#learning music
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dimalink · 4 months ago
Music exercises – course at three hours
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Rather long time, there were no news about music exercises. By different reasons. First of all, there were no nothing positive. There was no positive movement. So, for some time, it was all time, with some minimum level. Very low. Even to write about it. And even more - to play something. Even, if this something, it is something really stupid. So, it was no some positive result. So, I, even, start to think, that music things are going rather – like a dead end.
Well, I think, it was really like this. Anyway, I will continue, even in this case, but with so minimal steps – very small result can be achieved.
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Some kind of miracle does not happens. But, well, something musical is happened. And positive. And there is something to write about. So, even today, I still do not have a music skills for a simple things. Yes, it is stable, same. And some goals, lets say, for a year ago. Something start to play. Still in category of just a dreams. This is stay at that place, as it was.
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But. Some thing I receive. As, I can say, it is, already, about something. So, I start, with something little negative, you know. So, at last, about music exercises. I can to play bass guitar for three hours. During one day. And half of an hour in a second day. And by hour I spent on electro guitar and hour on synthesizer. So, this is my main result!
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So, right now, I understand, that music - it is skills. Fantasies – it is very good. It is a things, you need. But, also it requires a skills. So, for some time, I think about music as a some kind of magic. Or, I cannot to solve this puzzle into my head, about what music is. Music - it is fantasies and skills. Fantasies, it is good and right direction. It is a level of a music listener, dreamer. It is ok. But next, you need a skills. Skills to play guitar, synthesizer, bass guitar. For example. Some exercises. Melodies and rhymes. This is a music for me, how I get it now.
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OF course, music it is not a first things, music does not have a priority, it is not primary, in casual life. And, it is simply, a point of interest. So, it is good to have a regular interest. From another hand. Lots of us, like to listen something. So, let it be, in middle case, some rock music. There are lots of musicians in this genre. And from this point, you get a regular interest.
Positive side, it is goes, things goes, even if - it is not well correct absolutely, so-so things, and slow. And, anyway, it is not enough. Even, for a simple things. But, something, starts to be better in this plan. So, first of all, I add much more time to play music instruments. It is most valuable thing.
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With bass guitar, one day, I start some exercises. Which I find in internet. Simple. Well, you know, just to pull strings. Later, some tracks, that I like, during that time. It is something from Sisters of Mercy. Very cool gothic band. And, also, few rhymes from songs, which are simply from few notes. And, for example, how simple bass guitar can be. So, right now, I can write this, at least.
About electro guitar. It is, again, about chords, and, I try to remember chords and try to exchange chords, one to another. And one track. Hawkwind. It is loud such a rock. Space, I call it space music.
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By synthesizers. It is one music exercise, and chords. Once again, chords. It is valuable thing. And, first two pages from book “To Music with a Joy”. So, this is achievement.
It is about, what I try to do. It does not mean I do it good! Once again. Not enough time, I put into these. It is good, as I get, it lots of time everyday to put in playing music. Then it will be a big results. So, I have results like these now. So, in such state. About to my own tracks, I can say this is not a time to speak about my own tracks, in this case. So, right now, I need to get to absorb a thing I call musicality, musicalismus, musical, music skill. It is fantasies and music skills. There are fantasies. And there are no skills. So, these things, I am doing now!
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So, this is my phase, I start to understand it better. And, I call it, as a course at three hours. Because of, it is my first achievement. With bass guitar, I played for three hours. It does not matter, what, certain things, I play. Course 1 hour at electro guitar and synthesizer. And plus half of an hour for bass guitar at second day. So, such results for now. I need to get some musicality, musicalismus, musical, music skills.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/
TUMBLR: https://dimalink.tumblr.com/ BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/ MASTODON: https://mastodon.social/@DimaLink
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jfk-blown-away-blog · 6 months ago
Trying to learn a song by ear and having trouble
Decide to just look up the chords to see how close I was
Nobody has posted chords for the song online
Go back to slamming my head against the wall
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not-sure-what-im-feeling · 1 year ago
Anyone have any songs that would be relatively easy (idc if it’s a challenge) for a beginner to learn on guitar? I want to learn but just practicing chords and stuff will not cut it. I need a goal.
Songs by any of the following would work but really I’d learn anything
The crane wives
Mumford and sons
The lumineers
Musicals of bmc newsies heathers, etc
Anything literally anything I am on my knees begging
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mybffisa-vamp · 1 year ago
Music update 1!
I’ve just finished my crash course on music theory using videos I searched for, all of which covered music theory specifically for guitar!
This was super important and a pretty big step forward for me, considering that now I understand keys and scales and how those go together; specifically that your notes and chords should be inside the same key to sound good together (unless you’re experimenting with Non-Diatonic).
My next step is memorizing the basic open chords: E, E-minor, A, A-Minor, G, C, D, and F. After that, I’m going to be learning the first position pentatonic scale and memorizing all notes on the fretboard up to the fifth fret.
In between all that, I plan to practice the major scales in order to figure out what scale/key I want my first song to be in. Im playing with the idea of releasing a single then an album, just out of curiosity.
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psychagoguedigitalmusical · 2 months ago
My way in - Analysis and Concrete Action Plans
Anyone can be inspired by art. But can anyone create art?
I think that's a complicated question. Generally speaking, of course anyone can pick up a paper & pencil and draw something, or type out some poetry from their stream-of-consciousness. But is the artist in this scenario satisfied with what they've put out into the world? I wouldn't be. The artistic inspiration often comes paired with a clarity of purpose. And when our own lack of technical skill prevents us from matching the clarity we have inside, it feels helpless. Like there's some sort of "skilled artists" club out there in the world, and somehow they all got the mysterious membership card somehow, and it's just a gulf that can't be crossed. "Man, it would be cool, but I just don't have the stuff." It wasn't until last year when I completed the first project I was ever truly proud of creating that I realized that the gulf is crossable.
Basically, what I'm saying is that before I can make art that I am proud of, I need to understand my current limitations and learn my tools.
I have some music experience and some theatre experience, but I primarily studied a STEM subject in school. My experience with the arts has been enough to dabble, but not enough to express, and basically everything is hard. Tag urself in this meme, I'm both people
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So what's my plan for dealing with this?
First: What skills will I need in order to create a project on the scale of Epic?
Writing (Plots)
Writing (Characters)
Writing (Lyrics)
Music (Composition)
Music (Singing)
Music (Production)
(There's other stuff like social media, advertising, etc. but I'm intentionally choosing to ignore other necessary aspects unrelated to the creative process, because honestly a lot of that stuff is interchangeable and can be figured out as it comes up. No use overplanning. The most I'll do for now until I've got something to show is to keep up these blog posts and crosspost to other sites. Hi Instagram!)
I have done minimal creative writing before. I know just enough music theory to play the trumpet, but I can't improvise my way out of a paper bag and don't know a chord progression from a lydian triad. I don't even feel comfortable right now singing in general, even by myself. And even if I did, I doubt I'd be good at it, and my space at home isn't exactly conducive to practice mush of anything loud. Lots of challenges, but with the confidence that even these large gulfs can be crossed, it feels not quite so overwhelming as it might have to me as a younger man.
Second: What are the concrete actions within my power to start to cross the skill gap?
Writing - I'm going to make a spreadsheet. I will start with systematically analyzing each song from Epic, laser targeting some basic information from the text (starting with lyrics only, musical analysis later once I have a better idea of what I'm doing). I will be focusing on identifying how the situations, characters, philosophies, and relationships are communicated through the lyrics. After I get through everything in Epic, I'll probably do a similar exercise for some of the other seminal works of musical theatre, and even non-musical theatre. If I want to make a competent contribution to the artistic conversation, I need a solid foundation of artistic context.
Parallel to this, I will map out the narrative shape of Epic and other stories I'm drawing inspiration from. By discovering patterns, I can reverse engineer what Morvic's journey through the Realm of Shades could look like.
I am also personally taking notes whenever specific ideas about Psychagogue, its characters, situations, and its themes come to me.
Music - I'm less certain about this one. At the very least, I'll sign up for a singing class and emphasize that musical theatre is the style of singing I would like to focus on. Music theory and composition is currently looking like the actual most difficult part to me right now. At this point, I'm honestly struggling to find appropriate resources for learning music theory and production that will stick with me this time. But I also was never able to consistently work out until about a year ago when I found a sustainable way in, so if it's possible for that, it's possible for this. It'll just take more time. I have some tentative ideas for what this might end up looking like, but I'm keeping the horse before the cart on this one.
Ramble over.
Next post, I'll show off initial progress on the spreadsheet and what kind of progress I've made on learning music.
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xx-ladybug-xx · 2 months ago
guess what
i was bored so now i know how to play hot cross buns on banjo (also I've played clarinet for 3 ½ years but whatever)
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tombsforteeth · 2 months ago
Hey guys, I just get a 3/4 sized violin for free off someone and I don’t know anything about how to play it.
Does anyone have suggestions for beginners learning material? Or just advice in general?
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transacewithapan · 4 months ago
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lawrenceofbessarabia · 8 months ago
A conversation with a friend about the rarity of absolute (perfect) pitch inspired me to make this poll:
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dustydruid · 1 year ago
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In trying to learn a new instrument I drafted these levels... I'd like to reach level 3, with occasional twinges of 4 thrown in... A pleasant embarrassment.
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truly-morgan · 2 years ago
[JC learns to play an instrument to impress NHS]
SangCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 26-12-2021
[#sangcheng, modern, fluff]
jiang cheng wasn't really the artist of the house, wwx was. He was more into swimming than learning about painting and music. Sure, he could enjoy both these things, he was simply not skilled at them (or at least didn't believe he was) Still, he forced his ass to learn how to play the guqin.
all because he wanted to impress Nie Huaisang.
He knew the young man was really into a different kind of art and was himself skilled in many things. He wanted to be good at one of these things too.
He knew that even if nhs came to his competition, it was probably not as exciting as when he would bring him to see some art exposition or a concert.
He thought that if he could learn that he could impress him.
it took him a lot of courage to ask lxc if he could help him learn the guqin. He was even willing to pay for the time spent on teaching him!
lxc was taken aback but quickly agreed, happy to see someone so eager to learn. of course, he would get rather amused when he learns what his reason is, but even more willing to help him out (jwy truly would be a good match for little a-sang! even da-ge would agree!)
and so jc decided to put a lot of effort into it, sometimes getting frustrated when he wouldn't get it right easily.
even lqr would occasionally help when lxc happens to have an urgency or not be available. it is always a pleasure seeing someone so eager to learn, even better when it is such a diligent student such as jc.
his plans to surprise nhs are screwed one day when he is training alone in the music room of the lan house. nhs decided to tag along with nmj to visit xichen-ge (and maybe get intel on jc who seemed suddenly close to him).
he wanted to see if he could listen to whoever was playing music, only to find jc practising, looking rather serious and focused on what he is doing.
he watches in silence, enjoying the sigh of the man he likes playing music.
jc jumps at the sound of applause when he is done with the new parts he learned, looking at the door to see he had been watched all this time.
He blushes when he sees the knowing smile on the young man's lips, unsure what to say right now.
"a-cheng is such a good musician" nhs complimented, joining him to sit next to jc.
"I am sure some parts were wrong" jc pointed out, even he could tell. This man nhs smile, gently bumping his shoulder with his.
"you are doing very good for someone who couldn't do any music a couple of weeks ago" he assured him, sounding sincere. This made jc smile, feeling warm at the thought that nhs truly thought he was doing good.
"Why don't you play some more for me, I want to hear you play".
of course, jc indulged, doing his best not to mess up, letting nhs guide him if he did something wrong.
maybe learning with the person he liked was even better than surprising him with his newly learned skill.
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musings-of-a-crazed-musician · 10 months ago
learning art is crazy. i have so many emotions that i would like to express through music. i've learned too much music to create uninhibited like i used to, but i'm not good enough to create exactly what's in my head.
if i do another art form, one i haven't studied, i'm more able to create freely, but i'm not good enough to make anything good enough for my creative need to be sufficiently expended.
but if i study something new, the cycle begins again.
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faandomcat · 1 year ago
i love the violin. the pros of learning how to play are that you can now sound like an angel but also a dying cat. the cons are that you can now sound like an angel but also a dying cat
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ziggyplayedguitar96 · 1 year ago
I want to learn how to sing but I don’t have a voice teacher. If you have any tips or any videos for beginners I could use it’d be greatly appreciated.
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savoryscrimp · 2 years ago
I want my guitar to sound how I feel,
I want my hands to translate it,
I want to be so comfortable,
That I can sing while doing it,
I don't know if I'm greedy,
Or just late to it,
Ignoring my own needs for too long,
I just know music,
Doesn't have the same ring,
As the words,
I'm already good at,
The words,
It's different,
I want to punctuate and decorate time,
When I feel I don't feel only in words,
It's a lot more than that,
I'm working on it,
But taste and ability,
Require the world's sketchiest bridge,
Made out of,
Emotional OSHA violations,
Like that time,
We put the ladder,
On the forklift,
I'm happy I learned to fall,
In a past life.
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