#corvid 19
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take-a-dip-in-the-deadpool · 5 months ago
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old-eldritchposts · 2 years ago
I wanna plunge my balls into the depths of an ice cold and unforgiving ocean
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smolcrow465 · 10 months ago
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Angoramon - Murder of Crows
Currently taking digimon requests for these! - Link to palettes
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rdlain · 6 months ago
Sick as a dawg
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echologname · 2 years ago
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This reminds me of the crow counting nursery rhyme (for magpies too) which was a way to predict one's fortune by counting how many of these corvids crossed one's way.
Full version:
"One for sorrow, Two for joy
Three for a girl, Four for a boy
Five for silver, Six for gold
Seven for a secret never to be told."
Then there are different additions from this. One being:
"Eight for heaven, nine for hell,
And ten for the devil's own sel'."
I found this reference helpful: https://7thcrow.com/crows.html
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unsavory-melon · 3 months ago
Covid? Nah I got corvid
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pwrn51 · 6 months ago
It's Back! Covid-19 & Its Variants
  In the latest episode of ‘Lest We Forget Historical’, host Lillian Cauldwell examines the resurgence of Covid-19 and the chaos unleashed by its numerous variants on individual states and their populations. Multiple forms of Covid-19 are reemerging, and the unfortunate reality is that this disease is here to stay. By tuning in to the full broadcast, you will discover ways to fend off COVID-19…
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rcmh · 4 years ago
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read more about this project on my behance
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snigepippi · 2 years ago
Upcycling my "vegan" shoes and boots.
Yes I'm a bad consumer who goes and buy for €2.5 paints instead of new shoes.
Though I prefer to go buy wax for my 25 year old leather shoes. Leather and skin feels more sustainable.
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wheelie-sick · 3 months ago
I wrote this for a public comment I'm giving at the APS board meeting because moms for liberty is challenging books again. I wanted to share it here.
I'm Corvid, I use he/him pronouns, and I'm intersex. intersex meaning having sex characteristics that vary from the norm
when you're intersex and haven't been taught that word you replace it with "broken" and "freak." sex education does not teach about intersex bodies. they give you the spiel- "every body is different everyone goes through puberty different" but you can tell when you're too different. you can tell when your difference isn't just a little bit outside the norm but an entire new category.
when intersex kids don't have a name for that category the names they come up with are "broken" and "freak"
I learned the word intersex for the first time from an LGBTQIA graphic. I learned what that word meant from a queer-friendly sex education book. for the first time in my life I had a word for my body that was not "broken" and "freak"
intersex people are tied with trans people for the highest suicide rates in the entire LGBTQIA community. 48% of intersex people have seriously considered suicide and 19% have attempted suicide. my community is suffering because our bodies are being mutilated against our will, because we are being lied to about it, because we are taught our bodies are disordered, and all of this creates a neon flashing sign in the sky that tells us "the world does not want people like you to exist." well I want people like me to exist. I am tired of my community dying because we are taught our bodies are wrong. the only place I ever found affirmation that my body is correct as it is, that the universe built me intersex on purpose, that my body is not a flaw, is the queer community.
so many intersex kids have stories like mine. stories where they grew up as "broken" and "freak" until they found a book that told them otherwise. queer-friendly sex education books save lives."
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daily-dragon-drawing · 1 year ago
Perhaps a corvid-like dragon, like a magpie or a crow or a jay.
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#18/#19 - 喜鵲(magpie)/藍鴉(blue jay) - Locked in a duel 🦅💥🐦
Two dragons in one drawing to make up for missing the last couple!
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facts-i-just-made-up · 1 year ago
What's your favorite corvid fact?
Though a group of crows is often called a murder, a gathering of between 18 and 20 of them is called a Corvid 19. I dunno sorry, my brain hurts tonight :(
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lobo-inu · 1 month ago
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Reference sheet(s) for Robin and Miraak's mounts, as well as their hound.
✦ Aska is Robin's mule mare who he purchased from the Riften stables - she was discounted and ornery, he was 19 and pretty desperate for a ride, but they make a good team nowadays. He's the only one who she tolerates on her back. Has major beef with Miraak's horse, and it's one-sided. ✦ Strunmah is Miraak's draft gelding. He's a gentle giant, is scared of Aska and wants nothing to do with her fiery attitude, and likes it when his dad adds matching braids into his mane. His name means "mountain" in Dovahzul. ✦ Kavik is their shared Elkhound that Robin adopted after Meeko had passed from old age. While she's more of Robin's dog, Kavik often likes to retrieve gifts from the woods to set at Miraak's feet specifically - mostly antlers, but also sometimes full skulls or other bones (including the caribou skull on Strunmah's back).
more info below the cut
here's some extra facts and thoughts about the tack specifically, as well as a bonus Mirbin height chart because GOD their height difference makes me catatonic 😭
I wanted both Miraak and Robin's personalities to really show through their mounts' tack; both their personal styles and priorities are expressed by how they dress their horse.
lots of purple, which is Robin's favorite color
plenty of storage, as it's something he prioritizes in travel. it's mostly books, potions, first aid and writing materials in the large sack. the smaller one holds dog treats and herbs to make tea with on the road.
corvid feathers and other subtle Nightingale imagery
dulled version of Miraak's robe colors
braids, since I think Miraak likes to braid his steed's hair. I always thought of Miraak as someone big in beauty and hair care, so why not pamper Strunmah too?
more Nordic tack, including heavy leather usage, plus the use of animal remains (fur and the skull)
I also think that Miraak's personal dragon hoard includes a lot of antlers and bones, which is also why he has the caribou skull. he also just really enjoys caribou / deer in general.
(bonus) Kavik:
bells on her collar and satchel for when she goes on adventures with Team Dragonborn, just so everyone can hear her and make sure she doesn't wander too far.
corvid feathers similar to Aska's
also extra storage, similar to Aska. because Robin could use some room for trinkets he finds when out and about.
them <333
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elliottnotyet · 1 year ago
I made the art challenge Marchirp! Make art based on the prompt of the day, use tag #marchirp, and at me @elliottnotyet. You can do paintings, drawings, sculptures, digital art, poetry, photography, or switch it up throughout the month. Just have fun!
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[Image ID: schedule for a bird themed March art challenge, Marchirp. The words are dark blue on a light blue background. There are bird silhouettes around the title. A list of the daily prompts is below the cut. End ID]
1. Chickens, turkeys, quail
2. Falconiformes
3. Ducks/geese
4. Corvids
5. Penguins
6. Flightless birds
7. Hawks
8. Pidgeons/doves
9. Shorebirds
10. Owls
11. Wetlands birds
12. Brood parasites
13. Eagles
14. Hummingbirds
15. Vultures
16. Free day
17. Extinct birds
18. Feathers
19. Pelecaniformes
20. Bird from you region
21. Nest
22. Migration
23. Dancers
24. Desert birds
25. City birds
26. Rainforest birds
27. Bird hybrid
28. Songbirds
29. Parrots
30. Finches
31. Your favorite
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some-dull-scissors · 3 months ago
Morph Discord server is officially open!! Thanks to @milolodon for the help setting it up! Once again, if anyone wants to help mod or of anyone has any suggestions, lmk!!
Tag list of anyone who had shown interest⬇️
@doesthemoonhaveeyes @corvids-corner @crackedoutmorph @pileofnerdshit @totallyratz @adyflygonna @kai03157 @jounouchis @ariel-seagull-wings @cardboard-moons-ie @domi-ramon-17 @naumaxia-art @demonstenes @obufalo @justanotherconfusedman @totallyratz @yallemagne
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queer-quantum · 4 months ago
we actually have so many profiles to make and very little motivations so stealing idea from like twelve other systems we saw:
For every note on this post we will 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐍 and complete a profile
yeah. is this a ploy to get notes? probably. will it motivate us? surprisingly we think it will, we love attention
we'll edit the post to provide updates lmao
total prfl needed? ~~900
profiles to be ported (old -> new acc): ~~700
notes-profiles to do: 14
note-profiles done: 36
original pinned here
specific completed profile names below cut for curiousers
note: any empty quotes means just insert the last quoted text into that slot
1. marcy
2. merlot
3. gilyoung
4. buzuzules
5. absence ("completed the custom fields&fixed")
6. ambroise ("")
7. aegia ("")
8. altair ("")
9. alto ("")
10. anachronism ("")
11. apollyn ("")
12. arden ("")
13. auron ("")
14. bacchus ("")
15. shin-ae ("")
16. bass ("")
17. bastion ("")
18. bear ("")
19. bellona ("")
20. Blade ("")
21. Blah ("")
22. Bluebelles ("")
23. Caninara ("")
24. Caninare ("")
25. Canisa ("")
26. Cardinal ("")
27. Carneliette ("")
28. Cecropia ("")
29. Ch4y4nn3 ("")
30. Citrelle ("")
31. Citrina ("")
32. Sorelle ""
33. Comet ""
34. Corsare ""
35. Corvid ""
36. Crash ""
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