#cotl aym imagine
the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
Ooooooh you got Baal and Aym now? Can you try a multi head cannon of followers Narinder, Baal and Aym reacting to the reader giving them a kiss on the lips for the first time please. The reader gn.
Kissing Baal, Aym, and Narinder for the first time
short post again since im still trying to figure out how i wanna write baal and aym... hisshiss... theres not that much on them and their dialogue is limited hisshiss side note i wanna replay cotl but i think imma wait until the update comes out and make a new save- idk we shall see!! notes: reader is gn, youre all followers, post game stuff ykyk cws: none
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hes still warming up to affection, so he likes to be the one initiating it most of the time... so you really catch him off guard when you kiss him on the lips after returning from your mission
looks like hes blue screened as he stares at you with an intense stare, he doesnt look angry... he doesnt even look surprised.. he kind of just... stares at you with a blank look
small tail twitches let you know that you didnt break him or that he totally hated it
the scenario would be a lot different if he was the one who kissed you, likely taking advantage of any shock you show that he took the next step- teasing you for being so... silly...
yet here he is! frozen as you try to get his attention again
2/10 affection is so foreign to him and he needs to get used to it :(
his eyes widen for a moment after you kiss him before a smile pulls itself across his face
takes it the best, may even kiss you back though i dont think he would escalate it- wont get rougher than a basic peck or use tongue, wont grab you and tug you to him... keeps it very sweet and innocent, quick and light
low purrs in his chest at his ear flicks in the air
not exactly a "goofy lover" but hes a lot more open to being.. relaxed around you and casual with affection compared to the other two cats in this post, at least when it comes to his partner
similar to narinder he stares at you, but with his eyes wide before they relax
kisses you back albeit with enough force that he might knock your teeth together... not enough to do any damage or real pain but it does take you back a bit- hes simply trying to match your energy, even if hes overdoing it a bit
might accidentally bite you too, doesnt mean to and will feel bad if he draws blood...
despite that he does fill the kiss with passion because you mean so much to him, hes not all that good with his words or being soft and tender... its a learning process and he only hopes he can get the point across to you with the kiss
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tow-bees · 6 months
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snapple knees
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therekinperson · 25 days
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POV: Cult of the Miku AU
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thewallshaveeyes · 2 months
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I FINALLY FINISHED THIS FUCKASS COMIC!!! And just in time, too, cos my next highstream is gonna be tomorrow! After that, I'm solely gonna be focusing on getting out my second prologue for Growing Pains, so. Be prepared and whatnot
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azureblooet · 7 months
The real reason why Aym and Baal always get resurrected last in fics is because if they’ve been dealing with Nariander being down bad for years and would solve the plot in like 10 minutes.
Aym and Baal would be like “wait do you not know Master is in love you? I thought we knew this” l
Or Baal is like “Damn Lamb the breakup sucked huh?” And the Lamb is like “the what.”
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dangthatsspiral · 1 year
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
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"The days of crusades are over" might wanna re-check that, Lamb.
(referencing this post)
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He might not be a fighter in this life, but he definitely has the soul of a fighter.
Or: Five once-gods are reborn in mortal bodies but still have divine souls and some heretics and wannabe-gods might wanna capitalize on that... and the once-Bishops are not the warriors they once were. But that doesn't mean they can't be again :)
Also seeing Narinder without his head covering, yes he has a sun and moon piercing. Wonder why he felt compelled to get those <3
(where did Narinder get a scythe? Where did he get one he could actually carry? Hmm )
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w1ngedv01d · 5 months
"Where are we going, Bishop Shamura?" the softer kit asks, eyes wide with a hope that has not yet died.
You keep walking, the other toddler clutched under one of your arms. He has tried to bite you. It is out of curiosity, so you don't stop him.
The softer kit is holding your hand and walking along side you. He is scared, but doing an impressive job at maintaining calm for a five year old boy. You think of Narinder when he was young, before age and greed stole his softness away.
You do not answer the question.
You arrive, now: You are at the place of the sacrifice. The kit in your arm is crying. The one clutching your hand has gone pale.
You are doing the right thing.
You Are Doing The Right Thing.
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lammydraws · 2 years
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im angry blushing at them
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The sequel nobody asked for
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
i see you write for ball and aym! can i request a reader who is new to the cult who is clumsy and a bit air headed? thank you please remember to hydrate!
Baal and Aym x new follower!reader who is clumsy
chat im gonna be so real i keep getting baal and aym mixed up- without fail i think of one when i was supposed to be writing for the other.. its a little silly but also a little frustrating hisshiss notes: reader is gn and any creature, post game stuff, short post cws: mentions of injury
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keeps an eye on you at all times, he already has experience with some level of... foolishness from his brother, even if youre different
gently but firmly takes over if youre carrying something heavy or something that can cause issues (to you or to others) if handled improperly or dropped- does not want you to get hurt or to get into trouble
always keeps basic first aid supplies on him, hes made it a habit with you falling down the stairs or tripping on rocks on the cult grounds. nothing insane, mostly bandages and stuff!
gently corrects you if you get something wrong and shows you the proper way (if there is a one correct way), alternatively if youre struggling with something he shows you some ways to make it easier
reminds you if youre forgetting something: important dates, reminders of things that have changed like schedules and work loads, ect ect
all around hes patient with you, something that cant really be said that he applies to others outside of his close circle
he can be a little reckless himself, but he wouldnt exactly call himself dumb (though some may be more than ready to say that-) so in a way he can relate to you- even if youre both reckless for different reasons
hes ready to fight at all times and hes got a bit of a temper, rushing into things before properly thinking of a plan.. you on the other hand, youre simply clumsy
does his best to protect you against others and yourself, standing up for you if anyone tries to make you feel dumb for getting things mixed up or dropping something
used to getting hurt so he doesnt freak out when you eventually get hurt, hes surprisingly comforting if its anything that has you on edge- if its something that will send you to the healing bay he makes sure to perform basic first aid before turning you over and getting you to calm down for turning you in
that being said he is not the best for helping you remember things and little bits of information... hes... at least a little forgetful too
shuts down anything you try to do that may end up in you getting hurt- putting your hand on something hot, dropping something that could break or slam into your feet- things like that hes going to rush to you in lightspeed to stop you
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
idea for Charlie in the radio apple COTL au,  she is the Goat and is currently having her own thing goin on in the back ground
Also I assume husk and nifty are the Baal & Aym of Alastor?
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Ideas that are food for thought indeed!
Husk and Niffty ARE Baal & Aym in this AU! They're not siblings, but were still sacrificed to Alastor to "appease" Him. Niffty, Husk, and Alastor are all black cats here, so it's no wonder why everyone's so eager to be rid of them due to the Old Faith's superstitions and just their own general "mean and insane" disposition.
As I don't know The Goat's lore yet, I'm not too sure about making them Charlie. 😅 They seem to have a gruffer demeanor than our sweet Princess of Hell. Instead, I had her be a hidden secret from even when the game's lore began! That Lucifer wasn't the last of their kind and the reason they so readily accepted being a sacrifice is to hide Charlie away. Hoping once the "last lamb" dies, they'd stop hunting them down. So in this AU, their motivation won't only just be about revenge for their kin, but to protect their daughter.
The maternal instincts of a wild animal, cornered and desperate to protect their young, is a powerful thing.
That's what Alastor would take advantage of to get Lucifer to accept the deal and become His Vessel.
While the other Overlords are the Bishops. They're not related to Alastor either besides being past coworkers, but the bad blood still ends in the same form of betrayal. Albeit with different relationships. Enough hate and history for them to all grow sadly bitter of each other. Though I've also heard at least one of the Bishops may still be fond of their wayward sibling in game. Even if just a bit. So you may find one of the Overlords I've chosen a little out of place between the others. Not that I plan to strictly adhere to the game's canon anyway.
So there you go! Some lore as a gift from me to you because it's my birthday and presents should be for everybody! Enjoy imagining! XD
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theskeleton117 · 21 days
Ok so I decided to write down all my CotL AU's character's fighting styles because I got bored and wanted to share lore but didn't have any huge lore to share so we doing some subtle stuff today
Lamb: Not incredibly coordinated compared to the others, since Ratau didn't have long to train him, and a lot of what he's come up with was on his own, but his fighting style does somewhat lean on the fact that he's durable. He can take a lot of hits without going down, so he does take a lot of hits. Pre-game Lamb on the other hand is much more coordinated and in line with the others due to more time to train. Funnily enough though, Lamb is the most reliant on his powers
Narinder: Narinder's fighting style is more mid-ranged, since his main weapon tends to be things on chains that he throws and swings around, however he has a sword for regular close range combat if needed
Leshy: Leshy's is chaotic and I don't even need to state it. It's chaotic, but has a strategy to it despite that. He relies on many fast attacks, however he tends to also try to attack where the enemy can't attack him back, like behind them. Leshy is the most agile out of everyone so I imagine he'd be able to get behind people without too much effort in most situations
Heket: So Heket mostly uses her strength to her advantage, using things like hammers against less agile opponents, while switching to her axe when someone more mobile challenges her
Kallamar: He fights with 4 weapons at a time, all of them usually being swords, however his main weapon is his ability to adapt to any situation. He's not a master at any weapon, but he can use any weapon effectively, and even is good at using non-weapon items as weapons
Shamura: So Shamura is the most skilled out of all of them, and they partly have the ability to adapt that Kallamar has, they're agile, they know how to use their powers to their most effective uses while not relying on them, and their most important skill is their coordination. They can figure out the best place to bit you in a split second, and their reaction time is on point
Aym and Baal: Their fighting styles are a bit odd, as they're incredibly powerful together, but on their own, they're just average.
Ruri: Ruri heavily uses stealth to her advantage, which is something Narinder could also do very well mind you, but prefers not to. While Ruri is a stealth expert, whenever she gets caught or needs to abandon stealth, she's still easily able to defend herself. She dual wields two swords usually, and has some longer range options as well, though she doesn't always bring them with her on every mission as they're not always necessary
Ok, now that all the canon characters are done, time for the characters who only show up in either this fic or expanded CotL media
Menta: Menta's style of fighting is like a more refined qnd safe version of Lamb's, having their improvised moves be improved on, with coordination more akin to the average bishop. Menta was never really told not to use her powers as much, and given how she technically didn't have a crown, just all the power of one, she didn't need to worry about it ever being taken from her, so she uses that to it's full advantage
Scratch: He's just a little scared guy who didn't really sign up for this. Scratch tends to use long ranged weapons, which he had trained in for a long portion of his life, but never thought he'd actually have to kill with. He pretty much exclusively uses a crossbow because of it's distance to the opponent, as well as the fact that he was trained for hunting, not fighting
Mauser: Mauser is a special case because he's able to fly, so while his sword makes him close range, his wings make him able to approach quickly, and he usually attacks by making quick dives down at his opponent, then using the momentum from that attack to fly back up to where they can't hit him, to then make another attack. Since he can't do this indoors with low ceilings, however, he tends to fight how most people would with a sword when not flying
Burnaby: Fire. He uses a lot of fire. His fighting style kinda reminds me of Leshy’s with it's speed, but with more throwing and a lot more fire and burning and explosives. He uses a small axe, which he tends to throw at opponents, then run up to them, grab the axe back in such a manner that does a lot of damage on the way out, usually jumping onto the oppent for this move (perks of being short as hell), then usually jumps away to be in better range for more fire based attacks, like fire bombs, regular bombs, you get the idea
Sabre: Basically just what Heket had, however since he doesn't fight with or alongside Lamb, he's not redundant. His combat style is somewhat affected by Burnaby, ad some of their attacks are cooperative, one of them being this one where Sabre throws Burnaby into the enemy at full force (perks of being slightly above averagely tall in a team of mostly short people), which I could explain in more detail since there's more to it but I think it's funnier if I leave it at that
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skyartworkzzz · 5 months
COTL Headcanons ramble
Felt like sharing these in case I take a long ass time to draw it out These are still raw in my mind, so some things may change futurely or the way I explain it might not make sense BUT ALAS it is fun to ramble
Before Narinder was banished, a feeling of mistrust was already growing amongst the siblings, and one of the reasons for such a thing involved envy (except for Shamura, I like to think they were above finding themselves lower or greater than anyone) Ever since a young age Narinder has always been a fast-learner, and quite skilled at everything he did. Gardening, fighting, cooking, strategizing, he was good. Definitely not perfect, but alarmingly good So as time went by, the Bishops grew colder with him until he eventually turned against them all, and thats where their feeling of envy turned into fear. For both of their own lives and their brother's, because that's when they realized his "flawless" abilities were always and clearly prone to turning him into the monster he then became (smtng like Anakin Skywalker if the image I have of him in my head makes any sense-) Naturally, a feeling of guilt lingers in them for not having been able to see it sooner and stop it, but as Shamura pointed out after Narinder was sealed, this was meant to happen. He was meant to be a monster, and a really good one
Aym and Baal were secretly given to Narinder by Shamura; they performed a ritual by themselves and killed the kits to send them to the Gates. When the brothers arrived, Narinder reluctantly took them in and naturally grew fond of the twins as time went by, but because they were sacrificed as offerings, Aym and Baal were half-immortal (something like the Lamb once they receive the Crown), meaning that they still had mortal needs such as eating or sleeping At the time, Ratau was serving Narinder as the bearer of the Red Crown, and amongst the rat's adventure, the god of Death eventually introduced the red chest we use to sell things for gold. He would request Ratau regularly to send in meals and fish in order to feed Aym and Baal (and I feel like a genius for coming up with why that chest exists hi-) When the kits were finally fully grown and well-trained, they ascended to Divine Guardians of TOWW and officially started serving him Despite their Ascension, Aym and Baal were never trapped into the Gates, so they were able to visit the world above but as ghosts of sorts (which means only a few ppl would be able to see them). It was through these ghostly travels that both were able to learn who their mother was and watched her from afar when not serving TOWW
The Bishops were once mortals before becoming bearers of the Crowns, a long time to ago, meaning that they likely have a life they no longer rememeber For the funs and giggles of it, I like to imagine that this "long time ago" for them was around the times animals still did not wear clothes nor knew how to speak aside from their respective noises AUHAUHASDJSD ALSO POSSIBLY LESS HUMANOID I like the thought of them looking either much more beast-like or just- tiny. Very tiny. As the animals they are AUHAJMDKADS
The Lamb doesnt know how to do SHIT aside from fighting. Im writing my Lamb as an artist in my Death After Life fic for the sake of the angst, but in actuality, they do not care about art that much. I like to think that they'd prefer small silly doodles over full-blown paintings, but if they do put in the time and effort, they manage to make smtng Mona Lisa-esque. So the skill is there, but they prefer to not use it unless for smtng specific. Its like those kinds of hobbies nobody knows u have til u make smtng CRAZY yk This also goes for cooking, except they are truly a Terrible cook, in modern AU Lambert lives off from cheap pizzas and dollar-stored cupnoodles u cannot change my min-
Leshy is the one who'd soften up the most for me. Obv still a fcking GREMLIN but I think he'd be much more considerate than his former self My guy would go from "kys /srs" to "kys /j" ALSO I like to think his and my yellow cat's love language is gifts and/or acts of service, theyre oftenly pampering each other out of the blue <3
This idea is still in the approval stages but.............Shamura remembers a bit of their pre-Bishop life. A bit. And that bit revolves around the fact that they might have known love in the past. Perhaps a romantic one, Im still not sure- Which now that I think about it would make the most sense as to why theyre so forgiving to Narinder, since the Bishop of War would probs want anything but peace with those that wronged them, unless they had a good reason not to cause havoc immediately............
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wiredeity · 8 months
TOWW!Narinder must have been in so much pain after being chained for so long. Staying bedridden for only a month can decrease bone density, cause blood clots, muscles become stiff and weak, and blood circulation problems. Imagine that but like 1,000,000,000 times worse, cause they were not there for a month they were there for YEARS, probably centuries without being able to truly move. Besides struggling against the chains and speaking they can't do much, their leg muscles grow sore and start losing feeling, they mostly kneel/crouch, pain would be normal for them. But as soon as they are released from the chains they are terribly hurt, but have to carry on with the fight they promised after not receiving the Red Crown back. Maybe they used Aym and Baal to postpone themselves fighting, trying to gain the strength to fight and fight hard. I believe the way their arms are designed may be showing that their arms have been weakened, as the arms simply look like bone. Maybe they are also upset at the lamb for unchaining them, they are angry that this caused them so much pain and suffering.
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kogane-arts · 11 months
Family Bonding.
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Aym: haha nari, you are still a smol baby boy >:D Narinder: say that again and AYM going to kill you. Baal in the background: *trying not to laugh but fails*
Just... imagine being picked on by your eldest due to height difference lol
Note: This is not from the canon game, this is for my CoTL AU.
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