#crom will always be my no.1
aethelflaedel · 9 months
I hate the term blorbos but here's a list of fictional characters I need to put under a magnifying glass:
theon greyjoy, obviously. he's bisexual he's a mess and the rope chafed him raw!!
alfred tlk!!! the later seasons of the last kingdom are great, but his presence is definitely missed
this list couldn't be here without tomcrom... cromwell (wolf hall series of course). after having read all three books in his voice I just have a permanent cromwell in my head now
shauna shipman (yellowjackets)- she's just soo URGHH. she's in love with her best friend so she has to consume her!!!
honourable mention to waleran and philip from tpote. I love church drama. also I've made a post about this before but I'll have to do a formal post with quotes comparing waleran and cromwell black dog imagery...
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borom1r · 5 months
WAILING @theshakespearetrash sent me 2 ask memes for Boromir asks (who is very much Not my OC skfhshfjjs but I will Always do character analysis I love character analysis so much. rotating him so fast in my brain. microwaving him on high)
+ not to be a kinnie on main (voice of a man who is always a kinnie on main) but I will be answering these all w/ a sort of Boromir-lives scenario in mind -w-
anyways ask meme 1 + ask meme 2
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
ok I feel like it’s the cop-out answer to say “his fall to the ring” but I feel like Boromir is the sort of person to.. not like stew on things but very much takes the stance of “good or bad, all my choices got me to the current moment and made me who I am.” + I feel like there’s so much tangled up in his fall completely beyond his control where that’s the only memory that he’d like. actively want to erase from his mind
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
HM. good with kids. I think unless you’d seen him with Faramir/his cousins when they were younger you wouldn’t guess (he’s a soldier and a very plain man when he’s not putting on a show for his father), but he’s just genuinely great with kids
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
loves too much + quick to lose hope. painfully aware of this
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
fight response. 100% the kind of man who gets kicked out of a haunted house for punching a scareactor even though he knew a scare was coming. Faramir and Aragorn have both almost gotten throttled bc they unintentionally snuck up on him
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
OOO. When He Is Of Sound Mind, not actually very far. he was raised with the knowledge he would be giving his life to Gondor, whether he died in battle or sat on the throne as steward. add to that the act he puts on for Denethor, everything he does to protect Faramir— he’s a man born to serve. his own wants come last
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
it would take. a DESPERATELY long time and an almost complete degradation of his mental state. Boromir arrives in Rivendell in October 3018, and the very next day is the Council, at which point he sees the ring and is IMMEDIATELY influenced by it. yet he doesn’t fully fall to it until the end of February 3019. he’d been fighting its pull for almost four whole months by the time he does anything malicious. resisting the One Ring for FOUR MONTHS. <- reasons why if I see someone call Boromir weak for falling to it I will see red.
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
teehee obviously again Boromir is not my OC so I will take this as an excuse to Be A Kinnie + say, I do remember Boromir being returned to us sometime after my coronation. so that’s one way my memories differ from canon, which is sort of an answer to this prompt snfjsjfj
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
OH YEAH. I mean yeah if we’re talking like actual criminal murder and not just Slaying People On A Battlefield like. yeah 100% he would IF he was within Minas Tirith. you know Denethor would do everything in his power to cover that up lmfao
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
anyways “have you ever seen a man so strong have you ever seen a man so great when he fights time stands still and everything seems so unreal but deep inside of him this man is torn” what if I bit things about this song
+ also listening to Magnolia and Shock Me by Baroness with Aragorn/Boromir in mind makes me ill. im Unwell.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
HMMMMM The Frankenstein Chronicles gave me brain worms so I might write a Frankenstein-inspired thing at some point. sth sth consequences of divine resurrection
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Boromir uses a hand-and-a-half arming sword (meaning it’s balanced for single or double-handed use, with a crossguard). it’s a really elegant sword, very simple and utilitarian. speaks to an adaptable combat style as well. but, interestingly? Boromir carries a Rohirric shield, and if you notice Rohirric swords don’t actually HAVE crossguards the way Gondorian blades do. this tracks, and was common with Roman and early Germanic swords— BECAUSE these cultures were Also relying on shields for blocking.
and an additional note, Faramir’s sword is single-handed. so we’ve got a ranger who prefers the use of a bow and hasn’t experimented much with his sword combat, and his brother who prefers a sword and carries a very versatile blade with 1) a Rohirric shield and 2) a ranger’s vambraces designed to protect his arms from a (nonexistent) bowstring. I just find Boromir’s mix of protective gear so interesting, esp if you consider he and Théodred as at LEAST friends. like Boromir carries so much of the people he cares for with him into strange lands even when he (arguably) has little need for such gear
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
yes and no. I think, not consciously? but he absolutely values himself lower than the people he cares for. he goes to Rivendell to keep Faramir out of danger, he takes multiple arrows to the chest and keeps fighting to defend Merry and Pippin. I think if there’s a risk of someone he loves getting hurt, all self-preservation goes out the window
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
oh I would be staring at him like a predatory animal and trying to psychically convince him to lay on me in full armor
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
HGH. ok I don’t think he necessarily. does?? and this is generally a Silly Little Headcanon bc of a comment a Most Beloved Friend made abt how everyone gets their autism from their dad (real+true) + now in my head “haha Faramir got his autism from Boromir instead” BUT. like genuinely I don’t think Boromir has an actual image of himself in his head or like processes that ppl perceive him, necessarily. and particularly when his father is holding him up as this aspirational figurehead for Gondor, like… I think he’s just himself, in his head. idk how to describe it well for the neurotypical ppl in the room snfskfjs sorry. like I don’t process myself as having Traits so ppl tell me they think I’m cool or funny or they enjoy being around me and it’s always like “!!! oh!” + I think Boromir is the same way. I think Faramir could describe Boromir to him + Boromir would just be like. “huh.”
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
it’s Sean Bean + it will always be Sean Bean. sorry other Boromirs you simply pale in comparison
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
VERY high by necessity. he’s a soldier he’s absolutely patched up his own injuries before, at least to hold over until he could see an actual healer
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
ahh. I wrote a very personal fic exploring self harm urges w/ Boromir, so I suppose that
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
very personable, when he’s of sound mind sndnsj
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
oh he’s a silent anger type for sure. just seethes quietly. hello, consequences of spending time in an environment where you have no actual outlet for your anger + must simply sit there and Stew.
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
again, When He’s Of Sound Mind, no. the man’s got a big heart and life’s too short to be petty
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
hitting him with the autism beam bc I can. I do also think he’s lost at least partial use of his arm in a Boromir Lives scenario, considering where the first arrow struck him
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
HMMM neutral good. he’s not chaotic enough to be.. chaotic (lol), and I think he’s too willing to go against Gondorian Popular Opinion to be lawful.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
HMMMMM pain, actually. or “weakness.” I think if he can quantify it in his head as “showing weakness” then it’s getting stuffed in a mental box and Not Addressed
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
ok well. None. I think with his circumstances he had zero choice in his path. HOWEVER. I am deeply DEEPLY fond of Boromir learning how to play an instrument after the war ends. I STILL struggle to blow my wassail horn that shit takes SKILL that I do not currently have and Boromir was the BEST at blowing his horn?????? I think he deserves to learn how to play an instrument, esp bc Aragorn, Merry and Pippin would ALL be delighted to have Boromir play while they sing. Boromir learning hobbit folk songs????? Rohirric songs, to honor Théodred?? yeagh.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
HES SO. FUNDAMENTALLY LOVING. love is such a core aspect of his character he is so wholly loving that the ring has NO CHOICE but to try to twist that love. bc it’s all Boromir has. love. im going to throw up abt him.
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
has he ever BEEN completely alone? mm, no. has he ever felt that isolated? I think absolutely, by the time the fellowship leaves Caras Galadhon. obviously he doesn’t deal with it well el oh el.
as for how he acts when no one’s around to see him… I don’t think much changes, tbh. he’s not the kind of man to Perform for anyone except his father, and then with the express purpose of placating the man and keeping his ire towards Faramir to a minimum
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
been betrayed? hm. truthfully, no, though I’m certain he felt betrayed by Aragorn’s reluctance to be anything resembling a king.
has He betrayed someone? Technically Yes, though again, if we apply the qualifier of “When He’s Of Sound Mind” the answer is no. his betrayal comes under the influence of a Malicious Magical Artifact Which Has Been Fucking With His Mind For Months, so.
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
ooo, hm. I think not, actually, though it is a fun little idea for angst
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
gestures wildly at canon. I mean that’s his lowest. we’ve all seen it.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
again, canon— to see his people safe. he’s very open with that desire, lol
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
AH. canon again. though what he does to move past it… mm. quite a lot of atonement, I think. perhaps of the self-destructive, working-himself-too-hard variety. I do think speaking with Faramir about *his* experience with the ring would help, because Boromir is the first to hold Faramir up as this sort of paragon of Goodness. so I think to know *Faramir* was tempted would help him better ground his experiences as, like…. Not A Deep Moral Failure Exclusive To Himself
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
ehehe. this is one thing I’ve touched on in a Faramir-centric fic, but the idea that the ring showed Boromir visions of Faramir dying at Denethor’s hand should he fail to return with the ring.
had Boromir lived to discover Denethor had nearly burned Faramir alive…… Mmmm. mmmmmmmm.
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
worst possible? if he’d actually managed to claim the ring. I shan’t elaborate -_-
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
MM. his own actions. dead friends, dead loved ones. though if you mean literally, haunts him, I do like to think that Théodred’s Oðr pays Boromir a visit every now and again
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
see above. handles it?? mm. atonement, again. direct action. he accepts it and does what he can to make it right
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
HATE? Orcs, probably. Sauron. that tentacle motherfucker outside Moria. he’s not a hateful man, so. shrugs.
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
that ended badly in the interpersonal sense? mm, unlikely. more ended badly in the “somebody fucking died” sense.
I do think he had One (1) fledgling romance in Dol Amroth that ended with the other squire dying and that was sort of the catalyst for “ah. If I love people they’ll Probably Die, so maybe I won’t do that” baggage that he didn’t really unpack until, I think, Théodred. add the additional layers of Denethor Being Denethor and Boromir having such great standards to live up to…. with all the love in my heart, that relationship only happened bc Théodred saw Boromir, went “I need to fuck that Gondorian so bad it makes me look stupid” and proceeded to work his way through 1700 layers of gondorian mental bullshit just so he could suck some dick (me too bestie)
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
hm. my first instinct is to say “not much” but ultimately I think he’d hide anything he can quantify as “weakness.” his own distress, any physical pain if he needs to be up and moving, etc. he’s only able to share that earnest moment with Aragorn in Caras Galadhon bc of Galadriel’s influence. he’s not used to being seen. so, if there is sth that would hold him back from fulfilling his duty as a soldier it is absolutely getting hidden/ignored.
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
hm. not necessarily Hunted, but I do think he is followed by Denethor’s expectations. it’s sth I’ve talked abt in another ask + that I go into in the costuming doc but such a key element of Denethor’s design is his son’s motifs but Richer, Grander. so… I do think Boromir is constantly alert of, like, how his father will perceive him, bc there is this very insidious sort of competition, this need for Denethor to show his sons up (whether a conscious need or not). and I do think that would weigh on Boromir quite heavily
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
mm again I think he only really wears a mask/performs for Denethor. anyone else would be too much effort for too little reward. at least if he plays Golden Son for his father, it keeps Faramir from being harassed as much
however, as for who gets to see him when he’s.. not just unmasked but actually RELAXED… Faramir, his uncle and cousins, Théodred, Aragorn, the others in the fellowship but particularly Merry and Pippin
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
does he have nightmares? oh definitely. what he does in the small hours of the night? depends. if he’s on campaign/traveling/otherwise away from Minas Tirith he will either lay there in his bedroll and Think (bad) or get up and write letters. depends entirely on where he’s stationed/who he’s with. if he Is at home in Minas Tirith, I expect he just goes for a walk + looks at the sky
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
I think I’ve pretty much answered all of this above, so skfjsjdh
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
nah, he’s not ❤️‍🩹
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
answered w midnight for the most part— I’ll just add that no, he wouldn’t really talk about his nightmares. that requires showing vulnerability lol. I think Théodred and Aragorn are the only two who could coax him into speaking about his nightmares/fears (he wouldn’t want to burden Faramir with such nonsense)
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
answered sorta (yes he has a high pain tolerance) but worst pain? gonna go with three orc arrows to the chest
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
HMMMM again I don’t think there are many secrets. I do think if Denethor found out he liked men it would be disastrous
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
hm. I think he’s generally at ease with himself, or at least content with Not Thinking About These Things. I think, had he directly survived the arrows, he would have to grapple with like. the idea that he did prove Aragorn’s fears about men correct (whether Aragorn would agree with him or not)
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
Four Months Of Slow Mental Degradation Due To An Accursed Magical Artifact!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
(no he wouldn’t torture anyone else)
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
hm. He would say mostly physical wounds. I’d argue a mix of both. he’ll accept as much care as he needs to stay on his feet and fighting. worst wound is definitely still arrows lol
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convxction · 6 months
ooc. breaking news, i will rant. *fixes glasses & eyebrow raises for seriousness*
first of all, how... THE FULCUK DARE YOU INTELSYS NOT GIVE ME CHROM AND EMMERYN DUO HUH??????? I HAVE BEEN BEGGING FOR YEARS... JUST GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT LEAST LISSA!!!!!! OR WITH FREDERICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT THIS POINT YOU'ER MAKING ME RENEW MY PASSPORT JUST TO COME AND START A STRIKE INFRONT OF YOUR COMPANY! ...just give me chrom with someone else beside robin ;;a;; lucinaaa????? VAAAAAAAAAIKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sobs....uuughhh.....someone else please..........chrom has many supports....please....i beg of you.... i love c/hrobin but cooommeee oonnnn ;;a;; on my spaghettis knees.....
*fixes the problem*
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jokes aside. i like the arts. everyone is adorable and makes you think about how a four years old is going to murderize you with that big ass axe she got.
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respect the liz. respect the toads and frogs she leaves in your tents.
now let me look at the lines and whatever curve lore balls they have for us. and ofc i will be checking jp, too because i always say this my krumb and my awakening muses in general are mix of both.
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already with pain.
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in jp robin is a bit...clueless to why she on reflex hide her hand. or the vibe i get. like is the brand visible at that age? does she know what it means? did the grimleal tell her or her mom or dad??? aaa...the brand topic is just the chef kiss to make my brain go brrr lets think. also this is a child, not the older version avatar. obviously, she got baggage she still does not fully understand--why her brand gives that bad vibe and everyone is always EYES EMOJI at it. not the greatest pressure to grow up with sobs.
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listen my dude. you need to tone down how 'idiotic' chrom looks. please. intelsys we get the whole idiots can be adorable but sometimes u push it a little bit too far and it gets repetitive and boring. in jp it is clearly he is more interested in the fact there are different kinds of 'girls'. meanwhile, in english hes like 'wow cant believe girls exist ugh' this is why i dont trust localization easily. tbh his jp line can be idiotic too but if you think about chrom and his circle of 'girls friends/ associate' are limited to his sisters then you can understand why he says something like "there are different kinds of girls huh' also i love that he is saying that to a girl.
chrom: wow so there are different kind of girls, huh, robin
robin: .... haha ... yeah
tldr: chrom is idiot. i can say this. you can't. it is the law here. dont break it.
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you mean your sisters-in-la---*shot/stabbed* ...tiny tear because in JP she calls chrom...Chrom-san......... CHROM SAN...............................CROM SAN........... OLDER CHROM HAS SUSTAINED CRITICAL DAMAGE. A FRIEND SHOULDNT USE SAN WITH HIM WHYYYY TINY ROBIN NOOOOOOOOOOO DONT KILL CHROMMMMMMM!!! DONTTTTTTTTT its a nice detail ngl because they are not 'friends' their bond is still on the work and she knows he is a prince so she is being polite...waaa.....
chrom: chrom is ok
robin: ...............chrom......................san.
chrom: ;A; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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insert your training generic line.
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chrom panic mode. gotta stick with his sisters!!!! GOTTA PROTECT THEM!!!!!!
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lays on the ground ........ cry. why are you making this child suffer? please.
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the fact in jp she is not 100% sure if he is 'good person' is super funny to me LOL listen. with that scowl and big sword she can freely press A to doubt lololol also she is throwing shades at him asking if his sisters are suffering because of him ...--GIRL............listen................we................dont have a defense. true. it is all true. also this actually makes me go ooooooo because i always thought he was rebel when he was a kid. this confirms he is pretty much a troublemaker (to some extent ofc) and robin is already on his BS lol hear me out. a little boy who suddenly saw his country turn upside down in mere months and not only that but people chanting curses and vindication at your father who started a war and lost it; and by default doomed everyone with him. yeah. 'cheerful' chrom was a hard earned phase after that hurt and confusion phase he went through.
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still a bakaptain. once a reckless idiot, will always be reckless idiot.
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chrom got that 'mature' vibe to him when he speaks no? guess it does not help when you are forced to grow faster after your stupid father fucks things up. ... add him so we can punch the daylight out of him but make him ugly so i dont go IF HE BAD WHY HE HOT HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM cough
oh no...
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oh noo.....pain...
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聖痕...seiko..stigmata ...stigma huh. if you consider the fell dragon brand a bad omen, then calling it a stigma is not farm off, you know?
禍々しく不吉な… sobs stop.... stop hurting heeeerrrrrrrrr. a child saying they have something on their body that is sinister and ominous is not fun guys ;a;
also confirmed chrom is idiot.
robin: i have something sinister on my body...
robin: km pls
deep fried sigh ... let👏her👏be👏happy👏damnit!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏
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hmm ... i prefer chrom's line in jp because it does fit his mindset of wanting to help emmeryn and not just 'have to'.
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cries. robin's love for books is adorable waaaaa.
unknown footage of chrom reading some books she recommended. help me they are cute.
also chrom wanting to be a strong man .. hehehehe buddy let me tell you that you will be the stronkest of them all--WALL CRUSHER!!!!!
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i told konkon that what if they did meet (in a parallel world) when they were kids and chrom's dad finds about chrom's new friend and perhaps wanted to use that in his favor etc etc etc ... FATHER WHY MUST YOU BE AN ASSHOLE???????????????????????????????????
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what if.... they actually meet .... but naga is like nah too soon. erase their memories because of the previous idea^^^ dad might abuse this friendship sobs ...
i mean naga already intervened a couple of times but not to the extent that she can 'change' things directly so perhaps the use of the brand or someone she can ....uuuh communicate with???? i might want to think about this hmm ~ i feel like naga does have more 'power' or like ...uhhh... things going on but we don't see all her plans.
oh and emmy and frederick convo ;u;
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i love my awakening children ;u;
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xmystophalesx · 2 years
Best New Heavy Metal Releases Week of January 13, 2023
Slowly but surely, getting back to normal with a much larger week of releases. Not just the amount but the quality took a large step up as well. Probably the most notable thing about this week was the variety. There is a little something for everyone with no genre really dominating the week. So let’s get started with some highlights.
Concrete Age-Bardo Thodol (Thrash/Melodic Death)**
This would have been the pick of the week from week one of the year and will be added to my Spotify playlist of “Picks of the Week” for 2023. Probably the best execution I have ever run across of mixing Melodic Death Metal and Thrash Metal. Throw in some symphonic folk inspired passages here and there and this album will have a lot of crossover appeal.
Obituary-Dying of Everything (Death)**
What can you say about Obituary that hasn’t already been said? One of the standard bearers for the genre for a very long time and I think this could be the strongest album they have released in quite some time. If you are a fan of Death Metal I’m sure you have already heard this so me talking about it is probably pointless…lol
Screamer-Kingmaker (Heavy)**
The Traditional Metal genre seems to get better and better all the time and I am big fan of the genre overall so this is great news for me and people like me. This is just extremely well done with catchy songs, killer riffs and sing along choruses. This is simply a “good time” type of album.
Eternal Conflict-Spark of Water, Pt. 1 (Melodic Death/Symphonic)**
This one surprised me with just how many symphonic elements are added to this band’s version of Melodic Death metal. This isn’t light flourishes or touches here. This seriously sounds like they need to tour with a full symphony and I have to admit, the more I listen to it, the better the album seems to get and the more I really like it. If they ever decide to give up on Metal, I could see this band having a very lucrative career in doing musical scores for movies.
Drakwald-Black Moon Falls (Melodic Death/Folk/Pagan)**
Man, are there ever a ton of layers on this album, but all of them work so well together that the overall effect can be flat out addicting. At its core it is still some killer Melodic Death Metal but the folk inspired sections add that extra touch to break things up a bit and give you that slight moment of reprieve before punching you square in the chest with some amazing riffs and lead guitar work.
That will do it for this week. Go see some of these bands live if you can and above all buy some merch! Until next week, and as always,
All worthy of a listen if you like the genre
*= standout in that genre
**=best of the week regardless of genre
Best of the Week
Concrete Age-Bardo Thodol (Thrash/Melodic Death)**
Crom-The Era of Darkness (Power/Heavy)**
Obituary-Dying of Everything (Death)**
Drakwald-Black Moon Falls (Melodic Death/Folk/Pagan)**
Screamer-Kingmaker (Heavy)**
Beyond the Black-Beyond the Black (Symphonic Metal/Heavy/Hard Rock)**
Eternal Conflict-Spark of Water, Pt. 1 (Melodic Death/Symphonic)**
Standouts in their Genre
Immortalizer-Born For Metal (Heavy)*
Fall of Babylon-War on the Existent (Death/Groove)*
Sacrosanct-Cosmic Horror (Melodic Death/Black)*
Art of Silence-The Journey (Heavy/Power/Thrash/Epic)*
Ashen-Ritual of Ash (Death)*
Gyaos:Diabolical-In Accordance with the Prophecy (Thrash/Hardcore)*
Antitheus-The Faults of Our Kind (Melodic Death/Thrash)*
Delalma-Delalma (Heavy)*
Aeronwen-Aeronwen (Symphonic/Progressive)*
Dark Hunt-Sapere Aide (Melodic Death)*
Leipa-Reue (Black)*
Moonlight Sorcery-Nightwind:The Conqueror From the Stars (Melodic Black)*
Absolom-La Era del Caos (Heavy Power)*
Echoes From Beyond-As the Sun Dies (Death/Groove)*
Driver’s License-Driver’s License (Hard Rock)*
Gra-Lycaon (Black)*
Mourning Forest-L’immonde Fanaison (Black)*
Wothrosch-Odium (Black/Sludge)*
Misanthrope-Les Declinistes (Melodic Death/Progressive)*
Worth a listen if you enjoy the Genre
Sons of Cult-Back to the Beginning (Heavy/Hard Rock)
Thy Darkened Shade-Liber Lvcifer II:Mahapralaya (Black)
Leper Colony-Leper Colony (Death)
Ruinthrone-The Unconscious Mind of Arda (Power)
Kohnerah-Ominous Ubiquitous (Death)
Alex Stephens-The Path (Symphonic Power)
Konfirmat-Horrorland (Industrial)
Skyblazer-Infinity’s Wings (Power)
Defy the Curse-Horrors of Human Sacrifice (Hardcore)
BIS-NTE-Broken (Doom)
This weeks pick of the week goes to Drakwald where even Isabella is looking to give the boys a high five for a killer album!
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jimzub · 3 years
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In September: CONAN THE BARBARIAN #300
I’ve always wanted to be part of one of these big anniversary issues and now, finally, I get to write the lead story on one of my absolute favorites.
Conan and Bêlit in a harrowing adventure like no other! Pre-order now, Hyborians. It’s going to be EPIC!
By Crom and Mitra, it’s been 300 issues since Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith first brought the Barbarian to comics in 1970’s CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1! CONAN’s oversized 300th-issue spectacular kicks off with Jim Zub and Cory Smith’s ongoing saga, as we return to Conan’s much-lauded days sailing with the queen of the seas herself, BÊLIT! But – past, present and future will collide in ways unexpected and strange!
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elena-oc-blog · 2 years
It's almost 1 am here so April fools is over
So yeah my recent oc posts were a joke of course. I would never change my babies to this cursed versions of themselves. Though I suppose they can be an AU for those who liked them. I can't get over the fact how cursed friendly crom looks, he is like seaweed Santa Claus.
Also Aurora is probably going to haunt my dreams for portraying her in a loving relationship with her ex. The appearance she had is canon pre corruption though! She didn't always look like a sparkly snow dragon, her true power is just locked away. I will post her true form concept that I never finished tomorrow because it's on my laptop and I'm not getting on my laptop at this hour.
So yeah I hope you enjoyed my epic prank
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weirdsciencecomics · 4 years
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Writer: Jason Aaron
Art: Mahmud Asrar, Gerardo Zaffino, and more
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Issues 1-12
Series: Vol. 1 (Issues 1-6) Vol. 2 (Issues 7-12)
Conan’s travels have brought him to the far reaches of the unknown, from his birthplace in Cimmeria to the kingdom of Aquilonia and all in between. As his fighting prowess allows him to carve his way through life, so too does it attract the forces of death! Come join Jason Aaron as he takes you through ”The Life and Death of Conan”.
Readers, Conan the Barbarian by Jason Aaron is well thought out, diagnosed perfectly, and spans across the life of the great Cimmerian Conan. If this is your first rodeo with this buckin’ bronco, you’ve come to the right series. This series is the perfect place for anyone interested in Conan to jump on board. Now, I cannot speak from the perspective of a longtime Conan the Barbarian fan but I can speak from someone who’s read this entire series AND as someone who has personally reviewed over half of the series. This is the run that made me want to read more Conan. And after reading many other back issues of a variety of Conan the Barbarian titles, Aaron does a phenomenal job painting his Conan in a similar fashion as the same sullen-eyed barbarian from yesteryear. Aaron finds a way to balance his new interpretation well by paying homage to what has come before him throughout each and every installment.
Jason Aaron captures the voice of the great Cimmerian perfectly and establishes a series that’s continuously exhilarating while exploring Conan’s past, future, and the developing force behind power and pride. He makes Conan extremely compelling and provides more twists and turns than a five-year-old with a sheet cake. Aaron throws new and old readers alike into this realm with a heavy dose of exposition at the beginning of the series, however, he plows open the flood gates with thrilling action and adventure towards the end of issue one and never turns back throughout almost every issue of this series.
At times, the story appeared to be skimming over the overarching theme of Conan’s death. Each issue was focusing more on his life, his trials, and how the Crimson Witch has always been there in some capacity lurking in the shadows. Thus, I found myself screaming for the fireworks factory towards issues 7 and 8. Regardless readers, you need to hang in there because issues 10, 11, and 12 are ridiculously unbelievable and some of the best comic writing I’ve seen in years. My, hands down, personal favorite issue, and possibly my favorite issue of Conan EVER, is issue 11. I won’t spoil it for readers BUT it very well could be in my top 15 favorite single issues of ANY character of all time!
To fans of Jason Aaron’s, you’ll experience hints of Odinson sprinkled throughout the issues and even a sense of “worthiness” within the character. Nevertheless, as someone who absolutely adores his THOR run, I didn’t mind it at all. Furthermore, readers will develop a sense that these issues have a vibe of one-shots with the ending tying together the overall story. This schematic and almost cinematic, breakdown of the titles isn’t far off and actually makes the series easy to hop in on at any moment to catch up. That said, the issues still blend together nicely making the puzzle fit together before the series concludes. The ending wasn’t exactly what I expected BUT it makes sense and is still pretty epic.
Now, as well-written as this story was, the art is what sets this series apart making it some next level $&@&! Mahmud Asrar’s art, who was on a majority of the series, creates striking and albeit breathtaking art that’s no doubt poster-worthy. His illustrations were savage and brutal yet eloquently magnificent at the same time. Asrar’s drawings are quite astonishing and will mesmerize readers throwing them deeper and deeper into the anecdote. His art is visually stunning while honoring Jason Aaron’s writing flawlessly. Together, these two are quite the unstoppable force. And truthfully, without Asrar, this series would still be good BUT not legendary.
By Crom, Jason Aaron’s twelve issue run is like a greatest hits of Conan epic adventures that would make past writers and creators of Conan Novellas so proud. Sure, this story may be a bit unique and bizarre but it’s totally worth the read. Conan the Barbarian by Jason Aaron and Mahmud Asrar is an excellent fantasy with otherworldly mysticism set to seduce new comic fans with ease. It’s an eye-opening series that should be used to get new readers introduced to Conan above anything else AND it’s not over. Aaron has a follow-up series on the horizon, which should pump up any and all Conan fans. Most important of all, readers will not want to put these two trades down, which at the end of the day is how you really know that you’re reading a great story.
If you’re interested in Conan the Barbarian from Jason Aaron and Mahmud Asrar, click on the Amazon link HERE to help us out while also getting your hands on this fantastic series. If this series has piqued your interest in other Conan titles, click HERE to snag a copy of a variety of trades, graphic novels, and digital issues. Lastly, feel free to visit my online Comic Shop on Amazon called THE COMIC BOOK DISPATCH HERE to see so many other amazing titles, trades, and digital issues that you MUST READ, especially without new releases on the horizon. Thanks for the read and for Crom’s sake, go grab a copy!
Overall Series Score:
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  Conan the Barbarian (2019) Series Review
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deviationdivine · 6 years
Updated Draft Queue
Reader Requests
Angst Prompts
Connor |  “You passed out” + “let me get you something for the pain”
RK900 + RK800-60  |  "get the hell away from me” + “I’m not going anywhere without you”
RK800-60  | “I love you” + “I hate you”
Concerned Prompts
Connor |  ❛Why do you run from me?❜
RK900/Connor |  ❛Just.. put down the very sharp knife...❜
Connor |  ❛It’s four o'clock in the morning, what are you doing?❜
human!AU Prompts
Random Dialogue Prompts
Connor |  131:  “Why are you up so early?” +  402:  “You’ve gotta stop doing that.” “What?” “Saying things that make me want to kiss you.”
RK900 |  184: “Can I kiss you?” + 406: “Do you trust me?” “No.” “You’re smarter than you look.”
RK800-60 |  396: “Come here.” “Why?” “Just come here.” “No. You’re gonna hit me.” +  413:  “Do not throw me into the lake, fuck y-”
RK800-60 |  32: "I saw you staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage.”
Connor |  91: “He didn’t have anyone else, so you always made sure that you were there for him.”
Smut Prompts
RK900 | “Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?” 
RK800-60 | “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
RK900 | “Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.”
Connor |  “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?” + “I’m not wearing any panties."
Connor |  “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together”
RK900 or RK800-60 |  “Were you just touching yourself?”
RK800-60 | "Bite me." "Where?"
RK900 |  “Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?”
RK800-60 | “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
2nd Batch • Different Prompt List
RK800-60 | 179: “First one to make a noise loses.” + 187: “Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”  
Connor | 184: “Can I touch you?” + 194: “Good boy.”
RK900 | 191: “Behave.” + 193: “Good girl.”
RK800-60 | 90: “Catch me if you can!” + 163: “Fuck me.”
Connor | 190: “We can’t do that here!” + 183: “Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.”
RK800-60 | 181: “If you’re bored; Wanna have sex?” + 190: “We can’t do that here!”
Regular Requests
Connor | Kiss Prompt: 41: Forbidden kiss + 53: Against a wall kiss
TBD | Hanahaki Disease
RK900 | soft!reader x haughty!nines
TBD |  "Then I'll just have to make sure this is a night for you to remember." "Better make it a night to forget. That way you can keep jogging my memory." "Be careful what you ask for, love. I just might deliver." (DBH After Dark FULL)
These came in after I closed my regular requests. They are still on my list to complete though! 
My Wips
Wake Up |  Domestic!Android AU Part 2 • Connor (Reader Poll Winner)
Untitled | DBH After Dark One-Shot - 300 Followers • Connor x Reader
My Deviant Heart | 200 Follower Celebration • Connor x Reader
Consume Me, Electric | Part 1 • Connor x Reader x RK800-60
Skin of the Night | dark!prince aesthetic - DBH After Dark FULL • RK800-60 x Reader 
Something Dark Is Coming Anthology | hades!60 aesthetic / hunter!connor aesthetic / erebus!Nines aesthetic • RK’s x Reader
Human!AU Series | 1st Place in 100!follower poll 
Interactive DBH Fic Series | 2nd place in 100!follower poll
DBH After Dark Trilogy | 3rd place in 100!follower poll 
Dark!Prince AU Series | celtic mythology aesthetics • Connor / 60 x Reader
Cybernetic Heart | Part 1 AU • human!Nines x Reader x android!Connor 
Imperfectly Permanent • Connor fluff prompt
“Only If For a Night” Part 1.5 • RK800-60 Continuation - 60′s Perspective
Power & Control Series | RK-61 Debut • Connor x Reader 
Strict Machine • Machine!Connor x Reader 
Untitled • Connor romantic light smut drabble
Untitled • Connor x Reader x RK800-60
RK800-61/RK-61 (Original)
human!Nines (Conan)
human!60 (Caleb)
DBH After Dark 
(Mature Themes | Sexual Situations)
Preview 1: Skin of the Night | RK800-60
Preview 2: Biting Down | RK900
Preview 3: A Little Death | Connor + RK800-60
Preview 4: Neon Sweat   | Connor
Preview 5: UPCOMING | RK900 + RK800-60
Preview 6: UPCOMING | Connor + RK900 + RK800-60
RK800-60 | Sub Ted Talk (DBH After Dark One-Shot)
Short Reader | All 3 RK Boys Smut HC
RK900 | Flirting out of Context HC
Connor | Insecure Reader HC
Connor + RK900 | Connor gets a new part but also finds another ‘Dick”
All 3 RK Boys | Eskimo Kisses HC
Blog Ref’s & Guides
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Aesthetic References
Crom Cruach
RK800-60 Analysis: Read Here
Blue Series
Blue Blush • Connor x Reader
Blue Is My Color • RK800-60 x Reader
Personal HC’s 
RK800-60 • Caleb
RK900 • Conan
Original Creations
RK800-61/RK-61: Post-Revolution Cyberlife Construct | Partial 60 Memory File
reference!name: Corvus
163 notes · View notes
maverick-werewolf · 5 years
Folklore Fact #1 - The Headless Horseman/Dullahan
You may have noticed there was no werewolf fact this week. This week, I’m going to do something a little different: a folklore fact on something that actually isn’t a werewolf! (Don’t worry, there will still be more werewolf facts in the future!)
Firstly, let’s look at a creature most everybody knows from Halloween. You probably know it as the Headless Horseman, and your first thought might be American tradition, namely “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”
But what I’m going to look at in particular as the Dullahan, a headless rider of a particular sort.
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There are plenty of headless rider legends all around the world, but I’m going to focus on the Irish one, rather than Scottish, English, Japanese, or any of the other varieties, or the one in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Dullahan, meaning “dark man,” is also called Gan Ceann (”without a head”). According to some, he is the embodiment of a god called Crom Dubh, a Celtic deity. Others say he’s considered a kind of fairy, or that he’s both.
Something to bear in mind: fairies in folklore were very much not the cute flitting little winged pixie girls we see in a lot of popular culture today. They were actually very freaky and absurd, most of them. Much more on that and the Seelie and Unseelie Courts later, though. The cute winged fairy girls were largely a Renaissance/Early Modern period invention.
I homed in on the dullahan in particular for a short story I wrote for an upcoming short story collection. I’m hoping to publish it sometime this year; not sure exactly when. The story is called “Samhain,” set in my fantasy world of Wulfgard. Keep an eye out for that! (Or if you’re impatient, it’s available right now for my supporters on Patreon.)
Who or what the dullahan is, as mentioned, varies a lot depending on your source. Sometimes the dullahan is a god, sometimes a fairy, sometimes an angry spirit, sometimes all of the above. Whatever the case, it always holds true: he’s missing his head, he comes out at night, and he prefers to come out during feast days and other holidays or days of celebration.
The dullahan is quite a scary thing - much scarier than the Legend of Sleepy Hollow - and here’s just a few reasons why:
Firstly, his horse breathes fire from its nostrils and leaves a trail of flaming hoof prints, some sources say. Secondly, all locked gates and doors burst open when he approaches. Thirdly, he’s likely to be carrying his own severed head.
Also, if you look at him, you immediately go blind. Not because of magic: because he’ll whip your eyes out with a whip made of a human spine (hardcore, right?), or else he’ll blind you by throwing a bucket of blood at you. That might not sound very scary out of context, but picture that actually happening. Oh, jeez. Disgusting.
If that still isn’t enough, someone dies the moment he stops his horse and calls the name of his victim.
So what do you do about all that? Well, if you’re out after dark, carry some gold around. Gold apparently scares the crap out of this guy. Even a single gold coin will send the dullahan running off.
I can’t actually fully confirm some of the other things you can read about the dullahan, like him riding in a carriage - pulled by six black horses - sometimes instead of on a horse, or all these things you hear associating him with coffins. But maybe some of that was also in the various legends. I’d need more good sources to say that with confidence, though.
So if you’re ever out on Halloween night, remember: carry some gold. Maybe it’ll be a dullahan instead of one of the other varieties of headless riders (which I might make posts about in the future; we’ll see).
Hope you enjoyed the first folklore fact! There will be more of these to come.
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cherchezlafemme · 5 years
another questionnaire i’m doing myself.
aries: what are you passionate about? cats
taurus: name 3 of your favorite books. i don’t like reading.
gemini: what was the last text you sent? Antibiotic at rite aid
cancer: if you could choose your child’s zodiac sign, what would it be? it doesn’t matter. brad was born in early april. he’s not really my son.
leo: name something you love about yourself. i love........my sense of humor.
virgo: what’s your #1 pet peeve? oof i have so many. people who let their food touch.
libra: describe your dream partner. tall, strong, big forearms, a lot of body hair, laughs at all of my jokes, asks me for help when she needs it, doesn’t mind that i’m terrified of using the oven and will take things out of it when i need her to.
scorpio: do you trust easily? i don’t know.
sagittarius: if you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be? i’d go to paris or florence
capricorn: what’s your dream job? tax preparer but i don’t have to speak to clients.
aquarius: do you believe in aliens? yeah
pisces: describe someone you love. she’s orange, very old, small, skinny, yells a lot, hates apollo and brad, sharp claws, and always asleep.
sun: describe yourself in 3 words. tired. ironically sexy.
moon: what’s your favorite song? i’m into Unregistered Firearm/Ravachol in Valhalla/Crom by blackbird raum
rising/asc: how would you describe your style? pink, comfy, & simple
mars: are you easily angered? i don’t think so.
mercury: what color do you talk in? lilac
jupiter: what moral do you live by? don’t even worry about it/everything is your fault
saturn: what’s your biggest fear? i’m going to say ghosts
uranus: are you rebellious? yeah. but in an uncool way.
neptune: share one of your dreams. like sleep dreams or life goals? i want to eventually live by myself but i’m so incapable of doing basic tasks that i’m probably going to live with my parents for the rest of my life. but like that’s not bad.
pluto: what’s the biggest thing you’ve learned by far in your life? everything happens so much
lilith: do you have any guilty pleasures? no. i’m proud to like the things i do.
chiron: have you ever broken a bone? no
ceres: are you a momfriend? no
pallas: do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeah we’re fine
juno: do you believe in soul mates? yeah i think i do.
1st house: are you confident? no -_-
2nd house: if you could only keep one of your personal items, what would you choose? computer. i would steal everything else from my father.
3rd house: do you like to read? NO. it’s so hard honestly.
4th house: what does your bedroom look like? i’m crying. the walls are beige, white trim on the corners, floor, and roof. the wall to the north is the ugliest rolltop desk in the world, my bedside table, and my bed. to the east is my window and bookshelf that’s still dark purple after all these years. to the south is my closet that is dark brown. to the west is my computer and desk. there are no posters on the wall because we’re moving sometime. 
5th house: name your favorite movie or show. guardians of the galaxy is still my fave movey.
6th house: do you participate in community service? no
7th house: if you could choose, what zodiac sign would you like your dream partner to be? i don’t care.
8th house: do you believe in reincarnation? no
9th house: what’s your favorite quote? i don’t have one.
10th house: are you good at public speaking? no -_- i’m good at public singing.
11th house: what sign(s) is your best friend/squad? i think carolina is a libra. oh god do i have any other friends. i need to talk to more people.
12th house: do you like to be alone? yes.
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hellonatdraws · 4 years
December Roundup
We made plans to see no one for Christmas. A couple of days later it was announced we were going back into a full lock down that would have gone against the original plan anyway. It was nice and a bit strange to spend it away from family, then I burnt the parsnips…
I’m still going with the Crom class. I’ve been starting to see an improvement in my sketchbook and the approach Crom teaches to take towards sketchbooks takes out a lot of the pressure I put on myself (even though some of it is still there a bit).
Rainylune (the queen of frogs) wrote this really eyeopening article on ‘Why your Instagram engagement kinda sucks’. It’s made me hate using Instagram a fair bit, I’m starting to prefer Twitter but I don’t know what I’m doing over there. 
Hilda season 2 is on Netflix! I love this show its so cozy and heartwarming. It’s about a little girl that goes on fairly big adventures in h’er own city. The art style is beautiful yet simple with a sepia tone that just adds to the cozy feeling.
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Books, Comic books & Web comics
Oran high school host club volume 1 - Still a chapter or two left of this volume. I’m not enjoying it as much as I thought. I remember binging through the anime years ago back when conventions were covered in Oran merch and cosplays. 
Northern Lights (The Golden Compass)- Re-reading this as an adult felt so nostalgic. I’m going to read the rest of the series and watch the BBC adaptation too.
Home Sick Pilots issue 1 - I had no idea what this comic was going to be about before reading it. I got sucked into Caspars artwork long before it came out and just had to support it. No regrets what so ever! It’s really good, the story, the characters and oh my gosh the colours are gorgeous! Issue 2 is coming out soon and I can’t wait. 
The Testaments - I read The Handmaids Tale a couple of years ago and always felt it was unfinished. The Testaments defiantly solved that problem and brought everything to a close that felt right. Getting to see story from different perspectives was really interesting.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 
0 notes
dispatchdcu · 4 years
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Writer: Jason Aaron
Art: Mahmud Asrar, Gerardo Zaffino, and more
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Issues 1-12
Series: Vol. 1 (Issues 1-6) Vol. 2 (Issues 7-12)
Conan’s travels have brought him to the far reaches of the unknown, from his birthplace in Cimmeria to the kingdom of Aquilonia and all in between. As his fighting prowess allows him to carve his way through life, so too does it attract the forces of death! Come join Jason Aaron as he takes you through ”The Life and Death of Conan”.
Readers, Conan the Barbarian by Jason Aaron is well thought out, diagnosed perfectly, and spans across the life of the great Cimmerian Conan. If this is your first rodeo with this buckin’ bronco, you’ve come to the right series. This series is the perfect place for anyone interested in Conan to jump on board. Now, I cannot speak from the perspective of a longtime Conan the Barbarian fan but I can speak from someone who’s read this entire series AND as someone who has personally reviewed over half of the series. This is the run that made me want to read more Conan. And after reading many other back issues of a variety of Conan the Barbarian titles, Aaron does a phenomenal job painting his Conan in a similar fashion as the same sullen-eyed barbarian from yesteryear. Aaron finds a way to balance his new interpretation well by paying homage to what has come before him throughout each and every installment.
Jason Aaron captures the voice of the great Cimmerian perfectly and establishes a series that’s continuously exhilarating while exploring Conan’s past, future, and the developing force behind power and pride. He makes Conan extremely compelling and provides more twists and turns than a five-year-old with a sheet cake. Aaron throws new and old readers alike into this realm with a heavy dose of exposition at the beginning of the series, however, he plows open the flood gates with thrilling action and adventure towards the end of issue one and never turns back throughout almost every issue of this series.
At times, the story appeared to be skimming over the overarching theme of Conan’s death. Each issue was focusing more on his life, his trials, and how the Crimson Witch has always been there in some capacity lurking in the shadows. Thus, I found myself screaming for the fireworks factory towards issues 7 and 8. Regardless readers, you need to hang in there because issues 10, 11, and 12 are ridiculously unbelievable and some of the best comic writing I’ve seen in years. My, hands down, personal favorite issue, and possibly my favorite issue of Conan EVER, is issue 11. I won’t spoil it for readers BUT it very well could be in my top 15 favorite single issues of ANY character of all time!
To fans of Jason Aaron’s, you’ll experience hints of Odinson sprinkled throughout the issues and even a sense of “worthiness” within the character. Nevertheless, as someone who absolutely adores his THOR run, I didn’t mind it at all. Furthermore, readers will develop a sense that these issues have a vibe of one-shots with the ending tying together the overall story. This schematic and almost cinematic, breakdown of the titles isn’t far off and actually makes the series easy to hop in on at any moment to catch up. That said, the issues still blend together nicely making the puzzle fit together before the series concludes. The ending wasn’t exactly what I expected BUT it makes sense and is still pretty epic.
Now, as well-written as this story was, the art is what sets this series apart making it some next level $&@&! Mahmud Asrar’s art, who was on a majority of the series, creates striking and albeit breathtaking art that’s no doubt poster-worthy. His illustrations were savage and brutal yet eloquently magnificent at the same time. Asrar’s drawings are quite astonishing and will mesmerize readers throwing them deeper and deeper into the anecdote. His art is visually stunning while honoring Jason Aaron’s writing flawlessly. Together, these two are quite the unstoppable force. And truthfully, without Asrar, this series would still be good BUT not legendary.
By Crom, Jason Aaron’s twelve issue run is like a greatest hits of Conan epic adventures that would make past writers and creators of Conan Novellas so proud. Sure, this story may be a bit unique and bizarre but it’s totally worth the read. Conan the Barbarian by Jason Aaron and Mahmud Asrar is an excellent fantasy with otherworldly mysticism set to seduce new comic fans with ease. It’s an eye-opening series that should be used to get new readers introduced to Conan above anything else AND it’s not over. Aaron has a follow-up series on the horizon, which should pump up any and all Conan fans. Most important of all, readers will not want to put these two trades down, which at the end of the day is how you really know that you’re reading a great story.
If you’re interested in Conan the Barbarian from Jason Aaron and Mahmud Asrar, click on the Amazon link HERE to help us out while also getting your hands on this fantastic series. If this series has piqued your interest in other Conan titles, click HERE to snag a copy of a variety of trades, graphic novels, and digital issues. Lastly, feel free to visit my online Comic Shop on Amazon called THE COMIC BOOK DISPATCH HERE to see so many other amazing titles, trades, and digital issues that you MUST READ, especially without new releases on the horizon. Thanks for the read and for Crom’s sake, go grab a copy!
Overall Series Score:
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  Conan the Barbarian (2019) Series Review
0 notes
theplumbsontour · 7 years
Our Year of 2017 so far  14/10/17
A Summary of our year so far: We had a fun few weeks at the beginning of the year with my legs especially with my right one. My Lymphodema got worse & happened to get stafe in it which it ment I had to go into hospital as a day patient. Easter arrived & our friends Chris & Ben came & stayed for a few days.It was really lovely to take them around our new surroundings. Then in May I ca1ught the VLine bus at Albury & went & visited our daughter, Sandra & her husband, Ian. They gave me such a good time taking me out to Brunch & then Sandra came shopping for clothes with me & they bought me a lovely top which went with my new pants I had bought for a Wedding. In July we headed to Newcastle via West Wylong, Forbes, Peak Hill, Dunnydoo & then onto Stockton Caravan Park where we stayed for a few nights as our Niece, Kelly & her fiancee, jeff married in Newcastle. Kelly was a beautiful bride & Jeff looked quite handsme too & their little girl, Lucy was the cutest flower girl. It was a fun few days catching up with my sibblings.& enjoying Kelly & Jeff’s celebrations. We have had Mel Jeff Josh & Brendan stay with us & the boys also càme up a couple of times without Mel. It is always great to see them all.. The last week of the school holidays we had a visit from Sandra & Ian for a few days. We did have a lot of fun, watching the AFL grandfinal, going out to Musuems & lunching at a Historic Homestead & Brewery, & Now we are sitting about 12 steps away from The MURRAY River just out of Barooga 20 ks crom home, Tocumwal. I think it was about June when we thought we were going to lose Lucky as he was very sick & Ray had him on his chest & he could feel his little heart slowing down. As our vet is 20 ks away at Finlay we decided to give him some hydrolight with added vitamins especially for Cockateils & this got him through the night. Next day we had him at the vets twice & found he had picked up a virus so he was hit with 2 injections 1 antibiotic & the other an anti hisatmine then we had to give him his antibioti s oraly
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orenda-aoc · 7 years
Orenda’s Story [Part 1]
Orenda jumped down off of Moon Beam and walked around to face her. She was trying to hold back the tears as she nuzzled Moon Beam’s nose. “I have to do this girl. I am so happy you are here with me.” She takes a deep breath and takes the flowers she found especially for this trip and walks towards a grave that has aged many seasons.
Orenda kneels beside it and places the flowers down on top of it. One tear slides down her cheep as she swipes it away. She hears Moon Beam coming up behind her and nibbling at her hair, something she does to comfort Orenda and make her smile. It was one time she could not bring herself to laugh. It had been 16 summers since she stepped on Aquilonian soil, and the first stop she needed to make was to see her mother.
Lovela and Amero met when Amero came to Aquilonia to do some trading. Lovela went out of the temple with her hands full of books and ran right into him. Parchments flew everywhere as she scrambled to grab them all; he was getting ready to curse at her when she looked up at him to apologize. He had never seen anyone so beautiful. Lovela smiled at him, and he knew he needed her; she would be what completes him.
They could not be apart after that. Amero did not return to Cimmeria because she was needed there. She was a very gifted healer, and she valued her work, and he just wanted her to be happy. He gave up his homeland for her, and she gave up her family. Lovela’s family did not approve of her marrying Amero because he was a Cimmerian.
When Orenda was born, it was the happiest they had ever been. The loss of their first child broke their hearts, and they felt lucky to have Orenda. Amero was very overprotective of Lovela and Orenda, and he started to teach Orenda at a young age to use a crossbow. He wanted her to know how to protect herself but from a distance. Lovela did not like the idea of teaching her such violence, yet she knew her husband was right to teach her.
Then the day Orenda would always remember. It was a beautiful spring day, and Orenda and her mother were out helping others. They were bringing food to those who were ill and healing those she could. Then the Nemedians attacked. Amero was nowhere near Orenda and Lovela, and he had to fight his way through the city to try and find them.
Lovela tried her hardest to protect those around her, and Orenda just hid behind her. They were losing so many, and Lovela was losing hope. She was trying to find any way to get Orenda to safety. Amero finally came into view, and Lovela felt as if she could relax and Orenda knew everything was going to be okay.
In one second of relief, Lovela was struck down by an arrow to the chest. She stood for one moment and then repulsed everything away from her, except Orenda. She then fell to the ground. Lovela took Orenda’s hand and said, ‘I need you to be strong Orenda, look after your father for me, and be the caring girl I know you to be. This world needs more souls, such as yours.’ Orenda started to cry, ‘Do not leave me, mama, please!’ her mother brushed the tears away from her cheeks, ‘I will always be with you, I promise.’
At that moment, her husband was at her side; he too had tears on his face, something Orenda had never seen and would never again. Lovela smiled weakly ‘I have loved you from the time I first saw you. Protect Orenda; now I do not have much time I need to do one last thing, I do not break my promises.’ She looked at Orenda with nothing but love and said, ‘This gift I give to you, and may Mitra always protect you.’ A radiance of light came out of Lovela’s body and shot into Orenda, and all went black.
She awoke in Cimmeria a few days later. Her father had brought her to his home to keep her safe. He refused to ever go back to Aquilonia and cursed every Nemedian. Orenda refused to believe in Crom and only wanted to follow Mitra as her mother had taught her. Amero did not try to persuade her either way. It did cause her to stick out from the other children, but it made her feel closer to her mother.
It was another three summers before she knew the gift her mother had given her was the power of Mitra. She found a wounded rabbit in the woods; she wanted nothing more than for it to be better. At that moment, a bright light appeared, and the rabbit got up and hopped away. Orenda was worried something was wrong with her, so she ran to find her father.
He explained to her what had happened, and it made her excited. She knew then that her mother had kept her promise, and she was happy for the power of Mitra. Her father would not allow her to go to Aquilonia to find a Priest of Mitra for training, so she had to go to the clan Bear Shamans. She learned many things from them, and her powers became stronger.
She continued to feel that she could have done something to save her mother that day, even after many years she still carries that guilt with her.
Orenda still knelt beside the grave of her mother, “I am sorry, mama; I wish I could have done something to save you. I wish you could have known your grandchildren and my husband before they were all taken from me. You were so much stronger then I will ever be.” More tears escaped as she thought of the loss she had endured over the past summers. “I want to make you proud; I try my hardest to help all those in need. It makes me feel as if I am doing something with my life that I have been given. I have little left.”
Moon Beam snorts, and it brings Orenda a half attempt at a smile to her face. “Yes Moon Beam, I have you and Maska.” She thinks back to the day Sahale asked her to marry him. They had gone riding on Moon Beam and Maska in the mountains, she sighed deeply
“Mama, you would have loved Sahale. He was truly a great clan leader… too bad there are so few of us left.” She stands up, getting ready to leave. She knows she will come back, but it has just been too draining already. Digging up the ghosts of the past can be exhausting. She looks at the flowers on the grave, takes a deep breath, and says, “Mama, I hope to be even a fraction of how great you were.”
Orenda climbs back up on Moon Beam and gives her a pat “Come Moon Beam; let us start our new life.”
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kookiemagnet · 7 years
Another One
92 truths
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
THE LAST… 1. Drink: Water
2. Phone call: Doctors surgery.
3. Text message: ‘Tom how do I know if I have concussion. Symptoms?’ (completely unrelated crom my last call suprisingly)
4. Song you listened to: Begin by BTD
5. Time you cried: When my cat died
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: Nill
7. Been cheated on: Nein
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Net
9. Lost someone special: Yea
10. Been depressed: Ani
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Close but not quite
12. Green (petronas)
13. Grey blue
14. grey
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 12. Made new friends: ye :/
16. Fallen out of love: ingen
17. Laughed until you cried: At work when my boss/friend tried to stop me and my friend behaving like an old married couple
18. Found out someone was talking about you: couldn’t give a shit
19. Met someone who changed you: Nr
20. Found out who your true friends are: I’ve always known
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: geen
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most as I went through and deleted so many ppl
23. Do you have any pets: Two rats.. opps I mean cats
24. Do you want to change your name: My middle name, louise is shit plus I want to add family names.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Christmas
26. What time did you wake up: 7, not that I actually get out of bed at that time
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching taekook analysis videos
28. Name something you cannot wait for: ermmm… new spidey film?
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: 1hr ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing cause then it wouldn’t be me.
31. What are you listening to right now: The Man by The Killers
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: My boss (not that i treat him like that though)
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my FUCKING EAR
34. Most visited website: Youtube or Archiveofourown
35. Elementary: ?
36. High School: ??
37. College/university: ???
38. Hair colour: Auburn
39. Long or short hair: Mid
40. Do you have a crush on someone: if BTS Kookie counts
41. What do you like about yourself: im ridiculously laidback towards anything and everything
42. Piercings: NeeD my CarTiLage doNe
43. Blood type: No clue
44. Nickname: A or Hobbit
45. Relationship status: forever alone
46. Zodiac sign: Capricorn
47. Pronouns: Lazy shit
48. Favourite TV show: dont really have but probably Futurama or Riverdale atm.
49. Tattoos: getting solar system on my wrist
50. Right or left hand: ambidextrous
FIRST… 51. Surgery: Non
52. Piercing: óchi
54. Sport: Gymnastics Hockey Sleeping
55. Vacation: Switzerland (Kandersteg)
56. Pair of trainers: Puma suede classics
57. Eating: ????
58. Drinking: ?????
59. I’m about to: Sleep
60. Listening to: Humongous by Declan Mckenna
61. Waiting for: *in justin bieber’s voice* ??????
62. Want: ???????
63. Get married: not sure
64. Career: part time sailing instructor before uni
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: tight hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller (its not hard im fucking 5ft)
68. Older or younger: depends by how much
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms
71. Sensitive or loud: dont know
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant:troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: tidak
75. Drank hard liquor?: ja
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses:Nie
77. Turned someone down: oui
78. Sex on first date: št
79. Broken someone’s heart: nem
80. Had your heart broken:Méiyǒu
81. Been arrested:tsis muaj
82. Cried when someone died: yeah.
83. Fallen for a friend:nā
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: obviously
85. Miracles: yok hayır
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: it’s really just Bender saving Christmas
88. Kiss on the first date: dont date
89. Angels: ‘im loving angles instead’ ?
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: Izzy & Alex
91. Eye colour: grey
92. Favourite movie: hard. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Im too lazy to tag. Do it if you want. I had time to kill.
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orcnumber1 · 6 years
Tumblr media
No one's gonna ask me any of these so I'll do it myself.
1 and 2 - Black #1, Type O Negative.
3. Riders On The Storm - The Doors
4. Seize The Day - Avenged Sevenfold
5. Now You've Got Something To Die For - Lamb Of God
6. Rasputin - Turisas or the original version by Boney M
7. Space Truckin' by Deep Purple and LA Woman by The Doors
8. Cocaine by Eric Clapton, Mr. Brownstone by Guns n' Roses
9. Pretty much anything by Dethklok, GWAR, Psychostick, Austrian Death Machine, Arnocore and Tenacious D. Sorry I didn't list actual song titles, this thing is gonna be long enough.
10. In This River - Black Label Society
11. Heaven Nor Hell by Volbeat
12. Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot. It blew my sheltered little mind that a song about butts could actually get radio airplay and that all my friends could get away with blaring it around their parents.
13. Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
14. I don't believe in weddings but if I ever did have one I'd probably play a lot of Klingon war songs just to fuck with everyone. It wouldn't even be a Star Trek themed wedding.
15. Devildriver's cover of Country Heroes by Hank III that just came out.
16. All of Holst's The Planets. And because I'm an old crusty horror nerd, Bach's Toccata & Fugue in D minor.
17. Cyborg Slayers or Hatredcopter by Dethklok. Sorry, I'm not really a duet kind of person.
18. I had to look this one up - (Ghost) Riders In The Sky by The Outlaws. This was always one of my favorites.
19. Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
20. Something I Can Never Have - Nine Inch Nails
21. Wynonna's Big Brown Beaver - Primus
22. Don't Cry by Gn'R, Stand Up And Fight by Turisas, Stoned And Alone by Hank III
23. Devil's Work by Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats, Rebirth Of The Sun by Sons Of Crom, Elvis Fucking Christ by The Cramps
24. Probably Spiders by System Of A Down. They keep saying they're getting back together to record a new album but so far it hasn't gotten off the ground yet.
25. Jesus Christ Pose by Soundgarden (Chris Cornell)
26. Love You To Death - Type O Negative
27. Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. I can't even think about this song without wanting to cry.
28. Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie
29. It's So Easy - Gn'R. First song of theirs I ever heard.
30. Our Ride To The Rectory - Team Sleep. And for really, really personal reasons, Oblivion by Mastodon
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