ghoulpepperv · 1 year
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I miss playing these dorks lol
Yngve and Lamia art by @countslimeula
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compelleddual · 10 months
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Compelled Dual: Desert Song, Season One - 1.8 Everybody Lost Somebody , is up now on spotify, apple podcasts, and youtube!
Transcript / Content Warnings / Episode Playlist
And as always, there’s a form to suggest warnings we may have missed.
We also have a website with main character profiles! And if you’d like to support us and get perks such as early access and the ability to submit questions for our discussion show (every other Monday night at 6pm eastern, on our youtube channel), head over to our patreon.
Thank you to @countslimeula for our cover art, and thank you to all of you for listening! We track the tags #compelleddualpod and #compelleddual for liveblogs, comments, and fanart!
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countslimeula · 1 year
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Hey yall I've REDUCED THE PRICE of my D&D Adoptables from last year! These premade designs are a perfect starting point for a ttrpg character if you need a new character but don’t know where to start! 
If you'd like to give one of these lovely ladies a home PM me here or email me at: [email protected] 
If you like my style but would rather see YOUR character drawn in it then good news! I’m open for commissions! Info/rates can be found here. 
If you can’t buy one of these adopts or commission me at the moment, but still want to support me and my work consider tipping me through my ko-fi! 
I also have a Patreon where for just 3$ a month you can help me continue to do what I love. 
[ Image I.D: First image is an Illustration of a Human Fighter/Barbarian.  She is tall, muscular and covered in healed scars.  She is holding a massive war hammer that is covered in blood. She is wearing scant armor, greves and arm guards with intricate reliefs on them and a manica.  Over her left eye she is wearing an eyepatch with a metal plate over it that has a relief of an eye on it.  She has short messy hair and is looking at the viewer with an intense scowl. She is also wearing a champions belt.  Next to her is text that reads “Human Fighter/Barbarian,  $105USD’ and a watermark on her that reads “Maya Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022”.
Second image is an illustration of a Dwarven Sorceress/Wizard.  She is fat and squat.  She is floating in the air and someoning fire from one hand and manipulating it with the other, creating an “arch” over her head.  She has curly ringlets of dyed red hair that fall down her back and a curly beard.  She has gems in them.  Her hair and beard have multiple braids in them and she has a half bun in a hairnet at the nape of her neck/base of her head.  She is wearing tiered, flared loose fitting pants with tassels on each tier and a short sleeve bodice that stops just under her bare breast.  She is wearing gold bracelets and a small geometric tiara.  She has gold flecks all over her face and body, a thick unibrow, brown skin and prominent nose.  She is smiling at the viewer enthusiastically.  Next to her is text that reads “Dwarven Sorceress/ Wizard,  $105USD’ and a watermark on her that reads “Maya Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022”.
Third image is an illustration of a female Triton, floating in water, holding a dagger. She is a lion-fish Triton.  She is lithe, with spines on her calves, forearms, head and back.  She has bright orange stripes all over her body.  Various scars including a chunk taken out of her right arm due to a shark bite and a massive jellyfish sting on her right leg and calf.  She is wearing a wet-suit made of seal skin and a breastplate made of rib bones.  She has various tools, pouches and decorations made of kelp and the remains of ocean fauna.  Tied around various parts of her body is seaweed and around her neck and arms are long pieces of kelp floating behind her.  At her side is a harpoon carved from whale-bone. In her lip is a fish hook. She is holding a dagger in front of her defensively.  At her side is a Moray Eel with a kelp collar around its neck.  Next to her is text that reads “Triton Ranger/Rogue - $135 USD” and a watermark on her that reads “Maya Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022” 
Image I.D ends ]
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BIG THANK YOU to @countslimeula for their donation! They are an incredibly talented artist with a big heart. Maya's support means a lot to us.
Be sure to check out their work and commission them!
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We just posted character profiles! Right now we only have images of two of our leads. Hopefully, we'll have the rest soon.
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Lamia Ambler Age: 32 Race: Changling Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Female Height: 5'4" Occupation: Thief, Con Artist, and Escaped Convict Class: Rogue Voice Actor: Kat Walker Shea
Lamia doesn’t talk about her childhood. Her best friend, Allie, is the only person who knows what Lamia’s upbringing was like. She also doesn’t talk much about what crimes landed her in prison.
Lamia and Allie, the Dragonborn Barbarian, have recently escaped from prison. Lamia acts as the brains while Allie is the brawn. Lamia’s a con artist and thief, and she considers herself as more intelligent than most people. She’s smug and her ego is often her downfall. She likes to be perceived as tough as nails, but she’s a lot more sensitive than she lets on. It doesn’t take much to hurt her feelings.
Due to her ability to shape shift into any humanoid, Lamia is able to blend into any crowd. She has the skills and brains to take care of herself. It’s just that her bloated sense of self-importance always lands her in hot water.
While on the run from the law, Lamia and Allie accidentally get caught up in a rebel group looking to overthrow the corrupt monarchy.
Abilities Shapeshifting: Lamia can change her appearance and voice to any Medium sized, humanoid creature she has seen before. The biggest downside is that she will still need to find appropriate clothing and equipment if she plans to deceive others with her changed appearance.
As a rogue, she’s good at stealth and sneak attacks. She’s highly skilled at melee combat, but she often can slip right by people without being noticed.
Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, and Thieves’ Cant
Weapons: Crossbow, Dagger, and Crescent Moon Knife
Favorite Foods: Apples, Cakes, Sweet Apple Tart with a Caramel Drizzle, and Beef Stew with Sourdough
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Yngve Omdahl  Age: 134 Race: Half-Elf Pronouns: He/Him Gender: Male Height: 5'8" Occupation: Adventurer Class: Bard Voice Actor: Caleb Fietsam
Nobody knows Yngve’s real backstory because he tells everyone something different. He goes with the flow, or he’ll say whatever he needs to in order to get what he wants.
Yngve is a bullshitter. He often tells tall tales about himself at bars and rumors about him spread like wildfire. Whenever a story gets back to him, people have usually added more to it. If questioned about it, he just confirms the new additions are true. He will “yes, and…” anything you throw at him.
While he can hold his own in a fight, he’s not nearly as tough as he paints himself to be. He prefers to talk his way out of situations. His charisma allows him to get away with it… most of the time. He also likes to surround himself with people stronger than him for protection.
Yngve is blind in his right eye. This is due to optic nerve damage after an episode of optic neuritis. The eye functions, it just doesn’t relay information back to his brain. When asked, however, he always tells a different story as to how he lost his eyesight. It takes a long time before he trusts people with the truth about himself and, by then, it’s hard to convince people he is telling the truth.
Lamia and Allie meet him in a bar and he tells them about the underwater city, promising to guide them there for a fee.
He has a debilitating fear of bugs.
Abilities Darkvision: He can see in darkness for at least 60 feet.
Fey Ancestry: He’s less likely to be charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
He is a musician and comedian. His instruments of choice are violin, harp, and lute. He also plays bagpipes and he’ll happily play them to torment people around him. He’s a big fan of terrible jokes, dad puns, and anti-humor.
Languages Spoken: Common, Elvish, and Abyssal
Weapons: Crossbow, Rapier, Shortsword
Favorite Foods: Cheese and Hot Beet Soup with Fresh Bread
Art by @countslimeula
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ghoulpepperv · 5 months
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Art by yourdndstories
I've been wishing I could join a TTRPG with one of my dorks, like one of these three! It doesn't have to be DnD by any means, just some kind of game that would welcome my brand of goofball.
Which of these 3 would you wanna see in YOUR game?
Lamia Ambler (she/her), Changeling Rogue. She acts tough, but is more sensitive than she lets on. It's very, very easy to hurt her feelings and she'll pretend she's not bothered. (You will see through her like cellophane.) She's a bit of a clown without knowing it. If she's in your party, she will act as an intentional and unintentional comedic relief. In the past, she used to travel with a giant Dragonborn barbarian who helped her steal and beat people up.
She will also steal anything not bolted down.
Paloma Silkflower (she/her), Drow Monk. She is sarcastic and overworked. She's a single mom to 3 kids and she's doing her best. Her youngest is deaf so she's adept at sign language. (As the kid's aunt, Lamia is also able to speak it.) She also has what is maybe the world's most understanding babysitter.
She's from the same orphanage as Lamia and she acted as a big sister to the other kids while growing up. Old habits die hard so she will be everyone's mom/big sister, albeit a very tired one. She'll lovingly bust your chops and tell you some great dad jokes. Or would they officially be mom jokes?
Tessa Chastain (she/her), Human Rogue Monk. She's upbeat, friendly, and good humored. I originally created her for BG3 to romance Gale and nothing more, but I'm fond of her now. She was born into a Zhentarim family which is why she's a thief, but doesn't really fit the usual vibe of one. It was a life she was born into, she didn't pick it. She's seen a lot of ugliness but refuses to become jaded.
She has an affinity for wizards, obviously.
I didn't mean to accidentally make Tessa a mix of Paloma and Lamia's classes. Lamia is one of my oldest DnD characters and I've been reimagining Paloma based on falling in love with the monk class.
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ghoulpepperv · 5 months
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I got some art of my DnD/BG3 characters, Lamia, Paloma, and Tessa! All thanks to yourdndstories!
This goes great with my Yngve and Lamia art from @countslimeula!
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ghoulpepperv · 9 months
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You can tell I'm getting back to scriptwriting because I'm obsessed with my own characters again. Someone has to be.
Thank you @countslimeula for this art!
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compelleddual · 1 year
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Compelled Dual: Desert Song, Season One - 1.7 Interlude II, is up now on spotify, apple podcasts, and youtube!
Transcript / Content Warnings / Episode Playlist
And as always, there’s a form to suggest warnings we may have missed.
We also have a website with main character profiles! And if you’d like to support us and get perks such as early access and the ability to submit questions for our discussion show (every other Monday night at 6pm eastern, on our youtube channel), head over to our patreon.
Thank you to @countslimeula for our cover art, and thank you to all of you for listening! We track the tags #compelleddualpod and #compelleddual for liveblogs, comments, and fanart!
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ghoulpepperv · 10 months
OC Questionnaire!
Tagged by: I believe I should say @razrogue because they tagged anyone who wanted to do this!
No obligation tagging: Anyone who wants to do this, but I'll tag @apocalypsecowboy-galactrod @countslimeula @casperolivervo @ashleecraft
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NAME: Beryl Timbergrove
GENDER: Female (She/Her, but she doesn't care if you use They/Them either)
STAR SIGN: I don't know, but going off this, she was born in Mirtul and she's 40-years-old
HEIGHT: 5'7"
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Wood Elf (Warlock Bard) from Friendly Arm
FAVORITE FRUIT: Strawberries and Persimmons
FAVORITE FLOWER: Oleander and Selûne's Tear
FAVORITE SCENT: Bergamot, Vanilla Bean, Honeysuckle, Burning Wood (like Bonfires), and Coffee
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 4 hours of trance
DREAM TRIP: She would love to visit Neverwinter.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: She likes to have at least two. She gets cold easily.
RANDOM FACT: Beryl has no idea where she was actually born. She has mommy issues and they don't talk. Not very often, anyway, and it's never heartfelt. Her mother was an adventurer who didn't stop adventuring even while pregnant. It's anyone's guess where she's actually from. Her earliest memories are being raised by a halfling woman (who was not her mother) in Friendly Arm. Her mother isn't dead, just disinterested.
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NAME: Theresa Siân Chastain
NICKNAME: Tessa and Tess
GENDER: Female (She/Her)
STAR SIGN: She wouldn't even know what to tell you. She was born in Eleint and she's 34-years-old though
HEIGHT: 5'6"
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Human (Rogue Ranger) from Damara (Cold Lands)
FAVORITE FRUIT: Pomegranates
FAVORITE SEASON: Winter (It reminds her of home)
FAVORITE FLOWER: Frostrose and Crocus
FAVORITE SCENT: Apple Cinnamon, Pears, Elderberry, Lingonberry, Lilacs, Roses, and Fresh Snow
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs, technically? She's all about wolves and foxes. She's the maniac who has a winter wolf as a pet.
DREAM TRIP: She'd love to visit home again, but Gale has gotten her curious about Waterdeep. She'd probably visit Waterdeep first.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: One. Most places outside of the Cold Lands are too warm for more than one. She only has the one because it feels weird to not have any blankets.
RANDOM FACT: Tessa comes from a family of thieves that's headed by her father. She has four older brothers and a twin brother. She and her brothers were raised to be criminals so they don't know any other lifestyle. Her parents are no longer together due to her dad's infidelity.
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countslimeula · 2 years
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Updated Adopt line up! 
There are now 3 of the previous 5 adopts still available!!!! If you are interested in any of the available adopts please PM me here or email me at: [email protected] 
If you like my style and want to see YOUR character drawn in it, then I have good news for you - I’m open for commissions! Info/rates can be found here. 
If you just want to support me and my work I also have a Ko-fi and Patreon! 
[ Image I.D : A posting for Dungeons and Dragons Adopts featuring a line up of 5 D&D characters, two of whom are grayed out. From left to right the characters are as follows.  A tall and regal Sun-Elf woman Cleric/Paladin holding a spear and rawhide shield.  She is grayed out. A Water Genasi woman Bard dancing in an ornate dress while playing a stringed instrument.  She is also grayed out.  A Dwarven Sorceress/ Wizard summoning fire in her hands.  A muscular, Human woman Fighter/ Barbarian  in scant armor holding a massive, bloody, war hammer. A Triton woman Ranger/ Rogue  in kelp camouflage holding a dagger while floating in the ocean. At her side is a Moray eel. At the top of the image is text reading “Dungeons & Dragons Adopts - Aries Jimenez @CountSlimeula (2022) 
Second image is an  illustration of a Dwarven Sorceress/Wizard.  She is fat and squat.  She is floating in the air and someoning fire from one hand and manipulating it with the other, creating an “arch” over her head.  She has curly ringlets of dyed red hair that fall down her back and a curly beard.  She has gems in them.  Her hair and beard have multiple braids in them and she has a half bun in a hairnet at the nape of her neck/base of her head.  She is wearing tiered, flared loose fitting pants with tassels on each tier and a short sleeve bodice that stops just under her bare breast.  She is wearing gold bracelets and a small geometric tiara.  She has gold flecks all over her face and body, a thick unibrow, brown skin and prominent nose.  She is smiling at the viewer enthusiastically.  Next to her is text that reads “Dwarven Sorceress/ Wizard,  $180USD’ and a watermark on her that reads “Aries Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022”.
Third image is an Illustration of a Human Fighter/Barbarian.  She is tall, muscular and covered in healed scars.  She is holding a massive war hammer that is covered in blood. She is wearing scant armor, greves and arm guards with intricate reliefs on them and a manica.  Over her left eye she is wearing an eyepatch with a metal plate over it that has a relief of an eye on it.  She has short messy hair and is looking at the viewer with an intense scowl. She is also wearing a champions belt.  Next to her is text that reads “Human Fighter/Barbarian,  $180USD’ and a watermark on her that reads “Aries Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022”.
Final image is an Illustration of a female Triton, floating in water, holding a dagger. She is a lion-fish Triton.  She is lithe, with spines on her calves, forearms, head and back.  She has bright orange stripes all over her body.  Various scars including a chunk taken out of her right arm due to a shark bite and a massive jellyfish sting on her right leg and calf.  She is wearing a wet-suit made of seal skin and a breastplate made of rib bones.  She has various tools, pouches and decorations made of kelp and the remains of ocean fauna.  Tied around various parts of her body is seaweed and around her neck and arms are long pieces of kelp floating behind her.  At her side is a harpoon carved from whale-bone. In her lip is a fish hook. She is holding a dagger in front of her defensively.  At her side is a Moray Eel with a kelp collar around its neck.  Next to her is text that reads “Triton Ranger/Rogue - $200 USD” and a watermark on her that reads “Aries Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022” 
Image I.D ends. ] 
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ghoulpepperv · 1 year
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Like Yngve, I want more art of Lamia in the near future from the fabulous @countslimeula. Today I just want to gush about my characters AND encourage you to get some RPG art yourselves! @countslimeula has commissions! I'd one day love to get art of Lamia's sidekick, Allie the Dragonborn, too.
I keep going back and forth on writing stories for Lamia and Yngve. Or, perhaps, one day they'll get to be part of a D&D podcast. (It doesn't HAVE to be D&D. I'm open to other types of RPGs.)
If I'm ever in a position to just organize something myself, I will. I just do not have the time right now.
Lamia Ambler
Pronounced: LAH-mee-uh ahm-blur Race: Changeling Class: Rogue Age: Mid-20s to Early 30s Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Lamia and her sidekick, Allie the Dragonborn, recently escaped from prison. Lamia acts as the brains while Allie is the brawn. Lamia's a con artist and thief. She considers herself more intelligent than most people, even in situations where that isn't true. She's smug and her ego is often her downfall. She likes to be perceived as tough as nails, but she's a lot more sensitive than she lets on. It doesn't take much to hurt her feelings.
On the run from the law, she and her accomplice, Allie, are constantly on the move. They steal and con to make ends meet. Due to her ability to shapeshift into any humanoid, Lamia is able to blend into any crowd. She has the skills and brains to take care of herself. It's just that her bloated sense of self-importance always lands her in hot water.
Lamia is loyal to her closest friends, especially Allie.
[Reworking her stats now I know more D&D knowledge]
Shapechanger: Lamia can change her appearance and voice to any Medium sized, humanoid creature she has seen before. The biggest downside is that she will still need to find appropriate clothing and equipment if she plans to deceive others with her changed appearance, and she will still need to act appropriately.
Unsettling Visage. When a creature she can see makes an attack roll against her, she can use her reaction to impose disadvantage on the roll. She must use this feature before knowing whether the attack hits or misses. Using this trait reveals her shapeshifting nature to any creature within 30 feet that can see her. Once she use this trait, she can’t use it again until she finishes a short or long rest.
Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, and Thieves’ Cant Weapons: Crossbow, Rapier, Shortsword.
Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money) by Pet Shop Boys
Daisy by Ashnikko
Never Had Nobody Like You M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel
Cops and Robbers by The Hoosiers
Last Night (Beer Fear) by Lucy Spraggan
Thumbs by Sabrina Carpenter
Video Games by Trixie Mattel
Give Them What They Want from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Dolls by Bella Poarch
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In a DnD inspired world, two escaped criminals accidentally join a group of rebels fighting the oppressive monarchy.
Here are some clips from episode one of Lamia and Yngve!
Art by @countslimeula
Voices Lamia - Kat Walker Shea Yngve - Caleb Fietsam
Full Podcast
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compelleddual · 2 years
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Compelled Dual: Desert Song, Season One - 1.5 Dr. Sunshine Is Dead, is up now on spotify, apple podcasts, and youtube!
Transcript / Content Warnings / Episode Playlist
And as always, there’s a form to suggest warnings we may have missed.
We also have a website with main character profiles! And if you’d like to support us and get perks such as early access and the ability to submit questions for our discussion show (every other Monday night at 6pm eastern, on our youtube channel), head over to our patreon.
Thank you to @countslimeula for our cover art, and thank you to all of you for listening! We track the tags #compelleddualpod and #compelleddual for liveblogs, comments, and fanart!
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ghoulpepperv · 1 year
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I want to make some shorts to practice my sound design, especially since so many people are so supportive!
I've been toying with the idea of doing little shorts inspired by DnD characters just to practice, but i have no idea if anyone would be interested.
As in, interested in listening to them or even lending a voice for something that's very much a practice thing. I just want to make stuff with these dorks since I don't have time for RPing.
Art by @countslimeula
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countslimeula · 2 years
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Oh hey look! Some AWESOME Dungeons and Dragons character designs that are up for Adoption! 
If you’d be interested in purchasing one of these ladies please PM me or email me at: [email protected] 
Terms of Service apply. 
If you like my art and would like more info on my work and how to support me here is my Carrd.
[ Image I.D : 
First image is an illustration of a Sun-elf Cleric/Paladin.  She is tall, regal and lithe.  She is Black, with dark ebony skin, high cheekbones, plush lips, large rabbit-like ears and bright gold eyes with black sclera.  Her hair is in long braids that fall past her waist and are partially fashioned into a large, intricate updo on top of her head.  She has bangs and several beads and bobbles in her hair.  She is wearing scaled armor with beaded jewelry and adornments all over her.  She is wearing a leopard skin draped across her. Its head and open mouth are resting on her shoulder and it is tied at her waist while its paws and claws dangle at her side.  On her hip is a Khopesh.  She is holding a rawhide shield and a long spear.  She is holding her chin up high and smiling gently at the viewer. Next to her is text that reads “Sun-Elf Cleric/Paladin, $200 USD’ and a watermark on her that reads “Aries Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022”.
Second image is an Illustration of a Human Fighter/Barbarian.  She is tall, muscular and covered in healed scars.  She is holding a massive war hammer that is covered in blood. She is wearing scant armor, greves and arm guards with intricate reliefs on them and a manica.  Over her left eye she is wearing an eyepatch with a metal plate over it that has a relief of an eye on it.  She has short messy hair and is looking at the viewer with an intense scowl. She is also wearing a champions belt.  Next to her is text that reads “Human Fighter/Barbarian,  $180USD’ and a watermark on her that reads “Aries Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022”.
Third image is an illustration of a Dwarven Sorceress/Wizard.  She is fat and squat.  She is floating in the air and someoning fire from one hand and manipulating it with the other, creating an “arch” over her head.  She has curly ringlets of dyed red hair that fall down her back and a curly beard.  She has gems in them.  Her hair and beard have multiple braids in them and she has a half bun in a hairnet at the nape of her neck/base of her head.  She is wearing tiered, flared loose fitting pants with tassels on each tier and a short sleeve bodice that stops just under her bare breast.  She is wearing gold bracelets and a small geometric tiara.  She has gold flecks all over her face and body, a thick unibrow, brown skin and prominent nose.  She is smiling at the viewer enthusiastically.  Next to her is text that reads “Dwarven Sorceress/ Wizard,  $180USD’ and a watermark on her that reads “Aries Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022”.
Forth and final image is an Illustration of a female Triton, floating in water, holding a dagger. She is a lion-fish Triton.  She is lithe, with spines on her calves, forearms, head and back.  She has bright orange stripes all over her body.  Various scars including a chunk taken out of her right arm due to a shark bite and a massive jellyfish sting on her right leg and calf.  She is wearing a wet-suit made of seal skin and a breastplate made of rib bones.  She has various tools, pouches and decorations made of kelp and the remains of ocean fauna.  Tied around various parts of her body is seaweed and around her neck and arms are long pieces of kelp floating behind her.  At her side is a harpoon carved from whale-bone. In her lip is a fish hook. She is holding a dagger in front of her defensively.  At her side is a Moray Eel with a kelp collar around its neck.  Next to her is text that reads “Triton Ranger/Rogue - $200 USD” and a watermark on her that reads “Aries Jimenez @CountSlimeula 2022” 
Image I.D ends ] 
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