#cowardly anon
spinji · 3 months
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Anyway, who wants to hear about the teacher/student fic I'm drafting?
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tehjleck · 5 months
God loves you
sigh... listen up, you disingenuous pissant.
If your fictional deity were real and all-knowing, it'd mean it knew which men were pedophiles and allowed them to become priests anyway.
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if your fictional deity were real and all-poweful it'd mean that it could've done something to stop them and chose not to.
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If your fictional deity were real and as "good" as you theists assert, why do humans need to wage war and force their faith upon non-believers?
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If your fictional deity were real, why the fuck can't it speak for itself?
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If your god were real, I'd fucking murder it for allowing it's priests to rape children while the church covers it up.
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I'd fucking murder your god for allowing children to die of starvation
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All while humans wage war and commit genocide in the name of their fictional deity. While con-artists fleece their sheep and become millionaires...
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but go ahead and proselytize to atheists on the interwebs... and don't forget to 'pray' that your sport team wins their game.
for fucks sake
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cuz thats a stupid idea, idiot
No it's a good idea you might be falling behind on swag my friend
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do not force sexualities and fake genders upon Anime characters. Also there are only 4 sexualities
ppft, i’m sorry i didn’t know. what are the four sexualities? gay, straight, up, and down?
this is the dumbest thing i’ve ever seen in my fucking inbox.
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sagasolejma · 2 months
you’re ugly as a man and don’t/will never pass as a woman, very sad
Okay wanna kiss about it
Also honestly the fact that you're doing this anonymously just tells me deep down you know what you're saying is untrue, and that you're just being vewy cowardly and mean, which honestly doesn't hurt me very much :3
Sending much love <3
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pedrospatch · 11 months
you know what’s easy and free
not being an absolute dick to fanfic writers
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chenfordspiral · 5 months
The fact that every time someone says something negative about a fic, it’s on bloody “anonymous” because these cowards aren’t even brave enough to reveal who they are.
If you don’t like something, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM IT AND MOVE ON. No one wants you to read anyway if all you do is leave negativity behind. I’m so damn tired of this shit.
We write fics for free, show writers some love and respect for putting their works out there. It’s a lot more than just clicking a few buttons to hit post - we put our hearts and souls into these stories, so please just be kind.
Is that too much to ask?
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Luigi is innocence personified
Now, I wouldn't go that far. Luigi's a goodnatured sweetheart who wants nothing more than to help out and make the world a better place, but he's also a grown man who's willing and able to knock you flat if you're a threat. He's more wily than he appears and has got more than a few tricks up his sleeve.
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thatmooncake · 1 year
Dislike how whenever you talk even a little about your own opinions and experiences on a topic where you’re in the minority (even if you address it in the most neutral possible way) you inevitably get backlash from people in the majority group (whose experiences and opinions you are exposed to all the time with zero complaints from you) who are offended at you for making them feel bad as though your identity or experiences or preferences are somehow an attack on them or some kind of diss or a call to action. Like, no, you do you, but please just let me do me too and don’t try to force me to be silent about it 24/7 when I’m totally cool with you doing your thing. Not everything is about you.
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girlfictions · 11 months
hi! friendly reminder to kill yourself, nazi <3!
calling me a nazi for standing against genocide..... i'm no historian but you couldn't rub together two brain cells if they were fucking raw in front of your eyes
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leonardcohenofficial · 9 months
So you done with your Jew phase or
what a bizarre fucking ask imagine describing a multiyear conversion process as a "phase" but okay lmao; i presume that this ask has to do with being pro-palestine and anti-zionist but to presume that i abandoned my conversion process and beliefs feels like a pretty clear conflation of judaism and zionism which is. textbook antisemitism so. do you get off on asking shit like this or
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tehjleck · 2 years
Hahaha... I accept your soul, cowardly little anon.
I mean... 15 anonymous asks in FOUR MINUTES? HAHAHAHA...
I fucking own you now, and I will enjoy living rent free in your tiny little brain until your end. At which time, no fictional deity will 'save' you...
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Oh, and also - go fuck yourself.
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kabukiaku · 4 months
ANGRY AND HATEFUL PERSON AWARD! ❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you hate! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're shit inside and out <3
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Your pfp says all. Also bitch, try touching some grass next time.
That this is clearly a queer blog? Yeah, it is. I’m not the person harassing someone over the internet with the anon filter on because I’m too afraid to show my actual blog name. Maybe you should touch some grass instead of being a piece of shit who can’t even own up to being one?
Also, are you homophobic or do you not like Lisanna? Either way, gross.
Seriously tho, keep going, this is funny to me! First time in months posting on tumblr and i get anon hate? hell yeah
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mekanikaltrifle · 20 days
One thing I think is forgotten here on Tumblr is that blogs are meant to be personal, and sometimes that means people ramble about personal shit. Even their fears or stressors. People online making art or even just being here aren't meant to be 100% curated for strangers' enjoyment!
And if you don't like something a blogger is doing, best course of action is to just unfollow or blacklist their relevant tags if they have them.
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weemssapphic · 1 year
@ the anon telling people to kill themselves, i hope you get help for your problems and come to the realization that you won't find happiness in being cruel to others
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