addition to pretty much any meal.
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Ensemble Theatre Festival
Ensemble Theatre Festival Where: Jericho Arts Centre What: Featuring a cast of emerging and established actors performing In the Next Room, A Prayer for Owen Meany, and Master Class, by directors new and returning to the festival: Keltie Forsyth, Ian Farthing, and Evan Frayne. Runs until: Friday August 18, 2017
Oh, Canada – The True North Strong and Funny
Oh, Canada – The True North Strong and Funny Where: The Improv Centre on Granville Island What: Based on audience suggestions, the cast lampoon such Canadian ‘institutions’ as Heritage Minutes, the Mounties, winter, our hunky Prime Minister, hockey, and lumberjacks or other endless possibilities. As this is improv and the show is made up on the spot, no two shows are ever the same. Join us for some distinctively Canadian laughs. You’ll be nicer for it. Runs until: Saturday August 19, 2017
Kitsilano Showboat
Kitsilano Showboat Where: Kits beach What: Almost anything can happen at this family friendly showcase of amateur talent dating back to 1935. Runs until: Saturday August 19, 2017
Vancouver Queer Film Festival Where: Various locations What: This festival is ready to once again illuminate the transformative moments in the lives of queer people – telling stories of the journeys we have taken to find ourselves, each other and our place in the world. This year continues the movement of creating change through film, education and dialogue. Runs until: Sunday August 20, 2017
Watch & Learn Festival Where: Queen Elizabeth Theatre What: A weekend of hands-on learning with some of Vancouver’s most talented artisans. Workshop tickets include weekend passes to enjoy the rest of Watch & Learn Festival including Etsy Vancouver market and live music. Runs until: Sunday August 20, 2017
Southlands BC Dressage Championship
Southlands BC Dressage Championship Where: Southlands Riding Club What: Watch horses prance and dance. This event draws riders of all ages and levels from across the province for thousands of dollar in cash and awards. Runs until: Sunday August 20, 2017
Odlum Brown VanOpen Where: Hollyburn County Club What: Western Canada’s largest and most celebrated tennis event. $ 200,000 in prize money for men and women, and the opportunity to gain valuable world-ranking points on both the ATP and WTA Tours. Runs until: Sunday August 20. 2017
Film Noir Where: The Cinematheque What: The Cinematheque’s annual foray into the dark, desperate world of American film noir returns with eleven lurid classics from noir’s hard-boiled heyday. Runs until: Thursday August 24, 2017
Indigenous Plant Use Where: Stanley Park What: Walk through the forest with an experienced guide of Coast Salish descent and learn about the traditional and present-day Indigenous relationships with local flora and fauna. While there will be no collecting on these tours, Stanley Park offers a perfect setting to learn about sustainable harvesting. Runs until: Friday August 25, 2017 (Fridays)
Theatre Under the Stars | Photo by Tim Matheson
Theatre Under the Stars Where: Stanley Park What: Enjoy a delightful dose of entertainment this summer with two Broadway musicals. Mary Poppins and The Drowsy Chaperone will be performed live at the Malkin Bowl. A beloved Vancouver tradition since 1940, TUTS 2017 season promises song & dance in two family-friendly productions celebrating love and imagination. Runs until: Saturday August 26, 2017
Story Walks
Story Walks Where: The Shipyards and in Lynn Canyon Park What: Free drop-in walks at The Shipyards are offered Saturdays and Sundays at 11 am and 1:30 pm. Meet at Lonsdale Ave. and Victory Ship Way. Free drop-in walks in Lynn Canyon Park are offered Wednesdays and Thursdays from July 6th to August 24th at 11 am and 1:30 pm. Meet across from the Lynn Canyon Café. Runs until: Sunday August 27, 2017
Peak Yoga on Grouse Mountain
Peak Yoga on Grouse Mountain Where: Grouse Mountain What: Enjoy 60 minute yoga classes led by YYoga instructors, every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00-11:00 am. Whether you need a great post-Grind cool down or would just love to experience a different yoga venue at one of the city’s most spectacular locations, these 60-minute class are bound to enhance your physical well-being and kick start your weekend. Runs until: Sunday August 27, 2017
Social Sundays Where: VanDusen Gardens What: Summer sounds, signature cocktails, and lawn games. Runs until: Sunday August 27, 2017
Dance in Transit Where: Various outdoor locations What: A continuous supply of dancing during the warm months —at no cost. Watch it, try it, and see if you love it. Runs until: Sunday August 27th, 2017
Love’s Labor Lost Where: The Bernie Legge Theatre (New Westminster, BC) What: Alchemy Theatre and Vagabond Players present Love’s Labour’s Lost. In order to dedicate themselves to a life of study, the King and his friends take an oath to avoid the company of women, along with all other vices, for three whole years. No sooner have they agreed to their idealistic pledge than the beautiful Princess of France and her ladies-in-waiting arrive, presenting the men with a severe test of their high-minded resolve. Runs until: Sunday August 20, 2017
Architectural Walking Tours Where: Various locations What: The Architectural Institute of British Columbia offers architectural perspectives of six Vancouver neighbourhoods including vibrant Chinatown, historical Gastown, trendy Yaletown, contemporary Downtown, lively West End and diverse Strathcona, the first neighbourhood in Vancouver. Runs until: Thursday August 31, 2017
Nomadic Tempest Where: The shore of South-East False Creek near Cambie bridge What: A free, all-ages show performed on a 90-foot long Tall Ship. Nomadic Tempest is a mythical saga of monarch migrants—embodied by aerial artists—searching for refuge on a drowned planet. Runs until: Sunday September 3, 2017
The Fair at the PNE
The Fair at the PNE Where: The PNE What: The PNE, which has been on for over a century, offers a range of new and classic family entertainment, including more than 55 thrilling rides (including Canada’s largest pendulum ride, “The Beast,”) the Summer Night Concert series (featuring headliners such as The B52s, Mother Mother, The Pointer Sisters, The Doobie Brothers and ZZ Top), a craft beer festival, mouth-watering food from around the globe, the beloved Superdogs and more. Runs until: Monday September 4, 2017
Xi Xanya Dzam – Those Who Are Amazing At Making Things Where: The Bill Reid Gallery What: Xi Xanya Dzam (pronounced hee hun ya zam) is the Kwak’wala word describing incredibly talented and gifted people who create works of art. The exhibition is both a showcase and a critical exploration of ‘achievement’ and ‘excellence’ in traditional and contemporary First Nations art. Runs until: Sunday September 4, 2017
Pictures From Here
Pictures From Here Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Featuring photographs and video works from the early 1960s to the present that capture the urban environment of the Greater Vancouver region, its citizens and the vast “natural” landscape of the province. Runs until: Sunday September 4, 2017
Jaad Kuujus: Meghann O’Brien
Jaad Kuujus: Meghann O’Brien Where: Bill Reid Gallery What: Meghann takes materials from the natural world and transforms them into pieces of high-level human expression. Working with traditional materials such as mountain goat wool and cedar bark has given her a deep connection to the supernatural world, a connection to her ancestors. She describes working with cedar bark as, “travelling back in time” or “touching the cosmos”. Her creations have a profound impact within contemporary Northwest Coast art and beyond. Runs until: September 2017
Sunday Art Market
Sunday Art Market Where: Jim Deva Plaza What: Local artists, vendors and makers, largely from Vancouver’s West End, along with musical and other live performances and artist-led workshops to drop into. Runs until: September 2017
Panda International Night Market Where: Richmond, BC What: A diverse market in Richmond, with shopping, food, beverages, and a game zone. Runs until: Monday September 11, 2017
Flora and Fauna: A Summer Art Show Where: The Fall Tattooing and Artist Studio What: An artistic summer celebration of all vibrant, colourful, living things. Runs until: Friday September 15, 2017
Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival
Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival Where: Vanier Park What: What do you say to watching a live production of Much Ado About Nothing, The Winter’s Tale, The Merchant of Venice or The Two Gentlemen of Verona in a custom-built tent on the beach while sipping wine, beer, and munching on a picnic lunch themed to the play? Yes! Right? After 28 years, this festival has hit a stride of near perfection (and don’t even get us started on the amazing costumes.) Runs until: Saturday September 23, 2017
A Sublime Vernacular: The Landscape Paintings of Levine Flexhaug
A Sublime Vernacular: The Landscape Paintings of Levine Flexhaug Where: Contemporary Art Gallery What: The first overview of the extraordinary career of Levine Flexhaug (1918 – 1974), born in the Treelon area near Climax, Saskatchewan. It brings together approximately 450 of the artist’s paintings as well as several of his mural-sized works. An itinerant painter, he sold thousands of variations of essentially the same landscape painting in national parks, resorts, department stores and bars across western Canada from the late 1930s through the early 1960s. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Unbelievable Where: The Museum of Vancouver What: This exhibition poses provocative questions about our perception of stories by assembling iconic artifacts, storied replicas, and contested objects for a mind-bending exploration of the role stories play in defining lives and communities – and what happens when we question the tales we’ve long relied upon. Unbelievable objects include the Thunderbird totem pole that appeared in controversial filmmaker Edward Curtis’ 1906 work In the Land of the Head Hunters; contemporary ‘totems’, each with contrasting stories about a point in time in Vancouver; and artifacts illustrating the complex narrative around Vancouver’s relationship with First Nations communities. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Uninterrupted Where: Under the Cambie Street Bridge What: After dusk, audiences will witness the extraordinary migration of wild Pacific salmon in a 30-minute cinematic spectacle that explores the connection between nature and our urban environments. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Be Polite
Be Polite Where: Contemporary Art Gallery What: Working closely with the Estate of Gordon Bennett and IMA Brisbane the exhibition will comprise a selection of rare works on paper including drawing, painting, watercolour, poetry, and essays from the early 1990s through to the early 2000s. Runs until: Sunday September 24, 2017
Works by Anna Milton
Works by Anna Milton Where: VanDusen Gardens What: Anna has been exhibiting and selling her work internationally since her college years. She trained and worked as an art therapist for many years and is interested in symbols and metaphor that are present in visual art. Runs until: Wednesday September 27, 2017
Shipyards Night Marlet
Shipyards Night Market Where: Lonsdale, North Vancouver What: Food, art, music, entertainment, shopping, a beer garden, and you can bring your dog! Runs until: September 29, 2017
ZimCarvings Where: VanDusen Botanical Garden What: Patrick Sephani along with visiting artist Peter Kananji will be showcasing works from over 30 Zimbabwean stone sculptors on the beautiful garden grounds and carving stone sculptures on site.  All works will be available for purchase. Runs until: Saturday September 30, 2017
Downtown Eastside Women’s Summer Fair Where: Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre What: Over twenty-five vendors and artisans from within the community, entertainment from local performers, an area for children to play, information booths about the different resources available in the community, and a wide variety of goods and services for purchase. Runs until: Saturday September 30, 2017 (Saturdays)
Claude Monet’s Secret Garden
Claude Monet’s Secret Garden Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: The most comprehensive exhibition of French painter Claude Monet’s work in Canada in two decades, Claude Monet’s Secret Garden will trace the career of this pivotal figure in Western art history. This exhibition will present thirty-eight paintings spanning the course of Monet’s long career from the unparalleled collection of the Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris. Runs until: Sunday October 1, 2017
Stephen Shore: The Giverny Portfolio
Stephen Shore: The Giverny Portfolio Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Twenty-five photographs by contemporary American photographer Stephen Shore produced during several visits to Impressionist painter Claude Monet’s famous gardens at Giverny, France. Showing concurrently with the exhibition Claude Monet’s Secret Garden, Stephen Shore: The Giverny Portfolio offers a contemporary perspective on the tranquility originally captured in Monet’s iconic paintings. Runs until: Sunday October 1, 2017
Persistence Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Persistence draws together three recent contemporary installations to explore the surprising and creative ways that technologies, physical objects and natural processes endure and transform. Runs until: October 1, 2017
Elad Lassry
Elad Lassry Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Investigating the nature of perception with a special focus on the photographic image within the digital era, the exhibition includes more than seventy works—films, photographs and sculpture—produced by Lassry over the last decade. Runs until: Sunday October 1, 2017
Mount Pleasant Farmers Market Where: Dude Chilling Park What: Amble over and pick up some afternoon picnic supplies, groceries for the week, and Sunday dinner fixings from 25+ farms and producers. Each week you’ll find a fresh selection of just-picked seasonal fruits & veggies, ethically-raised meats & sustainable seafood, artisanal bread & prepared foods, craft beer, wine, & spirits, handmade craft, and coffee & food trucks. Runs until: Sunday October 8, 2017
Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia
Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: Words and their physical manifestations are explored in this insightful exhibition, which will honour the special significance that written forms. Varied forms of expression associated with writing throughout Asia is shown over the span of different time periods: from Sumerian cuneiform inscriptions, Qu’ranic manuscripts, Southeast Asian palm leaf manuscripts and Chinese calligraphy from MOA’s Asian collection to graffiti art from Afghanistan and contemporary artworks using Japanese calligraphy, and Tibetan and Thai scripts. Runs until: Monday October 9, 2017
Richmond Night Market
Richmond Night Market Where: Richmond, BC What: There’s a dinosaur park! Anamatronic dinosaurs! Also – live performances, carnival games, over 200 retail stalls and over 500 food choices from around the world. Runs until: October 9, 2017
Onsite / Offsite Tsang Kin-Wah
Onsite / Offsite Tsang Kin-Wah Where:  Vancouver Art Gallery What:  This large-scale composition transforms English texts to form intricate floral and animal patterns. The work draws from discriminatory language that appeared in newspapers and political campaigns in Vancouver during the 1887 anti-Chinese riots, the mid-1980s immigration influx from Hong Kong and most recently, the heated exchanges around the foreign buyers and the local housing market. Runs until: Sunday October 15, 2017
West End Farmers Market Where: 1100 Comox St What: Located in the heart of Vancouver’s busy West End, this laid-back Saturday market looks onto beautiful Nelson Park and adjacent community gardens. Each week, shop for the best in local, seasonal produce, artisanal bread & prepared foods, craft beer, wine, & spirits, ethically raised meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, wild crafted product, and handmade craft. Hot food & coffee on-site as well. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (Saturdays)
Trout Lake Farmers Market Where: Trout Lake What: This is where you’ll find the vendors who have been doing it since the beginning; what started as 14 farmers ‘squatting’ at the Croatian Cultural Centre back in 1995 has grown into Vancouver’s most well-known and beloved market. Visitors come from near and far to sample artisan breads & preserves, stock up on free-range and organic eggs & meats, get the freshest, hard-to-find heirloom vegetables and taste the first Okanagan cherries and peaches of the season. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (Saturdays)
Kitsilano Farmers Market
Kitsilano Farmers Market Where: Kitsilano Community Centre parking lot What:   A great selection of just-picked, seasonal fruits & vegetables, ethically raised and grass fed meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, fresh baked bread & artisanal food, local beer, wine, & spirits, and beautiful, handmade craft. Kids and parents alike can enjoy entertainment by market musicians, a nearby playground and splash park, and coffee and food truck offerings each week. Runs until: Sunday October 22, 2017 (Sundays)
The Lost Fleet Exhibit Where: Vancouver Maritime Museum What: On December 7, 1941 the world was shocked when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, launching the United States into the war. This action also resulted in the confiscation of nearly 1,200 Japanese-Canadian owned fishing boats by Canadian officials on the British Columbia coast, which were eventually sold off to canneries and other non-Japanese fishermen. The Lost Fleet looks at the world of the Japanese-Canadian fishermen in BC and how deep-seated racism played a major role in the seizure, and sale, of Japanese-Canadian property and the internment of an entire people. Runs until: Winter 2017
Bill Reid Creative Journeys | Image via the Canadian Museum of History
Bill Reid Creative Journeys Where: The Bill Reid Gallery What: Celebrating the many creative journeys of acclaimed master goldsmith and sculptor Bill Reid (1920–1998), this exhibition provides a comprehensive introduction to his life and work. Runs until: Sunday December 10, 2017
Amazonia: The Rights of Nature
Amazonia: The Rights of Nature Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: MOA will showcase its Amazonian collections in a significant exploration of socially and environmentally-conscious notions intrinsic to indigenous South American cultures, which have recently become innovations in International Law. These are foundational to the notions of Rights of Nature, and they have been consolidating in the nine countries that share responsibilities over the Amazonian basin. Runs until: January 28, 2018
Emily Carr: Into the Forest
Emily Carr: Into the Forest Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Far from feeling that the forests of the West Coast were a difficult subject matter, Carr exulted in the symphonies of greens and browns found in the natural world. With oil on paper as her primary medium, Carr was free to work outdoors in close proximity to the landscape. She went into the forest to paint and saw nature in ways unlike her fellow British Columbians, who perceived it as either untamed wilderness or a plentiful source of lumber. Runs until: March 4, 2018
Chief Dan George: Actor and Activist Where: North Vancouver Museum What: An exhibition exploring the life and legacy of Tsleil-Waututh Chief Dan George (1899- 1981) and his influence as an Indigenous rights advocate and his career as an actor. The exhibition was developed in close collaboration with the George family. Runs until: April 2018
In a Different Light
In a Different Light Where: Museum of Anthropology What: More than 110 historical Indigenous artworks and marks the return of many important works to British Columbia. These objects are amazing artistic achievements. Yet they also transcend the idea of ‘art’ or ‘artifact’. Through the voices of contemporary First Nations artists and community members, this exhibition reflects on the roles historical artworks have today. Featuring immersive storytelling and innovative design, it explores what we can learn from these works and how they relate to Indigenous peoples’ relationships to their lands. Runs until: Spring 2019
What are you up to this weekend? Tell me and the rest of Vancouver in the comments below or tweet me directly at @lextacular
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prinanalogicality · 7 years
My Love
ANGST. Friends, this is going to be seriously angsty. Please check out the tags before reading this, because there are some definite trigger warnings in this piece. I want all of you to be safe and not feel triggered or attacked, so check the tags to make sure you are all right before reading this. The topics touched on in this can really upset some people. I made myself cry a lot.
I have done light research on these topics, but I am not someone who knows everything. If there are any inconsistencies or anything that I say wrong, please, call me out. I want to be correct and do this topic justice, I will gladly fix anything. This will definitely be under a read more because it is angsty, but if someone is on mobile and is having a hard time accessing the fic, message me privately (not on anon, because I cannot get it to you if I do not know who you are and cannot message you back privately.)
Also, I broke my finger but here I am, dudes. It got hit really hard and dislocated, but I popped it back and I’m here to write some heavy angst. ;) It isn’t necessary, but I strongly recommend you listen to My Love by Sia if you read this. I wouldn’t consider this a song fic, because this wasn’t inspired by the song, but I was listening to the song and it really resonated with this idea. So, if you want to intensify your emotions, please listen to the song. I weaved it into the story because why not. XXX
Okay, last thing for me to say. This may sound strange to you all, but I do not want to refer to Anxiety or Morality as anything but those terms, unless they are pet names (Sunshine, An, Mo, beloved, love, etc.). Yes, they are humans in this, but until their proper names are released, I will continue to call them by their current labels. I hardly ever say Logic in place of Logan or Princey instead of Roman. I just like to have the proper terms is all, so, if the read seems strange at all, my apologies! ( @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries & @velocifoxy )
Summary: Human!Sides. All Anxiety wants is to grow old beside Roman, but it seems that fate has different plans in mind.
AO3 link here.
Pairing: Prinxiety. Angst, with light, small mentions of fluff. Mentioned logicality.
My love, leave yourself behind
Anxiety remembers the beginning of their relationship.
He and Roman were nothing but fireworks. Every touch, every shared look, every spoken word. Everything left sparks in the pit of his stomach and a tingle in his fingertips, making him crave more, always more. There was just something about the man that made Anxiety desperate for more adventures, more life.
More time.
Beat inside me, leave you blind
Anxiety never thought that he would enjoy life.
He always pictured himself as someone who worked to survive, lived to survived, did everything to simply survive, but not legitimately live. He didn’t truly start living his life until he met Roman, a whirlwind of excitement and passion that swept Anxiety, quite literally on several occasions, off of his feet.
Morality and Logan had introduced them. They were pursuing a relationship of their own, so, of course, they had to introduce their best friends to each other in turn. Logan and Roman had grown up together, and Morality and Anxiety had. Morality wanted nothing more than for his best friend to meet his boyfriend, and he had insisted Logan do the same.
So he did.
My love, you have found peace
Anxiety knew from the moment his eyes first landed on Roman that his heart didn’t stand a chance.
He was tall. Taller than Anxiety, that’s for sure. At least 6′, broad shoulders, jawline that could slice through diamonds. Dark brown hair to match dark brown eyes that glittered with mirth. Roman was the definition of perfection, like a Disney prince stepped off of a storybook page. His body was a bonus, but what really got to Anxiety was the brightness of his smile. He smiled at Anxiety like he was the light of his world, his sun, his moon, his stars, his entire universe. It was something Anxiety never knew he needed from someone until they met, something he thrived on.
You were searching for relief
Anxiety remembers lying beneath the stars with Roman.
It was their first date, one full of ice cream, laughter, and shy hand holding. Roman told Anxiety of how he reminded him of the stars in the sky. He said Anxiety’s eyes were a green that held gold within them that sparkled and twinkled like stars, and though he never held much of an interest in stars before, he picked up a book and learned constellations. He pointed them out to Anxiety, and Anxiety had never felt more alive than he did listening to Roman speak to him, their fingers intertwined.
You gave it all, gave into the call
Anxiety was filled with a brightness that he never knew before when he was with Roman. With Roman, he felt unstoppable. All of his inhibitions, all of his inner demons. They were silenced by his prince in shining armor, protecting him from the cruelties of himself and of the outside world. He guided Anxiety into the light, to a new world of contentment and excitement. It all made Anxiety actively want to seek out new experiences, because all he wanted to do was to do these things by Roman’s side.
You took a chance and you took a fall for us
It started with headaches.
Roman would take to napping on Anxiety’s couch, head on said boy’s lap, instead of going out. It concerned Anxiety to a degree, but Roman always insisted it was nothing to worry about. Just a simple headache, and a nap should be able to clear it right away.
That is, until it ended up being a repeated occurrence.
You came thoughtfully, loved me faithfully
Next came the forgetfulness.
If there is one thing Roman was, it was a hopeless romantic. He insisted on taking Anxiety to the most grandiose restaurant at least once a month (he wanted to more often, but Anxiety resisted Roman spending that much money on him), which was typically on the month anniversaries of their relationship. He constantly spoiled his lover with gifts such as flowers or stuffed animals, even the manner in which he spoke to Anxiety reflected his hopeless romanticism.
He forgot their one year anniversary.
That was what really tipped Anxiety off to the matter that there must be something wrong with his boyfriend. Roman would never, ever forget their one year anniversary under normal circumstances, and the fact that he would forget it did not madden Anxiety, it worried him.
Initially, Anxiety’s inner demons whispered that it was all because Roman had someone new. Roman must have been having headaches from being stressed over juggling two relationships, so he forgot their anniversary. That must be it. Roman was the perfect man to the eyes of many, several people would jump at the chance to pursue a relationship with him, even if he was meant to be monogamous with someone else. Anxiety supposed he wasn’t the type to live out a happily ever after.
You taught me honor, you did it for me
Their first real fight tore Anxiety apart.
He accused Roman of seeing someone else, and he had never seen such rage within his boyfriend. Roman lashed out, throwing his mug of tea onto the ground and scolding Anxiety for ever thinking of such an outlandish accusation. It was a night of raised voices, tears, and slammed doors only to be met with impatient knocking. It took several hours for both parties to calm down enough to talk things through, and once they did, Anxiety saw Roman cry for the first time.
He wept. He begged Anxiety for his forgiveness, because he didn’t even know what was going on in his life anymore. He was forgetting meals, dates, things to buy at the grocery store. It was eating him up that he forgot the most important day for him and Anxiety, and Anxiety instantly felt an intense guilt for ever pushing his prince to the mess he was in that instance.
They ended up spending their anniversary night in Roman’s bed, curled up under the covers together, boxes of tissues at the ready as they released their emotions through binge watching sad videos on YouTube.
Today you will sleep away, you will wait for me, my love
Next came the vision loss. Anxiety had been at home, curled up on his sofa in a blanket burrito and rereading the first Harry Potter novel when he had received a panicked phone call from Roman, who was alarmed because he could barely see out of his left eye.
Anxiety’s book was immediately forgotten as he had gone to Roman’s apartment, relieved that his boyfriend had been smart enough to wait for Anxiety to come instead of rushing to Anxiety’s apartment. Roman was crying, again, hand covering his left eye and uncovering, asking no one in particular why there was hardly a difference.
Now I am strong, you gave me all
Anxiety had decided that enough was enough. He helped Roman into his car and drove him to the hospital, signed him in to be seen, and sat on Roman’s lap, because Roman had wanted to hold him close and make sure that this was real, that this was happening. Anxiety could feel the eyes of others in the waiting room, staring at a crying boy hugging another like his life depended on it, but for once, Anxiety didn’t care that they were being judged.
He flipped them all off and embraced his boyfriend.
You gave all you had, 
Roman had been called back to be seen, and from the get-go, Anxiety could tell that something was wrong. The doctor would not tell them anything, nothing at all when Roman described his symptoms with Anxiety weighing in to agree and go into deeper detail. All the doctor did was order a CT scan and that was that.
It terrified Anxiety that the doctor wanted to look inside of Roman. Roman’s head, to be exact. That was all the doctor divulged before exiting, sparing Anxiety a sympathetic glance. Anxiety didn’t want a sympathetic glance. He wanted to be told that all Roman had was a common cold and all he needed was antibiotics and he would be fine in a few days.
The waiting was agonizing. Waiting for the nurse to take Roman to his CT scan, waiting for her to bring him back once they had gone, waiting for the results. It was awful, but Anxiety had to be strong. He was there for Roman, they were sharing a small hospital bed and Roman was clinging onto Anxiety as his rock, as the one who would make him feel better. He had to be strong and supportive as Roman murmured his fears, his worries. It felt strange, the roles being switched. But Anxiety had learned from the best how to be supportive.
And now I am whole
The waiting was painful, but nothing hurt more than the doctor’s news.
Roman had two masses in his brain.
My love, leave yourself behind, beat inside me, leave you blind
The news had hurt, the news was downright torment, but all it did was make Anxiety feel numb. Roman had been clinging onto him, asking about how he was supposed to tell his friends, how was he to tell Logan, Morality, how was he to tell his family, how was he to tell his mother. How was he to tell his mother that her son, her only child, was dying.
Anxiety had listened to it all. He had been silent, taking in Roman’s words, cherishing the moments they had together. Roman’s fingers had been gripping his hips probably hard enough to bruise, but Anxiety didn’t care. Roman was there with him, it was Roman who was holding him, the man he has always wanted nothing more than to live with forever.
My love, look what you can do, I am mending, I’ll be with you
Out of everything Roman had said while rambling about his fears, one phrase stuck out to Anxiety.
“I wanted to marry you.”
That was what broke him. Anxiety felt heat behind his eyes and behind his nose, his throat was closing up. His palms were itchy, his neck was itchy, his lungs were burning with the need for air, but all he could do was tremble in his love’s arms, sobs wracking his body. He had listened as Roman’s tone of voice changed, how his words had shifted to speak positives, of how much he adores Anxiety, how much he loves him, what he loves about him, how much he means to him. Roman was the one that was potentially dying and here he was, comforting Anxiety again.
Anxiety was so in love that it hurt.
You took my hand, added a plan
Anxiety hadn’t expected the news to come back so negatively, but, more than anything, he hadn’t expected the hospital to give the way they did.
Roman had been admitted into the hospital. In order to determine the specifics of his conditions and to pinpoint the necessary treatments, the doctor had him admitted, and unfortunately, Anxiety had to go home sometime. He had to gather things for Roman - clean underwear, phone charger, etc. He also had to gather things for himself, as there was no way he was going to leave Roman’s side during this. He received a text to grab Roman’s coat that was hanging up by the front door, the brown one, and he was specifically instructed to not check the pockets. It had been a strange request, but one Anxiety followed through with anyhow.
Upon his return, he hadn’t expected Roman’s room to have rose petals leading up to the door. He hadn’t expected to enter the room to find more flowers, potted plants adorned around the room. It was a lovely sight, save for the tired form of his boyfriend on the hospital bed. He looked winded, like he had been running around - to which Anxiety would not doubt it. Roman was always a whirlwind of activity and energy.
You gave me your heart, I asked you to dance with me
Roman hadn’t said a word. All he did was rise, gently take the items from Anxiety’s hands, set them aside. He had pulled a small black velvet box from the pocket of his coat, and all Anxiety felt was that spark in his stomach, the tingling in his fingertips.
“I spoke with some of the nurses. This is pretty last minute, obviously, but hey, who knows how long we have?” Roman’s voice had been so soft, so tender. A stark contrast from his normal excitable tone. “You know, the staff here is fantastic. They ordered all of these flowers for us, I helped them with arranging them. Kinda tired me out, believe it or not.” He had let out a breathy laugh, slowly moving to kneel down onto one knee. Anxiety’s heart was racing so quickly that he could practically feel his blood thrumming through his body. “We called up our friends, closest friends, I mean. Logan and Morality, obviously. And my parents, yours. Our parents are calling up other close relatives to bring them in as well. They aren’t sure of why, but I told them it was an emergency. They’re on their way.” Roman slowly opens the box, presenting it to Anxiety, revealing a glistening black ring with several white diamonds within the band. It was show-stoppingly beautiful. “I’ve been saving up since I was a child to be able to afford the perfect wedding ring for my beloved. I hope this is sufficient.” He lets out another breathy laugh, his soft gaze meeting Anxiety’s. “This won’t be the perfect wedding that I always imagined, I know. I have only wanted the best for you, for us, but it seems that we may not be able to have that. But, despite that, it would be an incredible honor if you, Anxiety Thomas Sanders, would be so kind as to marry an old sap like me. Here, right now, today, while I can still dance with you. In this room, with those important to us, because I want to be yours and I want you to be mine for all eternity, no matter how long I’m still here. Will you?”
You loved honestly, gave what you could release
Anxiety had been unsure of when he had started crying, but at some point he had. No words needed to be said. He had simply dropped to his knees and held his hand out for Roman to slip the ring onto his finger. Roman’s bright smile lit up the entire room, filling Anxiety with the warmth that he has become addicted to.
Morality and Logan were the first to arrive. They found them, both still sat on the floor, clinging to one another for dear life.
I know in peace you’ll go, I hope relief is yours
It took about three hours for the rest of the desired family members to file in. Even in the current circumstances, Roman had been smiling and laughing, sat on his hospital bed with Anxiety snuggled close beside him. He looked so bright, so joyous, and Anxiety was angry.
Angry with the world for doing something like this to someone so great. Roman was a light to the world, someone who deserved so much life, but fate is cruel. Fate wanted to take away the happiness in Anxiety’s life.
Despite that, though, he couldn’t feel completely drained. The ring on his finger gave him hope, more hope than he could conjure up alone.
Now I am strong, you gave me all
The ceremony was beautiful.
The hospital staff had come together to bring in a priest to marry them. It was astounding, to Anxiety, how complete strangers could band together to do so much for people they do not even know. It gave Anxiety hope for the world.
Something that will always be ingrained into his memories is the look on Roman’s face when Anxiety had stepped around the corner to venture into the room, wearing a pair of ripped skinny jeans and one of Roman’s hoodies that was baggy on his frame. He had smiled more brightly than ever, it shone through the room like sunlight. It reminded Anxiety of why he fell in love with him.
You gave all you had, and now I am whole
Their kiss was the most intense, most beautifully stunning fireworks production Anxiety could imagine.
My love, beat inside me, my love
Anxiety was there for it all.
He sat beside his husband’s bed or with him on it, day by day, as Roman’s condition deteriorated through the months.
Many cases are able to go home, but with how quickly Roman’s infliction was spreading, he was kept at the hospital.
Anxiety was there when Roman cried every time he discovered more of his hair falling out. Anxiety was there when Roman would let out the contents of his stomach into the waste bin. Anxiety was there when Roman finally lost sight in both of his eyes. Anxiety was there when Roman cried, wishing he could see the stars in his love’s eyes again.
My love, leave yourself behind
The nights were hard. Anxiety couldn’t sleep, he hardly would even if he had the opportunity to. He wanted to be awake as much as possible, to revel in the presence of his husband while he still could.
He would murmur to him at night. He would tell Roman that he is so strong, but sometimes, it is stronger to let go. He would tell Roman of how he knows their love is strong, that no matter what happens, Roman will live on within him. No matter where they are, Anxiety is in Roman, and Roman is in Anxiety.
They were together for one year, seven months, sixteen days, five hours.
They were married for four months, three days, nine hours.
Beat inside me,
Anxiety was there when Roman held his hand. Anxiety was there when Roman told him he loved him. Anxiety was there when Roman offered him one last smile, one last goodbye.
Anxiety was there when Roman finally let go.
I’ll be with you
His prince was gone.
Anxiety still wears his wedding ring.
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brothers-all · 7 years
Echoy'la (Lost)
dum dum dum... Things get much more serious in this one mates! Also, kinda short, but... more emotional? I dunno
As always, read, review and enjoy ^^
Chapter 4 Or'trikar (Grief)
"These are all the records on the captive clones, sir," a droid walked up to him, handing him a data-pad. He took it, immediately going to reading it.
"CT-7567 aka Rex. ARC-5555 formerly CT-5555 aka Fives. ARC-5597 formerly CT-5597 aka Jesse. CT-6116 aka Kix. CT-5485 aka Cinder. CT-4421 aka Svak." His eyes scanned the individual clone, before checking the quick recommendations and records. "Four survivors of Umbara…" He narrowed his eyes at the four names, spotting a few more of the dead men. "Bring me Krell's report," he said to the droid, who moved away and returned shortly after with another pad.
Checking that one, he cross-referenced it with the first one, seeing the full picture. He had his link, his point to get to the clone. He just needed to use it and exploit it. Setting the pads down, he put his hands behind his back and turned back to the door.
"Bring in one of the other clones," he said to the droid.
"Which one?" it asked, slightly shocked.
"The youngest," his smirk appeared right before he stepped through the door.
The doors to the cell opened and the soldiers instantly collected themselves. Fives didn't even sleep, and Jesse had stayed up as long as he could. Cinder and Svak had fallen asleep on one another as brothers usually do, and Kix pretty much collapsed in the corner after everything that's happened. A day has gone by, and they still have no idea what's really going on here or why.
"Wake up lovelies," of course; the first thing they see in the morning is the beautiful faceplate of General Grievous.
"One of you is very unlucky today," he laughed as the men glared at him. Fives stood in front of him, looking tempted to ram into the monster.
"Where's Rex?" Kix actually spoke up, his glare almost stronger than Fives'.
Grievous turned to the medic, took a step forward and leaned in closer to him. "He is currently our guest of honor. Which why I am here," a dark chuckle came out of him as three guards stepped inside. "One of you will be going to see him."
"Take me!" Jesse had just enough of a feeling and knowledge of his brothers that he grabbed Fives before the ARC could actually do anything.
"Fives, calm down!" he hissed in his ear, jerking both of them into the wall.
"I look forward to killing that fire, clone," Grievous laughed, but got interrupted by his coughing. "However, I was instructed to retrieve someone else," his yellow eyes landed on Svak, who had moved into a corner.
"Leave him alone!" Cinder stepped in front of the rookie, arms outstretched.
"Out of the way!" the General grabbed Cinder by his torso and tossed him into the ARC Troopers, knocking all three to the ground. "Take him," he nodded to the shinie, who was trying to find a way further back.
"What are you going to do?" Kix wanted to move, to help, so badly, but knew he couldn't do anything in this situation. Might actually make it worse.
"You'll find out soon enough," Svak struggled, but the guards held him tight as they dragged him out of the cell and down the corridor. "Now then, play nice," Grievous gave one last broken laugh, before the doors shut closed again.
"We have four possible locations," Cody said as he stood by the holo table, typing down the coordinates. "But we can't tell for sure which one it is," he added, looking at everyone gathered. Including the two Jedi, Jewels, Boil and Appo were present.
"We can almost certainly exclude one of them," Jewels stepped closer. "Iego. General Kenobi had us sent a small squad there after you two managed to free it of the 'ghost' and they've been keeping an eye out for anything happening."
"However, the other three are all highly possible…" Cody took over again, presenting the three remaining systems. "The Nivek system, located in the Citlik sector. The Duro system. And in the Lambda sector, the Ando system."
"These three systems don't have that many locations. About three orbit systems per one…" Ahsoka rubbed her chin in thought.
"That may be true, but we only get one chance at this," Boil leaned on the table. "If we miss the location, we'll not only miss our brothers, but we'll have Sepis on our tail."
"So we can't go in randomly. We need a plan," Appo sighed, shaking his head. "Not exactly our specialty," they all shared a small smile at that. This was the 501st after all.
"Then it's a good thing we're here," Cody smiled more truly, giving a nod. "It might take some time, but we'll track Grievous down. And when we do, we'll go get our vode home."
He woke up to a zap of lighting on his neck. Eyes snapping open and gasping for breath he hit the restraints over his chest and it knocked the air out of him.
"Good morning Captain. Hope you had a pleasant night," Count Dooku was already there, standing tall and powerful. Rex needed a few seconds to clear away the fog of his eyes and mind, to recall what happened…
Umbara. The Count had managed to pull out some more information out of him when he came back next time. He got the way Hardcase died and the massacre that happened. Made Rex relive it on a loop for a while, before the clone just passed out.
"Might have a few complaints," but the Captain had stayed strong. He swallowed down the screams and repeated his old mantra in his head. It kept him sane.
"I see you haven't lost you spark. Perhaps we can change that," the Sith seemed displeased for a moment, before speaking to someone else. "Bring him in."
Before Rex had a chance to ask what was going on and who he was, a door behind him opened and he heard the ever so familiar grunts and mutters of a struggling brother.
"No, please, no…" he whispered, eyes closed and trying to calm himself.
"Captain!" he opened his eyes and wished he hadn't.
"Svak!" out of all the soldiers, they chose the youngest. The kid's only been with them a month! And the confused, lost and hopeful look in his eyes made the blonde want to look away again. The kid was forced to a kneeling position, arms cuffed in front of him.
"If all goes well, you have nothing to fear, child," Dooku stepped behind him, setting his hands on his shoulders and giving a smirk. "However, the ultimate decision lies with your beloved Captain."
"Don't do it sir!" Svak yelled instantly, the hope and confusion turning into determination.
"Brave solider, aren't you," Dooku sounded almost impressed, before raising one of his hands. In seconds, lightning emerged from his fingers, flying directly at the kid. His screams echoed in the small room, but the blonde didn't spot the transmitter in the corner, broadcasting it to the cell as well.
"Stop! Leave him alone!" he yelled, struggling in his restraints again. And the Sith did stop.
"If you wish for him to live, then submit," his voice turned cold and harsh, his eyes narrow and glaring daggers.
"Don't… do it…" Svak repeated, clearly in pain. "No matter what…"
"Do you truly wish to be responsible for another of your brothers' deaths?"
"Don't listen to him!" the kid was finding new strength. Death usually did make them all fearless and maybe a bit reckless. "You're not… responsible for anyone's death! No one blames you for any of it!" that earned him another blast of lighting and another scream.
"What will your answer be, Captain?" the Count spoke after Svak fell forward, leaning on his elbows to not smack his face in.
The blonde had remained still since the kid spoke. Did everyone know about it? That he still blames himself for so much death. Of course everyone's probably heard about those that hit him hardest, when he was still young.
"We… need you… Captain," the kid managed to speak, although he was talking more to the ground than his brother. "Don't give… up just yet…"
"…I'm so sorry, Svak…" Rex closed his eyes, head hung. "I'll never submit." His eyes held anger and hate as he glared at the Sith. He would pay for this!
"So be it," Dooku frowned and pulled out his lightsaber, raising it above the kid.
"Vode An," Svak gave a weak smile, managing to get to his keens again. He's ready to die like a soldier.
"Vode An," Rex said back, giving a nod of his head and closed his eyes just as the red blade pierced the soldier's chest.
"Such a shame…" Dooku mused, looking at the lifeless body. "It would seem I am in need of a new tactic…"
"AGH! LET ME OUT!" Fives was hitting the door with his shoulder, punching it even, screaming and cursing the ones who put them in here. "LET ME OUT YOU HUT'UUN!" he rammed the door again, but when silence filled the cell, he stopped.
"Vode An," was the last thing they heard before the well-known sound of a lightsaber was heard.
"Vode An," again and then silence.
"LET. ME. OUT!" Fives was at it again, hitting the door. "Let me out," it turned quiet soon after, with him leaning on the door now. "Let me out…" it was low and almost broken, head resting against the metal.
Kix stood behind him all the while, not trying to stop him. Not again. It started with the screaming and when the medic tried to stop his brother, he pushed him away. Jesse tried talking to him, but Fives just wouldn't listen. So, they stayed behind him, watching his rampage, hurting just the same. Cinder had remained silent, eyes empty as he watched the floor. He felt responsible for Svak, since the two were in the same batch.
"…Fives…" Kix only now moved, gently setting a hand on his shoulder. He could feel the ARC shaking, yet made no sign he heard him. "C'mon, lemme get a look at you," the medic gently pulled at his shoulders, getting him to turn away from the door. Fives' eyes went to his, and in a moment, Kix found himself hugging his brother.
"It'll be okay vod…" he whispered, pulling the man closer. "We'll get them for this…" he saw Jesse helping Cinder on his feet, making sure he was alright.
"I just… feel so useless…" Fives had his eyes closed. "Just like on the Rishi Moon or the Citadel or even Umbara…"
"Trust me," Kix let out a humorless chuckle. "You aren't the only one…" he looked at the celling, trying to ignore the pain stabbing his heart. "You aren't the only one…"
"Count Dooku," Grievous spoke as he approached the man. "You wished to see me?"
"Yes," the Sith turned to the cyborg. "I hear you wish to break one of the clones?" the General's eyes widened at that. "If that is the case, I believe you will have your fun."
"And how is that?" Grievous tried to hide his excitement.
"The Captain is proving more resilient that I anticipated. However, I believe he may be… persuaded, should any of his brothers break first."
"But if the death of one didn't-,"
"I did not imply death, General," he Count handed the General a data-pad. "There you have all the information you require for the one they call 'Fives'. His latest outburst proved he is close to what we need. We must only redirect that anger and hate." Grievous checked the information quickly, a slow laughing rising in him.
"It will be my pleasure."
"Splendid. In the meantime, I shall try again with the Captain. Perhaps my Master might give some assistance…"
Cut! As I said, shorter than the others, but I felt like it had a lot more emotion to it *cough* Fives *cough* and I really enjoyed writing it Gimme your best prediction for what's going to happen soon! Love to hear what you all are thinking =P Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! Maybe review with what you love, or not so much? Thoughts? Anything really! Till next time~
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animationforce · 8 years
Calling all animators, illustrators, and animation enthusiasts! An Anastasia Re-Animate Project Needs More Artists
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Back in 2015, news dropped that Don Bluth's Anastasia was to be adapted into a musical meant for the stage. With music and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty, and a book by Terrence McNally, the stage adaptation makes a number of changes by taking liberties with the structure of the original plot, while still hoping to capture the animated film's spirit that so resonated with its original audiences and fans. In hoping to commemorate this adaptation’s debut on Broadway by late April 2017, an Anastasia Re-Animate project ( @re-anastasia ) was launched that aims to recreate the iconic "Once Upon a December" sequence from the original film as sung by Liz Callaway. 
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Press release photo of the "Once Upon a December" sequence when the show previewed at the Hartford Stage in Hartford, CT.  
Since the popularity and viral appeal of a Sailor Moon re-animate project back in 2014, re-animate projects allow fan animators and all artists alike into working on something together that they collectively love. Whether through recreating your favorite anime episode, or cartoon-izing beloved Youtubers, these fan-driven collaborations demonstrate that animation can be unifying through many forms while additionally harnessing the power of fandom. The project has already started production, but applications are still open in need of more animators and illustrators who want to contribute. For all those interested, additional details and the application form can be found here. 
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Background development for a shot by @michi32. From Instagram.
- Elvie (flightlessbutstilltrying)
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