#coughing wheezing idk. have whatever this is
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year ago
learning some new things in mordhaus tonight
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retroaria · 5 months ago
hey! I'm not really into nsfw stuff- sooo would you like to do something soft with reo? 😭 like, idk, him as a husband or father so with a family? THANK YOU SO MUCH 💗💗
✮⋆˙ domestic reo headcanons ✮⋆˙
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a/n: this is so brain rotted i can’t even lie i think reo is just so easy to romanticize. pure fluff.
• | BLUE LOCK M.LIST | enjoy !! - aria 💜 | •
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✮ I actually love this because i headcanon that reo would be a great dad :D at the very least he’d be extremely supportive of whatever his children wanted to do in their lives. He wouldn’t force them to follow in his footsteps like his father and he’d use whatever devices he could to ensure they can comfortably follow the path they choose.
✮ Would post about all his children’s accomplishments, or if you guys didn’t feel comfortable posting the kids he’d still take any chance to tell everyone about it - even his teammates who literally don’t care that his son got the highest score on the spelling test (they’re happy for him though). He secretly enjoys scrapbooking for his kids but they’re “your books” and he “just helps you with it sometimes”. (he’s the one who took almost all the pictures and saved every piece of paper his kid has ever drawn on)
✮ Reo is a charming husband, so charming and sweet it’s hard to be mad at him. He’s a bit lacking in cleaning/caretaking capabilities when it comes to the home but he puts in the effort??? He tries his best and if he does a bad job he always makes it up to you one way or another. In all honesty, he’s probably already hired people to do that (forgot this man is inheriting a multi millionaire dollar corporation).
✮ Reo is however very good at taking care of children. Once he has a clear grasp of their needs, he finds it to be really enjoyable and fulfilling. He takes a lot of pride in whatever happiness and comfort he can bring to his kids. He hates the sound of his babies crying, not because it’s annoying (though he complains about that too) but because it genuinely hurts his soul. He can be a bit too worrisome about it sometimes - he’s totally the type of person to look up his child’s symptoms and freak out over seeing all the worst case scenarios.
✮ The one thing that reo particularly excels at is taking care of you when you’re sick. He can always tell when you’re not feeling your best and he immediately harps on you. He doesn’t know how to cook very well but he knows how to make a few different kinds of warm foods to fill your stomach and give you a little energy. He’d absolutely refuse to stay away from you (unless it was a seriously contagious illness or if you guys had a baby that could’ve gotten sick). Doesn’t care if you’re sneezing and coughing and wheezing, he wants to feed you and hold you and kiss your hot head until it cools down and everything is better again. His goal is always to make sure you get better as soon as possible and won’t let you do anything but rest and relax until then.
✮ Reo is an incredible gift giver! I’ve certainly mentioned this in another hc post, but he is always out and about buying you little things that remind him of you. If you guys have a kid that’s just more gifts he’ll have to get and the thought of that honestly excites him.
✮ Anything can happen but…reo with a daughter…guys….
✮ he would be the sweetest girl dad! would do everything in his power to make her believe she’s an actual princess and he’s just one of her loyal servants. Spoils her rotten and doesn’t feel bad about it.
✮ You’d have to explain to him how this could negatively affect your daughter and it would break his heart. He’d go into theatrics trying to refute it because “What do you mean I can’t let her have everything she wants?” and “What if she cries? You want me to make my daughter cry?” he gets it eventually, but remains reluctant lol.
✮ He’d love playing sports with his kids. Would try to get them into soccer but if they end up liking another sport he’s still just as hype. Isn’t initially familiar with the concept of letting the kids win but soon realized he has to level with the speed of their little legs.
✮ I don’t have any specific hc’s for him as a boy dad but he’d be just as great of course - he’d make sure his son sees how women should be treated based on how he treats you!
✮ If he could find a way to make you the total world ruler he would because he truly believes you’re the most capable person. He’s the kind of husband who lets you run things for the most part but is always there to step in when you need a break or if you just want him by your side. Would call for an emergency flight back home from whatever country he’s training in just because you said you didn’t wanna go to parent teacher night alone.
✮ He loves doing mundane tasks with you, but always tries to “make it a bit more fun” as he says - which basically means he puts away the clothes you fold while you listen to him crack really bad jokes at you, gossip about his teammates, or try to sing and serenade you with his MANY playlists he’s made dedicated to you. On days you both have nothing going on he follows you around the house like a lost puppy, which is slightly annoying but it also means you have four hands to do stuff because he’s a participator above all else.
✮ Reo always makes sure to show his appreciation for how hard you work whether it’s at your job, taking care of the kids/house, or both. He takes time alone with you very seriously, even as your lives get busier and your family grows he always makes sure there’s time for the two of you to just be together and be in love. Always jokes about how you guys need to keep the romance going. He has small romantic gestures that he indulges you in throughout the day: kissing you on the cheek, brushing your hair out of your face/tying it back for you if you if you need (taking his hair tie out for you to use), hugging you a little tighter just before you get up, running a bath for the both of you, massaging your shoulders while you talk.
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to be fully honest with you guys, i have never in my life wanted to have kids so it was a bit hard for me to imagine what being happy with children would be like LMAO but alas i did my best. stay safe and stay cool. - aria :3
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hello! stumbled across a post about whether or not the Grey is a chemical weapon by @bwat5-blog and was curious what you think about it
Has me blocked, lol.
But I feel confident in saying that as long as these people - and Amanda Overton - justify their opinions on the Grey by basing it on the fundamental fantasies that:
not only is gas a precision weapon, but it is so magically precise that it can actually swerve around the children and random low-level nobodies like Thieram working their 9-5 in Shimmer factories and Chembaron headquarters (and there are a lot more Thierams than there are Sevikas),
the gas is also so precise and their use of it against only the evilest of the evil cartoon baddies was so strategic, that they... [checks notes] used it in the streets to clear people off them to 'keep them safe',
gassing the poors and a boots-on-the-ground invasion were definitely the only two options, and we should definitely take that uncritically and at face value when told to the audience by the people who have a specific and vested interest in mounting a boots-on-the-ground invasion and/or gassing the poors; that war in the Middle East undercity is the only way to keep us good guys safe! from the terrorists! the terrorists, you guys! and drone gas strikes actually save innocent lives!; and that all this is definitely not a false dichotomy that requires both the viewer and everyone else involved to conveniently forget that every Councillor still alive already voted for Zaunite independence, and that the quickest way to deescalate the situation in which it appears to everyone (except Jayce, who never says shit, lol) that the memorial attack was a strike against an oppressor after independence negotiations failed, is to simply grant Zaun its independence effective immediately, tell them Jinx is their problem now, and that any further attacks on Piltover's sovereign territory, from Jinx or anyone else, will be considered an act of war and responded to accordingly,
the gas is never ever ever shown to do long-term harm to anybody, especially anybody innocent, uwu, when:
- there is a confirmed cut shot of innocent refugees arriving in the Firelight hideout coughing and wheezing from the Grey, which, idk about you, but I consider a shot that made it into the script and was mostly animated before being cut to be more canon than Amanda 'Cait-is-my-self-insert' Overton's random instagram headcanons,
- the newspaper from the (supposedly canon!) Jinx Fixes Everything game is clearly talking to the everyman who is being harmed by the Grey, and,
- literally onscreen, we see that the goons in Margot's HQ were simply knocked out and left to lay there in the Grey, barely breathing. They weren't important enough to bother arresting, but they were soooo evil and dangerous that they warranted incapacitating with the Grey and then simply being left to lay there, struggling to breathe in the lingering gas, until some random good samaritan (who?) came by to drag them out. But I'm sure they're fine, right? And even though they didn't do anything that merited being arrested in the eyes of the Gas Squad, they definitely deserved whatever they got, right?
then they are wrong on a fundamental level and idgaf what they have to say, lol.
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nectardaddy · 9 months ago
hurt inumaki would pretend it wasn't as bad as it truly was the first time he came back from a mission. but you wanted to take care of him, doted on him, made him tea, gave him cough medicine. he utterly lost himself in the feeling. he cared so much for others, was it wrong to enjoy being cared for?
hurt inumaki would milk the hell out of his injuries from there on out, to the point it became a running joke.
"I think I'm dying," he would sign to you and pretend to swoon. all the while cracking a smile as you would just laugh at him, nudging him in his arm and rolling your eyes.
hurt inumaki would cough and wheeze for air after a particularly gruesome mission on his own. returning back to campus with blood pooling in his mouth and the feeling of nails piercing his throat. but he didn't seek you out, oh no, he utterly avoided you at all costs. this wasn't a joke like he normally played it up to be, he was genuinely hurt this time.
hurt inumaki would pretend everything was fine when you rushed in his room to see if he was alright; hearing that he pushed his limit and was holed up in his room. but the façade soon crumbled when he tried to utter a safe word, his voice so cracked and broken all he could do was cough his lungs out afterward.
hurt inumaki didn't willingly let you help him at first. you had things to do, classes to go to, training that needed to be done, you didn't need to take care of him. but he gave up rather quickly in fighting it once he realized you did it on your own volition. he rather enjoyed the feeling of being wanted.
once he was better, inumaki would swear up and down he wouldn't push his limits that far again. but he would. every single time. all for the sake of his friends. for you.
and you would be there to help him every single time.
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I wanted to try a new writing style, idk how I feel about it ehhhhh
this was super cute though!!
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donnerpartyofone · 7 days ago
Hey does anybody here take a prescription allergy medication they like? I feel like whenever I talk to a doctor they recommend I just take some otc thing daily, which gives me the idea that it's all a big racket. Just taking Claritin or whatever all the time has absolutely zero effect on me, possibly my system is just permanently drug resistant because I've been in an allergy attack for like 70% of my existence including my entire childhood. The only thing that has ever really "worked" is Benadryl, and maybe I just think it's working because I'm asleep and unable to cough and wheeze and sneeze and rub my eyeballs out of my skull. I'm quite sure I'm only really allergic to dust and mold which are sadly ubiquitous; my parents (who were certainly very sick of listening to me being sick) tried all kinds of things on me including some hippie bullshit that was aimed at helping me resist pollen and stuff, which has never ever bothered me, this is really not seasonal and I've never reacted to a plant or even synthetic chemicals or anything. I don't know how much faith I have in taking more and more pharmaceuticals but IDK I'm open to suggestions.
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scrunckled-idiot · 11 months ago
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Heyyyy! :D
this is @scrunckled_idiot (obviously) and ummm… just information about myself here I guess?
About me!
has the incurable bisexual sickness 😔
i am genderfluid so please refer to me with any pronouns you like i really dont mind :3
I like to draw silly little doodles of my favourite fandoms, which is mostly tf2.
I don’t like racists, homophobes, pedos yada yada yada blah blah blah you know the drill ladies and gents.
I’m a bit challenged and I’ll leave it at that.
has crazy procrastination. so if you see a new post, it was probably supposed to be posted a week ago.
i like g/t content cus it makes me feel happy and safe and silly
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tf2 (obviously)
spooky month
profile pictures or banners for these fandoms
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Favourite fandoms:
Team fortress 2
Bendy and the ink machine/dark revival
Half life
monkey wrench
amazing digital circus
sonic the hedgehog
spooky month
don't starve
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favourite musical artists:
weird al yankovic
imagine dragons
the happy fits
rare Americans
the hatters
will wood
jack stauber
mother mother
saint motel
tally hall
cosmo shelldrake
tom cardy
fish in a birdcage
the Orion experience
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People i consider family on here because I'm lonely irl
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current ocs! (in order of apearence):
mary hall (the first oc)
Sunny Agafonov
pocket merc
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✨my AO3✨
current progress on my g/t helmet party fanfic "rusted iron helmets"
planning: 95%
chapter 1: 34% 10 pages
⬆️current word count: 5895
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*cough cough* my YouTube but idk if i'll post anything- *cough hack wheeze*
Ghastly little thang - YouTube
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🪨common🪨: text posts. one sfm render.
💚uncommon💚: shitty little sketch.
🪻💎rare💎🪻: mini comic.
✨🌟epic🌟✨: polished traditional sketch. 9 page+ comic
⚔️❤️legendary❤️⚔️: gif by me
🎞️🌌mythical🌌🎞️: video by me
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tags i own:
#g/t merc shenanigans
#scrunckles collage sketches
#scrunckles fanart
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the fanart board 👇
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141trash · 1 year ago
AN: so I know its not exactly simon x reader its all platonic, but I wasn't sure how else to tag this. Actually if you squint it could be Ghost x Soap I'll let you decide :) Sometimes my brain says things should exist so I write them. Loosely borrows the Master of Death concept from the HP series because yes. She's my OC if you want to know more just let me know I mostly just wanted to practice writing Simon idk and wanted him to be comforted :(
"Let's say I believed you," the exhausted lieutenant's voice broke the quiet hiss of sand shifting in the warm breeze. He laid staring up at the cloudless blue sky, knife held limply in one hand. His balaclava was torn off and cast aside, leaving his face exposed to the unrelenting sun.
"Mhm?" Came the sweet voice, acknowledging his words and probing gently for him to continue.
"If I believe you're the master of death or whatever," he croaked out, throat parched, "Why me? Why save me? There're billions of people who deserve to be saved over me."
Her head cocked to the side, observing him for a moment.
"Why do you believe you're not worth saving?" she asked instead of answering. Simon let out a harsh laugh interrupted by a bout of coughing and a resigned grunt of pain.
"y'just need to look at me to know that love. My mask. I'm a killer. Got my family killed. My mum, my brother." he swallowed, voice cracking as he continued, "His beautiful wife, and their little boy."
He gulped feeling the hot sting of tears and used some of his waning strength to swipe them angrily away. When she didn't say anything he turned his head in her direction. It was hard to believe that he wasn't hallucinating. Sitting next to him in the middle of the desert was a six year old in a pink tutu and a burnt tiara of some sort, perched in her golden curls. Small hands drew shapes and patterns in the scorching sand as if the temperature didn't affect her. Big innocent green eyes bore into him in a way that very much felt like she was staring into his soul.
"The skull mask was an interesting choice," She agreed dryly, "I won't disagree that you're a killer either, given your chosen profession. But you didn't get your family killed. The actions of others are not yours to take the blame for."
"Y'r surprisingly wise for a kid."
The master of death rolled her eyes and smiled, revealing a set of pearly white teeth, "Today I'm a kid."
"Sure. like tomorrow you're not goin' to be."
She gave a shrug of her shoulders, "Maybe, maybe not. It's not exactly my choice."
"Y'didn't answer my question." he coughed again, "If you're the master of death. Why me?"
"I don't make those decisions. I think death would be rather cross with me if that was the case. Everything dies at some point. It's part of the cycle. But death says I'm still ruled by my human emotions. If I had the choice, I don't think I would let people die. And then there really would be no point to life."
He laughed again and then groaned, the side where he'd been shot throbbed horribly.
"You sure you ain't just here to kill me?" Simon wheezed out, hands tightening into fists, "Because it sure feels like it."
Tenderly she reached out and smoothed one of his hands, grasping at it with her much smaller one.
"Of course not Simon." she clucked her tongue as if to scold him, "Pain means you're alive. Keep living. Find your reason to keep living. It's important. You're important."
His vision was darkening with each passing second and her voice was growing murky, like he was hearing it underwater. Gasping in panic he forced his eyes open.
"It hurts," it came out as a whimper. She smiled sadly at him, bright green eyes wet with sympathy.
"I know sweetheart, but it won't be forever."
Then she was gone. The small, but reassuring grip she'd had on his hand disappeared and the panic fully settled in. He tried to call out to her. He didn't want to be alone again. Anything, but having to face the world alone again. He wanted to beg and plead for her to return, but his mouth refused to listen.
Rough hands grabbed hold of him, jerking him back to consciousness. When he managed to get his eyes open again he saw a familiar tanned, if a little blurry, face staring back at him with worry in his eyes. Johnny. Johnny was there.
He saw the sergeant's mouth moving, but he couldn't hear. All of his senses were on fire, everything was too loud, to rough, too painful. No part of him didn't hurt.
He was alive and Johnny was here. Weakly he lifted a hand to grasp the shoulder of the Scottish man's vest.
"You're here." was all he managed to gasp weakly attempting to smile before his mind gave out and he fell into darkness. This time he gave in willingly. He wasn't alone anymore.
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neteyamyawne · 2 years ago
🪷 — Forever : Parted
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୭ ˚. Pairing : Widow!JakeSully x fem!na'vi!reader 
୭ ˚. summary : request
୭ ˚. Parts : pt1 pt2 pt3
୭ ˚. Song : Happiness is simple
୭ ˚. Warning : angst, age gap, hurt, no comfort, death of a major character, blood , gun shots, mildly graphic, mourning, sadness, heartbreak, little platonic fluff , hate from Jake if you squint, kinda open ending?
୭ ˚. Word count : 3.4k , not proof read
"word" - dialogue , ** word ** - flashback
୭ ˚. Note : Tsu'tey is alive bitches!!!! No one dies in my world (hehe🤭 except for one in this fic 😭)
୭ ˚. Extras : This is my first ever series, i did the best i could, not gonna lie i cried myself too, idk if y'all would like it or not so please leave your views ☺️🫶🏼
୭ ˚. Glossary : [Ma'sa'nok] - my mother, [Ma'sempul] - my father, [Palulukan] - Thanator, [sa'nu] - mom,  [tsaheylu] - neural bond , [paysyul] - water flower, [öeya tsmuke] - my sister (possesive)
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Laughter filled out of the Olo'eyktan's tent, children zooming in and out as flashes of blue and cream ran across the clearing in front of the tent, life was simple, neytiri sat near the fire, the meat slowly braising inside the pot, vapors of the seasoning wafting throughout the premises, Jake was sprawled in his hammock for once enjoying the day off as tsu'tey took over for the rest till eclipse, his sleep was interrupted as lo'ak jumped on top of his chest wheezing any air left in his lungs as Jake caught his son while coughing, neteyam, kiri and spider laughing as the old man was in distress, clearly enjoy the view neytiri adjusted her hold on tuk, who was strapped to her chest, shaking her head she turned back to the stew.
Footsteps were heard as y/n walked into the leaders tent, all the children ran towards her screaming their lungs out "Aunty y/n!!!!!" As she was tackled to the ground , her pouch filled with various trinkets fell aside as she hugged the group of kids on top of her giving them all a tight squeeze, finally Letting her go, she brought out the pouch giving them each a piece she collected or made , neteyam got a armband, lo'ak and kiri got lots of beads made or picked specially for them by their aunt y/n, spider got a new necklace which he took and went running to show it to norm and max, chuckling at their antiques she got up from the ground dusting herself as she made her way towards neytiri
~ y/n pov ~
I sat down beside Neytiri taking the little tuk from her wrap, she cooed as she looked at me, big golden eyes and soft little nose twitched now and then, even though I say i do not have favorites! Really i don't but this small bundle of joy will definitely get whatever she wants with simple boo boo eyes and I'm not ready for her to use it as weapon against me
Today was Jake and neytiri's date night as he says so, I'll be looking over the children for them, neytiri still hesitates a bit before leaving as her motherly instincts are still up, not because she doesn't trusts me, just because it's the first time leaving tuk after giving birth to her, she was like this with neteyam, lo'ak and kiri as well, i give her a reassuring smile as i say "tiri, i have taken care of them countless of times, what's one more addition to that? It's better than what lo'ak used to do anyways" with that Jake took neytiri's hand laughing at the joke, as they took off on their ikrans , turning around and looking at the kids i couldn't help but remember my childhood with neytiri…
My parents were respected warriors and hunters of the clan, but life is not always joyous, the day i was born , ma sa'nok passed away giving birth to me so mo'at took me under her wing even being 5 years younger than neytiri she never let me feel secluded, she would always take me with her everywhere she went, sylwanin used to say "eywa knew if these two were to be real sisters they would have already claimed the entire land as their own by the time they both pass their iknimaya"
No matter what anyone says neytiri was , is and always be my sister, not by blood but by soul, after i turned 6, ma sempul was attacked by a palulukan in the end loosing his life due to extreme blood loss, and the Olo'eyktan's family took me in completely, neytiri stood by my side through everything, after that incident, if we were seen together everywhere now we became inseparable, attached to the hip if you must , years passed and still the bond stayed the same.
Matching tops to communal festivals, matching beads in our hair, having the same hairstyles and even have the same hoop earrings, she was the sun to my moon, mo'at was more than happy to see her girls happy together and then came in Jake sully as everything went downhill, with her bringing him to the clan, mating with him even when she was promised to tsu'tey , she had expressed her disdain about being promised to tsu'tey after sylwanin died in the RDA attack but it was final even i couldn't do anything, tsu'tey's rage for Jake betrayal, neytiri pouncing on him to protect Jake, everything was just falling apart, the war left a big abyss in everyone's life, we almost lost tsu'tey that day, and i couldn't forget the feeling of his blood on my hands as i sew him up, the hours of praying to eywa finally coming to an end as everyone was settled over, no one can ever forget that day to their dying breath..
Soon Jake was chosen as the Olo'eyktan as he became the toruk makto, tsu'tey his right hand man, life turned for good when neytiri found out about her pregnancy, never have i seen the clan so happy in my life, that day was as cherished as neytiri was, my heart swelled as i got the new honor of being an aunt, the day i held neteyam in my arms i thought I'd die from happiness itself, neytiri smiled from the cot she was laying on after hours of labor she was utterly exhausted but still she clasped my arm as i looked at her as she said " promise me öeya tsmuke, if something were to ever happen to me, you'll take care of my children and Jake" i looked at her flabbergasted "nothing is gonna happen to you ,tiri, you'll be alright" i knew she was saying this because of the near death experience she just went through but even the thought of losing her was unbearable, "promise me y/n, please" and in that moment i didn't know what to do so i promised her….. which turned out to be a curse as of now-
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Blood dripped down my fingers as my hands were shaking with my mind still in denial as i sew up the cuts and gashes on her body, my desperate state causing the needle to slip as i cussed doing my best to not just breakdown right then and there, tears pricked my eyes, blurring my vision but i pushed everything back, cleared my mind as i worked beside mo'at, she wasn't doing any better than i was….
** Today was the first raid after last week's fiasco, the humans tricked the bombs, blasting many of our na'vi soldiers, the healing tents were filled with injured, i worked nights on end without rest to tend to them, but now was a different situation, they have made a fool proof plan, as i sat in the healing tent praying for everyone's safe return when the horns blared signaling the arrival of the war party i immediately got into action checking the salves and pastes when i heard a cry i prayed i would never hear "Y/N, MO'AT! Y/N? ARE YOU HERE- y/n quick- please do something!" My mind went blank as i saw Neytiri with blood pouring out of her torso as many bullets had pierced her while some were embedded, a long gash ran down her arm and stomach, i felt like time slowed down , my body automatically moving into action but my brain wasn't even thinking straight, it felt like i was underwater no air to breathe but my limbs were acting on their own to break the surface of the water, me and mo'at did our fucking best, removing the bullets but the blood loss was extensive, even if the logical part of me knew she won't make it, something in me held onto the hope that it'll all be okay…… Nothing was okay**
Tears lined my eyes, some Falling down freely as everything crumbled apart in my hands, Jake was screaming, mo'at was silent, as neytiri looked at me her eyes glassy as stopped me from the stitching grabbing my hand bringing it to her chest as she heaved out with difficulty "y- y/n , remem- remember our promise-" i couldn't even comprehend her words as sobs came right after, it was like all the air was sucked out of me as i shook my head but she went on " take car-" she was cut short with a cough as blood spilled out, my mind zeroed as i wipe it but she stopped me again, holding me firmly, even in her dying state her grip was just as strong as before " take care of- of them, for me, plea-" before i could even respond the life in her eyes flickered out like a dying flame, a screaming bubbled in my throat as it tumbled out but it was nothing compared to the man who sat besides his mate's dead body, no one on earth or Pandora has seen Jake sully scream for his love as he did now, the whole of omaticaya silenced at the sceams of a mate losing his other half, everything felt numb, like a void that sucked everything inn, leaving the man to grieve in private i stumbled out but my legs failed me as i crashed into the ground, sobs wrecking my body and i doubled over my knees, letting everything out, i lost my mentor, my rock, my sun more importantly my tsmuke, everything blurred over as i felt hands touch my shoulder but i didn't care who it was but the next i knew i was being engulfed in a hug, the warmth did nothing to soothe the cold that wrapped around me as i sobbed, a void in my chest that could never be filled again, seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours as i got up from my spot outside the healing tent, mo'at was seated beside me, she was fast asleep after all the crying that was done, i looked inside as Jake was still besides neytiri, my already fractured heart broke a thousand pieces at the scene, i turned around not wanting to look at Jake's mournful cries but i was met with the faces that will haunt me forever…….
Sitting down inside their Hut as everyone hugged me tight as they all cried for their mother, tuk hugged my neck asking what was going on but i couldn't even bring myself to answer that question before breaking into tears as they all slowly drifted into sleep but i sat there staring at the ceiling , silent tears flowing non- stop.
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I stood a little behind Jake as they lowered neytiri into the small hole dug into the hometree as she finally United with the great mother, tears smeared my cheeks as i watched, the peaceful look on her face can almost trick anyone into thinking she was asleep if they didn't know better, goosebumps running down my body as i watched Jake choke back on his sobs, he was the strongest man I've ever known and seeing him like that makes me want to hurl my stomach out, i walked forward gently throwing the flower petals onto her body, after me as did everyone else, as mo'at started chanting to eywa i couldn't take it as i turned around and speed walked myself into my tent as i curled into a ball and cried till there was nothing left, all that left behind was a husk, even though my mind knew she was gone, gone forever and never coming back, my heart still denied it, this was not how it was supposed to be, she was supposed to be here laughing and enjoying as we all ate together, not like this, all cold with no sense of warmth to ever return too, not like this with no one to turn when you have a problem, no one to hug when you have a bad day, no one… no one there to share your presence with…
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
A few months have passed on, Jake had thrown himself into work, working his emotions into war plans, his appearance becoming tattered more then ever but no one dared to question him, there were way too many raids throughout the week, warriors were getting exhausted but didn't once complaint as they went through every raid, more were getting injured but no word was spoken as it went on, but what did catch my eye was his behavior was just as same towards neteyam and lo'ak as it was towards the actual warriors, always making them do task way above their league as he walked away going into the war tent, sighing i knew if i intervened right now Jake would punish the boys even more but i couldn't just sit around seeing them miserable, as i got to them, they stopped in their tracks tensing up but when they saw who it was all tension faded away, as i opened my arms and they both stumbled into the hug, i squeezed them tight giving them both a kiss on their forehead as i told them " finish you work and come home, I'll make your favorite dinners" as they both smiled nodding and going to do their work with a renewed power.
After the food was done i got up wiping myself of the sweat , turning around i saw tuk laying in the hammock, it wasn't her laying down that concerned me, it was the sniffles i heard, as i walked over to her bending down a bit as i caressed her hair "tuk, sweetheart, what is wrong?" I got in beside her as she held onto me, her nose pressed into my neck as i felt her tears fall on my shoulder, i just rubbed her back , finally calming down i asked once again "what is wrong baby?" She sniffled before answering " is mommy never going to come back?" And my heart shattered hearing those words, how was I even supposed to explain to her what death was? But i tried my best " you see, when people grow old, they become weak, that's when the great mother calls them back to her so they can all rest in peace, we are all eywa's children, we all return back to her, but when they get their eywa's love is so strong they all stay there, you mommy is there as well, she's at peace and is watching over us, as the time comes we'll all meet her eventually" tuk just stared at me with big wide eyes as she processed the information, nodding she said "then i hope i see eywa as soon as possible" now it was my turn to stare at her with wide eyes " No, paysyul, you cannot do that, you'll see her when the time comes not before or after " giving me a nod of understanding she plopped her head right into my neck yet again clutching me close, few minutes later she was passed out cold as i held her close, neteyam and lo'ak got back as they looked at me , giving me smiles that didn't quite reach their eyes, i knew Jake had scolded them yet again, sighing i carefully placed tuk into the hammock, mentally remembering to feed her later, as i helped the boys to serve, while they ate their dinner i said "you boys stay here for a while, I'm going to your grandmother's to help her" they just nodded while lo'ak also gave me a thumbs up, smiling i made my way towards the healing tent.
As i got in, i saw kiri and mo'at talking, mo'at smiled as i entered "ahh ma child, come come" kiri looked up and smiled, squatting beside her i spoke "kiri, go home now, you've helped enough, i have made dinner, eat something, I'll handle this from here" she just looked down for a moment then nodding as she got up bidding a quick bye she went out, neytiri's passing was a lot harder on the girl, as she already didn't have grace now her, she became really quite talking only to me , mo'at and spider , as i got to work, i saw mo'at was a bit quieter than usual , eyeing her a few times i broke the silence as it was getting too much "what is it ma sa'nok? You seem quieter than usual" she turned to face me, her face a bit paler than usual as well, i got worried by the passing seconds of silence, she opened her mouth to speak but didn't, worried i asked again "sa'nu are you alright? Do you need anything?" As if with newfound confidence, her next sentence broke the ground i stood on "you are to mate with toruk makto, there has been a sign from eywa and it shall be done as soon as possible " as i processed her words the only thing leaving my mouth was "WhAt?!" And i was ready to bet the entirety of omaticaya heard me in that moment, she just looked at me with a calm expression repeating the words again, "you are to be mated to Jake Sully and there will be no exceptions" i just stared at her dumbfounded, without listening anything more i walked out, not wanting to hear another word…….
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
I sat at the edge of the lake me and tiri used to come too, dangling my legs into the water, flicking it now and then sighing, i mulled over what mo'at said , closing my eyes i reeled over the thoughts of tuk, kiri, lo'ak and neteyam, their faces zooming through my mind , groaning i knew i had to say yes, not just because of the sign eywa had showed but due to my promise to neytiri, my head hung down as i was lost in thoughts, finally hardening my heart, i walked back towards the healing tent, praying all goes smoothly, walking inside i saw eywa has turned her back to me, standing right in front of me with his back to me was Jake sully himself, inhaling a deep breath, calming my heart, i walked forward, mo'at seeing me smiled as Jake turned, his figure towering over me, his look almost looked murderous, i just hoped it wasn't towards me , my tail fell between my legs, i spoke "i agree for the union" Jake's head snapped to mine as he almost broke it, his annoyance evident as he said "you can't be serious right now? You really want to do that to neytiri!!?" My heart sunk at the words we haven't spoken after that day in the tent, now i don't even know if this was even worse but i kept my opinion firm as i turned to him, fear lingered but i bit down on it " i said i am ready for the union, i promised Neytiri and i won't let it down" he flashed his fangs at me but i kept stotic, mo'at took her que to leave as her work to get the word across was done, Jake gritted "you will take that back right now" , "it is eywa's will, we can't run from it Jake, it has to be done or it won't be good for any of us if the great mother herself is angered" i said, "so you're ready to give yourself up to a man who won't even look at you with what a mate should look?" I winced at the words but i knew i had to keep her promise as i nodded, he had a look of disbelief on his face but he took a breathe looking at me with a serious face he said the words that rocked my world " if that's your decisions then here's mine, i won't make tsaheylu with you, nor will i give you what a mate can give you but i will respect and protect you and that's my words but do not expect anything more from me" he scoffed and stormed out of the tent, i just crumbled to the floor bringing my knees close to my chest as i curled up on myself, repeating on and on that this was for good and for the Better future of the kids but my heart mourned for MY future as it saw everything crash down into ash….
I got up , chin held high, if the future I saw for myself wasn't going to happen then I'll make a different one and make it happen, for myself, for Neytiri as I walked out of the tent ready to face the cruel fate I was destined too…
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A/n : i just finished this and i couldn't believe i wrote upto 3k, like i get bored to write 200 words essay and now I'm writing these big ass fics, I'm like 🥹😭🫣 anyway if you wanna be tagged then please go see the pinned post on my blog 💙🫶🏼
Yawne : @elriel-4-ever, @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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nomoreluckystarz · 8 months ago
CLOSER - F!Leo as Pyramid Head Fic.
ames: oh god what am I doing with my life… [flustered sigh]
my brain: be self-indulgent for once, angelcake ;)
ames: well fuck, why do I even listen to you?
word count: 5,126 (how? idk...) my AO3 is iMonsterkive, i'mma upload a snippet here first before taking courage to upload it there.
MINORS DNI (suggestive content aka blood and violence).
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"I was weak."
"That's why I needed you."
"Needed someone to punish me for my sins…"
Those were the last words of Leonardo Hamato before he was subjected to punishment— a pyramid helmet over his face; for his lewd thoughts, and unforgivable actions...
A low, heavy breathing. 
You could hear wheezing on the top floor…
Like some sort of heavy animal hunching on you.
Was someone else in the room, sleeping with you…? You lift your upper body, there's nothing in front of you, or to your sides.
But what kind of human could possibly make that noise?
You decide to leave the safety zone, taking your scalpel on your dominant hand, while the other holds the flashlight. You make your best effort to be quiet and use the wall as support, wincing in silence at your leg that was patched up, still limping. 
The scent of breath is persistent, creaks against the tiles— someone, or something with some enormous steps must be causing this, it makes your diminutive frame shake. The flashlight stops working; the batteries are completely dead, unquestionably a bad moment. You stepped on yet another mannequin, dressed in a nurse's attire, with blood on the lower ruffles of the skirt.
Animalistic sounds that were getting louder, and more erratic; the smell, oh the pungent smell… It was penetrating through your nose, like a hound's distinct sense of smell. Another mannequin falls next to you, ripped to shreds. Same conditions; a nurse's uniform that's been covered in something else combined with the blood, perhaps spit. But it smells spicy, and sweet; like honey, going down your throat when you have a dry cough. 
Whatever was at the end of the hallway was not human. I repeat, it is not human. Danger is closer to you, but you can't go back. They may smell your fear, even worse— detect your presence. 
The howling suddenly stops. And it seems like it's heading in another direction. 
Towards your direction. 
-- Amy Jade.
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pekodayz · 2 years ago
☕: How do you comfort each other on a bad day?
answered here :3
and kfc. ummmm......its there in japan...it looks good, they'll go like once. jk twice. then some other fast food place in the AM. loitering....GET OUT.
🎡: What are your favorite activities to do together?
Go drinking. Even tho aini HATES beer, she just drinks wine bc she likes the colors of it. oso does offer a drinking game between the 2. ig aini likes a challenge, so she would accept. at the end, she’s in a drunk-induced emotional breakdown and oso es holding her as he’s trying not to laugh at her (he ends up laughing, then crying too. aini sees that and cracks up and they just lay there. dead.) only on Friday nights cuz they don’t have work Saturday. Aini kinda doesn’t want to admit it but she likes pachinko, her luck is bad tho, so she just loses and sulks. Oso pats her on the back and shoves her, giving her some cash aw. ugh. ….then he smirks and whispers that she’s paying for dinner and aini jumps him. Aini forces oso to go to the mall with her so she can have him carry her stuff (lol he doesn’t want to but Aini’s his friend and he cares abt her so…) aini can’t act cute for shit so she doesn’t try to win him over that way. ugh. she just calls him an idiot and promises him he’ll get food after, so he tags along. every 10 mins asking is it time to eat yet. annoying…..she hisses at him to shut him up bc she never does that(literally) they look odd in the public eye. whining oso complaining that he’s gonna die and aini says TOO BAD. then eventually she’ll feel slightly bad and gets him smth to snack on. he then says that she’s the bestest friend a guy could have and that he spent 200$ on her card. aini teary eyed shaking him. (dw they got paid the next day) also some very intense battle. at an arcade..for like 4 hours. they also love going out to eat with each other bc idk they can talk for hours on end, ew....who can be more annoying in public 3 2 1 go.
ah yeah one more thing. oso smokes yeah but aini is always curious. after work hes like there finishing one up. aini goes up to him and says how gross that must be...insults him once. oso rolls his eyes and says how she prob cant even handle 10 seconds of a cigarette. betted she couldnt and is a pussy. aini says oh yeah? then snatches his cig and holds it in her mouth (not knowing she needs to exhale that smoek OUT..) .she chokes and coughs like crazy, hacking and is on her knees. tears pouring down her face from all the coughing and wheezing. hoarsely saying fuck u. grabbing onto his pantlegs. oso laughing like crazy, crying.. .ugh. he pulls her up and he treats her like a damn child. aini silent, staring at him (throat too fucked to say anything back, so she just lets him. sniffles..whatever he's being nice...wWHATEVR) then they realize that was like an indirect kiss. umm...lets go...
🛡: Who’s the more protective one?
answered here :3
Lol I forgot to include some stuff oopssieessss… ok so oso has this thing where like he gen gets ticked off when some random talks down on aini bc it’s like…it’s not funny when u say it??? im the one who can jab at her, not you? aini uhhh lets oso get talked abt when hes being a perv and stuff, he deserved that. sorry. but she will get annoyed when a random says stuff abt him, then she'll be like how do YOU know that???? then she'll go on a tangent abt how dumb he is and how they will never understand osomatsu like she does. then she stops and pulls out a gun, realizing shes said too much.
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gender-euphowrya · 3 years ago
forager is a fun fucking game actually woah damn
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ablednt · 2 years ago
Me: maybe the specialist was right maybe I did outgrow my asthma and it's just shortness of breath
Me: [takes my inhalers] why can I breathe
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whxre4hange · 2 years ago
aot characters at uni headcanons :) (because i am miserable at uni and wanna romanticise things)
how did this guy get to uni? i guess we’ll never know. i guess we’ll never know
if it’s zoom, he’s most definitely causing chaos
i’m talking spamming the chat for whatever reason
“haha funny meme”
pretending he’s frozen when the prof (levi) calls on him
“jaeger, i can still see you blinking.” “IM NOT BLINKING ITS JUST A GLITCH- oh- shi-“ *goes back to silence and ‘frozen’ state*
and if it’s in perso, he’s still causing chaos.
“PROFESSOR CAN I ASK A QUESTION?” “yes, you can.” “where’s joe?” “who’s joe?” “JOE MAMA!!!!!!!”  “10% off your first assessment.”
im wheezing
*corrects the spelling mistakes on the slides like the petty girlboss he is*
his major? probably something really really really vague
is there a bachelor of edginess?
no? okay well probably studying something in humanities / science
does he study?
lmaoooo…..do pigs fly?
but does he somehow get a perfect gpa?
cause hes the main character, duh
if you don’t count the 10% professor levi deducted because of the joe mama joke
i dont really have anything else to say about him
but i would hate to have him in my class
you know that really well dressed, quiet girl that always catches your eye in your lectures?
ladies, bros, and non-binary hoes, may i introduce mikasa ackerman?
she picks her electives so they match up with eren’s 🥺 
and in those classes
hoooo boy
she’s basically a mum
or a dog mum
keeping eren on a leash, if you will
honestly i see her doing a liberal arts degree, with a major in literary studies (i headcanon her as a lit student im sorry ahh she just has that vibe)
like eren, she has a perfect/almost perfect grades
and that’s because she actually STUDIES
like i said, shes really quiet and reserved & basically talks to no one except eren
but damn is she a boy magnet
*cough* JEAN *splutter* 
he’s most definitely a geography student. dont @ me. i dont take constructive criticism. nor do i take criticism in general.
he’s either the teacher’s pet or hated by the teacher because he keeps correcting them
there is no in between 
like mikasa, studies 24/7
unlike mikasa, either does realllly really well or really really bad
he’s a polarising figure okay
and maybe his results are cause he doodles in his textbooks half the time
it’s not even a textbook at this point it’s a fkn sketchbook (lmao my partner’s maths book in high school was filled with the most amazing intricate doodles and basically no maths but he somehow got high 80s so uh) but yeah thats how i see it
daydreamer :D
especially in grades
wears a cardigan
soft boi incarnate 
goes out of his way to help confused freshmen 
cause he’s wholesome like that
“i study food. and by study, i mean eat.”
mediocre grades at best
im sorry T_T i love her but i can’t see her being bothered at uni
messes around with connie half the time
or tries to at least
poor connie is trying to study
she is that one kid who brings a whole ass meal into class and eats it very loudly
“okay so if we look at the chemical structure of ca-“ *slurp slurp, BITCH*
there are food stains all over her textbooks and the notes connie forced her to take
okay but he had no idea what he wanted to do in uni
so he just did what sasha was doing
food science buddies :D
much to sasha’s chagrin, his grades are better than hers
because he’s actually STUDYING
they aren’t perfect grades but they’re good
he’s pretty quiet in class
he’s just tryna pass
and control sasha
idk which one’s harder
i envy the man tho
commerce. major. or smth to do with business
he is so goddamn cocky im sorry it drives me insane
well dressed rich boi vibes
to his credit, he studies really hard and his grades are really good :)
he chooses electives so that they measure up with marco’s :D
i dont have much to say about him
simps for mikasa and mikasa only
loyal frat boi ig???
music major PLSSS
i see him either being the nerdy boy wearing sweaters that plays ukelele/ acoustic guitar on the stairs (surrounded by fangirls)
or the boy with the kazoo that won’t quit (still surround by fangirls cause who doesnt love a kazoo?)
or both :D
when he sees jean sadly listening to ‘glimpse of us’ while thinking about mikasa 
he decides to jump in w a little bit of musical zang. cause he’s supportive
please see https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g82qI-jdRw4 for reference
you won’t regret it
it isn’t a rick roll i promise
like armin, a vvv sweet boy
will help any of his classmates in need :D 
basically stuck to jean like glue
she’s a double major of law and political science
we love a girlboss academic queen
QUEEN? did ya see what i did there???
cmonnn laugh
SUCH a model student and shes so helpful and sweet aaa
everyone loves her
its impossible to hate her
soft girl mixed w light academia aesthetic :D
she is an angel incarnate 
perfect grades perfect social life perfect everything 
also a perfect girlfriend
*stares pointedly at ymir*
studying criminology because it has similar units to law
and someone in particular is doing law
you catch my drift?
she really doesn’t wanna go to class but will go if historia is going
*historia*ns will say theyre just friends
but we all know better :D
she doesn’t talk to anyone unless its historia
and shes got such a resting bitch face that no one dares approach her
even the professor is scared to call on her
she gets mediocre grades, but they improve when historia forces her to study
hanji my beloved <333
she’s a professor
the crackhead professor everyone likes
probably chemistry / physics / human bio
something sciency
100% will use her students for her experiments
with consent ofc 
it’s the 21st century after all
veryyyyy disorganised
will 1000000% forget she had class 
turns up 15 minutes late and fuming at the lack of organisation
“you are, professor”
i love her sm
i hate all sciences but i would study it if she was teaching it
you know shota aizawa from mha?
that. he’s that guy
he does not fucking want to be there
what does he teach? probably politics or something to do w humanities
he calls his students ‘brats’
but affectionately
right?????? RIGHT????
his dead eyes scares all of the students so much that no one dares say anything
even when he’s asking  them questions
all silent
except for eren
who he tells to shut up 24/7
“class is cancelled because i don’t want to be here. go home, brats.”
if you dare fail his class…just write your will okay?
10000% a history teacher aHHHH
(totally not biased because i love history)
he’s so passionate about what he does! 
he definitely does re-enactments of battles with help from his students
kinda like rengoku’s spin on a history teacher
is really enthusiastic! 
all of the students love him
some love him a lil toooo much
cmon, you see it too right?
takes students under his wing
a ball of sunshine
best professor ever
ahhhh it makes me so happy thinking about it
first, i would like to establish that we love reiner in this household
and if you don’t agree, LEAVE
seriously tho the guy needs a hug, therapy and cookies
i headcanon him as a humanities and psychology student!
he just wants to learn about the world and make it a better place okay ):
i could also see him as training to be a psychologist
the therapist-type of psychologist that is (clinical psychologist for all you fancy smartpants out there)
studies very very hard!
he throws himself into his work 100000%
all or nothing
speaking of which
he’s all about taking care of his education and his physical fitness too!
soft gymbro reiner
the nice gymbro that drinks respect women juice daily
yeah we stan him :D
probably really popular amongst the ladies and the gays but is too clueless to recognise it
okay first, she’s definitely doing criminology
with the aim of going into the police force
(where i live, you have to do a degree in crim before working as a police - i think :D)
cmon she is canonically in the military police
there is no way she wouldn’t do it in uni
she never ever ever turns up to class
she just doesn’t like people okay
she would much rather be curled up in her dorm with her noise-cancelling headphones
doing her classes online
but if she’s on zoom
camera off, mike off
catch berty dragging her grumpy ass to exams
*camera cuts to annie who isn’t even planning to do exams at all*
she doesn’t study much
she’s really passive about uni and she doesn’t really care
but she does really well, she has a talent for crim :’)
girlboss incarnate
he is doing a very very very broad humanities degree
our aimless lil boi :’(
managed to do a few crim units to match with annie
( a simp)
always shows up to class
perfect attendance
but thats only because he hopes that annie will be there
which she never is
really quiet but sweet
mediocre to good grades but nothing out of the ordinary
he’s kinda the boy next door vibes
always wears the same blue sweater
mommy? i mean sorry mommy
sorry it just keeps slipping out
thats what she said 
she is a very homely and sweet honours student!
like reiner, probably a psych student
cottagecore aesthetic. i dont make the rules.
shes still a student but everyone thinks she’s a professor cause she’s so talented and smart and- adulty?
she has her life together, on the surface
but uh
yeahhhhhhh if you catch her in her natural habitat, her hair is all askew, notes are everywhere and shes crouched on all fours scribbling away at her work
immediate rich daddy boy’s vibes im sorry
“MY FATHER SHALL HEAR ABOUT THIS!” - porco malfoy 2k22
most definitely studying humanities w/ a major in international law and political science
gee i sure hope he doesn’t run into reiner in the humanities building
THAT would make for some drama
and we don’t like drama in this household!
no, that isn’t popcorn in my hands you see
100% the chaddiest chad to ever chad at the university of chad
i wanna put a forewarning that i have a thing against zeke so proceed w warning
he just gives me bad vibes okay ;-;
he is that professor who wears a trench coat to every single class
even if it’s summer
black. trenchcoat.
his response to every criticism aimed at him? “no bitches?”
i cant fault him for that
like i said, he’s a professor
of political science probs
very very charismatic
the classes he teachers are like a cult fr
they really realllly admire him
like alot alot
okay i think that’s all i can do :’) cause the only other marley person i know well enough to headcanon is colt and im still sad about how he died :(
i hope you enjoyed ! likes/reblogs/shares/comments are appreciated :) lemme know who you want me to do next in the replies xx
might do a part two hehe! i hope you enjoyed :) reblogs (w credit), likes and comments appreciated and encouraged x
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the-kittens-of-vol-tron · 2 years ago
Angst prompt based off something that I overheard that could definitely be angsty:
"Are you stupid? Why are you saying it doesn't hurt when you're in pain?!"
Idk I feel like Klangst
My baby :(
Trigger Warning: - Blood - Major Injury
Lance slumped against the wall, wishing he could slide his helmet off. Every breath stung, sharp pain exploding over his chest as he forced himself to inhale. He pressed the back of his head against the wall, grinding his teeth as his hands held the object lodged in his right rib cage. 
Just breathe Lance. This isn’t so bad. Just in and out, he commanded himself.  Fighting the urge to scream in pain. 
“Alright Paladins, we need to get off the ship before it explodes.” Shiro said, “get to your lions and head back to the castle. Pidge how much time do we have before the bombs detonated?” 
“About five dobosh’s,” the green paladin called back. 
“How far is everyone from their lions?” Shiro asked. 
“Back in Yellow!” Hunk said, peppiness in his voice. 
“Almost back to Green!” Pidge called. 
“Running up to Red now,” Keith said through panting. 
“I’m in my lion...what about you Lance?” Shiro called out. 
Lance opened his mouth to respond, but the words died on his tongue. 
“Buddy?” Hunk asked, anxiety plaguing his voice. 
He could only manage a wet cough. Splattering the inside of his helmet with blood. 
“Lance?!” Pidge screamed. 
“I’m fine- got some metal in my chest...no biggie,” he wheezed out. 
Panic exploded over the coms, Shiro demanding to know his location while Pidge frantically scanned for him. 
“Just leave- don’t have time,” he took a shaky breath, coughs forcing their way out. “Time to save me.” 
“Got him!” Pidge said, “this is where he’s located.” 
“I’m closet!” Keith called out. Everyone get out of here. I’m going to go get him.” Keith was already running as he spoke. 
Shiro screamed at Keith over the comms, but whatever he said fell on deaf ears. Lance could only focus on the roar of blood in his ears. His speeding heart rate. Does your heart get faster the closer you are to death? He released a morbid laugh, he should have paid attention in health class. 
A familiar red filled his vision, hands on his shoulders. “Guys I have him. Lance...can you hear me?” 
“Hey," a rattle breath, "Mullet.” 
Keith rolled his eyes, “come on. I need to get you out of here.” He slid his arms under his armpits. Lifting quickly. 
Lance choked on a scream, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
“Sorry-shit sorry.” Keith frantically said as he got Lance on his feet. “I'll make this up to you I swear.” 
Lance leaned on him, unsure what words were coming out of his mouth. Sleep tugged at him and he wanted nothing more than to embrace it with open arms. 
More pain.
“Sorry. I’m so sorry,” Keith said under his breath as he began to run down the hallway. Carrying Lance bridal style. 
Every step felt like fire. Every subtle movement was the equivalent of electricity through his veins. He chew on his inner cheek until more metallic taste filled his mouth. He didn’t want Keith to feel more guilty for trying to help him. 
“Just under a dobosh Keith!” Shiro said, panic seeping through his usual collectiveness. 
“Coming up on Red now! Is Blue going to be okay?” Keith asked as he reached his lion, holding Lance even tighter. 
“Don’t worry about the Blue lion. She will follow you back to the castle,” Allura’s voice made its way through the coms. 
“Roger.” Keith panted. He laid Lance down on the small beds each lion has. “I’ll be right back. I need to get us off this ship.”
Lance gave a shaky thumbs up, groaning as the lion began to move. 
“Stay awake for me Lance!” 
He smiled to himself, of course, Keith would be concerned for him. He was always protective of Lance. “Yes sir,” he slurred out. 
He felt himself fading out more, only snapping back some when his helmet was slid off his head. “Almost back to the castle,” Keith’s eyes scanned his body, focusing on the metal still lodged in Lance’s body. “Sorry for moving you. I may have caused more damage doing that.” 
Lance lifted his hand weakly, trying to wave his hand. Attempting to tell his fellow paladin that he held no hard feelings. He did save his life after all. “Doesn’t hurt.” He slurred out. 
Keith furrowed his eyebrows. “What?” 
Lance closed his eyes, trying to take a deep breath through his nose. “Doesn’t hurt.” He stated again. As if Keith didn’t hear him.
“Are you stupid?!” Keith flicked the other boy’s forehead. “Why are you saying it doesn’t hurt when you’re in pain?!” His voice rose slightly, his eyes scanning his face multiple times. 
Lance tried to meet his eyes, but he didn’t have much energy left. “You’re pretty." One more clunky breath. "Even with a stupid mullet.” He slipped into a slumber, Keith’s pleading fading away. 
He felt himself falling, strong arms wrapping around him tightly. “Thank goodness you’re okay,” Hunk whispered. 
Lance hugged him back, enjoying the strength of the hug. “Think I would die on you? Have some faith.” 
Hunk laughed as he pulled away. Wiping his eyes on the process. 
Lance looked around at his friend. “Where’s everyone else?” 
“Asleep. It’s basically three in the morning.” 
“Ah,” Lance rubbed his eyes. “Guess we should head to bed then.” 
Hunk smiled, “want some food first?” 
The blue paladin shook his head. “Proper sleep first, I’ll eat later.” 
“Alright,” Hunk patted his shoulder, “I’ll walk you to your room.” 
They whispered back and forth, Hunk giving him one more crushing hug. He slipped into his room. Unzipping the back of the body suit, letting it fall off his arms. Keeping it around his waist. He reached into his closet, pulling out the first shirt he touched.
A hesitant knock sounded on his door. 
He tilted his head and made the way to the door, the shirt in his hands. “Yeah Hunk?” He said as the door swooshed open. 
Keith stood on the other side. His posture was stiff but his eyes filled with relief. “You’re awake.” 
“Keith?” He was about to say more, maybe crack a joke or two but two arms wrapped around him. Causing them both to stumble into his room. The door closed behind Keith. Shaking. 
“I’m so glad you're okay. I was so worried about you.” He mumbled into Lance’s chest. 
Lance released an uncomfortable laugh, hesitantly wrapping his arms around the other boy. Nothing to worry about, just an attractive man hugging him. “Yeah...I’m okay.” 
They hugged for a bit, and Keith pulled back first. His eyes were glued to the white color on Lance’s ribs. A new scar to add to the collection. He pressed his hand against the skin, his thumb moving slightly over it. “We could have lost you.”
Lance swallowed, his eyes glues to Keith’s face. “I’m here.”
“I could have lost you.”  The raven boy whispered. Seeming to curl into himself ever so slightly. 
“You didn’t,” Lance lifted his head up with his fingers. Gently cupping his face with his hands. His thumbs moved against his surprisingly soft skin. “I’m right here. And it’s all because of you.” 
“...you called me pretty.” 
“When I was delirious?” 
Keith nodded, laughing softly. 
“I mean. You are pretty, that wasn't a lie.” Lance said, ignoring the blush rising on his face. 
“Shut up,” Keith pressed his face back into his chest. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”
Lance rested his cheek on Keith’s head. “I promise I won’t.” 
Soft Pre Establish Klance 
I hope you liked it!
Thank you <33333
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chuuyrr · 3 years ago
Hey chu I just saw na open yung request box mo I'm super excited! I have this weird scenario playing in my head for months baby witch fushiguro and other characters meeting there biological mama? ( if you are comfortable )
- catoru-s
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader's biological mama
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for jujutsu kaisen, and major themes of angst and fluff
╰➤ PAIRING(s): dad! gojo satoru x child! reader, platonic! jujutsu kaisen x reader (first and second-year students)
aaa hello catoru! thank you so much for requesting and for being patient. to be honest, i've never really thought about writing of scarlet baby fushiguro's mama. luckily i had an idea in mind. ok enough me rambling, enjoy reading :) ♡
before you read: honestly, idk who or what the name of the mom was supposed to be, so im going with iryna because iryna is wanda's mom in the mcu, so yeah, also im so sorry for the ending i couldn't help myself HSKSJHWJS
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after for what seemed like forever, gojo had finally found who was toji's third wife; your biological mother. at first, gojo had no plans of finding anything about your mom because he had always assumed she was dead, and well, you had gojo as your parent, and there's also megumi and tsumiki, but you longed for your mama.
you've wanted to at least know something—anything about her, and eventually, gojo had found her. your actual mom. iryna [surname]. a woman doesn't seemed to be taking toji's surname. before gojo had any plans of having you meet her, he decided to confront the woman himself first. gojo wanted to be sure that whatever information the zenins had on your real mother was true and not a fake to lure and trap you. it was rather strange for a woman to live alone out where in the mountains, all by herself in a cabin.
"[surname] iryna, was it?" the limitless sorcerer had found the said woman right outside, trimming branches when she turned around to face the direction of his voice, eyes widening.
he watched her take a step back out of caution. gojo's eyes behind his glasses widened too as he slowly took in her appearance. [color] hair and [color] eyes; she looked just like you.
"you're from the gojo clan. holder of the six eyes." her [color] eyes hardened into a glare. even with her angered look resembles yours when you get upset, although it's a mix of her features and toji's. "what are you doing here? what do you want from me?"
"it's about your child." gojo began, clearing his throat. "[name]."
"i don't want to involve myself with any more matters with you jujutsu sorcerers. not after with what happened." she spat out in disgust and narrowed eyes, "they took everything from me."
shaking her head, she clenched her hands into trembling fists. "i'll never forgive them, or any of you at all. i don't want to hear another thing about toji or [name] ever again."
the woman stumbled and fell forward just as gojo was about to cut in, causing the limitless sorcerer to rush to her aid as she violently wheezed and painfully clutched her chest.
"are you okay?" gojo rubbed her back to calm her down. her coughing fit lasted quite some time before it subsided. "iryna? iryna!"
"i'm fine, i'm fine." she exhaled, gasping for air, before turning to face him. "just get out of here."
"no, i'm telling you, [name]'s alive. i took custody of your child."
gojo explained, pulling out his wallet and taking a physical copy of you and him celebrating your birthday together, which he showed to iryna. the woman was at a loss for words. it was you. a photo of you smiling at the camera and making a three-finger peace sign like gojo, complete with banners and a pikachu-themed cake.
"[name]? that's my baby.."
tears welled up in her eyes, and her lips quivered. when she said your name, there was this longing and desperation in her tone of voice, but it was quickly replaced with resentment.
she shook her head, "no, stop it. this is another lie. this can't be. you jujutsu sorcerers can't fool me anymore!"
"toji left her to me before he died. he never mentioned anything about you to me, so i just assumed you were dead, but i received word of you being alive and residing out here." gojo explained, pursing his lips into a thin line.
"it's for [name]." gojo persisted, "i'm telling you the truth. this is really your child. come with me."
"how do i know i can trust you?" iryna swiped at her tears, "how do i know this isn't another lie?"
gojo drew his black blindfold down to his neck and stared into her [color] eyes with his own determined crystalline blue eyes.
"you're just gonna have to trust me."
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"kikufuku! i'm back!"
you were happily playing with the first and second-year students at jujutsu tech after gojo had left, saying he needed to be somewhere quickly. when you heard your adoptive father's voice, you immediately left and dashed towards him, only to realize he didn't return alone.
he was accompanied by another person.
a woman, to be precise.
you took a step back and ran straight into megumi's embrace, who followed you along with the other students after becoming shy, wrapping your tiny arms around his legs. despite her simple flannel and long skirt, she appeared to be very elegant. as his gaze darted towards the new presence, the older fushiguro placed a hand on the top of your head, gently patting you on the back.
"gojo-sensei, welcome back!" yuuji was the first one to speak up and address the stranger he was with, "erm, who's this lady with you?"
"she looks kind of pale though." nobara whispered quietly which maki nodded in agreement with.
"everyone, this is [surname] iryna." gojo cleared his throat, motioning to her, and she bowed in respect and smiled, more like tried to because it was a rather weak smile, but it was a genuine one, "it's nice to meet you all."
as you shyly clutched your half older brother, gojo beckoned you to come to him and her. "kikufuku, she's your mama. the one you wanted to find out about." he smiled softly, "it's her."
as you looked up at the woman who was staring at you with awe, your voice was small, "mama?"
you stared at her for a moment, processing what gojo had just said, as a series of surprised looks and gasps resounded in the air from first and second-year jujutsu tech students. you weren't exactly expecting to meet your mother right now. it was just too sudden that you were a little confused and overwhelmed.
"now that you said it, gojo-sensei. [surname]-san does look like [name]!" panda pointed out, "they both have the same eyes and hair."
"hey, sweetheart," she waved at you and you watched as her eyes wrinkled with delight at the sight of you.. "you.. don't recognize me, do you?" she asked sadly.
you looked up to megumi for help. as your older brother peered down at you, he gave you a reassuring smile, "it's okay, i'm right here. we're here for you," he mouthed to you.
you squeezed megumi tightly before cautiously leaving his embrace and sauntered towards her, nervously fiddling with your fingers. gojo's lips glistened with a smile as he watched you approach iryna.
"she's nice, kikufuku. don't worry." gojo said, gently taking your hand in his and pulling you closer to iryna.
"you're really my mom?" you asked her meekly, your big, curious, round [color] eyes on iryna.
"mhm. um, let's see. what can i do that could ring you a bell?" iryna tapped her chin as she squatted down to your height, "ah, i know just the thing!" she lifted her index finger in the air.
you and everyone else watched as iryna cleared her throat before beginning to sing a song.
"we've been waiting for you. now you are here, more perfect than i imagined. our house is now a home, our house is now a nest. no matter where you go, sunlight shines on you."
your eyes widened in realisation. you've heard of this song before. it was a lullaby, the same lullaby that was sung to you not only by your biological father, but also by your mother—by her, when you were so small. with the help of your chaos magic and her singing, memories flooded back to you. you instantly remembered being held in your parents' arms. no wonder that the tune and melody sounded familiar to you.
"mama.." your lips trembled as tears filled the brim of your eyes. "that song was from you and papa."
with that, you enveloped her with your tiny arms, finally remembering everything. iryna gladly accepted your embrace and returned it with a much tighter hug. as she cradled you against her chest, she smiled. your mother was overjoyed to see you again. as she drew away to press her forehead against yours, she rubbed shapes on your back.
"it's okay, honey." iryna exclaimed, "goodness, you've grown so much. you have no idea how happy i am to see you and be with you again, at least even just for a little longer." she whispered the last part so quietly that none of you heard it.
gojo and his other students were delighted to see you reunite with your biological mother after being separated from her for nearly your entire life. they had never seen you so joyful before. it was everything. they welcomed Iryna with open arms as you dragged her to them, introducing everyone to your mother and even getting them to mingle with her.
iryna happened to be a loving mother. everyone, especially gojo, could tell how kind and caring he was. the two of them had certainly gotten off to a bad start earlier, but it wasn't long before they got along. they've always wondered what your biological mother was like, and they've guessed right. you really did take after iryna despite having some of toji's features.
iryna couldn't stop thanking and apologizing to everyone until she was on her knees, head and hands flat on the floor. she was horribly mistaken in thinking that all jujutsu sorcerers were the same. gojo and everyone had to hoist her up and convince her that it wasn't a big deal, because it wasn't. all was forgiven, and everything was perfectly in place, at least for the time being.
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(fun fact: the short lullaby that iryna sang in this writing was the english-translated sokovian lullaby that wanda maximoff, or the scarlet witch, sang to her twins in wandavision)
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yellowsugarwords · 2 years ago
cabin crew hearing the funniest joke they ever heard? (which is.. idk)
oh my god lol okay okay ima write the joke itself and ALSO their reaction.
Luke: "What do you call a fish without eyes? Fsh." Luke burst out laughing, rubbing his eyes in disappointment. He couldn't believe he was laughing this hard at a joke that stupid. "Oh my God," he wheezed out, clutching his stomach. "That's so stupid." He managed out through more bouts of laughter.
Nick: *insert a meme about depression here* Nick threw his head back, laughing erupting from his belly. It was rare to get Nick in such a good mood, and whatever he had been browsing through. "Luke, check this out," he said, passing his phone to his friend. Luke raised an eyebrow, confused at his humour, and it sent Nick into a laughing spiral again.
Pete: "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field." Pete paused and smirked As he began to laugh, it gradually grew louder and louder. Luke and Nick glanced at each other, stunned that such a simple joke cracked him up as much as it did. Classic Dad joke kind guy.
Rebecca: “That’s a nice ham you got there. Be a shame if someone put an ’s’ in front of it and an ‘e’ behind it.” Rebecca smirked, giggling, then chuckling, then laughing. Alvin smiled at her, loving the sound. He'd always loved that sound. "That is the stupidest thing," she said, waving a hand in front of her face as her laughter continued, trying to compose herself.
Alvin: "What’s brown and sticky? A stick." Alvin burst into laughter, unable to stop the noise from leaving his mouth. He put a hand over his chest, chuckling. He coughed slightly - all of the wind left his lungs from laughing so hard - and then sighed. "Now that was a good one."
Carlos: "Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long? Then it’d be a foot." Carlos hesitated, raising an eyebrow. He didn't understand it, but the more he thought about it, a smirk began to form. Finally, he began to laugh, gradually clutching his stomach. "Wow," he said through a sigh. "Thought you'd like that one, doc." Luke said with a grin.
Sarah: "Why does a chicken coop only have two doors? If it had four, it would be called a sedan." At first, she didn't get it. Her father needed to whisper in her ear a brief explanation. She laughed faintly out of courtesy, but it wasn't until half an hour later did she gradually begin to giggle louder and louder. She was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe or speak. Carlos hadn't seen her that happy in ages. He smiled, basking in the sound of her joy.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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