#cripple punk flag
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crowpunkcognitivedecline · 1 year ago
cripple punk flag // not a coining post
hey, so. in disability pride month/july 2021, i made a flag for cripple punk. i got feedback from a number of cripples on the design and wanted to make a post on it since it's this blog's icon. (sources on my website--photosensitivity warning, the background is a raining gif)
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black field: mourning, crips of color
light blue: history, joy, invisible disabilities
gold: perseverance, culture, success
red: strength, life, determination
dark blue: accessibility, mobility aid users, community
triangle pattern: unconventional problem solving, overlapping experiences
to be crystal clear, this is not a new flag. it's over two years old, i just didn't share it on tumblr. if you are a cripple, you are free to use this! i'd love to be tagged in anything you use it for though, just to see it.
ableds can reblog if they use the tag #i’m able bodied
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chronicallycouchbound · 8 months ago
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A drawing of my wheelchair for disability pride month!
(ID: on a medium grey background is a line art drawing of an ultra-lightweight wheelchair, specifically a Tilite Aero Z chair. The line art is colored in a gradient in stripes to mimic the disability pride flag. The colors from the lower left to the upper right are: a muted red, yellow, white, sky blue and a hunter green. End ID)
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mintyscuriocabinet · 8 months ago
An idea I've been thinking about for a while: Agere Punk!
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Agere punk, which can also be called little or middle punk, is a term similar to queer punk or cripple punk. It can be used by age regressors and their allies to show support for agere as a healthy coping mechanism.
More info under the cut:
Flag Meaning
Green - Atypical regression/regressors who don't match the agere stereotype.
Yellow - Destigmatisation of agere gear (inspired by the padded agere flag by @bunnelbaby).
Black - Association with punk beliefs and ideologies.
Red - Regressors who have experienced harassment on and offline for their regression.
Blue - Desexualising and embracing agere as a healthy method of dealing with trauma.
Waxing crescent moon - The belief that it will take some time for agere to become normalised, but the fight will be worth it.
Small star - Littles
Medium star - Middles
Large star - Caregivers
Agere punk is pro...
- Age regression and age dreaming
- Pet regression
- Alterhuman (Otherkin, fictionkin, etc.)
Agere punk is anti...
- ABDL, DDLG, etc.
- Radqueer (MAP, zoo, etc.)
- Proshipping
- Harassment
- Transmed + Sysmed
Rb if you are an age regressor or you support us!
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z1-flags · 18 days ago
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green is for the color of the scoliosis awareness ribbon, the spiky shapes are for musculoskeletal + nerve pain, and the shape in the middle represents a crooked spine.
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a-sassy-bench · 1 year ago
what does being disabled mean to me?
it means i get to answer my phone like this for the rest of my life
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frmewrk · 2 months ago
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[ pt: cmt awareness / pride flag! ]
hi! i had this flag on my last acc which is deleted, so i just remade it !
this is an awareness / pride flag for CMTD! [ charcot-marie tooth disorder ] since i have cmt myself!
read more about the disorder here!
[ pt: read more about the disorder here! ]
stripe meanings under the cut!
black - is the same black from the disability pride flag. represents the ablism and hardships fought being disabled. could also represent the loss of touch, mobility, motary and other senses from nerve damage and such that comes with the disorder.
different shades of blue - represents how cmt can take different forms and such as long with the different types! , also represents mild to severe symptoms, or low support to high support it could be for different people!
shark - people in the cmt community often joke about how the first part of the name sounds like "Shark". this has made the shark some kind of mascot or association for the disorder. could also represent chronic pain that comes with the disorder. or like i and others say, "the shark bites!, refering to chronic pain.
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lunarresin · 2 years ago
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Lots of new disability pride/awareness bracelets in my Etsy! (With more coming soon!)
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rjalker · 2 years ago
May 25th 2023
Cane user pride flag because as far as I can tell no one else has made one. Normal, and one with the cane user symbol I made.
Here is a link to the web archive page where you can download HD versions of the flag and symbol. Both are public domain because I hate capitalism and I say so.
The only thing I request is that you include image descriptions wherever possible, and link other people to the files or at least let them know they're free to use for anything.
Colors are from my synesthesia.
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[ID: Four versions of a pride flag with six horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, they are: Light grey, grey-green, dark grey, violet purple, medium blue, and turquoise blue.
The second, third, and fourth versions of the flag are the same as the first, but with a cane user symbol in the center, which is a white stick figure with a black outline. The figure is walking forward with a cane in their left hand, which is held forward to follow their right foot, while their right hand and left leg are going back. The first figure is skinny and made up only only straight lines and angles, except for the circle of the head. The second is still skinny, but has rounded edges. The third is fatter, with rounded edges.
End ID.]
You are 100% encouraged to download this and share it wherever you want, and use it for anything you want, including selling designs using it! And yes, this includes people who don't use canes!
You are also encouraged to edit the symbol in any way you want, to include more body types, add more disabilities, add gender symbols, pride flags, and anything else you want!
You can buy this design from my Threadless shop!
Here again is the web archive link, where you can download all the versions of the flag and symbol, and some other relevant things!
If you would like to share on other sites, you can credit me by linking to the web archive post, so that everyone can download the HD versions of the flag! You can also link to my Threadless shop above!
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gracemacncheese · 2 years ago
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Hey get this design I made to own the ableds who stare at you for being visibly disabled/using mobility aids!
It’s on stickers, hats, water bottles, magnets and everything else that Redbubble makes
You’ll be supporting a Certified Disabled Person (me) by doing so!
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fantasy-store · 2 years ago
cpunk flags
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original posted on @/wateryourgender
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cpunk witch + yellowed edit
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left: a flag for physically disabled witches who support/are part of cripplepunk.
right: no specific meaning i just thought it was pretty
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flags are exclusively for the physically disabled as cripplepunk is a community/movement for the physically disabled.
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trans x, trans id and radqueers stay tf off my posts none of these are made for you
i will however tag blogs i had in mind:
@cpunkwitch, @your-fave-is-crippled
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mintyscuriocabinet · 3 months ago
Agerepunk Stimboard
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🫡 🫡 🫡
🫡 🫡 🫡
🫡 🫡 🫡
Yet another stimboard I made! I'm definitely gonna be making these more often
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headpainmigraine · 3 months ago
Some of the posts in this tag have been a shitshow lately.
I don't know if you guys are former Twitter users, or a couple of 14 year olds pretending to be mentally ill 20-somethings (honestly, my money's here), but please stop clogging up the tags.
If you decide to be a cunt and just do it anyway, go ahead, the people who actually use the tag properly will just block you, and you won't have that community to fall back on if you ever do want to actually talk about cripplepunk relevant stuff.
If your post isn't about being physical disabled and doesn't mention physical disabilities, then the cripplepunk tag doesn't apply.
Tagging posts 'cripplepunk' when you're not talking about physical disabilities or being crippled is called cross-tagging, even if you're crippled yourself.
Your posts can, and will, be flagged as spam by other users if you do. That's a site-wide rule.
It doesn't matter if you, personally, as the person making the post, are cripplepunk - if the post doesn't mention physical disabilities, the tag doesn't apply.
Talking about punk in general without talking about physical disabilities - the tag doesn't apply.
Talking about punk music - the tag definitely doesn't apply.
You can listen to Taylor Swift and dress like Barbie and still be Cripplepunk.
It's not an aesthetic, fashion, or musical genre.
The 'punk' in Cripplepunk comes from the rejection of what a crippled person is 'supposed' to be.
We have tenets.
The only thing you HAVE to do to be cripplepunk is agree with those AND be physically disabled.
To the people in the community who aren't just blocking these posts on sight and actually try to inform the people making the posts about this, just in case they just didn't know, I applaud your stamina because good grief, they make it difficult.
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smoov-criminal · 1 year ago
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spent a while over the last few days doing the red embroidery around the patches and also tried my hand at doing words on the collar, i think it turned out well!
[ID: two pictures of a black vest with many patches and buttons. the first picture shows the front of the vest. the words "im a fag" and "im a dyke" are embroidered on either side of the collar in red thread. there's a genderqueer flag patch obscured by the collar on the right side, and a black poppy patch obscured on the left. there's two breast pockets that both have spikes on them, and in the center they both have small buttons, the one on the left reads "black anger is valid" and the right reads "disarm defund dismantle police". there's a red "t4t" patch and a white "xe/xem" patch, both with red thread around them. there's 3 other buttons, one with the nirvana smiley face, one with the mcr logo, and one that says "queers live here too" with a rainbow map of the south east US. there are spikes around the side pockets as well. there is red embroidery thread around the arm holes.
the second picture shows the back of the vest. there's a big back patch that reads "thank you" in large red font repeating down, and the bottom says "for the venom" in smaller red font. there's a patch at the top that says "queercrip" in purple text, with a trans disability symbol next to it. there's 3 patches at the bottom, from left to right they read "limp wrist raised fist" "keep abortion legal" and "cripple punk" every patch on the back has red thread around it. /end ID]
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libelula202 · 8 months ago
This pride flag is so important! Thank you again for all the work you put in to it 💖
"Pride month is over"
WRONG! Your pride month is over! Me and all the other disabled queers are having pride month two: disability edition
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intervex · 5 months ago
Cripintersex (intersex-disability survey results part 4)
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Cripintersex: an intersex individual who considers the intersex community to be a member of the broader disability community and/or that intersex rights/justice should be considered part of the disability rights/justice movements. 💜
In the survey I recently ran where I asked people about candidate terms & flags for disability-intersex intersections, this was the overwhelmingly favoured candidate term for this meaning.
It had a weighted average score of 4.4 out of 5 (5 is strongly agree / highly suitable). Screenshot of spreadsheet is at bottom of this post. Part 1 (has a similar flag) - Part 2 (has analysis info) - Part 3
For the Discourse-Averse
Given this is Tumblr and the word crip has a way of evoking Discourse, multiple survey respondents and people in my notifications requested that a non-crip term ALSO be coined should cripintersex come out on top. Which it did.
I'm going to suggest sociodisabled as a term for identifying as part of the disability community, and politicodisabled as a term for identifying as part of the disability rights/justice movements more specifically. So intersex-sociodisabled would be sociodisabled on the basis of being intersex.
These terms weren't in the survey (alas!) but came out of a suggestion made in the open-ended feedback for sociodisintersex as a non-crip alternative. Thank you, anonymous respondent! 💜
I posted a similar-looking flag for this meaning in Part 1 of the survey results, that I'm tentatively thinking of as the intersex-sociodisabled flag. This flag is different in two ways: - it uses the stripes from the Crip Pride Flag - the yellow background and purple ring now match the yellow and purple used in the Crip Pride Flag (which I'm also hoping will help with eyestrain 🤞)
And now: Some Discourse
With that out of the way, I'd like to carefully point out a few things in good faith. I've been doing a bunch of thinking on this and reading a lot more about cripplepunk. 💜
Some folks have pushed back on the idea that crip would be appropriate for intersex on the grounds that "crip is for physical disabilities". I would gently like to respond that the most common interpretation of the term "physical disability" is a disability which affects the body (i.e. not mental). 🙂
If one is to understand intersex as a disability, and then try to categorize it as mental/physical/sensory, intersex would be a physical disability. Being intersex is a physical, embodied thing. It is not a gender. It is not a brain thing. It's a category of physical differences. Physicians understand us as physically disfigured and/or having a chronic condition. They consider us within the scope of teratology research, just like Down Syndrome and kyphoscoliosis.
This is why there's a long history of physicians using the term "cripple" to describe intersex people. Historically, intersex people have been understood to have a physical deformity. This language persists in modern medical literature: e.g. hypospadias cripple is still a formal diagnostic term being used in medicine. 😬
Those of us who understand intersex as disabling tend to be doing so because in ways that relate to how intersex is embodied. Intersex people who identify with disability because of the chronic pain they have as a result of IGM. Intersex people who have unstable hormones because of IGM. Intersex people who have needed accommodations to take time off from work/school for surgeries. Etc.
The reasons that intersex people like myself identify intersex as being in line with the disability community is because our rights struggles revolve around our bodies. Whether we get bodily autonomy. Whether we have to expose our genitals to doctors just for their curiosity. Whether we can access the medicines we need.
The controversy around crip tends to revolve around cripplepunk being explicitly for physical disabilities only.
The tenets of cripple punk that I see shared around state explicitly that: "Cripple punk is not conditional on things like mobility aids & 'functioning levels'" and "Always listen to those w/ different physical disabilities & different intersections than yourself. Do not speak over them"
To those of you who believe that crip(ple) should only be for physical disabilities, I ask you, in the spirit of cripplepunk, to consider that intersex, if understood as a disability, is a physical disability. Best I can tell, room is made in the cpunk community for chronic illness and chronic pain. Why not intersex also? 💜
As best as I understand it, the controversy about who is/isn't cripple largely centres on a sense that people with physical disabilities need space to talk about our experiences without neurodivergent people monopolizing the conversation. 👀
Intersex people participating in disability conversation are very aware that we are on the margins here. People like myself who are inclined to see intersex through a disability lens tend to have other disabilities - often mobility ones (I'm a part-time wheelchair user). I obviously can't speak for every intersex person out there, but from where I sit it seems really unlike that intersex people would "take over" the crip space.
Intersex may not be rare but it's also nowhere near as common as mobility disabilities or neurodivergence, and we're nowhere near as coordinated. As a community we are incredibly fractured, and still in the consciousness-raising days. We are not an organized threat, we're a bunch of people in pain, trying desperately to get doctors to stop performing coercive surgeries on our bodies. 🫤
For some of us, disability rights/justice looks like the best route to go to try and make that happen. I'm far from alone in feeling that the queer community has done an underwhelming job of advocating for our issues, and many of the gains we intersex people have gotten have come thanks to disability organizing.
It's maybe worth noting that a large number of intersex people are resistant to seeing intersex as a disability. Indeed, one survey respondent (out of 30) shared they found pretty much the whole survey to be offensive. This is not something that intersex people are united on. Intersex folks have a wide variety of feelings about where intersex best belongs (queer community, disability, both, neither, etc).
Crip is More than Cripple Punk
This post has ballooned in length but I do want to note a couple of other things about the term crip:
Others have already pointed this out, but crip and cripple in practice are not being used the same ways, and it may be productive to think of them as different words.
"Crip" was reclaimed as a pan-disability term, starting in the 1970s. It made its way into the performing arts in the 90s, and then academic crip theory from there. This activist tradition has been using crip in a pan-disability sense for a long time at this point -- much longer than cripplepunk (coined 2014). Terms like crip time and crip labour come from this pan-disability framework.
Crip continues to be a pan-disability organizing term, such as in #CripTheVote and Crips for eSims for Gaza. Tumblr may skew towards cripplepunk but other spaces lean a lot more towards the pan-disability context - all of the in-person activism I've participated in has uncontroversially understood crip as pan-disability. 🤷
Honestly, I'm not sure what is best going forward when it comes to the cripple usage question. 😵‍💫 Crip is a word with a very well established pan-disability sense.
And it's clear from the survey responses that it resonates with the vast majority of disabled intersex respondents. I didn't think to ask people why - I can only guess that some individuals identified with crip out of the pan-disability sense, and others out of a sense that intersex is a physical disability.
For anybody who wants a breakdown of the ratings of the candidate terms, here are the averages (weighted so people who identified with a given use case / column had a bit more of a "vote"). The use case of intersex-in-disabilty-community is the column titled "COMM".
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As always, my flag designs are public domain unless otherwise noted. You are 100% welcome to repost the flag and its definition without all my Discoursing.
I have one more post to write up in this series! We're nearly done! 😅 Thank you for reading, thanks once again to the survey respondents, @scifimagpie, and I'd also like to thank the archival blogs I keep tagging repeatedly for this 💜
Tagging for archival @disabilityflagsarchive @radiomogai @liom-archive @varsex-pride @radiomogai
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rjalker · 2 years ago
Breaking news! Ableism exists and is a systemic problem in society!!! In other news, water is wet, and the sun is hot!
Feel free to download this and share it to other sites where people are being jackasses, as long as you include the image description.
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[ID: Three images, each forming a panel in a three panel comic.
The comic shows two simple figures with round heads and angry eyebrows, with their bodies made up of pride flags.
On the Left is the neurodivergent pride flag, with stripes of pale yellow, dark orange, black, dark green, black, dark orange, and pale yellow.
On the right are two flags: A physically disabled flag with stripes of: Dark brown, light brown, medium blue, dark violet, purple, light brown, and dark brown, next to the physically disabled and neurodivergent flag, with stripes of pale yellow, orange, royal blue, black, dark purple, orange, and yellow.
In the first panel, the neurodivergent person is saying angrily:
"If you tried telling ablebodied people that physically disabled people face specific forms of ableism they don't in the ~real world~ everyone would laugh at you!"
While the physically disabled and neurodivergent person glares in silence.
In the second panel, the physically disabled and neurodivergent person is shouting even louder, covering up the first speech bubble:
"That's because the physically disabled people who disagree with you literally can't access the space!"
In the third panel, the speech bubble is now spiky and covers both characters, showing it is being shouted extremely loudly, reading:
"You are literally proving that physically disabled people face forms of ableism ablebodied disabled people don't!"
End ID.]
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