#crosswalk signals
elteccorp · 1 year
School Beacon System
Are you looking for the best school beacons? ELTEC is the top-most manufacturer of school beacon systems and provides hybrid pedestrian crosswalks, pedestrian crosswalks and many other crosswalks in a great safe way at fair prices. https://elteccorp.com/products/time-clocks/rms-5000-school-clock/
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dailymanners · 1 year
Always use your turn signal
Cars are several tons of metal moving at very high speeds, even though they're such a normal part of every day life they can be very dangerous or deadly when not used consciously. When you have several tons of metal moving at high speeds it makes it safer for everyone if we know which direction it's about to go, as being aware where the car is about to go reduces accidents and pedestrian/cyclist getting struck by cars.
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asiaphotostudio · 1 year
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Taiwan, 1999 Taipei, Taiwan. 台湾 台北市 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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lightyaoigami · 7 months
me: wracked by rumination and ocd spiraling about how to avoid repeating the catastrophic time period between feb 28 & march 15, wearing insane outfits to avoid touching cursed objects and just overall looking and acting like an insane person, attempting to keep it together in public at the very least
my coffee shop: playing MATT MALTESE you deserve an oscar at fucking 10am???? intentionally mentally sabotaging me???
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morgenlich · 7 months
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the urbanization of fernwood is progressing nicely
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giffypudding · 5 months
Not much time to cross
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bonguri · 6 months
20240316 Endoji 5 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: この立像は徳川光圀というより水戸黄門だよなあ。 @Endoji area, Nishi ward, Nagoya city, Aichi pref. (愛知県名古屋市西区 円頓寺商店街)
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inga-don-studio · 8 months
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Someone had a long wait at the talking crosswalk button apparently
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flavia8 · 1 year
People really underestimate crosswalks. 30-120 seconds of spacing tf out while waiting to cross? Gold. Love it. Never in that much of a hurry anyway. Plus the sound helps you not miss it. They're like mini checkpoints
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ananiujitha · 2 years
I live next to a busy multilane stroad
... And it’s just so frustrating that there’s no safe way across.
All the crosswalks are at intersections.
The major intersections have blinding+disorienting turn signals from every direction, plus blinding+disorienting crosswalk lights. I used to be able to shield my eyes, but the lights are getting more powerful, and some cars have additional lights. I once turned away from one set of flashing lights, got hit by another,  and regained awareness 2 or 3 lanes into the stroad.
The state also allows right turn on red.
The minor intersections don’t have as many turn signals, but the state department of transportation has installed extra flashing lights at those intersections so they aren’t safe either.
Now if I take a long detour to use crossings with sliplanes, I can avoid the right turn on red issue, but I’m still afraid I’ll have a seizure.
I have anti-glare glasses, they don’t help, and I have tried sunglasses, they actually make things worse, and I only cross in the middle of the day, but they’re still too bright.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
I have already been hit twice on other local stroads and I fear I will be killed.
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elteccorp · 1 year
Pedestrian Crosswalk Beacon
Eltec is the top-most manufacturer of crosswalks. This provides hybrid pedestrian crosswalks, pedestrian crosswalks and many other crosswalks in a great safe way at fair prices. https://elteccorp.com/products/pedestrian-crossing-systems/hawk-hybrid-pedestrian-crosswalk/
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wellthatschaotic · 2 years
also we witnessed a rear-ending
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so people are driving really unsfely. endangering themselves and others. but how do we fix this? the hard part is that the most problematic drivers aren't interested in being safe or following rules they just want to go as fast as possible to where they are going. so if required to take a defensive driving course they probably would rush through it and not retain any knowledge.
how could we best keep people safe? Is there a way to make people care about safety?
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eyefocusing · 1 month
hey it's me obscure character anon
I recently read all appearances of Kal's first friend; Gary the Witch Boy/Garok the Sorcerer
pretty interesting guy. I love characters that parallel one another
Plus Gary and Kal bond in that they were both able to do what's normal to them around each other. The two superbaby stories were cute
Like he's a character parallel but one that is NOT an alien which a majority of Clark's foils and parallels are
I feel like Gary has enough going on to be able to be brought back. He's probably my favorite superbaby character
(<- guy who's only read like 5 superbaby stories. I mean beppo is also a superbaby character but hmmm)
I wonder which other characters show up more than once but seem like they could've been one offs. Kal's first rival is one (Marsboy) (appears thrice). Superboy's genius "sister" Kathy Warren is another (who I really think should interact with Lena Thorul since they have almost the exact same origin) (appears twice). Maybe the Kandorian Lookalike Squad (excluding Sylvia)? they appear like 5 or 6 times.
The space canine patrol agents are a weird case since Krypto adapted most of them but they only appear a few times in Pre-crisis
obscure character anon i love ur obscure characters so much. i have no idea who gary is but i agree they should bring him back. make the guy a new cult classic kinda character
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leisurelylazy · 1 year
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Obsessed wit these comments describing the vibe of their pronouns
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copperbadge · 11 days
The thing about pain, that I never really knew until this happened to me in my thirties, is that if you are in bad enough pain or for a long enough time (and that's in weeks, not months or years) it can give you depression. Even if your quality of life isn't otherwise impacted -- if it doesn't impede your mobility or exhaust you so that you can't go out -- even if it's "just" pain, being in pain is depressing. And the thing about both pain and depression is that independent of one another, when you are in either one of them you tend to make poor choices. You aren't able to pay full attention to the decision and depression impedes your ability to envision your future, effectively making you feel as if there are no consequences or rewards for your actions.
Now, the nice thing about being a little older and having gone through stuff like serious physical injury, particularly a brain injury, is that it's a lot easier to recognize when you've begun to make poor decisions, and put a stop to it before you make some really poor ones. You can't necessarily just tell yourself "hey stop doing that" but you can readjust your risk assessment and also stop trying to make as many.
Like, you catch yourself walking in front of a car that probably can't see you at a dangerous intersection, and for the rest of the day you make sure you don't cross against the light even if you think you could probably make it. You take the ramp instead of the stairs. You move more slowly. You don't buy anything. You walk away when you might normally pick a fight.
I'm fine -- I injured my foot last night so walking is very painful today, but the wound isn't see-a-doctor serious and I'm getting around okay. I did have to come in to the office for a meeting, which necessitates walking, catching and boarding a bus, and navigating a downtown street that's still pretty busy even at seven in the morning. And I did catch myself walking in front of a car coming out of a driveway because I wasn't watching the driveway as I normally do, because I was in pain. So, for the rest of the trip, I moved as slowly as necessary, stopped at crosswalks if I didn't have a clear walk signal (ie, no flashing red hands), and kept my eyes on the ground. In the office today I'm going to stay quiet and I've made a mental note not to speak in the meeting unless directly addressed. I might catch a cab home, though that has its own perils and the bus is arguably more safe given my muscle memory of public transit. And that's just because I made one bad call after being in pain for like, twelve hours. But I know me, so, a couple of days of caution it is.
Anyway the only real point of the post is to let people know, because nobody told me, that if you're in longterm or serious pain, a) it can materially impact your mental health, and b) you should move a little slowly and not make any serious decisions if you can avoid it.
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