#couldn't stop thinking about this until i made it
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keferon · 22 hours ago
Two Peas in a Pod: part 2/?
*slips another piece into your mailbox*
Jazz was still feeling a little woozy from his donation in the dark hours of the morning. Blaster had breakfast changed from the usual to something that felt more like a treat, probably a reward for his good behaviour, and to help his body recover. Fish heavy in proteins, fat, all that healthy stuff. Something that normally he would have tried to savour, but he wolfed it down from excitement. Too many questions ran through his head, and most he couldn't bring himself to voice.
The mer, the mer would pull through. Blaster told him about how he had saved their life with his blood. Praised him high and low. Because Blaster knew how Jazz felt about seeing blood, about how hard blood tests were for him, and that was only a tiny vial. Not three big bags of it. Jazz hadn't seen how much they had taken – because he had kept his eye closed until they left in a hurry –, and hearing about it made him dizzy for other reasons, but he honestly felt real proud of himself.
It was a new feeling, different from other moments of pride – like when he figured out the lock codes. Yeah, this gave him butterflies and the drive to help more.
Blaster laughed when Jazz offered that the vets could take more if the other mer needed it. His handler didn't think it would be, but he would pass it on to the vet team.
Jazz's morning checks were a little off, expected with having a little less fluids and feeling off-balance, but it was kept short and quick. Blaster told him that if he learned anything more, he'd tell him next time he came by and then hurried back down to the staff area. Blaster was needed elsewhere, understandably as there weren't many mer experts here, though he did leave Jazz his waterproof stereo if he wanted to play some of his favourites.
But, the orca mer was far too busy causing a whirlpool from the laps he was swimming. He was too excited to sit still, and embarrassment be damned he started practising old vocals. He didn't remember much of his mother tongue, and he was pretty sure that his pronunciation was off, that or had one hell of an accent. Echo-speech was even more rusty. And once he had gone over and over what he could recall, Jazz began to really worry. A few sentences and handful or so of words was all he had? Gods, I hope I can at least make a decent first impression. Blaster said they were just like me, so hopefully, that will give me some starting points.
More than he cared to count, Jazz would swim into the shallow waters of the medical bay and hope to see something through that window. But no one ever came close enough for him to hear any news of the mer. He couldn't even see anything on his radar, wherever they had done treatment, it wasn't in the hospital ward. It almost felt like he was being purposely kept in the dark.
And just when Jazz was starting to worry that things had taken a bad turn, a group of staff turned up around four pm. He wasn't able to ask any questions, or rather they refused to answer. Shooing him away as they got to work. Starting with closing the gate to the bay to 'keep him out'. Jazz could easily climb those walls, but that wasn't the point. Even if the gate window was closed, he could pick up that they were setting up the water hammock. But it wasn't until he heard the cautionary beeping of the hoist lift approaching that it dawned on him – the mer was coming. Now.
"Jazz," Blaster called, "… Jazz," he blew the training whistle and finally got his mer's attention. "Stop pacing and get over here."
"But–" Jazz looked back longingly up the wall.
"Jazz," his tone dropped to a firm one, and Jazz begrudgingly swam over to the pier. The human crouched and made sure that they held eye contact before he spoke. "I need you to promise me that you will stay in your enclosure."
He sunk a little, trying to play into his cuteness, but being far too anxious to really pull it off. "What do you mean?"
"Jazz," now warning him. Blaster knew full well that he was more than capable of getting into or out of places he shouldn't, bloody Houdini mermaid, "this is serious. Things are going well, we want to keep it that way. Which means keeping things calm and feeling safe. You're excited, I get it, we all are. But in about an hour, they'll be waking up and – from past experience seen with wild Mers – they will likely freak out. And the last thing we need is you hauling your tail over that wall and making things worse. Understand?"
The beeping was louder how and the hiss of hydraulics caused Jazz to look up. The arm of the lift was visible over the wall. They're here!
"Jazz," Blaster hopelessly called for his attention once more.
Within moments, a massive bundle was carefully raised, the staff calling out and coordinating. Jazz's gaze was fixed on the black and white fluke poking out, it was the only part of them he could see, and his heart began to race. Once they became hidden by the wall again, Jazz moved back to pacing by the gate without even thinking. Listening to people hopping into the water to unstrap the mer and call back n' forth. "Careful, careful! – Watch the head! – Someone give me a hand over here! – We're clear on this side! – Keep the head up!"
Really starting to sound like a broken record, Blaster chirped the whistle and called out to him again. The expression he wore must have been pretty pitiful because the look on Blaster's face dropped. "If I open the view port… will you promise me that you will wait, that you will stay in your enclosure?"
"I promise," he answered hastily, placing his hands on the gate, over the panel that would slide open.
"And that you will wait until everything is in the clear, till the staff come to oversee the integration. There will be no rushing things and no asking staff when we will open the gate."
"I promise," he repeated, trying not to beg.
Satisfied, Blaster pulled out his radio, "Blaster to Control; when the team is out of the Mer enclosure's medical bay, open the view port. Jazz's stress is mounting without a visual."
"Can do," came a quick reply.
Though, opening the panel was not. Several minutes went by, the hoist had cleared out, and much of the staff had returned to their other duties. Only two remained double-checking the mer's breathing and pulse. The moment that the last of them left, Jazz heard the lock disengage, and he retracted his hands as the panel shifted and began to slide open. The window was too small to get more than his hand – maybe up to his elbow if he wanted to push it – through, and sat just at water level– any movement sending water hopping to either side. But it gave him a clear view of the surface area inside.
Oh. Jazz stopped breathing. While the mer's body was mostly supported by the fabric of the hammock, cradling them on their side, effectively hiding most of them from Jazz's angle. Propped up on a soft floating platform was the mer's head, face towards the gate. Sharp features and elegantly shaped finials, with flattering lines of their markings complimenting the peaceful expression as they slept. The butterflies from earlier came back stronger than ever, his heart thundering as words fumbled from Jazz's lips, "he's beautiful…"
Orca Prowl really is just-- too fucking pretty, omg, I'm living through Jazz in this moment like when I first saw your designs of him.
I'm more than happy to continue writing for you, you bring me so much joy. I screamed when I saw how much you liked it. If you have any requests you would like me to add to the story, leave it in the tags or comments ♡ I now plan to continue until the tsunami and a bit afterwards, maybe more, we'll see~
The way it all starts at night and then you (as a reader) have all this additional time to boil in your anticipation?? So fucking great. Like you can really feel how little power Jazz has over the wholse situation. The plot is moving but he doesn't have any saying in it. Well. Yet heheh
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Anyway haha. Im normal and I made some art>:D
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#apocalyptic ponyo#jazzprowl#jazz#prowl#blaster#ponyo jp writing#GLC#merformers#maccadam#transformers#damn imagine living your whole life with stupid dolphins and pretty much equally stupid captive merfolks#and then meeting a guy with an Engineering degree#must be wild~~~~#Wait I just realized. Those workers never had any experience with sapient merfolks besides Jazz#they all are like “he will freak out” but their understanding is based mostly on animals and captive mers#and those tend to become VERY stressed if they suddenly wake up in some new strange environment and discover they have a company#while with Prowl it would be the exact opposite I imagine??? omg. After all the time he was kept in those tiny ass temporary pools???#having no company besides humans who are constantly poking him and staring at him and making him take their weird medication an-#-d sometimes drugs if he acts aggressively?#like after all this shit???#I have a feeling he would see/hear other orca nearby and his first initial reaction would be OH THANK FUCK there's a company#orcas are very VERY social after all~#I got carried away haha. I LOVE THE FIC SO MUCH#MUAH#this is freaking amazing#.....damn okAY one more thought I just had#there's only a small window for them to look at each other#Prowl wouldn't properly see Jazz ehehehjfkfnfmfj. He would sorta kinda see him right. But then he would ACTUALLY look at him. like.#for the first time see his entire body? and Jazz looks SO wrong#Okay I'm done spamming haha
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crowsofdarkness · 2 days ago
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After weeks of arguing, you thought your relationship with Bucky was near the end. That was until you held something positive in your hand.
18+ CW's below the cut(angst, language, unprotected pinv in Bucky's computer chair, Bucky having a sudden breeding kink)
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The door slamming in the small confines of my apartment echoed causing me to jump, doing whatever I could to keep the tears at bay. I wouldn't cry, not for him. Not for Bucky.  Even though the moment he walked in the door, all I wanted to do was cry not only because of the constant arguing but because I missed him terribly. He was here physically but emotionally, Bucky was checked out. 
"Asshole," I grumbled under my breath, eyes boring daggers into the closed door of his office/studio. 
It had been weeks of non stop fighting yet barely speaking to each other. He’d been gone on missions constantly so he could avoid being home. When I needed him the most, he was gone. 
Ignoring the thoughts plaguing my existence lately, I blew out a shaky breath and forced myself to turn back towards the kitchen counter.  The exhaustion had been buried deep in my bones for the last couple of weeks and I didn’t think it had anything to do with working almost every day. All I wanted to do was curl in bed to sleep the rest of the evening away. Even though Bucky's words from our fight this morning before I left for work kept pestering me. 
"I haven't thought much about the future. I'm trying to focus on getting myself better, mentally, before having kids." 
I asked him in the middle of yet another argument where he thought this relationship was going because I made the mistake of mentioning how I felt like things were stale between us. Bucky didn't think of the future. Of our future. He only thought of the now. 
It had been weeks of arguing. Weeks of walking on eggshells around each other. Weeks of not having sex. And weeks of keeping a secret to myself. Now that I knew how Bucky felt, I couldn't decide on if I should continue to keep it to myself or tell him which could potentially ruin everything. 
The urge to cry burned in my throat as I snatched the bag off of the kitchen counter and locked myself in the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a long moment, noting the dark circles under my eyes. 
Averting my gaze away from the mirror, I dug out the box from the bag and nearly choked on a breath when I read over the letters once more. I nearly dropped it in the pharmacy when the realization began to sink in. 
Pregnancy Test. 
I had missed my period last month and it was coming up on when I was supposed to get it this month but with how I’d been feeling, I knew I wouldn’t be getting my period this month either. 
That night was a night where we had a huge blowout argument, both of us questioning if we loved another. Deep down we knew we still loved each other and it was wrong for us to question it. But both of us were stubborn so instead of admitting our love, we decided to fuck out our frustrations; Bucky dragging me to the shower with him as I wrapped my legs around his midsection, marking his neck as mine while his cock slammed into me. Afterwards, Bucky helped me to our bed and apologized for the fight as he held me against his chest. I took the morning after pill later that afternoon once we realized we weren’t safe which is why I was hoping the test would be negative. Maybe the reason why I missed my period was because of all the stress I’d been under. 
“Might as well get this over with,” I grumbled under my breath while ripping open the box. 
It came with two tests and I figured it would be better if I used both so after peeing on both sticks, I set them on the counter and washed my hands. These next five minutes were going to be incredibly slow so after I changed into one of Bucky’s shirts and opted out of wearing pants, I paced the bathroom.
“Shit,” I clutched my chest when the timer on my phone went off. 
As I reached for the tests which were overturned, I paused for a moment wondering if maybe I should have been doing this with Bucky. 
“If he wasn’t such an asshole,” I muttered to the thought in my head and turned over the two tests. 
My heart was in my ears, in my throat, and in the depths of my stomach when I saw the one word that sealed our fate. 
Both tests were positive. 
“Fuck me,” I breathed while resting a hand on my stomach, the tears finally falling. 
There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that even though we were fighting, Bucky would be fine with whatever I decided to do. It was my choice. But would he stay with me? The Avengers seemed to be all over the world, helping people who needed it, hence why Bucky had been in a mood lately. I knew his anger wasn't directly related to me but because he’d been overworked. I also knew that didn’t give him the right to take it out on me. 
Pulling up Bucky’s text thread on my phone, shaking fingers worked out a text even though he was still in the next room. 
Me: I need to talk to you. It’s important. Can you meet me in the living room please? 
Bucky 🩶: Not right now. 
With a snarl, I snatched the tests off the bathroom counter and stormed out into his office, letting the door smack against the wall. Bucky didn’t bother to look away from the book on his lap as he sat on his computer chair. 
“Congratulations. You’re going to be a father,” I snapped before turning to walk away. 
The chair creaked as Bucky leaned forward to gaze down at his desk, a soft breath catching in his throat. 
“Doll,” his vibranium fingers grazed my wrist, halting me. “Wait.” 
“What? Are you going to claim I’m faking this?” I snapped, slicing him with my gaze. 
“I-,” Bucky’s face softened as he looked back at the pregnancy tests. “You’re pregnant?” 
I let the anger fade momentarily when I heard the sincerity in his voice; the slight excitement. 
“Yeah, I guess so. I missed my period last month and I’ve been so exhausted lately. Not to mention my boobs have been really sore,” I cringed while running a hand over my chest. 
Bucky glanced up at my breasts with a small smirk but then he let his gaze lower on my stomach where it rested for a long few beats of silence. Fear of what he would do or say weighed heavy on my shoulders causing me to remain frozen in front of him. The air in the room was thick with an unreadable tension and the ringing in my ears was deafening. I couldn’t even hear our shared breathing as Bucky continued to stare at my stomach before his large hands rested there.
“Hi,” he breathed. “I’m your dad.”
I dragged a finger over his cheek, those ocean eyes I adored so much gazed up at me. “I’m sorry.” 
“For what, doll?” Bucky asked with furrowed brows. 
“For everything. For avoiding fixing things between us by working non stop.”
I rattled off which made him link fingers with me and brought me down onto his lap, both of us now sitting in his computer chair. He rested his hands over my hip, slowly raising up the hem of my shirt so he could drag calloused fingers over my skin. It was the most contact we’ve had in a week and I leaned farther into him. His nose dragged over my jaw, breathing me in. 
“I’m sorry for all of the hurtful things I’ve said. I’m sorry for ignoring your feelings when I should have asked you up front what was wrong. I’m sorry for locking myself away with work instead of fixing things between us,” Bucky apologized. 
I looked deeper into his eyes, taking in the slight freckles on his face. “Can I be honest?” 
When Bucky nodded, I continued. “You freaked me out when you said you never thought of our future and now that I’m pregnant, I’m worried you’re going to leave.” 
“Absolutely not,” he cupped my cheek, dragging his thumb just underneath my eye to wipe away the stray tears. “I’ve never thought about the future until you came into my life, doll. I might not express it enough, which is my fault but please know you’re in my future. Especially now.” 
His free hand grazed over my stomach and I nodded into the grasp on my cheek, leaving a kiss on the inside of his palm. 
“Can you promise me one thing?” I asked. 
Biting my lip, I spoke. “Can you promise not to propose to me just because I’m pregnant? I want you to propose because you want to, not because you feel like you have too.”
Something flashed in his eyes but Bucky eventually nodded. “Of course.”
While sitting on his lap, the chair continued to creak underneath our shared weight and I sighed, ready to get off which caused him to tighten his grip on me. 
“Stay,” he breathed in the crook of my neck. “I need to show you how sorry I am.” 
Quickly, Bucky’s lips were on mine in a leisurely kiss. It started off like how our first kiss did, like he was testing the waters again. I nearly sobbed into the kiss when I felt the love pour out of him. I’d been desperate to feel this way again. With his hands on my hips, he began moving me up and down his lap, the hardness of his cock pressing against the thin material of my panties. His name fell from my lips, almost immediately swallowed by his tongue as it explored my mouth; tasting me. 
Vibranium fingers slinked up my shirt to graze over my back before Bucky tossed it over my head and down to the floor, breaking our kiss. Lust bleed in his already dark eyes as he looked at my stomach, his cock straining in his jeans. 
“Shit,” he groaned while pressing kisses along my chest. “I can’t wait to see you round with my baby.” 
A moan fell from my lips as I exposed more of myself to Bucky, his teeth now grazing over my nipples. Along with my sore breasts, my nipples were extra sensitive. 
“Bucky,” I pulled on his shirt. 
He immediately understood and helped me work it off. Immediately my nails raked along his chest as my lips met his again in a fiery kiss, this one more intense than the last. With a gentle tap to my ass, I raised my hips slightly so Bucky could drag down my panties with a bit of maneuvering. However with his jeans, it would have taken way more manuerving on his part to slide them off completely. 
“We should move to the bed,” I suggested, breathless. 
Bucky shook his head, keeping his lips on the current mark he was working on my neck. “Absolutely not. I want you to sit on my cock while I sit on the chair.” 
Feeling feisty, I pulled away from him slightly to gaze down at him. “Really? This has nothing to do with Steve making it slip the other day how he and his girlfriend did something eerily similar to this.” 
He rolled his eyes with a groan. “Please don’t bring up Steve having sex right now.” 
When he motioned towards his unzipped jeans, I let out a soft giggle and then reached my hand in his briefs to grab his cock, already so warm and hard. 
“I’ve missed this,” I whispered, gathering his precum to drag it over his head. 
“Doll,” my name came out through gritted teeth as Bucky rested his head on my shoulder. “I need to be inside of you. Please.”
Pulling his cock out from his briefs completely, I dragged it between my folds a few strokes before sinking down on him; both of us letting out a loud groan of pleasure.  It had been so long since we’ve felt this so I knew we wouldn’t last long. 
“Fuck,” Bucky strangled out while wrapping his arms around me to bring me closer. “I can’t wait to watch your belly get round with my baby.”
I mewled in response, mouth busy with leaving dark marks across his neck while one of my hands slipped between our bodies to press circles on my clit, bringing me closer to the edge. 
His cock twitched inside of me, indicating he was close when his hips stilled. “You'd look so beautiful pregnant with my kid. Your belly and tits-oh shit." 
“Don’t stop,” I begged while riding him faster this time, the chair nearly falling over. 
“Doll,” Bucky’s voice was strained so I brushed away the hair from his sweat slicked forehead. “I’m going to fill you up over and over again.” 
I nodded as the coil in my stomach began to ignite in a blaze of ecstasy, my orgasm about to snap. 
“I love you,” I cried out when my body finally snapped, arousal coating Bucky’s cock. 
With one final thrust, he followed me over the edge as he filled me with his cum and breathlessly announced his love for me as well. Falling into him with exhaustion, Bucky lifted me from the chair and carried me through our apartment towards the bathroom. 
“Are you alright?” He questioned while still carrying me. 
I pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’m okay.”
Setting me on the closed toilet seat, he turned on the shower and removed his pants while we waited for the steam to bellow around us. 
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st7rnioioss · 2 days ago
need a second part where she reads it
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⋆ ˚ .ೃ ࿔ * pairing... sweetheart!reader x brothers bsf!matt
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𓂃 ֹ ᮫ in which... sweetheart!reader comes home to her diary, this time filled with an additional note to her fantasies about matt..
warnings... masturbation (f), mentions of fingering, mentions of unprotected sex, mentions of kissing.
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♡ ˖ ࣪ ◟ you happily strutted up the front steps of your house, the morning sun still early and shining onto you, the air brisk and light. you fiddled with your keys before you finally got the right one, unlocking the door and letting yourself inside.
to your surprise, matt was standing almost right in the doorway, and if you hadn’t been so careful with your movements, he would’ve probably been bruising on his forehead by now.
“oh! hi matt,” you chirped, your face turning pink from how close he was, before you closed the door behind you, shyly waving at your brother who stood behind matt. matt's head was clouding up with thoughts. you were utterly oblivious to what he’d done just the night prior, nearly bouncing off the walls, being your usual sweet self.
matt smiled at you, in the middle of tying his shoes. “hey there,” his mind was already spinning with thoughts of you going back to your room, the one he’d been in just last night, and reading the stuff he’d written just last night. the thought made him shiver, watching as you bounced off after giving your brother a hug—for now he could only wait for a text to chime in from your contact name. you made your way to your room after saying a quick hi to your parents, letting go of all your stuff.
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several hours passed, and your diary was still untouched. you lay flat on your back in your bed, your room now completely dark, besides the lamp on your bedside table illuminating the quiet room. you shifted, thoughts of matt naturally starting to stir in your mind again, so you sat up and reached for your diary like you would've done any other night like this one.
a tiny smile tugged on your lips, the pen twirling between your fingers as you excitedly brushed through the pages with a red tinge to your cheeks. but then, your heart nearly stopped when you saw the unfamiliar ink on paper, sinking to your stomach as all the blood drained from your face. you froze, the smile on your lips faltering immediately as shock rushed through your veins. what the hell? you immediately knew who had been sneaking into your room, let alone who had snooped in your diary. it was matt, you knew it.
you nearly couldn’t even make out the words, let alone comprehend what was going on, until you saw where you’d left off and he had continued. then the memories flood in, how you'd been sitting right where you were right now, thinking about matt until you just couldn't take it anymore, forgetting to finish the sentence. your breathing hitched as your fingers traced over the ink matt had left, as if you could still feel the desire he’d written with.
“i would kiss you down your chest, admire your body while i touch you after your sweet noises to get it right, my fingers sticky.”
oh god, you thought. your heart was racing, nearly thumping out of your chest as the words settled in your head, eager to read further while your thighs instinctively pressed together. there was no way. your thoughts started to wander, wondering what he would've done if you were actually home and not off to some sleepover. would he just have kissed you? or more? that was a thought for another time, right now you were way too enveloped in matt's handwriting in your diary.
“then i would let go of you and take off my own clothes, leaning over you to push my dick into you, listen to you gasp and moan.”
your fingers traced down your middle, eventually dipping under the elastic band of your sleep shorts, your panties next. you were already dripping, your body having an immediate reaction to the image of matt’s hands on you, how he’d loom over you while being oh so gentle with you. a needy whine slipped from your lips, your fingers working slow and steady circles on your sensitive clit as your eyes fell shut, imagining matt’s hand between your legs instead of your own.
you eventually opened your eyes to read more, your lips parted as needy sounds of pleasure were pulled from your mouth, careful not to be too loud, though everyone was asleep.
“i would take my time with you, wait until you allowed me to start fucking you, doing it gentle and slowly.”
another moan fell past your gritted teeth, easing your middle finger through your soppy walls, easily pressing it inside. the diary dropped from your hands, landing on the spot next to you just in reach for you to read, your other hand dipping under your shorts and panties too, circling your clit as you read and read.
you wished so bad that he was here right now, your now occupied hands being held firmly above your head, or even running through his dark locks. you wanted to feel your legs tremble around his body, not your own wrists, you wanted to feel his lips trail down your neck and chest, eventually sucking marks into your skin.
“i’d hold your hands, kiss you down your beautiful face and body, eventually going faster and harder.”
you had to bite down on your lip, nearly drawing blood from how hard you were trying not to moan when you eased another finger inside, your eyes drifting shut while your thoughts went wild and filthy, legs starting to tremble. your fingers were working overtime on your needy pussy, the soft squelch filling the empty and silent room, electricity shuddering through your body with every move and curls of your own fingers.
you imagined him pinning you down, your hands above your head with his fingers securely wrapped around your wrists, holding you in place while his other hand rested on your hip. you could almost feel how he would pound into you, gently but firmly thrusting his cock in and out of your slick hole, driving you both nuts.
it didn’t take long before you were a whimpering mess, your release coating your fingers until they were glistening, your bud swollen and sensitive. heavy breaths were panted past your lips, your hands coming back up from under your shorts while throwing your head back against a pillow, taking deep breaths. holy shit. you carefully picked up the book, reading over the last few words.
"you have no idea how bad i wanna sneak into your room every time i’m hanging out here. i’m not even here for your brother anymore.”
hastily, you grabbed your phone and found matt's contact, immediately shooting him short but inviting texts
you || 1:38 am
matt my window is open please
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more sweetheart!reader x brothers bsf!matt here!
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˚𝜗𝜚 notes... #need that
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۶ৎ taglist: @jetaimevous @missmimii @mattscoquette @pearlzier @witchofthehour @elizasturn @loveparqdise @delilahsturniolo @phone4pills @sturnsmia @hearts4werka @cayleeuhithinknott @strnilolover @sturnvxz @lovergirl4gracieabrams @ifwdominicfike @toftomgmf @emely9274 @sturnioloangell @blushsturns @sierrraaaaxz @slut4chris888 @marrykisskilled @sophand4n4 @sturnihoelooo @unknvhx @chrisslut04 @sturniolossss @slvtf0rchr1s @blahbel668 @starkeysturniolo @miolos @user1smvtysturniolo @lizzyzzn @sturnslutz @decimatedxdreams @chrissturnioloswife88 @sturn777 @sturniolonationsblog @frankoceanfanpage @priscillaog @courta13 @sweetrelieef @loverboysturn @sturns-mermaid @cutseylady @sofieeeeex @sofia-is-a-sturniolo-triplet-fan @mattsturnii @conspiracy-ash
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❛❛ © 𝐒𝐓𝟕𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐈𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐞𝐬𝐭. 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ❜❜
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thewitchblue · 3 days ago
"Did you join the fucking military?"
Jason asked Tim, who blinked blankly at Jason until he noticed what he was holding. Jason was holding your military tags, which Tim's selfishly kept to himself when you "lost" them. Technically, he stole the tags from you, but you can always get a new set. You'll be matching! He did feel a little bad that you got in trouble with leadership when you asked for new ones, but he's sure you'd be fine without the old pair.
Tim didn't elaborate further. The tags have practically lived on him since he stole them. He only ever takes them off for showers, which is how Jason found them. Jason scoffed,
"Good. You'd be a shit soldier. Why do you have military dog tags?"
Tim tried to take them back, but Jason held them above his head. Your dog tags are air jailed until he gets answers. Jason needed to know.
"Answer or I'll find a place to smelt them down."
Tim knew he was serious by the gleam in Jason's eyes, so he said,
"My girlfriend is in a special forces unit for the marines. She refuses to tell me which unit she's in, but I've narrowed it down."
Jason was too stunned to notice that he dropped your dog tags. Tim snatched them off the floor and put them safely around his neck again and tucked under his shirt where they belonged. He likes to say that you're closer to his heart with your tags under his shirt with the bonus of protecting him from any potential bullets. Even when you are gone, you promise that you will always come back. He's used to your deployment and the limbo you have him in.
"When do I get to meet her?"
Dick said from the doorway. He was passing by and overheard. His little Timmy has a girlfriend? When did that happen?
Tim touches the tags while thinking of what to reveal and what to keep private. He's never been good at respecting privacy, but he has been learning for you. He knows to keep anything you say to him a secret, but what about other things relating to you?
"Whenever she wants. I'm not her keeper."
Tim answered vaguely. He's flying to see you soon, and he doesn't want to be followed. You've been together for three years, but you met kind of awkwardly. You tackled him to the ground and wrestled with him after mistaking him for one of your friends.
Your willpower eventually overcame his reflexes, and he stopped struggling. You had laughed when you pinned him down and ruffled his hair in victory. It was embarrassing to him how quickly he submitted to you. He watched your eyes widen when you noticed he's not your friend. You took in the scene too slowly. You, straddling who you had assumed was your friend with your hands pinning his wrists to both sides of his head, and Tim blushing underneath you. Tim didn't know how to react either, so you both stared at each other before you started awkwardly apologising.
Tim was a mess, but he was an adorable mess. His hair was ruffled, and his clothes were wrinkled, but there were no bruises nor any scrapes. You were always careful to leave no injuries. He was breathless, just staring at you with wide eyes and a shyness that almost made you smile. He was so cute that you wanted to squish him.
You quickly got off of him once you realised how long you've been staring at him. You pulled him up from the ground when he didn't make a move to stand by himself and actually almost fell right back to the ground because his legs refused to work for him. He was understandly stunned.
This is awkward. How do you explain the tradition of you fighting your friend on sight? Your friend does the exact same thing with you. It was excellent training for your deployment to fight each other on sight without any prep. Enemy soldiers aren't going to reveal themselves before attacking, so surprise attacks help keep your reflexes sharp.
"Sorry. I thought you were someone else."
He couldn't get the image of you pinning him down out of his head. Nobody has ever pinned him down so intimately. You were gentle. Your hold would have been easy to break out of if he didn't stop struggling. It was like you only played until one of you got pinned, and then the fight was over.
Tim was still trying to remember how to function. What does he do? What does he say? He's all shaken up. He had to look away from you. He managed to say,
"It's fine."
He tried to sound like it was no big deal, but it sounded strained. He was pretending like the wrestling really took it out of him by fake panting, but you both knew better. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, but pat his back and attempted to leave.
Attempted, being the key word. Tim caught your wrist loosely and nervously said,
"I, uh... would you... Can we... Let's... I'm sorry."
He didn't have the words with you looking at him like that. He was nervous. You smiled softly at him, and he forgot how to speak entirely. He could only stare until you took the initiative and asked him to go on a date before you leave for boot camp. He nodded, and that was that. You gave him your number and continued your run like nothing happened.
The date went amazing. It was a bit unconventional as you took him to a paint gun fight after showing him the gun and explaining the rules. You grinned every time he landed a hit and even wiped away the paint that splattered onto him with a fond expression. You opened up about the fear you have about joining the military, but your desire to help. You want to make a difference, however small or large that may be.
You kissed the bruising wounds softly and banaged the bleeding ones before he could even reach for the first aid kit you brought. You helped him up with a wild grin, and he kissed you until the adrenaline ran out. The guns were empty, and you both were messes, but your hearts were full, and Tim can safely say he hates paintballing. You took him to see a movie like a normal person next date.
Jason and Dick watched their brother soften further and further as he went down memory lane. Dick was ecstatic and already plotting to meet you, but Jason was confused why anybody would date Tim. Yeah, he's had his fair share of partners, but he's surprised every time he gets a date, let alone a girlfriend.
You were his mystery girl, and their family loves a good mystery.
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madthetruemad · 15 hours ago
WHEN YOU REALIZE HOW STRONG HE IS, or when you're just playing around and you see that he can hold you down quite easily...
cw ; a dabble of angst (if you squint) w/ comfort, and maybe a tiny bit suggestive
mydei x reader (implied fem!reader)
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MYDEI doesn't always indulge with roughhousing with you. However, today was just one of those days where your playful demeanor finally rubbed off on him.
You were laughing as you lightly pushed at him and tried to knock him down to the couch, but he had other plans when he pushed you down instead.
Your back was flush with the cushions of the couch before you could even blink, and his hands were holding your shoulders down easily. You struggled a bit, try to push up, or even wriggle your way out. But Mydei was strong.
The sudden realization of not being able to push him off of you hit you like a slap to the face.
And when you stopped laughing and giggling, that's when Mydei pulled back. A frown etched across his features as he looked down you... that expression... why were you making that face?
Trying to act like nothing happened, you smiled again, "you're," you laughed awkwardly, sheepishly as you sat up with him, "you're really strong!"
He frowned at you, he could already guess what made you react like that.
"Stop that."
"H- huh, stop what?"
"That fake expression, stop making it. I made you uncomfortable just now, it was obvious."
You dropped the smile as he had asked, "no... it's my fault for thinking of something stupid. I didn't mean to bring the whole mood down...," your voice trailed off and he decided to delve deeper. He didn't want this to happen again. Seeing you smile, a real smile, was far better.
"What was it that you were... thinking about?"
"I guess.. I just realized how strong you were. Like, I couldn't push you off or anything! And you weren't even being serious!"
He raised an eyebrow, "you are worried you won't be able to fight me off?"
You shook your head almost instantly, "no, no! I'm not- I'm not trying to say that at all! Ugh, it's so hard to explain-"
"I'm sorry."
His apology through you off guard sending you into a panic, "you- you don't need to apologize! My mind is just being stupid!"
"And yet when we were messing around, you still feel as if you need to be able to push me off at any given moment if things got bad."
You pressed your lips together and he continued.
"I want you to know that you are safe... with me. And that with even a single word said by you, you can get me to get off of you."
"So, until the day comes that you feel safe with me. I guess I'll just have to try harder to prove myself to you. Even with foolish acts like this."
"Like what?"
You tilted your head to the side but just as you asked that you let out a loud squeal as you grabbed onto his shoulders as he flipped you both over.
Now he was the one laying against the couch as you were above him straddling his waist.
"No matter the position we're in, you're always in control."
You felt your face grow hot at the implication, but you were happy nonetheless. You were safe. You are safe with Mydei.
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woozinhos · 2 days ago
Wonwoo making you squirt for the first but instead of being shocked it’s turns him on n he fucks you hard 👅👅👅 love your writings btw xo
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Notes: stop anon you’re too sweet thank you so much hope you enjoy!
Wonwoo had always been curious about your body and its reactions to pleasure. He had heard stories of women squirting before, but he had never actually seen it in person. One night, as he was going down on you, he could feel your body starting to tense up in a way it hadn't before. He redoubled his efforts, his tongue and fingers working in perfect harmony to push you over the edge.
And then it happened. A gush of liquid erupted from you, soaking the sheets and Wonwoo's face. Wonwoo was surprised at first, but then a primal instinct took over. He couldn't believe how sexy it was to see you come undone like that, to see the evidence of your pleasure right in front of him.
He pulled back for a moment, his eyes dark with desire. "That was so hot," he growled, his voice low and rough. "I need to be inside you right now." You were surprised by your own body's reaction, not expecting to squirt like that. But as you saw the look on Wonwoo's face, you realized that he was anything but disgusted.
"You're so wet," he said, his eyes raking over your body. "I can't believe how much you're dripping for me." He climbed on top of you, his cock already hard and ready to go again. "I need to feel you, now," he growled, lining himself up with your entrance. Before you could even catch your breath, he was thrusting into you, his movements rough and desperate. Wonwoo's growls filled the room as he pounded into you, his hips snapping forward with each thrust. He was like a man possessed, completely lost in the feeling of your body.
"You're so tight," he grunted, his hands gripping your hips tightly. "So tight and so wet. It's like you were made for me." You clung to him, your nails digging into his back as he fucked you into the mattress. The bed creaked and groaned beneath you, the headboard banging against the wall with each powerful thrust. As Wonwoo continued to thrust into you, you couldn't help but wonder what had gotten him so worked up. He was usually more controlled and composed in bed, but tonight he was feral.
"I've been thinking about this all day," he panted, his breath hot against your ear. "I've been thinking about making you squirt again and again until you can't take it anymore." You gasped at his words, your body responding to the promise in his voice. You could feel another orgasm building inside you, but this one felt different. It was more intense, more primal.
You were lost in a sea of sensations, unable to hold onto anything but Wonwoo. Your body was trembling and shaking beneath him, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He could sense that you were close, and he doubled his efforts, hitting that sweet spot deep inside you with every thrust. "Cum for me again," he demanded, his voice a low growl. "Cum all over my cock like a good girl."
Your second orgasm hit you like a freight train, your body arching off the bed as you screamed his name. It was even more intense than the first, leaving you completely wrecked and boneless beneath him. Wonwoo watched you with a mixture of pride and possessiveness, his eyes never leaving your face as you came undone. "That's it," he praised, his pace slowing down slightly. "You're doing so good for me."
He leaned down and captured your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue plundering your mouth as he rode out the aftershocks of your orgasm. As the kiss broke, Wonwoo pulled back slightly, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. "You're so perfect," he murmured, running a hand down your body. "So beautiful when you're all fucked out like this."
He began to move again, slower this time, savoring the feeling of being inside you. "I could stay like this forever," he said, his voice low and husky. "Just buried deep inside you, feeling you clench around me." Wonwoo's hips snapped forward, his thrusts becoming erratic as he chased his own release. He was close, you could tell from the way his body tensed up and his breathing grew more ragged.
"I'm gonna cum," he grunted, his grip on your hips tightening once more. "Gonna fill you up with my cum, just like you like it." With a final, deep thrust, Wonwoo came undone, spilling himself inside you with a low groan. He collapsed on top of you, his body spent and satisfied. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as you both tried to come down from your high. Wonwoo pulled out of you and rolled onto his side, a satisfied smile on his face. He looked at you, his eyes filled with adoration.
"I think I'm going to have to make you squirt more often," he joked, reaching out to brush a strand of hair out of your face. "It's a good look on you."
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bluemoonscape · 3 days ago
The like, painful thing about Vader being such an iconic and famous character in the star wars mythos is that the more we receive of him, the weaker his initial redemption arc becomes.
Like it was always going to be a problem and it's not really bad if you just never think too much about everything Vader is said to have done in between the prequels and the original trilogy. But it's hard, because the ancillary material provides so so much depth and complexity to Anakin and Vader. He is, at once, made worse and better by continuously expanding on his life.
The tragedy of Anakin is made even more tragic by going into the mind of Anakin the day order 66 happens and seeing the glee he takes in mocking the council during his slaughter. It makes you feel sick, and then you are presented with the failures of the council and how Anakin was raised from slavery and made to believe he is some savior, but he couldn't even save his mother. He was PUNISHED for even suggesting that he intervene. The Jedi Order had already been compromised and their ideology warped to cause harm through inaction and placing the importance on their relationships with banks and private factions that have a stake in an eternal war.
There was a comic where Anakin and Obi-Wan are trying to save this planet that isn't technically part of the Republic and is facing a natural calamity AND the Separatists aiming to take control of the planet. I can't remember the entirety of the comic but I remember what Obi-Wan says to Anakin as the Jedi arrive with the Clones to take control of the situation: he said that the Jedi didn't arrive to help because help was needed, they showed up because a JEDI requested aid. They had known about the planet, they had received their distress calls, they didn't mobilize UNTIL a Jedi sent a distress call (and I think they took control of the planet for its natural minerals)
The comic was meant to emphasize the shift from the Order's altruistic peacekeeping origins, into a for profit military force. So when Order 66 happens, it is an immensely tragic event to everyone else, but it feels as if its divine Retribution to Anakin. iirc he says "I'm what you prayed for, aren't I lovely" or something to that effect in the novel of Revenge Of The Sith. It's like, effed up, but it you can see how--through Anakin's many many troubles and Sidious' constant manipulation--Anakin comes to view his actions as just.
And then going forward, as Vader, we are constantly in his headspace in almost every piece of media he appears in as a character. His disdain for Anakin, unending pain(physically and mentally), how Sidious punishes him for his defeat to Obi-Wan. The comic where he bleeds his kyber crystal...it's such a good goood comic. Gosh, in the vast world of Star Wars, it's hard to imagine a character who suffers as much Vader or who is as punished as Anakin.
Plus Anakin and Padme were T4T m/f and Anakin and Obi-Wan are toxic doomed mlm 🤧 thank you.
GOD you're so right about the continued expansion of his character both making him deeper as a character and yet showing us dimensions of his cruelty and capability for cruelty that we haven't seen before... he's such a tragic character at his root and literally every piece of media added to the collection of his story adds something new and often jarring.
What's so striking to me (which I recalled because you mentioned the RotS novelization which I'm normal about totally) about him is that, at his root, he's kind, loving, and altruistic - everything the Jedi hail. In the Phantom Menace novel, Watto sends him across the Dune Sea on a speeder to negotiate a trade with a merchant. On his way back, he encounters an injured Tusken and stops to try and help him. He stays with him through the night, not knowing how to help but unwilling to leave him, and this small child is thinking and recognizing that he and the Tusken were both afraid of each other, and yet this gives them something they have in common. Eventually little Ani falls asleep and wakes up however many hours later to find himself surrounded by other Tuskens who had come for their injured man. He's terrified, he's carrying valuable parts from the trade he was forced to do, but the Tusken he spent the night watching over signals for the others to lay off, and so they leave him and his valuables alone. This is such a simple but profound scene to me because we know what Anakin does to a village of Tuskens in AotC. In the time after he spent in slavery and before the start of the Clone Wars, something in him shifted to gain the capability to harm rather than guard. He was punished for things he couldn't control and was victim to the war's intentional corruption of the Jedi Order.
And then in the same novel, he helps Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Padme and Jar-Jar get off-world by offering to win them the parts for their ship, something he was not aware would end up benefiting him since Qui-Gon didn't reveal he was freed until after the race. His mom mentions a time when Anakin ran up a huge sand dune to scare away a herd of Banthas because he was afraid they were going to be shot. None of these actions benefit him. The most heart wrenching thing about Anakin's story is that he was such a sweet, loving, selfless kid. He wasn't born with a bad bone in his body.
And that compounds his resentment of the Jedi Order as a whole so much! Of course the orchestration and fall of the Republic is the fault of Palpatine and Dooku, we know who the villains are, but the Jedi Order just wasn't equipped to handle someone like Anakin. They made a fatal mistake. You have Qui-Gon, who freed Anakin - being brutally honest - because of his midichlorian count. He liked Anakin but he wouldn't have gone out of his way to free him if Anakin wasn't a Jedi. This already wildly fucks up Anakin's head because he was freed over his mom or any other slave child because he's special. He was treated differently by the Council because, for anyone who didn't believe he was the Chosen One, he at least had massive potential to be the best Jedi they'd ever seen. Padme and Obi-Wan, the people he loves most, are the only ones who treat him with love that is entirely unrelated to him being the Chosen One. They didn't care about this aspect of him, didn't even believe it was true, and they loved him long before they realized "oh damn, he might actually be? Okay then." Palpatine manipulates Anakin by pretending to offer a similarly unselfish love. Anakin's head has been fucked with so much from going from one in a hundred million slaves to having the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders. He went from one extreme of being nothing to suddenly being everything to so many people. Extremely unstable world for an extremely unstable boy to be growing up in. Anakin is incredibly BPD coded and so being surrounded by such chaos while there's already so much going on in his head just broke him, over and over.
So yeah obviously him killing the Jedi was NOT right or righteous by any extent but as viewers we can understand how he reached this point after a childhood of abuse and then an adolescence and young adulthood filled with grooming, grief, war (I think some people forget the Clone Wars literally started when he was 19, like that is YOUNG and then he had the responsibility of Ahsoka's life thrust upon him essentially to test him and his ability to let go, which was unfortunately unfair for both him and Ahsoka) etc. Then his relationships with Padme and Obi-Wan are so complex because in both of these dynamics he's pushed away at some point despite Padme and Obi-Wan loving him so dearly. They try to protect him from himself and he doesn't understand why. It's all of these things that build the resentment not only for the Council but then Vader's resentment for Anakin himself. Because he was "weak." Because he "let" all of these horrible things happen to him.
Because in the end Anakin hurt himself as much as anything else. And he still can't let go of his attachments. He holds onto Obi-Wan long after RotS and holds onto both him and Padme through Luke in the end, thus bringing Anakin back to the surface through the fog of Vader. The kyber crystal comic is INSANE because it shows us how deep that love and those attachments still run.
Anyway answering rant over,,,,
T4T ANIDALA PULLING OUT MY "ANAKIN IS BASICALLY A CLONE OF SHMI MADE FROM THE FORCE AND LACKS MALE CHROMOSOMES FROM AN ACTUAL FATHER THEREFORE FTM ANAKIN" PROPAGANDA!!!! And toxic doomed Obikin. Clutching you. Shaking you. Shaking you like a toddler who has never seen a cat before shakes a cat. You get me
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onehundredthousandflies · 2 days ago
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Spencer x gn!autistic!Reader (use of y/n)
Words: 2,080
Summary: Spencer comes home from work find gn!autistic!Reader going through an overstimulation meltdown from a difficult day at your own job. With an abundance of patience and love, he helps you calm down.... by laying on top of you.
CW: unspecified timeline, no series spoilers, Reader is not described other than having hair, Vague mentions of sex, nonsexual intimacy, Reader has an autistic meltdown and temporarily goes nonverbal, Spencer redirects Reader's potentially self-harming stim, Spencer uses body contact preasure therapy on Reader
Not all autistic people are going to relate to this. Not all autistic people have nonverbal episodes, have meltdowns in this manner, or stim this way. I do, though. This is the most self-indulgent fic to have ever self indulged. Reader is me, and I want Spencer to squish the anxiety out of me with his body.
Click the Read More or read on A03.
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The red Persian rug in Spencer's apartment had probably been through a lot. With the way you paced erratically up and down your boyfriend's living room, however, you were certainly putting its durability to the test. His downstairs neighbors were probably concerned if, of course, they could hear your distressed hums and the sound of your hands repeatedly slapping against your thighs as you stomped across the floor. The fact that you were probably leaving bruises on yourself was the farthest thing from your mind.
You looked at the clock on the wall. 5:15.
Please come home, Spencer was all you could manage to think at the moment.  When you'd first gotten off of work, your only wish was to be alone in silence, away from the stresses of the overwhelming sights and sounds of your job.  But now, every moment you were left with your own thoughts was a moment that made your nerves hum and tingle even more loudly than the moment before.
You looked at the clock again, feeling as though it must have been at least half an hour since you last checked the time.
You groaned loudly and started scratching the back of your neck, but stopped when you remembered the pained look on Spencer's face last time he’d seen the angry red marks left from the last time you engaged in that particular stimming behavior. You opted instead to flap your hands beside your head, occasionally running your hand across your face as you continued to pace back and forth.
You knew he would be home soon. After a string of particularly grueling cases, Spencer's unit had been promised by the section chief that they would have the rest of the regular business week to stay at the BAU and catch up on reports. But your mind had a tendency to catastrophize against your will, especially on days like today where the very existence of the universe overwhelmed your every sense.
What if he'd been called away to some city across the country? What if it was another bad case like the last one, where it had taken them an entire week to hunt down a religious fanatic serial arsonist? What if he got hurt or held hostage or abducted again? What if...
You froze when you heard familiar footsteps coming up the stairs and stopping just outside the door.  You heard keys jingling and Spencer muttering something to himself.  You couldn't make out the words, but something about his tone seemed off in a way you couldn't discern.
Was he tired?  Was he frustrated?  Would he be upset when he walked throughout the door to find you having a meltdown in his living room when all he probably wanted to do after coming home from a long day was relax?
The thought of Spencer, your sweet, brave, caring, strong, gentle, handsome Spencer being even the slightest bit unhappy with you made your stomach feel like it was falling through the void.  Your hand waiving intensified, and your distressed hums grew louder.
As soon as you saw him, though, his face softened from whatever scowl he'd had before coming inside.  Still, you trembled slightly until he smiled softly.
"Hey, Y/N," he greeted while taking off his jacket and satchel bag to hang them on the coatrack by the door.  "Are you okay?"
You rapidly shook your head, and your hand waiving switched to slapping the front of your shoulders in a way you were only vaguely aware was painful.
"No," Spencer's voice was gentle but firm, "Y/N, stop."  He slowly moved your hands away from your body, allowing you to continue to waive them while still holding them.  "You can wave your hands all you need to, but I cannot let you hit yourself."
Eventually, your movements slowed enough that he felt safe releasing your hands, but as soon as he did, your fingers itched from the inside for something tactile.  You needed to touch something, preferably Spencer.
Typically during periods of overstimulation like this, physical touch was off limits; it felt like bugs crawling across your skin, the effects of which could linger for hours and make you shudder whenever you thought about it.  But with Spencer, it was different.  Not only did his touch make you feel safe and grounded, but he knew how to touch you in ways that didn't trigger every emergency alert signal in your nervous system.
You stepped towards him, hands still moving in the air between you, and started softly patting his chest with open palms.
He laughed, but not at you.  It was a warm, welcoming laugh that soothed both your heart and your nerves like sinking into a warm bath.
"What do you need right now, Sweetheart?"
You knew exactly what you needed, but looking for the words and making your voice say them was like playing scrabble and being one letter short of the word you wanted to spell.  So instead of answering verbally, you silently butted your head against Spencer's shoulder, wrapped your arms around his waist, and squeezed.
Spencer squeezed back, not too tightly at first, just testing your tolerance level.  To encourage him, you squeezed tighter, and he responded in kind. 
"Is this what you need?" He asked.  "Or do you need full preasure?"
Still unable to manage a verbal response, you released your hold around him.  You took him by the hand and practically dragged him towards the bedroom.
"Okay," he said, any you could hear the smile in his voice.
Once in the bedroom, you gracelessly flopped onto the bed and laid on your back.  You watched Spencer take off his tie and kick off his shoes, all the while smiling sweetly down at you.
"Comfortable?" he asked.
You nodded in response.  Eager for the weight of his body on yours, you held out your arms and made grabbed at the empty air.
Spencer understood the message and climbed into bed.  He kept his weight off of you at first, hovering over you with his knees between your parted legs and his hands beside your shoulders. 
You giggled at the thought of how intimate this position was, despite the fact that this particular form of intimacy had nothing to do with sex.  Sure, you both enjoyed that aspect of your relationship, but the ritual happening now was far more intimate than that.
"Happy?"  He kept his questions short and pointed: easier for you to process and respond to.
You nodded "yes."
"What do you do if you want me off?"
You reached up and gave his unruly chestnut hair a gentle tug.
Satisfied that the safe signal had been established, he slowly and carefully lowered himself down until the full weight of his body pressed you down into the soft mattress below you.  He firmly pinned your arms to the side with his and turned his head away from you, knowing that his breath on your neck could be uncomfortable.
You closed your eyes and breathed in the familiar comforting scent of the man pressed into to, mentally breaking down each note.  Sandalwood essential oil from his homemade laundry detergent, rosemary and lavender from his organic deodorant, the chemically artificial citrus from the airfreshener at the BAU, printer paper, oversweetened coffee, and something underneath it all that was uniquely and naturally Spencer.  Then, as you breathed out, your breath carried with it all the tension and pent-up nervous energy of the day. 
The steady rhythm of Spencer's heartbeat calmed your own, and your breathing synced up with his.  You inhaled as he exhaled and vice versa, all the while the warmth and weight of his body grounded your mind into a calm and steady hum as opposed to the cacophony of tangled thoughts it had been before Spencer got home.
Comfortable as you were, eventually your chest began to ache and your arms began to feel stiff.  You wriggled one arm out from under Spencer and tugged at his hair.
Silently and without hesitation, he eased himself off of you and settled onto his side facing you.
"Everything okay?"
You nodded and decided to at least try to speak.  "M'okay," You managed to mumble.  "That was nice."
"Good," he said and sat up on the edge of the bed.  "When was the last time you drank water?"
You opened your mouth to answer, but quickly closed it again because you honestly couldn't remember.  On your lunch break, maybe?  You didn't know, but now that Spencer had mentioned it, you did feel quite thirsty.
Spencer teasingly rolled his eyes.  "I'll go get you some.  Do you want ice?"
You shook your head and watched him leave the bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar behind him.
With Spencer out of the room, you instantly felt restless again.  Needing something to occupy you, you got up and picked up Spencer's disguarded tie, royal purple with lavender pinstripes, from the top of the dresser where he'd left it.  You hung it up on the proper tie hanger in the closet, making sure it went with the other purple ones.  You let your fingers linger on the fabric, enjoying the cool, smooth sensation of the silk against your skin. 
You got so fixated on the fabric texture that you almost didn't notice Spencer returning with a glass of water.
You smiled as he handed it to you, and you drank nearly half of it before stopping.
"You know," Spencer said, taking the cup and setting it down on the end table on your side of the bed, "dehydration can lead to irritability, fatigue, emotional disregulation, and impaired cognitive functions such as concentration and working memory. Sensory overstimulation already causes these problems in people with autism, which means when you don't drink enough water, you're only compounding the issue."
You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck, wincing slightly as you agitated the scratch you'd made there earlier.  "I know.  I'm sorry."
"I'm not upset," he assured you, and kissed your forehead.  "I know it's not always something you can control.  For now, why don't you lay back down?  I'll join you in a minute and we can rest for a while before we start on dinner, okay?"
Once again, you only nodded.  Words were still difficult, and he seemed to understand. 
He undressed down to his dark blue boxer-briefs while you got comfortable in bed.
"So what was the trigger today?" He asked as he pulled a tshirt and pair of plaid pajama pants from the dresser drawers.
You groaned into the pillow at the memory.  "One of my coworkers touched my arm which already had me on edge.  Then there was a fire alarm test and I guess I must have missed the warning announcement, because I wasn't expecting it.  My boss had me finishing a time-sensitive project, so I couldn't take a break to decompress. I had to mask for two whole hours even before the crowded, loud, smelly buss home made it worse."
Spencer listened intently to you account of your day while he dressed.  He was now wearing one of your favorites among his science joke tshirts.  It had a cartoonish picture of a beaker of water with arms and legs lifting dumbells with the text, "Why did the acidic water get a gym membership?  It wanted to be a buffer solution."
"I'm sorry that happened, Sweetheart," he said, climbing into bed next to you.  He didn't reach out for you at first.  Instead, he waited for you to initiate.  You rolled over and curled into him, and only then did he let his arm drape loosely over your waist.
"So what happened at the BAU today?" You asked.  "You were grumbling about something when you got home."
Spencer let out an exasperated sigh.  "Another team broke protocol during a takedown, which resulted in a hostage being injured.  Now everyone's takedown reports dating back for a month are being scrutinized, and several reports from my team had to be re-submitted."
"That sucks."
"Yeah, but I'm not worried about that right now.  I just want to lay here with you and relax."
You nuzzled into his chest and again took comfort in the feeling of his heartbeat.  "Me too."
The two of you laid there in comfortable silence until you decided to order in instead of cooking.  And if you took an accidental nap while waiting for dinner to arrive, Spencer never said so.
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spacegyaru · 2 days ago
cw: very toxic shidou! also, i'm having a baby fever rn after meeting my bf's nieces sooo. also, they're both 23 here!
toxic! shidou ryusei is the type to make you beg no matter what the circumstances are. whether it's in and out of the bed, if he has the chance to be a menace, he totally would be.
you remember staring back at the two lines that your pregnancy test kits left three weeks after officially breaking up with him. you cursed at yourself upon seeing it.
"ugh fuck," you whispered to yourself, after looking at the white stick you just used. you discovered that you were officially pregnant with your ex-boyfriend, ryusei shidou's baby.
well, the circumstances of the breakup weren't exactly ideal. you loved shidou dearly, but he started becoming a little bit toxic. it all started when you asked to break up with him for the sake of your career, but he refused to— you ended up having make up sex until you forgot about breaking up. after that, whenever you guys start having an argument, he brings up the fact that you almost broke up with him, even to the point of accusing you for cheating— but he wasn't agressive. it was more of a taunt to you, given his smug personality.
eventually, you got sick of it and broke up with him. now, you're in your bathroom, thinking whether you should tell him or not. you sigh, setting down the three tests, and taking a photo of them.
if you're going to be honest, you'd love to have kids— babies to be exact. but you're not sure about who their dad would be. also, you're not sure if your menacing ex would be the ideal man for that. besides, you're broke right now... which means, you'll be needing his help.
so with a little bit of hesitation, you texted him after deleting his contact, and not talking for the past two weeks, sending him a photo of those three tests.
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this is the first time he left you on read, and it made your blood boil. you were so mad.
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after that, you tossed your phone on the bed. why were you hoping for a good response from shidou anyway? that's like waiting for a shooting star.
until the next night...
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you couldn't stop your blood from boiling upon reading this. so you devised a plan to confront. the next day, you were angrily storming in to the sports arena, after his football practice. there's not a lot of people during that hour and he's usually the last person to leave. you entered the locker room, where you met him, with his towel hanging low from his hips. he smirked upon seeing you with an angry expression while approaching him.
"yo y/n—" shidou tried to greet you, but your palm came across his cheek. you slapped him with full of anger.
"you have the guts to greet me with a 'yo' when i just told you that i'm pregnant and you literally ignored me?!" you almost caused a scandal in the locker room, but it's a good thing that there's only the two of you in the whole place.
you thought shidou would argue back, but he didn't. he smirked, ignored you, and just got dressed. all while you waited for his answer. this is shidou's usual trick to provoke you. he's going to be quiet and wear a smug expression, until you get so angry... and eventually, you're gonna find yourself calming down.
"r-ryusei— hey, d-don't ignore me! hey!" you tried chasing him as he almost left while carrying his sports duffel bag, but you blocked his way, almost doing a t-pose. and he laughed upon you doing this. you got so embarrassed and flustered by his reaction.
"you're so funny, y/n." shidou said in a smug voice, "if you want my help, you gotta at least be nice to me, you know? you'll need to take me back to your life.~"
oh hell nah, shidou knows a lot. he knows that child was made by you and him. but of course... he won't give you what you want. not until you beg for it. not until you show him how dependent you are to him.
shidou didn't expect you to give in so fast though. but you had swallow your pride. you badly need his help.
"i-i— don't leave me alone, ryusei. this is your child too. i—" you were having a hard time blocking his way and he's surely having fun watching you chase him like this. "f-fine, i'll play nice and do whatever you want!"
again, for the third time, shidou managed to make himself crawl back in your life again. you could never get rid of this man.
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shanklin · 2 days ago
What if Stan gives shanklin a mini-Mr. Mystery outfit!
The two be twinning!
Also I was thinking what if Stan has a slow arc of learning how to be comfortable or trust adults again.
For reasons he can’t explain, he has a hard time being able to talk to adult men, his heart pounds faster, he feels a little queasy, and his palms get sweaty. Soos is a unexpected exception, with Soos, maybe it’s his more relaxed personality or the way that Soos sits with him and treats Stan like a friend, that makes Stan relax around him.
However for someone new like Melody, not only do Stan’s insecurities flare up, but so does his fight, flight, freeze or fawn instincts activate as well.
Melody feels like a threat to him at first, but gradually, Stan starts to feel safe with her too.
Also the Grunks & Grants,
In a way, their flaws give them room to grow and self reflect. By realizing their mistakes they made with Stan, maybe they themselves can learn to heal from past wounds.
I kinda think of this scene where Mabel finally figured out she messed up, the core problem of why Stan no longer trusts her. The realization came after something mundane, she was watching a parent with their kid, and their kid is throwing a tantrum.
So Mabel goes in to help. Another person who is watching, remarks how the kid is being selfish and should shut up. The parent of the kid though, defends their kid, and says,
“How about you shut up! Kids are allowed to be selfish! That’s the point of being a kid. If you make mistakes and learn and grow but you can’t do that if you’re self less all the time.”
That when it sort of clicks entirely for Mabel as she says in a quiet, broken voice, “They…are?”
The parent, looks over to Mabel and says, “I’ve knew someone who gave away every part of themselves, until there was nothing left. Seeing that… it’s heartbreaking to see someone become that. I refuse to let my kid, restrict themselves or keep from being who they are.”
I want to see a slow arc of Stan on rocky waters with Dipper and Mabel and eventually build that bond back up.
Speaking of slow rebuilding, like Ford and Stan, man.
Maybe Ford is frustrated because he doesn’t know his brother anymore and it feels like their bond is estranged. Ford is in denial trying to think everything is fine but knows deep down that he doesn’t know how to fix this. Also maybe there’s a certain bit of jealousy of Soos and Missy Gleeful who are able to get along better with Stan now. That’s supposed to be his twin, sure Ford wanted space, but he also misses his brother. But he doesn’t know the right words or actions to get them to reconcile, to get Stan to look him in the eyes. Or for Stan to stop looking all jumpy all the time.
Also the thing with Missy Gleeful is incredibly interesting!!! Like since the two can bond over bad dads, maybe the two start to learn how to unravel and be kids again. Maybe Missy Gleeful helps Stan’s business in secret.
Oh and Wendy!! What ideas should we do with Wendy?
Selfish Shellfish AU - Masterpost
Oh dear anon, this is a mess of a reply and I couldn't keep my thoughts straight. But here you go. A long answer for a long ask.
Stan & the Adults
That’s exactly what I need.  And I need it to hurt. For every step forward they move two steps back.
The heartbreaking thing is, Stan doesn’t blame them. Hell, Stan doesn’t blame Filbrick for being hard on him. They were just trying to help him. To fix him.
How does Stan repay his family? By killing the one person who stayed with him through everything and avoiding and disappointing the others. Stan was supposed to be better by now, more grown up so they want him around and now look at him. 
He’s a good for nothing murderer who convinced a guy, who is too nice to know any better, to take him in and when he gets the chance to go back to his family and prove to them that he can still be better and regrets his actions, he runs away. He hides at Soos’ house and refuses to see them.
He cannot lose them again, so he leaves them first instead. 
Stan living with Soos would also mean the Pines might get the wrong idea.
Who is this creep? He can’t just kidnap Stan! Is Stan having Stockholm Syndrome? 
They already found out some of what happened in New Jersey and want to help. But they make it worse. And then Ford remembers the whole “Extra Stan 3$ or better offer” debacle and comes to the conclusion that Filbrick might’ve sold Stan to Soos and then Soos killed Filbrick to make sure Stan has no where to return to.
The accusations get worse and worse and Stan is cornered. With no way out, he explodes and lets more slip than he meant to, which throws him into a panic attack. 
Neither Dipper, nor Mabel, not even Ford can calm him down and it’s Soos who tells them to step back and give him some space. Then they catch a glimpse of Stan clinging to Soos like his life depends on it [something Stan will deny until his dying breath] and realise it might be for the best if Stan stays with Soos for now.
I'm all here for Stan being scared of other adults. Especially now that he’s not with Filbrick anymore and has time to calm down and process.
He would be terrified of Dipper and Maybel and not understand why. They are safe. He loves them. They never hurt him. Why is he sure they will?
On a slightly different note, Stan being afraid of Melody is as heartbreaking as it is funny to me. He’s a little scared kitten hissing at her and hiding, while she does absolutely nothing that could be considered threatening. But then she starts feeding him and her sandwiches are really delicious, so maybe she's not so bad.
I keep imagining Stan to be younger and younger and this. Poor boy is aging backwards in my mind.
[...Actually doing a whole thing where Stan gets deaged and is also mentally a small child but with all of his memories intact would be such sweet torture. One of my favourite tropes. It also would give us an older brother Ford who is actually older than Stan mentally. I’d read the shit out of it. ahhhh]
I absolutely love the scene you have in mind for Mabel. I’m SHAKING YOU. AHHHHH!
Yes YES. Realising that you might actually be part of the problem, it’s terrifying and extremely hard to come to terms with. You didn‘t want to be the bad guy. Your intentions were all good. This isn’t fair! You didn’t mean to! 
Stan & Ford
Stan and Ford's whole relationship is just this song on repeat. Simply switch the piano out for a ship and we’re good.
From the outside Stan looks fine at first. He’s making other friends in Soos and Missy and avoids Ford. It just proves to Ford what he always knew. Stan would’ve been better off without his freak of a brother holding him back. Maybe Stan not visiting him wasn’t because of Filbrick after all.  
Okay but honestly, I feel so bad for Ford. He just wanted to have some space, friends and things for himself and in the process failed to see how much Stan was hurting, especially considering they both got bad advice from their trusted adults. Suddenly, he lost his best friend. However by the time Ford realised it, Stan had started to come up with excuses not to visit and Ford had no guideline to deal with that, so he resorted back to what he’s been told by the adults in his life. And here we are.
The thing is, the only way for Stan to open up to Mabel and Dipper is if he first fixes things with Ford.
What I need is for Ford, Mabel and Dipper to fall apart over their inability to make things right with Stan. It gets bad. They’re not talking and blaming each other. Ford eventually spends as much time as possible away from the house.
And where better to spend his time than his secret hiding spot. A small cave by the late. It might not be so secret anymore though as he keeps finding evidence that someone else has been coming here as well recently.
One day, after another fight over what to do about Stan, he finds someone at his secret cave.
It’s Stanley. Of course Stanley is the one who has been coming here as well. Ford should've known. It’s such a them thing to do. Or at least it used to be. 
Stanley has been crying. When he notices Ford he jumps up and moves to leave but then their eyes meet for the first time in three years and Stan’s whole demeanor shifts. 
Why is Ford crying? Who hurt him? Who does Stan need to beat up?
Ford starts sobbing and Stan is at loss as to what to do. 
Ford asks him to stay just in case the bullies come back and his brother hesitantly agrees.
They don’t talk. Ford is too scared to break the silence. Everytime he attempted to talk before, Stan would block him out or escape. Stan doesn’t seem to be in a mood for it either. He’s too tense and twitchy, but he stays until the sun begins to set and tells Ford he has to go or Soos will be worried. 
They walk back together and when the path splits Ford thanks Stanley for keeping him company.
Stan hesitates. 
“Is - is everything alright at home?”
Ford smiles.
“Yes, don’t worry about it, Stanley. Just some bullies from school.”
They go their separate ways. There is no goodbye, no see you later, but the next day both boys meet up again at the lake.
It’s a slow and quiet thing, getting to know each other. They both changed, became different people and both are not yet ready to address what happened to them.
Instead, almost subconsciously, they start collecting wood and other tools and bring them to their base. They don’t discuss what they’re doing, but when Ford starts drawing up blueprints Stan is there ith him making his own suggestions and adjustments. 
The boat they’re trying to build looks nothing like the one they found back in Jersey. And maybe that’s for the best. The old boat’s keel had already been cracked when they started the repairs. The Stan-o-War I was never destined to last.
They don’t know if the new boat will be able to sail either, or if it will leave them drowning at sea, but they give it their best shot.
Over the next weeks, months, their boat starts to take shape. They talk more and they fight, and it hurts and some days they refuse to even look at each other,  but they still keep working on their boat, until one day they realise it's ready to set sail.
(They had to postpone the sailing for another day. They couldn’t stop crying. But that's okay, it’s a secret they keep to themselves.)
This all happened at their little hidden spot by the lake. No one else knows. Not their friends, not the adults. 
Grunkle Dipper and Grauntie Mabel have no idea what’s going on with Ford, just that he is leaving the house much more frequently and longer than usual. They decide to keep their fighting to a minimum and try to apologize to Ford. He’s been struggling much more than them. They were…really selfish.
Meanwhile Stan wants to believe Ford when he tells him that Dipper and Mabel love him and want to apologize. 
Ford slaps him over the head when Stan suggests that there is nothing to apologize for. It’s all his fault. Another slap.
Ouch, ouch, okay geez. Fine. Stan promised to trust Ford so he will do that. He is…just not quite ready to face them yet. As himself that is.
What I’m saying is, time for a twin switch! 😂
Ford makes it a point to only wear gloves at home, which worries Dipper and Mabel to no end, but nothing they do will persuade him to stop. 
As soon as that very important plot hole has been solved, they do the switch. At first only for a couple of minutes, then longer. Fiddleford was kind enough to build them some spy gear so Ford can listen in and talk to Stan just in case things go south. 
It works. Much better than expected. Stan gets used to his Grauntie and Grunkle again and starts seeing their past interactions in a different light. 
Mabel and Dipper talk to “Ford” about how much they love Stan, how much they messed up, how sorry they are. And they chastise “Ford” when Stan offhandedly mentions that it was all Stan's fault to begin with.
Through all their talks and time spent together Stan somehow manages to fix what was broken between Mabel and Dipper and gets to learn more about their story and how it affected his own. And with understanding comes forgiveness.
One day, months later Mabel and Dipper come down for breakfast and see double.
“Could you pass me the maple syrup, Stan?”
“Why yes, Stan. Here you go”
Stan & Miss Gleefull
Just them hanging out and Missy just being really happy that Stan isn’t bothered by her need to clean every time she’s stressed or nervous. It’s the only way she knows how to cope. If she's cleaning she’s doing something useful. And if she's useful, there is no reason to shout at her. She can simply be ignored. 
Just keep cleaning. Just keep cleaning. 
Stanley doesn’t mind her quirks and skittish nature. He doesn’t make fun of her when they're outside and she pulls out a hand brush to clean the pavement because a loud noise startled her.
Instead, he steals some gloves for her to make sure she won't injure her hands on the sharp stones.
Stan is really sweet. She wishes she could do something for him as well, but there is no much use for her besides cleaning. So all she can do is listen when he finally talks about himself and everything that happened with his father.
She already knew, of course, that they were the same. His story changed nothing. Stan was still the same. He was still her friend, even if he worried she would leave him after his confession.
Missy just hums, offers to clean his hands and spends the rest of the afternoon doing just that.
They are both a bit strange and broken. But at least they have each other now. 
Stan & Wendy 
As for Wendy, same answer as with Soos XD
Have no idea what Wendy’s usual role in relativity falls is
I don’t care, don't tell me
Wendy is Wendy so in my mind she's at most a couple of years older than Stan. Still a teenager though
I kind of want her to be stressed out and miserable that she's once again forced to go to spend her summer at logging camp unless she finds a job by the end of the month.
And to make things worse the empty house she usually crashed at when she needed some space for herself is occupied, because the owner decided to return far earlier than usual and for some reason that one nerd from her school moved in as well?
I can’t think of anything specific right now, sorry. But I need Stan to offer her a job. Both Wendy and Soos are his people. His little found family, that Stan already had in canon before the twins arrived. 
We all know everyone's 2nd or 3rd favourite episode where Stan teaches her how to steal, yeah?. 
Of course we can switch it around and have Wendy be a cool aunt who teaches Stan how to steal and all that but meh. A tiny Stan, teaching her his ways would be much more fun to me. 
I imagine Stan to be very well versed in stealing, considering how often Filbrick kicked him out for a night or two and he had to get himself food and supplies by other means. And no way he ever bought Stan any new clothes or other necessities. So stealing it was. Fun stuff.
And to close this mess of an answer off, have a quote from a certain other show about two brothers that I shamefully obsess over every now and then:
Kids ain't supposed to be grateful. They're supposed to eat your food and break your heart. 
Nothing to add. That one is just here for the vibes.
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whosyourmommy69 · 3 days ago
Short Story of Falling in love with Rafe Cameron
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The first time I saw him, I thought he was trouble. That was the thing everyone said that about him. He had this reckless, almost dangerous aura that surrounded him. Blonde hair , piercing eyes that never seemed to miss a thing, and a smile that could be either a warning or a promise. I should’ve known better.
But I didn’t.
It started at a party one of those endless nights where people float from room to room, doing god knows what barely remembering the faces they meet. I hadn’t expected to be noticed. Then he appeared, leaning against the table bent down, one arm casually slung over it. he leans up and his eyes caught mine for a moment. It was brief, but it felt like an eternity. He didn’t look away.
“Who’s this?” he asked sitting up wiping his nose , his voice almost playful, but there was something under it, something darker.
I smiled awkwardly, trying to stay composed. "Im trying to find my friend in this mess.
He laughed “You need some help?" Cmon just say no, just say no. "uh yea sure, She has blonde hair"
He smirked at me, "Gonna have to be more specific than that baby, You see how many girls here have blonde hair. What's she wearing"
"uh yea right um she has a blue dress on." I replied.
What started off as an innocent searched ended in us on his boat, drinking something from a bottle that looked like it costed more than my rent. One thing lead to another and before I know it I wake up in a bed. I was cold, naked, alone, and PISSED.
Since that night he started showing up everywhere. I’d catch him in the hallways at school or a tagged post on my instagram. At first it was annoying. This guy I have never met all of a sudden is every where in my life. So I did what any girl would do and I stalked him. I stalk his friends, his friends of friends, his siblings, even his parents. I followed behind him to his classes. You know I even went as far as talking the road that passes his house thinking maybe just maybe I would catch a glimpse of him.
This went on for weeks until one day he was there. I couldn't believe it. The guy who flipped my whole world upside down in just one night, sitting in his truck. I felt like the world stopped moving for a second when he looked up at me getting out the truck.
"hey stalker" he yelled from across the driveway, walking towards me.
"Not a stalker just passing through" I say calmly putting my head down.
"Mhm Im sure stalker. Where you coming from and where's your car?" he says almost like its a crime that Im walking.
"I uh don't have one, and Im coming back from work."
"let me give you a ride" he says smirking
I hesitated for a second before nodding, walking up to the truck and sliding into the passenger seat. The air between us was thick with unspoken tension, I tried to hide it the way my hands would hold onto my pants. With every second spent in his presence I tried to act normal, like this was just another casual ride. But inside, I was a nervous wreck. I mean I had given up hope of even talking to him again, let alone in his car with him alone. And yet here I was, in his car, close enough to smell the faint scent of his cologne. I looked at his hands thinking about the last time they were on me.
Rafe's attention was still on the road. He looked over with a look of something that felt like a challenge. My heart raced, the realization of what was happening settling in.
The drive felt like it took forever, but when he finally reached my street, Rafe didn’t immediately slow down. Instead, he pulled up just past my house and parked at the curb. I turned to look at him, my breath caught in my chest.
“Thanks for the ride,” I said, my voice a little more breathless than I intended.
Rafe didn’t say anything at first. His gaze lingered on me dark and intent. It made my skin prickle. The air between us thickened, like something was about to shift.
“You know,” Rafe said, his voice low, almost teasing. “I've been thinking about that night, and I know you have been to."
I blinked, unsure if I heard him right. “What?”
“Don’t act dumb, I've never seen you on my street before that night” he smirked, leaning closer, his face inches from mine now. “ and I also see the way you watch me. The way you follow me around when you think I’m not looking.” His words sent a shivers down my spine. He knew. He had known all along.
My cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, Rafe was already kissing me soft at first like he was testing to see how I would act. I melted into it, my body reacting instinctively.
The kiss deepened, and I felt a warmth spread through my chest. The low hum of the engine, the rhythm of his breath against mine, it just felt so right. I had dreamed of this moment ever since that night on the boat, but now that it was happening, everything was different.
When we finally pulled away, my head was spinning. Rafe just laughed softly, his lips curling into a satisfied grin.
“You’ve been watching me for a while, haven’t you?” he whispered, his voice rough.
I nodded “I didn’t think you’d notice.”
“I know everything” Rafe murmured, his hand brushing against mine before he slowly withdrew. “I can't always make the first move stalker”
And with that, he started the engine again, pulling away from the curb. I watched him disappear down the street, my body still warm from the moment we shared. As I turned to head inside, I couldn’t help but smile.
Little did I know this was either the beginning of the greatest love Ive ever known, or the most painful heartbreak Ive ever experienced.
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Author: There is going to be multiple parts!! so stay tuned hope u enjoy!!
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starconstruction · 22 hours ago
Want to ask how 🌙 will do or react when they caught reader enjoying themselves while moaning their name
How Loona reacts to you calling out their name
5-6-1 split, categorised by {F} and {M} respectively. Some of these use the idea more tangibly than others. This one was quite fun even though i dont think its up to the same quality as the others
Vivi {F}
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The gentle R&B music played from your phone, sat comfortably on the desk as your head was on laying on your pillow, hand rubbing in between your legs as you scurried away off to your thoughts. Imagining all the various not so innocent things you'd do with your best friend.
Vivi didnt quite know what to expect when she walked into your house, coming to deliver your laptop you somehow forgot for the 86th time. You didn't answer the door but she had free reign to enter so she did. Coming upstairs as she heard faint whimpers coming from your bedroom.
"Eugh! Fuck... right there Vivi!" Her ears perked up at the sudden mention of her name, pushing the handle as her jaw dropped. Her best friend greedily rubbing herself while calling out their name. Heat pooling between her thighs as she laid the laptop down on the desk.
"Y/N?" She called out, you turned to face her in utter shock, hand pulling the blanket over your exposed body. "Oh! Err, its not what it looks like!" You reasoned, her eyes furrowed. "It isn't? You weren't just calling out my name?" She teased, keeping her usual playful attitude as she started to leave. "Guess i'll just be going then..."
The words ripped out of your throat long before you had any hope in stopping them, "No! Please... help me out?" You begged. Vivi's lips curving into a smile as her hand ripped off the blanket exposing your legs. "Happily, my pretty girl looks so good.." She cooed, getting comfortably nestled into between your thighs as her head dipped down to your needy pussy "This is going to be a long night Y/N" she warned, taking the first taste of her best friends juices as you moaned out.
And oh god it was, not stopping until the birds of the dawn started to sing.
Yves {F}
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The hotel room laid dark as Yves and you sunk into the cheap bed, eyes closed as you desperately tried to get some shut-eye. But you couldn't, because of her.
Your mind racing with the thoughts of Yves, in various positions across the hotel. Bent over the bathroom sink, bent over the mini kitchen counter, bent over the bed, basically anywhere as long as she was at your mercy.
Your fingers got a bit too eager, slowly entering your body as you let out quiet whimpers. Unaware that the girl you were thinking of started to stir behind you. Listening to the squelching noises coming from across the room, slowly coming to reality when she heard a particularly loud noise "Mmmmph! Yves, you taste so good.." Your eyes shot opened when you realized how loud that was.
"Thinking about me Y/N?" Yves teased you, swapping beds as she sat on top of your chest, hand pushing your chin up to face you. "I can assure you I taste so much better than in your dreams Honey." The nickname made your heart flutter as her proximity made your face flush.
"Meet me in the bathroom, I can assure you it'll be worth it." She purred, and then she was gone.
You never ran so fast.
Jinsoul {M}
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Your dick laid rigid in your hand as you laid down on your bed, photo of your idol roommate Jinsoul in her DALL costumes. Stroking up and down as you scrolled through her pics, the way her tits popped against the fabric, the way she smiled gave your heart a flutter as you kept going.
Jinsoul decided to come into your room, curious if you would like to get lunch together when she was suddenly surprised. Her roommate aggressively jerking himself off, rasping her name as her face laid on his phone screen.
She's used to people finding her attractive, but its different when its someone she also found attractive. "Y/N, those pictures aren't going to do the job silly." She teased, taking off her shorts as she laid in front of you. Giving you a perfect view of her curvy ass "Here, see what the fans don't." You put your phone down as your hand rubbed her asscheek as u jerked off with your other hand to the body in front of you.
You didnt last much longer, painting Jinsoul's back (and a bit of her clothes, whoops!) a thick creamy mess as she got up "We could visit that new asian food place that opened up, or we could fuck and just eat leftovers... Your choice." She asked, acting like there wasn't a clear option.
You two ate leftover fried rice together after a strong night of fucking Jinsoul.
Haseul {F}
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Haseul slurped your juices from between your legs, tongue licking into your fleshy pink cunt as you grabbed her hair. How did you end up in this scenario? You moaned her name out for a joke, which immediately spurred her on. And under no circumstance would you turn down the Cho Haseul wanting to eat you out. Literally who would?
"Ugh, mommy keep going!" You whimpered, pulling her in as she brought you to the pinnacle of pleasure. Detonating on her tongue as your body flashed a warm red.
You said to yourself to not make that same mistake again, but you did it again and again, and it worked every time.
Kim Lip {M}
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Jungeun came home from her college class, expecting a warm welcome or hearing a youtube video from her roommate. But nothing, your shoes were there so she sought you out.
You were home, laying comfortably spread out as porn played in your headphones. Lube covered hand as you listened to the audio, blissfully unaware to the Jungeun who's walked in. Trying to get your attention, eyes fully closed as you moaned out "fucck Jungeun."
Her face went a beat red as she left the room, she didn't act upon it that night. But the next night, well lets just say you were seeing stars as she buried you inside her.
Heejin {F}
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Heejin, much like Kim Lip doesn't immediately act upon it after she hears you moan her name, instead she waits until you two go outside together to the shopping mall. Dragging you to the bathroom as you two start to make out against the wall of the bathroom stall.
"You were so whiny for me last night..." She purred, pressing her knee in between your legs as you gasped into her lips, fully swollen from the intense making out you two just did. "You are going to do that again for me right? Right here? Let everyone who walks in know who you belong to." Heejin's voice was overly sweet as her fingers found inside your panties, fingers playing with you as she started off slowly.
Lets just say that expedition was not the only time you two had some fun.
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It's kinda a boring answer but i genuinely do not think Chuu would act upon it at all if she heard it, just move on and never mention it again.
maybe masturbate to the idea of walking in on you once or twice
Hyunjin {M}
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You were sat comfortably on the couch, a sudden burst of horniness took over you. Hand working the usual magic as the thoughts of Hyunjin entered your head, she's been gone for awhile so surely she won't be back before you finish up right?
Of course you were wrong, Hyunjin came in as she heard you moan "Hyunjin, hyunjin god hyunjin!" She rubbed your head as you opened your eyes in shock, "Hey Y/N." She said casually, sitting down next to you. "Give me a show will ya?"
You two faced each other, resuming your stroking as Hyunjin's hand started to find her own pleasure. Fingers violently slamming in and out of her pussy as she got off to you getting off, a shared release as you shot semen onto Hyunjin's legs.
Gowon {M}
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The queues of your video game was so atrociously long that you started absentmindedly jerking off, it happens. I guess.
Hand wrapping around your length as you thrusted into your palm, you couldn't hear what you were moaning, if you were moaning. Fortunately for you, Gowon could and she was right behind you.
A sudden tug of your headphones alerted you to her presence, "Moaning for me?" She asked as you nodded "Come to my bedroom, no offense but im not sitting on yours." She said, walking away.
Your tongue buried into Gowon's pussy, lapping up her essence as she gagged on your cock. Thrusting into her mouth as she moaned around your tip, neither of you lasted that much longer as you reached your high, shooting into her mouth as she came all over your face. Never to talk about this again.
Choerry {F}
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You get the memo by now, you're lying down on your bed, fingers firing in and out as Choerry walked in, she smiled at the sound of her name. "You want some help?" She asked casually, your head nodding pleadingly as she grabbed the strap-on she had in her bedroom.
She came back, wasting no time in getting inside of you as she gave you the pounding of the life. Breaking one of posts of your bed, causing it to be sunk slightly. But you wouldn't trade it for the world.
Hyeju + Yeojin {M}
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Lets spice it up for the final one.
Your sat in your girlfriend's bed, blissfully unaware to the fact she's brought a friend over! Damn the luck. This isn't the first time you two have masturbated in each other's bedroom, you two kinda got off on it.
You moaned your girlfriends name, and suddenly you hear two voices. Both Hyeju and Yeojin, you could never have expected Yeojin to suddenly suggest you three have a threesome!
Hyeju's pussy gripped against you tightly eagerly taking your body as Yeojin's legs wrapped around her head, feverishly licking her slick up. Shared moans as you called both of their names this time, enjoying the sensations of Hyeju as you creamed her cunt.
You three had a small fling going on together after that.
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fizzyapplecandy · 12 hours ago
The one where you fall in love with a pirate
Hyung line X fem reader
Genres and warnings: short imagines, fluff, mature language, humor, so many kisses
Word count: 4k
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I've been on a roll with our hyung line, and I can't stop thinking about a pirate au. Maknae line will be out shortly.
Lots of love, and happy reading X
Your relationship with the Captain has always been a bit strained. He wasn't too fond of a female crewmate, but his fellow pirates adored you. He, for the life of him, couldn't understand why. Women weren't meant to be out on the sea, and you'd proved his point many times. You were constantly sea sick, the rocking causing your nausea. You hated getting wet, which happened a lot on a pirate ship. You also hated how out of touch you were with the world all the time.
Sure, you cooked for them. You even payed attention to all of their preferences, always making a variety of dishes. You kept the deck pristine, and the boys now had clean clothes, sewn together where needed, always neatly stacked in their cupboards.
Wooyoung pleaded with him to take you in, stating how cruel the townspeople were towards you. Your father was a gambler, and people were after you to pay his debts.
To this day, Hongjoong doesn't know what came over him to say yes. Maybe it was the terror written so clearly on your face, or the bruises visible on your arms. Or the fact that you were... Pretty. Soft spoken, well mannered, and a much needed addition to their ship.
He would never admit it out loud.
One night, he couldn't sleep, so he went out on the deck to get some fresh air. He was surprised to see you there, sitting on a barrel in your nightgown. The flimsy material wasn't enough to keep you warm, he thought. Nights in the open sea could get extremely cold.
Without much thought, he took off his coat and placed it over your shoulders.
You weren't aware of his presence until he did so, and it startled you for a second.
"Oh, Captain! You don't need to do that, you'll freeze!" You were about to take it off and give it back, but Hongjoong stopped you, placing his warm hands over your cold ones.
"No need. I can handle it. You on the other hand..."
He took in your red cheeks and pale lips, your whole body shivering, teeth almost clicking together.
You chuckled and wrapped the coat tighter around yourself.
"You're right. Silly me, I was in such a rush..." You stopped suddenly, turning your head away.
Hongjoong leaned on one of the pillars, gaze fixed on you.
"In a rush? Care to explain?"
You swallowed, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. Hongjoong was intimidating, and you experienced first hand why the called him the 'Sea Monster' in your town. However, the amount of care he put into his crew, the sheer worry on his face whenever one of them wasn't okay... It told you much more about the stoic Captain than he liked to show.
"Well... I kind of... Have nightmares. They aren't that bad anymore. I think being on this ship with all of you helps." You glanced at him, noticing how he hasn't moved an inch, paying attention to your words.
"Sometimes I need to feel present. I need to know that it was just a dream. So the cold kind of... It lets me know I'm here, and I'm safe."
You stood up and turned towards him fully.
"Does that sound weird?"
There was a pause between you. No words were said, but your eyes never left eachother.
"No, it doesn't sound weird. But getting hypothermia isn't the best solution, you know?"
Did he just joke around with you? That's a first. Before you could help it, a giggle left your mouth. You quickly covered it with your hand, eyes widening.
"Am I amusing you, Miss Y/N?"
Hongjoong's tone was relaxed, and you felt like he was almost mocking you, but not in a bad way.
"Ah, no, no! Sorry! It's just... I haven't talked to you like this... Ever. So, you know..." You trailed off, not knowing what to say.
The Captain made his way over to you, now inches apart. He took in every little detail of your face, as if he finally gave himself permission to indulge in his curiosity towards you.
"We talk. You just don't listen to me. Maybe you find me boring compared to the others?"
You flailed your arms around, shaking your head.
"Of course not! You're not boring! I mean, your the Captain! You always tell these amazing stories, and you're so kind towards everyone, even though you don't like to admit it. You... You saved my life that day, and I'm forever in your debt."
Hongjoong didn't know what came over him. One moment he was watching how your chest rose and fell after your energetic exclamation, and in the other, his hands were on your cheeks, lips firmly planted against yours.
You made a noise of surprise, not expecting the kiss, but you certainly didn't mind. In your head, it kind of happened differently, but now that you were wrapped in each others embrace, you wouldn't want it any other way.
There was no saying who pulled away first, but you were both breathing heavily, and your giggles filled the air again.
"Oh my Captain... That was..."
"Yeah... I... Y/N..."
You shushed him, grabbing his cheeks between your palms, placing another sweet kiss on his lips.
That night, in the warmth of his embrace, you were rooted in the moment, and it was the best one in your life so far.
Hongjoong just had to make sure the next one would be even better.
Of course he had the task of keeping the princess occupied. He figured they'd make Yeosang do it, but he would have probably freaked you out with his staring.
Seonghwa watched as you shifted in your seat, back straight, hands crossed in your lap. You were the epitome of royalty, and you stood out like a sore thumb in the dingy old room on their ship.
For someone who's just been kidnapped and held at ransome, you seemed pretty calm.
"How much money did you ask for?"
Seonghwa's eyebrows furrowed.
"Excuse me?"
You turned towards him, your stance as perfect as ever.
"Money? You did ask for it in favour of giving me back? Otherwise this would be a ridiculous way of courting me."
The pirate stood flabbergasted. A smile was about to make it's way on your face, but you managed to control your emotions.
"Well..." He started, voice a bit unsure. "Our Captain does the deals, but I assume you're worth a pretty penny."
You nodded, and he thought you'd go back to being poised, but you managed to surprise him again.
You shot up from your seat, startling the poor man. The crown you wore was ripped from your head, and you placed it in front of Seonghwa.
"Here, this is worth more than a pretty penny. Go give it to your captain, and ask him if he needs a maid or a cook on this ship."
Seonghwa watched the woman, noticing how her expression hasn't changed. She was dead serious about this.
"You heard me. I'm sick and tired of living like Rapunzel! You probably don't know who that is, but nevermind. I want to sail around the world, go on adventures, you know? I don't want to marry a prince, and I cannot stand being in dresses like this anymore!"
Seonghwa didn't know whether to be scared or turned on by you. You were a strong willed woman, and you weren't backing down. For some reason, he couldn't help but feel intrigued. Maybe keeping you with them wouldn't be such a bad idea?
He stood up from his seat and grabbed the crown from the table. Without another glance towards you, he went to the door.
"I'll see what I can do."
"Oh come on! You literally don't let me do anything fun around here!"
"Yeah, well, that's because you get into trouble more than I anticipated. Now let go!"
You and Seognhwa were playing tug of war with your favorite bag. The boys went out into town to gather supplies for your next trip, and you wanted to go with them. Seonghwa was stuck babysitting you again, and he wouldn't let you leave.
"Please! Do you hate me? Do you not want to see me happy! Come on Hwa!"
It's been about three months since you ran away with them, leaving your castle and princess status behind. Seonghwa asked you from time to time if you regret your decision, but the answer was always a strong 'No'.
"Princess, I've about had it with you! Can you please just let go and sit still for once!"
Now, that wasn't the tone of voice he usually used with you. He was accustomed to your antics, and he let you do whatever you wanted, but he never once sounded as serious about saying no as now.
You slowly loosened your grip on the strap, and you could tell something was wrong with him.
"Hwa? Hey, I won't go. See? Here's the bag, take it. I'll stay on the ship."
He only nodded before turning around and marching to the other end of the deck. You quickly followed after him, trying to look at his face, but he wouldn't turn your way.
"Seonghwa? I know I'm a bit tough to deal with, but something's up with you. Wanna tell me before we start a guessing game?"
His hands gripped the railing tightly, and he tried to calm down enough to look at you. Seonghwa knew his fear was a bit irrational, but it wouldn't go away. He also knew he had to tell you before you started freaking out.
So, he took a deep breath and turned to look into your eyes.
"Listen. I know you love it here. I know you love the boys, the ship, the food Wooyoung makes, the strange animals San sometimes brings aboard... But what if..." His gaze fell to the floor.
"What if, one day, you venture out into the city and realise you miss it? What if you want to go back?"
Seonghwa paused, noticing how quiet you were. As if sensing his unease, you came closer and took his hands in yours.
"Go on." You whispered.
"I can't let you go, Y/N. I... You've made me so happy. Even though you give me constant headaches, I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Oh Seonghwa..."
Before he could tell you to let him down easily, he was surprised with your lips pressed onto his. He quickly gathered himself, wrapping his strong arms around your waist, getting lost into the passionate kiss between you.
You pulled away first, and he was about to chase after you, not wanting it to be over, but you placed a finger on his lips.
"I just want to say... I will never leave you. Yes, I love exploring the city, but I've found my home now."
You leaned your forehead onto his.
"You are my home, Seognhwa."
After that, he let you wander off as much as you wanted, because he knew you'd always come back to him.
"Hey! Get back here you son of a bitch!"
Yunho never ran so fast in his life before. His legs were about to give out, but thank goodness the dock was close.
You see, he may or may not have gotten into a slight altercation with a merchant.
The man wanted Yunho to pay for the compass, whereas Yunho... Well... Didn't.
Now, he was in a chasing match with said merchant, as well as three of his friends. They were surprisingly slow, and he thought he was in the clear until he bumped into something.
Or more precisely, someone.
The basket you held flew up in the air, and it was raining apples all around.
"I think he went that way boss!" The men were coming closer, and Yunho cursed from his position on the floor. You on the other hand dusted off your skirt before kicking the man in the leg.
"Hey, I'd say you have about five seconds before they catch you, so why don't you hide in my shop?"
His eyes widened, and he quickly got up and followed after you. You ushered him behind the counter and motioned for him to stay quiet.
There was noise outside, and the door of your shop opened.
"Hello there Miss Y/N. You didn't happen to see a mongrel with long legs running around?"
Yunho glanced at you from his crouched position, and you seemed casual enough.
"No, I can't say that I have. Sorry gentlemen."
They grumbled, but soon enough, the shop was enveloped in silence. You glanced outside, seeing them going back where they came from.
"All clear now big boy. You can come out."
Yunho poked his head up, and you chuckled. The tall man gave you a youthful vibe, and the smile on his face made you stop in your tracks.
"That was a close one. Thank you, little lady. I'm sorry about your apples."
You waved him off while he curiously looked around your bookshop.
"Wow, quite a collection. Are you the owner?"
"My father is. I just help around when I can. Now..." You stepped closer to him, examining his handsome features.
"What did you do? That was one hell of a chase."
Yunho laughed, but he stopped abruptly to check his pockets. He let out a sigh of relief as he took the small compass out. He extended his hand and held it over to you.
"Oh, wow. Did you steal it?" You watched as he nodded, expression almost sheepish.
"I didn't bring any money with me, and I know my Captain wouldn't let me go back for it because we're in a hurry, so..."
He trailed off, but you got his point.
"Ahh... I see. Well, in that case you might want to hurry to your ship before Mister Jung finds you."
His eyes widened and he rushed past you towards the door. You were almost sad to see him go.
"Thank you, again. I wish you all the best!"
He was out before you could reply, but you followed after him to watch as he ran down the street, an apple from your basket in his hand as well.
"What a silly boy..."
It's been about a month since your encounter with the gentle giant, as you called him. You couldn't stop thinking about his handsome face, and it made you sad every time. You figured he was a pirate by the way he dressed, and he only confirmed it when he mentioned his ship.
Your father always knew you were a free spirit, and he was sad you chose to stay in the city and spend your days in the bookstore. He knew you felt uneasy about leaving him, but he couldn't convince you to change your mind. That is, until he found a young man curiously peeking through the shop window.
The tall man came inside, and he could sense his nervousness in the air.
"Hello there... Is... Is the little lady somewhere around here?"
Your father smiled. "Oh, my daughter. She went out to get us some fruit. You're welcome to wait inside."
Yunho nodded, and went over to one of the shelves to browse. It didn't take long for you to return, and you almost dropped the basket of pears you were holding.
Yunho turned towards you, a big smile spreading across his face.
"Hey there! Long time no see!"
You glanced at your father, and he nodded slightly before smirking. After that, he stood up and went to the back to give you some privacy.
"Yeah, long time... What are you doing here?"
You placed the pears on the counter, offering one to... Well you didn't know his name.
"Well, I... I had to go and settle my debt with Mister Jung. I also..."
He took the fruit from your hand, fingers brushing yours. You looked into each other's eyes, unconsciously coming closer.
"I had to see you again. I know it might sound crazy, but I can't stop thinking about you, little lady."
Yunho leaned in slightly, his voice almost a whisper.
"What's your name? I need to know the name of the girl of my dreams. Mine's Yunho."
"I'm Y/N." You managed to mumble, eyes still fixated on his.
"Say, you two, why don't you go back to our house and start packing Y/N's bags?"
You let out a startled noise, and turned around to look at your father. He was standing behind the counter, a wide smile gracing his features.
"Dad? What..."
"Yunho, I assume you're here to ask my daughter to come with you, is that right? I know how you pirates get."
Yunho stood frozen, surprised at how easily her dad got him figured out. He was right, he did come to ask Y/N to travel with him. His life was on the sea, has been for a long time, but she... She was something he felt was missing.
"I can really go?" You went towards your father, not believing what was happening.
He gently placed his arms around you in a hug, whispering into your ear.
"You were never meant to love a mundane life, my sweetie. Go now, before I become too sentimental."
It wasn't long after that your bags were packed and you were waving at your father from Yunho's ship. As the town you grew up in got smaller, your eyes filled with tears.
A pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist, and a kiss was placed on top of your head.
"Everything okay little lady?"
You turned around in Yunho's embrace, placing your hands on his chest. Without much thought, you got on your tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He stood frozen for a moment before his arms tightened around you, deepening the kiss.
When you finally broke apart, you placed your head above his heart, listening to the steady beats.
"Everything is perfect."
Yeosang loved being a pirate. He loved the freedom he had, the laughs he shared with his shipmates, who he now viewed as brothers. He loved everything about his life. Apart from the times they had to wreak havoc in a random town.
They tried to bring justice where they could. Once they found out about groups doing harm on the townspeople, they intervened in no time.
Tonight wasn't any different from their usual agenda, if he excluded you.
They were seated in one of the more problematic bars in town. Hongjoong told them the job was simple - Get in, take out the bad guys, get out. There was one man, Han Sehun, and he was known for intimidating the lower class people into giving him their well earned salaries, as well as harassing women.
That's where you came into the picture. You were working the night shift at the bar tonight, and you hated it every time. Sehun was adamant on making your life hell, but you couldn't complain because you needed the job. Your parents were long gone, and there wasn't anyone in town you were close with.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't notice the handsome men making an entrance. You could tell there was something different about them.
One in particular caught your eyes the most. He had a blonde mullet, and he seemed like the calmest of them all. As if he could sense your eyes on him, he turned his head, but you managed to look away in time.
"Yeosang, stop staring at the pretty lady. You'll scare her." Wooyoung chuckled after pinching Yeosang's cheek.
He swatted his hand away.
"I'm not staring."
Wooyoung smirked. "Sure you aren't."
Without another word, Wooyoung stood up and went over to you. He smiled at you, showing you eight fingers and motioning to their table. You nodded, giving him a thumbs up.
Yeosang was nervous all of the sudden. He knew they were on a mission, so what was Wooyoung doing.
"Relax, Sangie. The pretty lady will bring us some drinks in a second."
Hongjoong pinched his nose.
"Now is not the time for drinking, or staring at girls. Get it together."
Wooyoung held his hands up, and Yeosang remained still. That is, until you came to their table holding a tray with eight beers.
"Here you go boys. Enjoy!"
His mind must be playing tricks on him, because it seemed like your eyes only met his before you went back to the counter.
Before he could dwell on it, Sehun started causing a scene at the bar.
"Oh come on Y/N, when will you give it up? You know I can show you a good time."
"For the last time, please leave me alone."
"Still trying to act tough? Just wait until I fuck the attitude right out of you!"
Yeosang had the sudden urge to march over an fuck up his face, but Hongjoong's glare kept him at bay. They had to wait for the perfect timing, otherwise they would cause a ruckus.
The night went on like this with Sehun's comments getting even worse. Yeosang felt immense relief when he saw Hongjoong nodd, and the plan went into action.
Soon enough, the bar was turned over upside-down. Sehun was in handcuffs, and you were hiding under your counter. The officers would be here any moment, and the boys had to run.
Yeosang glanced at his crewmates as they went down an alley, his chest tightening.
"I have to do something quickly. Meet you at the ship."
"Yeosang!" Their voices were now faded into the background as he re-entered the place they wrecked.
"Hello? Miss?"
You slowly lifted your head from your hiding place, glancing at the handsome man from earlier. You should have known they were pirates, his outfit basically screamed it in your face.
He turned his head towards your voice, a small smile gracing his features.
"There you are. Come out, I won't hurt you."
For some reason, you believed him. After all, they managed to take away your town's biggest problem.
You carefully got up, and he could tell your dress was ripped in some places. Probably got caught in one of the broken tables.
"What do you want?" You asked, voice trembling.
He approached you, paying attention to your body language. You were still apprehensive, but slowly loosening up.
"I'll cut right to the chase. Want to come on a little trip with me?"
It's been about a month since you took Yeosang up on his offer. You weren't sure what came over you to say yes so quickly, but you felt like he was trustworthy.
Honestly, you didn't have much left in the town, and you felt like you weren't leaving anyone behind. You only gained another family, a bit rowdy, but definitely lovely and supportive.
You also gained something else along the way, and you hoped Yeosang was feeling the same.
"Hey there treasure. What's got your head in the clouds?"
His voice brought you out of your daydream, and you could feel him beside you, gripping the railing. The sea was calmer than usual, giving you a sense of peace.
"Oh, nothing much. Just thinking about you."
Yeosang let out a startled noise.
You turned to look at him, noticing the slight blush on his cheeks.
"Yeah, you. I don't think I ever thanked you properly for taking me away from my miserable life."
Yeosang stayed silent, observing your expression. You looked... Happy.
"So, forgive me if I'm reading this wrong, but I just can't hold it in."
Before he could get a word in, you placed a kiss on his cheek, lightly catching his lips. It took him off guard, but he wanted to make sure you knew the feelings were mutual.
So, as you went to pull away, he grabbed your waist and placed a proper kiss on your lips.
You just looked at each other, smiles stretched out from ear to ear.
"I can't hold it in either."
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possesseddesiress · 3 days ago
Bass Drop: Body Swap
CONTENT WARNING: This story includes themes of transformation and body control with a suggestive approach. If this type of narrative is not to your liking or you do not meet the recommended age, we suggest you do not continue.
All images used (if any) belong to their respective owners. I claim no authorship over them and they are only used for illustrative purposes.
If you decide to go ahead, welcome to Possessed Desires, where mind and body are never completely under your control.
Bass Drop: Body Swap (English Version) + Extended version
I hated my brother. He was five years older than me, and we were definitely polar opposites in every way. If you ever saw us on the street, I don't think you'd ever think we had any blood ties; and in personality, it was the same.
He was the typical athlete: big, strong, muscular and handsome, he had the girls at his feet and everything went well for him.
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And on the other side was me. Thin, small, with geeky tastes and incredibly clumsy. He always used to tease me about my looks, making derogatory comments about how I looked like spaghetti or that without an ounce of muscle I was a girl. I was fed up, but what could I do? No doubt years and years of him teasing me had somehow made me get used to it all. Until the day the glass finally fell over.
— Please, Chris, I want to go to the concert, you know how much I love electronic music!
— I already told you no, shorty - my brother mumbled as he saw what clothes he would wear tomorrow for EDC.
One of the most important music concerts, and the one I wanted to go to with all my might. It was clear that I was a fan of the music, although I was also curious about the whole atmosphere there. The guys used to wear clothes so tight that they left nothing to the imagination, suspenders, bows, harnesses. It looked like a gay pride parade if you saw it up close, and I want to see it.
— You and your friends have an extra ticket! Let me go! Chris, please! - I begged him while he just ignored me.
— And that ticket we're going to sell, pff. How do you think we're going to pay for part of the other tickets? Reselling is good business.
— Then I'll pay you, sell it to me
I said, almost on the verge of despair. My brother stopped what he was doing, only to let out a mocking laugh in my face.
– You're not going, silly - he denied still laughing - not even mom and dad are going to let you go in the first place.
– Yes they will, just give me the ticket!
– No - he said sharply - I'm not going to sell it to you even if you give me extra money, this is only for real men, not wimps like you - he boasted. Widening his chest with mockery.
I could only press my lips together in anger before leaving his room to lock myself in mine. I felt so much annoyance, anger and rage at that moment, but what could I do? He was older and even worse. He would go to the concert.
Defeated, I sat on the bed. For a while I was crestfallen until I felt my cell phone buzz, I picked it up to see the loading screen, as if it had just updated. Once it was back to normal, I couldn't help but notice that there was a new app called "Possess".
I opened it right away, noticing the slightly odd interface and the app's instructions, "Possess whoever you want. Select the data."
There was a section to enter my data and the other person's data. I felt ridiculous, I even thought it was a virus, although curiosity called me to give it a try. I filled in both fields and clicked on the button that said "Own", it stayed loading.
And nothing happened in a minute, I clicked the button again to get the same result over and over again.
Annoyed, I threw my phone across the room, to close my eyes, tired and annoyed at not being able to go to the concert of my dreams.
The next morning, I felt very different. Heavy... yet strangely invigorated, I opened my eyes, confused as I looked around, I was no longer in my room but my brother's room. It smelled of sweat, there were sports posters, cars and so on on the walls, a typical sportsman's room. I stood up confused.
– Chris?... - I mumbled. Noticing my new baritone. I looked down, only to find my brother's big muscles that now seemed to be mine – Oh fuck!
I couldn't help but scream. I began to explore my new body, caressing my pecs and abs, my huge biceps. God, he was huge!
I smiled in satisfaction at my new body, I even felt the outline of my new member, my unhappy brother certainly got the best genes.
I was still lost in that exploration of myself, with my new smell, I think I could spend hours smelling myself... but then I remembered the concert, now I could go and there would be nothing to stop me!
Without waiting a second longer, I started getting dressed up for the festival, I would have liked to wear some revealing and tight fitting clothes on my older brother's body... but there was nothing in his closet that would stick to that fantasy, so I just put on some jogger pants, and a sweatshirt tied at the waist, I looked kind of silly.... But hey.
My brother's body was hot, who cared if he looked ridiculous, you better see the size of these pecs!
I also put on some sunglasses and painted my new body with neon paint. Once I was ready, I took my brother's car to go straight to the festival. I thought it would be hard to learn how to drive, but the moment I touched the steering wheel, it was like an automatic knowing it.
I felt a strange thrill akin to excitement as they scanned my ticket and let me in, the music booming loudly. There were thousands and thousands of people in outlandish costumes, dancing or just chatting.
My heart was pounding. For some reason, I felt small and misfit, even being in such a huge body; it wasn't long before several people started noticing me, and smiling at me.
They were looking at me. They were... Flirting? For some reason, that seemed to be an adrenaline rush to boost my confidence. I stuck out my chest in a self-centered way, moving through the crowd, smiling at the occasional guy who kept overlooking my body. Gosh... it felt so good to be this muscular.
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The rest of the evening and day I did nothing but dance, listen to the music and admire my new attributes from time to time. Caressing my pecs, or feeling my arms.
Or my scent, it took all my willpower not to start sniffing and licking my armpits right there. Although, what if I did? Others would surely be attracted to all the acting of this body, after all, I now had the physique of a god.
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I also loved to notice how other guys tried to flirt with me, carelessly squeezing my biceps or directly staying inches away from my lips with theirs, one even almost sniffed my armpit under the pretext that it was a joke!
The music was vibrating loudly, every now and then I would raise my arms to make them flex, seemingly dancing. Everything felt great, the attention, the music, the smell!
Believe it or not, so many guys dancing for hours on end really put a stink in the air. But fuck... It didn't bother me, I loved it. I could feel my brother's relief stiffen every time the smell hit my nose. Maybe my brother's body could be straight with him in control, but with me controlling him...
At first I tried to restrain myself and show "respect" to his body, it had already been crossing a boundary to have stolen the festival experience from him and become him. Although that feeling lasted for at least about 10 minutes before I remembered all the hell he was making me live through on a daily basis - 《 Fuck it, what does it matter if I do something that affects him? It's my turn to enjoy 》
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I could feel the stares of several guys. Some muscular, others slim or with defined bodies, but they all shared one thing: They were ogling this body.
I smiled egocentrically, raised my arms to flex them, swelling my big, strong biceps. It was like making them drool.
Although in that process, I could smell something... heck. I forgot to put on deodorant. My brother had a very strong, musky, potent scent that immediately made me gasp when I smelled it. I lifted my armpit, and unable to contain myself any longer, I began to sniff and lick it, enjoying the stench of my new body.
This seemed to disgust some of the guys, but others were even more interested by this act. In a matter of mere seconds, I had at least seven guys of all complexions surrounding me, taking a bit of advantage of the darkness in the area to move their hands all over my muscles.
One was on my relief, another took my pecs, another my buttocks, even my arms and abdomen, it was as if no inch of my body was left unattended.
But, hey... This body belongs to a god. And it deserves to be worshipped. So if they want to play, let them play. I don't give a fuck if someone records and they notice my "brother" behaving like this. It's my body now. And if I want him to be addicted to flexing his arms and smelling his own scent, so be it.
I closed my eyes, lost in all that adrenaline until I heard a familiar voice.
Shit. I opened my eyes quickly to meet the gaze of Mauricio, one of my brother's best friends, I was about to get nervous. But I preferred to put on an indifferent and cold face.
– Sup, bro? - I lifted my armpits a little more so that my new admirers would continue in despair. Which caused commotion in the guy.
Mauricio was certainly cute, a little dark, strong and huge... and apparently his suit left nothing to the imagination, he didn't even look like one of those typical "straight" suits that were simply a sport shirt. He was wearing a denim suit, tight and flashy. He looked so good...
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– What the fuck, dude? You didn't answer your cell phone for hours! And what are you doing!
He clearly looked upset, but I just smiled arrogantly at him.
– Well, I had other plans. Sorry I didn't call, I guess. Don't be so dramatic - I let out a deep laugh.
– Are you on drugs? What's wrong with you? Hey! What with Samantha!?
Ah, so that's the name of the new girl my brother has a crush on, interesting to know now.
– Nah, bro. I'm completely lucid, and I don't know. I think I like men more now - I smiled –And from what I see, maybe you do too.
I lowered my gaze, pointing to the relief forming on his face. The sportsman immediately covered himself up; I was loving the whole performance, although it seemed that my new admirers got bored because little by little they ended up dispersing until there were none left.
I took advantage of that to shorten the distance, immediately approaching to cling to his contour.
– Bro! What the fuck is wrong with you?!?
– I don't know, dude. Maybe I realized that you are very hot - I murmured to finally kiss him with intensity, it was inconclusive until he ended up kissing me again. I felt how he grabbed me by the waist to stick me to him.
– Chris... - he murmured panting. I moved closer to him to lift his armpit and start sniffing it, it smelled even better than my brother's...
– What? - I said still nonchalantly.
All that adrenaline was taking me through the roof, I could feel the outline of my brother's armpit against his underwear and leave it a little damp. I didn't care if it ruined his friendship with Mauricio, if his other friends or his social circle found out. Fuck, if his college found out about all this, even better.
God, it's so cool to be my big brother!
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I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you liked it, don't forget to follow it and share it so more people can discover it.
I'm always open to suggestions and ideas, so if you have any fantasy or scenario in mind, let me know in the comments or in messages.
This will be my new account, I hope you like the stories that are coming soon. See you in the next story... Who knows what body you will occupy this time?
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kabr0ztrousers · 2 days ago
Hello, how you doing ?
I've been stalking your blog for a while now, and finally gathered the courage to send a resquest (if you don't like it, feel free to ignore or change it).
So here's my idea: Reader comes from a family that offers their daughters to the creatures of the forest (i was thinking maybe a male harpy ?), but Reader ran away when it was her time to be taken, she moved into a big city and hid there for years.
Now she is back in her old city for some reason (maybe her sister just had a baby and she wants to see if said baby is a girl too) and her mate is looking foward to get what's rightfully his.
Kabr0z Writes episode 59: Sacrifice
Find the rest of the Kabr0z Writes anthology here!
CWs: noncon; dubcon; receiving cunnilingus; tentacles; abduction; hypnosis; mind control; parasites;
A/N: I'm taking a few liberties with the queue again, otherwise we'd have a couple of feral stories in a row. So, hellhound anon, you'll get your story in tomorrow's catch-up double feature!
As always, if you have any requests for scenarios or kinks you'd like me to explore, drop an ask or a DM, anf it'll go in the queue!
You passed the city gates. You'd not been back for years, for good reason. When your family is a hinge of the local cult, it's less than ideal. As the eldest daughter, your fate was to be given to the so-called gods living under the city. Being a sacrifice to a horror you'd never seen wasn't your speed, so you ran. An ocean away, you hid.
That was a decade ago now. You'd never intended to come back, but you heard the news. Lily had a daughter. You'd made her promise you she'd never have a child, she'd break the line and never subject her own to the beast below. Maybe she never had a choice. Either way, you had a job to do. The plan was simple: you'd been in touch with Lily since you made landfall, first mailing her a sending slab, then using the paired tablets to convey codes messages etched in the wax surface. Tonight was the night. You'd meet her in a cistern under the main square where she'd give you her child, Holly. Baby in tow, you'd get out of the city that night using a Ring of Recall you had tuned to your home. Once you were safe, far across the Sea of Stars, you'd raise your adoptive daughter.
She'd never know the importance of her bloodline, or the terrible fate she'd been spared.
You jumped from the cart you rode in on, the less the people you trusted to get you here knew, the better. Worst case scenario they think you're a thief or something on a heist. In a way, that's precisely what you were. Your first stop was an alms-house you knew about. Old, run down, a den of disease and suffering the gentry and the guards all ignored. Nobody's asking questions about who comes and goes from there, even less in the dead of night. The perfect place to lay low until the right time. You took the opportunity while there to swipe a blanket or two. You weren't worried about disease, potions are cheap enough, and you only needed it to cover you from the grotty lodgings to the network of sewers and drains under the city.
So you sat. In that stinking hovel. Turning the enchanted copper ring that would get you home over and over in your fingers. It was probably worth more than the building you hid in, but only you new that. Lily had advised you to get one made, getting it bound to a spot so far away wasn't cheap, but it was doable and you'd paid for the best you could get.
The appointed hour drew close. Covered in blankets, affecting a hunch, you scurried down an alleyway to a loose grate. Amazing how nothing ever gets fixed in the bad parts of town, even after so long. The pile of blankets muffled you closing the grate behind you before stealing into the dark. You knew these tunnels. They were your favourite haunts as a teen, playing with your little sister, fantasising about getting away and growing old together. You both knew it couldn't ever be. The cistern was your home from home. You hung sheets from the ceiling once upon a time, dividing the upper level into rooms of sorts. The grating making up the floor stayed dry enough and with some blankets and rugs didn't even hurt your feet to walk on.
It was like you'd never left.
The blankets were still vibrantly coloured, if a little rat-gnawed at the bottom edges. Your blankets were gone, so you could see through the grate to the dark water glinting below, but you knew the layout.
Lily waited for you in the centre of the cistern, under the grate in the pavement that led straight down, the moonlight hitting her in a silvery beam as she cradled a swaddled bundle in her arms.
"Lily, it's me" you whispered.
Your sister turned. You could see her robe was open at the front, the infant in her arms latched onto a breast. Your eyes drew down to her belly, round and gravid
"You have another one on the way?" That wasn't part of the plan "I think I can recall with you both, but I'm not sure... Why didn't you tell me?"
Lily stood there. Silent as the grave. She started to chuckle "Put on your ring"
"What? That'll take me home, I need you to pass me Holly so she'll be safe"
Lily didn't meet your gaze as she handed you her baby. The infant fussed in your arms as her mother's milk was taken away
"I'll come back for you. I'll bring another ring." You put on the ring.
The world swam. You saw, for a moment, the morning sun of your home, but when it cleared you were back in the cistern, clutching the child. The ring was on your finger. It nearly worked. Why didn't it work?
Lily took the baby from you and looked into your eyes.
You screamed.
When you were kids, her eyes were hazel. The colour of evening sunlight on dry grass in a heatwave. Now they were a milky blue-white. Pinhole pupils stared into you.
"When you ran, they made sure to protect me. The masters wanted me to be their sacrifice, but I needed to keep the blood. When Holly was born, I became ready, but someone needed to take her place."
A wet hand grabbed you from behind. You tried to spin and hit it, but your head was still light and you stumbled. You fell to your knees, cutting your hands on the floor grating as a hand closed around your throat.
It hauled you up. You looked into the cruel amber eyes, wide glowing orbs set in a twisted face. It didn't have a nose, or brow ridge, its head was pointed like the mantle of a squid or a cuttlefish, but the most striking part was where its mouth would be. Instead of a jaw, there was a mass of squirming, writhing tentacles. It hissed at you as you glared at it, kicking the air, trying to break the iron grip on you.
It waved its other hand. Your clothing unravelled. The sending slab clattered to the ground, the ring still inert on your finger, everything else fell in rags to the grating below you. Being naked wasn't going to deter you. You clawed and scratched at its face and the arm holding you, nails sliding off the slimy skin.
It threw you. You slammed into a sheet and slid to the floor. It fell upon you. You were pinned.
A slick pair of hands prised open your legs. Your ankles were pressed either side of your ears. The tentacled face lowered to your cunt. The tendrils brushed against your sensitive skin as you tried to twist away from it. The first pushed into you, sliding between the lips of your cunt as it tasted you. The rest followed, squirming tentacles filling you, probing your insides. You could feel your body reacting, getting wetter and wetter as the unbidden orgasm built in your belly. You squirmed and whined, bent double by the unbreakable grip, a monster eating your pussy, not caring if you wanted it or not. Fleshy appendages squirming over every inch of your cunt, inside and out. It filled every corner with activity, from the probing at your cervix to the massaging of your clit. Every whimper, every twitch, it made sure to keep up, building your release higher and higher by the moment.
It finally let you cum. You felt yourself squirt into the wall of tentacles assaulting your pussy. More and more liquid sprayed from you as you moaned and cried, your legs shaking and toes curling. The monster didn't stop. It didn't even pause.
Over and over your aching body was forced to cum, each orgasm driving the fight from you as it wore you out. By the time it stopped, you were a gasping, panting pile of limbs. Your squirt dripping from between your legs and down into the city water supply far below you.
The monster reached into its sleeve and withdrew a wriggling leech-like creature. One hand held the lips of your cunt open as it dropped the squirming creature on your soaked pussy. It moved up you. Half-burrowing, half-swimming, it slid between the clenching walls of your cunt even as you tried to force it out. You tried to scream as you felt it pushing up your cervix, but all that came out was a lewd moan as your twitching cunt slammed shut over and over, driving itself closer and closer to another orgasm.
You felt it pressing into the wall of your womb, a stinging pressure as it drilled into the soft flesh. As soon as it stopped digging in to you, you felt a warmth pulsing from it. The pain in your belly turned to a pleasant numbness. The ache in your cunt and your stinging clit became a throbbing buzz. Your head spun again, getting lighter and lighter until it happened.
You clenched on air. Your legs shook harder as your heels planted, driving your hips upwards into a lover that wasn't there.
You couldn't stop it. You wouldn't want to. Over and over you came, the leech's secretions lighting your nerves on fire, flooding you with endorphins. The room defocused and your tongue hung from your mouth as you rolled this way and that. Your cunt leaked a cocktail of blood, girlcum, and the thick secretions of the parasite driving you mad.
A part of you knew what happens now. You'd seen the fate that befell the other women this happened to. The secretions from the leech would fertilise your womb, over and over. Every month you'd spill forth more of the leeches. The strongest would be chosen and either implanted into another woman, or allowed to squirm into a man's ear, turning him into another of the tentacled gods.
You knew your fate. The hated destiny of all of the eldest daughters of your line.
You couldn't be happier.
Postscript: Yeah, the bonus points for this was a harpy, but I went for the horrifying not-illithid cult instead. Maybe they'll be a thing going forwards, maybe they'll be another one-and-done. I do prefer the awful tadpole queen idea rather than elderbrains just crapping out more tadpoles, though wish I'd come up with something better than just ripping off ceramorphosis for making the drones.
Either way, hope you enjoyed, Anon, and again if anyone had any requests they wanted to send in, my hard limits are in the pinned, beyond that have fun
Post-postscript: I hope the exposition at the tail end didn't kill the mood either, I just couldn't think of a good way to shoehorn that in, and it felt too hot to just miss out entirely.
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elzifelzi · 5 hours ago
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Chapter 3:The New girl
The following morning Tucker and Dan spent so much time trying to get a better handle on Dan's powers that they almost forgot all about class, that is until Tucker got suspicious .
Tucker: “Uhh Danny?”
Tucker:”What time is it??”
Dan shurgged
Dan:”I don't know, like 8:30…”
Tucker:”And what time do we usually have class?”
Dan:”like eight forty fi…….”
The sudden realization hit Danny like a wrecking ball.
Dan:”.....ohhhhhhhh crap”
The two immediately rushed to get ready in an attempt to avoid one of Mr Lancers “when you’re late you’re only failing yourself, lectures”. They both quickly got dressed and swallowed the breakfast that Tucker made..not wasting any time chewing. Tucker grabs his and Danny's backpacks and immediately starts heading out the door before Danny stopped him.
Dan:”What are you doing!?”
Tucker:”leaving?If we’re late, Lancer will have our asses!”
Dan:”Dude we're not gonna make it on foot,it'll take too long.”
Tucker:”Then what do you suggest we do?”
Dan gave Tucker a devious grin and his eyes flashed a ghastly green in response.
Dan:”Just one...I’m going ghost!!”
In a quick flash of light Dan turns into his ghost form which had a few differences,previously when Dan transformed he kept the same clothes that he wore normally but this time he wore an outfit that consisted of black sweatshirt with a white hood,black pants and paired with white fingerless gloves and sneakers.It was Tucker's idea to give the phantom persona a different outfit so that he couldn't be traced back to Dan.
With little regard for safety he grabs Tucker and leaps out of the window,at first Dan is confident that today will be the day he actually flies but that confidence becomes short-lived as the duo immediately start plummeting to the ground. Just as last time, Dan manages to cushion Tucker’s fall before immediately reverting back to his human form.
Dan::So uh...heh .Still can’t fly.”
Tucker punches him in his arm before getting up and dusting himself off. 
Dan:”You know this is the 2nd time we’ve fallen out of the window this week,you think the neighbors are worried?”
Tucker:”We don't have time for this!”
He grabbed Dan and together the two ran at maximum speed to class,they eventually arrived 10 minutes late and were greeted by a very annoyed Lancer.
Lancer:”Tucker,Daniel glad you two took so much time out of your busy schedule to join us..”
Mr Lancers sarcastic remarks were met with giggling by the rest of the class much to the boys' annoyance. 
Dan:”Mr Lancer we can explain!!”
Tucker:”yeah,see what had happened was..”
Lancer, who was clearly too angry to care, raised his hand, cutting them off.
Mr Lancer:”First the mess in the lab yesterday then your tardiness today..you boys are going to drive me up a wall!.Just take your seats so that I may begin my lecture.”
He points the boys over to the back of the lecture hall and they do as instructed. Dan took a seat next to an attractive asian girl with extremely pale skin and hair as black as his that matches her purple eyes.She was of slim build and averaged height and She wore a black crop top with a small camo green spaghetti strap tank top underneath , she also wore a black studded choker, with matching bracelets, black combat boots and  black miniskirt with purple stockings underneath.
Dan is only able to pay attention for few minutes into the class before a tugging on his sleeve derails his attention.
Dan:”Ummm hello?”
She flashes him a friendly smile.
????:” I’ve never seen Lancer too mad to even yell! He must be really tired of you guys.”
Dan lets out a quiet chuckle.
Dan:”Yeahhhh we kinda messed up the lab yesterday so he's a bit pissed.”
The girl giggled in response.
????:”damn I'd be pissed too if i was him.”
Dan:”And who are you exactly?Are you even in this class?”
????:”I am,I just usually don’t come to this class since the work is super easy. “
She leaned back in her chair as if to emphasize how laid back Lancers class was for her.
????:”I figured why waste the time.”
Dan:”heh noted..”
????:”As for my name, it’s Sam Manson, and you are?”
Dan:”Dan Fenton..but my friends call me Danny.”
Sam:”So Danny, how'd you guys mess up the lab??”
Dan let out a weak chuckle as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
Dan:”our..ghost portal exploded.”
Sam:”Ghost portal??”
Dan:”Yeah.me and Tuck are Paranormal studies majors.”
He gestured over to Tucker who at the sound of his name waved in response.
 Dan”We were trying to make a ghost portal but Our calculations were wrong and well it went boom……”
Sam's eyes lit up in wonder.
Sam:”That's so cool!”
Dan:”It is??”
Sam:”Well not the part about your portal exploding, that part sucks but Ghosts are super cool though!”
Dan:”You’re a ghost fanatic?”
She schooched her chair closer to Dan As if his question was some kind of signal.
Sam:”not just ghosts! Vampires, werewolves and really just supernatural stuff in general!”
Dan:”So I take it you’re also a paranormal studies major?”
She nodded in response while flashing him another smile.
Dan:”So are we.”
Sam:”Dope!The 3 of us should hang out sometime then.”
Dan:”Sounds like fu..”
But before he could finish his sentence a gust of blue smoke escaped Dan's mouth.
Dan:”that can’t be good…”
Sam:”What can’t?”
Dan:”uhh nothing! I gotta go!!”
He quickly grabbed his belongings and was about to dash out of the classroom when Lancer stopped him!
Lancer:”Pride and Prejudice Mr Fenton! Where do you think you’re going!”
Dan:”out!It’s umm an emergency!”
He pushed past Lancer and rushed out the door into the mens toilet.
Mr Lancer:”must be some powerful bowels…poor boy.”
He simply shrugged and returned to his lecture.
Dan:”What the hell was that blue smoke just then? That can’t be normal!”
Then without warning it happened again.
Dan:”What is that!!”
????:that's death's calling card!
Dan turns around and sees a green octopus-like ghost with 6 tentacles and glowing red eyes staring right at him.Without hesitating he turned into his ghost form and prepared to engage the strange beast.
Dan:”What are you? Some kind of Ectoplasm Octopus? Ectopus?”
Without further words ectopus swung his tentacles at him knocking him back into the hallway.Dan who was shaken from the last attack delivered a vicious right kick at the ghost knocking it into the wall, but that wasn't enough to defeat it and the ghost immediately recovered it launched all 6 of its tentacles at him, which Dan proceeded to dodge effortlessly.As he closes the distance between them he delivered countless rapid punches disorienting the ghost but eventually it regained its composure they started trading punches at each other,fist for fist blow for blow with neither of them wavering even the slightest, however Ectopus gains the upper had and knocks Dan into a nearby wall, Dan got up and rushed towards the ghost only to see that the ghost had taken a female student who was on her way to class as a hostage. She tried to scream for help but the ghost immediately wrapped his tentacle around her throat.
Dan:”Let her go!!”
Ectopus:”like hell I will! Your move ghost boy,one wrong move and I’ll suffocate her!”
Dan:”alright fine,you win!”
Dan put his hands up in surrender but just as he did a beam of energy left his hands and zapped the ghost splattering it all over the students body.
Dan:”That was awesome!!”
He glances at his hands.
Dan:”How'd I do that?”
The female student, who was extremely annoyed at what just happened walked up to Danny and began waving an accusing finger at him.
????:”You freak!!Look what you did to me!!”
Dan:”You mean save you??”
????:”Is this your idea of a save!?You ghosts are all alike,all you do is make a mess out of things!!!”
Dan:”You’re welcome by the way.”
Without any further words she stormed out. Dan, who was just extremely tired from the whole encounter, quickly changed back and went to the mess hall Where he collapsed onto the table.
Tucker and Sam arrived in the cafeteria moments later and were both puzzled to see Dan completely passed out on a nearby table.Sam took a seat next to him and attempted to wake up but Dan wouldn’t budge.
Sam:”damn he’s really passed out!Is this normal?”
Tucker chuckled.
Tucker:”Way More normal than you'd think..”
He grabbed Dan by his shoulders and slapped him a couple times before he finally jolted awake completely disoriented from his nap.
Dan:”yeah...yeah I’m up!”
Sam:”Hey Sleeping Beauty, glad you could join us.”
She flashed him a mocking smile but unfortunately for her Dan was too dazed to notice.
Dan:”Hey,err Sam! What are you doing here?”
Tucker:”She got worried when you left in such a rush so she offered to help me look for you..”
Dan:”err well thanks!”
Sam:”don’t mention it. So what happened back there anyway?”
Dan turned to Tucker and gave him a look that somehow managed to explain the entire situation that happened.Tucker simply nodded in response Then they both returned their attention back to Sam before she could notice.
Dan:”It was nothing..”
His obvious lie wasn’t good enough to fool her and only served to make the girl even more curious.She leaned in closer and gave the boy a look so stern even the box ghost would budge.
Sam:”didn’t seem like nothing,seemed like a pretty big deal. 
Immediately Dan snapped.
Dan:”Well it wasn’t alright! Why do you even care anyway, you don’t even know me!”
The skeptical goth girl simply leans back in her chair and smiles.
Sam:”Calm down, I was just teasing!.”
She flashes them both a devious smile causing a blush to spread across Dan's face.
Dan:”oh…yeah totally ... .my bad.”
She lets out a soft laugh.
Sam:”It was funny as hell when you bolted past Lancer tho,you should’ve seen the look on his face.”
Tucker:”yeah it was actually really funny!”
The trio shared a laugh together before Sam  got up.
Sam:”Well this has been fun but I need to go,But hey we should all hang out again sometime!”
And with a final wave goodbye she left.
Tucker:”She seems interesting…... and she’s cute!”
He playfully punches Dan's arms while offering him a sly grin.
Tucker:”Not bad bro!”
Dan's face flashed red at Tucker’s comment.
Dan:”uh wha-what? It’s not like that!!”
Tucker:”surreeeeeee it isn’t. Like you totally didn’t notice how cute that goth chic was?”
Dan:”I didn’t…”
Tucker:”So what you’re saying is that if I had access to her phone number which I do, you wouldn’t want it?”
Dan:”how’d you get her number?”
Tucker:”she wanted the 3 of us to hang out”
He hands Dan a folded piece of paper with some numbers on it.Unable to contain his embarrassment anymore Dan quickly accepts the number and buries his face into the table and pulls his hood over it.
Dan:”you're never gonna let me live this down huh?”
Tucker:”afraid not..”
To be continued..
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Thanks for reading ☺️ hope you guys still fuck with it cuz I'll write as long as you're willing to read
We finally got sam here so the plot can only go up from here...i hope😅
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