#corpo magical girl
Would You Rather...
A: Be Recruited to a newly formed magical girl team at the end of its first story arc as the final member, your salary will be £20/hr (or equivalent), for 35-45 work hours a week, in which time it will be your responsibility to patrol and fight villains of the week and assorted monsters (with additional hazard pay for the risk of death and injury involved), full medical and dental coverage is provided, as well as full parental leave and 20 paid leave per year, a pension plan of 15% your annual salary/year is also provided. Your employer will supply your magical transformation item, and replace it free of charge and you will be given a choice of one powerset/outfit (from the list under keep reading) HOWEVER, you are contractually obligated to continue this job until the age of 80 or otherwise your death, and you will be required to come into work in the case of sudden villain/monster attack, even outside of work hours on holidays or parental leave. B: Become a freelance, solo magical girl who has a secure source of donations easily accessible by the public, you still have to save the city from monsters, but are responsible for your own time management and reputation/income, you will know how to make your own transformation item by the same process as if it were a normal nonmagical object, but it becomes a magical transformation item when you complete it. You will be given a choice of one powerset/outfit (from the list under keep reading), you will also soon encounter a friendly rival freelance magical girl (with a powerset of your choosing and a personality you can learn to get along with but not currently)
Magical Girl Powersets: Set 1: Powerful pyrokinesis & related fire powers + Super Strength & Durability sufficient to easily lift and throw cars and withstand being hit with one, outfit is a sparkly red dress with fire related accessories, weapon is a huge red flaming greatsword, you will look as normal when transformed but with bright red hair, eyes and tattoos, others will be magically unable to recognize you when transformed (unless they see you transform at least once etc), transformation item is a red hairclip with a crystalline heart-shaped jewel Set 2: Ability to create magical barriers and shields, levitation and super durability sufficient to be bulletproof and unharmed even by buildings being thrown at you, barriers can also be made sharp with which to cut things, outfit is a frilly green dress & green ribbons/etc, you will look as normal when transformed but with bright green eyes and different hair colour at random, others will be magically unable to recognize you when transformed (unless they see you transform at least once etc), transformation item is a small green shield-shaped pendant, weapon is a massive green greatshield Set 3: Supersonic speed and durability sufficient to withstand this + weak electrokinesis & levitation + thought speed acceleration such to control your direction at full speed etc, weapon is a electric blue spear, outfit is an electric blue tracksuit + trainers and tinted visor & ribbons, you will look as normal when transformed but with long bright blue twin-tails (like Hatsune Miku) and electric blue eyes, others will be magically unable to recognize you when transformed (unless they see you transform at least once etc), transformation item is a cobalt blue lightning bolt shaped necklace. Set 4: Shadow Controlling + teleporting between shadows within 100m (via sinking into and out of them) + Levitation + Summoning demonic minions out of shadows + weak electrokinesis + pyrokinesis (except the lightning and fire is black) + creating weaker shadowy duplicates of yourself + minor super strength speed & durability sufficient to throw cars with great effort and only take minor injuries from being hit with them + run at 35mph, weapon is giant black greataxe, outfit is full black gothic funeral garb, transformation item is an onyx skull-shaped ring, you will look as normal when transformed but with long silky black hair reminiscent of the mythical princess Kaguya, eyes that are entirely black except from the iris, which is bright white, and a height of 8ft, others will be magically unable to recognize you when transformed (unless they see you transform at least once etc) Set 5: Extremely powerful telekinesis sufficient to hurl around buildings with ease + levitation + 1000x thought acceleration, outfit is a reflective white dress with lots of frills & ribbons + silver accessories. Weapon is a silver revolver with infinite ammunition, transformation item is a silver bangle with a white rose motif, others will be magically unable to recognize you when transformed (unless they see you transform at least once etc), you will look as normal when transformed but albino, (unless you are already, in which case you look as normal)
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choccy-zefirka · 6 months
We previously had a whole Discourse Session about x reader fic on this blog, but I just saw this in visual form on my dashboard (Blorbo hugging/kissing a greyed-out silhouette instead of the artist's OC), and I am back to thinking how being expected to insert my OC into the author-prepared slot is not my thing (and makes me a bit sad, actually) because... all my OCs fall for their love interest, even if it's the same person, for different reasons.
Isk and Wyll are childhood friends who keep being torn apart by circumstances but inevitably find each other. Mariposa and Wyll are gender-swapped Beauty and the Beast; he is the radiant guiding light that inspires her to rise above her Dark Urge. Wilhelm is a classic sad dad, so his partners Wyll and Karlach help him find joy and whimsy in life again. Or, for example, Alyrr stirs Halsin's heart because she is kind to him, while Cinder falls for Halsin because he is kind to *her*; same goes for Niamh and Zevlor vs Dee and Zevlor.
Likewise, in other fandoms, Azelma Cadash and Blackwall initially despise each other because she thinks he's a boring straight-laced fuddy duddy, and he thinks she's a spoiled princess luxuriating in her father's crime spoils and wearing a Stop Being Poor T-shirt, but as their friendship progresses, each discovers that the other is a more nuanced person than their first impressions might suggest. While Naali Adaar teams up with him as Protector of the Small, and Adiba Adaar turns his head with her incredible Nerd Powers (Nana Lavellan is somewhere at the intersection of that, because she is both a nerd and a professional babysitter in her clan). Thraer Aeducan bonds with Morrigan like a golden retriever excitedly following her around; and Revas Mahariel sits across the room from her like they are a cat and she is also a cat, slowly getting accustomed to each other. Nella Amell gets to Zevran with her sweetness and faith in people, and Zevran gets to Brianna Cousland with his roguish charms, even as she appears to have hidden herself behind a wall of ice and grief.
Alisa Shepard is a neurotic perfectionist, Natalie Shepard is an enthusiastic, confident space adventurer; Garrus loves each of them. And in my newest obsession, Cyberpunk, my current rough and tough but secretly artistic street kid V is going to employ different tactics when convincing Takemura to ditch Arasaka through the power of love (shhh, let me have my headcanon) compared to a hyper-stressed, disillusioned corpo V and a happy-go-lucky nomad V I also have planned. And so on and so on and so on.
Can all these different love stories truly be expressed through x reader fics? Even if x reader is mostly focused on smut, I am not sure how much maneuvering you can do while leaving it generic. Again, going back to my own OCs, Arryn Lavellan, a hot-headed 20-something Dalish First, is a virgin who pretends to be sexually experienced to win Respect Points, and then learns the lesson that he did not have to do that; while Elgara Lavellan, a Circle mage and ex-Tranquil, is also a virgin due to her life circumstances, and her lesson is that there's no shame in having a "first time" after 40. Cinder the Tav is a half-Orc, half-Tiefling, used to being fetishized by intimate partners because of her appearance, so she gets her mind blown when Halsin worships her body as a great gift of nature. Laulu the Tav is a half-Orc, half-Halfling, a humble farm girl with dreams of someone who will love her for her, not her glamorous elf bard persona (courtesy of Disguise Self), so she gets *her* mind blown when Gale takes her, the real her, on a journey through the stars. But Amaya, a full Halfling this time, is a vengeful paladin who used to be married to an evil wizard that entrapped her in illusions of love and bliss in order to manipulate her to do his bidding, so she opts for the humble tryst in the woods, blowing *Gale's* mind this time as he realizes that he can be wanted for more than his magic. So for all of them, even smut will flow differently.
Some anons I got argued that inserting your OC into a love story focused on a canon character is too self-centered; you have to give other people a chance to imagine *their* OCs in this blank spot! And I guess it works for some people (a lot of people, in fact), but I would rather write stories and make art about specific OCs and read stories and admire art with *your* specific OCs and all the endless ways they can kiss that Blorbo.
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laranjafox · 11 months
Halloween it's gone, but there's always time to horror 🤭
• Enigma (2023) [+13] [th] [4 eps]
This series is impeccable, the story is excellently written, there are no holes, but there's mystery, all elements seems to be connected and were chosen because of their meaning, every pace is well thought out 🤌
Particularly is the kind of genre combo that I love: magic and mystery, it also includes horror, it isn't necessarily scary, but its goal is to horrify you, to scandalize and criticize aspects of society.
[comments; spoiler]
And I love how absurd is the students dying and the girls speculating about their lives, judging and condemning them as if what they said was true, like they just died? Instead of thinking about what lead them to attack the teacher, they blame on the ones who died, okay they're high schoolers, but even the ones considered adults weren't dealing with it in the proper way and as long as I know the students were most of legal age, so.. a critical thinking is good uh?! everyone was just concerned about tests, studying all day, inhumans, an insensible scholar society where only Fa and Ajin were aware, although having different purposes, so it's just them against the world, this world being the school, their battle field was there.
The scenes of exorcism are terrific, Prim and Win acting is excellent, the acting of eveyone is excellent, I love the Prigkhing's witch 🤭 Yiwha attacking Ajin 😂 and Namsine's actress Piploy, she was fantastic representing the hate and pain.
Of course, the crew is essential to the result too, one of the directors, Pat, made Why You... Y Me, the other, O Phat, made The Gifted and F4 Thailand, that involves fight and supernatural and he's the one listed as the director of the sequel, so I keep my hopes high that the quality will be kept the same or better, but I don't about the rest, if the producers will be the same, Namtan and Bright show up in the last episode indicating that they'd appear more times, buuut in mydramalist Toey is listed as main role, so it changes what I thought the sequel would be, before then I thought that Namtan character would be a main role and Fa would go after Ajin, since she knows where he is, but now that I know there's going to be another main character I think Fa won't appear, she's was a stage in Ajin path to find enigma, but in this part Namtan may be a kind of main role, the thing is that she's not listed in the second season, so I don't know. And what about Bright, that left GMMTV? Will he still participate? I just hope the sequel release before the middle of the year TT 🙏
• Enigma (2023) [+13] [th] [4 eps]
O que tenho a dizer:
CA-RA-LHO, bom dimais, seloko!
Cinematografia impecável, sabe? Tudo! Ângulos ótimos, luzes e sombras de dar gosto, montagem dos cenários muito bem pensada, o tipo da filmagem, incrível, tudo incrível!
Eu senti arrepios algumas vezes assistindo essa série, os sentimentos que a série proporciona te põe junto da "aventura" delus, eu amei.
Eu amei a Fa, é uma personagem inteligentíssima, esperta, trunqueira, meio petulante, tipo a personagem da Prim em F4 Thailand, e a química dela com o Win é fantástica, grandes atories né 💁
Confesso que no começo eu fiquei "ah, não vai ter romance entre elus, Win vai ser professor e a Prim é estudante de ensino médio 😄 NÉ? 😀" Mas daí Ajin fala numa hora que Fa deve agir como adulta, já que é uma adulta, então entendi que ela seria maior de idade, o que acalmou meu coração.
A cena do exorcismo de Fa foi assim in-tensa, minha respiração acompanhava a dela, impressionante, as transições extraordinárias 👌 afe, incrível demais. A cena do exorcismo de Ajin também foi fenomenal, aliás louco né? Eu entendo que o Ajin deve ter considerado ser a melhor opção ele absorver o treco, que não sei se era um espírito ou sei lá o quê, porque talvez a Namsine ia morrer quando entrasse nela, mas assim, o cara cheio dos truques no corpo dele, além de ter um corpo forte e resistente, acostumado com efeitos de magia e tals e a Fa nem tinha os conhecimentos exatos pra exorcizar, podia ter dado muito ruim.
Outras cenas que acho deslumbrantes são a do feitiço de cegueira, onde tudo fica escuro, a transição de cores acho muito legal. Também a cena delus voando pro edifício elefante ficou muito boa, as cores do céu belíssimas, o vento nos cabelos, a posição delus no ar pareceu natural até, é difícil parecer que está flutuando ou voando no ar sendo que na verdade você não tá, a força que tá agindo sobre teu corpo não é do ar e sim dos cintos que te prendem pra te levantar.
No fim eu senti demais pela Fa, eu senti que escalonou um pouco rápido demais, eu entendo a parte dela querer viver com Ajin para querer aprender mais sobre magia, que era algo que ela sonhava quando mais nova, mesmo sendo diferente e ela se deu muito bem com isso, ela podia ter ficado admirada com esses conhecimentos de um mundo paralelo ao qual ela vivia, mas daí ela falar que queria seguir com ele, porque tinha se apaixonado por ele e ele era a resposta para a falta de vontade dela em seguir uma profissão comum ao mundo em que ela estava vivendo, aí eu já fiquei "como assim? você não tá confundindo as coisas? será que foi um efeito da magia pra levar ela pro terraço do edifício, que foi algo íntimo? como que em tão pouco tempo surgiu esse sentimento que faz ela suplicar à ele?", eu estranho um pouco, mas não invalido, porque eu senti a dor dela, foi muito cruel Ajin fazer o que fez, que não sei o que foi exatamente, se ele mandou ela pra outro lugar, se fez parecer que era um sonho como tinha feito na noite que ela invadiu a escola, se ele fez ela desmaiar e levou ela pra onde ela morava, não importa, foi insensível, ele não quis lidar com os sentimentos dela, simplesmente foi embora 🤧
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genghisximpact · 1 year
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I got this feeling in my soul, go ahead and throw your stones, 'cause there's magic in my bones
é possível avistar genghis pi pelos corredores de exspiravit, a caminho de sua próxima aula. é ótimo que mesmo após formado ele queira continuar por aqui. com 35, esse caçador se parece muito com lewis tan. possui visão como talento, e leciona talentos IV - visão na academia.
Com um altura de 1,90m, Genghis exibe seu porte atlético e volumoso. Da cintura sempre pende a espada samurai apropriada para seu trabalho, assim como a bolsa de couro repleta de apetrechos especiais. Bombas de sal são suas preferidas. Asseado, o cabelo não ultrapassa a linha dos largos ombros e está sempre cortado rente, deixando o moicano evidente. A trança é opcional, e a conta que sela o penteado é da mesma cor escura dos seus olhos. Se o encontrar com o cabelo curto, cuidado... É o sinal de que não se sucedeu bem na missão.
A boca está sempre em movimento, seja com comida seja falando. Os momentos de quietude são realmente raros, e sempre puxados para a veia dramática. É uma coisa do dom, sabe? Enxergar é solitário demais quando não tem um ruído de respostas. Logo, nada estranho vê-lo falando e reproduzindo o diálogo com quem encontra. Os do outros lado. Genghis não gosta da palavra fantasma, nem de espíritos. Aviso, nunca ofereça comida se não quiser que seja realmente compartilhada.
Não é brincadeira não! Sério, me escuta. Genghis é o monstro na mímica e na adivinhação. Peca um pouco para lembrar de que música veio aquela letra, mas imagens? Não passe por essa humilhação. E, veja bem, esse rapaz sabe algumas línguas. Mais do que o normal, mas abaixo do nível onisciente. Um lembrete de que sabe desenhar bem e não, não adianta pagar... Ele não vai desenhá-lx like one of his french girls.
Não, ele não joga Genshin Impact.
Genghis sempre foi uma criança, digamos, criativa. Apaixonado por criar histórias para suas inúmeras aventuras. Ir até o mercado comprar leite? Atravessar a rua para visitar os avós? Caminhar para a escola a dois quarteirões? Não importava, sua mente voava para o terreno distante da imaginação e, como mágica, poste virava árvore milenar e o vento materializava-se em monstros ferozes. O pequeno nunca colocava sua vida em risco, veja bem! Porque cada perigo era transformado, também, num obstáculo e ele parecia- Espere, não riam. Mas Genghis parecia aqueles vídeos na internet, de crianças escapando miraculosamente de acidentes por um fio minúsculo de cabelo. E quando perguntado, ele dava de ombros desinteressado. Só esperando a próxima vez que sairia de novo.
Na mais normal passar de adorável e engraçadinho para preocupante, certo? Uma criança precisava crescer em algum ponto, e Genghis apresentando seus amigos imaginários era o oposto. As descrições variavam, inocentes para ferozes. Diferentes estágios de 'composição' e sempre, sempre, algum ferimento à vista. Talvez fosse culpa do bairro vizinho, violento dia e noite; talvez fosse a energia acumulada pelos espíritos que foram assassinados. Alguma coisa era estranha e ele logo foi levado para ela. Sim, ela mesma. A inexorável: terapia. O pequeno Pi tinha 11 anos quando começou a frequentar a especialista e, semanas depois, entendeu a amiga que colocava o dedo sobre os lábios num pedido de silêncio.
Seguro dizer que Genghis aprendeu um monte ao ocultar a verdade de todo mundo. A primeira lição bem fácil de assimilar, diga-se de passagem, a de perceber que eram fantasmas e não frutos de sua imaginação. A tia ajudou bastante! Falecida e sentada sobre o caixão, rindo de corpo inteiro com a farsa da irmã mais nova (que não levaria um tostão da herança). Entendeu, também, que não conseguia escutá-los, só vê-los - e cheirar (sério, pior coisa de todas!). Com um fantasma aprendeu a linguagem de sinais, ficou o mestre supremo em mímica e superou todos os colegas nas aulas de arte. Habilidades desenvolvidas para sobreviver ao superpoder, de não decepcionar aqueles rostos que ajudavam na sua criação.
Foi sem querer que topou com um agente. Genghis conversava com sua trupe fantasminha quando o estranho passou ao lado e soprou uma nuvem de fumaça gélida. Tão logo percebeu, estancou e mirou-o no meio dos olhos. Pi sabia... Só sabia que nunca mais ficaria em casa.
Recrutado e levado por vontade própria. A família reagiu muito mal às notícias e quase pagou para que o levassem embora. Doeu? Claro que doeu, mas... Bem dentro, sabia que era só uma questão de tempo. Seus pais tinham morrido quando tinha 14 anos e os avós já estavam senis, incapazes de continuar criando o neto (e bem melhor do que os tios). Ingressou nos estudos, dedicou-se tanto quanto possível e só achou... Perfeito. Tudo. Todos. Absorvia cada informação como uma esponja sequíssima, na sofreguidão de um condenado à morte em seus últimos dias. Tinha suas falhas? Claro que tinha, afinal, ainda era humano. Contudo, a cada erro, parecia que o caminho ficava mais claro. Seu destino e propósito, mais firme em suas convicções.
Genghis se formou com honrarias e não parou ali. Caindo em missão através de missão, usando a imaginação para complementar o dom mudo da visão. Embrenhando-se tanto no mundo dos fantasmas que, por alguns meses, foi dado como morto. Mas, ah essa deliciosa correção, ele sempre voltava. Altivo e engraçado, o sorriso entortando os cantos da boca e a personalidade magnética de uma luz atraente de mariposas. Não era incomum vê-lo tentando criar uma amizade com o fantasma ao invés de, bem, controlá-lo. Não chegava a ser problemático, só um pouco irritante.
Genghis, agora, está associado ao empreendimento do melhor amigo e não vê a hora do telefone tocar para mais uma aventura.
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
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A collection of V's
Not the best quality but eh!
From top to bottom:
Vincent Aiello - my main boy, Nomad, dork (cismale, gay)
Vallory Vix - Corpo, disaster nerd (cisfemale, lesbian)
Vanessa DeLuna - Streetkid, if harley quinn were a pastel magical girl (transfem, biromantic/ace)
Vaughn Valentine - Streetkid, smartass (transmasc, pan)
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genocidalfetus · 2 years
First Sentence Tag Game
Got tagged by @morganlefaye79 and need a distraction, so here we go!
Rule: Post the first sentence of your last 10 fics.
10-8 are Cyberpunk2077, 7 and 5 are Dragon Age, 6 and 4 are Mass Effect, 3-1 are Dragon Age.
Post from new to old cuz it makes sens.
10. "J4ckr4bbit The Nomad No More"
Blood. I hated the sight of it. It made me anxious, made me nauseous at times, made my lungs ache as I struggled to breathe, and it made my heart start behaving like a goddamn motor gone haywire, threatening to burst through my sternum at any moment. Aside from the panic attacks, it also reminded me of the day I lost my parents. I learned how much blood a human body held that day, as it spilled out of their bodies after the Raffen Shiv was done with them. A lot. 
9. The Life And Times Of A Former Corpo Rat
Vincent Harkon was a 'Corpo rat' once. Was being the word you ought to be focusing on. He had it all. A nice place to live, a life coach, money. One could say he was happy, but they would have been wrong.
8. The Name's V
I watched Jackie take his last few breaths, my head hurting from the damn biochip he shoved into my head for safe-keeping.
7. An Arm For Charlotte
The look of regret and sadness on her elf friend's face as he turned away from her and disappeared into the Eluvian pierced into Charlotte's heart like a dull dagger.
6. Shepard
It had been a few months since Lilith was 'grounded', so to speak. She wasn't thrown in the brig but was confined to her room at Alliance headquarters. She was thankful for that, being that she had creature comforts like a nice soft bed to sleep in and decent food. But she was watched like a damn hawk, or at least her comms were
5. Magic Can Destroy, But Magic Can Heal
Anders and Kronis had said their goodbyes to Isabella and Fenris nearly a month ago. They could have stayed on Isabella's ship for as long as they needed, but Kronis felt that they would become a liability sooner rather than later. After all, he was the hero turned terrorist accomplice and Anders was labeled as said terrorist. Not a good pair of titles to wear and those around them wouldn't be seen in such a good light either.
4. Good Girl Shepard
This wasn't The Normandy. Not her Normandy, that is. Lilith felt like a stranger on this ship. For all intents and purposes, she was. This was a copy. Her ship, or what was left of it, was in pieces on some ice planet.
3. Inquisitor
The Herald Of Andraste. Charlotte cringed inside when she heard Cassandra utter that title in the 'war room'. It chilled her blood to think that her strange tale of survival at The Conclave, as well as the mark on her hand being able to close the large rift in the sky, would cause others to see her in a religious light. How she had survived, and the mark on her hand, was both other-worldly, but she didn't believe that either was divine intervention.
2. Hawke Leaves For Skyhold
Kronis felt Anders tossing and turning in their bed, trying to keep himself quiet and calm. But he wasn't winning the battle. He was taking deep breaths, but the exhales were coming out in shakey whisps. He couldn't keep control any longer and sat on the edge of the bed with his hands on his head, holding onto his sweat-drenched blond locks, rocking back and forth.
Do not punch, Kronis kept telling himself as he and Carver glared at one another. He really wanted to just swing, just once. Take the kid down a peg, leave him on the ground with an aching jaw at the very least.
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headlinerportugal · 7 months
Peito para fora, músculos fletidos, ancas soltas e dançar com strongboi | Reportagem Completa
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Alice Phoebe Lou ao vivo no CCOP | mais fotos clicar aqui Decorria o ano de 2021 quando me desloquei a Guimarães, ao bonito e único Centro Cultural Vilar Flor para assistir pela primeira vez Alice Phoebe Lou. No final a artista esteve a vender merchandise e a falar com alguns fãs. Eu fui um deles e na altura recordo-me de lhe ter perguntado para quando o disco de estreia do seu side project, strongboi. Ela riu-se e responde-me que para muito brevemente. Na altura tinham apenas dois singles editados e apenas passado estes anos todos podemos escutar finalmente o seu auto-intitulado disco de estreia ‘strongboi’. 
Foi então que recebemos com muito agrado, e talvez até surpresa, a estreia desta dupla em Portugal naquela que é a sua primeira tour, ainda por cima numa sala tão intimista e bonita como o CCOP, no Porto.
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Toda a banda em palco | mais fotos clicar aqui Ziv Yamin, o companheiro de estrada de longa data e amigo de Alice Phoebe Lou fecha assim esta dupla que tem começado a conquistar a Europa com a sua primeira curta tour de apenas 7 datas, contemplando Portugal com duas datas.
As portas do bonito edifício e sala icónica da cidade do Porto abriram por volta das 21h00, mas a verdade é que quando chegamos lá muito perto dessa hora, já umas pequenas dezenas de pessoas faziam fila não querendo perder a linha da frente, mostrando bem a popularidade da artista residente em Berlim. Subindo as bonitas escadarias do CCOP e já com o nosso bilhete ‘à moda antiga’ na mão (mimo que a promotora Crowdmusic, organizadora do evento, contemplou a todos os que assistiram), encontramos uma sala ainda bastante despida de corpos, mas já com uma linha bem definida bem colado ao palco.
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Alice Phoebe Lou a voz dos strongboi | mais fotos clicar aqui Os minutos foram passando e as pessoas chegavam em grande cadência, e entre conversas, dei-me inundado por uma sala completamente cheia, chegando mesmo a Crowdmusic a anunciar lotação esgotada.
Pouco passava da hora anunciada, 21h30, quando a dupla entrou em palco acompanhada de mais 4 elementos, preenchendo praticamente por completo o pequeno palco, tornado ainda mais bonito todo aquele momento. Sem demoras, sem palavras e apenas com um rasgado sorriso, começaram os teclados de Ziv Yamin a debitar “fool around” faixa que abriu a estreia de strongboi em Portugal mas também o seu disco de estreia editado em 2023.
Sempre com o seu sorriso inocente, um ar angelical e apenas com umas meias às riscas nos pés, Alice Phoebe Lou foi encantando a sala fazendo-se apenas munir com o microfone deixando todos os outros instrumentos à conta da banda e de Ziv. Seguindo o mesmo alinhamento do seu disco ‘strongboi’, eis que a bateria marca o compasso para “ugi”, segunda música do seu menu musical que nos apresentava naquela bela noite de fevereiro. Foram cada vez mais se acomodando perto do palco as centenas de pessoas que encheram o CCOP, para sentir aquele lado mais funky mesclado com jazz e sintetizadores bem ao estilo dos 90s, do projeto da arista sul-africana.
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Ziv Yamin na mestria dos teclados | mais fotos clicar aqui Seguiram-se “cold” (coincidência ou não, 3ª faixa do seu disco seguindo a ordem exata do seu disco) e “tuff girl”, datado de 2020, ano em que a dupla deu à luz o seu projeto. De seguida a banda trouxe duas surpresas: “special” e “magic”, duas novas músicas ainda não editadas, sendo o público português dos primeiros a ouvi-las, dado que aquele concerto no Porto era apenas o 2º concerto da sua primeira tour, de sempre.
A cumplicidade entre os 6 elementos da banda era bem visível, olhando uns para os outros, trocando sorrisos e cruzando olhares, como um verdadeiro grupo de amigos que fazem música juntos. O momento seguinte veio frisar este momento de harmonia com “Bound”, cover da banda The Ponderosa Twins Plus One, mais conhecida por ter sido samplada por Kanye West na incrível “Bound 2”, arrancando movimentos dos lábios da plateia - “Bound, Bound, Bound to fall in love”.
Seguiu-se “Unconditional” e “Honey Things” com esta última a arrancar a primeira grande agitação na sala, não fosse esta o 1º single da banda e um dos mais ouvidos da dupla. “Spooky” foi a 3ª nova música que strongboi nos presenteou, e prova viva disso foi Alice Phoebe Lou ter-se se esquecido da letra a meio arrancando sorrisos da plateia, mas acima de tudo uma onda de amor desvalorizando aquele momento tornando-o ainda mais especial.
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Faltavam apenas duas faixas para o seu disco de 2023 ‘strongboi’ fosse tocado na integra… e foi o que se seguiu com "meilia" e "flame", estas bem dançáveis a arrancando aqui e ali uns passos de dança tímidos. Após ter percorrido praticamente toda a sua curta discografia (e ainda 3 novos temas) proclamaram que iam terminar com “Free” de Deniece Williams, música que curiosamente pode ser encontrada numa das playlists pessoais do Spotify de Alice Phoebe Lou.
Sem disfarçarem muito para o que viria a seguir, eis que veio o encore (se poderemos chamar assim,dado que nem uma saída do palco digna de encore tivemos) com “strongboi” acabando com as centenas de pessoas um pouco mais desinibidas a dançar acabando em modo festivo e com muitos sorrisos rasgados na cara após praticamente uma hora de concerto.
A estreia de Ziv Yamin e Alice Phoebe Lou como strongboi foi aconchegante, intimista, foi sedutora e calorosa numa sala que proporcionou e elevou este ambiente com uma casa completamente lotada.
Reportagem fotográfica completa: Clicar Aqui
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Alice Phoebe Lou e Ziv Yamin a "darem cartas" como strongboi | mais fotos clicar aqui Texto: Luís Silva Fotografia: Jorge Resende
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lettieriletti · 8 months
Magical Girl Risuka 4
Con le sue cinquecentododici bocche sparse su tutto il corpo e in grado di divorare qualunque cosa, dalle formule magiche ai sigilli, fino ad arrivare ai maghi, Tsunagi sembra essere la nemica naturale di Risuka! Senza più assi nella manica né vie di fuga, questa volta Kizutaka e Risuka sono veramente alle strette e si trovano ad affrontare una sfida in bilico tra la vita e la morte!
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newsintheshell · 2 years
ANIME GENERATION: l’autunno del canale è pieno di nuovi simulcast (e altri sono in arrivo)
Yamato Video ha appena iniziato a portare in streaming The Eminence in Shadow, Love Flops, il remake di Lamù, La Principessa Bibliofila e Fantasy Farm!
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Questa ve l’avevo sostanzialmente già passata tramite social e Telegram, ma ora che mi sento meglio, mi pare doveroso condividere l’annuncio in maniera un tantino più decorosa! 
Venerdì scorso, a ormai un mesetto dall’inizio della stagione autunnale, lo staff di Yamato Video ci ha stupito con il goloso reveal del nuovo palinsesto simulcast del canale tematico ANiME GENERATION, che vi ricordo trovate all’interno di Amazon Prime Video (attualmente c’è una prima prova gratuita di una settimana e poi si passa a 4,99 €/mese).
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Partiamo dalla action fantasy comedy di 20 episodi, tratta dalla light novel di Daisuke Aizawa, di cui è edita in Italia da Magic Press la versione manga.
L'adattamento è targato studio NEXUS (Darwin’s Game, Comic Girls, L'epopea del cavaliere ripetente) ed è in mano a Kazuya Nakanishi (direttore d’animazione nella serie di Darwin’s Game).
Minoru Kageno ha sempre ammirato i supereroi fin da bambino e nel corso della vita si è allenato per diventare più forte, ma una volta cresciuto si è reso conto che non avrebbe mai avuto poteri speciali come quelli che si vedono nelle storie, finché un giorno in seguito a un incidente non si è reincarnato in un altro mondo dove esiste la magia. Ora si fa chiamare Shadow e insieme alle ragazze che ha salvato affronterà malvagi e demoni per diventare l'eminenza grigia che controlla tutto dall'ombra.
La sceneggiatura è supervisionata da Kanichi Kato (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, Those Snow White Notes) e il design dei personaggi è curato da Makoto Iino (Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town, Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage), mentre le musiche sono composte da Kenichiro Suehiro (Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, Shadows House).
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Nuova piccante commedia romantica degli equivoci di casa PASSIONE (Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World, Mieruko-chan), la cui storia originale si dipanerà nell’arco di 12 episodi.   
Il destino attira cinque avvenenti ragazze, provenienti da Paesi diversi, sulla strada di Asahi, che presto riceve non una, non due, ma ben cinque confessioni d'amore. Asahi deve seguire il suo cuore per trovare chi delle cinque possa essere la sua partner perfetta, altrimenti le sue fortune amorose potrebbero finire in un epico flop!
La serie è diretta da Nobuyoshi Nagayama (Smile Down the Runway. My Girlfriend is Shobitch), che per il progetto può contare su Midori Yui e Fujiaki Asari come assistenti di regia.
La sceneggiatura è in mano a Ryo Yasumoto (Steins;Gate 0), mentre il character design è curato da Kazuyuki Ueda (Hinako Note, Kiniro Mosaic). Per quanto riguarda le musiche, invece, sono realizzate da Kenichiro Suehiro (Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, Shadows House).
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Considerato che sul canale tematico ci sono già tutta la serie storica, con annessi lungometraggi e OAV, non poteva di certo mancare il moderno remake ad opera dello studio DAVID PRODUCTION (Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo: Stone Ocean, Fire Force, Cells at Work! Lavori in Corpo). 
Come vi avevo già accennato, questa nuova trasposizione dell’iconica opera firmata da Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma ½,  MAO, InuYasha, Maison Ikkoku, RINNE), sarà composta da 46 episodi in totale, che saranno però divisi in due parti.
Ataru Moroboshi è un cascamorto cronico e ci prova con tutte le ragazze che incontra facendo infuriare la sua amica d'infanzia Shinobu. La sua vita sarà sconvolta con l'arrivo della bella aliena Lamù che, a causa di un malinteso, si innamorerà perdutamente di lui e andrà a vivere a casa Moroboshi!
La serie è diretta da Hideya Takahashi (Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo: Golden Wind, Keijo!!!!!!!!), assieme a Yasuhiro Kimura (Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo: Golden Wind, 2.43: Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Team).
La sceneggiatura, invece, è affidata a Yuuko Kakihara (Cells at Work! Lavori in Corpo, Asobi Asobase), mentre il character design è curato da Naoyuki Asano (Mr. Osomatsu, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!).
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C’è spazio anche per un po’ di romanticismo con la serie di 12 episodi tratta dalla shojo novel di Yui (se vi interessa c’è anche una versione manga), portata in tv dallo studio MADHOUSE (Chihayafuru, Overlord). 
Elianna Bernstein è ossessionata dai libri fin da bambina. Il suo soprannome non è "topo di biblioteca", come si potrebbe facilmente pensare, ma "principessa bibliofila". Il principe Christopher la ritiene eccentrica e interessante allo stesso tempo e un giorno le propone senza mezzi termini di fidanzarsi con lui. Il fidanzamento porta un reciproco vantaggio. Da una parte libera Christopher dalle lotte di potere tra le famiglie nobili all'interno della corte. Dall’altra Elianna può accedere liberamente all’archivio della biblioteca reale in quanto promessa sposa del principe ereditario.   Secondo l’accordo, sarebbe dovuta essere una "finta fidanzata" e per quattro anni i due ragazzi trascorrono le giornate nella loro routine quotidiana. Un giorno, però, a corte fa la sua comparsa l’estroversa Irene, figlia di un visconte, che inizia a stringere amicizia con tutti, entrando apparentemente in intimità con il principe Christopher. Elianna, convinta di essere solo una fidanzata di facciata, è pronta a rompere il fidanzamento. Tuttavia, il suo cuore è pieno di sentimenti contrastanti e si accorge che l’interesse e la passione che prova non riguardano solo la lettura. Cosa accadrà al "vero amore" tra Elianna e Christopher?
L'anime sta venendo diretto da Taro Iwasaki (One Week Friends, Sweetness & Lightning), della sceneggiatura si occupa Mitsutaka Hirota (Sweetness & Lightning, Rent-A-Girlfriend), mentre il character design è a cura di Mizuka Takahashi (designer secondario in Your Voice -KIMIKOE-).
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Concludiamo, con la commedia fantasy da vero pollice verde realizzata da STUDIO A-CAT (She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man, Getter Robo Arc), basata sulla novel di Shobonnu (che anche in questo caso ha una controparte manga).
Al Wayne ha un unico sogno: diventare un contadino provetto! Per questo il giovane decide di livellare al massimo tutte le abilità legate all’agricoltura. Quando ciò accade, però, Al diventa all’improvviso più forte di qualsiasi guerriero, e viene coinvolto suo malgrado nella gilda degli avventurieri del regno! La sua tranquilla vita in campagna è destinata a rimanere davvero soltanto un sogno?
Diretta da Norihiko Nagahama, la serie conterà in tutto 12 episodi.  Della sceneggiatura si sta occupando Touko Machida (Smile Down the Runway, Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan) e il character design è curato da Masami Sueoka, mentre le musiche sono ad opera di Takuro Iga (Asteroid in Love, WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me).
Quelli di cui vi ho appena parlato sono solo i primi cinque anime in corso di recupero, con già le prime puntate online in lingua originale e sottotitoli in italiano, ma questo venerdì ne arriveranno altri. Stessa modalità: annuncio e poi upload. Secondo voi quali altri hanno in caldo? Fatemelo sapere nei commenti!
Oh, un’ultima cosa: per il momento non trovate questi titoli sulla GUIDA ANIME, perché non hanno ancora una periodicità precisa. Non appena avrà un’idea su come inserirli, la aggiornerò.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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new-roomantics · 6 years
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vaniri · 4 years
Helping hand [Johnny Silverhand x V]
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On their way home from Clouds, Johnny decides to end V’s life. Or help her, she is not sure anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Contains all the good stuff: fingering, a bit of dirty talk (at least until V tells Johnny to shut up), Johnny being Johnny™, and public embarrassment. Does not contain: plot. Who needs that?
18+ only, obviously
As always, HUGE THANKS and I LOVE YOU to @ugh-my-back​ for helping me out with this little creation and doing the beta 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Johnny felt almost sorry for that pathetic piece of unfortunate shit he’d been involuntarily attached to. She had a simple task – go to a brothel, get the information she needed, get laid because that’s why you go to establishments of that kind, and leave. And literally nothing went according to plan: she didn’t learn much, got fucking psychoanalyzed instead of laid, and was shot at on her way out because she had to sniff around, having the sneaking skills of a drunk teenager. Only V could have that luck.
“I said that getting off was waiting for you in Clouds? I take it back.” He mocked her, materializing in the passenger seat of her car. “Was almost right about getting offed, though.”
“Please shut up and go back to pretending you don’t exist.” Tired and exasperated after what she’d been through, she didn’t even shoot him a glance, trying to focus on the road.
“I left you there for five minutes, so you could get shagged in peace, and not only did you fuck that up but also wound up in a shooting turned massacre. You should have just fucked that doll and bailed, like any normal person would."
"We weren't there to fuck anyone, remember?"
"Yeah, and we should be. You should be. Tell me, V, is your cunt sealed with cobwebs already? Because I scoured your memories, out of boredom, and it’s been a long, loooong while since you had some action there."
“Yeah, there too.”
“You really know how to brighten the day, don’t you?”
“And you really don’t feel how sexually frustrated you are? Because I do.” He turned in his seat to face her. Being a woman was fucked up in general, he found out - all these hormones and stuff Johnny didn't even try to understand - but the level of stress she was living under was absolutely crushing. The majority of it was obviously caused by the chip and everything that was going on in V's life lately, but a part of it, not a small one, came from her sexual starvation. And lack of sleep. Or maybe her abstinence led to insomnia, Johnny wasn’t sure anymore. All he knew was that she – they – were constantly tired as of late. And horny. Very horny. “And I don’t like it a bit. If I were you, I’d start jerking off right here and now.”
“Please don’t.” A look of dread flitted across her face.
“I won’t. But you should.”
“I’m driving, if you haven’t noticed. I really want to get us home in one piece, and as soon as possible.” She needed a shower and some takeout to make herself feel better, and maybe a cold one too. ”So eyes on the road, hands on the wheel.”
“Fine. I’ll lend you a hand, then.”
“I don’t think you’ll be able to drive a car. You’re not corporeal, you know.”
“I was rather thinking about fingering you.”
“Eyes on the road.” He chided her, visibly amused by the utter horror showing on her face. “I’m just saying that I want to help you. No strings attached, don’t worry. Treat it as a friendly favor.”
“We aren’t friends.”
“Aww, V, that hurt.”
“Good. Now fuck off.” She seemed adamant, but he noticed that her hands, now gripping the wheel for dear life, were shaking a little. She was both abashed by the thought of being this intimate with Johnny and genuinely thinking about it. Considering. Imagining.
He knew her thoughts. He lived in her brain and he could read her like an open book. He knew exactly the effect he had on her and what she was thinking about him, he knew about her fascination and curiosity. And her constant denial about it.
It wouldn’t be hard to get what he wanted, never had been for him. And all he currently wanted was to get in her pants.
“Come on V, I’ve seen the thoughts that keep you awake at night. All of them. These about me too.” He purred, caressing her taut arm with his silver fingers. “I’m not going to tease you about them. Just want you to know that I know about your little fantasies. And appreciate your taste.”
“Sure.” She murmured, flustered.
“I will gladly show you that reality can be even better. If you let me.” He put his organic hand on her thigh. She didn’t immediately push it off, which was a promising sign. “So, what do you say? Will I get a yes? I may be an asshole and love sex way too much, but I would never go on someone without clear consent.”
“How considerate of you.”
“I’m serious, V. And I really just want to help. If you don’t blow off some steam anytime soon we’re both going to explode. Not the best way to go, trust me on that.”
Johnny saw how intensely she was thinking about it, processing what she had heard, weighing pros and cons. And he was waiting patiently for her answer, gently but not intrusively massaging her leg.
“If you ever mock me about it, or use it against me, I will rip both your silver arm and your cock off. Somehow.” She warned with a serious glare, finally giving up. She spread her legs a little, inviting his hand further, her face turning bright red.
“I would never. But eyes on the road, please.” He reminded her, an amused smile plastered on his face. His hand snuck past the hem of her trousers, rubbing the soft skin of her lower abdomen. “Smooth.”
“Not for you.”
“Yeah yeah, I know.” His hand continued its journey down her groin. V’s breath hitched in her throat and body squirmed involuntarily when he dragged his fingers along her folds. “Easy girl, I barely touched you.”
“Should I maybe pull over somewhere?”
“And make a show for everyone passing the car by? Kinky.” Johnny leaned towards her, his lips nearly touching her earlobe. He was so close that V could feel his hot breath on her skin and smell the stench of his favorite cigarettes lingering on him. As if he was real, she thought. She couldn’t dwell on it for long though, not with his hand skillfully stroking her slit, up and down, in a steady pace. “Just focus on the road. And try not to come after five seconds, deal?”
He cupped her crotch and a breathy “yes” was the only response V managed to give.
Her pussy was just as Johnny had expected – hot and slick, already dripping, craving stimulation his fingers were so eager to provide. He had so many plans for her, yet so little time, considering how touch-starved and sensitive V was. He thought that maybe he should suggest to fuck her properly, but in their current position it had to wait. Slightly disappointing, but Johnny was fine with that. He loved sex, but watching his girls squirm and moan under his touch was even ten times better than coming himself.
“Nice little cunt you have here.” He tested the waters, slipping one finger in. “Tight and wet, definitely my type.”
“Just stop talking and do what you have to do.” V had a really hard time focusing on the road. She already slowed down, trying her best not to crash into a lamp or another car, and Johnny’s words were making the situation even more challenging.
“And where’s the fun in that?” He was already fingering her deeply, setting a fast pace. ”Without telling you how much I appreciate your body? By the way, have I mentioned that your tits are fucking great?” Johnny’s metal hand cupped her breast, causing soft gasp to escape her mouth. “Amazing. I’d cu-“
“Stop. Talking. PLEASE.”
“Alright, alright, mouth shut. For now.”
Watching V try to keep her body and its reactions under control, while his slick fingers with her juices started massaging her clit, was fun. And dosing her pleasure like he wanted amused Johnny even more. He stopped his ministrations every time V bucked her hips up trying to rub against his hand, or did anything to get more friction, a wry smile twisted at his lips when she shot him a furious glance or made a discontent sound. Yes, it was supposed to be a quick finger fuck, but how could he finish it so fast when he was enjoying it so much? How could he deny himself having his fun with her, having her all to himself like that, a little longer?
Johnny was reluctant to admit it, but truth to be told, he’d had his eyes on her almost from the beginning. V was a woman - an attractive one, there was no doubt for that - and he was a simple man. He couldn’t resist watching her when she was changing or taking a shower (she knew), or even sleeping sprawled on her bed, with that stupid smile on her blissful face. He wanted to see more of her, and sometimes he caught himself thinking of touching her, feeling her in this way. He tried to convince himself that he felt like that because of his fifty years of celibacy, that she wasn’t his type and it was just his cock speaking. But there was something about V, something that attracted him to her like corpo scums attracted his bullets.
And to be honest, did he even have a type? Pretty face, a pair of tits, willing cunt and nice ass - that was enough to get him going. And V fitted that description perfectly.
To V’s relief, and Johnny’s probably too as his existence depended on whether she was alive or not, their car got stuck in a traffic jam, huge as always at this hour in this part of Night City. Now she could fully focus on Johnny and his hand, working its magic in her pants.  
She shifted in her seat, adjusting her position to give him better access to her already dripping entrance. He immediately accepted her invitation, sliding a finger inside, one at first, then second, slowly, giving V time to get used to the stretch. He fingered her deeply, in a steady pace, reveling in the squelchy sounds his hand was making, smiling widely every time a breathy moan escaped her parted lips. Sometimes it was just incoherent babbling, sometimes a mantra of “fuck”s. But then, when she was close to coming, it was mostly his name.
“Such a good girl.” He praised her, getting back to stroking her clit. “Ready to cum?”
“Yes, fuck, don’t stop.”
“I want to feel it.”
His fingers were back inside her pussy, picking up the pace, fucking her harder than before. He was determined to give her the best finger fuck of her life, and after seeing her memories he knew that there wasn’t much to compete with. V had had several partners in her life but, obviously, none of them could measure up to Johnny Silverhand and he was keen to show her why he was so popular among women back in his days. He put his entire heart into working her cunt up and it quickly paid off. V was completely lost in pleasure; her head fell back, eyes closed, moans turned into wails.
She put out quite a show and was so busy chasing her release that she didn’t notice that the guy in the car next to theirs was watching her intensely with a mixture of concern and fascination on his face. She was sure a sight to behold: disheveled, flushed and panting like after running a marathon, and rutting her needy cunt furiously against Johnny’s hand. A hand only she could see. A sudden wave of anger surged through Johnny. Back in his younger days he was quite a fan of public sex, never afraid of being caught, and to be honest not much changed in that matter. He would gladly show this loser who V belonged to and who was making her scream, force him to bashfully avert his eyes and never look at her again. But sadly, he couldn’t, and that frustrated him immensely.
He couldn’t even show that fucker a middle finger. Being dead sucked.
“V, could you do something for me?” Luckily, he had another idea.
“What?” She opened her eyes, looking at him questioningly.
“Scream my name so loud that the entire Watson knows who's making you cum.”
She wanted to snort at his request, but her breath hitched in her throat when Johnny’s lips landed on her neck with a sloppy kiss, escaping it as a loud moan seconds later when his metal hand began working on her clit. And with his organic fingers hitting that right spot inside her, she couldn’t hold back anymore.
Never in her life had V come so hard before. She couldn't control her squirming body, nor her cussing mouth, when waves of pure ecstasy shot through her one after another. She felt her walls clench rhythmically around Johnny’s fingers, still pumping in her to prolong her orgasm, and she cried out his name, begging him to not stop. It was mind-blowing, absolutely breathtaking, and when his lips kissed her exposed neck again, she felt another kind of warmth pool in her chest.
Johnny could feel it all too. Delayed and not as intense as her climax, but strong enough to make him feel spent and satisfied. He flopped back on his seat and reached for his never ending pack of cigarettes, lighting one and taking a long puff, as he always did after a good fuck.
“Feeling better?”
“Yeah.” V was slowly coming down from her orgasm high. “Holy shit.”
“And that’s all? Where’s some ‘Thanks Johnny’, ‘You were right Johnny’?”
“Thank you Johnny.”
“See? It wasn’t that hard.” He patted her thigh. “And speaking of hard, that guy in the car on our left was watching you the whole time. And he’s still looking.”
“You gotta be kidding me.” She covered her face with her hand, realizing with embarrassment that she probably gave people around her quite a show. It must have looked exceptional from their perspective. Or maybe not, maybe she looked as if she was just enjoying a BD of a particular sort. Still, she felt pretty awkward.
“Let’s get out of the car and kick his ass, wipe this stupid smile off his stupid face.”
“No.” She didn’t even want to look in that guy’s direction right now.
“Pussy. At least show him a middle finger or something.” Johnny immediately flipped him off with both hands. “Come on, V. Fucker deserves it.”
She sighed and reluctantly, still not looking at her accidental spectator, she did as Johnny asked.
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fishklok · 3 years
Tell us about your MTL OCs!
oh no, listen, i came here from the fallout and dragon age fandoms.  it’s been a miracle i haven’t infected this fandom with more oc content.
i have 3
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108-08.  she’s a klokateer who specializes in taking care of children.  i made her because i was writing a fic where amber’s staying at mordhaus and i needed an excuse not to have the baby in every scene.
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this is mystery potato johnson.  i made her bc melm hooked up with some random girl in my bodyswap fanfic, but now she’s playing a major role in the plot (in the future).  she loves astrology, she’s a distant relative of mashed potato johnson and she has some residual blues devil magic, she runs a lootbox startup, and she’s never heard of dethklok.
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seonag tallach.  originally a dragon age character who i imported into mtl bc she fit well more than my other ocs.  only listens to magnus’ solo work or dethklok’s tracks where he was still with the band.  claims dethklok is too corpo now.  she’s a 6′2 scottish-born japanese trans woman who only drinks monster energy.  she has a hairless cat named scrunt, named after one of the creatures from lady in the water, the m. night shyamalan film.
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Cyberpunk OC’s Incorrect Quotes Vol. 4
Is it that time again my dudes.  Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 5 Valkyrie, Female Nomad V - Me Valiant, Male Streetkid V - @johnnysilverhandsimpressivecock Vixen, Female Streetkid V - @cappy-bara Virus, Male Nomad V @cappy-bara Jaz, Male Corpo V @cappy-bara Valiant: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment...At all? Valkyrie: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere. --- Kerry: It'll be fun. Kerry: We'll make it a girls day. Kerry: Come on you punk bitch. Vixen: I can't believe I have to say this. Vixen: I don't have time to get tested for STI's with you tomorrow. --- Vixen: I was awoken by the sound of mockery. Where is it? Show me the object of ridicule! Valkyrie: I’m taller than Goro! Takemura: By one inch. Kerry: Hey, hey, don’t get…Short with your girlfriend, haha! Virus: Now, Kerry, I hope you don’t think little of him. Valiant: Ha ha! Yes! And, and uh…He’s short! --- Valiant: How are your breakfast burritos? Cashier: Disgusting. Valiant: I’ll take a jumbo. --- Takemura, After Valkyrie Threatens Him: You think you can intimidate me? I have been through hell. Valkyrie, Pointing To An Unconscious Valiant: Big deal. I’ve watched over this gonk for a year, so not only have I been through hell, I was conditionally in charge there. --- Kerry: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river. Johnny: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in his own pool. Big difference. --- Valiant: -Performing Sleight Of Hand Magic Tricks- Takemura: You know, every time you do this I check for my wallet. -Pats His Pocket- Valiant: -Pulls The Wallet Out Of His Own Pocket- 
Jaz: Takemura-san, I think you should play the role of my father.
Takemura: I do not want to be your father.
Jaz: That's perfect. You already know your lines.
Valkyrie: Can we circle back to your not at all weird and very detailed theories on our weaknesses?
Takemura: Oh. You do not believe me? That is fine. I will just demonstrate.
Takemura: Kerry’s weakness? Tech.
Takemura: Valiant? Fire.
Takemura: Vixen? Also fire.
Takemura: Valkyrie? Cannot act to save her life. Also, extreme hair envy with Vixen.
Takemura: Johnny? Crippling self-loathing mixed with overwhelming hubris.
Johnny, In Valiant’s Body: Woah woah woah woah. That is really personal compared to “fire”.
Takemura: I do not know how to tell you this, but you are in love with me.
Valkyrie: What?
Valkyrie: ...
Valkyrie: Oh my God, I am.
Valiant: What kind of confession did I just witness?
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fabioferreiraroc · 4 years
Todos os filmes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer
A Bula reuniu em uma lista todos os filmes da história do cinema nos quais os atores se envolvem em atos sexuais reais, não simulados. A diferença entre esses longas e a pornografia é que, embora possam ser considerados eróticos, a trama deles não é meramente pornográfica. Ao todo, a lista conta com 264 títulos.
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A Bula reuniu em uma lista todos os filmes da história do cinema nos quais os atores se envolvem em atos sexuais reais, não simulados. Nos Estados Unidos, esse tipo de cena era proibido no cinema convencional, mas a partir dos Anos 1960 os cineastas começaram a ultrapassar os limites. A diferença entre esses longas e a pornografia é que, embora possam ser considerados eróticos, a trama deles não é meramente pornográfica. A maioria deles foi lançada nos anos 1970 e 80, com predominância de dois diretores: o espanhol Jesús Franco e o italiano Joe D’Amato. Por repetidas vezes, também aparecem os nomes de cineastas consagrados atualmente, como Lars von Trier, Gaspar Noé e Yorgos Lanthimos.
1 — Gift (1966), Knud Leif Thomsen
2 — They Call Us Misfits (1968), Stefan Jarl
3 — F*uck (1969), Andy Warhol
4 — 99 Mulheres (1969), Stefen Thrower
5 — Double Face (1969), Riccardo Freda
6 — Quiet Days in Clichy (1970), Jens Jørgen Thorsen
7 — Groupie Girl (1970), Drek Ford
8 — The Deviates (1970), Eduardo Cemano
9 — Bacchanale (1970), John Amero
10 — Kama Sutra ’71 (1970), Raj Devi
11 — Cry Uncle! (1971), John G. Avildsen
12 — Slaughter Hotel (1971), Fernando Di Leo
13 — Uma Lagartixa num Corpo de Mulher (1971), Lucio Fulci
14 — Luminous Procuress (1971), Steven F. Arnold
15 — Secret Rites (1971), Drek Ford
16 —A Clockwork Blue (1972), Eric Jeffrey Haims
17 — Pink Flamingos (1972), John Waters
18 — Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why? (1972), Giuseppe Vari
19 — La Verità Secondo Satana (1972), Ronato Polselli
20 — So Sweet, So Dead (1972), Rose et Val
21 — The Red Headed Corpse (1972), Renzo Russo
22 — Commuter Husbands (1972), Derek Ford
23 — Delirium (1972), Renato Polselli
24 — Christina, the Devil Nun (1972), Sergio Bergonzelli
25 — Danish Pastries (1973), Finn Karlsson
26 — Ingrid the Streetwalker (1973), Brunello Rondi
27 — Thriller – Um Filme Cruel (1973), Bo Arne Vibenius
28 — Revelations of a Psychiatrist on the World of Sexual Perversion (1973), Renato Polselli
29 — A Scream in the Streets (1973), Carl Monson
30 — The Devil In Miss Jones (1973), Gerard Damiano
31 — Fleshpot on 42nd Street (1973), Andy Milligan
32 — The Other Side of the Mirror (1973), Jess Franco
33 — Diary of a Nynphomaniac (1973), Jesús Franco
34 — A Virgem e os Mortos (1973), Jesús Franco
35 — O Reduto dos Monstros (1973), Vidal Raski
36 — The Devil’s Plaything (1973), Joseph W. Sarno
37 — Anita (1973), Torgny Wickman
38 — The Sex Thief (1973), Martin Campbell
39 — The Porn Brokers (1973), John Lindsay
40 — Emmanuelle (1974), Just Jaeckin
41 — The Eerie Midnight Horror Show (1974), Mario Gariazzo
42 — Zelda (1974), Alberto Cavallone
43 — I Tyrens Tegn (1974), Werner Hedman
44 — Score (1974), Radley Metzger
45 — Riot on a Women’s Prison (1974), Brunello Rondi
46 — The Girls of Kamare (1974), René Viénet
47 — La Bonzesse (1974), François Jouffa
48 — Sweet Movie (1974), Dušan Makavejev
49 — Fiossie (1974), Marie Forsa
50 — Contos Imorais (1974), Walerian Borowczyk
51 — Lorna: O Exorcista (1974), Jesús Franco
52 — Countess Perverse (1974), Jesús Franco
53 — Carnal Revenge (1974), Alfredo Rizzo
54 — Keep It Up, Jack! (1974), Derek Ford
55 — The Hot Girls (1974), John Lindsay
56 — Voodoo Sexy (1974), Osvaldo Civirani
57 — Nude for Satan (1974), Luigi Batzella
58 — In the Sign of the Gemini (1974), Werner Hadman
59 — Come To My Bedside (1975), John Hillbard
60 — The Image (1975), Radley Metzger
61 — Número Dois (1975), Jean-Luc Godard
62 — The Teenage Prostitution Racket (1975), Carlo Lizzani
63 — Emanuelle Nera (1975), Bitto Albertini
64 — Emanuelle’s Revenge (1975), Joe D’Amato
65 — Felicia (1975), Max Pécas
66 — But Who Raped Linda? (1975), Jesús Franco
67 — A Maldição da Vampira (1975), Jesús Franco
68 — Les Chatouilleuses (1975), Jesús Franco
69 — L’Éventreur de Notre-Dame (1975), Jesús Franco
70 — Justine e Juliette (1975), Mac Ahlberg
71 — The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance (1975), Alfredo Rizzo
72 — Lábios de Sangue (1975), Jean Rollin
73 — Rêves Pornos (1975), Max Pécas
74 — Wham! Bam! Thank You, Spaceman! (1975), William A. Levey
75 — Breaking Point (1975), Bo Arne Vibenius
76 — Rolls-Royce Baby (1975), Erwin C. Dietrich
77 — Girls Come First (1975), Joseph McGrath
78 — The Sexplorer (1975), Derek Ford
79 — Le Sexe qui Parle (1975), Claude Mulot
80 — Barbie Wire Dolls (1975), Jesús Franco
81 — Emanuelle em Bangkok (1975), Joe D’Amato
82 — Lust (1976), Max Pécas
83 — The Opening of Misty Beethoven (1976), Radley Metzger
84 — Alice in Wonderland: An X-Rated Musical Fantasy (1976), Bud Townsend
85 — Bedside Sailors (1976), John Hillbard
86 — In The Sign of the Lion (1976), Werner Hedman
87 — O Império dos Sentidos (1976), Nagisa Oshima
88 —Through the Looking Glasses (1976), Jonas Middleton
89 — A Real Young Girl (1976), Catherine Breillat
90 — Die Marquise von Sade (1976), Jesús Franco
91 — Girls in the Night Traffic (1976), Jesús Franco
92 — The French Governess (1976), Demofilo Fidani
93 — Inhibition (1976), Paolo Poetti
94 — Around the World in 80 Beds (1976), Jesús Franco
95 — Sex Express (1976), Derek Ford
96 — Keep It Up Downstairs (1976), Robert Young
97 — Secrets of a Superstud (1976), Morton L Lewis
98 — The Office Party (1976), David Grant
99 — The Angel and The Woman (1976), Gilles Carle
100 — Agent 69 in the Sign of Scorpio (1977), Werner Hedman
101 — Shining Sex (1977), Werner Hedman
102 — Fate la nanna coscine di pollo (1977), Amasi Damiani
103 — Blue Rita (1977), Jesús Franco
104 — Emanuelle na América (1977), Joe D’Amato
105 — Emanuelle Around the World (1977), Joe D’Amato
106 — Sister Emanuelle (1977), Giuseppe Vari
107 — Nazi Love Camp 27 (1977), Mario Caiano
108 — Under The Bed (1977), David Grant
109 — The Mark (1977), Ilias Mylonakos
110 — The Cerimony (1977), Omiros Efstratiadis
111 — Monsieur Sade (1977), Jacques Robin
112 — Caligula’s Hot Nights (1977), Roberto Bianchi
113 — Agent 69 Jensen in the Sign of Sagittarius (1978), Werner Hedman
114 — Behind Convent Walls (1978), Walerian Borowczyk
115 — Blue Movie (1978), Alberto Cavallone
116 — Sister of Ursula (1978), Enzo Milloni
117 — The Coming of Sin (1978), José Ramón Larraz
118 — Pleasure Shop on the Avenue (1978), Joe D’Amato
119 — You’re Driving Me Crazy (1978), David Grant
120 — Immoral Women (1979), Walerian Borowczyk
121 — Caligula (1979), Bob Guccione
122 — Images In a Convent (1979), Joe D’Amato
123 — Play Model (1979), Mario Gariazzo
124 — Giallo a Venezia (1979), Mario Landi
125 — Malabimba (1979), Andrea Bianchi
126 — A Prisão (1980), Oswaldo de Oliveira
127 — Beast in Space (1980), Alfonso Brescia
128 — Blow Job (1980), Alberto Cavallone
129 — La Gemella Erotica (1980), Alberto Cavallone
130 — Erotic Nights of the Living Dead (1980), Joe D’Amato
131 — Orgasmo Nero (1980), Joe D’Amato
132 — Flying Sex (1980), Joe D’Amato
133 — Libidomania (1980), Bruno Mattei
134 — When love is obscenity (1980), Roberto Polselli
135 — Hard Sensation (1980), Joe D’Amato
136 — Hotel Paradise (1980), Edoardo Mulargia
137 — Sex and Black Magic (1980), Joe D’Amato
138 — Porno Esotic Love (1980), Joe D’Amato
139 — The Porno Killers (1980), Roberto Mauri
140 — Sem Controle (1980), Paul Verhoeven
141 — Táxi para o Banheiro (1980), Frank Ripploh
142 — Os Frutos da Paixão (1981), Shuji Terayama
143 — Emmanuelle in Soho (1981), David Hughes
144 — Porno Holocaust (1981), Joe D’Amato
145 — Calígula: A História que Não Foi Contada (1982), Joe D’Amato
146 — Scandale (1982), George Mihalka
147 — Apocalipsis Sexual (1982), Carlos Aured
148 — Aphrodite (1982), Robert Fuest
149 — Il Nano Erotico (1982), Alberto Cavallone
150 — My Nights With Messalina (1982), Jaime J. Puig
151 — The Virgin for Caligula (1982), Jaime J. Puig
152 — Luz del Fuego (1982), David Neves
153 — Perdida em Sodoma (1982), Nilton Nascimento
154 — Killing of the Flesh (1983), Cesari Canevari
155 — Satan’s Baby Doll (1983), Mario Bianchi
156 — Taking Tiger Mountain (1983), Tom Huckabee
157 — Emmanuelle 4 (1984), Francis Leroi
158 — Lilian, The Perverted Virgin (1984), Jesús Franco
159 — Alcova (1985), Joe D’Amato
160 — James Joyce’s Women (1985), Michael Pearce
161 — Diabo no Corpo (1986), Marco Bellocchio
162 — Emmanuelle 5 (1987), Walerian Borowczyk
163 — Emmanuelle 6 (1988), Bruno Zincone
164 — Hotel St. Pauli (1988), Svend Wan
165 — Kindergarten (1989), Jorge Polaco
166 — Kinski Paganini (1989), Klaus Kinski
167 — Tokyo Decadence (1992), Ryu Murakami
168 — The Soft Kill (1994), Eli Cohen
169 — A Vida de Jesus (1997), Bruno Dumont
170 — Os Idiotas (1998), Lars von Trier
171 — O Tédio (1998), Cédric Kahn
172 — Fiona (1998), Amos Kollek
173 — Jesus is a Palestinian (1999), Lodewijk Crijns
174 — Romance (1999), Catherine Breillat
175 — Pola X (1999), Leos Carax
176 — The Man-Eater (1999), Aurelio Grimaldi
177 — Olhe por Mim (1999), Davide Ferrario
178 — Vampire Strangler (1999), William Hellfire
179 — Baise-moi (2000), Virginie Despentes
180 — Scrapbook (2000), Eric Stanze
181 — Intimacy (2001), Patrice Chéreau
182 — O Pornógrafo (2001), Bertrand Bonello
183 — Lucia e o Sexo (2001), Julio Medem
184 — Dias de Cão (2001), Ulrich Seidl
185 — O Centro do Mundo (2001), Wayne Wang
186 — La Novia de Lázaro (2002), Fernando Merinero
187 — Le loup de la côte Ouest (2002), Hugo Santiago
188 — Eternamente Sua (2002), Apichatpong Weerasethakul
189 — Coisas Secretas (2002), Jean-Claude Brisseau
190 — Ken Park (2002), Larry Clark
191 — Brown Bunny (2003), Vincent Gallo
192 — Faça Isto (2003), Tinto Brass
193 — Rossa Venezia (2003), Andreas Bethmann
194 — The Principles of Lust (2003), Penny Woolcock
195 — Anatomia do Inferno (2004), Catherine Breillat
196 — 9 Canções (2004), Michael Winterbottom
197 — Story of The Eye (2004), Georges Bataille
198 — Kärlekens språk (2004), Anders Lennberg
199 — Garotinho Bobo (2004), Lionel Baier
200 — All About Anna (2005), Jessica Nilsson
201 — 8mm 2 (2005), J. S. Cardone
202 — Beijando na Boca (2005), Joe Swanberg
203 — O Sabor da Melancia (2005), Tsai Ming-Liang
204 — Princesas (2005), Fernando Léon de Aranoa
205 — Deite Comigo (2005), Clement Virgo
206 — Destricted (2006), Gaspar Noé e outros
207 — Shortbus (2006), John Cameron Mitchell
208 — Taxidermia (2006), Gyorgy Pálfi
209 — Os Anjos Exterminadores (2006), Jean-Claude Brisseau
210 — Amour Fou (2007), Felicitas Korn
211 — Ex Drummer (2007), Koen Mortier
212 — Its Fine. Everything is Fine! (2007), David Brothers
213 — The Story of Richard O (2007), Damien Odoul
214 — Import Export (2007), Ulrich Seidl
215 — Serviço (2008), Brillante Mendoza
216 — Tropical Manila (2008), Sang-woo Lee
217 — Otto, ou Viva Gente Morta (2008), Bruce LaBruce
218 — À l’aventure (2008), Jean-Claude Brisseau
219 — Amateur Porn Star Killer 2 (2008), Shane Ryan
220 — Gutterballs (2008), Ryan Nicholson
221 — House of Flesh Mannequins (2009), Domiziano Cristopharo
222 — Anticristo (2009), Lars von Trier
223 — Viagem Alucinante (2009), Gaspar Noé
224 — The Band (2009), Anna Brownfield
225 — Canino (2009), Yorgos Lanthimos
226 — Angels With Dirty Wings (2009), Roland Reber
227 — Now & Later (2009), Philippe Diaz
228 — Bedways (2010), Rolf Peter Kahl
229 — Rio Sex Comedy (2010), Jonathan Nossiter
230 — The Bunny Game (2010), Adam Rehmeier
231 — Ano Bissexto (2010), Michael Rowe
232 — Gandu (2010), Qaushiq Mukherjee
233 — LelleBelle (2011), Mischa Kamp
234 — Desire (2011), Laurent Bouhnik
235 — O Amor é um Saco! (2011), Scud
236 — Caged (2011), Stephan Brenninkmeijer
237 — Léa (2011), Bruno Rolland
238 — The Wrong Ferrari (2011), Adam Green
239 — Clip (2011), Maja Milos
240 — Uma Estranha Amizade (2012), Sean S. Baker
241 — Paradise: Faith (2012), Ulrich Seidl
242 —And They Call It Summer (2012), Paolo Franchi
243 — I Want Your Love (2012), Travis Mathews
244 — Crônicas Sexuais de Uma Família Francesa (2012), Pascal Arnold
245 — Azul é a Cor Mais Quente (2013), Abdellatif Kechiche
246 — Ninfomaníaca (2013), Lars von Trier
247 — Pornopung (2013), Johan Kaos
248 — O Desconhecido do Lago (2013), Alain Guiraudie
249 — Zonas Úmidas (2013), David Wnendt
250 — Pasolini (2014), Abel Ferrara
251 — Diet of Sex (2014), Borja Brun
252 — Angry Painter (2015), Kyu-hwan Jeon
253 — Love (2015), Gaspar Noé
254 — Muito Amadas (2015), Nabil Ayouch
255 —Theo e Hugo (2016), Olivier Ducastel
256 — Tenemos la Carne (2016), Emiliano Rocha Minter
257 — Needle Boy (2016), Alexander Bak Sagmo
258 — Love Machine (2016), Pavel Ruminov
259 — A Noite (2016), Edgardo Castro
260 — A Thought of Ecstasy (2017), Rolf Peter Kahl
261 — Ana, Meu Amor (2017), Calin Peter Netzer
262 — Picture of Beauty (2017), Maxim Ford
263 — Marfa Girl 2 (2018), Larry Clark
264 — Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo (2018), Abdellatif Kechiche
Todos os filmes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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hattercatsparadise · 4 years
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[Biographical information]
Inara Horologium
December 1st
209 cm / 6’10 ’’
Inara is a young teenage of above average height in addition to a voluminous body with apparent muscles, she has wavy hair up to just below the hips in a beige tone with some mossy green hair with a hairstyle on the left side of the shaved head forming a sidecut hairstyle besides the bangs that refers to the jaw of a crocodile, the beige eyebrows with small details in moss green, the eyes orange like amber stones, the skin naturally tanned. The most notorious of its appearance is in addition to inhuman and sharp teeth are its slightly pointed ears adorned with various piercings and hidden by the hair and the long crocodile tail in light beige green with mossy green stripes.
She wears the almost complete standard uniform: She’s usually wearing a moss green tank top under her uniform blouse completely unbuttoned, without the vest and blazer, motorcycle gloves and the armband casually attached to the right side of one of the multiple belts she wears, the standard uniform pants plus punk boots.
As a Savanaclaw uniform she wears a leather cord choker with the fang of a monster defeated by Inara, a blouse with thin straps that run through the metal ring on the front of the blouse where it is also attached to another part of the fabric in tone dark gray yellow with geometric patterns in black, the leather vest, the scarf with the emblem of the dormitory adorning the left arm, tight jeans and torn in a blue gray tone besides being adorned with a chain made of beads in blue, green, yellow and red with a claw given by her mentor hanging from the end, wearing leather gloves, boots of the same material above the knees and adorned with leather straps and metal rings around the ankles and heels.
Afterglow Savanna (former)
Land of Pyroxene (current)
[Personal information]
Inara is tough and speaks her mind, even if it causes confrontation and she respects those who do the same. Inara believes that weak people who join a leader are cowards, since they may just be relying on the strength of others instead of their own and conform to it.
Inara embraces life-threatening situations with a bright smile and is constantly looking for the next big adrenaline kick, smiling in the face of danger. She does not back down, even when she is dominated by stronger opponents, claiming to be just warming up. Inara also seems to take every day of her life to the extreme and without regrets, admitting that she would rather have never been born than to die with regrets. Despite her rude personality she would not hesitate to risk her life for the sake of her loved ones.
Extreme sports, martial arts, skateboarding, boxing, hip hop, street dance, breaking dance, DJing, diving, swimming, climbing, trail, mountaineering, automotive mechanics, motorcycle, motocross, car racing, rock music, punk rock fashion, playing guitar, guitar, drums, bass, any cooking with cod.
Wearing very feminine clothes (mostly pink), taking orders, people feeling sorry for themselves or cowards, people who use the skills of others as an excuse to become dependent, people who cannot do anything for themselves, deformists, cheating, who criticize her dress style and say that she needs to act in a “feminine way”.
Extreme sports, martial arts, skateboarding, boxing, hip hop, street dance, breaking dance, DJing, diving, swimming, climbing, trail, mountaineering, automotive mechanics, motorcycle, motocross, car racing, rock music, punk rock fashion, playing guitar, guitar, drums, bass, any cooking with cod.
A native of Afterglow Savanna, more precisely from the slums, Inara did not have a good relationship with her abusive parents and forced her to bring home from a young age as they conformed and mourned the misery they lived.
One night shortly after she turned six, a serious argument broke out in her home and she confronted the parents who enraged her physically before throwing her out in the open and throwing her out of the house, by some miracle someone was walking recklessly on the streets of slums late at night and by their presence them seemed to be someone noble and powerful.
Inara was questioned by the mysterious person about that deplorable and pathetic state, the crocodile girl with arrogance and contempt responded with irony and insults and countered by questioning why someone of apparent nobility did in a filthy place like the slums.
Sarcastically the person scoffed at the young woman's sordid and miserable fate, but the only answer she got from the petulant crocodile girl is that she didn't believe in something as stupid as fate and that it was for weak fools.
The mysterious person became interested in the sassy and crocodile girl and the person reveals themself to be a supernatural creature from another world, presenting himself under the name Yua a beautiful fox with nine tails that was suddenly brought to this world centuries ago and this being offered to Inara power so that she can change that miserable life and take revenge on that stupid fate.
Seeing that she had nothing to lose between dying in this sordid place or following that strange fox, she became a disciple, as promised, the fox taught everything she knew while longing insatiably to learn more about Twisted Wonderland until one day their paths parted in Land of Pyroxene when Inara turned 14 when Yua disappeared and the young crocodile had already achieved an independent and well-structured life with the instructions of her mentor she managed to open her business: a Motorcycle Cafeteria and also a very popular workshop among various types of auto racers and one day she was accepted into a prestigious girls' magic school until suddenly the Mirror of Darkness took her to Night Raven College.
[Professional information]
Second year
Pop music
Best subject:
Summoning and Ancient Curses
[Unique magic]
Wild Mother: Inara becomes one with nature and natural forces, her soul can feel much peace and contentment. Animals are less hostile or will even lose their aggression against her entirely. She can feel the living creatures and their emotions from the entire planet. It will also have some empathic connection with the plants, felt when it is time to plant them, when to water them and knowing what they exactly need. It can also make plants grow, regress, regenerate or heal when damaged or diseased and the same can apply to animals.
Once fully unified with nature, Inara can control nature and all its aspects: elements, environment, animals, etc. and using them in different ways as well as nature itself can manifest itself in Inara's aid.
Aiyra Ferox
Chiba Harumi
Emily Hellscales
Mirella Hellscales
Deuce Spade
Ruggie Bucchi
Cater Diamond
Yua (magic mentor)
[Fun facts]
Favorite food:
Dishes with cod
Less favorite food:
Bubble gum
Automotive Mechanical Maintenance
Dominant hand:
Her name means "lady of the waters", "mother of water", "the beauty of the waters" or "dominatrix" and Horologium "watch";
Inara adopted Horologium as her surname as a way of remembering one of her mentor's teachings: “Time is something that strengthens us, as it is proof of our evolution in this place that we call the world during this journey that we call life ”;
Inara is a species of marine crocodile;
Because of an accident caused by an error while she was learning magic, a clock melted into her body;
There is a curious fact resulting from this accident: every time the tip of her tail wags when she is irritated or impatient, it ends up producing the ticking tone of a watch;
She has a personalized motorcycle and created by herself for her height above her average and also with a special system to help balance.
Inara has a choker and she wears an amulet that helps her hide her long tail when she needs a "more human appearance";
Inara received a nodachi (a longer version of a katana) from her master who taught her the art of handling that sword;
Despite her habit of hating taking orders, she only obeys her mentor's orders as a way of showing her respect for Yua.
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[Informação Biográfica]
Inara Horologium
Primeiro de dezembro
209 cm / 6’10’’
Inara é uma jovem de estatura acima da média além de um corpo volumoso com músculos aparentes, ela possui cabelos ondulados até um pouco abaixo dos quadris em um tom bege com algumas mexas verde musgo com um penteado do lado esquerdo da cabeça raspado formando um penteado sidecut além da franja que remete a mandíbula de um crocodilo, as sobrancelhas beges com pequenos detalhes em verde musgo, os olhos alaranjados como pedras de âmbar, a pele naturalmente bronzeada. O mais notório de sua aparência é além de dentes inumanos e afiados são seus ouvidos levemente pontudos adornado com vários piercings e escondidos pelo cabelo e a longa cauda de crocodilo em verde bege claro com listras verdes musgos.
Ela usa o uniforme padrão quase completo: Normalmente está usando uma regata verde musgo sob a blusa do uniforme completamente desabotoada, sem o colete e o blazer, luvas de motoqueiro e a braçadeira casualmente presa na lateral direita de um dos múltiplos cintos que ela usa, a calça padrão além de coturnos punk.
Como uniforme de Savanaclaw ela usa um choker em cordão de couro com uma presa de um monstro derrotado por Inara, uma blusa com alças finas que transpassam a argola de metal na parte da frente da blusa onde também está preso a outra parte do tecido em tom amarelo cinza escuro com os padrões geométricos em preto, o colete de couro, o lenço com o emblema do dormitório adornando o braço esquerdo, calças jeans justas e rasgada em um tom azul cinzento além de estar adornado com uma corrente feita de miçangas em azul, verde, amarelo e vermelho com uma garra dada por sua mentora pendurado na ponta, usando luvas de couro, botas do mesmo material acima dos joelhos e adornadas com tiras e argolas de metal na região dos tornozelos e calcanhares.
Terra Natal:
Afterglow Savanna (anterior)
Land of Pyroxene (atual)
 [Informação pessoal]
Inara é dura e fala o que pensa, mesmo que cause confronto e ela respeita aqueles que fazem o mesmo. Inara acredita que pessoas fracas que se aliam um líder são covardes, já que eles podem estar apenas contando com a força dos outros ao invés de sua própria e se conformam com isso.
Inara abraça situações de risco de vida com um sorriso brilhante e está constantemente em busca da próxima grande descarga de adrenalina, sorrindo diante do perigo. Ela não recua, mesmo quando é dominada por oponentes mais fortes, alegando estar apenas se aquecendo. Inara também parece levar todos os dias de sua vida ao extremo e sem arrependimentos, admitindo que preferia nunca ter nascido do que morrer com arrependimentos. Apesar de sua personalidade rude ela não hesitaria em arriscar a própria vida pelo bem de seus entes queridos.
Esportes radicais, artes marciais, skateboarding, box, hip hop, street dance, breaking dance, DJing, mergulhar, nadar, escalada, trilha, montanhismo, mecânica automotiva, motorcycle, motocross, corrida de carros, música rock, moda punk rock, tocar guitarra, violão, bateria, baixo, qualquer culinária com bacalhau.
Usar roupas muito femininas (principalmente cor de rosa), receber ordens, pessoas com pena de si mesma ou covardes, pessoas que usam habilidades dos outros como desculpas para ficar dependente, pessoas que não podem fazer nada por si mesmas, comformistas, trapaças, que critiquem seu estilo de vestir e que digam que ela precisa agir de “forma feminina”.
Esportes radicais, artes marciais, skateboarding, box, hip hop, street dance, breaking dance, DJing, mergulhar, nadar, escalada, trilha, montanhismo, mecânica automotiva, motorcycle, motocross, corrida de carros, música rock, moda punk rock, tocar guitarra, violão, bateria, baixo, qualquer culinária com bacalhau.
Nativa de Afterglow Savanna, mais exatamente das favelas, Inara não tinha um bom relacionamento com seus pais que eram abusivos e a forçavam a trazer o sustento para casa desde a tenra idade enquanto eles se conformavam e lamentavam da miséria que viviam.
Em uma noite pouco depois de completar seis anos uma discussão séria estourou em sua casa e ela confrontou os pais que enfurecidos a agrediram fisicamente antes de jogá-la ao relento e expulsá-la de casa, por algum milagre havia alguém caminhando imprudentemente nas ruas das favelas tarde da noite e por sua presença parecia ser alguém nobre e poderoso.
Inara foi questionada pela pessoa misteriosa sobre aquele estado deplorável e patético, a garota crocodilo com arrogância e desprezo respondeu com ironia e insultos e rebateu questionando sobre porque alguém de aparente nobreza fazia em um lugar imundo como as favelas.
Sarcasticamente a pessoa zombou sobre esse destino sórdido e miserável da jovem, mas a única resposta que teve da garota crocodilo petulante é que a ela não acreditava em algo tão estúpido quanto destino e que isso era para tolos fracos.
A misteriosa pessoa se interessou na garota crocodilo e atrevida e a pessoa se revela ser uma criatura sobrenatural de outro mundo, se apresentando sob o nome Yua uma bela raposa com nove caudas que repentinamente foi trazida a este mundo séculos atrás e este ser ofereceu a Inara poder para que ela tenha poder mudar aquela vida miserável e se vingar dessa estupidez de destino.
Inara vendo que não tinha nada a perder entre morrer nesse lugar sórdido ou seguir essa estranha raposa se tornou discípula, como prometido a raposa ensinou tudo que sabia enquanto ansiava insaciavelmente aprender mais sobre Twisted Wonderland até que um dia os caminhos delas se separaram em Land of Pyroxene quando Inara completou 14 anos quando Yua desapareceu e a jovem crocodilo já havia conseguido uma vida independente e bem estruturada com as instruções de sua mentora ela conseguiu realizar a abertura de seu negócio: uma Cafeteria de motocicletas e também oficina bastante popular entres vários tipos de corredores automobilísticos e um dia ela foi aceita em uma prestigiada escola de magia para garotas até que repentinamente o Espelho das Trevas a levou para Night Raven College.
 [Informação profissional]
Segundo ano
Música pop
Melhor assunto:
Invocação e Maldições antigas
 [Magia única]
Mãe Selvagem: Inara se torna uma com a natureza e as forças naturais, sua alma podendo sentir muita paz e contentamento. Os animais são menos hostis ou até perderão totalmente a agressividade contra ela.
Ela pode sentir as criaturas vivas e suas emoções do planeta inteiro. Ela também terá alguma conexão empática com as plantas, sentido quando é o momento de plantá-las, quando regá-las e sabendo o que elas exatamente necessitam. Ela também pode fazer plantas crescer, regredir, regenerar ou curar quando danificadas ou doentes e o mesmo pode se aplicar aos animais.
Uma vez unificada plenamente com a natureza, Inara pode controlar a natureza e todos os seus aspectos: elementos, ambiente, animais, etc. e os utilizando de diversas maneiras como também a própria natureza pode se manifestar em auxílio de Inara.
Aiyra Ferox
Chiba Harumi
Emily Hellscales
Mirella Hellscales
Deuce Spade
Ruggie Bucchi
Cater Diamond
Yua (mentora de magia)
 [Fatos divertidos]
Comida favorita:
Pratos com bacalhau
Comida menos favorita:
Manutenção mecânica automotiva
Mão dominante:
Seu nome significa "senhora das águas", "mãe d'água", "a beleza das águas" ou "dominadora" e Horologium ��relógio”;
Inara adotou Horologium como seu sobrenome como uma forma de se lembrar de um dos ensinamentos de sua mentora: “O tempo é algo que nos fortalece, pois ele é a prova de nossa evolução neste lugar que chamamos de mundo durante esta jornada que chamamos de vida”;
Inara é uma espécie de crocodilo marinho;
Por causa de um acidente provocado por um erro enquanto ela aprendia magia, um relógio se fundiu em seu corpo;
Há um fato curioso resultante desse acidente: toda vez que a ponta da cauda dela balança quando está irritada ou impaciente acaba produzindo o tom de tique taque de um relógio;
Ela possui uma moto personalizada e criada por ela mesma para a estatura acima da média dela e também com um sistema especial para ajudar no equilíbrio.
Inara possui uma gargantilha e ela usa é um amuleto que a ajuda a esconder sua longa cauda quando ela precisa de uma “aparência mais humana”;
Inara recebeu uma nodachi (uma versão mais longa de uma katana) de sua mestra que lhe ensinou a arte do manejo dessa espada;
Apesar de seu habito de odiar receber ordens, ela apenas obedece às ordens de sua mentora como forma de demonstrar seu respeito a Yua.
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[Información biográfica]
Inara Horologium
Primero de diciembre
Signo Astrológico: 
209 cm / 6'10 "
Inara es una mujer joven de estatura superior a la media además de un cuerpo voluminoso con músculos aparentes, tiene el cabello ondulado hasta justo debajo de las caderas en tono beige con algo de cabello verde musgo con un peinado en el lado izquierdo de la cabeza rapada formando un peinado de corte lateral. además del flequillo que hace referencia a la mandíbula de un cocodrilo, las cejas beige con pequeños detalles en verde musgo, los ojos naranjas como piedras de ámbar, la piel bronceada naturalmente. Lo más notorio de su apariencia es que además de unos dientes inhumanos y afilados son sus orejas ligeramente puntiagudas adornadas con varios piercings y ocultas por el pelo y la larga cola de cocodrilo en color verde beige claro con rayas verde musgo.
Lleva el uniforme estándar casi completo: por lo general, lleva una camiseta sin mangas verde musgo debajo de la blusa del uniforme completamente desabrochada, sin el chaleco y la chaqueta, los guantes de motociclista y el brazalete unido casualmente al lado derecho de uno de los múltiples cinturones que usa. los pantalones estándar más botas punk.
Como uniforme de Savanaclaw luce una gargantilla de cordón de cuero con el colmillo de un monstruo derrotado por Inara, una blusa con tirantes finos que recorren el aro de metal en la parte delantera de la blusa donde también se une a otra parte de la tela en tono. amarillo gris oscuro con motivos geométricos en negro, el chaleco de cuero, la bufanda con el emblema del dormitorio adornando el brazo izquierdo, jeans ajustados y rasgados en un tono gris azulado además de estar adornado con una cadena de abalorios en azul, verde, amarillo y rojo con una garra cedida por su mentor colgando del extremo, vistiendo guantes de cuero, botas del mismo material por encima de las rodillas y adornadas con correas de cuero y argollas de metal alrededor de los tobillos y talones.
Tierra natal:
Afterglow Savanna (antes)
Land of Pyroxene (actual)
[Información personal]
Inara es dura y dice lo que piensa, incluso si causa confrontación y respeta a quienes hacen lo mismo. Inara cree que las personas débiles que se unen a un líder son cobardes, ya que pueden depender de la fuerza de los demás en lugar de la suya propia y conformarse a ella.
Inara abraza las situaciones que amenazan la vida con una sonrisa brillante y está constantemente buscando la próxima gran descarga de adrenalina, sonriendo ante el peligro. No retrocede, incluso cuando está dominado por oponentes más fuertes, diciendo que solo está calentando. Inara también parece llevar cada día de su vida al extremo y sin remordimientos, admitiendo que preferiría no haber nacido nunca antes que morir arrepentida. A pesar de su personalidad grosera, no dudaría en arriesgar su vida por el bien de sus seres queridos.
Deportes extremos, Artes marciales, Skateboarding, Boxeo, Hip hop, Street Dance, Breaking Dance, Pinchar, Buceo, Natación, Escalada, Sendero, Montañismo, Mecánica automotriz, Motocicleta, Motocross, Carreras de autos, Música rock, Moda punk rock, jugando guitarra, guitarra, batería, bajo, cualquier cocina con bacalao.
No le gusta:
Usar ropa muy femenina (en su mayoría rosa), recibir órdenes, personas que se compadecen de sí mismas o cobardes, personas que usan las habilidades de los demás como excusa para volverse dependientes, personas que no pueden hacer nada por sí mismas, deformistas, tramposos, que criticar su estilo de vestir y decir que necesita actuar de “manera femenina”.
Deportes extremos, Artes marciales, Skateboarding, Boxeo, Hip hop, Street Dance, Breaking Dance, Pinchar, Buceo, Natación, Escalada, Sendero, Montañismo, Mecánica automotriz, Motocicleta, Motocross, Carreras de autos, Música rock, Moda punk rock, jugando guitarra, guitarra, batería, bajo, cualquier cocina con bacalao.
Originaria de Afterglow Savanna, más precisamente de las favelas, Inara no tenía una buena relación con sus padres abusivos y la obligó a traer a casa desde muy joven mientras se conformaban y lloraban la miseria que vivían.
Una noche, poco después de cumplir seis años, estalló una seria discusión en su casa y se enfrentó a los padres que la enfurecieron físicamente antes de echarla y echarla de la casa, por algún milagro alguien caminaba imprudentemente por las calles de barrios bajos a altas horas de la noche y por su presencia parecía ser alguien noble y poderoso.
Inara fue interrogada por la persona misteriosa sobre ese estado deplorable y patético, la niña cocodrilo con arrogancia y desprecio respondió con ironía e insultos y contrarrestó cuestionando por qué alguien de aparente nobleza lo hacía en un lugar sucio como los barrios bajos.
Sarcásticamente la persona se burló del sórdido y miserable destino de la joven, pero la única respuesta que obtuvo de la petulante niña cocodrilo es que no creía en algo tan estúpido como el destino y que era para débiles tontos.
La persona misteriosa se interesó en la chica cocodrilo descarada y la persona se revela como una criatura sobrenatural de otro mundo, presentándose bajo el nombre de Yua, un hermoso zorro con nueve colas que de repente fue traído a este mundo hace siglos y que se le ofreció a Inara. poder para poder cambiar esa miserable vida y vengarse de ese estúpido destino.
Al ver que no tenía nada que perder entre morir en ese sórdido lugar o seguir a esa extraña zorra, se convirtió en discípula, como prometió, la zorra enseñó todo lo que sabía mientras anhelaba insaciablemente aprender más sobre Twisted Wonderland hasta que un día sus caminos se separaron en Land of Pyroxene cuando Inara cumplió 14 años cuando Yua desapareció y la joven cocodrilo ya había logrado una vida independiente y bien estructurada con las instrucciones de su mentora logró abrir su negocio: una Cafetería de Motos y también un taller muy popular entre varios tipos de corredores de autos y un día fue aceptada en una prestigiosa escuela de magia para niñas hasta que de repente el Espejo de la Oscuridad la llevó a Night Raven College.
[Información profesional]
Segundo año
Música pop
Mejor asignatura:
Invocaciones antiguas y maldiciones
[Magia única]
Madre salvaje: Inara se vuelve una con la naturaleza y las fuerzas naturales, su alma puede sentir mucha paz y alegría. Los animales son menos hostiles o incluso perderán su agresión por completo.
Ella puede sentir a las criaturas vivientes y sus emociones de todo el planeta. También tendrá cierta conexión empática con las plantas, sentirá cuándo es el momento de plantarlas, cuándo regarlas y saber qué necesitan exactamente. También puede hacer que las plantas crezcan, retrocedan, se regeneren o se curen cuando están dañadas o enfermas y lo mismo puede aplicarse a los animales.
Una vez completamente unificado con la naturaleza, Inara puede controlar la naturaleza y todos sus aspectos: elementos, medio ambiente, animales, etc. y usarlos de diferentes maneras, así como la naturaleza misma, puede manifestarse en la ayuda de Inara.
Chiba Harumi
Emily Hellscales
Mirella Hellscales
Deuce Spade
Ruggie Bucchi
Cater Diamond
Yua (mentor mágico)
[Hechos graciosos]
Comida favorita:
Platos con bacalao
Comida menos favorita:
Mantenimiento mecánico automotriz
Mano dominante:
Su nombre significa "dama de las aguas", "madre de las aguas", "la belleza de las aguas" o "dominatrix" y Horologium "vigilar";
Inara adoptó Horologium como su apellido como una forma de recordar una de las enseñanzas de su mentora: “El tiempo es algo que nos fortalece, ya que es una prueba de nuestra evolución en este lugar que llamamos mundo durante este viaje que llamamos vida. ”;
Inara es una especie de cocodrilo marino;
Debido a un accidente causado por un error mientras estaba aprendiendo magia, un reloj se fundió en su cuerpo;
Hay un hecho curioso resultante de este accidente: cada vez que la punta de su cola se mueve cuando está irritada o impaciente, termina produciendo el tono de tic-tac de un reloj;
Tiene una moto personalizada y creada por ella misma para la altura por encima de su media y también con un sistema especial para ayudar al equilibrio.
Inara tiene una gargantilla y lleva un amuleto que la ayuda a esconder su larga cola cuando necesita una "apariencia más humana";
Inara recibió un nodachi (una versión más larga de una katana) de su maestro, quien le enseñó el arte de manejar esa espada;
A pesar de su hábito de odiar recibir órdenes, solo obedece las órdenes de su mentor como una forma de mostrar su respeto por Yua.
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clacclo · 4 years
John Hammond's Demo 1972:
There's a light on yonder mountain
And it's callin’ me to shine
There's a girl over by the water fountain
And she's askin’ to be mine
And Jesus is standin’ in the doorway
In a buckskin jacket, boots and spurs so fine
He says, "We need you son tonight up in Dodge City
'Cause there's just too many outlaws
Tryin’ to work the same line"
Now if Jesus was a sheriff and I was the priest
If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief
If Papa rode shotgun for the Fargo line
There's still too many bad boys
Tryin’ to work the same line
Well sweet Virgin Mary runs the Holy Grail saloon
For a nickel she'll give you whiskey and a personally blessed balloon
And the Holy Ghost is the host with the most, he runs the burlesque show
Where they'll let you in for free and they hit you when you go
Mary serves Mass on Sunday and then she sells her body on Monday
To the bootlegger who pays the highest price
He don't know he got stuck with a loser,
she's a stone junkie what's more she's a user
She's only been made once or twice by some kind of magic
If Jesus was a sheriff and I was the priest
If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief
And Papa rode shotgun for the Fargo line
There's still too many outlaws
Tryin’ to work the same line
Well things ain't been the same in heaven
since big bad Bobby came to town
He's been known to down eleven, then ask for another round
Me, I've got scabs on my knees from kneeling way too long
It's about time I played the man and took a stand where I belong
Forget about the old friends and the old times
There's just too many new boys
Tryin’ to work the same line
If Jesus was a sheriff and I were the priest
If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief
And Papa rode shotgun for the Fargo line
There's just too many outlaws tryin’ to work the same line
Well there's a light on yonder mountain
And it's callin’ me to shine
There's a girl over by the water fountain
She's asking to be mine
Jesus is standin’ in the doorway
Six guns drawn and ready to fan
Said, "We need you son tonight up in Dodge City"
I told him I was already overdue for Cheyenne
If Jesus was the sheriff and I was the priest
If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief
And Papa rode shotgun on the Fargo line
There's still too many bad boys
Tryin’ to work the same line
If Jesus was the sheriff and I was the priest
If my lady was an heiress and my Mama was a thief
And Papa rode shotgun on the Fargo line
There's still too many bad boys
Tryin’ to work the same line
If Jesus was the sheriff and I was the priest
Outtake from Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ (?):
C'è una luce su quella montagna
E mi sta invitando a brillare
C'è una ragazza vicino alla fontanella
E sta chiedendo di essere mia
E Gesù è sulla soglia
Con una giacca di pelle di daino, stivali e speroni molto belli
Dice "Abbiamo bisogno di te figliolo stasera a Dodge City
Perché ci sono troppi fuorilegge
Che cercano di guadagnare con lavori come il nostro”
Beh, se Gesù fosse uno sceriffo e io il prete
Se la mia signora fosse un'ereditiera e mia madre fosse una ladra
Se mio padre facesse la guardia armata per la diligenza della Fargo
Ci sono ancora troppi cattivi ragazzi
Che cercano di guadagnare con lavori come il nostro
La dolce Vergine Maria gestisce il saloon del Santo Graal
Per una monetina ti darà whisky e un palloncino benedetto personalmente
E lo Spirito Santo è l'ospite perfetto, gestisce lo spettacolo di burlesque
Dove ti faranno entrare gratuitamente e pagare caro quando te ne vai
Maria serve la messa la domenica e poi vende il suo corpo il lunedì
Al contrabbandiere che paga il prezzo più alto.
Lui non sa di essere rimasto incastrato con una perdente,
Lei è una spacciatrice e in più una drogata
Si è fatta solo una o due volte con qualche specie di magia
Se Gesù fosse uno sceriffo e io il prete
Se la mia signora fosse un'ereditiera e mia madre fosse una ladra
Se mio padre facesse la guardia armata per la diligenza della Fargo
Ci sono ancora troppi fuorilegge
Che cercano di guadagnare con lavori come il nostro
Beh, le cose non sono più state le stesse in paradiso
Da quando il grosso e cattivo Bobby è arrivato in città
E’ conosciuto come uno che butta giù undici drinks e poi ne chiede ancora
Io ho le croste alle ginocchia per essere stato inginocchiato troppo a lungo
E’ ora che io faccia l'uomo e prenda una posizione da sostenere
Dimenticare i vecchi amici e i vecchi tempi
Ci sono troppi nuovi ragazzi
Che cercano di guadagnare con lavori come il nostro
Se Gesù fosse uno sceriffo e io il prete
Se la mia signora fosse un'ereditiera e mia madre fosse una ladra
Se mio padre facesse la guardia armata per la diligenza della Fargo
Ci sono troppi fuorilegge che cercano di lavorare per le stesse cose
Beh, c'è una luce su quella montagna
E mi sta invitando a brillare
C'è una ragazza vicino alla fontanella
Sta chiedendo di essere mia
Gesù è in piedi sulla soglia
Sei pistole estratte e pronte a far fuoco
Ha detto: "Abbiamo bisogno di te figliolo stasera a Dodge City"
Gli ho detto che ero già in ritardo per Cheyenne
Se Gesù fosse lo sceriffo e io il prete
Se la mia signora fosse un'ereditiera e mia madre fosse una ladra
Se mio padre facesse la guardia armata per la diligenza della Fargo
Ci sono ancora troppi cattivi ragazzi
Che cercano di guadagnare con lavori come il nostro
Se Gesù fosse lo sceriffo e io il prete
Se la mia signora fosse un'ereditiera e mia madre fosse una ladra
Se mio padre facesse la guardia armata per la diligenza della Fargo
Ci sono ancora troppi cattivi ragazzi
Che cercano di guadagnare con lavori come il nostro
Se Gesù fosse lo sceriffo e io il prete
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