#cowboy bebop lore
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nanairoarts · 10 months ago
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Cowboy Bebop Opening and Ending Theme Credits
I had someone ask about this on YouTube and figured I may as well share the information here too.
テレビシリーズオープニングテーマ: Tank! 作曲/編曲:菅野よう子 演奏:シートベルツ 原画:そえたかずひろ 小森高博 後藤雅巳 今掛勇 作画監督:川元利浩 後藤雅巳 演出:渡辺信一郎 コンピュータ処理:レアトリックチャッピィ テレビシリーズエンディングテーマ: THE REAL FOLK BLUES 作詞:岩里祐穂 作曲/編曲:菅野よう子 唄:山根麻以 演奏:シートベルツ 原画:逢坂浩司 作画監督:川元利浩 演出・渡辺信一郎 コンピュータ処理:レアトリックチャッピィ
TV Series Opening Theme: Tank!
Composed/Arranged: Yoko Kanno Music: Seatbelts Keyframes: Kazuhiro Soto, Takahiro Komori, Masami Goto, Isamu Imakake Animation Director: Toshihiro Kawamoto & Masami Goto Director: Shinichiro Watanabe CG Effects: Raretrick, Chappy (Chappie? This company does not appear to exist anymore)
TV Series Ending Theme: THE REAL FOLK BLUES
Lyrics: Yuho Iwasato Composition/Arrangement: Yoko Kanno Vocals: Mai Yamane Music: Seatbelts Keyframes: Hiroshi Osaka Animation Director: Toshihiro Kawamoto Directed by Shinichiro Watanabe CG Effects: Reatrick, Chappy
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sylvanus-cypher · 1 year ago
I was thinking about what music would best fit the major Lancer Manufacturers, and:
Obviously Smith-Shimano Corpro is into some prestigious/pretentious classical stuff like Debussy, Beethoven, Mozart, Ornstein and more, but also probably technk and dance, like Daft Punk or Moby
HORUS, obviously, is all over the experimental scene; I'm talking from experimental hip-hop like Death Grips, JPEGMAFIA, and Injury Reserve all the way to breakcore in TOKYOPILL and Blksmiith
Harrison Armory is probably into making massive, orchestral propaganda compositions to which the closest analogues would be the more grandiose works of Hans Zimmer and Yuka Kitamura's compositions in the Dark Souls series
But Interplanetary Shipping-Northstar
What the hell does Ridley Scott's UPS listen to? Country? Rock and roll? Skrillex? The Cowboy Bebop soundtrack? I'm genuinely at a loss
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archivyrep · 1 month ago
Old wrestling videotapes, Andy's determination, and knowledge in "Invincible Fight Girl"
Messages Mikey gets on the library computer during the episode Late last year, I watched the fifth episode of Invincible Fight Girl, a Western animation which focuses on a Black girl named Andronicus Dependent “Andy” Smith who is born on Accountant Isle and told to be an accountant, but she wants to be a wrestler. In the aforementioned episode, entitled “The Perfect Strike”, and originally aired…
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buffdaddyphoenix · 2 months ago
What in the sephiroth is going on in this episode......
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beeholyshit · 9 months ago
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YOU DON'T HAVE TO APOLOGIZE MIWOOOOOOOO. I don't blame you for not recognizing the last ones bc I've barely said anything about them, LIKE THE COWBOY BEBOP DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A NAME YET AND I'VE NEVER POSTED ABOUT HER
I saw Vermelho on the first one and for a second I was like "wait wh- OH RIGHT" KDJSJSJSHWJAJW
#📬#🩵 — Milo!!!#I seriously don't blame you for not recognizing them#the first one is Rosemary. I made her to be Drayden's wifey BUT I NEVER TALK ABOUT BC IDK. TOO MANY THINGS ON MY MIND SOMETIMES ARGHHH#she also works at the museum with Lenora heheheh besties hehehhe#THE SECOND ONE IS XYLO. sycamore's biggest hater#she is a constant jumpscare for Cassius and Bill too#THE THIRD ONE IS CYTRUCE. DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE OC. HE IS PASTELITO'S BROTHER#he is a time patroller just like Pastelito and he is Cooler's son teehee#he is trying his best believe him. he is just a little dumb#goku kick his ass#FOURTH ONE IS IRIS. SPIDERVERSE OC#they were supposed to be a thanatoesthetic (the people who prepares the dead with their clothes and makeup etc for the funeral)#they were also infected by venom and now it lives in their body only with the condition Iris lets it to eat the organs of the omes dead#NOW THAT I WRITE IT DOWN. IT WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE OF IRIS WAS AN EMBALMER#haha embalmer like Aeso#ok focus.#ANYWAYS#that's the basics for them I think O think#they are also Noir's husband wiwiwiwi#I NEVER DRAW THEM BC OF HOW DETAILED THEY ARE ARGHHH#OK. THE FIFTH ONE. I THINK#yes. OK THAT'S COWBOY BEBOP'S OC#I haven't figured out her lore completely yet BUT BUT ALL I GOTTA SAY FOR NOW IS THAT SHE USED TO WORK FOR THE POLICE#Ok in cowboy bebop there's a guy called Jett Black and they used to work on the police and then Jett decide to retire bc things happened#she kept working there until they started to get older and started to work with a BEAUTIFUL LADY called Victoria#that later happends to work with the group of idiots that's Jett Spike and Valentine. And that's when they find each other again#UHHHH LAST ONE.#THAT'S FROSTBITE. She is Cooler and Frieza's sister JSJAJSJAJAJJAJ#I'VE REACHED THE LIMIT BUT SHE IS THE OLDER SISTER AND ALSO BULMA'S WIFE she stealed her from Vegeta WE CELEBRATE
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loregoddess · 14 days ago
if you had told me, say five-ish years ago before I had encountered these two stories, that there was an anime called Cowboy Bebop and a manga called Trigun, and that one was a space western and the other was a space noir story, and then told me the one with "cowboy" in the name was not the space western, I would have thrown something small and harmless at you
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obnoxiouslittlefrog93 · 9 months ago
I'm just going to add some more to the Spike lore with a detail I noticed in the show. Spike's had the Swordfish II for 10 years, meaning he and Doohan knew each other at lest since Spike was 17. Their relationship was probably already well established for Doohan to trust Spike with the Swordfish, so he probably knew him longer than that. Spike would have been stuck on Mars, meaning Doohan must have been on Mars in that time. I personally think he moved to Earth specifically to work on the Columbia space shuttle. The common assumption that Spike was an orphan living on the streets still works in this case (and the fact that he doesn't seem to know how to prepare food at all. If he was orphaned at 10 he would have learned basic skills like reading/writing but probably not how to cook.) He could have also run away before then if he had a good reason to, and while Spike being a generally traumatized guy does have trauma related to his time in the syndicate, I don't think it's a stretch for him to have trauma stemming from childhood as well. Especially considering the fact that he's so good at being numb he doesn't know how to be anything else. But that's just a theory.
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I scanned Extra Session book and added to my archives like... 2 years ago?.. I didn't pay close attention to the details but my follower Anastasiya (sorry tumblr can't find and tag you) analyzed Spike's bio and asked about his past. Well, I was surprised to find out something about his parents, even if it didn't make it to the final version of the show. Automatic translation of complicated text sucks, so I asked @nanairoarts, as a native speaker, for help 🤩
Born on Mars, he’s 27 years old, born June 26, 2044. His sign is Gemini, blood type O. 185cm tall, he hates being bossed around (told what to do) and likes to solve problems using his own strength (power). He worships Bruce Lee, uses nunchaku and is a practitioner of Jeet Kune Do. Former member of the Red Dragon organization. This is his background during the planning stage (of the project). His father worked in the underworld (they don’t really specific, but I assume it’s akin to the mafia like yakuza, or perhaps gangs and gangsters), but was already dead by the time Spike was born. Spike’s mother was killed during a conflict between organizations (a gang war) when he was 10, but Spike was told that she died in a transit accident (it doesn’t say by whom). He joined Red Dragon when he was 17, where he met Vicious, who was the same age. They became rivals. He also met Julia, Vicious’ girl, at the same time when he showed up wounded at a bar she worked at. Though she didn’t know him at the time, she hid him from his pursuers. In the middle of all this, Spike is given a job to assassinate the boss of an Arabian mafia. If successful, he will be named second in command of the Red Dragon organization. However, Spike didn’t like being tied down and he doesn’t like the organization’s customs. Also, after learning the truth about his mother’s death, he decides to run away from the mafia with Julia. However, Julia never shows up at the agreed location and Spike’s whereabouts are unknown for the next 3 years.
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honey-milk-depresso · 1 year ago
Batboys watching anime with reader
You know my ass went FULL ON LOCK MODE with Tim. I went crazy- 💀
***S/o is above 18, which means characters below are also aged up!
Doing requests until 1 Feb! Please see my pinned post and read the request rules on the navi! Thank you!🩷
Batbros watching anime with you
Dick Grayson
He’s watched a few 90s anime before, more the basic ones like One Piece and Pokémon, and he probably still watches them to this day. Boy has old CDs he has and you should probably try finding a Blue Ray (or use his if he can have Tim help fix it because it’s good as dead 💀) because he’s popping in every CD of old anime’s he have lying about.
“Wow, I didn’t know I had cowboy bebop! Or Slam Dunk!” He got a few rare gems, which makes it all the more fun to sit down on the couch under a blanket as you huddle and watch the nostalgic 90s anime shows together while eating popcorn.
He doesn’t mind watching new, modern day animes, just be prepared for when you two watch sad anime shows because he will sob like it’s the end of the world.
“NO, WHY WOULD KAORI DIE LIKE THIS?? AND SHE LOVES ARIMA- OH MY GOD IM SO—”sobs even more. He gets emotional while watching them because it’s so sad that it’s sO GOOD-
Loves dancing to those danceable anime music with you. He goes ALL. OUT. He even sings all of it in Japanese like wow-
I would love to hear him sing Cruel Angel’s Thesis in his Discowing suit and with goth makeup on it because it “sets the mood”, PLEASE-
Overall, great time watching with Dick. <3
Jason Todd
You expect someone like him to like Chainsaw Man, Trigun or something like those grunge-y, guns and knives animes, right? I mean, he does, but only with you and ONLY with you will he let his inner Magical Girl enthusiast ass shine. Because he LOVES Magical Girl animes. That’s probably the reason and one point of time why he wore red ribbons around his arms, he wanted that Sailor Moon experience and Tim might’ve just teased him about that era without knowing his love for Magical Girl animes and Jason might’ve flipped and freaked the fuck out and started chasing him down the manor.
Jason watches Sailor Moon, Madoka when he feels edgier than usual, Cardcaptor Sakura, every Precure series, Tokyo Mew Mew, man has all these shows somehow. He swears they weren’t through illegal means and he just worked very hard to gather all of them. He also might be a shoujo anime fan because if he loves Jane Austen books, you bet his ass would be reading Fruits Basket, Maid Sama or something because of course he would.
Also a Studio Ghibli fan, although watching the Tale of Princess Kaguya might make him feel too much, especially getting pissed off with the dad who forces his daughter into a wealthy life without her input and- yeah, you gotta calm him down as he cries bitterly and sourly with a pout on his face.
The two of you can go on and on about debating about unclear endings of animes all day long. You know the “AND SHE WAS A PRINCESS” video? That’s Jason.
Great man to watch anime with, and he’ll gladly be your Tuxedo Mask to your Sailor Moon (and not the “But you did nothing meme- or the other way around- he don’t mind being the Usagi-). <3
Tim Drake
I’m very convinced this man got into his whole detective shit because he watched Detective Conan and honestly I can’t blame him. Tim has probably the largest vessel of anime knowledge out of all of them. He doesn’t really have a specific genre he likes but he’s pretty fond of old 90s and 80s animes. He can explain the whole lore of One Piece, Fairytale, Pokémon like Jesus Tim, calm down- 💀
I can see him watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain or Key the Metal Doll because he likes that little bit of horror nature and mystery and thriller in his animes although he really doesn’t mind watching Haikyuu all over again if you want to.
Might introduce you to underrated and/or old animes like Revolutionary Girl Utena, Nadia the Secrets of Blue Water, every Studio Ghibli movie, those kinds of animes that give off the really pretty and aesthetic old anime animations that is just so pretty to watch and with really good storylines that both of you can cuddle on a couch together and watch. I bet he even watches anime with you even before you two got together, so you guys pretty much have “watching anime together” as part of the foundation of your relationship. Owns so much manga that you can’t even count, too.
Just… don’t make him watch those really slow burn, comedy love animes, specifically Love War. Not that he don’t like romance animes, he watches Ouran High School Host Club and Your Name, trust me, but Love War? He is going absolutely insane because of it.
Damian Wayne
Damian likes anime. Would 100% go to an anime convention with you as a date if you’re up for it. He doesn’t mind (surprisingly- just for you only-).
He doesn’t necessarily like showmen animes although he has enjoyed a few, but he really loves slice of life, I feel. It just feels like he wants to put himself in a normal life and with a tad bit of drama in it like what the characters go through. The touching ones like Hyouka or Natsume’s Book of Friends.
Also animal related anime maybe except Beastars because he didn’t understand shit-?? He calls that peak anime. Aggretsuko, Chi’s Sweet Home and My Roommate is a Cat?? Damian loves this shit, he watches it intently with his arm around you. Even if he doesn’t smile, you know he loves it by the way his eyes sparkle.
Just don’t tell his brothers. He will seriously feel betrayed if you do so because he only watches these kinds of shows with you: the cute animal ones that are actually wholesome and/or funny.
The whole family is into Studio Ghibli, and he is no exception. He feels like it’s the best kinds of anime to watch with you when you guys just want to turn in for the day and huddle up on the couch. It’s one of the rare times he relaxes and softens and he’s glad to have quality time with you. <3
Duke Thomas
He likes anime! Studio Ghibli is definitely a favourite of his and he would gladly watch it together with you! He also love a fair bit of Shounen animes, the more popular ones like Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Haikyuu, or Spy x Family. He likes them a lot!
A big fan of romance animes too: Ouran High School Host Club and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (if you two are in the mood to huddle on the couch together and cry).
Duke doesn’t mind any kind of anime so long as it doesn’t have too much horror or gore like… Higurashi. He gets chills when that anime is mentioned. D-Don’t watch it for your own sake if you don’t know. And if you do, avoid it with him at all cost because he will.
Duke also like singing some good anime songs with you and you guys can go crazy and dance around, just not as dramatic as Dick.
He would be super excited to spend a date with you watching shounen anime movies like from Jujutsu Kaisen and he would be so hype to spend time with you being a fanboy while also sharing that romantic air for the shared love of anime between you two and the love that you two share, although that love is far stronger. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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nanairoarts · 9 months ago
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Excerpt from Cowboy Bebop: The Jazz Messenger - History (translation below)
Planets テラフォーミング 地球以の惑星を人類が住めるよう "地球化" してしまう技術である。 その実現にはケタ違いの資材、 ケタ違いの作業時間が必要とされ、とても現実的なものではなかった。 しかし位相差空間ゲートが開発されたことで資材の運搬が容易となり、 その実現はさほど困難ではなくなった。また、位相差空間ゲートに太陽光線を通過させることで光源を確保できることになり、より地球から遠い惑星にも移住が可能になったのである。 以下の惑星/衛星は、 テラフォーミング技術の成果で人類が移住可能となった星々である。
Terraforming is a technology to transform planets other than the Earth into environments similar to Earth so that humans can live on them. The use of such technology requires an inordinate amount of material and time, and, therefore, very unrealistic. However, the development of the hyperspace gate made the transportation of materials easier, and thus the application of such technology much less difficult. Moreover, by sending sunlight through the hyperspace gate, a reliable source of light was secured, making it possible for humans to migrate to planets farther away from the Earth.
The following planets/satellites are now inhabited by humans because of terraforming technology.
Venus 金星 都市から砂漠地帯まで惑星全土にわたって居住可能。 人口約5億。 2~3気圧・気温31~35度。空中に浮遊しているのはテラフォーミングのためにつくられた巨大植物プラント。【「ワルツ・フォー・ヴィーナス」のラストで出てくる街並みは、渡辺監督の意向で中近東風のものになったそう。また、設定では「ビバップ」世界の言語は英語と中華系が中心なのだが、 各惑星ごとに微妙にかたよりがあり、 金星ではアラビア語が多い】
Every part of the planet is inhabitable, from its deserts to its cities. Venus has a population of 500 million, atmospheric pressure of 2 to 3, and temperatures that range from 31 to 35 degrees Celsius. Floating in the sky is a giant plant that was created to terraform the planet. (The cityscape that appears at the end of Waltz for Venus was designed according to Watanabe’s personal vision of a Middle Eastern city. Additionally, the world language in the story setting for Bebop is mainly English and Chinese, but there are slight variations on every planet with the inhabitants of Venus usually speaking Arabic.)
Notes: I'm not entirely sure about the translation for the atmospheric pressure of Venus, but there is no unit in the Japanese text, so it's just been translated as is.
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godpokes · 3 months ago
impressing the beautiful bigender vaquero hanging around by telling her the entire lore of cowboy bebop
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my-own-little-dark-age · 2 months ago
ׂ‧₊˚✧ Interest Check ✧˚₊‧
ׂ╰┈➤ a casual 25+ multifandom discord roleplay group. with original locations and lore inspired by (but not limited to) series such as : castlevania, vampire hunter d, revolutionary girl utena, final fantasy, cowboy bebop, the last unicorn, and more. hoping to keep this a small group with no more than 25 writers, depending on interest. like this post to receive the discord link once the server is made. please reblog to reach more people.
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tomb-of-flora · 8 months ago
I just started running a new D&D campaign for the first time in a year. It's a space western with heavy fantasy horror elements. Basically trying to fuse the energy of Firefly/Cowboy Bebop's scrappy bounty hunters with Star Wars/The Locked Tomb's sprawling space empires, noble houses, and spooky space magic/undead abominations. The first session was last night and oh my god we are off to such a good start. The set-up for this campaign is just a cocktail of all my favorite things. I'm playing with four of my friends and I am so in love with their characters.
The party is a disgraced reporter that has to work for fantasy Buzzfeed now (rogue), a wide eyed debutant with dreams of writing a novel (fighter), a thri-kreen bounty hunter desperate for work who constantly tries and fails to keep his head down (artificer), and an extremely cursed gothic man scamming everyone he can as he flees to the edge of the galaxy (warlock). I kept the first session pretty chill just giving them a chance to interact and poke into the weird tension building on the train they were on (a train robbery that quickly turned into an intense haunting). I genuinely can't remember the last time I laughed so hard the party banter was so electric. They've really gotten me back into the flow of things I forgot how much I adore being a Dungeon Master. They take everything I put down and make it a thousand times better. I'm editing poetry today but my brain just keeps drifting back to the session and all the horrors I'll get to unleash on these broke gay space cowboys.
We had a deliberately lackluster interview between the reporter and the bounty hunter, the debutant got scammed twice within like thirty minutes, a robot got roughed up by cavalry guys, the characters drew horny fanart of each other in game, and now everyone is about to get eaten by space ghouls.
I can't say much about what's to come because I know some of the friends in this game will see this, so I just want to say: I'm sorry I filled the train with ghosts. Try not to die.
(I'm just rambling about my session at this point, but I had such a good time and I'm so excited to be back in the saddle as a DM. Also I'm so thrilled to get to channel my Locked Tomb obsession into something and this campaign has given me a lot of fuel)
EDIT: I ENDED UP MAKING A SIDEBLOG FOR THIS CAMPAIGN. @yeehaw-in-magic-space is where I'll be recounting details about each session and offering little drops of lore when I feel like it. I think this will be a fun side project and a great way for me to record the campaign for myself to look back on.
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nickeverdeen · 4 months ago
Nerd!Ellie Williams hcs
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Nerd Ellie would have an impressive collection of old video games, especially ones like The Turning, Jak and Daxter, and Uncharted
She’d obsess over in-game lore and strategy, getting super competitive in multiplayer modes
She’d be a huge fan of comic books, constantly geeking out over superheroes
She’d have a stash of rare issues and could spend hours debating the best storylines or character arcs
Ellie would have a fascination with science, but especially space and galaxy
She’d be deep into sci-fi and anime, binge-watching shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, or Attack on Titan
Her room would be filled with posters, figurines, and even fan art she draws herself
Ellie would be all about board games like Dungeons & Dragons or strategy games like Risk or Settlers of Catan
She’d take on the role of dungeon master for her friends and get way too excited about crafting epic storylines for the campaigns
She’d be the type to take apart radios, consoles, or old gadgets and try to fix or mod them
She’d probably have a corner of her room dedicated to half-finished projects, complete with soldering tools and spare parts
Ellie would get super flustered when talking to her crush, stumbling over her words and pushing up her sleeves nervously
She’d try to impress them with random trivia or lend them one of her favorite comics to bond over
She’d be deep into meme culture and constantly reference them in casual conversation
She’d also be active in online fandom communities, participating in debates or creating fan art and fanfics for her favorite shows and games
Ellie would have a love for retro tech and pop culture from the '80s and '90s
She’d have old VHS tapes, cassette players, and a love for classic films like The Goonies or Back to the Future
She’d love the idea of building a retro arcade machine one day
Ellie would get super into cosplay, hand-making her own costumes for conventions or just for fun
She’d meticulously recreate outfits from her favorite games or shows, spending hours on the details, and getting her friends to join in on group cosplays
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mythicamagic · 7 months ago
have you played Love and Deepspace and what is your review on it??
Hello! Yes I have. It's sitting in my homescreen right now on my phone.
I think my opinions on it might be quite mixed or controversial? So just bare that in mind before reading.
I've played a looot of otomes. I think I started playing them in 2009. I can very much say that LADS is a unique experience. It's not like anything I've ever played before in terms of graphics, cinematography and interaction with your fictional boyfriends.
The Great:
I think the interface and design is really nice in certain aspects (the combat is a bit iffy). This is a very pretty game imo. Also can I just say, having a customisable MC is really great! I like that you can change not just her skintone but her voice settings as well. I also just- LOVE the 4 and 5 star cards content. They hold some examples of lovely scenarios written with care, and some good ole fanservice to boot as a treat. Whoever does the lighting for the 5* cards does a marvellous job, as the animations really feel 'alive' sometimes. Great direction with using the MC as the POV so the 'camera' swings or moves closer according to how she's reacting. Love that.
The LIs:
I think having a varied cast is important in otomes but a common vibe or theme can often be shared between their contrasting personalities. For Piofiore its mafia/crime lords and domestic life, for Cafe Enchante cosy coffeeshop vibes. With Love and Deepspace I'd say its cosy vibes mixed with action, mixed with angst. The cast supports this, with all of them having serious or sweet sides. I am definitely not drawn to some of them, but that's okay! I think anyone going in new should know they won't like everyone and that's common for otome. What I find uninteresting might be wonderful to someone else and vice versa. I will say Sylus took the spot as my favourite and he has a very different vibe to the others even when he's doing cosy domestic stuff. I very much enjoy his scenes and how dynamic they feel (also its really nice the whole cast is in their twenties)
The Bad:
The worst casualty in Love and Deepspace is...the main story. I can't overstate how much of a confusing, poorly written and badly executed mess the main story is. In terms of setup, establishing lore, world building and stakes, it somewhat limps from one chapter to another. Scenes can begin and end abruptly with plot threads seemingly dropped. Secrets can often be intriguing, yes- but by continually withholding answers the game can get a bit frustrating. As a new player with no knowledge of the game, I didn't understand why Rafayel kept referring to himself as a fish during the crane game and kitty card mini games. It was like they were referencing something that hadn't happened yet in game, so I was like - okay, I'll wait. I'm sure it'll be explained (spoilers: it was not explained).
Essentially if you want backstory and context to the boys you NEED their cards to unlock their content, and I'm not a huge fan of that. I think the main story should still at least give you a bit more to work with about the boys. (This is especially bad when the lore is locked behind gacha luck). And I get that the whole story is space/time themed but sincerely I did not know the world of Love and Deepspace was capable of casual space travel until I read Sylus' anecdote story. This is not good worldbuilding. Sure it throws loads of terminology at you but you'll have to read the notes yourself to understand what they are. It's a lot of telling and not showing. For an example of how this could've been done: Cowboy Bebop is about bounty hunters in space. It has scenes of them...in space. You're telling me someone as rich as Sylus, who offers MC to go on his motorbike, yacht, and private jet, wouldn't offer her a circle around the planet in his spaceship? Idk it feels like a lot of worldbuilding details have been overlooked.
There is also the issue of voice acting. This can again come down to personal preference but in general I always give English Dubs a fair chance, and enjoy many of them. Voice acting has come a long way since the wooden performances of older animes and games. That said, many of the boys, especially in the earlier chapters and content sound extremely flat. This goes double for the NPCs (who can be laughably bad). It's not even a matter of 'oh this person is just reading lines with no emotion' no the inflections in their voice are off- the context of what they're supposed to be emoting to can feel a million miles off base. I barely felt like they were in the scene with me. That said - this was likely a voice direction issue, because more recent content allows the boys to sound more relaxed and involved in the scene. Sylus' English VA knocks it out of the park in his performance though and I really appreciate how much he embraced that role. A lot of people could get embarrassed having to voice ASMR type content but he got fully immersed so 10/10 for that. I haven't tried any other languages apart from Japanese but c'mon, we know the Japanese VAs are like celebrities over there and will crush any role so no notes there except they're all great.
With all that said I do not hate the game, I really enjoy it! (I wouldn't have ranted so much here if I didn't care) I just wish certain aspects were tightened up more for storytelling purposes. It feels a bit jarring when some aspects of the game are SUPER polished but then easy mistakes are made. So I'd say if you're interested in playing - to just embrace the fluff and spicy fanservice. Treat it as your main meal as I do. If you end up enjoying the main story and combat then that's a bonus! I really hope this game continues to be successful because their recent content and chapter has been super intriguing - and in general its just nice to have an otome reach the spot of 3rd highest grossing mobile game during some months (below the giants like Genshin and HSR)
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mechanismslorearchive · 1 year ago
Lore archive experience litterally is just like "Well I want to read cowboy bebop shipping discourse on livejournal. Hm what if searched Dr. Carmilla." Then the jaws theme starts playing and i find things all over again
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atomic-rattz · 8 months ago
I have a lot of questions actually
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HOLY WHAT THE UHM.. YALL LET ME COOK SMTHN UP. Not gonna do all cuz thats a dang lot..
1) Au is set on some planet that’s not earth.. lets just say mars?
2) They don’t actually! I didn’t write a lot on the lore, i was planning for them to live in some apartment in Hiddensville (name of alien city).
3) The “lair” or more like apartment is kinda crappy and hidden. Splinter and Draxum chose this spot for a reason. Draxum does have some underground lab where they do most of their training.
4) They have money from bounties (they kill kraang). Um would this be like cowboy bebop. I have not watched that at all i probably should.
5) no mutagen is involved. Draxum created the 4 with his dna and splinter or smthn like that. They were born as aliens and for the purpose for fighting.
6) Havent though of that yet! I would need to make a design for big mama.
7) they are aliens.
8) aliens?
9) nah.
10) yes! The kraang are kinda like a side enemy though, they are killed for money like pests in Hiddensville.
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