#corona pain doctors
oaktreeorthopedics · 13 days
Phone: (657) 235-9355
Address: 800 Magnolia Ave., Suite 102, Corona, CA 92879
Oak Tree Orthopedics is a private practice based in the Inland Empire & Orange County, California. Centered around the patient journey, Oak Tree Orthopedics strives to provide patients and their families with unsurpassed personalized care, delivered by Harvard-trained orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Nasser Heyrani. His motivation to start a private practice with individualized care for patients came from his years at major hospital groups across the East and West Coasts. With the evolution of the healthcare industry — a shift from personal to business-centric.
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flowersforvax · 2 years
Hahaha it's so fun having a body!
While I was still coming down from a migraine that started Sunday I was having... chest pains? Last night? In the beginning it felt kind of like when your underwire is poking you or the band of the bra is too tight. Except dialed up and the dial kept turning. And then it spread. And then i was suddenly writhing on my floor in pain, covered in sweat 🙂 and considering that I had to unlock my bedroom door in case someone had to come get me in the morning 🙂
And when I was googling symptoms (pre-floor) the two most accurate were heart attack and muscle spasms and since it couldn't be a heart attack because my arm wasn't numb I just. Assumed the other thing.
Anyway this morning it was fine - then it started again. then I remembered that heart attacks have different symptoms in women and when I had made my mind up to take a shower and go see my doctor it stopped. So that's fun.
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Hey-O! So about that Varian Reborn au, hm ok for an au let’s call it, The Prince of Hell au. second you wanna do a storyline of it? I’ll go first
Pain, pain was all he felt as he laid there in his machine. Gasping for air as the black rock stayed through his middle. He didn’t know how it all went wrong, his plan was supposed to be simple. Well as simple as a plan is when you kidnap a ruler of the land. He wasn’t going to actually harm her though he was only meant to use her as a means to get the princess to agree to his terms. 
His father would be set free, Rapunzel would get her mom back, they both would leave, never set foot in Corona again and live out the rest of their lives as if this incident never happened. Obviously that did not happen, as he and Rapunzel battled a large black rock, got him from behind and impaled him right through his suit. Now as he laid there taking in as many breaths as he could before his final curtain call all he could feel in his heart was regret. Regret for how his plan went, regret for trapping his father, regret for ever even going near the rocks, but most importantly regret for ever putting his trust and friendship into the princess! That horrible, backstabbing princess! 
Slowly but surely his breath became more shallow and his vision started to black. As his eyelids became heavier he heard the door to his robot suit rip open and someone started to yell. He couldn’t make out much words but there was one word he did hear before he closed his eyes for the final time
Finally he was in complete darkness. 
He didn’t know how long he was there, it didn't feel too long but then again it was hard to keep track of time in a void of complete nothingness. 
However, eventually there was a light at the end, however small. Varian felt himself go nearer the light even though he had no feeling or movement in his body, he just felt it. So as he got closer and the light grew he heard a voice, or well voices, multiple of them. they weren’t clear but he could hear them like they were speaking underwater. Then suddenly and without warning, he felt as though he was being grabbed and surged forward into the light.
Adam screamed, fuck this hurt so bad. It never got any easier.
Doctor: You are almost there your majesty, just a couple more pushes and your baby will be here.
Lucifer: Our boy is almost here love.
Lucifer kissed his husband's forehead, this was going to be their sixth child and the royal family couldn't be happier. Apple, Lily, Lucas, Thomas, and Avery were with Charlie as the latest addition to the family came into the world.
Adam: Ow! It fucking hurts!
Adam gave one last final push before all the pain stopped and their baby was here. The new baby boy cried to indicate that he made it.
Doctor: He's here!
Adam: Fucking finally.
Adam was exhausted and slumped in the bed. He smiled when he was finally handed his baby.
Lucifer: He's perfect.
Adam: Yeah.
Doctor: Have you picked a name yet?
Adam and Lucifer shared a look with each other and nodded.
Adam: Varian Morningstar.
((I hope this is what you were going for))
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Well.. Guess who finally got Corona.
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On top of everything this was exactly what I needed. I joke that I'm just always late for the trends 💅.
But seriously, I'm in so much agony. Before ending up at ER last night, my heart had been going 130bpm + whole day. (my watch literally congratulated me on my fitness) it went up to 161bpm. When I went to the doctor my blood pressure also was way to low. My fever was climbing close to 40°. (sorry for all my Americans on here, I'm European so I'm not converting it haha)
So they send me there.
I never felt in so much agony. I think mixed with my already existing illnesses and disabilities it's just a mixture for disaster.
I've cried from pain, and I don't do that normally. Or atleast not infront of someone, not even my partner, now I been crying with her. She's also positive btw.
I'm also already dealing with the disappointment of most likely not being eligible to be helped by the state for paying for an implant in my brain.
It would cost me 20.000 and after 5 years to replace the battery again 15.000. I don't know how to place this. As this implant was for me always my safety plan, my dream plan, and the one with the most succesrate to reduce the pain.
Now I don't know anymore how to live like this.
I also went to England recently with my gf and a friend, and I have never realised more that I'm disabled. And that things are getting worse and God. It feels terrible and the reality is hitting me HARD.
I must say they were so helpful to people with accessibility at the airports and all. I had never experienced that ❤️
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abbenai · 4 months
IF U HAVE A CLIT CHECK FOR CLITORAL ADHESIONS! they are very common, treatable, and treating them can improve your sexual experiences and reduce pain. i thought it was normal to not be able to see the corona of the clitoris but that is not necessarily the case.
cw in this article for. well medical photography of clitorises
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mirageofadesert · 14 days
"That's just how it is sometimes", said my doctor
When my mother spoke about her pregnancy, she always described it as a wonderful experience. In reality, it was far from magical. She hid her pregnancy from those around her, moved to a new city without any financial support to complete her studies. She avoided pregnancy preparation courses because she didn’t want to be influenced by the fears and worries of others. She had faith in God, or so she says. After nine months, I was born in a farmhouse that had been converted into a shared apartment for students, in the room of my future stepfather, above the pigsty.
My reality is different. No God, no faith that everything will just be okay. Instead, constant nausea, stomach pains, and worries. I knew that pregnancy wasn't as easy as everyone tried to make me believe, and thanks to the internet, I vaguely knew about the absurd consequences that pregnancy can have on the female body. And yet, I am happy – even though I don’t feel well.
But for the first time in my life, that’s not a big deal. Even though every day is a struggle, and I have to use almost all my energy to plan my meals and get through the day with as little pain as possible, it’s bearable. Because I know that my child is growing inside me. And because I know that this condition is not permanent.
But there’s something else. A certain sense of satisfaction and the knowledge that I was right. For many years, I regularly went to doctors (male) and described my complaints in my stomach and digestive tract. They conducted examinations but ultimately found nothing. The diagnosis always varied from "that's just how it is sometimes" to "stress." Stress as the main explanation increased after I developed anxiety disorders during the Corona pandemic. Suddenly, all my agonizing symptoms were simply caused by my mental health. As if it were all in my head.
And yet… why did my symptoms subside when I stop taking the pill? Why was my skin a disaster and my hair thinning if this can't be hormonally related, even though it only happens after stopping the pill? Again, it’s all stress, and sometimes it’s just how it is, the doctors (male) said. For many women, these issues disappear during pregnancy, said my dermatologist, though sometimes they get worse.
For me, it has gotten worse. Everything has gotten worse. Hair, skin, digestion. Because it’s about hormones. BECAUSE IT WAS ALWAYS ABOUT HORMONES. For years, they tried to convince me that I couldn’t read my own body. That my body observations were even pathological. And now suddenly the connections between female hormones and my complaints are known?!
And yet… I was right. Being a female-read person in the healthcare system is such a wonderful experience.
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twotangledsisters · 6 months
"Cass dies in the Great Tree" Is the title literal? Or does it mean something else?
Do you have a piece of history made? Anything you could share? That title and that "Shot" made me curious
Funnily enough... it's not literal but because Cass actually dies AFTER leaving the tree XD so not in the Great Tree.
But yeah, it's not a title to keep. If I don't have a title I just put down the concept until I figure one out!
It's an AU where Cass touching Rapunzel has a much bigger consequence and the gang tries to get her help before it's too late but can't. And Rapunzel and company have to deal with both the guilt of not listening to Cass about the tree being dangerous, but also the consequences, things like, writing home to Corona to let Captain know...
It's only meant to be short but it's another case of... how in the world do I end this little bit of angst?
Here's a few snippets of what's already written :D
In the sunlight the extent of Cassandra’s injury became clear, an almost burnt like black texture covered her arm, her fingernails were gone, her fingers didn’t look like fingers. “Cassandra…” Rapunzel stared. Cassandra took a few deep breaths. “Is everybody alive?” Eugene looked around, leaning heavily on Lance, the decay incantation has taken a lot out of him but he could count. “Yeah… Yeah, for now,” he tried to joke. “Does your hand hurt, Cass?” Cassandra looked up at Rapunzel, tears were in her eyes, something Rapunzel had never seen from her usually strong friend. “That’s a yes…” Eugene answered. “I think I need help…” She whispered. Rapunzel nodded. “Don’t worry, Cass, we’re going to get you to the closest town with a doctor! Right, guys?” Nods and the gang got into action, packing what belongings they had left, Fidella knelt down next to Cassandra and Eugene moved to look at the injury, but it was like nothing he’d ever seen before and he didn’t know how to help.
Cassandra rested on Fidella’s back. Her breathing was shallow, and she lacked all of her usual stability. She was so shaky that Lance and Eugene were standing on either side of Fidella, ready to catch the woman if she fell. Her right arm was completely limp at this point, the blackness which had started with her hand had spread upwards, now reaching past her elbow and towards her shoulder. It wouldn’t be long until it reached a more crucial part of her body. Rapunzel was walking way up ahead, her eyes on the horizon, she hurried as much as she could hoping the next town would come into view already so they could locate a doctor’s office and get Cassandra the help she needed. Rapunzel didn’t know what she’d do if things got worse.
Cassandra lay in the bed with the white sheets, her arm resting atop the sheets. Her arm didn’t even look like an arm at this point and the fact her breathing was so painful told her the blackness had reached her lungs. The past few days were a blur of pain and tears. Rapunzel was inconsolable, not even Eugene could calm her down. Right now Rapunzel was asleep in the chair to the left and Eugene was sitting to Cassandra’s right. He’d been annoyingly quiet these past few days, no bad jokes or stupid comments. Cassandra hated it, but she also understood. “Eugene,” she whispered. His eyes moved to meet hers. “Yes?” “If I don’t—” “Don’t.” Eugene’s eyes went wide, and he shook his head. Cassandra smiled. “Scared?” Eugene didn’t know what to respond. “Just… In case,” she whispered. “If I don’t make it, tell my father I love him, alright?” Eugene nodded.
The sun was rising and neither Eugene nor Rapunzel had managed a word more than ‘To the Captain of Corona’s Royal Guard’. How do you tell a man his daughter’s dead? Sending a letter felt wrong. But waiting for them to get home rather than tell him immediately felt worse. “How could this happen?” Rapunzel didn’t have an answer. “Two days ago she was fighting our enemies and now she’s gone.” “Magic…” Rapunzel whispered, her fingers going through her hair. “I guess… I guess it doesn’t just bring stuff back… Sometimes it takes stuff away.” She took a deep breath as tears ran down her face. “Eugene… This is all my fault.” “No, no, I agreed with you, we all did except Cassandra.” “But she was right.” “But it’s not all your fault. I could have sided with her. But I… I didn’t. I never sided with Cass.”
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bitchfitch · 1 year
Idk, I want to talk about Lino's prosthetic.
He gets his first while in The Sun. the Leader gives it to him to 'celebrate' his birthday. Lino doesn't know when his birthday is, no one in the corona knows theirs because it was seen as outlandish and wasteful to celebrate oneself like that. That was what the Leader said when they were banned soon after the Sun formed. But the prosthetic .
The implants were put in too early. Lino is still fighting the same infection he got from his crush wounds not being treated right. A less obedient doctor would have taken one look at his femur and say they need to remove the whole thing if they're ever going to make a functioning prosthetic for him. The implants hurt. The bone they're supported by is weak and they're too heavy for someone Lino's size.
The leg itself was even worse. It was a perfect mirror of his other. It was warm to the touch and the skin felt real and it could move like it was flesh and bone instead of metal and silicone. He even had some sensation of touch through it. But it was so extremely heavy, and his implants so poorly done that using it was agony. It would twist his hips with every step and make him stand with his entire weight on the other. It looked perfect though and that was the point. It wasn't meant to make Lino able to walk again. It was meant to make him 'perfect' again. The fact it gave the Leader an excuse to remove Lino's chair from the picture and trap him more fully where he was needed for the image the Leader was trying to project was just an accidental benefit.
after he escapes back to the bunker Lino takes the leg apart piece by piece. Cannibalizing what he wants and discarding the rest. He's a tinkerer at heart. He has no formal training but he's gotten enough machines apart and put back together that he can reverse engineer the contraption. His first version is barely better than the original. Hes still trying to make it look like a leg and wasting a lot of weight to do so. His second is better, it's all skeletonized aluminum but still too heavy. his third, fourth, eighth, they all have problems. but each iteration gets closer and closer to what he needs.
until he finally has it. He still calls it a prototype, because he doesn't expect it to work so well. It's light, its cuff is designed so that the meat of his thigh takes some of the weight when stepping and standing so his implants don't have to do so much work. He wires up the touch sensors to help deal with the phantom pains, and the heater so he could still go outside in the winter without it getting unbearably cold where it meets his leg. It's an ugly, purely functional thing and he loves it so much more than the perfect leg he had been given.
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It was about time something happened, upon pain and destruction, coursing inside my head. Is there a reason? Maybe. No. Definitely. Do I remember? Clear as day. Maybe it all started when I was 11. Maybe it started with my birth. I wouldn't know. That is, what I can't remember. Analysing it, I think something triggered it. Maybe my narcissistic mother, or that man that stole the one thing that every woman keeps holy. Virginity is something we deem closest to us. But what does it mean? The first kiss? The first hug? The first time drinking something alcoholic? There is always a first time. For everything. Only, if we realy know and cherish this, we know to worship life itself. But what if that chance gets taken from you? What I wish to tell is, that there may be a first time, but most times it is with the wrong people, some times the wrong time or even with the wrong feelings. Things get taken from you, from me, from all of us. We tend to hang onto these things, but then, at some point, it is nothing anymore. We forget why we hang on, we forget what that feeling was, what the people that were with us felt or how they looked. Life is by all means not short. You can see and feel it when standing in line to buy something, when we wait for something and even when we can't fall asleep because something keeps us up. On other occasions it is way too fast. When you feel comfortable, when you enjoy the time you are spending with someone you like or doing something you love. Now... My life tends to be very slow. The feeling of having lost the joy of life, kreeps onto me. Doctors call it Depression, Family calls it a phase. But I know, deep down, that I am analysing way too much. I tend to overthink, not fast as others but slowly. Boring myself with it to the point of me trying to do anything to break my mind away from thoughts. Playing guitarre, listening to music until I become deaf, drawing, reading, binge watching shows and movies. The pleasure doesn't lay within any of those things, at least not anymore. It lays with a person dead already. someone, nobody will be able to replace. Someone, some call mother, Father or any other Family member. Maybe even a dog or cat. The crushing feeling, of having lost that someone, makes my heart heavy without me noticing. Now, sometimes I find joy again and life is better. But everybody leaves at some point and everybody has someone else, where life seems faster. Is it what we wish for though? Life to be fast? We say we want to cherish moments, say we don't want them to end. But what if that hug felt a little too crushing? what if... The list is endless, seeming to not be able to stand on it's own. All what if's can be answered though. The only problem, is that everybody answers them differently. That is something good, realy. But I don't want a hundred answers. I want the one answer that tells me, why I feel empty without that someone, why I can't understand my own feelings sometimes. why I don't know what to write and still, my fingers keep typing. Is that your magic? Did you give me something new to make my life faster? My pulse rushes when thinking about you. My heart pounds again. I thought it was dead since so many took and took. Never giving anything back at all. So selfish, so miserable. Like they didn't have anything else to do, other than make me more miserable. Confusing me more, ripping parts out until I am left empty like that one roll of toilet paper during Corona. Or when everybody send Sunflower Oil to the Ukraine. How selfish. To not think about others but to still want to stand in a light. I am not a good person. Not a good living being. And still... I crave you. I feel drawn in. But sometimes, you lure and on other times, you push away. I try not to feel again but you make me feel and I cherish the pounding of my heart once more...
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ifwebefriends · 6 months
Happy Solar Eclipse day to the seven years woman and ONLY the seven years woman
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Content ID under cut
[Content ID: a 20-panel comic. It’s drawn in a simplistic stick-figure art style. The first 8 panels are more faded than the final 12
Panel 1: a woman and her boyfriend are sitting on a bed while the woman gets a call from a doctor. The boyfriend has one hand on her shoulder and another holding her unoccupied hand. She says “oh god”
Panel 2: the woman is sitting in a large chair, she has lost her hair and is receiving an IV infusion. The machine goes “…beeep…beeep…beeep” her boyfriend is sitting next to her. They’re both working on laptops.
Panel 3: the woman and boyfriend are canoeing on a lake. The woman is wearing a beanie. There’s lilypads in the lake and mountains in the background.
Panel 4: The woman and her boyfriend are sitting at a table. The woman is still bald. There’s a phone on the table and a clock on the wall. The woman says “how long can it take to read a scan!?”
Panel 5: the woman is receiving another IV infusion. Her boyfriend is with her and they’re playing scrabble. The boyfriend says “‘zarg’ isn’t a word.” The woman responds “but caaaancer.” The boyfriend relents “…ok, fine”
Panel 6: the woman and her boyfriend are talking to someone else. The woman is wearing a hat. The other person says “so next year you should come visit us up in the mountains and” the rest of his text is obscured. The woman and the boyfriend are both thinking “next year”
Panel 7: the woman and the boyfriend are getting married. The man is wearing a bow tie and the woman is wearing a white dress and veil. Her hair is short and a bit frizzy. There’s lots of other people there.
Panel 8: a caption at the top says “two years” the woman and her husband are at a coast watching a large bird swoop in and take a fish with a “fwoosh.” the girl is wearing a hat. This panel is the last of the faded ones.
Panel 9: the woman and her husband are walking through a forest full of tall trees. The woman seems to have grown back some of her hair.
Panel 10: the woman is sitting on the ground, her hair is down to the nape of her neck. Her husband is standing behind her. The woman says “my toe hurts. And I found a report of a case in which toe pain was an early sign of cancer spreading.” The husband responds “wait—didn’t you stub your toe yesterday?” The woman responds “yes, but what if this is unrelated?”
Panel 11: the woman and her husband are climbing into a dark cave while someone else guides them. The woman’s hair is down to her shoulders.
Panel 12: the woman is on a large rock taking a picture of a crocodile with a large camera. Her husband stands behind her on a platform with rails, he says “when they estimated your survival odds, I think they made some optimistic assumptions about your hobbies”
Panel 13: the woman is at a doctor’s appointment. Her hair is a little past her shoulders. The doctor says “this is probably nothing, but given your history, we should do a full scan. We’ll call with the results in a few days. Try not to worry about it until then!”
Panel 14: the woman and her husband are at a lake, their image is distorted by the water due to the angle of the picture. The woman is controlling a small submersible camera, she is looking at the lake floor.
Panel 15: the woman and her husband are standing next to each other. The woman’s hair has grown a bit past her shoulders. The woman says “hard to believe—six years ago, I was bald. But today, after a long struggle, I finally look like the little girl from The Ring.” Her husband responds “that’s, uhh…good?” The woman responds “hissssss”
Panel 16: the woman, her husband, and two other women and two other men are looking at a solar eclipse. The landscape is dark and you can see the corona behind the dark moon.
Panel 17: after the eclipse has passed, the world is bright again and everyone looks at each other. another blonde woman says “wow.” The woman says “yeah.”
Panel 18: the woman and her husband walk away hand in hand. The woman says “that was incredible. When’s the next one?” The husband responds “in seven years. Wanna go see it?”
Panel 19: the woman and her husband, still walking hand in hand, are both thinking of a timeline. The timeline has the years 2010, 2017, and 2024 marked with points. Before 2017, the timeline is a solid line, but after 2017, it’s a dashed line. There’s three question marks under the 2024 bullet point.
Panel 20: the woman says “yeah. I’ll do my best.” Her husband responds “it’s a date!”
End ID]
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rhmis-user-2020 · 2 months
Parent swap AU
[Marcellus isn't the son of Ramona and Gilbert, he’s the son of the leader of Old Corona, Quirin. Varian isn’t the leader's son, he's the face of the abuse of Ramona and Gilbert and the one who causes rebellion towards them]
This does not change their personalities, Marcellus is still creative, optimistic, empathetic, disciplined, lightheaded and humble. Who wants to take in his father's footsteps to become a leader of Old Corona, and often follows Quirin.
After the death of Quirin's wife, the man grew protective of Marcellus as he shielded him from discriminative comments and judged looks. As well as bullies Marcellus, he defends him when he gets ridiculed.
In the original/canon AU or maybe canon divergence AU. Marcellus got inspired by alchemy by Varian and even wanna do things just like him and Varian creating sunscreen, an umbrella and breathable material. In this AU, Marcellus was gifted a sunscreen by the doctor and breathable material.
While Quirin does try to lighten up, Marcellus's mood after the death of his mother. He will teach Marcellus how to act like a leader in the village, even guiding him. Quirin does not yell at Marcellus, cause Marcellus is not Varian to almost kill Old Corona with his inventions. Because of this, Quirin views him as a little too disciplined. Marcellus slowly grew to take in his father's footsteps and be a leader of the village, and often listens and followed Quirin.
Marcellus still wants to know more about Quirin, since he kinda like to hear the man's words about topics. In the dark kingdom, where Quirin was a knight to King Edmund and had friends like Adira and Hector.
Quirin does occasionally help Marcellus with farming pumpkins and such, even Marcellus finds it fun.
He grew up in a sheltered house due to Quirin is a little more concerned about his albinism, and he does know this because people with albinism are vulnerable from the sun or light. And bullying, teasing or unwanted questions about their appearance, eyewear or visual aid tools.
When Marcellus shortly meets Varian, he won't expect Varian to act rebellious towards him. As he glares at him every time, they meet each other.
You can imagine how that goes. Varian won't tolerate the pain from his parents who treated him like crap by abusing him and cutting his leg off for being late, and cause of this he grew rebellious over them and the village for not helping him.
He often challenges his parents, Ramona and Gilbert and grows irritable as he doesn't like being hurt by people over being different.
His parents do "punish" him, by punishing him means abusing him. Varian will grow more rebellious and each time, he won't like seeing them. His father will be abusive and egocentric towards Varian, at times. He would be angry at Varian if he dared to "talk back" at him, and not obey them by not cooking or sweeping the house or rooms plus he isn't allowed to eat food with them and even for himself, he won't allow his wife who is Ramona to place a plate for Varian. He often sexually assaulted and harassed him! Which disgusts him and gives him the right to literally be even more rebellious towards them each time, his mother is just as abusive as her husband albeit she acts submissive towards him and his actions. She often is shown to cook food for the family and places plates on the diner table to eat but does not place one for Varian since she views him as inhuman, but she often scolds him. Which makes Varian, pretty much get pissed off at her.
Varian will argue with his brother, as he does not like to be laughed at when he gets "punished" by their parents and even joins with his parents to hurt him, his brother exploits or uses him for his own advantage by manipulating him. Varian will outsmart him, and actually make Ignatius even more angry.
The boy once his parents got arrested, became even more rebellious when no one helped him else than the villager who saw him in the horrid state when they reported him to the guards about the abuse.
Besides Varian's personality is similar to how he was in half of season 1 but dialled to 100, as he hates the abuse of both parents and brother. The neglect, abuse, pain and all of this make Varian even more rebellious than usual.
When Varian agrees to act a little not trusting of someone, he will glare at them or give them a cold look. Emotionless stare or vacant depends on how he reacts or sees things, Marcellus's eyes will often be worried when seeing Varian in a state where he is in pain.
"Guess, what? You have a better life than I do."
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dancingwiththoughts · 4 months
Medwhump May Day 28: Head Injury
I've decided to bring back a ridiculously old story I wrote when I was ten or so for TTS. Enjoy!
Why did it have to be happening now?
They were miles away from any other people, and there was no time to find a doctor. Rapunzel screamed, and Varian made a mental note to never go anywhere with a pregnant person near their due date.
“This was such a fun idea, Hugo!” Rapunzel beamed.
Hugo smiled back.
“Well, I can’t take all of the credit. As much as I hate to admit it, it was also Fitzherbert’s idea. He thought that some fresh air would be good for you; and for Goggles.”
“Huh?” Varian’s head shot up from where he had been hunched over a book.
Hugo rolled his eyes.
“Come on, Var. What about a vacation don’t you get? You’re supposed to be relaxing, not working.”
“Hugo, I don’t have time for a vacation,” Varian ran a hand through his hair,”I still have a full schedule to work through.”
“Varian, it’s only a short trip for the weekend. You can take a vacation. In fact, I’m royally decreeing that you take one.” Rapunzel cut in.
Varian opened his mouth to argue, but seemingly decided against it.
“So what’s Eugene planning on doing while we’re away?”
Rapunzel thought a moment before replying.
“I’m not really sure. I think he said something about running drills and maybe taking Sunny to a park if he had time. But I’m sure he’s doing fine.”
In Corona
“Lance, quick! Go grab the girls, and I’ll get Sunny. Rapunzel is gone, and this is the perfect time to try out that new sled.”
“But there’s no snow.”
“Who needs snow!? We have stairs!”
“Yeah, he’s probably fine.”
“Hey, there’s the water!” Hugo called.
They turned to face the front of the cart. There was a vast expanse of shimmering blue. The sun glinted on the surface, causing the water to glisten magically. There was a small strip of sand between the land and ocean, which was also bathed in the sunlight.
“Wow, this is so beautiful!”Rapunzel exclaimed.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!
The group had been at the beach for a few hours, splashing around and chatting. Hugo had left a few moments ago, leaving Rapunzel and Varian alone. Varian had been brushing sand from Ruddiger’s fur when Rapunzel’s cry caught his attention. Ruddiger started sprinting towards the queen, and the alchemist followed. Rapunzel was sitting on the beach towel, color draining from her face.
“What’s wrong?” Varian exclaimed, kneeling down next to her.
“Varian, my water just broke.”
“What! We have to go back-”
“Varian, there’s not enough time. The baby’s coming now. You’re going to have to help me.”
“Me!? No, no, no, I can’t! I don’t know how to deliver a baby! What if I mess something up! I’m not qualified to-”
Varian focused back on Rapunzel. She gazed at him, a soft smile dancing on her lips.
“I trust you.”
Varian took a breath
Hugo ran through the forest.
He had left the beach a few minutes ago to take care of business, leaving Varian and Rapunzel by themselves. He had just been walking back when a shrill scream caught his attention. They were the only ones nearby, so Hugo immediately broke into a sprint.
He turned a corner along the road, his shoes slipping in the sand. He could see Varian kneeling next to Rapunzel, who was breathing raggedly. Varian’s head turned as Hugo reached where they were, his face pale.
“Rapunzel’s going into labor. I don’t know what to do!”
The alchemist looked close to tears.
Hugo quickly shot into action.
“Okay. Var, get some towels, and wet them down with one of the canteens. I’ll stay with Rapunzel.”
Hugo glanced at the queen.
”Ready to have a baby?”
“Come on, last stretch. You’re so close. One more push!”
Rapunzel let out a cry of pain, before gasping for breath. Hugo grinned, holding up the infant, who was now wrapped in a towel.
“Congrats on your new baby girl!”He said, handing the child to Rapunzel, who smiled, tears running down her blotchy skin.
Hugo turned to Varian, who had been relatively silent, but helpful.
“Thanks for the he- are you okay?”Hugo asked, eyebrows knitting together in concern.
Varian had gone ashen, swaying slightly where he stood.
“I’s… I’s alotta blood… sorry.” Varian’s eyes rolled into his head as he fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Hugo kneeled down next to the alchemist, propping his head in his lap. He felt his hands grow sticky; pulling them away from Varian's head, he saw that they were smeared with blood.
“Oh Fu-”
“Hugo, what happened? Is he okay!?”
Rapunzel propped herself up, the child letting out a few noises of protests.
“He passed out and hit his head. I should’ve remembered the whole blood thing. I’m going to go grab bandages; he’s bleeding. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a concussion. Can you keep an eye on him?”
Rapunzel nodded.
“Great. Holler if you need anything. I’ll be right back.”
Varian groggily blinked, trying to clear his vision. His head hurt, and everything was blurry. He could just make out a blond figure in front of him.
“Oh, good. You’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“M’fine. What happened?” Varian tried to move from his position, but Hugo quickly grabbed his shoulder.
“Quit moving, idiot. You cut open your head, and now I have to bandage it. Just hold still, and I’ll be done in a sec.”
They sat in silence, before Hugo stepped back.
“There, that should stop the bleeding until we get back to Corona.”
Hugo sat down next to him, placing Varian's hand in his own.
“Be more careful, Goggles.” He murmured, planting a kiss on his cheek.
Varian blushed, before turning his attention to Rapunzel.
“So, how are you doing?”
“Oh, I’m good. Not my first time.”She beamed, cradling her child closer to her chest.
“So, what’d you name her?”
“I think I’m going to call her Beatrice Cass Fitzherbert , or Bea for short.”
“That’s a great name. I wonder what Eugene will think?”
“Well, we’ll see when we get there!”
Hugo got out of the wagon first, helping Rapunzel and then Varian down. They opened the castle doors, ready to show off the new baby, when Sunny ran up to them; well, limped over.
Rapunzel gasped.
“Sunny, what happened! Oh, your face!”
There was a long scrape along the child’s forehead, and bruises were quickly forming on his arms and legs.
“I’m okay, mommy. But daddy’s a little stuck.”
Sunny pulled on Rapunzel’s dress, guiding her and the group down one of the halls.
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spiderinthecupboard · 2 years
Differences in cervical cancer screening guidelines around the world
When looking for information about cervical screening* I noticed that the guidelines differ from country to country, and that even supposedly reliable sources offer rather inconsistent and often contradictory information. The point of this ‘survey’ is to find out more about the cervical cancer screening recommendations (and gynecological care in general) around the world, and to start an open discussion about this. The questions and more info are under the cut.
Reblogs are welcome but I realize this is a sensitive topic. If you don't want to publish this post and your answers on your blog, answering the questions in the comments is more than enough. If you want to respond anonymously, you can put the answers in my ask box.
1. Where do you live?
2. What is the recommended age for starting cervical cancer screening (also called pap smear, smear test, or cervical cytology) in your country?
3. Is cervical cancer screening in your country recommended for people who have never had any kind of sexual contact? Is it recommended for people who have never had penetrative vaginal intercourse?
4. What information about hymens** have you been taught in sex-ed class, biology class, or told by healthcare professionals? Do doctors in your country try to avoid tearing the hymen during exams if the patient has a small hymenal opening (for example using smaller instruments)?
5. Have you ever been pressured into a gynecological exam or procedure that you didn't want or didn't think you needed?
6. Have you ever been discouraged or prevented from getting a gynecological exam or procedure that you thought you needed?
Feel free to share any opinions or experiences relevant to this topic.
* Cervical cancer screening, pap smear, smear test, or cervical cytology is a medical test that examines a sample of cells from the cervix (a part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina) and often helps detect pre-cancerous or cancerous changes early enough to treat. A speculum or a similar instrument is used to visualize the cervix; and a brush, a cotton swab, or a similar instrument is used to collect cells from the ectocervix and the external cervical os.
** The hymen (also called the hymenal ring or the vaginal corona) is a thin piece of mucosal tissue that surrounds or partially covers the vaginal opening. In the past it was often assumed that hymenal tissue always tears and bleeds during the first intercourse, which is of course an inaccurate and heteronormative overgeneralization. The thickness and elasticity of the tissue, and the size and shape of the opening (or sometimes multiple openings) are extremely diverse. Some hymens are fragile enough to tear during completely non-sexual activities, such as sports, some can gradually stretch out or wear down with tampon use, some can accommodate even penile penetration without tearing. Some people with vaginas are born without any hymenal tissue at all, and on the other side of the spectrum there are hymens that can't even let menstrual fluid out of the vagina so a surgery is necessary to create a sufficient opening. Some people don`t experience any discomfort when the hymenal tissue stretches or tears, while others feel significant pain.
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For @tmaappreciationweek Day 7 - Somewhere Else, I wrote the first chapter of a short little Somewhere Else fic:
Content Warnings:
Mentions of canon-typical injury
When Jon was finally released from the hospital – when his wounds had healed (nothing short of miraculous, the doctors said, given the state they’d found him in), when the doctors and the police were finished asking him questions he couldn’t answer, and he’d grown to accept that he would get no satisfactory answers to the questions he put to them, when weeks went by with no sign of Martin, alive or dead, and the fear grew into a panic grew into a certainty that he had come to this doomed world alone – he didn’t know where to go.
The first thing he did was simply wander around this London, cataloging all the ways it differed from his own. The differences were subtle – the National Portrait Gallery was on St. Martin’s Place rather than Great George Street, Everton Street was now called Sydney Street, and the old Gothic cathedral on that road was now called St. Luke’s rather than St. Michael’s. The most important difference, of course, was that the Magnus Institute never seemed to have existed in this universe. The stretch of road where it should have been located now housed an unassuming row of shops and restaurants and drab office buildings. The area around it was the same, though. Jon passed the cafe where he and Martin used to get lunch once a week, and as he walked by, he could hear the voice of their usual waiter drifting through the window, asking another pair of customers for their order. The sound was like a punch to the gut, and it was enough to convince him that he couldn’t stay in London.
He bought his train ticket in a haze, and spent the entire journey numb and thoughtless. He hardly realized where he’d been going until he was already stepping across the threshold of the safehouse. When he recognized where his feet had taken him, all he could think was that it felt right, somehow. Of course instinct had led him here. Where else could he possibly go?
He wasn’t sure how those first few weeks passed. He was aware that he must have left his bed. He must even have left the house, wandered into town to buy food and toiletries and all the things he needed to keep himself alive, now that he couldn’t be sustained on statements alone. But he didn’t remember it. In his memory, those weeks were a bleak, empty blur, entirely spent lying alone in the bed he used to share with Martin, waiting for the pain to recede into something he could bear.
It hadn’t, yet, but there was still time.
Jon stared at his hand where it sat curled in the empty space that Martin ought to have filled. The burn had faded to a scar that looked much older than it was, but sometimes he imagined he could still feel the blinding heat of Jude Perry’s hand gripping it tight, pressing hot wax into all the lines and furrows of his palm. 
He’d only been able to feel the edges of the burn. The pain in his palm had flared intensely but briefly, and then the nerve endings had all gone dead and he’d been left with nothing but an absence. He could feel the outline of his injury, a white-hot corona of pain, but where the burn had been most severe, he’d been numb.
This latest wound was similar. Not physically, not by a long shot – he had very much felt the blade in his chest, followed by the sharp absence of a blade in his chest. But he found that he could only feel the edges of his grief. He missed the taste of Martin’s tea, missed the warmth of him in the bed, missed the smell of that awful, cheap shampoo he always used, but any time he tried to think about Martin, as a full person who he had known and then lost, he’d be overcome with a pain so all-encompassing that he’d swing back around to feeling numb.
He pushed himself out of bed. He’d been meaning to go to the store for ages, and he couldn’t put it off any longer. 
He and Martin had visited this shop together once. They’d been so hesitant then, fresh from the Lonely and scared out of their wits, clinging to each other even as they each worried that the other would push them away again at any moment. Martin had kept shooting nervous glances at their joined hands, and Jon had kept opening his mouth to just say something, anything, to clear the air, but he couldn’t.
Unscented soap, do you think? he’d asked instead, because it felt safer than saying anything else, Or lemon?
L-Lemon sounds nice, Martin had said, and Jon had squeezed his hand.
 It had looked a little different in their world – the baked goods had been up front by the produce rather than tucked away beside the frozen section, and the lights had been pleasantly warm-tinted compared to the harsh white fluorescents currently flickering over Jon’s head – but it was familiar enough to sting.
Jon grabbed a bottle of unscented dish soap from the shelf. He wasn’t sure how he’d run out already – it seemed impossible that he’d been here long enough to use an entire bottle – but somehow he had. He tossed it into the basket alongside the box of pasta and the protein bars he’d taken to eating on days when he couldn’t get out of bed to cook.
He brought his items to the front and handed them to the bored woman behind the counter to scan.
“I hope you found everything you were looking for today,” she said in the blandly friendly customer-service voice of someone who could not possibly care less if you had or hadn’t found everything you were looking for.
“Yes, thank you,” Jon replied in much the same tone. 
The woman glanced up and blinked at him. “Do I know you?” she asked.
“I doubt it,” Jon said. “I’m new in town.”
But the woman’s eyes widened as he spoke, and her jaw dropped.
“You’re Jonathan Sims!” 
Jon’s blood ran cold.
“I– I-I don’t know what you–” he started to say, gathering up his groceries as quickly as he could, but when she spoke again, he stopped in his tracks.
“I found one of your tapes.”
(View this work on AO3)
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nerdasaurus1200 · 2 years
Some headcanons about Cassandra's hand
Lance was the only one to give it treatment during season 2. He dressed the wound, cleaned it, and rubbed salve on it every morning and night, and tried to make sure Cassandra took breaks using it so she wouldn't overstrain it and get an infection
Cassandra's hand almost always has a dull ache, but the pain gets much worse when she uses it too much or grips something too hard. the pain becomes unbearable if Rapunzel uses the decay incantation around her
Owl started developing a habit of landing on Cass's shoulder instead of her forearm. The one time he did after the Great Tree Cass winced in pain from the pressure of his talons and he felt really bad
Post series, when Cass moves back to Corona Rapunzel will cut her food for her so she doesn't wear out her hand
The only time Cassandra's hand didn't hurt at all was when she had the moonstone. Because that arm was touched by moonstone magic it was considered dead and that's why she was able to grab it
Varian has a special homemade salve that he and Lance always use on the burn
While on the road Cassandra went to just about every doctor in the seven kingdoms to find a way to heal the burn completely but all she got was some salve and a surgery or two to remove the dead skin, which was very painful for her
When Cass is worked up or freaked out, she'll grip her burned arm and practically wring it
When everyone else finds out about it, Xavier starts making her left handed swords
Everyone tries to gently help Cass with physical therapy, helping her move her fingers and clench her fist. Small basic movements to get strength in the arm back up again
Since it happened, Cassandra has gone to great lengths to make sure Rapunzel never sees it
Cap cried when he first saw Cass's hand cause he had no idea how his little girl could possibly survive that
All the animals are very gentle when touching Cass's hand
To Cassandra's surprise, Edmund was a big help in her post series recovery. He put a lot of effort into showing her how to do everything with her left hand just like he had to
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jo1027 · 27 days
German Doctor Exposes Monkey Pox Scam: Says It's a COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect.
From the German article titled: Doctor: Monkeypox is actually shingles, a side effect of the COVID vaccines
The main symptom of monkeypox is the rash that can look like blisters and is accompanied by severe pain. This is also typical for herpes zoster, or shingles, noted doctor Wolfgang Wodarg earlier in an interview with Austrian broadcaster AUF1.
Shingles is a skin disease in which the affected person develops blisters on the skin that resemble chickenpox.
Shingles is also a known side effect of the corona vaccine. Attorney Aaron Siri made sure that 390,000 reports from the monitoring system V-safe of the American health service CDC were made public. It shows that 1 in 450 people reported shingles after vaccination.
According to Wodarg, the expensive PCR tests that pharmaceutical giant Roche has launched on the market to detect the monkeypox virus are not reliable. He argues that they are now making people afraid of diseases that are actually side effects of the corona vaccinations.
The side effects of the Covid vaccines are being used to scare us about other conditions, the doctor stresses, who speaks of a 'perverse industry'.
JOIN: Barbara O’Neill (https://t.me/+Y2RqGNhLHKU4OTc5) ✅️
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