#could b fun either way though! i want to try hehe
sugardecreme · 5 months
seeing other ppl's takes on the other human souls lowkey makes me want to try making my own,,,,,,, i've been thinking about it, i just haven't gotten around to it....... maybe at some point..
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athousandbyeol · 3 months
thank you for tagging me, @forcebookish <3
1 . How did you get into writing fanfiction?
when i was 15, i had a lot of problems at school. i was in the first class (i wasn't smart, btw. i guess it was luck or misjudgement from the school management) and i received a lot of mental and emotional pressure to be like my other classmates. they were all very bright and i wasn't. so it took a toll on my mental health. i got really bad grades, especially in maths and science. and some of my teachers said very heartbreaking things to me.
i was trying to find a distraction. and that time i was still new in the k-pop fandom. but one day i discovered a kaisoo (exo) fanfic on asianfanfics and i instantly fell in love. i read a lot (A LOT) of kaisoo fanfics after studying. one day, i decided to write my own and it was so cringey ngl hahaha. but it was so fun when people started commenting on it! so i thought, hey, this is so cool. i should just continue doing this because it helped me a lot mentally. i wasn't good in english before (still am not, tbvh) because english isn't my first language. but after reading and writing fanfics, i got an A+ for my exam! and i never got a B ever since. :)
fast forward, i've been writing fanfics for 10 years. <3
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
i think i've written stories for 30+ fandoms? hehe. my most written stories belong to the bad buddy (patpran), only friends (topmew), kinnporsche (vegaspete) and a boss and a babe (guncher) fandom :)
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
i write more. i read sometimes. but usually during my free time, i would either write, edit or watch videos and listen to crime/horror podcasts hehe. but i want to read more, though.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
i guess... my own voice? i noticed, when i just started writing fanfics, i tended to copy the writing style of an author i liked. but now, i think i have my own distinct writing style. maybe some readers can tell if a story was written by me hehe.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
i researched about ways to clean corpses for somewhere else (topmew)...
i don't think it's weird, but i researched a lot on polyamorous relationships while writing tell me (topmew). i also did a bit of research on situationship when i wrote maybe we and not us (also topmew).
topmew really made me do a lot of reading and researching hehe.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
i personally like when readers highlight their favourite lines or parts from the story. i think it's the best type of comment. but i appreciate any kind of comment i get because they're treasures i'll cherish for a lifetime. :)
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
i don't know if this isn't mainstream, but i wrote about prostitution (come home/topmew). in the story, top worked as a part-time prostitute while being in a stable relationship with mew. mew knew top's working as an escort, but he was so supportive of top and loved him the same.
i was trying to show that sex workers are also human beings and they deserve to be loved. i guess i was hoping readers (and myself) could change the stereotype we have against prostitutes/sex workers because not all of them do this for pleasure. most of them do it because of survival. i watched a short documentary on sex work in the philippines and was inspired to write this story. they're so strong and admirable. :)
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
smut. i can't write smut. i swear. i've been trying for years but i just can't write it well. and i don't really like writing this genre (?) in particular... i think i'm also weak at writing dialogues and dialogue tags. it's so hard :(
10. What is the easiest type?
descriptive, narrative and emotive. i'm comfortable writing in this style and i consider it as one of my strengths :)
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
i usually write in my room, on my bed or on the floor. i write all my stories on grammarly because as i mentioned, i'm not a native english speaker so grammarly helps a lot with basic grammar mistakes. there's no fixed time, honestly. usually, i'll write whenever i'm inspired. but mostly, it's at night (between 10 to 3 am) and morning (5 to 8 am). and i'll always listen to music when i'm writing. ^^
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
i have a plan to write an original story with forcebook and jimmysea as the main cast this year. but looking at the things i have to do upcoming semester (dissertation and candidature defence), i'm afraid of the time limitation. everything is already planned out. i just have to write the story down. but time isn't on my side these days. so i'll just probably stick to writing one-shots in the meantime. but i really hope i can make this idea happen someday :(
13. What made you choose your username?
athousandbyeol is actually a play on 'a thousand stars'. i really loved p'aof's a tale of a thousand stars so my usernames (youtube, twitter, ko-fi and tumblr) are based on that :)
wordsbythesundown is my pen name ^^ i used this for my instagram and my second blog ^^ (and because i really love sunsets hehe)
i don't know who to tag so... anyone who sees this, feel free to join the fun :)
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lizhly-writes · 1 year
Hello— ORV whump prompt because I’m Thinking So Many Things and want to see what cool authors like you think about it!
Scenario fic: one member is brought back to the event that led to the first meeting between the party. Of course it’s our Rat that disappears in a poof of sparkles, and of course KimCom think the first people to meet were KDJ and YSA so they rush to head to Minosoft… BUT!
a) on the way they pass a certain all boys school at Just The Right Time
b) LSK is there and knows the Truth and Freaks Out
c) they don’t find him in time and track him down when he’s on the verge of d**th
Dealer’s choice hehe!
hello! i finally sat down and started writing through this ask! i appreciate that you came into my askbox and immediately slammed the button on 'misery', always a fun time lol
anyway. i have ideas. unfortunately if i attempted to fully finished these ideas, you would probably see this ask either in a year with a full fic or in uh, never, so you get this.
There is a teenager.
She looks much like any other teenager bored out of their mind in class.  Chin propped up on one hand, other hand wielding a pan tapping out a distracted staccato on her notebook, perfectly in time with the tap-tap-tap of her foot, watching the blackboard up front but mostly watching the clock above it, waiting for everything to be done. 
She’s so sick of class.  Sitting in one place, trying and failing to listen to a teacher saying shit she doesn’t care about – ahhh, but she’s got to care about it, doesn’t she?  Gotta make sure she knows enough to score good on the CSAT, except that’s never going to happen because she’s got shit-for-brains, shit-for-grades.  At this point, wouldn’t it be easier just to drop out?  Who wants to live this kind of life?  Not her.  Not anyone else.  Who likes school?
…Yeah.  Jung Heewon was like that, as a kid.
“Hey, you,” Jung Heewon says.
That image of her younger self ignores her.  So does everyone else in her old middle school classroom.  The teacher drones on, uninterrupted – and it really is a droning, the kind of indistinct murmur you hear as background noise, only occasionally cut with actual lecture material.
Everything here is indistinct.  There’s a vague sense of blurriness about everything.  The faces of her teacher and the few classmates she remember are clear, or at least, almost clear.  Everyone else?  Faceless.  Unmemorable.
… Maybe that’s the point.
Yoo Sangah likes to think her memory is good, but truthfully, it’s hard to remember the faces of her middle school classmates when she hasn’t talked to them in years.  A few that she kept in contact with, sure, but everyone else, she’s likely to get wrong.
They’re in some kind of scenario space right now, and if the scenario is drawing things from her memory, that might be why everything is so… unclear.  Unreal, almost, the edges of reality soft instead of well-defined, only sharpening around her younger self as she files out of the classroom, chatting with – is that Ahn Minji?  Yoo Sangah hadn’t thought about her in years.
Things only get worse as they head outside. The younger Yoo Sangah is a beacon of clarity, but everything else is just fog, white and dense and casting a featureless pall over everything.
…No.  Wait.  Not quite.
Lee Hyunsung had taken some time to tear his eyes away from that boy he’d once been, talking to one of his seniors – “I guess I’m not really sure what to do.  I don’t have to think about it if I go directly into the military after high school, right?”  In the end, though, there wasn’t any use to paying attention to that sort of thing, not when he was alone.  He hadn’t entered the scenario alone, so where were the others?
Not in his school, he’d looked.  The only other thing he could do is go straight into that strange white fog, even if it meant he was walking blindly towards nowhere.
Except it hadn’t turned out like that.  In the backdrop of nothingness, he could make out a building, getting clearer and clearer as he ran towards it.  So well-defined – that had to mean something, didn’t it?  
Shin Yoosung pressed her nose against the glass of the window.  That building, the only one she’d seen in what felt like forever, was getting closer.  Maybe that was where the train would finally stop.
Maybe the train wouldn’t stop at all.
But no, that’d be weird, wouldn’t it?  There had to be an end to the scenario somewhere, and it couldn’t end if she was just stuck on a train that never stopped.  Or, well, maybe it could, but – the point.  The point was that the scenario had to have some way of ending it.  It couldn’t go on forever, that wasn’t any kind of proper entertainment at all.  That was just throwing an incarnation into an infinite commercial break, wasn’t it?  No dokkaebi would let that kind of scenario pass.
Yeah.  There had to be a way out, right?
[Ahjussi, are you there?] she sent up tentatively.  
Still nothing.  There had been nothing for a while.  But she had to keep trying, didn’t she?
Lee Gilyoung had been trying.
But there weren’t any bugs on this train.  Sometimes, he’d get the faintest impression that there was something there, and then – nothing.  If he could get a bug, any bug, he could – he didn’t know.  Scout.  Get some information.  Call a plague against anyone moving against him.  Something.
That was Plan A.  Plan A wasn’t working out, so he was stuck with plan B, which was this: if he kept running through this fucking train, he’d run out of carriages eventually.  He’d run into something eventually.  Maybe the conductor’s carriage, and then he could press some buttons and force it to stop, or maybe drive it into a building or whatever.
Yoo Joonghyuk pressed his hands into his eyes.
He’d really thought that he had died.  Ended regression three, back to the start at regression 4, back in that same train carriage all over again, and this time with a death he hadn’t even seen coming.
He’d died three times now, but the shock of it, even though it wasn’t real – hard to snap out of without a scenario in his ears telling to kill someone to live.
What had happened?  
There had been a scenario.  
He had been with his companions.  There had been a scenario, and Kim Dokja had vanished.  Then that subscenario had kicked in… what was it?
[Sub Scenario  – Will to Survive]
Category: Sub (Personal)
Difficulty: ????
Clear Conditions: Help Incarnation, Kim Dokja, realize the will to survive.
Time Limit: ????
Compensation: ????
Failure: ????
Kim Dokja blinks.
He had the strangest feeling that he had forgotten something.  Something important.
…It can’t have been that important if he’s forgotten about it.  He’d already run through his list of things to do, anyway, not that the list was very long.  He supposed the right thing to do was to talk with somebody, but really, he had no one to talk to, so there wasn’t any point.
There was maybe Mother, but… no, she didn’t count.  He didn’t talk to her, he talked at her, and she never cared enough to give a response back.  If she, by some miracle, cared enough to be upset about what he was doing, then – well.  She could get over it.  There was nothing wrong with him enjoying the sunset.  There was nothing wrong with anything he did after that, either.
With that thought firmly in mind, he took one last breath of the air – cool, refreshing – and headed towards the edge of the roof.
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kirbyliker12 · 1 year
I love all your art pieces soooo much 💖💖💖what's your art process??
WAHHHHH THANKSSSS hehe hmm I’ve never formally given art advice before (i also haven’t taken a single class so this might not be that helpful) but I’ll try 👍👍👍
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Personally I always used to have trouble during SKETCHING yeah that’s right the step everyone says is “fun” I’d always get annoyed with trying to perfectly convey the image idea I wanted while constantly fixing and starting over and cleaning up and by the time I finished the sketch I’d be way too exhausted from how many discarded ideas and redoing I did AND the lines would be mildly confusing to me 🥸🥸🥸guidelines always kinda felt stiff and slow to me so that didn’t work either
Then I started getting LAZY n stuff😏😏😏😏basically you use a big brush and roughly draw the shape idea you have and then you get an eraser and either sculpt the shape to align with your idea or you’d outline some parts so you get the idea of the figure
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Sneak peek of a drawing as an example heehee uh I also add a 10% black layer over everything on the sketch then erase where I think the light will be (good guideline for later n it makes the sketch look COOL) also when I’m doin big pieces it’s easier to fix how it looks bc I’m not as distracted by sketch line details n forget to look at the entire image as a whole😋
ALSO don’t b afraid 2 use filters lots of people use them it’s not like its a program creating an image using tons of stolen art without consent🥸🥸🥸🥸it’s just some color correcting n so on like an orange “overlay” to make everything look sunnier or a blue “hue” layer to make everything slightly closer to a color but not too much so it looks distinct
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Dis is da free filter on ibis paint x😏😏😏IBIS SWEEP!!!
Even though the colors r nice it also ends up muffling / changing the brightness n darkness of some colors that you don’t want in your final piece (I normally end up using “multiply” layers to darken some spots along with “Hard Light” layers to change the hue and some “add” layers if I feel like i want cool glowing stuff) you can also set an all black layer to Saturation and play with it’s opacity to get a less saturated product
Anyway lastly uhh stare at similar artworks depicting the thing you’re trying to do like ummmmm if u wanted to shade water for a beach you can look at artworks n take a mental note on how it manages to look like water (there’s lots of different styles n if you can go browse until u find one that could work with yours)😋😋😋😋
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kyogre-blue · 2 years
To be fair I haven't read Every book, just the Mond ones bc...mondstadt bias... (and the one abt the store bc it is both liyue and mond, and rex incognito bc it looked fun) so I didn't notice the liyue quest repeating fjfdj. I find reading them kinda fun bc most of the books are subjective so fiction and truth are painted with the same brush, so you kinda wonder if all these fantastic things could be true! though that might just be me bc I'm a bit of a weirdo and a romantic that way :P I still want to reunite the boy and the spring fairy!
The weird thing is that for all that Dvalin attacked Mondstadt at the beginning, from then on it honestly doesn't feel like he has a beef with Mondstadt so much as with Barbatos personally, because he doesn't speak a single word to anyone EXCEPT Venti. To be fair it is kind of implied only Venti and the Traveler can understand when he speaks (Jean's "he can comunicate with the dragon?" and the fact that Dvalin didn't simply SAY "Yo, Dvalin of the East Wind here, I come in peace" but that's ALSO so badly established it's probably purely my conjecture. Hey Dvalin...why don't you try singing...I'm sure ppl would have a bit of a harder time seeing a singing dragon as threatening...)
Oh man YES I'd kill for a PROPER account of when Dvalin first awoke and how painful misunderstandings built until we got the situation that the Traveler arrived into...especially since they HAVEN'T UPDATED THE BOOKS SINCE THE BETA, where the Cataclysm had happened 100 years ago instead of 500, so I was sweating throughout the whole read like "Venti I love you and I can SEE you love Dvalin but if you took 400 YEARS to awaken to help him you better have the mother of all explanations primed and at the ready" like on one hand I'm glad it's a typo but on the other hand... how can they be this sloppy T-T
Which reminds me...when did Venti wake up. "Best bard of mondstadt three times in a row" Okay but is that a monthly award?? I first thought it was a yearly award but I can't fathom Venti being awake three years with Dvalin in pain and not do anything until we arrived...if only to play translator so the misunderstandings DON'T happen (if I'm not imagining things and the Sage kid was right. It's funny imagining Venti talking to animals and animals following him around like a disney princess, not gonna lie. Especially given that cats canonically follow him around, hehe). And like...literally nobody mentions the Other dragon that has been a Problem for the past thousand years? Like don't get me wrong, Ursa the Drake existing makes the Durin and Stormterror problems seem like an absolute joke (whoa, the dragon is such a big threat Barbatos awoke to put a stop to it! Nevermind the dragon that has been atacking mond for the past thousand years, that one doesn't matter) and I'm glad that they avoid mentioning it's the same drake in the canon text, but like......what does that mean for the timeline........how long have venti and dvalin been awake?? Mihoyo! Answer me!! *shakes phone with hoyoverse loading screen like a maraca* do you think we'll get a hint eventually over why Venti goes on such long sleeps? And don't even get me started in the mess that is the four winds, bc there's the knight of boreas but the wind is Lupus Boreas (How did he die anyway, how did he live despite that anyway) but the lion of the south is Jean? And is the Falcon of the West Venessa or the knights? Is there a knight title reperesentative of each wind— *slams the brakes*
I just have so many questions that either I convince myself everything will be addressed in the future or I'll go crazy lmfao, so I kinda end up missing the obvious holes as long as the info is there even if it wasn't properly introduced in the narrative haha. You're so right about the vagueness though!
And I'm playing inazuma chapter 2 rn and though I did love seeing the wider repercusions of the shogun's decisions I really, really want to poke the resistance like hey! Literally any business that exports anything ever is suffering! Places that depend on tourism are suffering! The outlanders are being opressed! There's! food! shortages!! If you really are so short-handed bc "repel the vision hunt decree" is not a popular sentiment, add an addendum to "repel the closed border decree" and I'm sure you'll get a lot more backing! Like what even is the endgame here, just convince the shogun she's wrong through war? At least say that you're trying to depose her! (It's so funny to me that Ayaka's all wide-eyed like just speaking badly of the Shogun is the height of daring-do, like boy do I have a story to tell you about Decarabian...also there really should have been more of a fallout about the shogun *personally* taking Thoma's Vision *without even informing the Yashiro comission leaders* like. I'm not an expert in fantasy politics but that seems like a very clear snub, given that Thoma works directly under the shirasagi himegimi?? Is it just me?)
It's the opposite for me. I absolutely hate that both books and characters are so unreliable. It doesn't feel like it's meaningful "unreliable narrator" situation but rather the writers using a cheap excuse to patch holes in their own lore.
Mondstadt in particular has a lot of timeline mistakes, like Diluc saying that Barbatos hasn't been seen in 1000 years, despite records clearly stating he appeared for the Cataclysm 500 years ago. All of this adds to the confusion about Venti's situation in general. It's very... yes, vague. I don't think Venti ever directly confirms that he was sleeping or got poisoned by Durin. For all we know, he was just out of town, and Dvalin's only been awake for like a week, so Venti only just returned and found out.
But I have to say...
it's VERY funny that you're only partway through Inazuma. No wonder you're still so optimistic about the writing.
You've basically hit on one of Inazuma's two major problems. The first problem is the character writing, with the excessive reliance on NPCs and poor pacing. The second problem is in regard to the politics of the situation.
Spoilers, but keep in mind that the Archon quest ends on Raiden removing the Vision Hunt decree, but NOT Sakoku. Sakoku isn't lifted until the end of Raiden's story quest chapter 2 (aka the only actual, complete character arc in the game). I... am somewhat suspecting that part of the reason they pivoted to be all about the Vision Hunt is because they realized they can't lift everything at the end of the Archon quest because what would Raiden do in her story quests then? They needed to manufacture two different story climaxes, so they split up the decrees.
Alternatively, maybe they just wanted to make fantasy Japan suck as much as possible, even if it didn't jive with overall worldbuilding. Who can say.
Anyway, I was very interested in Genshin's lore before Inazuma dropped and for the first patch of Inazuma. Then we got Inazuma act 3, which was very... controversial, shall we say, and my expectations kept going lower and lower as we went. I would say there were three things (characters) that more or less convinced me that Genshin writing is basically not worth my time: Azhdaha, Signora, and Scaramouche.
It's not as noticeable when you're catching up, but Azhdaha and the geovishaps got a lot of buildup during the Liyue patches. And then we finally get a chapter 2 story quest, Zhongli's. And it's just... bad. It's so bad. All that lore, for this?
Then we got Signora, who had so much backstory, being Rostam's girl and the same lore stuff mentioning that his student joined the Abyss while she joined the Fatui, so surely that will matter?? It does not, her backstory is literally never mentioned and if they try to give it relevance now, it'll be a bad joke.
And then we finally get Scaramouche in Sumeru, and he's like... they spent multiple events bringing up Kazuha's background, and I was pretty annoyed because I dislike him since they handled his character arc so horrendously. And then you realized all that about Kazuha was actually just buildup for Scaramouche backstory. Except it's not about Scaramouche as a character. It's about the Irminsul being able to rewrite history.
And then I stopped caring.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
For a change of mood, can we get your queer/pronoun HCs for the Spiderverse cast so far? I love you platonically!
Aw thanks! I care for you as well! (also you help prove my point that people come to me asking for my opinions lol, so thank you for that!)
But uh, I don't really have any queer headcanons outside of what has already become known on this blog lol. For some reason I just can't put effort into making headcanons for these characters. I think it's because they are a lot more established than the NSR characters and have lots of lore behind them.
I'll try to give what I do have so far though! Maybe a new one will pop up while typing this.
-Peni using kit/kitself pronouns
-Hobie using it/they pronouns mainly
-Actually, I like aroace Hobie too! Put that one down for me as well!
-Miles being bisexual
-Gwen is straight and trans
-Ganke is probably gay. I have a few asks with him I still need to answer about that I think.
-I don't personally have this, but there's an ask for T4T Pav and Gaya which I think is super cute (and hope to draw for so sorry that hasn't been answered yet).
-Peter Porker being genderfluid, or like some kind of genderfluid (like librafluid or something like that on the agender spectrum).
-I don't know anything about Jessica's lore, but I like the idea her husband is a transman and they used IVF or a sperm donor for Jess to get pregnant (Jess sees herself as straight but she is in a queer relationship so kinda counts for this)
-There was an ask about Miguel being a lesbian that I kinda liked (another one I want to draw for). Though I think personally I won't be using this headcanon, it is a cool one to think about like the T4T Pav and Gaya one!
-Noir being agender. Or somewhere on that spectrum. I forget what an asker sent in for a specific label, maybe it was agender switched from NB (or the other way around), either way they/them Noir!
-Honestly T4T MJ and Peter B is one that I might lean into
-Lesbian Margo is one I am thinking of leaning into as well (mainly because someone sent an ask for Margo and Tila which I honestly think is so cute and again want to draw that).
-Also Peni and Yinu becoming a couple (another ask I got) is something I can see happening (Yinu in the NSpidR AU is about 13 going on 14 and Peni would be about 14 going on 15, somewhere in that range. Similar with Margo and Tila, Margo is like 17, maybe 18, for me while Tila is 18 maybe about to be 19 if Margo is 18. I don't have set ages honestly).
-Um... I don't know, I kinda like the idea that the Vulture is a gay old man that acts like those two muppets that make fun of everyone lol. Him and Elivy could talk mad trash about stuff hehe
-Olivia might be an aroace lesbian.
-I definitely think Jonathan has some queerness to him but don't know exactly what (now all I can think of are glory hole jokes lol!)
So yeah, I think that's all I got. Got a few new ones along with acknowledging some asks I got from a while ago I do plan on trying to answer at some point. Honestly most of these were from asks that I got from other people and I just absorbed their headcanons into my canon lol.
Especially that Peter Porker one! I initially was gonna have him be the cishet one of the group but then the whole looney tunes/bugs bunny genderfluid thing came up and I just had to incorporate that!
Anyway, thanks for the ask! My inbox has quite a few asks I plan to answer (and to not answer) so hopefully I can get the ball rolling on those! I just am also trying to draw a comic, get commissions done, redesign OCs and get a job. So a lot of stress, but I'm overall happy! (and now I'm just full on rambling lol. Have a good day/night! You deserve it!)
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
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Trigger Happy Havoc Girls with an S/O who is like Mikan
Warnings: Mikan's personality/actions
Mod Ibuki: Hey hey hey!! Sorry for the long wait on this :/ I hope it was worth it, though!
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Kyoko was immediately worried for your safety
She had a lot of questions
Why were you so shy? Had you been through something?
She kept those questions to herself though
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d glare
Literally just walk up to you, wrap on arm around your waist and the other on your arm
And glare
If you ever took a fall in front of her she’d carefully lean down and help you up, suggestive or not
Although she might blush a bit if it was a suggestive position
“There, you’re alright. It was just a small trip, thankfully.”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she would be appalled
“Love, I don’t want you to take your clothes off because I’m not in a particularly good mood. Bad moods are normal, that doesn’t mean you take your clothes off every time it happens. Don’t offer that to me unless you personally want to do it.”
Kyoko is not someone you can look at and feel as if she’s mad at you, because she makes it clear if she is
But if you did think she was, she’d be pretty upset
“No, love. I’m not mad. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Nothing at all. I honestly don’t think I can be mad at you. You just seem to make everything better.”
Kyoko’s heart skips a beat whenever you’re around <3
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The minute you two met she did not let you out of her sight for long periods of time
She was just worried someone would hurt you or take advantage of you
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d be so mad
No one wants to deal with mad swimmy baby
“That is so rude, you know!? That was completely uncalled for! There was absolutely no reason to say that! Now apologize!”
If you ever took a fall in front of her, she would honestly fall too just to make you feel less embarrassed
She’d cover you if need be, though
Either with clothing or with herself when she “falls”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d be in shock
Mainly because you offered it to her because you thought she was upset
“What!? Please, S/O, no! Don’t say that! Taking your clothes off won’t make me feel better, cuddles will! Get over here! Because of that statement, I demand you let me cuddle you!”
If you ever thought Hina was mad, which is rare, she’d he so upset
“Baby! No! Not at all! I could never be mad at you! I swear! Your face is just too adorable to be mad at!”
Swimmer baby just wants your happiness above all
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Celeste would never admit it if anyone asked
But she loved you the minute she laid eyes on you
Your personality only made her want to be with you more
Not many people dared to bother you, but if an unlucky soul did try to do such a thing…
Celeste would give them a run for their money
“Are you fucking kidding me!? How dare you!? Why don’t you crawl back into whatever ditch you crawled out of and leave my significant other alone! Do I make myself clear!?” She’d turn to you and give you a soft smile. “Come on, dear. Let’s go get some tea to cheer you up, yes?”
If you fell in front of her, she wouldn’t be able to catch you without falling herself, but she’d immediately take your hands and help you up
“Come now, darling. Don’t cry, it was an accident. Everything is alright.”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, it would take a second to click
But once it did her reaction was similar to Kyoko’s
“Darling, I don’t wish for you to take off your clothes merely because Yamada put me in a foul mood. I would much rather you keep said clothes on and have a cup of tea with me, maybe some conversation as well. Please don’t offer yourself to me out of pity.”
If you ever thought she was made at you, she honestly thought she was gonna cry
“W-What? Dear, no. Not one bit. Not one ounce of me is angered by you. I love you far too much to be mad at you. Now, come here and let me hug you.”
Celeste truly does care about you, more than she has cared for anyone before <3
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That’s it
Sakura wants your safety above all, because she knows how shy people can be taken advantage of easily
If anyone dared to make fun of you, oh boy
Sakura is fucking terrifying
“I suggest you run before I snap you in half.”
That’s all it takes to send them on their way
If you fell in front of her, she would definitely be able to catch you
And she would!
But if you did manage to miss her arms, she’d pick you right back up and hold you
“See? I got you. Everything is okay.”
If you offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d be calmer, but nonetheless upset
“Hey, don’t do that. I don’t want you because of your body. I want you because of your personality. That’s what I fell in love with. Don’t offer yourself to me, or anyone else. Ever. It’s your body, you can most certainly choose what to do with it.”
If you thought she was angry with you, she’d be so quick to tell you otherwise
“No, not at all. I am not mad in the slightest. Even if I was, I’d never take my anger out on you. That’s wrong, and I love you too much to even think about doing that.”
With Sakura as your girlfriend, you will always be protected. And that’s a promise
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Mukuro is shy, but definitely not as shy as you
Like Sakura, she wanted your safety above all
Let it be from others or her cruel sister
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d be pretty angry
Hell, she may put those skills of hers to good use
“Hey. Don’t let me hear you say something like that again. Ever. That’s just plain disgusting.”
If you ever took a fall in front of her, her reflexes are extremely fast, so she’d try her absolute best to catch you
More often she does, but on the off chance she’s unsuccessful, she’d apologize with a bright blush
“I-I’m sorry, love. I tried to catch you, uh, I’m sorry. Here, grab my hands.”
If you offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d immediately say no
“S-S/O! No! No, I-I don’t want you to do that! I-I’m not in a bad mood, and even if I was I wouldn’t want you to take your clothes off just to try to improve my mood! Please don’t offer that to me, that’s practically violating you! And I don’t want to do that!”
If you ever thought she was mad at you, poor girl might cry
“L-Love, I’m not mad at all. I-I promise. Even if I was mad, I don’t think it could be caused by you in all honesty. I love you, okay?”
Soldier baby’s heart go brrr
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Shy or not, Sayaka’s a cute blushy mess around you
She still teases you in a friendly manner, but always makes sure you know she’s only playing
If anyone over bothered you, she’d be incredibly salty
Like, pettiness and all
“Oh, so that’s how you’re gonna be? Well, I’ll have you know that my significant other is NOT gonna do that. You’re a rude person and I hope karma hits you hard.”
If you took a fall in front of her, she’d screech so sound and try to catch you, but would most likely fail
When she saw that you were embarrassed, like Hina she would trip to make you feel better
“See, S/O? It’s fine! Now we both tripped, hehe! Isn’t that funny!”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d hug you immediately and try to make you happy
“Nope! I don’t want that, okay? I want to kiss your cute face! Not rub up on you because you want to make me happy! Now c’mere, so I can kiss your cute face!”
If you ever thought she was mad at you, though, she’d be really sad
“What? No, I’m not mad at all! Let alone at you! I promise, S/O. Even if I was mad, I’d have a peaceful conversation. Not a screaming match about it! Now, give me a hug!”
Sayaka will hug you as much as you please, as long as it makes you happy <3
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Toko thought you were annoying at first
But then she realized how similar you two were
Not long after, she fell in love with you
Just like in those cheesy novels she writes
If someone ever bothered you, she’d get pretty mad
Lowkey considers letting Syo out
“H-Hey, asshole! T-That’s a r-real d-dick t-thing to say! S-So w-why d-don’t you just g-go back to w-whatever ditch y-you crawled o-out of a-and d-die!”
If Syo was around when someone bothered you, well I think we know how that'll go
They aren't around anymore, especially if they were a pretty boy
If you ever fell in front of her, she’d lowkey get second-hand embarrassment, but would help you up anyways
“Hey, l-look, you’re fine. N-Not a scrape or anything. Y-You’re okay.”
Syo would leap into action immediately and pull you to your feet
"See!? It's like you never even fell! You're okay! No tears, I hate seeing you cry!"
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d freak the fuck out
“W-What!? N-No! D-Don’t do t-that! K-Keep your clothes o-on! I-I’m n-not mad! E-Even if I w-was, I w-wouldn’t w-want you to s-strip! Y-You’re t-too p-pretty for t-that!”
If Syo was around, she would as well
"What!? Oh no no no, this just won't do! You're body is far to marvelous to be shown so willingly, y'know that? Don't let others see it so easy! Even if it is just me! Doesn't matter!"
If you thought she was mad at you, she’d scoff at first, but then realize you were being serious
“What? I’m not m-mad at you. W-Why would I b-be mad at y-you? I-I have no reason to b-be. D-Don’t say that, I-I’d tell you if I-I was mad at you...S-Speaking as if I-I c-could g-get mad at y-you.”
Syo would latch onto you and hug you, giving you a little spin
"No, dollface! I'm not angry at all! See? I'm happy! So happy! Especially because my baby-cakes is here! Now, c'mon! Gimme a smooch!"
Even though she’d deny it at first, Toko really does love you
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crybabyddl · 4 years
Yes, let’s circle back to the beautiful performance of Edge of Great. More specifically the BODY LANGUAGE, particularly Julie and Luke’s, which I will be analyzing with gifs.
Exhibit A
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Jealous Luke looks over at Julie and Reggie vibing
Julie is aware that she’s avoiding Luke, which she is doing so bc she realized her feelings for him thanks to Flynn earlier in the episode.
Since Julie has put the task of ignoring Luke upon herself even though she has no obligation to, she ends up failing her own mission. She sees Luke’s reaction to the lack of her attention.
She literally FREEZES. She’s emotionally worried to confront what she’s feeling and it’s beginning to manifest physically.
Exhibit B
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It gets better y’all. After Luke finally has even a crumb of Julie’s attention, he beckons her over with his signature head tilt. This is important bc he did this with his longtime bandmate during the soundcheck of what would’ve been their biggest performance. If he feels comfortable enough using that body language with a girl he’s only known for, what, a week and a half(?) then you know this puppy boy’s got it BAD.
Julie is well aware that Luke is getting jealous. But in classic Julie fashion, she will try to tune it out instead of addressing it. Our wicked beauty doesn’t like confrontation and would rather just deny and avoid than potentially make things awkward, especially when she knows Luke would ask her about it at a later time.
The look on Julie’s face. Her eyes widen and the classic tight-lipped awkward smile is present. She’s literally saying “ok enough of that let’s get back to work doo doo doo” with her face. The way her body SWINGS back into performance mode as she faces the audience again. It may have been a split second, but when you’re deliberately trying to avoid looking into the dreamy (dead) eyes of someone you shouldn’t be crushing on, any amount of time feels too long. Plus, she knows Flynn is watching and doesn’t want her to lecture her (but she does anyway bc Flynn is observant and knows her bestie too well to let any action slip past her).
Exhibit C
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Keep in mind; NONE OF THE GUYS KNOW WHY JULIE IS AVOIDING LUKE. Flynn, Alex, and Reggie have noticed the Juke chemistry, but it’s still too soon for them to get past the “we like each other but we’re too clueless to notice that we reciprocate” phase, so even though their respective besties know, they are still denying. Besides, Reg, Alex, and Flynn know better than to keep pestering if they want to keep their kneecaps. In reality they’re both smart enough to tell by this point, but for the sake of the plot and to make everything more adorably frustrating, Flynn has the collective brain cell under lock and key, leaving Juke to be like *dog tilting its head and making that “a-roo?” noise*
Anyway, Reggie notices Luke being snubbed after realizing that his extra dose of Julie time was slightly out of the ordinary. Luke is clearly concerned (look at his eyebrows and how his eyes travel from Reggie, to Julie, then to the audience to trying and get his mind off it and bring his focus back to the main goal; the performance.) If he can’t have the moment of connection with Julie that he so desperately craves, he’s gonna fill that void as best he can by connecting with the audience. >:’)
But Reggie’s trying to help Luke brush it off by conveying his reaction as ‘look at julie coming into her own! i told you she was a star! and you thought you were the lead singer? think again buddy this girl’s got you beat!’
But since Reggie isnt a master at hiding his feelings yet, especially around Luke, —who was able to get under his skin earlier (“girls, am i right?”)—Luke was easily able to see through that and interpreted what Reggie was saying as “look at julie go, she all in the zone. you’re literally making heart eyes at her get a grip you’re slacking lmao” (hence luke’s right eyebrow quirking at reggie like ‘dude seriously gimme a break u know i need attention like tinkerbell’) even though Reggie’s true message was a bit less harsh and more lovingly teasing, but it’s Luke, he sees things through his eyes and at his intensity, regardless of who it’s coming from. (This is one of the reasons why Luke comes off as selfish at times.)
Exhibit D
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Poor Lukey boi can’t seem to catch a break today! Not only does Julie ignore him, then has a cute lil (platonic but it’s luke so it still makes him jealous >:P) moment, but now she has the AUDACITY to interact with Alex? The guy who was out learning Ghost 101 with this Willie guy instead of rehearsing with the band? What gives?! What’s he got that your moody ghost bf doesn’t? >:’(
He literally just watches, and even glances back in a way that, to me, screams ‘did i see that right? did i just see what i just saw with my own dreamy (but dead) eyes? say sike rn.’ \_(*_*)_/
Meanwhile, Alex pays no mind. I like to think that Alex is fully aware that Luke is an angry boy rn, but has learned to ignore it, especially this bc literally NOTHING happened. Either that or Alex has no clue and just truly thinks nothing of it and is having too much fun to think about Luke’s moody and childish behavior. Either way, Alex is just straight chilling and we love to see it *^_^*
Notice how Reggie is right there vibing with Julie and Alex. Luke feels a bit betrayed like ‘not you too! i know you were the first to turn on me but i figured since you’re such a golden retriever you’d be loyal and come back to my side!😠🥲’
Also; Luke approaches the rest of the group, wanting to be included in at least SOME of the vibing, but when Julie starts dancing and smiling with her buddy Alex, he backs up like
“you know what? nope. nevermind. not doin’ it.”
and the group’s like “i mean hey it’s your loss, but luke we want you to-”
“no, bc you chose to piss me off right in front of my face so no luke time for any of you! no cuddles, no hugs, no nothing! you made your bed, now lie in it and perish.”
Exhibit E & F: This is where it gets a bit interesting and theorized hehe...
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Now we all know that this moment is just fucking ICONIC
But hear me out– HEAR ME OUT!
What if... now don’t shoot the messenger who just so happens to also be the theorist... but what if...
WHAT IF!!! Luke didn’t!! plan this?!!!
Listen i know you’re probably thinking:
“Well uh Nicole, isn’t that kinda the whole point? It literally wasn’t planned until Charlie realized Madi was gonna be standing on the piano so he suggested the idea for the guitar solo to Kenny.”
And you’re right! But here’s the kicker:
What if Luke THE CHARACTER, just decided to do this as an “Alright that’s it! You wanna be like that? Well what if I just hit you with my super awesome radical totally cool wowza guitar skills & make a moment between us? Huh? What do you think about that? Hmm? HMMM???!!!”
He licks his lips & that to me read** like he was nervous (**read rhyming with bed just to clarify) so that means it could’ve been a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment thing.
In the second gif, you can see that Julie’s head is tilted, as if she’s a bit confused, but she’s also delightfully surprised.
Julie is quick to smile and scrunch her nose at Luke, something she does often. It tells Luke his impulsive action garnered a positive response from his favorite girl. Julie also starts to shake her head, but doesn’t go through the motion in full, which means she’s still a bit nervous to let her guard down. This is probably because she doesn’t know what he’s thinking or what he will do next. The lopsided smile mixed with the suave, gliding steps towards her probably brought her back to her daydream lol.
Luke’s happy bc Julie’s no longer ignoring him. He smiles like a GOOBER bc this chump is simping HARD for our Julie. So cute! :’)
Exhibit G
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And hear me when I offer this:
What if Luke poofed the guys out???
I know, I know. It’s a bold claim to make. But the boys are special, considering they are a threat to Caleb (3 gay-variant himbos vs. a gay magician that could’ve been on broadway but decided to make some sort of deal with a devil so he just entertains capitalists who most likely sold their souls to get into the hgc which i will probably elaborate on in a future theory so dont do that bc im gonna lmao idc we all have big brains) So it’s not too crazy to think that they could share some ghost powers.
We know Caleb transported the guys during You Got Nothing to Lose. And the guys have left a place at the exact same time on more than one occasion.
And you may be thinking “well what if the guys poofed out to give juke a moment alone together?” And to that I say...
Look at Reggie. He isn’t looking back at Alex like “dude let’s give them some space.”
The timing of him turning around, at least to me, makes me think Reggie was surprised by Luke approaching the piano. (But also he lowkey was waiting for Luke to prove him wrong by doing something to get Julie’s attention so Reggie isn’t mad. Neither is Alex but he doesn’t like being told how or WHEN to ghost) Luke doesn’t even give his bandmates a warning eyebrow quirk, a hand signal, nothing. Reggie turns to Alex like ‘dude what is he DOING?’ And before he can even really convey that, they go *POOF*
This man had a plan and he was gonna do it, so he did. Whether it’s the power of love, they stopped performing, or Reggie and Alex actually poofed out, the odds worked in Luke’s favor so he and Julie could have a super special moment, a moment special enough to make an actual living person (Nick) wonder if a “hologram” has a better chance at connecting with Julie than he does.
Again, regardless of who made them poof or how they poofed, they mf poofed so Luke’s a happy hamster. (Idk it just sounded fitting instead of happy camper lol wait what if someone had 3 pet hamsters and named them alex reggie and luke🥺 someone buy some hamsters and let me be their godmother or their aunt and i’ll love them from afar.) Anyway, Luke’s thriving, flourishing, his crops are going to grow in time for the harvest.
You can see Julie lean back as she turns to see Luke. It’s... almost as if... She. Wasn’t. Expecting. Him. To. Be. There..??
Honey badger Luke bc he DGAF <|:) Bitch, it’s Luke mf Patterson and he’s gonna,, GET! IN! YOUR! FAAAACE!!!
You CANNOT tell me he’s not doing the absolute MOST to try and seduce Miss Juliana Mariposa Rose Molina.
Yes I’m making a headcanon that Julie has TWO middle names and that one of them is the spanish word for butterfly and that the other is her mother’s name. Also yes, I believe (i believe that we’re just one dream away from who we’re– oh, that’s not what we’re doing? okay, sorry!) that Juliana is Julie’s full name.
In this house we love and respect Juliana Mariposa (Dahlia)** Rose Molina
**I’m just putting Dahlia there for fun bc I can. :) Whether I’d consider it a possible middle name of hers depends. Anyway I just thought it was a cute thing to add bc it goes along with the other middle names I gave her *^_^* Also, I feel like I made a post giving a bunch of the characters middle names lemme see if I can find it later)
Ok i’m done this took me basically all day from like 10am until 4:08. I obviously took breaks in between, but not long ones...😶
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travellingarmy · 3 years
║Zhongli║Family Outing
Requested from Wattpad.
Female reader as requested.
Word count: 2.3k
Even when it was just the two of you, you were expected to bring mora, so why would that change when there is an added person into the family?
"Mommy, Mommy! Look here, I finally tie it on my own!" A little rascal came running to your room with booming footsteps echoing down the hall, where you were still getting ready, showing you their poorly tied tie. You look over at the door and let a little chuckle before walking towards the smaller male who was quite the unique set of eyes and kneeling down to his level. "Wow, it looks good!" you praised, fixing the bowtie for him, earning a cute, little laugh from him.
The little rascal whose bowtie you were trying to fix was none other than your child, Qian. Qian was a unique child as he had features that normal humans don't have.
A second set of footsteps came echoing down the halls and stopped at your door. You look up and see your dearest husband, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and an unshakeable smile on his lips as he stares at the two most precious beings in the world. "Not going to mention how I helped you, I see." The older male chuckles. Qian turns his head to look up at his father before looking back at you again. "Oh yeah! Daddy taught me how to tie it, hehe," the adorable, little boy adds.
You laugh at the added statement and stood up. "Alright, should we go now?" you ask to which both of the males nodded- one with excitement. "Oh, right, Qian, make sure you hide your horns." You look at the two sets of horns that rested on top of the little boy's head.
As said before, the reason why Qian is unique is that he was a mix of a mortal and god-- yours and Zhongli's.
"Oopsies! I didn't know." He quickly retracted his horns so that they were no longer visible. His eyes, however, remained the same glowing amber eyes just like his father's; a truly unique set of eyes that makes him differ from everyone else along with his hair, and also the fact that he had the same immortality as his father.
You walked over to the door where Zhongli wrapped an arm around your waist and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "Ew, that's gross!" Qian covers his eyes with his hands as he said so, making both you and Zhongli laugh at the little action. "Can we go now? I want toys and books!"
"Alright, we can go now. Come, grab mommy's hand," you said and offer him a hand for him to hold onto. He uncovers his eyes and reaches for your hand, feeling the warmth from his tiny hands and fingers trying to cover most of it. Zhongli went to the other side of him and held his other hand and left the house.
"Mommy, mommy! Look at the doggies!" Qian points at the two dogs that watch the inner part of the bridge, giggling as the dogs wag their tails and walking closer to the young boy. He let go both of his hands from either of yours and Zhongli's grasp and went over to the dogs, ruffling their furs. You smiled before turning to your husband, "Can you watch over Qian while I buy a few things?" Not wanting to take Qian away from the dogs, you relied on Zhongli.
He nods and places a kiss on your head. "Of course," Zhongli says. On every outing, you would take this as a chance for grocery shopping. It was hard to keep the fridge at home full especially when you had a little tyke that sneaks into the kitchen for snacks.
Not wanting to overfill the fridge, you bought only the necessary things that you have fully noted down on a paper along with snacks for Qian. He- although has the same mindset as his father's and a bit of his knowledge- could be quite the handful when he doesn't get his snacks-- throwing tantrums when he wants things. But that was just how kids were and there is nothing else you could do to appease them.
"Mommy, where did you go?" Qian asks when you returned with a bag, still playing with the dogs. "Just went to buy food," you answered, smiling as Zhongli offers to take the bag from your hands. A gentleman, he was.
"What about snacks?" He leapt up excitedly, walking away from the dogs to clung onto your dress. "I wouldn't dare forget them," you replied, seeing his eyes light up happily, then hugging your legs. "You're the best, Mommy!" You rolled your eyes. "So, I'm the best when I buy you your snacks, huh?" you ask, feigning offence and pick him up to meet your eyes. He shakes his head frivolously and re-worded his words, "Mommy is the best even when she doesn't buy Qian snack!" He kisses your cheeks and you giggled.
"What about me?" Zhongli speaks up, pointing at himself as he waits in expectance. Giggling, Qian reaches out for his father who happily engulfed him in a warm hug. The little boy then places a kiss on Zhongli's cheek and smiled. "There! Daddy gets a kiss too, so don't be sulky anymore." Zhongli chuckles and places a kiss on his son's cheeks as well.
"Where would you like to go, Qian?" Zhongli asks, carrying him with one hand as he holds the bag with the other. "Toys!" he exclaims, eyes glimmering with stars. Chuckling, the three of you made your way to a toy shop where Zhongli put Qian down to roam the store, excitedly picking a lot of toys. "Qian, you can only pick two things, okay? You already have a lot back home," you reminded, sweat dropping.
"B, but Qian really likes them..!" He pouts, giving you his doll-like eyes as he pleads. It was something that he always does and was very effective. You felt an imaginary punch to your stomach, picturing your soon-to-be empty wallet, but you just didn't know how to say no to such a face. You cranked your head to your side, looking at your husband who stood idly by cluelessly, hinting him to help.
He notices your graved face and immediately understood and clears his throat. "Qian, mora, you see, may just be a materialistic thing that one can obtain, but obtaining it is much harder than you realize, so mortals always make note of things called prices that requires mora. By doing so, they can save extra mora for other needed things," he lectures, though it doesn't seem that Qian understood what his father told him.
"Mommy can go get more, right?" he asks, clearly not understanding what Zhongli had said. "Money shouldn't be thrown around carelessly, sweetie," you spoke, kneeling to his level and placing a hand on his shoulder, his bright eyes reflecting off of yours. "Okay.. But we can come back to buy them, right?" Qian asks, to which you nodded. "Then, Qian will pick these two! Mr. Cyclops is cool!"
You look at the toy in his hand, knowing that it was a very popular toy from Snezhnaya. The toy maker was also very popular amongst children, so it was understandable seeing Qian choosing the toy. You stood up and ruffled his head before turning to place a kiss on Zhongli's cheeks. "It wasn't the best explanation, but it did make him choose two," you say and walked off to pay for the toys.
"Mommy, mommy, I'm hungry!" Qian tugs on your hands after so much walking. "Well, it is the afternoon.. Where does Qian want to go?" you ask. "I want to eat where that fire-breathing teddy bear is!" he says almost immediately, showing his enthusiasm. "Ah, Wanmin Restaurant it is." You chuckled, knowing he meant Guoba.
"Hello, welcome to Wanmin Restaurant! Please, sit wherever you like!" Xiangling greets. Qian's smile grew wider when his eyes landed on the girl and ran up to her as you and Zhongli walked to an empty table. "Miss, can I see Mr. Fire-breathing Bear?" he asks, tugging her clothes. "Oh, of course, Qian!" the female giggles and takes Guoba out. On every outing, Wanmin Restaurant was one of the places Qian loves to go and that's because of Xiangling's Guoba. He would never go to another restaurant even when suggested.
Xiangling sat her bear on the extra seat around your table- right beside Qian- and look towards you and Zhongli. "Please, take your time to look over the menu! Oh, I've also added new dishes that children might like," Xiangling says enthusiastically before leaving the table to tend to other customers.
After choosing lunch, Xiangling makes off to the kitchen and leave the three of you plus Guoba to chat for a while. "Mr. Fire-breathing Bear is cute!" Qian states, touching the bear. "Mommy, can Qian have one too?" He turns to look at you.
"Ah.. Of course!" you say, giving him a close-eyed smile. It was a good thing that Guoba was behaving on order or else it could hurt someone.
"Here are your orders!" Xiangling returns as quickly as she went, the order in her hands and places it on the table. "And a little snack for little Qian!" she says. Qian giggles and thanked her before she excused herself once more, bringing her Guoba along.
After that, you just strolled around the city until sunset and eyed interesting things, making sure that neither Qian nor Zhongli went off on their own for things they've found an interest in. It was indeed fun, but it almost felt like you had to babysit Zhongli as well who almost always wanders around to buy things without preparing money with him.
"Mommy, how come Daddy isn't allowed to bring money with him?" Qian asks, running along the edge of the docks, pretending that his Mr. Cyclops can fly. Zhongli was certainly caught by surprise and a tint of pink was seen on his face as he forcefully coughs onto his fist-- most likely embarrassed for the reason. You snickered, eyeing the man from the side of your eyes before looking over to the little boy. "He is bad at managing money, so that is why mommy has them. And also because daddy always forgets to bring his money," you answered. "When he was courting me, I had to pay for most things to which he will pay by taking me out for dinner." It was only times that Zhongli can date onto a calendar, that he will remember to bring money. Other than that? Expect to bring your wallet.
"How did daddy manage to marry mommy like that?" he asks, surprised and draws his full attention to the two of you. "Well, daddy has other charms to look at. He's especially good in b--" Zhongli immediately covers your mouth, knowing full well of what you were about to say. "I would take whatever means necessary to marry your mother-- mora aside, of course," Zhongli states, hearing you laugh from beside him, though having a mouth over you.
You remove his hand to add on but was then cut off by putting a hand over your mouth. He laced his arm around your waist and draws you close before removing the hand and placing a kiss on your cheek. "I'm just kidding. You know I will never say that," you say, giggling at his attempt to shut you up.
"Ew, daddy is kissing mommy!" Qian spoke, drawing your attention to the young boy. "It was just a kiss on the cheek.." you say. "That is still kissing!" Qian defends.
You chuckled. "Alright, come here, Qian. It's time to go home and make dinner," you say, outstretching a hand for him to hold. He excitedly runs towards you and grabs hold of your free hand, your other being held by Zhongli.
After dinner, you all sat in the living room for some more family bonding time, Qian now presenting his horns as he plays with his new toys along with his old ones. But it didn't take long for the hours to pass before looking at the clock and decided that it was time for Qian to go to sleep.
"Alright, Qian, time to go to sleep," you say. "But I still want to play with Mr. Cyclops.." He pouts. "You can play with Mr. Cyclops tomorrow, okay? He won't leave," you assured. He was a bit reluctant, but soon allowed you to pick him up to bring him to his bedroom, Zhongli trailing behind.
You helped him change into sleepwear and tuck him nicely under the blanket, then turning on the lamp on his bedside table and turning off the light before returning to sit on the edge of his bed. "Good night, Qian. Let mommy and daddy see you in your dreams," you say softly and kiss his forehead. "Good night.. Mommy.." With that, his eyelids fell heavy, drifting him off to dream land.
You stood up and turn to look at the door, seeing Zhongli's eyes glowing much brighter in the dark room. One more look at Qian before you made your way to Zhongli who waited outside the hall, leaving the door slightly open as usual.
"I'm tired." You yawned, wiping a tired tear from the corner of one of your eyes. Zhongli chuckles lowly and caught you by surprise by picking you up, bridal style. "Then, it must be time for my dear to sleep as well," Zhongli says, smiling down at you as he walks to yours and his bedroom where he lies you down and crawling to the other side of the bed, getting underneath the blanket with you.
You muzzled into his chest, letting him wrap his strong arms around you closely and engulfing you in his warmth. "Good night, my dear." He kisses your forehead. You hummed, tired, and said, "Good night, my love."
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Could you do some hcs for dating the teen titans?
Yes I can!! I just got HBO Max so I’ve been binging both the animated and the live action series haha 😂 Thank you so much for being my first request!
Also I’m guessing you’re referring to the original teen titans, so if you want the new teen titans just shoot me another request!
Dating the Teen Titans Would Include...
No Specified AU
TW: Language
Genre: Fluff
[DC Masterlist]
Word Count: 2.0K (About 0.2K per Titan)
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Dick Grayson
You must have an insane amount of patience, truly, to be able to date Dick Grayson
If the joke book he probably carries around isn’t enough, I would’ve been certain that the ego would drive you away but nope you’re still here
And that’s how you both knew that it was true fucking love you’re both inseparable and the Titans know it.
To put things simply... he loves you and the Titans fear you.
While you’re both somewhat easygoing and hospitable, one would do well not to piss off one or the other because you both come as a package deal and you can kick ass when necessary you just choose not to embarrass Dick like that because you could totally outmatch him.
Don’t ask him that though he’d insist that he’d win.
Best not bring up the first time you met or else the Titans would never let him live it down
But in all seriousness, I see the relationship as rather lighthearted and enjoyable, maybe a bit spontaneous too. Want to go to the beach? Done. Want to kick some ass in Gotham? For sure. It’s like a match made in heaven.
Not to mention that the Titans rather look up to you, which is a definite plus. Not just anyone can date the Dick Grayson.
Wally West
As opposed to popular opinion... I’d think that this is a rather slow relationship. 
Speedsters are more than just familiar with how life just flashes by so I think Wally would like to enjoy the relationship at a slower pace, he wants it to last as long as possible.
With that said, you’re both menaces. His speed combined with your cleverness? No one is safe and the Titans know it.
The best moment of your relationship, although this is debatable, was when you and Wally successfully turned the Titan tower into an all-out prank minefield. Trash cans were covered with plastic, buckets of water places on doorways, even wardrobes were switched.
And all done in ten seconds, impressive. Nothing quite like starting a war in the Tower then grabbing burgers after, right?
Kind of cheesy but I can see you both having frequent movie nights that differ in genre according to month. You both probably rotate on who chooses the movie too.
Overall I think you both have a lot of fun together, if I were to compare the “vibes” to something, I would say a summer relationship (that obviously lasts longer than just a summer) where everything is just living life as it goes
Nah because like I said before you guys don’t want to rush things, and you’re always there to remind Wally to just slow down every now and then.
I should probably mention that this is a competitive relationship too, before I go, not everything’s a competition but everything’s a competition, you know? It’s a shame that the Titans often get caught in the cross fire though-
Donna Troy
Oh this one’s fun. Donna’s new to this whole “rest of the world” stuff but luckily she has a wonderful partner who’s willing to teach her everything.
A lot of the relationship consists of you explaining things, but it’s kind of endearing despite Donna’s headstrong attitude towards anything
But Donna is also the kind to be open to learning new things, and you’re open to trying new things. It works like clockwork, you’re both young and willing.
Now these “things” can range from baking cookies to extreme mountain climbing so be prepared for anything in this relationship.
Overall I think the Titans see you both as a really cute relationship, one that anyone could be slightly envious of and one that they’re glad that exists
But despite this loving relationship I think you’d both be absolute machines in a battle, I think one thing that is important to Donna is ultimately respect for each other’s abilities, having grown up on Themyscira and all, and maybe that one battle where you absolutely demolished the enemy was when she really caught interest.
Or not. It could’ve also been when you mistakenly ran into one of the glass walls in the tower and she developed a crush over you while you mumbled a series of curses.
This relationship is strongly built on loyalty, so I think you both would be describes as a pair of ride-or-dies who typically tend to lean towards the latter, especially when trying the more extreme things that Donna asked you about.
But overall I think it’s a really sweet relationship with few bumps, they’re still there but I mean that you’re both good at working through them.
Victor Stone
I feel like this relationship is very classical high school romance, you know?
Like walking to class together, holding each other’s books, stuff like that.
But on the other hand I feel like you’re both a very fun couple to be around, like you know how when you’re with some couples it feels like you’re third wheeling? Not these two. You feel like you’re part of the crew
You guys probably switch between fun couple and parent couple every now and then, I can see the Titans relying on both of you a lot for different things.
You and Victor are definitely the type to play games to determine who buys food, like things as simple as rock-paper-scissors to things as complicated as 8-Ball, and so far you’ve been winning at a ratio of 3:1.
Definitely a very trusting relationship, I feel like you both reach that comfortable stage faster than most, but it feels right, you know? I think you’d both understand that relationships go both ways.
There are probably times where you’re both in a teasing mode too, I think, but they’re mostly light hearted pranks, definitely not anything in the realm of what Wally would do
I kinda want to say that you’re a very active couple in that you both like to go to the gym together and idk take hikes together but at the same time I also want to say that you’re both inclined to stay home and play video games so I guess it’s like a 50/50
I can also see Victor being the type to do small acts of generosity as opposed to like buying gifts to show his appreciation for you, like I feel like he’s more inclined to help you with small tasks when he knows you need it, you know? Overall very cute, hehe
Raven (Rachel Roth)
Now this one’s interesting, you and Raven are certainly an interesting duo, but the most interesting thing would likely be how you met. Let’s say it involved a blood sacrifice, a bat, and a very old bicycle.
No you weren’t trying to summon her someone else was you just ended up being at the wrong place at the wrong time anyway moving on
You’re both the perfect example of opposites attract for more reasons than just one. 
But what makes it better is that you’re always open and willing to learn and understand many of the things that Raven does and she appreciates it a lot
It goes both ways also! She’s always willing to do whatever you ask her to and you both end up having at least some fun even if it happens to be something she isn’t used to.
Random, but I think a favorite pass time for both of you is simply sitting in her room and reading books, weird, I know, but like there’s something inherently romantic about either of you excitedly showing the other a certain passage you both enjoyed or telling them about your book, it’s just so sweet.
She definitely has a personal bias towards you, obviously, Garfield can say a joke and she’d stare at him with a straight face but you could say the exact same joke probably right after him and she would crack a smile and she probably does that on purpose but it still feels nice
You also may or may not have caught on to her incantations and now you may or may not be able to perform these spells but you haven’t tried because you wouldn’t know how to but it’s just telling of how much time you spent together.
I only mention this because there was an event in which you corrected her incantation and suddenly hell fire appeared which she had to figure out how to get rid of and since then you both mutually agreed to both (a) not tell the Titans and (b) not say incantations out loud
Koriand’r (Starfire)
STOP YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE anyway you’re definitely both kinds to see beauty in everything
Maybe this relationship is rather dangerous considering you’re both curious people and Kori happens to be able to shoot lasers out of her eyes so maybe you should both be just a little more careful
You’re both probably very doting on both each other and the rest of the Titans and although you’re both well intentioned it has become a case of “oh no there’s two of them” but in like a teasing way
I feel like Kori is very open to sharing a lot of aspects about her culture with you, and you have always found Tamaran culture to be beautiful so it fits
Likewise you share a lot of things about your culture too and you both bond over finding ways to combine them together to make a nice fusion of understandings and it’s all a sweet combination
See a big thing about this relationship if that you both put your everything into it, it is an equal push and equal pull kind of thing where you both love each other with everything that you have and it creates this unbreakable bond that even non-supers have come to acknowledge
Though this also results in the both of you frequently being in your own world even when others are around and that’s something you both promised to fix but yeah...
It’s coming around, don’t worry. You’re both making active efforts but sometimes it just slips your mind and whoops
Now this should go without saying but this trust often leads to powerful combinations when in missions, you’re both fiercely loyal to each other and this often plays in overall favor so all is well
Garfield Logan
This is a fun relationship, definitely, and one that’s also very fulfilling.
You’re both definitely an outdoorsy couple, things like hikes, nature walks (which I guess is also a hike but I’ve been told otherwise), trips to the zoo, etc. but this all just builds the relationship
Also a very sweet one! You both have an unlimited amount of energy and love that you’re often expending said energy volunteering somewhere and helping others out
But when it boils down you’re both also very touchy, I think, you both like being together at all times and cuddles are a frequent occurrence but at the will of the other Titans you both do this in privacy
I also feel like this sweetness can also “flip,” so to say. As in if someone messes with either of you in the relationship the other will come running regardless of whether or not they could do anything about it.
To put it short, you both have each other’s back all the time. Literally, like I said you’re both inseparable. 
Despite these I think the relationship would actually be rather lowkey, I don’t think he would be the type to constantly showcase the relationship. I think he’d mention it like once to get it out there but after that he wouldn’t flaunt you around.
I just think that Garfield, even with his usual out and about behavior, is rather modest when it comes to this topic because you’re more to him than just someone to show off, you’re someone who’s important to him and overall he just wants you to be comfortable
If there’s one flaw in this relationship it’s that when you have arguments it’s just horrible, but also rather comedic. Neither of you talk to the other but you both end up still being in the same room together subconsciously. It’s kind of awkward but the coincidences are what makes the other Titans laugh and honestly you both make up within, like, a day or something.
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hwkhs · 4 years
Haikyuu Captains as Boyfriends
summary: the captains as your boyfriend, general headcannons
characters: daichi sawamura, kuroo tetsurou, oikawa tooru, bokuto koutarou, ushijima wakatoshi x gn!reader
warnings: none
style & genre: headcannons; fluff
notes: i just needed something to lift my spirits today, nothing happened it’s just that levi & shinsou aren’t real :/ i might be making more general headcannons for them but all of these just came to mind and cameos from their best friends in each b/c why not
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Daichi Sawamura
wholesome is the word i associate with this man
he is super protective and doting over his s/o, but not to the point to where it’s overbearing
definitely the guy to move you to the side of the street furthest from the road
“it’s so you won’t get hit by a car”
“daichi, we’re on a sidewalk”
“you never know!”
when you guys are at school he’ll walk you to your classes even if his are on the other side
suga teases him for being so whipped for you but he can’t help it,,,
dates are all those cliche ones like a day out in the town or at a fancy/comfy restaurant
opens doors for you and pushes in your chair swoon
he likes being the big spoon, but on the days when he feels a little sad he doesn’t mind being wrapped in your arms
“you feel like home”
you guys cook together this man knows how to cook excuse me where can i get a daichi
getting flour on each other when you guys try to bake
Kuroo Tetsurou
smug asshole
like honestly you can’t tell me otherwise
when you guys walk go out to get groceries he’ll smack your ass even if there are people around
will tease you in public and strangers ask if you need some water because your face is red
“kitten, you’re so cute”
“tetsu, shut up”
“oh? kitty’s got claws”
likes to hold your hand or have an arm around your waist when you guys are together
during classes, he’ll bring you lunch and let you sit in his lap while you eat, occasionally teasing you with bites of food being taken away from your mouth and he eats it >:(
kenma rolls his eyes at the sight of you two but is happy that his best friend found someone
the kind of guy who likes at-home dates with movies/anime/video games and cuddling with you
playing with his hair is an experience
it may not look soft BUT IT IS
whenever you guys have study dates YES ALSO THERE ARE STUDY DATES he’ll get tired of looking through books and just lay his head in your lap
you have to run your hands through his hair and he’s in heaven he falls asleep right then and there
Oikawa Tooru
pretty asshole
super affectionate because he wants to engrave in your mind that he only loves you hehe
he’s a naturally flirty guy so there are those swarms of fangirls that are all over him
he’s more forward with rejecting their advances, taking the opportunity to show you off when he sees you
“ah, my lovely s/o!” he breaks away from the group and runs to hug you tightly
whenever he sees you in the halls he announces it like you don’t even have to turn around when someone calls your name out loud and you hear running behind you
he likes pda and will always have some sort of contact with you, whether that’s holding your hand or hugging you from behind
dates are cliche like daichi’s but with extra romance or cheesiness up to you like a picnic under the stars
definitely takes pictures of you and they turn out really well like this guy kNOWS angles and lighting like the back of his hand
you join iwa, mattsun, and makki in teasing him when he plays and though he’s a little offended, he’s happy you get along with his friends
“can we cuddleee?”
wayyy more affectionate in private and loves loves loves cuddles
he smells really good when you hug him what the heck
Bokuto Koutarou
loud with his love for you
he’s a fun and playful boyfriend who wants nothing but to make you smile
he absolutely loves it when you watch him practice and he’s doing all these extra motions and motivated plays to impress you
during games, akaashi personally texts you to make sure you watch if you can so you can get bokuto out of his emo mode
you get him out of his emo mode just by him laying his eyes on you
“i can’t go on, akaashi!”
cue his team exasperated
akaashi taps his shoulder and directs the ace’s attention to the people watching the game
he sees you and he perks up right away
“you can do it, bo!” your smile says
they won ahaha
brags about you to his friends because he feel so lucky that he managed to date you
dates to the amusement park change my mind
is actually really good at the games and wins you like 5 tons of stuffed animals
remembers every important date, especially your anniversary just imagine seeing him with flowers and happiness all over his face
“bo, you really shouldn’t have”
“why not? it’s one of the many ways i can show that i love you”
he’s a heavy sleeper and he always instinctively wraps an arm around you to pull you to him
good luck getting out of that grip
Ushijima Wakatoshi
he’s pretty new to the dating scene so a lot of his actions may be awkward or it may not seem like he puts much care or affection into them
more of a subtle guy with his advances
tendou was the one who got you guys together if not then it’d basically be a lot of shy glances and moments between the two of you
he insists on walking you home every night because he’s afraid you’ll get lost you may have gotten lost a few times for him to suggest this
very protective when you guys are in a new area, usually when you go on dates and you have to take the train there
otherwise he trusts that you can take care of yourself but will always be that buff backup whenever you need it
has absolutely no shame in announcing that your his s/o because he is unaware of his actions
like the team didn’t even know you were dating until you came to give him his water bottle during one of the practices and he kisses your forehead
speaking of head
he likes to pat your head as affection idk what else you could have thought of because he’s tall
he may not show it but he really likes affection, especially during days when he’s really tired after practice
loves sleeping on top of you either overnight or just for a nap
he falls asleep to the sound of your heartbeat
“can i sleep on you? you’re comfortable”
“of course, toshi”
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Interdimensional Moms pt4
Part 3 here! <-
The tales had be interesting. The tales had even been emotionally gripping, yet all of them so far didn’t seem to register at the moment as Ruby’s teammates looked at her with the same excitement she used to give her own mother during story time. Ruby couldn’t help but give a little smile.
Ruby:I take it you’re ready for my turn? You do know it’s not exactly a sunshine and rainbows story, right?
Weiss:We figured as much, but....
Yang:You’re so different! From the moment you showed up I could just feel it in my gut. You have this...presence about you. Not to mention intsene confidence.
Blake:Yang is right. You said you beat your Salem when your seventeen. That’s...scary if I’m being honest. Such a drastic departure from any of our worlds.
Ruby:*red* Hehehe ummm I guess I’m just awesome? Really I don’t think it’s the most outstanding feat. At least by my worlds standards I suppose. I mean sure, I’m consider cream of the crop there too but there’s talented people and challenges all over that would put me through my paces still. I’m just...me.
Weiss:Sigh...honestly, I suppose that means our own skills must pale in comparison to our counterparts.
Ruby:Mmmm I wouldn’t say that for sure. My Yang would kill me if she heard this but there’s something about the one right here that has spark I dig.
Ruby:Uh huh. Can’t put my finger on it but I think you take her if you want it bad enough. As for Weiss....couldn’t tell ya. Haha, I know better than anybody to not underestimate the power of mother, and you pumped twins out.
Weiss:Not sure if those are pity points or real ones but thanks either way.
Blake:You don’t even have to tell me I’d lose. Just gave an entire story about me an my condition.
Ruby:Don’t feel too bad about it. I can’t imagine much reason for you two to fight for any reason. You’re both too reasonable to not reason with yourself.
Blake:Aw I’m touched.
Yang and Weiss:We aren’t....
Ruby:Hahaha I’m just saying! So, I guess I take things from the top like you all? From what I learned from all of you our Beacon experiences really are more or less the same, not counting certain interactions between a bookworm faunus and an adorkable blonde knight. Enrolled early, blew up the entrance, Weiss was rude, Yang ditched me, all the same beats.
Yang:There’s no super badass change like you beating Cinder the night of dance and making our entire lives easier?
Ruby:Ha! I wish I was that legit. No, I was very much the young girl tripping in heels that night. Vytal festival came around and was attacked, then Beacon fell. Pyrrha was lost and so was Penny. Difference being that was my last time seeing her, unlike Weiss’s story apparently.
Weiss:Yeah that...that’s a little bit of shock to be frank. Sorry.
Ruby:No worries. Not like you did anything and it was decades ago for me now. After that day is when I started to get a bit more serious I think. I had always taken being a huntress seriously and never slacked of in trying to live my dream. However, my perspective may have honed in on just how do or die life his when you’re the one choosing to walk into unknown danger. Team RNJR’s first and only mission, save the world!
Yang:Sub mission: Flirt with Jaune Arc.
Ruby:*blushing* We do not choose who we fall in love with it. But yes, that may have been a personal pseudo mission for me. He’s my first friend at Beacon for crying out loud and I you know.....thought he was cute then too.
WBY:Yeah that checks out.
Ruby:What does that mean!?
Weiss:Ruby, even my Ruby admits to finding Jaune attractive and having a crush on him back in the day.
Yang:I already went into enough detail on how my little sister feels about Jaune. Your just the reality where you pounced on the opportunity and never let go. Struck when the iron was hot and none of us were around; sly fox.
Ruby:Gee you make it sound underhanded. It isn’t like I intended to actively pursue him. Everyone was really sad and stressed traveling to Anima. There was a tension in the air. One that really strained us. I did my best to keep focus, but a leader is only as put together as team. Ren and Nora confided one another as usual and I tried being there for Jaune because seeing him emotionally shut down was rough; so I did my best to be there for him. Then...he ended up being there for me and I was the one who needed comfort. All the airing out and late nights just...led to....*red*
Blake: “Breaking the tension?”
Ruby:I guess that’s one way of putting it. We were lonely. I hid my feelings best I could under the veil of comfort in the moment. Not that needed to. He made it pretty clear that he wanted me in the same way I wanted him. I just the two of us were too scared to ask for promises we weren’t sure we could keep so we loved in the moments we could, so to speak.
Weiss:If it wasn’t under dire situations, all that sounds oddly romantic.
Ruby:Right!? Looking back at it makes the entire thing seem romantic but I definitely wouldn’t wish a similar experience on anybody! I guess it’s what I wished for when I fantasized huntress life huh? Things obviously got better along the way. Our relationship got a bit more serious right before we got to Haven. Then Tyrian and other crazy stuff happened that threw all of us into panic mode again before slowly getting better again by a lot.
Yang:We showed up?
Ruby:Bingo! You and Weiss, met Oscar, and then eventually Blake came back. Things were on the up and up.
Weiss:Uh, Haven attack?
Ruby:We lived, up and up. Yeah you got stabbed but you know...that’s not new I’m sure.
Weiss:Yeah I have the scar and I’m still little pissed.
Ruby:Valid. Anyways, so my Atlas experience was different as hell. There was no formation of Remnants armies like Weiss spoke of or even between two kingdoms like Blake. Yang, what happened yours again exactly?
Yang:Nonsense. Cinder showed up with lackeies but not Salem’s lackies. Those people showed up separately, then Adam came back from wherever the hell he- a lot! A lot of people showed up for different reasons but also the same reason and to be frank, we all almost got shot by the military for being in bases that quote unquote, “didn’t exist.”
Ruby:Man I wish we traded. That at least sounds crazy enough to be fun. Just a rollercoaster in the dark basically. My experience was probably as hectic, but also way more streamlined. We showed up, and then all hell broke loose. Specially a mass grimm invasion lead by Cinder and her annoying associates. We were there for about three weeks updating General Ironwood and getting our barrings together when it happened. I wanna call it a hit and run tactic but it was clearly planned in advanced. Mechs were hacked again, traitors in the military, grimm lying in wait before hand; it was chaos! All for the relic.
Blake:Who was the maiden?
Ruby:Never met her. By the time we got there, Ironwood was panicking because she had vanished, taken right from under his nose. It was some young girl apparently, really young. The attack on Beacon looked like child’s play to this. Mantle got attacked, grimm were on the chains, they tried dropping Atlas to the ground; all a diversion for a relic. We all should’ve died, and yet, we didn’t. Winter and Weiss weeded out traitors, huntsman and military held the line, Yang bested Hazel with Nora, Qrow and I cut down Tyrian! Ren, Blake and Jaune helped the kingdoms while Ironwood struck down Watts. Nobody was in the mood to die that day. There wasn’t gonna be another Beacon. By all means, we were pissed. Even Raven showed up of all people.
Ruby:You can’t attack a kingdom without the world knowing. Especially when traitors leak info. Honestly she came for you though, or she never left to begin with. Couldn’t tell ya. Thanks to Maria I had a bit more handling with my eyes. That helped a lot. Without them and Os-
She stopped herself, choking on the words. The zest and excitement of recalling the heroic feats of her friends dimmed slightly with her smile. Her joyful smile became bittersweet like the memory.
Ruby:Then there was Oscar, the real warrior on that flamed filled night. That battle had to have been three days at least. We were so driven, and so tired. I was tired, but Cinder, Neo, and the others with her at the time weren’t; always showing up at the worst time. I managed to push Cinder back in a fight but grimm and others still swarmed. We were at a point that grimm very well might’ve did us in and the villains didn’t have to push any harder. But Oscar changed that. Hehe, what’s it about country folk that makes people like him and I not hesitate to grit our teeth? That dork looked at me, gave me the biggest smile on the the steps to Atlas, and then he left. His hair went white as he twirled the cane and then he left, forever. Oz came out, and he left nothing to the imagination. “Limited magic” my butt. He obliterated grimm and made a barrier aroma Atlas while everyone else cleared Mantle long enough for the world to send reinforcements. Salem didn’t get the relic, but she got the maiden and thousands of casualties. Oscar being one of them. Also, Whitley....he was in critical condition for a very long time.
Weiss:What do you mean...critical condition?
Ruby:Everything happened so fast Weiss. Panic was high, buildings fell....a piece on him. I wasn’t there but when I eventually found you, you were nearly hysterical and banged up. By some miracle he lived even though we could not reach him and he did not get aid for awhile. We thought him dead. It was only after everything we learned somebody got him. Being rich never paid off more than with medical bills. Thanks to youth and medicine he can still walk, but he can only do so much before being tired. He also left Atlas. The cold hurts.
Weiss:So, I run the company because he can’t?
Ruby:I wouldn’t put it that way, but it was one of dozens of reasons that made that goal stronger for you. Relax though, both of you get plenty of time to be witty siblings like I told you earlier.
Weiss:I know. It’s just, I guess it’s hard imagining Whitley hurt like that. I don’t think I could handle it.
Ruby:You definitely teetered in the moment. Knowing that happened though probably gave you anger and grit to fight the entire battle. You were a beast. Scarier than Winter. Anyways, that hollow victory was a real wake up call for the world. They didn’t know about Salem and we never told society in earnest. Cinder and other conspirators were enough to make Remnant work together to boost defense. Relief went to places that needed it and I, became the face of hope. Haven, Argus, Atlas, even people from Vale got to chattering of a particular group of people who always seemed to answer the call for help. Then the towns in between chattered. Yours truly had been carving a name in the history books and was only gain popularity the moment I stepped into Vacou, alone.
Yang:Where were we!!!!!?
Ruby looked at surprised faces around the table, smiling tenderly. She looked down her dress and pulled out the cross she wore around her neck. Her thumb traced its edges as her mind began wandering down an old path paved with emotions raw to the core.
Ruby:I’ve always felt different. Not just because of my eyes but that there was just...a certain spark that never stopped going off for as long as I remember. There are plenty of people who can’t bare to watch others suffer, but there are fewer people I believe that truly feel the agony of other people’s pain. Beacon, Haven, Atlas, Argus; there was no place I went that I didn’t see the faces of others lamenting, and I didn’t make me want to grieve. Atlas took so much out of all of you and I just felt so....driven to stop that ache. For everyone’s sake, but mine as well. I wanted the world to finally get to the happy ending. Enough trauma had be sowed for a hundred lifetimes, so I went on ahead of everyone. I never doubted you all would follow but I wanted to get ahead of the curve and take on as much of the suffering I could do others wouldn’t. If the world wouldn’t give me a miracle than I’d be it myself for everyone else.
Yang:That’s suicidal! Salem wanted you specifically!
Ruby:It’s not like I went marching up to her door and said “1v1 bitch, I’m here” no, I just chose to move forward quicker than what we were all doing. Believe me, all of you were upset when you caught up, after I had already saved Vacou. *smiles* I really like that place. I told the people it was the next target and all they did was double down on pushing back. I managed to pin down the Summer maiden before the villains and thanks with the city on alert, there wasn’t a shift in the sand that didn’t go unnoticed. I got the jump on Mercury and Emerald, personally paying them back. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it. It didn’t take long before they realized how screwed they were with them being outed like this and Cinder having the nerve to retreat before hand. Both of them threw in the total, outing the plan against Vacou. A wipeout of a win. Not to mention they told me the location Salem’s little hiding hole.
Weiss:We missed all of that?
Ruby:That’s what happens when I leave in the dead of night and running on adrenaline. Like I said before, people were tired. As much as all of you wanted to hoof it, other’s were relying on you. Atlas almost dropped for gods sake. Eventually when you all caught up it was at a good time. Soloing was rewarding but difficult. Fortunately Sun, Neptune, Ilia, and a few other familiar faces were close by if I needed an extra set of hands. My little stunt earned the anger of everyone for awhile.
WBY:Yeah no shit...the leader left.
Ruby:Yang was the most upset, followed by Uncle Qrow, and you Weiss. I was ready for the blowback. Jaune and Nora saw me though and bursted into tears. Hehe, wasn’t ready for that. Felt terrible and cried back. To prevent that stunt again, my Yang convinced Raven to link me. A couple days of apologizing and rest smoothed things over. It also gave time for just a few close friends and colleagues to get together for an assault on Salem’s castle. A few were apprehensive about it at first but at the end of the day I was going. That attitude was infectious apparently. You guys, actually everybody, they started getting this hunger to end it all. Maybe it was the high of victory? Regardless, it sent me racing to the end with those that I loved most.
Yang:You’re a real “my way or the highway” kind of Ruby. I don’t get how that explains what made you so...elite.
Ruby:I’m not sure what to say. A fight needed to to fought so I fought it. A cry for help was heard so I ran to it. A grimm needed slaying so I slayed it. People needed me to win so I didn’t dare think of losing. Dying was never option, even when it stared me right into my eyes. I had things I wanted to do and people I wanted see for years to come. I guess...I am strong because of the fact I want things my way. A moment I’m not giving it 110% is a moment wasted. After all, a huntress is all I ever wanted to be.
A single dream she wanted since birth. The never ending desire to be the hero in stories told to her many nights ago. That’s all it ever was. That’s all it’s ever been. Even in meadow of beautiful red roses, one would be the rose that captured the eyes of many, that bloomed stronger than the rest. As simple as it was, that had to be the answer here. Weiss, Yang, and Blake were in front of that flower. The Ruby Rose that simply bloomed stronger than the rest. The one that clung to her dream as if letting go meant dying itself. The devotion was inspiring, yet also overwhelming. If this was Ruby they had lead them that day in the Emerald Forest, could they have kept up? Could she be the leader they followed? No, they couldn’t have. Something deep down inside them gave them that answer. No matter how she looked and how much she loved, this Ruby Rose was cut from a cloth they simply weren’t off. The same as others, but oh so different.
Weiss:You’re....kinda a monster, you know that right?
Yang:Seriously, I’m so...floored. It’s intimidating.
Blake:Not to mention humbling. I used to think I gave it all I had. Now I’m not so sure.
Ruby:Oh don’t be like that you three! You’re all living proof there was more than way to go about life, this war! Everything you gave was enough because you’re done with it! Nobody failed. Besides, I...am far from ideal. The assault was challenging. Getting around hoards of grimm and making it to Salem was hell made real. Neo tried taking another shot at me but Yang held her off with help. Everyone pushed the obstacles in front of me out of the way as I went to Salem herself. Cinder had been abandoned by her and stripped of a lot of her powers. Angry and desperate, she tried killing me again as a way to prove worth. I beat her. However, I let her walk away.
Yang:What!? Why would-
Ruby:Naive, I was...naive okay? She was all spent and though I hated her, I just couldn’t. Not when I looked into her eyes and saw that same hunger I had to claw and scream at my dream until it was in my hands die inside her. We both knew from this point on there was absolutely nothing she could do where this ends her way. All she worked for turned burned to ash. So I gave her the choice to not burn up with it. Cinder swallow her pride and then fled. A part of me couldn’t help but rationalize killing her didn’t solve or justify any of my beliefs or desires. It would’ve done it because I hated her like she hated me. That was the dumb logic of a seventeen year old who never quite learned to take things slow.
Blake:....I don’t think it’s dumb. Naive for sure, but maybe that’s good? Even my Ruby, she never wanted to act on hate. She didn’t. Salem lives.
Weiss:Mine sent her soul to be at piece instead of passing a cruel judgment.
Yang:As a person who’s seen what you looked like with nothing but vengeance inside, I can say it doesn’t fit you. Before that day you had a warmth inside you to even foes that were somewhat admirable. You chose to leave Cinder’s fate up to those who had that hate and Salem was undone by her own doing at the very end. That’s what really makes you special Ruby. That’s why you’re called an honest soul. Good will is your nature.
Ruby:....Hmm, you sure know how to butter me up. *scratches head* I guess that part of me is uni-I mean multiversal. Strangely, that makes me feel better, to a degree.
Weiss:Do we even have to ask what happened to Salem at this point? I doubt the story ends with you loosing and having to retreat.
Ruby:Who’s to say it doesn’t? I could’ve been beaten to death before the gods themselves descended down to revive me with awesome power.
Yang:....Did you?
Ruby:Wh-No! Haha, I made her an immortal statue.
Blake:I-It was that easy?
Ruby:Well I wouldn’t call rushing into hell’s castle easy, or Salem. I lit her up at least a dozen times. My head pounded from each use, I was tossed around a bunch, magic is annoying, and not to mention running out of ammo. I left nothing to the imagination in that fight. If it were easy then I wouldn’t be rooting my horn and my age doing it. I was so tired I blacked out afterwards. I woke days later with a sore body and the title of “Remnant’s Savior.” Apparently beating Salem had weakened the grimm everywhere and all of you made sure who was to be thanked for it. That’s the tale of how I saved the world with my friends. Love, trust, elbow grease, and a lot of bullets. Before the final battle, Ozpin had struck a deal with everyone involved. In return for saving the world, he’d cut ties with us.
Yang:Seriously? What brought that about!?
Ruby:Good or not, he lied and was a schemer. Sure I was gonna try to save the world regardless of his interference but there wasn’t a person alive that didn’t to finally take a step towards the future after all this. All of us finally had time chase dreams and help the world the way we wanted to before all of this. Blake begin mending hate, Weiss took back her company, if Yang wasn’t with Blake then she was seeking more answers to Raven on wild adventures.
Yang:You mean Raven still left after all that!?
Ruby:In her defense, both of you made everything fucking awkward when she was around. It’s like you both wanted to talk about something but knew any subject was a land mine so you all you ever did was...stare, like weirdos. Glad that’s in the past. She just lives with dad now and you two now to hold a conversation. I dare not ask for more. I’d be a granny by the time I did.
Yang:Sigh...I don’t know what I expected. Shit it the fan several times and children were born before mom and I found solidarity and understanding. What did you do afterwards? Your goal was already met.
Ruby:Like hell it was! I started busting my butt traveling around the world, visiting every place to help in anyways I could. Ren and Nora tagged along for awhile before going off to make an orphanage in Anima near Ren’s old village. That left Jaune and I to do our hero thing.
Yang:As well as other things....
Ruby:Hey, what can I say? We were young and going up in the world. By the time I was nineteen, I was now a married to my partner and best friend.
Ruby:He’s my partner on RNJR and you’re my BFF, gosh did I really need to explain that hehe?
Weiss:I just had to make sure. Crazier twists could happen.
Blake:Wow you married young. Not that there’s a problem but I’m surprised. Then again you also dated earlier than my Ruby. Hehe, weapons were on her brain for a long time.
Weiss:No kidding. When I learned about you crushing on my brother I was shocked to find out you liked anybody in general. Especially a person who isn’t a weapon nut in the slightest.
Ruby:*shrugs* All you’re telling me is I’m clearly the most impatient or impulsive Ruby you all know. Don’t know how that happened. Maybe I was dropped as a baby or had one too many coffees growing up?
Weiss:I’m willing to bet it’s both.
Ruby:Ruuuuude. So yeah, that’s...the story of how I saved the world and married Jaune. We even built a home just outside Vacou, overlooking the kingdom and neighboring town in the distance where Maria grew up. Yeah, that’s me....more or less. All the triumphant parts anyways. Anything later on is......
Blake:R...Ruby? You okay?
Ruby:Nope, not really. *clenches cross*
Yang:......You know, I never really got religion, especially after learning the truth. It just seemed completely hollow when you learn of the real gods, ya know? However, I changed my tune a bit after being a parent and then some more when uncle Qrow died. It was never really about the truth behind if those other gods were real-
Ruby:It’s the piece of mind in believing in a better place for loved ones and having people watch over you. It’s truly based on blind faith in every sense but that’s okay as long as it gives peace of mind, to stay strong. Yeah....that’s why I wear this.
Yang:If that’s the “why” then I guess the unavoidable question is what happened?
The reaper leaned back in his chair, letting out a long sigh. Ruby brushed her hair out of her face while her face went pale. Then, Ruby’s eyes, her teammates watched a pair of stunning silver eyes dim, becoming akin to a clouded mirror.
Ruby:Being a huntress was all I wanted. The plan of having a family and settling down never appealed to me much. I feel, I felt like being in the field was where I was meant to be. It’s where I was most myself in a way. So the day I learned that I was pregnant was more than a little upsetting and terrifying, until dad and time itself filled me with the most genuine joy I may have ever experienced. Dustin Arc Rose, my first born son. He opened a door to a world and life I never knew I wanted to be apart of. Then...that door was shut minutes after, when Cinder and Neo stole him right from my arms. I couldn’t do a single thing about it other than blackout. That single act of good will I showed, it did nothing but kill me inside. The same way I did to her.
Yang:Ru-Ruby....your eyes.
Ruby:Hmm? Are they clouded? Funny, I would’ve thought your Ruby would’ve had a similar change. Maybe that’s a world exclusive thing, or a testament to the will you Ruby has to endure. Clouded eyes on a silver eyed warrior means the person has lost the desire or rather the mindset of persevering life. Be it their own life or wanting to end another’s life out of resentment, strife. My entire world fell apart when I woke up and learned nobody was able to retrieve Dustin. I was in pieces, Jaune was broken, nobody was the same. There wasn’t a soul we didn’t know that hadn’t tried to find a lead, but we never did. He was just...gone; and I couldn’t cope at all.
Weiss:I don’t think any mother could. Ruby, I’m so sorry that happened to you.
Ruby:I’m sorry too. I lashed out in anger, and shut people out. My eyes clouded and I dove into my work for a little over a year doing nothing but searching aimlessly as I took and every job back to back. The more time went by meant the more people eventually had to go back to their own, and it drove me up a wall inside. No one could reach me. I didn’t want anybody to. Not even Jaune. I....*teary eyed* I left him alone in house. There was no part of me that could even attempt to understand his pain because I was drowning in mine. I was told he tried his best to catch them at the hospital. I never hated him for not succeeding but I...he... I just, I can’t. I don’t know what I thought. All o knew was I didn’t even want him to touch me. How cruel is that? *hugging herself* I made him drown in despair in the same way I was. I wasn’t home so often that I never realized he eventually left it abandoned to live with dad. Yang and Blake I didn’t even show up to your wedding. Jaune did that much. Hell, Raven attended. Ruby Rose as a person didn’t exist any more. I was only a wandering huntress looking for answers or the challenge that might’ve ended me.
Blake:What changed?
Ruby:Oz, he did what nobody else dared to do. He fought me. I don’t think he thought twice about it. He was prepared to accept all the anger I kept inside until I eventually broke down into tears like I’m trying not to do right now. Thinking about that time is still, extremely difficult. Oz let me lament, encouraging me afterwards to finally except the fact Dustin was gone and that I needed to process it properly. First I went to you Yang, in order to have a my big sis to lean on. Can you guess how that went?
Yang:With me holding you tighter than I ever had before.
Ruby:*smiles gently* I don’t deserve you. You and Blake then came to patch with me where everyone else waited for me and helped me face Jaune. That may have been the hardest thing I’ve done. Grieving or not, the fact that I left him in such a state. I know what that does to people firsthand and yet I left. For the first time in over a year we embraced and finally grieved together. The next two years were spent trying to heal and cope. During my time away the world had fully acknowledged me. I even got a proper nickname, but it all felt hollow. Imagine that, achieving your dream but not caring? If that’s not salt in a wound then I don’t know what is.
Weiss:What’s your title?
Ruby:I am the person people want to see when evil comes to cut their story short. I am a symbol that their tale still has more to tell. Remnant has named me The Storyteller. Curtsey of Maria, who spread the name around. Healing was slow and most nights I felt a pain in my heart, but then everything changed. One moment made me dare to try again to open that shut door in my life. *looks at Yang* I held your son in my arms. Sweet little Kovu.
Blake:*smiles* Kovu? Now I wonder who named him?
Yang:*red* Huh...how about that? Hehehe, wish I could meet him. I know he isn’t technically mine but I can’t help but feel all warm now. Also I can’t believe I named him that!
Weiss:I can. Veronica’s middle name is Nala.
Yang:Okay, maybe not marrying Blake was a win? Clearly I can’t be trusted to not name my children after other cats.
Blake:The wrong kind of cat too. I’m a panther faunus, not a lion. Even if they’re blonde that’s still false advertising of what they are.
Ruby:Well Yang was the one giving birth so you lost a majority of the option to complain.
Blake:That is fair.
Weiss:You gave birth to Vee, so I think that solves who picked her first name.
Ruby rested her head in her propped up hands that rested on the table. She felt exhausted reliving that chapter of her life mentally. Still she managed to smile, then smile bigger. Her eyes unclouded and a warm feeling filling her again. What Ruby said earlier about what made her different may have reign true, but her friends could since that there was now more to it. Ruby had spiraled into an unimaginable tragedy, yet was able to bounce back thanks to loved ones. To smile as she does, it was truly a strong sight to see. Even if she wasn’t fully aware of that.
Ruby:Carmine Arc Rose, my second born and the first child to call me mommy. Followed many years later by itty bitty Garnet. He’s my little man, five years old while is big sis is seventeen now.
Yang:Damn! That’s a gap. Oh, also congratulations. Almost forgot that part. I’m glad you got to be the super awesome mom that-
Ruby:I am easily C-teir.
Yang:Oh come on! What!?
Ruby:Listen, I know I got on you all for calling yourselves bad parents, but I will hear no debate about me understand!? I flop a lot of times.
Weiss:That doesn’t make you a C-teir. That makes you a new mom, silly.
Ruby:*grumbling* I agree to disagree but thank you. It’s just a lot okay. Too much to dive into honestly.
Blake:Summarize. Give us an abbreviated version.
Ruby:Ummm so Carmine is real special kid. The absolute love I have for her is unbreakable but gods damnit if she isn’t the most... “me” I could be! In a way similar yet different from myself, Carmine has always had this sense of urgency in her and a love for the world around her. She recognizes that it’s a fragile piece we have and just how hard I’ve worked with everyone to make it. I could tell that from her when she was five. I’d sound crazy, but the fact she used her eyes at the age proves I’m not.
Yang:She has silver eyes!? Why didn’t you bring that up?
Ruby:I thought that was obvious. All of my kids were born with then. Unlike her baby brother though, Carmine was a weird little kid. She didn’t socialize well. Still doesn’t, she’s kinda comes off rude and cold because of her bluntness. She doesn’t really express all her feelings or understand others fully. One might call her a little cold but the passion she had to protect life itself is a testament to how much she cares. Carmine is also a genius fighter. To put in perspective, people use the same nickname for her that they used for Pyrrha.
Ruby:Yeah! It’s not hyperbolic to say ever since Carmine is far beyond any skill I was at her age since she turned thirteen. You called me a monster earlier but no, I merely gave birth to a beast. I mean she could pass the huntsman exam at fifteen if I didn’t make her wait. I can’t call her arrogant, she talks with confidence because she has that right by all means. Still, besides her face, that’s where the similarities start separating; besides terrible grades in general stuff. We’ve never been in step completely. To put simply in her own words, “What I am is a hero, while she is a huntress.” That good will and mercy I try to give everyone isn’t how she rolls. It drives a real wedge that has resulted in us not going on missions together.
Blake:Is she...killing?
Ruby:She has before, and it had valid reasons entirely, but I also know for a fact she is more than capable of bringing down people without taking that step. Not all cases are that intense thank goodness. Her overall aggressiveness is the root of the problem. You don’t have to put you back into it when handling thugs. They aren’t Hazel.
Yang:Ooo okay, yeah I’m seeing what you mean now. It’s like that one comic you always read!
Ruby:Sigh...yeah she channels a bit of Batman energy and I need her to not do that all the time. I suppose being an honest soul isn’t particularly hereditary. It always feels like we aren’t enjoying each other’s company these days. I can’t blame her though. So....you know how all of you have had one serious problem that has both destabilized yourself as well as the kids and their relationship to you? *clouded eyes*
Weiss:Wait...you loosing a child wasn’t that?
Ruby:Oh it was. It just so happened that it never ended. It grew day by day. Night by night. Jaune and I were cautious with Carmine. Going as far to give her contacts and giving birth to her off the record and not at a hospital. Just in case Cinder came back. Well, Cinder and Neo came back, with my Dustin.
Nobody said anything. What do you even say to that!? All they did was let out a stifled breath and tried to gauge Ruby’s look of guilt.
Ruby:Yet again we had gotten too comfortable. It happened when Carmine was thirteen. I don’t think Garnet was even one yet. That’s when the cruelest realization hit me. My son had been alive and hearing about how his so called mother being a person who saves everyone, yet she never came for him. She had moved on, letting his eyes become clouded with such seething hate for the world she did save; the children she had after. It’s been four years since the day he attacked Carmine and helped grimm try to invade Vacou. To this day it’s been a life of staying on gaurd, searching for them as they popped up countless places to tear Remna- to tear me down and I can’t decide what part hurts the most. The amount of anger that prevents me from killing Cinder in a blink of an eye, or looking at my daughter who has told me herself that she is going to kill her older brother because I’m too weak to do so. That I’m in no way as good as the world believes me to be. *puts hood up* Like I said, C-teir mom, at best.
Blake:That’s- you can’t- there’s no way for you to reach him? Maybe if you-
Ruby:He looks at me the same way Neo and Cinder do, Blake. They raised him to hate me. Besides, he hurt Carmine. She’s just not gonna let that slide and frankly I shouldn’t either. Carmine acts tough and for the most part is, but gets terrified like everyone else. In many ways she’s still just a young girl that I wish had never chosen to become a huntress. If I had it my way she’d just be a normal girl with normal knees; but her mother’s weakness and inexperience wrapped her up in yet another war. It’s ironic. I barely remember mom and yet I ended up putting my family in very similar situation as if she lead instruction. Happy endings, I’m not sure if I get-
Yang:You’re better than mom....
Yang:Yeah I said. Look I love Summer Rose but at the end of the day she wasn’t around, not that she didn’t want to be, but it’s the truth. Several years of pleasant childhood memories and a lifetime of grief is what she left me, and all you got were tales you should’ve experienced first hand. Ruby you have spent seventeen years loving your daughter unconditionally and being there for her no matter if it’s for better or worse. Yeah you might not being doing it perfectly and I have no idea how to even fathom your predicament, but at least you are there trying. Take it from me, that’s all a daughter ever wants from their mother. It’s also what makes a pretty kick ass dad. *smiles* Chin up, hero. Your story isn’t over yet after all.
Silence filled the air and Ruby’s throat ran dry. Ruby pulled out her scroll to go to her pictures and displayed one of her favorite photos for everyone to see. It was Carmine’s fifteenth birthday. Ruby didn’t lie about the resemblance. the girl had short blonde hair that stopped halfway down her neck in the back and was longer in the front, reaching shoulders. Like her mother, the tips of her hair transitioned to red. The beautiful young woman tried to her hide her smile but her gleeful silver eyes were practically twinkling with joy as Ruby hugged her tightly from behind and a tall, more solid version of Jaune was smushing one of Carmine’s cheeks with an overly dramatic kiss to it. A tiny child no older than three at most was in his big sister’s arms. Garnet had his mother’s hair and eyes but something about the chubby face definitely showed Jaune’s features. The child had red frosting on his face and was reaching eagerly for more cake somewhere out of frame.
Yang noticed the girl took page from her father and wore some regular cargo shorts, but clearly didn’t lack flair by wearing a red crop top that showed off a fresh tattoo of the Arc crest on her toroso. Knowing her sister, that tattoo was most likely practical. The family looked happy, proud; and the mother of it currently sat across the table crying with her head face down in her hands cwhile Weiss and Blake hugged her from each side. Roses may have thorns, anyone who knew roses knew a simple truth. They’re still fragile flowers.
Yang:(Carmine Arc Rose. For you and your mother’s sake, I hope things go well)
Though Carmine seemed cold by nature, people were quick learn the opposite. The most recent learner of this was a scared little girl that held on for dear life. It was nighttime, nothing but the sound of pouring rain and the distant glow of red and the warmth of Carmine holding the girl against her body while she sprinted through a mud ridden forest. The little payed no attention to the pain in her side, but the glow of roses, eyes, and flames through her tear filled eyes.
Beowulves chased frantically but then severed immediately by something the girl couldn’t understand, but it looked like the person carrying her. The dead beasts brought no comfort. Not when more followed close behind.
Girl:I-I’m sc...scared!
Carmine:Don’t look at them sweetie, it’ll be fine. Just keep being a brave little girl.
Girl:M...Mommy was back there.
Carmine:.....I know, she’ll be just fine. Your village, there are plenty of people there that will be just fine! Huff..... You got a name?
Carmine:Oh that’s a beautiful name, Mary. You know I was almost a Mary? Yeah my grandma was a really amazing person and I almost got named something similar to her. Mary is a very strong name!
Mary:You’re a liar! I’m sad, not strong. I want my mommy! Everything his dark and hurts and I want her!
The girl began painfully crying as Carmine followed her trail of roses to avoid getting lost. Things were getting worse. The storm raged and she could feel this girl burning in her arms. Not to mention the unsettling warmth the mixed with the cold rain against her body and dripped to puddles below. Any grimm near by could only be dealt with by many copies of her nearby, but that would only go so far when fear was out full force. Carmine’s boots felt like cement, but she still ran.
Carmine:Mary, you know what do when I miss my mommy? I sing! Yeah, my mom sings the best lullabies that made me feel super strong when I was little! It’s a magic song that makes everyone strong. How about I sing it you and they can sing it your mommy later okay!? But you have to close your eyes to really focus on the words!
Mary:*sniffling* Okay....
Baby deathstalkers swarmed the path made ahead as small Nevermores dove at her. Out of options, Carmine broke from the path, trying to rely on memory to go towards the safe zone while also singing lyrics to her favorite song.
Dream of anything; I'll make it all come true.
Everything you need is all I'll have for you~
Carmine never wavered. No matter how badly her lungs her or nearly slipped, she kept singing all the way to her destination where several other clones were seen racing towards with more civilians to injured or young to go themselves. An orphanage where Nora and Ren stood outside rushing people in while Jaune was keeping the grimm at bay. The sight brought a little ease.
Don't worry, I've got you; nothing will ever harm you.
I'm close by, I'll stay here; through all things, I will be near~
Carmine finally reached Nora and passed off the girl who’s grip weakened overtime. A few lyrics in and Carmine knew she was singing mainly for herself.
Carmine:Get her medical attention! I’m gonna go and find more! There’s still-
Jaune:Wait, it’s too dangerous!
Carmine:I know! That’s why I have to go! That fire is spreading and there’s stragglers pinned down! Dad.....I’m pinned down!
Jaune tensed up and looked at Carmine. No scraps on her and her clothes only soiled by others. It didn’t take long to realize. The man resisted the urge to run out to the ruined town and stood firmly.
Jaune:Carmine...end it. We’ll worry about the consequences later.
Across the woods amongst the flames the real Carmine stood bleeding and bruised in front of two Beringel that charged over the vanishing corpses of their fallen with more grimm, her sword stabbed into the ground supporting her weight. Behind all living people that remained finally managed to flee. All except for a woman trapped by house debris. The woman watched this young huntsman stand proudly again. She wasn’t sure what happened next. All she heard was one sentence.
“Close your eyes...” before everything went white. Next thing she knew, Carmine was lifting debris off her as rain and wind washed away any evidence. A relief she didn’t care about in the slightest. She neither had the strength, or the time too. Much like Carmine, who began to pant and teeter. It was clear to the woman that whatever just happened didn’t come without cost as she watched the girl fall to her knees. Though she tried moving, Carmine was spent.
Carmine:Don’t worry...we’re safe....let’s-
Woman:I...my legs. Everything...I can’t move. Just go. I d-don’t think I’d las-
Carmine:Don’t talk like that! The hard parts over! I can-
Woman:Barely walk. *smiles* It’s okay. I don’t blame you. You fought hard.
Carmine:.....I...I’m sorry. *teary eyed*
Woman:Say, I know that face anywhere. Your Lady Rose’s kid. Funny, I thought your eyes were red? My daughter, Mary, she loves your mother. Makes me kinda jealous hehe, but hey I love her too. *crying* Do you know if Mary made it? She was wearing-
Carmine:A black dress, pink ribbons in her hair...
Woman:Yes! Is she safe? I saw you- one of you carry her off.
Carmine:...She’s just fine.
Woman:Good. That’s all....that.....
The woman never finished her sentence. Carmine’s body fell limp on the ground, facing the rain. Even with the cold downpour she could feel the warmth of her own tears, containing her emotions best she could as she looked through her clones eyes to watch Nora take Mary away from the survivors and out of sight to not stir further panic.
Carmine wasn’t sure how long she layed there, but it was long enough for Jaune to find her. The man didn’t say a word. The town was in shambles. Grimm were still fading and his daughter looked tired, but not in serious condition. Unlike the those who didn’t make it. Jaune put Carmine in his arms, carrying her away to safety.
Carmine:......Does mom ever save them all?
Jaune:No, but that never stops her from trying; or mourning.
She clenched her father’s shirt and let herself be fragile, to be a Rose.
Carmine:Next time. Mom and I, we’ll both get it right next time. A happy ending for all!
Jaune:Yeah, I know you will. Together....
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leejeongz · 4 years
nsfw a-z CHOI HYUNSUK (treasure)
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🔅highly requested so i hope that you’re all happy with this and it’s what you wanted 🥺 these are so fun to write🤗🔅
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
the nicest boy on the planet. he’ll get you water and will clean you up. he becomes your little puppy and would do ANYTHING for you. he asks you if you’re okay a LOT and is super soft and giggly with you. also tonnes of compliments 🥺
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes his mouth and what it can do to you. using it on any part of your body has you moaning… even just gentle kisses. he likes that he has that influence on you and uses it to his advantage.
on you his fav is… he doesn’t have one? he can’t find anything he likes more than the rest, everything about you is perfect to him and he tells you that regularly. but he is a big fan of your legs and how sexy they look 👀
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
on your face, in your mouth or on your chest. not really a fan of finishing inside because 1. he prefers safe sex 2. HE DOESN'T WANT A CHILD YET and so doesn't wanna cum in the condom either lol just in case. likes to cum on ur tits because it looks nice and it makes him cum thinking about it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he likes sending and receiving voice notes. it’s easier to get off to when you guys aren’t together and faster than texting. enjoys phone calls too but doesn’t have time to think before he speaks on the phone so that’s why voice notes >>. plus they last forever, he can return to them at any time.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
keeps it on the low because he doesn’t wanna make you think you have to “live up to previous partners” or “he’s just using me as a statistic” but he’s had a lot of sexual partners. most were romantic partners (as romantic as 3 month relationships can be) but he’s probably had to relieve stress with other people on occasion. he knows what he’s doing, but he doesn’t wanna compare you to other partners so he keep all of his experiences separate from whatever you’re doing together if that makes sense.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he likes hitting it from the back, doggy all the way. his hands rest on your ass and spread your cheeks occasionally. also gives him the best angle to spit on his dick before pushing it in (doesn't just rely on spit alone as lube tho, he learnt that the hard way).
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i wouldn’t call him goofy in the moment, but he’s not serious either. he’s just having a good time and so are you. he still remains the same person you see everyday, fun loving and sweet.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
the first few times he knew you were gonna do stuff, he shaved or at least trimmed. but the care slowly started fading out and he stopped doing anything down there. if you don't like it, that’s your problem, not his, it’s a lot of effort to go to for someone who clearly doesn’t accept him for him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
everything you do, it’s full of love, and it shows. he treats you like his queen and nothing less.
sometimes he can be distant tho, especially during quickies, he has one goal and that is to cum, you’re simply there to assist at that time. but after he’ll show you all the love in the world, he’ll even thank you hehe.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he does it in the shower most of the time. it’s private and also reminds him of times he’d had sex in there so it’s a winner.
the idea of having sex or looking back at sex is mainly what he gets off to, but he uses porn ocassionally when he’s jacking off in bed.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
PRAISE (giving)- likes to tell you when you’re doing something well and likes to let you know that you look good throughout. it’s his favourite thing to do because he means it. he tells you that you look good on your knees because you do, he tells you that he loves the way you moan because he does. he recognises that this makes him vulnerable but it builds trust.
daddy- only if you’re okay with it bc some people don’t really enjoy it for obvious reasons, but he likes you calling him daddy. he likes your voice anyway, but dropping “daddy” innocently into sentences not only turns him on but also makes him eager to please. you’re his baby girl so it’s only natural that he’s your daddy. he has to treat you right.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he’s up for it anywhere when he’s in the mood. he loves shower sex. although a little impractical and kinda annoying at times, he loves being able to make out with you in a hot and steamy room and fuck you agasint the shower glass.
he’s also a fan of just basic on the bed, on top of the sheets. it’s convenient and hard to mess up.
both places mentioned he considers quite romantic too, which is why he likes them.
very very very turned on by the idea of fucking you in a bathroom or dressing room backstage but he isn’t sure if you’d be up for it or not, definitely something you’d have to initiate but he’s love it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
your voice and your moans - you turned on = him turned on. hearing you moan or talk in the way you know he likes… HARD ON STRAIGHT AWAY!!!!!
running your hand through his hair - it sends him crazy. his eyes roll to the back of his head and he has no control over himself when you do that.
wearing his clothes - especially if you wear nothing underneath. he’d encourage that shit too, constantly giving you hoodies and t-shirt’s to wear when you’re at his place.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything that puts your safety at risk. you are his happiness and seeing you suffer, even if it something you enjoy, he hates it. he also isn’t one for receiving pain himself. i think he’d not only be hurt physically but also emotionally… like why would you do that to him?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
likes to keep it equal, always repays the favour. actually enjoys eating you out tho and it’s his ✨forte✨. let’s just say he knows what he’s doing with his tongue. he likes to hold your hand when he eats you out, like in a romantic, intimate way.
when you suck his dick, he’s the type to have his hands laced in your hair. he wouldn’t be too forceful and would let you go at your own pace. he never expects you to suck his dick, he’s not one to request a blowjob all too often, but he would never refuse one.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he would start of steady, letting you adjust and what not, before making you set the pace. you can back into him as slow or as fast as you want but after a few seconds he’ll be there to steady it out again. he’d be quite rough even though he’s attempting to be romantic, but it’s just to add a little spice.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
oh he LOVES quickies. they turn him on, even just thinking about them turns him on (and usually leads to one when possible). sex is sex and he’s game for any at anytime. most of the time these happen when people are in earshot. he tells you to be quiet but neither of you want to be. the idea of getting caught fucking you in his dressing room turns him on.
he’d actually prefer quickies to dragged out sex. fast fucking to get the job done is more appealing to him than dragging it out sometimes.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he likes to stick to what he knows. he’d rather know that what he’s doing is good and is actually making you feel good rather than experimenting with something that could go wrong.
he does take risks in the sense that he’s gonna fuck you where you guys could possibly get caught but not as far as to inflict pain or injury.
saying that, he isn’t opposed to trying something that you want to try, or something that you’ve brought from previous experiences.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he drags out the whole thing if you have the time to, spends a lot of time on foreplay. although this doesn’t happen very often, this type of sex is once in a blue moon.
as mentioned above, he loves quickies, they’re his most favourite type of sex since they happen when either of you need it, not when it’s been built up for god knows how long because he’s too busy for that.
he usually can go for two+ rounds but chooses not to. once he’s started on his aftercare, there isn’t a chance you’re getting more dick after that, you’re gonna have to wait (unless you tease him ofc 11/10 would recommend).
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he’s in two minds about them. if you already own them, he wants to see you use them and might use them on you too. if you don’t have any but you want to incorporate them, he’s not opposed to it but he’d rather you found out what you liked in relation to toys first. if you didn’t want to use them he wouldn’t even bring it up.
if you wanted to use some on him, he would let you try it out, but he wouldn’t force himself to enjoy it. if he doesn’t enjoy it he’s not letting you use it again.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s a tease outside of the bedroom but during sex, everything is as you see it. he doesn’t want to waste time teasing you, especially if you don’t have the time.
he likes teasing you when people are around. seeing you getting all clammy in front of your friends or his friends to assert his power over you. his favourite thing you do is wink at you and smile. so innocent yet it means so much more to you than it would to someone else when he does it.
sometimes teases you unintentionally. he puts his hand a little too far up on your thigh and before you know it you’re wet and he’s just having a laugh with his friends, not even noticing what he’s done to you. time to take him to the bathroom and show him i think ;).
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
loud! groans and moans a lot, he’s not afraid to do it either, he doesn’t hold back. he knows you get turned on by his groaning just the same as he gets turned on by your moans and so he takes great pride in not being shy to make some noise.
dirty talk is a must among you pair once the initial shyness has gone. you could get off to each other’s voices alone. add that to some amazing sex and you’re all set for orgasm after orgasm.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
(i have a strange feeling that someone has written something like this before about hyunsuk (but better obvs and in more detail) but i can’t remember who… if that’s the case i promise this isn’t me stealing their idea or anything malicious).
“i’ve never done this before” you confessed, opening up your laptop to the screen he’d caught you on. you were really embarrassed that he’d caught you watching porn, but he wasn’t embarrassed in the slightest, in fact, it really turned him on. that’s why he suggested you watch it together.
“we can try it together” he encouraged, pressing the spacebar to continue the video. you turned up the volume a little, making sure you could both hear.
it took you both a few minutes to really become comfortable with the situation. you’d gotten back to imagining yourself and hyunsuk in that situation, while he studied it to pick up on anything that you might be into.
“oh” he looked over at you who was clearly deep in thought “you like blindfolds too?” he asks.
“yeah, it’s hot” you reply, not once taking your eyes off the screen.
hyunsuk looks around your room when his eyes land on your sleeping mask. he hesitates for a second, thinking he might ruin the atmosphere if he springs in on you straight away. he decides to not ask you just yet, he’s a little too tired to have sex right now, but remembers it for the next session.
you glance over towards him, his trousers and hands catching your eye before noticing that he wasn’t even watching.
“are you embarrassed? i can turn it off if you want” you question. he slowly removes his hands from over his pants and instead replaces it with yours. you begin to palm him while steadying the laptop with your other hand. the laptop was soon moved to the end of the bed. your hand was now in your underwear and his was in his boxers. the experience was surreal, it was a lot of firsts for you, you’d never even thought about rubbing one out while your boyfriend did the same next to you, but you were definitely enjoying it.
“don’t cum until i do,” hyunsuk ordered. easier said than done. “i wanna cum listening to your moans, baby”
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's smaller than average…4-5” with average thickness but he gets the job done and it doesn’t affect the pleasure he can give to you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
proper sex, 1-2 times a week. he can be horny whenever you want him to be and you both know that, but he doesn’t always wanna have sex. sometimes he’s just happy with getting you off, especially if he’s tired.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he gets a little hyper after sex and wants to stay awake just to be around you and show you how much you mean to him. falling asleep is the last thing he wants to do. if you haven’t actually had sex, just a little fondling and playing, he’d fall asleep pretty much straight away afterwards. the whole reason you pair didn’t go all the way at the time was because he was tired so…
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aalissy · 3 years
Truth or Dare
Day 11 is done!! Sorry this one’s kinda late to I was moving into my new house! Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this lil one-sided reveal hehe. Lemme know what you think <3. 
“Marinette, truth or dare?” Alya asked, the smirk present in her voice.
Marinette, Nino, Alya, and Adrien were all in her room as they all finally had free time to hang out. Luckily, they had all even been able to have a sleepover together. As it got later and later, however, they began to play more party games which had led her to be in the situation she was in now. 
Marinette gulped quietly, eyes darting over to Adrien’s smiling face before looking back at her best friend. Alya’s smirk grew even wider after she watched her reaction and Marinette squirmed uncomfortably. She knew exactly what her friend would do if she picked dare.
Her cheeks turning a bright red, she murmured, “Truth.”
Alya tsked as she rolled her eyes fondly. With a quiet laugh, she pouted and said, “You’re no fun, but fine.”
Marinette felt herself relax as she prepared herself for Alya’s question. Surely whatever it was couldn’t be as bad as making a fool of herself in front of Adrien. She couldn’t stop herself from grinning with that thought. Unfortunately for her, Alya’s eyes narrowed at the sight. 
“Alright, so Marinette, have you ever kissed anyone?” Her smug smirk appeared once again.
She opened her mouth before snapping it closed quickly. Ducking her head, she felt her face turn an even darker shade of red. Obviously, the best choice here was to say no, she hadn’t had her first kiss. But... that would be lying. She had kissed someone before. In fact, she had kissed the same person twice. To be fair, Marinette couldn’t exactly remember the second kiss but that didn’t mean it hadn’t happened.
Nibbling her lip, she mumbled, “Yes.”
“What?!” Alya shouted excitedly, “Who?! When?! How come you never told me?”
“U-um, that’s another four questions and I already answered my truth so it’s my turn,” Marinette turned to Nino, ignoring the looks everyone was giving her. “N-Nino, truth or dare?”
“Dare.” He grinned at her rather lazily.
She hummed, tapping her finger against her chin. “Hmm, I dare you... to beatbox for us, right now.”
Nino shrugged before starting off with a slow beat. Gradually, he picked up volume and speed, making everyone smile and nod their heads along to the music. Eventually, when he finished, they all clapped with a loud cheer and he gave a small bow of his head in acknowledgment. Opening his mouth to ask the next person a question, he was cut off by someone clearing their throat.
His eyes turned to Alya who was staring at him pointedly and his eyes lit up in recognition. Nino gave her a subtle smirk before asking, “Alya, truth or dare?”
“Dare. Come on babe, do you even need to ask?” She rolled her eyes.
Nino gave a quiet chuckle at her response. “Alright, I dare you to give me a kiss then.” 
Alya rolled her eyes even as she giggled quietly. Quickly, she leaned over to press a gentle kiss against her boyfriend’s lips. Adrien and Marinette both protested together loudly when neither of the two seemed to want to pull away from their kiss. 
“Gross!” Adrien scrunched his nose up in disgust even as he gave a quiet chuckle.
“Get a room!” Marinette threw a pillow at the two of them, which finally got them to pull apart as they laughed loudly. 
Alya stuck her tongue out at her best friend before a devilish smirk lit up her face. “Ok then, Marinette, truth or dare?” 
Shoot. This was a lose-lose situation. She could either say dare and get stuck having to either kiss Adrien or do something equally embarrassing. If she said truth, though, she’d have to reveal who she kissed. With a quiet groan, Marinette said, “Truth.”
Alya giggled mischievously. “Who did you share that kiss with, Marinette?”
Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Of course, she had to lie. There was no way she could admit that Chat Noir was her first kiss. Alya would probably have a heart attack if she said that. Giggling nervously, her gaze darted to the side. “I-it was L-Luka, obviously.”
“Nope.” Alya shook her head smugly, “I talked to Juleka after your date and she said that your kiss got interrupted because of an akuma attack. Come on, Marinette, this is a game of truth or dare. There’s no need to lie here.” 
Marinette practically choked as Alya called her bluff. She had not expected that! What was she supposed to say now?! Her mind raced as she tried to come up with an answer of any other boy that might have kissed her. An answer never came to her, though, as all her thoughts had frozen up.
Tensing up, Marinette blurted out, “It was Chat Noir, ok?!”
She had expected a loud outburst from Alya, but it was actually Adrien who looked the most shocked and shouted the loudest. Her eyes blinked in surprise as she stared at her crush who was looking back at her with his jaw practically touching the floor. 
Marinette turned a deep shade of red, snapping her gaze from him to gaze down at the floor. Carefully and nervously, she tucked a stray strand of hair back into her pigtails. Clearing her throat lightly, she said, “S-so, Adrien, truth or dare?”
“Nuh-uh, Marinette, you can’t just drop a bomb on us like that!” Alya shook her head frantically as she stared at her eagerly. “How did you manage to kiss one of Paris’ superheroes!?”
“Yeah, I’d like to know too,” Adrien chimed in, nodding his head as a small frown creased his brow.
Even Nino stared at her with interest as her flush turned even darker. Slapping her hands to her cheeks, Marinette tried to calm her racing heart. She couldn’t tell them the truth and explain that she had to save him from Dark Cupid. That would risk her identity and their safety. Oh, why had she ever agreed to this game?! At the very least, she should have just said no when Alya asked if she had her first kiss yet. 
Groaning quietly, Marinette turned to her best friend. “You remember Weredad right, Alya?”
“Mhm,” she nodded with a frustrated sigh. “I couldn’t get here fast enough to record anything for the Ladyblog.”
“Right, well...,” Marinette tapped her fingers together anxiously as she tried to come up with a lie that wouldn’t be too far from the truth, “That day, I-I um, confessed my feelings for Chat.”
Oh my god, what am I saying?! If I manage to fumble my way out of this, I am never playing Truth or Dare again. Why did I do this?! Alya’s going to know I’m lying, Marinette screamed at herself mentally. She wished she could tug harshly at her pigtails, scolding herself for ever mentioning the kiss in the first place.
“What?!” Alya stared at her in confusion. “Why would you...? I mean, I thought you only liked you-know-who.”
Alya’s gaze subtly darted to a suspiciously red-faced Adrien who looked like he just got hit by a truck. Frowning slightly at his reaction, Marinette shifted uncomfortably. With a nervous laugh, she said, “I-I do! Chat just appeared at the right moment at the right time! A-and really who doesn’t have at least a small crush on him?!”
Alya and Nino both nodded their heads at that. Adrien wheezed quietly and all of them looked over to stare at him. His mouth had fallen open as he blinked at all three of them. He then spoke up with a small stutter, “B-but aren’t you two dating?”
“Yeah, but it’s Chat Noir,” Nino laughed, “Besides, dude you must have a pretty big crush on him too. You always turn red whenever anyone so much as mentions him.” 
“I-I that’s not true!” Adrien protested even as his face turned darker.
Alya, Nino, and Marinette all burst into laughter at that. As Adrien continued to frown and pout at them, their laughs simply grew louder. Eventually, they straightened up and Marinette blew out a quiet breath of relief. It seemed like everyone had forgotten about her answer.
Just when she was about to suggest that they turn out the lights to try and get some sleep, Adrien’s voice spoke up, “But Marinette, you still haven’t answered the question. When did you kiss Chat Noir?”
Her face flushed as she snapped her gaze over to her crush. Surprisingly, he was staring at her with a determined glint in his green eyes. Why was he so interested in her answer? With a small frown, Marinette nibbled on her lip before murmuring shyly, “R-right. W-well, um, after I confessed my feelings, I may have given him a small kiss on the lips. Nothing happened though! W-we agreed that it’d be better that we remain friends, though! He is a superhero after all.” She rushed to clarify with a nervous giggle after Alya whistled loudly.
“Good for you, Marinette. I didn’t know you had that kind of confidence after seeing you stammer like a nervous chicken around your actual crush.” Alya snickered before giving her a sly wink.
Quickly, Marinette hushed her, shooting a pointed glance at Adrien. With a loud, awkward laugh, she then said, “Right! Well, I’m glad that’s cleared up now, I-I suppose we should all go to bed so we can get some sleep!”
“But Marinette, your story isn’t true. That didn’t actually happen.”
For the second time that day, Adrien’s voice cut into her pleas to get them to sleep. Her head whipped around to stare at him as he shook his head with a light frown. Feeling a brush of indignance brush through her, Marinette pursed her lips. He was right, of course. But he couldn’t possibly know that. Unless...
No! She shoved that distracting thought back into the corner of her mind like she usually did. If she began to think about that, she’d surely go insane. A tight smile forming across her face, Marinette said. “W-well, it did. Papa even got akumatized because of it. He saw the kiss and was surprised that we agreed to be only friends. That’s why the battle ended so soon, because Chat was already there.”
She turned to look at Alya who was nodding her head along to the lie. Phew, at least her best friend believed her. Relaxing slightly, Marinette turned to look at Adrien who was still staring at her in disbelief.
He shook his head once again before speaking, “Yeah, Chat Noir was there and all but you two didn’t kiss.”
Feeling a prickle of annoyance, Marinette pursed her lips before snapping slightly. “And just how do you know this, Adrien? You weren’t at the bakery when he got akumatized and like Alya said the battle was over too fast for anyone to get there.”
Immediately, he flushed as his eyes widened. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally chuckled nervously and said, “You’re right, Marinette. I don’t know why I said that. Also, you’re right about going to sleep now. I have a photoshoot in the morning.”
With that, Adrien flopped into his sleeping bag and pretended to snore. Marinette, Alya, and Nino all stared at him in bewilderment. Finally, Nino broke the tense atmosphere by shrugging and relaxing into his own sleeping bag. Giving Alya an awkward smile, Marinette stood up to go and turn off the light.
As she slipped into her covers, she shot one last glance at her partner’s tense rigid form. A slight smile tugged at her lips as she heard his fake snores. After that reaction, not even she could pretend anymore. Adrien was Chat Noir. 
Biting down hard on her lip, Marinette tossed around ideas about how to let him know that she knew. Finally relaxing when she realized that they had a patrol tomorrow and she could simply tell him then, her eyes slowly fluttered closed. Soon. Soon, I’ll tell him, she told herself as her smile grew ever wider.
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tevatstavern · 4 years
Injuries and affections.
- bennett seems to feel a little worn out after all his adventures lately, maybe its time to head back to Mondstadt and pay you a little visit too while he's at it.
[Bennett x g.n reader] [no t.w] [slight fluff at the end]
a.n my apologies, I made this at like 23:48 and I can't seem to keep my eyes longer lmaoo
With a huff, he clenched his sword tightly, before wiping off any dirt or sweat that came near in contact with his eyes. One of the last remaining's of Hilichurls, now lying and evaporating into small and thin blue particles, slowly drifting away to the skies.
Grabbing the damaged mask it left on the bristling grass, he decided to keep it. After all, it's a fortune to see a drop from these creatures after all!
As much as he was having fun adventuring off from Mondstadt to Liyue for the first time- including some bad luck striking him down here and there. -he felt tired. Drained, even. At first he thought maybe it was some type of tiredness he didn't know about, but that was proven fake by himself feeling the same as each day passes by a new dawn.
But then it strucked him! Both literally and figuratively. It was how he never stopped himself to relax as he continued on his journey along Liyue.
Most of the time, it was either he got chased down by a swam of Hilichurls, a massive thunderstorm with a high chance of being struck down and losing heat, and some group of Geovishaps that managed to cross paths with him, causing him to retreat in alarm as he watched them quickly roll towards him in such great speed.
He never had a chance to breathe at all. And besides, most of the chests he've found had only vegetables with a occasional artifact and such within them. He appreciates it, he really does! But its taking such a toll on him.
And so, he decided to stop his adventures for now and head back towards Mondstadt. A little break, he says to himself. A little break.
Following the pathway, he slowly made his way towards the bridge. The familiar city with its opened gates filled him with euphoria. The sun rays beaming down on the city, it's windmills moving with the wind, all together. It was truly a sight. And oh boy, he sure does miss it!
Breathing in the air, he sighed happily. The weight on his shoulders while he was traveling in Liyue had suddenly disappeared. Lifting his head high, with his grin plastered across his face, he took his first steps across the bridge.
-baaaaack..." He groaned out, rubbing his forehead as he lets [y.n] scold him for his reckless behaviour. "Yes I know, and I'm happy to see you! But did you seriously trip over nothing while you were crossing over the bridge?" They sighed, wiping off the excess dirt that nudged his skin from across the table.
"Don't worry, about me [y.n]! I'm already used to it, hehe. Besides, I'm here to relax and see you too!" He grinned, giving them one of their signature thumbs up. They could only shake their head in disbelief, the curve of their lips turning upwards slightly at his adorable gesture.
"A ray of sunshine as always, I see." They replied, their hair flowing gently from the winds. His green eyes observing each strand as the wind blew stronger, his eyes shining brighter with a slightly gaping mouth. Snapping back to reality, he quickly nodded. A small blush slowly forming across his face, he could feel himself heating up.
"Y-yeah! Of course! There's no need to get sad and mopey at such a small thing after all!" He replied, his jumbled up words in the beginning messing up his delivery. With a chuckle, [y.n] retracted their hands before clearing their throat. "Well, at least this time you didn't cause such a mess here, in Good Hunter." A full smile now seen across their face.
Now acknowledging the fact he, infact, didnt cause a single mischief in Good Hunter yet, he gasped in surprise. "You're right! And I've just noticed it now! Is it because... you're right here with me and my bad luck isn't as bad it was before? Hehe, just a guess." He nervously laughed, scratching his head as he felt his face heat up more than the previous one.
Laughing, [y.n] slowly stood up from their chair and walked towards Bennett. Their eyes immediately finding one another as the spark burst through their veins. Though, they were both sure that their hearts were beating faster than usual.
It was no secret that the both of them have been crushing on one another for such a long period of time. The both of them were completely oblivious! 'They were a match made in heaven' the citizens of Mondstadt would say beneath their breaths. Even Kaeya himself, the charming yet flirtatious man could tell they were both lovestruck from a mile away.
"Maybe, but I think thats mostly just you and your positivity today. Come on! we still have to go to Timaeus for some of your equipment and talent skills." Nodding along to their words, Bennett quickly stood up and placed his chair back to its original position, before quickly catching up with [y.n].
"You know... I never gotten to ask how you were doing today." Bennett spoke out, walking slowly as humanly they both could be. Tracing behind them as he stared at the Cathedral from above. The bushes moving softly as the wind blew harder once again. Shielding his eyes with his hand, he blinked a few times before retracting his hand back.
It almost felt like the wind was trying to tell him something...
"Oh, well. Same old same old, I never changed much while you were away. I'm still the good ol' Mondstadt citizen you know."
"Huh? You didn't do anything at all while I was away?"
"Yeah, I didn't find much fun in anything with you gone and away. It was boring, but there wasn't anything I could do."
He was sure his heart skipped a beat, but in a more rapid way. Shaking his head to remove the fuzziness in his mind, he then placed a hand across his chest. Feeling his heart beat in such a rapid pace, just because of their words...
Is this what it feels like to be in love?
"W-woah! That's such a big compliment coming from you... B-but maybe we can hangout with eachother while adventuring! And we can find some treasure chest while we're at it too!" He exclaimed, making his hands turn into a fist before raising it high up to the air with such enthusiasm.
"Well, if you want to! Of course, hehe." He quickly added in. [y.n] could only just chuckle in return, a blush apparent in their features, accepting the invitation in a heartbeat.
"Of course, I wouldn't mind it one bit! Anyways, we're here. Go ahead and do what you need to do with that alchemist powers of yours!" With a chuckle, he gave his signature thumbs up and grin that seems to always be apparent on his face. And immediately went working on the materials needed to build and talents to upgrade.
Though it might've taken quite longer to craft the materials. With them standing by his side, as they idly chatted about common things, sometimes Timaeus would also join in. He could feel his free hand being intertwined by theirs slowly, and then gently squeezing it. So, with a happy stretched smile across his face, slightly hidden by his hair. He squeezed it back reassuringly.
Even if he doesn't get to confess his love yet, a simple affection was enough to make him feel happy and contented the whole day.
"Huh? How come I've only received 10 of these, when I made 23?"
"Bennett, I think your bad luck is starting to come out again..."
Not the best;; since it's my first time writing anything for a actual Character. But! If there's any request. I'll try my best to write them down!
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velvetcoves · 4 years
some V3 relationship HCs :) (boys)
(f/n)= first name <3
-mod velv
Tumblr media
★ anyway
★ Kiibo has a basic understanding of human nature, but there are things that he just.. doesn’t get
★ like.. why do you have so many cups?? don’t you need only a couple?
★ and yes, he supposes that rock shines, but why do you need it?
★ you’ll have to explain to him some of your nature, and most humans as well. he’s very interested in learning as much as he can :)
★ after he gets some of it, (which took a while), he’ll start collecting little things that remind him of you. like a crow
★ your reactions mean everything to him
★ if you have any games that require timing, i have one word for you.
★ Kiibo.
★ he can literally pass any levels you’re stuck on
★ did i mention he heats up?
★ even though he’s.. made of metal, he’s surprisingly very comfortable! however, there are times where some parts of him dig into you uncomfortably, but there are solutions :)
★ like sweaters!! and blankets
★ speaking of, i feel like Kiibo would have a love-hate relationship with winter
★ on one hand, he gets to see you in the snow, help you make a snowman, and keep you warm during the cold nights
★ but.. his body gets stuck more often.
★ and the metal gets cold quickly, and he doesn’t want you cold :(
★ but you just remind him of the sweaters and you’ve got a happy robot :)
★ whenever you two go out, he always has to be touching you in someway
★ it’s never something big, and most times you don’t even notice him until later
★ more often than not, his hand finds its way to your back
★ it’s now a habit of his, to kind of lead you with that
★ if his hand isn’t at your back, i feel like it would be somewhere on your arm. like a linked arm, or he’s holding your hand so he doesn’t lose you in a crowd.
★ ok but his h a i r?
★ can i be a simp for hair
★ he definitely would let you, and only you play with his hair. like braiding it, brushing, etc.
★ i feel like he would rarely call you by your actual name, because he uses so. many. pet names.
★ “angel, could you grab that for me?”
★ “dearest, come here for a second.”
★ stuff like that smh oh to be called dearest by Kiyo
★ he’d tease you sometimes as well
★ if you’re shorter than him, he’d definitely hold things above his head so you couldn’t grab them. and if you’re taller than him, then oh boy. he’d hide stuff from you. not important things, but stuff you’d need only in that specific moment.
★ he also really likes to play with your fingers lol it helps him concentrate
★ ok but just imagine.. Kiyo in the middle of a conversation, you’re not really paying attention as you’re screwing around on your phone. suddenly, Kiyo’s soft fingers interlace between yours, giving your hand a squeeze before he begins to play with your index finger as he continues to talk. tracing the shape of it into his mind. almost like he wanted to make a copy of you.
★ he could never try to replicate you, though. you’re so perfect to him.
★ Rantaro is definitely that dude that if you’re wearing a hat, he’ll pull it down over your eyes or he’ll just straight up steal it.
★ play with his hair plEASE-
★ his hair is soft, threads through your fingers rather easily, and smells like lime
★ y’all are that couple that has one’s head in their lap as they read or somethin, playing with the other’s hair.
★ he is also that dude that comes up behind you, covering your eyes with his hands as he whispers, “guess who?~”
★ Rantaro actually has pretty small hands, and they’re actually cold most of the time.
★ beware of him and his goddamn hands smh
★ he will definitely stick his hands under your shirt for “warmth” as he so says. you know that he just wants to see your reactions
★ he’s actually god at eyeliner, so if you need to wear some, he’s your guy. hey, the dude has sisters.
★ speaking of, his sisters absolutely ADORE you. usually when you go over to his house they just.. immediately snatch you for 99% of the time and Rantaro is just “😀”
★ he leaves you little doodles everywhere. like he’ll bring you a book you asked for, and like on the 120th page there’s a crow with heels and it's the funniest thing you’ve seen all day
★ he starts laughing when you bring it up, and eventually you both are just laughing so hard at it you can't breathe
★ he has so much fun when he’s with you. he can never repay you
★ steal his hat steal his hat steal his-
★ Shuichi is flustered rather easily when it comes to you, so use that information to your advantage hehe
★ expect lots of cuddles from him, especially those back hugs. like the ones where he’ll come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, leaning his head on top of yours if you're shorter, or against your back if you’re taller.
★ he’ll let out a small sigh of content as he nuzzles into your form, trying to keep his face hidden.
★ he finds your voice so soothing, especially when you read to him? like watch this:
★ you two are working on one of his cases together. your job is reading out his notes from the scene, your voice a low murmur as he works away. you haven’t noticed that he’s just.. stopped writing, staring at his pen as he begins to play with it. scratchy handwriting is what his eyes rake over, an adoring smile plastered to his face as he just listens. eventually you notice he’s stopped. “..Shuichi?” your soft voice asks, and he jolts a bit, grasped from his daydream. “a-ah.. sorry (f/n).. continue?”
★ more often than not it's your murmurs that causes the sleep deprivation to slap him in the face and just be knocked tf out.
★ helping him with cases is one of your favorite things?? like Shuichi you’re so smart give yourself some credit?????
★ every morning he greets you with a small smile. even though he’s still really tired, he makes an effort for you :)
★ i love funky detective man smh
★ b,, baby man,,
★ if you’re terrified of bugs, he’ll try to keep his little friends away from you, he doesn’t want to scare you at all :(
★ if you don’t mind bugs/you like them, he’ll be overjoyed!!
★ he probably has a bug named after you
★ more often than not, you’ll find them in your room or on your things. usually they’re really gorgeous, he says they remind you of him that day :)
★ he tries to switch up the bugs you find each day, so it’s always a little surprise when you enter your own room
★ ask him to carry you
★ he wants to carry you.
★ pl e a se
★ Gonta is also really warm, and his hands are HUGE
★ expect so many head pats from him. he loves how small you are compared to him
★ boops from Gonta? boops from Gonta.
★ this man straight up craves your cuddles.
★ because of his body temperature and scent of pine, it’s not hard at all to fall asleep in his embrace
★ i feel like he wakes up rather early, so he gets the pleasure of watching you sleep
★ not in a creepy way! he thinks you look so.. peaceful. angelic, is more of the word.
★ he absolutely LOVES seeing you in his clothes. just the way the cloth envelopes your tiny frame, you with your adorable smile and sweater paws?
★ god he loves you sm
★ when you two first got into a relationship, he rarely touched you.
★ he literally had no idea what to do
★ he lived all of his life on eggshells, scared of every coming day
★ and then you, his ray of sunshine, just came to him?
★ he’s just so lost
★ however, you knew what to do.
★ you basically taught him that no, you’re not going to disappear from his life at any given moment. you promise.
★ it took some convincing, but you got there.
★ anyway, he doesn’t show too much PDA, but he’s taken up the habit of grasping your sleeve when you two walk together
★ given the fact that you’re likely taller than him, this boy l o v e s your hugs.
★ the way you just envelope him in your loving embrace.. he feels like he doesn’t deserve it.
★ he might tell you so, but you quickly shut him up with a kiss or something :)
★ spooning spooning spooning-
★ he’s usually little spoon, but he’ll be big spoon if you want :)
★ Ryoma really likes being held by you. he feels like time stops, like all that matters is you in that moment.
★ he just feels so safe when he’s around you. he’s gotta get used to it
★ one time when you both went on a date, you accidentally found the main base of the stray cats in your town
★ they LOVED him and now you go there frequently to visit the cats
★ ya’ll definitely have a cat from there too smh you’re so cute
★ at the earliest stages of your relationship, i have two words for you.
★ good luck.
★ you are not safe from Kokichi.
★ you are targeted by him.
★ anyway, i definitely feel like he would be so clingy with you.
★ he doesn’t care that you’re in public, he will latch onto you and be a nuisance.
★ holding onto your sleeve, holding your hand, latching onto your leg so you have to drag him around, full on trying to tackle you, etc.
★ p i g g y b a c k r i d e s
★ if you don’t want him to completely annoy you, just hoist him up onto your back for a ride
★ he LOVES it
★ i also feel like he wouldn’t really know what he’s doing at first.. you make him feel so many things, emotions that he thought were buried a long time ago. it’s a bit too much for him
★ patience is key with Kokichi. please just wait for him. he’ll catch up when he’s ready.
★ but when he does? and when you’ve convinced him you’re not leaving anytime soon?
★ you have the most caring and lovable man right at your side.
★ he’s.. so soft with you.
★ Kokichi absolutely adores being held by you. probably the most out of the V3 crew. he feels so secure, so sure of your relationship in those moments. he sleeps best when you’re around, which he desperately needs due the insomnia that plagues him most nights.
★ quiet cuddles are such a treasure to you. he’s usually silent during your cuddle sessions, his head either in the crook of your neck or buried in your chest, inhaling your scent so he can imprint it to his mind. it makes you more in love with him.
★ also DICE adores you-
★ he is,, the biggest simp for you,,,
★ literally every single day, Kaito looks at you with the biggest grin on his face because every time he looks at you, he notices a new thing that makes him love you even more.
★ stargazing da te s✨
★ ^ these dates often end up with him going on a rant about the constellations and their movements, star types, etc. and you love him for it
★ his coat is so warm?? you wonder how he wears it 24/7
★ he absolutely LOVES it when you tackle hug him. he doesn’t even care if he was in the middle of a conversation, just feeling the sudden embrace of his s/o makes him melt.
★ those tackle hugs usually end up in him turning around and scooping you up, spinning you around before planting you back down and giving you a sweet kiss
★ PDA? he loves it
★ he NEVER would do anything that makes you uncomfortable though.
★ your PDA mostly consists of hand holding, hugs, all that soft stuff :)
★ he would definitely have to do a double take if you ever wore his jacket.
★ “hey (f/n)? where-“ and he’d just s t a r e at you, his face going ablaze in red
★ he’s like that Tamaki gif
Tumblr media
★ yeah that one ^
★ more often than not, you get piggyback rides from him
★ the gentle rock of his body as he walks, his overall warmth, his scent of lavender.. it’s perfect to lull you asleep.
★ he wouldn’t have it any other way :)
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