#craziest things to do in dubai
jurassic-cunt · 4 months
hey remember first episode daniel so cute he was glumly watching his commercial and trying to do a puzzle. now he's trapped in dubai with two of the craziest vampire on earth that want to do unspeakable things to his shaking parkinsons ass
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Do you think we’ll ever get a Lestat/Louis/Armand threesome scene 🌚
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Hey! :)
I mean... I'd personally love it *g*
I am not sure how literal the show will translate the relationships especially for Armand and Marius in relation to the others though.
One of the craziest things about it all is that Armand wanted Lestat (badly) and LESTAT took one good look at him and noped out. (Lestat. Like, you cannot make that up^^). That said, I have theorized before that they could also take the route of crash-and-burn for Lesmand, which would still work I think. These vampires have sex... and they share blood. And the latter definitely happens in the books between them (voluntary and involuntary(!)), so the show might make the assault Armand makes onto Lestat more... "rapey" (for the lack of a better word) than it already is in the books.
And Marius also lets Lestat drink from him... it might include shared beds, who knows (I wouldn't mind *innocent whistling*). It's definitely not out of scope.
So, as with a lot of other things, it depends on where we are in Dubai, and what Armand's relationship to Louis is.
Like, if he is actually keeping Louis prisoner there (as I have seen theorized) there is no way Lestat will take lightly to this (which would negate any threesome between them I think). However, I don't truly see that. I think Louis has holed himself up there, and Armand is trying to help (in his own way). So when Lestat finally shows up in Dubai (in whatever cataclysmic event that is needed for that shift) then all bets are off I think :)
I know people focused a lot on the "infidelity" of season 1 (and, as said, I don't think the directed focus was coincidental), but these relationships... are ever shifting, and not that hung up on "our" morals anymore. Sex is likely a comfort, something nice, while the blood is probably still the most intimate form of sharing.
Of course, with the actual setting of Dubai it also depends on what Armand's and Lestat's actual relationship is. If they are in the Prince Lestat era then there will be some very interesting words that could be spoken. Especially if we get to Blood Communion....
But in that era a threesome is a possibility I think - at the show's version of "the chateau" or "Night Island" (depending).
And Marius would be there then as well.
I could see a threesome between him, Daniel and Armand to be honest. There is some very interesting friction there for those three in the later books as well, and I BET they picked that up for the show.
I don't really see Louis (and so by extension Lestat) entering a threesome with him though. Other than fascination there is never that much interaction between them in the books, and I bet Marius wasn't too happy when Lestat made Louis and Gabrielle those he goes to for council (instead of him).
((There is this interesting passage in PLatRoA, where Lestat muses somewhat testily why Marius puts up with him at all, since he regained so much vitality creating the rulings and constitution, etc. And proposes rulings to Lestat which Lestat then refuses to follow.))
So if we are somewhere in PLatRoA... I don't think Lestat and Louis will enter a threesome with Marius. There is... a rift there, a rift mentioned by Lestat and others, namely that he did not enter to be the pupil to Marius as Marius wanted him to.
This refusal to be what Marius wanted him to be shapes their relationship, as much as Marius' refusal to rescue Armand over the centuries (totally apart from their shared history) shapes theirs. Though the latter relationship definitely found a turning point through Benji and Sybille, eventually. (I'm not a 100% sure we will see them on the show, BUT ... like, Benji = Benjamin = the baby???!!, so one never knows^^).
Soooooo tl:dr; Maybe :)))
It's certainly possible.
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kentray · 2 years
Ted Lasso S3 predictions
My predictions before the show is aired. Some have been influenced by SPOILERS (but not too much) so that's a warning.
Ted goes back to Kansas to raise his son. Maybe one reason Jason says the story they have to tell is done, is because there might be an epilogue “a few years later”? Because you can't write more to a story if you jump ahead years and people are apart. A rom com type moment? on the top of the Empire State Building?
Rebecca comes into her own as an owner, falling in love with the game, her boys & herself. She lets go of her hatred of Rupert. Maybe apologizes to the team for what she did in S1? She softens & starts to have feelings for Ted (& vice versa).
If they develop feelings in the last episode or two, maybe a kiss and/or an airport scene? But it’s not yet their time. Ted needs to be with his son. Rebecca is NOT a Kansas girl. So therefore, a reunion via an epilogue.
Roy & Keeley endgame. Funnily enough, a break-up could speed things up in terms of their decisions: whether to marry, children, etc. It’s a short-cut to determine “forever”. They both deal with their insecurities & “save” each other.
Roy deals with whatever trauma he’s been holding in. I want this to be brought on by Keeley but I think some is let out in Ep2 with the team? Maybe starts an academy with Rebecca for Richmond. Boys & girls training together; a focus on a well-rounded upbringing.
Keeley continues to run her own company. She faces imposter syndrome, maybe sabotage by someone (Rupert), maybe things fall to pieces & Roy’s right there to help. We get her backstory, finally. Also, Keeley might get to a point where she needs a client & West Ham might be there. She’ll have to face those decisions & maybe a fallout with Rebecca for a time.
One reason I’ve felt Rupert is doing illegal things is 1) the show’s indictment on billionaires 2) I think Higgins & Keeley will discover things about him that ultimately saves and protects Rebecca (re:Sam) & her ownership, which is why I think Keeley may end up willingly or unwillingly working for Rupert (as per the hint in S2). Maybe that Rupert cooked the books OR maybe phone hacking as that was a big thing with Rupert Murdoch’s tabloids in England years ago.
I think Beard will stay in England & coach. Hopefully, he’ll be able to have a healthier relationship. Perhaps a new character will be introduced near the end? Funny thing is I don’t hate Jane. I think she loves Beard but she needs help.
Nate is eventually forgiven. I have no clue if they’ll deal with the repercussions of what he did to Keeley to my satisfaction. He’ll return to Richmond, maybe as an assistant coach. There will be forgiveness but at a cost. I don’t think others can forgive as easily as Ted.
Sam will be an eventual captain whether it’s Richmond or somewhere else. Roy’s been guiding him. Maybe the Nigerian national team? He will find that Richmond is his home. Maybe meet someone? (Forgot that I think he’ll face bigger repercussions, for his Dubai protest and Rupert & Dick Cole will be out to get him with potential racial overtones. Edwin Akufo is also after him.)
Jamie will make the English National team. He’ll repair his relationship with his mother & come to terms with his abuse. He’ll become the team’s biggest cheerleader, as well as biggest supporter of Roy & Keeley as a couple.
Colin comes out which is a big decision. The team is supportive. My craziest theory is that Isaac is his partner but he chooses not to come out. It’s a risk he’s not willing to take. There’s been some hints along the way… could just be best friends but it would be interesting.
Trent writes the book an in-depth sports book about the team’s journey.
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joshuasearing · 8 months
Monday 29th January 2024
Hey journal so I’ve just woke up about 20 minutes ago and I must of had one of the craziest dreams/nightmares in my life. So it started of with me finding a new job where basically I am on a train for 7 hours and I woke on the train getting peop from England to Dubai. I have no clue why it’s a train not a plane. Anyways on this train we have my mate Daniel going to Dubai. Anyways at one point my phone started getting low on battery and instead of having a normal charger they had this port/wire where I have to blow on the wire to charge my phone. Also the noise it would make when blowing it was so loud and awkward as I was doing it infront of people on the train. Anyways there was this over part in the dream where on the train we fly up in the air and go through snakes bodies and other animals bodies and come out the other side it was like it become a roller coaster. Also there was this other part of the train ride where you now have to race these car things over water it is very hard to explain. Anyways I’m racing all of these people and for the most part I’m in the middle like 6th then right near the end everyone crashes and I overtake the person in first on the finish line and beat him by and inch. Then the placements come up and I didn’t come up and I was so confused then it came up and told me I got the world record time in this race so I was so happy. Then after along while we got to Dubai. Then as it’s my job I had to do the train back to England. On the way back we stopped at Greece and I saw this old football stadium and this weird thing driving on a road. Then I got back on the train to England. On the train back to England there were loads of people sat next to me then this boy started to speak to me and I explained to him how this was my first day doing this job and how I previously worked in McDonald’s. Then he asked if we could go Maccies together after the train ride, then he started asking if I wanted to sex and I obviously said no. Then after the train ride you get off. At this place where it’s like a spinning wheel and it’s all these different places where it will take you. So obviously it’s my end of my shift so I want to go back home. So I explained to the person where I live and they told me which place is closest to where I live and want platform to go on. So I went on this platform then closet places come up so I had to jump from one spinning platform to another. Then as I jumped I was hanging and I had to pull myself up. Then another place came up however I couldn’t get on it. Anyways once I got off this spinning wheel it brought me to this random ass destination. It was deserted and old and was raining. Also there were random buildings that were old and made out of sandy material. Then there were creepy sculptures of people. Then I had this one women started following me so I started running. Then after this there was this random massive sculptures of me and these random girls doing random poses. Then I was swinging from sculpture to sculpture. After a bit of doing that I started diving into the water. Anyways this was the dream then I woke up I was so confused and woke up sweating at the dream/nightmare was a crazy mess. Anyways this morning since that I have posted some tiktoks on 3 different accounts, went a toilet now I am writing in here back in bed. Also my hypnotist that was doing those sessions with me was suppose to do a session with my mate Daniel but he kept on not turning up to the sessions so my hypnotist has deleted he’s number and told me to be by he’s side as he can tell Daniel is struggling with a lot of things. Anyways I will speak to you later journal, bye journal!
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fullmetal-hearrt · 5 years
Shinee fucking ran so that kpop could walk and those are just the facts that everyone should accept.
They debuted when kpop had a very specific style and concept of what young boy groups could do in order to sell but Shinee really knocked on the doors with replay and as soon as they opened, they deadass shot out Lucifer and Ring DD and no body was prepared lmao.
They legitimately redefined kpop and I really don’t think they get enough credit for that? FROM DAY ONE, they had the most intricate and class choreographies in kpop. There’s a reason why shinee are called performance legends. It’s because you can pick any damn shinee choreography and it’s just so amazingly well executed; Not to mention they’re the first kpop idols who started releasing choreography practice videos and dancing without backup dancers which as y’all can see, has become the norm now.
Also, TILL DATE Shinee had the most packed schedule for any kpop rookie group ever. They were out there performing for 8 hours and then going back home just to rehearse for another 8. Their success was so unexpectedly high and they were literally teenagers handling all that fame. Taemin was a literal child with a bowl cut ffs. Also, don’t come for my bowl cut children, they looked PRECIOUS in the replay MV.
Even as early as 2011, Shinee being known as variety show and pilot experts because they’re naturally so funny and have a bond within them that easily puts people at ease and makes for one crazy episode with no chaos or anything “extra” per say. Just shinee being shinee is enough. In an industry where idols don’t even react to other female idols at award shows cause of the knetz, ya bois, Taemin and Minho really went fuck it and did whole collab stages with Sunmi and Yuri. The flex. Not to mention the way Shinee and especially Jonghyun & Taemin said a huge Fuck you to Korea’s oh so precious “masculine aura” and just went on with releasing pretty boy and Taemin saying makeup isn’t something for girls and that makeup is for all genders, a legend.
The way Shinee had fans in countries like Dubai, Russia, India and many many others at a time when kpop really wasn’t a thing? It was just Korean music for Koreans but shinee went ahead and did their thing and it broke language barriers as if they were air. It’s 2020 and Barack Obama talking about shinee still feels like a fever dream to me tbh.
Not even mentioning anything else now BUT just their music and it’s impact man?? The way shinee put out ALBUM after ALBUM with no rest and the fact being that, Every damn song they put out was a WHOLE BANGER.
SHINEE songs that get covered by rookie idols everyday, mentioned by established idols as their inspiration during trainee days, songs that the entire population of Korea would know. Songs that trainees practice on for hours hoping that one day they too, would debut.
Shinee, a boygroup who’s know as the group who “made their own concepts” and everyone else simple followed.
And the craziest part is they are one of the longest standing groups in kpop, been together for 12 whole years and are still as relevant and iconic as ever. The fact that all five members have so much solo potential and even then nothing trivial like fame or money had ever seemed to break shinee up as a group is really a feat.
Taemin is no doubts THE best dancer and one of the most successful soloists in the entire kpop industry. A living legend tbh. His discography is hot, molten GOLD. Jonghyun’s VOCALS are liter-al-ly one of the strongest vocals in the entire industry and every damn shinee song is a proof of his sheer excellence as a main vocalist. Cue to Stranger. Onew deadass sang opera for a loaded audience once and left everyone shook and his 40 sec long note. Also, this man leads the chaos that is shinee, mad respect. Key’s rapping style is honestly so distinctive and HONEY that man can sing like his life depends on it. Not to mention kibum is a FASHION ICON. Also, his ‘born to shine’ solo stage. HE DID THAT. Minho really out there being a multi talented class act, who’s a main rapper but has vocals that could kill. Not only that, man be out here having acted in so many successful dramas.
Imma say this once and I want all you third gen kpop stans to print it out, Shinee did for kpop what no one else did so you might not stan them or listen to their music but the one thing your ass will do, IS RESPECT THEM. Respect shinee and everything that they went through in a time where kpop wasn’t shit and kpop artists were treated so heartlessly as if they were nothing but cash machines. Also they’re from SM so God knows what kinda shit that company has put them through and one can never imagine the sheer amount of pressure on the members to have been so young and so in pain but having no one to trust at the heights of their success; Imagine being loved and cheered on by thousands on a stage only to come back home to nothing but you and your head in the now deafening silence. Imagine waking up one day and finding out that a boy you spent half your lifetime with, shared your best and worst moments with, is suddenly gone? Just like that? AND THEN having the sheer fucking courage to go up in front of thousand teary eyes and questioning glances, leaving a microphone empty on a stage and while using his damn background vocals; singing your heart out to the songs he wrote under an aqua blue moon knowing, for sure, that what began in 2008 will never really end, ever.
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5hinee; OT5 for life, motherfuckers.
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finnthatcher89 · 4 years
the first I love yous || flaurel
DISCORD THREAD FEATURING: Finn & @oflaurelthatcherisms
WHEN: 2010
DESCRIPTION: Laurel and Finn tell each other they love each other for the first time.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: I don’t think any? 
At the beginning of the year, when she first met him in Las Vegas and they accidentally got married, she truly didn't think that they were going to last the whole year. She half expected them to find out how incredibly incompatible they are, argue a lot, and just despise each other. Well... Six months later... Them moving to Denver to live together... Him working at the fire station and her leaving Emirates to work for Frontier at the airport... And things were a lot better than she expected. Over the past six months, she was beginning to realize that he was becoming her best friend. And that her heart does little gymnastics every time she sees him... And that she could look at his smile for days and weeks and months and years... And that every time he held her in his arms, she never wanted to be anywhere else. But god, what does this mean? Both having the same day off, Laurel woke up early and decided to make his favourite breakfast. Humming softly to some Turkish music, all she could think about was seeing the look on his face and she couldn't stop smiling. Then again, she has been smiling a lot more thanks to him. She likes it, though. A lot.
What was a supposed to be a fun, exciting weekend at a work friend's Bachelor party in Vegas turned into a weekend that would change the rest of his life. He was so young - 21 and just really starting his career. He had barely found himself when he found Laurel. Nearly every bone in his body had told him just to get a quick annulment, but Finn wasn't a quitter and Laurel...well there was something about her that he wanted to get to know. The next thing he knew he was living in Denver with a mere stranger, nearly all the way across the country from his hometown in Pennsylvania. He had always loved adventures, and this adventure was one of the craziest he'd ever taken. Finn was woken up by the light that peaked through the shades of their modest home. He rolled over, half expecting Laurel to be laying next to him but when he smelled the food cooking in the kitchen he knew what she was doing. He walked into the kitchen with only his boxers on and smiled when he saw his wife at the stove. He walked up to her and put his arms around her waist, kissing her shoulder and cheek quickly. "Morning." he said, with a smile. He loved the days off they had together. They were the days that they got to know each other the best. No pressure to be places or doing things. They just spent time together.
At twenty, Laurel has already done and seen so many crazy and exciting. Spending her childhood in Turkey before moving to America at ten years old, becoming a flight attendant right after high school and moving to a completely different country, going to many different countries due to work, one could say that her whole life has been an adventure. But meeting Finn... That has truly been the biggest adventure so far. Or at least, the one she has enjoyed the most. Sure, they were both technically kids still, in a sense. But by god, she wouldn't have traded this for anything. Feeling his arms wrapped around her, the girl smiled brightly and instantly melted against him. She just felt so safe and comfortable when she was in his arms, secured and at peace. The last person... Well, she could never be certain. But with Finn? There were never any doubts. Even something as simple as wearing one of his old shirts (like she was now and had began doing over the past month) filled her with happiness. "Morning," she mused, kissing his jaw. "Thought I'd surprise you with your favourite. Sleep well?"
Finn didn't anyone else he'd rather take a leap of faith with like this. He was glad he did though, because she had completely swept him off his feet. He felt like he was flying every time he was around her. He knew other people saw them as just young, idiot kids but Finn was determined to give their relationship a try. And fuck, he was so happy he did. Even in a city he wasn't familiar with, he felt at home with Laurel. She was safe and she always took great care of him. The man rested his chin on his wife's neck, strong arm still wrapped around her waist. He took a deep breathe in through his nostrils and looked down at the stove. "Bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel?" he beamed. Fuck, yes. "You already know me so well. Thank you." he said, giving her more tiny pecks on her cheek and neck. "I slept very well. You?" he said, finally removing his arms from around her waist to put some coffee on.
After Francisco, marriage never really felt like an option. Of course, it was a nice thought. But to love someone again after that... For three years, it never felt like a possibility. So to end up meeting Finn on New Years Eve in Las Vegas and to have a Vegas wedding with the then stranger when in two days, she was suppose to return home to Dubai just to end up leaving as soon as possible to work with another airline in a different city back in the US? It sounded crazy. But god, it felt so right. Despite the initial awkwardness at first, Finn has gone from being a stranger to her best friend. She was now able to call him her husband without an awkward pause at first, saying it so proudly and happily. To go from where they originally were at to now, six months later, bet at home with each other... It was incredible. Beautiful, even. His excitement brought a giggle to her lips. "Only the best for you. And you're welcome, balım." She twisted her body slightly to kiss his cheek, only beaming more at his own kisses. The moment he let go of her to work on the coffee, she instantly wished for his embrace again. "Pretty good. I think knowing that I have the next couple of days off helped," she joked slightly. "And having a cuddle buddy, obviously. Most definitely a bonus."
When Finn had woken up next to Laurel on New Years days around a decade ago, he thought she was a blacked out hookup. Something he wasn’t super accustomed to doing, but he did have a little bit of a naughty side that sometimes came out when he drank. Especially at 21. Newly of legal age to drink, out of town for a buddy’s bachelor party. Something wild was bound to happen; he just never expected that this would be the result. Something he also didn’t expect to happen was learning Turkish...or at least some Turkish phrases. He thought it important to learn at least a little bit of his wife’s native language. That’s what good partners did right? “You spoil me.” He cooed. He dumped coffee ground sloppily into the coffee maker and turned it on. “God, I love that feeling. Sleeping knowing you don’t have to get up at a certain time in the morning.” He sighed deeply. “It’s always a bonus falling asleep and waking up next to you.” He flirted, shamelessly. It was weird...getting to know each other but already being married. It felt like he was living in a cheesy Hallmark movie. He smiled, walking back over to her while their coffee was brewing to lean onto the counter next to the stove to watch her cook. Yeah, he could stare at her all day.
Now, if there was something Laurel was not a stranger to, it was having a lover for the night. Sometimes a stranger from a club or bar, sometimes a coworker, sometimes a friend she'd made in her new home; The girl certainly enjoyed having another's company. So waking up and realizing her New Years 'hookup' was now her husband... That'd been new. But now that they were here, she was glad and felt lucky that it happened. And the fact that Finn was so keen on learning some Turkish for her... That had been one of the things that caused her to fall for him. She remembered that she started to cry when she heard him make his attempts, feeling so happy and proud of him. "You deserve to be spoiled," she mused. "It truly is something else. I mean, I love my job entirely. But getting to have those sleeps... How can I not love them?" Her cheeks turned red. She grew more and more bashful lately with his flirting, absolutely enjoying them. "Right back at you, Mr. Thatcher," she flirted back, winking at her husband. Honestly, anyone could see that he was an incredibly handsome man. Tall, clear blue eyes, incredible body, a face chiseled by the gods; He was basically a living statue. But once you got to his personality and learned more about him, how that he was a kind soul who would do anything to help anyone and was practically a huge teddy bear. How his laughter could fill up any room and fill one up with warmth and serenity. How his hugs were just so comforting, never wanting to leave them. How his voice is just so incredible and she could listen to him speak about anything and everything for hours on end. Laurel was getting close to finishing their food, also making some hashbrowns to go along. She glanced up for a moment, stopping once realizing he was staring. "What?" Laurel asked, laughing softly with a warm smile and a quirk of her brow.June 26, 2020
Finn smiled, and bit down on his lip to keep himself from smiling too wide. Finn had been so used to being the one doing the spoiling, it was nice to have a change of pace for once. That's one of the many things he loved about Laurel. He loved the way she held herself, how her dark hair fell over her shoulders, the way she walked. She was breathtaking. He could've ended up next to anyone that New Year's morning, but he considered himself lucky that he woke up next to her - married to her. "I love working too, but it is nice to wake up whenever you want instead of to the annoying ringing of an alarm." he told her. He was a firefighter; a protector and hero. He loved helping people and saving lives. He didn't mind going into work, he actually looked forward to going into work when he was single. But now he missed Laurel every day he went into work, calling her when they each got a break and sending her texts on his down time. Finn watched the woman make their food for a few moments in silence. Holy...she was a sexy as fuck making him breakfast like that. Finn crossed his arms over chest and looked down at his feet, shuffling them a little when she called him out for staring. "Nothing..." he said, grinning like a fucking idiot. "You're just so god damned gorgeous." he admitted. "And I'm really fucking lucky to have someone like you to wake up to every day." he added. Wow. that was cornier than he expected, but it was exactly how he felt.
God, she loves spoiling him so much. Just giving him so much care and attention and love-... Love? Why did that make her heart flutter so much? Why did that give her both a sense of an entire zoo in her stomach but also a sense of clarity and peace? Why does that word feel so right? Lately, especially when concerning him, there was just something about that word that made her want to pause, to try and cool down her beating heart and the wide smile that dared to grow. "You can say that again. Buuuut I also can't help but feel bad for the station on your days off. They're missing their best firefighter." Yes, she absolutely was biased. No, she felt no shame. She was so proud of him and admired his care for other people- but she also couldn't help but to worry as well. Especially when it came to extremely big cases. That most certainly made parts of her job hard: not being home and knowing if he's okay or not while she's up in the air for a couple of hours heading from one place to another. Every time they were able to finally call or text each other just filled her up with a sense of relief, reminding her that he was okay and safe. And that soon, they were going to be back in each other's arms again. Watching him become awkward was just so adorable. How he shuffled his feet and grinned. Giggling at his words, she placed their food on their plates before turning off the stove. However, she couldn't help herself. She moved over to stand before him, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck as she smiled up at him. "And you are just so god damned handsome," she mused, kissing the tip of his nose. She knew that she had hearts in her eyes as she gazed upon him. But god, how could she not? She just loves him so much and- oh my god, I love him. The realization shocked her. How could she not realize it? The signs have been there for so long... Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck, she... she... Oh. "I love you." The words were quiet. Yet she beamed. "I love you, Finn."
"Stop gassing me up, or else my ego will get too big." he chuckled, although the compliment made him a little giddy. Laurel really was his number one fan. That was what wives were supposed to do though right? Either way, he loved the encouragement he got from her. Knowing that someone was on his side no matter what he did, was comforting. He felt so fucking safe. He liked the idea of having a life long companion on Laurel. He'd always knew he wanted to get married but he never expected it to happen like this. Since they got married, he pictured them growing older together so many times. Having kids and being domestic as fuck together. Whenever Finn thought about the future, Laurel was right by his side the whole time. Finn had been in love once before after he graduated high school and started his life in the real world. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in a while. Well, up until recently at least; until he met Laurel. Finn was definitely a romantic. He loved taking Laurel out and doing little romantic gestures for her. He believed that even a bouquet of flowers could say a thousand different words. He recalled the time he surprised her with a homemade Turkish dinner when she got home from work one night a few months ago. Nothing too fancy, and Laurel probably could have made it better herself. But he wanted to do something special for her to show her that he cared about their relationship, even though it wasn't necessarily ordinary. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in tightly as she kissed his nose. Their eyes met with that three word phrase left her lips. He a huge smile slowly grew on his face. "I love you too." The words came really naturally to him because he had been feeling that way for a while now, he just wasn't ready to admit that to himself. But hearing Laurel say it out loud really smacked some sense into him. Why didn't see it before? He leaned down and gave her a gentle, yet passionate kiss.
"Never- I like inflating your ego," she laughed. She was always ready to cheer him on, to be by his side for anything and everything. She loved it so much, loved seeing how her compliments had their effect on him. How they're able to know exactly what to say to make the other feel better. It was amazing, really. It was something she never expected. But despite being mere strangers not too long ago, Finn truly knew her better than anyone else. Well, okay. There were some things she needed to talk to him about still. Some things involving herself and her past that she's not proud about, but she knows she wants to tell him about. To open up and let him in to see, to witness. To fully know everything about her. And that was in and of itself really fucking scary. She never wanted to share her secrets with anyone so much before. So wanting to share them with her husband... it was something else. The man has become her home. Her future. She has dreamed about the future so many times lately and always, without fail, she saw him there by her side. She saw them growing old, saw them becoming parents, becoming grandparents. Sharing a home together and loving each other unconditionally for forever. It was such a beautiful dream. And she was certain that he wanted that, too. He was trying so hard and was such a romantic, her heart was constantly bursting with happiness. That night he cooked that homemade Turkish dinner is truly one of her favourite memories of them. She'd been so happy and so surprised, she'd cried. He wanted to connect with her and her culture so much, it made her so happy. It made her feel... loved. God, is this what it means to be loved? If so, she's lucky that it's with Finn. Her smile only grew as he said those words back, eyes beginning to sprinkle with happy tears. Laughing joyfully, she held him close as they kissed. One hand sneak it's way into his hair and played with his locks, the girl deepening the kiss. "I love you so much, oh my god."
He shook his head. No one had ever made him feel as good looking, proud, happy, confident about himself like Laurel had. She knew all the right things to say to make him giddy. He honestly didn't think any other man could be as happy as he was right now. He had really struck gold and genuinely believed that Laurel was the greatest woman in the entire world. How had be gotten that lucky. "Okay then. I'll take it." he said, giving in. Because yeah, why wouldn't he let someone as amazing as Laurel compliment the hell out of him. Laurel was so easy to open up to; he had told her everything about how he best friend had died a few years prior and how hard that was for him to deal with. Laurel was always there for him whenever he felt down about it; always knowing the right thing to say. So this was what finding your person felt like. This was he read in all the books and watched in all the movies. The perfect home, the picket fence, the perfect woman by his side maybe even a child someday. He thought about growing old together with her nearly everyday, but right now he wanted to focus in on this moment. The way her warm body felt pressed up against him, how he could feel her soft, dark hair on his skin. Her scent was so alluring and so distinct; he knew he'd be able to sense her presence by her smell. "I love you, too. I love you, too." he repeated, between kisses. He brought one hand up to slide his fingers through her thick hair. Damn, he loved her hair. He couldn't name one thing about her that he didn't love. Life couldn't get any better.
"Good," she mused with a smirk and a giggle. She truly did love to raise him up. To compliment him for as long as possible. He was honestly the greatest man she has ever met, so kind and loving. It all felt so natural with him, no pretend. She could truly envision a happy life with Finn and with it being filled with so much love and happiness. Sure, people look at them and see them still as kids. That they have no idea what the future holds. And sure, they got a point. But no matter what, Laurel truly wanted to brave anything and everything the future sends them. To hold each others's hand and stand by each others's side. No matter how rough the future got, she had a feeling that they would fight whatever necessary to be together and stay together. She loves him. She loves him more than she feared the uncertainty of tomorrow. And by the gods, was she so happy right now. She melted into his touch, one hand moving to cup his face while the other softly tugged and played with his locks. Just everything about him, from his scent to his touches to feeling him beneath her fingers, how he held her, how his kissed her, was just so intoxicating in the greatest way possible. Laurel truly could not get enough of him repeating that, those words filling her up with so much joy. She pulled apart, latching her lips onto his jaw to kiss him softly before trailing down his neck. She'd forgotten completely about breakfast, too wrapped up in her husband. This was happiness, huh? This was love, most certainly. And to be graced with this, with him... She truly was the luckiest woman in the world.
So many people had told Finn to leave Laurel; his parents thought he was absolutely crazy for moving all the way across the country to move in with a mere stranger. They told him that he was too young. That he would never make it. Yet, here he was half a year later so in love with a woman he didn't know existed less than a year ago. But Finn was loyal; he had made a commitment and he didn't want to go back on his word. Whether it was a drunken word or not; it was his word. They had already gone through so many obstacles as a couple; he figured they'd be able to get through anything life threw at them. Before he met Laurel...his life had been pretty boring. She just added so much excitement to his life. He learned so much from her, made him laugh, made him feel ways he had never felt before. He didn't think anything could bring him down when he was with her. He tilted his head back slightly as she kissed his neck, completely forgetting about their breakfast getting cold on the plates and focusing solely on their moment together; as a couple in love.
Her parents were use to her bold choices. How she had spent her senior year living in Cape Town in South Africa for study abroad, just to then live in Dubai as soon as she possibly could after graduation. They hadn't been prepared for her to suddenly be married at 20 and moving back to the States to live with a perfect stranger. That had even been their first time trying to put their foot down to dissuade her from going through with this. But... It didn't stop her. And she has been on the best adventure of her life so far with Finn Thatcher. She has fallen in love after someone had made her believe that love could potentially be awful and horrible. Finn's love was soft and warm. Yes, there's been complications and doubts. But over all, there has been a sense of boldness of being married to a stranger and learning to get to know them and befriend them and fall in love. "We should probably eat breakfast..." Yet Laurel made no move to pull away. She only pulled him closer, body rolling softly against his as she kissed his lips. Forget the damned breakfast; She was focused on the man she loves.
Before he met Laurel, Finn's life had been pretty boring. He never thought he would leave the small town he grew up in; he was established there. A good job, friends, family, comfort. Sure, he loved adventures but he also loved going home, sitting on his back porch facing the woods with the hills in the background. He loved hearing the wolves howl at night and letting the birds wake him up in the morning. He'd play paintball with his friends after work, go hunting, visit his parents often. He liked this life. Then he met Laurel. And wow, she made him love his life. He picked up everything and left that town without a second glance. He never regretted it for a minute. He wasn't a city person, but he'd more jus about anywhere if that meant he got to be with Laurel. He missed small town life, but he loved life with Laurel even more. "Sure." he said, half-heartedly as he left his wife pull him in closer to her. He pushed his hips into her's as he deepened their kiss. There was no way they were eating that breakfast while it was still hot.
She spent the first ten years of her life living in Turkey, but even then, her family would make trips all over Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and West Asia. When they moved to Wyoming at first, they'd move near Yellowstone and would make frequent weekend trips to their neighboring states. Laurel was so use to adventures and being on the move, of not really staying in one place for long. But with Finn, she has come to realize that she loves coming home and staying there with him. She still loves her job, of course, but she also loves getting to be with her husband more. The brunette moaned softly, her hips rolling against his. "Bed?" It came out in a soft whisper, focused more on getting to kiss him. Of getting to be with him. They can always eat up the food afterwards.
His friends from high school had gone off to college in places like Pittsburgh, New York, DC. He stayed in town after high school, and started a job at the fire station; something he always wanted to do. He was 21, and at 21 he thought he had his whole life figured out. Don't all 21 year olds? Then, there was Laurel. She wasn't in his plan. She taught him that plans changed; not all good. This change happened to be one of the good ones. Probably one of the best ones. He raised his brow at the suggestion of going to the bedroom. That was just what he wanted to hear. He placed a few more kisses on his lips. "Mhmmm..." he said, lowly as he slipped his hand in hers and lead them through their tiny home into their bedroom. He brought her back into him and kissed her passionately. He definitely loved these moments with her. This one was even better considering they had just told each other that they loved each other for the first time.
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The Prospect of Dubai Real Estate Market. The best way to achieve handsome profit and generate income is by investing in real estate, especially in Dubai, UAE. Dubai is among the most most lucrative real estates investment on the planet today. Its advance in economy makes Dubai as the best choice for abroad property investment. Many property investor from all around the world would think the exact same way. It could make Dubai property investment become invaluable.
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Things you need to do is looking out demand of real estate market in Dubai. Although the marketplace is reducing because of the global financial crisis, you can expect Dubai real estates still prospective. Why ? Look at this :
1. Dubai Free Hold Properties.
You should buy properties in Dubai with the total right of private property ownership. It provides complete title of the property and land. Now, 100% freehold ownership of few properties in Dubai was available to all or any foreign nationals.
2. Dubai Development.
Dubai would provide millions of jobs. People will soon be working in Dubai, doing some business, and they will originate from more than 120 countries. Briefly, they will be relocating to Dubai. Therefore, what they require is places to stay or live like hotels, apartments, houses, villas and other residential real estates
3. Dubai Architectures.
The most tremendous and craziest architectures in the world can be found in Dubai. The Burj Dubai may be the tallest skyscraper building on the planet today. The best part about Burj Dubai is a man-made lake will surround it Burj Dubai attracts people all all over the world to come quickly to Dubai.
4. Dubai Real Estate Projects.
A couple of of the most well-known real estate projects on the planet are from Dubai that have earned international reputation.There are three synthetic islands in The Palm or Palm Island Dubai. The Palm Jumeirah, The Palm Jebel Ali, and The Palm Deira. The whole Dubai real estate projects will attract people all over the world.
5. Dubai Tourism Industry.
As Dubai remains a major tourist hotspot, short-term property rental listed here is one of the most thriving businesses. You provides tourist with holiday apartments, villas, beach and holiday resorts.
All I mention above could make the populace in Dubai will increase and many business opportunities available. So, Where is the better place to invest in real estate ? Yes, it's where in actuality the population will grow and many business opportunities available.
One of many Best Travel Destinations in the World - Jumeirah Beach, Dubai. 
Soft, white sand under your feet, a slow, gentle breeze coaxing one to relax, the warm, crystal clear, azure waters of the Arabian Sea inviting one to swim and exotic, unrivaled, spectacular views throughout you, that is Jumeirah Beach, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Jumeirah modern architecture is incomparable and is equally breathtaking in day light or star light. This coastal area was once the home of Arab traders, pearl divers and fisherman who enjoyed an easier life. Since the 1960's, Jumeirah has turned into a favorite of western expatriates.
Due to the building of a few of the finest, luxury hotels and Dubai architects resorts in the world, Jumeirah Beach has turned into a popular choice among tourists in recent years. The long, sunny, stretch of beach is sprinkled with lush, palm trees and is lifeguard protected, thus providing a safe place for the entire family to enjoy lots of sun and various water activities without worry.
Jumeirah Beach offers a full selection of accommodations, from budget minded, 2 star choices, to luxurious 5 star-rated hotels. Jumeirah also offers one, extravagant, 7 star-rated hotel with a well earned reputation as the most luxurious hotel in the world. All of the hotels in Jumeirah Beach are 5 star-rated and offer a number of amenities, facilities and services to accommodate the company, personal or family traveler. Typical hotel amenities include; non smoking rooms, security boxes, 24 hour front desk services and swimming pools. Below, you'll find examples of 2 to 7 star-rated hotels in Jumeirah Beach.
Old and new art and architectural wonders abound in Jumeirah Beach and the surrounding Dubai area. One only need turn to a few of the unusually shaped hotels on Jumeirah Beach to witness a few of the new architecture. Art galleries, museums and souks (markets) with traditional crafts are plentiful. The Jumeirah Mosque is really a fine example of modern architecture done in the medieval Fatimid tradition. It is really a work of art from its sandstone dome to it intricately painted interior panels on robin's- egg blue background. Here is the only mosque that non-Muslims may visit by having a guided tour but, please remember that both males and females should dress appropriately for touring this sacred house of worship. The covering of knees, shoulders and midriff is really a must.
There are relatively few activities one won't find in Jumeirah Beach. You will discover all the conventional desert, beach, water and sand activities you'd expect to get in a beach area such as for instance, all forms of boating opportunities, squash, tennis and volleyball, swimming, diving, water skiing and every other water or sand sport your can imagine. You can also find lots of gyms and fitness centers, horse riding, golfing, hot air balloons, sky diving, paragliding and a selection of incredible spas for pampering yourself. You can swim with the dolphins and ice skate too, but even these are a few of the more typical activities you may expect to get available. Below, you will discover some examples of the very most unusual activities and adventures available.
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dubaiyikesfet-blog · 7 years
Dubai'de Yapılacak En Çılgın 18 Şey
Dubai’de yaşayan arkadaşlarınızın ve akrabalarının hikayelerini duymuş olabilirsiniz. Binaların görkemli mimarisi, muhteşem cazibe merkezleri, muazzam alışveriş merkezleri, yedi yıldızlı otel, dünyanın en yüksek binası ve lüks yaşam tarzı, Dubai’nin sadece yarısı kadar. Dubai, herhangi bir yaştaki ve Dubai’de delirebilecekleri yedi yıldızlı bir şehirdir. Dubai’de çılgınlık sınırı olmadığı için Dubai’de yapılacak en çılgın şeylerin listesini yapmak benim için zor değildi.
Dubai şehrinde Yapılacak Şeyler Burada Dubai’de yapılabilecek en çarpıcı şeylerin özel listesi var;
1. Skydiving
Skydiving sayesinde, Dubai, dünyanın dört bir yanından gökyüzü dalgıçları için birinci sınıf bir konum haline geldi. 2010 yılından beri birçok numara yapıldı ve birçok rekor kırılmıştır. SkyDubai’nin iki drop zone, Palm DZ ve Desert Campus DZ vardır. Palm Jumeirah’dan 13.000 feet yukarıda bulunan iki yönlü bir skydive inanılmaz bir deneyimdir ve herkesin Dubai listesinde yapması gereken şeyler olmalıdır. Deneyimli ve Yeni Başlayanlar Dubai’deki skydiving’in tadını çıkarabilirler.
2. Drive Formula 1 (Araba veya Süper Otomobil)
Formula 1 yarışları milyonlarca hayranla dünyadaki en popüler spor dallarından biridir. Neredeyse herkesin, pistten veya TV’den izlemek yerine kendi kendilerine Formula 1 araba sürme deneyimini yaşaması bir rüyadır. Rüya Yarışı herkes için mümkün kılındı. Profesyonel formula 1 yarışçıları ekibi, formula 1 araba sürüşünün gerçek yaşam boyu deneyimi sunuyor.
3. FlyBoarding
Son yıllarda Dubai, Su Sporları ve aktiviteleri için en iyi yer haline gelmiştir ve Flyboarding en popülerlerinden biridir. Flyboarding, Fransız jet ski tasarımcısı Franky Zapata tarafından oluşturuldu. Franky Zapata, gençken jet ski yapmaya başladı ve hayatını tutkusuna adadı. Flyboarding, Tom Cruise, Leonardo Di Caprio ve Vin Diesel gibi ünlülerin beğenisini kazandı. Bu spor Dubai’deki heyecanlı aşık turistleri arasında oldukça popüler hale geldiğinden. Bu, Dubai listesinde yapmanız gereken şeyler olmalıdır.
4. iFly Dubai
iFly Dubai , uçarken yaşamanızı sağlayan kapalı bir skydiving merkezidir. iFLY Dubai, heyecanlı seyirci uçmak için en yakın şeyi yaşamak için mükemmel bir yerdir. Merkez dünyadaki ilk çift dikey rüzgar tüneline sahiptir. Uçuş yaptığınızda, herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyacınız olması durumunda yerden dört metre yüksekte bir eğitmenle askıya alınacaktır. iFly Dubai, oldukça güvenli ve 3 yaşından 103 yaşına kadar herkes tarafından yiyebilir. iFLY Dubai, City Centre Mirdif’de bulunur.
5. Dubai Mall Akvaryum ve Sualtı Hayvanat Bahçesi
Peki o zaman en üstteki deliliğe gel. 750 poundla 300 keskin dişe sahip köpek balıklarıyla dalacak kadar deli misin? Dubai Mall’da 10 milyon litrelik akvaryumun derinliklerine dalmak ve dünyadaki en büyük Kum Tiger Köpekbalığı koleksiyonuyla yüz yüze gelmek suretiyle bir ömür heyecanı yaşayabilirsiniz. İster sertifikalı bir Diver olsanız da olmasanız da, herkes Dubai Akvaryumu ve Sualtı Hayvanat Bahçesi’ndeki Shark Dalışını yaşayabilir. Üç Shark Dalışı günlük olarak düzenlenmekte ve Dalış Master’ın denetimi altında dört dalışçıyı ve her gruptaki öğretmenleri su altında yaşayan dünyanın güzelliklerini keşfedebilmektedir. Dalgıçlar en az 10 yaşında olmalıdır. Sertifikasız dalıcılar ve hatta nasıl yüzeceklerini bilmeyenler, kısa bir kursu tamamlayarak tecrübenin tadını çıkarabilirler.
6. Dolphin Körfezi’nde Yunuslarla Yüzme
Atlantis’teki Yunus Koyu, dünyadaki en sofistike yunus habitatlarından biridir. Burada yunuslarla yüzme fırsatı bulacaksınız. Yunuslarla Yüzme, her yaş ve Yüzme yetenekleri için uygundur. Etkileşimler sığ sularda durmaktan yunuslarla yüzme veya tüplü dalışa kadar uzanır. Otel misafiriniz veya ister gün boyunca ziyaretiniz olsun, Dolphin Bay at Atlantis unutulmaz bir deneyim sunuyor. Tüm etkileşimler, Aquaventure Waterpark’a ve Aquaventure Plajına aynı gün giriş imkanı içerir. Dolphin Bay deneyiminizi en az 14 gün önceden rezervasyon yaptığınızda AED 100’ü kaydedebilirsiniz. Dubai’de ailenizle yapmanız gereken şey budur.
7. Bungee Jumping
Evet doğru okudunuz. Bungee Jumping Dubai’ye geldi. Yerçekimi BölgesiDubai’de 50 metre bungee jumping deneyimi getiriyor. Bu, BAE’de türünün ilk örneği. Yerçekimi Bölgesi’nde isteğe bağlı olarak yüksekliği artırma seçeneği de vardır. Bununla birlikte, Gravity Zone’un kurucusu Ramez Shawky, İnsanlar’ın yüksek ses vermediğini düşünmesine karşın, 16. kattaki banyodan balkona çıkmak gibi bir şey. Al Quoz’da bulunan şirket, ayrıca, dev bir insan mancınık, fermuarlı bir tel fırlatmayı ve repertuarına abone olmayı planlıyor. Ramez’e göre, altı hafta sonlarında (sitenin Cuma ve Cumartesi günleri yalnızca açık olduğu) başlattığı Gravity Zone, 500 ila 600 arası atlama kablosu karşıladı ve slotlar şimdi önceden önceden rezerve edildi. Sonuç olarak, anlık müşterileri ve son dakika rezervasyonlarını geri çevirmek zorunda kaldılar.
8. Çikolata Vücut Bakımı
Cilde uygulanan çikolata, lüks dokusu nedeniyle inanılmaz miktarda besleyici ve genel rahatlama için faydalı olduğuna inanılıyor. Dubai’de iken çikolata kaplıcaları için bu en üst noktalara kendinizi şımartmaya hazırlanın. Burada Dubai’deki en üst çikolata kaplıca tedavilerini sunuyoruz
– Ritz Carlton – Hilton Dubai Jumeirah – Radisson Blue Dubai Media City’de Sanso Spa
9. 24 Karat Altın Yüz Bakımı
Yerel güzellik uzmanı Lee’ye göre, altın antioksidanlar açısından zengin, cildi sıkılaştırarak Güneş’teki hasarları azalttı ve yüzünde ışıltılı bir ışıma yaratmaya yardımcı oluyor. Antik Mısırlıların iyileştirici özellikleri nedeniyle altın yuttukları söyleniyor ve ayrıca Kleopatra’nın yüzünde altın maskeli her gece uyuduğu söyleniyor. Dubai’de hem erkek hem de kadınlar için Altın yüzü sunan birçok spa var. Fiyatlar AED 89 – AED 25.000 arasında değişiyor. Dolayısıyla maceralarınız yeterliyse ve ceplerinizi boşaltmak isterseniz, Dubai ziyaretiniz sırasında biraz bulun.
10. Oasis Merkezinde Dinozor temalı 6D Sinema
Oasis merkezindeki Thrill Zone, Dinozor temalı 6D Sineması’nın nihai tecrübesini sunar. Sinemayı yeni bir düzeye getiren 6D sinema ortamı çevre unsurlarıyla (yağmur, rüzgar, sis) yaratır ve saniyede 400 sandalye hareketi ile arttırır. Film deneyimi, gerçeklikle illüzyon arasındaki farkı en aza indirgeyerek izleme zevkini en üst düzeye çıkarır. En yeni teknoloji, gerçek üç boyutlu görüntüleri gözlerinizin önüne getiren en son görsel ve ses efektlerini kullanmaktadır. Siemens tarafından desteklenmektedir, çocuklar ve yetişkinler için aynı şarttır. İnanmak için bunu yaşamalısınız! Kolayca, ailenin tüm üyelerinin harika zaman geçirebileceği Duabi’de yapılacak şeyler olmalıdır. Fiyatlar kişi başı AED 25’den başlar.
11. Atlantis Sualtı Süiti
Yüksek bütçeniz varsa bir kez daha, lüks Atlantis Sualtı Takımından birinde bir gece geçirme şansınızı kaçırmamanız gerekir . Atlantis’teki çatıdan yere pencereye 65.000 deniz canlısının muhteşem manzarasına sahip sadece iki sualtı süiti bulunmaktadır. Fiyatlar, AED 9500 ile başlarken ağır bütçeniz varsa, Dubai’de bu şeylerin olması gerekir.
12. Derin Deniz Dalışı
Dubai, su sporları ve aktiviteleri ile çok popülerdir ve hiçbir şey, tüplü dalış veya su altı deniz deniz keşfi olmadan tamamlanamaz. 2004 yılında kurulan Derin Deniz Dalış merkezi, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’ndeki en eski ve önde gelen dalış merkezidir. Derin Blue Sea, yeni başlayanlardan eğitmenlere ve ilk yardım kurslarının birkaç seviyesine kadar çeşitli kurslar sunmaktadır. Fly Board, X-jet paketi rezervasyonu, jet bıçağı rezervasyonu, şnorkel ve Tüplü Dalış, dalış merkezi tarafından sunulan heyecan verici etkinliklerden birkaçıdır.
13. Desert Safari
Dubai’deki en heyecan verici ve heyecan verici aktivitelerden biri Desert Safari ve Dune Bashing’tir. Çörek safarisi çölün ortasında bir akşam yerken, çölün üzerinden geçip bir göbek dansının tadını çıkarmak değil. Onun bir sürü aktivite paketi. Kum kayağı, Camel Ride, Dune Bashing, Barbekü yemeği, Belly Dancing, 4×4 sürüş, kadın kuaförlüğü, Arap kostümleri ve daha birçok şeyin keyfini çıkarabilirsiniz. Dubai gezisi Desert Safari olmadan tamamlanamaz. Dubai listesinde yapılacak şeylerin üstünde olmalı.
14. SEGA Cumhuriyeti
Dubai Mall’da bulunan Japonya merkezli SEGA şirketi ile ilişkili bir Tema parkı, bütün aile için Dubai’nin en eğlenceli zamanlarından biridir. SEGA corporation, yüksek teknoloji eğlence endüstrisinde küresel liderlerden biridir. 76.000 feet kare parkta, en yeni hareket simülatörleri ve sanal tecrübelerden, bölgenin en büyük beceri ve tadil oyunları çeşidine kadar 15 heyecan verici cazibe merkezi ve 170’den fazla oyun bulunuyor. A şeyler Dubai’de yapmak gerekir.
15. Dubai Scoopi Cafe’de 23 Karat Altın Dondurma tadın
Dubai’de yapılacak en çılgınca şeyleri ses çıkarmayabilir, ancak Scoopi Cafe’de 3.000 AIDS değerinde bir dondurma servis edileceğini biliyorsanız eminim sanırım benimle aynı fikirde olacaksınız. Bir dondurma yemek için 3000 AED harcayacak kadar delice olmalısın. Geçen sene başlatılan Scoopi Cafe, dünyadaki en pahalı dondurmadan birini sunuyor. Dondurma, Madagaskar’dan vanilyalı dondurma, İran’dan safran, İtalya’dan nadir siyah truffles ve tabii ki yenilebilir 23 ayar altından yapılmış bir dondurmadır. Hepsi bir Versace kasedinde Versace kaşığı ile servis edilir – ki bunları tutabilirsiniz. Bir büyük ikramiye: Scoopi’deki dondurma sıvı azot ile yapılır, bu da son derece düşük sıcaklıklarda dondurulduğunu ve kremsi ve pürüzsüz bir doku elde edildiğini gösterir.
16. Dubai’de bir Ferrari Kiralama
Süper bir Ferrari’yi kullanmak, çoğunuz için dünyanın her yerinde, ama kesinlikle Dubai’de olmayacak bir rüya. Dubai süper araba şehiridir. Polisten bile Bugatti Veyron, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Lamborghini gibi Süper Otomobiller var. Burada Dubai’de pek çok kiralık şirket, Ferrari’yi 3.000 AED’den başlayarak kiralık araba olarak sunuyor. Bu, deneyim ve lüks için bir gün olacak olana kıyasla gerçekten ucuz. Bu Dubai’deki Yapılacaklar listenizde olmalıdır.
17. Camel Polo
Geleneksel bir Polo sporu üzerine Arapça bir bükülme. Camel Polo benzersiz, unutulmaz ve genellikle komik bir deneyimdir. Arkadaşlarınızla ve meslektaşlarınızla eğlenceli vakitler geçirmek için heyecan verici bir ekip oluşturma etkinliği için mükemmeldir. Şaşırtıcı olmayan bir şekilde, Camel Polo ziyaretçiler ve sakinler için yapılması gereken bir Dubai haline geldi. Gulf Ventures Camel Polo’nun büyüleyici spor oynamak için harika bir fırsat sunuyor.
18. Burj al Arab Helipad’da Evlenmek
Burj al Arab, Dubai’nin yenilikçiliğinin ve yaratıcılığın simgesi oldu. Agassi v Federer tenis maçı ve büyük bir Tiger Woods sürücüsü ile ünlü olan Burj Al Arab Helipad’ın üstünde özel bir akşam yemeği kadar özel bir şey yok. Ayrıca düğünler için popüler hale gelince, hiçbir şey övünmek için bu mekanın üstünde bulunamazlar. Dubai’de yapılacak lüks şeyler olabilir, ancak burada Burj al Arab Helipad’da misafirlerinizi romantik bir düğün için davet edecek kadar delice olmalısınız.
19. Robot Jokeylerle Deve Yarışını İzleyin
Bahse girerim ki dünyadaki en zengin sporların görüntüsünü kaçırmak istemiyorsunuzdur. Deve yarışı, Dubai’de çok popüler bir spor. Al Marmoum Racetrack ünlü Deve yarışını görmek için ana mekan. Robot Jockeys geleneksel insan jokeylerinin yerini almış gibi son 50 yılda spor muazzam bir değişim geçirdi. Yarış kuralları, eski çağlarda olduğu gibi aynı kalır. Buna inanmak için bunu kendiniz yaşamanız gerekir, kesinlikle pişman olmayacaksınız.
Dubai'de Yapılacak En Çılgın 18 Şey
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zogunira-blog · 5 years
The Nuiances of Ukraine E Visa
Bear in mind, a sole proprietorship is qualified for a business card.   You're going to be marketing your services and here you ought to go and refresh the info from the very first point.  Our company made a comprehensive list.
To start with, it gives them a reduce overhead which ends in cheaper banking for you.  Last, Ally Bank does not offer you outgoing foreign transfers.
The Ukraine E Visa Cover Up There are many little things you will need to follow.  Everybody wanted to find biometric passports and feel the pleasure of being part of the European community and take pleasure in the new amount of the simplicity of travels.  There were a great deal of plans.
If you have any type of questions associated with Startup Visa Program, don't hesitate to inform us! The majority of the new visitors want to look at the visa site.  Thus, if you're planning on staying longer than that, you may want to find an advance visa from a Ukrainian embassy or on the internet.
An important quality of Ukrainian labour migration is its capacity to create a substantial number of remittances.  In many circumstances, our nationality has an important part in establishing an extremely irrational ceiling for our opportunities and aspirations.  Algerian workers are among the very best.
Though remote communication is a critical portion of business negotiations, the face-to-face conversation is vital.  If you establish your business and receive a residence permit, you are going to have work permit also.  As a student, such a space additionally gives a fantastic opportunity for you to forge strong relationships with different students from all around the world.
What Does Ukraine E Visa Mean? What's more, you should apply and have a peek at UAE visa details.  If you're tried to go to UAE.  There's always a good deal of different expatriates who will aid you with jobs in Dubai for Algerian.
There are four primary criteria whom I believe digital nomads search for when picking a bank to use abroad.  Ukrainian law doesn't allow adoption intermediaries.  Crime generally, and against foreigners specifically, is almost non-existent.
There's probably no other city on the planet where so many unique men and women happily coexist in 1 place.  Poland has all of the features which make for a fantastic place to study.  You decide whether it's a substantial enough difference for you compared to Germanythe country that has the absolute most visa-free travel access on the planet.
The Importance of Ukraine E Visa Visa issuance is going to be dependent on the Embassy and no refund will be given for visas that have been refused.  If you're a U.S. citizen, you don't should have a Ukrainian visa so long as you'll be in Ukraine for fewer than 90 days within a 180-day period.  Though there's been considerable shift in many facets of life in Ukraine, the country still has a very long way to go.
Ukraine Brides Agency is additionally an accredited travel agency and can arrange the very best travel arrangements to make sure you will have safe passage and an extremely enjoyable trip.  You made a decision to go to Ukraine.  It is one of the most beautiful country of the world.
The European Parliament approved the debut of zero quotas for lots of Ukrainian agricultural products 47.  Ally Bank has a quick collection of blocked countries where you maynot use your card.  If you are requested to give proof a document from the usa is authentic, we can assist.
It's possible for you to track the condition of your pension funds on the particular website.  There's also no visa requirement if you're a US or EU citizen.  The price of living is also affordable, which makes Ukraine a good choice to travel on budget.
To the contrary, a little regional company can get its audience much faster than a tremendous market player with spaces located in the huge cities.  In Google and Bing, you will discover hundreds of totally free websites that can offer you free resume.  Just have a look at what's happening to the Russian stock industry.
| Ukraine E Visa and Ukraine E Visa - The Perfect Combination Is to know whether you're eligible for entering the United Arab Emirates.  Without a valid visa, you can't enter the country unless you're a citizen of a nation that does not need a visa to enter Singapore.  Some of the folks that are already in Algeria.
Business regulations The remaining portion of the business regulations will probably not change, barring 5Cvi.  There's also no visa requirement if you're a US or EU citizen.  The price of living is also affordable, which makes Ukraine a good choice to travel on budget.
The Ukraine E Visa Chronicles Bear in mind, a sole proprietorship is qualified for a business card.   You're going to be marketing your services and here you ought to go and refresh the info from the very first point.  Registering a business provides you an opportunity to submit an application for a residence permit and work permit up to five years!
To start with, it gives them a reduce overhead which ends in cheaper banking for you.  The bank has a startup mindset and is eager to entice new clients, that's the reason they are the sole bank accepting e-residents.
Of the limited city-states you'll see in the Earth, Singapore in one of them.  Dubai City Company, in the long term, is a vital alternative for finding work in the Middle East.  Dubai is generally speaking the ideal place for next prospective expats.
People, who represent country's business and government also have made other efforts to earn outsourcing in the nation much simpler.  Ukrainian law doesn't allow adoption intermediaries.  For instance, if you're asking for a senior-level position in Dubai.
To the contrary, a little regional company can get its audience much faster than a tremendous market player with spaces located in the huge cities.  In Google and Bing, you will discover hundreds of totally free websites that can offer you free resume.  Just have a look at what's happening to the Russian stock industry.
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Ukraine E Visa Pick the country you're travelling to.  Many travelers are nowadays on the lookout for less trodden paths.  The airport supplies a variety of engaging activities for kids and grown-ups.
The Ultimate Ukraine E Visa Trick If you're lactose intolerant style for non-modified, healthy mild goods, and you won't have any issues!  Many times, it is a fantastic method to meet locals and get excellent tips, yet to maintain your privacy.  On the negative side, you will want to conserve some money.
All you need to do is filling out a work application and after that follow instruction.  Our organization is definitely advising you to begin employing the Indeed.  Utilize Visa Quick Search to receive the info you will need for your destination.
New Ideas Into Ukraine E Visa Never Before Revealed If you choose a flight to Kiev, the destination can be reached in a few of hours from nearly all European nations.  Traveling is easy too.   Living costs are somewhat more reasonably priced than in many nations in western Europe, at around US$9,000 annually.
The simple fact that gays do not wish to deal with Ukraine is undoubtedly a superior sign.  You made a decision to go to Ukraine.  It is one of the most beautiful country of the world.
The Foolproof Ukraine E Visa Strategy There are many little things you will need to follow.  Still, there's reason for hope.  There were a great deal of plans.
How to Get Started with Ukraine E Visa? If you have any type of questions associated with Startup Visa Program, don't hesitate to inform us! Especially if it is a place I need visa.   Have a look what visa you are able to acquire and what's about.
Instead, each institute is liable for their own admission practice.  A short-term residence permit for entrepreneurship could possibly be issued for as much as five decades.  The International centre is the very best study point for worldwide students.
To be able to make something new, you have to learn the current state of affairs.  For the large part, in the event the circumstances for a job is required.  As a student, such a space additionally gives a fantastic opportunity for you to forge strong relationships with different students from all around the world.
| What Ukraine E Visa Is - and What it Is Not For every single career seeker who'd love to join our system of job searching.  The country has an extremely skilled and educated workforce, including world leading IT professionals that are keeping the world's biggest companies running smoothly.  Just have a look at what's happening to the Russian stock industry.
Top Choices of Ukraine E Visa If you're really attempting to continue to keep your expenses down so that you're able to travel for longer, then you'll are looking for a host that gives meals as well as a place to stay.  On the flip side, you should think about a higher cost of living.  It's difficult to explain, if it isn't immediately obvious, the worth of experiencing a bit of paper with stamps on it.
Facts, Fiction and Ukraine E Visa In truth, it was a home computer, which may be connected to a TV.  No one wants to miss the opportunity to see new places and I would say it's the craziest idea ever.  It's not unusual to meet somebody who has done the Australian work thing.
The Fundamentals of Ukraine E Visa Revealed If you are operating the company from a different country where you're personally tax resident, please consult the appropriate tax treaties and speak to a tax professional to see whether the firm may be considered resident in your house country instead.  Let us now check the many visa considerations that you are going to have to account for to be able to study in Sweden.  80% of all of the job offers are from the United States, and only 20% are from different nations.
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roamingrandomroads · 3 years
Hello Tumblr. World.... whoever still reads these posts. This space was meant to be a travel blog. Obviously since March 2020, travels have been at a standstill because of COVID. But this blog was dormant long before then... caught up in work and the general stress of life, I did travel a fair bit at the time, but just couldn’t bring myself to blog again.
Why? No clue. Perhaps it was apathy again? That was the recurring theme in some of these posts afterall. Perhaps it was laziness (life and the internet sure knows how to dumb you down sometimes!). Perhaps it was just the inability to find words to put into this screen —- most likely the case. But my eyes witnessed a multitude of amazing cities between 2016 and 2019, and none of it was documented. That notion in itself saddens me and remained a nagging little voice for what seems like forever.
I really wanted to use the COVID lockdown time to go through the hundreds of photos I took during those trips and blog about those incredible experiences — a travel-appetizer-type-creation until the world spins again. But I didn’t. Life jabbed me in the craziest ways, and to make ends meet during COVID, we worked non-stop at the office. Then a whole bunch of things happened — I got married, for one :). And between work and adjusting to changes in my life, the notion of blogging those past travels stayed in my mind but slipped from my fingers. I couldn’t find time. Or much inspiration. Even though it was exactly what I needed to be doing.
Now - for the first time since my ambitions 2019 trip to France/Belgium/England, I’ve travelled again. This time, to Dubai, in the UAE. Part work, part fun, I’m here with my husband, exploring the city with new eyes.
Let’s say, MAJORLY new eyes — I came here twice before; 2015-16, for work purposes. But my boss at the time had me slave-driven so intently that I barely had a chance to see anything beyond its intimidatingly large buildings from the outside, the local IBIS, and the inside of a supermarket. Not the best introduction to the regions most impressive city!
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And here I am. Nearly 5 years later, in a room 30 floors above the ground, watching the city sleep and wake from my hotel room window. I’ve been here two days and have seen and understood more of this city in this short time than I did on my two previous visits. Yes... I’m seeing it with new eyes, and I’m liking what I see, even though it’s extravagant personality is not what I am used to in a trip abroad.
More posts to come. If people still read this, drop me a line. If not, this blog then remains a journal into my own soul, for me, to connect with that part of me that refuses to give into apathy, and had sought travel to overcome it, and did. All the minute details. And all the stories that come along with that :). Cheers, Tumblr.
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Reason behind why desert safari Dubai has Become world's no.1 tourism experience
Most individuals want to visit and experience a desert at least once in their lives, and some even want to have it on their wish list. Desert exploration is one of the most fascinating and adventurous trips that all should take at least once in a life. Discovering a desert is amongst the most daring activities, as it's one of the main things to do in Dubai. Not but because of the risky behaviors but also because you may enjoy the most exciting amusement throughout your vacation to Dubai's desert safari.
A desert safari in Dubai is an exciting and excellent opportunity to participate in and learn about the native customs. Guests worldwide will eventually see the Arabian Desert and Tribal life, as it has an intriguing culture. As a result, Dubai has become a world-renowned tourist attraction. Not only does a Dubai desert safari offer breathtaking views, but it also offers adventurous and thrilling safari drives that entice visitors to return again and again. Tourists that enjoy thrills have an even better desert safari experience in Dubai.
Stop at the sunset point to photograph the stunning sunset over the desert landscape. Then, participate in other activities such as Henna Designing, Camel Safari, and Sandboarding. You still feel like you can handle more excitement or look for thrills and adventure, unlike any other experience. Desert safari drive,4*4 dune drive, BBQ buffet dinner, camel ride, belly dance performance, fire show, and free pick and drop, and many more activities make your Dubai desert safari a unique and exciting experience.
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Ø  4*4 Dune Drive
Enjoy the dune bashing ride in Land Cruiser 4*4 famous and entertaining desert safari sport. Tourists will adore and be ecstatic to participate in this activity, which is highly rewarding. Dunes will be a whistling feature of this exercise, and sand-boarding is another exciting effort that involves participants balancing themselves on slick sandy terrain.
Ø  Camel Ride
In Dubai, you can go on a camel safari ride in the afternoon or the mornings, with a 45-minute camel ride available for travelers. They can go on a camel ride to see the desert fauna and do exciting activities like the falcon exhibition, where people may stroll around and snap pictures with the lovely avian. Camels are symbols of Dubai, and many folks think of camels when they anticipate a genuine and unique adventure in the Arabian Desert. The heritage and inhabitants of Dubai have a close bond with camels, so they are an essential part of the local culture. And that is why camel riding is such a favorite tourist activity in Dubai. 
Ø  Belly Dance
Another gorgeous and fascinating event in Dubai's Desert Safari is a belly dancing show. The show will be made even more exciting by Arabian music, which will be played during dinner, giving visitors a taste of authentic Arabian nightlife.
Ø  Fire Show
Then comes the show that is called fire show and is the craziest amongst all. Tourists thoroughly enjoy the exciting fire show, and it remains the most attractive show while having a tour in Dubai. Tourists should not forget to attend the Dubai Desert Safari when seeing other unique destinations in Dubai and enjoying fun with their children. A desert is anything that offers a plethora of thrilling, adventurous, and entertainment-packed activities. When travelers first step on the velvety golden sand of the desert, they'll have an out-of-the-world experience. The environment is relaxed, providing tranquility and an apparent respite from daily life.
Ø  BBQ Buffet Dinner
The Dubai Desert Safari BBQ Dinner is one of the most popular things in the UAE. It is strongly suggested to go on a trip, whether they are traveling with family or friends. You can joy a fantastic evening among the red dunes of the Arabian Desert with BBQ Starters, Salads, Main Dish, Barbeque Station, Sweets, and Drinks included.
Relax and enjoy a variety of entertainment shows (Belly dance, fire show & Tanoura show). Tourists get to choose their preferred trip with the BBQ supper package to immerse themselves in the lifestyle, music, and cuisine of the desert tribe. This is an excellent way for visitors to begin their Dubai vacation with adventure while also learning about the city's history and culture. This is a not-to-be-missed chance for anyone seeking an exciting boast. After that, you will be dropped back at your hotel or residence once you have finished your dinner.
Morning and evening desert safari itineraries are the most common options for desert safari in Dubai. Travelers can choose from a variety of packages to suit their needs. But, surprisingly, no longer will a viable option of the day, the desert appeal and splendor continue the same, and there will be no sacrificing in terms of enjoyment.
Ø  Dhow cruise
Board the Dubai Cruise for an out-of-this-world journey while admiring the city's remarkable evening views from the pristine waters of Dubai. You can join the cruise with your family members to enjoy an exquisite meal while admiring spectacular, stunning views, scenery, and significant showcases of Dubai city, having to listen to soothing music or watching dances by local professionals and cruising for an evening to recall.
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Each program includes a variety of fun interactions and activities. Because of the sunlight, a morning desert safari dubai is fascinating, as tourists can adequately appreciate the splendor of sand stretches, sand waves, brilliant desert appearances, and so on. The magnificent sunsets and refreshing wind waves from the desert are prominent Dubai desert safari features.
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sunsetdesert · 4 years
Do's and Don'ts of a desert safari in Dubai
If you visit Dubai but do not go for a desert safari, then your Dubai travel is incomplete. This is the best experience for Dubai travelers, especially the ones who have visited Dubai for the first time. But before you move out for the desert safari, there are certain things that you will have to keep in mind.
If you are interested to know about the do's and do not's of a desert safari, then going through the below-mentioned discussion will help:
1. Make sure that you carry some medicines for motion sickness
You are preparing yourself for the best and the craziest trip of your life. You certainly do not want to miss out on the fun and the activities just because of your sickness. You must keep an anti-dizziness tablet with you that you should take before the start of your trip. This will prevent all sorts of motion sickness. A lot of tourists do not take any medicine because they feel that they are absolutely fine. But finally, even they end up feeling sick during and after the trip. The tour coordinator does indeed have a first aid box, however, it is always better to carry your own set of medicines. 
2. Do not get overheated before the start of the trip
You will certainly not want to fall sick during the desert trip. This would spoil your experience of the desert safari. If you fall sick, it will also leave behind a bad memory for your lifetime. You should not go for the safari empty stomach. Make sure that you have a light breakfast at least three hours before the start of the ride. This would mean that your meal will get completely digested by the time you start the trip. You should however not drink too much because if you do so then your stomach will start feeling extremely uncomfortable when you wear the car seat belt. morning desert safari dubai
3. Make sure that you do not feel shy to ask for more dunes
This is a tip that is meant only for the risk-takers. Several travelers enjoy the dunes ride because the driver drives very fast and also competes with the other cars. They try to move the fastest and win the race. These stuns and these exhibitions are excellent but they are certainly not for the weak-hearted people. If you enjoy this then you do not have to feel shy. You can ask your driver and they will make sure that they will satisfy and also relax your cravings.
A trip to Dubai is satisfying, enjoyable, and relaxing for everyone. But the important thing is that you need to be well prepared for it. You will have to plan and prepare well and have all the information related to the city beforehand. You should know where exactly you are going, with whom you are going and how long you are planning to stay. You should carry all the important things with you so that you do not face any problems during the trip.
If you follow the above mentioned tips when going for a desert safari, then you will surely enjoy the experience. You can either opt for a morning or an evening safari. But make sure that you do not miss out on the safari. If you visit in the morning, then there will be lesser number of people. So, you will get all the more time to explore the place. Moreover, you will have the entire day to yourself to spend it the way you like. If you take the necessary precautions, you will certainly enjoy the trip.
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
Leaf: What’s your favourite season? autumn <3
Tree: What’s the highest up you’ve ever been? i’m actually not sure sea level-wise. otherwise probably at the top of burj khalifa in dubai.
Flower: What’s the prettiest thing you own? my perfumes.
Grass: Do you prefer to be outside or inside? it depends. in good weather, definitely outside. i’m usually inside though.
Soil: Have you ever planted something? yes.
Mountain: What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled? london or barcelona.
Rock: What’s your favourite gemstone? sapphire or diamond.
Vines: What’s your aesthetic? eh, not sure?
Plant: What, in your opinion, is your best aspect? i guess my personality.
Forest: Where are you most calm? at home in bed.
Mud: Do you like to do hands-on things? sometimes.
Bug: What’s your most irrational fear? cockroaches and driving in places i’m not familiar with.
Cave: Where’s your favourite hiding place? my room.
Garden: Where were you at this time last week? at home.
Spring: What’s your earliest memory? just being at our very first apartment.
- Water:
Tide: Can you swim/do you like to swim? i can swim enough to save my life but i don’t particularly enjoy competitive swimming. i just like wading in the water.
Beach: If you could be one place right now, where would you be? on a cruise that travels all over the world.
Coral: Do you believe in mermaids? no lol. it’d be cool though.
Seashell: What’s a sound that soothes you? rain while i’m trying to sleep.
Seaweed: Favourite sea creature? seahorses.
Saltwater: Cold showers or hot showers? i take actual cold showers in summer, otherwise warm to hot every other season.
Stream: When was the last time you had a bath? last year sometime.
Ocean: Have you ever been sailing? i haven’t done it specifically but i’ve been on boats/ships sailing a lot.
Hurricane: If you had to save one thing, what would it be? any of my loved ones.
Rain: What do you do when it rains? if i can i’ll just stay at home.
Thunderstorm: Do you like to be outside in the rain? of course not.
Dew: What’s your favourite drink? honeydew milk tea with pearls.
Bubble: Do you live near the water? not really, about 45 minutes away.
Snow: Does it snow where you live? never.
Ice: What’s your favourite thing to do in the winter? stay in a lot tbh.
- Air:
Clouds: When was the last time you were on a plane? about three weeks ago.
Breeze: What’s your favourite dessert food? warm desserts. waffles, pies, cakes.
Smoke: Who’s your favourite artist? frida kahlo.
Fog: Do you wear glasses? yes.
Wind: What’s your favourite song to dance to? anything crunk lol.
Mist: Do you like fairytales? i did as a kid.
Sky: Do you like to wear dresses? yes. really easy to pack dresses when traveling.
Stars: What’s one wish you have? a job that i love.
Flight: What are you most excited for right now? going to a destination wedding in under a month!
Float: What’s the first thing you think when you wake up? i check the time.
Breath: What type of music do you listen to? rnb.
Bird: If you could fly, where would you fly to? right now - japan.
Feather: How long do you usually sleep for? anything between 5-8 hours.
Balloon: What’s your favourite carnival ride? horror rides lol.
Space: Have you ever seen an eclipse? nope.
- Fire:
Bonfire: What’s one thing you lost that you want back? money lol.
Warmth: Who is the person nearest to you right now? my sister.
Light: What time is it where you are? 1:01am.
Volcano: What are you most afraid of? losing my loved ones.
Sun: What would the person nearest to you right now say about you? that i’m her older sister lol.
Lava: Do you like to do reckless things? i’ve done it in the past without realizing. i’m a lot more careful now.
Flame: Have you ever burned something? yes.
Soot: Have you ever hurt someone you didn’t mean to? yes.
Coal: Have you ever been hurt by someone? yes.
Ash: Do you have any birthmarks/scars? i have a small birthmark on the side of my waist.
Campfire: What’s your favourite childhood memory? watching sesame street in the mornings and eating nutella sandwiches.
Lightning: Are you afraid of storms? not really. only if i’m driving in really bad weather.
Energy: Pick one word to describe your life. Just one? meh.
Lantern: Are you afraid of the dark? if i’m somewhere i’m not familiar with.
Summer: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? haha.
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jaeyloaded · 4 years
How I Escaped R*pe – Actress, Vanessa Onu Opens Up`
Top-notch video vixen, Vanessa Onu, is a popular face on the screens. Aside being a dancer and actress, she is also an officer with the Nigeria Immigration Service.
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The Computer Science & Technology graduate of Wisconsin International University, Ghana has worked with a host of talented musicians, including Rude Boy, Tunde of Styl’ Plus, Koffi Olomide, Peruzzi, Burna Boy, Phyno and Simi to mention a few. In this chat, Onu opens up on her career and how she combines entertainment with her day job. The Miss Aviation 1st runners-up also speaks on her ideal man, close brush with rape and her dreams, among others. You have your finger in many pies. You are a video vixen, actress and also an immigration officer. How do you combine all these three worlds? I was all these before I became an officer, so it took a toll on me to get my balance. My entertainment career dropped faster than I could pick it, but I simply just had to master the art of tie management. I get called up before shoots so as to make preparations and all. Tell us about growing up. Were you born with a silver spoon? Growing up was a challenge. My mother died after labour and my father some years later. I guess you can say I became a rebellious child while growing up in a family of 10 siblings. I am the tenth child. I had to battle my way even when it seemed it was given to me on a silver platter. I went all in to stand for myself; sometimes I was given help, but not much moral or emotional support. You lost mum and dad early, what was it like growing up without your parents? It was extremely hard, the fact that I had to watch every single one of my siblings and become each of them all wrapped into one personality, which was me. What was the reaction of your family when you decided to go into entertainment? They saw what I was doing from the very start. But obviously as Africans, the elderly ones didn’t approve it. Which of your parents did you get your talents from? I could say my mother, but then it is probably a mix of both, because I am tough and at the same time nice. The issue of rape is very common nowadays, and people are really angry especially after the killing of a girl inside a church in Edo State recently. Have you ever been a victim of sexual harassment? Rape is one of the most terrible things that could happen to a woman. It is quite sad that it is widespread today and very little is being done to curtail it and protect victims, especially against the backdrop of the stigma that comes with it. However, I did come across some moments of it (rape), but it wasn’t for me I believe. I ran the other way and it left some scars (on me) mentally. My condolences to those that have gone through it. Which is the most challenging video you featured in, and what is life like as a video vixen? I haven’t really come across any (challenge) yet. It is a simple life honestly. You go on set, switch your personality to suit your character and animate it. It is similar to acting, just less days and no words. Is being a video vixen paying the bills and has your family finally accepted you? Not all the bills, but yes, it pays the bills. I mean it goes a long way. And my family understands the many things that I do, so they have given me their support, but not completely. We understand you are also an actress. Tell us about acting and Nollywood? I haven’t really made a statement in Nollywood yet; my presence is still up and coming. With movie, I think it is a case of when it is your time it is your time. However, I have featured in some movies like Rising Thunder, Lonely Tears, My Sister and I, Salome, On-locked, and Busted, among others. As an actress and video vixen, how do you handle your male fans and what is the craziest thing a male fan has done to you? I really don’t think I have much male fans, but I appreciate the ones I know. Talking about male fans and the craziest thing they have done to me; the question should be not what they have done to me, but offered me. It is funny, but fans once offered me a return ticket for us to meet up in Dubai, and from there go on an all-expense paid trip to Germany, to relax. What is the secret to your success? My success power is God, my sisters and handwork. Tell us about the man in your life and also describe your ideal man? I don’t have one or maybe we aren’t official yet. But he is the sweetest and kindest-hearted man I have ever known and love. I don’t really have an ideal man, but he shouldn’t be skinny; I mean like really skinny. My ideal man should be hard working, goofy, strict, God-fearing and must love animals and children. What is your most challenging experience in the entertainment space? My most challenging experience was when I aced a role, but it was still given to someone who couldn’t work it due to unknown reasons. What is your advice for young girls who want to take after you? My advice is for them to consume the work and not let it consume them. Also, be very humble, but strict when needed. What are your dreams? I would love to run an organisation for not just children on the streets, but also the homeless women. My dream is to provide them with work and home. Also, I want to be on top of my game and raise a beautiful family. Read the full article
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kuhnertjournal · 5 years
Week 5: History of Design
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 On page 182, we are shown the “Shroder House,” and discuss how it “it appears less like a series of solid volumes than as a conglomeration of individual planes that pass through one another” (Eskilson, 2019). When I read this, I immediately think of the walls of Tartarus, the mythical prison for the Gods. The walls ever so often to prevent intrusion or escaping. Either way, this structural design strikes me as something containing hints of De Stijl architecture from the way that it’s levels seem to fall into each other. This is a hotel in my town of Wausau, WI. I drive past it every single day during work, even delivering to it at certain times. To my eyes, they do not seem as one giant circle, they appear as many different wheels that rotate around themselves. Our book also talks about the off the wall colors that help set features apart. At night we can see that there are lights designed to this this sort of thing. During the day, the beams are all an offset red that makes them identifiable even from the road. It draws the eye!
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 On page 193, we are introduced to Constructivism and some various examples that stem from that. What caught my attention was the “Monument to the Third International” design, specifically how it was “designed to reach a height of over 1,300 feet, with a spiral skeletal structure encasing a series of government offices” (Eskilson, 2019, p. 193). It was said to have incorporated many different identifiable shapes within the structure as well. My immediate thought ran to a skyscraper in Dubai that I constantly look at in my free time. Although it is not necessarily a physical part of my daily life, I wish it was! This structural design incorporates many different and unique ideas, very similar to constructivism from what I can tell. Judging from what I read, I can gather that these ideas were ahead of their time and almost futuristic in nature. That’s what I perceive when I look at this building. I see them being similar because this building is so unique, what with it’s entire structure almost bending in the shape of a fin or the point that it meets up at the top. We can also see by comparing these two designs just how much time has evolved. Granted not all skyscrapers are this tall, but there are certainly buildings in Dubai that surpass the 1300-foot mark by well over 700 feet. Bottom line, both of these designs were ahead of their time in theory!
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An excellent example that caught my eye in the reading was on page 277 when we were shown the poster of “Anonymous, Mightier Yet” (Eskilson, 2019). This is a Second World War poster designed by Britain to entice people to join the military with ideas of being a hero and discovering a new journey. I just wanted to include a poster design above for the National Guard that I am shown constantly while drilling at Fort McCoy. Times have definitely changed, and new methods have been adapted. Now instead of promising exciting adventures, the recruiters simply post the amazing benefits, such a sign-on bonus or free education. This can also go to show how different the situation can be depending on the state of the world. Right now, we are not in the middle of a world war situation, so that could have something to do with the varying theme. Either way, not much else has changed!
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 One of the larger concepts discussed in our book was Bauhaus. We are shown an example of the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau, Berlin on page 225. The description turns to discussing how “asymmetry was also a key aesthetic component”, how the buildings “were intended to be experienced in three dimensions”, and how “Gropius, in contrast, left these ‘industrial materials’ exposed” (Eskilson, 2019, p. 225). We can see in the image that there are many different buildings, each looking a little different from the last, but still very simple in nature. This reminded me an awful lot of how the Aspirus hospital appears in Wausau. Above is a picture of just one of the various wings of the hospital. Similar to what Gropius said, this is a building that you would need to walk around to fully grasp what it looks like, as each part looks different from the rest. It looks simple in design, with many of the industrial elements still exposed that were used to construct it. To my eyes, this largely relates to a Bauhaus design in today’s standards.
Eskilson, S. (2019). Graphic design: a new history. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Guard, I. N. A. N. (2018, December 12). A wide variety of career paths can lead to a $20,000 enlistment bonus. Are you a cook, perhaps, a financial analyst? Opportunity awaits you. Get started here: https://t.co/iosj3Ro6eM #GoGuard #INGuard pic.twitter.com/EgCu92UZeW. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/innationalguard/status/1072974131870818305
Keller, H. (2017, May 12). The Craziest Skyscrapers in Dubai. Retrieved from https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/the-craziest-skyscrapers-in-dubai
Pharmacy Residency. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.aspirus.org/pharmacy-residency
Tower - Picture of Plaza Hotel and Suites, Wausau. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g60370-d141974-i261136720-Plaza_Hotel_and_Suites-Wausau_Wisconsin.html
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brothalynchhung · 5 years
2019 overview.
this year.. was fucking two years in one. also a little late again but whatever. this is going to be long as FUCK. 
started 2019 in dubai
spent the first couple of days in Dubai on the beach
went to London and just fucked around dt and chinatown lost that damn snake ring fml
I got drunk eating dumplings watching Jeffrey star in that bed LMFAOOOYOO LMFAOOOOOEGJEORIGHSREUG
got back to Ottawa and it was straight GRIND from the get go
back to my last semester of uni 
back to club m (omg.. I miss:( kinda lol)
started that govt job
back to social media marketing for Dubai
3 jobs + school basically
did that dumbass STUPID FUCKING govt job all the way in quebec that I woke up for and travelled for everyday 
would go straight to gym, work again, or school fml
wasn't entirely bad I kinda needed it cuz I applied to a million jobs during that time and did school work LMAO also printed a lot of important shit and got paid so whatever
AND The fortune teller who like prophisized all this shit goddddd 
iconic if I must say
little did I know...
I miss movati fml lol
working at club Monaco omg ugh they gave me life honestly
fun times w trang cc precious Courtney mich JACK Amanda Raman donia even tho she annoying lol and whoever else I worked w jana jil Daria honestly I just miss Courtney LMFAO uhh jenn was cool too 
I'm never going to forget that place I swear to god I have so much loyalty and pride for my memories for that place im never going to take my experience there for
chilling with avid Vinny and like Alex a bit LMAO he would randomly ask to chill it was weird
that Chinese dinner and chat time thing in his car WHAT WAS THATTT
chilling like a scrub a cu with hector and that crew goddLMAO
avin vin rideau gang
visiting avid at nordstorm the Rui girl and Herman lol he was sofunny
last class with strangle omg he was iconic honestly 
trang pargol fidede zainab mannnn honestly shoutout old Ottawa friends 
xinyii!! and jelly!! my last times with them
I miss Xinyi so much :( im so happy I got to see her before leaving she was so nice I wish her so much success 
remember working those last shifts at cm like.. yo I feel like things are going to change and my days are numbered.. I feel it. 
did interview after interview, applying EVERYDAY to escape 
the amount of focusing I did on applying around feb and April like I was just focused on working and getting out of there
did two interviews in like 2 hours always on the go always moving always working 
and then like clockwork.. at the govt job.. went to the bathroom knew? to bring my phone with me.. and then right when I left I got a call from mk went into that empty conference room and got the offer. cried. accepted. life changing
I honestly just left that place... went to cm and just.. resigned... put my two weeks in...
and it happened literally in my last week of the govt job..
like fate 
immediately went home told cc precious fam 
fam weren't happy 
shout out precious for helping me honestly he helped so much 
found my place through hmida who held it down
that whole condo scenario LOL godddd my landlord a HOE
met zgy gvy at precious while I crashed a night
remember the one I took last minute from Yorkdale LMAO that one wasn't bad honestly I slept good
moving my things packaging them up. like yo.. lol
bringing the boxes from shoppers godddd LOL 
finally landed in Toronto with my place
waiting outside for 5 hours for my damn keys crazy with my suitcase lol... 
unpacking my things
like just finally having my own place mannn that was my dream for such a long ass time
getting around dt a bit getting used to tdot... 
crazy exciting 
then... 3 days in..
met that bitch that fucked me up 
met everything I ever wanted in a person? physically and interest wise and yet?
first hookup? lost v? 
new city new job new life new home lost v new everything
in 3 days. 
my life crazy..
spent the whole time like until October till low-key NOW just thinking about it bitterly 
my feelings up and down I was drowning in obsession and confusion
I know I fucked it up but it was fucked up since the beginning
shook everything about what I thought I wanted in gl or a person
standards are definitely raised and all men trash and hoes Idgaf
I feel nothing towards nobody
my whole mind switched to money and power. 
gl I love you but you're not here and we got a lot growing to do so imma see ya ass in a couple of years 
anyways started working at mk!!! craziest 3 month probation thing I had 
met so much people... holy shit.. zgy,gvy,hailey,gab,aisha,priya,rach,lisa,alex,DANIA, goddddd
clubbing.. mon., thurs... weekenddd... wake up... 8:30 work
how did I do it.... fuck lol
met a lot of hoes.. fucked with Sunday once more before he died bye bitch ass hoe.. Leo, sleeve, uhhh that's it I think actually
damn this year was crazy I keep forgetting shit
all the weird ass ppl I met at cabana omg the humber guy YOO THE ASIAN GUY WITH MY KEYS LMFAOOO ZGY FUCKLMFGIESH
omg tsf lmao and like yeah all the clubbing ppl in to fuck 
half and half like didnnt know if I liked it or not but it was crazy
still think about that Frans night the damn milkshake and food omggg
just spent summer exploring to trinity Bellwoods ossington like summer stories clubbing stories
managing my double life lol
good distraction made work fun when I needed it during my last months of probation LMAO
omg going home during lunch and then back to work ICONIC
leaving the girls at my place and coming back for lunch LMAOOO god really iconic honestly showering and going back to work sleeping hoeing all that LMFAO 
omg the time I left Leo at my place YOO LMAO
still have that expensive ass sweater LMFAO WAT A SIMP
those drunk texts he sent Me in august and I punked him off LMFAOO 😩😂
men trash 
darren Chris rob goddd all those damn ppl I met the one guy who saved me during that blacTHE BLACKOUT CABANNA NIGHT GOD THAT WAS A MESS LMAO TITTIES OUT EVERYTHING but yeah he was low key useless I forget his name highboy but whatever
I got catfishes twice 😩 the change bitch and the John bitch airehguerihserh FUCKKK LMFAO
and then I catfish Sunday to punk him off for revenge and call him a thot and thought he was talking about me for catfish when it was just about another bitch he was hoeing with cuz he a hoe.. Jesus my life wild
gained weight fml I don't even wanna mention it iDONT WANNA TALK
even if it is muscle I dDONT WANNT TALK ABOUT IT
the cabana pool jump... godd... walking home drunkregiuhersguhe fucK 
summer was crazy
nada and mama coming wow that was annoying I rlly can't do family even though I love them
getting high swimming the catfish racing munchies arguing with Alex LMAO 
eating out with Dania gab Lisa the normal ppl I met lool
a lot of stress of money and where I want to go I was in a hella rush idk why I think everything happening so fast made me not want to slow down at all but im finally slowing down 
priya end of the year rebel tiff stuff 
basically drowning in depress and regret around the end of summer cuz everything calmed down and I had the time to think and reflect about everything and yeah.. got super depressed
that bitch cc and her bullshit yo just fucking go bye
notice how there's like no memories with her like yeah there was but they were just annoying cuz she was annoying highkey
thanks for bringing my shit from Ottawa tho dumbass LOL eat a dick
omg all my emo ass walks at night to the port and water and trillium park in the morning aiohreughresehre writing with my journal god that was actually nice tho 
super peaceful so happy to live near the water highkey
always in between losing myself who am I what do I do now who am I like did I lost myself did I ever have myself
major existential crisis
how did I survive work god 
actually I had a lot of night walking home from the club sad
omg remember the ovo guy fucking loser liar 
as usualllll 
ugh what else fuck too much shit happened OH YEAH
my birthday with the girls and the bbq!! the cake!! omg so nice :((( so funny lol
that weirdo ass man that I still see in the gym sometimes god help me lol 
passing my probation!!!! and then like finally fitting in and feeling apart of mk and the “family” lol
got a moomin from Scottish mans 🥺 love him
anyways got depressed drowning in obsession.. nothing surprising there 🙄 
got high and drunk like bottom of the barrel... 
right before pargol came LMAO 
oh yeah I went to Ottawa because yo I was going out of my mind about losing myself.. needed to go BACK to the place I hated to find myself
went back and it was like??? everything was the same.. still saw vin and avid and Herman at Rideau still had bbt with them 
still fucking around hector and that whole crew had Ivan his girl moe.. ribal..Kyle YO lol that weird ass club experience AS USUAL Ottawa clubs trash god
apple picking same year in a row wit z <3 and hamza and fams lol
saw the kids and got to be stupid again loool 
anyways came back to my actual life
like it just felt weird knowing that the place I had all my memories and experiences in like.. felt nothing
even the forest felt weird like I didn't need to be there anymore?
as much as tried to drown myself in obsession and my past and bad habits.. I couldn't?
im being forced to move forward and learned Sunday was the last experience it was just eye opening
after the emotional shit I sat down again and had a whole purging 
I never felt that bad and horrible and drowned in obsession since raglan..
like.. deleted the hidden pictures... the feeling.. like I've done this before...
that was the final straw..
you think its over just because I am dead but its not over..the games just begun.
never again. 
anyways I met Aisha!!! love her vibe with her heavy
introduceed me to the sugar shit YOOOO LMFAOOO
weird ass fucking people but get the money and go 
stack up crazy and saving up this past few months 
and just chilling w friends and therapy sessions
scheming and planning for the future
therapy sessions
got close with Lisa
iconic holiday party and New Years with again like random weird ppl and my girls exemplifying how wild and fresh the whole experience of this year was 
at least I be waking up warm and clean in MY PLACEby myself with no bullshit 
just like.. got a new place new job new city basically live the life I always wanted? reading movies? new friends no problems? wtf how my life change so quick
new interesting experiences
getting drunk high dancing at my place out in these streets just meeting bare people all these new people and experiences holy shit... 
and like yeah im not where I want to be but this progress and process is FUN now 
everything a strategy and a move and love staying busy 
wish I had more free time tho I never feel rested my life fucking crazy LOOL
that weirdo bitch who thought he was dating me UGHHH BOTTOM OF THE BARRELL JUST FOR A CAR AND FOOD BITCHARE U CRAZY 
power trip crazy im so sorry jfc 
anyways block and move on
met Chris and we still talking for like 3 months in a row god... lol gunna see him Saturday idk was the HALE going on 
im like surrounded by hoes???? and I don't want it GOD I JUST BEEN FOCUSING ON ME AND MONEYFUCK EVERYONE ELSE 
idek what else maybe im missing shit but this whole year wild best year of MY LIFE though
idk what the fuck gunna happen in 2020 cuz my split lives and the chaos and playing hoes and always thinking about opportunity and abundance and money got my mind and moves all wrapped in strategy but we only ONNLY ONLYYY GOING UP from here no excuses lets fucking go I always say this but 2019 was fucking wild and you know what.. lets fucking go 2020 LETS FUCKING GO as long as I don't gain weight LMFAO lets fucking GO. money and power on my mind exclusively. gl imma see you in 2 years. focusing on bigger things but at least im OUT HERE and ESCAPED and we onLY ATTRACTING AND MANIFESTING ABUNDANCE 
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