#cryptid crew ike
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ik this is random bt hows peaceful shroomy
🔥-well, theyre living their best life
🔥-they live in a park and have been (somewhat and halfway since often people are often unaware of the giant mold monster..) socially accepted as the cleanup crew there, eating dead stuff
🔥-theyve also befriended a couple objects, two of them being blue card (whose nervous + LOVES cryptids and the like) as well as her sharp-toothed, reckless little brother ID
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switched my nano project and now i’m doing cryptid falls (ik i said i didn’t want to do it but i missed writing with the grimm crew and i think i can stay motivated a lot better with them) !!! still doing murder teens but it’s more of a on the side thing than anything
#writing#writeblr#writeblr community#cryptid falls#nanowrimo#yay !!#too tired to put proper tags sorry
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Getting back into using crayon pencils- very fun and VERY stressful!
So this is @ike-cryptidcrew uhhhh yea
He's kinda aliven't I guess
He's been through some shit man
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What do humans eat?
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Hey bee!!! Could you tell me about your OCs? I've always thought the idea of OCs was really cool but a lot of the time the info about people's OCs isn't organized very well (or at least not that I know of) so I tend to get confused when people talk about them which makes me hesitant to ask questions, but I'm curious about yours so please tell me about them!!
This got really really longs sorry. Ummm oh shoot okay so the general background/story(?) I have is this.
When Zaiyn was a toddler he got into some trouble (haven't figured out what yet) and probably should have been injured real bad but instead a giant cryptid thing came running out the forest and saved him (yay). Zaiyn mistook the cryptid for an actual angle (which he might be but shh) and brought him home cause mom look I have an angle! That's nice honey. She can't see him though cause idk I said so and she's boring. Anywho Zaiyn brings this cryptid (which he named Friend but later gets shortened to Fri) everywhere and naturally he brought him to school because no adults can see him apparently but the kids can and that means no bullying yay! Fri keeps Zaiyn out of trouble and Zaiyn teaches Fri things about humans and is generally really nice so Fri stays.
Sometime around 3rd grade Zaiyn becomes friends with a girl named Madison (Zaiyn calls her Maddie or Mella though) and Fri is weary at first but grows to care about her and shoot now he has another kid to keep out of trouble and it's surprising how much they run into.
Timeskip to highschool cause I can!! The crew are going about their business as usual and keeping Fri busy keeping them safe (these two are bright kids but also wow please don't do that very dangerous thing). They're out in the forest exploring one day as they do and they find a little cave house where someone clearly lives. Fri very much wants to leave. It's not safe. Every part of him is yelling to leave and even though he doesn't have a nose he can smell the danger. but the two humans (who are very fragile and have loads more to lose compared to Fri) won't leave and insist that they have to help whomever is living in this cave! So they wait. All day. And now it's starting to get dark and Fri tries his best to get them to leave now but then they hear rustling in leaves and a person steps out and Fri would be screaming if he could because this person is bad and dangerous and the two humans need to leave now. Of course they don't and Zaiyn steps towards the person and says something vey respond to Zaiyn and oh my gosh this person is not human. Vey are a vampire. Look it's my story and I say vampires can exist so there vey are. Fri once again tries to get his humans to leave but they don't so now he either has to a) fight the bad vampire or b) pick up both the humans and run or fly away. Idk if you know exactly how much a highschool boy and girl way together but Fri can tell you it's not light but here he is flying away (or at least trying to) with two struggling teenagers in his arms and he makes it back to Zaiyn's house barely but he did it and Zaiyn is angry (which doesn't happen very often) and he yells (which never happens ever) and he tells Madison to go home cause he doesn't want to tell at her and it's late and he tells Fri he's angry and he was gonna help vem and he had no right to make them leave. Fri can't speak to defend himself so he just watches as Zaiyn yells and slams his front door and leaves him outside and so Fri walks back to the forest cause maybe he can fix this or maybe Zaiyn doesn't need his guardian angel anymore and he outgrew him or who really knows exactly how a cryptid angle thinks about things.
It had been three days since Zaiyn fought- (well he was the only one yelling so) yelled at Fri and he was worried so he went to the forest to find the friend that started this mess. Okay maybe he didn't quite realize how much Fri helps him because once he reached the cave the was muddy and wet from falling in the mud so much and there were sticks in his hair and his hand hurt from where he scraped it on a rock but that's not the point rn. The point is that maybe the person they found could help him find Fri. So he waits. And waits. And waits. And then just as the sun was setting vey showed up! In hindsight he should've come here later but it's fine. So he talks to the vampire and vir name is actually Alek and vir really cool and they agree to help him find Fri and so Zaiyn calls Madison (the more the merrier and also another set of eyes would help) and soon they're all walking around the woods at night trying to find a ten to eleven-ish foot tall monster who may or may not be an actual angle with wings and probably doesn't want to be found (Also during this time Alek realizes how clumsy the two humans are and really struggles to keep the in one piece).
Yay they found him! Oh no he's not happy. That was expected tbh but still. Through the magic of sign language (not really though cause his sing language is very different from human sign language and it turns out language barriers are a thing) and general gesturing Fri does his best to describe what happened and how Alek scares him and is dangerous to the two (of course Alek laughs at the thought of purposely harming these two) and eventually it get sorted out to where Alek is aloud to be around but can't be left unattended with them until Fri knows he can trust vem and Alek is okay because yeah vir a vampire and that's fair.
Months later Fri is okay with Alek. Heck Alek has helped keep them out of danger so Alek is good. And now vir convincing them to get on the roof no we can't do that that's a horrible idea yes ik you can see the stars really well no idc it's dangerous and icy and your going to fall off... Fri now has three children to look after...dang it.
In hindsight you asked about the Ocs and not the story...sorry... I hope the story was okay though? If you want to know about the characters just tell me and ill.. actually do that and not write out the whole plot
#long post#Fri's idiots#asks#Oz!!#i might post the drawings i made of Madison and Alek later but idk#also i got an ask about my ocs!!!!!#this makes me very happy ty Oz
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@autistic--cryptid I'd do this in an ask but it's a lot so I'm just gonna do it this way but I'm gonna ramble about sea shanties comparing Wels' recordings of them to the ones by The Longest Johns and ik you like sea shanties too so :000
Ok so these are the sea shanties that Wels sang:
Roll The Old Chariot
Haul Away Joe
Spanish Ladies
Old Maui
Fish In The Sea
The only ones The Longest Johns haven't sang are Fish In The Sea and Roll The Old Chariot, I only listen to Wels' version of Fish In The Sea and David Coffin's version of Roll The Old Chariot
But!! He changed some stuff with the melodies n stuff when he recorded them, mainly the ones he sang on stream but he already had Roll The Old Chariot on his soundcloud for a long time before he recorded new sea shanties and you can actually hear a bit of a difference in his voice vs the newer recordings, his voice was a bit softer/lighter and not quite as voluminous if that makes sense for voices
In Haul Away Joe the opening goes like "When-I was-just a little-lad or so me mammy told me" but in Wels' recording it's more like "When I-was a little lad, or so me mammy told me", his voice also jumps straight to the next notes more whereas in The Longest Johns' version the voices sort of flow into the higher notes from lower ones. Wels also does more high notes whereas The Longest Johns sort of flow between low to high to low and keep going. They also, in the chorus, go "Away! HO! Haul away, we'll haul away together" but Wels goes "A-way! [Pause] Haul away, we'll haul away together". The Longest Johns pronounce it as "Revolu-ti-on" (like revo-lu-shy-on) and "Constitu-ti-on" (like con-stitu-shy-on) whereas Wels says "Revo-lu-tion" going from high to low to high and "Constitu‐tion" going from high to low to high again but starting low at the first part
At the end they drag out the "o" sound in "Joe" then raise their notes up like "JoooooooeeeeAH!" But Wels doesn't he just drags it out a bit and ends
Onto Santiana! The Longest Johns have their voices sort of dip a bit when you listen to it whereas Wels sort of has this ruffly effect to his voice. Wels goes "Well [pause] Heeeaavee her up, and away we'll go!" whereas The Longest Johns go "Well heeeaaavee her uuupp and awaaayyy we'll gooo!", similar to how Wels goes "Shes-a fast-clipper ship and-a bully-good crew" but The Longest Johns go "She's a faaassst clipper shiiippp and a bully good crew", The Longest Johns sort of drag the notes out more whereas Wels has a bit more of a defined rhythm to his singing. Also when it gets to "Santiana, now we mourn", The Longest Johns slow down and sort of stay slower (they also go slower paced than Wels does because they drag out notes), they also stop at "Along the plains of Mexico". Wels, on the other hand, Slows down that verse a bit before speeding back up gradually and repeating the "Well, heave her up and away we'll go" bit that's in the rest of the chorus before ending the song and dragging out notes at the end.
Spanish Ladies!
In the beginning, The Longest Johns drag it out more going "Faaaarree-well and adieu to-you Spanish ladies" whereas Wels drags out different words going "Farewell and adieuuuu to yoouuu Spanish ladiieeesss" and "Farewell and adieu to you ladiiess of Spaaaiiinnn" but The Longest Johns stops shorter at "Spain". Wels also says "Aaanndd we never may see you fair ladies again" but The Longest Johns says "But we hope very soon we shall see you again". The Longest Johns goes "We'll rant and we'll rooar like true British sailors" but Wels sort of goes "We'll rant and we'll roaaarr like truueee British sailooors" generally kind of dragging notes out more. He changes the rhythm quite a bit for this one along with words like changing "We hove our ship to, with the wind at southwest, boys/We hove our ship to, our soundings to see" to "We hove our ship tooo with the wind from southwest boys, we hove our ship to, for to strike soundings clear" and "We'll drink and be Merry and drown melancholy" to "We'll drink and be jolly and drown melancholy" so it actually rhymes
Old Maui!
Generally the vibe of Old Maui by The Longest Johns is very slow and almost sounds sort of tired and foggy like the vibe you get from a stormy looking sky out at sea and a foggy island being the only thing in view, but Wels is obviously more upbeat in his tone of voice. The Longest Johns has slower and more dragged out notes whereas Wels is faster paced and sounds more upbeat. His notes go much higher for the most part and has humming in the solo bits whereas The Longest Johns actually has a bit of an echo and the sound of the sea in the back, plus humming but also the voices join in slowly near the end of the solo bits.
This one is probably the one he sang the most different just because his overall tone and the rhythm pace was a lot different than that of The Longest Johns when it comes to the sound of it, but for lyrics, this isn't the most changed one.
And finally Randy-Dandy-O!!!
First of all its immediately a bit different, Wels goes "Noooow we are reaaadddy to saaaiilll for the hoorn" sort of lowering his notes between flipping back to high notes, whereas The Longest Johns starts at a high note and generally stay at it and go "Now we are ready to head for the horn"
Wels has a lot more flowing between notes with his recording and a LOT of words were changed in his version. This is the one that he changed the most lyrics-wise.
The original has some sort of thumping beat in the back, whereas Wels only has the vocals. The biggest differences are that he flows between notes and that he changes literally every verse almost in lyrics.
And that's it for my pointless analysis of Wels' sea shanty recordings vs The Longest Johns' recordings!! :D
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Cryptid Crew as vines -
Credits to the CC, mainly Finch for like a few, but i literally sat down one day and just watched a whole load of compilations, ack idk just like the first 5 on the doc are Finch’s? ( @ahh i forgot your url, something once or twice but it won’t show up with girls) this also excludes any referencing OCs because I’m too tired for that shit.
Everyone @ Mike after he sold them out: ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this
---- (^^ Mike sold us out to the Government, who we’re running from, to get Ike back)
Race: Back at it again at krispy kreme
Spot, to Katherine: Go suck a dick, suck a dick, suck a mother fucking dick Race, to Katherine: Suck a dick, suck a huge or small dick-
--- (^^ They fucking hate her lmao)
JoJo: YOu ready to fucking dIE? Kevin: I'm a bad bitch you can't kill mE!
--- (^^ So, Kevin is like not an OC, but he is Ike’s demon and he drank the blood of: Smalls, Romeo and Katherine but maybe more i dunno)
Mike: Jared, 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
Spot and Race: making out Katherine: is that aLLoWeD?
--- (^^ They used to make out on her sofa all the time, and her bed and probably ended up fucking at some point lmao)
Sarah: I'm lesbian Les: I thought you were American
JoJo, stirring macaroni and cheese: Mike: That’s what good pussy sounds like-
Sarah: I saw you hanging out with Mike yesterday- Katherine: S-Sarah it’s not what you think! Sarah, cocking a gun: I won’t hesitate, bitch.
--- (^^ Mike low-key likes Katherine okay and he was like sat with her on the sofa and then Sarah walked in and she wasn’t a happy bunny)
Spot, to Katherine: Go suck a dick, suck a dick, suck a mother fucking dick Race, to Katherine: Suck a dick, suck a huge or small dick-
--- (^^ They fucking hate her lmao)
Spot, to Katherine: Yo has anyone ever told you that you look like the president’s daughter Katherine: No, they usually tell me I look like Katherine Spot: The fuck is that Katherine: Me, bitch
--- (^^ Hey so Katherine is the daughter of the president and everyone was like “I rEcOgNiSe YoU” and she was like “lmao yeah i get that a lot-”)
Race, to literally anyone: Let's tell each other secrets about ourselves. I’m gonna go first - I hate you.
Katherine: I should have left you on that street corner where I found you. Race: But ya didn’t-
--- (So like,, they literally met Kath in McDonalds - cringiest fucking thing ever oh my god I had no idea what I was doing-)
Romeo, flirting: Hi, my name’s Romeo. What’s your favourite dinner food?
Mike: shadow, do you wanna see a movie? Mike’s shadow: *runs away*
#Newsies#newsies 2017#newsies live#newsies broadway#newsies 1992#jack kelly#david jacobs#davey jacobs#katherine plumber#katherine pulitzer#newsies as vines#newsies as memes#crutchie morris#cryptid crew#newsies meme#newsies shitpost#yeehaw my coping methods for wanting to die * whip * and it's working!!!!
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Newsies as tech crew
Jack: sm (stage manager)
Crutchie: light board runner
Spot:asm (assistant stage manager)
Race: aasm (apprentice assistant stage manager)
Romeo: deck crew sub heed
Specs: a2 or makeup
Elmer: a2 (mics/audio)
Albert: chaos deck crew
Henry: prop designer
Specs: special effects
Jojo: fly rail
Smalls: audio board runner
Buttons: deck crew (aka running crew)
Finch: deck crew
Mush: costume
Blink: costume/makeup
Davey: set designer
Mike: set construction
Sniper: spotlight 1
Tommy boy: spot light 2
Ike: deck crew
Boots: cryptid a2
#crutchie morris#newsies#crutchie#crutchie morris newsies#crutchie newsies#livesies#newsies live#jack kelly#jack#jack kelly newsies#jack newsies#tech crew#deck crew#running crew#race#buttons#romeo#henry#albert#elmer#specs#spot#davey#hot shot#tommy boy#disney#musicals#smalls#broadway
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When in doubt, eat a friend.
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I like to hurt Ike :)

#yes this is how this person will look#it's that newsies crypted crew thing I talk about sometimes#newsies au#ike newsies#Love how I never look at images before going#And because it's theatre I can never be wrong :D#newsies cryptid crew
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And I'm confused?
Hi I’m sad
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You can say God hates gays, but the demons in Hell fucking love them!
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I've been sitting in a closet with a circle of salt around me for around 3 hours, AMA.
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I have no clue what's happening right now? Why did you want me to do this @cryptid-mike??
#what the fuck are these?#i didnt know you could actually post on this hell#whhat do I tag this with?#Cryptid crew#Ike talks
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Am I real?
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An anon told me I look like Smithers from The Simpsons.
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