#covington cross
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Pero Tovar, The Great Wall (2016) VS. Sir Thomas Grey, Covington Cross (1992)
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Pero Tovar, The Great Wall (2016) Portrayed by: Pedro Pascal
No Text Propaganda Submitted
Sir Thomas Grey, Covington Cross (1992) Portrayed by: Nigel Terry
“Silver fox. Has his own castle. Widowed with children, doing his best.”
Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
Additional Propaganda
For Pero Tovar:
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For Sir Thomas Grey:
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petnews2day · 2 years
'They tried to rip him apart': Knightdale woman walking her small dog recounts pit bull attack
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/zeOwj
'They tried to rip him apart': Knightdale woman walking her small dog recounts pit bull attack
KNIGHTDALE, N.C. (WTVD) — Fay Green could barely recall the traumatic turn of events Tuesday morning without tears. Dog toys are scattered throughout her living room, but her nine-pound Maltipoo, Fluffy, was nowhere in sight. “I watched how she had Fluffy in her mouth and they were trying to rip him apart,” said Green. “When […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/zeOwj #DogNews #AnimalControl, #Attack, #CovingtonCross, #DogAttack, #Knightdale, #PitBulls, #Rabies, #WakeCounty, #WomanAttackedByPitBulls
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mac-lilly · 7 months
An awesome team (in the making)
Sneak peek at the "Life with Derek"-inspired AU
The door of her locker got slammed shut, and Julie jumped like a startled cat. But she did not scream. Most certainly not.
“Nice voice, Molina.”
Okay, maybe she did scream. Just a little.
Julie huffed, frustrated. She recognized that voice. Of course, she did.
There was not a single student (or member of staff) at Los Feliz Performing Arts School who didn’t know Luke Patterson’s voice. Because Luke was a lot of things – but never, NEVER, silent.
Scowling, she turned around, and there he was: Luke Patterson with his ridiculously outdated haircut, washed-out band tee, and ripped jeans. Oh, and his stupid grin that was absolutely not adorable. Nope, absolutely not.
“What?!” she snapped at him.
“Whoa, hold your horses.” Luke raised his hands in mock surrender, but his grin turned into a smirk. It did not make Julie’s heart stutter! “I come in peace.”
Julie scoffed, though she wasn’t as upset by his ambush as she would have been under normal circumstances. Actually, she had meant to talk to him.
While they shared a handful of classes and used to be in the music program (before Julie had dropped out), their paths didn’t really cross. They moved in completely different circles. Before her mother’s death, she’d mostly hung out with Flynn, Carrie, and the other girls that formed Dirty Candi. These days, it was just Flynn. But still!
Luke, on the other hand, was in a rock band. And as far as Julie could judge, that was all he ever cared about. He most certainly did not care about school. Luke was chaotic and disruptive, and Julie wondered if he would stay until graduation. With his silly outfits and questionable antics, he was the walking cliché of a rebellious punk-rock teen straight from the early ‘90s.  
So, yeah, they did not mingle. Usually.
“What do you want?”
“Covington assigned partners for the group project.”
Julie frowned at him. “He never assigns pairs.”
“True,” Luke said, rocking on his heels, hands behind his back. Julie sighed. Luke was always like this. Too bouncy. Too fidgety. There was too much energy in him. But today, it seemed worse than usual. “But he did this time.”
Julie huffed. “Great.” That was just great. So much for the grandiose plan she and Flynn had been working on. “Well, thanks for letting me know—”
She cut herself off, caught off-guard by the look on Luke’s face. His smirk turned more sinister, and there was a manic glint in his eye. A horrible realization dawned on her. She gaped at Luke. “No!”
“Yup!” Luke beamed at her and even had the audacity to pump his fist into the air.
Julie didn’t buy it. Folding her arms, she eyed him suspiciously. “Mr Covington hates you.” He’d never team them up.
“He does,” Luke confirmed without a care in the world. His expression turned smug. “Meanwhile, you’re the apple of his eye.”
Julie paled first, then a hot flush blossomed on her face. “I’m not– He–”
Luke smirked triumphantly, and Julie groaned.
“Fine, whatever,” she snapped. “But you better don’t mess this up, Luke.”
Luke saluted. His smile never wavered. “Don’t worry, Boss. I’d never.” He winked at her. “We’re gonna make an awesome team, Julie.” And then he turned and bounded down the corridor to where his friends were waiting for him. There was a fucking spring to his step.
Julie let out another groan, annoyed. Luke wouldn't put in any effort into this project. He never did. She rolled her eyes as she turned to her locker again.
However, when she opened her locker again, she couldn’t help the smile that crept on her lips.
For once, the universe was working in her favor. 
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legolasghosty · 9 months
kiss out of spite for willex plz and thank you (if this isn't too late I'm so behind lol)
You are absolutely not too late!!! I'm just very behind, lol! Hope you enjoy!
"Hey Hotdog," Willie says as he slides onto the bench beside his boyfriend, his board under his arm.
"Hi," Alex responds, that familiar smile crossing his face as he leans in to peck them gently on the mouth in greeting. "How was the ride over?"
"Great, all the dogs are out!" Willie answers. One of the things that makes this cafe one of his and Alex's date spots is that it's not too far to walk (or skate) to from either of their apartments. And the warm, spring weather makes it an easy place to meet up.
Alex laughs. "Oh I know, Reggie hasn't stopped texting the guys and I pictures all day."
Willie claps a hand to his chest in mock offense. "And he hasn't sent any to me?! I thought we were friends."
"Nope, you've been spared the spam of puppy pictures, he definitely likes you more than me," Alex argues lightly.
"What, you don't appreciate him sharing the cuteness of his day with you?" Willie teases.
The barista calls out Alex's name before the drummer can reply. Alex holds up a finger, as if to say Hold that thought, then rises and heads for the counter. Willie glances towards the menu board. Right, cafe, he should probably get something. They wonder if that new chocolate thing comes in decaf.
"Okay, I got one of the berry lemonades and one of this dutch chocolate mocha," Alex says, placing a tall glass and a large mug on the table. "Which do you want?"
Willie feels their face warming as they realize that Alex ordered drinks for both of them. "Um, I'm good with either," he says, trying to translate the way his heart skips a beat into a smile Alex can read. "Thank you."
Alex groans playfully. "Look, we both know I can't make decisions, so pick a drink, Covington." He sits down on the bench beside Willie and nudges both drinks in their direction.
Willie hesitates, glancing back and forth between the cups. "This is decaf, right?" he asks after a second, tapping the rim of the mug.
"Yep, can't have you going hyper or me throwing up," Alex confirms.
"I'll try that one then," Willie decides, wrapping both hands around the hot ceramic and lifting it.
"Perfect," Alex declares, taking a sip of the lemonade. "You'll have to tell me if it's good though, looked interesting."
"Will do." Willie takes a sip of the beverage, recoiling slightly when it burns their tongue. "Thank you," they repeat.
"Of course," Alex says, though the pink in his cheeks betrays his casual tone. "Gotta keep my partner well hydr-" He cuts himself off, probably realizing that drinking coffee is the opposite of hydrating. "Happy to," he finishes after a second.
Willie lets it go, since Alex already seems embarrassed. "So about all those dog pictures Reggie sent you," they hint instead, raising an eyebrow.
Alex chuckles, seeming glad for the change of topic. "What, you want to see them that bad?" he questions, incredulous. "There's a lot of them."
"Gimme!" Willie declares, reaching for the pocket of Alex's pink hoodie, where his phone usually resides.
"Okay okay okay," Alex giggles, holding up one hand in surrender while grabbing the device with the other.
He unlocks it and leans closer so Willie can see the screen. Feeling brave, Willie wraps an arm around his waist to guide him even closer. Alex's ears are turning pink, but he carefully slips his own arm around Willie's shoulders.
"So..." Alex hums, scrolling back through the Sunset Curve group chat on his phone, past dozens of pictures and messages. "Yeah all of this is from today," he continues, still scrolling. "But here's the first one I think."
Willie coos at the blurry picture of a couple of golden labs wrestling near a playground. Next is a spaniel on a walk with their human. Then a dog walker being nearly dragged across the sidewalk by four dogs of various sizes. Willie laughs at that one.
Alex scrolls down to the next one, but someone loudly clearing their throat pulls both of their attention away from the screen. On the other side of their table stands a tall, white man in jeans and a flannel shirt. He also has a very deep frown on his face.
"Hey, what's up?" Willie asks cautiously. He feels Alex's arm tense around his shoulders.
"What's 'up'," the guy snaps, putting air quotes around the second word, "is that you two are being all rowdy over here and bothering my family."
The guy has a slight southern accent, but the look on his face is anything but hospitable. Willie glances across the cafe to see a woman and three kids, probably all under the age of 10, a few tables away. The kids are making more noise than he and Alex were though.
"Sorry," Alex says quickly. "We weren't trying to, we'll be quieter."
The guy doesn't seem satisfied by that, which doesn't surprise Willie. They're pretty sure they know what this is actually about.
"You'd better get real quiet," the man says, taking a step closer. "I don't need you people exposing my kids to all your unnatural tenancies."
Willie feels Alex shrinking into their side and resists the urge to punch this guy in the face. Sure, they're both well aware that jerk homophobes are everywhere. But right now? Really? Alex is barely back from having to spend a weekend with his homophobic parents for a family reunion. Can't this jerk just mind his own business?
"With all due respect," Willie responds, his tone icy, "I think your kids aren't going to be eternally traumatized by me and my boyfriend being on a date while they're drinking hot chocolate in the same cafe. Please leave us alone."
"You people got some nerve," the man growls, one fist clenching.
Willie slides the hand that isn't on Alex's waist into his pocket, reaching for his pepper spray.
"Sure, we have guts," Alex cuts in, startling both the man and Willie. "But not because we're doing anything wrong. We're brave for still being out here when people like you are here too. People who want us dead just because we're queer."
Willie feels a rush of pride for his boyfriend in his chest. They know just how much Alex has had to fight against the homophobia drilled into him from an early age. They know all about how much pain it causes him when his parents continue to pretend that he isn't gay. They know how terrifying these situations are for the both of them. And Alex is standing up for them anyways.
"Yeah, and we're not going anywhere," Willie adds, feeling Alex's trembling. "It's not like being gay is anything new. It's just a part of humanity, whether you like it or not. So you might as well give up and leave us alone, because your big man act is just pathetic." He channels every bit of his dad into that last sentence. "Now either leave us be or we'll call the cops."
The guy splutters for a minute, then storms off. Alex just stares after him for a long moment, then turns to Willie with a nervous smile.
"You okay?" the drummer asks, brushing a strand of hair away from their face.
"Yeah, you?" Willie responds, catching Alex's hand with their own.
Alex nods. "I think so. I just wasn't really expecting that I guess."
"Me either," Willie says, taking in a deep breath.
He glances back over at the man's table to see him snapping at his kids to finish their drinks so they can leave. They can't help the smirk that pulls at their lips. The two of them did that. They stood up to that jerk and drove him off. Together.
"You did great," he tells Alex, squeezing his hand.
"Right back at you," Alex chuckles, his smile growing a bit. The drummer steals a look over at the other table as well. "Geez, sucks to be that guy's kids," he comments.
"Yeah," Willie agrees sadly. "Maybe he'll get better?"
Alex just shakes his head. Willie wonders if he reminded the drummer of his dad at all. But now isn't for thinking about jerks, they tell themself. Today is for having fun and being back together.
"Hey, you wanna tick that dude off a bit more?" Willie asks, raising an eyebrow and grinning.
Alex huffs a laugh. "Depends, what did you have in mind?"
Instead of verbally answering, Willie moves his arm from Alex's waist to cup the back of his neck. They move in closer, pausing a few inches away from his face to wait for an answer. Alex smirks and closes the distance between them in a warm, solid kiss.
Willie lets go of Alex's hand to cup his jaw as the drummer's fingers slide into their hair. It's firm and steady and it's not long before they're both smiling too much to keep kissing. The glare the homophobe shoots them as he herds his family out the door just makes them laugh.
"I missed you," Alex breathes into the space between them. "I know I wasn't actually gone for that long, but..."
"I get it," Willie responds softly. "I missed you too."
They separate fully after another minute. Willie's coffee is getting cold, but they don't really mind. "So my place after this?" he suggests. "We can get takeout for dinner and watch some cheesy gay romcom or something?"
"Sounds perfect," Alex agrees.
The End
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If you had to replace the official paring of one of your OCs (originally paired off with a canon character) with another OC, who would it be?
oh hell yes anon you are speaking my language!
so i mean i absolutely love crossovers!!! i feel like at this point my blog is a lot more crossover content than just my ocs!! but also yes i love cross shipping my own ocs very much for sure so let's go!!!
with friends (there are so so so so so many so this is just an itty bitty highlight reel)
Ace Hearts; descendants (canon ship: Evie) x @manyfandomocs' Gabe Legume
Kirsty Gilmore; gilmore girls (canon ship: Jess, Logan, Tristan) x @the-witching-ash's Simon Forester
Cassandra Aelius; percy jackson (canon ship: jason & reyna) x @megdonnellys' Waverly Sinclair – for context, i had to go to my masterlist to check Cass' ship because in my heart she is Waverly's soulmate
Clara Waldorf; gossip girl (canon ship: tripp) x @cecexwrites' Covey Covington
Will Parker; mcu (canon ship: tony) x @ginevrastilinski-ocs' Kit Barton
also not an originally canon ship but my baby Evie Van Der Woodsen's canon ship is my oc Theo but my favourite ship for her is still @cecexwrites' Finn Rockwell
with just my ocs (from different fics or not endgames in their stories) –
Willow Dell x Lucas Gilmore – Gilmore Girls (they're actually a couple that breaks up during their fic but also they're still my favourite ship in that verse too)
Jeremy St James x Lilibeth Anderson & Jeremy St James x Melody Naccarelli – Glee (Melody is a minor character in Jeremy's verse, Lili has her own separate verse)
Ace Hearts x Cosette Bellefleur – Descendants (separate verses)
I feel like there's definitely more but drawing a blank rip but this was so fun thank you anon!!
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invisibleraven · 2 months
kissing in dark corners and Sweet Tarts?
Carrie adjusted her dress before stepping into the dark and smoky club-yes she was supposed to be invisible, but she still wanted to look good alright?
She moved through the tables, not catching any eyes, which was the point, to remain unnoticed as she approached the bar.
"Can I have a grasshopper please?"
"I'm out of creme de menthe."
"Bourbon. Neat."
This was the code she had been given-she very much doubted anyone who actually ordered a grasshopper would settle for bourbon, or even want it. She wouldn't be drinking it regardless-she had to stay clear for the mission.
"I like a lady who can handle her liquor," a voice came from her side. Glancing over she saw a man around her age in a neat suit, sipping a Manhattan no0t looking back at her.
"Not my drink of choice, but it's been a week," she said, facing the crowd.
"Want to get a table, unburden on a friendly ear?"
She gave a subtle shake to her head. "Want to be alone, people watch for a bit."
Then she saw the flash of silver-a gun or a badge, gone too quick to be sure. "I think you will want to come with me Miss Wilson."
Fuck she'd been made. The door wasn't far but she didn't have a clear path and she was sure this guy was faster than she was, especially in her heels.
Reluctantly she went to the table, crossing her arms as she sat across from him, trying not to notice how the candles lit up his freckles or his green eyes.
"So you know who I am, care to give me the same courtesy?"
"Agent Reginald Peters, FBI. We found your contact dead about an hour ago. Figured who ever did him in would be after you. I stepped in so we can stop him."
Carrie sat up straighter at that, eyes flying around the room. Nick had been a pro-so whoever capped him was certainly no slouch. This was supposed to have been a simple hand off-she gave him the microfiche, he gave her the cash, done and dusted.
"What are you offering?" she hissed at the agent.
"Protection for now, we can talk deals back at HQ," he said, finishing off his drink. "For now we need to get out of here. And if you try to run-well, I can't do anything for you then doll."
She bristled at the name, but nodded, standing up, leaving her untouched drink sweating on the table. They slipped towards the back when she spied a crew coming in, and swore.
"I know who's after me," she whispered, pushing the agent into the corner. "Covington. Follow my lead."
With that she pulled him in for a kiss, immediately wet and passionate. Praying that the shadows would hide them and public decency would have the goons looking away. Thankfully the agent played along-giving as good as he got.
Pity it was only a play kiss, because he clearly knew what he was doing.
Finally, Carrie saw Covington enter the back room, only one goon left outside, and he was eyeing the waitress more than the room.
"We're good," she said, pulling away, swiping her thumb over the lipstick she had left on his face.
"Yeah we are," he said with a leer, then shook himself at her glare. "Okay, back door, let's go."
They slipped out, and Carrie let him lead her to a cherry red coup, whistling at the sweet ride. "Didn't think G Men made the kinda bank to afford one of these."
"I wasn't always an agent," he replied with a wink, sliding in.
Carrie considered hightailing it away-she knew how to evade Covington by now. It meant burning another alias, changing her looks, but it was worth it.
However-this was a chance to lead an honest life. One where she could just stay Carrie, and maybe help put Caleb away for good. He deserved that much after doing in Nick, and the countless other agents she had known to fall over the years.
So she slid in, and nodded as Reggie revved the engine.
And wondered about the agent next to her. "So are you gonna tell me about this checkered past of yours?"
"Maybe," he said, driving off. "But you'll have to buy me a coffee first."
"I think after that kiss you might owe me the coffee," she snarked.
He laughed at that. "Fair enough. But I think we're both destined for agency swill for the foreseeable future."
"This deal had better be worth it," Carrie stated.
"Maybe I'll throw in another kiss."
And Carrie tried not to blush at the prospect-and the hope that rose when he mentioned it.
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websterss · 2 years
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SUMMARY: Having had enough of dealing with Caleb you take the opportunity to leave the Hollywood Club.
WARNING(S): Angst, mentions of dying, fluff
PAIRING: Luke Patterson x Ghost-fem!Reader
A/N: Hope you enjoy it! ♡ Feedback is always welcomed!
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
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They say life flashes before your eyes, to never take anything for granted, and you didn’t. “Ya know, I didn’t take you for the type to use dead corpses as leverage. But then again everything so far has been total bullshit with you!” You sniffled getting off the floor. You stood before him as you spared a glance down at yourself. You looked all gray and on the verge of decomposing. 
“Now, now, no need to be rude.”
“You killed me, we are so far from pleasantries.” You scowled at him. “I’m already dead. What more do you want?”
“I need the boys.” You shook your head not understanding him. “They’re too powerful. I can’t have them roaming California with their newly found tricks.” Caleb smirked.
“See the thing with that is…” You gestured to the room. “They’re already gone…so what’s your big plan now?” You purse your lips in question.
“Simple, ruin everything and everyone they love.”
“Mhmm.” You pondered the supposedly evil scheme of his. “Yeah, I hear you, but uh, when do we get to the part where that plan is actually going accordingly?”
“Well, with you obviously.” Caleb gestured to all of you.
“Trust me, you’d only be hurting one person in this case and she doesn’t forgive very easily. So killing me wasn’t very smart…which was for what exactly? Your own joy?” You raised an eyebrow.
“You knew too much, and you could see me. Which I was intrigued by.” He titled his head scanning you up and down.
“I can still see you now too.” You let your arms fall to their sides. “And there isn’t much to see anyways.”
“Rude.” Caleb scoffed.
“Just let me go. I’m no good to you.” You clenched your jaw.
“But see, that’s where you’re wrong my dove…” You eyed him suspiciously. “You’re the perfect leverage.”
“Again, how?” You looked at him confused. He was about to speak up again, but you put your hand out to stop him. “How about I just stop you there, and kick your ass now, and get this over with?”
“You won’t win.” Caleb checked his manicure.
“But see, that’s where you’re wrong, Mr. Covington. I don’t give up easily.” 
After the final bow the guys poofed back into the studio. Luke grew concerned when you didn’t poof back with them. He guessed it was Caleb, but since they were crossing over and possibly destroyed, he stayed put. He groaned as another jolt hit him in the gut. Alex and Reggie reciprocating the pain that was felt.
They all laid back on the rug waiting for their time to be up. “D-Do you think Y/n’s okay?” Alex said out of the blue.
“It’s Y/n…she’s always got everything under control.” Reggie jokes, but groaned feeling another jolt hit them.
“If C-Caleb does anything to her, I’ll kill him.” Luke coughed holding his stomach. “Maybe…if he doesn’t kill us first.”
“I-I think we should worry about Y/n doing something to him.” Alex closed his eyes, the pain being too much.
You grunted as you raised a chair close to you, slamming it into Caleb and his stupid cape outfit. What the fuck was he even wearing? He fell with a grunt and covered his face.
“You fucking asshole that’s for killing me!” You screamed as you kept beating the chair into him. 
It didn’t take long before Julie had found them on the ground. She was upset because she really thought that they were gone for good. To make things hurt more, you hadn’t shown up to the show. Julie didn’t get a call, nor a text telling her that you couldn’t make it. Her calls weren’t going through either and that worried her more than anything. She just wanted you to be there and she wanted the guys back, so imagine her shock when they were on the ground of the garage in pain.
“Guys? What? Why are you here? I-I thought-” Julie was cut off by the sudden jolt that struck the boys. She gripped at her chest feeling her breathing pick up. Reggie held onto Alex and Luke’s hands as they groaned out in pain. “I-I thought you crossed over. Why didn’t you cross over?”
“I guess playing at the Orpheum…” Alex struggled to stand. “Wasn’t our unfinished business.” 
“Point, Caleb.” Reggie scowled, sarcastically.
“We wanted you to think we crossed over…so we pretended to.” Luke glanced up at Julie. “We just…” He shook his head. “W-We had nowhere else to go.” Luke’s breathing was labored. He held his side from where the jolts shocked him.
“We thought you’d go straight to bed.” Reggie shrugged, looking at Julie.
“Yeah well.” Alex sighed heavily, leaning against the piano. “I knew she was gonna come out here, but nobody ever listens to-” Another jolt struck them. This one was stronger. All three doubled over in pain. Luke fell on his side finding comfort on the carpet, Reggie felt his body fail him causing him to lose his grip on the couch, and Alex… Alex had almost fallen to his knees before he barely held himself up by the piano.
Julie rushed forward and pleaded. “You have to save yourself right now! Go join Caleb’s club, please! It’s better than not existing at all, please! Poof out, do something please! Do it for me, please!” Julie cried out.
“We’re not going back there.” Reggie denied her pleas.
“No music is worth making Julie, if we’re not making it with you.” Julie tilted her head, pouting as her eyes glossed over. “No regrets.” Luke admitted. She lurched herself forward and wrapped her arms around him. Luke wrapped his arms around her too when she went in for a hug. Reggie smiled and Alex was confused.
“I love you guys.” Julie sniffled.
Julie then suddenly pulled back realizing she could feel Luke. He too was taken back because she was able to touch him. She ran her hands down his arms then to his hands. “How can I feel you?”
“I-I don’t know.”
Julie gasped as she placed her hands on his face. Luke then cupped her face too. Laughing because he couldn’t believe it. This was some sort of miracle.
He turned around to look at you guys. “I feel stronger.”
“Alex, Reggie, come here.” Julie told them. The guys walked up to Julie and wrapped their arms around each other. Halo circles glowed up into the air above.
“Woah, I-I don’t feel as weak anymore.” Reggie smiled.
“Yeah me neither. Not that I was ever that weak.” Alex joked, causing them all to laugh. The guys then all looked down at their wrist. The purple stamps removed themselves from their wrist and flowed up into the air.
“What do you think that means?” Julie gaped at the purple magic that floated above her. “I think the band is back.” Luke smiled.
“You guys think we could try that hug one more time?” Alex asked, they laughed and huddled together embracing each other with their hands.
“I like this!” Reggie admitted.
“Me too!” Julie exclaimed. “We played the Orpheum, woo!” They all jumped up and down together.
It hadn’t been long till you took a seat back on the ground. Your back pressed against the wall behind you. Your eyes staring straight ahead into nothing. Nothing. That’s all you felt inside. Nothingness slathered with a pinch of numbness. A disaster for your mental health. The room was quiet except for Caleb’s labored breathing. The man was trying his best to get into a sitting position. You had spared him a glance when he groaned in satisfaction. You didn’t think it was possible for a ghost to receive bruises or cuts. Though you assumed so, since purple was starting to form around his right eye. You looked down at your hands. A little bruised themselves and a nail or two were chipped in the process, but it wasn’t the end of the world. Beating the shit out of Caleb didn’t make you whole. It didn’t heal the ache in your nonexistent beating heart. The emptiness remained.
“Nope.” You stared off into space. 
“Oh.” Caleb’s voice rose an octave.
“I’m leaving, Caleb.” You pushed yourself up. “Don’t try and stop me.”
“She’s all yours.” He hummed. Gesturing out his hand to your body. He closed his eyes as he held his stomach.
“I hate you.” Your lip quivered. Your eyes staring down at the man who took everything from you. “But I know you don’t care and continuing on, telling you how much I despise your guts, isn’t gonna help me. So I’m gonna go.” You nodded. “And you’re gonna keep sitting there, with your ego a little bruised.” You turned to wrap your arms around your corpse. Wanting to take your body somewhere where you were sure they’d find it. Where’d they find you.
“I can see why Luke likes you.” You tensed hearing him talk. “You hold a fire inside you like no one else does. I bet that drew him in too. I guess he got lucky with someone who balances him out perfectly. You pull, he pushes. You ignite, he extinguishes. A rare, but beautiful match. At least now you can really be with him.”
“Goodbye, Caleb.” With that you poofed you and your body out of the Hollywood Ghost Club. 
You didn’t think twice when you reappeared inside the garage. Your knees hit the ground hard. You had attempted to steady your own body in your arms but ended up toppling over. The guys had turned around when they saw you. They were shocked and filled with joy upon seeing you again.
“Y/n?” Reggie had to do a double take because seeing you there in the garage seemed too good to be true.
“Oh my god, you’re back!” Alex got up rushing over to you. “Oh god, we need to get Julie.” 
“Y/n, you’ll never gonna believe what just happened!” Luke walked up to you with a bounce in his step. The boys just discovered that Julie’s love for them made them able to be physically touched. “Julie she-” He smiled then immediately frowned. Tears grazed your eyes as you struggled to hold your dead body up in your arms. Luke reacted quickly running up to you to help you put yourself down.
“I-I didn’t know where else to go...” You whimpered, you placed a hand on your head looking anywhere, everywhere, feeling lost and out of hope.
Alex stopped finally taking a good look at you, seeing one of your straps falling off your shoulder, your hair disheveled, and the bottom skirt of your dress slightly ripped.
You looked like you’d been through hell and back.
“Caleb’s tough but he isn’t as tough as me…” You half-heartedly chuckled, as you swayed a little to the left. You had finally caved in. Letting the tiredness take over. Almost falling over on your side to which Alex immediately caught you.
“Woah, woah, hey I got you okay.”
“J-Julie…” You gasped in realization, almost forgetting about how hard this was gonna be on her. “She doesn’t know! Oh my god! I-I can’t do that to her, she can’t go through any more losses, she can’t!” You clung to the front of his flannel, the right side of your face pressed against his chest. “What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do?” You repeated over and over. 
“Y/n, I need you to breathe. Okay baby, I need you to breathe.” Luke gripped your shoulder making sure you met his eyes as he nodded at you.
“I-I can’t.” You heaved. “I can’t!” You squeezed your eyes shut. “I told Julie I’d see her after the show tonight…but I can’t.” You shook your head. Reggie cried as well, reverting back and forth from you and where they laid down your body. “I don’t get to go home. I can’t make up with my parents. Why me? Why now? I didn’t do anything wrong!” You pleaded for all of this to make sense to you. “I didn’t do anything wrong…” You fell back restless into Alex’s arms.
“I know, baby. I know.” Luke cupped your cheek, cooing at you softly. “Hey, look at me.” You shook your head no. “Y/n, look at me, please!” And you did. “I got you. We all got you. We’re gonna get through this. Every step and every second. Including telling Julie the truth, okay?” You nodded, gripping your hand over Luke’s arm that caressed your face, and gripping Reggie’s hand that held onto yours for support. 
“What are we gonna do about my body?” You all slowly turned your heads to it.
“You sure this is where you want to be?” Alex asked to be sure. You looked back at yourself. You were down by the beach where Reggie’s old house used to be. Your body was cold to the touch. Your lips were blue. Your clothing had been ripped by your own hand.
An attack gone wrong, is what you kept telling yourself. The ripped articles would hopefully make it look more believable.
“Yeah…” You dragged out. “My body will be found by someone eventually. The police will hopefully take care of the rest. We should tell Julie before it gets back to her.” You stood back up from where you were crouched down. “I can’t believe I’m gonna add on to her pain.” You stared at your corpse. The boys looked at each other, then at you. Luke stepped closer to you and guided your head to lay on his shoulder. His lips pressing into your hair.
“It wasn’t your fault. Plus you’re still here, so Julie won’t be going through your loss alone. She still has you here.” Alex offered his optimism.
“Yeah…but for how long?” You sighed.
“We can’t know for sure, but we’ll get through it together.” Reggie placed his hand gently on your shoulder to make you feel better.
Luke had pulled away slowly. Stepping forward to get closer to your corpse. He bent down and pressed a kiss to your temple. A last goodbye to your human body. It was scary staring at yourself. An image that would forever be engraved into your memory. Alex, and Reggie followed suit. Alex kissed you on the head where he’d usually leave his affectionate kisses. And Reggie being the charmer, he gently picked up your hand and placed a kiss on top of it. Each bidding their farewells to you where they casually liked to show their affection. The temple, the head, and the hand. All that was left was the cheek. Where you laid a kiss yourself. Yours lingered longer than the boys. As an ‘I’m sorry this happened to us’ because you were sorry. You were upset that your life was cut short, and now you had to be okay with leaving yourself behind. For others to find you and keep the memory of you alive. Though you knew you hadn’t much to fear, you knew Julie wasn’t one to forget the ones she loved. You stepped back to be lined up with the boys as you all took in your corpse once more.
“I don’t know what to say.” You sighed.
“Send yourself off. Say your name…go from there.” Alex suggested.
“That’s actually…not a bad idea. Yeah, okay. I-I like that.” You nodded, giving him a small smile. “I’m Y/n Y/L/N. I was born on M/D/Y and I died on August twenty-six, two-thousand twenty, at nine thirty pm.”
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saraiayutthaya · 8 months
closed starter @sophia-mendoza
She couldn't believe her eyes when she spotted Sophia at Brunch and Barrel. Sarai had stopped by for, not expecting to see a familiar face from her past, but luck seemed to be on her side today. A bright smile spread across her face as she approached the woman—pleasantly surprised to cross paths again. "Sophia! What in the world are you doing here?" she greeted, leaning in to give Sophia a quick hug in greeting.
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It had been nearly two years since they had last seen each other, back when Sarai was reviewing a new restaurant and they had somehow ended up sharing a table together. The conversation flowed effortlessly, as if they were already friends and not newly acquainted strangers. After that lovely evening, they had kept in touch through social media. "It's so nice to see again! This is such a wonderful surprise," she added sincerely, her eyes crinkling in delight. "I hope you've been well. Are you going to be in town for a bit?” Of all places, she didn’t expect to see Sophia in Covington.
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prapasara · 2 months
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The Best Funeral Songs and Memorial Songs
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Traditional Funeral Songs and Funeral Music
1) Amazing Grace – Traditional
2) Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler
3) His Eye is on the Sparrow – Mahalia Jackson
4) My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion
5) Precious Lord, Take My Hand – Mahalia Jackson
6) You Raise Me Up – Josh Groban
7) I’ll Fly Away – Albert E. Brumley
8) The Rose – Bette Midler
9) As – Stevie Wonder
10) Angels – Robbie Williams
11) Going Up Yonder – Walter Hawkins
12) Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers
13) Oh Happy Day – Edwin Hawkins Singers
14) Candle in the Wind – Elton John
15) Total Praise – Richard Smallwood
16) Time to Say Goodbye – Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
17) Swing Low, Sweet Chariot – Traditional
18) Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel
19) Lean on Me – Bill Withers
20) Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton
21) Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
22) Ave Maria – Franz Schubert
23) You Are Not Alone – Michael Jackson
24) Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley
25) I’ll Be There – The Jackson 5
26) I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston
27) Victory is Mine – Dorothy Norwood
28) Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – Monty Python
29) Soon and Very Soon – Andraé Crouch
30) Danny Boy – Traditional
31) Order My Steps – GMWA Women of Worship
32) The Prayer – Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli
33) Take Me to the King – Tamela Mann
34) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – Traditional
35) I Need You to Survive – Hezekiah Walker and The Love Fellowship Choir
36) In the Arms of an Angel – Sarah McLachlan
37) We Fall Down – Donnie McClurkin
38) What a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong
39) Stand – Donnie McClurkin
40) Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles
41) We Shall Overcome – Traditional
42) I’ll Be Missing You – Puff Daddy and Faith Evans
43) Lift Every Voice and Sing – James Weldon Johnson
44) Nearer My God to Thee – Traditional
45) I Am Not Forgotten – Israel Houghton
46) How Great Thou Art – Traditional
47) You’ll Never Walk Alone – Mahalia Jackson
48) The Sound of Silence – Simon & Garfunkel
49) He Has His Hands On You – Marvin Sapp
50) Auld Lang Syne – Traditional
51) Bridge Over Troubled Water – Aretha Franklin
52) Over the Rainbow – Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
53) Morning Has Broken – Cat Stevens
54) A Time for Us – Nino Rota
55) Let It Be – The Beatles
56) Broken Halos – Chris Stapleton
57) Never Would Have Made It – Marvin Sapp
58) Don’t Cry for Me Argentina – Julie Covington
59) Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin
60) Old Rugged Cross – Traditional
61) Hold On – Yolanda Adams
62) The Way We Were – Barbra Streisand
63) You’ll Never Walk Alone – Gerry & The Pacemakers
64) His Strength is Perfect – Cece Winans
65) He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother – The Hollies
66) We’ll Meet Again – Vera Lynn
67) Keep On Movin’ – Soul II Soul
68) Love Me Tender – Elvis Presley
69) Oh How He Loves You and Me – Edwin Hawkins Singers
70) God Bless America – Irving Berlin
71) Memory – Barbra Streisand
72) Be Grateful – Walter Hawkins
73) Angels Among Us – Alabama
74) Amazing Grace – Aretha Franklin
75) My Way – Frank Sinatra
76) Stand By Me – Ben E. King
77) Hold On – Mighty Clouds of Joy
78) I Smile – Kirk Franklin
79) Can’t Help Falling in Love – Elvis Presley
80) The Dance – Garth Brooks
81) You Are My Friend – Patti LaBelle
82) When the Saints Go Marching In – Traditional
83) On Eagle’s Wings – Michael Joncas
84) Angel – Sarah McLachlan
85) Bittersweet Symphony – The Verve
86) Ave Maria – Andrea Bocelli
87) The Lord is My Shepherd – Traditional
88) The Long and Winding Road – The Beatles
89) There You’ll Be – Faith Hill
90) Into the West – Annie Lennox
91) Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door – Bob Dylan
92) I Will Remember You – Sarah McLachlan
93) You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler
94) I’m Already There – Lonestar
95) When You Believe – Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
96) Fields of Gold – Sting
97) He Stopped Loving Her Today – George Jones
98) If I Die Young – The Band Perry
99) Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) – Billy Joel
100) Always On My Mind – Ane Brun
101) Dancing in the Sky – Beverly Ann
102) Home – Aron Wright
103) Living Legend – Club Danger
104) Be Still – The Fray
105) I Shall Believe – Sheryl Crow
106) To Build a Home – The Cinematic Orchestra, Patrick Watson
107) Supermarket Flowers – Ed Sheeran
108) Future Days (Acoustic) – Eddie Vedder
109) Heart – Rainbow Kitten Surprise
110) See You Again – Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth
111) See You Again – Beth
112) These Are Days – 10,000 Maniacs
113) Wonderwall – Zella Day
114) Lay Me Down – Sam Smith
115) I Will Always Return – Bryan Adams
116) The Story – Brandi Carlile
117) Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root
118) When We Were Young – Adele
119) Amazing Grace (Chains Are Gone) – Pentatonix
120) Do You Remember – Jack Johnson
121) In Christ Alone – Christina Grimmie
122) When I Get Where I’m Going – Brad Paisley, Dolly Parton
123) I Will Follow You Into the Dark – Death Cab for Cutie
125) Proof of Your Love – King & Country
126) Home – Edith Whiskers
127) My Best Friend – Tim McGraw
128) Work Song – Hozier
129) Biscuits – Kacey Musgraves
130) Home – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
131) Waves – Imagine Dragons
132) I Lived – OneRepublic
133) 7 Years Old – Lukas Graham
134) Excavate – Macklemore, Saint Claire
135) Gonna Fly Now – Bill Conti 
136) Solsbury Hill – Peter Gabriel
137) Unforgettable – Nat King Cole
138) Yet – Nathan Morris
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Christine Rose Photography / Moment via Getty Images
50 Songs to Play at a Funeral
1.    Tears In Heaven – Eric Clapton
2.    Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd
3.    Babe I’m Gonna Leave You – Led Zeppelin
4.    Scream – Chris Cornell
5.    My City of Ruins – Bruce Springsteen
6.    November Rain – Guns N’ Roses
7.    Hallelujah – Bon Jovi
8.    Stairway To Heaven – Led Zeppelin
9.    I’ll Back You Up – Dave Matthews Band
10.  Man of the Hour – Pearl Jam
Alternative Rock
1.    Surround You – Echosmith
2.    The Trapeze Swinger – Iron & Wine
3.    Heartbeats – Jose Gonzalez
4.    Blood – The Middle East
5.    The Funeral – Band of Horses
6.    Awake My Soul – Mumford & Sons
7.    While We Were Dreaming – Pink Mountaintops
8.    Higher Love – James Vincent McMorrow
9.    The Night We Met – Lord Huron
10.  Twenty Years – Augustana
1.    Supermarket Flowers – Ed Sheeran
2.    Breathe Me – Sia
3.    Fix You – Coldplay
4.    See You Again –Charlie Puth
5.    Somewhere Over The Rainbow -  Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (and other artists)
6.    I’ll Be Missing You – P. Diddy & Faith Evans
7.    Angel – Sarah McLachlan
8.    Angles – Robbie Williams
9.    Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
10.  Gone, Gone, Gone – Phillip Phillips
1.    Take Me Home – John Denver
2.    Yesterday – The Beatles
3.    My Way – Frank Sinatra
4.    You’ll Never Walk Alone – Gerry & The Pacemakers
5.    Turn Turn Turn – The Byrds
6.    Always On My Mind – Elvis
7.    Amazing Grace – Celtic Women
8.    In My Life – The Beatles
9.    Imagine – John Lennon
10.  Heaven Can Wait – Meatloaf
1.    If I Die Young – The Band Perry
2.    Go Rest High On That Mountain – Vince Gill
3.    Angels Among Us – Alabama
4.    If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away – Justin Moore
5.    I Drive Your Truck – Lee Brice
6.    Drink a Beer – Luke Bryan
7.    Who You’d Be Today – Kenny Chesney
8.    One Hell of an Amen – Brantley Gilbert
9.    If You’re Reading This – Tim McGraw
10.  See You Again – Carrie Underwood
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nikkytok / iStock via Getty Images
Funeral music  ,  Funeral   ,   Popular music for funerals   ,  Traditional Funeral Songs and Funeral Music  ,   Funeral Music   ,    Popular Songs for Funerals  ,   Funeral Services
CR   ::   https://gather.app/blog/funeral-songs-list/  ,  https://www.funeralmatters.com/blog/Article/25/50-Songs-to-Play-at-a-Funeral
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handeaux · 1 year
Cincinnatians Pitied Yet Feared Predatory ‘Bucket Gangs’ Begging For Beer
There are regular complaints these days about aggressive panhandlers soliciting funds at various locations around town. It will be of little comfort to learn that beggars of that ilk have operated in Cincinnati for ages. During the late 1800s, the most aggressive were even organized. Since their ultimate goal was to fill a bucket with beer they were known as “bucket gangs.” According to the Cincinnati Enquirer [27 August 1882]:
“The ‘Bucket Gang’ are a bad lot, known to the police and saloon-keepers, particularly the latter. Their business, while an old one, improves like all others of a more legitimate character, in that some ingenious member invents a new scheme every now and then, by which a drop of ‘bugle paint’ can be secured. The ‘Bucket gang’ are, in more polite terms, men who will do any thing for a drink, and drink most any thing that resembles or tastes like liquor.”
[As an aside, that term, “bugle paint,” is not much in use these days. It refers to the ability of alcohol to turn the drinker’s nose (his “bugle”) red.]
Bucket gangs ranged from pitiable to dangerous. It cost eight to ten cents to fill a standard pail, known as a growler, with beer, providing one drink apiece for four men. Of course, “standard” covered a lot of territory in those days, so a growler might be an actual bucket of some sort, or it might be an oyster can or some other suitable receptacle.
Members of the bucket gangs were disinclined to find a paying job and so they spent a great deal of time devising assorted schemes to cobble together a dime’s worth of change to fill their suds bucket. A national publication, the Illustrated Police News [13 February 1886] catalogued several stratagems cooked up by Cincinnati bucket gangs.
“A scheme that is worked in Cincinnati is called the ‘bridge game.’ A beat will station himself about a square from the Ohio River bridge and stop every passerby with, ‘Won’t you please give me enough money to cross the bridge? I can get a job of work in Covington or Newport, but the bridge has to be crossed.’ Hardly a man will refuse a plea of this kind, so they are almost always successful.”
The Police News related the story of a bucket gang left high and dry in the middle of the Courthouse Riot of 1884, with not a penny between them to slake their thirst. Finally, one of their number had an inspiration. He appointed one of the gang to go to his house and tell his mother that he had been shot in the riot and it would cost a dollar to bring him home.
“They were all loud in their praise of his excellent suggestion. One started at once for the fellow’s home. Going up two flights of stairs, a rap on the door soon brought Mrs. J_____. He told a pitiful tale of how her son was shot, and the patrol wagons were so busy carrying away the dead that they could not bring him home, but there was an expressman on the corner who would bring him home for a dollar. His distracted mother could not give the dollar quick enough. Her son was brought home that night, but not shot – only half-shot.”
Another ruse was known as the stamp racket. In this endeavor, the bucket gang split up, each going to a store or business to ask for a stamp so he could send a letter to his dear mother, or his sister or some other relative. Few shopkeepers failed to be moved by such heartwarming tales and soon the gang had enough stamps to trade for some amber refreshment.
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The Enquirer offered a few more examples of dipsomaniac creativity. For example, it was common practice for a saloon-keeper to stack his emptied beer barrels on the sidewalk in front of his place so the brewery driver could grab them quickly and haul them back for refill. The bucket gangs knew that “empty” was never totally empty, so the cold light of dawn often found a crew tipping the exhausted kegs nearly vertical to capture the few remaining precious dregs.
Another once-successful dodge had fallen into obsolescence by the 1880s because it had been used too often and saloon-keepers were wary of it. Among the best solvents for whitewash was stale beer and those men in the trade usually had an agreement with a neighborly barkeep to save any sudsless lager for his use. The bucket gangs would send one of their younger members into a likely saloon to explain that he was helping his dear old father on a whitewashing job and would there be any stale beer around? Sometimes the publican turned over the dregs and sometimes he chased the beggar down the street.
Sometimes, whether because they were out of stratagems or because they were incapable of devising one, bucket gangs descended to brute force and the Cincinnati police courts were full of such miscreants. It appeared that almost every neighborhood had its own variation on the bucket gang.
Scott Gerhardt was accosted in 1883 by a bucket gang based on Hunt Street in Pendleton. He was surrounded while the gang leader asked for a dime. While complying with the demand, Gerhardt pulled $1.35 from his pocket, all the money he had. According to the Enquirer [25 September 1883]:
“This one of the gang grabbed and succeeded in escaping with it after a severe tussle in which the victim was roughly dealt with.”
The Sixteenth Ward bucket gang, usually congregating around the corner of Court and Cutter Streets in the West End, attacked Eugene Sturgeon, a Cincinnati Water Works employee, one February night in 1886. Sturgeon, on his way home from work, recognized the gang and tried to run away, but was felled by a tossed brick. Thinking they had killed their victim, the gang scattered, but Sturgeon recovered enough to make his way home.
The Commercial Tribune [5 September 1881] reported a tussle between Officer James Dunn and four members of a bucket gang who had commandeered a canal boat tied up between Vine and race streets as their headquarters. As Officer Dunn attempted to arrest the ringleader, a fellow named Pete Nolan, the other three jumped him and, despite their various degrees of inebriation, were getting the best of him. Dunn drew his revolver and fired one shot, striking a conscientious citizen who was rushing to his aid. Dunn maintained his grip on Nolan and managed to deliver him to Central Station. The injured civilian was treated at the city hospital.
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The Properties
A Comprehensive* Index of Films, Shows and Franchises whence our Noble and Worthy contenders hail.
The 13th Warrior (1999) [Film] Genre: Action, Drama Starring: Antonio Banderas, Diane Venora, Omar Sharif
A Knight’s Tale (2001) [Film] Genre: Comedy, Action, Romance Starring: Heath Ledger, Shannyn Sossamon, Rufus Sewell, Alan Tudyk, Laura Fraser, Paul Bettany, James Purefoy
The Accursed Kings (1972-1973) [TV Series] Genre: Political Drama Starring: Jean Piat
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance Starring: Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Basil Rathbone, Claude Rains, Patrick Knowles
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955-1959) [TV Series] Genre: Action, Adventure Starring: Richard Greene, Alan Wheatley
Aladdin (2019) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Romance Starring: Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott, Will Smith, Marwan Kenzari
Army of Darkness (1992) [Film] Genre: Action, Comedy, Dark Fantasy, Horror Starring: Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz, Marcus Gilbert
Arn: The Knight Templar (2007) [Film Series] Genre: Action, Drama Starring: Joakim Nätterqvist, Stellan Skarsgård, Sofia Helin, Milind Soman
Arthur of the Britons (1972-1973) [TV Series] Genre: Action, Drama Starring: Oliver Tobias, Michael Gothard, Brian Blessed
Assassin’s Creed (2016) [Film] Genre: Action
Starring: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson
Baahubali (2015-2017) [Film Franchise] Genre: Action Starring: Prabhas, Anushka Shetty
Becket (1964) [Film] Genre: Drama Starring: Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole
Beowulf & Grendel (2005) [Film] Genre: Action, Drama Starring: Gerard Butler, Ingvar Sigurðson, Stellan Skarsgård, Tony Curran, Rory McCann, Sarah Polley
The Black Adder (1982) [Season 1 of Blackadder TV Series] Genre: Comedy Starring: Rowan Atkinson, Tony Robinson, Tim McInnerny, Brian Blessed, Robert East
Borgia (2011-2014) [TV Series] Genre: Political, Drama Starring: John Doman, Mark Ryder, Isolda Dychauk, Diarmuid Noyes
The Borgias (2011-2013) [TV Series] Genre: Political, Drama Starring: Jeremy Irons, Francois Arnaud, Holliday Grainger, David Oakes, Lotte Verbeek, Joanne Whalley, Sean Harris, Julian Bleach
Braveheart (1995) [Film] Genre: Action Starring: Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGooan
Cadfael (1994-1998) [TV Series] Genre: Mystery Starring: Derek Jacobi, Sean Pertwee
Camelot (1967) [Film] Genre: Musical, Drama Starring: Richard Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero
The Canterbury Tales (1972) [Film] Genre: Dark Comedy, Drama Starring: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Josephine Chaplin
Carlos, rey Emperador (2015-2016) [TV Series] Genre: Political, Drama Starring: Álvaro Cervantes, Bianca Suárez
The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010) [Film Franchise] Genre: Fantasy, Action Starring: William Mosely, Anna Popplewell, Skandar Keynes, Georgie Henley, Ben Barnes, Will Poulter, Liam Neeson, Tilda Swinton, James McAvoy, Peter Dinklage, Eddie Izzard, Warwick Davis, Ken Stott, Cornell John
The Court Jester (1955) [Film] Genre: Musical, Comedy, Romance Starring: Danny Kaye, Glynis Johns, Basil Rathbone, Angela Lansbury
Covington Cross (1992) [TV Series] Genre: Drama Starring: Nigel Terry, Cheri Lunghi, Jonathan Firth
Doctor Who: “Battlefield” (1989) [TV Serial] Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Fantasy Starring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Jean Marsh, Christopher Bowen, Marcus Gilbert
Doctor Who: “The Robot of Sherwood (2014) [TV Episode] Genre: Science Fiction, Action Starring: Peter Capaldi, Jenna Louise Coleman, Tom Riley, Ben Miller
Double World (2020) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Action Starring: Henry Lau, Peter Ho
Dracula Untold (2014) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Action Starring: Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon, Charles Dance
Dragonheart (1996) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Action Starring: Dennis Quaid, Sean Connery, David Thewlis
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure Starring: Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Regé-Jean Page, Justice Smith, Sophia Lillis, Hugh Grant
Edward II (1991) [Film] Genre: Drama, Romance Starring: Steven Waddington, Andrew Tiernan, Tilda Swinton, Nigel Terry, Jerome Flynn
Ella Enchanted (2004) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy Starring: Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy, Cary Elwes, Vivica A. Foxx, Joanna Lumley
Eragon (2006) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Action Starring: Ed Speelers, Jeremy Irons, Garrett Hedlund
Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998) [Film] Genre: Romance, Drama Starring: Drew Barrymore, Dougray Scott
Excalibur (1981) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Action Starring: Nigel Terry, Cheri Lunghi, Helen Mirren, Nicholas Clay, Nicol Williamson, Gabriel Byrne
First Knight (1995) [Film] Genre: Drama, Romance Starring: Richard Gere, Julia Ormond, Sean Connery
Galavant (2015-2016) [TV Show] Genre: Musical, Fantasy, Comedy Starring: Joshua Sasse, Timothy Omundson, Vinnie Jones, Karen David, Luke Youngblood
Game of Thrones (2011-2019) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Political, Drama, Action Starring: Sean Bean, Lena Headey, Kit Harrington, Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner, Peter Dinklage, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Jerome Flynn, Aiden Gillen, Rory McCann, Ian McElhinney, Iwan Rheon,
The Great Wall (2016) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Starring: Matt Damon, Jing Tian, Pedro Pascal, Willem Dafoe, Andy Lau
The Green Knight (2021) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Starring: Dev Patel, Alicia Vikander, Joel Edgerton, Sean Harris, Ralph Ineson
Hamlet (1948) [Film] Genre: Drama Starring: Laurence Olivier, Normal Wooland, Jean Simmons
Hamlet at Elsinore (1964) [TV Movie] Genre: Drama Starring: Christopher Plummer, Michael Caine, Robert Shaw, Jo Maxwell-Muller, Donald Sutherland
Henry V (1944) [Film] Genre: Drama, Political, Action, Romance Starring: Laurence Olivier, Renee Asherson, Esmond Knight
Henry V (1989) [Film] Genre: Drama, Political, Action Starring: Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson, Derek Jacobi, Brian Blessed, Ian Holm
Henry VIII (2003) [TV Serial] Genre: Drama Starring: Ray Winstone, Helena Bonham Carter, Charles Dance, Mark Strong, Assumpta Serna, David Suchet, Emilia Fox, Sean Bean
Highlander (1986) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Action Starring: Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery, Clancy Brown
The Hollow Crown (2012-2016) [TV Series] Genre: Drama, Political Starring: Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Jeremy Irons, Tom Hiddleston, Simon Russell Beale, David Dawson, Tom Sturridge, Sophie Okonedo, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sam Troughton, Keely Hawes, Judi Dench, Phoebe Fox
House of the Dragon (2022-) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Political, Drama, Action Starring: Matt Smith, Emma D'Arcy, Millie Alcock, Olivia Cooke, Paddy Considine, Rhys Ifans, Steve Toussaint, Wean Mitchell, Graham McTavish, Fabian Frankel
The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014) [Film Franchise Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure Starring: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Aiden Turner, Dean O'Gorman, James Nesbitt, Lee Pace, Evangeline Lilly L Luke Evans, Hugo Weaving, Christopher Lee, Orlando Bloom, Andy Serkis
I Am Dragon {On — Drakón} (2015) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Romance Starring: Maria Poezzhaeva, Matvey Lykov
If I Were King (1938) [Film] Genre: Adventure Starring: Ronald Colman, Basil Rathbone, Frances Dee
Into the Woods (2014) [Film] Genre: Musical, Fantasy Starring: Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, James Corden, Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine, Johnny Depp
Ivanhoe (1982) [TV Movie] Genre: Drama, Adventure, Romance Starring: Anthony Andrews, Olivia Hussey, Nam Neill, Lysette Anthony, Julian Glover, John Rhys Davies, Stuart Wilson
Ivanhoe (1997) [Mini Series] Genre: Drama, Adventure, Romance Starring: Steven Waddington, Victoria Smurfit, Ciaran Hinds, Susan Lynch, James Cosmo, Christopher Lee
JourneyQuest (2010) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Action, Comedy Starring: Christian Doyle, Emilie Rommel Shimkus, Jesse Lee Keeter
Kaamelott (2004-2009) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Comedy Starring: Alexandre Astier, Thomas Cousseau, Alexis Hénon, Anne Girouard, Christian Bujeau
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) [Film] Genre: Action Starring: Charlie Hunnam, Jude Law, Eric Bana, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Freddie Fox, Millie Brady
Kingdom of Heaven (2005) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure Starring: Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, David Thewlis, Brendan Gleeson, Liam Neeson
Knights of the Teutonic Order (1960) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure Starring: Grażyna Staniszewska, Urszula Modrzyńska, Mieczysław Kalenik, Stanisław Jasiukiewicz 
Labyrinth (1986) [Film] Genre: Fantasy Starring: David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly
Lancelot du Lac (1974) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Starring: Luc Simon, Laura Duke Condominas, Humbert Balsan, Vladimir Antolek-Oresek, Patrick Bernhard
Ladyhawke (1985) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Romance Starring: Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Matthew Broderick
The Last Duel (2021) [Film] Genre: Drama Starring: Matt Damon, Jodie Comer, Adam Driver
The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) [TV Series] Genre: Action, Adventure, Political, Drama Starring: Alexander Dreymon, David Dawson, Millie Brady, Ian Hart Mark Rowley, Arnas Fedaravicius, Ewan Mitchell
Legend (1985) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Romance Starring: Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry
The Legend of the Seeker (2008-2010) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Starring: Craig Horner, Bridget Regan, Bruce Spence, Tabrett Bethell
The Lion in Winter (1968) [Film] Genre: Drama Starring: Peter O'Toole, Katharine Hepburn, Athony Hopkins, John Castle, Nigel Terry, Timothy Dalton
The Little Hours (2017) [Film] Genre: Dark Comedy Starring: Dave Franco, Alison Brie, Aubrey Plaza, Kate Micucci
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) [Film Franchise] Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Action Starring: Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, John Rhys Davies, Sean Bean, Liv Tyler, Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett, Christopher Lee, Bernard Hill, Karl Urban, Miranda Otto, Brad Dourif, Ian Holm, Andy Serkis, Craig Parker
Marco Polo (2014) [TV Series] Genre: Adventure, Political Starring: Lorenzo Richelmy, Benedict Wong, Joan Chen, Rick Yune, Remy Hii, Mahesh Jadu, Claudia Kim
The Masque of the Red Death (1964) [Film] Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Drama Starring: Vincent Price, Jane Asher, Hazel Court, John Westbrook
Marketa Lazarová (1967) [Film] Genre: Drama, Adventure Starring: Magda Vášáryová, Josef Kemr, František Velecký
Medici (2016-2019) [TV Series] Genre: Drama, Political Starring: Richard Madden, Annabel Scholey, Danial Sharman, Bradley James, Sarah Parish, Matteo Martari, Sean Bean, Jack Roth
Merlin (1998) [Miniseries] Genre: Fantasy, Drama Starring: Sam Neill, Miranda Richardson, Helena Bonham Carter, Martin Short, Jason Done, Rutger Hauer
BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Adventure Starring: Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Angel Coulby, Katie McGrath, Anthony Head, Eoin Macken, Tom Hopper, Santiago Cabrera, Rupert Young, Adetomiwa Edun
Miracle Workers: The Dark Ages (2020) [TV Series] Genre: Comedy Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Karan Soni, Geraldine Viswanathan, Steve Buscemi
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) [Film] Genre: Comedy Starring: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michel Palin,
Nirvana in Fire {Lángyá Bǎng} (2015) [TV Series] Genre: Drama, Adventure Starring: Hu Ge, Liu Tao, Wang Kai
The Northman (2022) [Film] Genre: Action Starring: Alexander Skarsgård, Nicole Kidman, Claes Bang, Anya Taylor-Joy, Gustav Lindh, Ethan Hawke, Björk. Willem Dafoe
Northmen: A Viking Saga (2014) [Film] Genre: Action Starring: Tom Hopper, Charlie Murphey, Ed Skrein
Outlaw King (2018) [Film] Genre: Action, Drama Starring: Chris Pine, Florence Pugh, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Stephen Dillane, Tony Curran
Padmavaat (2018) [Film] Genre: Drama Starring: Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor, Ranveer Singh
The Physician {Der Medicus} (2013) Genre: Drama Starring: Tom Payne, Ben Kingsley, Stellan Skarsgård, Olivier Martinez, Emma Rigby
Pilgramige (2017) [Film] Genre: Action Starring: John Bernthal, Tom Holland, Richard Armitage
The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1957) [Film] Genre: Starring: Van Johnson, Claude Rains
The Pillars of the Earth (2010) [Miniseries] Genre: Drama Starring: Rufus Sewell, Ian McShane, Donald Sutherland, Hayley Atwell, Eddie Redmayne, David Oakes
The Prince and the Pauper (1937) [Film] Genre: Adventure Starring: Errol Flynn, Claude Rains
BBC’s Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989) [TV Serial] Genre: Fantasy Starring: Samuel West, Richard Dempsie, Sophie Cook, Jonathan R. Scott, Sophie Wilcox, Jean-Marc Perret, Warwick Davis
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010) Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley, Alfred Molina
The Princess Bride (1987) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Adventure Starring: Robin Wright, Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Andre the Giant, Chris Sarandon, Christopher Guest, Peter Falk
Ran (1985) [Film] Genre: Drama, Action Starring: Nakadai Tatsuya, Terao Akira, Nezu Jinpachi, Ryu Daisuke, Harada Mieko
Rashomon (1950) [Film] Genre: Drama Starring: Mifune Toshiro, Mori Masayuki, Kyo Machiko, Shimura Takashi, Chiaki Minoru
Ressurection: Ertğrul {Diriliş: Ertuğrul} (2014-2019) Genre: Action, Adventure, Political, Drama Starring: Engin Altan Düzyatan, Kaan Taşaner, Esra Bilgiç, Cengiz Coşkun
The Rings of Power (2022-) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Action, Drama Starring: Morfydd Clarke, Robert Aramayo, Lloyd Owen, Maxim Baldry, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Nazanin Boniadi
Rise of Empires: Ottoman (2020-2024) [TV Series] Genre: Docu-drama Starring: Cem Yiğit Üzümoğlu, Daniel Nuță, Tuba Büyüküstün
Robin and Marian (1976) [Film] Genre: Action, Romance, Drama Starring: Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Nicol Williamson, Robert Shaw, Richard Harris
Robin Hood (1922) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance Starring: Douglas Fairbanks, Enid Bennett, Wallace Beery, Sam de Grasse
Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) [Film] Genre: Comedy Starring: Cary Elwes, Richard Lewis, Roger Rees, Amy Yasbeck, Eric Allan Kramer, Dave Chapelle, Matthew Porretta, Isaac Hayes, Patrick Stewart, Dom Deluise
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance Starring: Kevin Costner, Alan Rickman, Morgan Freeman, Christian Slater, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Michael Wincott
BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009) [TV Series] Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama Starring: Jonas Armstrong, Lucy Griffiths, Richard Armitage, Sam Troughton, Joe Armstrong, Harry Lloyd, Anjali Jay, Gordon Kennedy, Keith Allen
Robin Hood (2010) [Film] Genre: Action Starring: Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchette, Matthew McFayden, Oscar Isaac
Robin of Sherwood (1984) [TV Series] Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama Starring: Michael Praed, Jason Connery, Mark Ryan, Judi Trott, Robert Addie, Ray Winstone,
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1990) [Film] Genre: Comedy, Drama Starring: Gary Oldman, Tim Roth, Iain Glen, Richard Dreyfuss
The Seventh Seal {Det sjunde inseglet}(1957) Genre: Fantasy, Drama Starring: Max von Sydow, Bengt Ekerot, Bibi Andersson, Gunnar Björnstrand 
Shannara Chronicles (2016) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Drama Starring: Austin Butler, Poppy Drayton, Ivana Baquero, Manu Bennett
The Shamer's Daughter {Skammerens Datter} (2015) [Film] Genre: Drama Starring: Jakob Oftebro, Rebecca Emlile Sattrup
The Story of Minglan (2018) [TV Series] Genre: Drama, Romance Starring: Zhang Liying, Feng Shaofeng, Zhu Yilong, Cao Cuifen,
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure Starring: Richard Todd, Joan Rice, Peter Finch
The Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure Starring: Richard Greene, Peter Cushing, Sarah Branch
Thierry la Fronde (1963-1966) [TV Series] Genre: Action, Adventure Starring: Jean Claude Drouot, Celine Leger
Tristan and Isolde (2006) [Film] Genre: Romance, Drama, Action Starring: James Franco, Sophia Myles, Rufus Sewell
Valhalla Rising (2009) [Film] Genre: Surreal, Horror, Adventure Starring: Mads Mikkelsen
Vikings (2013) [TV Series] Genre: Action, Adventure, Political Starring: Travis Fimmel, Kathryn Winnick, George Blagden, Clive Standen, Gustaf Skarsgård, Linus Roache, Alexander Ludwig, Alex Høgh Andersen, Jordan Patrick Smith
Vikings: Valhalla (2022) [TV Series] Genre: Action, Adventure, Political Starring: Sam Corlett, Frida Gustavsson, Leo Suter, Bradley James
Warcraft (2016) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure Starring: Travis Fimmel, Dominic Cooper, Toby Kebbell,
The White Queen (2013) [Miniseries] Genre: Drama, Romance, Political Starring: Rebecca Ferguson, Max Irons, David Oakes, Aneurin Barnard, Amanda Hale, James Frain, Faye Marsay, Elinor Tomlinson, Janet McTeer
The Wheel of Time (2022) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Action Starring: Rosamund Pike, Daniel Henney, Josha Stradowski, Marcus Rutherford, Donal Finn, Hammed Animashaun, Sophie Okonedo,
When the Raven Flies {Hrafninn flýgur} (1984) [Film] Genre: Action, Adventure Starring: Jakob Þór Einarsson, Edda Björgvinsdóttir, Helgi Skúlason, Egill Ólafsson, Flosi Ólafsson, Gotti Sigurdarson
Willow (1988) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Starring: Warwick Davis, Val Kilmer, Joanne Whalley, Jean Marsh
Willow (2022) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Starring: Warwick Davis, Ellie Bamber, Ruby Cruz, Erin Kellyman, Tony Revolori, Amar Chadha-Patel
The Witcher {Wiedźmin} (2002) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure Starring: Michał Żebrowski, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Maciej, Kozłowski, Grażyna Wolszczak
The Witcher (2019-) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure Starring: Henry Cavill, Anya Chalotra, Freya Allan, Joey Batey
Wolf Hall (2015-2024) [TV Series] Genre: Political, Drama Starring: Mark Rylance, Damien Lewis, Claire Foy, Charity Wakefield, Thomas Brodie Sangster, Mark Gatiss, Jonathan Pryce, Mathieu Amalric, Anton Lesser
Word of Honor {Shānhé lìng} (2021) [TV Series] Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Romance Starring: Zhang Zhehan, Gong Jun
World Without End (2012) [Miniseries] Genre: Drama, Political Starring: Charlotte Riley, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Rupert Evans, Tom Weston-Jones, Tom Cullen, Tatiana Maslany, Blake Ritson, Miranda Richardson, Indira Varma
Yeelen (1987) [Film] Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Adventure Starring: Issiaka Kane, Aoua Sangare, Niamanto Sanogo
*This is a lengthy list, if I've missed any, just notify me and I will add it.
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elijahlawson · 6 months
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⸻ ✧ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 ⟨ the details ⟩
Name: Elijah Lawson
Nicknames: Eli, tba
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 34
Neighborhood: Riveroak Farms
Occupation: GBI detective
Orientation: heterosexual
Status: single
Residency: local, left at 18, returned 11 years ago
⸻ ✧ 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ⟨ the past ⟩
With a name like Lawson some would say he was destined to be in law enforcement one day. His path to getting there wasn't quite as simple as that. Born and raised in Covington, his father a blue collar man and proud, and his mother a teacher, Elijah came into the world as the third of four children. With two older sisters and eventually a younger brother, he sometimes slipped through the watchful eyes of his involved parents.
In school he played basketball and was a great running back in football until size became too big of a factor. He was average at best. School bored him but he did well enough to keep his parents happy. They'd always stressed the importance of going to university one day, especially following in his older sisters footsteps. Though, Eli always considered them overachievers.
First heartbreak came at 13 when his crush turned him down after he'd asked her to the dance. Years later she'd end up marrying him but at the time she wasn't allowed to date and eventually the rumor went around that her best friend had a crush on him and she was just doing the right thing.
Went off to university at Temple where he was pre-law with the intention of becoming a civil rights lawyer. It changed when he'd been witness to a crime and would later see the defendant get off scott free. Even with his testimony, the defense outshined the prosecution. Elijah became determined to be the best prosecutor ever seen, but again that would change when he'd receive a call from his sister that her best friend had been found murdered.
The case would go on to become a mystery and remain unsolved, giving him a first hand view of the destruction something horrific like could inflict on a family. His own sister's mental health deteriorated and she became a agoraphobic, afraid to leave her own house. With his law degree in hand, Elijah found himself with a badge as a detective with the Georgia Bureau of Investigations.
When it comes to the job he's relentless and tenacious, unwavering in his pursuit of the the truth. He understood through personal experience that punishments rarely ever fit the crime, what people wanted/needed most was answers. So, he works and works to give that much.
At 19 Elijah had been reunited with his teenage crush from home when they crossed paths at a party in Philly. She was going to another big school in the same city and they decided that fate had intervened for them. They married a year later. After a few years the young love couldn't survive the hardships of life, not when Elijah had been so effected by the tragedy that changed the course of future careers. When he needed to go home to Covington, she decided that she couldn't follow and that was that.
It took time for him to work his way up the ladder and to gain respect with his fellow agents. Most considered him overly passionate about his job, that he had an inability to turn it off at the end of the day, and his colleagues were right. The first few years Elijah had trouble sleeping at night with the things he'd known and seen, but as time wore on he walled up as a way to protect himself.
One after the other, which hadn't been all that surprising, his parents passed. It drove his sister deeper into herself. With her agoraphobia she'd been living with their parents so to keep her safe and from any kind of institution, Elijah moved her into his home. With work and his dedication to it, he's not there as much as he should be anyway, so it felt like a deal to have someone living in and taking care of the place.
Every time he's tried his hand at dating or relationships or love it's failed. The job demands too much of him, takes up too much space within him, that he's understood he can't give someone else what they need. Time and attention.
After ten years he's gotten to a place of looking ahead and he's become weary, wondering if he's even made a difference or if he needs to continue the fight he's put himself into through a different side of the law. He's kept his law degree active but has never acted on it, never worked a day as a lawyer, yet it has come in handy or in play from time to time. Sometimes he thinks of making the switch, wondering if it would free up other aspects of his life.
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mac-lilly · 1 year
Hotdog and cold dog
Usually, I do not indulge in German!Alex. But this idea had been haunting me for some time. It’s not very original and a bit dumb. But still – enjoy. And big thanks to @onlygenxhere who came up with the term 'Kit Kat' for ... something.
It’s funny how dying and coming back to life changes one’s priorities.
Before his death, Willie had spent most of his life on the streets. He’d roamed the city on his skateboard; he’d strolled along the beach. He’d done his level best to avoid returning to the latest foster home he’d been placed in.
After his death … Well, he’d mostly done the same. But he’d also fallen into the orbit of Caleb Covington, which had effectively cost him the rights to his soul.
Needless to say, neither his life nor his afterlife had been very pleasant experiences.
So, when fate offered him a third chance, Willie decided that this time, he’d tackle life differently.
That’s why he is here, sitting on a bar stool, watching Alex bustling around in the Molinas’ kitchen as he prepares tonight’s dessert. It’s an incredibly domestic moment, and Willie enjoys it to its fullest.  
The kitchen is a mess, though. The countertops are covered with ingredients and bowls, pots with water are steaming on the stove, and dishes pile up in the sink in a haphazard way. And in the middle of this orchestrated chaos stands Alex, the conductor, wearing a pink apron and holding a chocolate-covered spatula like a baton. Melted chocolate is dripping onto the tiles.
Man, German desserts are extraordinarily complicated, aren’t they?
On the other hand, Willie has been here from the beginning. And from what he’s gathered, Alex’s secret German dessert consists of extremely plain cookies and a lot of chocolate. It looks like an oversized chocolate candy bar that’s now chilling in the fridge.
Willie can’t help it. His curiosity gets the better of him.
“So all of this,” he says, inclining his head to point at a leaning stack of bowls, “for a giant Kit Kat?”
Willie isn’t complaining. Not at all. He likes cookies. He likes chocolate. And he likes Alex … a lot. So, in his books, this dish is already a triple win.
Alex misinterprets his words, though. He turns around, planting his free hand on his hip, scowling.
Damn, that’s way more attractive than it should be.
“It’s not a Kit Kat,” Alex insists sternly.
“But it looks like one,” Willie counters, smirking. But maybe he’s gone too far with his teasing.
Alex’s demeanor changes drastically. His shoulders sag; his face falls. Disappointment crosses his features.
Willie’s smirk vanishes. Oh shit.
“Hey, hey, don’t sulk,” he says hurriedly. “I’m just messing with you, hotdog.” To prove his point, he leans over the counter, reaches out, and snatches the chocolate-covered spatula from Alex’s hands. He licks it clean in a rather seducing manner. “I’m really looking forward to tasting your oversized candy bar.” There’s an innuendo hidden in the sentence, and of course, Alex catches on to it. The effect is immediate and intense. He splutters, and a blush travels up his neck. His face turns crimson – even the tips of his ears turn a light shade of pink. He mutters a few words under his breath. It could have been an insult; it could have been German. Most likely, it’s both.
Willie chuckles. Embarrassed Alex is such a delightful sight.
But Willie isn’t a cruel man. They’re going to have much more fun later.  
“So, what’s the name of this dish?” Wille asks to put Alex out of his misery.
To his surprise, Alex snickers, and Willie blinks in confusion. That’s unusual. But Alex’s gleeful snickers are also one of the best sounds he’s ever heard, sending shivers down Willie’s spine. His nerves tingle. Damn.
Thankfully, Alex quickly answers his question, distracting him from the sensation. “It’s called Kalter Hund.”
Willie tests the words. They are not as unpronounceable as expected. However, he’s convinced he messed up the pronunciation anyway because Alex’s smile has morphed into an impish smirk. And damn, Willie loves it. He loves the way Alex’s lips curl. He loves the way his eyes sparkle with mischief.
What he doesn’t like is not knowing. He’s clearly missed something, so he has to ask. “What?”
“Do you know what it means?”
Willie tries to guess but without success. He shrugs.
“Please, hotdog, enlighten me.”
Alex looks more smug than Willie has ever seen him. There’s a glint of triumph in his eyes that makes Willie’s stomach flutter. He squirms in his seat. Oh, yes, he’s gone way too far with his teasing. And then Alex leans over the counter. He’s so close their noses almost touch. The proximity steals Willie’s breath away.
“It means cold dog.”
There’s a long pause as they stare into each other’s eyes. Alex’s eyes are bright and intelligent and … oh fuck, Willie really, really loves them. He really, really loves him. So Willie concedes defeat. He lets out a strangled sound that’s half a snort and half a gasp. “Smart move, hotdog.”
“Yeah,” Alex confirms, smirking. Then he closes the distance, pressing his lips to Willie’s.
Yes, Willie really loves his new life.
Inspired by the IG account uyenninh. Unfortunately, I can't find the video anymore. But her German BF once served her this delicacy. 😆
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legolasghosty · 9 months
Saw Boggie first and OF COURSE I want to know more about that but then I saw Jem and the Holograms and now I CAN'T DECIDE!!! So whichever you're more excited about? 😁
Hehe that's so fair! Thank you for the ask!!! Well I have the time so... we can talk a bit about both!
Boggie Roommate Stuffy is the fic that refused to write itself. Like I kid you not, this one shot is over a year and a half old and it's only like 1.1k still. But it's basically a And Then They Were Roommates setup for Bobby and Reggie, where their first introduction to each other was Reggie throwing one of those massive, body pillow sized stuffed animals into their new dorm room and almost bowling Bobby over with it by accident.
If I ever manage to finish the stupid thing, it'll consist of some MeetCute, a healthy serving of Make Reggie A Molina 2K Always, Bobby being angsty before meeting his new roommate, and a bit of flirting just for kicks. But the darn thing won't write. Snippet will be under the cut, since this seems like it's gonna be a long post.
Bobby grabs the pile of shirts he’s slid onto hangers and crosses the obstacle course of his own making to the nearest closet. There are two of them in the small room, one closer to each bed, so Bobby takes the closer one to his selected bed, opens it, and places the hangers on the rod. He just has to keep moving. Give himself time to adapt to the new environment. He doesn’t need his parents anymore. Well, for anything other than the money they are paying for his tuition. Hey, rich, absentee parents have to be good for something, don’t they? He continues hanging up clothes and tries to focus on the positives of his situation. He’s not stuck in that big, empty house anymore. Hopefully his roommate will be interesting, so he’ll have someone to talk to when he wants. And the classes he’s signed up for this quarter sound interesting, though the bio class will probably be hard. Maybe him being away will mean his parents actually notice his absence and call every once in a while. Moving for school is a good thing. It just sucks that he has to do it by himself. Just as he finishes hanging up his clothes in the closet, he hears the sound of someone fumbling with the lock on the door. He turns around just as it swings open and in comes… a giant teddy bear?
Okay! And then we got the Jem and the Holograms AU, which is both my beloved and makes me want to scream. As you may have noticed, I'm not the best at committing to long writing projects, and the Jem and the Holograms AU is uh... certainly a long one. The doc is currently around 10k, consisting of just over the first 2 chapters and a bunch of notes.
But plot wise, it follows the basic plot of the Jem and the Holograms movie from 2015. Julie records a song on a whim and one of her siblings (Luke, her adopted brother, in this case) uploads it and it goes viral. From there, Julie, Luke, Alex, and Reggie (all siblings in this one via a combination of fostering and adoption) get swept up into a whole adventure of being anonymously famous, pulled apart by the head of the record company (Caleb Covington, obviously), while also trying to solve a puzzle Rose left behind before she died.
Tis also a JuBobby fic cause I love them! Bobby is their 'handler' when they get to LA. He and Julie butt heads a LOT at first cause he's pretty short and negative and she wants to believe in the dream. But as time goes on, they become friends and maybeeee start to like each other in a more romantic way as well. Cause why not! Though Bobby may have his own line of family drama that they'll get tangled up in too...
Here's a snippet of when Caleb first shows up!
Stilted conversation greeted her as she entered the living room behind her brothers. The first person she noticed was a tall, dark skinned man standing beside the front door. He had on one of those fitted leather jackets that Reggie had always wanted. A pair of tinted sunglasses hid his eyes. His crossed arms and firm stance told Julie he was probably some kind of security personnel. Though she wasn’t sure why security would be at her house, it wasn’t like anyone other than HGC Records knew who she was. “Ah, you must be Julie Molina,” a new voice said, pulling Julie’s attention to the center of the room. Oh. That was why there was security. Caleb Covington was tall, with dark hair just starting to show some traces of grey. His wide smile felt both welcoming and terrifying, at least to Julie. The dark purple suit jacket and black button up seemed like safer places to look. “Or I suppose I should call you Dahlia,” Caleb continued, chuckling. “Our Dahlia, the new star about to blow the world away.” He held out a hand to Julie and she shook it hesitantly. “Hi, um, Julie is fine,” she managed to say.
I have so much love in my heart for this fic but it's so complicated and long! I wish I had all the writing spoons I had mid covid to work on it, but I just don't have the time these days. Someday though. I hope.
Thanks for asking!!!
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reyhansolmaz · 7 months
— SETTING: Ahalya's, Zahid's & Devika's apartment, evening — AVAILABILITY: closed starter for DEVIKA VYAS  | ( @devikaavyas )
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In more ways than one, Reyhan was glad for how things had worked out for Ahalya after letting the younger woman know the building next to hers had apartments available for rent, and, apparently, they were bigger and better than the ones in the editor's current building so, good for her. Really.
So, here she was, at Lya's new roommate's welcome party, sporting a cup of beer in hand as she waltzed around the living area, making chit chat with whoever she crossed paths with. The name Devika sounded more familiar than she would have expected to, but Reyhan didn't want to make assumptions that this Devika would have been the one she'd once given her heart to back in New York, however, upon being introduced to the brunette by the mutual friend they had, Reyhan couldn't help but laugh softly.
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"Yes... we've met." She told Lya, before offering her hand to Devika. "How are you, Dev? Long time no see, huh? Covington's a long way from New York."
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