#cowboy cookbook
oldwestmedia · 1 year
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Cowboy's Cookbook: Recipes and Tales from Campfires, Cookouts, and Chuck Wagons by Sherry Monahan Featuring recipes and dutch-oven favorites in photos and lore celebrating the cowboy’s role in the shaping of the American West
Available Here: https://amzn.to/3VUs8pp
Cowboy's Cookbook: Recipes and Tales from Campfires, Cookouts, and Chuck Wagons by Sherry Monahan
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zeawesomebirdie · 1 year
Okay I am not the target audience for this cookbook. At least it told me how to process the pumpkins ??
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tolkienreader1996 · 1 year
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This is one of my grandpa’s cookbooks, I doubled the recipe for apple cheese bread
I love old cookbooks they’re little bits of history especially if they have notes in them
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Hey @hiseverlastinggrace this has some Australian trail recipes
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duranduratulsa · 5 months
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Now reading: Faith, Family &;The Feast by Kent Rollins & Shannon Rollins (2020) #book #books #nonfiction #cookbooks #faithfamilyandthefeast #kentrollins #cowboykentrollins #ShannonRollins #2020s
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 8 months
Living with Alfie Solomons
Warnings: Fluff, angst, references to religion and violence.
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Domestic Alfie Headcanons
Alfie owns many different properties all over London and Margate. To your shock, only two were in Camden. One was what you could only describe as a “bachelor’s apartment,” which strongly resembled his office with the addition of a lumpy mattress. He took you to see what he considers his “home,” a one-story brick house surrounded by the lush green of the English countryside. Alfie had built this home after deciding, “Me and stairs, right, we ain’t made for each other.” The home also comes with a sweet little guesthouse behind it for his mother to live in. At which point he had a short rant about how his aging mother refuses to move in and still lives in her tiny flat in Camden. 
When he’s not being a “baker,” he does like to do some baking. Real baking. Bread, pudding, cake, pies, you name it. He likes having to measure his ingredients, put on the perfect temperature for the perfect amount of time. He likes to collect cookbooks too, and will have a gleam of almost childlike delight when he finds one he doesn’t already possess. 
Alfie has a tendency to develop very strong interest in a very specific thing and then drop it months later. He retains all he’s learned from it, but it can be a bit annoying as he will fill the house with his latest obsession. A short list of obsessions he’s developed are: American cowboys, jewelry making, stamps, coin collecting, eastern meditation practices, and Italian opera. 
You had to get used to his slight OCD involving things in his home. Everything has a place, and he gets very grumpy if you move something, a spoon for instance, and he can’t immediately find it. 
Children in the neighborhood are equal parts frightened and delighted by Alfie. They think he’s funny but intimidating. He gives out money and gifts to the Jewish families of Camden, and the children know that. Your dear man will huff and puff about the kids bothering him… but also throw them a coin or a sweet when he’s in the mood. Alfie is sort of like Santa Claus and the Boogeyman at the same time to them. After you started living with him, these children started to follow you around the neighborhood to ask questions about him. Some are quite tame, like “Does Mr. Solomons like cake?” or “Is Mr. Solomons your husband? Will you have lots of children?” while others are, “Did Mr. Solomons kidnap you?”
Relationship Headcanons
Mr. Solomons is quiet in his moments of romance with you. He likes to cup your cheek in his palm and touch his forehead to yours. Trace your face with his thumb as if to memorize it by touch. He places slow kisses on your cheeks and lips, gentle and almost reverent. His world is very brutal and without loyalty, you become his sanctuary. He sleeps best with you in his arms or laying directly on top of him. If you need to get up for any reason, expect a lot of complaining in at least three different languages from Alfie. He hates to be left alone in bed now that he’s had you. 
Thomas Shelby had no idea Alfie was married, until Alfie felt like telling him. Tommy now knows far too much about you. And you know far too much about Thomas Shelby. The first time you meet in person is very awkward.
Alfie is the sort of person that likes quality time and good conversation. He likes to go on strolls with you on the beach of Margate when his knee isn’t too painful. Going to the museum or a library are all tip-top dates in Alfie’s opinion. However, his favorite place to take you is back home. Home is where he can make you dinner and listen to you laugh at his strange stories. He loves to banter and bicker with you. You are one of the few people to make him laugh. Everyone at the port knows when Alfie’s had a nice evening with you because he comes to work in such a grand mood. Newer employees have to be warned not to get too comfortable, as he could come in like a bull if you argued that morning. 
He has a bad habit of dropping surprises on you. These surprises normally revolve around security and protection. Alfie will buy or arrange things for you and then completely forget he did it until you storm into his office asking for an explanation. For some reason, this man won’t admit these things are for self-defense. He just acts like it’s perfectly normal to take your lover out to a gun range or teach her how to stab a man between the ribs. He’s just being a fun, quirky man! 
A marriage proposal is never far off, he’s just waiting for you to convert. If you do not want to convert, prepare to be a secret. He is a religious man and he treasures his faith. Alfie will never forsake you (though he may jest) for not believing what he believes. His reason for hiding you is simple, his mother. Mrs. Solomons wouldn’t speak to her son if she found out he was living with an unwed gentile! 
That said, Mrs. Solomons adores you before and after you marry her son. She’s a delightful old Russian woman who is constantly ordering Alfie around. Mainly, she tells him he glares too much, and he needs to give her a grandchild soon. 
You were surprised by how touchy he is behind closed doors. In public, you could pass for an employee with how distant he is before marriage. After marriage, he likes to walk with arms linked. As a married couple, it is more appropriate to be seen touching each other and he takes full advantage of it. As a matter of fact, he’s almost clingy. He’ll call the house from his office and make up an excuse to talk to you. 
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atom-writings · 9 months
hetalia axis & allies (+ canada) xmas headcanons
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1.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: uhhh christmas obviously. mention of religion and underwear?? uh... i think that's it
a/n: this is my first christmas as a jewish convert so that's been weird. anyway I just wanted something quick, so its mostly a list of gift ideas (:
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Alfred is SUCH a huge Christmas fan. I mean, canonically he dresses up as Santa, so he goes all out for the entire month of December. He's been working on a huge holiday home display for decades, and it shows.
He plays Santa at his local mall during the weeks leading up to Christmas; and on the night of, he hands out hot cocoa outside his house. It's fun, but it also means he's a little distracted when it comes to you.
What he would get you: Posters of your favourite movies, super comfy pyjamas, expensive figures of characters you like, candy you like but never get for yourself, model planes or Legos for you two to build together, novelty pens, a stupid cowboy costume so you can match <3, those handmade coupons because he 1. Loves you and 2. Forgot about Christmas until yesterday
What he would want: Any video games, Funko Pops, vinyls of music he likes, those big packs of shirts (he is constantly running out of shirts because he rips or irreparably stains them,) Marvel comics, anything with an eagle on it, those mini wacky waving inflatable tube men things, bulk pens and pencils because he also breaks those constantly-
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Arthur is not big into Christmas and never has been. He'll celebrate with you, but he's not going out when it comes to any aspect. If anything, he finds it a little exhausting getting gifts for everyone
But, he does adore walking around and looking at all the lights. He'll do that a couple times with you in December.
What he would get you: Any novel you’ve mentioned even once, tickets to a concert both of you will enjoy, classy jackets that fit you perfectly, cute keychains, fancy art supplies, fragrances that remind him of you, bags/purses that fit your style, CDs
What he would want: Sewing supplies (thread, new needles, new fabric scissors,) framed photos of the two of you, Doctor Who merch, foreign tea, a book on how to take care of your eyebrows properly (he will not learn otherwise,) slippers, those sarcastic magnets that all millennial women have at least one of, any ridiculous piece of merch with the union jack on it
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Francis has very mixed feelings about Christmas. On one hand, he hates how consumerist it has become, but on the other hand, nothing makes him happier than seeing the joy the season brings to others.
Plus, he does enjoy giving and receiving presents. The music too? Wonderful. As long as you don't get too stressed out, the holiday should be perfect.
What he would get you: Tons of clothes; stuff that's already your style, and completely new stuff, room decorations (NOT posters,) a reservation at a nice restaurant, bracelets that he made for you, makeup (if you like that kind of thing,) candles that smell like his cologne, CHEESE
What he would want: Fancy fabric, any clothes (he doesn’t care what they are as long as you think they’d look good on him…) paintings or photography, literally ANYTHING creative you’ve made, hair ties (he loses at least 5 a day,) bird stuffed animals, (Basically anything! Francis is not picky)
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Christmas is a new occurrence for Yao, and he isn't the biggest fan. He'll buy you stuff for it, but he would do that normally. The lights and the music aren't anything special to him either. Basically, he won't celebrate unless you want to.
What he would get you: Elaborate, very expensive jewellery, huge stuff like a car, Chinese cookbooks, traditional clothes that he made specifically to represent you (: luxury handbags (that he got at SUCH a good discount,) tons of weird off-brand merch of your favourite show, probably a nice meal too!
What he would want: Yao is hard to buy for. Soft robes, stuff to help with back pain, face masks, Hello Kitty keychains… reading glasses maybe?
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Although he isn't as excited about Christmas as he is about the New Year, he still loves the holiday. It's a nice excuse to see family, and everyone is just so happy around the season! He's especially excited to celebrate it with you.
He's not the best at giving gifts, but he could be worse. Regardless of whether you like all of it, you're gonna get a lot of stuff.
(Also, he plays Santa for the kids sometimes. It's so cute-)
What he would get you: Random knick-knacks he probably found at a local market, knitted hats and gloves in your favourite colour, a scarf to match his, tickets to go somewhere warm on vacation, stuffed animals! books that made him think of you (usually philosophical or religious novels,) pretty rocks (:
What he would want: SUNFLOWERS! (This works for every occasion,) baked goods, clothes that aren’t 250 years old- new doilies and paintings to decorate his house, pictures of yourself, friendship bracelets, stuffed animals, if you can make a scarf somehow, DO THAT
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North Italy
Feliciano cares about Christmas in a more religious way, but he's never mad about getting presents. So, he'll probably spend most of the day in church, but he still did put a lot of effort into getting you stuff you love.
What he would get you: Pajamas & bath robes, shitty romance novels that he wants you to read, weird hand-made knick-knacks, makeup, strange mugs that he found at a thrift store, a painting of you (: probably a pair of his boxers-
What he would want: New paint brushes, novelty pasta shapes, fancy jackets, any art that you’ve made (regardless of quality,) cat stuffed animals, The Ability To Get A Grip, skincare products, shiny garbage (For art purposes, duh,) those handmade coupon things
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Ludwig does not enjoy Christmas particularly. He's terrible at giving gifts but he wants to so desperately that he spends all of winter stressing out about it. Yes, he's excited to see your reaction to his gifts, but at what cost?!
Although he does still like all the decorations at least. Maybe he just likes re-decorating though.
What he would get you: Puzzles you can complete together, soft sweaters, practical stuff you need (like book bags, lens cloths, that kind of thing,) stationery, reservations for private tours at museums you would find interesting, a subscription to whatever silly service you want (:
What he would want: Books about city planning, nerdy card games, a fun lanyard, a new coffee machine, those aroma-therapy diffuser things, household tools like vacuums and stuff (Get him an air fryer. He’s going to be fascinated.) stress balls, pens (He is boring.)
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Kiku really has no particular feelings towards Christmas. If you weren't there, the most he would do was put up a mini tree. He's stressed out by both giving and receiving presents and is only willing to do that kind of thing if you want to.
What he would get you: Electronics, merch of your favourite Sanrio character, books that he thinks you’ll like, stickers, a bento box, comfy sweatpants, cute hairpins, plushies from your favourite media, a bunch of pillows, some obscure Japanese snacks too!
What he would want: Miku figures, posters, video games, manga, general nerdy stuff, history novels (he likes to correct them,) blackout curtains, cute face masks, a Polaroid camera, a guide on socialization (Seriously.) a knit scarf, if you can knit (:
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South Italy
Romano desperately wants to care about Jesus more than getting gifts. He's a devout catholic, g*ddamnit! But... he does just really love eating baked goods and getting gifts more than anything. Getting together with family, the music, the lights, he just ADORES the holiday.
What he would get you: Blankets and pillows, your favourite snacks, clothes that are a little more revealing- cruise tickets (if going on wouldn’t be hell for you,) a journal where he wrote down all of the things he loves about you (completely honestly,) religious items, fancy perfumes
What he would want: Paintings from local artists, post-its (so he can finally remember SOMETHING,) anything with the Italian flag on it, stupid bumper stickers, pictures of the other nations that you’ve written insults on, fancy patterned scarves and fabric
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Like Alfred, Gilbert loves Christmas in a very childish way. He embraces that side of himself during the holidays and he'd love it if you joined him in that. He constantly insists on going out to see the lights, and he just can't get enough of Christmas movies. Even the bad ones (He's a Hallmark girlie.)
What he would get you: A vintage music box, hair dye, DVDs of your favourite movies (just to have,) stationery, random snacks he picked up from a gas station an hour ago, weirdly sentimental jewellery? Vintage journals, pictures of himself
What he would want: Coupons (???) goofy temporary tattoos, metal CDs, tea (he’s weirdly embarrassed about liking tea and doesn’t buy it for himself?) vintage maps that he can frame and hang up, probably like, WD40? DC comics, novelty trophies, Pokemon cards, video games
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More than anything, Matthew loves winter. So, therefore, he loves Christmas! Seeing you smile when you open your gifts, he looks forward to it all season. It seems like the only time of year when everyone else is either as miserable or as happy as he is, so it's his favourite holiday.
Cuddling up in front of the fireplace with hot cocoa, watching some old Christmas movie, its all he wants.
What he would get you: Comfy hoodies, comfy slippers too, hot cocoa packs, big stuff like a new PC or fridge or smth- decorations for your room, face masks, fidget toys, novelty Canadian keychains, figures of your favourite characters, festive sweets (like candy-canes and stuff.)
What he would want: Anything with a maple leaf (yes, he wants MORE of that,) boring stuff like socks, wood-working tools or like a new snow shovel, fairy lights, DVDs (because he still uses them? Why.) a new phone case, gift cards (HES BORING,) pre-packaged crafts, lotion and cologne that smells like pine
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merry christmas if you celebrate! this'll probably be the last full thing I post until 2024, so thanks to all you readers for sticking around this year (: you have no idea how much it means to me. i love yall. and to all a good night or whatever santa said
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babygirlwolverine · 2 years
dean and cas playing the ‘that’s you’ game where they’re constantly pointing at things that remind them of each other but it’s always sappy like dean sees a bee fly past them outside and he’s like “hey look, that’s you” and cas smiles so brightly it rivals the sunshine and cas spots a beautiful cookbook and he nudges dean and is like “that’s you” and dean kisses cas’ cheek and every time cas sees something cowboy themed he always tells dean “that’s definitely you” and when dean spots a rainbow when they’re driving in the impala he taps cas’ thigh and points at the rainbow and says quietly “that’s you”
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blitzwhore · 1 month
Okay I have some song recs for the stolitz playlist.
The Simplest Words - The Narcissist Cookbook (feels very Blitz perspective of the self hating)
Howl - The Family Crest (This song feels very horny and top energy. The definition of I'm going to make you fall for me. Side note it also feels super omega verse, lol)
So Alright, Cool, Whatever - The Happy Fits (This is aggressive yearning. Oh my lord I could see it from Stolas or Blitz perspective)
Rises the Moon - Momoru (Lovely male cover of this song. For some reason I imagine it as a sad Blitz cover. Like almost this was a lullaby that Tilla would sing to him.)
Functional Poetry - The Narcissist Cookbook
I think I am going to leave my phone at home tonight- The Narcissist Cookbook (cute Blitz or Stolas perspective)
Casualty - Lawrence (Blitz perspective)
C'mon Baby, Cry - Orville Peck (Good cowboy sounding song about letting people in and having your guard down. When Blitz wants to cosplay as a cowboy)
The Curse of the Blackened Eye - Orville Peck (This is a really good song about depression)
Dirty Imbecile - The Happy Fits (Could see from either perspective)
Self Esteem - AJJ (Blitz perspective)
Goodbye Optimism - Pedals on Our Pirate Ships (Super edgy Blitz)
Self-Loathing - Days N Daze (Blitz)
I'm Not a Good Person - Pat The Bunny (Super edgy Blitz)
Horseface Pirate - Blind Mountain Holler (Title is self explanatory. Song just feels Helluva Boss coded)
Next to You - Jon Vincent III
Moments - Micah Edwards (sleepy)
Notice Me - acoustic - ROLE MODEL
Goodbye - The Altogether (sweet goodbye song 😭. Kinda feels apology tour coded)
Painkiller - Ruel (kind of a vibe and a jam)
I recommend some that I don't think you have yet. I have a huge playlist myself for edgy romances. I hope you enjoy 😊.
So many recs! Thank you! ✨💞
The Simplest Words - oh this one is going right into the Blitz playlist, damn. It's so him it hurts. Love how it sounds, too!!
Howl - oh hey I actually already have this song saved, I think an irl friend recced it. And yet somehow I never stopped to pay attention to the lyrics and realise just how well they fit Stolas holy shit. Especially the first half! Wtf. 🤣 I've added it to the Stolas playlist now! (and, yeah, the second half of the song is so omegaverse coded 😂 I love that shit)
So alright, cool, whatever - love it! The rhythm is a bit too upbeat, but I think the lyrics at the beginning are sad enough to fit in the Stolitz angst playlist, so there it goes!
Rises the moon - love how it sounds! I like your idea of Tilla singing it to Blitz, but while I was listening I couldn't help but imagine a sad and lonely Stolas singing it to himself as a way to self-soothe. I feel like the moon imagery and the poetic language fit his character very well. (and how cute and heartbreaking would it be if the song Tilla sings to Blitz is the same song Stolas sings to himself? 😭) added to the Stolas playlist!!!
Functional poetry - the lyrics fit both of them at different parts, so yeah, this one goes to the Stolitz playlist! I really liked it!
I think I'm going to leave my phone at home tonight - the first half of the song fits Stolas so well, I feel! And I like the second half, I have a very soft spot for spoken poetry in the middle of songs (Nightwish songs my beloved), so I think I'm gonna save it to the Stolas playlist!
Casualty - yup, 100% Blitz lol, added!
C'mon baby, cry - oh hey, I already have an Orville Peck song in the Stolas playlist (recced by @stolitzsings!). Despite the cowboy vibes I feel like the lyrics of this song also fit Stolas better, so his playlist is where this is going ❤️
The curse of the blackened eye - saving this one to my likes because I really enjoyed it but I haven't decided if it fits any of my HB playlists!
Dirty imbecile - I think this one might go in my Blitz playlist! Gotta listen to it a couple of times to see if it sticks :)
Self esteem - the lyrics fit Blitz so well! Pity the song is so short!
Goodbye optimism - super edgy indeed! I don't think this one fits my style but I can see Blitz in it!
Self loathing - same as above
I'm not a good person - damn this is so Blitz 😳 how sad is it that the only lyric that doesn't fit him is "I'm asleep all day in my room" because he doesn't have a room? Anyway, this is going in his playlist!
Horseface pirate - loving the way this sounds! It's going in the Blitz playlist methinks :)
Next to you - I'm saving this one to my personal likes because I'm not sure it fits any of my HB playlists but I really enjoyed it!
Moments - this is so pretty 🥺 I can imagine Stolas singing it about Blitz. I'll add it to the Stolitz angst playlist!
Notice me - might keep this one in the Blitz playlist :3 I have to listen to it a couple of times
Goodbye - 😭😭😭 *adds to stolitz angst playlist*
Painkiller - loving the way this one sounds. I'm gonna save it to my likes for now and maybe it'll make it into a playlist after I've listened to it a few times!
Thanks SO MUCH for these recs, I loved so many of these!!!! 😍
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scarfacemarston · 10 months
You know, I see so many fandom cookbooks for everything from Dragon Age, to the Witcher, Lord of the Rings, to Dungeons and Dragons, and Breaking Bad.
But I don’t see a Red Dead Redemption one being popular. I have a feeling it’d be Pearson’s stew - which binging with Babish did - jerky and stuff like that? (Side of botulism optional if the gang is to be believed). Abigail’s burnt roast?
Or would it be like Cowboy Kent Rollins? Historic and cultural?
Or the menus that we see from the various bars and restaurants?
Anyway, I don’t see it being as successful, but hey, a fallout 4 cookbook shouldn’t work out either with that logic! Edit: I don't know why it says comments are restricted?? I didn't set any settings or touch any comments. :/
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oldwestmedia · 1 year
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A Taste Of Cowboy: Ranch Recipes and Tales from the Trail (Hardcover) by Kent Rollins, Shannon Rollins Gifted cook, TV contestant, and storyteller takes us into his frontier world with simple food anyone can do.
Available Here: https://amzn.to/3MGpYWC
A Taste Of Cowboy: Ranch Recipes and Tales from the Trail (Hardcover) by Kent Rollins, Shannon Rollins
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Here's some headcannons that no one asked for;
Pre, during and immediately post Crisis Cassidy headcannon's
Note; some of these are updated headcannons from stuff I've previously talked about.
I've stated this in previous posts but I personally don't like the headcanon that Cassidy's bio family was abusive, one because I think if they were good people it makes Cassidy loosing them all the more heart breaking, two, because it further foils Cassidy and Ashe, Cassidy's bio family being good people but dead while Ashe's parents are incredibly shitty people while unfortunately being alive.
Cassidy's bio family consisted of his mum, (step-)dad, aunt (bio dads side), and two younger sisters. Cassidy bio dad died before he was born so the only dad he really knew at that point was his step-dad.
Cassidy's mum is from Dorado and went to visit immediately before the Crisis hit, Cassidy and the rest of his family were supposed to join her a few days later but then the Crisis hit. She died but Cassidy didn't really know what happened to her until he joined Overwatch, he looked up what happened to her and that's when he found out she was dead.
Cassidy and his family lived on a farm but would often travel to either a near by city or to Dorado as a family.
Cassidy was taught how to shoot by his aunt from a very young age, they mostly used fake guns though since, y'know, he was a child.
They had a lot of animals on the farm but the ones that always cause Cassidy's attention were the horses.
Cassidy's little sisters were twins and they were 3 years younger than him, one of them was named Maria and the other was Alyssa.
His aunts name was Cassandra, his mums name was Coleta and his dads name was Morris.
Cassidy always has been, and always will be, obsessed with cowboys and horses.
During the Crisis
Like I said before, Cassidy's mother wasn't with the rest of the family when the Crisis started, however Cassidy's family was immediately effected, Cassidy's dad dying in the inital waves of Omnics being taken under the control of Anubis.
Cassidy's aunt and his sister Alyssa died in a bandit raid when people and gangs started taking advantage of the Crisis. Alyssa wasn't able to get out of the house in time and Cassandra died distracting the bandits away from Cassidy and Maria. This happened moths later after Morris's death.
Cassidy actually witnessed Maria dying, she died due to blood loss in a shoot out between Cassidy and a group of other, more hostile, survivors while they were trying to get to the nearest city. This happened weeks after the deaths of Cassandra and Alyssa, Maria only lasted a day after the shoot out. This all happened withing the first year of the Crisis.
When Cassidy finally got to the nearest city he found it in ruins, the only moving things being Omnics. He nearly died looking for anyone who could help him, then he nearly died again scavenging for food. After that Cassidy avoided cities but his problems didn't stop because there was still other humans to worry about (I'll get into why I think people were a big problem for Cassidy in a different post cause that's it's own analysis)
Cassidy was always a good shot so with only himself to worry about it was easy to defend himself. He was also very observant so whenever he had to deal with Omnics he managed to find a way to survive them quickly.
Cassidy killed a few humans during the Crisis, and injuring a lot of others. At this point Cassidy's only objective was survive at any cost, he didn't feel guilty about the things he did until right before Deadlock.
Cassidy mostly survived on scrapes he picked up when he could and by the point he found people who might have helped him, his trust and faith in people had already evaporated.
There are only a couple things of his families that survived the crisis, his fathers hat, his mothers cookbook and his aunts leather jacket. Initially Cassandras gun also survived but it was taken away later in the deadlock novel. (When he joined Blackwatch he got his gun modelled after hers, same with his current gun)
Cassidy considers the person he was before the Crisis dead.
Post-Crisis, Pre-Deadlock
Jesse Mcree and Cole Cassidy aren't his given names, if you like this head cannon you can choose whatever name you want but personally I think his given name is Joel and his original last is Mercer (cause I'm unoriginal, also two points, one, If I'm writing with my "Sombra is his bio sibling" headcanon/AU his last name is Colomar, two, Mercer is an old English, Scottish and Irish last name so my "Cassidy is part Irish" headcannon still holds up with this headcannon)
Cassidy also considers the name Jesse Mcree as an alias since he came up with it on the spot but considers Cole Cassidy as his chosen name.
Cassidy didn't trust people and didn't stay in one place to start trusting people, that changed when he met Julian, Julian was the first person to get past one of Cassidy's walls and get him to stay in one place long enough to adjust to people again.
Though before then the more he moved post crisis the less and less violent he became cause people weren't attacking him (as often)
After he met Julian he didn't really open up, but this is when the Cassidy we know and love in the Deadlock novel formed. It was also kind of the initial forming of several of Cassidy's toxic coping mechanism of focusing on everyone else's problems but his own started, it was also the start of Cassidy making himself the scapegoat to protect other people.
Essentially during the year before Cassidy met Ashe he kind of semi delt with what he went through in the Crisis and becoming some what adjusted to society again. (It's mostly him just learning to mask his trauma)
Anyway hope you all enjoyed that!! See you all in my next post!!
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delopsia · 2 years
Flowers In November (2/4) Rhett x Reader
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Word Count: 9,780 ♡‧₊˚ AO3 Cross-Post ♡⊹˚₊ Flowers In November Masterlist₊˚⊹♡ Warnings: Fem!Reader. Briefly mentioned abusive relationships (not involving reader), improper disposal of a horse's corpse, l-bombs, oral sex, physical and verbal altercations, blood, unprotected sex, inappropriate use of a firearm, lying to a police officer, multiple mentions of food and cooking.
Part 1 ♡⊹˚₊ Part 3
The first week is the worst.
You spend a lot of it on Rhett's couch. Trying and failing to run from the overwhelming heaviness that's settled deep into your muscles, reaching deep into your bones, seemingly filling them with cement. There's something so draining about realizations. It just doesn't...make sense.
Rhett doesn't complain about your dead weight around the house, even though he has every right to be annoyed with a stranger lazing about his home. A part of you suspects that he enjoys the company. He seems to get a lot of enjoyment out of laying on the couch opposite you, just talking about whatever is on your mind.
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Your likes, your dislikes, hobbies. You learn that he used to eat fried eggs with his hashbrowns religiously. That his momma became so attached to their pigs that they're not allowed to eat real bacon anymore. You're pretty sure you'd be the same way if you befriended a livestock animal.
Old memories, both the sweet and the bitter ones. Recounting old tales of adventures and comparing your worlds, eager to spot the differences between the two. Little by little, it sets in how wonderfully similar and different this world is. Rhett's town is nearly identical to yours. Same layout and the same buildings. Different shop and street names.
It's not home, but it's a familiar face.
"You can't be serious," Rhett squawks, his empty beer can hitting the table, "you grew up on what street?"
You have to hold up a finger, asking him to wait as you chew this bite of cookie. Rhett's momma, who you now know as Cecelia, sent them over yesterday, and they're so chewy that you need a moment. "Cold River road."
"What the hell?" Shaking his head, "it was Warm Creek road for me."
It's hard to believe that this is your reality now. A tweaked version of your past one, whether that be for better or for worse. The mom-and-pop shop you planned to work at doesn't exist here, but in its place is this beautiful cafe that sells baked goods and coffee. Rhett takes you in there one day after a successful grocery run.
"You know," you find yourself saying as you tuck yourselves into a corner booth with your drinks, "I never pinned you as a french vanilla kind of guy."
Rhett rolls his eyes so dramatically that you hope they become lodges in the back of his head, "what were you expecting, plain black?"
Humming, you feign thought, as if you're putting everything you've got into this conversation, "I was thinking mocha."
He finds a way to bug you in return by tearing off a piece of your pastry when you're not looking. He's not sorry, and you can't find it in yourself to be mad because he smiles so big that his eyes crinkle and disappear with it. Happy little crescents.
With a pantry and fridge full of proper food and ingredients, you do the only thing you can do on a ranch like this. You cook.
Cecelia offers you cookbooks galore, regional cuisines, and desserts. Anything you can think of, she has. There's even a book on mixing drinks in there. It's not your ideal lifestyle, cooking all day, but it's either this or you break your back working with Rhett, and you know you don't have the energy to work like him.
Your first attempt is a disaster. Rhett's stove heats up much slower than you're used to, and the pasta winds up undercooked. The homemade sauce is a bit off because part of the instructions has been distorted by water.
"I don't see what the fuss is about," covering his mouth as he speaks, "it's still good." And your heart soars with a foreign fuzziness from that alone.
Strange how the cowboy you met by mere circumstance has slowly become your number-one supporter. He's always got something nice to say about your cooking; you could be serving him plain soup from a can, and he'd still smile and thank you for taking the time to make it.
There's a night when you wake up sobbing because you saw your mother in your dream, and you miss her so, so much. It's only been two weeks without her, and you don't think you'll ever see her again. Rhett's a heavy sleeper, but he was already awake, fetching a glass of water. You don't hear him coming or realize he's there until you feel the mattress dip.
He doesn't know why you're crying, but he offers you a smile anyway, "you look like you could use a shoulder to cry on."
You're unsure if he meant that literally, but he welcomes you into his warm arms all the same. You find refuge in the comforting silence that he wears, like his favorite cologne. It wraps around you in the same fashion that his arms do, clouding your senses until your head has gone quiet too.
It's late, he has to be up early to work, but he turns on the sitcom you've been watching together. Words go unspoken because no matter how many of them you say, they can't fix this. His shoulder is warm, and somewhere between the buzz of sound on the television and the way he fiddles with your hand, you doze off.
That morning, you wake up tucked into bed, the sheets snuggly wrapped around you like a hug. Your only indication that last night wasn't a dream is the progress you made in that show.
"I hope you don't have any plans for today," good lord, how long has he been standing in the kitchen?
...and how long has he been shirtless.
You can only open and close your mouth like a fish out of water, tearing your eyes off his sculpted chest, only to have them draw back onto him like magnets. Has he always had that tattoo of a bull and rider on his chest?
If Rhett notices your staring, he doesn't call you out. "We're going to get you a friend."
"Friend?" You parrot, dumbfounded. God, those biceps...
Even as you get dressed, in a mixture of his clothes and some he's bought for you, it's hard to figure out what he means by 'friend.' Is he introducing you to someone, or is he buying a puppy? You can see Isabela tacked up through the bedroom window, waiting patiently just outside the house.
Fortunately, by now, it's easy to swing yourself up behind Rhett. Huddling close and burying your face into his back has become second nature, especially as the temperatures drop each day. Every ride, you thank your lucky stars that he's a walking furnace that's always happy to warm you up.
"Where are we going?" You don't think he's ever taken you to this side of his land. All the way down to where all four corners of the respective lands meet.
"South pasture," Rhett supplies, but he gives you nothing more to go on regarding the whole 'friend' situation.
The South belongs to Perry and his family. Although, it looks more like a lake than anything else. Water covers most of the property, forcing Isabela to stick to the fence line, where it's mostly dry. Even then, you can still hear the squelch of the soggy ground under her hooves. It's a wonder how this lake stays contained within the borders of Perry's land.
You can't help but wonder where his house is located because you see nothing but water, water, and more water.
That is, until a gray horse emerges from the murky depths, shaking the water from her coat, closely followed by a second and a third. But you hadn't seen any head's poking out of the water...
As if he's already caught on to your stupor, Rhett laughs. A loud, hearty noise. "Y'all don't got kelpies where you come from?"
Come again?
"Like the fantasy creature?" Vaguely, you recall hearing something about them once or twice, but you can't say you're familiar with their lore.
That statement alone is enough of an answer to Rhett's question. The horses—kelpies follow loosely behind you. Like they're trying to join Isabela but are too shy to go through with it. One of them makes eye contact with you, her haunting brown eyes peering straight through your skin and deep into your soul. At least, until she opens her mouth, and...
"...did that horse just hiss at me?"
"Yes, ma'am, she did."
You're not too pleased to see that Perry is out and about, although you're not too sure why you were expecting him not to be on his property. His house isn't much different from his parents, a considerable fraction smaller but equally extravagant and over the top. A towering marble fountain stands in front of his home, and even the water flowing through it looks expensive.
"I really thought you were lyin' when you said she was still with you," Perry's talking before he's within earshot, forcing you to rely on context to fill in the blanks, "what woman chooses to stay in a tiny shack like that?"
He takes one look at Rhett and falls dead silent. You're not sure if you want to know what kind of expression achieved that.
"If you don't mind, I need to speak to Rhett alone for a second." The last time someone told you they needed to speak to Rhett alone, you received information you wish you hadn't.
And you sure hope these kelpies don't talk.
Isabela is content to be tied off on a fence post nearby, minding her own while you absently scratch her shoulder. You're not sure what to do. You'd feel wrong for wandering around and exploring, but it's not the ideal experience to simply stand here. What does Perry need with Rhett, anyhow?
There's movement off to your left.
"Did you follow us?" You can't believe you're asking a horse this as if she can respond. Or so you hope.
That same horse idles at the edge of her fence, her darkened eyes fixated on you as if you're the most interesting thing she has ever seen. Up close, you can see the dapples that cover her body, most of them hidden by how she's whitened out over the years. There's a considerable amount of feathering on her lower legs; she almost looks like she's wearing oversized socks.
Again, she hisses at you.
There are plenty of horses in the field with her, but she's the only one that's truly taken notice of you.
Slow, she follows the fence until she's close enough to hang her head over the wooden panels. Her eyes look more like a goat's, pupils wide and rectangular rather than round. You're looking, waiting on those eyelashes to flutter with a blink, but as time ticks by, she only blinks once.
As you go to offer her your hand, she lifts her head, tracking everywhere the appendage goes.
"Do me a favor," whispering in the wind, "don't bite my hand off, please?" The first time your hand touches her neck, she flinches, whistling much like a dolphin, but then she returns and lets you do it again.
Her eyes close, leaning into your touch. Not so scary after all.
"Why did I have a feeling it would be that one?" The sudden appearance of Perry's voice spooks you just as much as it does your newfound companion here; both of you stop what you're doing to look for the source of the sound.
Perry and Rhett are walking over, the bush behind them shaking unnaturally as if someone's just rustled it.
"Were you two hiding in that bush?" Your accusation is answered when Rhett's eyes hit the ground, suddenly too heavy to lift them.
"For business purposes," Perry tells you blandly, "it's best to be alone; it rules out the possibility of a kelpie trying to pick someone else."
"They're a fussy species," filling in the blank, Rhett stands next to you, holding out his hand for the kelpie to sniff, "they pick their riders, rather than the other way around."
Her halter contains a tiny ID chip that displays her information when Rhett scans it with his phone. She's seven and a half, was born and raised on Perry's land, and was initially trained to assist lifeguards, capable of reaching places that human divers cannot. Her name?
"Nyx," both you and Rhett murmur, perfectly in sync.
She settles into the barn three days later. You don't notice her at first because, at a glance, she blends in perfectly with the snow. Her presence is only given away by Rhett's surprised yelp as she turns on him, knocking him down in the driveway.
"Are you really trying to put a bow on that horse?" You can't help but tease, snow crunching below your feet. Planted flat on his back, red ribbon laying haphazardly on his belly, shoulders shaking as he giggles. Your feet come to a stop right next to the halo of brown hair, looking at him from upside down.
"Merry Christmas?" He offers, shy. Fuck, he's cute.
Until now, you've completely forgotten about Christmas and the New Year and hadn't really wanted to remember it either. Yet as this cowboy laughs at you like he's the happiest man in the world, and as Nyx comes to stand by your side, it hits you that maybe this, whatever it is, isn't so bad.
The weather makes it hard to go out for any rides; there are some days when it becomes so cold that it's dangerous for Nyx and Isabela to be outside for too long. Those days are always the worst because the wind blows so hard that you can't see beyond the porch. It always worries you because Rhett is out in it, and even the most experienced men can be overtaken by the cold.
Then there's the night when your worst fears start coming true. Two weeks after New Year's, a winter storm slams Wyoming with high winds and endless snowfall. Howling wind whips around the house, screaming by, carrying so much snow that all you can see is a solid white sheet. It's been like this all afternoon, and Rhett's an hour later than usual.
You've found yourself pacing back and forth between all the windows, searching for a sign of him out there, but all you can see is the thick clumps of snow as they descend from the skies above.
Oh, where is he? Where is he?
Rhett's always been home around six, his latest so far has been six forty-five, and that was only because Isabela got a stubborn rock lodged in her hoof.
The clock in the bedroom reads seven-thirty. The numbers bright red, glaring you down.
You've got half the mind to clamber into some of his heavy winter clothes and look for him yourself, but what will you do if you get lost too? If he comes back and finds the house empty?
Oh, but what if he's hurt himself? He could be half frozen to death out there, and—
the room falls dark.
"Great," swearing under your breath, "just fucking great."
It's below zero outside, and now you have no power. Absolutely wonderful.
There's wood and old newspaper already stocked in the fireplace, just in case Rhett's feeling festive enough to get a fire going. Memory tells you there's a lighter in the kitchen junk drawer, hidden in a mix of sticky notes, pens, and pencils. It's hard to see what you're doing, fumbling around blindly in the drawer until your fingers find the familiar shape of the lighter.
You've watched Rhett enough times to know how he usually gets these started, and you're pleased to find that you can get the fireplace going without burning the house down. Albeit, your fingers are now a twinge burnt.
Impossibly, the wind seems to be picking up more speed, beating against the house so hard that the front door is starting to shake, the knob rattling. Or, at first, you think it's the wind, but the longer it goes on, the more you start to wonder...
"Rhett?" You call out, turning toward the offending noise, "that you?"
No response, but that knob just keeps making noise.
A part of you is afraid to open it; the other half is worried about what may happen if you don't. The metal feels like ice in your hand, almost burning as you turn it and pull the door open.
That wasn't the wind.
"God, Rhett, where the hell have you been?" Hissing at the wind that rattles into the house, you step to the side, letting him stumble into the house.
His shoulders carry a mountain of snow on them; tiny icicles decorate his long lashes. You don't know where his gloves have gone, but his hands have gone white, struggling to get ahold of his jacket zipper. He's making sounds like he's trying to speak, but nothing is coming out.
"I've got you," taking hold of the zipper, you pull it down, helping him squirm out of his snow-soaked coat. It's dripping water all over the freshly cleaned floor, and the best place for it would be the washer, but you toss it onto the counter. That's not what needs to be focused on right now.
"Couldn't," swallowing thickly, "door."
How long was he out there?
Fortunately, he's still there enough to know that he should go and sit in front of the fire while you wrangle some blankets out of the closet. But even the four blankets don't help with his shivering, seemingly just as cold as before.
"How long..." speaking like his tongue has become hard to move, "has the power been out?"
"Ten minutes?" But it feels like it's been out for a decade; most of the heat has faded. It's starting to nip at you, icy fingers reaching out from the dark and running over your exposed skin.
Maybe that's how you find yourself sitting next to him, back propped against the couch, as you open your arms, beckoning him to come into them. Those deep blue eyes rake up and down your frame once, twice, and just that is enough to fill your belly with snowflakes.
Slow, Rhett scoots over, cautious as he settles against you. Head resting on your chest, arms wrapped around your waist, burying himself into you. He feels like a block of ice, and you're pretty sure he counts as one at this point.
The weight against you is bizarrely familiar, comfortable. Not too heavy, but enough to remind you that he's there, his head tucked under your chin. Those arms wrap around you like the perfect hug, impossibly strong, even now.
"Truck got stuck in the snow," he doesn't need to explain himself to you, and yet he chooses to anyhow, "couldn't get it out, so I had to walk back."
Squeezing him tighter, "what happened to your gloves?"
"They wound up gettin' wet, took 'em off thinkin' I'd be better off," weak, he laughs against your chest, hot breath dancing across your skin, "can't believe I couldn't open the damn door."
"I thought you were the wind at first," in hindsight, you should have realized it was him.
It's easy for time to get away from you, lost in the wonderous feeling of having him snuggled up into you. Such a big cowboy that fits into your arms like he was made to be in them, and you were made to hold him. He's like a teddy bear, hair soft as you rest your cheek against his head.
"You fallin' asleep?" He asks lowly.
Prying your eyes back open, "maybe."
"Good," yawning, he nuzzles his cheek against your collarbone, "because I think I am too."
Sometime later, the power kicks back on. Lighting the house in blinding shades of white as the heating and air unit roars to life outside. You don't know why, but as you untangle from each other, you find yourself wishing it hadn't come back on at all.
You can't shake it from your head, the sweetness of Rhett's weight against you, how his hair felt beneath your cheek. Like glue, the sensations have become stuck to you, refusing to let you forget about them. It keeps you up half the night; you're awake when Rhett heads out to work and can hear Nyx fussing in the barn when he enters. Household alarm system, that one.
As you start to doze, someone knocks on the front door. The person's voice is too muffled for you to understand what she said, but it's hard to miss the phrase, 'police department.'
What in the world?
Groggy, you drag yourself out of bed, stumbling over your own two feet. Did she have to pick now, of all times? Seven-thirty is too early for police officers to be doing surprise visits.
"Hi," she grins, all too cheerful, "is Rhett Abbott here, by chance?"
Yawning, you lean against the door frame, "you just missed him," you swear you've seen this woman before, "he left about an hour ago."
She doesn't seem surprised, just nodding and writing something down on her phone. Officer Judy Hawk.
Strange. You think her name was Joy in your world.
There's no time to focus on that, though, because soon she lists off a date. You know it's passed, but you don't remember what day of the week it landed. "Perry Abbott's license plate was found in a pasture down the road, on the same night a multi-million dollar racehorse went missing," your mind jumps back to what Rhett was burying, "do you know if Rhett was home that night?"
Heart climbing high into your throat, you glance toward the barn. Shit, shit, shit, do you lie? What if she already knows the truth? What if—
"Yeah," forcing a smile, "he was here all night, like always."
Judy looks skeptical, but she offers no counter-argument and doesn't press for why you're here or how you're connected to Rhett. Just smiles.
"That's about all I needed," there's that artificial friendliness again, draped over her face like a mask, "I'll find another time to come talk to Rhett. Thank you, Mrs. Abbott."
Does she think...? That you...and Rhett...?
Ugh. No, you don't want to think about that.
It's the one thing you conveniently leave out of your retelling of the visit when Rhett inevitably stumbles in that evening. You try to be as casual as you can about it, nonchalantly letting it slip that they found Perry's plate while you take the green beans off the burner.
It's hard to tell what emotion flickers across his face. It's there and gone before you can blink, and then it's back to the usual Rhett. Too tired to be bothered by things like these.
You really hope you didn't fuck up by lying to that officer.
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A freakish heatwave washes over the state during early February.
At first, you don't know what to think when you wake up and find that most of the snow has melted overnight. The weatherman tells you it's in the mid-60s, and the sun kisses you when you step out. Walking outside is like walking into a daydream, the air just perfect enough that it's not too hot or too cold.
From the fence line, Nyx hisses, adamant that she receives your attention right here and now. Spoiled.
"Hold on, hold on," rolling your eyes over her antics, "you big snake."
She doesn't understand you, but she whistles like she does. Who would have ever thought kelpies couldn't make normal horse sounds? Perry says they make plenty of different noises, but you've only seen Nyx whistle and hiss.
Again, she flicks her head back and hisses, goat-like eyes fixated upon something behind you.
"How long have you been standing there?" Honestly, you shouldn't be surprised that it's Rhett who is the cause of Nyx's offense.
His gaze flickers down, then back up, "ever since you walked out the house in nothin' but my old rodeo shirt."
...oh no.
"I uh..." now that he's said it, you're becoming hyper-aware of how bare your legs feel, "I didn't exactly plan to go outside."
Your inability to explain is rewarded with a hearty chuckle, "I can see that." As he begins to come closer, you start to flounder. "Why don't you go get dressed?" Effortlessly relieving you of any further explanation, "we got somethin' we need to do."
That's all the encouragement you need. Leaving the conversation to rot, you take off for the house, eager to retain what little of your dignity you have. God, did you really just walk out of the house in nothing but his shirt? Why does he always slip by your radar until it's too late?
Most of your clothes are still bouncing about the dryer; it's hard to accumulate them when you don't have money. Most of them come from Cecelia's monthly closet cleanouts. You have clothes, but it feels like you've got nothing to wear.
Scratchy blouses, too-warm sweaters, too-thin tees, nothing comfortable enough for what Rhett's likely to put you up to. It seems you're doomed to putting on your only pair of jeans and wearing his rodeo shirt for the rest of the day. At least it's soft.
Nyx is missing from the pasture when you step back outside. Although to find her, all you need to do is follow the sound of her whistling.
"What are we doing?" What could possibly require Rhett to tack up Nyx?
"Goin' for a ride," his voice barely audible over Nyx and her dolphin sounds, "weather's too nice to waste the day away." As if she agrees, Nyx whistles again. It's hard to tell if she's excited or pissed beyond belief.
You get your answer when you climb into her saddle, and she tries walking out of the barn before you're ready. This isn't the first time you've ridden her, but it's the first time she's been so eager to get the show on the road.
"The longer you take, the angrier the horse gets," you find yourself saying, staring at the feed room that Rhett's disappeared into.
He pokes his head out, "you and your dolphin need to learn patience."
Not one familiar with the concept, your dolphin turns and heads for the barn exit, and for once, you allow her to do what she pleases. Isabela has hardly moved from where Rhett left her by the house, but as soon as Nyx passes by, she begins to follow on your flank.
The group of you make it about four circles around the house before Rhett finally stumbles out of the barn. "How the hell did you get her to move?" Genuine shock ripples through his tone as he approaches your little walking party.
"Walked past her," at least you will never have to worry about Nyx doing the same thing, all things considered. On some days, it's a miracle that she even lets a stranger so much as perceive her.
Now that she's moving, Isabela doesn't stop for Rhett to get on and completely bypasses him when he tries stepping in front of her. Watching him chase her down and scramble up is quite an amusing sight to behold.
"So where are we going?" Asking as you follow his lead, heading toward the gate that sits along the fence line.
His head tilts west toward his parent's house, "you'll see when we get there."
As he'd indicated, you head west at a leisurely pace, taking all the time in the world. There's no reason to rush. You've gone this direction so many times, huddled up to Rhett's back as his felt cowboy hat bumps against the top of your head, that it feels foreign not to be there.
"What?" Rhett grins; he's caught you staring.
"I've gotten so used to cuddling up on the back of your horse that riding alone feels strange," the confession comes easily, slipping from your throat like a breath of air.
"Oh really?" His eyes squint in that telltale way; you're never going to hear the end of this. "You missin' cuddlin' with me?"
There are two ways you can address this. Deny it to no end, or confirm it.
"Maybe I do."
In the blink of an eye, his grin falters, eyelashes fluttering as he turns his attention to Isabela's pristine mane, "yeah?"
You don't understand why your heart flutters at that.
The dark, dead circle still resides in the ground, a landmark you always pass over here. It's worsened since the first time you laid eyes on it, the grass jet black, land sunken in. You've quit walking into it and hoping it will take you back.
Beyond the driveway that leads up to his parent's home lies a tiny, barely there trail. Washed out and overgrown, only made visible by the sand once poured to mark its path.
"Perry and I used to ride out here every Sunday while our folks went to church," removing his hat, Rhett tips his head back, letting the slight breeze rustle through his hair. It's gotten so much longer since the first time you met.
"What made you stop?" He's never been bothered by your probing for more information, but you're still hesitant to ask.
Rhett's quiet. Body swaying with Isabela's motions. The muscles in his jaw flex and relax as he sucks on his tongue, "he met Rebecca," he says after a minute, "and all of a sudden, he was too busy to be my brother anymore."
Stiffness returns to his frame, wiring his broad shoulders tight, "I hated every second of their relationship."
Ducking under a low-hanging branch, narrowly avoiding it, "what made you hate it so much?"
"Jealous," he spits it out so quickly that you hear it before you realize you've finished speaking. One of his big hands rises to scratch his neck, "or lonely, I guess. God, I don't know why I'm even bringing this up."
"You're allowed to talk about it if you want to," humming, you reach out, squeezing his knee, "I'm listening."
Up ahead is a slight clearing, where the land abruptly flattens itself out, and the trees have visibly been cut down. There's an old wooden bench facing the valley, rotting, overtaken by the elements. You see precisely why they put it here; the view is breathtaking.
You can see everything. The houses, the evident, shaky divide between the four properties. It looks so empty from up here.
"I can't tell you how many nights I spent up here, drinking on that bench," forcing a laugh, "God, I was the loneliest son 'f a bitch in the state."Was.
Nyx whistles, forcing you to wait until she's done giving you her two cents. "What changed?"
You don't think you've ever seen his eyes soften like that. Like someone's lit a match and melted away every drop of the icy stiffness that lives in them. With it taking away the fake smile he's been donning all afternoon.
And then you hear it, the faintest shadow of a voice you've ever heard, "you."
In your mouth, your tongue fills with lead, but as it turns out, you don't have to speak because Rhett already is. "I've met a lot of people in my life, but you're the first person that's ever made me feel..." shaking his head, he looks away, focusing back on Isabela's mane, "like I'm not some good for nothing cowboy that's only meant to work and do favors."
You don't know what to say. For Rhett, though, your smile is enough of a reply because it makes him smile too. That's all you could really ask for.
There's only so much time you can spend looking out at the valley before it becomes boring, and soon, you're heading further up the trail, side by side. Quiet, but not uncomfortably so. That's the beauty of Rhett; whether he knows it or not, he's taught you that not all silence is bad. That it can be just as comforting as words.
"I have a question," you hate to break the silence, but it's starting to ebb at the back of your mind.
He puts his hat back on his head. "Shoot."
Alright. Here goes nothing. "What happened to Rebecca?" A part of you is expecting a cold, uncomfortable reaction, but you never receive it.
"She went missin' a year ago, 'bout nine months before you arrived," his voice airy, "just up and left him and their daughter."
You catch his mouth opening and closing a couple of times like there's something more that he wants to say. He never voices it.
At the very end of the trail lies an even more extensive clearing than before. The remnants of a gazebo lie dead in the middle, unfinished and rotting, much like the old bench. An old pile of lumber sits next to it; weeds have long since overtaken it, rendering it unusable.
How much time did they spend up here?
"I know this place ain't much," you don't know when he got so close to you, "but I hope it didn't bore you to death."
"'m not bored," tilting your head to meet his gaze as you speak, "this was nice."
"Yeah?" There's that grin you were missing. "Would you want to do this again?"
Nodding only makes his smile grow wider, taking up his entire face.
And somewhere in your head, you catch yourself wishing to see that smile for the rest of your life.
That next ride takes forever to come. The thing about Wyoming weather is that it rules the land with an iron, unpredictable fist. Just as quickly as the snow melted, it comes back. Once again, covering the ranch in a pristine, glittering white blanket. So returns to the routine of it being too cold to do much, of watching movies until you're sick of looking at the screen. Those nights when you turn on a film to have some background noise while you talk.
Breakfast is a rare occasion in this household.
You've got the ingredients, but it's hard to motivate yourself to cook when it's just you. Rhett's always gone or halfway out the door when you get up. It's hard to justify a big meal without him and his oversized appetite.
But today, you really, really miss the joys of breakfast and the foods associated with it. Hashbrowns, biscuits, and gravy. Oh, and the wonderfully crafted bacon that is exclusive to this world of Rhett's, completely vegan but tasting identical to the real deal. You still don't believe that it's real.
It takes all of ten minutes of craving it for you to come up with a plan. So what's stopping you from bringing the man breakfast?
As you busy about the kitchen, dancing from skillet to skillet, you struggle to fry up some kind of explanation. Something that amounts to more than just 'I brought you breakfast because I'm hungry and felt like feeding you too.' What will you put it all in? What if he doesn't want it?
Shit, you just burned the hashbrowns.
Whoever told you that it's easier to think on a full stomach was a liar because your meal doesn't help. Drawing blank after blank, failing to devise a single excuse for this. The best thing to come to mind is the memory that plastic containers exist. Perfect for carrying breakfast to a blue-eyed cowboy.
And did you fry an egg because you remember him offhandedly mentioning that he likes them with his hashbrowns? Yes. Yes, you did.
Rhett should be around the back of the barn right now. He usually spends most of his morning dealing with non-cattle-related matters, like cleaning the stalls and restocking various things he used up the day prior.
"Hey, Cowboy," your voice echoes through the barn as you call out for him, "you in here?"
On the other side of the building, you receive the gruffest 'yeah' you've ever heard. It hardly even sounds like Rhett; if it weren't for his head poking around the corner, you might have mistaken him for someone else entirely.
"Somethin' wrong?" Before you can even get a word out, he's dropping everything he was just doing.
Meekly, you lift the plastic container for him to see, the contents warm and steaming up the inside of the material, "I brought you something."
That's got his attention.
Like a puppy, he cocks his head to the side, struggling to deduce what you've brought him. His hands shake as he takes the container from you, large fingers working their way between the lid and prying it upward.
Those blue eyes start to shimmer, wide, round, "you brought me breakfast?" Barely audible, not even a whisper. It makes your knees feel weak.
"I did," you feel like you should say more. Give him a reason, make up a fake holiday, something, anything to justify this. He doesn't need one. Accepting your random act of kindness without pressing you for meaningless reasons.
Oh, that smile...
"Thank you," and there's not a damn thing in this world that can take the sweetness from his tone, "I don't...nobody's ever...done anything like this for me before."
It's difficult to wrap your head around. Nobody? Not his momma, his brother, a girlfriend?
Together, you sit on buckets in the tack room, basking in the perfect, comfortable silence occasionally broken by Nyx whistling in her stall. You don't know how you feel, knowing you're the first to do something as simple as this. Pride swells in your chest every time he takes a bite, smile growing a little bigger.
But at the same time, you've found yourself feeling bitter. This is Rhett. The sweet cowboy who took you, a total stranger, into his home and never once asked a thing from you in return. The guy who works overtime takes care of Perry's share of chores. Leaves before sunrise and is lucky to return before sunset.
And not one person has...done this.
A routine blossoms. Once or twice a week, you make breakfast, hunt Rhett down, and eat it with him. Sometimes that means sitting out in the elements when you could be cozied up inside; sometimes, it includes eating and walking.
There's one occasion where he's fixing a fence, hands too busy with something that he can't stop until he's finished. You still haven't forgotten how he giggled when you held the fork out for him, determined to get him to eat before it got cold.
"Can I have a piece of bacon?" He asks, grunting as he tightens the barbed wire, "or something other than..."
Unfortunately for him, you've already shoveled more hashbrowns onto his fork; he accepts it regardless. Not like he has much choice.
"Quit giving me nothing but hashbrowns, woman!" Laughing around his mouthful of food, it's a miracle he doesn't choke.
"Very much so—" he falls silent. You've done it again.
Your warning sign should have been how quickly he snatched that bite. It only occurs to you that he's finished that portion of the fence when he rushes toward you like a bull. By the time you turn and run, it's too late.
Strong arms wrap around your waist, dragging you into an equally muscular chest, squeezing you tight, "you ain't gettin' away that easy, missy!"
It's hard to tell who fell first, but you wind up on the grass in some way or another. Laying on your backs, sharing a piece of bacon as you stare up at the morning sky, still painted in enchanted orange, red, and purple hues.
"D'ya want the last piece?" The edge of it appears in your peripheral, tempting.
Reaching up, you tear a piece off right down the middle, "we'll split it."
It would have been simpler for each of you to have your own piece because you've split the last two parts. But in that case, it wouldn't have been as special.
Rolling over onto his stomach, Rhett looks down at you, cheek propped in his hand, "I'll try to be home earlier tonight."
"Can't wait to see that movie, huh?" On its own accord, your hand rises, desperate to push those curled locks out of his face. By the time you realize it, Rhett's already caught on; too late to back out now.
"Nope," eyes fluttering shut as you run your fingers through his hair, tucking the offending strands behind his ear. It's so inexplicably soft like it's been washed and cared for by Gods. You can't stop yourself from playing with it. "You're fixin' to put me to sleep if you keep that up."
Right now, the concept of falling asleep doesn't sound so bad.
Alas, duty calls. Perry's riding up, and the last thing either of you wants to hear is him bitching about Rhett being lazy. So, with your empty container and a soft 'thank you' from Rhett, you head back to the house.
By early, Rhett usually means around five thirty, barely much earlier than his usual time. That time comes and goes, and you find no sign of him. Nyx starts to whistle in that telltale way she always does when Rhett passes, but there's no sign of him.
It feels like the snowstorm incident all over again. Six comes and passes. Six thirty. Six forty-five. Seven.
No, no, something is wrong. You don't know what is telling you that, but you know it. You know it the same way you know up from down, from how bitter sourness churns in your belly, your hands becoming cold and tingly. This isn't like Rhett.
All you have is a flashlight and a pocket knife that he keeps in the junk drawer, but you leave the house feeling like you've got an army at your disposal. Rhett's not in the barn, but Isabela is munching on hay that's been put out for them in the pasture. That's usually the last thing he does before he comes in for the night. Feed the horses.
Nyx paces along the fence, hissing for your attention. Not right now. She can have her pets later.
"Rhett?" Calling out for him brings you nothing. Again, Nyx hisses.
There's no sign of him around the house; his truck hasn't budged. The fence isn't locked, though. The chain dangles loosely around the meet of the bars, the lock open and hanging on to the end. That's so...strange.
What's even stranger is how your horse keeps bobbing her head up and down, hissing, whistling, as if she's gone mad. Not once does she quit moving back and forth along the fence.
Then you hear it. The distant roar of a truck. Shakes the ground with its fury as it rushes closer and closer. Someone is driving through the pasture.
Nyx and Isabela scatter, darting far to the opposite corner of the enclosure, and that's when you catch it. The glint of light bounces off the top of the truck as it races toward the gate. Directly where you're standing. Its headlights are off, but you already know the vehicle doesn't belong to anyone in the Abbott family.
Your feet are moving before you can register it, diving behind Rhett's truck.
The gate bursts open with an ear-shattering crack, hinges squealing. Rhett's truck jolts, struck by the unknown vehicle as it turns too sharply. Dirt and rock fly through the air, kicked up by ridiculously massive tires. Just as quickly as it had arrived, it tears down the driveway, leaving a plume of smoke in its wake.
This is too much of a coincidence for it not to be connected.
You don't know who that was. You don't care that they hit Rhett's truck. You don't care about the stupid fucking fence. You don't remember coming out from behind your hiding place when you started running.
Heart hammering, you race through the field, using the tire tracks as your guide. Nyx flies along after you, whistling as she sidles up by your left, so close that you can feel the heat radiating off her.
Whistling again, she parts off to your right, heading straight for the back of the property. The tracks are your best marker, but it hits you as she looks back at you. Maybe she knows.
So you follow.
Your lungs burn. Feet hammering the ground. Desperate to keep Nyx in your sight. The flashlight clicks in your hand. Flickers to life. Burns out in the blink of an eye. Swearing, you drop it. Like a ghost, Nyx tears through the night. Her bright coat is the only thing you can see. She's whistling. Clacking her teeth.
She stops. Dead in her tracks. You do too.
Just ahead is a silhouette. Kneeling. Impossible to see at first.
"Are you okay?" That's his voice. That's his voice, but it doesn't sound like him. Deep. Strained.
"Of course, I'm fine," kneeling by his frame, "I'm not the one who's..."
All you can see is crimson. Dripping down his scalp. From the tip of his left ear. His hair is a wreck. Body trembling so hard that you can hear his teeth chatter.
"Don't—" but his protests can't stop you. His jaw shakes in your hand as you curl your fingers around it, lifting his head to meet your gaze.
"Rhett," you don't...what? "What did they do to you?"
His split, bloody bottom lip quivers, "I'm okay." Voice-breaking in the middle, unable to handle those two little words.
There isn't an inch of him that isn't bruised. Blood pours from his hands and nose, a massive cut rippling down the corner of his left eye; it's barely open. You don't know if that's dirt or newly formed bruises peeking out from his shredded flannel.
"You don't look okay," your words only make him shake a little harder. His eyes glisten.
There is only one thing you can think of doing. You open your arms. He falls into them. Broad shoulders quivering as he buries his face into your neck, wetting it with little drops of fire.
"Please don't let go of me." You don't. You can't.
Rhett Abbott is by no means a small man. He's massive. In personality, in his broad shoulders, in his big blue eyes, and in his scarred, calloused hands. A wolf in every sense of the term, fierce, borderline feral on most days.
But that's not him right now.
You don't know what they've done to him, but it's shrunken him into nothing but a mouse. Flinching when you rub your fingers at the nape of his neck, his breath hitching with an unbridled fear you've never known him to bear. You hardly recognize the pained whimpers that slip from him.
Your back aches. Knees are bruising from being dug into the rocky ground, but you can't bring yourself to budge even an inch. It's a wonder that his arms still bear the strength to hold onto you, looping tight around your waist, anchoring you down.
"I've got you," murmuring into the side of his head, "I've got you." On your left, Nyx lowers her head, sniffing, nuzzling the back of Rhett's neck. It scares him, jumping away from her with a pained, surprised gasp.
That's enough to remind him of where you are, out in the dark, the temperature gradually dropping. He doesn't speak, but you know what he's trying to do when his legs begin fumbling beneath him, wobbly like a newborn foal. Heavily minding his right leg as you help him up.
"Shit," he hisses, eyes bolting shut, "y'might...have to get the truck."
The truck might not be starting anytime soon.
Your eyes land on Nyx. She looks at you, the timing almost comedic. You're both sharing the same idea.
"There ain't no way she's fixin' to let me up there," but Rhett's protest goes unheard.
A part of you wonders if it's her lineage. Her original purpose. To rescue individuals from the unpredictable, violent ocean. Because she's wholly put away her avid dislike for Rhett. Perfectly calm as you help him up onto her back, not a single pinned ear, not a sound.
You're unsure if the look in Rhett's eyes comes from the situation or Nyx's behavior.
He's quick to wrap himself around you once you've settled before him. His breath is hot on your shoulder as he buries his nose into it, hugging tightly, but not enough to hurt. As Nyx takes you back to the house, you begin to notice the dark spots on your shirt; blood.
"Was them Tillerson guys," he chokes out, lifting his head to avoid being muffled by your shirt. Tillerson. That sounds...familiar. "They think I'm the one that killed the goddamn horse."
You completely forgot about that. The damn horse that Perry hit and Rhett had to hide bits and pieces around the place. You're not sure where he hid the rest of its legs; the last time you saw them, it was right after—
no. No, absolutely not.
"So they jumped you on your own property?" There's a pitchiness to your voice as you try to clear an image from your head.
He starts to reply, but he cuts himself off. "Did they drive through my fuckin' gate?"
Yeah, and they hit your truck too.
"That they did," confirming, conveniently leaving out the vehicle. He's got enough to worry about right now.
Isabela has returned to munching on the hay Rhett put out for her, three heads buried deep into it, not a concern in the world. The very definition of unbothered.
"Glad to see the household menace cares and not my beloved companion," chuckling weakly at the sight of her, Rhett leans back down to rest his head against you.
The gate is mangled beyond belief, warped from the truck's grill that blasted through it, but it's still functional. You find the lock and chain in the driveway; Rhett's able to get it locked, as it should be. Tonight is one of those nights where it's warm enough for Isabela and Nyx to stay outside, free roaming their stomping grounds until morning.
But then Rhett steps into the porch light, and your face drops.
He looks horrible. Left eye bruised and swollen, blood dried all along his face, and caked in his hair. God, there are so many bruises around his neck; every one of his knuckles has split wide open, some still dripping with liquid red.
"I'm okay," that's a lie, and you both know it.
His muscles don't carry enough strength to take his shirt off; you have to step into the bathroom and help him because he can't get it off himself. The shower runs, and it runs, for what feels like an eternity. Until it stops.
"You alive in there?" Knocking on the bathroom door after some time has passed.
"...yeah," eventually comes your answer, "I don't...I'm having trouble...uh."
The door opens, and it immediately hits you. Rhett can't lift his arms to wash his hair; it's wet, dripping pale red onto the bathroom floor, but it's visibly matted together.
"Do you want some help?" Still taking it all in, failing to avoid the scattering of red along his ribcage, where he's been kicked repeatedly.
"I do, but..." looking between you and the shower, his eyes fluttering, "...don't know that would work without...you know."
Never in your wildest dreams have you considered making Rhett sit in the bathtub in nothing but his boxer shorts, but here you are. His head is tilted back as far as he can comfortably manage, eyes closed as you rinse his hair with the handheld shower head. The blood is stubborn. Whenever you think you've got it all, you find another patch.
"'M sorry you have to do this," so faint that you almost miss it entirely.
"You've got nothing to be sorry about," you don't mean to come off as snappy as you do, the tension in your shoulders seemingly leaking out of your tone, "none of this is your fault."
As you reach to turn the water off, those eyes flicker open; deep blue, so dark that you almost mistake them for brown. Not saying anything; simply watching. You could use his three-in-one shampoo, tucked in the corner in a navy bottle, but you reach for yours instead.
"Fixin' to make me smell like strawberry and vanilla, I see," weakly, he chuckles at his own words, "plannin' to eat me after this?"
The image of him between your legs flickers through your mind like a pesky ex, nearly making you drop the shampoo on his head. You haven't thought about that since the day it happened; why is it bubbling up now?
"Maybe I am," you tease, "what're you gonna do about it?"
Whatever retort he's boiling up is lost when you run your fingers through his hair. Unable to hide the slight unfocusing of his eyes as they flutter shut. A sucker for having his hair played with.
The soap sinking into his unhealed wounds has got to sting, but you're unsure if he so much as notices. Despite the situation, a tiny, kitten-like smile works across his lips. It's a wonder he doesn't begin purring, so absolutely content as you lather his hair. Even as you turn the water back on, it doesn't fade.
You can never take some things from a man, no matter how hard you try. That smile is one of those things.
That goddamn smile. The one that never fails to make your gut feel like it's been filled with butterflies, their delicate wings tickling away at you. It's difficult to imagine what life would be like without...
"Y'alright?" Those eyes have long since reopened, fixated solely on you.
Nodding, "yeah," having to force your voice to cooperate, "just thinking, is all."
You only need to step out long enough for him to dry off and wriggle into some clothes. Maybe takes him a minute at max, but it feels like an eternity on the other side of that door. Now that it's clicked, you can't get it to unclick. Everything makes sense; it all makes perfect sense, and you don't know what to make of it.
The door squeaks back open, "g'nna need your help one more time, little lady."
Right. You still need to brush his hair out.
It's not complicated; most of the tangles came out while you were washing it, but the brush moves so slowly that it might not be moving at all. It's hard to move with all these thoughts clouding your senses. This man that took a liking to you for no good reason. A mere stranger a year ago is now the only thing that brings a smile to your face on most days.
This cowboy who lassoed you upon your first meeting, and while he let go of you physically, he's never let go of your heart. Not even once.
You might have feelings for this man.
But now isn't the time to sift through those feelings because fresh blood stains the comb's bristles. Coming from the back of his head, a deep split of the muscle running so deep that it hurts you to look at.
Wordless, Rhett reaches into the cabinet, producing a small tube of superglue. On a typical day, you think you'd protest and insist that he see a doctor instead, but you don't have it in you. Looking in the reflection of the mirror is enough. Bruised, swollen eyes barely open, jaw slack with what can only be described as exhaustion.
He's had enough for one day.
The whine that leaves him when the glue touches him is brutal to stomach. Even worse, you can do nothing about it; you've no choice but to listen to his pained whimpers as you pinch the wound shut. It has to be done, whether you like it or not.
"Do you still want to watch that movie?" Rubbing his shoulders when you're done, "I can put that pizza in the oven."
It takes him a little bit to process what you've said, but ultimately, he nods, "yeah."
What you hate the most is that while Rhett's physical wounds immediately begin to heal, the others don't. Need more time. Require a bit more attention.
In the kitchen, he jumps when he feels you behind him, swearing under his breath, eyes big as saucers. A far cry from the Rhett, who could never be surprised by your appearance, always seeming to know you're there. Every little sound has him glancing between you and the door; refuses to sit in the seat that places his back to it.
While lying in bed, you can hear him fumbling on the couch. At some point, he gets up to put a chair under the doorknob as if he's afraid someone will burst through at any moment. It takes you all of two minutes to make your next decision.
"'m sorry I'm keepin' you up," he murmurs, half-lidded gaze following you and your bundle of blankets, "what're you doin'?"
"Figured you could use a buddy for the night," tossing your pillow onto the couch, you settle in. It's a wonder how the man sleeps on these all the time; they're not the most comfortable.
The corner of his lip quirks up, following your movements, until you're facing him, your eyes poking out of the blankets. "Thank you."
It's not contained to just that night, though.
He spooks at little things. When you bring him breakfast. When one of the horses makes a noise in their pasture. Perry flies up the driveway once; Rhett locks the door and stands in the laundry room until he realizes who it is. All that, just to find out that their parents are throwing a birthday party for Perry's daughter.
Always looking around, scanning the treeline and driveway like they'll be there waiting for him. He gives you a cell phone a week after the incident.
"Just in case," he tells you, so, so desperate to have peace of mind. To know that you're safe and have a way to reach him. It's the same color as the phone that lies dead in the bedside drawer.
It's hard to tell if he's getting through it all by himself or if you've merely figured out how to avoid his triggers. Making sure he's seen you before stepping behind him, always keeping a hand on him when you're back there, so he knows where you are. Calling out for him on your breakfast runs.
There's something enchanting about how he grins at you on those mornings, opening his arms up and welcoming you with a hug. Selfishly, you accept them every time, eager to feel those muscles around you, to squish your cheek into his broad chest.
"I like to have never found ya," and you know you've got it bad when you're starting to talk like the bastard. He's over on Perry's property, fixing a broken fence.
"'m sorry," he mumbles, quiet, "Perry called this mornin', said he needed me to do some repairs."
Where is his hand going...
"You're thinkin' 'bout somethin'," scruffy fingers take hold of your chin, tingles shooting down your spine as he brings your gaze to meet his. "Spit it out."
Here goes nothing. "Why do you help so much?"
His head cocks to the side, "whatcha mean?"
"I mean, you're always helping with Perry's chores," gesturing toward the barely standing fence, "when you already have a ranch to run on your own."
That seems to be what he was expecting you to ask because his face lacks any hint of surprise. "After Rebecca disappeared, I promised to help him with anything he needs," his hand travels back, fingertips rubbing the meet of your jaw. "Got somethin' on your skin."
Whatever is on you must be stubborn because he licks the pad of his thumb, rubbing wide circles until it's gone. Your knees might buckle. Up close, it's easy to see how they've healed; bright pink patches of skin decorate his knuckles, scarring that sticks out like a sore thumb. There are still a few scabs on his left hand; they would have healed by now if they didn't keep opening back up while he works.
"So you've become his personal maintenance man because of a promise?" Last you checked, Perry didn't go offering his help when his own actions caused Rhett to be hurt.
"I'm a man of my word," sucking in a deep breath, Rhett yawns, "no matter how much I may regret it."
Part 1 ♡⊹˚₊ Part 3
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basilpaste · 17 days
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
i dont do ask bait games like this and i am not going to send asks to other people because of that. but i AM going to take this as an excuse to music post because i listen to a lot of fucking music and im annoying about it.
JUDAS by the reverent marigold rewired my brain the first time i heard it. i was never raised particularly religious but its always had undertones in my life and i love queer stories told with biblical imagery.
life, the universe, and everything by lincoln is a song ive been listening to a lot recently. it has this feeling of. waugh wording is not working but like. uncertainty throughout that i like.
come over by noah kahan is like. one of those songs i come back to when im feeling particularly Weird. it doesnt make me stop feeling weird but it is comforting to have those feelings.
rotted out with flies by kevin atwater is so. man i really dont know how to describe this song coherently. i dont think i could articulate why i like it so much atm. its good.
and then the angels by cuttlephone is just really fun. a song about angels and the end of the world with a cowboy inspired sound. the other half of the single (by cowboy/by angel), endtimes cowboy, is also really fun but i listen to it much less often.
oh also bonus: 6. the pattern by the narcissist cookbook. yayyyy this is how we get better mention. its just really good.
dont see this as an excuse to send me more ask bait asks this was an excuse for ME to infodump.
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pancreasnostalgia · 1 year
Prior Recipe Master Post: Sweet & Savory Treats
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This includes the recipes I've made for characters who do not have an individual cookbook.
Kaya's Spiced Applesauce Muffins
Rebecca's Potato Latkes
Nanea's Hawaiian Chicken-Pineapple Kebabs with Mango Sauce
Maryellen's Cowboy Cookies
Maryellen's Almond Energy Bites
Melody’s Spiced Molasses Flower Cookies
Melody’s Garden Caprese Tomatoes with Pesto
Melody’s Pineapple Upside-Down Cake
Courtney’s Cheese & Chive Crackers
Courtney’s Chocolate, Vanilla & Raspberry Swirl Cake
Joss’s Pan-Seared Fish Tacos
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ivysnow · 2 months
Mods and CC I use in the sims
MCCC - The MC Command Center (deaderpool-mccc.com)
Birthmod and Toddler CC - PandaSama | Creating Custom Content and Mods For The Sims4 | Patreon
Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul - [Mod] Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul, ALL-FILES-IN-ONE-CLICK - Sims 4 | Patreon
Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod - [Mod] Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod | Patreon
a.deep.indigo | Creating Sims 4 Mods | Patreon - list below
Golden Years Elder Pack 
Healthy Living
More Premade Holidays
Dental Care
Family Therapy
Youth, Family, and Friends Activities
LittleMsSams Mod - list below
Miscarriage Chance & Abortion - Miscarriage Part
Social Activities (Visit Friends, Family and more)
Spend Weekend With
Automatic Thermostat
Wellness Tradition Pack (Spa Day DLC)
Curseforge CC and small mods
Grannies Cookbook
Underboob tattoo set 
aspen tattoo set
Daisy Lion Tattoo
Energy set
Infant Cowboy Hat
3D Lashes
3D Eyelashes No.2
Make-up and presets set
toddlers bedroom set
XML Injector 
CC-Briekel infant cowboy hat
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sithwitch13 · 7 months
AEW Dynamite 2/14/24
Starting late since I made dinner and hung out with @weareallkosh and @lurkz
Ugh I used to live near the HEB center, not going to all the Texas shows is one of the few things I miss about Texas
Starting with Mox! Beat the hell out of FTR Bald!
Kisses for Valentine's day, I hope all the matches tonight involve kissing
Dick joke lol
I was gonna make the shepherd's pie pierogis from Renee's cookbook for dinner but I've been low on spell slots lately, so I made pork chops from Freddie Prinze Jr.'s cookbook instead. (Delicious but I forgot it's a pepper bomb while cooking)
*headbutts homoerotically*
Not the hugest FTR fan but I do love that when they try to do rope stuff it pretty much always ends badly
Takeshita and Ospreay gonna have to fight to see who is Best Son
Why is Wardlow watching himself flex so funny to me?
My gremlins are here! In biohazard chic!
Please let Copeland adopt Danny so he will then have three dads and be three times as immune to Christian Cage
When can we have another dance off?
Screamed at Danny countering the spear
The Patriarchy ruins everything again 😠
Daddy Magic is such a good dad, I love him
Christian making out with the belt again, oh god
Jesus is back! Always nice to see him.
Every week Swerve just gets better.
"Walking domestic dispute" I MEAN...
I'm so here for this dynamic
"You were my young girl" Ma'am
"You bit the tit that feeds you" why is she the best
Oh noooo she covered her ex-girlfriend's tattoo
The business gremlins just get more adorable the pettier and bitchier they get
The Bucks are tearing the announce team apart!
"I'm impressed that week after week they find new and grotesque things to do with their facial hair" thanks excalibur
Oh nooooo leave Schiavone alone
Aww the Cody chant
I don't think All Friendship Wrestling is the sick burn Darby thinks it is because that's basically what I picture anyway
Aww poor Austin
"Your shirt is gold and mine's Texas orange because we're in Texas and I OWN THE COLOR ORANGE"
Commentary is wild tonight
I just keep thinking how Skye's new gear involves collars and she does the Frank Frazetta pose with Julia
Blood Orange
Awww Valentine's gift from Chuck
(The gift is thumbtacks)
Oh lord he has a chain
The pipe in the flowers lol
Did the chain get used?
.. did Orange just kiss the belt?
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