#cryptid dad talks
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counterfeit-cryptid · 7 months ago
Drawing the One Who Waits with his wisdom teeth freshly removed and loopy af because I just got all 4 of mine taken out today and the entire experience leading to it and after it was wild
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dysphoric-cryptid · 1 year ago
There is just something about the idea of going on testosterone that makes me want to grow my hair out... like maybe if I start it growing it out won't be so bad
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kindasleepycryptid · 1 year ago
Captain Anderson, my man
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hellishgayliath · 4 months ago
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the-acid-pear · 8 months ago
Need to finish my Dave design so I can draw him with Mori
#luly talks#as in Lucis. Mori is like calling me myself my second deadname which I'll reveal bc who gives a fuck its Luz#luluco literally is bc each is an initial of my names#but like i dont Have much to draw w L.L. and Dave like they're just dating.#LUCIS on the other hand has some weird familiar platonic love hate relationship w the guy#bc a Huge trait of them is that if they dislike you you won't find out. bc they're very polite.#bc they're shy y'know? and just honestly a dgaf-er. like they dont like you but that's ok they wont be rude there's bigger worries#that is unless they like. pick trust. in which case they lose the shyness.#and while L.L. is sopping wet i need y'all to understand Lucis killed himself on a suspicion of danger.#like they're volatile as FUCK#they keep it down mostly bc there's No need to let it out but sometimes something tips them over and they go wild#and they love Dave but they'll also hold him hostage for a while if they have to. doubt he'd mind THAT much#this is a joke bc of me using him for emotional stability btw#Lucis digging their nails into his shoulders like YOU'LL HELP ME. and he's just like ugh fine -_-#i like to think of Dave seeing them in a paternal light. i mean lucis is a young cryptid without parents too so he sees some of himself in#them. lucis doesn't always Pick on this tho so they get a bit uncomfortable like fuck does this guy want.#lucis does appreciate having a fellow cryptid tho. even if they're way different dave is some lizard mori is a little demon#but hey. he has a tail.#it's also an excuse to have this be like. a happy au. bc it means less reasons for Dave to kill kids he's busy being the dad he never had to#this weird freak. and! jack is helping him :)#jack is technically related to lucis too. brothers in law 🙏#lucis still can't stand Dave bc he's obnoxious and also mean but likes him bc he's silly and nice and sticks with them#wags hand around tis but thr nature of them. ask lucis about the mermaid.
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 years ago
4, 6, 22, 31 for the ask game!
Hehehe ty for asking!
4. "Which cryptid do you believe in?"
...Mothman. Kidding! Idk if I believe in any of them, but god, do I have a personal family cryptid story that is hilarious. My dad swears to this day that while he was standing in the driveway, some creature(which he "determined" was a fisher cat) was behind a car and was making what we describe as "leprechaun noises"(that's what his impression sounded like), and then it saw my dad and made a scary noise at him. It's just one of those things that's permanent bullying ammunition against him, every time he says some unbelievable story, the rest of my family just start making leprechaun noises at him and say "oh is this a fisher cat again?"
6. "Why did you do that?"
The question I ask myself every day after downloading 100+ F1 pictures in one sitting...
22. "What type of person are you?"
Hard to say 🤔 very talkative and hopefully funny? I think I'm generally initially closed off but if you get me comfortable, I will not stop talking
31. "What type of music keeps you grounded?"
Russian music. Or I guess more specifically Russian post-punk music. Bands such as Кино, Молчат Дома, Ploho, Дурной Вкус, and Nürnberg. It's just music I can listen to endlessly because I don't know the lyrics fully, so I can kinda just turn my brain off while listening to it, if that makes sense? But this genre specifically because the instrumentals are so good, just absolutely amazing. But it's music that honestly is kinda the background music of my daily life
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caffeinewitchcraft · 4 months ago
AITA for going no contact with my brother after he pulled a scare on my husband?
EDIT: For those of you coming here from my brother’s post (X) to shit on me, you look like idiots. Try to have an original thought and really contemplate who’s telling the truth after hearing both sides.
I (32f) am one of three siblings. We come from a very well off family. My dad is a former Cryptid and he pioneered the Hook Man in the 70s, so he still gets residuals off of that. We grew up very comfortable and with the ability to do anything we wanted in life. My older brother went to a very prestigious school and my dad gave him the money for tuition. Because my older brother got scholarships, he was able to save some of that money. Right now he works in human tech (very lucrative), but his long-term plan is to use the money to start a Cyber Spook business once he is satisfied with his knowledge foundation.
I ended up taking a gap year before going to community college, but I never felt anything click. I worked part-time jobs spinning out scarer costumes and even did some part-time work as a slasher before deciding it wasn’t for me. I finally found my calling when I offered to help cater for my high school reunion, and now I run a fairly successful catering business.
When it came time for my younger brother, “Steve,” to get his money, he didn’t tell anyone what he was going to use it for. He was working as a Slasher at a small firm in town. We all assumed he’d either go to Scare School or invest the money to start a business like our older brother did.
So when Steve showed up to Halloween dinner one day, six feet taller with extra joints in his arms and legs, we were all shocked.
Dad was furious. He gave us all the same talk about the scare industry when we got our first part-time jobs documenting missions at his company. He told us that scare work was hard and backbreaking. We couldn’t buy our way into it or use his connections to become successful. If we were interested in it, we had to work our way up from the ground like he did. If we didn’t, we’d more than likely end up dead at the hands of a final girl.
He especially emphasized that mods had to be considered carefully and were NOT a substitute for skill.
Steve thought they were. When his company didn’t pay him back for his body modification AND didn’t promote him from Slasher to Regional Nightmare, he quit. But the surgeries drained his cash and he couldn’t afford his apartment anymore. He had to move back in with Mom and Dad. As always, Mom totally coddled him. She said that he didn’t have to pay rent and agreed with whatever he said when he’d go on these long tirades about his former company.
I could tell Dad wasn’t happy with the arrangement, but he’s never been able to go against Mom. So he mostly kept his mouth shut though he did try to get Steve a job at his old company. However, last I heard, Steve was set against anything corporate and was spending a dozen hours a day driving around using the app SlashDash to find jobs.
About a year and a half ago, I was over for dinner with Steve, Mom and Dad. Steve was talking about work. He said SlashDash wasn’t working out for him and was taking too many fees out. I offered advice since I’d done Slashing in high school. I recommended sites like Scarework and Midnighterr to get more gigs.
Mom told me I interrupted Steve. She gestured for him to continue and tell me about his exciting new setup.
Steve told me he was beyond the sites I recommended. He said he’d bought a scanner so he could listen to broadcasts of active corporate missions. When those fail, he arrives on scene to kill any straggling humans before the scare company in question can send a cleanup crew. And since he’s a Slasher on their scene, they have to give him emergency pay for doing it. It’s a total ambulance-chaser, bottom-feeder move.
Dad was just staring at his plate, not saying anything, but I could tell he was ashamed of Steve. Steve was bragging about being a vulture in the profession Dad helped build.
I asked Steve if he was proud of himself for living off of leftovers. Steve blew up at me, but so did Mom. She chided me for not respecting my brother’s hard work and that his idea to get a scanner was genius, not predatory.
After that dinner, Steve and I rarely talked. Most of the news I got about him came from our older brother bitching about Steve badgering him for scare connections or Mom bragging about Steve killing and “meeting quota.” She would get very cold with me when I told her he was finishing a quota someone else started and not doing his own work. She told me if I couldn’t respect Steve, then I was welcome to not come over while he lived with her.
(Yes, Steve’s always been the golden child.)
I stopped interfering with Steve and focused on my own life. Shortly after, I met my wonderful fiancé “Reginald” while catering an event at Dad’s old company. Reginald is the head of sanitation and he’s the one who gets sent out to clean up any unexpected events during a Scare (like any magical residue or body parts that can’t be explained away through human means). He used to want to be a Cryptid, but he’s got a heart condition that prevents him from working in the field. He says that he’s happy being the “janitor” and happier being with me 😊
Reginald and I got engaged after only eight months of dating. Dad always says that when you know, you know. I invited everyone in my family to an engagement party. Steve didn’t bother answering the invitation. Even though Steve and I weren’t on good terms, I was still hurt when he didn’t show.
When I confronted him about it afterwards, he said that he’d been promoted to Regional Nightmare and he was patrolling his territory, and that’s why he couldn’t come. I asked him what company he was working for, and he said he was still using the scanner.
I pointed out that he couldn’t be a Regional Nightmare without a state license since only the state can assign territories. He started going on and on about being his own “Monster” (and let me tell you, extra joints DOESN’T make you a Monster, those guys are way more committed) and that he had passed the state exam.
When I told Reginald about my brother calling himself a Regional Nightmare, he was concerned. He works closely with the legal department, and he said that Steve is opening himself up to lawsuits by declaring public slashing grounds as his “territory.” He offered to talk to Steve.
We went over to Mom and Dad’s house together to confront him. Dad didn’t know he was calling himself a Regional Nightmare and he went pale when I told them why we were there. Reginald explained to Steve and Mom that being certified was different than being licensed. Legally, Steve is a Slasher even if he can control shadows now (which is a VERY expensive talent to acquire if you aren’t born with it. I think Mom may have paid for it).
The conversation didn’t go well. Steve said a lot of nasty things about Reginald not hacking it as Slasher and claimed he was just jealous. He picked on Reginald’s health which I had me seeing red. I asked Steve what there was to be jealous of since he still mooches off of our parents? Mom got involved and it went downhill from there.
All this to say that I didn’t expect Steve to show up at my gender reveal party less than 5 months later.
Reginald and I weren’t planning on kids this early, but we knew it was meant to be as soon as I got that pregnancy test back. We decided to put off our wedding so that our baby can be part of the ceremony that makes us a family. That being said, I did still have a lot of things ordered for the wedding so I turned the day into a baby shower/gender reveal instead.
That brings us to the party my lovely brother wrote about. First of all, he wasn’t invited by me. Mom invited him, and when I found out, I wasn’t happy with her, considering he never apologized to Reginald after our last fight.
Reginald was stuck at work (some idiot brought together a whole summer camp of final girls and the aftermath was brutal) so I had to force myself to be a good hostess. It was mostly fine. We have good friends and my older brother was very kind in helping me with some of the baby games we were planning to play when Reginald finally got there.
Steve, however, was NOT helpful.
He was annoying the whole time. He messed with the kitchen and he hounded the guests. I’m PREGNANT and the smell of raw meat triggers my gag reflex. He took the meat off the heat without me noticing and basically prevented me from eating lunch with everyone else.
Additionally, Steve claimed in his post that the party was dying??? Reginald and Dad have a lot of friends in common so the party did NOT die. They were all interested in talking to Dad. Dad’s voice is very quiet and raspy from strain over the years, so everyone was being quiet to hear him better. Steve was the one practically screaming over him to talk about his scummy job. The new Hook Man who succeeded Dad was there and Steve basically treated the poor man like a novice even though he’s a Cryptid.
Reginald finally got home and I could tell he was exhausted when I met him at the door. He still put on a smile for me though and said he didn’t need to miss out even when I told him it would be okay. He wanted to be there in our big moment to celebrate our family. He went upstairs to change.
I went back to the guests to tell them that we would start the games soon. That’s when I heard Reginald scream and fall down the stairs.
I’ll never forget the look on Reginald’s face. He was lying at the base of the stairs and looked like he was dying. He was gasping for breath and clutching at his chest. I was terrified his heart was giving up. I asked Hook Man to call an ambulance.
That’s when Steve started laughing.
I lost it. I screamed at Steve to get out. He told me to calm down, he’d just scared Reginald a little bit as a joke. I told him he knew about Reginald’s heart condition and that it was incredibly disrespectful to scare my fiancé in our own house.
He said he didn’t mean to scare him that bad, but that he was just better at it than he thought. His scares were too powerful. He seemed smug and was still laughing.
I accused him of intentionally hurting Reginald because of the licensing versus certification argument we had. I said he was a bully and an idiot.
Mom jumped in and said it was an accident.
Dad FINALLY said something. He shadow-walked (the first time in YEARS) up the stairs and hooked Steve by the neck. He dragged all twelve feet of him down the stairs and told him to get out.
Steve said, “For what? It’s not my fault that weak-hearted son of a bitch can’t take a joke.”
Dad lost it. He told Steve a REAL scarer wouldn’t use their abilities like that on their own families. He told Mom and Steve it didn’t matter if he meant it as a joke. The fact is he used his scare tactics on a layperson, and he could get blacklisted from the profession for it.
Dad kicked Steve out and told him he wasn’t welcome back into the basement until he got a REAL job. Steve kept arguing, but the paramedics arrived then and I lost track of the rest of it.
I went with Reginald to the hospital where Reginald insisted we both get checked out. The stress wasn’t good for the baby and doctor told me it might be best to go on maternity leave sooner rather than later. Reginald is also going to be taking a leave from work. He had a heart attack because of my brother.
Things could have ended worse, but they didn’t end well. I told my parents that I refuse to have Steve at my wedding or even to see my child after they’re born (and now I STILL don’t know the gender! Only our older brother knows since he got the gender reveal cake).
Mom started to protest, but Dad said he understood. He said that both he and Mom just wanted me to be happy and healthy and that they would take care of Steve.
So now I leave it up to you. Having read both of our posts, who do you think is the real asshole? My brother for being “proud” of scaring my fiancé into a heart attack at our baby’s gender reveal party? Or me for never talking to said brother again for the health of my future family?
Thanks for reading! If you'd like to support me and/or see these stories a week before I post them here, please check me out on Patreon (X)!
See you next week!
This week's story is based on this (x) prompt from Writing-prompt-s:
You are a person who covers your counter space in clutter and inadvertently makes a shrine to a long forgotten god who shows up to thank you.
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enkays-den · 2 months ago
Enkay Watches the Imp and Skizz Podcast #127 (featuring @joehills)
First of all, if you are not watching Joe Hills on either youtube or twitch, DO IT!!!! He's streaming pretty much every day and the conversations are always so interesting and he has the best little windows into the workings of Hermitcraft. Folks will pop by and have super interesting conversations with him! He's one of my favorite hermits and I think his unique way of experiencing minecraft, life, and hermitcraft is something that deserves more eyes on it, because I know people are sleeping on him.
First off, THIS is how you show up to the Imp and Skizz Podcast! Classy, on brand, and unique!
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I love Impulse's little nest of pillows, he's so cozy nestled in there, holding his mandated amount of water like a security blanket
I love that the reason they wanted Joe on was to talk about the coup SPOILERS: they never even touch on it
joe's dad being a logician makes so much sense tbh
"a creationist universe where god wants you dead and i play minecraft like a greek hero idiot" is such an amazing way to talk about super hostile maps
Joe having his wedding taking place during the recess of a vehicular manslaughter trial feels so strange and yet so Joe
"YOU'VE GOTTA BE JOE KING" okay he mentioned on stream that there was a joke that maybe two people would get and I will proudly claim to be one of the two.
"fighting to become an artist" is so validating to Skizz's journey so far. It's gonna be his year anniversary of being a hermit soon and im gonna get emotional about his path this last year
Joe WOULD put on the Scottish Parliament sessions as background noise, love that
"I don't trust any platform with my art. I'm the one that makes the art and the audience is the one that appreciates my art" "I need to be as platform/brand agnostic as possible" "next time Amazon does something terrible to the unions" 👏👏👏
talking about his streams like a bar and like,,,,, he's so smart about the role of creators and fandom and i just appreciate joe so much
it's funny that they're shocked about the relationships can be formed within fandoms when like,,,,, that's how they met tango
((also if we talk regularly and read this i love you guys <3))
skizz, the worst chat reader ever i love you
i need hermitcraft standup. please. custom texture snowballs as tomatoes or flowers to throw
thinking about a younger skizz using a tape recorder to record his 'genius ideas' and quotes he likes and annoying the crap out of his friends
I'm glad that we got to hear Joe's JFK impression
COURT CASE TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Bdubs will only let Doc win if it's funnier for doc to win, because that's how guilty doc was"
Joe quoting Sun Tsu and then going on the stand and said "Your Honor, Your Highness, my client is a baby" in an asymetric star trek dress, that's the Joe Hills Difference
"DELICIOUS" skizz i love how schadenfreude you are
"FIVE DIAMONDS PER F TIER BOOK???" impulse my favorite wet cat
"I'll make one sale every two months" and also implying that the shopping district has property taxes
the delivery on "two. some people say four" was SLICK
"tumblr defines sexyman to mean 'most bizarre, cryptid, creepy thing' " not wrong there.
"well scar is obviously going to win the sexyman competition"
"once i found out that it's for weird, cryptid energy, I knew "oh nevermind I'm gonna win this"
joe hills is my favorite weird guy and he deserved to win
cleo as our nonbinary icon placing third place in the tumblr sexyman poll
All in all, fantastic podcast, and not long enough imo. I hope Joe gets to be there in person one day like he originally envisioned, and there's just an untapped well of information that could go into future podcasts
Reminder that you should subscribe and follow Joe!
BONUS, edited by me, please credit if you use it, I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to use it (original screencap under cut):
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revelboo · 4 months ago
Begging for more soundwave...especially the kink list. We are just little creatures in need of big mech babes XD
Not sure if you meant silent, tentacle cryptid Soundwave or IDW tired, single-dad Soundwave… so here’s both versions 🌶️ 18+ Mass displaced mechs
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Soundwave x Reader- Encounters 🌶️
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IDW Soundwave x Reader- bad dream
• He can feel the moment your dreams shift and go somewhere dark. Your emotions snarling and crackling over him as he sits up and looks over at you. Face buried against your pillow, you shift in your sleep. Reaching over, he smoothes a palm along your spine, the contact strengthening the connection between you two, but he can’t make any sense of the nightmare, only the visceral fear. Venting softly, he hooks an arm under you and pulls you into his lap.
• Your distress follows you into waking as you fight the arm wrapped around you in blind panic before Soundwave hums at you, holding you as the shaking eases leaving your heart racing. A fact he notes by pressing a servo right over that frantic rhythm. His mask brushes against your cheek and neck as he rumbles against you. “Safe, little one.” Smiling at that low, tonal voice, you lean into him in response.
• “Did I wake you?” Worrying about him to try and hide how shaken you still are? Sliding his palm up to tip your head back against his shoulder, he vents against your skin just to feel your body go taut against him. Knows if he asks you won’t tell him about the nightmare. It’s not the first time and as much as it bothers him, likely won’t be the last. Whatever haunts your rest is something you don’t trust him with yet. He understands even as it doesn’t sit right with him, but he also knows how to banish that fear from your thoughts completely.
• Servos against your throat, keeping your head back against his shoulder so your body is arched, you feel the arm curled around you shift, slide down to cup you. Know exactly what he’s doing, because somehow he knows when that nightmare surfaces and his response since you can’t talk about it is always the same. Distraction. Shuddering as his servos pet you, stroking as you respond for him. Body heating and softening, because this sort of distraction? The kind that makes you feel alive and cherished? You need it right now. “Please,” you murmur, rocking against his servos and with a low growl, he buries one inside you. Curling it to stroke deep.
• You tremble in his grip, hips bucking to demand more. Fucking you with that one servo in slow deliberate strokes until you’re mindlessly whimpering his name. Begging for him. Until he just can’t fight it anymore. That noise you make when he slips his wet servo free so sweet to him. Lifting your hips and guiding himself to you. And that noise when he buries himself fully inside you in one deep stroke? It almost undoes him right there. Shuddering with restraint, he grips your hips to keep you still while he reins himself in, because otherwise you’ll start moving in his lap and it’ll be over far too soon.
• “Soundwave,” you groan, head falling back against him as he keeps you still. Won’t thrust and won’t let you rock against him, tormenting you with that thick spike stretching you. “Please.” Growling against you, he lifts you until he’s almost free of you, shuddering when you grab onto his hands in protest, because you might just die if he does stop now. But then he’s lowering you again, slowly so you can feel every ridge and bump of his spike. Too slow when your body is thrumming and aching.
• It’s almost like drowning in you, the connection between you both one sided as your emotions crash over him and then he’s gripping your hips, moving you faster on his spike as your need fuels his own. Your head thrown back against him, needy sounds getting ragged and louder as he lifts his hips as he pulls you down, the wet sounds of your body taking his fraying the last of his control. Now he’s making noises, growling as he claims you in urgent drives of his hips and chasing after when you tighten on his spike. Burying himself deep and pinning you in place as he releases inside you, hips rocking to stretch it out.
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TFP Soundwave x Reader-tease
• Always busy. Always working. You watch his long servos flying over that weird holographic keyboard, his visored face limned in the screen’s glow as line after line of indecipherable alien gibberish scrolls away. And you’re bored as you stare at his spiky back, mind wandering to things you could be doing instead of work. Like him. And that head turns to stare at you, tipping with predatory interest. The weight of that stare making you breathless with anticipation. Because while he can’t read your thoughts exactly as far as you can figure, he definitely can pick up on when your mind goes hurtling in that direction.
• Need and hunger, pull at him in an intoxicating rush as your face reddens because you know he knows. Snaring you with a tendril looped around your middle, he brings you to him and mass shifts. Your emotions crash over him, straining his own control as you cling to that tendril. Protesting with a laugh as he uses his servos to shred the thin coverings you wear. Needing more connection. A second tendril coiling around your upper thigh, curving to run against you and find you already so wet for him.
• Rocking your hips against the tendril to feel it sliding against you, it’s all you can do to bite back a whimper because he’s toying with you. “Mean. So mean,” you groan as the coil around you tightens slowly before easing. The tendril against you slides again in lovely friction but not nearly enough before he’s finally lowering you onto his spike, long servos curling around your hips to pull you down flush and keep you there. It’s for calling him mean. You know it is and his grip is too strong, you can’t move the way you want to. Need to move as you feel that big spike speared inside you, pulsing with his spark.
• So needy and impatient as he savors the feel of that wet, silken heat gripping his spike. Curling an arm around you, he carefully rolls you under him, pressing his visor against your throat as you gasp. Tendrils capture your wrists, pulling those soft hands up and pinning them and those eyes flash at him in annoyance. But if he lets you have any control, it’s over far too soon. You arch under him as he rocks himself against you teasingly before he begins to thrust in earnest. You don’t understand how hard it is to stay in control when he’s inside you, that telepathic link molten with your need. Feeling what you feel.
• Finally, he begins moving, that spike driving deep as he sets a brutal, urgent pace. He lets go of your wrists long enough to snake one tendril under you and hook around your waist, lifting your hips up and the next thrust slides deep, sparking through you. “Right there, please,” you want to push back to meet those thrusts and can’t with his grip, your hips up as he moves faster, harder, every deep stroke of that spike sliding right where you need it. Right there. And you’re coming apart with a cry as he ruts against you, silent except for the wet sounds of his spike pumping inside you and your own ragged cries before he drives deep, hips jerking against you as warmth spreads through you with his release. That visor rubs against your cheek until your eyes open, breathing raggedly and you snort when he offers you a little heart emoji.
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nanenna · 2 months ago
This Stream of Consciousness Could've Been an Epiphany
More Sleepy King AU HERE
Can you guess what days of the week I usually have off LOL
Danny isn’t entirely sure what’s going on. He feels like he should be more worried about that, mostly because of how weird Dad had been acting all morning. He’d been so… quiet. Calm, quiet, soft, gentle. Not that Dad wasn’t always gentle. Sure, his hugs and back slaps could pack a punch, but Dad knew he was big and strong and tried hard not to do anything too hard. Danny’d seen what Dad’d done to walls, the way he hugged was downright delicate in comparison. And Danny was a lot tougher now, he could take Dad’s bone crushing hugs easily. So yeah, gentle for Dad was usually still too much for normal people.
But Dad was also usually excited, loudly excited! He was being really quiet today, and it was kind of weird.
Maybe Danny should be a bit more worried about being lost?
But surely if he should be worried Dad would tell him so. Dad knew now, had for a few weeks. In that time alone he and Mom had set about reinforcing the portal so no one could get through without permission. Danny had even taken them on a couple trips into the ‘Zone to introduce them to friendly ghosts. It was embarrassing to introduce them to Frostbite, but also kinda necessary so he’d sucked it up and done it. So Dad knew that Danny has powers, knew just how strong he was. If Dad were worried he’d want Danny to know so he could help.
But still, Dad was acting weird. Nervous. Danny couldn’t figure out why. If he didn’t trust these strangers they were just hanging out with he wouldn’t have left Danny alone with them, right? Then again maybe he felt it was safest to not talk to Jazz in front of them. To keep Danny safe from ghost hunters they’d all agreed it was best to keep it secret, so if Dad and Jazz were talking about him as Phantom it made sense he’d want to step away.
Danny nibbled on his poptart, still trying to puzzle through it. He looked around at the strangers and well… he knew some of them at least. Dad had called the dark one Batman, everyone knew who Batman was. He remembered his parents debating whether he was a ghost or a cryptid, a huge debate that they couldn’t come to a conclusion on. Unlike Santa, that one could crop up at any time. Unlike Santa, this one wasn’t so divisive, guess his parents were less invested or something.
So the woman next to him… looked a lot like Pandora wearing a human disguise. She looked at him and smiled, then reached forward and nudged his mug. “Drink it while it’s hot,” she said warmly.
Yeah, she sounded a lot like Pandora too, something about the way neither were actually speaking English. Danny nodded and picked up his drink, if Pandora and Dad thought they were okay, if they both trusted Batman and the other people dressed weirdly then Danny would too. Even if they smelled like ozone and lab cleaning solvent.
The smell kept getting stronger too, there was a pressure in the room. It had stopped suddenly when Jazz called, but it was picking up again. It was weird, like being in a bubble getting dropped in the ocean. At this rate his ears would pop, or the whole room would implode like that one sub going to visit the Titanic. Kinda ironic, waaaaaaay more people have died exploring the bottom of the ocean than space. Technically, no human has ever died in space, the closest was the Challenger disaster and they didn’t make it to space before the explosion. That was so sad. But it was still pretty amazing no one had died going to the moon, not even Apollo 13! No one had even died in the Justice League, so far as Danny’s heard. Not even a cop-out “technically died in space” while actually fighting bad guys on an alien planet technicality.
“Jazz was just checking in on us, I told her we’ll see her at dinner tonight.” Dad sat down next to Danny, peeking over at whatever Batman was working on as he did so.
Danny nodded and hummed in agreement. That was good, it seemed Dad thought they’d be home by dinner despite being lost right now. That was good.
It was weird though, he hadn’t called her “Jazzypants” like normal. In fact, Dad hadn’t pulled out a single nickname, not even “Danno.” So was Dad worried about them being lost or not? Danny couldn’t figure it out.
The pressure was building again, Danny yawned, trying to make his ears pop. It didn’t help. It hadn’t the last two times either. Or was it three?
Dad nudged the plate with his poptarts on it, Danny picked up his half eaten rectangle and started nibbling again. Chocolate wasn’t his favorite flavor, he kinda wondered what happened to the strawberry from before. It would go nicely with the hot chocolate, a nice contrast of flavors. There was just something about artificial strawberry flavoring that Danny really liked.
Danny slumped over, his body leaning against Dad. He still wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, if he should be worried or not, but Dad was there so everything was going to be okay.
Kinda wished Mom was there instead though. He had no doubt she could easily kick Batman’s butt if he did need to be worried though. But Pandora was there, even if it was a new human disguise he’d never seen before, so that was just as good. Pandora liked him, she wouldn’t let anything happen to him.
The pressure suddenly stopped again. Danny yawned, his ears still didn’t pop. It was so annoying.
“Oh my god,” the guy with a metal bucket on his head hissed, “it’s a god egg!”
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counterfeit-cryptid · 2 years ago
I wanted to talk about some of my tma headcanons, ideas???? Or whatever involving my concept 4 jon in writing and art, I want to create
Anyways, let's talk vision!!! I was reading this one fic, and it really gave me some cool ideas for the whole spooky eye powers thing. In much much later chapters he goes to the eye doctors as his vision has increasingly worsened and it is mentioned he has gained a new set of pupils which is pretty cool ngl anyways beside the point the whole ordeal made me think of the possibility of vision loss being a common thing 4 avatars of the eye and all of that
Because if you can see and know all even without it first hand witnessing it or anything, what's the point of needing regular eyes anymore anyways. Like I get the whole "blinding self" to escape from the eye and I'd think that'd still work but I mean loss of vision in the sense of only being able to see thru the eye after a certain state your eyes no longer belonging to yourself but still being a part of you leading to the person constantly viewing their world in an altered state
The altered state being whatever you want!!! Want to make your silly Archivist see several things at once like it's multiple moniters your looking at? Cool very cool, or do you want it more like looking at your own body as it pilots itself thing.
I think you could play it out into a gradual thing to, it starts off with your prescription changing eventually till the point everything is blurry, but everything is so clear in your mind type of ordeal. This could alter entirely how someone thinks too, which would be insane
Imagine not being able to visually see things within your mind, you lose your vision, and suddenly, you see pictures within your mind now that you can with your eyes. However, that may work. I think I'd be absolutely bewildered.
Back to the blinding yourself purposefully, though to escape the eye, I think that'd still work in this sense, but instead of "natural loss of eyesight," bringing physical harm would stop it. Like gouging them out or something as violent as it is. Or just general harm, idk. I'm just simply going from what I've heard passed around as I've not listened to the last 2 seasons yet to actually know/understand if any 1 does something like that to escape the eye.
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suzukiblu · 1 month ago
WIP excerpt for derpsheep behind the cut; “a fake cryptid and a real romantic”. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Tim is having a terrible night, by which he means the Batman is currently looming over him like a creepy eldritch nightmare of a gargoyle while he’s trying to go meet Superboy for the patrol/hunting-date they scheduled and the Batman is not at all taking the “go away, I have a date” hint. 
Said “hint” for the record, was Tim explicitly saying the words, “go away, I have a date”. The Batman apparently thought that meant Calendar Man was causing trouble, though, so now Tim’s being Bat-stalked and has the Batman in his shadow, which is just really, really embarrassing in this situation. Like getting dropped off for a date by your weird neighbor who used to babysit you sometimes or something, he doesn’t know. 
Definitely embarrassing, yeah. Just–way too many kinds of embarrassing. He bets Superman isn’t dropping Superboy off right now. 
“Look, I promise, this is not a ‘Bat’ thing,” he says. “In no way whatsoever is this in fact a Bat thing.” 
leaving Gotham? the Batman asks. 
“No,” Tim says with a sigh, because he knows the Batman’s answer to them not leaving Gotham is gonna be– 
Bat thing, the Batman says, inexorable and inarguable as a snapped grapple and the force of gravity. 
Tim suffers.
“It’s just a date, B,” he says in exasperation. “I don’t follow you to go see Catwoman or Talia al Ghul, do I?” 
you do, the Batman says. 
. . . dammit, Tim thinks. The Batman wasn’t supposed to notice that. 
“Okay but Superboy is not a criminal who’s trying to use me to case a place for a thematic jewel heist!” he protests, puffing up Robin’s feathers indignantly. Most of the time the Batman understands Robin’s body language better than anything, really, and Tim has to admit there is something sort of satisfying about being able to flare up to twice his size when he’s irritated. At least on some level, anyway. “Or an assassin who might wanna feed me to her evil dad’s weird magic pit!” 
not feed, the Batman says. awaken. 
“That answer is no less creepy and unnerving than the last four times, I hope you know,” Tim tells him. “Not in the least because you’ve never clarified if the League is trying to awaken something in you or something in the pit.” 
“Tt,” the Batman says, which is honestly even more creepy and unnerving, given how rarely he actually makes actual noises. Or, like–correction: makes actual noises that sound, like–human, almost. The screeching and wailing and screaming is all pretty standard, but human noises . . . yeah, no. 
Tim already doesn’t like to talk to the Batman when he’s in his “human” aspect as it is. He isn’t some self-absorbed socialite or smarmy politician or shallow asshole with no genuine interest in other people, is the thing; when the Batman actually uses his voice, Tim can hear what that voice actually sounds like. 
As far as Tim knows, when it comes to humans, literally only Dick’s ever been able to stand the actual sound of the Batman’s voice. Jason apparently just, like–could grit his teeth through it, or hide behind Pennyworth. Tim, personally, forgets he has teeth, when he can actually hear the sound of the Batman’s voice. He doesn’t even know what Selina hears, but he does know she does most of the talking when she and the Batman are out together. And he still feels bad for Superman, after the sister-city gala incident with Metropolis.
Definitely he still feels bad for Superman after that.
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sungmee · 2 years ago
ECCC 2023 OFMD Panel Highlights:
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vico showed up in izzy cosplay, they all were very excited at having a room of 3000 people cheering for them
on being asked about becoming sex symbols: "there's nothing sexier than kindness" -rhys
vico talking about how they had no clue on sailing and boat things, saying "starburst" instead of "starboard"
rhys started making sheep noises with a dad joke and then they all just started doing sheep impressions. samba's was basically just a scream
vico standing up and showing off their sword "wait that's a real sword" "how did you get that through weapons check??"
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a question about who in the cast probably reads fanfic, they said nathan, paused, then said "i think con reads a lot of fanfiction"; samba gave a shoutout to rizzy
one word for what their character gets up to in s2: vico: serious gooseness (as opposed to silly gooseness) rhys: fantastical samba: let's just say there's more screaming
alex sherman apparently said s1 stede was a puppet becoming a real boy and s2 is stede becoming a man
on what cryptid stede would like best, rhys said "stede would go for the mermaid...or the kraken"
musical episode question, what song their character would sing: vico: tu pirata soy yo samba: let's get it on ("as he's torturing somebody") rhys: rainbow connection
samba: you know, karl dies- rhys: WHAT
rhys: i wish i had stede's hair samba: YOU DO
last question was what the toughest episode was to film samba: spoilers for s2?? moderator: how strong is your NDA? samba: very strong. there's a sniper in the room
then vico said ep 2 was the toughest and rhys said there's more physical stuff happening in s2, he had to workout, and samba got all the BTS
no release date or trailer, but it was a great panel with good questions and thoughtful answers
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hellishgayliath · 2 years ago
Would anyone be interested if I did commissions? I always felt a little intimidated by them which is why I never had set up a sheet for it, or didn't know how to set one up. But it would definitely help me to try and save up money so me and my sis can move out of our dad's house. Idk lemme know.
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mirrorball-leclerc · 5 months ago
mastermind - part one
series masterlist // next
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, jensonbutton, logansargeant and others
aurorabutton a little pre-monaco grand prix dump featuring father dearest being a menace and saturn being the best boy ever
tagged: jensonbutton
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fernandoalo_oficial your father has never looked better than he does in that picture
aurorabutton that's what i said but he complained about the horrible photo for an hour fernandoalo_oficial que dramático 😂
user1 aurora what driver are you rooting for this weekend?
aurorabutton the hometown hero of course! logansargeant so fuck me i guess? aurorabutton tell james to stop being a pussy and give you the same upgrades as alex and then we can talk about me rooting for you logansargeant williams admin, she's joking i swear aurorabutton no, i'm not williamsracing 🤨🤨
jensonbutton have kids they said, it'll be great they said, turns out they lied.
aurorabutton i'm a delight to be around father!
user2 saturn, leo, and roscoe meet up when?
user3 the three most spoiled pooches in the world becoming besties would be iconic.
user4 aurora, what do you think about lewis moving to ferrari?
aurorabutton it's about time someone got rid of that fraud at ferrari user5 close enough, welcome back untrained pr charles leclerc aurorabutton that may be the greatest compliment i've ever received
maxverstappen1 do my nights of babysitting you mean nothing? you can't even cheer for me?
aurorabutton YOU WON ALMOST EVERY RACE LAST YEAR EXCEPT FOR 2? STOP WHINING? mickschumacher yeah max, stop whining maxverstappen1 i hate both of you user6 love that she's choosing to ignore singapore. aurorabutton singapore never happened last year?? what are you talking about?? i don't remember that race happening??
user7 poor max catching strays from aurora and mick
aurorabutton poor max cries to marley and me maxverstappen1 shut the fuck up? jensonbutton don't speak to my child that way verstappen maxverstappen1 SHE JUST SENT ME A TEXT CALLING ME AN UGLY RAT? aurorabutton snitch.
natalia_leclerc so this is my fellow 55 hater?
aurorabutton oh my god. it's me! i'm a carlos sainz hater! natalia_leclerc jenson, i'm stealing your child. she's mine now oscarpiastri wow, in a hurry to replace me already? you just got me? jensonbutton please, take her. aurorabutton wow dad. just say you hate me or something
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aurora button so who's the kid hanging out with charles leclerc?
mick schumacher kid? what kid?
aurora button the one that looks like a lost puppy?? wearing a bright red shirt?
max verstappen that's literally just ollie?? why??
aurora button why is he wearing bright red shirt?? he does know this is the red bull garage right?? not the ferrari garage?? max verstappen he drives for prema in f2?? why do you care?? aurora button i was just confused?? i was going to accuse him of espionage for sainz
mick schumacher wait a damn minute
aurora button i did?? i don't remember that??
max verstappen now hold on just a fucking minute... aurora middle name button...
aurora button what?? mick schumacher i may be an idiot but i'm an idiot with a girlfriend max verstappen i also have a girlfriend but i'm confused if we're thinking the same thing aurora button you have a mom not a girlfriend. max verstappen STOP CALLING HER THAT! aurora button the entire internet thinks so too...
mick schumacher don't change the subject!!
mick schumacher i know what you are aurora button
aurora button what?
max verstappen enough of this cryptid shit. you like oliver.
aurora button what the fuck? who the fuck is oliver?
mick schumacher deflection.. interesting..
max verstappen OLLIE!! YOU LIKE OLLIE!!
aurora button wow all that from a text asking who the fuck that was?? he could be pulling a spygate??
mick schumacher you're an idiot.
aurora button fuck you guys. i'm never talking to you two again.
max verstappen okay sure. we'll see how long that lasts. i give you two hours.
mick schumacher i give her one
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aurorabutton posted new stories
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someone clearly ruined his childhood if he's doing this shit as a grown man oh great, it's the american weirdo might be surrounded by weirdos (logan and max) but at least my shoes look cute
lewishamilton replied to your story
lewishamilton be honest, did you force him to do that? aurorabutton i'm flabbergasted you would think that lowly of me lewis lewishamilton i know you aurora. you used to put fish in my drivers room when you were a kid aurorabutton okay fine, i did do that to you, but no i didn't force him to do that. he did that all on his own actually. i don't why. must have something to do with the childhood trauma he has or something.
alex albon replied to your story
alex_albon why is logan like that? aurorabutton i don't know. my theory is that he was dropped on his head as a child alex_albon hmm, that could be it. aurorabutton by the way, is lily available to grab lunch? alex_albon i knew you were going to steal my girlfriend this weekend at least once. aurorabutton oh albono, it'll be more than once
natalia_leclerc replied to your story
natalia_leclerc cute shoes, where'd you get them? aurorabutton excuse me while i go scream... natalia_leclerc i'm sorry?? aurorabutton i literally love you. you're my favorite wag. natalia_leclerc thank you. love you too? aurorabutton holy shit, i can die peacefully.
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SPAIN 2024
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liked by oscarpiastri, natalia_leclerc, olliebearman and others
aurorabutton españa, i came, i saw, i yelled at (1) annoying spanish man. oh and i met this weird guy in red bull gear who said he drove cars in circles?
tagged: maxverstappen1
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user7 acting as if she didn’t break f1 twitter with her revelation
user8 serving cunt must be a button trait
user9 alternate caption could be: españa, i came, i saw, i exposed (1) annoying spanish man for being in love with his ex-teammates wife and how hard he tried to break them up so she could run to him. oh and here's max verstappen i guess ❤︎ by pierregasly, aurorabutton, alex_albon and others
user9 oh these guys are so messy and i am here for it
maxverstappen1 fuck you too i guess. that's the last time i ever let you crash in my room because all the hotels were booked up and your lazy ass couldn't decide if she wanted to go to the spanish gp or not
user10 damn max no need to expose aurora like that aurorabutton we both know that's a lie maxie taxie user11 did you guys share a bed or something? maxverstappen1 i slept on the couch, i'm not weird like that aurorabutton i've known this nerd since i was kid, kelly can keep him... user11 i can't tell if this is a diss towards kelly or not
jensonbutton i see we're excluding the text message where you told me, 'that ugly spaniard is going to catch these fists.'
fernandoalo_oficial that better not have been about me? aurorabutton i can't believe you would think this way about me fernando? you are the handsome spaniard my father is in love with. jensonbutton as the children say, why am i catching strays? aurorabutton YOU'RE THE ONE WHO ADMITTED ON THE INTERNET THAT YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH HIM?? I'M JUST REPEATING WHAT YOU SAID??
user12 she lives for reminding us that she hates carlos sainz
user13 has she ever said why she hates carlos? other than the shady as fuck shit he and his family do? aurorabutton he used to be apart of our nepo-babies group chat, but after we (max, mick, and i) realized he always blamed other people for the shit he did we (i) kicked him out and we haven't spoken since. cut to a year later and all this shit with charles is happening at ferrari. user13 oh. that explains it
oscarpiastri not pictured is her jumping on logan's back and clinging like a koala
aurorabutton good times. 10/10 experience logansargeant it may not be pictured here but boy is it doing rounds on twitter and tiktok
olliebearman the weird guy in red bull gear kicked me out of his drivers room for 'stinking up the place' whatever that means
maxverstappen1 YOU WERE EATING A RAW ONION IN MY ROOM?! olliebearman listen there was 50 pounds on the line. mama didn't raise a bitch verstappen. maxverstappen1 what kind of idiot would bet you 50 pounds for that? paularon_ jeez, i wonder who would do that... maxverstappen1 you're both idiots
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liked by olliebearman, charles_leclerc, sebastianvettel and others
aurorabutton the world's biggest carlos sainz haters finally met and in the words of kendrick himself, "it's always been about love and hate. now let me say i'm the biggest hater. " i bet that jobless guy just shit himself seeing this on instagram
tagged: natalia_leclerc, carlossainz55
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jensonbutton is this what the kids call messy?
aurorabutton yes father, this is me being messy jensonbutton i've never been prouder to call you my daughter aurorabutton so fuck my academic achievements i guess jensonbutton you know what i mean
user14 tagging him is a new level of messy
user15 no one knows messy like aurora button. she grew up during peak brocedes civil war, she knows messy the best
user17 of course he did, he's team charles all the way
natalia_leclerc i don't think i've ever had a gossip session quite like ours and i know pierre and esteban
pierregasly we are not that messy estebanocon we ARE that messy
user18 oh that's mother and daughter. i'm sorry jenson, she's no longer your daughter, that's a leclerc now.
user19 jenson button losing his daughter to the leclercs was not on my bingo card but honestly seems about right.
carlossainz55 very mature
aurorabutton oh now you wanna talk maturity? weren't you the one telling the media i was a nepo-baby when EVERYONE knows that move you pulled on charles in spain was stupid? logansargeant maturity is not trying to make a move on your teammate's girlfriend oscarpiastri maturity is knowing to take no for an answer patriciooward maturity is not crying to the media when your teammate races better than you olliebearman maturity is not trying to break up your former teammate and his girlfriend all because you can't take no for an answer. good thing robert doesn't have a girlfriend for you to try to manipulate or steal charles_leclerc can you just shut the fuck up for once in your life? natalia_leclerc what can we say, we really are the biggest haters. go tell that to the spanish media arthur_leclerc this is new levels of embarrassing carlos. bensantos_ruiz go cry to your dad about that user20 the leclerc-ruiz family gagged him
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ollie bearman-leclerc betrayal doesn't even begin to cover what i feel
ollie bearman-leclerc mother hates me
ollie bearman-leclerc i've been disowned in the cruelest way
oscar piastri-leclerc what is this guy yapping about now??
logan sargeant-leclerc oh my god he's so dramatic
pato o'ward-leclerc it's okay, we know he gets it from dad
charles leclerc what's wrong ollie?? and fuck you pato
natalia leclerc ollie, what happened? charles, don't speak to our son that way
ollie bearman-leclerc YOU HAPPENED!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!
natalia leclerc me? what did i do??
ollie bearman-leclerc you know what you did pato o'ward-leclerc ollie, i don't think she does that's why she's asking. ollie bearman-leclerc oh
natalia leclerc por dios, igualito a su papa
logan sargeant-leclerc update, i figured out why ollie is salty
natalia leclerc wait, IS THIS ABOUT AURORA?!
oscar piastri-leclerc oh my god. all of this over a girl?
ollie bearman-leclerc SHE'S NOT A GIRL! SHE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! logan sargeant-leclerc you tell jenson that yet?
ollie bearman-leclerc i don't understand why i couldn't be invited to hang out with you two? i feel excluded
charles leclerc to be fair, they didn't invite me either? aurora said it was a 'girl's only day lechair' which is quite rude but okay
charles leclerc you are so dramatic oliver
pato o'ward-leclerc at least 69. i have to say, you aged beautifully. logan sargeant-leclerc thought you were at least 38 oscar piastri-leclerc 50??
charles leclerc fuck everyone here but my wife
ollie bearman-leclerc i mean, you have done that, that's why she's pregnant. natalia leclerc OLIVER! logan sargeant-leclerc let him speak 🗣️ oscar piastri-leclerc you're booing him but he's right??
charles leclerc you're all grounded.
pato o'ward-leclerc I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING?? charles leclerc i know your ass laughed patricio pato o'ward-leclerc this is why i am so glad i'm an indycar driver
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aurora button max emilian verstappen. who the fuck is the room next to you??
max verstappen charles is? i think? please tell me he's not having sex with natalia again. i've suffered though that enough
aurora button no, but there's screaming?? and i think they're watching bluey? i heard the themesong
mick schumacher you think or you know?
aurora button i don't appreciate the sass schumacher
max verstappen just asked charles, nat and the children are in their hotel room. they are in fact watching bluey
aurora button great, i'm going over. i want to watch bluey and i'm alone.
mick schumacher why are you rooming with max? you could've gotten your own room?
aurora button i tried, but they were all booked up. max's room has two beds, so i'm crashing with him.
mick schumacher oh, so are you going over because you're lonely or because you like ollie?
aurora button i don't like him. he is cute but i don't like him.
max verstappen is this- this is the first time aurora sophia button is admitting she finds someone cute?
mick schumacher your middle name is sophia? aurora button no...
max verstappen you don't know her middle name?
mick schumacher i'm sure i do know it but i always forget it? half the time i think your full name is maximilian and not max emilian aurora button we can only blame jos verstappen for that name max verstappen my mum named me.
aurora button everything is always jos' fault. sophie is an angel.
mick schumacher preach sister
max verstappen both of you can go die
aurora button aww, i'm telling my dad
max verstappen die.
mick schumacher are you two sure you aren't siblings?
aurora button bitch please, i'm way prettier than sid verstappen over there.
max verstappen shut the fuck up barney
mick schumacher i think she's more of a blues clues
aurora button i'm definitely a power ranger you fake bitches
max verstappen no, you're the one little alien in that movie with the boy. the one with the long fingers.
mick schumacher oh my god. one day of peace is all i ask for.
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ollie bearman-leclerc WHY IS SHE HERE? WHO INVITED HER??
natalia leclerc max is in a meeting and she was alone oliver. be nice.
logan sargeant-leclerc HE'S BLUSHING! HE'S REDDER THAN A TOMATO!
natalia leclerc i think it's adorable.
natalia leclerc and he just ran out of the room.
ollie bearman-leclerc all of you are fake, except for mom.
charles leclerc the fuck did i do?
ollie bearman-leclerc YOU ASKED FOR VIDEO PROOF?!
pato o'ward-leclerc ▸ ı|||||||ıı||||ııı||ı
ollie bearman-leclerc IS THAT AN AUDIO OF YOU LAUGHING AT ME??
logan sargeant-leclerc actual tears in my eyes right now. this shit is hilarious
natalia leclerc currently questioning what the fuck is wrong with you boys??
ollie bearman-leclerc they're fucking bullying me. oscar piastri-leclerc it's the least you deserve as the youngest. ollie bearman-leclerc i'm not the youngest, leo is logan sargeant-leclerc we're not going to bully a dog ollie, we're not that cruel
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aurora button i'm like 90% sure he hates me?? i never did anything to him and he hates me??
mick schumacher and what gave you that idea baby button??
aurora button he ran out of the room when i got here?
max verstappen charles has been laughing at his phone for 5 minutes. and i'm pretty sure he just played an audio of someone laughing like a maniac.
mick schumacher do you think the leclerc family has a groupchat?
max verstappen i know they do. natalia added us to it and i'm like 95% sure she made a new one after. aurora button AND YOU DIDN'T ADD ME TO IT?! max verstappen you're not even close to being a leclerc mick schumacher yeah aurora, he's charles' mistress
max verstappen maybe if you dated ollie i could add you to the group chat
aurora button oh my god i don't like him!
mick schumacher then why do you care what he thinks?
aurora button i have this thing where i need to be universally liked by everyone
max verstappen what about carlos??
aurora button carlos can go stub his pinky toe on every possible surface he can. aurora button i hope both sides of his pillow are always warm.
mick schumacher why do you have such an intense hatred for carlos?
aurora button the question is why don't you??
max verstappen he called her dad a mid-driver one time in a conversation. he tried to play it off as a joke but aurora's hated him ever since.
aurora button that shit wasn't a joke and at least my dad is a world champion. you don't see me joking about how jos verstappen was a shit driver and max is better now do you?
max verstappen you do that constantly. you tell me that all the time
mick schumacher in her defense, your dad was a shit driver compared to you. like me with my dad aurora button you were stuck with fucking haas, nikita, and gunther. how the fuck were you expected to improve?? max verstappen you were shit because you were with haas. if the car was the way it was this year i'm sure you would do great
mick schumacher you guys are great when you aren't yelling at each other
max verstappen i've become reluctant to the fact that she's never going away.
aurora button he secretly likes me
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@lesliiieeeee @kissesandmartinis @vellicora @blushmimi @scuderiadevils @moofli509 @girlbossnessa @scarletwidow3000 @hopenshaw
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¡leclerc-s speaks!
part one to mastermind let's go!! hope you guys enjoy this story. now, ollie bearman is a menace to society, pass it on. yes i did use tweets from karma because they were important to the plot.
this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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sugar-queen12 · 7 months ago
So I saw this post (which I can’t find😔) where the Justice league turned into what the public saw them as, Batman become some short of cryptid with a mothering nature and Superman was the stereotypical Boy Scout, this brings be to what do u think the batfam would be like if this happened to them, Dick would be all smiles and act like a preschool teacher, he would not be able to figure out the tougher problems, he could also have inhuman flexibility, and of course have cryptid under tones, Jason would be all rage and anger he would also have almost superman level strength and dead shot level gun accuracy, and he would have a mothering nature (just like his dad), Cass would be abal to blend into the shadows and she would also look a lot like batman with the cryptidness, and she would have trouble talking (beacause the public has never heard her talk), Tim would lose most of his skills in combat and be mostly smarts, he would be abal to solve problem with little thought and he would also be abal to hide easily in high spots, Steph what become subpar in combat and stealth, but she would also become very witty and be fast on her feet, and finally Damain would become angery and aggressive, but he would become very good using the sword to the point where he could do things that swords can't even do. Also they would all be unable to remove their masks and have lots distortation because no one has ever gotten a good look at them.
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