#corporate trips
cosmonova · 1 year
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Hello residents of the City it's that time of year again
(Transparent logos)
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heaven-zent · 1 month
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late night lazy pace page to get it out of my system for the upcoming week . What’s his deal
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brother-emperors · 3 months
Modern au Pompey is so relatable, like yes that is my exact reaction to the glasses
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everyone’s having a normal time about the glasses :)
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New York, magazine, NYM Corp., Dec. 27, 1976 / Jan. 3, 1977
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s0fter-sin · 3 months
last thing i’ll say; people aren’t owed free content but creatives aren’t owed financial compensation either
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trans-cuchulainn · 10 months
had a really interesting convo yesterday about ethics and whether intent or results matters (eg if you tried to make an ethical purchasing choice but the business was actually exploitative as hell, does that "count") and very much came to the conclusion that sure, if you're concerned with your personal immortal soul, as a christian might be, then intention counts. but if what you're focused on is your impact on the world, then intention means nothing if the actions have negative results, right? (that doesn't mean you're to blame for them! you didn't know! but you also don't get "ethics points" for trying, you know?)
and this also got me thinking about the whole christian idea that sinful thoughts are as bad as sinful actions because. they're just not imo. maybe for the sake of your Immortal Soul they are points against you, if that's your jam. but in terms of putting good into the world, in terms of your impact on other people, the ONLY thing that matters is what you choose to do with those thoughts. there is no way that "was kind to someone who was pissing me off, for the sake of community harmony" or "helped an acquaintance with a task even though I felt resentful about the time spent doing that" is a Bad Thing for the world
and it made me wonder how much purity culture and thought policing is rooted in (mostly evangelical) cultural christianity and this idea that ethical choices are an individual thing because what matters is the impact of them on YOUR soul and not, you know, things we do because of what we owe the world around us / because of love for others / because a world where people are trying to put good into it is a hell of a lot nicer to live in than one where people are only worried about themselves
i grew up evangelical but like. fairly mild evangelical and even though there wasn't a big focus on hell and stuff, i definitely fixated on imperfect thoughts and behaviours that were putting absolutely no harm into the world, rather than focusing on what i could do to put good into it, and that individualistic vs outward-focused approach to morality has been something i've grappled with a lot as an adult. but i never really thought about it as simply as this and really that's what it boils down to. are you making the ethical choice because you're trying to put good in the world, or because it would make you a "good person" to do so? because the answer to that 100% defines whether it's the thought or the result that counts
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kittyoverlord · 2 months
I went and found the specific clip from AMV Hell 3 that this flashed me back to so y'all don't have to watch the whole thing to understand my brain right now: (TW: guns, blood, death)
I think it works better in the context of the entirety of AMV Hell 3, which I did end up finding the original version of! The original creators reuploaded AMV Hell 3 last year with some edits, and the original version has TWO WHOLE EXTRA MINUTES OF NICHE ANIME AND CULTURAL REFERENCES lol.
I don't know how this will land today, but my nostalgia is tingling for the days in middle school. I legit watched this over an hour long video that is just basically random AMV clips strung together multiple times as a teenager.
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st4rstudent · 3 months
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Move night
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gaillol-13 · 5 months
While GATG may not have as much appeal as the original show, it was able to execute one thing that the og couldn't. And that was Gadget's sidekicks.
We all know how bad Corporal capeman was, he's an asshole, he's annoying, and he overall jus freaking sucks look at him.
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Ew. Another issue (aside from his character) is that he's out of place. Cause his whole thing is that he's a "superheroes sidekick" or something, and yes while Gadget is technically a superhero, it doesn't feel right seeing him work with this guy. It ruins the 'scifi-ish cyborg detective' theme.
Fidget and Digit on the other gadget-hand fit well with the theme. Being lil robot mini versions of the Inspector makes them blend with the show's atmosphere perfectly, both shows in fact. Cause if you put the Gadgetinis in the Original show they would still fit.
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We know Gadget prefers to work on his assignments alone (even tho that's hardly the case in reality), but if he had to have companions on almost all of his missions I'd think he'd choose the Gadgetinis. Cuz
They're equipped for the job like he is (I'm sure he still has way more gadgets than they do but they're probably equipped enough)
They're durable robots, so he doesn't have to worry about their safety as much as he would with Penny and Brain (since an organic life and mental health is more fragile than the gadgetinis. Specially if your a child like Penny who shouldn't have to deal with the burden of M.A.D in the first place).
Knowing Gadget. Having little robots who not only look like him but, are programmed to bring justice to M.A.D alongside him, and help him even without him knowing, is probably very awesome for Gadget. He sees himself as a teacher/father figure to them and I wouldn't be surprised if he takes alot of pride in having sidekicks created by his dear niece (I just know he's super proud of her).
The only reason Capeman became Gadget's sidekick is cause he buttered him up.
And most importantly, the Gadgetinis are actually enjoyable and fun to watch. They are comic reliefs who are sassy and silly. They have a funny dynamic.
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While it's still a bummer that they took Brain's role, they make up for it by being way better sidekicks (and better characters in general) than Corporal capeman ever will be.
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cold-neon-ocean · 6 months
Me describing Baatar as "horse coded" on a discord stream and folks going "Um, please explain that?" because I genuinely forget sometimes people can't hear every thought I have about him and have no context for what I just said.
To explain: Big, awkward, anxious, needy, capable of irreparable damage without really knowing or meaning to. Surprisingly fragile for their size like if they trip and fall over there is genuine chance they could just die. If their tummy hurts a little bit they could die. They will bite your fingers off if you do not feed them properly. They look like dinosaurs when you shave their hair. Horses - Afraid of things they shouldn't be: plastic bags, small puddles on the ground, stationery flower pots
Baatar - Afraid of things he shouldn't be: things that were on sale, low thread count bed sheets, Great Value brand items.
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3416 · 3 months
coyotes thoughts
i'm extremely extremely fucking sad about the coyotes, i can hardly take it. in the end, it's obviously all about money and the current owners of the coyotes have botched so much out of pure greed and incompetence, but it breaks my heart that it's going to be the cause of hockey interest and resources maybe drying up in a place where it CAN thrive. it isn't about the location of arizona (any time someone says it doesn't work there i want to DIE and kill fjkldsz), and frankly.. i don't see how fucking mormon run utah is gonna "grow the game" in a way the nhl wants either but. hockey can work in the south and it has!!!!! and it deserves actual competent owners and management and resources to do so!!!!!!
any leafs fan laughing about it bc their feelings have been hurt over ppl insinuating auston might leave for az is a piece of work. the greatest leaf of all time is into hockey directly because of the arizona coyotes. i don't know the specifics of like.. all the resources that may end up not being available anymore without a pro team in the area, but it's so upsetting to so many people and they deserved better. the fans and the players and all the people employed by the coyotes deserve so much better than how this has all gone.
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smokewars · 11 months
yknow what i'll put this in the main tags one of my main worries with this (other than the safety of the cg illustrator that was fired and employees at project moon obviously) is that it feels like everytime theres a controversy, project moon just lie down and take it. theyre like doormats. appeasing them isnt going to make them stop, if anything it makes them more likely to do something like this again because they know its going to work and because it HAS before (im looking at ruina)
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kenobihater · 2 months
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"Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne, he travels the fastest who travels alone."
1917 (2019), dir. sam mendes
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blurryfce300 · 5 days
people that regularly shave their legs how the fuck is this enjoyable this is awful i dont want to go outside until it grows back
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
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fruitcage · 6 months
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