#creative struggle
shortboxcomicsfair · 27 days
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This one's going to resonate with all the cartoonists out there: Stuck in a creative rut, an artist tries to get better with the help of a miraculous parasite, in @serenaci's upcoming comic 'Dr Worm.'
This comic will be released digitally in October as part of ShortBox Comics Fair, an online-only event that will see the release of over 100+ new, original comics from artists around the world!
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blumin-onion · 1 year
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If anyone needs me I'll be in the valley of disappointment 🫡
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Ya know... I really want to make music. Not as a living or anything, I just want to be able to make music.
There are so many reasons that I haven't.
I barely have basic knowledge of how to read music, it takes me forever and I can't relate it back to sound, so it's kinda useless to me.
I'm not a very good singer, I'm really out of practice and don't have the range I'm comfortable with.
I don't really know how to play any instrument past very slow basics.
I haven't found a free or affordable program to make the music I want to make.
I struggle with creating the actual music part, the instrumentals and such.
There are a lot of reasons why I want to start.
I sing to release excess emotion I can't figure out how to express or expel.
When talking and singing to myself I'm constantly making up lyrics and rhymes that build off of one another and balance each other.
Songs that don't exist play in my dreams.
There is almost always a song or tune playing in my head as a kind of background noise to my own thoughts.
I have things I want to express through music and sensations I want to share through sound.
I really want to be able to bring the tunes and melodies in my head into reality. Right now, when I have something I like, a bit of anything, I just make sure to record it to the best of my abilities in hopes that one day I'll be able to do something with it.
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nondelphic · 20 days
"just write the story you want to read!" they said. well, guess what, now i have 14 unfinished drafts because apparently, i want to read 14 different stories at once.
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fashiondollcoco · 2 months
Blank Slate
It's okay to have weekends where the first day is spent working up the courage to do a thing, the second day you do the thing, and then realise it's not what you want and undo it. The weekend may feel wasted, but it isn't. You found you possess the courage to try and fail. Preparing the blank slate shows faith in the potential for a next try. And you're that much closer to bringing your vision into being.
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keyboardwhisperer · 1 month
Writing is like, type type type, clackity clack clack- and whoops im on social media now
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thedeepbluedark · 1 month
sitting down to write isn't really about creating a story, it's about getting the story onto the page before it destroys me
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bookished · 1 year
Giving personality to a character is an essential part of character development in storytelling, whether you're writing a novel, screenplay, or creating a character for a role-playing game. Here are some steps and considerations to help you give personality to your character:
Understand Their Backstory:
Start by creating a detailed backstory for your character. Where were they born? What were their childhood experiences like? What significant events have shaped their life? Understanding their past can help you determine their motivations, fears, and desires.
2. Define Their Goals and Motivations:
Characters often become more interesting when they have clear goals and motivations. What does your character want? It could be something tangible like a job or a romantic relationship, or it could be an abstract desire like happiness or freedom.
3. Determine Their Strengths and Weaknesses:
No one is perfect, and characters should reflect this. Identify your character's strengths and weaknesses. This can include physical abilities, intellectual skills, and personality traits. Flaws can make characters relatable and three-dimensional.
4. Consider Their Personality Traits:
Think about your character's personality traits. Are they introverted or extroverted? Shy or outgoing? Kind or selfish? Create a list of traits that describe their character. You can use personality frameworks like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the Big Five Personality Traits as a starting point.
5. Give Them Quirks and Habits:
Quirks and habits can make a character memorable. Do they have a specific way of speaking, a unique fashion style, or an unusual hobby? These details can help bring your character to life.
6. Explore Their Relationships:
Characters don't exist in isolation. Consider how your character interacts with others. What are their relationships like with family, friends, and enemies? These relationships can reveal a lot about their personality.
7. Show, Don't Tell:
Instead of explicitly telling the audience about your character's personality, show it through their actions, dialogue, and decisions. Let the reader or viewer infer their traits based on their behavior.
8. Create Internal Conflict:
Characters with internal conflicts are often more engaging. What inner struggles does your character face? These can be related to their goals, values, or past experiences.
9. Use Character Arcs:
Consider how your character will change or grow throughout the story. Character development is often about how a character evolves in response to the events and challenges they face.
10. Seek Inspiration:
Draw inspiration from real people, other fictional characters, or even historical figures. Study how people with similar traits and backgrounds behave to inform your character's actions and reactions.
11. Write Dialogue and Inner Monologues:
Writing dialogue and inner monologues from your character's perspective can help you get inside their head and understand their thought processes and emotions.
12. Consider the Setting:
The setting of your story can influence your character's personality. For example, a character who grows up in a war-torn environment may have a different personality than one raised in a peaceful, affluent society.
13. Revise and Refine:
Don't be afraid to revise and refine your character as you write and develop your story. Characters can evolve and change as the narrative unfolds.
Remember that well-developed characters are dynamic and multi-faceted. They should feel like real people with strengths, weaknesses, and complexities. As you write and develop your character, put yourself in their shoes and think about how they would react to various situations. This will help you create a compelling and believable personality for your character.
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curatorotl · 3 months
Does anybody else ever get writing fatigue from your current WIP, so you just... start another one to refresh yourself?
Cause I just did.
I need help.
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dragonskulls · 2 months
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sometimes i just HAVE to draw a warrior cat
Leafpool design based off my friend @icecreamsodaaaaa's cat 😁
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entity56 · 5 months
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I just realized I've never made a character with the intent to put the things I love into them. I've never sat down and thought, "I should look at the characters I love and craft my own favorite character."
Why have I just been smushing things together to form characters, that I of course love, when I could be carefully sculpting characters I can obsess over and want to constantly work on???
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nondelphic · 28 days
how to outline a story:
write a bullet point list of everything that happens
realize it doesn’t make sense
start writing anyway
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sims3melancholic · 1 year
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DOWNLOAD \ info:
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eyebrows #92 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #93 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #94 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #95 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #96 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #97 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #98 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages♡
eyebrows #99 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages♡
eyebrows #100 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #101 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #102 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
eyebrows #103 - 50 colors \ all genders & ages ♡
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🔖 BOYS BOYS BOYS: EYEBROWS EDITION! Yup, 12 eyebrows for every taste!
🔖 Most of them works good for all genders btw!! 🥰
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LinkTree with all links where you can find me 💞
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f-identity · 2 years
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[Image description: A series of posts from Jason Lefkowitz @[email protected] dated Dec 08, 2022, 04:33, reading:
It's good that our finest minds have focused on automating writing and making art, two things human beings do simply because it brings them joy. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people risk their lives every day breaking down ships, a task that nobody is in a particular hurry to automate because those lives are considered cheap https://www.dw.com/en/shipbreaking-recycling-a-ship-is-always-dangerous/a-18155491 (Headline: 'Recycling a ship is always dangerous.' on Deutsche Welle) A world where computers write and make art while human beings break their backs cleaning up toxic messes is the exact opposite of the world I thought I was signing up for when I got into programming
/end image description]
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