#cowboy hats are insta best dressed
x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
please write nashlibby hcs 😭🙏🙏
libbynash head canons
omg yessss! i absolutely love them. they actually own my heart in every way possible. not proof read like all of my posts.
they love stroking each other's hair. nash will lay his head on her lap or chest whilst she plays with his hair, and libby will either sit between his legs or rest her head on his chest.
libby loves cups with little quotes on them. she drinks her coffee in them every morning. nash will buy her some with like "best girlfriend ever" written on them.
nash wakes up so much earlier than libby does. he'll just lie there and watch her bc he thinks she looks really peaceful.
libby taught (or is trying to) him how to bake his favorite cupcakes, but he prefers it when she makes him pastries (especially for his birthday)
when they have things to do that day and can't sleep in, nash will bring her a coffee and sometimes even breakfast to their room for her to eat while getting ready or in bed.
nash loves picking out libby's clothes in the morning. he'll go into their huge closet, and pick out his/her favorite pieces and place them on the bed. (libby loves to do this too but never wakes up early enough to do it for him)
they literally never take showers alone. they love just being close to each other and washing each others hair and stuff.
nash and libby love trying out new restaurants. they know all of the best places.
libby got a job at the bar he works out and they both bartend (i also think at some point, nash would get his own bar)
their wedding was very small, quiet, and untraditional. like libby wore a black dress, there was not father walking her down the aisle, no garter, only like 30 people max (i would even say less) etc..
nash got libby her own motorcycle bc she thought it was really cool. they go on rides together pretty much everyday.
they love stargazing. once a week, they'll head to this empty field close to the mansion and bring blankets and picnic foods. they'll lie in each other's arms cuddled up in warm blankets. libby knows all of the constellations and will point some out and explain to nash what they are (they may or may not sometimes have a little bit of fun iykyk)
nash gets her to read all of his romance books bc they both love it. (nash purposely gives her ones with smut, so that he can later recreate those scenes with her, and, after, libby will be like 'that was from (insert book name)' and he'll be like yeah)
they are suckers for forehead kisses. that is they're thing. they do it when they wake up, when saying goodbye, literally all of the time.
libby had a very hard time with emotional and physical intimacy (not talking about s*x, just like cuddling and stuff) when they first got together bc of fucking drake. nash was very understanding and took it very slow. he'd always congratulate her when she did smth that he knew made her nervous.
they so have matching cowboy hats and boots.
nash fake proposed during love story at the eras tour (bc they were already engaged) and libby almost fainted.
libby's outfit was lover era themed and nash's was debut themed (but libby had a debut cowboy hat and nash had some hearts drawn on his face representing the lover era and stuff)
they also swayed to lover.
i made a post about this but nash loves dirty talk and praising his gf...
they post about the other on their instas all the time (they don't tell the fans anything personal (like that they got engaged and stuff. they're very secretive). they just post cute little pics of each other with captions like "loml")
after the bachelor party in tbh, jamie sent libby the video of nash twerking. she took a screenshot of one part where his ass was in the air and framed it (she also made it her phone background pic)
nash loves carrying her bridal style
whilst nash calls her darlin' and sweetheart, she calls him idiot and my little bastard
nash helps her dye her hair all the time. they always make huge messes in the bathroom. hair dye ends up everywhere. (they also tried dying nash's hair blue once)
nash loves matching her current hair color by giving himself highlights of the same color. for example, if libby has pink hair, he'll give himself pink highlights.
libby will call him god sometimes bc in tig she went 'i think he might be god' after they first spoke. she now says it as some kind of inside joke with nash (nash doesn't get it though so the joke is very one-sided)
libby's chokers drive him absolutely crazy (@catapparently)
they have a special ring tone for each other
libby loves stealing his flannels and wearing them out or even to sleep
nash snores a lot. libby basically has to push him off of the bed to get him to stop
nash loves being the little spoon when they cuddle in bed.
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bebaexoexo · 7 years
Shit Oh Sehun did in 2017
-Mistook Jeonghan (svt) for Johnny (nct)
-Movie date with suho
-Slayed at the gaon chart award show with a solo dance
-Paris vacation/date with suho
-Got called best dressed man at a Louis Vuiton catwalk and then proceeded to spend the next day walking around Paris with a hood, baseball cap and a cowboy hat on his head all at one time
-Revealed his bed time snuggle routine with Suho, no shame attached
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in February, but didn’t…
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in March, but didn’t…
-Got an award for being himself (popularity award)
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in April, but didn’t…(NoT EvEn a FRackin TraIleR)
-Waved to a tablet instead of the camera, tried to play it cool by continuing to do so
-Posted about his big chilli… 0.0
-Got 15 points on a drawing game while everyone else got over 100 (he drew love hearts and wrote ‘I’m sorry’ for everything and still couldn’t accept being last)
-Howled because of sour pickles
-Members accuse him of being the prime suspect when food goes missing in the fridge, he agrees
-Used binoculars the wrong way round and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t see (Suho to the rescue and an embarrassed osh as a result)
-Gets driven around by big brother chanyeol
-CAN SING (might as well be in exo’s vocal line)
-Biyak Biyak 4 lyfe
-Rubbed his head on a random guy’s stomach (who looks like he’s his sugar daddy)
-Made suho sad because he didn’t go to a premier with him, but went to a festival with Chanyeol and guy whose stomach he rubbed his head on
-Danced (????) at said music festival. By dance I mean chicken fingers at the crowd wtf @ exo’s main dancer
-Can ya tell iv given up on the debut of Actor Oh
-Graced his instagram with such artistic pictures of rice, spoons and cereal
-Only one ft BoA returns
-KING OF SPOILERS sehun the cereal rice (kokobop) poster
-KING OF SPOILERS PT2 dancing the dance with kai can you all please stop this isn’t good for me
-Comments ‘is this exo’s official account?’ On exo’s official account
-“What did you do in preperation for this album?” “Loyalty”
-Passionately talked about eel reproduction
-“Favorite fruit?” “Water with ice”
-Gave flowers to the members because he’s their cute baby omfh (it was a punishment but same thing)
-*gives Kai a rose* “it fits you, you’re sexy and dark red suits you”
-Baekhyun confirms Sehuns big DIACK
-“Sehun has absolutely no interest I’m women. How do I know? Sehunnie said he has no interest in women”- Baekhyun
-Bragged about a really good noodle place, took 30+ people to eat and payed for them- but the food was disappointing
-“Say something to the EXO-L for their birthday” *sehun claps*
-*brags about his dog at every chance he gets, literal protective father to vivi* “I am a cat person”
-“We’ve been roommates for 6 years I want to cross the line”
-Producer Oh
-“I’ve arrived!” \(-°o°-)/
-Date in NYC with suho (ft the third wheel JD)
-Pulls out chair for suho
-“Its enough just to film me, suho’ s voice in the background is fine”
-Couldn’t believe that a waitress in NYC can’t speak Korean
-Theatre date with suho (ft the late third wheel JD)
-Kicks suho out of their room
-SBS power fm- more like 2 hours of sehun whinning and crying from embarrassment while suho laughs
-“I really like chocolate milk. I think it’s love”
-“Sehunnie is upset~ upset~ really really upset… huhuu” AEGAO KING WHAY
-“I’ve been having a hard time too. At times like this, we should all embrace each other. There’s something I always tell the members and that is to to ‘hug/embrace (me)’. Let’s cheer each other on, got it everyone? Cheer up always and yea, that’s it” and this is why we love our baby
-Sehun irl- “I love all my hyungs to the moon and back #se-rang-hai-yo” Sehun in manwha- “who cares”
-LA date with suho
-“Let’s goo” \(^o^!)__
-Just sehun trying to control his face while riding the drift car
-King of being HOT, calm and panicking at the same time when their car stalled
-Also Oh Sehun driving someone hold me
-Heart-shaped sweatpatch on his back
-“Excuse me… sir… ketchup ketchup yahh… thank you”
-“The hardest time isn’t when we have a lot of schedule but when the members have different opinions (argue). It saddens me a lot”
-Me me da
-Fan- “do sehun and i have something in common?” Sehun- “we’re human”
-Las Vegas date with suho
-Volunteers suho to go sky diving first like the little shit he is
-Wears a dress shirt and leather shoes to sky diving
-Acts like he isnt shitting himself on the zipwire
-Shamelessly wore nothing underneath an easily unzip-able hoodie
-MC Oh
-“Who is the scariest hyung?” “All of them”
-Tries to prank suho by putting a sticker on him, fails misrebly and then loses the sticker
-White suit blue shirt
-Chanyeol saying Sehuns voice is so good he wants to produce him PLEs
-Hello councellor MC’s @ seho “stop touching eachother are you guys coming out right now?”
-Sehun @ LVTN
-Gets customised bags from LVTN
-Sehun @ Moncler (also makes the CEO come out just to take pictures with him we love a powerful man)
-Peace signs in his pockets when hes told not to do it
-Doesnt follow seungri back on insta because aesthetics
-Omfg okay elyxion antics begins here
-Wrote and co produced his solo In At thE CONCERT COZ WE LOVE A TALENTED KING
-Lovingly strokes suhos face during touch it
-Comforts kai, upset because he made a mistske in his solo, during cmb
-Danced to ka-ching with CBX
-Suho “after our concert ended at midnight yesterday, sehun and i went back to our door and boiled 20 eggs. 2 adult men peeled them seriously and ate 10 eggs”
-Kisses baekhyuns neck
-Eats pizza at the concert after holding back for months, members happy give us one last chance at seeing THE ABS
-Went crazy and got chanyeol too drunk on his birthday
-Fansites “please dont crop our watermark we work really hard for these pictures” Sehun ;)
-Cute instalive of him just trying on the filters and telling us not to be stressed and play
-“OK!! goo” *pouts*
-“Hey dog, look at me~”
-“Cheese many manyyy”
-*is just standing there posing* Photographer “youre cute”
-Didnt know it was just him, kai and baekhyun in the lightsaber mv
-“Sehunnie makes the most delicious soju” byun baekhyun
-Makes a personal training room in their dorm that can barely fit his own ass
-Supports suho at his musical despite both going through a tough time
-Struggles with the rudolph hat
-Subtly strokes suhos face on a national award show
-Make chanyeol kneel whenever he wants something from him. We love our king
-Curly haired solo on mbc gayo
-A beautiful family picture from Oh Sehun to end 2017
Cr. Lerandomexotic
I had a lot of fun making this, just thought i needed to record sehuns never ending loveble antics etc
Feel free to add whatever else i missed
Hopefully he’ll just keep getting crazier next year too, and exo themselves will grow to be greatet and stronger
Like, reblog & excel
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thisolddag · 7 years
Girls Trip.
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Before we left for Vegas, I was worried.  A hundred excuses about why this was going to “end badly.” I trudged up and down the stairs, laundry piled in my arms, half-heartedly packing the smallest of carry-on bags. There would be too much drinking. There would be money gambled and lost. My son had an upcoming test and I wouldn’t be home to help him study. What if I got the flu from traveling halfway across the country? What if the kids got the flu while I was gone? Was this trip even necessary? Were we being indulgent? 
So that’s how I got in the car to go to the airport. Laden with stupid little  fears, and wearing high-heeled boots that were already starting to hurt because I told myself that I was in my forties now and I needed to start traveling ‘in style.’ Why? Who the fuck knows. I do know there were separate texts threads I was not a part of. 
Dag is being a party pooper, Dag needs to relax, whatever Dag. 
They were right. I needed to relax. In my eyes, there is nothing as mystifying and miraculous as a woman who is able to give into the conviction that everything will be alright. Holding onto this feeling is my holy grail in life. I chase it. I was chasing it then, speeding down the turnpike on a bright Sunday morning, across the George Washington Bridge, while the driver played NPR.
Most of my anxiety dissipated when I saw my little sister at JFK. She’s recently become a mother herself. Her son is probably the most beautiful little thing I’ve ever laid eyes upon. She’s doting and selfless, and will go down in the books as Best Mom Ever. “I’m not wearing any make-up,” she said when she hugged me, and when she hugged me, my worry went slack. Her face was full of emotion and exhaustion, having just experienced the bittersweet ache of having to hug your baby goodbye. And just looking at her, a thought came to me, a thought that surpassed everything. This is important. 
Sometimes leaving is important. 
The last time we had flown together solo had been a year ago, and I had nothing but warm and fuzzy memories of that trip. Those memories helped. And as I boarded the airplane with my sister and Alice, I could feel a familiar transformation beginning. I was becoming a girl again, a girl with a room of her own. Or at least her own seat, in row 16, by the window, next to a lovely British gal who greeted me with a wide, open smile. 
The fight was smooth. I didn’t grip the arm rest. I nodded off, listened to music, read a few magazines. I stared out the window into clouds and then Rockies, and then into a desert, the topography like something from Mars. The further we flew, the more I relaxed. And the more I realized yes, this was necessary. 
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You can’t wish motherhood toward you, as much as you can’t wish it away. It follows you, a stray dog at your heels, or a shadow, or a sunrise. You bask in its light, become windswept in its gales. It seeps into you, wipes your slate clean, digs in its claws, saves you, weighs you down, carries you. We become mothers and we become someone else’s - fully, a thousand percent, twenty-four seven. At least most of us anyway. 
We become drivers in the passenger seat, just like that.
Once we landed - and all at once - I abandoned my traveling buddies and took a tram to vape outside. I had a headache. It was chilly. I had never stepped outside in Vegas to be met with a brisk breeze, or the sight of people wearing coats. It was new, and oddly exciting. Vegas was usually an oven set to broil, but not this time.
In arrivals, we met my other sister - joining us from LA. She had on sequined sneakers, and also, there was a piece of toilet paper hanging from her waistband, which we readily pointed out and laughed about. She was giddy, glowing. “I needed this trip so badly.”
Later that evening Alice’s sister would arrive from Florida - and then there would be five of us. There is safety and strength in numbers, especially when the numbers are celebrating upcoming nuptials, and when the numbers are all girls. 
Before we got in the car which would bring us to the Bellagio, I bought a heavy, sexy-looking bottle of coconut vodka at the airpot liquor store. I was caving already. We were here. We were here together, and everything we loved had been left behind. And it was fine. 
Over the next two days, amazing things happened. 
I lost hundreds of dollars on penny slots, and laughed till it hurt. I napped and ate without counting my Points. I thrived in the company of females, in that warm, buoyant, beguiling company - where talking together was as exciting as watching grown men on a stage take off their clothes and dance for us. (Hashtag Magic Mike.) We talked a lot. About kids, yes - the ones we had, the ones we planned on having, the ones we weren’t sure about. We talked about careers, and weddings, and books, and more trips, more time to ourselves, time together. We talked about how in our own small ways we hated our bodies, as much as we loved ourselves. We talked about shitting our pants and we cried, over cornbread and fried chicken at a Top Chef restaurant. 
Alice was in love. Alice was getting married. Alice yelled at a dopey man in a cowboy hat who got in our faces.
Dag was writing a second novel. Dag had a flat stomach. Dag ate a whole bag of English Toffee brittle by herself. 
Marika was selling pilots and uploading Insta Stories. Marika was happy. Marika was our mastermind.
Melanie had the best hair. It was red and lustrous and almost unreal. Melanie was planning the rest of her life.
Veronika was a new mom. Veronika sat on the edge of the hotel room bed, pumping breast milk, smiling. 
There is nothing as powerful and affirming as women bonding. And how we bond - when the masks drop and the dainty gloves come off - is unrivaled. 
Over the next two days, I traveled back to my youth, to the heady feeling of feeling alive, unconquerable, limitless. I visited the ATM machine too many times. I didn’t really call my children, or my husband. I drank White Russians, without really getting drunk. I thought about how the #metoo movement would never change men, but that - more importantly - it had the power to change us. That we were awakening. Learning to say no, to meet a smile with a scowl, to talk louder, to demand, to get up and go, to fight back. We would change. Men were hopeless, even the good ones. Men would never learn to read our minds. But we would learn to speak ours. 
On our second night in Vegas, we sat on a velvet couch right by the stage, close to the men who were performing for us. Their bodies were chiseled, sure, but some had zits on their shoulder blades, and strange, bulbous moles we could make out from our seats. Some of them were phoning it in, some of them were beautiful acrobats, and when they sidled up to our hips, they whispered, is it ok, are you ok with this? I had never gone to a strip show before - and I’d arrived with a frown on my face, my legs crossed tightly, my hands folded in my lap like the schoolmarm that I was. But this was a bacheloretty trip, and Marika likes to plan activities, and so there we were. The emcee was a woman, dressed like a lion tamer, black blazer, her body strong and curvy, her voice deep and loud and reassuring. We felt safe having her up there, conducting and being boss. At the end of the show, she rode a giant stuffed unicorn into the sky, and at one point she locked eyes with my little sister and mouthed “Bye, Veronika.” And I don’t know why but it gave me goosebumps.
I didn’t want to say bye. I wanted to stay with them - wandering through casinos and talking and talking and talking - forever. 
When we left Vegas, we left reluctantly. Reality was waiting for us, waiting at the door, the door held wide open, urging us to get back inside. We didn’t want to go back. We wanted to keep pumping and dumping, and popping another can of rose, and sliding another ten bucks into a Willy Wonka slot machine, and playing our luck. We wanted to keep hearing everything back home was fine without us.
Now, we are here. We stopped texting everyday. We are back to the grind, to chores, schedules, bedtimes, meltdowns. I miss the feeling of feeling young. I miss my girls. In my mind, our trip is branded forever. Tucked inside, nestled deeply, rooted. And yes, we’ll have weddings to go to, and airplanes to board, and homework to check, and appointments to go on, and babies to calm. We’ll have fights, jobs, scares, conferences, laundry, dishes, garbage, family, diets. We’ll have days when we want to crawl under a blanket. We’ll have peaceful moments of silence. We’ll have grief, rage, love, and monotony. 
And we’ll always, always have Vegas in January. 
Bye, Veronika. Till next time.   
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andrebearakovsky · 8 years
The Caps Lost and You Want to Cry Remedy Masterpost
EDIT: Hi there! I managed to get this post functioning again, but I have an updated list! I tried to update this post but tumblr’s a dick and won’t let me have as many links as I want on a post. So, to see the updated list, go to my blog, and click on the tabs on top that say “Caps Masterpost Pt. 1″ and “Caps Masterpost Pt. 2″ (I had to do it in 2 parts because, again, tumblr won’t let me have pages with that many links). Enjoy! I promise there’s a lot more to like in the updates!
So the Caps just lost and you feel ready to cry. What can you do to help remedy that feeling of despair? I present to you my magnum opus, a masterpost of happy and funny Caps videos and posts to make you feel better and forget about any bad hockey you just watched. In this post is everything you could ever want to watch related to the Caps. Of course, I don’t have everything, I’m not nearly as extensive as RMNB, and there’s a lack of actual hockey highlights (as the point of this post is to highlight off-ice hilarity). So sit back, pick what you want to watch, and enjoy.
Official Team Events
Segway Tour 2017
Segway Tour 2015
Segway Tour 2007
Family Skate 2016
Caps visit MedStar Georgetown University Hospital 2016 
Emoji Sentences - Barry Trotz, Unleash the Fury, More Cowbell, Backstrom, Dump and Chase, Poke Check, Ovechkin, Rock the Red, Faceoff, Power Play Goal
Emoji Impressions
Casino Night 2016
Casino Night 2015
Capitals Bobblehead Election
Justin Williams Bobblehead Concession Speech
Tom Wilson Meets the Holtby Bobblehead
Burky/Willy and Schmidty/Chorns play videogames
Ovi and Kuzy talk about their hair
2017 Canine Calendar Shoot - pics plus a video of Kuzy giggling, a feature on Taylor Winnik, Ovi’s dog maintenance
2016 Canine Calendar Shoot
Willy, Latts, Beags, and Schmidty go golfing
Swedish Food Tasting
Dads Trip 2016
History of Caps Mentors’ Trips
Caps visit Joint Base Andrews
Jay Beagle skates with his son
Caps at Six Flags 2015
Caps at Six Flags 2011
Rowing on the Potomac
Crab Cake Cooking Competition
Team Silliness
The Russian Bros have fun in front of a giant Ovi ad
Team bonding dart competition - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Halloween Karaoke - Zach Sanford, Alex Ovechkin, Andre Burakovsky
Ovi’s Smelling Salts - Mojo, Kuzy
Nicky pranks Mojo and Burky
The late-night fire alarm incident
Shenanigans on a plane feat. Green & Brouwer
More Silliness
Why did they give Locker a t-shirt gun
Ovi, Kuzy, and Geno dress as Russian mascots
Ovi and Carly discuss their pregame routine
“Hockey at its best”
Andre Burakovsky, Tom Wilson, Michael Latta
Burky explains the Uber incident
Burky is the MPP of the Caps
5 seconds of Burky looking cute
Cruisin with Willy and Burky on the way to Casino Night
Burky shames the cameraman for being a Penguins fan - the whole interview is good but this happens 15 minutes in
Interview with Latts - dolphins and Valentine’s Day
Cruisin with Willy and Latts on the way to Casino Night
Willy and Latts feature for Washington Life Magazine
Willy and Latts voted best bromance
Burky spooks Latts
Interview with Latts - nicknames, playoff beards, and Caps Roomies
Burky and Willy sing dubsmash together
Willy and Latts fill out their 2015 March Madness bracket
Willy Sings (Badly)
A good brobeans post
I meant to include the video of Tom and Latts’s apartment from the Road to the Winter Classic episodes but I cannot for the life of me find it, so as consolation I’m going to include a link to the Road to the Winter Classic episodes which you can watch if you have Amazon Prime here
Alex Ovechkin
Ovi delivers pizza - Part 1, Part 2
The Alex Ovechkin song
Behind the scenes with Ovi at the 2017 All Star Game - Video 1, Video 2
Ovi escapes his own home
Ovi makes a noise
Ovi DJs
Steve Dangle talks about Ovi’s 500th goal
Ovi swings away in 2015 Breakaway Challenge
Ovi dons a cowboy hat in classic 2009 Breakaway Challenge
Alex Ovechkin Funny Moments
Top 10 Ovi Off Ice Moments
Post with links to many Ovi quotes and videos
Nicklas Backstrom
Nicky hat trick quote
Nicky singing (there’s also some behind the scenes but the singing is the important part)
Cruisin with Nicky
Ovi & Nicky
All Star Nicklas Backstrom
Ovi and Nicky complete each other
Braden Holtby
Holts wants to bring the Cup back to his hometown
Holts has strong opinions on socks
Fetus Holtby video
Karl Alzner, John Carlson
Alzner does “Canadian or Nah” and makes a loon call
Carlzner test drive - Part 1, Part 2
Carlzner roomies - Part 1, Part 2
Carlzner Q&A at Caps Con Kid Press Conference 2011 - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Carlson at 2011 Winter Classic (segment from 10:50-15:47)
Evgeny Kuznetsov
Kuzy’s daughter drives the car
“It’s rivalry night”
Kuzy tells the story about meeting Brad Pitt and Orly getting cut out of the photos
Kuzy trolls the refs (mushrooms, baked potatoes, and medium rare steak)
Kuzy at the All Star Game
Kuzy’s most Extra celly possibly ever (with links to more cellys in the article)
Nate Schmidt
Nate Schmidt’s mohawk misadventures - Bonus: Holts calls Schmidty the best player
Schmidty sings Taylor Swift
Schmidty’s Chewbacca impression
Schmidty’s Interview Sabotaged by Teammates 
Barry Trotz Mishaps
Oshie bulldozes Trotz
Trotz gets hit in the head with a puck
Mojo busting moves (feat. Taylor Winnik)
Lars Johansson victory dances - dance 1, dance 2
Justin Williams Dances to Cotton Eye Joe
Shaving Cream
Vrana 1st NHL goal
Kuzy hat trick
Willy 1st NHL goal
Nicky pranks Ovi
Movember trophy ceremony 2015
Top 5 Caps mustaches
Who has the best mustache?
Christmas elf dancing
2015 holiday card
2014 holiday card w/ Wizards
2013 holiday card
2017 All Star Game Audition Commercial
Paisano’s Commercial
Paisano’s Commercial Bloopers
Ovi as Caps Interviewer (feat. Nicky, Greener, and Brooks Laich)
Ovi Eastern Motors Commercial
2007 All Star Game Road Trip Commercial
Global Heritage Series
Nicklas Backstrom - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Evgeny Kuznetsov - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
John Carlson 500 Games Played Tribute
Karl Alzner 500 Consecutive Games Played Tribute
Alex Ovechkin 1000 Points Ceremony
Alex Ovechkin 1000 Points Tribute
Nicklas Backstrom 500 Assists Tribute
Nicklas Backstrom 500 Assists Ceremony
Braden Holtby Vezina Ceremony
Alex Ovechkin 500 Goals Ceremony
Alex Ovechkin 500 Goals Tribute
Karl Alzner breaks Caps record for consecutive games played tribute
Jakub Vrana (phone call with Ovi)
Zach Sanford (interview)
Andre Burakovsky
Tom Wilson
Evgeny Kuznetsov
Marcus Johansson
Alex Ovechkin
Every butt slash article RMNB has ever written
Player reaction gifs
On-Ice Moments
Oshie’s shootout goal that wasn’t actually in the shootout
Ovi’s 1000th point (John Walton call)
Nicky’s 500th assist
The epic Orlov hit on Duchene
Edits to Orlov’s hit
Ovi’s 500th career goal (all calls)
Huge save leads to Ovi’s OT gamewinner
TJ Oshie Olympic Shootout
Oshie shootout compilation
John Carlson scores OT winner in 2010 World Juniors
Empty Net Fails
Best 1 on 1 Embarrassing Moments - Part 1, Part 2
10 Minutes of Bad Goals
5 Minutes of Happy Goalies
Hat Tricks
Oshie 04/28/2016 vs PIT in the playoffs
Williams 01/17/2016 vs NYR (I can’t find his hat trick from ‘06 so this’ll have to do)
Kuznetsov 10/23/2015 @ EDM
Oshie 01/03/2015 @ SJS
Backstrom 12/13/2014 vs TBL
Oshie 03/27/2014 vs MIN (hats)
Ovechkin 12/10/2013 vs TBL
Eller 01/04/2012 vs WPG
Backstrom 4/17/2010 vs MTL in the playoffs
Ovechkin 05/04/2009 vs PIT in the playoffs
Ovechkin 12/15/2006 @ ATL (I’m only including 3/17 Ovi hat tricks else we’ll be here all day)
Goal Horns
Connor McDavid Rap
Auston Matthews Rap
Carpool with Cam - Nick Foligno, Seth Jones
All Star DJ Snoop
Baby Leafs in Road to the Winter Classic
Get Vladi some snow
Jamie Benn and Tyler Segin Head to Head
PK Subban wins breakaway challenge
“Fruit Salad” by Dylan Strome feat. Mitch Marner
Crosby and MacKinnon work at Tim Horton’s
Full Games/Events
2017 All Star Game
2017 All Star Game Skills Competition - Part 1, Part 2
2016 Heritage Classic EDM vs WPG
2016 All Star Game - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
2016 All Star Game Skills Competition (playlist)
2015 All Star Fantasy Draft
2015 Caps Winter Classic
Still not satisfied? Go check out some of my posts! They’re funny I promise. Karlsson/Carlson flowchart, Caps Drinking Game, Why Carlson or Alzner Should Have the A, Caps True Nicknames, Top Golf RMNB Insta Photos, New Caps Lineup, Caps Top 10 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Caps Hat Tricks and 1st NHL Goals, Jay Beagle, Caps Family Tree, Caps Bromances, My Top Caps Moments of the Regular Season
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salestudy7-blog · 5 years
Camila Mendes and Charles Melton's Best Social Media Moments
Ever since Charles Melton and Camila Mendes became Instagram-official in October 2018, the Riverdale stars and IRL couple have basically redefined the word “adorable.” From matching animal hats on vaca to creating an actual ship name, these two are IG-goals and then some. Of her relationship, Cami even said that she’s “happier than I’ve ever been in my life,” and that elation is pretty evident on the ‘gram. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, and when it comes to Camila and Charles’s Insta presence, they’ve got an entire romance novel between them. Ahead, check out some of their cutest social media moments, with plenty of kissing selfies to boot.
February 2019:
Valentine’s Day hadn’t even arrived yet when these two created the perfect pose for the holiday — a romantic red dress included. Charles accompanied Camila to the NFL Honors awards show on February 2 ahead of the Super Bowl, to cheer his gf on as she presented an award alongside Dallas Cowboys player Dak Prescott. There were several heart-eye emojis involved.
January 2019
Camila made sure to celebrate Charles’s birthday on January 4 the way any caring girlfriend would — with a perfectly sweet Insta post. “I will always protect you,” she wrote. Aww!
December 2018
The holidays are an undoubtedly romantic time, and Camila and Charles celebrated the end of 2018 accordingly. While taking a trip to South Korea, the two actors shared several pictures of their travels — including an especially adorable shot while #twinning in bunny hats. Definitely seems like they are the perfect adventure companions.
October 2018
Fans were first clued into Camila and Charles’s romance when Cami shared a photo of the two kissing, writing “Mine” for the caption. A few days later, Charles returned the favor with an equally sweet ‘gram. As for the accompanying text, no words were necessary — just a simple heart said it all, and then some. We ship it, forever and always.
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Source: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/camila-mendes-charles-melton-best-social-media-moments
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turnipsummer14-blog · 5 years
Camila Mendes and Charles Melton's Best Social Media Moments
Ever since Charles Melton and Camila Mendes became Instagram-official in October 2018, the Riverdale stars and IRL couple have basically redefined the word “adorable.” From matching animal hats on vaca to creating an actual ship name, these two are IG-goals and then some. Of her relationship, Cami even said that she’s “happier than I’ve ever been in my life,” and that elation is pretty evident on the ‘gram. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, and when it comes to Camila and Charles’s Insta presence, they’ve got an entire romance novel between them. Ahead, check out some of their cutest social media moments, with plenty of kissing selfies to boot.
February 2019:
Valentine’s Day hadn’t even arrived yet when these two created the perfect pose for the holiday — a romantic red dress included. Charles accompanied Camila to the NFL Honors awards show on February 2 ahead of the Super Bowl, to cheer his gf on as she presented an award alongside Dallas Cowboys player Dak Prescott. There were several heart-eye emojis involved.
January 2019
Camila made sure to celebrate Charles’s birthday on January 4 the way any caring girlfriend would — with a perfectly sweet Insta post. “I will always protect you,” she wrote. Aww!
December 2018
The holidays are an undoubtedly romantic time, and Camila and Charles celebrated the end of 2018 accordingly. While taking a trip to South Korea, the two actors shared several pictures of their travels — including an especially adorable shot while #twinning in bunny hats. Definitely seems like they are the perfect adventure companions.
October 2018
Fans were first clued into Camila and Charles’s romance when Cami shared a photo of the two kissing, writing “Mine” for the caption. A few days later, Charles returned the favor with an equally sweet ‘gram. As for the accompanying text, no words were necessary — just a simple heart said it all, and then some. We ship it, forever and always.
Let us slide into your DMs. Sign up for the Teen Vogue daily email.
Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out:
Source: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/camila-mendes-charles-melton-best-social-media-moments
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
SS18 Trend Report: All the trends you’ll be wearing in 2018
SS18 Trend Report: All the trends you’ll be wearing in 2018
It’s time to get ahead and jump on board the trend train – here’s our ultimate guide to the SS18 trends from the catwalk
The Fashion Month dust has settled, we’ve finally emptied out our cases from Paris Fashion Week (still can’t find that missing earring, dammit) and the street stylers are back to Kira Kira-ing their breakfasts, instead of each other outside show venues.  We’ve done our Spring Summer 2018 fashion trends research, and now we’d say it’s high time for some next-season wardrobe plotting. Let’s face it, it’s never too early to start that wish-list – especially if you want more than a hope in hell of getting your hands on that Gucci bum bag. So, what did we learn from the NY/London/Milan/Paris Fashion Week whirl?
We’ve got two words – Fashion Prozac. That’s right, after an epically depressing year for politics (and just about everything else), designers reacted in the only way they know how. With uplifting, colourful, joyous clothes that took us off into another universe. Kaleidescopes of rainbow colour, the yummy new sugared almond pastels, Versace’s Insta-breaking supermodel reunion, some pretty powerful 80s power dressing – and OTT texture and fringing galore. The message: the outlook might be a little gloomy right now, but at least we can dress ourselves happy…
Scroll on down for all the Spring Summer 2018 trends to know about
Summer fashion trends 2018: Crayola colours
Designers raided the Pantone colour chart for pulsating primary colours – tomato red made a strong showing, seen everywhere from Preen to Victoria Beckham. There’s cobalt, emerald green and bright yellow. See Balenciaga’s head to toe take – canary yellow dress, layered over a long-sleeved top in the same shade, and accessorised with matching platform Balenciaga Crocs – taking the prize for coolest/craziest *delete as appropriate * collab of the season.
Gestuz Women’s Ihara Skirt
Priced at £89.04, available at Amazon.co.uk/Fashion
Buy now
If head to toe brights aren’t your bag, there’s always….
Summer fashion trends 2018: Pastel colours
Delicate sugared almond shades have shaken off their Hyacinth Bucket connotations and turned themselves into a fashion statement.  Preen’s standout show, inspired by saris and womens’ rights movements, was a masterclass in how to do pretty and powerful – with one-shouldered dresses and draped shapes in delicate shades of palest pink and green.  The big news: lilac, that most Queen Mums-y of shades, is set for a major comeback. Buy a lilac bag now. Or have yourself a scoop of Neapolitan, like Celine’s cream and pink combo.
Caspia Linen Wrap Jumpsuit
Priced at £130, available at French Connection
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Puff sleeves
Princess Di and her late 80s heyday were a pervasive influence on some of the season’s key shows. Clearly the 20th anniversary of her death got Virgil Abloh thinking – he dedicated his entire Off/White show to her. And a fabulously unexpected treat from his normally streetwear-focused label it was. Puff sleeved jackets, high-waisted jeans, pristine white slouchy boots and big shouldered printed dresses. Claire Waight Keller’s debut show for Givenchy was a slick parade of strong, squared blouses in Working Girl-worthy graphic prints and teamed with cowboy boots. Meanwhile, at Saint Laurent Paris fashion week, Anthony Vaccarello brought all the Dynasty glamour for nighttime. The Power-Pouff – it’s a thing.
Topshop Tie Back Balloon Sleeve Blouse
Priced at £45, available at Topshop
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Check print
You think of checks as being strictly winter-only, but they’re making a convincing case for being spring’s It print. There were folksy ginghams at Loewe, sweet red and blue plaids at Alexander McQueen, beautiful bright shopper-bag checks at Mary Katrantzou and a whole show of them at Fendi – even down to checked tights.
Stradivarius Checked Snap Button Trousers
Priced at £29.99, available at Stradivarius
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Feather clothes
Fluffy marabou and ostrich fluttered across a whole host of SS18 – from Anthony Vaccarello’s feather-yeti ‘It’ boots at Saint Laurent to the twisted take on the trench that’s become John Galliano’s signature at Maison Margiela – this season is all about a gold brocade version with white feathers flying from the shoulders. It’s not rain-friendly, but we’ve got the new haute take on the rain mac for that…see below.
Feather-Embellished Wool-Blend Dress
Feather-Embellished Wool-Blend Dress, Christopher Kane
Priced at £1195, available at MATCHESFASHION.COM
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Fringing
Another iteration of the maximalist mood – major statement fringing, swishing across necklines, hemlines, bags…you name it. And these are no wishy-washy boho trims.  The look isn’t so much haute-hippy as put-through-a-shredder. Car need a polish? No problem – just slip into one of Erdem or Calvin Klein’s dresses and shimmy away.
Summer fashion trends 2018: Beach clothes
Marc Jacobs said it best, with his mad mash-up of swirly prints, rainbow colours and turbans. Imagine the splashy, sun-drenched style of a 1960s Palm Beach socialite – Lilly Pulitzer, say – and then take it up a notch or three. Gucci’s Hawaiian-tropic print two-piece teamed with glittery gloves and a pile of necklaces is a case in point.
boohoo Scarf Print Off the Shoulder Midi Dress
Priced at £25, available at boohoo
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Suit shorts
Oh, shorts. So boring, so basic. Just lurking in the back of the drawer, only to be pulled out on holiday when no-one’s looking and all your sundresses are covered in ice cream. Or so we thought, but summer fashion trends 2018 already sees the rise of the Statement Short. Louis Vuitton’s silky boxer style, Saint Laurent’s high-waisted leathers, and a whole host of (are you ready) – Shorts Suits. That’s right – fashion-forward summer tailoring will finish at the knee.
Buttoned High-Waist Shorts
Priced at £35.99, available at Mango
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Wet look clothes
Wet-look, wipe-clean (oo-er), whatever you want to call it, the texture of the season is shiny. Christopher Kane’s black vinyl dresses and Balmain’s jumpsuits had kinky Soho vibes, while Mary Katrantzou and Calvin Klein were thinking more along the sporty waterproof lines, using plastic-coated nylon and drawstrings aplenty.
Wolf & Badger The Malaya Ruffle Skirt
Priced at £127, available at Wolf & Badger
Buy now
Which brings us neatly on to….
Summer fashion trends 2018: Transparent rain macs
Trust Karl Lagerfeld to create an entire ecosystem for the Chanel SS18 Paris show – building a French cliff scene inside the Grand Palais, with real live waterfalls and cascading streams for the models to stroll round. Climate change statement or practical fashion problem solving? Maybe both. Either way – we’re covered for spring showers. Transparent plastic macs, rain hats…we’ve never seen Karl so sensible. Other labels including Valentino also produced ‘It’ macs – we never thought we’d say those words.
Clear Vinyl Trench Coat
Clear Vinyl Trench Coat, Topshop
Priced at £65, available at Topshop
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Sportswear
Another face (more like North Face in fact) of the simmering 80s theme – Dad-tastic sportswear. That’s right, fashion fans – the shellsuit is back! Witness Gucci’s jaunty two-piece and Isabel Marant’s sexed-up tracksuit worn with high heels. The best way to carry off this trend – instead of looking like an escapee from a Soviet Olympic training camp, circa 1989 – is to dilute heavily. Take one shellsuit jacket and wear with something seriously sexy on the bottom. Or team the new sporty ‘dad’ trainers (see below) with a pretty summer dress.
Blue Limited Edition Colour-Block Chunky Trainers
Priced at £34.99, available at New Look
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Floral dresses
Summer wouldn’t be summer without a sea of florals and pretty dresses – and this season doesn’t disappoint. Prizes for the sweetest go to the Liberty prints at Chloe and ditsy florals at Loewe. There’s also a whole host of sheer loveliness to choose from when it comes to the perfect summer dress – if you’re not brave enough to wear with visible briefs on full display (a big runway trend), pop yours over a high-necked blouse and shorts, a la Emilia Wickstead.
Rixo Rose Abstract Daisy Blue Dress
Priced at £315, available at Rixo
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Summer fashion trends 2018: Accessories
Now you know what you should be wearing come SS18, give your outfit an instant SS18 refresh with some key accessories  These are the hottest trends to invest in…
Summer fashion trends 2018: Bumbags
Go all-out and channel your inner favourite 1980s fashion icons by investing in a bumbag or a chic leather belt bag, as seen at Givenchy
We all love investing in the best trainers out there, but for SS18 the clumpier the better. Think bright whites and hike-tastic trainers.
GG Marmont Quilted Leather Belt Bag
GG Marmont Quilted Leather Belt Bag, Gucci
Priced at £765, available from NET-A-PORTER
Buy now
Summer fashion trends 2018: OTT earrings
The more your earrings resemble those seen on Pat Butcher, the better. This is the jewellery trend that won’t die right now, and it’s going to be even bigger for summer.
Brass Goldplated Venus Earring
Priced at £120, available at Anna + Nina
Buy now
Summer fashion trends 2018: The XL tote
The mini bag has dominated the last few seasons, but now the practical big bag is back with a vengeance…
Abella Tote
Priced at £145, available at Marri London
Buy now
And that’s a wrap on SS18 – and our bank accounts.
Time for a major wardrobe upgrade…
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vdbstore-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Vintage Designer Handbags Online | Vintage Preowned Chanel Luxury Designer Brands Bags & Accessories
New Post has been published on http://vintagedesignerhandbagsonline.com/faff-free-party-dresses-and-duvet-coats-the-autumn-trends-that-double-as-life-hacks-fashion/
Faff-free party dresses and duvet coats: the autumn trends that double as life hacks | Fashion
It is is late August, which can only mean one thing: we now declare the new fashion season open. Here’s how to use the upcoming trends to help you achieve your best autumn ever.
If you want to get promoted … wear red
Why: It is the colour of ambition
Buy: A pair of red boots
There’s lots of talk this season about the appeal of tonal dressing – ie wearing the same shade head-to-toe. The Kardashians have been on this for ages, but the catwalk moved it on by spinning the colour wheel to red, AKA the no-brainer 80s-worthy symbol for power. It’s indisputably the colour of the season and the death knell for the ubiquitous millennial pink. A pair of red boots puts a pleasing full stop on any office look on a day when you haven’t got the bandwidth for Dulux-style colour matching.
MIA patent leather ring boots, £82, Topshop.
If you want to have 10 minutes extra in bed every morning … wear a long-sleeved dress
Why: One-stop dressing that is pure AW17
Buy: A floral dress with sleeves
Seen everywhere from Erdem to Michael Kors and Dries Van Noten, the long-sleeved floral dress is not only pretty, but it is also joyous, because it is so useful. The satisfying life hack of a dress versus separates – no rummaging for the right T-shirt to go with the tweed skirt – plus the statement of the floral print means you have a look without thinking about it. This is win-win dressing at its best. Invest immediately.
Floral shirt dress, £49.99, Mango.
If you want to demonstrate your cultural prowess … wear the Americana trend
Why: Calvin Klein’s subversive twist on making America great again channels Richard Prince, Ed Ruscha and Andy Warhol
Buy: An indigo denim jacket to wear with jeans
To get a take on the US now, with intellectual weight, Raf Simons – a Belgian who references rave and collaborates with artists including Sterling Ruby – is a good shout. His debut for Calvin Klein was all cowboy boots and denim with one model wearing an American flag as a skirt. His ad campaigns, meanwhile, feature models on a deserted highway, with – keep up – a Calvin Klein billboard in the background showing other models looking at Andy Warhol’s Elvis. If that sounds meta and knowing, so is your conscious choice to wear an indigo denim jacket and jeans, as seen in Simons’ collection.
Calvin Klein, New York fashion week, February 2017. Photograph: Edward James/WireImage
If you want to take your hangover look outside … wear a duvet coat
Why: Eiderdowns were a thing on the catwalk at Preen and Mulberry
Buy: A longline padded jacket
You know those Sundays when you don’t leave the house until 5pm for a trip to the local shop to procure Hula Hoops? They are totally fashionable this season. Mulberry brought duvet days on to the catwalk with a selection of eiderdown jackets worthy of the Queen tucking into a box set at Balmoral. A longline padded jacket is the norm’s version – and handily doubles as a blanket when you get back from the shop.
Coat, 89.90, Uniqlo.
If you want to look vaguely on trend but basically wear the same jeans you always do … wear a double-breasted blazer
Why: A piece of XXL tailoring is a stealth statement
Buy: Anything in Prince of Wales check
Newsflash to those still wearing athleisure: tailoring, and general smartness, is back. But this doesn’t mean the kind of pointy shoes and bobble-prone neat black suiting typically worn by a first-jobber. Instead, make sure your tailoring is oversized and somewhat 80s in flavour. Think Princess Di off-duty – she owned the jeans and blazer look and is the first retro fashion reference to trip off the tongue of any self-respecting millennial in 2017.
Double-button checked blazer, £45, Miss Selfridge.
If you want to do party dressing without the faff … wear chainmail
Why: It is the Vogue-approved after-dark look with a 90s reference – see Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell in 1999
Buy: A silver chainmail slip dress
Forget about the dry-cleaning issues – party dressing is a yolo kind of affair. A chainmail dress brings drama to any autumn 2017 dates in your diary and is surprisingly chic, in a 90s Met Bar kind of way. For inspo, Campbell and Moss walking the runway together at the Versace show in 1999 is everything here.
Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss at at Syon House, London, in 1999. Photograph: Dave Benett/Getty Images
If you want to feel the benefit … wear a hat
Why: From Dior’s berets to Marc Jacobs’ oversized Kangol-like shapes, head-based statements now go far beyond the beanie
Buy: A beret
Expect to see guides to avoiding hat hair soon – headgear is essential for AW17, and not just because of the long-held parental theory that you lose heat through your head in winter. The beanie is over but take heart, the beret is your friend this season – it is a subtle nod to your wokeness in hat form. Che Guevara is an icon of the beret, after all.
Wool beret, £11, Forever 21. Photograph: Forever 21
If you want to up your Insta game: wear a T-shirt with a quote
Why: The selfie is the perfect place to let your clothes do the talking – see Rihanna in the Gucci “Common sense is not that common” T-shirt
Buy: A T-shirt worthy of the thinking face emoji
Moving on from the “We Should All Be Feminists” T-shirt of last season, the newest sartorial sandwich boards are less about female empowerment and more a way to show off your cleverness. Enter the highbrow T-shirt. Rihanna’s Gucci tee appealed to philosophy graduates with a Baudelaire quote, while others reference song lyrics and Bible verses. Forget the band T-shirt’s rock’n’roll vibes – this season, your T-shirt is the #sorrynotsorry way to show how well read you are.
Statement tee, £8, Monki. Photograph: Monki
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